V D o t i r j MACKAY, THE TOET. We learn from Washington, that a mimlwr of gentlemen nf that city, admirers nf Markp.y, the poet and lecturer, recently determined to pay him a delicate compliment, by Inviting him to a pri vate banquet. Several Senators anJ Represen tatives of the House were prcsor.t. Gciicrnl Shields, by Invitation, presided at the entertain' went, anil, after the cloth had been removed, ho made a few impropriate remark", concluding villi a sentiment, in response to which the dis tinguished guest delighted the company by de. live ring the annexed beautiful poem: JOHN AND JONATHAN. Said brother Jonathan to Juhn, "You are the elder born, AnJ I ran bpar another's hate, Dut not your slightest scorn. You've lived a life, of noblo strife, You've made a world yeur own, Why, when I follow in your steps, Roccivo me with a groan 1 I feci the promptings of my youth, That urge me evermore To tprrad my fame, my lace, my name, From shore to furthermost shore. I feel the lightnings in my blood, The thunders in my hand, And I must work my destiny Whoever may withstand. "AnJ if you'd give me, brother John, The sympathy I crave. And stretch your warm fraternal hand A crops the Atlantic wave, I'd give it such a cordial graap That earth should start to see, And ancient crowns and sceptres shake That fear both you and mc." Said brother John to Jonathan, "You do my nature wrong J I never hated, never scorned, But loved you well and long. If children of the self-same sire, Wo've quarrel'd now and then , 'Twas only in our early youth, And not since we were men." And if with cautious, cooler blood, Result of suffering keen, I sometimes think you move too fast, Mistake not what I mean. I've felt the follies of my youth, The errors of my prime, And dreamed for you my father's son A future more sublime. And here's my hand, tis freely given, I stretch it o'er the brine, A nd wish you from my heart of hearts A higher life than mine. Together let us rule the world, Together work and thrive ; For if you're only twenty-one I'm scarcely thirty-five. "And I have strength for nobler work Than e'er my hand has done, , AnJ realms to rule and truths to plant Beyond the rising sun. Take you the West and I the East, We'll spread ourselves abroad, With trade and spade, and wholccomo laws, And faith in Man and God. "Take you the West and I the East ! We speak the self-same tomruo That Milton wrote and Chatham spoke, And Hums and Shakspeare sung; And from our tongue, our hand, our heart, Shall countless blessings How, To light two darkened hemispheres That know not where they go." Our Anglo-Saxon nnmo and fame, Our Anglo-Saxon speech, Received their mission straight from Heaven To civilize and tench. Bo here's my hand, I stretch it forth ; Ye meaner lauds look on ! From this day hence there's friendship firm 'Twixt Jonathan and John !" They shook their hands, this noble pair, And o'er the "electric chain" Came daily messages of Peaco And Love betwixt them twain. When other nations, sore oppressed, Lie dark in Sorrow's night, They look to Jonathan and John And hope for coming light. ijnmormts. "What business was your father's?" said an imperious Colonol to a modest looking Lieuten ant. "A tobacconist, sir." "Whit a pity he didn't make you one." "Probably, sir; and row will yon allow me to ask you a question V "Certainly what is its 7" "What was your father J" "A gentlemen, sir." "Well, then all 1 hare to say. is, that it's a pity he didn't make you one. It is needless to remark that the Colonel turn, cd to the right, and left.' "Will you give me them pennies now !" saiJ a big newsboy to a little one, after giving him a sevcie thumbing. "No, I won't." exclaimed the little one. "I hen I'll give you another pounding." "Pound away. Mo and Dr. Franklin agrees ; Dr. trankhn says : ! Take care of the pence, and the pounds will tako care jf thci.iselvcs.' " "As American Lady having been told that the French language had five thousand more words than theEugli.il, replicj : "Well, I am sure they must want them all, for the French ladies talk much more than we do." Poor Frenchmen! A country vouth came to town to sec his in tended wife, and for a Ion j time could think of nothing to say. At last, a great snow fulling, he took the occas.on to say that his father's sheep vyould be all undone. "Well," said she taking him by the hand, -I'll keep one of them ,; Famine 0'Fi.AiiMtTr said that hi wif jery ungrateful, for "whiu I married her, she I hud nt a rag to her back, and now she's covercj with era." At a colored ball the following notice was posted on the door-post : "Tickets fifty cents. o gemmen admitted unless Lc eemo himsclf.'t "How is cole this morning?" suid a purchaser to an Irishman who was at work ill hi coal yaid, "Uluck as iver," replied Pat. What Wind do the ladies like bejt ! Why the north wind of course ; be cause it brines the chaps to their lips b A person looking at some skeletons the ether day, asked a young dortor, present where he cot them. He replied, "We raise J i hem." Why is a peninakcr the mostdi.hiinest maa in the world! Because he makes people steel pens and says they do write. The Son of ' Buffim was a nature', Eivarol said of him, "He is the womI chapter of hie fa ther's'.Natuial History.'" A Lady describing an ill-tcmpertj man, says, 'He never smiles but he ficlsadiaincd of it," Fight hard against a hasty temper. Anger will come, but resist it stoutly. A spark may set a house on fire. A lit of pasoion may give you cauae to mourn all the days of your life. He that revenges knows no rest j The meek possess a iieaceful breast. If you have an enemy, act kindly to him, and make him your friend. Vou may not win him over at once, but try again. Uy little and little, great uiiBgs are tecum plistieJ. Water, falling day by day. Wears the hardest rock away ; and to reseated kinduos will soften a heart of ttone. If you would take a peep at aumhine, iust wis, in lueiosv oi a young motuer. KLINE'S GROVE VT TO TATE t NEW GOODS I XEW GOODS tf j. r. & x. r. klinb, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general that they have received at their IStore in Upper Augusta township, Northumber land county fa., at Klines Grove their FALL and WINTER HOODS, and opened to the pub lic a general assortment of merchandize &c. