Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 22, 1858, Image 3

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"W copy from the Reading Gazttte, a sy
nopsis or the new militia law. It embrncoi
U the main features or tbo Bill, and will no
doubt be quite interesting to many or onr
Section 1 provides that all able bodied
ojute male citizens between theajesof twen.
1y Oh9 Bd ve years, and not exempted
tj Wo J"8 f the United States, shall be
subject to military doty, excepting persons in
the Attny at.'d Navy of the United States,
Ministers of the Gospel, Professors of Colle
Res and School pwctors. and Judgos of the
Courts, topether wi'th persons regularly
and bonorablv u'iscriai'f,d from the Army or
Navy of the United Sta tes, or from the Mili
tia of this State, or any o. t"e United States;
ind all persous who have served for seven
consecutive years in a vmit.',rnled compnny,
the proof or such gorvice to bo the cortiticato
of the commanding officer.
Section 2 provides for the ann.""" assess
tnentofall persons liable to military duty,
at the rate of 00 cents each, a roll o. whom
shall bo separately kept by the Assesso.'. and
left at some public place for examination, of
which notice shall be given accordingly.--
I he County Commissioners are to determine
who ore exempt from military duty under this
Act. Terscns refusing to give information
to the Assessor, of the names of persons lia
ble to bo enrolled, shall be fined $10 for each
such refusal. Tbe Assessors, Commissioners
Clerks, Collectors, etc., in the execution of
their duties under this Act, shall be subject
to the instructions of the Adjutant General,
and any neglect or refusal to perform the
same Sibil be punishable by a fine of not less
than $25 noi" more than s?.0.
Section 3proviJes for the collection of the
tax of fifty cents annually from every po en
not exempt from military duty, as commuti
tion for the non-performanc.? of such duty,
sppcified under the Act of Congifss of May y
l i'JZ ; tbe same to bo collected at t;:e same
time und in the seme manner as other fnses
are collected, and paid into the County Trea
sury as a "Military Tumi," the account of
which shall be kept separately by the Trea
surer, and tbe fund applied exclusively to mil
itary purposos.
Tho commanding officer of each uniformed
company shall, on the first Monday of May,
in each year, deliver to the Commissioners of
bis proper county, and to the Brigade Inspec
tor of his lirignde, a copy of tho roll of mem
bers of his company, and also a list of persons
who havo paiJ to the funds of his company 50
cents a year as an equivalent for military ser
vice, which contribution eliall exempt said
persons from paying the tax to the collector.
the Assessors. Uommissiouors, Collectors
Receivers, and Clerks, are to receive for their I &l
services, compensation at tho samo rate as for
making the animal assessments ot property
nnd holding appeals ; and the Treasurers
sluill receive one per cent, of the Military
rund as lees lor receiving anil disbursing
the s.ime.
Section 4 relates to the Organization, I'm
form, ami Discipline of the Militia. The
Ktato is divided, ns now, into twenty Divi
sions ; each comity shall be a separate Bri
pade, nnd the city of Philadelphia shall bo
divided into three Brigades. The regulations
of the C. S. Army eliall bn conformed to, as
near as possible, except that a Regiment may
consist of live companies ; and the uniform of
all companies hereafter organized shall bo
that of the Army of the United States. A
company shall number not less than 32, rank
end file, and when deficient in this number,
shall be disbanded by the Bngado Inspector.
The Commander in Chief (Governor) is au
thorized to select books iu instruction in tac
tics anj discipline, which shall bo furnished
by tho A dj 'it. nit General to all couimi.-isioiiod
olTirers. aud paid for, out of tho -Military
All existing uniformed companies that num
ber 32 non-comniissiotiod officers and pri
vates each, aro considered organized uudcr
this Act.
Wheuever there are Gve uniformed compa
nies in any Brigade, they shall bo formed into
n Regiment ; but companies already organi
zed into Regiments, shall continue under their
present officers uutil tho expiration of their
Sec. .r provides that on tho first Monday of
Jntia afier the expiration of the commissions
of the Briandier Generals now in office, aud
on the 1st Monday of June in every five years
thereafter, tho members of all the uniformed
companies that shall be organized on or be
fore tho first Monday of June, 1S."0, shall
meet at their usual place of meeting, and elect
a Brigadier General aud Brigade Inspector
for each Brigade, and such Held officers as
their several Regiments or Battalions may
bo entitleu t us well as the commissioned
officers to which each company may bn enti
tled. The commanding officer or each com
pany, a.--if ted by two members whom he may
clioso, shall superintend tho election. The
returns shall he delivered, within Cvo days,
to the Brigade Inspector, who shall transmit
the same to the .Secretary of the Common
wealth, nnd file a duplicate copy in his own
office. Vacancies to be filled as now provi
On tho first Monday of June after the
election, and on the first Monday of July in
every five years thereafter, the election for
Major Gnneral shall bo held, by the commis
sioned officers of each Brigade, at the county
seat of their respective Brigades. The Brig
odier General, or other senior officer preseut,
assisted by the Brigade Inspector, shall su
perintend said election.
This section further provides for the np
poiutmont and election of the non-commissioned
officers of Regiments, Battalions and
Companies, as heretofore; directs to whom
resignations shall bo made ; and declares that
no one shall be eligible as Brigadier General
or Brigade Inspector who lives out of the
bounds of the li vision.
Section C provides for tho organization of
the Division, Brigade and Regimeutal Staff.
The number and grade of the officers of tho
several Stall Departments, remain as hereto
fore. This section also defines tho duties of
tho Brigade Inspector, aud fixes his salary at
SloO year, with ollowance for priuting and
Section 7 authorizes the commanding offi
cer of each Regiment or Battalion to organ
ize a Band t;f Music, and appoint tho leader
thereof; which Baud, when required, shall
Mteud the meetings, parades, &c, of said
Regiment or Battalion. The Bands may be
disbanded by the same authority that organi
zes them.
Sectiou S relates to the issuing and safe
keeping of Arms. Every organized company
shall, under tho direction of its commanding
officer, erect or rent a suitable Armory ; the
rent of which, in the city of Philadelphia,
shall not exceed 8200 a year ; in Allegheny,
Laucaster, Reading, Rottsvillo and Harris
burg, S 'OO ; and in other places, glOO ; to be
paid out of the "Military Fund" of the Bri
gade. An Armorer shall be appointed by
tho commanding officer of each company,
take charge of its Armory, and bo shall be
paid SI a day for the time" actually employed
in cleansing guns aud other duties connected
with the safe keeping and preservation of the
arms given into his cliargo. Tho command
ing officer of each company shall be responsi
ble for the arms and equipments supplied it,
and shall cive bonds for their safukoeping and
'" return. The Adjutant General shall furnish
ut the expeuse of this State, all tbe arms,
equipments aud camp equipage, required by
the various officers end companies, for the
performance of military duty, if the same shall
bo in the State Arsenal when applied for
All camp equipago shall be returned to the
State Arsenal oo ot before the first of N overa
bjr in each year.
Section 9 provides that all the organized,
iniformod, and equipped companies in each
brigade, shall parade in full uniform, by Regi
me ut, Battalion or Company, one a year, be
'wten tbf 1st of May aud the 1st of October,
as the Brigade Inspector may order, for dis
cipline, inspection and review j or in lion of
said annual parade, the commanding officer of
the Brigade, may order his Brigade, or any
Regiment, Battalion or Company thoreof, to
parade and oncatnp for not more than six con
secutive days between the dates aboVs men
tioned which parades and encampments shall
be governed by the regulations of the U.S.
In addition to the annual parade or encamp
ment above specified, regimental or battalion,
parades may be held twice a year, for one day
at a time ; and companies in cities and incor
porated boroughs may bo required to parade
not exceeding six times a year ; all other com
panies four times a year but no officer or mem
ber shall be paid for parading oflenor than six
times a year.
