i-ntcr from t lah. Severe Snow Norms Prvvieivns lecoming Scarce Movements of Itcinfirrctmcnts. St. Lolls, May 10. Tho Independence Despatch unni uuces tho arrival of Mr. Muson, who left Camp Seolt March 3d, but li is newt is Dot important. (.Jen Johnston was anx iously awaiting tin arrival cf Cupt Murcy. The health of tho army continued remark ably good. Provision! were becoming icarce, but Supplies were soon trspveted from Volt JLarauiie. Mr. Mason was detained cTrr,tpin Jars iu Consequence of snow storm?, lie nut Coltf nel HctTmau's command 140 mile! beyond Fort Kearney. Twelve, hundred trorps have arrived here within three diij, the great pro portion cf whom proceed immediately to Leavenworth. The Kepublicau'a Leavenworth Correspond ent notices a rumor from Camp Scott that Captain Marcy's detachment nud supply tiaiu canuot reinforce General Johnston until the end of Juno. The Itepubluau discredits' this statement editorially, and sins thut Capt. Many cannot be de'tained mu'iu than ten days awaiting tho reinforcements ordered by Geuirnl (Jailaud, und would then be in u condition to accomplish the uijr.'u to Camp ir'cott in forty day;. Several Saati I'd merchants' ariived here ou Saturday, but briiij tij news of impor tance. They suffered terribly from the storms uuJ cold weather. Lively train has lo?t a greatei or lt?3 number of animals'. All tbe streams ore high, and the water had over flowed the plu:uj. Tho Indians encountered reported huving lo?t nearly all their auiinub by tho extreme fold. Immense herds' of buffaloes had bceu met within a day's lido t,f tho settlements iu Kansas. Major General S'mith and staff leave here fjr Fort Leavenworth this afternoon. Gen. Smith's health is much improved. Washington, May 10. At coon to-day the Secretary of the Trea sury opened the sealed proposals for the is t tie of thnt portion or tho whole of 85,1)00,0110 cf Treasury notes in exchange fur gold coin cf the United States. Tho bids amount to over 815,000,000, of which . 1,500,000 nre un der five per cent. the onissiiuppKn plac.i e. According to Gonzales Inquirer of the 2 1th nit., the ewarms of grasshoppers, so much complained of in Texas, are taking their de parture from thr.t region, the air being Tilled witti the vast hosts, ull riving northeast. It would tako about two weeks to get lid of all : ns a very largo number were youug ones, not full grown. Great numbers were dying ulso nil over tho co'intry, whilo otheis with ftiil j tngnged in devastating fields cf corn, coltrn, ! and wheat, which had previously escaped. So i complete and general has been the destruction j thut all the farmers will bo compelled to re-j plant. The counties which hnve been most ' afflicted are Fe.xar Guadeloupe. Cald well, I Hays, Comal, Karnes, Golia.l, Nneces, I'e ; Witt, Lavaca, and Gonzales, and poitiors of ' Bastrop, Fayette, ond Victoria. In two or; three of these the w Lent crop has been entire. ! ly devoured, and in all it will be necessary to i replant. It is mentioned aj a tincular "fact ' . i. . i. i . i i th KnrohV nr rhino r. . Th.. IV!. ! ton Independent says that tho gr.ushoppers have mode their oppearanco in Williamson county. Tbo San Autonio kedger of the 114 tb soys that the farmers of the Ilcnido have cot suffered from the grasshoppers, and that tl eir crops aro doing remarkably well. On the Lucas !u Atascosa county.several farmers saved their crops by arming all their people and turning out iu a mass to tight tho grass hoppers. On the San Antonio river the crops aro ull ruiucd. On the Medina the grasshoppers did not attock the growing corn though they damaged other crops ; whilo on the Salado and Cibolo they destroyed the corn entirely. The Gcliad Express" of tho 21th says that most of the grasshoppers havo taken wing nnd Bed from that region. TLcy leave as soon as they get able to fly, and are daily seen rising from the ground goiug to nu immense height, U3 if to take a long trip. Governor Yi:k. The fullowing is i.n ex- I tract of a privato letter dated Cuuton Fiver, ! Feb. 20. j "Iu catching Yek, w havo not caught a ' Tartar ; he is a pure Chinese blood, und rose to his high position by great metital capacity. ' He first attracted the' notice of the Emperor ' by on historical book he wrote, und sincithut period his rise became rapid. He took the highest Chinese degree when 'J.4 years, old, ; nud may now bti called the second wrangler: in the empire. He is very simple an J regu- ' lar iu his tastes nud habits ; highly courteous , und polito in his manner ; dues not drink us i a general rule ; uevcr smokes opium ; never ' appears to evince the slightest concern ubout . his fate : is a Bhuddist ; prays regularly twice , a day with his head eastward ; sleeps a gooJ 1 deal ; smoke?, a good deal ; talks little, up- ! pears much estueim J by his attendants urn! the higher claii of Chinese, of Course, is us obstinate us u pig, und hates us cordiliy. His food is cbietiy lice, durk. pmk salted eggs, aiid some other ciriotis Chinese, delica cies ; ol cuuiio ho won't eul beef. His drink is chieliy hot weak tea, Ilo has never tasted ic ld water iu ins l.fe. and, swears a drink of it would kill h.m. 1 hnve twice hud long chats with Ulai, through the in'.crj rtter, of tour.-c. " 'I in l'ii':.'.t'i::.riii Ewtohiai. ('o m:si h.. Iu coLseeL.-i.'.-t ifii.e aeti'in in l'hiladi l jdiia, a ciid Ins b,m issued by the the ofli ceis nnd other .iiembeis oflho Key.