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cass'mcrs, Sntinctts, Cheeks, Kentucky Jeans togethor with a pennal assortment of Fall and Winter Hoods aJapted to all classes of per sons. Ready made Clothing, contesting of Ceats and Vests, Under Shirt and Drawee. Ladica Ernn G00J3, Winter Shawls, Ginghams, Canhrr.orcs, I)e laihes, Calicoes black til s, Uj-c. Also a fresh supply of Drv;;s and Medicines, Groceries 4c. A new supply of Hardware, Quccnsware. wooden ware llroojns 4 c. A large assortment of iloot. and Bhcea suita ble for men women and children. IIAT3 AND CAPS. School Books, Stationery, Envelope-?, Ink, &c. Cisri.SK vmii Salt. And all goojs unuullv kert in a country store. The (public nn! regretfully invited to call and examine our stork before purchasing elsewhere. as we arc determined to sell at priceB to nut the three for CASH or in Exchange for Country j rouueoat tnc miulul price. Thankful for past favors we hone by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of he same. Kline's Grove, Pa., Nov. 21. IT) 7 if CIIKA? WATCIIK8 AND JKWK1.RY. W1IOT.K3ALU AND lii; VAIL, nt fio "l'hiludelphh WnU'hi") nuil Jewell y Store" Wo. 118 (Old No. wt) North Second tMrcct, Coiner of ((lurry, riulndeliiliia. (i ld t.cvrr Wnlehcs, full Jewelled, 18 cartt cases, $s,(Ki Until iAiiine, 19 caret, - 21 Oil Silver lvcr, full jewelled. 14 l Silver l.rpine, jewels, 9W Superior lillHTIiers, 7 00 Hold Fine Silver l peciuciei, 7 Oil 1 so 3 l0 1 00 6 tiolil Hrncelele, l.yriy's Gold Tennis, Silver Tea toxics, set, (ji'ld reus, witii I'eMrll nud Silver holder, 1 Ml (iold Fiucer It Inn, art cm in SMI: Watch (jiws. plum I2J ets., patent I.u irl Si ! o'htr artirl-s in proportion All goods wnrriniud to be wlnt tliev am cold ior. STAfFFF.K Ac HAHT.EY. ' On hand some Gold mid Silver Levers and Leslies Blil! l-wcr than the uliove prices I'hilndi'lpliin, October III, 157 1yfV la egedr"ycoo pF'i-ST a bli sum est. HAMILTON EASTER CO., Revs Marble ISii'trilR?, Xos. 199, 201 and 203 Baltimore Street, BALTIMORE. TTAVE now in storo (moftly of their own im " portnlion) one of the largsjt and most com plete Stocks in the United States, embracing Silks and Silk goods of cverp diss ; Dress Goods a very largo stock ; Irish Linens; Lin en Goods and Housekeeping Articioa of every dc scrihtion ; Mourning lioods; Cloaks, Mantillas and Shawls; Embroideries, Laces, Hosiery, Gloves, Ulaiikets, yuitts, Domestic Goads; and every article generally rexuird by Farmers anJ Planters for servants use. DF" Rctuil Rooir.s on first floor the. price ufiixcl to each aiticlo, fro which no deviation is made. 0 Wholesale Rooms on the second and third floors. Octdbcr, 11, 1857 3m. WAOXDERFUL COlXCIDEXCE. All Nations of i;e Fn.ac Bifid! IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. The aiuiiversnry of the introduction of Holloway'a Ointment ought to be a jeliih'c l'oieer. It trns saved countlt-ES multitudes from dielipurcuictl, piirulyiulion, mutilation, nirony nnd death, lurlina ironi Ihe surface to which it is applied, its henlhi!; Udiu fine's i! 3 way through every coaling and liuiinirnLof the body, to ll.o very sonree mid basis iu'uII eruptive, ulcci'oui, tumorous, and ranee rousdiftcascs. It distinguishes the febrile pi .neiple that feeds them, and Ihe outward symptoms lu.le, heut. nnd pass awtiy with a rapidity iacredib.'c to t!:ose who have not witnessed it. SCUOFI I.OUS ERUPTIONS AND VI.CERS. The poison of scrofula has never been neutralized nr expelled by any of the remedies of til.' p!.ar.naeoprt-if The sole antidote to this virulent and destruetlve element is llollowuy's Ointment. Majendie. iV ilroilie, Ihs creat Freileh and Knlioh sureeons, do nu deny or dispute this preat fnct. There is no I'orul of scrofula that uuiy not be controlled and eured by (ins ba!camic ren.t..;y. CANCKlis AND TUMOUR. The knife or caustic may remove a cancer or tumor, but Ihe seeds of the terrible exeresceuee remain in the hliKHl.nml it is soon repndueed in a worse form tliau before. Hoi iway's Ointment, on Ihe countrury, pene trates into the eireulation, and pervades eve.-y infected vesicle, anil ki Is the diseasu by deslioyiiie, the eonosive principle that generated and sustains it. INFLAMMATIONS OF THE SKINS". All rnshes and ordinary eruptions, ns well ns Krysipelua, Acne, Hiimworm, Caibuneles, Seald Jleud, Suit Uheuin, l.eproiiy. Fnekly Hint. icc.t ate leinoved by a few biisk upplicutli'iis of the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJURIES, V(U'N'DS, Sprains, Itruieei, Senilis and Burns are immediately relieved by its application. The inflamma tion quieMy sale'des, fever ni:d toel.jiiw aic prevented, nuduudero perscvenns use i-f tiie picpartaiun, the pro cess ol healing is 8kju uccoinp!itcd. Both tl.i Ointment and Pitts should he used in tliefullowinrf cases : Runiont Lumbago Sore Legs Swelled Glands Hums Mereurial Sore Ilrensts Stdf Joints Chapped Hands Kruptioiis Sore Heads Fleers t'hill'laius Files Sire Throats Venereal Sores Fistulas Rheumatism Swires of ail Voti.ids of all Oout Salt Kheunl kinds kinds Skin Discuses Sprums Sealds tV CAUTION ! None are genuine unlers the words 'Holloway, New York uud U ialon," are iliseernihle us ass venter-murk in every lenf of the b i"k of directions around eiieh pot or lux ; the sains may be plainly ri-rn by lioldtnir tin: leuflolhe light A li.