Officers, musicians and privates of tho uni
rormed Milita shall be exempt from cival pro
cess and from jury duty, whilst in uniform,
and going to remaining at or returning from
nny parade, rendezvous or encampment j and
their uniforms, arms and equipments, ns well
as tho horse of every officer and member of a
cavalry or mounted company, shall be forever
exempt from taxation, and from lovy and sole
on execution for debt.
Orders for encampments Bnd parades for
inspection and review, shall be published nt
least twenty days previous to the parade, in
such manner as the commandant of tbe Brig
ado directs.
TL'e Major General or Each division shall
review one of his Brigados in each year, ac
companied by tbe officers of his said stall', and
while so employed shall receive tbe pay of a
Brigade Inspector.
Tho Brigadier General is requested to at
tend, with his staff, the annual inspection and
review or the several regiments ana battalions
or other general parades, in his Brigade.
The commandant of each company, at tho
annual inspection shall furnish the Brigade,
bspection with a return showing the number
rr. '"Qicers, musicians and privates on parade.
the n.imbor of absentees, and tbo number of
uniform Qrms auu equipments in posesssion
of his coin ',)nny 0 C0Py f which returns shall
be transmii'tod t0 tu0 Adjutant General
within thirty dT9- , , , , ,
Koch Company h?:l? nJ
regulations not constent with this Act, for
the government ond improvement t its i mem
hers which, when oppro.'ed by two thuds,
shall be binding upon them. -A " officers non
commissioned officers, m.nsicia . privates
of any uniformed company or tuP r
ccive one dollar and fifty cents or every
day actually on duty in pursuance ' j'''
Act, and for each horse used by tbem, two
dollars per day.
Section 10 constitutes tlie unganer o.cuer-
Brigade Inspector and 1 told Officers pt
each Bticade a Board of Auditors, of which
the Brigadier General shall be President, to
nndit and settle all just claims on the Military
Fund for expenses incurred under the provis
ions of this Act which shall be paid by their
order on the Treasurer of the propercountry.
The Board may have all necessary printing and
publishing done for the Brigade, shall keep
a record of their proceedings, and receivo one
dullurand fifty cents a day for each day's ser
vice. County Treasurers shall report to the Ad
jutant General annually on tho last day of De
cember tho amount of their receipts and ex
penditures on account of the Military Fund
during tho year with the balance remaining
in their hands.
Section 11 provides for ,iho calling out of
the militia in cases of invasions, tumults, in
surrections, riots, breaches of the pence, Ac,
for their suppression, aad defines the duties
of officers nnd men on such ocsasions. Diso
bedience of orders in any such enso is penish-
able by a huo of not less than Sl. nor more
than '$'10. All non commissioned officers,
musicians nnd privates, ordered out in case of
riot ; tumult, breach of tho peace, resistance
process or whenever called upon iu aid to the
civil authorities, shall be paid one dollar end
fifty cents per day ; and all commissioned
officers shall receivo the pay of officers of the
Uuited States, together will all necessary ra
tions and forage ; and for tho horses of any
mounted mon, one dollar per doy.
Section 12 is very long, and relatos to the
organization and proceedings of Conrtsof In
quiry and Courts Martial, for the trial of offi
cers and privates on all charges of improper
and nnmilitary conduct.
Section 13fixos the fines and penalties for
violations of the provisions of this Act, to be
imposed after trial by Court Martial.
Suction 14 relates to the ''Graud Staff," ond
provides, that, in addition to the Commander
in Chief, who shall have twenty Aids, being
one iu each division with the rank of Lieuten
ant Colonel appointed and commissioned by
lum lor the term of Ins oluce trom among
such persons ns shall previously hold a (Jap
tain's commission, tho Grand Staff shall con
sist cf an Adjutant General, who shall, until
otherwise ordered, act as ltiartcrmaster Gen
eral, Commissionary General, Inspector Gen
eral Paymaster General Judge Advocate,
General and F.ngineer-in-Cbief, with tho tank
of Lieutenant Colonol, who shall be appoin
ted and commissioned by the Commander-in-
Chief, for three years from and after the pas
sage of this Act, and who shall have his office
at llanisburg, with the other departments cf
This section also dofines the duties of the
Adjutant General, and several officers of the
Grand stall'; fixes the salary of the Adjutant
General at 000 a year, payable with all othor
saleries und exponces allowed by this Act, out
of the General Millitary Fund , and authorizes
the Governor to appoint a Military Store
keeper for each Arsenal, at a slary of 1100 a
year, to hold office during the pleasure of the
Section 13, and the last, dirscls the Secre
tary of the Commonwealth to have a sufficient
number of copies of this Act printed in pam
phlet form to furnish each and every commis
sioned officer, county commissioner, assessor,
collector nnd receiver of taxes, with a copy
thereof ; nnd olso with a copy of all the rules
nnd regulations which may bo established in
pursuance thereof by the Commander-in-Chief
who in preparing tho same shall be governed
by the rules and regulations of the U. S.
Army, so far as the samo are opplicable.
We are pleased to see our Mechanics o
husily employed again this sprirjg, with a fair
prospect of a busy summer. It promises well
for the prosperity of our Borough. llarrit
burg Ttle'jraph.
A mole in York county, l'o., belonging to
M r. John Leipbart died lust week of hoi; Cuu'
era. Lit- 1 1 - .- -I
New Advertisements.
tl'HK sut)Boribeii,haviiiR tN.ucht the Hinder y late ..I fcte
S pl.en D and Lyman il. Vtlstn. ot Miituu, und ad.lcti
t- nsi.iiie siipriuir iiiijilriuenls, and bcuiihI the of Mr. II. K DliWMMi, who lus fur
l-ii Ueen emplojcd lit one uf ths U't Ui.tdi-nts in
rhilaitrlptiiti, siut Willi the
fur uilcguty and sorapeieni-y, are now oief.ured to
U1ND O It R K . B 1 N D
Books, Pamphlets, Magazines, News
papers, MuBic, &c, &.C.,
in every style desired. Work limy eithw bound or hslf.
iKjund, in l ulf, K.siii, Turkey Mi.r.wo,., Micep, oi
lilli.r, or Muslin of vs.iuus clors sikI miuin.eiil!
Willi laltile I'aiwr of dilieieiil bsnres, and colurs.
Uld and other Bo.ks or I'u.iei. I, ,i
sired lo preserve as iceinonuls la a luiuily. eu be
Wire set'ure liy the Uliuler'ssklll.
C- Dlank Uuoks, ll.blcs, ilyrna and Prayer B(.ks,
Pocket books, Albums, Ulurirs,&c., Lt 1 1 1 ULD WITH
Otii.U in U'nil.lesndduri.hlecliarueters, looider.
Ml SIC I'OK it OUUS. kc. nude lo suit
A good Uindcry hu long keen desired in tin. vicinity,
aiul we can therefore most lespecllullv sol.eit the uul.ha
M.iii.HifE, i,u..i. .on, v.... urn .un.cieui to ieiy me
oulliy si.d iyKenl, tools, t.H.'k, and workmen all
requiring mtiuey, we snail expeel I'A' ON DE1.1 VKUy
of all wrk.J vt intend to charge moderate, reusou
bleund ui.ifsiiu pricea, on the "Live and Let Live' pun1
cuil. und bone to inuke it a ueriuutieul buaiueaa.
Oifire in the center ol Murket Square. iiMib aids second
story, enjoining the "Clirrnicle" and Tclegrapa orikes,
third door lloui the row
HllT F.. Powxiss, Ageiu.
Lswisburg, May 1S; Hit ly
rjHIE oldest Electro rialcr in the Unite! Slates,
manufactures of every varictv of Goods
plated with pure silver, Albata, Brittania and
Tea Setts, Urns, Waiter. Casters, Cake Ba
kets, Pitchers, Goblets, Communion Service,
Spoons, Forks, Jnivei, Ac. All goods warrant
ed as represented.
North East corner Olh and Chcsmit street.
Philadelphia, Penna.
