MEDITATIONS ON A RAILSOAD BOND. It fa a Tory pretty thintr, And charmingly engraved ; -A I neatly gotteo up a chcui At ever broker shaved. And 1 hav qnite a lot of tbeta All safo and snug at home, Enough to make a picture book At large at Uobbiu's Home. I know 1 bought them very tlirnp, At only eighty-three In. Iced, we higgled quite a time Utifure we could agree ; "VbatT eighty-three for ten per outs. Dear sir, you must bo crazed Yet 1 shall hare to lot thorn go, l'or niouey tuust bo ruined." Before that very week wai out I thought I sniult a tat ) For 1 wus told that I could buy l'or even less than that. My neighbor bought at sevcuty-six, I oever asked him bow ; Cut I am very glad (o learn That ho has got thorn now. Those thousand dollar promiect Are printed by the renin 1 And being secured by tnortgngi'Sj How very sate they seem. Moreover, 1 reserved the right To change them into shore, Whose income by-nnd-by would bo A fortune Tor oiy heirs. The conpona those delicious thing t How temptingly they lwok, At beautifully lithographed As Ulney's Copy 15ouU. Yes, there "they are not ono cut off The ranks are perfect yet. And like to be, lor ull that 1 From tbem thall ever get. The boy that shows for half a dime Six rattlesnukes uiive, The other day was urgiug ma To view his precious hive. "I say, sir want to see the snake I. Ono of 'em's eat a toad ; I'll let you eeo 'em for a bund Of that 'ere westeru road I" Ah, well the drenm is over now, And so I sit a sigh, And rue the day when oily toDguet i'ersuaded ma to buy j I spend my time with tearful eyes, O'er the delusive shams, la tinging sad lugubrious hymns, And pcoitentiul iisttluius. Joiners' gqiarfnunt Cultivation of Clover. SoKna Clovemceil. If yoa have not sowo cloverseed upon your wheut fields you may do so ut any period tiunos tbe current montli lut if wu itad our choice as t the precise timo when wo would do to we should wait Ubtil the frost was entirely out of the ground and tho soil become sufficiently firm not to be injured by the feet of the horses. We would then sow oar clovcreeed, harrow the seed lightly iu with a light barrow, und then roll Iha field with a heavy roller. Especially would we suhject the ground to these opera tions if tho wheat crop bIiowoJ any evidence of having been upheaved by the contracting nni expanding powers of frost and heat. We aro aware that great horror is entertained of pulling the wheat plants out of the ground by the teeth of tho harrow. In this horror, Lowcver, wo nra fixo to confess that we co not indulge. The harrow wo admit will pull up many wheat plants in tho process of bar-' rowiug i but theu most of these will bo ro turned by tha pr?euro of the roller. The roller will not only return tho greatest por tion of tho roots to tha earth that may be pulled up by the harrow, but will also bury ouuy of the juiuts of tho plants, the most of which will take root and grow into wheat bearing plants, ur.d thus, by encouraging tillering, will more t!i-n compensate for any plants killed by tho operation of harrowing. Wo believe that for every phut pulled up by the harrow, tho roller, by tho btiryiDg of the joints, will cao two othor plants to tiller end grow. This i not nil. Tho harrowing destroys grass and weeds, opens tho eoil to tho gonial influences of the atmosphere, acts as a cultivation to tho wheat plants and gives a frosh impulse to their growth. These aro not ideal results not mere theory but are justified by actual esperimca and practice, tbe surest guides by which the agricultural tninj can bo enlightened. Let us implore you, whether yoa harrow ar!d roll your cloverseed in or not, do not omit to sow the seed on yonr land in wheat, as clover, in conjunction with lime, marl or ashes, forms the only snre basis npon which the solid improvement of lands rest. Now, if yoa should bo afruid to harrow and roll your cloverseed on, do not on any acconnt fail to roll it in. In connection with tho sowing of clover seed, we would remark that the presence of caluarcons matter in some form, In any soil in which clover may bo grown, is absolutely nccoes'iry to its vigorous growth, and to also is plaster. Quantity of Sfed Per Acre. A basbel e-f cloverseed should be sown over five acres cf land ; that is, 12 lbs. to the acre. Ccttino Gp.rrs. Scions for grafting can be cut at any time during the winterer spring and if properly preserved aro in a bolter condition then when permitted to remain cq the parent true until the buda hiive begun le twell. If eat when tho ground is frozen they can be preserved in tho cellar in sand slightly moistend occasionally; or, if the p round ()0 nut frozen, they can bo stuck two or three inches into tho soil, and Uft there in perfect safety until tieedud. Wo find it to be a good plan to stick the scions in the ground at the bot tom of the treo from which they are taken, by which tho name is safely rehtiued. We have never found that cold weather following tho catting rf scions and partially covering tiieri with earth to be the least detriment to them. A Cheap Soap. Tho following ia a good way for making cheap soap : Kight quarts of soft water; 4 ponr.ds bnr loap ; 2 poundi cal soda ; 3 ounces borax ; 1 oanca liquid ammonia. Out the soap into sli ce., and put it iuto water over a fire. When the water is hot and tbe soap