f SONG OP TOE SEWISO-MA-CHINE. 8T ORORGR P. MORRIS. I'm the Iron Needle Woman ! Wrought of sterner stuff lhan clay . And, unlike the drudges human, IVcvcr weary night nor day ; Never shedding teare of sorrow, NeTer mourning frinJ untrne, Mevei raring fertile morrow, iS'cver begging work Id do. Poverty brings no disaster ! Merrily I glide aloti?. For no thankless, fordid master, Ever socks to do me wrong : No extortioners oppress mc, No insulting words I dread I've no ehil Jron to diV?9" nie With uncrating cries for bread. I'm of haidy form and feature. For fiidurnuee framed aright ; I'm not pale misfortune's creature, Doom'd life's battle here to light i Mine's a song of cheerful measure, And no under-rurrents How To destroy the throb of pleasure Which the poor 10 seldom, know. In the hall I hold my station, With the wealthy ones of earth. Who commend mc to the nation for economy and worth, While unpaid the fomilc lubor, In the attic-chamber lone, Where the smile of friend or neighbor Never for a moment shone. My crmtion is a blessing To the indigent secured, laishing the cares distressing Which so many have endured : Mine are sinews superhuman, Kiha of oak and nerves of stcvl I'm the Iron Needle-Woman Born to toil and net to feel. Home Journal. aimers' jjpcpartoimt Tho Cultivation of Grapes At late meetings of tho Formers' Club of the city or New York, the following facts were elicited in the course or a discussion upon Grapes. Coming from really practical nieu, they ore valuable, but still leave us in Ibe dark as to the licit way or cultivating this very desirable fiuit. , Ir. Underwood said : "I think vineyards may bo successfully cultivated in tho United States from the latitude or Albany to the "Gulf of Mexico. They are more sure than any other fruit, tot they do not blossom until after tho Iota spring frosts. The Isabella and Catawba are the best varieties for gene ral cultivuttou for the ta"ble and fur wine They can be grown ia any soil that will raise a good crop of coru. Tho gfound should be tiuuly pulverised to tho depth or tit least eighteen inches und uudertlraiued. I moke a trellis by planting pos:s tweuty fret apart ond stretching wires between them just tight enough to give a slight uiotioti to tho viues when the wind blows. Mildew does not trouble me. 1 think this is caused by forcing lbs v.no to grow loo fust with hot innnures, nd by growing them in positions which do not admit, of a free circulation cf the uir. 'i'he viue needs tUe fullest exposure to the wiuds possible. To plant them in positions where this cannot be secured, or to protect thein by high enclosures, will not only cause them to be diseused, but make a paradise tor uuiiuus veruua. i nave not lulled to secure u good crop of grapes for tteenty years." James 0. Provost, ol Green I'oint, L.I. uciuusu uis uieiuou oi cultivating tbe grupe, which is certainly quite original and different from ony other described in works on this subject. His land is loam, with water on'y a few feet underneath the surface. His vines are trained on trellises eight feet high j from ono vine trained on tho eud of the house, ho hud made twenty-two gallons of wine. The singular purt in his method of tultivution is to allow the vines to fall over the trellises. reach down to the ground, and take root at their extremities in the soil. Some of his vines yield so richly that they appeor like a mass of fruit in tbo full, from tbe ground to tbe top. He trims very sparingly, spreads the manure on the surface, never disturbs the old roots, and keeps the soil very loose. From three-quarters of an acre of vines, he stated thut hrt hud made more than a thou sand gallons of wine. The grapes he crush ed in a roller sugar-mill, and to every gallon of juice oue pouad of sugar-was added no thing else. It takes live gallons of the pure jaice of the grape, to make one of brundy. Tbe grape vine may be profitably cultiva ted on lunds which cannot bo employed lor common agricultural purposes. In a recent letter to the Palest Ollie, 1'roC Swallow, tbe State geologist of Missouri, usserts thut the very extensive tracts of unproductive luud in Kentucky and Tennessee, known by th ap pellation of "The Uarrens." may be converted into fruitful vim-yards. He also asserts thut there are twenty million acres of lund is M is souri, Kentucky and Tennessee on which the vines wil succeed as well as in France or Ger many. . Mulch Your Trees. In the first seinon after planting, each tree ehuulJ have a good muMiing, extending at least two lout from the stein all round. This mu'chiug may be of grass which w e like very much lino shavings, light long manure, bay saw-dust or speul tan. This mulching should be reuewed. Apply it early It should bo done now, and repeuled wheuever it may become iiecissurj through the season, w lieu grass is un-J, it will require to be renewed severul times. The mulching aud roots of the tree should be moistened oi.ee a week in the absence of rain A little, sa'.t mixed with the water a pound or two to ti e buckitl'ul, mil be uu advantage Dry summers are very destructive to young trees of all kinds, unless well muiched, und wheu this is propei ly done, not one in a hun dred other conditions being right will full to grow. Small Fr.tns. It ii needlt ss to attempt (be cultivation of any of the small fruits, with out purticulur attention is paid to the Let-pu g oT the ground urouud the stalks perfectly clear oft'rass, wed, and all foreigu vegeta tion. Qm MM berry und blackberry, espec ially, require a luoie, liht, rather tnui.