Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 06, 1858, Image 3

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'oaulerful Kapa ( a Family fram Ik Dar
ning llutrt.
(Froinths Pittsburg Dispatch.)
Oulow we tive purtuf a private letter from
r. U. l. White, ton-iii Uw of Robert Hill,
, tif ihaNtntti ward of this city giving
inn pnrticulai tr ilia awful scene at tin
m tiro m Si. Louis, with a full moonlit of the
ry reinuikablo escape from Oeth of Dt W.
.tfir. tu wile, three little children eud
rir nurse, by jumping from a third story
tuiott yf t lie burning hotel. We bite khed
intimato ecinainiance for tome years with
i atuUlile lady (Mrs. W.) who Seams to
re stiuVred severe injuries, and sinrprcly
m tliul she limy recover fully aud rapidly,
n letter i as lullowst
. LniiH, (King's Mot i-l,) Sunday, Feb. 21
Dkar ism : As you have bueu previously
(riiii'il, by telegraph the I'acilic Hotel
e houe at which we have been boarding
ue time past) is burned. At twenty mill,
s pxst three, on Saturday morning we were
ueil by a lion-like roanug of our bust's
go tlog.and the simultaneous cry of "fire 1
i !" re-sounded through the building. We
at once jumped out of bed, aud 1 opened
door and looked oot, wbeo the staircase
only avenue of escape) was enveloped in
nut in one solid sheet of at least twenty
; high.1. We were iu the third story, aud
case was. indeed a very desperate one ;
re we were, con lined to our room withier-
i dentil if we remaiaed another minute and
os I certain death if we took the terrible
. . 1 raised the window and looked out it
, a foarful moment ; not a sound escaped
wife or children, or Alice, (the nurse) ; all
ted mr action. I snatched maltrass
n a bed aud dropped it out ; it fell as fa
ubly as 1 could wish. Bidding all "good
1 jumped and found myself in safety. 1
ted up Mary Ellen (his wife) was at the
dow. 1 culled to ber to throw the childreu
ch she obeyed at once, and it is almost
tculous to relate 1 caught thorn alt oue
r the other and then braced myself to
li her, which 1 did j it no doubt saved her
but nearly proved Tutul to me; she is quite
rue woman to full on a man at thut dis
v. My fiitiids took each a child, and cor
them to a br, a short dwuticu oh", to
I lie in from frevcing ; another strong man
up my wile aud carried her into a German
mug shop and 1 fortunately met an ouiui
.lnvert the deor, who seeing our situa
liurried to tho stable, ouly two squares
nd brought arooud an omnibus, to take
the hospital but Mrs. W. objected, and
ed to go to KingX which we did. Dr.
I wus immediately seut lor, and emtio at
He examined us thoroughly. Mary's
i serously hurt, lit is ber Ml one) and 1
t that the insiuu or the socket that re
s the head oftlie thigh btrtio is fractured,
the ligament that ruus from the socket
the head of the Ikmip, ia also broken to
;r with Hie ack arouml the head of the
called by physicians the 'capsr.lar ligu
" rilie ia uiikWo to help herself or to
1 do not think siio is in any special
jr. but the shock was terrible. Reaction
lit fully take place sixteen lioore el't.T
jury. Neither of the children was se
, hurt, 1 think. My dacu was wrenched
thing Mrs. W., and Dr Tope said it
uly tniraculuos that it was not lrukcn
clung such a weight. 1 cannot 'got up
r lour inches high without help, and am
.nucli pai" as it ia nucossnry fur any one
o but d. not complain. 1 have
my wire ami children aud their nurue
(itiu lultel's buck was hint tome, but
ilked home a f-w hours afterward?)
'aiicy to yourself our situation, neatly
, unit cold enough to have frozen any
death ill one hour, und I hiii sure you
it have a very agreeable picture, to my
fit of it. In minute from the time
. cleur, the rooi und floor full into the
There were eiyht full i,iou men burn
leath within fifteen feel of our room and
all escaped two women and three
s children when tho chances were
nd the men lost. It seems as if the
of God directed m how to act, and bo
Tor it w:ia nil done in l'fs than it
iiu to rcud this. A lady friend of ours
some 11 oor.j imped and broke ber lower
to pieces, broke her left Kg, just above
mi and the bone ran through tho fleidi
it Biuck out three or four inches. I
tho must die, us she was ah:o pregnant
lime. Another young lady jumped
ibo window aud was killed ut once. A
lour ua look tha same jump wo did,
jolh legs, injured bis beno, ana oilier
idly injured. 1 think the watchman
jilichniuo. Henry l'elors) was drunk
eep, us I have seen him asluep when
h. previous to the fire. llo was bnrii
.iiily that In could not ba recognized,
lnnk cannot live. It ia beyond ques
l the dog saved ull of our lives by his
.ud such a noise no -matt ever heard
e ihrout of any dog before. Another
oman and child and nurse on the same
ith us jumped aud wero all killed.
riisewas found all burned to a crisp
. valine fust in bis hand. One young
mped und did not hurt hiiuself but an
umped on him and killed him. All tho
ra that were ill the house were hist ;
,,it were suved were boarders. The
ere lost, so that it is impossible to
i many wero lost, or who I hey weie. quite a number of furuifrs and
people, who had Como io on Friday
of whom was saved. Dead bodies
g in different places J tight lay in
' stable, on l'rauklin avenue, several
' in the Paeiflic Uailroad depot, some
ead house at the hospital ; others are
ig ut tho ruins. Noueoflbe nibbi-h
beeu removed, eo no one can tell how
iiy be buried beneath the smouldering
Co pen is adeq-iate to give anything
uscriptionoflhetrigltful scene so 1
attempt it.
writing the above, seven more bodies
en fouud. Yours truly,
C. D. WlllTB.
.vKKDlARy JiCTKtTKD. The Cleveland
Herald, of the 2lh, says, Mr. I links
lizeu of that place, wealthy ami bear-spot-table
character, has been arrested
'iiing to sel his property on fire,
wilding owned by Mr. U. are in the
f a Urge block of woodeu structures,
lie curried out his desigu, the coutla-
would have laid an important part of
in ashes. On au examination of
msea under the detection of the infor
.... fnund that Mr. M. had made his
into a network of combustible male
.. ..-liar ta carrel. He had bored
the walls, inserting small balls, of
,U enveloped io tisue paper, uod
onuecled Ihese from story to story.
.i..roii!jblv fire the joists in the pur
...I introduce the bullies tinder the
iir and by all imaginable contrivances
sid bis diabolical plana to as to
.. i..,.i,i!i,l into au instant blura
o was bis own family and that of u
mid many other. When the plot
.....,,..11 und the D'lUhmaii told Mr.
.ml bow faithfully he had watch
Mr llinkstoii mad a clean breast
otter ud confessed that it was bis
, fire hi building and thus secure the
ii..,.m The Supreme Court
V.ik in lli oo District, have
ihaf tlie rolling of railroad b
,rtha aame. and not pesonai prop
d that cooaeqiieully a mortgag on
.. m.t reoulie to lie llled as
... ..r. .hntial nioiticace. ib ori
let tha property against judgmeul
HoLDlxo Ot'T.-Th. Brit Artasian
. lif..rni. aavt the bun Jose.
as at 8n Joe. ""' b'80 mDV
1st fit Doeetnfter, 1858, ud ttill eon
Uhorping. the ewne vblutne of water.
