Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 20, 1858, Image 2

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    From the Plttr-b; Meenht? Chtmilele
nr.5nr ri-.
Vi'ttfvt ftbriVrbtit connected bistory of tlie
tTinrdoi, a review of tlie chief features of the, a description of the murderer?, and nil
the circumstuncti which the limited facilities
accorded tit buve enabled 01 to gather.
Till Ml'RDKR.
Tha crima for which llenty Fife and Char
lotte Join's tinid t lia dvntb penulty to-d.iy, taps
one of the most atrccioss ever committed in
this county. Ueorge Wlison ono of the
parties murdered, was an old mnn whose hair
bad boon ailver with age, and who eked out a
lived by making coal boat pins for each as re
quired them in the neighborhood, Hiaiiater
the other victim, was but a few years l.ia ju
nior, and both occupied tha fame hone a
Log cabin situ-ttcd in tbo vicinity of McKees
port, and distant from the city some fourteen
miles. On the night of the thirteenth of
April, lost, Fire mid Charlotte visited their
lumble abode, and with a view of obtaining
fosseesion of a mm of money which thp latter
new the old man had laid aside, butchered
lliem in the most shocking manner.
The scene on the scaffold was painful be
yond comprehension and drew tearcfrom many
of tho spectators. Cliarlotlo end Fife were
attended, the first by the Kev. J. (i. Brown,
oud the Utter by the He vs. Mr. Veil, and Air.
Williamson. They had religous services in
tha cull till within a few minutes before their
removal to the scaffold. Shortly bel'oro two
o'clock they left their cell, and linking arms,
a procession titts formed, which entered the
Jail yard. . .
nrs's crixa ceclabatioh.
Daring my coufinement I liuva suffered
nioro in mind a thousand times for the crime
I have com mi' ted than tho fear of this death
that is so rapidly approaching. Here is the
fatal rope, the scofl'old, and the hand that is
to send my fool into eternity ; but 1 do pot
fear ; 1 have made my peace with all the woild
and 1 trust in Hod. And now before these
witnesses, and in the presence of Almighty
God, before whom iu a moment of time i ex-
red to appear, and with tha last breath that
am permitted to breathe on earth, n ith a full
knowledge of my awful situation and my ac
countability I solemnly protest and declare
tu it Monroe Stewart is innocent of tho mur
der of Wilson and his sister. Tho deed was
planned and perpetrated by himsclfnnd Char
lotto Jones, without, any other human being to
aid or assist us. For our crimo he has suf
fered a long imprisonment, but I pray Uod
that the last words of a dying man, with no
hepo or motive to declare anything but tho
truth, while the just punishment of uod would
bo visited by falsehood, will bo taken and re
store him to that liberty or which he has been
bo long deprived. In whatever was honest
lie was my friend, but no partner of mine in
crime. He has suffered much for my crime
and I leg his forgiveners. Monroe Stew
art is innocent. May God have mercy on my
soul. Henry Fife.
Charlotte Jones also made a dying state
ment, espresing her penitence for her crimes
and corroborating Fife's statements in every
particular. She also protests the innocense
of Monroo Stewart, and says her charges
against him were induced by hatred of him
Inspired by tbj fear that he was striving to
get Fife to leave her.l
Immediately after Mr. Williamson censed
reading?, tho Rev. Mr. Bell read a chapter
from the Siblo and offered op a prayer, in
which tho prisoners joined. Fife, during this
trying sccno maintained the most astonishing
composure, and when thn time came, actually
Adjusted tho rcpo around bis neck and stamped
on the platform, as if to say he was prepared
to moot his fate Charlotte, on tho other
hand seemed utterly broken down and bewil
dered. She erred bitterly and every now and
then altered incoherent sentences now sta
ting that she desired eo die, and agaiu declar
ed that sha was afraid of death and wished
to live. Fife, seeing her agony of soul and
utter prostration, put his arm nround her and
cnd3avored to coiisofw and cheer ber. Such
was the etato cf mind of both, and such thoir
condition, wlieu it was announced that their
hour had arrived, and that they must now
prepare for execution.
Everything was now ready for the complo
tion of the final act of the bloody tragedy, in
which the convicts had played such a terrible
part. The rapes had been adjusted around
tho necks of tho victims, and but a few mo
ments wero to elapse ere their souls would be
ushered into tfremitv. Still Fife's coolness
forsook him not. He railed such of them
around him as he knew on the sraffold, and
shook them efl'ectiontttely by tho hands. Ho
then declared that, "with tho help of God. hu
would die like a mun," and with a firm voice,
in which tho slightest tremor was discernable
cxclaiinod: "Remember, 1 die game." He
then turned to his companion in enilt, who
at this time was scarcely conscious and nut
ting his arm around her, kissed her. Roth
then declared themselves ready to die, and
tho signal being ffiven, tha Sheriff touched
tho spring, and tl.0 soil's of t'ie guilty couple
were launched into eternity. Fife fell straight
down, and died without a struggle, but Char
lotte's death wus lues easy, and fully ten min
utes elapsed ero tho pulsatiuns of ber heart
ceasod. Fife's heart ceased to beat with
ia fivo minutes from tho time the drop fell. Fever. Important Frescmp
tiom Dr. Liodsly, of Washington, strongly
recommends the modo of lrutineut of scarlet
fever, resorted to by Dr. bchneeman, pby6i.
cim to tho King of iUnover. It is as follows,
and exceedingly dimple :
" Treatment of Scarlet Ftvet hy Inunction.
From the first day of tha illness, and as
soon as wo are certain of its nature, the pa
tietit mutt be rubbed morulng and evening
over the -rliole body with a piece of bacon, in
such a maniier that, with tho exception of the
Load, a covering of fat is every wr.ero applied.
In order to make tbii rubbing in somewhat
easier, it is be?t ta take a piece of bacon tho
size of a hand, choosing part still armed
with tho rind, that wo muy have a linn grasp.
Oa the soft side of this piece slits are to bu
made, in crd--r to allow the oozing out of tho
fut. Tha rabbiogs must ba thoroeghly per
fjrr.od, and not too quickly, in order thai the
skin may he regularly saturated with the fat.
The beneficial results of tuo application era
soon cbvious ; with a rapidity bordering on
magic; all, even the most painful, symptoms of
the disease are allayed; quiet, sleep, good
humor, oppetite returns, and there remains
otly the impalienco to quit the sick-room,"
DaEAPrci. Accipest. The llarrisburg
TuUirrar.h records a dreadful accideut at "
Union !i'prit Furnace," South Ilauovor, I'u.
