) 0 tJx 3 . From Ilia Ni w York Even ng rM SONG OF TIIE BTEET. , .. Rushing round the corners, ( honing every friend, P tinging into banks Nothing thora to lend I'it. nusly hcf tng Of every tnn you meet, Mess me ! ibis is plcasnit, "Sliiniiing" on the street. Mm hints trcry short, Kttrning neck an J neilt", Wnnt to keep a going P,. lying lor a check ! Illne ns blue can be, Evidently wishing 'J'liry were 'fancy bee." All our splendid railroads lid such dreadful knocks, Twenty thousand Dull Couldn't raise their stocks i Mnny of (lie Dears In the trouble-sharing, Now begin to feel . They' bten overbearing. Risky speculators Tumbling with the shock, Never mind stopping More than any clock ; Will they give big dinner, Smoke and drink and sup, Going all all the better For a winding up. Banking institution, Companies of "trust," With other people's moncv, Go off on a bust ; iousrs of long standing " ('rumbling in a night With so many "smnshcM." No wonder money's ti'jht. ftenllemen of means Having lot to spend Save a little a synit athy Nothing Imvc to lend ; Gentlemen in want Willing to pay double Find thev can borrow Nothing now but troi.blo. Half our men of business Wanting an extension, . While nearly all the others Contemplate suspension ; M any of thcin, though, Every cent they owe Is so much to their ciedit. Brokers all are breaking, Credit all is cracked, Women all expanding As the Banks contrict. Panic still increasing Where will the trouble end, While all hands want to borrow, And nobody can lend i Running round the corners, Trying every source ; Asking at the banks Nothing there, of csu'se. Money getting tighter, Misery complete Bless me ! this is pleasant "Shinning" on the street. farmer's department. From the Gtirmantown Telegraph. Ilmts for the Farmer. Scalding Mii.k. In Devonshire. England where dairying is extensively practiced, tho milk intended for the churn , or for cheese, is scalded as soon as it cotnes from tho. cow. This process is said to obviate most effectually tho natnrul tendency of tho milk to sour iu warm weitther ; and when intended for butter makiiip, secures the Advantage of sweet milk or family use, after the cream is removed. From the Germautown Telcgiopli. Curing Bacon without Picklo. rmi.ip It. Fkkas, Esq. : In the last issue or your v aluable paper, an article from Bucks county, signed "J. 1). 15.," gives to the public n most valuuble method of curing "Bacon without pickle," to which I can add testimony by pcrsonul experience although I differ with J. L). B. as to tho quantity of saltpetre. "" It docs seem tome that your correspondent is not definite enough in his article. To be sure ho pives the proportions of the ingre dients, but docs not slate what amount of meat it will cure. Now my modo is this; to every hundred pounds of bacon, take eight pounds of fine salt, eight ounces of brown sugar, and two ounces of sultpetro ; pulverise the saltpetre and mix thoroughly with the salt and sugar, find divide the whole into two equul parts. Take one part aud rub your bacon (having a board or platform upon which to lay it) well and p'lt plenty of the compound into the leg with your tingur ; (vta do not score ours ;) then eprinklo your board slightly and lay on your meal, taking care not to lay one piece on another, a? it de3 better this way. Alter cine dafl elijsed, take tho other half of the ingredients and g'.vo another rubbing, not forgetting the Ekio side of the meat. In the course of a week or ten days your meat is tuBiciuutly cured to scioko. Koine people have a delicacy in using salt petre to any extent upon meat. We like a pood quantity, yet think two entices a plenty for every hundred pounds of bacon. For curing back pieces and sides, 1 believe there is no mode in existeuce better than the Bugar cured pickle that you cotnmeuded to your readers eomo time ngo. We have often cured sides and back pieces in that way, aud found them excellent. Respectfully, Jno. W. F. Chestnut-Hill, December IS, lb'57. IIuns is Winter. lfyouwaut the hens to lay eggs during the winter give them chop ped fresh meat and green vegetables such as raw onions and peppers, boiled potutoes, cab bago etc., water to drink, and a bed of sand gravel to scratch among. Burnt bones, bro ken fine, should be strewed over their gravel bed. Tho rsostiue places should be well protected from wind and storm. Do not let them roost on the trees iu winter. Hens lay all the better without the