-inJsnuie reward will be Riven to any one rcudcriuff such information ns may lead to the deteetion nl" any party or rnrtics counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, knowing tneui to be Spnnoilt?. So'd at lbs Manufactories ( rrofe,or Hor.LoWiY (l Maiden Ijine, New York, and 314 Strand, tendon, ! all rei table lrujits uail llenlrrs in Misliciiie llirou.-h'-oul Ihe failed Slnlcs, and the civiluuU world, ill boxes, ul rcnlH.C-ji cents, and 81 each. There is a coutidciablu saving by taking the larger N. It Directions for Ihe guidance of nalieata in nvrv disorder are adixed to each box. October 17, IM57 lyril FANCY l'L'KS FOR LADIES. JOHN FAR F.IRA CO., (New No.) 618, No Market St aliove Kiahl. I'luludelphia. Importers, Manufacturers nnd dealers in Ladies, lieutleineil nnd Childreus Fanev Furs. W unless lr nnd Retail. J. K. k Co., would call ihe attention i f Dealers and ihe rub!e frenerally io their immense S.otk orFuney Furs for tjtdies Ueullemeu and iMreii : their asalment eii.b sees e.'erv aitiele ami kind of Fancy Futs, that u ill he worn durins this seuson such us Full Cuiu s. Half Capes OtiHUer Cuues, Taluias. Vk-torines U.4is, Mull & Murlatccs, fiom ihe haesl Itua. sisn Sable to the lowest i lice Ilome: tic Furs. For lieiiileu.en the iarecRt riswrtmeut of Fur Coilnrs. Gloves tin nut lets & c., beintr the direefhnporUisof all our r urs and .llanutaeturers ol lueni under our own supervi sion we feel satislied we can Itt r belter iuduceiiienus to dealers und the public generally than any o'ber bouse, having an iinsortmeni to selerl troiiiunuultJieAliiiiuluetur- eis prices. e ouly ask u rani JOHN FARl'.IR A CO. NoSMMuiket Sireel iilwe Kighili, I bilad'a. Pliilsdelphia, -pt. It), w4in. PLATFORM SCALES. OF every description, suitable for railroad, &c., for weighing Hay, Coal, Ore, and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run na risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can be leturned with out charge, Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty years corner of Ninth and Melon Streets, .Philadelphia. Aiiuorr & uo. Successors to Ellicott & Abbott. Philadelphia, Wept. 6, 1857. c3m. SitllLL, II. oiiirio, ATTOBNETT A.T r,A.W. Ojfllct on South Second, near Market Street, LE WI8BL RO, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, lVorthum berland and Montour. All PaoraasioNai Busiitst entrusted to h'S care will receive prompt and ft'thful atten tion. October 3, 1UT ly THE IvAIUsFAT KMVe .1, h&m EBTABtilHHMENT IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. MATIHOT' Cny Street Warernoma Nik tf.t and S3 North Oay street, near Fayette, Hslilmore : . here is kept alwuvs on luiud, nr maoe to order, every style of French TliTL-A-TUTKJ, in Flush, Ilair, Cloth oi Rroeolellc. French Full Slutf and Medallion Parlor Arm Chairs, 111 I'luah. Ilair, Cloth or Drorntelle. French FullStutrCnsS'cii Parlor Chairs in sets, with Plush, Hair, Cloth or Hrncetelle. b ojr a. a Half Fremri Pprinjr Mntiomny and Vi'olnut Parlor Clmirs, in Ilairi Cloth and Flush. Rocking Chrirs various desipis, in Hair, Cloth and PI'Ull. StuifSpiir.g lounges a laruo assortment nlwnis en hnnd, or uny pattern iradeor covered Willi any gotnls to order. LvM'nhoany or Walnut, complete, from Pot i:p. Cane Chairs and Rocking do. the lnrrrr-t stwirtrncnl ready made in any una house in the United Slates from $12 a dozen up. ! r Room, OiTirr and Uinins; Chairs, in O-iV, Wnhint or Mnliopiuy, with Cune, Wool or StuiTed Seats an ussorlment eii.bi'ieiuir over fill dor.cn. Wood uut Chairs nnd Settees antr Rocking Chairs. over KKl d"en. Gilt nnd lMsiu Finr.ic T;okinf Glnses, of every variety. All kinds of Ued, Hair and Husk Mutti-iss,. A. MATHIOT. Nos. S3 and 55 N. Gay it , nenr Fayetto St., Haltnnore. August 1.IW7. ly I U S S Y ' S ' AMERICAN REATER, FOR CUTTING BOTH AHD GRASS, GK13AT improvements for IP57. 'J his Ma chim was put in sncesaful operation in 1833 and continued to be the only 7Ccapi-,g and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to lo'iO twclvo years after it.i introduction. Other Keapcrs aro now o.Tcred with glowin" ad verliacmenln. Certificates, Hiplomas, Gold and tsilver Mcduln, Ac. Hut tho Farmer in search of the best Reaper, ami not posted H the uiaftcr, had belter sec a little further. If there U any valuo in 24 years experience in building Keapcrs, and using thcin in the har vest field, and in the improvements mado during that long period, OBEi) HI.'SrSEY.lhe Father of Keaptri, can cLim it. All twho are satisfied with the liesl Reaper and Jilower, aan be sup plied by sending their orders early in the season, as the crops indicate n larc demand, nnd we can not have over SOU Kcadv for the vast harvest of 1857. AVe gucrantce that this Keapor and Mower can not be beaten on fair tiial by any other Keeper that may be brought into the harvest fields in lH.W, nnd we nldo insure it to be the strongest and moat durable machine in use. ".Ve would respectfully invite Farmers to examine the mncl.iue thoroughly before purchasing, and satisfy themselves of its supsriority over all other.!. During the last four years, the subscribers have sold between o')f and C00 of these Machines, to the bestand mosteucccssful Farmers in Montour, Union and the neighboring counties, (whoae nnmcs a;e too numerous to insert) lowborn we respectfully refer. The subscribers have the exclusive right the following counties: Montour, Union, Snyde, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, l'crry Mi.'ilin, Centre, Clinton and Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. CEbiJKS, MA Kbit &. CO., Lewisburn, Union county, 'a. July 11, 18! 