-lone Edi totiul Cni y.i, rescinding the cull lor lbs meet, li y 'f 1'iii Allocation i.i 1'uttsvilb, en the 11th init. It is Laid some liabi.s uro so tmull that they Cju creep into quart measures. Hut the way iu which tome adults cuo walk into tutu measures id Uotouubiug. A youiiif nun in Neiv y.jrU advertised for a wito. In leu thitu t.o l.our:-u uro told, i ightern nmrriec nan t, ut in wjt J thai he u ij;Lt have tl.tirs. 9 C3? Si:vino Mai !::.rs. Tho ccwiug ma chine has beootnu a regular institution in this couutry. Their utility und tcunumy is now a f.x.'d fact. We refer our rtadtrs to the nJveitijeiiiei.t of tho WUelii i- Wiikon sew- mi; niacnines ;n cur Cv.iri.r.s. Wo l.av one tl IheiO in out poctjjiou, and can tpcak from our own ripencuce. '1 iit.Ee u.achincs ore got up in tho.vtry beat fclylo of workman thip such und tho mechanical urrangemcuts urc that they aro not easily put uut i,f t'rIer. As a family sewing muchii.o qnestionablv has lo .superior. it un- C2" Limix's l.iw.v; A'.ii:. -This excellent periodica! li l.ow published weekly, luch number contnii.ing i;0 pagns of choice selected matter froai the be: t publications of the div, at 6 per annum. A new scries commenced tn the 3d of April, init. We uie iudebted to the publihuri for the back nuuiberi. CJ1 The May uuiabor of Fetersous, Conn terteil Detector couUiui description! cf 53 new counterfeit Bauk Notes which hau Uide their appearanc since April Ut. This t? mi monthly Detector li a great cafc-guard aaunt new tountufeitE. THE AMERICAN. -jprf Mi-cue BTjNBURY, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1358. XI. E. IIAS3EE, Editor and Proprietor. To AiVfcKTrtEH .The circulation of the Sunbury Attierirau nmunjr the diAYreitl towns on Ihf SmqueliRnmi t nolexccfded ile'iuitllvu' sy any paner published in NoKb frn ienniv!vimei. Democratic! State Nominations, ron Jitt.F. of tiik sri'Hr.Mn covht, WM A. PORTTR, I'lillndclplila. 1 OR CAN At, tTOM.UlSPIONi'.R, WrsLlY ri0T, rnjflte -iAiljr. 3"Fon Runt. A honse iu Market street Apply ut this office. t'i" The recent raius have raised the Sus quehanna, nnd the lun.ljcrnien aro npuin run ning down their rafts. The season has been fuvorable for lumbering purpose?. C2T Tho weather ha3 been wet, cool and boisterous for nearly a week. On Tuesday evening we were vi.-itod with a violent storm of wind and rain. For nearly nn hour the water fell in audi torrents thnt our streets were com-red in niuny places with sheets of wr.ter. H2" The Sfsrcnv and Knits IIaii.rOaJ). The early completion of this great worts is cow a fixed fact. It will be completed to Lock Haven in November. Mr. Mooreheud, the 'resident, says thnt a locomotive and train of cars will paps over the entire road, from l'biladelphiu nud .Sunbury tq Erie, be fore the expiration of Governor rocker's first term. Cy George F. Miller, Esq., has bought tho farm of Mr. Moore, near Lcwisburg, for 821,000. Friend George was a farmer before he commenced the practico of tho law, and, we vcntnro to say, worked harder iu his pro fession than on the farm. With how much succcus !ho above fact is an indication. A little recreation would, no doubt, do him pood, nnd wo tliereforo udvise him to fall back again en funning. - CF"Tho contractors oro vigorously at work in completing tho connecting-link teqnired by the Sunbury and Erie roud, to unite with tho Northern Central, iu Marketstreet. Tho heaviest and most important part of the wrk is the trussel woik nt the upper end. The contractors on the Northern Central are dis- 'buting the cross-ties through town. The grading oT tho whole rond is abont completed and tho truck luvers aro hard at work. tPi," Tho Chief Burgess nnd Council were sworn in and entered upon tho duties of their office, on Monday evening last. Tho Chief . liurgess Etuted that ho intended to examine into tho financial affairs, and report. We trust that it will be done, so that tax-payers may sec how their fuuds aro expended. CaJ- Great Stekd. Under tho new sthed ule, to be run on tho Northern Central road, a lightning train will leave lialtimore at 7 A. M., and nrrivo hero at IU A.M., 13S miles in i hours. This train makes but few j stops, and will connect with tho train from j New York, at Elmira, at ubout 5 F. M. Five hundred tons, of iron aro on tho way to this place, and the track laying will proceed from both cuds, which can bo completed iu three weeks. C3" Ct'L'NTKIlFElTEKS OF ColN A K RKsl i:i). Two young men, who said they were from i'ittston, Luzerno county, wire urrestcd in this place on Friday last, for passing counter feit coiu on a number of persons in this place. They were taken before Esquire I.az- ; arus, who instituted an examination of their , p.eisons, and found upon them forty dollars in spurious quarters. This bogus coin is ' plated oud otherwise well got up, and calcu I lated to deceive tho unwary. It can bo I readily distinguished, however, by its light weight and snowy whito oppearauce. Iu ad ! ditiou to the ubove, forty-six dollars of the 1 same coin was found tho samo day in a coal I heap, on the wharf of Heard, llowcn 1 Co., by Mr. Heard. Tho prisoners did not deny ! their guilt, but nsserted that this wa3 their ' first offence. On Monday Johu Fiatt, the ' Deputy U. S. Marshal of the Western Dis trict, arrived, and took them iu charge They ! are now confined iu the Jail at Williamsport, I and will be tried by the U. S. District Court, , ut that place. .Niiwsi'Ari-Ks-Tiitiii tnvit ts.u r.K- I - 1VAHU. i We understand thnt a few individuals labor 1 under a strange delusion that wethurged the L'otougli for tho publication of tho pro' i ceedings of Council in 1&."i5. Had they ex. umined the record, they might have scon thut no such charge was made. The Council at , iho lime, desired their publication, and offer : td lo pay, if necessary, but wo refused to make I any charge. Newspapers are seldom ever re warded, or even thanked for the favors they confer, jet they often expend :noro time and 't minus, iri the advancement of llie interests of thvir neighbors and the public, than half the ! citizen of a place put together. Iu rome sections of country, the value cf o well con ; duett d paper is iu well