Ono cf tiia f.unaces not working satisfactori
ly, in order to ascertain what was wrong, tho
wrk'i'ir. cugacred ia the work of cloanii.g tho
lows? pirt of the furnace out ; but whilst they
wero so engnged, the hot inelul came running
V'.it ia torrents, go unexpectedly, that live
persons wero literally showered over with the
liquid lire. iinmedia"iy sotting their elothiog
ou nra anu L'urumg tuem lu a dreadful end
suovjU'cj manner. Some of tha unfortunate
Kin jumped into the canal, aud others into
tho water tub ; but this provtd unavailing
they so dreadfully burnad that ne human
hlp oould Suva them. John Baler, Da rid
1-andis.W. Mnrruy. and a nun called Dutch
J oho, have since died from their wounds,
nd were buried yesta.dny, whilst Moses
Wolf, anethrr of the injured, can hardly
survive his injuries.
TVe cases of extensive fraud hive lately
earn- to liyht in Hnntiaj", t;li:li. A cloilt
Las gunioieil am $100,000 of his employer'
rxru-y j a tailor forged bills to the anonnt ol
tl-i.CiiS : e.ud a geveratr-est fXiBimUsary bat
n. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor.
To AvtTii .The circulation of the Puiibary
American among tht different town! on Die 3aic,tiehaniia
not exceeded ifequallcd by any paper pu" lulled in North
trn Piinv1ram.
fctTFoR Rent. Two bon6cs ia Market
treet. Apply at this office.
""jr We are indebted to Joseph C. Rhodes
and others of the legislature for documents.
tSF Auditor's Report. The report of the
special Auditors occupies a considerable por
tion of onr paper this week. It is, however
nn important document, and one in whic'1
every tax payer in the county has a personal
S3 Walked off. A bliud horse attached
to a track wagon, belonging to Uenry Cable,
while loft standing near tho Dutn, on Wed-
ncsday last, walked towards the abutment
and before he could be arrested went over
tho abutment falling u distance of about
twenty feet, into the river just below the dam.
Ho was taken out more dead than alive. The
shaft only of the wagon was broken.
we a i-a i-ASTROi'HB. A road cat was
killed on Wednesday at tho house of Willtam
ft, ,.,. , n. n .
j ens in vuis place, pne was contined in a
room and was ferociously savage and rampant.
A Crowd was soon gathered when a gun shot
put an end to the nine lives of "poor poesy.'
Though mad, she was, no doubt, innocent of
sjy Coi.d Weather. Wednesday night
last was the coldest night of the winter thus
far. Tho thermometer, at sunrise, stood at
5 degrees below zero. Our citizens have
Deen unsy, during tue week, in securing a
crop of ice. There is aa abundant supply
now at this place. On tho two bnsins, on
Monday last it was about 5 inches thick. On
tho river about three.
O" The ice on the river on Thursday
morning was bis iqcLics tincu and clear as
crystal. There never was a better time to
secure good ice, and it is just the proper
thickness for good packing. We observed
thut Judgo Jordan had taken the precaution
to have bis ice sawed out iu blocks of crystal
about 18 inches square.
ur Tue Present Legielatnie is pretty
severely handled by tho Press for tleir rofu.
sal to express any opinion on the Kansas
question, and their determination tomotber
all inquiry on the subject. Jt is trua that
Congress is the proper pluco to discuss this
question, but tho expression of un opinion by
a simple vote fcbould not be objectionable.
"T In removing some bodies from an old
grave yard in Allentown, recently, two bodies
wero found to be petrified one perfectly and
the other purtly so.
tiT Mr. SciuF.FFi.u, tho Senator from
Lancaster, hns succeeded in passing a bill
providing for an investigation of the failure
of the Lancaster Rauk, through the Senate,
notitl:stauding the Rank committee had re.
ported nguinst it.
Gp2" Our neighbor of tho Danville lutelli-
gencer, in his last paper suggests to us tho
propriety of "iuventing a inachino to make
ice." The late cold snap must bave satisSod
him of the fruitlcssnees of such an invention.
Ice, though late, will be abuudant. Such a
machine has, however, been invented in New
Orleans. Lut that Is an ice-o-lated case. At
a (jcneral thing it would not pay.
ty Three men at work on the rock section
of the Northern Central Railroad, in the nar
rows below town, were badly burnod last week
by the explosion of a keg of powder, that oc-
ciuently ignited near them, when at work
Aoother mun had his scull somewhat cracked
by a large stone rolling down the hH).
C3" NEWsfATKR Credit. We observe In
the last Poltsville "Miners' Jonrnul," an ar
ticle cr.titled "Tho Hair of the Presidents,"
and credited to Lxcitangt. The article, though
or not much consequence, was an editorial
from this paper or two weeks previous. The
Journal, no doubt, copied it from some other
paper. There is a proncoess among some of
the city Journals, to adopt articles of a gener
al character, from thecountry Frets, without
proper credit, as if there was tome impro
priety iu tracing the paternity of aa article
to tucb a source.
Si'Nfci'R? and Euie Railroad Comianv.
Gen Juckman hat introduced a bill iu the
legislature providing for the sale of the Ca
nals still held by the State. The North
Rranch, West Rranch, Delaware Division,
and the Susquehanna Division and the turn
proposed to be paid, is S3,fC0,000. Tha Sun
bury and Erie Railroad company is to be tho
purchaser. Tha company to issue its bonds
ta the amount of S7.000.000, bearing 6 per
cent interest. The crowded tttle of our col
nmr.s prevent! us publishing the bill this week
It is an important measure which we trust
will be carried cut.
tttf Farmers' Portable Fence. Mr. J.
II. Iirueo, of Eloiira, N. YH baa a model of
bit patent portable fence oa exhibition at
Coverts Hotel. Tbis is a cheap and a hand
some fonce, and can bo moved aboat with lit.
tie trouble. I armors should call and tee it.
f2r Tho advertising agency of Y. B. Pal
mer & Lj., has been dissolved, and hat been
succeeded by the new trm of Joy, Coo t Co.
OJUitt at tii usbiU iUen in PjJadaipliia
uq so xors.
From th Banbury Ottelte, Ffbruary 13.
"To those of oar reader! who liva in this
Congressional District, the vote of Hon. Wm.
Ia Dewart, member or Congress representing
Northumberland and Srbovlkill counties, P-
on the Lecompton Constitution, will cause
no little tifrprise. His name, aa recorded in
llrn votoopon Harris' motion, appears strange
ly oat or place among vue opposition, u
gentleman may have reasons, satisfactory to
himself, for voting as he did, but we believe
that a majority of Lis constituents are averso
to a continuance of the Kansas agitation.
Wo bave no doubt, onr readeri will be
equally surprised with the editor of the Oa-
Kctte, ia finding the above singular announce
ment in his paper of last week. We do not
like to interfere in family matters, nor have
we tho least desire to hart the feelings of onr
neighbors of the Gazette, in dofending the
Major from their attacks. Had any obo pre-
dieted, a few months since, tbrHMste should
God it necessary to defend our quondam friend
tho Major, from the attacks of the Uazttto
and his professed Mends, at this early day,
we should have been laughed at for our folly.