7. m pori.rlly Frc?! UtM. It p.-tjuirt n V. i, XoAct 7 nnuMiiiy, ami m mnr mmut M(.iu Kiii.H or w t'm u t,ulir WKiMb)o Mid Wftrti,!-wt ia rfuli.ur. . " ihi anicU loth r.ntoi, tfs Invcitff SnjM V'wotiii or ilrnU-t Scmluit. ril'.L. I lJ!t,,i,l in tl,u aA1. r 1 Ha... ... a- W dtr.rwillttUl(n!fU I.jr fU, ,t m& u vir,.out "fctil. It I v. wrw . , io 'tx II itrtirlAH put dp Beer.) in Ift l.rt't Jti. Try it, Ditnl n cim- v h.- a tr i.'tjr i. Hi" ritt, ..f U.n t'a'i Uto monv will be )rJ Ts.s dlll-rr:!! - ' t Ui A.lullaratrl T,i) n Gam, Tlo . isnnw, (h..rly r th Gwltl Ir.y T-ru:jlly fetdj, Mii rc.iei s'iiifs vr i-rctiMst, at l'ur (iuu X'titi6 wouUl ilt uii tt jf ulwrCitu- 'ino oh-i,.i)B U lir; ncmtrti U ftitn.it fnU-ttisxJ Crcu. 1 br u D i.ftd nu i,t i ti Ukt)ikru Ihj Uiootitot.u : U UiitAtf i,urt:h of Til. Jk V pftii, un l kLoa C lotilUfl'.,,. loi-if-iu..!' oi fc,,inir fas .wJ tht.4f.f Tt '-is, aril sudl Miiu ua. UmiI sIiuji will 5 A LJLZiiAk, DIiMTOUNT TO THE ISADS, SSs. UrELOV CAH CO. Sept. 12, ISO?. AND COM.MilON .MliilClIAN'i. 2C1, Xor!h Third Sircer. 1 tlvor Iclow Vine, liJir.Aiv-xPiJiA. pAI.rof Lt-its uud Hhwca, Dry (ioo.ls, Gnnj, HnrJ. O ware, Wutclun, Tain ) C Vst, Ae L.VKKV KVli MNti. IT C-iuntry Slritkecp 'i t;rtl r(ur vlll nl ,vay fim. ut our K.euiiti( a hpc ;nj rfL-sirahlj naam (i.icjit vt ti ',xt'; rot.ur, t'j t.e boIJ in !uus Ui tuit vt j, :)f'i(i.i u:--kci p;i the .rreiniaca fur Country Trmio Sept. lr 07. C 3ii FEVER AND AGUE! Qi:iNI.l2 SLTSTlTfj'K OR NKUVK TONIC. Iliii known rtinti1y tUw overall ' my li.'c part ner P'K-tn. U. J. Lfedu, ib h fc.'.re siute lui ihe ulxvlitir tlcr, i?iclIIt;;'J.iwIj, m:il all other Nervmut AsfeciioiLS. it conUiiua no (iuii:i!ie, Arsenic, or tJther injuritma iiipieui enl. Jt trci.'il;'ii tlie nynt.il, tjives lme trt the utoin-Bt-ti, amt m iu'.aljalj:8 to iJjupvj tita miii tlt.Me uflerltl villi vcaiaiicaa in any jut t" tiie n.iU'in. It It cseciitWy r(..niiH;! '.M to in :..t-n trcmlilcd with i'lllinfi o( (lie W't'tnl , Ouo little i ui'.it-u-iii iii hi('l wiarc thu l:ri,'ti.':u,.it !'. wt:j. C-'ititl'uie cxi be f uraifcLtti ffoui 1!! jmrtB f lite Lniiiii- hy tin; jOuij.f.uu e.icrally hiiiI liy J. II. Ifnznnl, V iiMlcis.'.o Dru;:. anJ rule, Vftiprictor XZl Maitlcn Lmie, Zt"V Ytr. New York, Sp' ID, v3m O.VI'CHOLLV, JOCKEi" CLUB, SPRING S. 1 LOWERS, dc, of tho bet ijualiiy ; a fresh supply just received and for sale at the Drus ft. ire of A. Y. I'lSHER. Sui.l ury. At;. 1, ISS7. PENNSYLVAlXIRWOHKS. 2 10 Arch St. let. Second Third, (Ofpoiiu Brend Street, i'lrlatlcl.i;ati. Li, Kiddles, 8creens. Woven Wire of k-t all mealies and widths, witli all kind of plain and fancy wire work, itavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers; Coal. Sand and Gra velKcreens; Paper Maker' Wire; Cylerder and Dandy Rolls, covered in the beat manner Wire and Wire Fencing. A very superior article of 7oavy Founders' Seives. 4 11 kinds of Iron Ore Wire Selves. BXYL1S8, D-1RBV it LYNN. Philadelphia, Bept. 19, 1857,c2m. jou.y xiM.HEHMJ.'yr, OESPECTFULLY inrorma his friends, and the public generally, that ba has just receiv d a New Stock of GOODM, at his new store, at David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that he is prepared to aeli goods at th lowest prices. II U Stock consists in part of - fiPRINO & SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, &e. and every variety usually kept in a country fctore. Trevortoa prices paid for all kinds of produce. LOWfl Augusta twp, Aug. 0, 1807. tf ORN at 50 cents per bushel, cash, for sala 7 4, V. UAOKJSU. ?, H Si B 'n t'fs." STORE. ISS LOUISA 811 ISSUE n, respectfully In-XT- forms the cilizns of Trovorton and sur rounding county, that she has opened a new storo of Millinery and Fancy Goods, nt Trevor ton in Shamokin street, nearly opposite Knnuse's Tavern, where all kinds of Uonneta and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to ia (he best manner and latest stylo. April 2ft, 1857 tf A Hook lor w:cry Itlnn I.lrnry. HARK INDUCEMENTS TO AOENT8. CANVASSERS wanted to cbtain eubscribers for the Comprehensive Geography and His tory, Absent and Modern, oi the World ;" hy S. O. Goodrich, (1'eter l'arley.) Handsomely bound in clolli gilt, and illustrated with 2(10 beautiful engravings and and HO maps. Price (3. Bold only by agents, to each of whom a special district will be given. - Applicants should stale what counties they would like to canvass. The hook is now ready. Copies will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of the price. Ilills on all solvent banks taken at par. The "Home Journal," says of this work i "No family what ever chould lie without it." For full particulars in regard to so agency, address, UEOKGE W. ELLIOTT, Publisher and Bookseller, No. 17 William Street, New York. All kinds of School and Miscellaneous Hooks, Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at the very lowest prices. Or ders solicited. November 81, 1857, iSAAcTl. AVILKEltSON, MANUFAOTTJRH 03T FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. Solas, Divans nnd lxmugra Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SCFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, coual to Phila dclphia mairufncturo. Ui'.lK 1 1.A !, of every pattern find price CUPEOAHDS, WOUK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TAbLES, In short, every articie in this line of his business. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls ths attentiai of the public to his large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of C A IS F SET-WAR H which cannot fiil to recommend itself toevcry one who will examine it, on account of it durable workmanship "nd splendid finish, trade up of the bett rtock to bo hod in the city. No effort is spared in the manufectuie of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up v.ith the many improvements which aro constantly IkIhj maile llfi also manufacture all kinds and qualities C1IAIUS, ncluiling varieiics never before to be hid ii Sunbury, such as Mauooant, Black Wimur Asn ('i hl.:ii Matik GnEciAK ; asd Wijiiisnii CHAIliS, and t-anct Pia'jo Stools, which are of the latest styles, ar.d warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall ba no excasa for persons to purchsto furniture in tho cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of h;a ware and Uliairr. These articles will bo disposed of on as good terms aj they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Prod'-ce taken in pavmcnt for wo.k. UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Heaiisk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funeralu, in this vi cinity, or at any convenient dislunca frcin this place. The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. He has alto purchased the right of manufac luring anil soiling in Northumberland county, Gould's patent ExceUoir Spring Bed, whkh he will furnish at reasonable rate.;, ttpringa put in old bedstead for three dollars. IS1 AO M. WILKERSOW. Sunbury, April 18, 1857. If. .T-- iiir.m iaoiii,imiiiimi C.W3 CHAMPION 1 1 THE BKCKXT TRIALS si Itwutiii have cnilorwrl tiie cur.eut ami co;ii;rinr,l I..'"1-' v . '--ij ili'.ilii! I'.rc, iiroviiisr comlurively Ivi ' J.JJ' ''I1.' ti-at lleirin's, is the only SAl-'K r- ' l' oil' .I''oini will not hum. If " sfp '54 Kxiraet fiom il.e CommiUet's tjJjrrflteiKHl n Hie Trial of Ircu Safts in 2il j(fi. ul naming : 'On Uie 20ili of February all the members of the Com mitlce iiinl to wilnrss lliti Sales uml iHioka mill lmiiers, (I'1 ii-itl in llieia) nnd were jMrlVfi';.' futialii.:! lltat .-.11 wis riiilu. 'i'he ility uill.vmi;. Hie Imrniiirr took p!a?e. under Ihe smvi intcm.i'licc of llie CimiliutU'o. After a :air and impartial 1'iirniiig for hvc hours, Die '-."'.'He of Icssm. Kviuu .V V.'n:son wim lirst op; ucd, t!:c Safe lifii.5 on I110 liisitle.and the contents partial!)' rons'.irrK'd, wlitle tjie v-oii. teius in the Safe of Messrs. l'arrcts & Herring we:e in root fon-liiioii, ami 110 tire insii'.o.'' Kuuliii, Murcli 2, l-HT. (SiKiu-d.) II.F.FKI.IX I'.N rdl.K.MAN, S Commillce. A. H. VMACOCU And eidorreit l.vover 50 of the hcet men of Reading. T!ieal.Tveinfcacur lieinsprelciliit.il Wulnut Hlreet, wliere llie p.iMic cun satisfy tlieinu-jlves of the sreat snpi rioniy of tlic ojlenntg'a 1'alt-nt Cl.an.pioll,1' over llis defjated uuj uLed up ''iii3idti Iron Door tfal:nalldcr.,, Fan-elj & Ilerilng-, 31 Walnut St., Philada. Only makers ill this Slate of Herring's l'uloiil Cliainploil TlienttPliipt mado by oilier parlies Id lmlster lip the reputation 01 a Safe whicll lias faileil so sunnily ir ncei ilental iiiea ill Philadelphia , (Ituiihtend PIiniU,) by lakinir oi.e out 111 un ngcut's .;orL'. (Ii. A. Initz,) made duubls thicknrH, (cnlcrem from taine they bjII) taliura uji one of llerruiff's (half cs thick) Ins m -t v.'ilh its' true re ward, litmus.' Safe eould not he burnt, proving eonelii sivtiv lan; me only relialic !Sile now maiiu is"llct'iii!g ? nf whn-h over 15,000 are now in actual use, and mor' llutn UliU have been tried hy lire Without a singla loss. runs., June u, 10. ta'. " a" c a l iT t 6tTru e k s. Fanr.ers, drop your Toots, Pause a little, Head litis and Uglect ! THE F A R M K R ' S PROMOTION BOOK. A new and Hcieiiliria Manming System, for the Cultiva tion ofall kinds oi tiruiiip, Uruc, Todder and Punture, Uwn rdl kinds of Soil : Proveii by ai-tual I'.xiierimeuts and bi'.ncd 011 evidc it truths ; l)eii$iiid to improv Agiicutture in ull it? hiaiichi-s ; ri-prccutcd hy upwards of one hue red and lifly enirruviu-;a of tho most valua ble Uralses aud l'lcuu connected with ihe system. Ily lr. CI. ;. HEll!tOLI, BOALStl'.'RfJ, CENTRE CO., PA. IN this treatise it will Le seen that the object has been to aiva the Fanner that kind of infur. nation which enables liiin to ntnkti pructical upplication to fertilize ins land alio incrcuce nu siuin, iwidcr, and iatuiae:e. 1 ae d.H'triui'aas tunvrlit bv this 111 lr.uriiic, and fodder aud pas ture eull'vatiou system are muor.al, elm'.r nnJ evidtut, and UKt!tl n improveiiieiit in the modem ujnriiliuru iiiiher to rul:no-,vn to our farmer, and which, if adopted aud carefully pruclieed, cniuiot fail to auvuuee the inter eta of the laruiuii: eoiiiuiuuuy. Bucli a work lias been much wuuled, us it hha a void which has long been felt, lull which there tins hitherto been no attempt to supply , and as farmers of Centre and Huntingdon eoantiea, w recoui lueud Ihd work to every fanner, us we fully brlieva thut they will reap the gieulenl p..bsible beuetit from it Daniel Mosser. l'hilin Moyer, Christian lule, Guarce lloul, Jacob Moaacr, Joiu Liailey, Samuel Duncan, Joua. McWiihums, Ueorxe Guyer, Jr. John Carper, John liaison, Knuuel ilaon, ' Ueuiaa W. Maek. Jacou .Moyer, lbuiry Moyer, Huliuel Gllllkiitl, t.oiree Jack, John Hariiiau, tieorfta Uli.'haiuiil, Kraucis Alexnudei', John NcIT, Scu'r. John lloifer, L'orisiiiui lloder, J ha IiIhII' U'orlr la Cot .lA I... U .... I fl ILVTL' Jiaieph Liaker IlAM, Milton. Northumberland county. Pa. Price 8IU A usual I, :li..o lOWOlbsof Carpet Ha - VlANTED at the atore of K. V. Bright & T Son, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus oflering to the public the largest and moat desirable assortment. Julyjl 1. 