understood, that re- ! Bu'ar contribution are made to iti support, ! hilu in other portions, 6ome vainly Imagine ! lIl,,y nrii conferring a great favor, and take i credit for great magnanimity, in becoming hubsenbers to a paper, that may be to them richly worth tttblu the amount r'd for it, while others think they arc doiug pretty wc'.l by paying when convenient. Our readers, we kuow, will do us tbi justice to lay that we I havu nt'ver been sparing in our time aud means in the advancement of tbe interetti of this place aud neighborhood. The ordinary proceedings cf Council should alwayi be pub. lishod, ai matter of course, and our column! are always open for that purpose. Ilut what is of more importance ia that tbe accounts of tbe Ilorougu should Dot only be settled but be made public au the couuty auditors report! j are, muually. THE BALE or 1 HE CABALS. The Luzerne county papers appear exceed ingly wrulhy on account of tho sale of the State canals to tho Sunbury & Erio railroud, as they contend, at a great sacrifice, Sup. poso this to be all true. Is not tho north western portion of tho Statc from Lock Haven to Erie, entitled, to as much of a gift or aid from the State as the people of the Wyoming region, who hnve received 'from tho coffers of thn commonwealth otct fonr and a hiilf millions of dollars in getting up that hopeful ttructure called tho North liranch extension, from TunUhannock to tho State line, 93 miles? Now if tho snmo amount of tnorey had been appropriated by tho commonwealth to the Sunuury & Erio road, it would have been completed years ago, and the advantages that would have accrued to the wholo Slato would have been ten fold grealcr than cut) ever be derived from the uioft successful operations of the North Brunch extension. And why were they not as much entitled to aid from thn State ns other pottions of the commonwealth ? Their isolated position, and their inability to construct a thoronghfure to market, by privato enterprise, gavo them, if anything a stronger claim than even our North French friends, to draw upon the public tTfntury. If this sale was for the benefit of individuals or foreign corporutiotls, there might be some force in their arguments. Fut as tho State is simply appropriating or loaning a portion of her means, or rather her unproductive property, to improvo another portion of her domains, who has any right to Complain ? sric.i.M v iiaisd poiviut. As an evidence, if any were necessary, to Show tho superiority of steam overhand pow er, we will ii)entiou thut wo were on tho Steam Ferry bout, on Saturday, at tho land- o n the Western side, when a fiat with a I bnggy set out for tho Sstibury shore. The flat w-as out about thirty yards, when th steamboat put out oa her return trip to Mar ket street wharf, where sho landed scVeral passengers nnd totk on several others and then returned to tho lan ding on tho Snyder county side, before the flat and buggy r ached tho Sunbtiry shore. The distance from tho Market street landing to tho Ferry landiug opposito is about one mile. Dr. llottenslein claims the Ferry landing on tho Stiydercouu ty side. Mr. Clement, the proprietor of the Steamboat contends that the lunding on the tow path belongB to tho commonwealth, nnd that ho has a right, under the charter of the Steam Ferry Company, to use it. Ilo has no disposition to deprive the Doctor of any of character of States ; 1 oppose it bucause. in hio just privileges, but thinks his rights aru j stead of giving peace to the country, which 1 no better than the man who imagined the most fervently "desire, it will inevitably in State had done him a great injnty in C0D. 1 "ease and promote excitement and discord 6 i throughout the confederacy j artd becauso it structing a canal on tho ronto upon which ho : ia jn pUin violation of the letter and spirit of drove a cot-cstoga team, which was superse- ded by the innnrinr cr,'.,.l nn.l -l.nn nr. nf ' oat. or tlio rmckot Loat nnd stui'n tho canal bout, or tho packet boat and stage proprietors, who in return must yield to the Railroad car. Ilo has no objection to let tho Doctor have au equal chance ou equal terms, in running a steamboat. Should ho refute that proposition ho certainly canuotcomplain and the public most assuredly, will not. tUE IAI1II F ilESTIOS. As tho government, which had a large surplus of over twenty millions of do'lurs iu tho Treasury a year or two since, is now almost bankrupt, toe Cubiuet is now begin tiing to look about to replenish the same, uud a revised tariff with specific duties is uu event thut tr.ay bo looked for. Forney's i'rcsi says : "Mr. Fuchanan has always occupied a middle, conservative ground on the subject of the Tariff. Ho vuted for the Tariff of 1842, though greatly opposed lo some of its pro visions. Ho was u member of the Cabinet of Frcsident Folk when tho Tunff of IS 10 be camo a law, and made no secret of his oppo sition lo the unvaried ttd vulnrem feature of that measure. A long nnd intimate know ledge of his views on this question, uud a general acquiescence in thi-m indued, llie steady support which we tlwuys extended lo Ihesu views, even while accepting the Tariff of lf-l'j as u party measure Mtubles us to speak somcvvhal distinctly ut this time. We cu-inot doubt thut ho entertains ilium now for they have ulwuya been unhesitatingly avowed, up to llie latest moment." Tho Fhiladelphia Daily Xrrs referring to the ubove, thinks the freo traders aro begin ning lo smell a pretty big rut." We trust after they have smelt sufficiently they will seo tho necessity of promptly using some disiufectiug and other ugectu to remove the cause of the unsavory odor. UP" Nkxt CoNuiir.s.