A CtiAKOI. Perhopi fow Hows
papers atlsrk 1'residaDt Uucbanan's adminis
tiBtiou jimt now such unmcasarcd tiruleoce
s the "Freemen's Journal," the well known
Catholic paper published Iu New York city,
which wet one of the most conspicuous end
efficient advocates of hit election. The Lv
compton ftat the last straw which broke the
camel's back.
A French engineer named Dularte It said
to have invented en apparatus which it des
lined to effect complete revolution in the
construction of locomotives, end to save fifty
per cent, la the amount of combustibles at
present consumed
Mew Advertisements.
. BHEKIli'S 8ALE3i ; .
T Virtue of sundry writs of Ysfttiirtsat
ruxAtand wriu of l.ivisi Fi'ts. iuuad
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Northum
berland county, to mfe directed, will be exposed to
public sale, at the Court House, in hunbury,
en MONDAY,' the 6th of APRIL, next, at 1
o'clock, P. M 4 tha following described property
to will-, ' . ' '.
All those two contlgudus, certain tracts or
parcels of land, situate in Chilii-quaque township,
Northumberland county, containing 40 acres,
more or leas, all of which isclesred, and houndrd
on the North by lands of Daniel Koch, on the
South by a public road leading from Milton lo
Danville, Kast bv lauds of Daniel Koch and
William Fitier, and en the Wert by land of
Frederick U. fVidlcraud W ilham Burkhammer,
dee'd. ; whereon are erected a small frame dwell
ing house, a barn, small orchard, Ac. Bcixed,
taken into execution, and to ly told as the
property of Andiew Keller.
Also, at the same time and rUrt, two certain
contiguous lots of ground, situate in the town
of Mount Carmel, in Mount Carinel township,
Northumberland county, and numbered in the
general plan of said town No. ' , in clock
No. 22, being each about 99 feet In front and
about I.M feet in depth. . Hounded on the North
by Mount Carmel street, on the South bv Cherry
alley, on the West by Oak street, and on the
Lart lr lot No. 3, in said block No. S, who iron
are erected a two storv frame house and kitchen
and a frame stable. Seised, taken in eiecution.
and to ba sold as the property of David J. Lewis.
Also, at the same time and place, a c rtain
tract, piece or parrel of land, situate in Point
township, Northamberlatid county, bounded and
descriled a follows,' lo wit: llCginniiig at a
post, thence by land late of John Cowdcn, North
411 degrees, Kast. tlO perches to a whiteoak.
Iheiu-e by land late of William A. I.l- jd, North
AU degrees Vel, 04 prrcbee loa pott; thence
by lands In'.e of Jamea Kay, South 40 degrees
West, perches to three pun's; thence by
land late of 1'hilip Frick, South 50 deprrrs
East, 94 perrhea to the place cf beginning
Containing 134 arm and 3K perches, (it being
the same tract ol land which (e.orge Uckcrtsold
and convejed to John William flanim-) About
115 acres of which are cleared whereon are
erected a two-atory Irame house, a I) story log
bouse, aud bam part log and part frame, an
orchard and a well ol water, Ac. Seized, taken
in execution, and to be sold as the properly of
John William Nimm.
Also, at the snme time and plsre, all tha ettate,
right.' title and interei.t of William L. Helteii
Klein, of, in. and to, all that crrUin mesRuate or
body afceal lands, embracing the l.ocuat Moun
tain, situate fonnerly in Minmokin. now Cnal
township, in the county of Northumlierland, in
the "tale of Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, lowit: Adjoining on the North by
lot No. n. ihenre bv land of now, or formerly ol
H. II. Howell end others, and land formerly of
William Toinhnnon, afterwards sf I). H. If ow
ed and others, thence by allotment No. 8, thenre
hr the Mahanoy Mountain, containing Ift74
aerea and 70 perches, strict meas'ire. (being
the same premises which Archibald Mrlntyre
and wife, by two certain indentures, one of them
dated the SHth day of February, A. D , 1861.
and the other dated the day of the date hereof,
but executed and delivered before thia prciciu
indenture, and which the said Daniel Mclntyre,
by indenture, also dated the day of the date
hereof, but executed and delivsred before this
present indenture, granted and Conveyed unto
said William L. lleitrnstein,' bis heirs and as
signs.) (Seized, taken in execution, and to bo
sold as the proii-rty Tjf William L. Helfenslein.
AUa, at the aame time and place, all the
eatatr, right, title and interest of William 1..
Helfeiiatein, of, and in, to, all that csrtuiu rors
sunge, frsct or rnx'.y of coal isnds. embracing the
I.ocuxt Mountain, nituale formerly in (Miumokin,
now Coal township, in the county of Northum
berland, in Vie State of Prntiaylvaiii. bounded
nd deertihrd as follows, to wit Ailjomiiit on
the North by lot No. 6, thence by land surveyed
n the name of l.eorue Lolruin, now, or lormerly
Meaars, tloyd A t'ampany. and land formerly of
illiam Tomlttisin, nil. i arils ot Mt-T. Uoyd
& Company, tbenre by allotmnit No. 8. thence
y Mbhanoy Mountain, tyonta.iung in4 acres
and seventy perches, strict measure, (lieing the
same premises which Archihald Mclntyre and
wife, by two certain indentures, one ol them
ted the SNlh day of Febrtisry, A. D., ISA I,
aud the other dated the day of tho date hereof,
but executed and delivered before this present
indenture. and whrh Daniel inden
ture, alao dated the day of the date hereof, but
executed and delivered before thia present iiulen
ore, granted and conveyed unto the said William
I.. Ilelfeimteiii, his hens snd assigns.) tilled,
taken in execution, snd to be sold as the property
of William h. Helfeiiatein.
