Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 16, 1858, Image 3

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inl of Thomas Washington Smith Tor
!cr of Hichtird Citrtor, Into of Tama
County, commenced in Philadelphia
lay in the Court of Oyer and 'i'urmi
iro Judges Allison and Ludlow.
day's l'reis says :
oui t bouse Tr&3 crowded at an early
ill the witnesses and parties interes-
10 case and it was exceedingly difficult
reporters or those having official bus
lb the court to find a seat,
irisoner who stands charged with this
offence against the law is a young
crvous looking man, apparently thirty
age we have been informed ho is
outigor. He appeared rather restless
itod, when first brought under the
so many persons, but grudually settled
ito a sort of lethargic dose, with his
suing on one of his nr ns, and half de-
011 the rail of the dock. His sister, a
!autil'ul young woman, although pale
ixiety and care, sat close to bim out
the dock. There were some other ro
of his there, near bim, whoso names
not ascertain, but he seemed insensible
r presence and attentions, and scarcely
,is head during the wbolo day s pro
rs, except on one occasion, to bo recog
jy the nephew of the murdered man.
rcumstances which led to this catas
, as wo have learned them, aro bnctly
'prisoner, while on a visit to his sister
as a teacher at ft ladies' seminary in
ngton, Delaware, became fascinated by
.pearance of one of the pupils, nud cotu
d it correspondence with her. Ilia sis
is entirely unaware of this fact for some
butupou discovering it, remonstrated
ler brother, having her reasons for doing
d told him if he desired a wife that she
. select one for him who would render
upi y. Hut her remonstrances and nd
,veie in-cless ; his eye was caught, and ho
red his determination to marry the young
tt hi se Chorum at Erst sight proved so
cii'ule This young lady was then a Miss
.both McCauly, and was the ward or
led daughter, of Mr. llichard Carter the
i'd. The prisoner's sister, Gliding him
n.ined en the match, came on to l'hila
i:a to have un interview with Carter, and
ivor to disuado him from giving his cou
lo what has proved on ill-omened con
ia. Mr. Carter, however had his own
ns for not making any resislaucu to the
;,.. nil the. nurties ha'inir met in
cilv, dined amicubly together uuThuuks
g day, lb.'ili.
ht prisoner having tlio consent of tho
uiuii of his i'.Uoiidid, vUited that young
constantly, uiid the marriage was to eotno
t Christinus, ISoO, when it would suit all
u!s uf the parlies to bo present. The
t intuited became however restless ul
deiav, and early in tin) mouth of Dtcem
hav'iiij,' met lino ('iy conceit it is presum
weut to the house of 1M Wailsivorth, in
;!) street and were married. Four mouths
r this marriage, symptoms were de.Viltiped
ir.J., which led her husband to fear couvhe uiid a medical man and a
c a.-s Font f.n-hurriedly, and iu a few
u full tow n child was presented to the
oi,:ii.l and indignant hubaiid.
C now ins his guarded reserve, before mr.r
.e to-vuids the younj ludy whom he had
A I. is wife, he iaw he had been deceived,
1 in tho toiiderust point. To a man of oxriU
i p isiious it was a terrible struglc to control
: rae; but lie did so, and learned from his
itvAifo thu naino of the destroyer of his
no"'. She added, that tri.e biul not siuticd
iibtrutely with him -, thut advantago had
tuUen of her tpleepiug helplessness but
at the ftua not aware ul her condition when
a married the prisoner. Ilo left her, and
light the advice of counsel, who suggosted
i application lor divorce.
hile the necessary tteps were vahing io
Tcct this object, the prisoner endeavored, by
uvel and auveiiture. to blutout the memory
his wrong. Uut in vain ; it clung to him
ui! a shuduvv.aud ho returned to this city
,1c J v.ith ten thousand phantasies, and
learning that every one pointed the linger of
eeiu ut him. In this mood ho learned that
alter vus in town and he besought him.
.V hat pu-ied that interview, ( lie alone is
, It t i rev.-al, end his mind is achaOa to all
nve his (.'rent revenge.
lie alleys that c. rcumstances cumo to his
cnowlei'isc, after tins separation from his wife,
i hat in ailo it only a criminal otl'eiu'e, but
,vnden.d it a Uod like work, to rid the earth
of Caiter. 11a sav he has no fetus a3 to the
rrt'J t
the tiial lie it v. hut it will, ami c--
presses entire indiffer.'iice for lift
! alilv defended bv Messrs. 1.
indiir.'r.'uce for life, lie will
and Kiissell Thayer ; and so far as tho case
Iris proceeded, the defence it w anticipated
will bd insanity.
Tha CA-e was opened by District Attorney
Mann in un address to tho jury, and then for
tho Commonwealth tho following witnesses
tier : Dr. S. l lirown, Willluin
L. Campbell John H. Tenner, Win. T.Carter
and James .Allbright.
'i i,,. i,.,ii,r wa in re.ferenco to the fact of
th.i murder and is familiar, to our readers
Smith's defence is iusanity.
After some testimony was adduced on the
part of the defeuce, the following letter was
read :
i.f.tikfi no 1 without date. cory.
Mr .Inn F. Keen : I have sent tho law
yer a notice of discord. How piteously awful
to stand shivering on tho foi bidden grounds
f domestic schisms. Do the provisory exist ;
which sanction the procedure, llcw hninili-
ntinrr ill tlin lowest deirrCO tO W8C0 W3T Oil a
onnt-itfl woman: bumbled and in the dust.
15ut, oh Does she not know that sympathy
is my weak point. And may she nut again
be toying with my affections ; 1 must pluck
nut iliis riht eve. Hut bow tho nerves
ouiver and wince : as the eoe down with
; its fatal stroke and severing tho right hood,
from its nerves, and muscles, llow hard the
heart, to nersuvere in difidina himnli
With what audacity can man; weak, fuliblo,
guilty, man pray to (lod for forgiveness
when ha lmnress nsiico uniiiixuu wiiu
mercy. If you see my sister, console her
Your sympathies have been too much taxed
r am insolvent to Tou for your (rood fellow
ship, anJ never expect to pay.for 1 will uot be
M, a ami if the n'lL'ht of intellect gather
upon me, anil the spectre ghosts which haunt
the maniac in the wild gusts of mental rage
should keen their deviliih gambols, ever be
fore my shattored throue, beautifully present
in contrast, will thy form and visage be.
And this feeling Boul, looking through the
lens of its windows, radiant with its own
light, and moist with heaven'i sympathetic
dews, will mako me weep even when con
scious of my grief. Pardon me. Shew thi$
letter to no one It is- unmanly iu in a to
trespass on your forbearance.