But we are determined that tho Major shall
not bo thus pat down, for an act that meets
the approbation of the democracy and tho
entire people of Lis district, because a few
wire workers, having obtained their coo from
head quarters, have seen proper to change
their tactics as well as their opinioas, within
the last fow weeks.
We would have hardly supposed that after
General Calhoun, the President of the Le
compton Convention, and his friend-, acknow
ledged that the true returns which gave Kan
sas to the free State party, had been buried
under n wood pilo, while they were attcipt.
ing to palm upoa Congress, false returns that
gave up the State to the slavery party, wo
say, we would hardly have supposed, that af
ter confessing to these villainous frauds to
sustain the Lecompton Constitution, that the
Gazette would ask any honorablo freo stale
man in Congress, to vote for the Lecompton
swindle and slavery. -
We would say to tbo Major, let not a few
political wire workers, who know no princi
ples but party, and who bave no aspirations
but office, to divest him of what ia destined
to be the crowniug effort of his political life.
Already it is proclaimed that oar member
was sent to Congress to snstaiu tha adminis
tration, while his constituents vainly supposed
that he had been sent to represent the peo
ple of Northumberland and Schuylkill coun
ties. e confess we have some rears that
the Major may cot remain (inn, and nay be
driven from bis purpose. In that event wo
would commend to him tho ft llowing beauti
ful lines, from Pope's oniverjal prayer :
If am lignt ill) Grace Impart,
Blill in Ike right to nay;
IIow any one could object to a vote on Har.
ill' resolution referring the President's mes
sage to a select committee appointed by bis
own friend, and constituted of bis own friends
seems almost incredible, unless it it bocotse
that committee is instructed to enquire into
tho frauds connected with the Lecompton
The annual meeting of Stockholders of the
Suubnry and Erie Railroad Company was
held on Monday of last week at Philadelphia.
The annual report of the Board of Mana.
gera was then read, of which the 'following is
an abstract i
On the Eastern Division the deep-cut op
posite Jerrey Shore, bat been completed,
leaving no heavy work unfinished between
Williamsport and Farrandsvillo, so that this
important section conld be pnt in running
condition in kix months' time, if the means
for the purpose can be secured.
Oa the estern Division, l tie worn princi
pally from resources furnished in that region
is so far advanced that in bu or eight months'
time the lino could bo nut in full operation
from Erie to Warren, aud soon after into tho
Western margin of the coal Golds of L.U and
McKeao counties.
Aq extensive revision of the survoved lino
of the route has boen determined upon, w ith
a view of ovoidiujr a large unount of the
heaviest work, which it is believed can bo ac
in tuo year lbOJ, a mortgage lor six mil
lions of dollars wus executed upon tho whole
line of the road finished and unfinished, to
secure a like amount of bonds to bo issued
under tho same. These bonds it was found
impossible to negotiato.
The financial condition of the company np
to the Grst of January last ia shown by the
tollowiug abstract ot the 1 retsurer s report:
Rf.ceicts From instalments on subscrip
tions paid in by City of Philadelphia, $2,000
000 ; by District of Richmond, $2!i0,000 :
other stockholders, $l,574lcy G9. Total S3,-
b'ii, 16'J 69, From bonds of tho Company
issued. ; temporary loans, $2, 0,22 1
yj ; balance of old assets of Company, 1, "38
t. Total receipts, gl.lo.l.lG 4.'.
Expenditures. From building, land and
right of way, 8199,281 fO; engineering for
the whole route, $174,277 21 ; road eont ruc
tion from Sunbury to Williamsport, $1,957,-
30G72; between VYiliiami-port to mouth ol
Sinnemahoninp, $907,711, hi j from Erie to
eastward, $194,057, 20; piers at Erie harbor,
S78.890 47. Total expenditures on work,
S3, C09.452 57. Total expenditures, inclu
ding iuterest on temporary ond permnnent
loans and interest paid to stockholders, $DUI,
8'J6, 52. Assets iu bauds of Treasurer Hills
receivable items due company, $7,180,55;
Corporation bonds, 21)5.000: Telegraph
stock, 82000 ; cash, $2,597 79.
i be earnings of tue umslied portion or tuo
work have Dot been as great as was anticipa
ted at the time of the last annual report
owing to tho financial troubles.
Arrangements have now been made for a
resumption of the coul business, with every
pro?puct of success.
I he net inereaso ol lue uni&hea f oruon oi
the road for the past season, has exceeded
the interest of the mortgage debt upon it.
Tbo bonds yet to be disposed of will be suffi
cient to provide for all the floating dedt.
The pole was thea opened for the e'ection
of a Hoard of Directors, which resulted in the
choice of the following named gentlemen ;
William G. Moerheait, 8 V. Merrick. lAUa
Lewis, JohnC. Cretson, A. Boyd Cumntings
Henry Duhrinp, Philip M. Price, C. R.
Wright, D. K. Jackman, Alonco Wilcox.
ejy President Conionfort and General Gar
cia Coude were passengers oo board the Teu.
nesee, arrived io New Orlans. The euemiet
of tho lato administration completely sur
rounded the city of Mexico and bave proved
too tlrong for him, and be wat obliged to Oy
Geo. Santa Anna will have another oppor
tuaity of grinding down that unhappy aud
Cckel people for a tbort time.
tT" Tub Lawbskce Iloifg It will be
teen by tho advertisement of Mr. John Lei-
ter, who hat become tbo purchaser of tbis
Hotel, that be is making preparations to take
pos&etsioo of tbe tame oa the firt of April
neit, and will t&tlte adJitiooe a&4 imptow
mettto tfceewte.
At an election held oa Thursday, Zenoa
liaroum, Esq., was re-tletted Presidents This
road is io excellent coodiMon, at appears by
Hho following abstract of their Report!
Tlie (rrim rt vena tut IM7 wat . . ., t7l,SHe i
lirnM tl pause, . . , . . . , 4ft,4M W
Net revenue, ' fn,384 14
ThtB mm ham tmel fartkat larmiiiMd bv imlAM
nd dividends, . . . 10,310 tt
titaat it
Paul liitereat on bonded 4tM, . tJ3,8 01
Fnld dividend and inking fund
due w. i . anuu. H. II. Com
ruy Taid iiilereet on boaded debt of
aid company, .
Paid ihmage nn toeount of 0
cident on Baltimore A Hue
liit linnim K. H. on ttb of
Merch and 4th of July.