nenrly dissolved put in the sal toda and borax. Stir it gently until all is dissolved ; then pour it into a tub, and when nearly cool stir in tbe ammonia gradually. Let it remain until quite cold, when it can be cut icto bars and luid awuy like common bard toap. This, soap makes etcellent suds, costs less than three cents a pound. The time required to make it is but a fow moments. This recipe has been told in the eouatry by traveling agents and it too useful not to bo generally known niong housekeepers, and for tbeir benefit it U here by offered by A FARMERS WIFE. Ecokomt or Carpets Tr pre'erve expen sive carpet) it it well ( comp eMy rever tie floor beueatb them with drugget or coarse matting, which is a much better plun than to spread a layer of stiaw In two. n the floor aud carpet) tbe straw ( besidi-t (lie difficulty of tprediu; it perfectly smooth aud even ) ac eoruuU Ug m e 1 1 t that woikt up through tbe rpt. JONES HOUSE. WELLS C.OYERLY, Proprietor. Cur. of Market Street Market Square, HARRlBBURO, PA. THIS NEW AND F.t.KOANTHOTTL, recently tree led bv tha Messrs JlIM!?. in Hurl iaburir. I'a.. bav tii been lisn' fur a term of years bv the nmlrriigiird, he tnlra tbis method of billing Ilia attention uf hi former outruns, ana tn travelling community, thereto. nnviiig a front of tint hundred and forty fret on tht oiimipnl street ut the city, and Fifty-two Feet Fronton Mm set Pqtinre, it cannot fail to jirove atltaetiva at well a uiviiinf to strangers. na ckainbsra are or Tine tire, welt venltiaieii, ana lighted with a number with connecting door ma ain them very deeiruble for families. The Nulla are warmed throughoat ly Healers aad every nvxkrn iippruvrmcnl, in I'uct, baa tieeM arided, that may omkIucs to ilia safety, eurofott, and happiness of tha '!. ... isitors tray, Hieri-fVfe, reat assured, that tha jonea House'1 has been mail perfect in a'l ill appointments that each department hua been placed in charge of F.spe rienced and Competent I'ets'iis tUM in every particular the stem rvhi-jh hia adopted hy tha Proj.-rletm, will nffrd ti tlinie who tnuf uinke it their home, aa great ft degree f comfort aa uniy Le obtained at any similar establishment in wie nan, To secure this detlinb! remit, ha hna furnished I lie tbhe And Pnvute Privrile 1'nrlora, Chnmlteia, lliuing Hoom. Ac, with entirely NK.W FUHNITI HKi and also arrntitrcil within the building, a Ana Burlier t4nlKn, Oyfr ter Saloon, Dreraing Hoom, Hot and Cold Balha, At. Tlie Culinary Department and Dining Room will reerive the especial attention of the Proprietor, which he trmia, win lie a anlllcient giinrtiiitef tint ail tastes will I euitcn. After retuminff his henrtfrlt thank tu hia old frieudi and patrons, for the generous rmtroiinge ao long eiteudcd to him at the 'ror4rl' !lt:uec." and n'.so to hil friende and patront at the "Colmnb.n Home," Cope Is'and, during the fedaii uf 105. he rer-pcf fully at.liciia a coiiliiiaance of it at the "JONllS IIOfSF..-' WF.LL9 COVERLY. Junuary 30, ISM Govs. I'armrrs LooU o Vonr Intcrtal. T1IE audscrihrr respectfully informs the far mera and the puWic generally, tht he hat leased the luno kilns of Ira I Clement in 8un Bury, and that he haa alwajs on hand, and is ready to supply a good quality of liuie to all who may want lor building or urniing ptiruonea. He haa also a kiln tt Keefer' crossings miles from utibury, or two from ?nvuertowii. 17 All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange. GEO. W. 8TR0H. Sunhnry, Dec. 58, 1667. HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. The testimory of Prof. Booth and Dr. Itriucile havinc irevi-ma!y been published, the following is now adied From Trof. .McCI.OSKEY. forinerlv I'rufctaor of Theory and Practice of .Medicine in the Female Medical College rf l', and lute Prolesftor of buigery iu ina Aniericitu iu!.'c'l .iieuicnic, ere. : II.... . v.... Ait. lO'Jt Ma. JosKrn l'.. tlovia A tiial of your I.K(l;lD I1A1K 1K will convince the most skopticnl, that it lea SAl'IC, KLKOAXT, and RFF1CACUTS prcjiurulinn. I'llliko many others, it hue in severul Instances proved serviceable in the cure of a:ime cutaneous eruptions on the head, and I have ii9 hesitation in commending it to those requiring sjen an nppucminu. Very respectfully, J. F. X. McCLOPKEV, M I)., 4T."i Race 9l., above Ulh. HOVER'S WR1T1XO INKS, Including HOVER'S Wltiri.NO Fl.lJin, and HOVKR'f IMir.I.IIII.E INKS, atill maintain then hinlt character, which hns ulwavs dis tinguished tht-m, und the extensive demand lirst crcnted, iias coiuiuueu uiiiiiicriunicu unni tne present, Ordcra addressed to the Manufactory, No. 416 RACE etrcet, abovo Fourth, (old No. 141,) Philadelphia, will reccivpirompt attention, by JUStit'H E. HUVhl!, Manulacturer, reccmler 2S, 187. April 25, '57, ch. LANCASTER COLLIERY FOR SALE, Important to Coal Operator). f giJlE untlcrsigiied Lessees of the "Lancaster Colliery," near Shninokin, Northumberland county, Pennsylvania, wi-liing to retire from the business, o'Xcr for sale the Lease and Fixtures of anid Colliery, on satisfactoiy terms. This Colliery ha3 been in operation since 183-1, and hrts been successful btyonJ expectation. The I Coitl is a Eupc iior articles fur all lit' lo which Anthracite isapplicd, and a good market has been established, which can be much extended. The Urcakcr and fixtures are of the very best char acter and will recommend themselves to persons acuuin'.i.J with the business. The I.chfc runs to January 1, 1SH, and ia a favorablo one for the operator. For further information apply at tho Colliery in person, pr by letter to Shamokin, P. O., Nor thumberland county. Pennsylvania. COCHRAN, PEALE &. CO. February 6, 1R58. tf a- o- ka.