company of roosters. UUiu Cultivator, Kemovk Stains rnovj the Hands. A few drops of oil vitriol (sulphuric acid) iu water will the tuke the Uains of fruit daik dyes, stove blucking, &a., from tho hands, without injuring thum. Cure must, however, be takeu not to drop it upon the clothes, it will re move the color from woolen, and eat boles iu cotton fubrits. Tho llungariun Grass, is a variety intro duced iuto Iowa, by Governor L'juzy, which seems to be fast becoming an iuiportunt crop in that elate. It is now suid to take the place of many other grasses bolh for pasture and bay. Thorough Drainage Erst, deep tilage, sec ond, frequeut stirring of the surface, third are the truo means for securing laud against the efiV-cU of draught. Flat culture of boed crops is equally indispensable. Swamp Muck, or peat when dry, will take" up, without dripping four times its own weight of water. Hence the necessity of thorough drainage. . Guano contains salts of ammonia, alkaline phosphates, etc , necessary to produce the Kram of wheat, bat Dot to form roots and straw. KLINE'S GROVE UP TO DATE ! KEW GOODS! XEW GOODS! 1 J. F. 8c I. r. KLINE, Respectfully announce to their friends and the public in general that they have received at their istore in Ipper Augusta township, IMortnomncr land county Fa., at Klines (Jrove their FALL and WINTER UOODS, and opened to the pub. lie a general assortment of merchandise cVc. Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy Cass'mers, Salinelts, Checks, Kentucky Jeans together with a general assortment of Fall and Winter Goods adapted to all classes of per sons. - , Heady mado CI. 'thing, consisting of Ceats and Vests, Under Shirt and Drawe-a. Ladies Dress Goods, Winter Shawls, (iinghams, Cashmeres, De laities, Calicoes black iS i I s, AC.. Also a fresh supply or Drugs and Medicines, Groceries c-c. A new supply of Hardware, Quccnsware, wooden ware Brooms -c. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes suita ble fer men Women and children. HATS AND CAPS. School Books, Stationery, Envelepes, Ink, &c. Ciikf.sk ASH f?Al.T. And all goods usually kept in a country store. The public are resuectfullv invited to call and examine our stork before purchasing elsewhere. As we are determined to sell at prices to sun the litres for CASH or in Exchange for Country Produce at the market price. Thankful for past favors we hope by strict attention to business to merit a continuance of he snme. Kline's Grove, Vt., Nov. 21. 157. If CHEAP WATC1IK9 AND JKWKI.RY. lHirit.KSAI.H AND RKTAIf., nt the "riiilailelpliia V Watches ami Jewell v Store" So. 119 f'Md No. 116) North Second Street. Corner of tilitrry, Philadelphia. G0I1I lver Watches, full Jewelled, 18 caret cuaea, f ",0t) Gold lupine, IP enret. i!l Ml Silver 1 .ever, full jewelled, Vi HO Silver Lrpine, jewels, t 00 r-uperior i jiuirtiers, 7W U'W Speetncl,-!, 1 0(1 Knie Silver il.i., 1 50 M llrai-Hel. 3 l"l l.vuVt r.ul.l Pewits. t HO Silver Ten Sp-mcn, set, S IK) OuW Pens, with Pencil IllitSilver luiMer, 1 00 G'tiil Fmeer Itlpjrg :T1 ct in MI: tueh (nws. ntun 101 els , n:i:ent IP J. I.n let 2i ! ntliei nrtieles in pronoitlon All gi.KHls wuncnitetl to be wlml thev ure mM fur. s I A i I r I .K II a it i .1. v . t"''" Otf haiul snme fl'iN find Silver Levers unit Leniuos still l-iVi'er tlmn the ulmve priees riiiiniieipiii:i, Dctohcr In, hSi.-ljSW URGE DRY MobssfADMSHjimT"" HAMILTON" EASTER & CO., Kcw Marble Ilullrtliig. Xo. lfO, 201 and 203 Jiultimore Street, BALTIMORE. ffTAVE now in store (montly oflheir own im portation) one of the largsst and most com plete Stocks in the United States, embracing Silks and Silk goods of everp class ; Dress Goods a very large stock f Irish Linens ; Lin en (ioods and Housekeeping Articles of every dc scrihtion; Meurning Goods; Cloaks, Mantillas and Shawls; Embroideries, I, aces. Hosiery, Gloves, Blankets, Cjuills, Domestic Gouds ; nnd every article generally rexuired by Farmers and Planters for servants ut-e. tj? Ketoil Booms on first fir or the price aflixel to each "article, from which no deviation is made. tt-if Wholesale Bsoms on the second and third 'floors. Octdber, 11, 1857 3m. 111 OXD Ell Fl'L COlXClDEXCll All IV nt Ions of the Same 31 1 ml I IIOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. Tlie anniversnry nf the intnxluction of Tl'illownv's Ointment nucht to be a jubilee foiever. It hits saved countless multiiudet from disfigurement, ptirnlvziitioii, mntilnlinii, aginir