Taid iiiteieat aud exebanf e, a
tt,M4 to
e,8BQ to
s.ees id
. 3,743 -S7,.ll 38
DuUaee ttt,493 It
The cost of orerotine the road for 1857, in
the ratio of expenses to receipts, exceeds that
or 1837 6 68 100. 1 be board, in anticipation
of tl-j early completion of the road to Sunbury
and consequently a large increase of business
therelrom, deemed it not only important, out
imperative, that the most ample preparation
should be made for its accommodation and
despatch. At' the company's ebopt extra
lorce was employed in rebuilding locomotives
passenger and burden cars, and large expen
ditures were made io the renewal and repairs
of roadway between Baltimore and Bridge
port. Upwards of twelve miles or new iron
track were Iuid on tbis section of the road,
and 39,546 cross-ties renewed, all of which
hat been chamed to workine exponses. An
additional, and the aoost prominent cause of
the Increase in transportation expenses wet
lounu in the cost ol operation toe upper sec
tion of the line, as a teperate and distinct
road. lSesidet the heavy expense unit in
curred a large cam was paid for road and
onuce tolls to other companies and cnargea
to the tsmeaccouot. Upon the completion of
tue bndco over the bustiuebanna river ana
we take ereat pleasure in announcing to the
stockholders that this most desiroblo result
will bo realized early in March these items
of expenses will Dot only be saved, but the
emciency or the transportation department
will bo largely increased on the line or roaJ
to the poiat of extension.
paiisok nnou slow on a mismo
This notorious political parson has started
a "missionary tour" to lecture, as he says, to
the "heathen of New England," and enlighten
them on the subject or slavery. On bis way
bo stopped at New Orleans, and gave them
a sample of what he intended for the edifica
tion of the Yankees :
The Crenent tells as that in giving a histo
ry of tbo church difficulties North and South
which have led to a complete sundering of all
relations between them, be remarked that he
was acquainted with many of bis own church
(Methodist) in tha North, but he hail no tort
of confidence in the best of them ; the pious
port, on or Abolition society was, no doubt.
tho best portion of it, but io eveo that he had
no confidence whatever; his church had sepa
rated, tue aoutti trom the ISortb, but be
he hazarded nothinr? in asserting that the
Southern portion was doing more for the tem
poral and eternal weltare et too negro "than
all the freedom shriekert out of bell ;" the
"pious" Abolitionist would enter his church
on Sunday, "with a face as long as tha moral
law," descant upon and bewail the wrongs
and miseries heaped upon the down-trodden
sons of Africa, and on tho following day, in
his picayune grocey or candy store, would, if
he ceuld, swindle a Lonisiana neqroout of the
pett ier ornament on the head of his walking-
ttu k; ar.u do tt tn tue name oj the L.ora.
"When I get to Heaven," continued the rtv
erend gentleman, "where I expect to go after
my death, if 1 find a regular built Abolitionist
there, 1 shall conclude that he has practiced
fraud on the door-keeper; for in my opinion
a Kansas agitator and freedoro-6hrieker has
no more business in our Father's Kingdom
than Commodore Pavji.dixq had iu Nicaragua
when he captured tho filibusters."
The Baltimore American says if the Parson
should find himself, tome fine evening, after
one of his lectures, in a New England horse
pond, ho should blame no one but himself for
the ducking.
Ltcojiino County and th Licompton
Constitution. There wss'o largo democratic
meeting at Williamsport on tho 6th inst., the
Court House being crowded. Tbe object was
to give expression to tbo feeling of the peo
ple on the Lecompton Constitution. Henry
Wuitk, Esq., presided and speeches were
made by Clinton Lloyd, Judge Eldred, Geo
White, II. C. Parsons and C. D. Emery. All
were the warm personal and political friends
of Governor Packer. Jadge Eldred offered
a series of resolutions, which were adapted
with great unanimity a conple of which we
copy as specimens :
JlesoUed, That the a Amission of Kansas at
a Btato, under tho so-called Lecompton Con
stitution, would be a violation of the princi
pies and pledget of the Democratic party ; io
direct coaliict with tbe Cincinnati platform,
tho Kansas Nebraska act, the inaugural ad
dress of tbe President, the promises made to
the people in 1656, and present public opinion
because it is notorious mat saiu Constitution
is not the work or the citizens of that Terri
tory, nor has it been sanctioned by a majority
ol them, but is a banning conceived in sin aud
brought forth in iniquity.
lltsnlred, That in our opinion, the admis
sion of Kansas under the Lecompton fraud
will uot localize, but nationalize tbo question
and be bucIi aa act of aggresion and wrong
as will justify resistance and produce a gtnsr
cl anil cuit u-ar.
KAMA! Kit At OS.
We gtvo, oo tatnrday tbe facts of the dis
covery of tbe buried returns of the Surveyor-
uenerart ouice. i do box contained lue
whole of the returns of both elections
among them beiug the much-talked of Dela
ware Uroiising return, rooting up 349 votes.
Governor Denver and the two presidios offi
cers of the Legislature, who were present
Calhonn opened and counted tbe retarnt
originally, swore that those found in the box
were tbe tame passed, except the Delaware
Crossing return, which must have been in
Calhoun's possession secretly, and by him
afterwards, included in the count. Calbouu's
chief clerk io tho Surveyor-General's office,
McLean, had tworn, before the investigating
committee of tbe Legislature, that be hud
sent all the documents to Calhoun, at Wet
ton or I'latte city ; but it teemt that McLeau
had been watched for teveral dayt by secret
spies, who taw him and three other persons
bury the box containing the pipers, at nigbt,
and pile wood over tbe spot. This accounts
for tnn exact information possessed by tbe
Sheriff, who found tbe box. At tbe three
judget who held tbe election at Delaware
bave tworn positively that ouly forty-three
votet were cast there, and no more were re
turned by them ou the papert givea to Hen
derson, the question it, how did tho papert
come to show 349. Oo examiniop; them
after their exhumation, it wat foood quite ovi
deut tbat they had been tampered with, at
nothing iu tbeia wet genuine but tbo certifi
cate! and tiguaturet of the judget, which bad
bees cut on iroin tbo origiual papert, and
patted oo at tbo foot of teven page of bogut
ueoiet written oa entirely different paper.
DiotdDi'ori, uauioun e brotber-io-law, suore
before the investigating committee that tbo
Delaware crossing relurca wero Landed to
bim by llcadertoa ia precisely their pre at
eendutcn. Ibif fixe the freed on Henderson,
bat it It qoite evident Oalhoan, Diefendort '
and McLean were all aware of, and participa
ted: in It, A writ wat isteed lor the arrest
of McLean, bat before It tould be terved oa
him be escaped to Missouri. To make tho
matter itilt plainer, tbo commissioner! ap
pointed) by tho territorial legislature bave
tnken the 0 ensut of Delaware Crotstog, an
found only thirty-three legal voters.