I certainly aim not to elicit your sympa
thies. 1 know X Luve them, and am aoriy
they are not resting on a more worthy subject,
ltut the eurth is nothing to me. A'noir. 1
care not for a divorce. They may oppose
me if they will. I shall but ask tiecer pray
the demagogue, to g'ne uhat it farce worth
anking fur. Will not go to Indiana. Tho
Keystone's laws enclose me. Her key alone
shall unlock. Hut I'd scarce care to go out,
even were the doorg and laws unbolted. No
it is blenching. And I will not steal off to
soma wild, backwoods corner to pray the
judiciary thero to free me from a helpless
If my sister is In town, and In your notice,
please see that she leaves towu before the
discord peal is chattered by the vulgar horde
from the columns of the press. 'Twill be out
oo Tuesday, 1 expect. Do not lot her know
that the sun has set io my sky. 'Twould
throw clouds over her sky, too. I try to
teach her to think Hope beats strong in my
bosom, when really thu sunlight has gone out
from the valleys, and the last ray is faded
from the mountain ton. lint no odds. Of
the many millions of the earth, there I but
one unit, cno bubble less. I know a business
man' feelings he -grows sick over prosy
letters. Kxcuse me. Why I took the liber
ty I know not except that I know there was
a living pulse In your soul. And lest I be
come a dreaded, irksome correspondent, let
tn mi I will nnt. uiritn Renin till September.
WliPh t ithall bnve finished my story of
"Mutation Noted from Lire's Half-way House
to tho end of the Houte," I will write again.
' Hepards to self and consort.
Yr. ob't. st., Tom. Wash. Smith.
Thomss Leonard, affirmed I reoide ; at
1115 Filbert Btreot ) 1 have lately moved
there ; in the winter of T)G and '67, in Mar
ket street, below Tenth, a part of the timej
on the 18th of March, '97, I moved to No. 4i
South Kighth Smith aud his wife boarded
with me in Market street, and also in higntb
street; they came about the middle of J ana
nry, 1S'7, and they stayed with me till the
birth of this child ( he lived very happily with
his wife, very much so ; never saw a man
mako more of his wifo in my lire , ho was ve
ry attcntivo and kind : it was the usual talk
about the house j his attention to bis wire
was observed by everybody j he was away in
New York ten days at a time on business j
Smith came to mo and said his wife was very
sick i 1 asked what was the matter and he
said he did not know ( be went after the doc
tor; the doctor camo, and I think the doctor
went away in tho afternoon j it was Dr. (Jil
bertj be came back in the evening; tho child
was born at 0 o'clock at night i Smith came
to mo to make arrangements for the funeral,
and said it was impossible for tho child to live
as tbey had only been married four months ;
I said leave it to me and I will have it ail fix
ed, aud be should have no trouble ; I suppose
this was about three honrs before the birth
or their child ; when it was born it was alive
and is still ; he became completely beside
himseir; 1 do not know what he done ; he
did not go to bed ; next morning 1 had trou
ble enough with him ; next morning he laid
hiB head on the table, tore his hair oot, laid
down on the floor, would wring bis hands,
could not keep still a minute, would walk
about iu and out or the bouse all tho time ;
he halloed so much I thought a mob would
congregate ; ho was beside himself, and dan
gerous to have about the house ; then pre
tended to go to bed by walking up and down
the stairs, and kept the house in confusion
ull tho time ; he did not eat anything ; this
continued :n the neighborhood of a week ;
oue evening tho bell raug for tea ; I insisted
on his coming and he would not, and said he
wus better deud than alive ; I was fearful be
would go out to the drug store aud mako way
with himself; 1 locked my chamber uoor ami
kept him there till about half past eight;
this was at six o'clock; he told me he had
laid on the comfort . and got some sleep, the
first he had siuco this occurred ; wheu I let
him out ho went out somewhere, and when he
camo back ho told me he had been (o see Mr.
Townseud, and ho told him to como next
morning; the next morniug after he had seen
him he told me he had employed him to get
a divorce ; he stayed in towu about a week ;
it was either Tuesday or Wednesday the child
was horn ; on Friday he went to New York;
I was glad ho did go as 1 was afraid some
thing serious would occur; when ho came
buck ha stopped at tho Madison House ; he
came up to see us and wanted to pay the bill;
said he hadn't the money theu but would have
it in a short time ; he was in town some time
uiid called backwards ami forrurds.
Adjourned until 3 o'clock.
Thos. Leonurd, continued His checks
were Uooded with tears; at the time he roll
ed about the floor and toro his hair ; he kept
the house in an uproar ; ho was usually cry
ing ; said he could not go out without the liu
ger of scorn being pointed at bim ; on the
evening und next morning, he showed these
signs of distress; tho doctor, tho nurso and
my w;Ie, were present wueu the cLila wus
born; when ho left my house he wtut to
New York ; he came back in near a week,
und said ho could do no business there, or
anywhere cite ; he asked me where his wifo
was, over and over ogain ; I told they
had moved her to Hristol ; 1 told him Mr.
Carter told me he hud made all necessary ar
rangements to take care ol Mrs. Smith
and the child ; this was the 15th or 10th of
May : he did not like this at all, aud ho told
me had gouo up there and he coula not und
her: he was just about as usual, completely
liesiJj hiiucell; 1 told him that Carter ac
knowledged the child was his, and wus very
proud ol it, and said he wouia nave given ten
thousaud dollars if ii had been a boy ; I told
this to Smith: "llo was us proud of it as cv-
r man was of a child ;" be was neither one
thing nor the other; could not make head uor
tail of him ; criud, wrong his hands, aud went
on ; he staid hero only a short timo, and then
went down South, where ho fouud he com J
not cet his divorce ; he returned on the lltb
or I'ilh of October, 1x57 ; he looked better
thau when he went away to tho South ; look-
od like a hew man t bo did not continue to
look better ; he was at our house, forward
and back at our house; then ho went down
like a skeleton; gut very thin, wild, crazy as
u loou ; his conversation was wild, and did
not stick to any subject at all I did not ad
vise my wife to remain in the presence ot
Question Did you give your wife any ad
vice in regard to Smith upoD this subject,
founded upnu what you saw at the time?
Objected to and overruieu.
1 iruess it wus ubout a week; I lust eaw
Smith, before the shooting of Carter, on the
4th of November j ho had fillee away to
nothing almost to what he was when bo cume
up from the South ) be looked wild, his eyes
were half us big again as tbey usually were ;
he had shaved, and that mude a great differ
ence too; his conversation was wild, very
wild ; it was pretty lust, it wis unnatural ;
when I saw him last he was of unsound mind;
1 thiuk he bad eo mind at all ; he was un
commonly kind und clever to his wife j like
wise to all about toe house.
The galbint Havcloek has been relieveJ at
Luc-know, by Sir Colin Campbell and his forces.