-ju.N. We observe that tho qncstiou of our next Congressman is ulready atiructiug attention. In Schuylkill county we observe that Joseph W. Cuke, Esq, is earnestly recommended. Iu this county Col. James Cameron bus beeu recom mended from several qnarti ti. Among these is the following, which uppeared in the Mil ton Dcv.xocrut, a few weeks since. The wri ter refers to tho question of protecting ouj iron und coal iuterests by a revision of the tariff, which question will necessarily come up iu Congress. On this question Colonel Cameron, wo know, has always been sound. 1 lit MXr tONOIll:sMAN Dkar Col.. Eck : Iu a converatii n with several of my neighbors, on the greut political qaestious thut ate uoiy occupying ihe utten tiun of tho public, the conversation turned upon our member of Congress,'or rather, who umeng the mutiy deserving democrats would be likely to uuiie the party at tho next elec tion. On this subject there seems lobe but one opinion. The vast extent of iron, coul aud agricultural interests of this Congression al district, tnukes it oue or llie most impor tant iu the State, and requires thulil should be represented by oue ho understands those iuterests and has the ability to protest them. All these necessary qualifications, I believe ore possessed by Col. James Cumerori, of Chillisquuque township. Such ore the opi nions of the people iu this part of the couutry I and 1 fuel warrauted iu believing Uiut if his name is brought before the people it would receive very cordiul support. It is not uecessary for me to say any thing of Mr. Cameron. He is well known in this District and to the public men of the country generally, lty giving this a place iu your nest paper you will confer t favor on many democrat! of DELAWARE. CjT An accident occurred on the Cattta wiasa road, near Ringtown, few dayi since, by the breaking of an axle. Three passenger can were nnmed"'aud thrown acrosi tbe track. Fortunately tbe passenger! all etc. pd. J, S. JU1I, the mail agent wai some, what biuittd. , - . Mil. ENULISII'S LLtOMPro BILL. Forney's I'res thus condenses the iniqui ties and absurdity of this bill which was for ced through Congrecs by the freo use of gov ernment pup and patronago i The action of the 'Congress of the United States on Friday week, decided fte following propositions and contradictions, Inasmuch as this action is not Settlement, but a wicked rc-oponing of that which honest legislation would have forever tranquilized, it is desira ble thut tho reader will prcsorve and remem ber thoso facts : I. That nlthough the people of Kansas have repeatedly rejected the Lecompton Con stitution, with all its protection to slavery, they must take that Coostitution now, or wail till they have a population of 93,000 or 120,00(1. II. That the people can have no vote.npon this Leeoinnton Constitution under the En- glisu4iill, bs lately, most .positively, and dis tinctly shown by Senators Douglas and Green in tho Senate, and by Mr. Stephens iu tho House. III. Hut in order to bribe them to tuko it, some four millions of acres of land are offered to them, which if they accept, theyo into tho Union with Lecompton, and which if they reject, they remain out an indefinite period of time. I V. If they take Lecompton with the land bribe which is a slave Constitution, simply und -wholly, they enter the Unioo with 30,000 of a population : if they refuso it, they will re in u in in territorial condition under pro tlsvery management, for yeas to come. V. That the commission appointed to hold the election in Kunsas, when the land ordi- j nance (not the Constitution) is submitted, I has been constituted by the English bill) to : consist a majority t f pro-slavery men, who will ol course count only to suit themselves ; the House bill made tho commission stuud two and two. VI. Thut the clause so highly favored by tho Lecomptonites, that the people of Kan sas should alter the Constitution ut any time outside of its forms, had been carefully exclu ded by the English legerdemain. VII. That all the Southern men say there is no submission of the Constitution to the people of Kansas, while their partisans from tuo Northsay tbe're We oppose this last fraud, to use the lan guage c! Senator Stuart, of Michigan, on Fri day, for the following, among other reasons : "1 oppose it on the same ground thut 1 would oppose an accumulation of property in a dishonorable way ; I oppose it as 1 would oppose the reception of stolen property know ing it to be stolen ; I oppose it because it is unbecoming the magnanimity oud generosity of u great people, and a Congress represent ing a great people ; because while in effect the peoplo may destroy this Constitution, thoso who repot t it here to day in thuir pla ces have said that .the Constitution is not submitted ; I oppose it, sir, upon highor prin ciples than any possible personal conserpi ti ces ; I oppose it because it seeks to lay down in the admission of States into this Union one set of propositions of one character of States, i nml nuntlior cut fif nrnnncilirtna fur n ,1 tffiiraii t i tno organic law or Kaueas, and the true pnn I C'P'eH of Self-gOVernUlellt. "I have said, sir, and I beg leave to repeat : . r . , ' . r .. r , ' . . i ti n gam irom i ne very uonom ot my neari, i w ish to-day in the settlement of this principle that this Lecompton Constitution was a freo Statu Constitution, thut it might be seen i Imw indignantly the KepresentativeB of the Noun would despise aud condemn, and ilenue and trample under foot such a proposition as this. Sir, 1 will never agree to any such un just, despicable discrimination as 16 continued iu this bill. "Sir, wo aro called upon to soy to the peo ple or Kansas, "if you will take this obnox ious Constitution you may come in now, at once, by the proclamation of tho Fresident a Constitution wuicn we kuow is obnoxious to every impulse of your nature ; but if you insist upon framing a Constitution that is agreeable, to