I 'd c i f 2 THOUGHTS ON BURIED RUINS. BY WALTER ANONYM. How snd to think, nt wo mlvnncc, We nre no Ui'dinR and so frail, - Mero romm.in in dim v't Uoftiancp, Mere shadows flitting llirnugh the vale. A drifting cloud ft breath tf air A sppek of foam on lifn'r) awift river; Whilst thofl remnin'st, In mockery there, A memorandum of forever 1 How pad to think, on we ro Adown the dark, remorseless tide,, Tim more we learn Iho le" we know, In spite of dedantry mul pride. Oil 1 what is History' record worth! When tliort, prny pile of sculptured Blone . With cynic finger mov'nt the earth. And poinloft to a nice unknown ! This eiut.li is hut a I rumpled tomb 1 A mansolenmed mystery 1 "Vainly wnnld lenniintr's lamp illume Through what has Wen, nhut is to be. The past t what is it but a blot ? When on each slow returning wave, In drifts some world j recorded uot But through the archives of the grave ! How many words, than ours more fair, In silence hath oblivion drank ? And, sneering, with her pen or air Inscribed their histories in blank I Speak ! silent pile ol sculptured Art. Uprising through the heaving earth : Speak ! from thv desolated heurt, Thy name ! thy history '. thy birth ! Cf1"-Im - ----- - aimers' department. Sowing Clovcrsecd. I have observed an inquiry from "J. A. I?., of Wisconsin, for information as to what sea son of the year eloversced ought to be sown, th- amount of seed per acre and the manner of sowing. Now, 1 imvo never been to the Cirnt West, and do not know exactly the mnnner of farming in that part of the world ; but I will give the way thnt succeeds bcBt in this section ofthe country. The process is this : Wo conerully sow our rye between tho middle of fieplember and the 25th of Oc- 1 tober ; tlion, in the spring, before the ground quits freezing, say somewhere, between the middle of March and the middle of April, w e stnUa tbo ground off into "six step lands," nnd sow the seed broadcast. We general, sow about three quarts of seed to the acre rather more than less. This is the method that succeeds best, ns the rye is a kind of grain that grows very rapidly in the spring, and soon becomes tall enough to Bbade the grouud, so that when the clover comes op it has something to protect it from drouth and the powcrlul raysol the un, which very often prove destructive to the tender plants, if they have nothing to shelter them. Clovcrseed is also gown on wheat, in the same manner as it is on rye , but, as the wheat grows less rapid ly than rye, it does not succeed quite as well. Thore is another method of sowing practic ed in this, section of country, which is as fol lows : In tho spring, after the farmer bad sowed his oats and harrowed it in one direc tion, he sow 3 the elovcrseed and proceeds to cross harraw it. Or, after the oats is com pletely harrowed in, the cloverseed is 'sown and a thorn-bush dragged over it. This method does very well in a wet season, but if the season should prove to be dry the clover having nothing to shelter it, is very apt to be killed by the clronth. Tho amount of soed sown is generally tho same in all these cases, viz : from three to four quarts to the acre. "J. A. H." also wishes to know if apple prof's will do Well on the wild apple or crab npplo. I can answer him that tho experiment has b.ien attended with complete success by those who have tried it in this region. A 1'kactical Farmer. Clearfield county. Pa. JOISTES HOUSE. TV R 1,1,8 COVEBsV. Proprietor. ' Cor. of Market Street Market Square, IIAllRiSBURO, PA. THIS NRW AND F.LKOANT IIOTRL, rseenUy free led 1 th Mmii JONKS, In Hiinisliura;, Pa., tar ing bnn Iffim' fur term of yaaia by the midwiignwt, M takes this method of ealliiia; the atteatiun if hit former r nimmniiii v. memo. undred nd furtr feet m 1" witrona, mid the tiavellins community, thereto, ti..i.. m tt..ni nf mill hundred and fiirtr f .rmi-i.nl alreet til th f Ity, ami Hflv-lwo r rri.ni on llavin prillfltwll aire til in cny. inu r i.ij-. r . Market Square, tt cannot fall to prove attratliv aa well Ml inviting to sinuate. The chnmtwrs are of fins aiae, well ventilated, and lishtnl with Gas a number with connecting doors ma- nifr 'hrm very dfsirnlile for families. The llnlli are warmed throuphniit by Heaters; and eviry ramlem impiovrment, In Inct, l.ns bean aiMsd, thnt inny nnmlue to the lately, comfort, and happiness of the gurata. Vtnfiori mny, llieri'f.ire, rent aaaaml, that the ''Jones tliiuaeM line liern mnde perfrrl la all ita appointment that enrh department haa been placed la charge of Kape rirnrnt nnd Competent Peranna that in every particular th tMii'in ahtrh hna aiLinted hvthe rrnnriclrtt. will afford tt th-iae who mny mike it their home, aa (treat a degree of enntttrt aa may be obtained at any annllar eatnbliehmenl in the Slate. '1'., aeenrH ilna tleaimbie renult. ha hut furnial.eil the I'uMie anil I'livnte Private llirlnra. Chnmlms, Dining KiHim. c. with entirely NEW Fl'HNITUKK and alio a'rnuarU within the Imilthng. n nne itnrnera wnoon, jym ter Saloon. Preaaine Koom. Hot nnd CM Baths, &s. Tliet tllninrv lirparlmetu una Llililng rtoom win rceeivr the eapeeinl intention of the Proprietor, which he trnala, will be n miHIi ienl punmnter Unit nil tnalea will he Bulled. Aller relurninff lua henrtfelt tlmnka to hit old frienda and pnlrone, for the g -nemne patromige lo long extended to liim nt the "Coverly Ilonae." atid a!o to hia fnentla and pntronf at the i(Coluinli.a Hiinae," Curie Talnnd, during the aenaMii nf 1WV he rraneeifully aoliclti a continuance of it at the "J ONUS HOL'SK." wr.ua COVER LY. January 30, 1SS9 6moa. Farmers Look to Your Interest. LIMB 