-t soil, and this can be secured in ulmast every situa tion, by once of twice a year, and always in the spring, carefully forking it over, turning any sod upside down, and applying a good mulching of leaves, light manure, era, weeds eVc. This application should be repeated wheuever tho gardea walks are boed or when ever there is any trueh, surplus grass, or any thin; else that can be cuuverled into uiunure. On As Auoisd Fr.utr Tt-kks No one who baa the least knowledge of the cultiva tion ol rruit, will allow grass to grow around Lis young trees. It is u great drawback up on their growth and health. For several years, at least aud wo would recommend it at all limes the soil should be kept pulveris ed around the trunks of fruit trees. Only give your trees as much attention as you give your cornfield, or your cabbage bed, und there will be no secret in the raising of superior crops of good fruit Blessed is he who bio as bis own horn ; for wlosoevci blowatb not hijor n Loin, tho same tbtu ool no blotted. Clotrr A a Makcre. "A crop of clover la worth a great deal more for manure to plow it noder than it ii to Teed it to stock. Every animal eating a ton of clover keeps back large purtioo of K In bone and mussle, and converts much of it Into carabonio acid gas, all of which would otherwise be retained la the soil. From this we conclude that one of the best modes of enriching a soil Is to plow fa preen crops, especially clover. It should be done when the clover is ripe, as it is worth more at that time. It saves barns, carting and re cartiog and keeps lha soil in a bealthy condition, very much like tew soil. If yon let the clover ripen, the ground will b so plentifully filled with seed that it will not need re stocking. We glorify men who build expensive barns and cellars in which to save manure, when we should grorify thPtnon who has no barn ut all," So says a New-York farmer. IiKXit-nv for Leaks. A correspondent of the Lynn Aeim fays : Some years ago I had a leaking "L " l.very northeast storm drove its water in. I made a composition of four pound or rosin, one pint linseed oil. and one ounce red leud, applied it hot with a brush to the part where the "L" joined the main house. It bus never lenked since. 1 then recommended the composition to my neigh bor, who had "a lutherun window wbicii leaked badly. He applied it, and the Irak stopped. 1 made my water cask tight by this composi tion, nad have recommended it for chimneys, windo?, Ac , and it has always proved a cure fur a leak. itIn.Ki.Nu Yoi'KU Cows. It is said that young cows, tho tirst year they give milk, may be made, with cureful milking and good keep ing, to give milk utmost uny length of time deemed desirable ; but that ifthey are allowed to dry up curly iu the fall, they will, it they have a calf at the same season, dry up at tbe sumo time each succeeding year, and nothing but extra feed will proveut it, and thut but for a short time. urai'E t-i'TTi.Nos. li you expect yonr grape cuttings to tuke root and prosper, see mat, tne ground is made turn around them mulch liberally ; water frequently ; and in the hottest purt of the summer, protect them irom me mid day sun. A stiady moisty spot is tbe best place for grape, or almost any other kind of cuttings. If these little bints are heeded, persons who have always failed in musing cuttings grow, will Una tbeir "luck" to change. Domestic G inker Bkkr. Two gallons or ginger beer may be made as follows : Put two gallons of cold water into a pot upon the firo ; add to it two ounces or good ginger, and two pouuds or white or brown sugar. Let all this come to the boil, and continue buiiling for hull' on Lour. Theu skim tbe liquor, and pour it into a jar or tub, olong with one sliced lemon, and hulf nn ounce ol cream of tartar. When neurly cold, put in a ttacupful of yeast, to cause the. liquor to work The beer is now made ; and after it has worked for two days, strain and bottle it for use. Tie the corks down firmly. To M are "KxrKi.w.NT Sprite IJker. Two quarts of boilug hot wuter j eight quarts ol cold water, lu the hot water add tweuty-live drops each of the oils of spruce, sassafras, and wintergreen; tnree- cents worth of yeast; three pints of moliiFSis; mix it and let it stand all day, then bottle it. Put the molas ses in the cold wuter after the oils are all well mixed in the hot water ; add ull the sweetened water ; last or all add the yeast. IT made in morning it must bu bottled at night. Hulf it goblet of dock root boiled in the water is healthy. To Take Olt Ink Stains. Ink stains con readily be wushed outiu cold water, if tufceo before they dry und purtiully taken out alter they dry. Soap suds will set tho color. n. ccllancmis. Hereditary Dekormitt. The Cincinnati Gazette says that one of the most remarkable instances of tho transmission of a singular physical delormity Irom pareuts to children through successive generations, is to be found in that city. A mun between forty anil titty years ot age bas four sbort lingers on each baud, reaching ubout to tbe liist joint of a linger of usual length ; and what is very remarkable is the fact thut this physi cal deformity of tbe hand can be traced buck through various members or his family for a period of one humtreil m't ei'hty years ! .Whether any of his ancestors previous to that liuie were similarly atllicted, is not known. Another singular feature is the fact that but a ;ar( of the children of each generation have beeu similarly atllicted some of them having as perkct bauds and bugers as tbe generality of persons. "William," said a carpenter to 1 ii appren tice, "I'm going away to-day, and 1 want you to grind all the tools." "Yes, sir" Tho carpentor came borne at night. "William, have you ground all tho tools sharp J" "All but tho kanihaw," said Hill; "1 couldu't gi.l qmt". all the gups out of that." Garruk said of Sir John Hill, the physi cian ond author, The worst I wish the doc tor is, thut he may be compelled to take his own physic und read his own verses." "You must reverse the punishment." said a wue ! "any man who tukes the doctor's physic, won't i live to read uis rnvnies. The. Medical Times and Gazette says that tho efficiency of the valerianate or ammonia as a remedy in the cure or seoralgia, has been freqnenlly proved in a number or pa tients admitted at tho Hnyal Free Hospital, uiider cure of Dr. O'Conuer. The Akntai. Retort or the post office stales that the number or letters posted in the Russian Empire, is about 1C, 400. 