1857. What an enormoiu Variety of Toyi and Fancy Gooda he ha! Who? Our Friend JOHN DOLL, At -Vo. 144 Xorth 2nd St., above Arth, Phila., IE has just received direct flora Europe a "J Ia'g assortment of Toys ofall kinds, fancy fiaakets, Pipes, Canes, 8egar Caaes, To bacco Doie. and an end leas variety of fanev ar ticles. Call upon aim before purchasing elso where. PUiladelphU, August 19,1 8S73mSJw - SALAMANDER FIRE THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment In the United States. Warranted to la equal to any now made, and will be sold on as Good ZVms, as can be obtain ed from any other home in the Country, at EYAN8 Sl WATSONH 86 South 4th Street, Philadelphia. a Troth is Highly, and Mnst Frovail. Report of the Cummittct appointed to mptrin- tend Ihe Hunting of the Irn Safes, at Head ing, February 27, 1857. Rkadiko, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Parrels 5c Herring and Evans & V atson, placed side by side in a fur nace, vii i 1 he oalc inusebythe t aymaatcr of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Compa ny, in his office at Reading, manufactured by Parrel & Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lantz, in his store, manufactured by Evans 6l Watson, and put in books and papers precisely alike. Tbejfire was started at 8 o'clock, A. M.,and kept vp until fnur cords of green hickory, two cords dry oak and halfchesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the wholo under the superin tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. 2'he Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they wero opened, and the booUs and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to 11. A. Land's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers taken from the Sale manufactured by Farrcls lr Herring were In our judgment, dame.ged fully fifteen per cent, more than those taken from Evans & Watson's Safe. Wo believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of ihe respective qualities of both Sales. JACOB II.DYSHKJ, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the burning, wo fully cotneido with tho abovo ctatcmcnt of the condition of ths papers and books taken out of U:i respective bales. G. A.KICCLLS, II. II. MUHLENBEaO, JAMES MILIIOLLAN.i). March 21, 1 857. .3AJ,D EiOLE HOTEL. Xo. 234 ami -UC X. Third St.; PhilaJrfpKa. ZOfM CLYaSR, rropriolor. (butrc6sov to Darikl Ditnr.i.) THE Proprietor returns his thanks fr tho libcril pa'ronage beidowed on this well known house, and respectfully atks a can'inu ance of the same, arsuring his mapy friends of Northumberland end mljoiiiinit countie3, tint no pains shall be spare! Io ren lcr comfort and pica sure to all who may give him a c .11. TEKMs- tf;,00 PER DAY. Philadelphia, July 2'i, 18')7. Stn r..vetice of Ja:a;afca Gluger THIS miiflo in careful! piLntcd finintlic bent Jniniiim (iiitcr. nil tiie v:iln;tl;ie mtticinal )n)ieiticfl nf wiiieh it ii v. nrmiitLtl tu pncj-s in a con cut rated nnd ciiivc nifiafnuu. It w .in ccelktit rnimiv in c1:pr(,sm, flatulence, cluv V.c ami i'T:imved anil iVeMe stnle oi I'm i.etive lnnc tifins. I'.fiin i'-.rrfiffliiiipiiticpfith and nitiml picperlici n't n gentle .tiui'ilaiinit turic it is will uibpufi to comiter or,t tiie de'iiltUitintj; ini.'u-nre nf the rrurei.nj hcaisu" 3iim inT, the rdruia t-.t" t..tl;l'ii rannft, ice. No funuly shoul.l be without it, nn its tiniflyuM will stive Uietn from '.mw.y nn acrioun utinck of iUnfi. Pi ice '-.j rents per bHtle. For c:Ie by P. liELAirCHTOII SHIIIDSL, JtSTItE OP TSII3 PACS, BUNBUBY, Ojjire in lkr.r Street, immediately orpositc the Puhlie S?ho(d Horse. All husinc.'is rirc;niitly attended tn. Monies ccllectcd and all onlinary writings dene. Smiti'iry, April 25. 157 tf TJOST end MADEKIA "A'lNKS, Schiedam - Schnapps, Wild Cheny brandy, Blackherry and Iiavemlcr brandies for mcdicinul purposes at March M,'5r. A. V. KlKllEK. BOUNTY OHDERS.Counly orders taken "- as cauh fcr eocds, and on note or hook ac- enunt by Not. 29, 18r;8. E. V. BRIGHT 4- SON. New Goods for tho People J ? EN JAM IN 11EFFNER r ESl'KCTFl'LLY informs the puhficin gen- oral 'hat he has ju?t received and opened a splendid stock of SritING AND SUMMER GOODS at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists in part of Cloths, Cassimeii, Cassujets. ofall kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO ! CillrocN, GluKiinmt, Lawss, CloiixNelliie Do ILnlues and all kinds of Ladies Dre.s Goods. Groceries, Also an asRortnient of Ilardvrarc, Iron and Stcfcl, NaiU, &o. Also an excellent assortment of (ITJEEKOTTARE, of various styles anJ pailems. Also an assortment of 15DOTS it SHOES. HATS & CATS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, ic. And a great vaiicty of other articles such as are suitabb tJ tho trado, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lwer Augusta, Juna 6, 185?. WHEATLEY S ARCH ST. THEATRE. ARCH ST. ABOVE SIXTH, PHILAD'A. 'T'lIEStar Company, composed or the firs Artistes in the world, and exceeding in Strength and Talent any Dramatic combination heretofore olVtred to the Theutrical Public, will appear every night in Comedy, Tragedy, Serio comic Drama, Vaudevilles, Musical Burlettas, Ac, See. When visiting the city, go there. Oct. SI, IS57 ly FLOUR! FLOUH! FOR BALK BY , M. C. GEARHART. Sunbury, Sepl.Sd, 1R57. FURK1TURE PCLISH. S. RAE'8 Premium Tatcnt Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for resto ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodica, Hair Cloth, ic. Alsn, fur re. moving spota, hiding scratches, dec, Ac War ranted to dry immediately and retain tU gloss. Price 00 cts. per bottle. Sold by A. V. FISHER. March 14, 1857. JGilTS S. HEARD, ATTORNEY -A.T LAW, OJice in 2faclet st., opposite the Court House, 6UNBURY, J?A. Collections made and Profesaional Busineae generally attended te Promptly and Carefully, PHii.iDii.raij. ltircaEaci i Bullitt $ Fairthornu, Diehl i Weitj, DaU Si Birney, y, Tylm Sl Co. Hunbury, uno XO, 1867. ROWN'8 and Breinig'e Easence of Ginger anJ Hutl.aud's .Magneaia at . March