May 8, 1858. ly
Estate of William Rartlioloiuew,
Daniel Bloom, Attorney) Writ of Partition and
in fact for Davil Bloom,
valuation returnable
to August Term, A.
jTIio Widow and Heirs
of Wm. Bartholomew,
1). 1868.
VO'l ICE is hereby given lo the heirs of Wm.
' Bartholomew late of Lower Augusta town
ship, Northumberland county, deceased, that by
virtue of the above writ, to me directed, an in
quest will be held at the late residence of said
deceased, on Monday the 14th day of June next,
10 o'clock A. M , for the purpose of making Par
tition of or to value and appraise the Heal Estate
of said deceased. At which time and place you
may attend if you think proper.
slierili s Ullice, sunbury,
May ISlh, 1858.
'"PRE subscribers respectfully announce to thcii
-- friends and tho public in general that they
have received at their Store, in Upper Augusta
township, Northumberland .county, Pa., at Kline's
Grove, their
Spring aud Summer Goods,
and opened to the public a full assortment of
Merchandize, Ac , consisting in part ol Cloths,
black and fancv Oasaimcres, Checks, Kentucky
Jeans, together with a general variety of Spring
nnd Summer Goods, adapted to all grades if
Rzaiit Mads Clstiiixo very cheap.
Ladies' Dress Goods, Summer Shawls, Ginghams
Challi Delains, Ducals, Robes A'Quil
leu, Calicoes, black Silks, Ac.
Also, n fresh supply of Drugs nnd Medicines,
Groceries, &c.
A new snpply of Hardware, Qucenswarc,
Wooden ware, &c.
A huge assortment of BOOTS and SHOES,
suitable for Men, Women and Children.
Hats and Cats. Fisu and Salt.
And all goods usually kept in a country store.
Our display is unsurpassed. The above named
etck of goods will be soid at prices to suit the
times tor CASH or in exchange for country pro
diK'e at 'ho market price.
Anp shal.' be happy to meet oui" friends and
the patrons of ur establishment, nnd well lhci
goods at such price as cannot fail to give coliro
Thankful fr past favors wo hope by strict at
tention to merit a continuance o" ine same.
J. F. 4. I. F. KLLNE.
Kline's Grove, Pa., May 15th, 1808.
B X pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
J of Northumberland countv, will bo exposed
to Public Sulc, nt the house of John bingaman,
in tleorgctown, Northumberlar.d county, alore
said, on Tuesday, the 22d day of Juno, next, tho
following described Kenl Estnto to wit : Two
uate in Georgetown, uforesaid, upen one of which
there is a Dwelling House, &c. Lalo the estate
of Jacob Strieker, Into of Dauphin county, dee'd.
trale to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. M., of said
day, when the terms of salo will be made known
by JACOB STKICKEll, Adui r.
Ilv order of the Court, "j
C. ISO YD ri.liSEK, Clk. 0. C. Y
Sunbury, May 15th, 18,'i8. j
Terms $200 cash, and the balance on the first
day of April, 1859, when a deed will bo made,
May IB, IS68 ts.
IN pursuance of an ordVrof the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be cxotJ
to I'uMic&ale, on Saturday, the 6th day of June,
lifxt, at the Court House, in the Horough ol j
Sunbury, tlie following dt-scribed Heal Kutute to j
wit: The undmded one halt part ol a certain
rieht or reservation to wit: Tho right to all the j
Stone and tho Quarry or Quarries on the follow,
ine tract of land, situate in Upper Auguata town.
ship, county aloresaid, adjoining lands of John
Smith, (icorge Stiine. and others, containing
twenty-one acres, strict measure. I.ato the es
tate of Henry Slannahach, dne'd. Sale to com
mence at 10 o clock, A. .M., ol saut ilay, when
terms of sale will be made know n Ly
.jr.L nui.i
i Court, "I
EI., Clk. O. C. y
15th, .838. J
JOEL WOl.F, Adni r.
By order of the C
Sunbury, May 15th,
Fj&TZ' TJX3.
ALL persons indebted to the subscriber are re"
quested to call and settle their accounts.
Those attending to this notice will save costs.
Sunbury, May 8, 1858.
Lsitute of AugustiiH Iluej, dct'.l.
John Huey,
The widow and
heiis of Augustus
Writ of Partition and valua
tion issued out of tho Or
phaiis' Court of Northum
berland county, leturunl.le
to August Term A t, 185S.
liuey, deccafed
Notice is hereby given to the heirs ond IckuI
representatives of said Augustus lluey, late of
Shaiuokia township, Northumberland county,
deceased, that by Tirtue of tho above Writ to me
directed, an inquest will be held at the late resi
dence of said deceased, on Tuesday the 8ih day
of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., for the pur
pose of making partition of, or to value and ap
praise the Heal Estate of said, deceased, to wit :
of, or certain tract or piece of laud, situate in Sho
mokin lowiifchip, aforesaid, adjoining lands of
Samuel Kurman, liphrnim 11. Miller, John Mor
gnn, Conrad Yeager's heirs and others, contain
ing about 2G7 acres, inure or less, on which are
erected a two story Brick House, a log Houe, a
Uarn,'outbuildings, &c., about loO acres of w hich
said land are cleared. Also, of another certain
tract of land in same township, adjoining lands
of .Sarrucl Moore, eamuel ISayreg, Abner Tharp
John Dunkelberger and others, containing about
100 acres, about SO of which are cleared. At
which lime and place you may attend, if you
think proper.
JA.MliS V AINDi iM., SIlCNlt.
Sheriff's Ollice, Suubury, i
May 8, 1H58. J
FTIRAYELLEKS and others are respectfully
informed that the subscriber has estubliched
a STEAM t'EliUV over the Susquehanna, at
Sunbury. That a large, safe and commodious
steamboat will run regularly and promptly, at
all hours during the day, to carry foot passengers
as well aa vehicles, Ac, between Sunbury and
the landing on lhe oppo.ile side of the river, both
ways, or to and from Sunbury. lhe steamboat
will run from Market Street Wharf, aud will
carry passengers to and from the Packet morning
and evening. 1 he Steam rerry now allords not
only a tale and convenient transit over the Sus
HUcliaiuia, but also a pleasant and agreeable ride.
I It A T. CI.t'.ME.Vr, 1'roprUtor.
Akdilw Hoover, Captain.
Suubury, May 1, 1858.
AdiuluUtrutor'a Kotlce.
TV OTIC E ia hereby given that lcttera of ad-
. ninilration have been granted to tbe sub
senber on the estate of John Uraves, late of Zerha
township, Northumberland eounty, deceased. All
persons uidsble to said esUU ill pleas make
nim.ui.Hi payment, and tlioae Having claims to
present them daly authenticated for settlement
Treverton, May 8, Ut.i
flHK subscriber respectfully inform the c'li
JL tent of Sunbnry and vicinity, that she hat
removed her store to the house of Solomon II.
Boyer opposite Weaver's Hotel, where she has
opened a new supply of
of the latest and most fashionable style, which
she will sell at reasonable price.
Sunbury, April 21, lgSS. 4t
Have just commenced to publish nn Enlarged Bones of
A rerioiiical of long cslaMiehal reputation, ami lilpli.
totifd character, cnmpi ising themnflt vtiiuntile productions
of the iiinslci.inindf ut Kuptpe (trnin the Knslili Reviews
and .M:ina?uifs,) This truly viilutihlc publication glands
ttnrirnlled both for the sterling cxerlh'tice n( its htcmliiie,
Bnd the nltrs cheapness nt which it is offered. All who
would eorahme podit with plenhUre iu theii rending, will
lind in Little's Living; Age their wishes fully Rttained.
There is no other puhlicntion ill the world thitt nlfurtls no
choice nnd attructive a rnriety of renlly Rood rendintr, ns
this periodical, nutl In Addition to this fact, it furuiNh'S
over one-third more iu quantity thnn any other work the
yenrly issue beiiiR 4 too pnees for only Sftt per annum.