Also, at the ssme time snd place, the undivi
ded third part of all that certain messuage, tract
or liody of coal hinds, embracing the Locust
Mountain, aituate formerly in Miamokin, now
Coal towhship, in the county of Norihomberland,
hounded and described ns follows : Adjoining on
the North by lo No. 6, thence by land surveyed
in the name of Ueoree Cotrain. now 1J. II. How
ell and others, and lanJ formerly of William
Tomlinson, now D. H. Hewell, thence by allot
ment numbers, tlirncc by the Mahanov Moun
tain. Containing 1H74 acres anil 70 perches,
strict measure. (Being sundry tracts and parts
of tracts of land, surveyed on warrants bearing
dale the 1Mb day ol March, A. D., 179a, granted
unto Ldmuiid Huff, James firier, I hnmas d'ritr,
James Jenkins, Hichard (Salmon, Itichard Man
uiog and Thomas Foster, and also, parte ol two
tracts, survived on wsrranla bearing date the
;lOih day of November, A. D., 830. granted to
Daniel llraiitigani and James Hepburn, snd
ulloibd to Valentine UroUt ss number 7, ac
cording to a certain pariition of 25 tracta of
land ommoiilv culled " I he Uranl I.antlk,' and
being the ssuie undiiided third part wh ih Ar
chibald Milnlvre and wife, by deed, dated the
Stitb day of February, A. D.. 1 8. 1 , granted and
conveyed unto William I,. Hrlfenstein, his heirs
snd assigns. (Seized, taken in eiecution, and
lo be sold as the property of William L. Ilelfen-
Also, at the same lime and place, the follow-
ing descrilied TK,Cr )F LAND, commonly
caned "J tie Mcliuyre Lands, vis: I ne two
full, equal and undivided third parts of, and in
a certain tract of 1 100 acres of coal land, em
bracing the Locust Mountain, situate formerly
in Khamokin, now Coal township, in the county
of Northumberland, aid Hate of Penntylvanis,
bounded sud deseiibed as follows, to wit: Ad
jpinii g on the North by lot No. V, thence by
Isiuls surve) td in the name of George Colruin,
now Messrs. Uoyd 4- i'oiupany, and Isnds for
merly of William Tomliiivm, now Meaars. Uoyd
ii Companv, thence by allotment No. , thence
by the Mahanoy Mountain, containing 1874
acres and 70 perches, strict measure, (being
sunury tracts ana parts ol tracts si land, sur
ve) e J on warraitta utuiing data on the 15th day
of March, I7U3, granted onto Edmund Hull,
James tiiier. 'Jbomss Crier, Jamea Jenkins,
Itichard Balmon. Kit-hard Manning and Thomas
Fnstait aud also. parU of two tracta. surveyed
on warrants bearing date the 30 tu day of No
vember. I B30. aianted to Daniel Urautigam and
iairas urn. and allotted to Valentine
Urokl as No- 7. according U a certain partition
ol SJ tracta of laud, commonly called the -Grant
Lands." Htized, taken in eieeotion, and to be
mold aa the orooertv of The Philadelphia it
Runburv Kailrosd Company.
Sheriff's office. Butibury, I
MVtrch eib, rws.
Aletsnder Jordan
William Davis end Geo,
r. Lee, Lxecutora of Thos.
Dsvis, ef Phils., deceased,
and also Trustees of the
widaw and heirs of said
dectasej, and Joseph War
ner, or Philadelphia, end
W m. McCarty, of Bunbury.
In the Court of
Common Pleas of
North'd. Co., Ko,
St. Nov. Te m,
!RS7. Writ of
In pursuance of an erdef and decree of the
t-ourl of Common fleas of said county, Will be
exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in
Bunbury, on MONDAY, the fith dny of Al'RIL,
next, at IS o'clock, M., lots Nos. 436. 4l. 414,
437. 438 snd 2S0, in the town of Bhamnkin, as
laid oat by McCarty, Davis, Warner and Jordan.
Conditions of ssle will be mads known on the
flay of ssle.
oner nre omce, Bunbury.
"1 '
juarcn um, i ana,
TV OT1CE is hereby given thnt the several
11 Courts of Common Pleas, General (juarter
Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' Court. Coart
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, te
commence at the Court Hi use, In the borough ol
Bunbury, et 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
nth dey of A PRIL, next, and will continue TWO
WEEKS. - -. '
Ths coroner, Justices of the Peace and consta
bles in snd for the county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several offices appertaining to be dons. And si-
witnesses prosecuting In behalf of tha Common!
wealth SLainst any prisoner are also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper persons to prosecute against him, as shsll
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed sgrceable te
their notices.
Givsn under my hand at Punlmry, the 1st day
ot msrrh In the year or our Lord one thous
and cigh hundred and fifty-eight and the
. Independenca of the United (States of America
the HSd.
God save the Commonwenlth.
Sheriff's Office, Sunbury,
March B, 1858. J
IT'OK trial in the Court of Common l'less of
"- Northumberland County, to he held st Bun
burr, on the first Monday of Apiil, 1858. .
PLAisTirrs. Dtrr.AftTS.
Isiac Brown - vs John S Petermsn '
J. B..S'p,iih'sex'rs. vs Chss. G. Donuel's Adm'r.
Peter Dickson
John iiotsen
Alexander Celt,
Martin Wesver
James Esger,
Wm KMsrt
vs same,
vs Shaffer & Co.
vs J. B. Meaner,
vs John A Llotd,
vs Wm. McCarty et at.
VS James Vandyke,
vs J D Maescr
vs same
Lcib for Jammer vs Sun'mry Canal !f W. P. Co.
Henry Weiss,
John Cooper,
Silas Wolverton,
John J. Hess
James M alone
Wm Lotiax. Ac
vs 1 nos. UaumgarJner,
vs John Burns et al
vs Frsnris Eglernan,
va H. B. Mssser,
v. Phila A utihurv ft R Ce
va Wm I. Hclfenstein,
j M Flamming dec,
vs Wm L Hclfenstein
vs ssme
R F iteilv Ac
Wm J McCandlsss i Co v Wm Conner
Peter Verger vs Jonas Bohncr
John Cuthbe rt vs Thomas Frauds sr., et al
James Kire
John Creech
C Krsm for Nag?e
Alfred R Fiske
Isaac Brosrn '
Charles Fidler
sac Brown
vs Geo A K6eler
. vs William Fugcly
vs David Si SI it'll et al
va Sun A Erie K. K. Co
vs Thames 8. Stadden
vs Willism Houpt
vs John S I'elermsn,
vs A B Longshore
vs Jos Hoffman's adm'r.
vs Kaae sV Reed,
vs Jesse Hire
vs Frsncis O'DonneL
John Murry
Delwrsh Huzzy
Itciibsn Fagely
J. A W Kolboch
William Filman
Henry Masstr's ex'rs
vs George Conrad.
FEBRUARY 20, 1858.
'.,1 VY
)V8T teceived by ' Railroad another lot e
choice and desirable goods consisting in par
of Fancy Dehincs new styles. Black snd Fanry
Silks beautiful Madder Prints at 6, 8 snd 9
cents per ysrd Persian Debege 12 J cents Plain
Delnues I2 cents 38 Inches wide unhlrsehed
Muslin fJ cents Also 1300 yards Muslin dif
ferent wi.lihs snd qualities French Cloths, Css
siinere, hstinctt, Kentucky Jean Ac, st exceed
ingly low prices And wo call particular stten
tion to our Slock of Fresh Groceries, feeling ss
sored that their quality and our price will tender
entire asusrucUou
Eismin" our gooda and learn our prices, our
stork presents a large and vsried assortment, en
abling purchasers to make a good selection to the
best sdvsntsge.
In ronsequnce of the sdvsuced slste of the Win
ter, we will commence from this dste to sell our
entire slock of Ready Made Clothing Ulsnkets,
Winter Hosiery, and a vers nire assortment of
Lsdik Bhawls st grestlv reduced prices Now
is the time to secure good bsrgsins.
Sunbury. Frbrusry 30, 1858. -
Karket Etrect, Bunbury Fa.
THE subscrilier resjiectrully informs the citi
Sena of Bunbury, and the public generally.
tliat lie has purchased, and will lake possesion
of the above well known stand mi the 1st of
ytpril next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson.
I list be will put Hie ssme in complete lepstr.