H, '67. FISHER'S. Pishing Tackle. Red Cork, Grass, CoU too and Linen LiHee, Out Lines, Sea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kiiby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooka, Rod, &., for sal. by Mack41,'7. A. W, FldUEK. FURNITURE! FURNITJLTRE I ! TIIE LARGEST 8TOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUNBURY. rnNliloiiahle, (Llkcnp find t-fcful a Mi E subscriber, long established mil lbinct otiJ Chair Manufacturer in Hunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a conlinuanco of the public patronage. His slock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, A, c, embraces EVF.RT VAKIliTY, tSEFIL AND OflNA- in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line ran be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Market S'juare. t iT' Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN IIAUPT. Bunburv, April 4, 1857. tf NEW CONFECTIOWAKY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIA.RT, HAS just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunbury, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at r'l times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, YV holesnle and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Confectioneries, may be found 1 V'rcneh Secrets, Gum Drops, all kinds of scent, Hururd Almonds, I.nve Drops, Crmm While, Mini Drops, red and while, " Imon Jelly dikes, 'Roar, Fruit Drops, " Vanilla, Stick Candles, ef all scents Common Seciets. Hock Candy, Liquorice, Almond Cuuily, FRUIT. J1 imams, Prnnet, Drue, Cunnnti dried, Citrons. A)nimtB, Bnisnn Nuti Af nil kmdl IjKMOX SYKUr tf a superior quality, by the iincle or dozen. A superior quality of Prgnrs anJ Tobacco, nnd a rarely of Confeclinnaiics, fruit, &ca all of which is oflcrcd cheap ad uholcsale or retail. Ho hzi rUs opened an Tec Cream Saloon, and will fit all times be ready to nerve his customers with Ice Crvftir.. Sunbury. May Si, 1957 I? Saddle and ITtiT30G3 HaVcr. xIEITE,-5r HATJPT, Jit. Successor to A. J Stroh, ivv RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury nnd the pub- ti-''rii&Ae cencrally, that ho has taken tho eutdil;::hn;ciit lately occupied A. J Stroh and ia prepared to turn cut work in is line of Irisincss c junl to any made in this, scctiou of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds ofroduce taken in Exchange Sunbury, May 9, Hirj7. ly GKOUUE IlENN, t NiS'OUNCKS to the citizens of Sunbury and vicin'.y, that he has opened an office in Sun bury, aboe H. J, Wulvcrion'n oflite oppoaile C. Wearer's Hotel, where ho is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profei-sion, in ths luteut end most improved style. All wcrk well done and warranted. December 13, 11156. Citrate of Magnesia nn TASTELESS SALTS. ffl'HS preparation is recommended ns an ex--- ccllent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, i3 enli.ely free from any unpleasant taste resembling h-monade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FIolIEK. Sunbury, March 11, 1S5G. E. NEVLAND Se CO. Looking tilastcs, Picture Frames, Engravings unci runnings, No. ISO Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late ef218 North Scc.nd St.) PHILADELPHIA. Ginrairs oreti daili to visitohs. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our line will io well to give us a call. February 53, 1857. 8m 1. ATX3IS, CHEAP WATCH AND JF.WELKY STORE Wo 72 North Second Street, (opposite th jlount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, f'JS j Silver Lever do,, do., SfHSj Sil ver Lcpinj, do., !?9 : CJuartier. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacles. C-l 50 to $10; Silver do., $1 60; Silver Tabic Spoons per sett, $14 to $18 Silver Desert do., do.,$U to $1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do.. $ I 75 to $7 50 ; Cold Tens and fiold Ca ses, $3 125 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted U be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, 165C lyw. PHILIP 31. PTTP.LT. WHOLESALE XVO DETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S.E. cor. Walnut and Water Streets, PHILADELPHIA, DEALER. aud families will be promptly supplied at the lowest price. October 4, 1856. U' C. PSITKEP.T'S WHOLESALE AMI RKTA1L BOOT STORE, 10 South Fourth S.t, aboct Chesnnt, Phil a. BOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, ic, promptly made P to order in the very beat style, and of the best material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. Leather I Leather ! Leather 1 ItKSRY W. OVERMAN, IMI'OHTF.K uf Frenr-h Calf Skmsaml Reneml Leather deuler, No. 6 South Tliird street, Fhiludrlphia. A (nivral asanruneiit oC all kiuua of Lcalkcr Morocoa, A;e., &e. Hr.l and Oak Sn Leather. February l.ti7. ly w 4 LMONDS, RAISONS, FU.'S, LEMONS. 4c, Ac, just received a fresh anpply and for sals at (he Confectionary store of M,C. GEARHART. Sunbury, May 1(, IST FOR SALE. 4 Good second-hand Buggy. Apply at this niliee. FOR RE3STT. rilHB Store Room in Market street, occupied X by P. W. Gray and the dwelling house au joining. Apply to the ctecutors of 11. Masser, deceased. Jaiiuary IT l7. !cv l)run, Pnluts, &.c, A NEW supply ef Drugs, Paints. Oils, Fluid, eVc, iust received and for sale hy A. W. FISH Ell. ' Sunbury, May t, 1857. f AND WARKANTS.-Tha highest price '-'will b givea for Land Warrants by tho sub- cribei. H. U MASSER. JATENT BRITTA MA. STOPPERS fo car iKMues lor sale tiy 11. O MA8SER. Sunbury, July 19, 1856. 