1 LIMEU ryW E eudscriber re apectfully informf the far A mere and the public generally, that he hna leased the lime kiln of Irs T. Clement in Sun- litirv. and that he has always on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of lime to allwho mnv want lor buildinc or farming purposes. lie has also a kiln it Reefer's crossings miles from Sunbury, or two from Snvdertown. tV All kinds of Country Produce taken in exihange. CEO. V. STROH. Sunhury, Dec. 28, 1857. MONEY CAN BE SAVED BY PURCHASING AT THE BTJNBUBT, NOBTHTJMBBBLAN33 COUNTY, PA. We havejusl received anil are now opening Urge and choice eeleexed stock of WINTER GOODB, comprising an endless variety, and will positively sell our entire stock at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. . We retsrn our sincere thank to the publia for our inceeasing patronage, and shall endearor ,0 merit a continuance ef tho same. k. it. nRi(iiT a, soiVa WCOUNTKV PRODUCE WANTED AT THE HIGHEST PRICES, Banbury, December 19, 1868. joax II. AI.LI,. &. 0. No. 1 and 4 Cheat nut Street, (eouth aide, below Watef ,) (Tea OLBtat Woon-waa lioras lit THe City.) MA N U F ACT V R F,RS and Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine made IIKOOMS. Putenl Drooved Cedar Wore, warreuted not lo ahiink, Wood and Willow-Ware Corda, Rruahea, Ac ,of all deacriptiena. Please eall and exaaiine our etoek. February 8, 1857. Iy w HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. The tcstimory of Prof. Booth and Dr. Tlrinckle having previoualy been' pubtiaheil, the following is now added From Prof. McCI.OSKEY. formeily Profeaaor of Theory anil Prnetiee of Medicine in the Female Medical College rf Peiniaylvnnin, nnd Inte Profeaaor of Sutgery in the American College of JHeuicine, ftc. : PlIILtllll.rHIA. Nov. 27th, 1P56. Ma. .tnnKra F.. IIovkb- A tual of your 1.KJI ID HAIR DYli will convince the moat akeptical, that it ia a bafc, klkgant, and KrplcAClnCa preparation. Unlike nuinv othera. it haa in several Uiatnncce proved aerviceable in the cure of aotne ciitaueoua eniptione on the head, and 1 have itu heaitntion in commencing it to thoae requiring Bich an application. Very respectfully, J. F. X. McCt-OSKF.Y, M D . 475 Race St , above 13th IIOVF.R'S WRITING INKS, including HOVFR'S WRITINU FLUID, and HOVKR'SINDK.I.IBl.K INKS, atill mniutnin their high character, whit-h has alwava die. tiugiiialietl them, and the extenaive demand firit created, hna continued uninterrupted until the preaent. Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 418 RACE street, above Fourth, (old Ro. 144.) Philadelphia, will receiveprompt attention, by JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer, December 25, 18S7. April 25, 57, ch. Agricultural Catechism. What are Tiles? A Yankee iuvention for draining pockets ; so called from resemblance to the prevailing style of gentlemen's huts. WhutU Buchwheat ? Masculine wheat. The li'tnulo is called dminh. Whtit is lirealiing? A western phrase signilyinir a regular smash-up ol prairie-uom Tbo present pressure has bm-n so heavy as to break things generally out est. What ore ilu Outs? A kind ol grain n.-u.illy sown broadest by farm boys good kind for last horses. What is Cabbage ? A plant popular among tailors witu laigu lumtlies. llowuru ViiTftables best Freservcd ? Place them ill stlLra' ban Js, or bury thein in pinch . lint is "(iavJt'3 fjuss? Cultivated im- prrleni'iice. What Fruit Pleases Garroters' Choke pear. They are also familliar with the art i-chnke. Why are People with Corns like certain , Vegetables? because they are toe-marlya. la there a egctable lien 7 lei ; the egg plant. How can Young Ladies soonest Secure Farms ? Take a "country uentlemen." Why are Ostlers Illiterate t because they read only stable JtMfr-ature. lioslon i Jut, Sowing Clover Seed. A correspondent ofthe Cermantowo Tele grjph tiirnishes the following : Mr. Editor: As the time for sowing clo ver seeu is near ui nanti, pernapa a word or two on this aubject may uot be out of olace. The latter part of March, or the beginning of April, is the time 1 sow, whoa the ground freezes ut night uml thaws in tho duy, us the seed will th en stick where it is sown, as soon us it ibaws ; or if there is a light snow on the grouud.it will answer the same. The fore part of the day, when there is no wind, in the time 1 sow. 1 usually sow four quurts of mftl to the acre ; if I were going to vary from tli.s I nnuld rather put more than less. Siiiniid the timothy that was sown the full previous tail to .grow it can be sown at this time with l he doveffcy doubling the quanti ty. As it hn to he done by hand, it is noces. fiary that the sower should bo careful to have it sown eveuly over the ground. Six or seven feet at a breadth is sulhcient to take at one time; or Seven feet times ou a fuurtecn step laud, is what I take. Clover seed, if it has boeil well kept one yeur, will grow, but 1 would give new seed the preference. If farmers who purchase grass seed would pay more attention to the quality of it, and buy none but what is pure uud clean, 1 think they would be the gainers in the end. It is certainly much more satis factory to mow a crop of yrass, than one of grans and weeds mixed. Siuu.v. Montgomery Cuunty, lh. 19, ' Ci P Cake. Take five cups of flour three of sugar, odd end a half of butUr, one large of milk, three eggB and a tuuspooiilull of saleralus ; beat the eggs, butter and sugar very light, then add ilia milk, saving the saluralus dissolved in it, and lastly the flour; s, ice to your taste bake ia cups ; take a fibre or clean broom f oru and plunge it into the middle or the cake