The fighting was hard but the Insurgent who
surrounded the city were finally dispersed, and
by this time are doubtless subdued throughout
the whole of Oudc, Sir Colli. Campbell was
woundcJ, but not so severely as to prevent him
from keeping at the bead of his command, lie
has from fifteen to twenty thousand troops, lie-
infurrements are pouring into India very largely
and there canno' be a ooubt but the whole coun
try will very soon 'jeonce more restored to quiet.
Deatu of a Widow at Ff.aykrb. A lady
named Catharine Cray, who resided in New
ark, N. J., full dead iu bor house at an early
hour on Tuesday moruiuc, while at prayer.
Her death is attributed to grief and depres
sion of spirits by the death of her husband,
who was lost by the wreck of the Central
America, on which bo was a passenger.
Doth the death of herself snd husband have
been occasioned by the deity iu reception of
a letter dy ber husband, who was in Laliiornia
He sent a letter containing enccg lor gzau.
and stated thut when she acknowledged it,
receipt ho would forward aiothei. liy some
means the letter was delated, and a number
of steamers bavin? arrive since be wrote,
without brineinc bim an answer from bis
wife, bo feared that something was wrong,
aud took passage home in the ill-fated Ceo
tral America, and met a watery grave,
Three children, the eldest but two years old!
are now Uft orphans.
An editor out in Iowa says that they don
brag of tbe siege of tbeir babies, but they art
a most uncommon sure crop.
It is said that the kind mothers of tbe east
have tot so eood thut tbey civ their cbd
dren chloroform previous to whipping them
One hundred millions of gold annually
cross the isthmus of ranama.
Explosion ok a Locomotivb. ThB locomo
tive explosion of Thursday, on the Sandusky,
Manstiicld and Newark ltoad, was perhapB
one of the most remarkable on record, aa we 11
for the terrific forte by which It was charac
terized, aa tho wonderful escape from death
of the engineer and fireman. The train loft
Monroovillo ot about twenty mitiutea past 8,
having Waited thirty five minutes on the O.
aud T. train from the West, and Dot proceed
ed a qnarter of a mile when the explosion
took pluce. The boiler parted io several
places simultaneously, the pieces flying with
tremendous force right and left, scarcely any
of them lodging Within forty yards bf the
track. One fragment, weighing not less than
two hundred pounds, was found in a field to
the left, eighty rods distant, while others, of
nearly equal weight, passed halTtbut distance
through the woods to the right, stripping
huge branches from the trees iu their pro
A piece of tho BBgilie belt was also picket)
up iu the field, one hundred and twenty rods
from the place of explosion. The flues of the
boiler were twisted into an almost solid mass
the heavy cyliudcrs twitched off, battered,
aud blowD a number Of rods, carrying with
them the pistons and part cf the connecting
rods the truck and dnting wheels, with very
heavy spokes of solid wreuglit iron, were bent
wholly out of shape in short the engine was
blown to fragments, on utter wreck, beyond
the possibility of repair. The fence on either
Bide was laid, by the escaping steam, com
pletely open, presenting an appearance sim
ilar to that of having been swept away by a
sudden rush of wuter.
At the momcut of the explosion the train
was moving at a very moderate speed, so that
the shock to those in tho passenger car at the
rear was not severe. What was left of the
engine pitched over iuto tho ditch on the left.
Only two wheels of the teuder left the track,
and but a single rail of iron received damage
enough to require replacement. It would
seem that had the engiuecr and fireman gone
over with the wreck they must have been in
evitable killed. Ltut they were both thrown,
by the shock, back into the tender, and their
lives thus saved. The face of the fireman
Was badly cat, apparently by fragments of
the boiler. Ho is also slightly scalded, bat
uuless tho skull has suffarcd more than ap
pearances indicate, bis case will not he crit
ical. The engineer suffered a few braises
and scalds, but is uot confiuod to his bod or
room on account of them.
The ongine Frederick was a machine of me
dium size, of the build of Rogers. (Jrosvernor
&. Co., of Falerson, New Jersey. Her
boiler had been recently supplied with a now
oottom, and she was supposed to he in perlect
order. She cost wheu new 8.r)00, had been
in use more or less for six years, and was
valued at ubout two-thirds her original cost
Sandusky Register, Dec. 26.
Amoni; the decorations of St. James' Minis-
copul) Church at Greenfield, Mass., on Christ
mas I'A-o, was a largo und beautitul "Mar in
the Kasl," set some forty feet above the pul
pit, nnd lighted by a tin id lamp, lo tbe
midst of Iiuv. Mr. Hint's sermon the stay
took fire, tbe evergreens blazing up iu a very
startling munner. Seeing that the stur could
not be immediately reuehed, and unwill ng lo
lose his congregation, Mr. Flint continued his
discourse, when suddenly I lie burning mass
gave way nnd full upon tho reverend gentle
man, fluid lamp striking him on thu but k and
scattering the blaring fluid in all directions.
f ortunately tbe lire was extinguished belore
it had done any damage, and Mr. Flint was
unhurt. His escape is reparkable. fyi-iiig-
field Jlejmbliccn.
A I'outioallv Dkadi.v Cmmatk. Tho
Govertiots of Kurrsas aro a short lived race
real political ephemera Governor No. 1, A,
11. Header, rencnea Kansas uciouei o, ip;i;
removed July 31, 1667 term of service, ten
months. Governor No. 2, Wilson Shannon,
reached IvansuB September 1, lf-34; removed
August 21, loob term ol service, thirteeu
months. Governor No. eV, John V Geary,
reached Kansas September 11, 1650; returned
in March, 1Sj7 term or service about seven
months Governor No. 4 Hubert J. Walker,
reached Kansas May 24, It' i7 ; resigned De
cember 7, 165i term of service a little over
eovsii uioutbs,
A Monr.i, FatiIkr. The Detroit (Michi
gan) Tribuue says that the insuruiice com
panies refuse to pay the 327.000 Tor which tho
life of Mr. Molded was insured, who was so
notoriously killed at Ann Arbor, Michigan,
in July last. The ball which was taken from
his body exactly fits the pistol which was
found a short time since in a marsh a short
distance from whero Mr. HoMeii's body was
discovered. The inauraucc companies con
tend that Mr. Iloldeti committed suicide to
ttnejit his JMnily.
Miss Gehtm-de KemhI.h, a grand daughter
of tho late Charles Kemble, and daughter of
the late J. M. Keuible, made her debut on
Wednesday eveniuy, the lGth ultimo, at St.
Martin's 1 1 all, London, in the leading soprano
music or Handel s " siessian." I no nany
News speaks in high terms of the quality of
vice os well as the style ol singing, "hne
possesses," says the critic of that journal,
tbe genius oi lier lamily, and there can uo no
doubt about ber future."