000, exactly the same number as is posted in the single city of Manchester arid its suburbs. An U.m ortcsatb I.eh. Joseph A. Wood bad his leg broken for the fourth time, iu Worcester, Mas?., on the 10th ult. It was afterwards amputated, and this leg of Wood will probably be succeeded by a wooden leg. A Colony of "00 persons, about 500 from Pennsylvania and the balance from Msryland, has procured a large body of laud on the l'latto river, in Nebraska territory, and tbey ore about to rttublisb themselves on it and build a city or their own. A Caution. The editor of the .SouMern Planter stales that several instances have been brought to Lis notise where rattle have died from euting cornstalks that had been chewed by hogs. Have uny of oar readers observed tbe same effect. Wo Eleep, but the loom ef life never at oris and the pattern which was weaving wheu the sun went duwn, is weaving when it comes up to-morrow. A St Fan! paper savs that criminals are no more safely caged there than a canary bird in a leu acre lot, with tbe bars down. "Won't that boa constrictor bite met" said a little boy to a showman. Oh. ao boy he never bites, be swallers bis wittles whole.' Tby pass beat over the world." said D.n tliiabeth, "who trip over it qoickly, for it la - - wB ii w wip, we bilk. TransceDdeotalinn Is two holes ia a nDJ MONEY CAN BE SAVED BJT PURCHASING AT THE euisTEumr, noirhtjmbBrland ootjnxt, xa.. t !. I .ti - . .1. . . I.I. . We have just received and' are now opening a large tfhd choice selected stock of WINTER 0001)8, comprising an endless variety, and will positively sell our entire stock at prices to suit the times. We return our sincere thanks to the public for our incceasing patronage, and shall endeavor to merit a continuance of the same, k. y. niiiniiT &. COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED AT THE HIGHEST PRICES, Sunbury, December 19, I85H. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important to Coal Operators. rIMIE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, tvi-liing to retire from the business, offer for sale the Lease and Fixtures of said Colliery, on satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1 Ho t, and has been successful beyond eipeclation. The Coal is a superior articles for all uses to which Anthracite isapplied, and a good market has Wen established, which can be much extended. The Drcaker and Fixtures are of the very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persons acqnaintr J with the business. The Lease runs to January 1, 1814, and Is a favorable ooe for the operator. For further infmmmxin apply at the Colliery in person, or by letter to Shumrfldn, P. C Nor thumberland countv. Pennsylvania. COCHRAN, PEALE & CO. February (!, 1858. tf VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED at PKIVATE BALE. rjHK subscriber offers at private sale, a err J tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland county, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the west by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol George Seilcr. on the cast by land ol Wm. Kroh, and on the north by land of Wm. R. Jones, containing 6 Acres and 18 perches, all ot which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail Road passes through the tract, and is also boftnd on the east by the Main Pond leading from Sunbery to Hairisburg, which together, with the Kiver upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desiia-. ble situation. ALssO; another certain Tract of Land, situntc in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, tlie heirs uf Robert and Ar thur Auchmuty ; on the east Wm. V. Silver wood, and a public road on the norih, and Wm K. Jones on the west, containing 93 Acres 121 perches strict measure, bout 60 acres of which aie cleared, and ill a high state of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent tiottber, and if purchased soon, the purrhnsrr can get a large quantity of Rnilraad Ties on tbe same. This tract is also well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field enn be wa tered therehv. An indixputablc title will be given and terms of sale reasonable. W ILLIAM R. JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January 2, 1857. tf FEBKUAEY 20, 1858. TL'ST received by RailrcaJ another lot e choice and desirable goods consisting in par of Fancy Dclancs new styles, Dlack and Fancy gilliaBeautiful Madder Prints ot 0, 8 and 9 cents per yard Persian Dcbcgn I2J cents Plain Uelaiies 12J cents 36 inches wide unbleached M uslin 6J cents Also 1300 yards Muslin dif ferent widths and qualities French Cloths, Cas simeres, tSalinett, Kentucky Jean Ac., at exceed insly low prices nd we call particular att-n tion to our SliH'k'of Kresh Groceries, feeling as sured that their quality and our price will render entire satisfaction COME ONE C01ME AX.Ii! Examine our goods and learn our prices, our stock presents a lariie and varied assortment, en abling purchasers to make a good selection to the best advantage. GREAT BARGAINS, In conscquncc of the advanced state or the Win ter, wc will commence frcm this date to sell our entire slock ol Ready Made Clothing iilankets, H'inter Hosiery, and a very nice assortment of Ladies Shawls at greatly reduced prices ow U the tune to secure good barenms. A PENNY fAVK!) I A l'KNN Y KARNED. F.. Y. URIC.HT &. SON. Sunhury, February SO, 18.18. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. flH E subscribers, Execntors of the estate o M. Henry Master, dee'd., offer at private sale the following property vra : A largt two story frame dwelling bouse, together with about 50 ACRES W LAND, Situate is Lower Augusta township aJjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on the river about 5 miles be low iSunlu.y .adjoining lunds of 1. T. M'l'berson and others, containing, about M) acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Suubury, adjoining lands of the licits of the late John Cenrad und others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H. U. MASS tilt, ) P. U. MASSEH. Executors. FRANCIS UUCHER.S Sonbury, January 19,1856 tf Farmrm Look to Your IntorcMt. LIME1 HLIEE il 'TjHE sudscrilicr respectfully infurms the far mers anu me puuiir grnuraiiy, mat lie has leased the liuie kilns of Ira T Clement in Hun bury, and that be bas always on band, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to all who may want for building or fanning purposes. Delias also a kiln at Keefrr's musing 5 miles from Munbury, or two troin uvdertuwii. I V All kinds of Country fruJixs taken in nchange. OEO. W. 8TKOH. Sunbury, Dec. 86, 1857. HOVER'S LiaUID HAIE DYE. I'lie testinuiry of Prof. Ouoih and Dr Uiinckle having previously btrrti publisheit, the rlkiwoi is ww avhtetl : rriim I'fuf. MrCl.OSKI'.V, iV.rmeity P'offusur of Tlieoyy unit Y rui-tice ut .Mtdicine in Ihe r eiimla MethcJil Culltre ft Ii:iiiis1vuiiih, uiul lulu I'rulVunr uf buigvry iii the Aiucruwu (.oiicyem .ituicur. ac. : I'ttiwasMiHU, N'nv. 27lh. InVI Ms. Jom K ll-nss A in. I of yur I.I (.HID II Allt ll t K will cmiviiicr the inol skeiiliciil, lliut it Isa srs, klwant, auU ai ricACiut's ircMminn. t'ui.ke limny miicrs, It lias in severul Inktinivrs iir.ivnt servifeuJile III llie cure f s me cutuiieou eruntioini on the hi-iid, una I have iiu beaitalinii ill coiiuueuJiiig it to those n-iuiiiiig s it-n an ainiicuiioii. Very respcrtlully, J. . .HrL-LtOKhl , .11 II , 475 Kaecttt., above lUth. HOVER'S WHITING INKS, inclii Imi IIOVKK S Will y.NU KIX1LI, and IIUVI.IftllMll'.l.l 111. I) INKS, till iiktiuljni then ti if tt diameter, wliirh hut a! wu s dis. tuiguislirtl them, aisl the estenaive deininid brvt ciettted, has ohiIiimimI uiiiuUfiuoltd autll the tuescnt. Dnlers addreawrd m the Mauuiaetury, No. i)t KALI; street, abots tvurth, (old ISO. Hi.) Philadelphia, will roceiveprompt attention, by JUStfll t. HMVKK, Manularturer December 8 A, 18ft7. April 85, '67, ch. lOOO lb of rurpt Itagro 1 VTA N TED at the stoi. of E. Y. Bri4ht A ' " Son, who arc constantly receiving a fresh supply of Cionds, thus otleiing to ths public lbs largest ana most desirable asaoflocnt. July II. 157. IJATCHOLXV. JOCKEV C'LL'B, MPHI.NU Kl.OWEKS. Ac of tL. fresh supply just lectvsd and for s.le at lha Urug htoreuf , w. I'WHEH. Sunbuiy. A' 1, 7' WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS NOTWITHSTANDING the astonishing quan titv of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, fat a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the ineonvonience of buying at other stores, where they would be chaiged killing price. Profiting by past experience, I have just brought on Twice as Many Goods, and I have now the largest and CHEAFE9T ASSORTMENT eves offered within hearing jf this place. I am bound to sell CHEAPER THAN EVER, liefore. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors ; for that is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ready to deal nut goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask lor. Just call for arty thing you want. I am detts mined to ' SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, as the rush is tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunhury, Dec 20, 1857. ly 1357. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 -A.T IP. "W. GKFt.A.-Y'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. Uvt received and will continue to receive the largest and best selected Stock of Jilack Cloths, Cassimerar, Cassinetti and Vestings, fl-c. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancv printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns. De Lain Uareges, Merinos, Cashmerts, Alapacas, Dress Silks, Ciiifhams, Ac. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, Pillowcaseing, &c. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots ond Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Ccdarware, Groceries, (jueensware BALI and r 1MI, Cheese, Crackers. Secnrs. Tobacco, SnutT, &c, an assorsmcnt of other Goods too tedious rmeiilioh. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to a-f -c our olrl friends and tbe public that no s i . in our part shall be wanting to merit a coi. nuance of our patronage. country produce taken in exshange at the highest market price. P. W. GRAY. Sunhury, Dec. 12 1857. tf A VALUABLE-FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. rIIIE subscriber will sell at private sale a I. FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Morton, James Nesbit, C'has. Parks und the north branch of the river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres. to suit purchasers. The land is in a good state of cultivation. 