tl it dots not adhere to it, it is done. Potato PlPDINO. Take pound of sugar, the fame or butter boil aud mash through the culleuder one round of potatoes, beat six eggs light, add half a pint of cream, or good u.ilk. aud some lemon or nutmeg, beat them all together be, the paste ready ond fill ; bake about alf ka hour or a little longer if necewaty LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE. Important to Coal Operators. fTMIE undersigned Lessees of the "Lancaster -"- Colliery," near Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pennrylvania, wt-liing to retire from the business, oiler for sale the Lease and Fiitures of said Colliery, on satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery has been in operation since 1854, nnd has been successful beyond expectation. The Coal is a superior articles for all uses to which Anthracite is applied, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Breaker and Fixtures are of the very beat char acter and will recommend themselves to persons acquainted with the business. The Lease runs to January l, lsb4, and is a favorable one for the operator. For further information apply at the Colliery n person, or by letter to ehamokin, P. O., IS or thumberland county, rer.nsyivania. COUHKA., l't ALE &CU. February C, 1S58. tf O- O- HAVEN. FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. , ESPECTFL'LLY informs the public that he constantly keeps on hand. Extra and double Extra Wheat Flour, in quarter' barrel sacks. Also superior Uuckwhoat Flour, and Chop feed ot all kinds, which he will warrant and sell atthe loweat price, FORCASH ONLV. Call and sec for yourselves. December 19. 1857 ly. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFKIIKD AT PBIVATE SALE. II r, subscriber oilers nt private sale, a car tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, INurthuinbcrland county, about 8 miles below (Sunbury, bounded on the west by the river Susquehanna, on the south by land ol Ueorgc Metier, on the east by land of Win. Kroh, and on the north by land of Wm. R. Jones, containing A Acres and 18 perrhes, all of which is cleared and in a very high state of cultivation. The Northern Central Kail Road passes throuB.li the tract, and is also bound on the east by the Main Road leading from Sunbury to HatrUbitrg, which together, with the River upon ihe west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira ble situation. A l.SU; another certain Tract of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, Ihe heirs of Robert and Ar thur A uchmuty ; on the east Wm. V. fciilver wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm R. Jones on the west, containing 83 Acres 121 perches strict measure, thout SO acres of which ate cleared, ind in a high state of cultivation and the residue most excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covered with excellent timber, and if purchased soon, the purrhaacr can get a lurire quantity of Railroad Ties on the same. This tract is also well watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field can be wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given aud terms of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R.JONES. Lower Augusta tp., January S, 1857. tf VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. THE subscriber, Execntore of the estate o Henry Masser, dee'd., offer nt private sale the following property vn t A large twe story frarae dwelling house, together wilh about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate In Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house ia new and the location a good one for business. AIsoaiHACT ur L.1MES1 UIS IS l. Art JJ. in said township on the river about 6 miles be low Sunhuiy,djoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about VU acres. 1 he soil ia productive and contains limestone and other minerals, Also a trsrt of Land, containing shout 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hens of the late John Cenrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H. B. MASSER, ) P. B. MASSER, S Executors. FRANCIS BUCHER.) Sunbury, January 19,1856. tf NEW CONFEOTIONAKY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, HAS just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectienary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunbury, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices, Among his stock ol C'onleclionaries, may ue found : Gum Drops, sll kinds or scent Iive Inope, Mint Drops, red ami white, Jelly Cnkea, Fiuit Dropa, tiek Cendtea, ef all scents Reek Candy, Almond Candy, FRUIT. Prunei, WE STILL SURVIVE THE CRISIS NOTWITHSTANDING the astonishing quan tity of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling; them all out ex cept what I gave away, and had to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvontencn of buying at other stores, where they would be chatged killing prices. I'roUttng by past experience,! have just brought on . Twice at Many Goods, and I have now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever offered within hearing f this place. I am hound lo sell CXIBAPJBH than evbh, before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bors ; for that is no longer a disputed fact. 1 am now ready to deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask tor. Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to 8LPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable. Call soon, as the rush is Tremendous. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Dec 80, 1857. ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS t 1858 A.T Is. "W. GRAY'S FANCY DRY GOOD STORE, Market Square, Sunbury. V0V received and will continue to receive NEW ARRANGEMENT I Fre$h Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, &c. riHE nndersigned having taken the store for JL merly kept by William A. Rrur. r, is now ready to fill orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large and well selected tork of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuns, Oil, Paints, Glees, Putty, and all kinds of Fatent Medicines. - FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco nnd Imported Began of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Teeth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camphine and Fluid alicays on hand. Customer will find hie stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu morale, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember th place, next deor to E. Y. Bright' Mamsnoth Store. A. W. FI3UEH. Sunbury, March 14, 18.17. FURNlTURETURNlTORETi THE LARGEST 8T0CK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Cittona, Nuts ef all kinds French Secrets, Burned Alinends, Cream White, imoa Knee, Vanilla, Common Secrets. Liquerice, Dnnanas, Dates, Currants dried, AIhwiius, liaisons, L.KMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the single or doxen. A superior quality of Scgars and Tobacco, nnd a variety of Confectioneries, Truit, Vc all ol wnicn is offered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He has also opened an fee Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to serve his customers with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May 5 1, 1857. ly j lOOO lb of Carpet Rags WANTED at the store of E. Y. Bright &. Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thu offering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. July 11. 1857. . PATCHOULV, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING FLOWERS, dec., of the best quality ; a fresh supply just received and for ssle at the Drug Store of A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, Aug. 1, 1857. nAUUWARE, of all kinds and endless v.rietv. BRIGHT A SON. Sunbury, Dec. SB, 1N6T. Ihe largest and best selected Stock nf Black Clotht, Camimeres, Cauinetti and Vettings, j-C. An assortment of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy printed Calicos, Chillies, pr yited Lawns, De Laia Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, A lapacas, Drear Silks, Ginghams, Ac. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, V'illowcaseing, Ac. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots and Shoes Hats and Cap, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Queensware 8ALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, Ac, an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to mention. Feeling grateful for past favor we beg leave to s:r;re our old friends and the public that no sll.-i, ?n our part shall be wanting to merit a cov. nuance of our patronage. unitary produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. P. W.GRAY. Sunbury, Dec. 18 1857. tf Fashionable, Cheap and I'seful r1HE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet -- and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank fill for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock ot Cabinet- are Chairs, 4 c, embraces KVFBV VARIFTT, ViFFtU AMD OR MA- ItiEKTAt. in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, aa anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate pi ires, Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of ttrket Square. 17 These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making payment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, 1857 if TvaoxdkTiTUl CO IXC w hxce. All Stations of the same Ml ml ! IV. S. LAWRENCE'S NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, Xo. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash buyers will Gnd it for their interest lo call. January 10, 1858 Cmos. Straw-Cutter. TH E subscriber has been appointed Agent for Messrs Gcddes & M.irah of Lewisbure, for the sale of their Straw, Hay & Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the best in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine lor themselves. P. B. MASSER Sunbury December 26, 1857. tf Gloves of all kinds, Stockings, Collars, Sus penders, Ruck Mitts. Handkerchiefs and an endless variety of Hosiery and Notions. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. BKIUH dr. HUa. ETu'Vli UL DR ESS "GOODS, including Figured and Plain Merinos, Silks. Scotch Plaids, Silk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton I'laid, Umber Shades, Fancy and Plain DcLaines Valencia, Pararuette Cloth, Ac, just received and for sale by U RIGHT A SON. Sunbury, Dec. 26, 'AT. PENNSYLVANIA WIBE WORKS. Xo. 24C Arch St. let. Second .J- Third, (llppotits Ureuil Street, Philadelphia. EIVES, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of all meshes and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy wire work, ieavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers : Coal. Sand and Gra vel Screens; Paper Maker's Wire ; Cylerder and Dandy Rolls, covered in the best manner Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior a' tide of 7eavy Founders' 8eiee. 411 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Selves. UYLISS, DA RliY & LYNN. Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1857 c3m. 300 8ACK8 SALT. best quality, best qual ity, large sacks, and for sale atthe lowest figure. BRIGHT SON. Sunbury, Dec. 26, 1857. CQUARE and Long Broche Shawls; also, Watervliet, Bay State, Waterloo, and Blan kel.fehawls, latest styles, all qualities and pric. Dec. isay. jj KIGHT & SON. P. MELANCHTON SHINDEL. JUSTICE op THE PEACE, 8UNBUHY, 3? A.. Office in Veer Street, immediately opposite tht Public School Jloute. All business promptly attended to. Monies collected and all ordinary writing done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857. tf French Cloth, Fancy and Plain Cassi- mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Silk, Sa tin and Silk Velvet Vestings, Troy Satinet! and the very largest and cheapest nssortment ol Men' Wear suitable for cold weather. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Dee. 26, '57. al KKNS, Cedar, Hollow and Glassware, containing everything useful and orna mental. BRIGHT& SON. Sunbury, December 26, 1857. msrolettl'N, Victorines, Opera Caps, Wool Hoods, Comforts, Cashmere Scarfs, Lamb Gauntletts, Ac. BRIGHT 4 SON. Sunbury, Dec. 20,'57. T)URE CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA PON IKI Kit, for sale at FISHER'S Drug store. 1'nce 2U ct. Leather 1 Leather I Leather ! HENRY W. OVERMAN, 1MPORTK.R nf French CalfSkinssnd general Leather dealer, No. S South Third alreat, Philadelphia. A general assortment of all kiiuls ol" Leather Moroeos, c, a e. Red and Oak Bole leather. February 4, IU7. ly w )ORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, Wild Cherry brandy. Blackberry ind Lavender brandies for medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. FISHER. pOUNTY ORDERS County order taken as cash for foods, and on note or book ac count by E. Y. BRIGHT 4 SON. Nov. 29, m.'ifl. IROWN'S and Breinia' Essence of Ginger and Husband' Magnesia at March M.'fl7. FISHER'S. Iilihing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass. Cot-- Ion and I.inen Lises, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick aud Carlisle Hooks, Rods, (Jtc, for sale by March 4 1, '57. A.W.FISHER. neady.iiiade C lothing. Peter Sham, - Whippoorwill Bangups, Mohair Raglane, French Clolh and Klack L'uion Coals, including a nico assortment for llcy. Pants, Vest aud Monkey Jackets, all size and price. Sunhury, Dec. tS, o7. BiilGHTo; BON. A LMONDS, RAISONS, FIGS, LEMONS. Ac, Ac., just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confectionary store of M.C. GEARHART. Sunbury, May IS, 1857. FOR SALE. A Goo seoMid-tiand Buggy. orVir. Apply at this New prupn, Paints, A.r. ,4 V, .;V ur.l,y V'ug. Paint. Oil, .Xm. r iuio, ate, just received ad Tor sale by A. W.FISHER, Sunbury, May 2, 1857. I n wAiinAraio m Highest price win oe sale a A VALUABLE FAEM AT PBIVATE SALE. THE subscriber will sell at private FARM, situate in Point townshi thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danvill road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, James ISesbit, Chas. Parks and the north branch of the river Susquehanna containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. The land is in a good state of cultivation. The improvements consist of large frame HOUSE, well finished ; a Sprin House, built over a never-failing Spring close to Ihe house, a Hank Barn and other outbuild ngs. An Oichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable title given. Posses sion given on the first day of April next. For further particular inquire of the subscri ber, residing on the adjoining faim. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January 23, 1858 tf B" OOT8 & SHOES ro7'Men7 Women and Children, a large stock, comprising Men' Water Proof Kipp and Calf skin Boots, Bro gans, Moroeco, Kid and Calfskin Shoes, Gaiters and Gum Shoe. BRIGHT dr. SOX. Sunbury. Dec. 26, 1857. ISAAC M. WILKERSON, MANUFAOTTJPB OJ? FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Sofa., Divans and jouiifres . Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, 'SOFA, BREAKFAST AND D1NIM0 TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal lo Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern nnd price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this tine of hi business. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiet of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of i Ani.i:x-vAiti: which cannot fail to recommend itself tocvery ene who will examine it, on account of ita durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in th city. No effort is pared in the manufacture of hi ware, and Ihe subscriber is determined to keep up wilh the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as MiUomm, Duel Walsi't awn Ccni.m Mini Grecian ; and Wurnsna CHAIRS, Aim nxcr Piano Stools, which nre of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. I he subaenber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in ine cities, as every confidence can be entertained bout the quality and finish of his ware and . nairs. hese articles will be disposed of on as good ten, as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try p e nluce taken in payment for work. - UNDERTAKING Having provided handsome Htinsr., he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from this place . 1 be v are Koom is in r awn street, be ow W caver Hotel. He has also purchased Ihe right of manufac turins and selling; in Northumberland county Gould's patent ExceUoir Spring Bed, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedbtcad for three dollars. I.