M T3Trr!io!. Lovors of the horrible will
appreciata the following :
"A mrjtnrinna rniir.ler lias rpeeni V occur-
ed. at Memphis, Tenn. An Irishwoman,
known as liiir Mary, the keeper of a boardiug
house is living with her seventh, husband.
Three of her former husbands and a Bon have
met their death in her gloomy abode, nnd her
other three husband died by violence, 'i'he
other night the nephew of this singular wom
an Was mysteriously murdered in tbe same
bouse, where bis remains were lounn oy tne
police, surrounded by some twenty of tbe in
mates oo their knees, praying for the repose
or bis eoul. The case is still involved iu
TnH Cost op a Launch. It is slated tha1
it will cost 350,000 to launch the inonste'
steamer Leviathan. This immense sum o'
money would be sufficient to build a large
packet ship and load it With elegant and
fashionable garments from the Brown Stone
Clothing Hull of Kockhill & Wilson, Nos.
fi03ond C05 Chestnut street, above Sixth
New Advertisement.
Statement of the Bank ofNortbBmberland,
January 7th 1853.
Capital Stock. 300,000 00
rrelit and loss, .,4iu a
Notes in circulation, 25,fc'Jl 83
DiTideDdi unpaid, bil 7J
Discount, Exchange and Interest, 3,372 00
Due other Banks, 19,420 00
' Commonwealth, 6.221 77
1 Depositors, 61,525 37
$414,Cfe4 99
Bills discoaoted, 200,183 25
State Loan, 81,719 12
Other Btokl, 6.C70 00
Protest account & current expense, 1,637 77
Due by other Banks, 24,197 78
Notes end Checks of other Dunks, 11, Gil 69
Bonds, 255 00
Heal Kst.te, 8,069 93
Specie, 40,340 45
$414,084 99
3. R. tRIgSTLEY, Cash'i.
'Sworn and subscribed before me January
January 9, 1858. 3t.
rpllfe unilcrinntd nppointed by tliH Court of
- Common I'leas ol Northumlifcrlnhd county
to report the claimants Ac., to a fund in Court,
arlaing from the sale of certain properly of Iwi
Mtiir ft Co., and U. J. l.ewii, hereby notifies U
periods interested in said matter that he will at
tend te the duties of his appointment on Monday
evening next at 7 o'clock I'. M., at his office in
the borough of Punbury.
CHA8. J. It RUN ER, Auditor,
feunbury, January 0, 18S8.
TO LET The TaTern Rtanil, Inte of Felix
Lcruh decesncd, is hereby offered for Rent.
This stand hss long been known as the Mt. Car
met Hotel (old aland,) and is now occupied by
Win. II. Lerch. Proposals will be received un
til Friday the S9ih day of January inst., at which
time the aubxcrilier will be present at the Hvlrl
to enter into an agreement for the Mine.
ML Carmol, January 9, 1258. 3t.
pursuance ol an alias orucr oi urjjunn
Court of Northumberland county, will be cx
posed to Public Pale, on SATURDAY, the fiih
day of FEBRUARY', next, on the premises, the
following ilcsciibcd rral estate, to wit!
situate in the town of Bhamokin, Northumber
land ccHnity. whereon are erected a two story
Frame Huildinst bounded by lots of John
bouphner and others. Late the rtale of Sam
uel U. Haas, drecastd. Kalo lo commence at
10 o'clovk, A. M.. of said dny, when terms of
sale will bb made known bv
JuiJN' VANKANT, Administrator.
By order of tho Court,
C. 1J. FL'RSBIi, Clk. O. C
Sunbury, Jan. 9, 1858.
Estate of SUSANNA BIRD, dee'd
Y OTICE is hereby glvrti that letter of ad
ministration on the estate of Susahhil Bird,
late of the town of ShnmokinS Northumberland
coiiniv. ilrrrascd have been crnnted to the sub
scriber. All persons indebted to said estate will
please mako immediate payment and those hav
inp. claims to present them properly approved for
settlement to
Shamokintown, January 9, 1858. Ct
THE subscriber has jnst rcreived a fresh sup.
ply of Wheat and Buckwheat Fiour, wbiih
be is offering at reduced prices, at his
Market Square, His present prices for Wheat
Flour are
Williamsport double Extra, $7 60 per bid.
Pcio Mills. 7 25
Native Wheat, 6 00 '
Extra Buckwheat Flour, 1 35 pr sack.
ALSO fur sale gaod Dairy Duller, Allegheny
county Cher se, Cranberries &.c.
Every effort will be made to give his custom
ers satisfaction, Hive him a rail.
Sunbury, January 9, 1859.
P ynu wish In find ; l employment, and mnke nvwey
with little i,r nci investment, and without iiUTrerips with
your regular business f ll" yuu do, read this silverliM
llieut. r I". TPPD .1 CO . i if 164 Broome Siicet, New YorV
nie nmliulnclunnir snd selhnc massive g ild I'eiieils for 85
enell, (which arc cheap ot that price.) and lliey ihrow in a
gilt or prize with each Pencil, worth from 81 up to 5, 111
is .on -if,. .10. se. 7.V 100. etHI. nud Boa. Don't cry out,
'llumhup : Littery !"' It's no such thine The Pencils
are S'it at their each value, nud all the profits over llie
first post are thiowu into thegills, w liiclniclunlly cor-l
the puichaser nothing. The prizes urn distributed ol a
simple plan of dniwinc. winch xvoulu take too much room
loetplntn, but which list never fulled lo sue complete
satisfaction We have drawn and sent In purchnscis 1J
eokl watches of various piicea ,74 purses of gold dollars,
-iro!d tocke-a, f60 aoici chains, anil a corresponding num.1
her wt" other prizes, within two months.
I.nt everv rmrcli.imr ilrnrt-8 n rrize worth SO eerlaia, snd
iiAnris thousands nf chaiu'i s to he s higher figure.
We want a eood uaent in every neighborhood through
out the eonutrv. lo solicit purchasers, nnd siry agcat, to
l. A .......t.sfitl liiiiftt hnv a Pencil aad prize tu exhibit
We ny ngents 81 cash for each pnrehasrr heohlaius, and
the ti: si person in siiv neichb i hood whoapulies for ft
Pencil and gift will leceive the arjeney for that locality
Should sn aent obtain a valuable prize to exhibit with
his Pencil, he would nave In tic difficulty in obtaining
ecoiea of purchasers, and making It a paying business.
A A'eie IJa! Read!! lieadH!