In addition he will provide a eonviysnce to carry
passengera ta aud from the different Railroad de
pots, end will leave no elUrts untried to render
bis hotel a desirable stopping place for eusts and
travelers. JOHN LElsEK.
February SO, 1858.
Xbo Common-wealth of Pennsylvania.
To Joseph Hsugkawout,
Peter Haughawout. John Ilsnghswout, Nancy
intermarried wiin wm. it. ivase, Lluabelli in
termarried with Essu Campbell, Mary Haughs
wuul widow of Lellert Haoghawout, dee'd and
Mary Hsiichswout snd Lphisim Lvlte gusrdisn
of John J., Karah Jane, Kphraim L. and Mary
E. Hsuahawout, minor children of said Le fieri
llsughawout dee'd, Chrisloulier Hsughswout
Inane liaughaweut. Jackson Haughawoot. Cal
vin Hsughswout, Dewilt Hsughswout and The
odoia iiilt-ruiarried a ith I.-aae Hewitt, lieira and
legal representatives of John liaughaweut dee d,
and to ail other persons interested.
ITcrthumberland County, ss.
You and each of you are
hereby cited to be and appear before the Judges
of our Orpbsns Court, at an Orphans Court te
be belt! for said county the prat Mondsy of April
next, and then and there accept or refuse U take
the real estate of the ssid John Hsughswout et
the vslustion placed upon it by sa inqueat held
mereon the Cbtb day of December 1837. or show
rauso why the same elssll not be sold. And
hereof fail not t
Certified bom the records of eur ssid Orphan's
Court al Bunbury, tbia 4ih day of January, A.
D.. 1858., Thee. D. Grant Dept. Clk. O. C.
narueo ueus aud lgal epresenta
f evssxs saw II . . : . i
eberifTs Office, Sunbury, I
February 80, 1858 ( "
WAbb rArlK, Window Shadee.-Floor,
Carriage, and Table Oil Cloths, Cocoa
tlstls sud a superior article og Uroggest.
TJOTICE is hereby given that the nndersigner
A" Auditor appointed by the Court of Common
pleas, of Northumberland county to distribute the
money in the bsnds of Jsmee Besrd Esq., late
Prothonotsry, raised en the ssle of port of the
the real rstste of Thomas Grant dee'd, in the
partition Of the real estate of ssid decedent, will
attend to the duties of bis Said sppolntmenl en
Tuesday, the sixteenth dsy of Msrch, 1838,
st 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at his of
fice in the borough of Bunbury, at which time
and place all persons interested msy attend.
February 87, 1858. ,
CJ 2 A LED prepossls will be received at the
Commissioners Office (where plan can be
seen) from Ibis date tliilll the 15th of Msrch next,
far ths repsiring of the rountv Btshle st the jail
February S7, 1858 , ,
$5 40 Per Rarre!-
THE subscriber respsetfully informs the citi
zens of Bunbury and vicinity thai he has inst
received a supply of FLOUR, which he is offering
at wholesale or retail from If 5 40. 37 to
8 87 per. Barrel. IIea'also sells some ss low as
70 cts. per quarter, all of which he WAR
RANTS to be Good, c -
CANDLKB for sale, wholesale or retail.
Thankful for past patronage he hopes to Con
tinoe to merit the same.
Market Bt , Bunbury, Pa.
February J7, 1858.
Estate of HENRY FKY, aen. dee d.
NOTICE is hereby given thst letters of ad
ministration hsve been grsnled to the sub.
scriher on the estate ef Henry Fry, sen. late ef
Coal township, Norlhumberlsinl'c ounty, deceesed
.411 persons indebted will plesse snake immediate
payment and those having claims will present
idem duly authenticated for settlement.
February SO, 1858.- Ct.
NOTICE Is hereby given thst application
will he mads by the subscriber, for a du
plicate of Land Warrant No. 84. 218, for ISO
acres, issued lo Rebecca Besr, widow of Wm.
Bear, who wss a private in Cant. Hay's comps-
nylslrdtlie 16th dsy of September 1058, which
ssid wsrrant was duly sssigned ly the said Ke-
becra Bear, in blank, ami acknowledged before
Jesse Weigel, snd certified 'y the Prothonotsry
f Mounlour countv Pa., and purchased by the
subscriber from the ssid Rebecca Bear. That
the said warrant was lost in the mail between
Union Corner PohI Office, Northumberland
county, Ta., snd Plesmnt Hill Cost Office,
Montgomery county Indiana, from and after the
59th of November 1858, and has never been
heard of since. Thst in consequence of ssid loss
spplication will lie made te the commissioner of
reQMons for a dupiirsie ss shore sisted.
. CHARLES W. Mr. It ARK v.;
Pleassnl Hill, Indiana.
February, 30, 1858. 6t
c. cntsisaoron. ruse c rsASsoM-
Commission Merchants and Sealers in
Ko. 6, X. Water sf., 3 loer$ above Market,
sve constantly on hsnd sn assortment ef
Dried and Pickled Fish, Ac, Ac.
Mackerel, I Codfish, I Lard, I Bhoulders,
Salmon, I Bsef, I Hsme, I Cheese,
Bhad, j Pork, I Bides, I Bulter.Ac
Feb. J7, l858-3m.w.
A Csird to the rublic.
J. F. & I. T. KLINE,
Kline's Grove, Northumberland county, Pa.
WE have determined from the publication of
this notice to sell at greatly reduced prices
for CASH eur stork of Goods, comprising
Dry (ioods. Groceries, Hardware. Quecnsware,
Boots snd flioes, Hats ana Caps, Medicines, Ac,
ml all goods usually kept in a country store.
Being dejirous of quitting the business we Will
ispose of our stock of Goods on or before the
1st day of March, 18'8, lea person or persons
wishing to emtiark in the business on favorable
torus. 1 he situstion is a good one for doing en
extensive mercsntile Irsde.
For further particulars call personally upon
the subscribers, or address them by mail.
J. F. A I. T. KLINE.
Kline's Grove, Pa, February 6lh, 1858.
Y i,rtueof a Writ of Vbruitio Etre
si issued out of the Couit of Common
less of Northumbeilsnd Covintyi and to me
directed, will be exposed to' Public Male at the
Public House of JCHN M. HUFF, in the bo
rough of Milton, on SATURDAY the 13ih day
of M ARCH next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.,the follow,
ing described property, to wit I.
Alt the right, title snd interest of the defend-
snt, of and in a certain lot of ground, situate In
Delaware torn ship, Northumberland county.
bounded by lands of Christian Gosh, on the north
south and east, on the west by the West Branch
Canal, containing Four ACRES more or Iras,
whereon are erected a H tea in Mw Mill, anJ
Frame House. - Seixed tsken in execution and
to be sold as lbs property of HethT. MeCormick.
J A M r.3 VAN DYKE, ajheriff.
Sheriffs Office, Sunbury,
Februsry IS, 1857. J
Da voa wish to find aood employment. ul uiaka ma
Willi UUle i uo iovifstmeiil, anil v.-lth.4it iittariern g wilk
your regular bustucasf If yoa do,, remit tliia advemaa-
U. K TODD at CO.,iif 704 Brooioa Hi i eel. Keve York
sis inaiiurseurnig and sclllug iiuisstve goto I'rnt-tla S
tf-li, (winch ate rheup st ttiet rii-e,) aud ihe) throw iu a
tit prixe wltli ea,-ti I'rm-ll, worth frmti S- up t.i 6, 10
. .u. j; "- l.M. .U.I .... u I . ... 1 . .