-MAO M. WILKERSON Sunhury, April 18, 1857. tf. HERRING'S SAFE. THR ACKNOWI,rrOT?D' CHAMPION 1 1 THE RECENT TRMIJt at Readme have endorsed the rnrretit of pnblic opinion, end eonfirined the verdict of mot than 800 Jrri dental Sres, provinr ooneliHHvelr tltnt "Herrius's" is the only &AFE thnt will not horn. Kxtract Horn Ike Committee's Roport on the Trial of Iron Pules st Reading t On Ihe SGth of February all the members of the Com mitlee met to witness the Pafes and hooks and pnpera, (i.laced In them) and were perfectly annulled thai all waa right. The day following, the burning took place, andrr Ihe euperintciidriice of the Committee. After a fair and impartial hurtling for five boors, the Hnfe of Messrs. Kvans at Watson vrns first opened, the Safe being on fua inside, and the eontriiia partially eonaumed, while Ihe oou teuta In the rWenf MVisra. Parrels ft Herring weia in g'tttd condition, snd no Are inside." Heading. March 3. 1337. (Sigued,) U.K. FEMX. 1 P.N COI.KMA.M, Committee. A. II. PEACOCK. ) And endorsed by over 60 of the heat men nf Readiag. ThealKiveflnfeecen lie inapceted at 34 Walnut Street, where the public ran antiafy themselves of the great supe riority of the "Herring's Pntent Champion,1 over the defeated and used up "ineide Iron Poor Siilmander Farrcls & Herring, 34 Walnut St., Philada. Only makeis in this Stste of Herring's Patent Champion Snfta. The attempt made by other parties lo bolater on the reputation of a Safe which haa failed so signally Ir acci- ne.iutl urea in I'liiladelphia, (Ranstead Plack.) by takinir one nut of an agent's store, (H. A. Lantz,) made double uiit-Kitm, (truii-reiu irom wnee tney aell) lo "nurn up' one nf Herring's (half as thick) haa met with its true re- tu. urrring a ewie pouia not He outnt. proving conclu aivelv that the only reliable Safe now made ia"Herrinf a' of which over 1S,uo0 are now in actual use, and mot" man 2ou nave Been tried by are without a single loss Phila., June Sll, l57. ky. IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT STAUFFER & II All LEV. CHEAP WATCHES AND JF.WF.I.RV W1i.?,'Kf,AI,E AND RETAIL, at the "Philatl-lnl.i- , ' 1 M"rry, rinlatlelphia. ia t 8 on ; on ? no i so 3 (HI I 00 4 on 1 IHI Silver Lever, full jewelled, Silver l.cpinr. jewels, tuiruift uaniera, t.i'iu z-prcuiciea, Fine Silver do , lioltl BrncHeta, l.vdy'a Gold IV ncila, Silver Tea Spooea. Bet, Hold Pens, wilh Pencil anil Silver hnhler sootla warranted in I,. .".V ' l"upof on " .ur, re fill tor. I.O Id 1. ixn.r It ., H-l ... . . 121 eta . rmtcnt If l! I... e. V ZlZ' ..'V: 7 P' All gootla warranted lo be vt lin STirt't-fo . ......... s,;.w Philnrifiphin, October III, 1t57 1ypv The aimiversnrv of the introduction of Ittl!ivn,B Oiitttneiitoufftit to I u iutiike fnirver. IL hui wv count I?m muttiju'lti from ttintiurenif nt, imrnlyzMum muiimtion. agony antl death. Hurting from ihr surlnec ti wlasli it npplieil, its heuhng Ijulm nnua its jvuy throiifMi very ciwiimg nuu iignmcnim me mmv, u tne vi'iy irnur nun built ol till eruptive, iilrrrous, tumoroun, nml CHinf rouBdiswaiei. it uiuinguiMiiPi the iVbiile tmuciiilt' tlml fenfi them, nnd the outwurd symptoms fn.it- heal, nnd pHM owcy with a rapidity incredible to lhc who litiv not witiiuflseU it. SCROFL"IOl9 ERITTIONS AND L'LCKRS. The rjoifcm of scrofula lins never Icu nciitnitizetl or expelled by nny of the reiumlies o the nhiirinuron:t'ia l lie sole niiuuote to tins virulent ana ir-m.irtive eicmint ts H"tlownv,i (Mntinent. Mnintdie k llrodie, the trr:it French and hup unit sur aeons, do no deny or dispute thu great fnct. There ia no form of acrofula thnt nuiy nut be controtieu anueuieu ny ton uaiaiimic rciueily CANCKHS AND TUMORS. The knife or cnusiic mnv remove a confer or tumor, but the seeds of the terrible excrescence rnmnin in ltn IiIikmI, and it Is soon reproduced in n worm form than before. Ilollownr'a Ointtneut, on the counirnrv, pene Ira tea into the cirenlntion. and nervndea nvrrv infect wl vesicie, ami k i is ine tnsetise ti ietio uv tuv iroironv principle that genenitetl and sustnins it. INFLAMMATIONS OF THKMilNS. All mshes mid ordinnry erupti.uis. welt i.k Krvr-ipi-tus, Acne, KniRWorm, Oubunclex, Scald 11 end, Salt Rhcniii. leproav. IVickly Heat. Ac, ore icmoviil tj u lew lirisk applications of the Ointment. ACCIDKNTAL INJUR IKS, WOUNDS. Sprain. Bruiaea, Srnlda nnd Hiuiib nre immedintely relievetl by ita application. The lutlanuna tion quickly subsides, fever nnd lockjaw nie prevented, and un ler h pvraevering use of the prepnrution. the pr ceaa oi heuling ia .on uccon.pliB.ied. Both the JXntment and J'ills should le ucd in the followinq cases : m unions isiuniingo ore iiegii Kuiiib Mercurial Sre Hrcnets Chapped Hands Kruptiona Sore Heads Chilbloina Piles Stre Thronts Fiatitlaa Rheumatiim Sores of all Gout Salt Rheum kinds Skin DiseJUea SnrtiuiB IV CAUTION ! None nre genuine unless the words "IIolloWHV, New York mid laondun,' nre discernible ns as a WRtrr-mork in every leaf of the lnMik of directions around eurh Mt or kx j the some nmy he plainly seen by holtluig the leaf to the light A Imnds'iine reward will be given to any one rendering such informntiou na may le id to the detection of nny party or parlies eon uterfci ting the mediciiies or vending the same, knowing them to be spurious. sv Stdil nt the Manufactories of Profegsor Hollow y 0 Mniden l-nue, cW York, nnd I4 Stmnd. I tuition, by nil reBftable Dnigeists nnd Dealers in Medicine through out the United States, and the civilized world, in boxes, at cenTs.6 rents, and each. ry There is a eonauiernble Bnving by taking the larger sizes N. B. Directions for the guirlance of patients in every disorder are affixed to each box. October 17, IK5?. Jyea Swelled (.lands Stitl Joints I leers Veimreul Sores Wounds of all kinds :ildB Mackerel, Herring tn IS hail, w holes ite or retail. Now it the time to purchase Fish, aa we are enabled to offer them at t lower price than you can purchase them in the Spring. Sunbury, Dec. 86, '57. BKIGH T & SON. A. h ROCKEFELLER attorney at cuu, Practices in Northumberland and adjoinm Counties. Bunbury, Novemlwr 21, 1857.