nnd denth. Shirtine frum the tn'rl'tiee to wliich it is npplied, its healing lahn finds its wny llirougli every comin; mill ligmntiitnl the body, to the veiy tuiree and liusis of all eruptive, ulcerous, tumorous, and euiiee rom diseases. It distinguiihes tho febrile principle Unit feeds litem, nnd the outuurd symptoms fuile, heul. nnd puss awey willi a mpidity incredible to those w ho have not witnessed it. SCKOFfl.OUS ERUPTIONS AND UI.CF.ns. The poison of scrofula bus never been neutmlized or expelUd by tiny of the remedies of the phnrinttenpreiu The 8"le aulidoTe to this virulent and destructive element is Ilollowuy's Oiiittnent. Miijendie ft lirudie, the ret Freneh and Kngliiih surgeons, do no deny or dispute this great fnet. There is no form of serolulu that may uot be controlled and cured by this Imlsumie remedy. CANCKKS AND Tf.MOttS. Tl e kni.'e or caustic may remove a cancer or tumor, tmt the sea Is of the terrible excrescence reinsin in the blKKl,uuil it is soon reproduced in a worse form thnii before. Holtowuy's Ointment, on the countrurv, pene trates into the circulation, and perl'ndes every inteeted vesicle, anil ki Is the diseuse by destroying the corrosive principle that generated ami sustujus it. INFLAMMATIONS OF TIIEPK1NS. Alt rashes and ordinary eruptions, ns well nsKrysipelas, Acne, Itingworm, Csihuuelea, Scnld II end, Suit Itheuin, Leprosv. Prickly Ileal, fte., uie removed bv a fe- bunk upplicutions of the Ointment. ACCIDENTAL INJiniEf, WOUNDS, Sprains, Rruises, Scalds and Horns are immediately relieved by its application. The lutlainnia. tiouuuiekly sataiMes, fever and lockiuw file prevented. und under u persevering use of the preparation, thu pro cess of heitling is soou accomplished. Both the Ointment and 1'ills should be used in the following cases : Bunions I.uiukign Sore' Legs Swelled Glands limns Mercunul Sore Ilrearts Stiff Joints Chapped Ilaiul Eruptions Sore Heads fleers Chilblains Piles Sire Throats Venereal Sores Fistulas liheiiumtisui S.res ol all Wounds of all Uout Kilt Itheuiii kimls kinds Skin Diseases Sprains Seulds rV CAUTION f None are geuiiuie unless the words "llollowuy. New York and Uniiloii,M ure discernible us us u water-murk in every leaf of the book of directions iirounil earn pot or t ; the same limy lie plainly seen by holding theieuflothe lic it A linudsoiuu reward will be given to any one rend, ing sueli information ns luny lend to the detection ot uuy party or parties counterfeiting t lie- medicines or vending the suiiie, knowing tlieiu to be spurious. Sold at the Manufactories of Professor IIollowat CO Maiden I-hiic, New York, and ill Strand. Umdon, by nil respeetable Druggists suit Dewier in Medicine through out the I iiited Suites, nnd the civilized world, iu boxes, lit 25 cents. 61 cents, and ft each. rV There is a oousnleruble saving by taking the larger sizes. N . H Directions for the gui'lnnce of patients is every disorder are affixed tu eneh box. October 17, I yea FANCY FURS FOR LAD IKS. JOHN FAnf.lft A ft CO., (New No.) 81S, No Market St. above Kighl, I'luludelphiu. Imporlers, Manufacturers and dealers in I jnlies, Gentlemen and Cliiklreus I'nnev Furs. Whoes.ile nnd Hetnil, J. V. ft Co., wnuld cuii the attention of Dealers and the 1'ul.Pe generally to then immense S.ock o I'aaey Furs fur Uiiiles (ienlleiueil an.l C iklrenj their assorlinent euib uees every article ami ' iiol of Fancy Fins, that will lie worn during tins senso , such as Full Ca. Half Cn,f IJunrler Cnpcs, Tabiias, Vlclormes Itnus, .Mull, ft Muir.tees, fioin the finest lius siun Alible to the lowest pliee DomeMlie Furs. Foi Oentlemen the largest nssortmeiit of Fur Collars, Gloves Gaunllcls e., Wiuglhe direct importeis of ulloui Furs and Manufacturers of them under our own sapervi. smn we feel sat mrti d we eau iller better indaeenH-niN to dealers and (tie pal. lie geurrally than any oilier bouse, having an ai-sortiueul to kclccl from uiidutlbeMuuufaclur. eis prices. We only ask a en 111 JOHN FAR KIR A ft CO. NofllMaiket Street aU.ve Eighth, 1 'InUTa. Phi-lplnu.Scpl. IP, Ibj7. wlui. PLATFORM SCALES. every description, suitable for railroad, " &c, for weighing Hay, Ceal, Ore, and Merchandh-e generally. Purchasers run no rii-k every scale is guaranteed correct, and if after trial, not found satisfactory can be leturued with out ehurge, Factory at the Old Stan J, established for more than twenty years corner of Ninth and Melon t-'treeU, J'hilailelpLij. ABBOTT & CO. Successors to LUicott & Abbott. Philadelphia, Kept. 6, 1857 c3m. SINILL II. OllWIG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OJJlct on South Second, near Market Street, I.E WI8BUHO, PA. Practices in the Counties of Union, Northum berlund and Moutour. Ail PaortssioMAi Btstiiss entrusted to his care will receive prompt aud f thful atten tion. October 3, 1807. ly THI3 iiit(i;m T 1 Hi I I I 1HJU 'H AiR fli S'jrA W ARLR0LM ifnj '."t- jTi: : I'" "a sf llni.'i;- -vin' " ESTABLISHMENT IN THE CITY OF BALTIMORE. MATIIIOT'S risy Street Wnreroonn Mob tt.t and !W North Gny street, nonr Fayette, llnliimore i where is Kept nlwnvs on hnuit, or nuiile to nnler, every style of French TKTK-A-TKTKS, in Plush, Hair, Cloth or Mrocatelle. . . ' French Full Stuff and Medallion Tarlor Arm Chairs, tn Plush. Hair, Cloth or Brocntelle. French Full Stuff Cm veil Parlor Chairs in sets, with riush, Huir, Cloth or Hrocntelle. S OJF AS-' Half French Spring Mnhognny nnd Walnut Torlnr Chairs, in Hair, Cloth nnd I'lush. HiH'king Chairs various designs, in Hnir, Cloth and Plush. StuBTSprina; fiungcs a largo nssortment "Ken) s en hand, or uny pattern made or covered with any goods to order. CHAMBIIR 8VITS.' In Mahngnny or Wnlant, complete, from &M tip. Cane Chuirs nnd Hocking do. the Inrnest nmortment ready made ill any one house in the United Suites from n dozen np. Har ltoom, Office and Dining Chairs, In Onk, Walnut or Mnhognny, with Cane. Wood or Slulfed Seats. an assortment enibiaeiug over. 'SO dozen. VVI sent Chairs and Settees ami Rucking Chairs. over 100 dozen. Gilt nnd Plain Frame looking Glnsfte. of every variety. All kinds of Dctls, Huir and Husk Muttnnwa. A. MATHIOT. Nos. 9S nnd M N. Gay st , near Fayette St., Haltnuorc. August I, l!-j? ly HUSSEY'S AMERICAN REAPER, FOR CUTTING BUT It GRAIN AND GRASS, 1"J REAT improvements for 1H.'i7. This Ma. chine was put in succssftil operation in IR.in and continued to bo the only Acuping and Mow ing Machine in the World, of any practical value up to 1815 twelve years after its introduction. Other Reapers are now offered with glowirtjr ad vertisements, Certificates, Diplomas, Cold and Silver Medals, Ac. But the Farmer in search of the best Reaper, and not posted in the matter, had better see a little further. If there is any value in 21 years experience in building Reapers, and using them in the har vest field, and in the improvement made during that long period, OUEJJ Hl'SSEV.the Father of Reapers, can claim it. All who nre satisfied with the Best iCcnper and Mower, uan bo sup plied by sending their orders early in the season, as the crops indicate a' large demand, nnd we can not have over 200 Ready for the vast harvest ofl8!S7. We guarantee that this Reaper and Mower can not lie beaten on fair trial by any other Reaper that may be brought into the harvest fields in 1H.")7. and we also insure it to be the strongest and most durable machine in use. We would respectfully invite Fanners to examine the machine thoroughly before purchasing, and satisfy themselves of its superiority over all others. During the last four years, the subscribers have sold between 500 and 6110 of tbesc Machines, to the bestand most successful Fanners in Montour, Union and the neighboring counties, (whose names are too numerous to insert) to whom we respectfully refer. The subscribers have the exclusive right the following- counties : Montour, Union, fcinydc, Northumberland, Columbia, Luzerne, Perry Mifflin, Centre, Clinton und Lycoming. All orders thankfully received and promptly attend ed to. UKDDES, MARSH & CO., Lcwisburg, Union county, Pa. July II, 1857. TV !. 1- r ' : r .... . . u.11. r-pursn Wi,,, SoMrr "'j.?1' '""-'Or. ..J U ,,, ,.r, fci..,i. ... v.- . " ",h"r "n sr Kin.n.t. All vial ." .i ' "' " "il tct,' Mibll., IV. InrrnW R.J I j f H.m,.lirIS.Ui.e. ' . i , , 1 ,n ' lnfrl Csm mfiv try U u wilVoat n f.il. . ,i . "'" P OP eVATdfllf todUrcll.itl. Trv (t r.,l in .11 m-k " jut w . rar viisstliiilsrulMft ThPtnit Vi"" " I1" ofllHMl u"1 ' "lit!. Uvi psjrWily Hill.at.il raanot Perliilf nr i re' rur-win IflUfcr-tl. w.U ,oon anv othe.l', The uiK-nin- L. I l . n , i Gum, tu r.Mktt lOUt, (W !a'h- is no I.'! ul it l dUrlursM the T frioriV of M..ihu. hsu.t vJ it,.!... f...Tt A Jn.? U,t who hv iUtm wl" 1 (I A LlBtiKAL DISCOrXT TO THR TAD. jf a UluoKU, A.T ept. 12, lejT BKOOKEB & MARSH, iictloneern) AXD CO.M.MIStSIOX JIi;RCIIANT!. 