-vet. FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Market Square, Sunbury, Pa. , tTJ) ESPECTFI. LLV inform the public that V, he coiijtantly keens on hand. Extra and double Extra Wheat Flour, in quarter barrel sacks. Also superior Buckwbeat Flour, and ( hop feed ot all kinds, which he will warrant and re',1 ut the lo.west price, FOR CASH ONLY". Call and-see for yourselves. December 19, 1857 ly. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE OFFERED AT PRIVATE SALE. THE subscriber oilers at private sale, a cer tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland couaty, about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on the west by the river Suatiuehniina, on tho south by land of George feilcr, on the east by land of Wm. Kroh, and on the noith by luiul of Win. H. Jones, containing fl Acres and 18 perches, all of which, is cleared and in a very hih state of cultivation. The Northern Central Rail KnaJ pttsses throubh the tract, and is also bound on the Fast by the Mnin Road leading fiom Sunhi'ry to HairUburg, which together, with the River upon the west, and the fertility of the soil makes it a very pleasant end desira ble situaiiun. A L.vO; another certain Troct of Land, situate in said township, adjoining lands of William Kroh, on the south, the heirs uf Robert and Ar thur A uchmuty ; on the east Win. V. Silver wood, end a publie. road on the north, and VVm R. Jones on the west, containing 03 Acres 121 ptrehea strict measure, .bout LO acres of which arc cleared, and in a high state of cultivation and the residue moat excellent land for cultiva tion, but is now covcrcJ with excellent timber, at: J if purchased soon, the purrhaacr can get a I urge quantity of Railroad Ties on the same. This tract is also wU watered, having several fine springs upon it, and every field can bo wa tered thereby. An indisputable title will be given and Urins of sale reasonable. WILLIAM R. JUN ES. Lower Augusta tp., January 8, 1857. tf 300 SA(;Ktt SALT. best quality, best qual ity larr,e sacks, and for sale at the lowest f'Snre. ERICHT k SON. Bunbury, Dee. SB, 1857. CWL'AKE and Loog Droehe Shawls; also, V atervilel, Uay State, Waterloo, and Blan ket, SliawU. latest styles, all qualities anJ prices. Dec. SO, 1M.7. E KIGHT A SOX. P. UTLANCHTON SHIHDEI,, jistic-i: or -rut: riSACE, Ofici iii Veer Street, immediately opposite tht Public School Home. A II business promptly attended to. Monies cellecti-d and all ordinary writings done. Sunbury, April 25. 1857 if pORTand MAPERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapps, WilJ Cherry brandy, Blackberry md Lavender brandies fur medicinal purposes at March 14, '57. A. V. FISHER. "JOLIYTV ORDERS. County orders taken as cash for (ooila, and on note or book ac- count by Nov. 29 L V. BRItiHT 4- SUN. I8SR. Tl!OWN'S and Breinie's Easence of Ginger and Husband's Magnesia at March li, '67. FISIfER-'M. lialiing Tackle. Ked Cork, Grs, Cot-A- loo and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoodo, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Rods, dec, for sale by Maroh 4I.'57. A. W. FISHER. rt?al)MslUtle C'lotllllia; Pter 6ham, Wbippourwill Bangups, Mohair Raglane, French Cloth and ii'Uck L'nion Coats, including a nice assortment for iteys. 'Pauls, Vests and Monkey Jackets, all sixes snd price, rhinbury, Dee. S, 57. BiHGHTt ON. HOHEY CAN BE SATED BY PTOCHASIHG AT THE STJNBTJRT, N-OHTHTJl:i3EIlX.A.3Sri COUN1T, 3?A Wa have lust received and are now opening a lartre and choice selected stock of WINTER COUD.'.S, comprising an endltta variety, and will FIUCES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Wi rctam our aincera thmka to tha publie for oar increasing patronage, and ahall endeavor ,0 merit a contlnunnca of the tame. nr COUNTRY PRODUCE WANTED AT bunbury, lhecember 19, 18&8. No. S and 4 Chertnat Street, (south side, kelew Watet,) (Tub Oldxt Wona-wins Ilocss in tu Cut.) MANUFACTURERS an Wholesale dealers in Patent Machine niede UROOM?, Potent (irnored Cedar Ware, warreuted not to shrink. Wood aiid Widow-Ware HonU, Brushes. .Ve ,of all descriptions. I'leaaa call aud eauniiue our stork. February as, It". ly w VALUABLE PROPERTYJFOR SALE. flIIE subscribers, Execntors of the estate o JL Henry Masser, dee'd., oiler at private sale the following property viz t A large two atory tram flwelii'ij house, together with abeut 50 ACRES OF LAND, Ritttate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The bouse ia new and the location a good one for business. Also e i KACl- OF LIMUSIONK LAND, in said township on the river about 6 miles be low Sunhu.y, adjoining landsof J. T. M'Pheraon and others, containing, about 80 acres. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 33 acres on tha hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the hciis of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a smalt orchard of choice fruit. For farther particulars apply to the subscribers. II. H. MASSl'jR, ) P. B. MASSEH, Executors. FRANCIS BUCIIER. Sunbury, January 19, 1S.6 tf NEW OONrZOTIONARY fHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAR1IART, TTAS just received s new snd excellent sseort- mcnt of gooda at his ('onfectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, die, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his slock of Confectionarics, may be found t French Secrets, Hunted Almands, Crenra White, " Lemon ' Rose, Vanilla, Cernmou !ecieis Liquotice, Bananas, Dulca. Gum Drops, allkinds of scent, 1ove Drona, Mint limps, led and white, Jelly Ci.kes, Fnnt Drops, Stick Candies, ( all aeeuts Rock Candy, A linond Candy, muiT. Prunes, CiLIOllS. Currants dried, Aluiends, rtannus, Nuts f all kinds LEMON SYttTir . of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of Segars and Tobacco, and a variety of Couleclionaries, fruit, Ale, all of which ia ofl'ered cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE C REAM. He has nUe opened an 'tee Cream Saloon, and will at all times be ready to serve bis customers with lee (.'renin. Sunbury, May 21, 1S57 ly lOCO it of C arpet Rag VSTAN'TED at tho store of E. Y. Bright cV 6'on, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus nll'ering to the publie the largest and most desirablo assortment. July 11. 1S57. PATCHOLLY, JOCKEY CLUB, SPRING SL FLOWERS, ic, of the best quality ; a fresh supply just reccivt! end for sale at the Urus Store of A. W. FISHER. Sunbury. Aug. 1, 1857. H. It IM AUK, of all kinds aud endless variety. BRIGHT 4 SON. Sunbury, Dee. 26, 1857. ZJ loves of all kinds. Stockings, Collars, Sua " pendens, Buck Mills. Handkerchiefs and an endless variety of Hosierv and Notions. Sunbury, Dec. 2G,'fl7. BRIGHT dr. SON. EAUTIFUL DRESS GOODS, including 13 1 mured and Plain Merinos, ilks. Scotch I'luida. .Silk Striped Poplins, Cashmere, Trenton Plaid, Umber Shades, Fancy and Plain DeLainea Valencia, Paramctte Cloth, Ac., just received and for tale by BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS. No. 246 Arch St. bet. Second j- Third, (Opposite Bread Street, riiUadelpIilii. CJFIVES, Riddles. Screens. Woven Wire of SOt alt meshes and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy wire work, eavy Twilled Wire for cipark Catchers ; Coal. Sand and Gra vel Screens ; . lJaper Maker's Wire; Cylerder and Dandy Rolls, covered in the beat manner Wire and Wire Fencing. Avery superior a tide of feavy Founders' Scives. 111 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Seivea. BYLls.s, DitRBY & LYNN. Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1857. c3m. TtreilClJ ( loth. Fancy and Plain Csaai . mere, 'I'tveeils, Kentucky Jeans, Silk. Sa tin and Silk Velvet eatings, Troy. Satinelt and the very largest and cheapest assortment ol Men's Wear suitable for cold weather. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Dee. Sfi, 57. UEF.Nd, Cedar, Hollow and Glasswsre, sontaiuing everything useful and orna mental. BRIGHT&SON. Sunbury, December 20, 1857. tiffolett?), Victorines, Opera Caps, Wool ilooda, Comforts, Cashmere Scarfs, Lamb Gauntletts, cVc. BRIGHT If SON, Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. PUKE CONCENTRATED LYE OR SA PO.MFIER, for sale at FISHER'S Drug Store. Priee 20 eta. Leather ! Leather ! Leather I IIKJIIY W. OVERMAN, TMPORTn;norFre,K-hCalf8i,.nl .eneral loathes A dealer. No. S Mouth Thin! street, Philailelohia. A '""' MorUl""t of all kiuita of Lcatiiac alorocea, lied and Onk Sole Leather. February lie, Ik57 ly w A LMONDS, RAISONS. FIGS, LEMON8. &c, 4c., just received a fresh supply and for sale at the Confeetionary store of M.C. GEARHART. Sunbury, M.y 16, 1857 FOIL SALE. Good eeeond-bsnd Buggy. oflice. Apply at this Kew Drug;, Palnls, Vc. A 'Ew upl'ly ef Drugs, Paints, ils, J3lL Fluid, &c, just received snd for sale by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May t, 1857. ANB WARRANTS. The highest price wil be given for Land Warrants by the sub- cribei H. B MASHER. ATENT BRITTANIA 8TOPPERS fo bsr bottles for sale by ' II. B MA88ER. Sunbury, July 19, U5fl. rpobaeco and Segars SO.OOO Imported A Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish aad fiue cut tobacco at A. W, FI8HErr8. unbury, March U, 1 1ST, poaitively tell our entire ttcek at . IsIlIuUT He Swii. THE HIGHEST PRICES, WE STILL STJEV1TE THE CRISIS VOT WITHSTANDING the astonishing quan --v tit, of Goods that I brought into town last Spring, I succeeded in selling them all out ex cept what I gave away, and bad to hurry to the city, for a new lot, in order that my customers might not be put to the inconvonience of buying at other stores, where they would be chaigcd killing prices. Profiting by past experience,! nave ust Drought on Twioe at Many Goods, and I have now the largest and CHEAPEST ASSORTMENT ever ottered within hearing f this place. I am bound to sell cncAPsa than stor. before. I need not say cheaper than my neigh bora ; for that is no longer a disputed fact. I am now ready lo deal out goods twenty hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted at lower prices than any person dare ask tor. Just call for any thing you want. I am deter mined to SUPPLY ALL DEMANDS that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable, Call soon, as the rush is tremendous. IRA T. CLEMSNT. Stfnbury, Dec 26, 1857. ly 1857. FALL & WINTER GOODS ! 