The hew K31.Asr.Kn briks comuifticed April :l, and
offers a Rood oppirtumir for persons tn tulisei ibe lor it
No MnprnKt'.ic cun approach this ns to its iutriuiic literary
vhIlic, lor it has the very cre.i 1. of all good theirs: it it
Both thr brat a? cheat:! rxaiopiCAL ! TF1K WOHLU!
Try a number 11 cents.
This Work hns received ths Universal approval of the
Fress, nnd nisi, of miiliy of nur mora eminent men, inclu
ding President Ad;im, Chancellor Kent, Jinlree htorv,
lion. Oeo. Bancroft. Hon. O. Ticknor, V II. i'rcscot't,
Hon. J II. Raymond, llmhop A. Poller, Ilev. Dr. llo
tbuue, Rev. Albert Barnes, Ac.
The t.iviso Aos is nttogrther nnappronchuMe in vrilue
and interest, ns a repioduci ion of the must elr-gnut pcrkd
icul literature of the dnv Churchman.
I know of no pel lodical in tins ceuutry, or in Knriliind
which nfTords so comprehensive add ao Kilisr-iiclory nil
iilsn of the literature, politics, and science of the times, ut
this rmhily mimed l.ivisa Ak -.1. O. Whitticr.
Itoth lor present interest nnd permanent value, it bears
the palm. -East Uoston l.edrrer
It will furnish a most desuublc substitute in a household
for many expeutive volume. lem Gszette.
"A Work of Remarkable Merit" now
By Major Mblvillr. 8io. 50 eta.
"One nf the pNoMiitrat Nvr!s we have ieen fr innny
n tiny : its tench uiir tm thoroughly hmlihy and g .roJ." -l.uiiilon
Literary Uuietltt.
(OX TltS()TII oy MT)
V earn of Th Ought!
ndigious mid Pliilotmphirat, Rnthfretl (mm old Anthem.
IHin-t. Mmlm, rrtl edgm, 3s centv L'nifonu with "The
Words 01' tlnni.,' A c.
A choice nnd Kivory collection cf ti bet hnnclit o
the brft und greatest writers of the ul.len timt It is the
cuinnilnti'ii nf one who tins rend much in Hiificut Jot v.
nnd in vlif-e jtulirmus sHuTti'Mii the must fustidaiua tailt
h is been cunsulud." Home Journal.
By J. M. Parker. 6 minuture volumes. On the aoili
or Muv.
May 1 , tm
ri'HK unanimous favr which hu8 attemlrtl the in'roiiie
X Hon of Wheklkr V Vii.son's rmmly ttcwiinr Ma
trmie, i Ptifliciciu evinVnctT ot its erceileiu-e. It m ntcd-
d'liiujRii': uistiiuti'iii ; the tact i mcuizmzeU ly us mcefhs- I
ful list; in lliuit BiiiiUs of Fiiniilieft in every rank in life. To
those who hnve lnthe lo relrnm! i'roni iivnilmp thfimelvci
of its ud vantage, it may not he nim to wiy, that its util
ity ib not a pr.-bk-m to he Sflvctl, btt uccc ulieaIy
realized. The highest lestiihmy is constantly firerej,ciii
iirming the vealict which hati given this nistruinuit so
wide und enviable b refutation.
This .Machine it coiH'eivt-d on t princlplt entirely oritji
nal, bcintj Rpecially und ndiuirably adrpie I to Lhe most per
fect work on every kind of maternal; and, liavm beuu
subjected to a tlitre yenra! test vf the mult t-caiclitii
chanu'iei by Kunnlies, and in vanou braiu-ht-i of .Mimu
fucture, vith diHtuigiiishett kultcm, it is believed that in
all the jrreat points requisite- to a complete niul practical
iSewiiii; .Mucmiie, itoainuH be approachetl in excellence.
Anion-; tbe undoubted tidvin.tut: it pt ifteaees wvet uU
otheis, may be i rimed the folio win? ;
1. Its simplicity of cons'ructiMn. and conieqient fiu
d-'iii from deruneiiient and need of repuua
2. Us unexaiiiplril rnpniiiyuml ease ol vpctaiiuii.
4. xhe variety of nurp.! to which it enn be nn-
3 Its lltiiiulcn inoveiliriit
piieo, wuuii can be achieved by uo oUier luechiini.-al
5. The pre-fminpnt heanry nnd (JurMiility of On work.
"1 find yonr Machine invnltiuble I Imva ubt il il 11 yt-nr,
and it his nevei been tiutof ordt-r. Tlie miteli is vet y du
rnt!r, niiil enn be :uln(ttd t tin ov cuurne umlerula. It
worku with tlie r;tpnbty of a dt'f n pair of bntU ; mvci
much tune, iatisne rind expense. One of ..ur M;u'hiu
ib iiKt-d in my hiiher's immly ; another 111 tin luinsahiiM of
ui8ter; mul otheri byvunoja fnendt. The npimont of
ull ticconl with that I hure just expressed. ''Mrs Anna
Con ltitchie.
"There 11 but one Sewinp Marhiie j und thnt t Vlns
let and WiUuifr" Judge Meig3, ut lhe American liikti
tut. Tlie Sewinfj Mncliine puichnsed rtf y u halieit whoU
ly ervimible." Kev lr. &amnr OfjjooU.
Nu faintly cun ul' rd to do without it.
Ori.ttOsVi op tue New Vdhk Tkess.
We prefsr them (ot Inmily me Tribune.
They uie lhe favorite for fiitiulu-a Timet,
Are without u rival. Scientitit: Auivricau.
Worki more umfoti.ily than the hand IlernM.
L)t the work of ten ordinary ftewera Jour Com.
Ivjuul to nine sennilreaseii. llofne Journnl
Tux iitnchiue, for luinily u Advucule At Jouriml.
Most hnimrnble to American gen nn Independent.
We i-tinuot inmgine iinyihing more ptTieulKvungcliH.
Will t(ive entire sutiBfuction. Obncivcr.
The bt-Bt ever invented. Chriaiiuu liupjiret.
J11 bntkiH for the beat, ee lliew Kx:wmuer.
Admirably nd.iptedfur family use Chronicle.
liidiMpeuvablc in every futmly The lrea ber.
We praise it with enthusiasm Clirisiisn liiteliicen?er.
Wttrlhy ot the lushest award abtmtli IttxMr.U r.
A l.euei'iction of the age I'utniiin i Arnaziin?,
Mutual m operation. Mis. Stephen' Mi-ntliiy.
liryund all iucstton, the mafhinea. Life ltlurfratt-t).
The stitch cannot be uiiraveli-d. Am Ancultuiint
They inaiutaiii the pru-etutueuca Kx press.
Saves the tnne and health cf ten women Water Cu:e.
Our hotisL-Iiold is in ecstJiciea with it 1 itcr'sSfj irit.
Supply the lasliionabla wmld . iJaily News.
Arepre-emiiieutly super Mi lidiew' Visitor.
Out; of our household fods 1. H Jonrnal.
t nriTalled in every qua it y. Day Book.
1'ietly, useful, magical leslie's Unzelte.
Iluva no eiu;il for futmly use. Musical WnrM
A triumph of ineehamcal genius N. V. Jiminal.
Combine every requirement. Fuuuly Magazum.
Vastly superior to ull olheia tiolden Hnze.
W e caunoi tire nt ks praise .ew loiKer.