your judgment and your wishes, you shull not come in until you have doubled "your population ;' and yet I am asked to wt lor it. by, sir, if it were subni.tted to mo as the only alternative, it I were so borne down by oppression or under duress, that I was compelled to falsify ull my opin ions of constitutional authority, and lake tbe nuked Senate bill or tuke this'thing, infinite ly would I prefer the original Senate bill, be cause that does stand, and can stand upon technical legal authority, if you choose to use thut iu opposition to the known will of tbe people. This can stand on nothing either human or divino. If you wcro to set it up, und uppiy the commandment to it, you could not make it out heresy to worship it, for it is not lika unythitig in the heavens ubove or iu the eutth beueuth, or the wutera under the earth. It is an anomaly, a miserable, ingeni ously. enncoctod pretence to smuggle through Congress, und fasten upon the necks of the people of KansaB, an obnoxious organic law." . Missionary Institctb. We are pleased to learn that the managers of the Missionary Institute have resolved ut a recent meeting of the board, iu Baltimore, to locute their i new institute or learning at eeliusgrove. j The selection is nn admirable oue and well deserved ou the part of the good people of that pluce, who have exhibited a laudable degree of enterprise and liberality in this mutter. Such an Institute will be worth a hilf dozeu court houses' and petty county offices. This Institute is uuder tbe auspices of the geueral synod of tbe Lutheran church of the United States. Ther,e was a meeting of the committee, at Selinsgrove, on Thurs day, to decide upon tho location. National Foundry. Tbe bill for the establishment of Nutionul Foundry will not be acted upon the present session of Congress The Secretary of War, has expressed the opinion to gentlemen interested, that when the bill is passed it will be so framed as to require the Fresident to appoint a joint com mittee of officers of the army and navy, to vi Bit tho prominent locations suitable for a cite, aud report to the Fresident of the Uuited Stutcs, who will select tbe most approved lo cation. CJ" Hook Fi.nieby. We fe?er those who have any binding to do, to the advertisement of M essrs. Wordeu k Cornelius of Lewisburg, who, we have no doubt, will faithfully, execute all orders entrusted (o (hem. ' CJF Destroyed by Liout.si.no. During the thunder storm which passed over York coun ty, Inst Thursday night, tbe barn of Mr. Ja. cob Deisinger, Was Itrock by lightning and burned to tbe ground with two hundred bush el of oati, also wheat, com and hoy. Iosur ed for S'JOO. A barn belonging to Mr. Cro nister, in Adomi county, wai also struck and consumed. lr lion tKKtv. understand rope forty will be put.iuto operation at Seliu'i Grove,by Win. Gaugler, of that place, on tbe completion of tb Northern Central rail road, to accommodate tbe trade and travel from that point to tbe road. (Dlcantnga 5tYitdrtal an! Sttrctcb. rienty bad weather. Increasing the taxea. Coming the grnss-boppcr's. There wore 21 rainy days in Ma'y'67. The Ohio Legislator adjourned April 13th. Steam canal boats are being introduced on the Erio canal. The Danville Hank,, this week, declared a Gemi-annual dividoud of 4 percent. Whis-Aey a key by which many gain en trance into prisons and alms houses. The next State Fair, which lakes place in September, will be held in Filtsburg. Oysters. There was about f00,000 oysters In market, on tnday last, in Fbilude'.pbia. A steam boiler exploded at Tamaqua on Wednesday ot last week, killing a youn; man named Thomas Foster. It is asserted that the saving, "there is more pleasure in giving than receiving," applies chiefly to medicine, Advice and kicks, The citizens of St. Cloud, Minnesota, have bought a new press for Mrs. Swissbelm, to rupluco the one lately destroyed by the mob. G. J. Ball, Esq., of Erie coCnty, nnd for mer State Treasurer, has accepted the Cnsh iership of the Hank of Commerce, Eric, Fa. Numerous counterfeits on the Northwest ern Hank of Virginia are abroad, particular ly of the denotuiuutions of fivo aud teu dol lars. A band of filibusters is said to be concen trating near Vorktown, Dewitl county, Tex as, preparatory to an irruption into Northern Mexico. Prayer meetings in Independent Hull, l ewisburg, evening as well as noon. A dully prayer meeting is also held iu Now Htirliu. Gov. Packer will perfect the delivery of the Public Works, into the bunds of tho Sunbury S Erie Company, the l'Jlh of this month. lie vrho marries for beauty only, is like the, buyer of cheap furnituro tho Varnish that caught the eye, will not enduro the firesido blaze. Miss Helen Cunningham, daughter of Mrs. Cunningbam-UurJell, was murriud in Jersey city, ou Suuduy lust, to a youug ucutist oi thut city. Mr. Urey, of Culdwell county, Ky., has manumitted twenty-live slaves, fourteen of whom will sail from Hultimore, May 1st, for Liberia. Tho aggregate cost of printing, is., ordered by tho b3d Congress, amounted to $2,220, 715, uud thut cf the 31th Congress, to $1, C18.2U2 CI. Gov. Mattcson, of Illinois, has commission ed the distinguished sculptor of Chicago, Mr. L. W. Yolk, to execute u full length statuo of Senator Douglas. Oue hundred and eighty eight new mem bers were added to Rev. Henry Wurd Heech er's Church, lust Sunday. His cougregatioa numbers 1,375 persons. A country editor thinks that Columbus is not entitled to much credit for discovering America, as the country is so large that be could not well have missed it. A young and pretty little lady romarked the other day that "a young man who didn't tako a newspuper, wus not deserving of the affections of an amiable lady. AtvFCL !A new work is advorlised under ominous title, A Hainan's Thoughts about M'nmen. How could any publisher have uu dertakeu anything so uncharitable. 