Wowlnrrta the aharnneaa of Sheriff Walker.
i ue uiiouTerr ui iua uurivu vox wbbviiiviiv-
wno aad caused the Surveyor Ueneral s office
to bo closely watched. Ha Dot only knew
. i . t :: -
where the box wat bat also that McLean
and his strong; force of assistant clerks had
stored forty leaded muskett there to resist a
search. Oo the day when the detest on the
place wat determined npoo, the Sheriff tent
a secret emissary into the office, and had the
caps all quietly removed from the cunt while
McLean and hitmen were absent at dinner.
Whon the Sheriff called to execnto the
search, and announced to McLean that the
retarnt were under the woodpile, resistance
wat threatened, bnt that of courae tubtided
at toon as the clerkt found the rant useless
Tho retarnt were taken before tho Probate
Joige, who bad issned the warrant and, after
be ne diilv venued br the uovemor ana
other officers, were handed over to the Legi
lalive Commissioners, who, after a ten days'
examination, will deliver then into the hands
of the Governor. We bave given above the
substance of many letters which we find in
our exchanges. McLean's version of the
affairs is thus narrated by Clay Pato, the no
toriout correspondent of tbo St. Louis Ro
publican i
A very tdvero case of Sore Eyct of 3 years
standing, wat cured by tbo use of DU
the most soothing and puieting agents that
can be bad. in Erysipelas er the race, it win
often remove tbe pain in 10 minutes.
AmxTt fo Do VAiL't Galvanic Oil Frilin A
Grant, A. W. Fiiher, W. Weimer, C. Wenk, H.l),
Alnize, llrriatreaaei Hull.
Wile Cherry Hark nnd Tar, by an ioge
nous combinatien with a few othor tiplct af
ford us the sorest antidoto known for con
sumption of the lungs. Dr. Wis tar, ia hit
Balaam of Wild Cherry, hat produced a rem
edy of untold value.
rrt 1 ,000 ft K WARD will be paid for any Medicine
thut will excel PRATT A MI.TCHKR'8 MAGIC OIL
fur the fr.lliiWHir diseaica Rheumatism, Neuralcm
Spinal AfTecliini, Contracted Joints, Cholic Paim, Paine
in the Side oi Uncle, llenitnlihe, Toothnche, Pprnina, Sore
I hront, Cute, iiruiaea, liurns, and all diKaaca ot trie aKin
Muscles and the Glanda. None ecnuine without the sir-
nature of Pratt k DrTcnaa atlni-hed to ench I jinel.
Principal office, 1100 Washington street, Brooklyn, New
or. w l.y
Albert V. Fisliet, Druggist, Market street, Sunbury,
sHT This is to certify, that I have made
but one application of the Magic Oil on my
lingers, which have been drawn Irora contrac
tion of the cords, brought on by rheumatism.
It was of seventeen months standing, and 1
now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend
it to all eilicted likewise.
llarrisburg, 12 Locust street.
July 25, 1857. Iy.
Trrrmmr i
Oa Wednesday, tbe 18th inst., by the Rev.
C. A. Rittenhouse, Mr. Dakiki. Knarblb to
Miss Susan Kaseman, all of Kbatnokio, Nor
thumberland county.
On Saturday, tbe 7th inst., by tbe itov.
P. Rom, Mr. Henry Z.Rakrr, ofTrevorton,
to Mi Lavinia Seers, of Lower Augusta.
Cjje ITarhcts.
Philadelphia Marfcet.
Feb. 18, 1838.
Grain. Tbe receipts of Wheat centinne
quite largo, though the market it inactive
Jood red it held at 1 00 a $1 05, and $1 24
a SI 30 for good white. Rye is steady at
0 ceuts. Corn is scarce, and light sales
are making at 58uG0 cents. Oatt are in de
mand at 35 cents.
Cloversecd Sulet of prima at 5 CO per
C4 lbs.
ft 40s I
Pork, -
Coin, - -
Oats, .
New Advertisements.
market Street, Sunbury Fa.
Tilli subscriber respectfully inforrr.a the citi
zens of Sunbury, and the public generally.
that he baa purchased, and will take possession
of the above well known etand on the 1st of
pril next, formerly kept by Mrs. Thompson.
Tliat he w ill put the same in complete repair.
In additiou he will provide a conveyance to carry
passengers to and from the diflerent Railroad dc
pots, and will leave no elTrts untried to render
bis hotel a desirable stopping place for guestc and
travelers. JUHJi LKlSUlt,
February 20, 1858.
Estate of HENRY FRY, ten. dee d.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of ad.
ministration have been granted to the fub-
acriher on the estate of Henry Fry, ten. late of
Coal township, ortbumbeilandcounty, deceased
AW persona indebted will please make immediate
payment and those having claims will present
mem uuiy auinenuratrtj lor settlement.
UEOKOE II. CODEU, .ddra'r.
February SO, 1858.- Ot.
Let all the People linow
That II. V. FRILLNG ia selling off hit stock of
VAl.fc.M lM ts at coat.
NOW is tho time to Purchase as you are ture
of Retting the worth of your money.
February 80, 1858
1HIE subscriber ia'conatantly receiving fresh
auppliea of Extra Wheat and Buckwheat
Flour, Corn Meal, Chop-Feed, dec, Inch he ia
offering at LOW . RICES. Wheat Flour from
$5 60 to $7 00 per bll, according to quality.
Extra Buckwbwheat Flour, $1 25 pr eack
Corn Meal, 1 SO pr 100
Chop Feed, 1 50 pr 100
Also on hatid a lot of very nice dried Applet at
131 eta pe' pound, or to per S3 pounds
Every effort will be made to please, and give his
customers satisfaction. Call and examine for
C. O.
Sunbury, February SO,
fOTICE ia hereby given tbat application
A. v wiU be made by the eubecriber, tor a da
plicate of Land Warrant No. 84, SI 8, for 120
acres, issued to Rebecca Bear, widow of Wm
Bear, who was a private in Capt. Hay a com pa
ny. 'dated the 16lb day of September 1856, which
aaid warrant was duly assigned by the aatd Ke-
beore Bear, in blank, and acknowledged before
Jesse Weigel, and eertt&ed y the Frothnnotary
ef Mountour countv Pa., and purchased by the
subscriber from the taid Rebecca Bear. Tha
the aaid warrant wat loot in the mail between
Union Corner Poat Office, Northumberland
county, Pa., and Pleaaant Hill Poat Office,
Montgomery county Indiana, from and after the
Itflh ef November 1656, and hat never been
heard of since. Tbat in consequence of aaid lose
application will be made te tbe commuwioner e
reukiona lor a duplicate at above Mated.
Ptaaaaot tlitl, Indiatm.
Fafcrwy. tO, 1M. ,
Tha OoxoiaoAweftlth of PennrylTanla. I
To Joeenh Bancs awout.