We ns nob"ly toiend their money till they knew what
nr ie I h..v rimuv Anv IwxJv wmhtnutn trv llifir hit k, cn
f.rnl in(i ui thrir iwwie nml wMresi, and we will make
their (lmwiiiK and inform them by return mail what jinre
thev drevv. when thev enn semi on td t"ke tbe Pewit and
in y. nr ii..!. whir-never thev clinoiw. We oive tin IHI.
vilrot niilv itnce ko h tvirchitSeFt Alter the first drnwine
ei-ortr i.iir.v:i-ir-r will lie rediiifetl t send in Bilvnnee.
tl.rn.'t.tli the. ft.lhnri7fd ?ellt. WcWlll nl WilH fSfh
ilruTiM4 ihe number tnken not, with full dcfciifliuii of
the plan of druwiuK- Atiret
- rr lilt a. r
V. r. . i "I'l' v"
302 Broom istrcet, Aew York.
January 9, 1853.
NY PtliLArtKl.PiitA, Hocemlior lfi 1857.
The onnunl nieetiiip of the Stockliolilern of
this Company will be held Dt llieir oflieo, No.
88 S. fourth fit , un MonJay, tho lnh Janua
ry, at 1 1 o'clock A. M.. at which time there
will be an election of Directors to serve for
tho ensuing year.
VM. C. LUmviU, Suc'ry
January 2, 1 8:"8.
J'Rlir'ATE f3A.i,E
UK atiliscritier offers at private sole, a cer
tain lot or piece of land, situate in Lower
Augusta township, Iortrtumlierland couuty,
about 8 miles below Sunbury, bounded on llie
west by tlib river Susquehanna, en tha south by
land df Ueoree teller, on Ihe east by land of
Win. Kroh, and on the north by land of Wni.
P. Jones, ccntaininff 8 Acres and 18 perches,
all of which is cleat ed and In a very bijih state
of cultivation. The Northern Central Rail
Uoad passes through the tract, and is alto
bound on the east by the Main Boad leading
from Sunbi'ry t Hairinburg, which tORallier,
with the Kiver upon the west, and the fertility
of the soil makes it a very pleasant and desira
ble situation.
A I. WO, another certain Tract ef Land, situate
in caid towiiahip, adjoining lands of William
Kroh, oa tho south, the heirs of Robert and Ar
thur Auchmuly ! on the east Win. V, Silver
wood, and a public road on the north, and Wm
R. Jones on the west, containing 93 Acres 121
perches strict measure. j4 bout 60 acres of which
ate cleared, and in a high state of cultivation
and the residue most excellent land for cultiva
lion, but is now covered with excellent timber,
and if pdrrhased soon, Ihe purrliaser can get a
larcre nnantitv of Railroad ilea on tha enme.
This tract ia also well watered, having several
fine mimics upon it, and every field can be wa
tered therebv. An indiaputable title will be given
and terms of sale reasonable. . ..
Lower Augusta Ip., January 51; If 57. tf
riHE TRIBUNE was first issued ai a Daily
I on the 10th of April, 1841. Its weekly
edition was commenced in Septcmlier of ths
same year i its Semi- Weskly in May, 1S4S. It
was the first daily in America to issue a double
or eight-page sheet at a low price, and it has st
least cvea with the foremost of its rivals in (he
rapid expansion of Newspaper enterprise, which
the great cxtcution of Railroads, and the estab
lishment of the Telegraph system have crowded
into these last sixteen eventful years. N lar
ger journal Is afforded at se low a price io any
Quarter ot the world i none in America, no Mat
ter a! what price issued, pays en equal imounl
weekly or monthly, for intellectual labor. It
employes correspondents regularly In the lead
ing capitals of Europe, and at the inoat impor
tant points on thie routiueat. with a liberal staff
of writers end reporters at home, regarding lull
esrly and accurate iiilormation ee the first ob
jeet of a Newspaper, and the timely and througti
al.iridation thereof as the chief nJ mf ita Edito
rial., in that spirit, THlt TRIBUNE das been
and will be conducted, extcadldg and perfect
ing itk correspondence so fast aS the increase
of its patronage will justify the ex pert se. Sbtnld
the current attempt to connect Die (ltd with Ike
Iew Werlilby the msgnetie wire prove success
ful, we shall very soon, at a heavy cost lo oar-
selves and, wo trust, a corresponding advantage
to our realera publish each morning a synopsis
of ibo preceding day's occurrences throughrint
Europe, Northern Alrira and Western Asia,
with regular rbnnrts of the markets, the moneta
ry aspects and harvest prospects of hither la
rope. With a good atlas beside llim and his
daily paper on his fireside table, the American
farmer r artisan within a day's ride of the city
may then study evening Ihe doings of the civili
zed world throughout the day preceding ; end it
scents hardly possible that any wh can read, hut
especially one who has children to educate, will
longer deny himself the pleasure and profit of
a daily journal. The same is true measurably
of those who live further inland ; though, where
mails are infrequent, a nemb Weekly, or even a
V eilklv paper, may seem aulhcietit.
THE J KIUl;.T; deals wilh qtipstioas ofPe-
lilical Economy, I'ublic l'oiiry . Kthics, Material
progress, and whatever may a Meet the intellettu
al,"Moral, Social and Physical well baittg cf
mankind, dogmatic Theology alono arcepted
Its leading idea is the hollaring of hottest, useful
W nrk in whatever sphere or capniilv, nnd the
consequent elevation of Ihe Lnbaring Class in
knowledge, virtue and general esteem. It is no-
bcssarily hostile to Slavery under all its aspects,
to Intemperance in whatever form or degree
with its accessories, to War save in the defence
of Country and Liliertv against actual invasion,
and to exery form of Gambling. Desiring to see
I roilui tinn extended and encouraged, while V.ilu
Speculation and unless Traffic arc
t'n vois the policy of santaining and divrmf) in;;
Home Industry bv a discriminating 1 anil a
policy which tends to increase the price of Grain
to the farmer liile diminishing that nf Dread
to tho artisan, by reducing the distance across
which their respective products are exchanged
and, of course, reducing the cost nf their transfer.
regarding rillihusierism in all its phases, and
every form and device of National eovetouaness
with unqualified abhoriettce as the bane of Re
publics and in their triumph the Oravc uf Lqiinl
Human Kights, we 8cek ry every means to woo
and win the attention of our cniinttymcn from
projects of aggrandizement abroad to en erprires
of developetncnt and licneUVcucc at home, fore
most among which we rank a Railroad through
the heart ef our territory lo connect the waters
of the Atlantic with those nf toe Pacific, l'e-
lieving that the goods of thii life arc not yet fair
ly distributed, and Unit no one ready to work
should ever furnish in unwilling idleness, it lends
an open ear to every supgrstion of facial Im
provement which does not ruutitervait the dic
tates of eternal Morality nw war tip"n that na
tural right ol every one to whatever Ite has fairlv
produced or honestly acquired, whose denial
ml'st sink mankind into lli chaos and night of
barbarism and universal squalor. With A pro
found conscientiousness that idlers, drunkards,
libertines and profligalet' can never be other (in
the main) than needy ami Tretched, it bears
aloft the great truth that Prevention is belter
than Punishment that the child trained up
the way he should go, will rarely in after years
desert that way for the thorny paths of Vice and
( rime that a truo i.ducation KeliGions, Mo
ral and Industrial u well as Intellectual is the
most effective temporal antidote to Ihe errors and
woes of our race. Recognizing in the most de
rrraded specimen of Humanity a divine spark
which shsuld be reverently cherished, not ruth
lessly trodden out, we have charity tot all forms
of evil but thoee which seek personal idvantage
through the debasement nf our fellow beings.