"Hueilrua! lsierv:'1 li s no sui-li thins The I'enri's
I . . ... wv, wv. fir. wui wiu wvw. .run . CTT Ml,
are ankl ul their easli value, nud all lha profits over tha
urat c.isl ara thrown into the gins, whicMaeiualiy chh
Uia puiehasev iHrtlniig. TIm prizsa ara distrilHited u a
8iia.h- pluu of diawiug, wlneb wuulo lake too mueb room
t) exjifaiiii, but whit-a baa uevcr failed to give enniilele
ailisiNctMiii We Imvs Srawu atid sent to nttretmaeis le3
u nu ho ot pm-es,74 I'urseaot sulil .lolls
Si gold I tcSa's, WSJ auld t-iiaius, and a crresnoudinguaia.
ber of other prises, within two onoolhe.
hot every pnrehaaer draws s prise worth ti rertaia, and
us ttaaaa tnuuanias m otiJiices lunti metier bnure.
V s want a cmxl aeeiit in every neiahiMirhoud throneh
out tha t-Kuutry, u avilicit pureliasera, and any axrni, tu
la aueceaarut, must have a rsueil and piiae toeatobil.
VVa nav aiceuta 91 cash for each nun-tiaerr be olsaiu. and
the first person in any oeothboi hood whoapiihea fnr a
Peoetl and sift wilt leeeivs the naenev f.r that l alitv
Should an aseiit biaiu a valuable one m caaihit with
bia I'euetl, ha would have littls diAleulty Iu obtaining
acoics Of aufcnasera, ana owaiiig ue paying ouMuess.
A Xcm Idea ! Bead ,' Head J ! I
Wa ask nobody to send thsir moiwy till tbey kimw whsl
rite ihry draw. Any bxtv wiahingto lr their Im s, eaa
irst send ut their name and address, and we will nwka
than drawu.s aisl inforia them by return aiail what pri
they dsaw, when they ean send on aadtahs tha Peoelland
rvrito, or in, whiehavee they ehiM. We siv this pri-
Vlie only me sn a puiriwsrr. auoiiih srw afnw-.i
cverv purebnasr will he re-mired In arod in advaore,
throush ihaau'hnrisr-d acent. Ws wH sed with eai-k
drawing lha aumlief lkn oat, with fuH deacrlpliea o(
ths plan of drawing. A surras
T. I wv m t- j
1 - 892 llroom Street, Keio Jorh
Janaary 1S58.
joiira a. i.i; .UD,
Ojjlct in Maclet fM oppoiite th Court Ifouie,
Collections made and Professions! Business
generally attended te Promptly and Carefully,
.. ti, PatiiBSLrai Rxrxatses i
Bullitt 4 Fsirthorne, Diehl 4 Wertr,
Davie A Birney, F. Tylet sV Ces
ftunbury, June SO, ISM.
300 HACKlJ quality, beat quel
V I tpiv a, biiu wi vain ( tu. isaw
untinry, o te ssje-ik. . -
IN pursuance of so alim oi.ler of Orphan's
Court of IS'iiriliiimberlsnd coirntV) will be ex
posed to Public Hale, on TUESDAY, the Slid
day of MARCH next, the following described
real estate to wit :-A certain piece or
1 racl or liiind,
slltltte In Rush townsnlp, Northumnexlsnd coun
ty, adjoining lands of Ihs heirs of Spencer Met
ier, dee'd., lands of Abrsflnm Csmplwll, Charles
Metier, Gilbert Diets, I'hllip Meller'a hri-s and
olhars, containing One Hundred Acres snd filly
four perches, suiet measure more or Ices. About
Twenty Acres Timbrr Land and the remainder
cleared and in cultivation, whereon are erjed
a two story Stane House, frame Bern. wson
house, a good stone spring-hotiee snd other out
buildings, also a good Orchard. . Lata the elate
of Wm. Carr, dee'd. Bale to com nu rice at 10
o'clock A. M.. of sain day when the terms of
sale will be made known bv
- By ordcf or tllo Court, )
C. B. PLR.XEL, Clk. O.C. :
Bunbury, Felfc 13, ISftS. )
A. A. If AYES, M. D.
Auaylr to tU Slat? of iJamachusttts. 5
Gtataat Cn A a acts a. A light yellowish
brown-colored eiiit, having a Irngrant odm j
when evaporated from clean linen it left no nil or
offensive matter. Analyxcd for volatile snd fix
ed drugs, of which n- trai es of any kind wore
found. Its color is proved to be duo to a colored
resin an extract derived from wood.
In evert tespect it is a pure spirituous tirpiar.
The fragrance or bouquet which it pocssea
csn be isolated, and it then sppears unlike that
from Cognac Brandy or Wine, being a fruity e
aence resulting from a peculiar f.rineniation of
Catawba and Isabella Urn pes.
Cmxsiicsl CuaascrKB. 1 ,000 parts in vol
ume of this spirit contain al CO ih-g V. 46 1 8
10 parts of pure uli-olu.l, besides (lie ffsrunl oil.
1,0 )0 parts of the spirit afford 5:! purls of a strong
solution of Ihe oil which chsricterizss this Bran
dy ; the spiiit 'eft, afier removing the bit, is pure
and odorlets. and in all its rpuliiirs a perfect spi
rit not sulject to charg. Ono U. U. gallon of
this Brsndy st CO dig. F. contains, besides the
spirit and oil, only 2Vt) grs. of mailer coiufmetd
ofextrsct of fruit, gum, and colored min from
. 'nsTes, January 55, 18fi8,
Dr. COXE, Ktste Inspector cf 0'ivo, and Dr.
Jas. J. Chilton. Chemist, ofiSew Vork, I olh
prononnce this to be pnre Brsndy, and free from
all adulteration.
For Medieinnl Dnfroses Lvon's Catawba Bran
dy has no rival, and hss long been needed lo su
persede the poisonous compounds sold under the
name of Brandy, As 1 ever i;e, the pure article
is altogether superior, snd a sovereign sure reme
dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency,, Low spirits, Lan
guor, General Debility, Ac. Ac
LINU CH A M P AON B. These winrs are msde
in tho neighborhood ol Cincinnati, and are guar
antied to be Ihe pure juice of the Grope, sud are
eminently calcnlaled lor invalids sud persons
who require a gentle stimulant, mid for sscrsmrn
tsl purposes.
Retail price $1 S.r per bottle. A liberal dis
count made lo the trade. Dealers will pleaae
send their orders to the sole agent for Northum
berland county
Drucgist, Milton, Pa.
Fthrnary, 20, 16.18. 3:n.
flouiTand feesTT"
THE eubscriher isc.nisiiii!v receiving fresh
supplies of Kxtra Wheal snd Buckwheat
Flour, Corn Mesl. Chop-Feed. Ac-, bich he is
offering at LOW PRICES. Wheat Flour from
$S AO to 97 00 per bid, according to quality.