For further particulars apply to H. B. Meaner,
Sunbury, l'a., agent of the ruauufacturer, who
will Hupply machiuea at the inunuUclurera
Munliury, May lii, lMfl. if
KY virtue of an alias writ of I.iviiu Fa
cias issued tiut of the Court of Common
I'leas of Northumberland county to me directed,
will be ex posed to Public Palest the public
house of I iter llanseluian, in the borough of
Northumberland, Northumberland ceuuty, on
SATl'KUY the iii day of MAY next, at 10
o'clock A. M., the following described real pro
perty, to wit :
All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land,
situate in l'oint township, Northumberland
county, bounded and described as follows, to
wit : lieginning at a post, thence by land late
of John C'owden, North 40 degrees, Kat, VI10
perches to a whiteoak, thence by luud late of
William A. l.leyd, North 50 degrees Wrl, aij
perches to a post ; thence by lauds late of James
Kay, south 40 degrees west, 210? perches to
three posts ; thence by lund late of I'lulip Trick;
south 50 degrees east 04 J perches to the placo
of beginning. Containing 124 arv and 2k)
perches, (it being the same tract of land which
George l.ckert sold anil conveyed to John il
liam Slamm.) .I bout 1 15 acres of which are
cleared whereon are erected a two-story frame
house, a 1J story log house, and barn part lo,;,
orchard and a well of water, &c. hiiied taken
in execution, and to be sold as the property of
John William Stainm.
Sheriff's office, Sunbury, )
April S4lh, lto. S
IIROWN'S and Breinig's Essence of Uingei
and Husband's Magnesia at
March 14, 7. FISHETI'H.
5Q BARRELS FLOUK just received and for
sals at the 6unbury Floor Htore.
May 8b,l8-tt CO. HATEN.
Prices Reduced to Suit the Times t
Race Street above Third, J'ltiladdj'Ha.
rpl!B Proprietors of the alcivs well-known establish
I lueiit lienor thioikful for Lhe vcrv inilrotl'ore l.e- '
slowed upon them tho putt yenr. tnkn this rnethmt of in
forminct their friends Bud the pulilie thnt they are At II pro
srtd to nceoinmoflats llieni II favored Willi a C:ill.
lnrinr the Winter rnontht the home his hei rt thornnt'h
ly renovatexl. improvetripiiit made and other extensive al
terations m eontemptntiott.
VVa nre delermined to iVrote o?r wl.ole nltention to
business and tlitttor ourwlves with tho Coiivicli'-n Ihnt we
shall ba able to civc generul snliKfwtion.
Ilace tstrtnt, above 'J'hild.
Tr.ltMf.r?l 8.1 per dny
N. II. Cnrririires will nlwnyt be In readiness to convey
Passengers lo and from SteinuUHit Iuitdiiius and Knilrotid
Depots. S. A 8.
Philadelphia. April 10, 1SI .tin
vfi v i tT xt' -i's " a u i h l v i is i o s,
Xo. 12 Xorth Wham:, !'hiUidctrhui.
100,000 His. Dried Arples,
3,000 busliels I'ea Nutx,
CU0 barrels Ureen Ailc,
tiUO boxes Dranges,
SOU boxes l.cmor s,
2,0(10 bushels Potatoes,
1,000 bushels Uaans,
100 tlo7.. Tickles.
Also liaisiiis, i'iRs, Prunes, &c, in storo nrd
fur sale at the lowest prices.
April 10. 18.'. ly
E. Y. UltlGIlT k fcON,
OAVK received, and are now opetiin! their
Spring stock, embracing new and desir ible
Dress tioods. Calicoes and Dress Un;,hain t ol
tho latest style, Muslins of nil ijunlitics mid pri
ces, K. Jeans, Linen Checks, nnd a choice sr h o
tion of U lack and Fancy Cnssimercs, tiew (;. li s.
(iroceries of all kinds. We respeitfully invito
an inspoclion of our (ioods.
Cs-COUNTKY PKUDI CR wantcl in ct
chatiKC at the highest market prices.
April 10, 1 858.
A Cash Ucstnsss Kxri.r.-i.-nr.T.
CITAUI.i:S ADAMS, H. K. fVnicr v( Kief., limn. Ar.-.i
StrerU, llii!:nti-!jliin, i:iform.' Itn fuoti'inTu, n-"l
the imycM if JUtV fiOi))?;KM:nAT.!sV. lint lit i
irnikiitj; esun fxt'Ttiunn fur thr proper h! i.m .if hiF a
til coiiliiic filfOll, Ollil Iti or.ttT to tntniln liMH to putrhiim?
frfootti ir rAll, :iinl sell lli'in Ht the l.uU'MT makhkt
tricfs, lin Inn dculftl t' nt tlto tn:i:!rsl p 'Butlo
fttlvniire I'V fon Cash Kx 1 t'HivKt.v '.
He Iiuh i educed ilic pi ipc of in-t of ttic ( in Stnrf,
eii'l lias now opi n ntnny N kw I mioih, kuiihI-Ii; fur tlm
P6)')N, to whicli will I'C inr.ile il:u-y arldiTi .ns
(Tnru will be to nT(Miiin r1nt! IrlilKMS tliK r!:iiu
P1'.HS(tf ccm'Mllv. nn hi-r;t l-Tc.
Fl'KMSIilM.t fi(HnS u. ii-nii:v.
inrchiifcrii will tintt en-ut u(H'ti:ii:iire in irivinj an tvulv
":ilt, (Ik litolto Ix'tbg "liic llitlli'lu flljttiuu IS b- tier tliuii
t!:p rU'W lnliiiiu.n
Tite ulliialii'ii ii rontri!. niul t!u it jre well Iicl:tcd.
Murch a?, I-,-jiii1Uv.
rPHl' suhscrilier litis recently made an en! use-
-1- inent in his store room and h;. ort received
a fresh supply of Flour and Foe:!, ( 'i.rnni-a', Ac.
His stuck cousins of Corn and Kve, t.'orn iiii'l
OuN, and Corn Cllt)!'. lioltrd Corn Mcil and
Ilucktvhrat l'lour in sacks, all of which v:!' ho
sold low FOU CASSII. i
Als', tlie IJcxt and Cheapest assortment nf
Flour ill this Market, from 11 VK to M: V K.
IX )i.I. A US per liarrel, according to ipiHlilv. ,
Uo, lot of Flour in sacks ot ycry low r;it"s.
The suhecrilier assurer Ins customers, that his ,
arrangement for pcUins Wrstcin Flour enalile ,
him to uive them helter aalislaction or Letter Lar- '
gains than can he ultiiincd elsewhere.
licing thankful for past patronage, ho hopes ,
to merit aud conliuc tj receive th favor of the ,
puhlic (enenilly. j
Market Square, buuLntry,
March SO, ldoS.-
S r 11 1 X G A 1 1 It A K G E M E N T ,
ArFOKlJlMi iiiptrmr fiicihties fur trnvul to .New
Voi k, IMiiimlflpli n. und the or)li aiul Went. ly
lit'fti 'nii ui si.ii! -ii u iili i'.i tniin of tlie iV-i-.wuie
Iaflr'k;ivHmi:i unit WVkTimii Itntlroiiil C.inimny ; iff
tTiivel Stdi'Ji and VVfitt over the CuMriwmsii, Vii.iuinspcrl
jN. Y. Ai'f' niiho- r!n!n!o.
Mm). 'IJtwn. . .Mill
fi HI A M. 3 10 P M-
0 U d.i 3 "J't ti
ti '25 U ) a vfj i! i
fl l'l do 3 3.. i!i
7 lu rij 3 5'. li t
7 a Uj 4 t ".
7 5f ti 4 l'i tl
in iio i U ta
b 41) do 4 .V) il i
P 6u iio 5 liu tl.i
9 1.. ii. 3 90 C )
0 3t do 5 30 !j
9 3 1 d 1 1" P. M. 5 C U
ii ju tin J if d" o M
1' ;,i '.1) do 6 do
ID IH) do 2 ill d t 0 C ti )
M U tf,. V. 1 do lit .!.
10 0 d.i 4 W) do ti -JD dj
1) 30 i1,t 3 lo do 6 nil d
lpyf Rulir,
Hu-li lluvvn,
Hf;i'-!t tiiove,
Wrct Niiniic 'kf,
Arrive ut
V ulll.iliii
WVht I'lttat ill,
t.ucku w.iiitu,
Tj l'r rile.