Ths cfiampioe cf no class or caste, lie devotee
of no sect, we would fain bn the interpreter to
each other of aneu's belter impulses aid aspira
tions, the harbitifer of general concord between
Labor and Capital, and among those whom cir
cumstances or misapprehensions have thrown
into unnatural antagonism. A cotemporury
once observed thill he never knew a hard, gianp
ihg, nigardly employer who did nut late THE
TRIBl'NE, nor a generous, lame tidied, kindly
one, willing to live and let live, who ilrj not like
it. o ask no higher praise, no warmer atf
The circulation cf TU H TKI3UNI: U r.
this time as follows: Daily 32.1)1)0 copies;
Weekly, 17B.8UO copies; rteici-Werkly, lG.ntlO
copies; California and F.uroiean, 1,1)1)0 copies
Total, 2nn,H00 copies. 'J hat of the Semi Week
ly and Weekly we believe to be exceeded by no
other newspaper published in file wurld,t!iat
of the Daily falls behind that of some ol nar
colemporaries. Had our lioMilty to Human
Slavery and tho Liquor Traflic Seen more guard
ed and politic, our Daily issues would now be
some thousands heavier and our Advertising far
mofe lucrative ; but of our patrmige gtmerally
we have It reaaon, no wish, lo cortplnln.
Of la.e, a concerted ellurt haa been made to
diminish our rural circulation thrtugh the influ
ence of tho Postmasters; some of whom embark
in it eagerly, others under political constraint;
while a large number, we arc litppv, for the eake
of Human .Nature, to state, refuse to lie dragoo ed
into it at all. Still, we have U rn made to feel
the heavy hand ol" Power, aid have doubtless
lost thousands of subsriibcrl in consequence.
Pretext!! to which no individial in his private
capacity would have stooped lave been relied en
lo justify ihe itopputre cf our pnprrs within
reach of their subscril crS anl riflitlul otvneis,
ami their retention in the l'lst-OOice till their
value was destroyed. Postnasters lmvo been
schooled by rival journal- leveral of thefn liv
ing as theii Self-proclaimed ai'lity tu serve as an
antidote to THIS Till U IjJN J as lo their point
cat duty 10 promote at our fxpensc the dissem't
nation of gatetteS of adverse, politics. We snail
outlive lliis Warfare, but we donot affect indiffer
ence to it. In the open full of discussion, we
fear nothing ; but in the lens of thousands of
rural neighborhoods where the Postmaster can
induce many of hts quiet iitigtiborr) te take the
journal he recomineinis, we nave already lost
some patrons, snd expect to lute more as cur
subscriptions for this year enjiiro. We appeal,
therefore, te the hearty, tiitutul, tearless auro-
cates of Free Labor and Pico Soil throughout
the land to take care that this official warfare on
our circulation be not prosecuted without conn
teraetion. We employ no tiavehng agents, for
we will not consent te have iho puMis harassed
with the Solicitations of slmrigers in our beliall.
We strike the name of tacit subscriber to our
Weekly or Semi-Weekly from our books so
soon aa Ins term has exiiireu, lor we will uoi
haunt our patrons wilh duns for arrears which
they my say they nevei Intended to incur, for
papers which perhaps tbey never read ; we lelv
for Ihe renewal of our club subscriptions solely
en the volunteered ell'oits of those who, liking
our paper, believe its .influence salutaty and
worthy to be extended: and thus far our reliance
baa been justified, as we trust it may continue
lo he.
THE TRIBUNE Is primed on a large Impe
rial sheet, 31 J by H inches, folded In quarto
form, aud mailed to sult.rilirrs at the following
Dittt Tsiscsr., par annum, ftl 00
One Copy, one year, ( . $8 00
Two Copies, one yoar, 5 00
Five Copies, one year, . ' tl 86
Ten Copies, one year, . . , 20 00
One Copy, one year, . $3 00
Three Copies, one yeaf, . . 5 00
Five Copies, ode year 8 00
Ten Copies, one) ear, , ... IS CO
Twenty Copies, to one eddress, and any
laf;er number at the rste of $1 per
annum, . . . . . 20 00
Twenty Copies, to sddrets of eac h subscri
ber, and any larger lumber, at Ihe rate
of Si 20. each. . . . . 24 00
Any person sending us a Club of twenty or
mors Willi entitled loin extra copy.
fetubacriotious may commence at any time.
Terms always cash ia advance.' All letters lo
be addressed to
Tribune Buildings,
No. 164 Nassau street, New York.
New Yosk, January 8, b.
FO.NIFIER, for sale at flsHER'S Drug
Store. Price 20 els.
October 81, 185.
We have just received and are now opening a large am' choice selco:od stock of WINTER
GOUDH, comprising art efulless variety, and will positively icdl our entire stock at'
We return our sincere thanks to tho publie for our incccasing peonage, and shal? endeavor to
merit a continuance of Ihe same.
ty country produce wanted at the highest f ri'ces.
Sunbury, December 19, 1857.
Dissolution of Partnership.
fT'llE partnership heretofore oxifting ho-
twoeti tho subscribers, doing business
oildfr tlio firm Of Cochran, Tealu & Co.. was
dissolved by mutual tonaent on the 15th of
Detember, 1857.
M.J. 11. WiTHIMiTON,
Tho bnfcinpss will bo heretil'tcr conducted
by the nndcrsigtioU, under tlio immn of Coch
ran, Pcalu Co.. who will settlu all the ac
count of the lute firm.
M. J. 1). WITHINtno.X.
January , 157.
The ttw'unory of Pmf. Ilmrth onil ti IVinrW'i' fvivine
prcvHmftl) been ptiMnhed, the folio win.? id nm? a'Mrcl
From Prof. M(;l.ffKKV. fi.rmrrly Vtoten r of Tftnnrv
ami rrnctirc of .Mt dirnif in thu l einalu Mt-tlictil Colipc'e
if IVmmj Ivunn , nml Ittf I'rofi tior of Surgery in Ui
American t'olk-grof Mtidcine, Vc. :
i'llll.ADKI.PIllA, Nov. a?,!., 16.1fl.