1858 FANCY. DRY GOOD STORE Market Square, Sunbury. 1WOW received and will continue to receive the largest snd best selected Stock of Black Cloths, Casstmeres, Cassinettt and Vesting, J c. An assortment of Dress Goods, vis: Fsncy printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, Ds Lain Bareges, Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapacas, Drear Silks, utngliams, Ac. LINEN AND WHITE GOODS. Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet ing, J'lllowcaseing, ic. Dress Trimmings in Great Variety. Boots snd Shoes Hats and Caps, Hardware, Cedarware, Groceries, Oueensware SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars, Tobacco, Snuff, eke, an assorsment of other Goods too tedious to menlioh. Feeling'grateful for past favor we beg leave to sst'-re our old friends and tbe public that no el.-t on our part shall be wanting to merit cot:: nuance of our patronage. country produce taken in exchange at thi highest market price. P. W. GRAY, Sunbury, Dec 12 1857. tf IV. S. LATTREACE'S NEW Paper, Printers' Card and Envelope WAREHOUSE, Ko. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia. Cash buyers will fiud it for their interest to call. January 16, 1853 6mos. Straw-Cutter. THE subscriber has been appointed Agent for Messrs Geddes & Marsh of Lewisburg, for the sale of their Straw, Hay & Corn-Fodder Cut ter. This Cutter is the beat in use. Farmers and others are respectfully requested to call and examine lor themselves. P. B. MASSER Sunbury December 26, 1857. tf A VALUABLE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. rnllE subscriber will sell at private ssle JL FARM, situate in Point township, Nor thumberland county, about 3 miles from the borough of Northumberland, on the Danville road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, James Nesbit, Chas. Parks and the north branch of the river Susnuehanna: containing 75 to 100 Acres, to suit purchasers. Tbe land ia in a good state of cultivation. 1 he improvements consist of large frame HOUSE, well finished ; a Spring Houae, built over a never-failing bpring close to the house, a Hank liarn and other outbuild ings. An Oichard with young and choice fruit trees. The above tract will be sold on reasonable terms and an indisputable tille given. Posses, sion given on the first day of April next. For further particulars inquire of the lubscri ber, residing on the adjoining faim. JAMES NESBIT. Point township, January 23, 1858. tf T00T8 & SHOES for Men, Women and - Children, a lurge stock, comprising Men'i Water Proof Kipp and Calf skin Boots, Bro gans, Morocco, Kid and Calfskin Shoes, Gaiters and Gum Shoes. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Dec. 26, 1857. ft Vatkercl, Herring and Shad, whnlesile 1 W or retail. Now is the time to purchase Full, aa we are enabled to ofl'er them at a lower price than you can purchase them in the Spring. Sunbury, Dec. 2H,57. BRIGHT & SONr A. J ROCKEFELLER QUtorncn at aw, Practices in Northumberland and sdjoinin. Counties. Sunbury, November 21, 1857.- . tf "PHILIP H. FTJFaEY. WUOLSS1LB AD RETAIL, Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S. E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly eupplied at tha lowest prices. October 4, 1 856. tf C. BEITKEE.T'3 WHOLtSlLS lit RlTAIt BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chtsnnt, PhWa. BOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, 4e., promptly made to order in the very best style, and ef tbe best material. Philadelphia, May S, 1857. EAHTUJSHWAIIB. THE subscriber respectful! a- in'orms tbs eili sens of Huubarj aad tba publie f snerally, that be has commenced the mauufactura of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at hia manufactory In 'Whortleberry 8treet, ene square east of tha River. He has engaged the services ef Mr. Ha bp, and you can therefore depend on having a food article. The public aro respectfully invited to call. AH orders from a distance will bis promptly attended to. P. M.8HINDSL. Bunbary, Feb. t, 1858 tf FOR HE1STT. riHE Store Room in Market street, occupied X by P. W. Grsy and the dwelling heuae ad joining. Apply to lhe eaecators ef 11. Masser, vceaacau I NBWARBANOEMENTI I Fresh Arrh at of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, 4c. THE ondersfgned iSsvinf taken the store Tor. merly kept by William A. Bruner, is now ready to fill orders and preseriptione at a mo ments notice. He baa a large and well selected stock of fresh snd pure DRUGS, CHEMICAL, Dye-stuffs, Oil, Psints, Glass, Putty, aad all kinds of Patent Medicines. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported 8cgars of the choicest brands. Fsncy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Teeth and Hair Brushes f every variety. Camphine and Fluid ahcays n hand. Customers will find hie stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu rocrate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next deor to E. I. Bright's Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. FURNITURE 1 FURNITURE 1 1 THE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. Fashionable, Cheap and Cscful rTMIE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet - and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. His stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, IfC, embraces GVCRY VARIETY, tlSEFTL AND OtlSA- R.E.KTAL in housekeeping. It is unnecesssry to cnume rate, as anything that may be required in bii line can lie bad at moderate prices. Cheap for vssn, or country Producetaken in exchange, bsiaDiianmrnl South East Corner of Market Square. EST These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay UiClll. SEBASTIAN IIAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, 1857 tf 1'aIii ISanisjIicd : 1FE PROLONGED, HOLLOWAY'S PILLS To tulTer the pninn nnd pfiwlttfi of tickneti when Oi certain meant uf cure ate Kcresaible to all. ia puattive madncu. The venctablr remetly, acting powerfully upon the caumca of diarase m all the Hindi, nerrca, and tistues of lhe body, Mile I the morbid and polauttoua mutter from i( lurking aCf in the eT)-tem, clcaime and purify eveiy rcretion, rebuill the shartered cntiiitution, restore tha vigor and virility nf the enfeebled frame, and teud to pro long life Jul beyond it oidinaiy limia. MILLIONS RELY ON THEM! In every qunrter of the globe, among all mttinna, civil ized und lavage thee are used with equal mid unva rying sujceas. They are advertised in every printed lan guage, and whereever commerce haa penetrated, they arc iu coMtluunl demand. ALL INTERNAL DISFASES Yield to their action. Dyfcpenain, Liver Complntnt, Af: feci i n a of the Uoweis, the Hidnrya, the Nerve, the Lung, the Throut and the Brain, that have previously defied all human skill and all other remedies, aie eioedi tiously and iufnlibly cured bv tins all-conquering medicine liODlLY ritOSI RATlON Even when the patients me reiluced to the Inst derree of feebleness, they may be recuperated by the restailefs tonic and alternative properties of Hollowny'a Pi Us. FEMALES OF ALL AGES, From whatever variety of the ailments peculiar to their aex they may be suiferiiig, may rely with entire confidence un the effect of this Strcngihing, reviving, irufe anJ im mediate remedy. llolloway's Pills are th best remedy knotcnt in the world for the following disease; Asthma, Fever and Ague Stone and Gravel Bowel Complaints Female Cump hints Secondary tymp- Cough Headache inwjrd weakness Indigestion Influenza Inflauimntmn Venereul Affections Worms, of all Kinds Liver Cumnlaints Chest Diseases Costivenrsa Dyspepsia Diarlisa Dropsy IfOivnesavf Spirit Fdea IP" CAUTION ! None are g.'rrjine unless the words 4tUollowny, New York and London, " are discernible aa as a water-mark in every leaf rt tha book of directions around each pot or box l theame may he plainly seen by holding the leaf to the light A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering such information as may lend to the detection of any putty or parties counterfeiting the medicine or vending the sume, knowing them to be spurious. i Sold at the Manufactories of Frofeasor Hollowat 90 Maiden laane, New York, and 214 Strand. London, by all respectable Druggists aud Dealers in Medicine through out the United States, and the civilized world, iu boxes, at 23 cents. 63 cent, and 91 each. nr There is a considerable auving by taking the lurger izca N. B. Directhms for the guidance of patient in every isomer are amxeu to cacn oox. Ovtuber 17, J yea THE L.IKGEST ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OK BALTIMORE f ATHIOT'Si Gay Street AVarrrooni. Kos V3 i's. and 5 Nntlh Our street, near Favetta., mr. . where is kept alwava on limut. or made lo nrder, avarv style of frenck TETli- V-TK'l'ES, m Plush, Hair, Cloth Frem-U Full StufT and Meilallion Parlor Aria Chairs in Fluali. iluir, Cloth or li -H aielle. ' Freueh Full Slut) Cai vert I'urlor Chairs in sets, with Plush, lluir, Cloth or HrocaU e. SOTi. 8 Half Freach fpi"f Maliofraii, hk) Walnut Parlor Chairs, in Iluir, Cloth anil I'lu.ii. Koelting Chairs varioua deaigiis, in Hair, Cioih and riush. Stuff Spring Lnunices a large assortment alivajs en band, or an) ualtaru made or covered with any goods to order. CHAUQBB 8TJITS.- la'Mah'iaiivor Walnut, complete, front R33 an. Oan Chairs and Hiwauig do. the largest aairtment ready made ih any ons houas iu she L'uited Sulcs froui gIS a dozen up. Hnr Uooni, QtRtm and Dining Chairs, in Oak, Walnut or Muhiatniiy, witk C'aii., Wood or buuTed beats. ua aSMKtmeni einbi aciug over SO doseu. Wool aeat Chaira and Settees and Rocking Chairs. over lou dozen. Uilt aud Flaiu Frame Looking Giaasea, of every variety. All kinds 01 Deds, Hair aud Huak Mattrnnra. A. MATHIOT. Noa. fa and 4 N. Ouy st , near Fayette at, Baltimore August I, IS47. ly GEOHGE 11ENN, A NNOUNCESto thecilixens of Sunbury and iduty, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, above H. i. Wulverton's office opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, wkere he is prepared to attend to ell kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 185B. Citrate of Magnesia T A STELE 88 SALTS. rpHIS preparation is recommended ss an si ., cel!ent l'ti and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unplessant tu.te resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold Ta . t A.W.FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1838. pOBTMONAlES, Tooth a.d Hair Brushe all equalities, and any cquanU y, for sale by MsKkior. .w.risHnC. ISAAC M. AVILKERSON, MANUFAOTTJPB Olr FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Softs, Divan and