2C1, North Third Street, 1 door below Vine, I'llll.AUh.I.I'IHA. SAI.KSof llonts mid r?hors, I)rv Oiv.its.Oaiw, ITnnl. ware. WiiIcIim. I',,,,..,-n.u 1. a... i.v i-o- i..... ,(. " V., S-,lii. IV Country Plotrkeepers aud others will nlvvavs fiiul at our Kveiiind Si,,'. . l-n,i,, n,,.l ,lM;,...i,iu .. ... . ,irr.iuilCIIl Wl llie above p.il, to lie nlj in l.,u to suit buveis. t""'" iuckiii on uie reiuites lor Counlrv" Traile t-eiit. ya, leT C Jin FEVER AND AGUE! , QVIXIXK SfBSTlTlTE Oil NKBVE TOXIC. This well known remedy diseovered hy tnv late part tier ttoetoi li. J. Leeds, is a sure euie for'ihe lilmve disor iter, ii k-lleudaehe, and all other Xervoiis nireetimis. It eiaitains no IJuiiiiue, Ameme. or irtlier injurious iiuneui euls. It Btreiinthens Ihe sisteui. eives L,ti to it.M aeli, and is invalualrls lo'I))S e lie uudtlnse ulleetrd wiiii weakness iu anv put ol tlie nvstein. It is especially ri-i'oinuieuded to leliiuKs troutiliii wuh Falling of the Womb. One Is'ttle is snitu it-nt in most cases, where th Direetionsaie i"oll,.wixl. Ceiniieale can be furuislicd from all pails of Ihe l'n. ii. Add by the tlriik'nisls reneralrj' mat l.y J. H. Hazard, Wli .Usale Druggist, and Sole, Proprietor lit Maiden Ijine, New York. New York, Suet. 10. I5T, v3tn PATCHOUI.V, JOCKEV Cl.UU, til'RI.NG tL FLOWERS, See., of the be.t uuality ; . fresh supply just received and for salo at the Drug Store, of A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, Aug. I, 1857. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WOBKS. Xo. 240 Arch St. let. Second ' Third, (Opposite Ilread Street, riilladclphla. gJEIVES, Riddles, Screens, Wo ven Wire of il all meshes and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy wire work, eavy Twilled Wire for Kpark Catchers ; Coal, Bund and (ira vcl ((Screens ; Taper Maker's Wire ; Cylerder and Dandy Rolls, covered iu the best manner Wire and Wire Fencing. ' A very superior a'ticlo of navy Founders' Beives. ylll kinds of Iron Ore Wire Seives. IJYLKS8, DRbY & LY.NX. Philadelphia, Sept. J9, 1857 c3m. jou.v zi.n.nt;n.nj.vt J ESPECTFULLY informs hu friends, and lite public generally, that he hasjuat receiv ed a New Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David Miller'a Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that bo is prepared to sell goods at th lowest prices. His Mock consists in part of SPRING cV SUMMER GOODS, Groceries, Queens-ware, Hardware, &c. and every variety usually kept in a country Store. Treverton price paid fur all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Aug. 8, 1857 If f OKN at 50 ccoli per bushel, cash, for suhj 7 J. U. MASIbiiK. BTOBE. MISS LOUISA S1II8SLER, respectfully In forms the cilitens of Trevarton and sur rounding county, that she has opened a new store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at Trevor ton in Shamnkin street, nearly opposite Knotise'a Tavern, where all kinds of Uonncts and Fancy Goods can be had at the lowest terms. Dress making also attended to in (he best manner and latest style. . . April S5, 1857. tf A Houli lor livery Alana Llbrai)-. RARE INDUCEMENTS TO AGENTS. "CANVASSERS wanted to cbtain aubscribcrs for the Comprehensive Geography and His tory, A hcient and Modern, of the World j' by 8. U. Goodrich, (Peter Parley.) Handsomely bound in cloth gilt, and illustrated with 200 beautiful engravings and and NO maps. Price $3. Sold only by agents, to each of whom a special district will be given. Applicants should state what counties they would like to canvass. The book is now ready. Copies will be sent hy mail, post paid, on receipt of the price, liiils on all solvent banks taken at par. The "Home Journal," says of this work: "No family what ever should be without it." For full particulars in regard to an agency, address, GEORGE W. ELLIOTT, Publisher and bookseller, ' No. 172 William Street, New York. IV All kinds of School and Miscellaneous Books, Cheap Publications, Stationery and Maps, furnished at the very lowest prices. Or ders solicited. November 21, 1857, ISAAC M. AVILKEIISOX, MANUFAOTTJBB OF FURNITURE AXD CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. SoS'as, Oi vtins nnd Lounge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, 'SOFA, BREAKFAST AND M.MXG TABLES and also VENETIAN ELINDS, cqiml to Thila- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of everv pattern nnd price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLK 5TANDS, TOILKT TAM.ES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. rJ,HE