Extra Burkwhwhest Flour, $1 25 pr sack.
Corn Meal, 1 ".10 pr 100
Chop Feed, I SO pr 100
Also on hsnd a lot of very nice dried A pples at
li J cts per pound, it $2 .10 per 2 pounds
Every effort will tie made to please, and give his
customere sstiafscticn. Call and examine for
yourselves. .'
Sunbury, February SO, I r8. .
Adminislrs.tcr'1 Iiotico.
NOTICE is hereby Riven, thnt Utters of Ad
ministration, mi t!ie estate of Augustus
tlucy, late ol iSliamokin townnlnp. rsortliumlier
Isnd county, deceased, have been granted to the
subscriber. All iieieons interested will take no
tice thst he will be at the residence of ihe widow
of said decessed, on Thursday tho 1.1th dny of
Apiil next, when and where all )eisois having
claims against said estate ara requested lo make
known the aame, s:id H-rsons knowing them
selves indebted, aro requested to make psyn.cnt
without delsy.
of Auguslua liury, dscraesd.
Shamokln township. Feb 13, lass. 6t
fflHE aubscribers resperttulle ttif.irm t'.ie cili
tens of Kunbury sod vulliity thai they hsve
commenced the shove biiins a it w door sbuve
the Post Olfice, Mstket Sique.te, Sunbury, Pa.
Work of all kinds in their tiue of business w ill
be done promptly and nently on the rm.t rea
sonable terms. CLEMENT A OYSTER.
Februa y 13,1855.
A Spe.-ial Court of Common Pleas, for Jury
Trials, will be held at the Court limine in Sun
but;; on Ihe 3d Monday of March lo wit March
15th 158.
DANir.I. BUCKLEY, Proth'y.
Prothonetary'a Oflice,
Kunbory, Feb. 13,.ar.8. J
TOTICE ia hereby eivrn that a spscisl Court
for the trial of rsu-ws in the ( 1 los
will commence at tho Court 1'ouse in Nunhury
on Monday the loth itav ol .Marco, tor one
Week. Jurors snd ntheis intrrrstl will attend.
Given under my hsnd at Munlmry, the 1st day of
r ebruary in Ibe year al our Lord one llioiiscnd
eight hundred and fifly-ei-h; snd the Iiule
pendence of the United Melee ef America the
Bid. - .
- God save the Commonwealth.
' SberiCT's Oflice, Sunbnry,
Fehtusry 13, I837.- , S
iOIt trisl in ths b is I fourt of t'ommon
- rlcss of IXortrumli'rlsnit Lonnty
to be held
at ttuhbory, on
fLllRTIFfS. 4
the third Monday
of March
vs Kiinlwr CUavrr,
Jacob M. Bslid
Chss. Pleasants vs
The .Mabsnoy and Misrnokiu
Iiiiprovemenl IVmpany.
- ." or In u Improve .
James Jenkins heirs sV e, vs ment Cv., and W
I, Hellcii.teln.
Jesse C. Horton vs J. A. W L Dt-wart
Irs T. Clement, v William McCarty,
Issiah Wjtkerson, vs iturqiicbsniu Co! Co. ct si
U. C. Welkri, vs II. Hellas, W H MsNhalletal
Robert Auchmuty Ae,s Jesse Aucnmutyv .
George Bums, vs George. C Wclker.
DANIkX HKCKLliY, TrotVy. '
Protlionotary'a Oflice. 1
Bunbury, Ftb. 13, 18." 8.)
Eitato of SUSANNA SIBD. dte'd
V OTICE is hereby eivrn that letter" of sd
' miiiistrslion on the eate of r-'usanns Hi J
late of the town of Khaiiiokiu; N'oribumlwrlsiid
eouniy, detessed hsve tx-en gisutrd lo the sub
srriber. : All persons iadr'oicd to sai l estate will
please snake immediate psmeut sud those hsv
iig cleims to present them properly approved f".r
settle uicflt to
Phsmekintown, Jsn 1 11
aiQi'.s2 and u t si7rxrrTr,
V- Waicrvliet, Bay ti V. Rt.-rii., nl ISiM i;
kcl.rJhawls. latee at-,n q-u.'i-'ea vi.l p:c.
p 11. V ,i .1 . .it . ,i ii i r 1 1 ' .
We have just reoeiyed and are now opening a targe and choice selected Stock of WINTER
GOODS, comprising en endless variety, and will positively sell sror entire etock at
We return our sincere thanks to the public for our lnooeasing patronage, and shsll efcdoaror la
merit a con&Aaance ol the same.
Ii. Ye RISI HUT &, iOX .
bunbury, Dcci-mlier 10, I8&H.
Vor. v Mark et Stmt J Marktt Square,
lURKiRlitlHO, PA.
rrtm Nr.w ano I'eUJOATcrtiort-:! rmndr wo-
X Uti by Mm lvtf itj.N),.iv iu UtfnultirK, ., mv
(ut iK-ftt Isjn1 (r m lt?rni nt yuii try the umJutiirwl, h
tnki thi nfth ul of ttnltiiif tfiu ntuniM-ii v( hit iVtruief
pufrtinB, mM the trwvrlltiin vtnmiiulv, hirt.
IhViutt (rt lit of tif. Istiiulrvtl nti't forty ft'it nu Ui
Krnicijtai ifct ut twenty, und Tifty-two IVe-i rntitti
Urtstit iidfr, it oatitttri fail Ut prura attracuo as wll
inviting utim ,(.
i')ie Ciininth'r :te uf fine lijte, WeU veiitilitfaJ, and
I i pUtti. n-itli Oaa-Mi iHMiilr witb roiuiwrtitij do"ra iim
knt thnn very dnairuliitf for funuUta.
'J'hu tlnlta art Wftrintrtt Itirniifflintit hy Wmlftn; nud
erary mftdern uiipmvNmriit, in tiirt, hna htrti m!iel, (iiat
sikiy cihrJuco 4 tli Mvt) Cotnitftt, aiitl liajspinaM of tlia
Viwrnra rrm tliarn. Tat hitM, iliat theJmii
llntsf hn l.freit mrule petfitsl in all iW Mppfiintinnita
thm rnoh tlcrtmitit hn lan ftliicnl in cJwrire f ilape
rieitocd finrt t'imrtfnt Par ma that in evrry pa'dnilnr
tlie aatrin n hu h hi nrt-iptrd hy the Pr.irMif, wiltrtfT rtl
l-t ih 'Sir wfbt m.jr mki it Ihetr hnet ui frrefit n (ft-grre
uf nil ituiy deobuuied at uiiy umlar ealnblrthmeiit
in tho HMtts.-
Tu awnire thu ilfnirnKIa rrnH, lie hna faftilitiwl the
lnt)ic tiM Tfivato I'rivnte I'ur'tir, C'titni'ra, Dining
H-M.m. At-., wiUi entirely iNKW I'lHM I'lHK; lutd a'i
arrniixl wiTIiim tht l-n.k!iitg. n die l!nTl?r liitoii, Uyt
Ut KibHiii. Urfimiiig Koum, H"t im! CU lint lt. lr
Ttie CntirrHry J)c(. artmrtit nutl Iiiiutff R'X'tn will rtxriv
the mijnH''ii if itiu PrttpriPtor, wtnuii Uc trmti,
will bv a mitiirient guimntt ttmt nil iie will le mntetl.