1 Rev. H. T. Crouch, Sr., of the M. E. Church, South, died after ouo hour's sickness at Louisville, a few days ago. He hud beeu au active minister for forty years. Railroad Travel. On aud after Monday May 10th, oil the through trains, passenger and freight, on tho Pennsylvania Railroud, will be run, both ways, turougb Columbia. An inscription it is said, may b found in an ltuliun graveyard : "Here lies Etulla, who transported a large fortune tn heaven in acts of charily, uud has gone thither to enjoy it.', James Pollock has been suggested ns a candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court. Judge Jones of Reading, ( J . rriugle J oues) is also urged, in that sectiou of the State, for the same oluce. The Union canul is now in a thorough state of repair, and ready for the most active operations. I be tunnels, locks and channel of the cunul have been enlarged for tho pus sage of the lurgest sized bouts. On Saturday, when the banks of Lynch burg, Va.. resumed specie payments, one of them paid out $10,000 and others $15,000 aud S20.000 euili, in coin, tho demand for it coming from distant brokers. Mr. English, of Indiana, by some pungent remarks of Senator Uroderick, concerning his trickery, called on Mr. H. and asked him to retract. Mr. Rroderick's response was : Cet out of my way you puppy." Mr. Eng. lish obeyed. Accident. On Tuesday, tho 4th inst., Mr. Andrew Romig, while engaged in help ing to erect a barn for Mr. Pharos Cumber ling, in Putins township, Snyder County, had bis leg severely crushed by a log falling from the building. A threshing machine is offered for sale in good order. Warranted ta lick a school of fifty bos in twenty minutes, distinguishing their offences into literary, moral, and imper tinent. Only parted with because the owner has flogged all bis school away. The Danville Democrat Bays that the ferry boat sank in tbe river about forty yards from shore with two lotded lime wagons and two buggies on board. Passengers and horses were rescued, frightened and wet, ai the river was low. John F. BaChman, a member of the Stock ton Artillerists, of Mauch Chunk, died on Friday, tbe 30tb ult., at Easton. He served with the Artillerists during tbo Mexican war, as drummer, although then only sixteen yeara old. He wai buried wilb military hon ors. Governor's Mansion The contract made by the committee appointed in the early part of tbe session, for the parpose of purchasing a mansion for the Governor, has been latitied by tbe House. The dwelling is located on Second street, next to the Presbyterian church, and is in excellent rapair. The price paid for the same is $10,000, iucluding some furniture. Geo. Donachy. Sexton of the Lewisburg Cemetery, furnish! the following itatemeut of the buriula there during the year ending 1st May, 1858: , Borough. Country. Total. 20 aud under, 3G 'i CO 20 to CO, 5 'i 1 CO and over, '6 5 11 47 31 8 Tbe militia law passed by the Legislature, and tigued by tbe Governor, gives to volun teers for six parades, one dollar and fifty cents per day. Jt also esiannsnes a military llepartnient, with a large salary for the Ad jutant General. The present enrollment ia dispensed with, atrd the miliatia fines re pealed. Tbe law will infuse Dew spirit .into the volunteer coropauie through tha (State. Coromajding officers of regiments are author ized to order companies into tbe field for encampment parade, once each year, for period net exceeding six days. Theodore Parker says thnt when a reat re vivol of religion takes place, "forts will be turned into public gardens, ships of war into ponnv posters serosa tbe sen, jam into Hospi tals, black slavery and white slavery done away with, there will be no more mnrner, no more prostitution, no more crime or orunaen ness not an Irishman will beirunk nor even a member of Congress." - llie only slave, recorded in tho census of 1850, as still existing in Pennsylvania, died on the 5th of April, aged about one hundred and three years. His name was Abraham Kirk, and ho was the property of Stephen Porter, of Drumore township, Lancaster county, by whom he was Some time ago man umitted. He retained his facalties to the Inst, and could relate many incidents of the Revolution, of which lie was an eye-witness. Among others was one,, that, in 1781, he rowed General La Fayette across the Sus quehanna at Hall Friar, when, tbe boat run ning upon a rock, tbe General felt much un easiness for tbe safety of bis men. Fatal Mistakr. On Monday evening last while Shillinglaw, of Hamilton (C. W.) was preparing a scidlitr. powder, be mistook a quantity of arsenic for the carbonate of soda, which he had for tho ptirposo of making the drink ; he mixed the posion and ere he dis covered, drank freely of the fatal draught. He expired in a few minutes. The Davenport (Iowa) News soys that em igration up the Missouri river this season is unprecedented. It is estimated that emi grants are pouring iuto the Territories at the rate of 3,000 a day. Jurors. In Lower Canada the agreement of nine jurors out of twelve, is sufficient in all civil cases. This has long been the luw of Scotland. Rev. Theodore Parke eaid, in a jeccnt Ber mon, that you couldn't transport a lady or u burrel of flour from New York to Boston without springing a hoop. The fashion runs now on straw bonnets and hats for ladies and children. English Duustables, as well us Leghorns nnd Itulian straws, have all advanced some 25 percent at New York iu tbe wholesale prices. C'UOT Ell & n tKCU S CKI.F.BHATKD Family sewing machines, 495 BROADWAY, NEW YGItK. ."30 CIIKSNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA iT These Machines are now justly admitted to bo the best in use for Family Mewing, a new strong, and elastic stitch, which will not