- If PHILIP H. PTODT. WUOLtSAL 4D aiTAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS (nil familie will b promptly supplied at the luweat prices. October 4, 1 858 tf WHOISSALI IBS KlTilL SOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chemnt, Phil'a. BOOTS, Sboes, Gaiter, tt promptly mad to order ia th very best style, and of tlx bsl material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. cribei. (ivea for Land Warrant by th ur H. H MAHHEK. STJATENT BRITTAK1A STOPPERS fo bar bottle for sal by Sunbury, July 19, 1856. H. B MASSER. rpobaooo and Begars 80,000 Imported Kegar of various brands. Eldorado, Kig, Cavendish and I'm cut tobacco at A. W. riSllEB'8. untury, Mtrch H, 1157, HARTHEH W ARB TH E (ulwcriber respectfully in'orms Ike eiti wna of Sunbury and th public generally, that h ha commenced th manufaclur of all kind f ' EARTHENWARE, at hi manufactory in Whortleberry Street, on quart east of th River. H ha engaged th services of Mr. Hsar. and you can therefor depend on having a good article. Th public an respectfully invited to call. All order from a distance will be promptly attended t. P. M. SHINDEL. Sunbury, Feb. , 1856 tf FOR EENT. THR Store Room in Market street, occupied by P. W. Urey and th dwelling boas ad joining. Apply to th executor of H. Masser, deceased. , 4 January IT 1157. Till: LAIICSEKT ESTABLISHMENT IN THECITV OK BALTI M ODE, MATHIOT'S Gay tlr.rt War.rooms Not W3 and ii North liay atreel, near Kayetle, llnlliinore : where ia kept alwavs on hnnrl. nr made to order, every atylenf Frrueh TETE-A-TfcTKS, til Pluali, lluir, Cloth or Hrocatelle. French Full PlurT and Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs, in Plush. Hair. Cloth or Brneatelle. French Full Stuff Curved Parlor Chairs ill seta, wilh Pluih, lluir, Cloth or Urocalclle. so r as- lliilf Flench tyring MtilioKuny and AVuluut Turlor Chnira. in lluir, lloth ami 1'luih. Roeklng Cluiira various designs, in Huir, Ckah and Plush. 8turT Spring Iunges a large assortment alvn)8 en hand, or an) putteru uiadsor covered with any gooda to order. CHAUBSB STJZT8.' In Muhiigauy or Walnut, complete, frenn 835 up. Cane Chairs and Ro'king do. the rargt-at aaaortnient ready made in any on houae iu the I'nitod biates froin 111 a d.ixen up. Uur Kiami, Office and Dining Chairs, iu Ouk, Walnut or Mahogany, with Cane, X ihxI or Stuffed Beats. uu SMoilnient emhi aeing over SO 4ozell. M ood seat Chairs aud Beltee and Rocking Chairs over 100 dozen. Uilt and Plaiu Frame lOikinr Glasses, of oveiy variety. All kiiuls of Beda, Hair and Husk Muttiaaaea. A. MATHIOT. Nos. M snd K N. Gay at , near Fayette at , Baltimore. August I, IHS7. ly 3DEJN TISTRY. GEORGE KENN, 4 NNOl'NCF.8 to the ciliien of Sunbury and vicinty, that he ha opened an office in Bun bury, above H. J. Wolvertoii's ollice opposite C Weaver' Hotel, wier h is prepared to attend to all kind of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well don and warranted. December 13, 1856 Citrate of Magnesia TA8TELE88 SALTS. THIS preparation is recommended a an i oallent laiativvand purgative. It operate mildly, ia entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and auld ky A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1856. Tfclt Cm U tar SKue.1.. Vnaltsi Tsisrataifilsw Jtst. la fttirfe'tlw PrHh SUM, It MriDirsM tio Wfti.SeMrr r C omstnt, mU iMtnnlfv, n4 U mor m'j Mlf1 And opfi)d tiisn ny rrthor C'n )rr tsrntsd. All kin-It of Wkt Asrl rma rs Muallf lifrtsvtlt and worth t. n jMtitir I r. rrsMntinr IM srtlrU to Hi r-ti1,l t inil T ! aftlUtijr: th. wcrrld tn mn InfmlliV. BimpU, Km; mt i Ktl I f r(irUv1 Hnf. r'Mii inlrf.ri in iho m m ' inforior Crt mnv if t to lrrriBi i1i. Hrt a1 by rml) rbiinint ; bwi mU' ot nj nroctic) itoa ho bor ruiooil i wj It i wiOtntjt fmilt. ! It U w MriuiUtl lo hoon ll rti'lo f ut up rrnrttlait diretiuti Trv It. Mad lo oil whfr fevilor n Ue fnnlt of U o'ori th moo wtU bo rornmlad Tbo rul Fajrtj DnftdnkoroUd Twlr'ooi Gtn, dHTT. ut from tho ofTonoi otvo od hj rrthcro. Tbo Soliii is on on on tiro I y r.w pVn. th Cnokot Imy inoctlT still, ad roanot erlnr'1 nr i-rM ut, u Pur tmin Toakio w.tjid do or fcny b'hor Con Tboiooino k Urro nor orb to atiiit o foll-aUod roftcb. I'horo U bs Loort ob ut It lo Qtferioroto Iho th.cwlonta! It h mo'lo tntirtly of Tin. T"u pritittj.' f Sootinir hoi it oi in 9 ! for Tbroo, i nn, ort.i ui M who bT uwa taon w iu om olhof I'ons. Llitk-HxL DISCOL'NT TO THK TBADK. ir" LUDLOW CAN CO, , 0M Utile St., Ms Y IJESPECTnrU.V inform- hi fri, Ihe fiuMic gencrnlly.thftt he hanju etl New .Stock of GOODS, at his nev A v7' Fei.t. 12. IW. "salamander "fire Asa THIEF-PEOOF SAFES. The largest assortment in Iho United States. Warranted to le equal to any now made, and will le sold on as Ciood Terms, as ran be olitain cd from any other house in the Country, at KVANS & WATSON'S 20 South 4lh Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Hunting of the Iron Safes, at Htad ing, J'tl'i uary 2", 1857. KsiDiso, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and Evans & Watson, placed side by side in a fur nace, viz: The Safe inuse by the Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Heading Hailroad Compa ny, in his iitliee at Heading, manufactured try Farrcls & Herring, and the Safe in use by 11. A. l.antz, in his store, manufactured by Kvans ec Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. The fire was started at 8J o'clock,' A. M.,nnd kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and halfehesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under ihe auprrin lendeure nf the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. 