Peter Hanghawont, loan Hanfhawout, Nancy
iatcriaarried wHh Wm. H. Kaee, Elizabeth In
termarried with Eeaa Campbell, Mary Haugha-
wont wMow of LefTert Haughawout, detrd end
Mary Haaghawout tad Ephraim Lytla guardian
r John J., (sarah Jane, Kpnraim 1 and Mary
B. Haughawout, minor children of said LeSort
Haughawout dee d, Christopher Haughawaul
leaae Haughawout, Jarkaon Haughawout, Cal
vin Haughawout, Dewitt Hannhawout and The-
odoeia intermarried with Iaate Dewitt, ncira and
legal representatives of John Haughawout dee'd,
and to all ether peraons uitareated.
Northumberland County, ss.
Ton and each of yon are
hereby cited to be and appear before tbe Judges
of our Orphans Court, at an Orphans Court to
be bald Tor taid county the first Monday of April
next, and then and there accept er refute tj take
the real estate of the said John Haughawout at
the valuation placed upon it by an inquest held
thereen the 36th day of November 1837, or show
eause why the tame shall not be sold. And
hereof fail not !
Certified from the records of our said Orphan's
Uourt at Sunhury, this I4th day of January, A
D-, 18-ri8., That, D. Grant Dept. Clk. O. C.
The above nsmeJ and Legal -epresentatives
will pleaea take notice of the above rule.
8herifTa Office, 8unbury, i
February 20, 1853. J
FEBRUARY 20, 1858.
TUST received by Railroad another lot of
" choice and desirable gaoda consisting in part
of Fancy Delanes new style, Black and Fancy
Sitka Beautiful Madder Prints at C, 8 and 9
cents per yard Persian Dcbege 12$ cents Plain
Delanes 12 cents SB indies wide unoicacncd
Muslin 61 cents Also 1300 yards Muslin dif
ferent widths and qualities French Cloths, Caa
cimcres, Satinett, Kentucky Jean Ac, at exceed
inclv low prices And we call particular atten
tion to our Stock ot Fresh Groceries, feeling as
sured that their quality and our price will render
entire satisfaction
Examine our Roods and learn our prices, our
stock presents a large and varied assortment, en
abling purchasers to make a good selection to the
beat advantage.
In conseounce of the advanced state of the Win
ter, we will commence from this date to aell our
entire atock ofKeady .Made Ulolmng Blanket,
Winter Hosiery, and a very nice assortment of
Ladies Shawls at greatly reduced prices -ow
ia tho time to secure good bargains.
U. T. BlllCitlT fc SOX.
Sunhury, February 30, 1858.'
A. A. HAYES, M. D.,
Assayr to the Statt of MassacJtusitts.
Gbxxval Ca a a acts a. A light yellowish
brown-colored spirit, having a fragrant edoi
when evaporated from clean linen it left no oil or
offensive matter. Analyzed for volatile and fix
ed drugs, of which no traces of any kind were
found. Its color ia proved to be due te a colored
resin an extract derived from wood.
In every respect it is a pure spirituous liquor.
The fragrance or bouquet which it possesses
can be isclated, and it then appears unlike that
from Cognac Brandy or Wine, being a fruity es
sence resulting from a peculiar fermentation ol
Catawba and Isabella Grapes.
C'uimicil Character. 1,000 parts in vol
ume of this spurt contains at 60 deg. r. 461 2
10 parte of pure uleohol, besides the fragrant oil
1,030 parts or tbe epint allonl 3 J parts oi a strong
solution of the oil which characterizes this Bran
dy ; the spirit 'eft, after removing the oil, ia pure
and odorless, and in all its qualities a perlect spi
rit not subject to charge. One U. s. gallon of
this Brandy at 60 deg. F. contains, beside the
spirit and oil, only 220 gra. of matter composed
or extract ol Iruit, gum, and colored retn irom
ZfosTOX, January S.r, 1838,
Dr. COXE, State Inspector ef Ohio, and Dr,
Jas. R. Chilton. Chemist, of New York, both
pror.onnce line to be pnre Brandy, and free from
all adulteration.
For Medicinal nnrnosea Lvon a Catawba Bran
dy baa no rival, and lias long been needed te su
persede tha poiaonona compounds aold under the
name ol U randy. At a beverage, the pure article
ia altogether superior, and a sovereign sure reme
dy for Dyspepsia, Flatulency,, Low Spirits, Lam
gtior, Ueneral Dctnlily, OC. ac.
Alse. ESIlbl.UY 8 bl 11,1. AXU Sl'Al.rV
LING CHAMPAGNE. These wince are made
in tho neighborhood of Cincinnati, and are guar
antied to be the pnro jnice ol the Urapv, and are
emiuently caicnlated lor invalids and persona
who require a gentle stimulant, and lor saeramtn
lal purposes.
ltetail price $ I z per Dome. A nuerai dis
count made to the trade. Dealer will please
end their order to the sole agent for rtortbunv
berlaud connty
r. cA.fci.tJvi ,
Druggiat, Milton, Pa.
Febrnary, 20, 1858. 3m.
To tbe Honorable Alexander Jordan and hia Associate
Judges, of th Court of Commou 1'lcus, ia aim lor ma
County of Northumberland.
vriiauiuleraieued onooiuied auditors, to open, re-suJit,
settle, and adjust the accounts of J. M Simpson, Jacob
Young and Krenei Uucher, lnteTresurem,anduf Ceoige
lillgtil the preeeui l renaurcr i i vunuij, um
u.,u if v. M,,d whut imitjikea have been nude in Ilia act-
lemem ni and Treasurers' acceiiuta With the cuuuly of
Northumberland, and alio Willi the Common weuliri of
Fennaylvunm, frem the chile of the Report by the kite fe
cial auditors, appointed under and by virtue of ait act of
AascnuuV, of 4th of May, A. !., lbJJ, respecituiiy report,
That pursuant to their apnimiluiciil they met iu in oo.
rnogti oi B-iiioury, on in luumr 'i .iuciiti,, n.
lKi7. aud havnie l-een hrt duly sworn and afhrmeJ, ai d
having aubacrlbcd Ui oath so taken, proceeded to petloim
th dune of said appointment, and continued in session
from day to day until the Sin day of December next eiii-a-me.
inclusive, and tkeu udiouriied. to meet on Monday li e
4th dv of January, then licit nsuing. Tuut the said
Traasurws appeared before said auditora outing Uieir sea-
The renort of the late special auditor, stale that though
th sum of (S.MU b of biate Tax, an Kiel and reramul ,
remained outstanding ou th 1st or Janunry, i:si, wlieu
Young oecame Treiuiurer, yet that Ihe whole of that sum
was nut DuMute to the Commonwealth becaua durinf th
term of (Julie', Treasurer, larg aura of County ruoaey
bad been asrd in paying aaid Sut Tux la advance of it
collection, and during the leioi ot rjiinpai-a and ) oung.
man, Treasurers, tlie County Commissioners had borrow
e.i from i'ia Bunk of Noithuinberlarut a eonsideiulile a-
,,.niii whieh wu usad for tlie Same purpoe. The Com.