subscriber respectfully calls the attentim A of the public to his largo and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of CAIlIXET-WAItli w hich cannot fail to recommend itself toevery ette who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spnred in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements wliich arc constantly being made. He also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, ncluding varieties nevor before to be had ii Stiiibury, such as Mahogany, Ulack Walnut AMI Ct HLKll MaPLK GlIKCIAN ; A.n WlNIISOH CHAIRS, ano fa vi t I'iami Stoolb, which are of tho latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none Manufactured in tV Cities or elsewhere. Tho subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality aud finish of his ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can lc purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Or UNDERTAKING. Having provided a handsome Heaiisk, ho is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi ciuity, or at any convenient distance from this place. rF The Ware Room is in Fawn Street.be ow Weaver's Hotel. IS.4AC M. WILKEI5SON. Sunhury, April 18, 1857 tf. AMAXDEB FIRE ft ' xF-PEOOF SAFES. Tl assortment in the United Slates. Ws4 it equal to any now mado, and will 1 s Good Terms, as can be obtain ed frlher house in the Contvtry, at EVANS eV WATSOIN B South 4th Street, Philadelphia. Titfighty, and Mast Prevail. RephCtmmittt tipjninted to tuptrin - fe-rm"ni7 of the Iron Safes, at llead- inhry 27, 1857. I RiAPtito, March 4. Taigned, members of the committee, do rel report, that we saw the two Safes origiled upon by Farrels & Herring and bvatltson, placed ante by elite in a fur r.aoeie Safe Inuse by the Paymaster of too J Ina rul Reading Railroad Uomna nr. lies at Reading-, mannfactured bv 1- arrjerring, and the Safe in use by H. A. 1,1ns store, manufactured by Evans & Wnd put in books and papers precisely alike! ' 1'lkB started at 8 J o'clock, A. M.,and kept j four cords of green hickory, two cords; and half chesnut top wood were entirtimed, the whole under the superin lendde subscribers, mem'.iers of the Com mittee Safes were then cooled olf with wate-which they were opened, and the book(pers taken out by the Committee and H. A. Land's store for public exam ined rked by the Committee. The books and iaken from the Safe manufactured by IV Herring were in our judgment, dumdy fifteen per cent, more than those takcuSvans & Watson's Safe. Wrc the above to have been a fair and impaul of the respective qualities of both Sales JACOD II. DYSHIi?, DANIEL S. HUNTER listen absent during the burning, we fully It; w ith the ohove statement of the eond'tlic papers and hooks taken out of the rvc Sales. i O. A. NICOLLS, I H. II. MUHLENBERG, JAMES MILHOLLAND Ml, 1857. rUENITUEE! rOBNITTTRK II THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IttgUNBCRY. Fashionable, Cheap and Useful THE inliaeriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer In Sunbury, "Vn" ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the m . 1 A jTi - I. ! i A sk SA public patronage, jus stocs. oi .unict Chairs, 4 c, f mbraeea ETF.RY VARIETT, rSEFl'L S "' MENTAL in housekeeping. It Is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required In his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Producetakon In exchange. Establishment South East Corner of Market Square. tW These knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay- mCnU SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Bunburr, April 4, 1857. If NEWOONFECTIONARY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIAIIT, HAS just received a new and excellent assort ment of goods at his Confectionary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunbttrv, where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at II times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Conlcclionancs, raay be found t untn limps, sil Kinusot seem, live limns, Mint Drop, red si id white, Jelly Coses, Fiuit Drops, lu ll CmiittcB, ni all stents Rocs. Candy, Almond Cuiitly, FRUIT. Prunes, Fics, Citrons, Ratsnns, Nuts of all ktads LEMON SYKUP of a superior quality, by the single or doien THE subscriber respectfully lnrorms the eitl tens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he his commenced the manufacture of all kinde of EAUTIIEKWARE, at his manufactory In Whortleberry Street, on square east