Arrive at
The fv Y'rlt Mini Truin
lintels with tlie l-Siirtss ;
Airive in New nk 7 3 V. .M.
tti I'hiili'j lua, by C.i iu J Til fc Air.!
r. u t ,
b 'Jit V. M
1'ure iii'iu nu;cri to New York 0 (:'J. JljCTcec-tifck
oil throuirh.
Tlie acc"tnni;)lt!in Tr;iin North. onni'
With tlie KxprcBb I'min us!, tin Hx ).
GOING fOl Til.
s jl S-t:iiit a
W. Ilsil-
P 00 A. M.
I. iii. n
tl i A M
II 4 a : .
13 HJ M
I J I i I' M.
11 llj
li to t'.i
1 K Jo
N. Y
.Mai1. '
4 In I' M. '
Ta 1-irville,
We. l lntfc:'ii.
Wytmimj ,
An ice ul
K iiii:stiii,
K lueiit. tt ,
I'luii null.
lliinlivk's Ci'k,
llrai-h t,r.e,
Iti-ueh llavcll
Mervvn .
l.mic Hule,
Ainvcil at
e in
4 lo
4 :0
1 :i i
4 40
t ;r,
& to
o oo a
5 CO il"
10 to
10 50
11 fl.)
11 lo
11 la
II .'U
li ls
ti mr
l l
li iu
Vt M
1 o
ll I
l I
.1 .
'. .V.
ti i ".
0 40
fl i'l
7 -in
? ji
t l.i
0 t"
V li
0 11 co
Tim PliilniVlfilua Mail 'I fiat S.-.'li. e nu-ts wuli .
tlni Mail 'I'r.uii in liiii'ri. c a li.t nt I lo 1. .M r -r '
Caltuwiiii., I'ort dill. a. I'i'I'ti nn; Itt'.ului-', Ae.ii'nv. ;
ins ut 1'muili.lplia, at - ' 1. M Al ' w.lri Ma.l I ."ion
g.iniT W'eiit ot :i .'elii'-k I. .M. fur Luuvi!!e, M.:t. n, Muu
iy, Villi3ii.iorl mrl i;!imia.
I's.-eitcirrs l.y tiie 4 o i-U cL I. M.Tnuii 5..ieli
can take t!.e 11 v cl. . k I. .M llxpiii tmin i..i Kliiiiia!
unit the Wt'H. or i"!j:c lit lllonliisliiir ami lalie tl.e t n'
t'lK'k A. M. 'J'rinii irmng l'ast, uriiviui; ut Piiiiail:lieia or I
Han isl.ui;; ut l'i in'i'il. I
Mnrrh H, fan MitnlMi.lfii!. I
VI.T. per.-ona indebted to Juitis Ecard, laic .
Prothouotary of Noithuiiibcrlandcounty, for :
fees, Vc , are requested to make immediate j ay- I
ineut, aud thus save ro.t and further trouble, as .
all accounts remaining unpaid will be placed 1:1 !
the hands of a Justice for rollectiun. 1'aynients
can be cither to the subscriber or to J. S.
lieatd, at his oilier:.
t'unbury, March 2V. 18.r.8. tf
MisM .11. Ii. ;tliilcr, rrspectfulty an
nounces, thut she has just returned from
the city Willi a new, cheap and elegant assort
ment of
Spring and Summer Millinery Goods,
CouaUtini; of new pattern Bonnets, iruws.
Ciimpsand I'uney Uonnels, also Ribbons, Flowers,
and r'uuey Triiiimings, l.adics Vie Caps, 4c.,
all of which w ill be sold cheap.
Bonnets of every ihinctipUons inadc t.i order.
Old bonnets bleached and picsed in the bet
Thankful for past patto.iage, she solicits a con
tinuance of the same.
Store in Fawn Street, 2nd door below the Rail
SuiiMitt, April 17th, 1858. Sm9
Ik lolet li'M, Victorines, Opera Caps, Wool
lloods, Comforts, Cashmere Rcvl's, I-amb
Cauntlette, fre. B RIUUT 4 KO.N.
fJunbury, De. 58, '7.
You een supply yimrseires with Cln mienl Mamrres,
vrirrnnted pure, which been in success' ul vie iu New
J'TS v for the pi-st rVvcil 1'enrs they have re''.tved the
DIPLOMAS of I'cur .lerteyi New Voik, D'liiMiire. end
l'eunsYlviinifi Aiiiii-uliiiiiil f.M-ii-ties, nnd have been ut-"d
by Ihe Pri siili'iit i'f lhe t'nl'cd inti s, on Ins i:odrn and
on lhe public tirouii'ls nl Wsrliiisjtoii, l. C , snl by the
fullowuij; tjenlleinell vir. :
. Iiocke, lrj.
A P. V C(.AHKEsnono' New Jasi f.
i 1. Ieves, J
r''imior itoberls,
Win. Miller,
i'hfit York,
of Cc.po Island, Nuw Jtrs-y.
Tins Mulford, rn, , Oimdcn N.J., P Hemes, Vt
KniRlit. Mr. Eleld, .Mr Atkinson, and l.uvi Johnson, nil of
New Jeisay they uy it is the cln -npesl and n.linlile
M'inure now in Vse, bi-ini; p-rinniii-nt nntl improving the
luud by eiiri-ine lhe soil. ' It is suitedto lhe vmionser'TS
you ihiso Coin. Polnlo. s, tl-irs. Wheat. 'iats, Ac. liv
eii'-losinj a t h-.cli, on n,,y New Jeis- y or Plnl .d'n r.nuk
or lelen-nee lo n iv po d IT'tie in riii! u'e piui or in ft
ehine fir Produce, tit f'nr .Mntket rates here, your iirderH
will be filled nnd Shipped to yt,u, liee ol C:irlnf;e e&piiiite.
Z-i:'ivery article sold by me it Guaranteed.
Fnpre Phosphate of Lbn1.', t10 0(1 a tn.
Done l'lio,-,ii:ni., s;:iu no a "
Aincrlcnn l'erlii;7cr, ' III a "
rr a nARni'i. tsftTi-irii-.NT r:it am aciii:
OF Cilttlt.Ni) 1IIIU.M) CA!T
Pure IJooe Dust. (.",00 Lirrelttiow ra.dv.) nt S; 00 per
l ,r r r--1 or S I..', n ton. 1
PMidieiie, No. 1 (iOnl.:irre! now r-i. tv.) nl to 1 ,
a biiirtd i
I jiud I'luler No. I t (jni laiTiis, nt 81 J t'.1 S-J abairel j
Pot Ash. jM luirrels
Pe-ru'-inn, Pat.'iuMiiin end Chilinn
o t; .x n ii .
oi.ou'ii: a
Pr.Tn,-;nr. i
Nn. 5! Pulli ntONTSlrcl. I'lnlailetpliia Uoy. Pa
nr mhii.k!,m.i: iii:ai,i;iik am.owkd a mi?
kimi, iihl(u ; r.
CT l':iMii!i!tis cm l-e liu'l .ii nr p'i''nt:"n to p-y Cicc,
r of m v Aernls.
Mnri li 111. l?:,d 3ni.5'.(lw.
503 Clitsnut Iret t, st'ove liiir'illi, (tiilc t f No. S'ulli
c-co,l Street.) PIllLAIH'.l.rillA,
BritlMt IMrollTA TloN OF
ConsiMiiiR in purl nf
Fnnry llonnt mid 'ii) liibl ont,
iratiu and T;itlt't:m Itibbonff.
(iro ib: Naples, (lilnce nnd I'lrtin,)
Marci-btics and rioreitrwi,
Itl.ick Alodcv,
r.ueliBli Crtij)".
Mai'ne und imisinn L ifi s, tr.
AS. s fM as-Milmeitt ofr KLNCII AND AMI'.RiCAN
M.ireh -ji). l'-.i'3. dinos
t"?' tllT.MNO tU' SPUlMi '.tKiDS'u:.!