IjtiuuRea Boreans, Secretaries-, Sideboards, SOFA. BREAKFAST AND D1N1N0 TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CAINULK STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line ef bis business. THE subscriber respectfully calls the attentiet of the publie to hia large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CABIiET-TVAItE which cannot fail to reiommend itself to every ene who will examine It, on account of its durable workmanshiu and splendid finish, msde up of the best stock to be had in the city, xsoellort is Spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities chairs, ncluding varieties never before te be had Ir Sunbury, such as Miuosast, Black Walkdt akd Cdblsd Masls GasciAa i assd Wibdsib CHAIRS, aud savci Piaso Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained bout the quality and finish of his ware and I airs. ' hese articles will be disposed of on aa good ten. a as they csn be purchased elsewhere. Coun try p ojduce taken in payment for work. x UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Hsiass, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient distance from. tbis place . The Ware Room ia in Fawn 8trect, be ow Weaver's Hotel. He has also purchased the right of manufac turing and selling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent Excelsoir Spring Bed, which he will furnish at reasonable rates. Springs put in old bedstead for three dollars. ISAC M. WILKERSON. 8unbury, April 18, 1857. tf. Tk!tJ faa 1st tr WLe-A. BF -t v.a..i svl m pwrftcUr rrsjsfc Mais, It rnairsw M Wsi.rV'dax M4 aTd thsw m Mher Cm srrrr liiTisd. All ! of Wu,,,) Ctntt art muUi tSiMffTb Md worth ItMata ssil'nf UrsMnUr.rU1baitlUtol(Wvvtsi,rK lirtLr B " wnrisi in sn ItMrXiiift:, sitnplt, EsMJ twd j -wi rratrrrfHT'Sii turpr- M'fllwhy fib ttt ta , bul (! MtSMiUlU Dd nrnrtteat sra U knvg uraiMit Km; I a iuas IHlrMtstrl in !h est m t,r inf.i-irar rasa smbw It U wstrtanUJ t Imp .11 rttV nat at tcenrtHitr W direr-tit Try It. sn4 In ll -att whcit a fnJr n -rfsj .aau r ui riq tn mosjey .l b rftnairl sliffitr .it from ih sffnt( cane imsm) try athtn. I Df fgtkel IS Pa- Cnatrlu llsraUrl Taut.lai TL tsainit I' on n nlirwly I w pn. th OsaVs)t tMrtVet.T mtl. abr) fftsmut Mrlmrwor rrMs,ul( sm fur G-Jot iMgks3ta w.iisl rft tan sfiy vtbor Cit- Th eitni7 b tnrr nh to md- tl rIUlaM-il rtfteh. ,, h-U t,f4 nb ttt tt to dskrtetu t liie riofs)str : li U msiia ..u..!. r TNh I i ThufrtPcin'o f Ssjniin kos st o4 U- Vaurt (or Tkrsil an, mn.i Ut M wko bT trlU tksiDI U1 M a' crt. A LBKRAL DISCOUNT TO THE THiDK. LUDLOW CAN CO. 4H IMMSk. M.V Sept. 15, If 5T SALAMANDER FIUE THIEF-PE00F SAFES. The largest atsorlmcnt in the United States. Warranted to be equal to any now made, and will be sold on as (iood Terms, aa can be obtain ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS Sc WATSON'S to South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Truth is Mighty, and Murt Prevail Report of the Committee appointed to superin tend the Burning of tht Iron Safes, at Read' ing, February 27, 1657. KkaDixo, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectlully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Farrels & Herring and Lvans & W atson, placed side by sido in a fur nace, viz: Tho Safe inuso by the Paymaster ot the Philadelphia and Heading Hatlroad Compa ny, in his office at Reading, manufactured by Parrels & Herring, and the afe in use hy H. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evana & atson, and put in books snd papers precisely alike. TheCre was started at 6 o'clock, A. M.,snd kept a i until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the euperiii teudence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled ofl" with water, after which they were opened, and the books anu papers taken out by tbe Committee and sent to li. A. l.antz store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The booka and papers taken from '.he Sale manufactured oy I arrets 4 Herring were in our judgment, aamageu luiiy tineeii per cent, more than those taken from Lvans & W at son s Safe. Wo believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Bales. JACOB II. DYSTirR, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having bean absent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of the papers and books taken out of the respective Sales. G. A. NICOLLR, H. H. MUHLKNBERO. JA.ME8 MILHOLLAND, March SI, I 857 New Goods for the People I BENJAMIN IIEFFNER rjESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen eral that he haa just received and opened a splendid stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. . .wv. Luii.i.i. m par. til Cloths, Cassimers, Catsineta. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Calicoes, Glitgbnms, Lavrai. Rlouggellue Ue lUalni and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. Grocerlca. Also aa assortment of Hardware, Iron anu Dicei, naus, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QTCE&SWAEE, of various siylss and patterns. aim an assortment of UOOTS . SHOES. a i o st va tB, a good selection. Salt, Fish, c. And a great variety of other articles such as era suitable to tha trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. toT Country produce tsken In exchange a the highest prices. Lewer Augusta, June 6, 1857. AMERICAN 1TOUSE, WILLI AM8P0RT, PA., t a. MK-TO., Proprietor. Sept. 13, 1856. tf stationery. A large supply of fancy Kola Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cs Paper, Pens. Ink. Sand, cVe-, at Uica It, tl, a. W. FISHER'S. IIEIUllNG'S SAXT THR ACKKriuTvTV" ill fell' umi win not burn ' Kxiroct fiom th( fj,-,, On tha Sfltb of Fetmiary all tha ma mhers of IK.. (placed in ithem) and were perfectly sntisfed ih., I? nht. Tha da, followma, tha InirriingZk"1 " ha saperi,,tW, of Commilte,1: Afie?a , Impwrtml hur..i. fo, five hours, the .f, oMl teats intha tfafairf Meaara. rarrtlaft Hariiiia J Soodeondninn.andnoartiiiSiea." Laailing . March , l57. (Signed,) H P. FELIX, P.N COI.KMA.V, (commit . . . ., A. H PEACOCK.' lMmm" tHJ .T?rbT mnJ?, of ot Read The shore t-afr. can be inrrpectnl at 34 Walmiti where II. e public ean aatisfy lliemaelvea of tha area rionty of the "lleiring'.'Patnit CrMinpi,.fr" defeated and used up "inside Iron Door BalmJiidet' Farrels &. Herring, , t , 34 Walnut St., Phila Onlyrnsters InthiaState of lUrring's ritent Chi The attempt made by other partita to holster reputation of a Pn.o which hss failed so :.iy dental Ares in Philadelphia, (Ranrtesd I'lafk L IT 'I"!""'; """i (" A- L"l,) made thlekneas, (c.tTrent from those Uiey sell) to --bu on of Herrnia's (half aa thick) haa met with its t Aytird. He mug's Safe coo d not be burnt, provme aivelr that the .mlr reliable fafe now mada i "He i T s '2, -J "J nrc wiuiqui a iincle I STAUFFER & IIAKXEY. CHEAP WATCH KS AND JEWKim -ll7-noi.K8ALK AND RETAIL, at the "Hi,), V Watches anil Jewelry Store" Wo. ,4P (OW' North Second Street, Comer of Quarry, I'ruWlclr Cold Laver Waiehea, full Jewelled, 18 caret casci (iold Lepme, 18 raret, a Silver I .ever, full jewelled, Silver Lepine. jewels, Superior quarners, UoW t?;eelaeles, Fine Silver do., Gold Bracelets, . I.ydy's Oold I'eneils, Silver Tea Spines, set, Oold Pens, with Pencil aiirf?iK-i-r holder. r niKr limps sf e'S lo Jl ; Wu'cll f.ill iai ets, patent 11, I:,et s.i ! oilier arti. rs inr AD goods warranted lo be whnl tlin- arr s -.1,1 r. 'r V On hand some flolil ami tii..-i.t.A'.A.! stilt lower than the above price ' 1-uiiaaripinu, vctoncr 111, l57. ygV rjESPECTFULLY informs his f,ie the public generallv. that be ha. i. ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his ncv. David Miller's Mill, in Lower Atitiusts ship, and that Le is prepared to sell goo lunrii prices. lits Block consists tn part of STRING cV SUMMER GOO Groceries, Qucenbware, Hardwt and every variety usuallv krr in . Store. Treverton prices paid for all kinds of Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1S57.- A itooU lor Krcrr Wans Hi n.KHK INDUCEMENTS TO AC QANVASSERS wanted to cl.tnii. s for the Comprehensive Georjrnptiv tory, Ahcient and Modern, o the S. G. Goodrich, (Peter I'ait.y.) bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated beautiful engravings and and 80 ma $3. Sold only by agents, to each ol special district will be given, pplin atate what counties they would like tt The bjok is now resdy. Copies will mail, post paid, on receipt of the price all solvent banks taken at par. T Journal," says of this work I "No fa ever should be without It." For full in regard to so sgencv, sddress, GEORGE V. EM. I'uLlisher and D Na. 173 William Street. Allhsve kinds of School ss.d jt Books. Csieap Publications. Ktati Maps, furnished at the nery fonet dera solicited. November 21, 1S7, rURNITUHE P0IIS S. RAJi'R Premium Tatent Knam Polish. This polish is highly va'.ua ring the polih on all kinrle of Furn Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, ic. moving spots, hidinc scratches. Sit , ranted to dry immediately and reiaii Price 50 cts. per bottle. Mold by . A . V Msrch M, 1857. S OU EL i. OIIHI ATTORNEY AT X Ojjtce on South Second, near ri LE WI3DURG, P. Practices in the Counties of I'nic herland snd Montonr. All PitorseaioNAt h'S care will receive prompt and 1 lion. r Octeber 3, 1857. ly WHITE HORSE HO POTTSVILI.E, PA ''jpHE subscriber respectfully ami eld friends snd the public, tha that old and well known cstabiialu "WTlito JHOKfl Ilot At the corner of Centre and Mah. the Uoroiigh of Pottsville, The . cently been very much enlarged i improved, rendering it quite as any other Hotel in Schuylkill , the atablcsare large, in good com tend by careful, attentive, prudent To travellers snd others who n house, he every attention render them comfortable snd sutU JOS. H April 6, 185P.- tf HEJiTLY DONNE.1 ATTORNEY A'l Office opposite tht Court Sunbury, Northumberland Prompt allontiou to kuitie Couniies. E-AO-IjE ho OPPONTE MT5T BHtXCI WILLIAMSPOK WILLI IN II. II 4V. I'i C. A. Stsisi, 4i.ilanL N. II. An Omnibus will rnn Depot and Packet Landings, toj of charge. elsplemlier 13. 1B58 tf DANmiEIlOT JOHN DEEN, Market Street, Panril! is one of Ike large. t sm A. dious betels in the interior ( it has been recently fitted up, in with all the modern convenience Panvilled, Sept. 23, IRKS. BLANK Parchment Taper V Mortgages, Bends, Eicuti Ac, for sale b U, I Sunbury, Apr! 6. 1856 STOVE! FOR IALE an eieellent sec ing Stove, also several eJU)s Enquire at this olfii-s. GOLD PEN8 with and wit' very euperior tjuslity, jurf Also a fresh suppV of VN'ritm Sunbury, Use. 7. 4s- SILVER WATCH t a English 8iir Watcaos, Ht I!,-rsiaJ si III I