monwsalib having then received in advance of it eolleo
tion, part ol the ux leviod ou leal and personal, wu m.t
untied to tha whole ef the outstanding tax amounting
(aa reported) 1st of January, 1502, io C3,lv .. ins
mnm,t ii.a roinmoiiw-aalih was euliUad to receive, from
Ibeae outstanding taxea or bauince in th hand of th
l icesurei, (subject, aowever. looeouruuiw ior vaunero-
aous percentage to collectors) ia exhibited ia Iheaccount
listed by asidtpeeial auditois, for the years '48 and '49,
md '60 and '31. And aa all the But ux on real and per.
eonal for previous years, bad keen fully settled dating th
terms of Siinpaou "d Youugman, Hi balance of theae
.,..,! reniaacnt lb whole amouiil the Commonwealth
was entitled to receive. The balance for the yeoi '48
ud '41 bring I,20H 41, and for th yeor a '50 and '61 Ilia
lam of S 2,W1 43, the Commonwealla was entitled 1st of
Jan. 18591 to tha stun of fcl.ttW 05, (subject aa aforesaid,
te exonerations and percenuigea) and to no more, although
at that time a larger amount of Ux on real and personal
remained outstanding, and caah balance icmainetl in the
hands of the Treasurer. Aud it waa futthcr rauoited bv
aid special audilora, that Youugman and Pimps hi hld
cash balane Busing from said Bute tax. and that if thee
sums war paid to County, toward refunding what ah
hna advanced, then th Com'th would receive th whole
of aaid sura of 81,350 85 (subject aforesaid) fma tii
tben outstawling uxea but, thel if these balance wet
paid to th Com'th, then th would b entitled to so much
leas from th outstanding taxea, subject Io exooeratmae.
Ac. Youngiiuin ha since paid tlie Com'th per receipt the
aum of S921 181. The Com'th ia lUUed tbwefoi a
Com'th entitled aa abov sUUd, to,
Paid by Youugmau,
4 .150 M
Ml It
Amount Coen'th entitled te front lex oetsuad-
uu, let at Jauuaty, 1853, tl,32t N
Th tax oa teat and per (oral oatattadiiar, 14 ef Janaanr
ir53, ia rapoited by aaid at-eoal auditora at 85,840 Te
Owing ta rrir mduplicaies since that tlnui eorreelrd, w
report ta nuiauce uea oatsuuMiiiif uj eave reea in ui
of V5,tll 33, cat waica aura in ixn'tn wa (titiuee t
receive, aa ehov auue the aum uf MJitS ee. aial
raMvauot as previna aavannaw, Ik ! wee auittM
ra u uaJaaa, roavwa -
Oateurutlng, let ef Jaaaery, lss, eealeaifer-
Corn'iu' entitled to, gjjj H
Coantf antilleej to, tfirH 07
In Hi aeermnl heretofore anntxet of Tvane, fur its
tth IheCnm'lh of Prini'a.. rMnerlii i . .i J
personal, w eharige him with th whole of th ovliUmliue
tax fortaaid, via: 05,911 13, mnn eredii (Of ihi
am (part thereof) of Oi.sei S7 btloninn tKtheooniitr.
an I,, hit aceonat with th County, we chnrie him W.i
we name anm wun wnwi n t ther errditeO.
The arananta staled be tha Counlt uliinn r ,.
ereral Trmmirer with lira Com'th, roperting License
j . , ?' ' . mi ciinryn cscepi ia tlvl! Yimm
erdit for hia otnmimion tlirreun IM ik:, ad wn thu
eierptioti, we adopt the balance reputtrd by Kiiil count
Account mrm li,Mn 1 . -, .
Trearowa and tli Cotnty, ezhibitinr Ihe tnlancrs du at
the eipiiation of their terms reptimieely. And hke ai
enunta or hereto annrard between aaid Trrarurera crd
urn uhmii), retpacu,.. tax on real and personal, and mini
R-lth the Com'th. are heroin ,.wtm ilu.l..irt.. .u. .. .
ees fm licenses tn retailers, c, and Ineluiling ctedits foe
l-vnicma niaoeainee Uie expiialinii ol mid 'I rnisurera'
t.-rmaof ofht. tier eiliibitnif th present aggrarat
balunc of the amnts. 65
The rcnnnts lietween Yonnf and Ihe County exhibit
balance doe him of tWt 1-J at the end of hia term Rut
since iuen tn Coniminmueri erroneously puid him fl .
058 07, o thut h was ver-rmiil theautn i.r 1 l-i-i jo ..'
IherefiM-e repint Ihnt there ia due from lnm to the Coii'ntr
the snid anm of eleven handred end thirty-three dollar ai J
forty-nine cents.
The oeeou iris bet ween Burlier and th County,
a balance in hia hands, of rnr hamtred doliara and fift.
centa, wnteh aura we, therefore, report is due fiom him to
And we renort. that the anm of n,- i.imii.ui ...j e......
lhre dollars ami sixty-soven cents, was due from Bneht
totheCounty, at th end of hia hrst year 1M61 as Ser
the nnnexed aeeontrt.
We report thnt there is du from Young to the Com'th,
the sum of twelve hundred and one dolluia and aixly-thre
ceata, heme Ihe aeereenle of all the lnli,,,e ii,.
nexed account between him and the Coin'ih, nnd for
hc-enai- to retailer, Ac., fler dtduetin the pnvments
mmle by him to the Plato Trenanier, sim e the i-xpiialion
of his term, aa for the annexed accounta and recapitulation
for the years IM-i and is-il.
The ace Mints and recapitulation fur anil If55 hereto
annexed lietween Hiicherand Hie Com'th, n Imlanee
due the Treafurer. nt the end of his teim, of two hundred
ani. twenty-tli ree do lais .nl thirty cents. But the State
Treasurer auUefiiently refunded to lluchrr hy en order
upon, the preaeut Treairurcr. the aum of 4
benif an over payment of fii'ty-two d.ilhira anil ninetv-four'
cents, which sum we report is in Ducher's hands, and du
from him to the Com'lh.
We rrpart n Ixilmire in Hie ham! of "right, from milit a
fine, of one hundred and eielily dolluri nnd reventy-one
cenls. for the annexed ncenimt for IS-50. And t.-c report
Ulunce in the bonds of Bright from tax on renl nnd perKm
al.of one thousand nnd ninety-eight dollnra nnd twentr-aix
cents, per the annexe J neevmt for le.'-O. We make no
clianee in ihe accounts between him and the Com'th, ie
snectin liceniesl to retailer. A-e.. atnted bi. iln rtmmv
auditora for thnt year, all which is respectfully submitted. af;iiu-p(c, ivniiyirnoi,
C. D. Wharton, 16 days, tl per d"f. SIS.
8. JOHN,
Jacob I'ounn. Treasurer of the Countv of
Korthunberland in account with the same
for 1852, respecting County tax.