Mb. .Tofu tlovRR A tiinl of ynur LI'.iMr)
H Alii 1T. will conrhjp' thu imt ski ptirnl, Hint it ib.
nrit, i'.lf'iatt, nnd rvFK A loi-w irep:irntiun. I'iiIi'o;
many otliem, it hai tn veral intanr1 prove) m-ivir-i r.Mp
in llie cure nf aimr ruWiiiroti eruption mi the lirnd. utnl
lit, hesitation lit culnniciiding it to re'iitirini
a.i.'h nn applirntii-ii.
Very miirctfuliy, J. F.X. Mi-C"T.f .SKKV, M T) .
475 itare tl.. l.1ih.
I'OVKrt'S WHITINO INKS. iiiHnriinrr HnVI'lf?
WltlTIMl Fl.tlO. nml ll(iVl;ifSI.lll;l,IHI.F. INKS,
still! thrir Inch rlmrni'lr-r, wliirh litis i.lwai s ills
liiipiuhhiil then, anil Itie extensive tlrinn'ul first cri.-.tcil,
hu e'Mitiiuu-il unintertilp'c'l lin'il the pret-nt.
Orders addressed to the Manufactory, No. 4 HI
RACK street, above Fourth, (old Ao. 141.)
Philadelphia, will rrccivpprnmiit attention, by
JOKEIMI K. HOVER, M.mufacturer.
December 25, ISA 7 April 25, '67, ch.
Estate of Itnbert IV." Melt llllams,
"WJOTICK is hereby given that letters of AiV
ministration on the estate of Robert N.
McWilliims, late of Shamokin township, Nor
thtimbcfland county, deceased hare been grant
ed to the subscriber. All persons indebted to
said estate will please make immediate payment
and those having claims to present them properly
approved for settlement td
i.H. MctVtLt.lA MS, Adm'r.
ShornoKill yip., Dec. 12, 1857. Ct
BOOTS &. SHOES f,.r Men, Women and
Children, a large stork, comprising Men's
Water Proof Kipp and Calf skin Hoots, Tiro
gatis, Morocco, Kid and Calfskin allocs, (iuitcrs
und (ium Shoes. It RIGHT & 0"V.
Sunbury, Dec. 2f!, 1S57.
iitkei el, Herring and Phad, wholesilc
or retail. Now is the time to purcliLSO
1'ii.ii, as we are enabled to offer them at a lower
price than you can purchase them in the Hpring.
fuiibury, Dec. 2B, '57. BRIGHT SON'.
OfW j SACKS SALT, best quality, best nunl-
vj , idi,; FaLM, u.lii i iv I r.liu Ul tilt luwesi
Sunbury, Dec. 20, 1857.
S7retlCll Cloth, Fancy and Plain Cassi-
mere, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans. 8ilk. Na-
tin and Silk Velvet Vesting, Troy Satinett and
ery largest and cheapest assortment of
g vt ear suitable lor cold weather.
Sunhnry, Dec. 26, '57.
I ls:olett', Victorines, Opera CnpS, Wool
llnnils C,t,nr.,rtd i.i..l,.n.A M..n.l'. T n.,,.
Gautitlctts, Ac.
Suiibury, )e. 20, '57.
. ,or i up i .- ,
aw .,!..; nr. ana nrocne Miawls; nUo,
Watervliet, Uay .Slate, AValerlnn, and Blaiv
ket.Hhawls, latest styles, ell qualities and prices
Dec. vu, ik.7. lliiltili r ,t frON.
g'lOVeN of all kinds, Stocking. Collars, Sus
peiidcrs, 13 lick ATittsi. Handkerchiefs nnd
an en'llss variety of Hosiery and Notions.
Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57. BRIGHT SO?.
O eady.tiiao C'lothlnar Fitcr thairi.
W Inppoorwill Hangups, Mohair hn'&lnne,
French Cloth and Mark Union Coals. includintr
a nice assortment for Hcys. Pants, Vests and
Monkey Jackets, all snd prices.
Sunbury, Dec. 20, '57. B ftlGHT If ED.t
fS hereby given that the Books of Jacnb Pain
ter, late of the borough of Sunbury, deceased
have been leil m the hands of 1. Lu.arus, Dsn
for settlement. By prompt ailentiou to (he above,
cost will be seven:
GEORGE A. FRICK, Executors.
December 20, 1857. 4t
Farmer Look lo Tour Interest
rjnilE sudrcribcr respectfully informs the far-
- mrrs and the public generally, that he ha
IrrUed the lime kilns ol Ira F. Clement In Sun
bury, and that he has llwnys on hund, and is
ready to stipply a good quality of lime to all who
may want Tor building or tannine Mlruoscs.
Hebas also a kiln at Reefer's cro.ioing5 miles
front Sufniury, or two Irom nvdertown.
X1T All kinds of Country Produce taken
Sunbury, Dec. 26. 1857
Figured and Plain Merinos. Sill a. Sent. I.
Plaids, .Silk Striked Puplins, Caalimerc, Trenton
I'litiu, L moor Shades, Fancy and Plain D. Laiiirs
Valencia, Paraniette Cloth, Ac., just rru-ivod
and for sule by B RIGHT A SON'.
Sunbury, Dec. 26, '57.
30,000 OBOSF3-T1ES
WANTED Thirty Thousand Cioss Tie
Kuilrond Sills for tho
Northern Central
Rail Road.
For furlher particulars apply to
JIlA T. CLEMENT, Cor tractor.
Sunbury, December 26, IS5J tf
fllHE subscriber has been appointed Agent for
I Messrs I.edJes & Ma roll ot l.ewisburi. fot
thesaleoflheirStrsw, Hay & Corn-Fodder Cut
ter. Thii Cutter is the best in use. Farmers
tnd others are respectfully requested to cull and
examine for themselves.
, r. B. MASKER.
Sunbury, December 20, 1857. tf
c o- :hl-a.-v:b2xj-.
Market Sipwre, Suubury, I 'a. ,
F.SPECTFl'LLY informs tha public ihul
he constantly keeps on naiid. Extra and
double Extra Wheat Flour, in qumter barrel
sacks. Also superior Buckwheat Flour, and
Chop feed ol all kinds, which he will warrant
and sell at the lowest price, FOR CASH ONL f.
Call end see for
December IB, 1S5T ly.
THE Books of subscription to Stock of the
SiiasiokIm Bui, will be opened el Wil
liam Weaver's Hotel In the town of Shamokin,
on Monday, the aOlh day of November, 1857,
Secretary to) Coaimiasionors.