Ailif reuiritiur It is heartfelt llitinka to his nM fneiulii
nd pflirv:i, fr tit? ;ftiieriia tttnntf:4 au hug atttiM
hi:n tit the (nvetly Htmi. ainl n'mi t hia frieiKl
awl u,triwt thrC.ltimb.n H'mukV C"t Ulninl. tiuring
itte ftciir'ii ot iM.t, lie reape r'fiitiy auacita a coiitluuuiK
of it ut the "JUN Ri IIOL "SK."
January 30, Cmoi.
f - XXtlV.rXE SALE.
r'.jXHE suliscribrr offers at private sale, a ccr-
i tain let or piece of Ian J, situate in Lower
A ugnsta UmnSliip, Northumlierland county,
about 8 miles below BuMliory, bounded on the
west by the river Stirrjuchnnna, on tho south by
land ol George Pi lor. on the esst by land of
Wm. Kroh. and on the north by lahd of Wm.
It. Jorrus, containing fl Actcs and 18 perches,
allot which is clcnrrd snd in a very high slate
of cultivation. The Northern Ontral Itail
lioad pasres through the tract, and is also
bound on the hy the Main Kond Icsding
fioin Munluiry to Ilajriabnrg, which togcthr r,
with the Kivcr upon the west, and the fertility
of the aoil makes it a very pleasant aud desira
ble situation.
ALSO; another certain Tract of Land, situate
in ssid towmhip, enjoining lands of William
Kroh, on ilia south, the heirs of Itoocrt and Ar
thur A uchnuily ; on the ea:-t Wm. V. Silver
wood, and a public mad on the north, and Win
It. tones en tiie west, containing 03 Acres HI
perches strict incisure, .bout 60 acres of which
sin e'earnd. snd in a high stste of cultivation
and the residue most en-clicnt land for cultiva
tion, but U now covered with excellent timber,
and if purchased soon, the purrhuscr can get a
lare quantity of lUilrond Tics on the same.
This tract is also well watered, having several
fine springs upon it, and every Geld ran be wa
tered therebv. Au indisputable title will be given
and terms of sale resKotmhle.
Lower Augusta tp., January 3, 1857. tf
Ifupoitnnl 1 Coal Operator!.
'I Ml 13 undersigned Lessees uf the "Lancaster
-- Colliery," near SlisnioMn, Northumlierland
county, Pennsylvania, wi lling te retire from the
business, oiler for sale tho Lease end Futures
of said Colliery, on satisfacloiy terms. This
Colliury has bceti in 0ration siiico 1 854, and
hss brill successful beyond expectation. The
Coal is a superior article for all uses to which
Aiilhro. it" isapplied, and a good market has been
eawblished, which can be ir.uih eitcndcd. The
llrrakcr and Kiilures sre of the very best char
sitcr snd vi Ul recommend themselvee to persons
sequaintr.d r.iih Ihe business.
The l.c-Hse runs to Janusry I, 18fl4, and is a
fsvorsble one for the operator.
For further information apply st the Colliery
in person, or by letter to Shuinokin, 1 O,, Nor
thumher'and county, rcr.nsylvanis.
February C, I83H. tf
Estattv of JACOB FRY, Deceased.
"V OTICE is hereby given to th heirs and le-
gal representatives of Jscc'o Fry, who for
merly rasidcd in L'ipr Augusta townrhip, Nor
tliiimbcrlsiid rounty, deceased, thst by virtue of
a Writ of Partition and vslustion issuod out Of
the Drphsn's Cotirt of aid county to me diractcd,
sn Inquest will te held at the late residence of
aid Jcoh Fry, deceased. I" wit : at the residence
ol Jacob Fry. jr., near Ihe M'.smokiu Ifsin in ihe
borough ol Sunbury, on Cstuiday the Olh dsy of
March not. si 10 e clack A. M., fjr tho purpose
of making Pai'.iiion of, or to value and sppreine
the Kesl iiilitt of said deceased, to wit : A cvr
lain Lot of liro'indi situate . in Ihs borough of
Sunbury, near the cihsmvkin Dsm, snd bounded
on the v e by the public read leading from Sun
buiy to HanUburg, on the south by a SO feet
alky I on the catt and north by land of Itetija
mill lieiidricka, containing alioul ono-fourth of an
Acre, viheroon is erected a two story aione duel
ling ltouso and Kiu lien sud a smalt log stable.
.It which time and plat a you may attend if you
think projier,
, JAMES VANDYKE, ehsriff.
fchcrift s Olfiro, Sunbury,
February fith, 13H.
Ettate cf George Rrp6ois, decctiscl.
Z OTICE is hurehv given to the licit s or Irsl
representatives of (ieorge Hrosisus, Isle of
l.'eorgctor.ti, in Lower Vslnmoy lowuahip. Ner
tiiumberlstid coulitv, Pcnns) Ivania, deceased,
that by villus of an alias v. tit uf I'artiiion snd
Vslustion issued out of the Orphans' Co'Ot of
said county snd to me dircc'.td, an inquest will
In faehl at the late rrkiilor..- of ssiJ dcetased, in
(ieornlon n, on M'VMMY, tho aUnd dsy of
March, next, at 10 oVIocii A. M.,lor the purpose
of malting partition of thu Real Estate of said
deceased, to villi ef live coituin tiacU of land,
and four and half lots c( ground in Gt-orKCloarn,
afoicsaid, ono Limestone lot, and five Ij'auds,
aituate in the rivet Susquehanna in Lowtr V alio
tioy tuvuMhip, Noilhun.b.-rUnd roiiniy, sfurcu d,
iM-tweeii t'oo hriis or legal repreeniativcs, snd
the nidow ol said drceaerd. At which time snJ
place you may attend if you think proper.
Sheriff's OlTice, Sunbury,
Jsnusry 90, 1858.
The icalimnry of I'mf. lloMh and Dr. Hrim k's in' ii g
prsv-hasty lives putjiistieo, tea iuu...oi is now aiusu :
fti in V of. Vel'LtH' fti of Tha.iry
and rrat tu-a uf MtSu-iiitt In tliv r e.uale Med.ral C'l.lrye
t-i b-Miitn, iiH't Vie l'rutsa'r of huiery iu l.ia
Autsricaa co-cei-i U'e. c. :
rai.ii.eiiii. Nov. trih. 1H9.
Ma. Joren i:. lievaa tiuti i ytmr IJUI ID
tl 1K 1)1 K ill cxtviuut tk moat ak'iiial, UM n is
ak, W-tCANT,' an.t arricsciots frfiisti.n. Vulike
rn,iiy .Uers. il lo Several Instances tf.vsd aervu-srla
i.-i li.e ears s mrd ealaoviais erupt.oid ou tbe Hsa, i j
I save k liesinni ui ui cin,B.iiiii..j to Ihuaa reijuiruig
s teli sn unpiH-miou.
Vvryiwi rcirully, J. T. X MeCLOSKUY, M p.,
47 acs(U.,al.ya I3ih.