To amount of Comity tax for 'Jt aad previous
outstanding 1st Jauiisrv. IS',?.
S,S3t M
t,l3 47
274 OB
3IS 47
108 61
40 SI
t'-M btl
40 Co
0 (HI
69 00
i,ei et
S 63
Qa unsealed lands '60 and 'al, county,
Anitmui ui i iMeearo tor jfl.
ow roau,
" " dl.Ml,
" 'St road,
" " aslioal.
Rc'd on ale of Bridge stock,
oivioeiHison " e
rent if tiuhlie huildings,
Court hues Sl iurv funds.
Credited Tieasurer in his Stat ecunt, for
Countv onrnoses.
Overpnynimt by Dnn'l Care of Slats lex, re
funded br Co. order.
Overpayment by J. K. Clark State tax, rcfuiidad
by County order,
Overpayment by James Vaakirk, Slat tax, re
funded bv Countv order.
es to
ii as
Overpayment by C. Hunsecker, County tax and
wl.StS 3S
To smonnt of County tax for '61 and previoue
outatandtnf 1st Jai-unry, fi3.
Amount of County tax for '62, and previous out.
standing 1st Jnn., 'A3
Kxoucrntioii in 'fill on mx of T5I and previous,
rercrutnc to collector in '3 oa tax of '61
and previoa,
County orders paid in '52,
Note in B.-nil-
Amount paid Kastern Penitentiary.
lOxpeuses going to Northumberland,
Depreciated money.
lri7S 31
7.S73 S3
US 34
10,920 n
300 00
6 ?S
6 19
t oa
171 w
1,17 17
Cominiaaion on lo,79 33 paid,! percent.,
uuiancc uu in t-ouniy,
121 set at
Jacob rotiny, JVcfMtireT of the county of
Northumberland, in account with the same
for 1653, respecting county tax.
To amount of Couiuty tax for '61 and previoue
outMaiioinc ist Jan., 'oa, 1,73 3
Antouut of County tax for '51 outstanding 1st
jun., to, 7,x. 4 v
Amount of County lux for '5J assessed, 1U.736 7 j
County, school tnd road tax, fiom eoaeatcd
laiws, received in '5:, 15 n
nnrrnwed from llmik of Northumbeilaad, 00
Old l!riHe nrateiiala aold, 36 0-1
Kent oi putiiie buildings, ia ini
Rec'd from Centre countT. 1B3 30
Overpoyment !lnl tax, Solomon Manx, re
funded by order, 65 03
Overpaymvut Slate tax, Peter Purer!, refunded
ty outer, 1'J ui
Overpaymeat County tax, David Wilson, 1.1 40
tiaianc du ivmnty per account tor -a-j, i,t .o v.-
ireuurtr, ieh as
812,017 06
By mont ef tax for 'St and previous outstand
ing; In Jan., '34,
Amouut of tax for '51 outstandinf 1st Jan , '54,
, ii u 13 i o
Eaoaeratiou ia " ou tax ef 51 and previous,
693 It
l,Vt3 62
6,761 14
70 f4
7 49
4 i
153 04
U II M 3
Percentage to collectors ia '51 u tax ef '51 and
" lu '5:1 of '51 and prviou,
H .1 'J .1
136 4
1 94
11,019 UH
1,090 87
62 711
4 fU
304 4
8K,127 CS
County orders paid,
Note in Bank u
Aui'HMit paid Eastern Penitentiary,
Kxpeiites going to Northumberland,
Comunssioua ou 11,1 t6, paid St ear cent,
Ta 'County order in 'St, No 4ns,
1,111 01
KI7 00
" 407,
i,ais ct
By amount of ba'-ance da TraurT per aeeoual
for 'S3.
Balance due County,
K4 53
1,13d 4U
1,358 01
at-o5 Young, Treasurer of the county of
jyorthumoeerland, y account with the com
momremlth of Pennsylvania, resptcting taxes
on nal and personal, for -1652.
To amount of tax for '31 aud previous year
outstanding 1st of Januury, 1S52, (5.011 3.1
Aggregate Binuuut of bix assessed for 185?, 13,705 03
Aumuiil received lu zli ol to of 'oil end '51 on
unsealed lauds, 403 pi
C20,0. lb
Balance due Com'th from tnx on real and per
sonal for '48 and '40, (taxes for previous
yeura ueiiig paid,) saiu butane being out
aland inr.
l,?6S 4!
1,HS 4C
4,1X1 fl
021 Ip
Ditto for '50 ami '51,
Deduct paid by Treasurer Youngmaa since
Balunc tn b accounted far to the Com'th for
'51 aud previous, subject to exonemtions, Ac, 3.JU?) 61
Young charged iu '51 with outstanding for '41
and previous, s on x
Ta be accounted for to Com'th for these years, S.t jD 6",
Credit lobe given Young aad ha to be elurged
mkicwiui iu aia wiwuiii wua county,
1,581 (
By monnt of tnx of '31 nl previous yeor,
viiiaiaouiiig mi January, -l, fjl 04
Intweet on Ux ot '51 a.J praviou
yvoia, w go
Exeneratieiai in '58 on tnx f '51
"erceiiuga " " .
11,781 It
Hti 64
111 li
,:: II
38 51
1,114 31
453 71
tl 14
aad previous,
lly aianuiit of Ux outstanding 1st January, '53,
Percent je rn Ux of '51 in 'it,
Paid State Tieasurer per receipt of 10th July,
Abatement allowed on tax of '51,
Commission ef County Tiensureron 81,114 31,
By amount advanced by county to pay Stat
aa in -oi ana previous veeis, Biul which waa
In have been refunded' from the Bute Uxee
for said yeara (per special Auditois tsuoa (or
'61 end previous,)
Balane du th Com'lh,
t,581 64
711 71
t.0,024 IS
Jacob Young, Triasurtr ef ihs county of or.
iimimniniBu, ta grroiini uim int .amnion
weal'.h of Pennsylvania for UM, respiting
ta en rtal tnd personal.
To balance da Com'th per aeenant foe 1151,
T4I 71
1,749 Ot
31 30
iv aiuouiai oa laxee lor '01 and previous years
autatandiug lu Jauuarr, 1H51,
laureat ou Ux ef '61 and pre v km.,
To ajnovnt of ux of 'M oouuaJiui 14 Janua
ry, '43,
Ta sagregaM aewitnl of UX of tl aaeaed,
To lax received 53 (rent unseated lauds,
4,8:9 II
14,64U 7o
4 00
ioiuo d
By eaaoemt euaef tl end rwat, aaaaaauul-
ing on let January, 144, " . ft It
E' 'W -W l 4 H W Be ihii, w $
4- "