KYltK I.ANDI'.I.t., !n. Pt
urc ii'tw ollenn? il lull sto':!; of
1 , i
New Goods for Spring of 1853!
r Amtti;i.r. immm. hoods,
l;(Al'K Ml.K?. yt t :U1 in-hei wide,
Sprme liets ti.tdi'.H. .New l:vlt, I". Til I n- N vi-t M ! f,
Uulish. i,"rni'fh und Aim-nrim I hii:tir,l
Kill, s'.-cli vl l .iT:v"th- f'.d. ,
l'ull lt(r!t of 1 iirijn :m Cj"iii.-i,
N It. Ttiiriin'. in Sran 'unli'c Ho-d:n!y rt'ffive'l fiont
Ari;TH nf New VerU nnd I'lidadu!; !;!:,
riiiljik!p!i..l, .Mtii' i)
' lllVll'
d t " cxnti.ine IbyS; e.
It. 1
i.w p
1"'HK large d niMc frame house in the Borough
-" ol ' Northumberland, helotiing to tlie eshit.- of
C. II. Kay, del eased. This i i a very de -i.'.i'. li
residence, heaiilifuily situated on tlie North
II ranch of the ius.uehaniKt, with a huge garden.
Carriage HoutC, Mjl le Ac., Lc!om,ing t.i it.
Terms moderate. Kiouiie of t'. . Scales,
Williamspurt, or D. L'rauti.un, Ks.p, Northuin
helhllld. March 27. rt.3.
T AT Li;
1 SXJr7I3X7-R.3T,
i pr.Srr.CTKl.'M.Y informs the public and
i a W. I'13 Irienils senrmlly, that he h;is removed i
to Sunbury, and has opened a law ollice nt his j
1 resilience, in Market F.jnare. His acjuuintan. c
, with the Endi-di and (icruinn enables him to
transact business in both languages,
i April 10, 1858. Iy
W. A. Vti KB5T, Proprietor.
'jHE propiielor rcspi'itfullv informs bid fii.'njM
-- aiul tlie public generally. Ibut bo is repairing
ami rcfualing the Washington IIoum-," s,i us
to rntrrlaiu both transient ami permanent i.itors
in a suitable anil roinlortahlr mnnntr.
Thar.Urul or the patronage eitenJeJ tj his
father, ho rcspi'i'tfnlly solicits the con'inuancr ol
thesniiiP. lie will take charge "1 the " B?h
iiH'ton Hoti?c" on the t":rst Jay of April, next.
He will have nn Omnibus running to the
ililierent liailroail Uipots fur tho arcouimoiljlion
ol 1'ansi ngerr, tree of charge.
Sunbury, Murch 20, 1SS,
A Mb -. iu . ura cm
ItioKTta sxii Wiii,i.i:nLE UtiLii: ut
S A. Ij T ,
J - -v
1 11 Smith Wh-irtts, Philadf'ihia. Pet.
Ashton anil Var .Mills H.iirv assorted sica, con
stantly on hsnd und fur salo in .'o'.J to sutt'the
N. II. Orders solicited.
March 13, 1M.',I. Hm
a. c. ciir.hrt'tr.ii. :sac c. rEsss.'K
Commission Merchants and Dealers in
risii, a:vi I'Kovaviov,
..V?. S, .V. Water ft., ? ihr-.-t abve Zfa'cit,
J3 J are co'islantly on baud an assortment of
K H liricJ and I'ickleJ l'i
4, (S:c, iVc.
M atliercl,
K !i. CV
Cudli.-h, l.urd, f-bouldcrs,
llief, llam, ('hrtit',
I'oik, rsj Ji-d, IJutti.r,ic.
1S5;?. :lm.v.
(middle nnd HHrness Kuker.
A KEr-"i:t-TI LI.I.V ii,l.,ins the
' KrC-, r'li7r"9 ' funburv and the pub
f J;-J-l.,-lic generally, that he has taken
'ei A'4. lhe shop occupied by llri-ht and
linck, one dour east ot S. l'aupl's Cabinet Ma
ker shop where be is prepared to tuin cut work
in his line of hu-iness eipial to any nimlc iu thi.
section of the country. Orders pmrnplly execu
ted and all kimls of produce ti.keu in Exchange
Sunbury, March 211, lgo8. ly
m s ' V- -J J
IIsSI.OI'Is.V III."M.t:i!,re.ieclliillv in-
I ii tits the cili'.eiis ol T.evurlnii anj sur
rounding county, that tdie has rpt-m d a new
store of Millinery and 1'aii' y (inods, ot 'I'remr
toil iu iS'liai.iukin street, nearly oppi. die Kimuse's
Taviui, where ull kinds of lionnet und I'uucv
(jouds can be lnd at the l:iwol termf.
Drtss nuikini; uho attc.dc-d to in (he best und latit nt) Ic.
April 25, l!.-S.:f
VAI.I. rAl'F.n, Mindorv Kha.
C.irrU,,. mil T,M. (ill l'l.,
ths, Cocoa
Matts and a superior article 113 I iri;(-avt.
Dec 20,1857. HKUilli' A. SON.
Iii;r.iin, Ciittoii, and a u erior ailhle
of Rag Carpel, M anufael ard ut home, for sale
at prices to suit the tiinis.
Dec. 2fi. '57. URICIM' & POX
'-()() SACK .SALT, best quality, best quul
ity, large sacks, and for sub nt the lowest
figure- BRIU11 rV SON.
tSunbury, Dec. 2rt, 18.' 7.
POUT MONAIES, Tooth and JIair Ilrushe
- all mu'litiec, and any quanti y, for sale I v
March 14. '57. m
MillislTCl, Herring' and rihad, wholesile
or retail. Now ia tlie time to purchase
Fish, as we are cnableJ to oiler them at a lower
price than you ran purchase in the fanorj.
funbuiy, Dec. SO, '67. UKl'ilM' A SV'
'1I I". rtil cc'ibors re? ( eetfiillv ititorm l!ie ci'i-
zens of Sunbury Mirl vielni'y that llicv !;"
Commeiiri'd lhe above bu'-incss a fow ilonret
the I'uet C.Tm'c, Mnikct .ViinriiT, riiiibiuy, I' i
Work of nil Kinds in their lino of bti.-inr.-s vi!!
be ilono promptly and tii ntlv on lhe mo-t n a
sonabU terms. ' CLEM KT & O V ' I t H
K. brua y 13,
80,000 cnbDS-TIEd
A.N'J'i:!) Tbiitv Thoupnnd Cror-s-Ticp, c-
Kui'road Sills for fin Northern Cci:i.t.i'
Rail Ilund. Tor further p.irtiriibirs npp'v
I it A T. C1.I5MENT, Coi trn.l.r.
Kunl my, lJrcnnl'cr t!0, IfJST. tf
( Ilaikct fJtictt, EuiiLury Ip.
inplll'i stib-cribi r respectfully inlorms the riii
-"- tens of fMtnh'iry, and the public bpik iuIIv.
I Ihut he b is ptnih.isftd, anil will t:iko jiiwM'esion
I in the a'.ioe well lino'.Tii stnutl on the 1st ol
' April next, f iron i!y Kept ly Mia. 'l hoinpsnn.
Thnt tm will put t!',o samo in complete repair.
I i r.ihliiioii he will piovule n ronviyaiirc to carry
t0 nw (!om the diiTercnt llailroa.l !c-
. ' , .,, , o- . . i . ,
P1''". "nil v. ill h ave no cnrls onlricl to rerulci
his hotel n desirable elopping place for B'iet n;id
ernv,.Pr. .UlUTi I,Etl.!
1 'HH stih-crilx-r respectfully ittfnrnis l!in eiti
i. Tens of MtinhUry and vicinity that he lot" jut
received a supply of I'l.OI. If, which he is oil. r.nir
at wholesale or retail IVom !'& 40. trIO H'J to
H K per U.irrel. He'aldo st'lls some lis low at
70 cts. per iuurter, all id which ha WA li
lt A. NTs to he tiood.