IIOVr.R'9 WBITIXO INKS, iuchutiiiaj HOVf.HTS
wm ri.Nti n.i in, ao iiiiv i-.ti .-i i'.,i.iui.r;
sioi immui'm'u .lieu lush eiMirmtsr, wlii'.n luisuUvaisitia
iiesuul'ni tni, nisi Hie aatensice wluMinl lisl ersuUd,
iws eitomtuvil aiii'.tcrtuiiteil ttiiti'. tbc piaaciit.
Dnlersbddieasvd la Hie M snufaclory. No. 418
RA'.'lJ rtiost. abo Fourth, (old No. IU.)
Philadelphia. va ill rei.civeornmpt attention, by
JOr-LTU E. liOVF.ft, Manufacturer.
December t ltsf7--A ril JI5, 47, cb.
Oof) V.KL'KC!:rUriNG,embr.cingWool
ii.ftrsiti, t':-'i'K and ii suuerivi- a'lijie
;.i 1: Ki L. ) 1, i'i.i...i .(!v..i fct ho-f.e, f t t!i
ul -::wt t.l jU Iks
' titv ol Goods that I brought into town last
spring, I succeeded in selling litem til out en
cept what I gave away, end bsd to hurry to the
ciiy, for a new lot, in order . that my customers
uiijiht not be put to the inconvonisi-re of bnyiuif
at other stores, whoie tbry would be chmgfd
killing prices. . Proliiing l y , pat el-ciicnis, I
have just brought on
Twice at Haitf Ooodn,
end t hsve now the Isrnnst end CHEAPEST
ASiJOKTMEJCT ever offered within bcsiing jf
this place. I am bound to sell
cuyjArta TnAH svza
before. I nerd not say cheaper than my neigh
bors; for thst is no lohgcr a disputed fact.
I am norr ready to deal out goods twenty
hours out of twenty-four Sundays excepted
at lower prices thsn any person dare ssk tor.
Just rail for any thing you want. 1 aw deter
mined to
that may be made, reasonable or unreasonable.
Call soon, aa Ihe rush is Iremrndous.
Sunbury, Deo 56, IP57. ly
ioS7. FALL G WMTER C00D3J 1358.
.V'J.' 1. "VvT. Crl--'S
Uarkot Bquaro, Eunbury.
IOW received snd will continue to receive
' the largest and best selected niuck of
Black Clothe, Caitimtrt, Castinettt and
Vetting, J-e.
An assortrhcht of Dress Goods, viz: Fancy
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De I.aiai
Uaregcs. Merinos, Cashmeres, Alapscss, Dress
Silks, Ginghams, A c.
Irish Linen, bleached snd brown Drilling, Sheet
ing, 'illoncsseing, &c.
. Dress Trimmings ia Great "Variety.
Boots and Shoes
Hats and Caps,
- Hardware,
SALT snd FISH, Cheese, Crnrkere, Srgnrs,
Tobacco, Snuff, &c., nn aesorsmcnt of othor
Goods too tedious tomcnliuli.
Feeling grnteful for past Ihvor we beg leave to
srs- re our old friends und tho nublic that no
l. t on our part sholl bo wanting to merit a
eov. nuance of our patronage.
t.ountry produce taken in Cichange at the
highest market price.
Bunbury, Pec. 13 1857. tf
Paper, Printers' Card anl Fuivelope "
No. 405 Commerce Street, 1'l.iladtlphia.
Cah b.iyers will find it for their interest to
January 10, 1858. 6mos.
Straw --t utter.
fllllE suhecriber has been appeinted Agent for
i Messrs Gcddes A M.irah of LeMuirg. for
thee): of ihcirftraw. Hsv A Ci.rn-FoJder Cut
ter. Th'u Culler ir ihe best in use. Fuin.ers
and others sre respectfully requested lo call and '
examine for themselves.
P. B.
Sunbury December SGr 1357. tf
ravii r, subscrtter will sell st ptivste sale a
M. t ARM situate in Point township, Nor
thlimlierland county, about 3 miles from the
borough ot NorlhumberlsnJ, on the Danville
road, adjoining lands of J. C, Horton, James
Ncsbit, Cliss. Psrks and the north branch of the
river Sinqurhamia containing 75 td ICO Acres,
to suit purchasers. The Isnd Is in a good stato
of cultivation. The improvements cou.Ut of a
area frame HOUSE, well finished; a Hpiina-
House, built over a never-failing (Ti ring close
to the house, a Bank 13am snd other outhtild-
ngs. An Ui chard with young and choice fruit
The shove tract will be soli) on reasonable
terms snd an indisputable title given. Posses.
sioii given on Ihe fust dsy of April next.
r or further partu-ulare inquire of the tubscri.
ber, residing on the adjoining film.
Point township, January 2d, 185M. tf
BOOTS 4c SHOES for Men, Women an!
Children, a large itock, coin pricing Men's
Water i'lot.f Kinn and Calf skin Hoots, Bro-
gans, Morocco, kid and Calfskin !-iioe, Gaitsre
nd Gum Shoes. UK1GHT& feO.
.Sunbury. Her. 3(i, 18") 7.
Rlltercl, Herring and bhad, whnlemle
V (i or retail. Now is uie time lo purchaso, ss we ara enabled to oflVr them at a lower
price than joo can purchase Ihem in the Springi
Sunbury, Uec. SH, ;7. liKItitri o; SON.
Market Square, Suub'try, Va, ,
F.Sl'F.CTFt'LLY informs the puhlie that
l.e col:stantly keea on band. Extra snd
lout la Ettra Wheat Flour, in quarU-r barrel
sacks. Also superior Buckwheat Flour, mid
Chrp XrtA ol sll kinds, which he will warrant
snd sell at the lowest price, FOR CASH UNLIT.
Call and are for yourselves.
Tccmbrr 10, l8f7 ly.
CVttctvncn at auj,
Practices iu Northumberland and aJjoiuias
bonlo ry, November SI, 1857.- tf
Furnirn Look ia Vour Interest.
mssdiai Tjimeii
THE sudvriber resectfully informs the fir
iners snd the public ssnerallv, that he has
Irsstd ihe liir.e kiini of Ira T- Clement in bun
bury, and thst he liSs slwsys on hsnd, and is
ready lo supply a good quality of lime to all who
may want for building or farming purposes.
He has also a kiln at Keefer's crossing s miles
f.ain rtunbury, or two from Suvdertown.
f y All kinds of Country PioJOre ta&eo i.s
GEO. V.'. 8TF.OH.
Sunbury, Dec. 28, 1857.
WANTED Thirty Thousand Cross-Ties, or
Kailrosd 'lis fur the Northern Central
Itail Road. Fi t further particulars apply to
IH. T. CLEMENT, Cortractor.
Bunbury, IJrcembsr 6,
OAMEtothe promlnes of the subscriber aliont
UU tlsyssinoe a BLACK COW. about lefi
yrtrs old, hss a while face, white bind
loot while, tshite under the jaw, bole bored in
such horn. The o v. tier is requested to corns and
prove proirty piy cluuii.' a, otiicrwe she will b
li' H svl of s.coi Ji:ii tj laiv.
L'an:L KerriU-V
VlV C4'l, naciiv r ls