7'he Safes were then cooled oil' with water, after which they were opened, and Ihe books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to II. A. Lanlz's store for public exam ined and marked by tho Committee. The books and papers taken from the Sale manufactured oy Farrcls ir Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than thoi-c taken from Kvans & Watson's Safe. We believe the above to have been a fair and impartial triul ofthe respective qualitiea of both Safes. JACOI1 H. DYSHER. DANIKI. S. 11UNTKH. Having been absent during the burning, we fully roincide with the above statement of Ihe condition ol the papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. O. A. NICOLI.S. H. H. MLH1.KNBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND. March 21, 857. lends, and ust tereif fllW all... .1 i, : l ii'n ... -tir.oi lmimu ..iinrr s mm, m Lower Augusta Town, ship, and that he ia prepared to sell goods at th lowest prices. His Slock consists in part of SPKIMi &. SUMMER ROODS, Groceries, aueensware, Hardware," &c andevcry variety usually kept in a country Trevorton prices paid for all kinds of produce Lower Augusts twp, Aug. 8, 1857. tf A itAoklor K. fi y Mann Library. RARK INDUCEMENTS TO ACENTS. QANVASSF.RS wanted to cblain subscriber for the Comprehensive Geography and Hit tory, Ahcient and Modern, of the World " I, S. (i. Goodrich, (Peter Parley.) Handaomel bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with 21) beautiful engravings and and 80 maps. Prii 3. Sold only by agents, to each ol whom special district will 1 given. Applicants thou state what counties Ihey would like to canva. The bjok is now ready. Copies will be sent ; mail, post paid, on receipt ofthe price. Hills all solvent banks taken at par. The "Hoi Journal," saysof this work : "No family wh ever shooM be without it." For full par'ticul in regard lo aa ajrrncy, address, GEORGE W. ELLIOTT. Publisher and Bookseller ... . 1, 2 Willim Street, New V, Allhave kinds of School and Miscellane Hooks. Cheap Publication.. Si.ii.- luiiuniicu ai me very lowest uera solicited. November 21, 1857, prices. FURNITURE POLISH. n ,l,;U"lI,,,mim Vaiont Knamel Furn I olish This polish is highly valuable for ring the pnli.h on ail kinds of Furniture ( Carrge Bodies, Hir Cloth, &c. Also' f moving spots, hiding scratches, &c, Ac ranted to dry immediately and retain its Kl, I'rtce 50 ct. per bottle. Sold by ur , A' XV- FIS"I March M, 1857. SOIltL II. ORWlfJ, ATTORNEY AT LAV Ojjlce on South Second, near Marktt . LE WISBURG, PA. Practices in the Counlica of Union, Nt berlaud and Montour. All PhofsssioNai. Bcsiaas entru. h s care will receive prompt and f thful lion. October 3. 1857. ly New Good for the People ! HEN J A M I N 11 KFFN K It RESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he has just received and opened splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at hi New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimerg, Cassinets, of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: C'allroei, CiliiKliama, Lawn, Alousjsjelliie Oe aLaliies and all kind of Ladies Drcaa Good. Groceries, Also an assortment of Hardware, Irou and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles ami pattern. Alio an assortment of UOOTS h. SHOES. 11 ATS & CAPS, a good (election. Salt, Fish, ic. And t great variety of other article such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at th lowest prices. C7 Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, June 6, 1857. AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLIAMSPORT, PA., J. II. KKLTOX, Proprietor. Ja.T. ku Ass't. bept. 13, 1856. tf Stationery .A larg supply of fancy Not Paper and Envelope, Mourning, Leltr,' and Cap rsper, rent. Ink, SanO, ., at Maich U, 67. A. W. FISHER'S. WHITE HORSE HOTEI POTT.SVILLE, PA. pifE subscriber respectfully annnuncr -- ld frienda and the public, that he h. nai om anu well known ostablinlin.eni White 'Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahanlog the Borough of Polteville. Th. hnw. cently been very much enlarged and improved, rendering it quite as con.fi any ether Hotel in Schuylkill count the stables are large, in good condition tend by careful, attentive, prudent host To travellers and others who mays house, h promises every attention cal render them comfortable and satisfied. . . JOS. M. F. April 5, 185r if HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT I Office opposite the Court Hot Sunbury, Northumberland Cou Prompt attention lo business in wountiea. e-aq-xe hot: OPPC-llTE VKST branch tt WILUAM8PORT WILLIAM II. 114 Y, I'roi C. A. Sthixi, Assistant. B. An Omnibus will rnn to a Depot and Packet Landings, to this of charge. September 13, 1856 tf DANVILLE HOTEI JOHN DEEN, J Market Street, Danville, j rilHIS is on of th largest and n JL dioua hotel in th interior of 1 it bsa been recently fitted up, in ex with all the modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. 88, 1855. 11 LANK Parchment Paper Deei Mortgages. Uouds. E xerutinn Ac, for sale b H. B. Sunbury ,Apri 86. 11. 1856 STOVES FOR SALE an excellent econ ing Stove, also evra (. Stove Enuir at Ibis olHie. rfOLD PENH wilh snd witho HJ! ry superior quality, just n Also a freaa supply of Writing kT H. U. cijinburv. Dec. 87. 185B- mLVER WATCHES A fei English Silver WaVche. for a pnee by Sunbury, April 18, 1RM5 H. B