rip, even if eyery fourth stitch be cut. Circulars dent on application by letter. Agents Wanted. Onlv those who havo suffered all the miser ies of dyspepsia in its variouB forms can ap preciate the ealno of a mediditie thut will cure this disease. To all who find a remedy we sry, try the Oxygenated Hitters. If jou have a sore or painful disease, go ami get a bottle of l)v VaU.'s (Jai.vamc On., and you will not rue il no! you will purchase more ; this has been the case, and will be so iu time 10 come. AOEKTS rnK Pu Vall's Galvafiic Oil i'-itinr Grunt, A. W. Fisher, V. Wcnner, C. Wer.k, 11. D Maize, Hersstressel & Hull. rySI.000 BISWARU will be paid for any Medicine thut will eicel PRATT A BUTCHER'S MAGIC IHL, for the fallowing diseuses: Ithcumatism, INeurnlgia, Hpiiml AtffClinp, Contracted Joints, Cholic Pains, 1'nuis iu the Side ot L'ack, HrndaWie, Toothache, Hptnins, Sore Throat, Cuts, Kruis-s, Burii, nnd all diseases uf the skin f.IuBCtes und the Glands. Nunc genuine without the sig nature of Pratt .V HoiciiKa murhed to c.:i-lv. l.a!:el Principal oln.e, 2e0 Wushlligtoa Street, ProoVtyn, New York, rjolrt Uy , Albert W. I 'isitcr, Dtuggist, Murket street, Sunbtiry, ty This is to certify, that I havo made but ono application of iho Magic Oil on my fingers, which have been drawn from contrac tion of the ccrds, brought on by rhoumutirm. It was of seventeen months standing, bii.1 I now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend It to ull atllicteu IiHewise. J. M.I INr.KOOK, ITarrifburg, 72 Locust street. July 2.pi, 1857. Iy. D E A T 11 S lu Shumokin, on the 28th ult., JACOH. son of Adam and Klizuhelb Adams, aged 2 years, 6 months, and 13 days. In Shamokin, on the 28th ult., of con sumplioD, Mrs. SARAH CULT, aged JO vears. Near Snvdertown, on the 30th ult., ISA- BKLLA, daughter of John L. and Catharine Miller, aged 4 years and 23 days. In Shamokin, on the 4th inst., KOSK 1 DELIA, youngest daughter of Samuel and Catharine M oore, aged C months and 27 days Cc UKnrhtts. Philadelphia Mnrlcet. May 13, 138. GftAi.v. Tbo receipts of Wheat continuo qnito largo, lliough the market is inaetive Good red is Held at St liuaifl in, nnu m a 1 l'i for good while. Jtye is steady at 70 cents. Corn is scarce, ana liglit sales are nicking at C0a61 Cents. Oats are in de mand at 35 cents. BtJNBtTRY PRICE CURRENT. Wheat, 51 401 60 Hye. .... 75 Butter, KgR, Tallow, Lard, Pork, Dccawax, Corn, .... 60 Oats, .... 37 Uuckwheat, - 68 Potatoes, SO New Advertisement. Estate of PATRICK HUGHES, deceased. ") Writ of Partition and Michael Hughes I valuation issued out of yt the Orphans' Court of The heir of Patrick Northumbetl d county, Hughes, dee'd. I returnable to August J Term, A. D., 1858. JVOTICE ia hereby given to the heita and " legal representatives of said Patrick 11 ughes, late ol Zerhe township, Northumberland coiitv, deceased, that by virtue of the above writ. In me directed, an inquest will be held at the late resi dence of said Patrick Hughes, deceased, in the town of Trevorton, in Zerbe township, aforesaid, on Tuesday, Ihe 22d day of June, next, at '0 o'clock, A. M., for the purpose nf making Parti. lion of, or to value and appiatse tha Heal Lstate of said deceased lo nil: Of a certain lot or piece of land, situate in tha town ot 1 levorton, afore. said, containing 25 feet in front and 125 feel deep, frouting on Shamokin street, adjoining lota of Thames Kiley on the West, and on the East of Delnck. At which lime and place you may attend if you think proptr. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbiyy, May 15tb, 1858. j BIX. VSR PLATSD-WAUE- - aUaCIACTCUID I JO II K O. !l K A U & 80. THE oldest Electro Pialer in the United States, manufacture of every variety of Goods plated with pure silver, Albata, UrilUnia aad Steel Tea Sett. Urns, Waiter. Caster. Cak Dai keta, Pitchers; Goblets, Communion t'ervice, Spoons, Pork. Knives, 4o. AU goods warrant ed as raprescaud. North East comer Oth and Chaanut street. Philadelphia, Panna. My 8, l8.-sly BOOK BINDING. f I'HK nitiKritwr, having bought th Bmdrijp kitrftti. X phfn II and Lyman H. Wiiaon, or Milton, uid addnS I'J illume tiipnlor implements, and huving aeeuird Lt nparintciKlrnca of Mr. if. 15 UOWNINU, who hat lot lea ywr twrti fmpkiyod in one of tha beat Hinrirta in l'hilsdtlphin, and comee with the Srat racomtnmdauona fur inirgiity ajid competency, aie now pieared iu BIND OR R It. BIND Books, Pamphlets. Magazine, News papers, Music, &o., o , In evtry style deaired. Work mny t Ithet boond or half bound, In Cull, Roan, Turkey Morocco, Bheep, tit nthet J.enttier, or Muilin of varioua clora and ornamentd with Mmble Paper of different figure, thode and eotv.ra. Old HH.lra and olher Bouka or Papers winch il ia ria frtd lo preserve a rcemnrinle in a lauiily, e&n tc incda more act-urc by the Hiudei's skill. IT" blank lix.k, Dibits, FTymn and Prajrif l-ls, Picket Books, Albums. Diarirl, Ac , LK I Tl.ntD Willi QOI.D in legible end durable characters, to order. MLSIC I'OHTr OI.IOS, Ac, made to suit cuaton e-s. A good Bindery has long been drairrd in this vcUiity, and we can therefots moel reepectfally eotieit tb ull-e patronage, trusting thnt It will b sulTicienl to repay tf e oullry und risk. IV Kent, tools, stock, and workmen alt requiting money, we shall expect PAY ON DKI.IVhKY of nil work. .4.1 We intend to charge moderate, reosonu. bleaud unltoiiu price, on the "J.ive and l.et Live" prin ciple and hope to mnke it a permanent busmen. UlTice in the center of Mnrkel rkjuare. north side scroti rl story, nnjnining the "Chronicle" and Telegraph cfTicte, third docrr from the Post Office. WOHUUN 4 ItfortS'ELlUS, Trop'rs. UKNRT 1-.. 