'baooo and Begars SO.OOO Imported Segars of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish aud fine cut tobacco at A.W.FISHER'S. 8uubur( Maich 14, S7, nilE subscriber respectfully informs the eiti--1- lens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds ef EAIiTIIENWARE, at bis manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square cast of the River. He has engaged the services of Mr. Iliar. and ye can therefore depend on having pood article The public are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be momr-tlr attended to. P. M. SHIM DEL. 8dnbry, Feb. , 1S50. If jo ii ;v i jr. & t o. Nos. 3 and 4 Chestnut rMrcet, (sniuli side, hclnw Water, (Th ftKT WnOD-WAllE Ib'CSS lit 1 UK CllV.) MA N VFACTt' R Kits and Wholesale dealers in Talxil Mneliinc miule IIHUOM!, I'slent Orraivcd Ceilsr Warc, vrarrented nut tn stirmlc, wotid and VVillnw-Wara Cords, Hrudies, Ac ,of all descriptians. i'leasa coll and eanmine our storlt. February S3, l!?S7.-iy w VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. rilHE subscrilcrs, Executors of the estate a J. Henry Masscr, det'd., offer at private sale me lonowing properly viz s A large lw atory frame dwelling house, together with absut f0 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in tke occupancy of John K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. Tho house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIME8TOftlS LAND, in saiJ township on the river about 5 miles be low Sunbuiy, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Phcrson' and others, containing, about 8U acres. The oil is productive and contains limestone ar.d othrr minerals. Also a tract of Laud, containing about 35 acres on the hill, about two miles below Sunbury, adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers H. H. MASSKR, ) P. B. MAS.SER, ( Executor,. FRANCIS BUCHER.) Sunbury, January 19, 18.r6. tf NEW Ari2HlsrGIElVIElrTl Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OIL S, &o. riHE undersigned nnvinir tnken the store for JL merly kept by W illiam A. llruner. is nw rcaoy to li II orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large and well se'..ctd slock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, py.-sturr.., Oil, Paints, (ilass, Putty, BJ , FRL'IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported P,?nrs of the cholcut brands. Fancy Notions' toilet erticles, and IV furaery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Bruska of every variety. Campltine and Fluid uhrays on hand. Customers will find his stock cnmplete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to cna--merntc, and all sold at modfcrate prices. Remember tl.o pla-.-e, next door to K. T.' Origin's .Mammoth Store. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1S57. WHITE HORSE H0TZL. POTTSVILLE, PA. 'p!IF. subscriber respectfully annonneas to eld friends nnd tho public, that Le has tali mat out ami wsll known establishment, the White ;noi-Le Hotel. At the comer of Centre and Miihantogo sis., in the Borough of Potlsvillo. 'I'he house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any ether Hotel in Schuylkill county while the stables are large, in good condition, tad at lend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers und othcia who may slop at h!s house, ha promises every attention calculated Ri render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FEC2H. April 5, IBS'".- tf HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORK-nT AT 7AW. OJJice eppocite the Court House, Sunbury, I7ortiuniierlaad Co;iuty Pa, Preinpt atlontion to busiHt-ss in ailioiarn Cotinlies. EAGLS HOTEL, OI'IWITF. WKPT lilt. WCII HANK WILLIAMSPOP.T Ijv 11 ILLS i M JJ. E3 41'. Vroprlclor. C. A. Stkivt, Assistant. N. B. An tlmnibus mill run Io she from rVe Depot and Packet Landings, to this Hold, ftet of charge. September 13, 185S. tf DANVILLE HOTEL! jojhtit deen, jk.. Market Street, Danville, Pa, f HIS is one of the lrgeft and most eoaimo 1. dious hotels in the inli iior of Pennsylvania it lias been recently fitted up, in eiccllent sijlo, with all. the modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sept. 22, 1855. Cheap Watches ?y Jewel rj I'VTHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philndcl. ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 8 North Second Street, corner of (Quarry, wihu jvcr vareaes,iu.ijewe ed, 1-mral eases, t&fiO " V'-'"' , 'r' rn'eM'verMpottaclcs. l.tO Silver l.cri-r, full ju7.'lJ i- Superior (Juarlicis, 7 iiil Uiari'lfls. a IM ! miles' liuid IVnrils, " 1.ISI rJllvcr Ten siHHins, set, 6,U0 littij r-iieeui- f.S. 7.IMI ui i on, wnii rencii ana Silver Hald4r, 1 no Gold ringer Rings, 37J ci-nts to $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12i cents) Patent, 18 ; Lunet, ?S ; other articles in proportion. All goods wm ranted to be what they are sold fen STAl'FFEKA HAHLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers an Lepines, still lower than the above price rtct. 4, lSSti. ly. THiANK Parchment Paper Deeds Mortgages, liunds, Exeeutiona, s and blank Summons etc., tor sale b H. Sunbury A ;iri 50,18.16 11. MASSEn. STOVES- IOR SALE an excellent second hand Ceotf ing Stove, also several Cylinder Ceal Stores Enquire at this oflice. OLD PENS with and without eases, ef a .!H very superior quality, iust received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, far sale by H. H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 87. lS.iG- OILVER WATCHES.A fcwd7uble ease English Silver VaU-he, for sale at very lew price, by H. li MASSEK. Sunbury, April 12, IS.fi. amkricanTiouse, WILLIAMS rOKT, PA., J. II. UCLTO.V. I'rii ietor. Jab. T. 11 ai.u As3't. apt. 13, 165C tf ll'RE OLIVE OIL for table use, two sis "- at 8VJ and C2J rents just received by A. W. riSHER, March 14, '67, stationery. A large supply of fancy Not Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pcus, lull, Sand, Ac, at March It, '67. A. W. FISHER'S. l)ORT MONAIE3, Toolh and Hair PrusL -1 all iiualititia, aud any quanli y, fur sale by A.W. iHIL. Marclk A, '37.. i