Sbarcokin, Nov. 7, 1 8.17- -.
titv ol Goods that I brought info tovin Inst
Sfiflnjr, T succeeded in selling them all otit ex
cept whiit I gave away, end had to hurry Ii the
city, fr a new lot, in order lhal my custnrnirq'
might not he put to the inconvtinienrc of bu inc
ut other stores; where they would be chntgril
killing prices. Trofititlj by past experience, I
have just brotrght on
Twhe s Mariy Goodii
and I have now tho Inricst and CHtJArKST
AMSOUT.MKNTcvcf offered within hearing, s"
this place. I am houtul to sell
before. I need not say cheaper tiian my neigh
bors; fur that is no lunger a disputed fact.
I sm now rcaily lo ileal nut goods twenty
hours out of twenty-four Kundnys excepted
at biwer prices than any person dare ask lor.
Just call fur any thing you want. I am deter
mined td
flint mny be inittlc, rensnrinWe or unreasonable.
Call s um, as the ruch is Irrmendntis.
Sunbury, Dec Sfi, 1857. ly
1957. FALL & VVIKTeFgOOIJS ! 1858.
Market Square, Sunbury.
TVOW received and n ill continue, to receive
' the largest and bept selected Stock of
Phv:k Cloths, Cttssiinerr, Cassinetts
IVf7t;ir;., Jr.
Ah nrsortmcrtt of Dress OoniU, viz: Fnnev
ptinted Calicos, Chillies, printed Lawns, De Laiui
liarcgcs. Merinos, Car.hmcrcs, Alapacas, Dress
Silks, Uiriham, fee.
Irish Linen, bleached and brown Drilling, Sheet
ing, Pillnwcaseing, A.c.
Drcs3 Trimminga in Groat Varietyi
Boots and f-hoes
Hats and Cpp,
SALT and FISH, Cheese, Crackers, Segars,
Tohncco, Hiiuff, A-c, an assortment of other
Goods too tedious to mention.
Feeling grateful fir past faror we beg leave Ii
assure our old friends nnd the public that h?
ellort on our part shall be wanting to fntrit a
continuance of our patronnrc.
Country produce takca iu exchange at tlio
ighest murket price.
Sunbury.Dcc. 12 1S57. if
rTTNCLAIMED Deposits of 3 years standing
U remaining in Hank of Northumberland.
H .Hies.
8 3 7J M.-vk A Jackson, 7 ij
Iliuwp .V Iimrus.
li. sii
3 37
1 411
2H t'O
Jno Mnus,
Tlios. H'lwninu,
I,. I,, .tl . (Joiiscr;
V. II. Davis,
IMtilip Free,lmn:l,
Ileury l'ryinire,
Mnnires ,V Oyster,
Lewis II. ,lilla.
2 1'
1 4
I 4"
v no
1 f?
2 39
e ft
4 4"
Kabei Voise,
luo no
I 11 Sleek "oT?on,
., ia, .. .-inniv
II. P. tlruves,
J . lirufiu .V t'n.,
Samiml lleiutrs'in,
C HI John Sleek
li-1 .'iS Ailaiv ?,0ireek,
23 HI Win. Waters,
? 31 Msrnn Wuuvar,
li :v Kowii'iver,
Jas. Iivvry,
40 00 IJ II. V,H,il.(eheek
marl"-l good.) 1S9
Dividends per nam!; period, none.
Personally appeared before me a Justice of
the Pence in and for tV.e county of Northumber
land, J. R. Priestley, Citrliicr of tho Bank oC
Northumberland, who being duly sworn, dotli
say, that tho above siatenient is correct lobe.!
of his knowledge end belief.
i. It. PlilE&TLEY, Cashier.
Sworn, nu'.iecri'ocd before me, December 11;
IC57. John C.kS, J. P.
Northumberland, December 19, H57. 4t
rorvnrl!i hi:.) Transportation.
Prom 1'hiUvlili'hia and 'J'rtvorton.
1TE1!CH AN'I S and hufincs men of Trcvw-i'-sL
ton and vicinity, can hsc their Merchan
dise, and other (iaods shipped through from
Philadelphia to Trevortort and Port Tr'vorton,
aud all intermediate places on tiiO line, by send
ing to the Central Depot House of FRF. ED,
WARD & FREED. No. SI I Market St., above
Eighth Stier t, Philadelphia.
lioods carefully alteiiiltd to and promptly de
livered. FREED, WARD & FRF.ED.A gents.
November 7, lrj!'.7. "mbH-J
Successor to Mrs. M. Hill,
Fashionable Straw and Fancy Milliner
No. -ICo (old No. 32 1) North Second Street, br
io Noble, opposite Red Lien Hotel, Philad'a.
V&" tattern Bonnets made to order. TCI ill i
fiery in all its various bran. lies. A coll fepc.t
fiilly soliciieu,
October 3, '8.r7. 3wr3m
Flour, Feed end Provision Moro.
Hrtmhray bctwv Iliucklerrg Stieit.
OESrECTFt'LLY informs the ciUzer.s b(
Sunbury and vicinity that he has ji'rt ie
ceived rl liesh and choice supply of
consil!llg in purl of Hams, Shoulders, .Mackerel,
Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, S"!t I'resiived
Fruit, Pickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molaf-t s. Rice,
Sugar, 1'i.iree, (green, ronsted and ground,) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Oiinpowdc and Blaci'i
Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brim&es
plow and wash lines, boots ar,l shoes, to'acoov
segars, if., together with tvery article usually
found in a first class (iroc-ory Store, all vf which
will 1 sold at the lower t prices, either for cash or
country produce. He tins also previa red to sup
ply tlio citizen w i''. fresh bread, t .ViKt, rolls, pies,
pretzels and cal. es of every kini.
N. 1!. 'I ho liiglie?. cash prices will be paid for"
butter and eggs, corn, nuln. rve and wheal.
Sutibuiy, II.. e. 5. IS57. "
Ittorncn at latu,
iii Ncrll,LU.l:urlaud end adjoining'
November 21,1 7. . tf
p 4i:i mi:
, of all kinds and eu.lits
aV At.
Sunbury , Dec.
I'lKNS, Cedar, Hollow si.1 (..iRsawarv.
coutaiuiug i'Vkrvthiog uselut mid orna
menial. BKICH Ti. SON.
Sunbury, December 2tl, 1857.
t IT ALL PAPER. Window Shades. Floor.
J Carnage, and 'Fable Oil Cloths, Cocoa
Matu and a superior sitiele og Druggest
Dec 80, 1857. HKlCiUT A HQS.
9S0 ARUSt;A KrETINti,erUbr.ri,'"NvTor'
Ingraui, Cotton, and a superior article
of Lag Carpet, Manufactured at home, for sal.
al pries lo suit It Lines.
Dee. , t7. BRIGHT &. f O.N.