1JOWNTNO, Agent. Lewisburg, May 19, lg& ly SHERIFF'S SALE. BY virtue and in pursuance of a decree of tho Court of Common Pleas of Northumber land county, will he exposed to Public Ke, on the premises' in Delaware township in said coun ty, on THURSDAY tbe 17lh day of JUNE next, at 1 o'clock P. M., the following described real relate to wit A certain Frame FI.OUK !N'j MILL, with five acres of Land covered with water appurtenant thereto, situate in Dela ware township, Northumberland county, ar.d bounded on the north, soulli aud east by land late of Ixaac Vincent, deceased, and on the west by a public road. Also, ono acre of land appur tenant, hounded by lands late of David Watson, ejee'd on Ihe west, and by a public road on the north, living late the estate uf Isaac Vincent, deceased and will bo sold agreeably to the con ditions and order of our said Court of Common Picas thereupon, wbich will bo made known or. tho doy of bare. " JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Sunbury, May 15, IS58. . lu the ttourtof Common I'lcas cf Aortliumbcrlaiil Couuty. Martin Wcaicr, " No. 39 Anrjut-lTcim ,, A. D. 1?.'3. William MeCarty und William Shannon 4. Ita- Breve de IVrthiono chel his wile. . J Kacieud?.. NOTICE. To William MeCarty, and William hminon and Kdche! hi wile. You ate hereby notilied, that iu pursuance of the ubove writ, to me di reclcJ, qr. Inquisition will be held upon the pre mines JeBcribeJ in said writ, to wit : A certain tract or piece of land, situate in Coal towiihi , eo'i'-uiiiiug 70 acres, or thereabouts, hounded l y land, now or late, of Ludwig (ais, Mttrlin (lass, John llrudy and others, on Tueskuy the Uudi day of July next, at 10 o'clock A.M. of h.ihI day for the purpose of making partition of or to value and uppraiec the name. At which time aed placo you may attend if you think papr. JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. ShcritTa office, Sunbury. May I5tb, 18.58. j Estate of William llartlialotiicw, di-ccascd. Daniel Bloom, Attorney") Writ of Partition and in fact for Davi i Bloom, J valuatior. returnable vs to August Term, A, The Widow and Heirs f D. 160S. of Wm. Bartholomew, ileceased. J JfOl ICE is hereby given to the heirs of Wm. Barlh donicvv Into of Lower Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, deceaped. that by virtue of the above writ, to me directed, an in quest will be held at the lute residence of said dcceiiHid, on Monday llie 14th day of June next, 10 o'clock A. M , for the purports of maliini; Par litibn of or to value and sppritiae the Real Estate ol said deceased. At which time and place ton may ulter.d if you think proper. 'JAMES VANDYKE, Sheriff. PheruTa Office, Sunbury, ) May lftth, ls5tf. $ NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! rV II E subscribers respectfully announce to theii -I- li tends and the public in general that they have received at their Siore, in Upper Annuals township. NorthumbcrlandVounty, Pa., at Kline's tirove, their Sim Inp; aud Summer Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of Merch'iidize, &c , consiating in part ot Cloths, block and fanev Cassimeres, Cheeks, Kentucky Jeans, together with a general variety of Sprim; and Summer Goods, udapted to all grades cf persons. KtitiT MirtE Ctiiinu vry cheap. Ladies' Dress (Joods, Summer Shawls, Ginghams Challi Delaina. Ducal, Robes A'tuil les, Calicoea, U lack Silks, A c. Also, a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines, Groceries, Ac. . A new supply of Hardware, Quecnswarc, Wooden ware, Ac. A !nrfe ossortrrent of BOOTS and SHOES, suitable fur Men, omen and Children. Hats and Cats Fish and Salt. And all geojs usually kept in a country elorc. Our display ia unsurpassed. The above named stock of goods will be sold at prices to suit the times for CASl! nr in exchange for country pro duce at the iiiaikc! price. Anp shall hghappy to meet our friends and the patrons of our establishment, and sell them goods t such prices as cannot fail to give entiro satisfaction. Thankful far past favors we hope by strict aj teulion to merit a continuance of the same. J. F. & I. F. KLINE. Kline's Grove, Pa , May 15th, lKSS ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Couit of Northumberland countv, will be exposed to Public Sale, at I tie house of John BitiKaiuan, iu Georgetown, Northumberland county, afore said, on Tuesday, the Sid day of June, next, the following described Real Estate to w it : Two certain LOTS OR TIEOES OF GROUND, sit uate in Georgetown, aforesaid, upen one of which there is a Dwelling House, Ac. Late the cstato of Jacob Strieker, late of Dauphin county, dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., of suid dav, when the terms of sale will be made known by" JACOU STKICKER, AdrVr. By order of th Court, "i C. BOYD PUUSEK, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, May I5lh, IH58. J Terms $i00 cash, and Iho balance on the first day of April, 185'J, when a deed will be made, kc. May 15, ISSrJ ts. ORPHANS' COUIlfSALL IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Coutt of Northumberland county, will be exposed lo PublicSale, on Saturday, the 3lh day rf Juu, next, at the Court House, in the I'. ..rough ol Sunbury, ihe following deacrihed Vied Estate lo wit: The undivided one half part of a certain right or reservation lo wit: The right to all the Stun and Uie Quarry or Quarries on tbo lollow ing tract of land, situate in Upper Augusta ,lown ship, county aloresaid, adjoining landa ol John Smith, George btiilie and others, containing twenty-one acres, atiict measure. Late the es Ut of Henry nimbach, dr-e'd. Sale lo emu uicnce at 10 o'clock, A. M-, of said day. when terms of sal will be made known by JOEL n ui.r, aum i. Bv order of the Court, C. HO YD PCKSEL. Clk. O. C. Sunbury, May 15th, .868. VLL persons indebted lu lh ubacriber are re quested lo call aud 40111 thir account Tho ttiiding to Ihi notice will Tf.cf;. ' IKAT. CLEMEM. Sunbury, May I, l5.- V