'I he improvements consist of a larcu frame HOL'sE, well finished; a Spritig House, built over a never-failing Spring close to the bouse, a Hank barn and other outbuild ings. An Oichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable til le given. . Posses sion given on the first dav of April next. For further particulars inquire of the f ubscri bcr, residing on the adjoining faim. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January 23, 1K5S if flOL'NTY ORDERS. County orders taken as cash for goods, and on note or hook ac- rount bv E. V. BRIUHT 4- SON. Not. 2S JOKTand MADEKI.V WINES, Schiedam iSchnapps, Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry ind Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March H, 57. A. V. USHER. lishing Tackle. Ked Cork, Grass, Cot-- ton and l.inen I.ihps, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Krrhy, Limerick and t arliflf PltMika. Itoils, &e., for sale by Marc h 4 1 . 7. A. W. FISH ER. r tad)'.mnd flolhllinr. I'eter Sham, Whippoorwill Hangups, Mohair Raglane, French Cloth and lark L'nion Coals, including a nice assorlinent for Hoys. Pants, Vests and Monkey lackels, all sizes arid prices. Sunbury, Dec. G, 'S7. U KtGHT I SON. VJWLAItK and Long lirorhe Shatvls; also, Walervliel, Hay State, Waterloo, and IS lu n- ket, Shawls, latest styles, all qualities and prices. Dec. 26, 1857. UKIUHT & SDN. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL, j vst 1 1 i or tiik ti:.4cn, BUNBTJRY, PA. Ojfice in Veer Street, immeJiattly opposite the Public School House. All business promptly attended to. Monies callected slid all ordinary writings done. Hanliury, April 8ft. IHft7 tf ev UriiKM, raliitu, &c. A EW supply af Drugs, Paints. Oils, JJSl Fluid, Ac, just received and for sale by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May 8, 1857. I AMI WAR RANTS. The highest price "-'will be given for Laud Warrants by the auh- crihe.1 H. B MASSER. BJATENT URITTAMA bar bottle for sale by H. Sunbury, July IS. I SfiB. STOPPERS fo B MASSER. stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, Ink, Sand, Ac, at March 14. '57. A. W. FISHER'S. rpobacco and Segars 20,OUU Imported Segars of various lirands. Elduiado, Fig, Cavendish and fine cut tobarc at A. W. FISHER'S. Hunbtny, March 14. I8r,7. ATjrirocKKrELLEU Vttornen nt cuu, SUlSTBTJIfY, PA., Practices in Kortbumberland and adjoiaia Counties. Stmburj, November 81, 1 )57 tf WUOLIStLt iSO RtTlll, BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, Phifa. BOOTH, Shoes, Gaiters, le., promptly made I W lo order in the very best style, and of lbs best material. Philadelphia. Msy 0, 18S7 4 KM ON US, RAISON8. HUi, LEVtU.NS. Ac., Ac., just received a De.b supply and for sals at ths Coutacttonary store of M.C. UEAKMART. Bunbury.Msy 16, Ubt 1 .... 1,111 S WAONDERtVL COmCJDENCB. All Nations er tbe nine Mind I IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Tlta annlverssry of Ike Intnxtuctloa of Hnlkiwav's Ointment ought in Is i Jubilee fmsver. It has saved countless multiiuitrs from disfigurement, psralyzstion, mutilation, sgonv and denth. Furting from thssnrrwes to which it is spplied, its healing balm finds its way through every dialing snd hfrsmf ntof the bodv, to the very source and basis of all eruptive, oleerous, tumorous, and ennee rous diseases. It distinguishes the febrils pviiieiple thst feeds them, and the outward symptoms, fade, heal, and pass awny with a rapidity incredible to rhose who hare not witnessed it. SCROFULOUS ERUPTIONS AND ULCERS. The poison of scrofula tins never been neutralized or expelled by any of the remedies of the phnrmacopmis The sole antidote to this virulent snd destructive element is IMIoway's Ointment. Majendie A Kntdie, the grent Frsneh stitl Rnglish surgeons, do no deny or dispute this great fsrt. There is u f,,rm of scrofula thnt may not be controlled and cured by this bslsumie remedy. O ANCKR9 AND TUMORS. The knife or caustic mnv remove a cancer or tumor, but the seeds of the terrible excrescence remain in the bltmd.amt it is soim reproduced in a worse form than before. Ilollowny's Ointment, on the eonntrary, pene trates into the circulation, and pervsdes avery infected vesicle, and ki Is the disease by destroying the corrosivs principle that generated and sustsios it INFLAMMATIONS OF THE PKIN3. Atl raphes snd ordinary eruptions, as welt ntErysipelas, Acne. Kittcwiirm, Cniboncles, Scald Hesd,Ss!t Khetim. Lepnwy. Prickly Heat, 4e., aie removed by a few brisk spplicirtsats of the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJURIES, WOUNDS, Sprains, Bruises, Scalds and Bums are immediately relieved by its application! The inflamma tion quickly subs'des, fever and lockjaw im prevented, and under a persevering use of. tho prepnralKu, the pro cess of heulmg is soon sceompltsaed. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in tkt following cases t Runiotts- Lnmhngo Sore Igs Swelled Glands Hums- Mercurial Sore Breasts Chapped Hands Eruptions. Sore Flrmds Chill. lams Piles Sore Throats Fistulas Rheumatism Sores of all Uout Salt Itheum kinds Skin Diseases Sprains Sun Joists Ulcers Venereal Wounds of all kinds Soaids 17" CAUTION ! None sre genuine unless ths words "Holloway, New York and Ixmdon," are discernible as as s water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions aruuiKl each pot or box : the same may he plainly seen by noiunig me irai to tne ngnr, a rtsnosome rewara win be given to any one rendering such information na msy the detection of anv rwrtv or narties counterfeiting the mediciiws of vending the same, knowing tliein lobs lend to the mei spurious. Sold at the Monnfsctorles of Profmsnr llottowav 0 Maiden Lane, New York, and 914 Strnnd. Ixindon, by nil respectable Druggists and Dealers in Mrflieine through out the United States, and the civilized world, in boxes, at 2.1) cents. cents, and 91 each. 17 Tliersis a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes N. B Directions for the guidance of patients ia every disorder are affixed to each box. October 17, IM7 lyca BAUTIiENWAKE. fI"HIE iubaoibcr respectfully tn'orms the citi 1 zens of Sunburv and the public generally. that he has commenced the manufacture uf all kinds- f EARTHENWARE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of tbe River. Ha has engaged the services of Mr. Hiar. and you can theisfore depend on having a good article. The puS.ic are rtprctftilly invited to call. AIT orders from a distance will be promptly attended, to. P. M. 8HK1DEL. Sunbury, Feb. 5. 1856. tf K. 8. LAHRK.VtE'S NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envebpe WAREHOUSE,' JVo. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. CasU buyers will find it for their interest to rail. January 1C, 1858. Cmos. Straw-Cutter. flUIE subscriber haa been appointed Agent for 1 Messrs Geddes & Marsh of LewUburg. fur the sale of theirStraw, Hay ti Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter ia the best in use. Farmera and others arc respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. P. D. MASSER. Sunbury December 2C, 1857. if ZDEXst TISTR"Y GEORGE It ENN, VNXOUNCES to the citizens of Sunbury snd yicinty , that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above H. J. Wulverton's office opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, wiere he ia prepared to attend toollkinda of work belonging to ths profession, in the latest anu most improved style. All work well done snd wsrranted. December 13, 1856. THE LA II (JEST es-aiE3iasS" ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CI IT OF BALTIMORE. -TTHIOT" timy Street Warrroomi (Vol J .11 and 4j .Ninth Uay street, neat Kwsus. Bsltimor wtiero ia keptslways un timid, or made a oor, every style uf Frsucb TKTE-A-TUTE8, in I'lushs Hair, Clutli or i?riH"ew. French Full StaX as Mednllloa Farlor Arm Caairs, in I'lush, tliiir, Cloth ot Brcate!le. FreiH'h Full Stuff Caived Parlor Clissea in sets, nlh riusn, uair, ckiia or nrocaiene. sor ai HiUI Frcaeh Ppring Mahofrany and Walnut Parlor Ckarrs, In lluir, Cloth snd flush. Km king Chairs various designs, in Hair, Cloth and Flush. biuffftprinf Lnunees a laree assortment alwaa en band, ur aii patieru mads or euvsred with any goods to orner. CHAHDBR STJZTS. liiMshneanv or Walnut, eomnlete. from S3S no Cans Chairs snd Uockinf do. ths largest assortment ready made iu any oue house in the United Slates from fli a d'icen Bp Bar Rinsii, Office and Dining Chairs, in Oak, Walnut a. ... . k lt'nl ... ., T! . assoitmenl emrsaciiia over 60 dozen. Wondi seat CaavsMi4 Seitasa and Racking Chairs - over iuu oosea. U lit and Plain Frame LookinpGlsBses,nf every variety. ah sinns oi neas, nsir anu nuas nisiussas A. MATIIIOT. Noe. 84 and tf N. Gay si., near Fayette at., Ualumoss August I, IB07. ly Citrate of Magnesia oa TA8TELE88 SALTS. rgvHIS preparation is recommended sa an ex cellent laxstive snd purgative. It aiierates mildly, ta entirety free from anv unpleasant taats resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. riSHEK. 8unbury, Msrch 4 1856. PSILIP H. PTOEY. waoitstia ia aiTitt. Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store. S. E. cor. Walnut and Wuter Streets, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS and families will be premptly supplied at Ibe lowest prices. Oeieber 4. 1868. tf GOLD PEN'S with and without eases, ef very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, far sals ay 11. M. MABStK Sonbury, Dec 87, llSS- 4 kl T -tr h3 rraiTCTTJRstt rrjBWITTJRE 1 1 THB LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cbeap and Vieful THE subscriber. long etaMiaher) as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer hi Sunbury, thank ful rbr past favors, aolicita a continuance of the public patronage. Hia stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, 4C, embraces EVERY VARIETY, CSKFtlL AND ORNA ftiENTAL in hoaaekee-tiwa. It is unnecessary Is enume rate, as anything that may be required in hia line can be had at moderate prices, Chesp foe Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Market Square. tf These knowinarhene!ves indebted to ths subscriber would oblige him by making pay merit. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, AprH 4, tf NEW ARRANGEMENT f" Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. flHE undersigned Aaving taken the stare for- JL merly kept by William A. Rruner, is now ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large and wsll selected stock of fresh and pure DEUGS, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, Glass, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Segars of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, snd' Per fumery of all kinds. Toetb and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid always en hand. Customers will find his stork complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merste, and alt seid. at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. Y. B right's Mammoth Store-. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. Tfilal ra la tVa rrn-fnf Fmtti, teM. ft. h fttatA li mksIm sua Wh sW.4 t Cirji, Mali latlftMly, and la mm wily m14 nd srnr1 than art other Cm mwn hivanud j La.. ,Md r QUaUy 4IMCTMS.U and worth U 1b mptir U pMntHt tttu ftrltcl to r.nl.11, foT.nW ItftlUaKM th- wrrM in . Infe'l-blt?. fllmoU. Bmi tud Rpl 1 proetM of rUrmattrftl aHrtr PsvlUM traatsvt In ), .si ' Inr.Hnr Tana m V ltrtriUi thh ftrtil by faW tUfam-ota ; bl all- ac an "rarinai o4D wfto iftro.aai ittft U J witoal a fault. , It it ftnftoto. ia hasp ill ftrtl'l pnt an acoHlat to dlrcrlioa Try h. and in all r vbr a fnlr- fMlt of iba Caq th moa-y wl) U rafundad Th ratAal ia Para Vnjt,Ta.lsil Tut-tu riant differ at frrmih ffwalva ancoaad by rtbora. ' l na MKima; ia on an anttralT taw p'ftn. lh Gukil Kja ierlet'T U1. and -anot arlnror i roatt.ul, Pur Oum rikau w td do m nr nihorCan- TbooMDinr ia tarra aoorb to avlo-lt a fo!tjlid faak. aato u no l,aad ib l It to dtarioraM tl. Iba cootanta : I. la ma-ta antifl af Tin. Tnli prlnclpw of saliBf; baa at oJ thttoat for T braa I twUMr I'ana. A LiaHKAL DiaCOOtT TO THE TK&DB. i aoii ta w ava uuxl Utata Ut aaa LUDLOW CA5 CO. saysi I!l Sept. 18.1SCT, NEW OONTEOTIONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARI1ART, HAS just received s new snd excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit 6os in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, &c, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Coulectionaries, may be found : French Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, I.we Sltons, Mint Drops, red and white, Jrlly Cnkrs, FfUlt Drops, Stick randies, el sit scents Rork Candy, Almond Candy. Burned Almonds, Cream Whits, lmon ' Hose, Vanilla, Common Seciets. Liquorice, R.msnas, Dutes. TRUIT. Prunes, Fis, Citrons, Rsisnns, Nuts of s.'l luuds Currants diied, Almonds, LEMON' SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionaries, ffuitvAc, all of which is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He haa alia opened an 'ce Cream Saleon, and ill at all tunes be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 24, 1857. ly SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PB00F SAFES. The largest assortment in ths United States. Warranted te be equal to any now made, and ill be aold on as Good Terms, as can be obtain ed from any other house ia the Country, at EVAAS4; WAlilS'8 21 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth it Mighty, and Must FrevaiL Report of the Committee appointed to superin- tind the Burning of the Iron Safes, at Read ing, February 27, 1857. ReaDiho, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee. do respecttully report, that we aaw the two. Safes originally agreed upon by Farrela dt Wsvnu and bvans At Watson, placed aids by aids in a- fuiw r.ace, viz: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his otlice at Heading, manufactured by Farrela dr Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evana dc Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at 6 o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two coeds dry pak and halfchesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the superin tendence of the subacriliers, members of the Com mittee. The Sales were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the booka and papers taken out by the Committee and sent tM. A. Lantz'a store for public exsm insd and marked by tbe Committee. The books snd papers taken from the Safe manufactured by Farrela 4- Herring were ia oui judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, mere than -those taken from Evana & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualitiee of both Saiee. JACOB H. DYSHER, . DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above etaleiuanl of Ihe condition of the papers and booka taken out of the respective Sales. G. A. NICCLT.S, H. H. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. Marsh 8, (57 AMERICAN HOUSE, WJLLIAMSrORT, FA., J. II. KKL.TO.V, Proprietor. Jab. T. 11 alu Ass't. Sept. 13, 1B56. tf ITrencll ( loth, Fancy and Plain Caasi. . mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Silk, s tin aadSilk Velvet Vestings, Tiuy Satiuett and lha very largeat and cheapest assortment ol Men's Wear suitable for cold weather. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Dee. IS, 'ST. BOOTS dt 8HOE3 for Men, Women and Children, a large stock, comprising Men'a Water Proof Kipp and Calf akin Boots, Dro gsns, Moroeeo, Kid and Calfskin Shoes, Gaiters and Gam Shoes. B RIGHT 4 SON. Hunbutj, Dec. 8", 1157. A UEXlXUNCr'S 8AFB, CHAMPION 1 1 THE RECENT TRIAIJI at RetMittc twrve pndntaHl xkm rvrrent -of foblie opinion, and nnfirniH lha verdict ol imn than Bill rfi dental firea, pnrvtiiK eoficltiaivty tiat "Heirh.aV it the only BAFK that will not bam. Extract ftotn the Cotnmtttae'a Report nn the Trial of Jron (Wm at Reading i '-On the Mth of Fetiraanr all the membera of the Com mtttee met to witneea the Pafea and femfca and nnnera. (I-kneed In them) and were perfectly aatiafied timt all waa right. The day following, the tunning h place, under the auprintenncce of th Committee. After a fair and Impartial burning for five tHare, the Pafv of MrrrR. Evana fc Wnren waa 6 ret opened, the Sufe being on ftra I ni rip. and the content! partially eonaumed, while the Con tenta intheHafenf Mceara. Farrela h Herring wete in K'mni cinKminni ami nn we uwuv;: Kending, March 8, 1857, (Snjued.) H F.FFUT. ) P.N COLKMA1, S Committee; A. H. PEACOCK. And eidorard by over 50 of the beat men of Rending. T'he abnveSafraean be inepected at !M Walnut frtrr. where the puhlte- eao antiafy themaelvea of the treat eupe nority of the "Werring'e Patent Champion,'' over the defeated and uaed up "ineide Iron Door 8 I mender." Bailey K Herring, 34 IPorW 5., Philada. Only makeri in thia State of II err ing 1 Totent Chamaion Bnfr!. The attempt mane by other pnrtiea to bohner nn the refutation nf a Pnfe which haa failed n nigiiaHy ir acci dental firea in Philadelphia, (Kanatend Plnck,) by taking nne out of an agent'e atore. (H A. Jjintz.) mmle douhle thicknrea, (cihVrent from thnae they acll) tn ''burn up' one of Ilrrriiiff'! (half ai thick) haa met with ita true re ward. Herring Pafe cou'd not be burnt, proving conctti lively that the only reliable iafe now made I! "Herring 'a'J of which over 15,000 are now fn actual uae, and mor" Ihnn 3O0 have nren tried ny nra without a ingle losa. rniia.june xu, ics). ay. ISAAC M. WILKEItSOX.. MANTJPAOT DP X CF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofaa, UlvariM and I.ouiiKcg Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, RRKAKFAST A W.M.V0 TABLES and also VENETIAN MIX DS, equal to Fhila- delptna manufacture. DEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES,. In short, every article in this line of his business. 'T'HE subscriber respectfully calls the sttentiet A of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CARIXEIVWAIIR which cannot ftail to recommend itself to every enr who will examine it. on account of ita durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best slock to be hast in the city. No effort i s spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber i dsterrMned to keen ud with the raony improvements which are constantly being made. He alse manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS. ncluding varieties never before to lie had rr Sunbury, such as Mmooat, Black W,uit axii OunLEn Mitle Gbkcux; sd Wisnsna CHAIRS, a5d rA!tcr Piawo Stools, which sre of the latest stylps, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Citiea or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, a every confidence can be entertained bout the quality and finish of his ware and) V Sairsv hese articles will be disposed of on as good) ten. as they can be purchased elsewhere, t'sun- tryp oouuee taken in payment for work. L.NDbKl AKI.Mi. Having provided" handsome Hearse, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distancs from- Jh.s place . The W as Eoem is in Fawn Street, be am Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Exts'joir spring Ded, which be will furnish at rc nitons ble rates. Springs put in; old bedstead lor three dollar. MAC M. WILKEKSON. Sunbury, April 18,1857. tf. FURNITURE FOLISH. S. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish ia highly valuable for resto ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, H.ir Cloth, ic. A ls,. fo re moving spots, biding scratches, 4c-, Ac War ranted ro dry immediately and retain ita gloss. Price 50 cte. per battle. Sold by A. W. FISHER. March M, 1057. SiMl tX II. ORUIC, ATTORNEY .A.T LAW, Office on South Second, near Market Street, LE WIS BURG, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Northum berland snd Montour. All PaorEsstoNAi Kiimtii entrusted to hs rare will receive prompt and fs'thfui atten tion. October 3. 1857. ly WHITE I10KSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE, PA. 'PHE subscriber respectfully annminces te hia" eld friends and the public, that he baa taken that old and well known establishment, the VVLute ;tors Hotel. At the corner of Centre snd Mahantogo sts., in the Borough of Pottsville. The house haa re cently been very much enikrged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as sny ether Hotel in Schuylkill county Hiile the stables ars large, in good cocditien, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers snd others whs may atop at hia house, he promises every attention calculated to render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEGER. April S, 185P.- tf MTAl'rrEK At IIAItM.Y. CHF.AP WATCH F.S AM) JKWKI.BV TTT-IIOI-raALK AND RKTAIL, at the "PMIanelnhia. f V atrhes aiirl Jew-eliv Ptore" do. UK (Old No 99) North Scowil Strwt. Coiner ol (quarry, I'hiladrlphia Bolil Uver U'atehes, full I led, 18 caret cases, KG ,00, i., iioi iiwiuh, tSiluvr LepniQ. jt-wsls, Haperiiir Quarliers, tiold Spectacles, Fine Silver do., (itild Bracelets, l.tdy's tiolil Tencils, Silver Tea trnoea. set. ta ts a oi.. 7 OU T I'd I So. JUO I M, t to. OoW Peas, with Psusii ao!iilvcf hnhler. ti...A E-.. . I. , -. . A ' Ooid Fn.(s hiaga 371 els iu teO; Watch G,ssses. plain, hil eta , patent 11, I.a let lis i oth.i articles In nroporroa All goods wanaiited lo b vvhnl ihev ara .kl tar 1 OOi n. -a o y ' "ARMY. On hand some Oold a.J Silver Lvre aad Lepmei still er than the alsive prices Ptnladclpbia, Octoher 10, lt7 ly6V HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0 oppasxt ths Court Houst, Sonbury, Northumberland County Pa. rrempi attention to butioess in adjoining .ounties. DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Mat let Street, Danville, Pa, rHI8 is on. ,f the largest and most eoenmo. X dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania it has been recently fitted ..a, in eicelleat style, witn all Iba modern conveniences. Danvilled, Kept. 22, 185J. 1)LANK Tarciiment Paper Deeds aad blank, Mortgages, Bonds, EiecuUona, Huauoone ic, far aala b IL O. MAbsKK. Hunbury Apri 16, STOVES' POR SALE an eieellent second-band Coek ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal movee. Enquire at this office. filLVEK WATCHES-A lew double ease , Kaglish Bihrer Watch ass fof aals at vjry Irw I"? , .. M.B.MA95tR. Hunbury, April JJ, Kftg, it