nf the River. Ha has engaged the services or Mr. llAitr, and you can therefore, depend on having a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All orders lrom a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.SHINDEL. Btthbary, Feb. t, 1856. tf JOII II. AlsLEH & CO. Nos. 1 suit 4 Chestnut Street, (sonth side, bvlnw Water,) (T OtnssT Wono-WASS llora is mi Cirv ) MA N 1' F A CT U R K II ? nnd V hole iie ilenlers in Patent M:ielii ne made HROtlM?. I'ntenl (irmn'eil Ceilur Vnro, wnrrentril not tn slilink, WihhI and Willow-M'ate Conls Uruslies, Ae ,of all deserijlins. Please cull ami examine our stock. Fclituary 48, If 57. Ijr W ALD EAGLE HOTEL. Ao.li-nC X. Third St., Philadelphia, N CLYMER, Proprietor, lecessor to Damkl Daliict.) 'IHIoprietor returns his thanks for tho a", t patronage bestowed on this well knotlse, and respectfully asks a coutinu since same, assuring his many friends of Norrrland and adjoining counties, that no painl be spared to render comfort and plea surciwlio may ptve hnn a call. Tf I,O0 PER DAY. I'lphia, July 25, 1857. 3m i lire HERRING'S SAFE. THK ATK.NOWI lie VPrilll'I fil lintr llinn JfHI . . dental fin', proving cjiH'iut.ivrlj tint 4,Hfiriiic V tliutmK- RAl-'i.' . mat n iii iiuin. TTwgrVjr- ""p" IheTiiul vi Iron tnifrt ui ucauiii! i On Ihe 2iith if Fe!mary nil the mi mlKTi of the Com luillfe met to wit new the &Uc Hint Inrnka antt jutprni, (lliircil in them) ni-d were perfectly Ritisfml th:tt hII vuu rigl.t. The diy foUownti;, Uie burning took plHre. uinJcr the fiiperintent'i-iiee of the Omimittfe. A Hern f.iir him! iutpirtcil Ixirnii.v for live hour, the S.iiV of .Mewm. I.vnua Ac Vntni vni (irnt oittui1, llie S;ife Iwing on tir inxide.uiitl the contents pnrlinlly coiisunutl. while" tlir fn tcu'.i in the ufe of Alt-Horn. Fur rein & iit-riing wtie m troinl coinlitiou, nntl no lire ineiiie." ivtti.iinii. i lurch 'i, 1 7. (Switnl.) II. K. FKI.IX 1 A Ami Au!iir..rl 1... ,.,,r 111 ,x lt,a tun.. ..f tls.):... ThentMDveSnffacuii be inepcctel nt 31 Walnut flreet, where Hie public run m(ify tlieinselveH of the great tupe nority of the "Hernng'M Pntent Cliiimpioii,' over tha defeated uiul uieil up ''iniitte Jron liutir Inlnruiit;r." il. K. FKI.IX. lN CfM:.MA, S Cummittre. . II. ri-'ACOCK. French Secrets, Humeri Almemli, CreHin White, lemn Ktriie, Vnnilln. Common Secieti. Liquoticei nnnaiuirt, 1 hi ten. Currants dried, AllU'lllllB, mwriiir nnnlitv of fcienjirs nnJ Tobacco, oml Taricty of Confcctinnnrio, fruit, tfec, all of which is ollered cuciip al whoirsnie or irinn ICE CREAM. He lias fttao oprncd an 'cc Oram Saloon, find will at all tiMira be ready to serve his customers with Ice Crenm. Sunbury, May 21, 1857. ly of Jmiialca C;Iiicrcr, ryIlple fnrefnllv prptviretl fionithe Ivst.lnmnii X rull tlie vnhmlile ineilic-iiuil propi.itieR of whir it is Het I to p-wsL-ss in a cuncentnitett nnd ctuve- llleiit It ixrellent nmedv In dvFivpsm, fl itulenrc, rln lie nn i nil and frehle Unte of the rli(r-ttive fnne tioiiMn itprrfiefthmir stienizth ami coiilml pio(eTlif as u Mimukiliiic tonic it is wtll ml.iptnt to counlei n "i minimis: intitu'iu'e or tlie extreme heulsof sum mrr.tets of mnMeii ehmifi's, Ac. .yhiMili be without it. us its timely use will snvrfrnm mnny mi serious nttat-k u( ilttiess. I'i rents per bottle, t cir sale Ity MELANCHTON SHINDEL, jtici: OP THE PUACE, SUNBURY, FA. OJJi Deer Street, immediately opposite the .1'ublic School House. Asincss promptly attcnilcj to. Monies colli and all ordinary wjitings done. - ary, April 25. IB57 tf Saddle and Harness Maker. HENRY HATJPT, JR. Successor to A. J. Slrnh, KKS'EUTFITM.Y infornis thr- citi7.cns of Sunbury and thepnh- "piJlie gewrally, that he has taken HiSiii tlie rstulilishmctit lately occupied A. J Stroll and is prepared to turn eul woik in is line of hiisincss riiual to any made in this, section of the country, 'Ordets promptly cxecu ted and all kinds or produce taken in Exchungo Sunliury, May 0, l57. ly 3DEis TISTB'Y (JKOIUIE HENX, VNNOUNX'KSto thecitir.ens nf Sunhury and vicinty, that he has opened an office in Mun Imry, atiove H. J. Wulverton's office opposite U. Weaver's Hotel, wiere he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work lielonginfr to the profession, in tho latest and most improved style. All worn well done and warranted. December 13, 1856. VALUABLE PR0FERTY FOR SALE. flIIE subscrihers, Executors of the estate o M. Henry Masser, dee'd., ofl'cr nt private sale the following property viz: A large Ivro story frame dwelling house, together with abaut 50 ACRES OK LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adioinintr lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John K. Kaufman as a store anil dwelling. 