CAN DI.KS for sa!e, wholesale or retail.
Thaiikfnl fir p;i!-t patronage ho hopis to ti n
tinu to mciit the fame.
M. C. UliA liHAKT.
Karl.ct p't, Mihi'imiiv, l'a.
Frtiruary 87, 1SI8.--
VI .:a.i (UVi:UM, I'Jopi ltt.n .
( 'or. nf Market Slittl sy Marl. t Swn e.
II A It U i S U i: It Ci , PA.
ri'.Il :1.. . I) 1-.I.1J I 1IOM.I.. ri-
1 bv lllf Mi Jl .S t i; il mi M ir . ,
bci-u kiisf.'. l"r n U rm nt ymit by iho nint.-i j-u , ;
t.ik-M thin ni'-th'-d of rrdinit; tin; jinii1tM;i (,f ,, i,.iiijf
pi-U 'iiH, nnd tut; t in Vi.lbtn; r'Mimi nui' ', I'.- i t ..
I lb". m;j ii ir.nd ol '!! Inm-lrt 1 nn 1 "f y f -n t!,j
pun' ii.iti mrc.i nl tlie env, mil l nty-tW" 1V
M.nkt t tpvirr, "t f:ni;i, ', f'tll ti
iM'. itiii'i t stf; '-t.'fti.
pi"'j n!li;m,v!
Tii l'.. on' ' T 1 1 1 1 .f fn.r
l.lif-' with trite ;i I'-imb.-r with
Un"' l;.'-.n cry d, -aii tr.r f.irn
H i..; lire ti,i.),.j
VfTV in
ni tiPfr-
:n l.-t. , !
iia',..;, l I
M :e:oec,l.
. t in a I its
ii . ;..e. .! iim
ia!.li.e to Uej ,
t o.,' r.l ic ty, i'imT
, IKiMse inn
I tint e;!,1!! t! .:ir!lie nt
! rr I ...) i:
' r'l!.- II'.', Ml MOI 1. .. I!
I t , ti,.,?.,. wli.i e.-iy 10
, ! e. ii.e 'it ns nVij I'..
iii t'w S!::'e.
T.i r.-' Lire t'rj
I '' IVvnO.
j l,'"o n. A . i;h en
; 11, rio. ;''.! 'il lull the
' .-r - ii .on, Droie:;
' TI.eC . l..; .
i::,1'!!; r-o:' .1-1 -i i" ir;
I'll. -ate P.t f:,-.t i
.-i- m:v i i it n i i: i:
unlir j. a l.n l:.n i
It.-oin. II-. I n::rl i',,i I P i: i
.'1 D.i
il mi-
or' .!v l'r
:i:.,te. In
I j vi'i-ns, 1 ir tue :
Min nt lhe ( Yvri
! jV;i':if at tin- "I
mb p-i'r. " i
t ' .iitti
.... II a-r,"
p1fl !y ? .
tf ii..'.:!-.i:--Jo.Kl)Li:.-
Will.!. CfJVURLY
Janunrv .10, . Oniol.
r I.OI K can be taught KO!t CsH cf '.
O. HAVEN in .Market tenure t'uulmrv, tha.i
can possibly ba huj at any other place iu town.
It is itnrnvssnry to ?ay tlmt litci Flour can !j
got from tie Wet and North cheaper than IV.. m
any other tjuarter ot the present time. The sub
scriber having mailo the best possible urraiiito
inents fur gctiim; this l'lour, i pieparcJ to i;i i
ns'isfaclion tf all who l'aar bin with a call.
Trices raiu;! from g" to f.,T" pe- barrel acenrj
ing to pun!:?y. Chop i'eei ol'nl! kiml con-timt-lv
on hnml.
N. 11. No Pennsylvania Hour mil coniprto
with his. The rice may be thn Hame, bi;t tli
I ijU'aiity i! quite inleiior. a all ti :iiy that try buth
KUI1..4. i leuc call aiul exj'n'ii? Kr iiv.;it'ii.
.-. o. m'avkn,
unbu:y, April 81, 1 8.1s.
Ccitli e Turnpike SJo;nl.
rJIHE Rtockholders aro hereby notiiied that an
A election for oflicern lo serve for the en- :m'.
year will be held at the huiue. of C. Iiro.Mi i i
the liivronch of Northuinhciland, on Mi. in! v t! .e
7th dav ol .i I NE next, between the uouis ot I "
o'clock A. M., and :i o'cle. k 1'. M.
jos. r. i' i.::y, rr.
Noithiimber'.and, May 1, ls.r8. It
Estate cf Lemuel Pkcadarniel, deceased.
IOT'CE is hereby given, that latter of A.:
jLJ mitiiftration, on the estate of I.cmtn '
Hoadarmrl, hiteof IShamokintown, Northumbrr
laud coun'.y, deceased, have been granted to the
subscriber. All persons indebted to snid o.-tat,'
will plea.:? make iinn'.edialo payment, and tho.-.
having rlaims present t'.iem duly authentii uti ,!
for ke'.tlemet t.
N- 11. The subscriber will attend at the hnn,.
nf D. -. Lake, Esq., for that purpose nn Va!k.r
day, June .lib, next.
Phumnkin, April 17, H.'.s. (,t
Administrator's Notice.
"V'tTriCE is hereby given .hrt lelturs of Ad
riinU'.ralion have been
muted to tho so!'.
Fcnlur on the estate of .Vr:ry Cook, late of Point
tinr.sliip, Northumberland county, deceased. -All
persons indebted to said estato will plraso
make immediate payment ond thoc having claiiim
to preicnt t'iicia for Mttler.irnt.
M. H. WAri.r.S, Adiu r.
N'urtbu!iibcrland; Ajuil 17, ls'.'j . M
.IOIi. II I). 55 BH.
OJU-t in MacUt o;.;aiie the '..irf Ilv. u
Collections made and l'rofi -sii,nal Bi.-l
generally attended to rrnmj.t!y and Caic! ' .i '
ruiLirELPUii litr.Hr.scr :
KulliH rirthorne, lliihl ei-7,
iJavis V llirney, F. Tyloi & t.'a.
hunbuiy, June CO,
1 l'DNIFIER, lor sale at Fllir.K's l ie.
Store. 1'rice 20 cts.
); iias mi:, ot
alt kinds am!
LRlt-ill I ,
Sunbury, Dee. 2G,lho7.
rM;iTMufa'l kinds. Moi kiiiu t e.lnl
pi tnh rs, Dock Mitu. Han '.kerchu I
in cuiK?ij variety of Hoierv and Ni-Uon-Nunbury,
Dec. 2C,'5. liKld II ..V r- .
ul. I
) 7.
"rTJiE.MT.'Fi'Ii Di:is ijooi'-;., ;'--:,; ,
Figured and Plain Merino-,, Sit;-.. Sc.-t, i:
I'laiiU, SilH t'lrijied Poplins, C.,shn'e, I n:.t.-ti
Plaid, 1'iri'ier hade, Fjhc; trnd P'x'.n Di I.jinei
Vali mis. PuraiTii'Ma Cl. a,j ,Vc . m.t reeein !
a-id f.r .ale bv UH'.GHT & SuN.
Sunbury, Dee. 26,'57.
I. r.l'.N fi, Ceda-, Hollow and Uhisw are,
Coiilatniiig mcijlhing ueml und win
menial. HKIfiH" i SON.
''jibiiry, December 2fi, lei57.
2,1-JlSl T.
rilIE tore Room in Market street, f.riTiei!'
1 occupied by f. V . (iray. A p. ly ' ''CP
eciilois of II. Masxcr, deceasral.
April 17 lsJ59.
4 Osi.l ee.-tnu-''.
-jnU Buggv,
Aj ply at On