1 ho house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF MMESTONF I.AXT). in said township on the river about 5 miles be low Sunbu.y, adjoining lands of .1. T. MTherson ami others, containing;, about 80 acres. The Soil is productive and contains limestone ar.d other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing abnut itH acres on the hill, about two miles In-1 uw .Sunbury adjoinint? lands of the heiis of Ihe late John Ctmrad and others. There is, on this tract, a small orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.IJ.MASSKlt, ) T. 15. MASSER, Executors. FRANCIS 15 ICHER.) Sunbury, January 19, 1856 if NEW ARRANGEMENT 1 Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, 0ILS,4c. FIIIE undersigned flaring taken the store for JL nierly kept by William A. limner, is now ready to till orders anil prescriptions at a mo ments notice. He has a large ami r-cil selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dyc-stuIVs, Oil, Taints, CUbs, Putty, and all kinds of J uli-iit .Medicines. FKUT AND CON FECTION A RT Tobacco and Imported Septus of the choicest brands, runcy Notions' toilet articles, and Vt,. fuiuery of all kinds. Tuotli and Huir Uniting of ccry variety. Cum-hine and Fluid alirnyt on hnnd. Customers will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. 7. Dright's Mammoth .Store. A. W. FIPHER. Sunbury, March 14, 1857. IT and MADERIA WINES, Schiedam " tnapps. Wild Cherry brandy, Blacklierry amfender brandies for medicinal purposes at 114, "57. A. V. FISHER. ONTY ORDERS County rrdcrs taken cash for goods, and on note nr bonk ac emir E. Y. BltUniT 4-SON. Nop, 1858. Citrate of Magnesia TASTKI.ESS SALTS. rpHIS preparation l rccominenilcil as an e A eellcnt laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in flavor, prepared and srdd l,y A. W. 1" lollr-li. Suiibury, Maren 11, man. Tl NEWLAND Ss CO. Looking lilosrs. Picture Finmcs, tngravlogs nnd raliillnB No. 126 Arch Street, abovt Sinth, (I.ats of 2 18 North Second SI.) PHILADELPHIA. Gallkkiks opr. daili to narrons. Merchants and others visiting tha City who may want anything in our line will do well to give us a call. February 28, 1S57. fim Farrels & Herring, 31 Walnut St., Vhilada. Only milkers in this Slate of Herring's Patent Champion Tlicattcmnt mmle liv other pnrtina to ImMer up ilia reputation nf a Sufti which tins fmlt-it sn siiriiiilly ii ncej. ilentnl lirra in rinlmlclpliin , (Kimsti-ml l'lack.) Iiy Inkiin; me nut nt nn aut-nt's .Mri-. (H. A. Mill,) uuule dnul.l. thickness, (riiri-rvnt fnnn llmse they sell) lo--lnirn up' nnei'f llnrrnii; (Imlt'ns tliu-l) Ims met with its true re- Aln assortment of Hardware, Iron ami Steel, Nails, &c. I Also an excellent assortment of fEENSWARE, of various style and vt.irn. iii-rrinir s raie eiin:ii ii-ti lie nariir, iniviii c nirlu' 1 l Patterns. Tew Goods for the People ! INJAMIN IIEFFNKR rW'ECTFI LLY informs the public in gen l that he has just received and opened a spll stock of si!ng and summer goods at New Store, in Lower Augusta township. Ilikk consists in part of Sloths, Cassimers, Cassineti. of ainds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO ! IIIrorN, diiiKliaiitH, I.aiTnsj, OloiiNNeline le l.alneii unit kinds nf Ladies Dress Goods. Groceries, 'ill i fwlnch over IJ.O0O nre mw in ai-lnal use. stul mm' thiin -S hnve lieen trii-U Uv fire witliimt a single ls. Plnla., June 20, lf57 h-. A C AL L T 0 FAR MERS. Farmers, drop your Tools, Pause a little, Head this and llejlect ! THE F A R M ER'S P HO.M O.'l'ION BOOK. A. new and Si-ientilic Maimriin- System, fni the C'ultivu turn oiult Wnnt. in Grrtius, OiuMift.., I'lnMer anil I'lisinre, upunull kimlsof S.iil; Prnvrtl hy actual KxnurinieiiU "ml Iwsuii tin eviilt-ut truths ; l)u.ii;iieii Ui iinpiovs Asii.-ullure in ull ilk liiainiies ; rercsenteil hyupwurils m mir hunttreil anil tiny eiufraviuvs nt the im-st vulua ble Ureases and Plants connected with the system. 11) Dr. C. G. ni:i.MIOLl, BOALf-Ul ltG, CK.NTRK CO., PA. IN tliis trentire it will be seen that the object has heen to give tlie Partner that kind nf information which enuhles him tn niuke prnclicnt upplicutimi Iji feitllise his luuu und llicreuse in. grUn, fooiler, and msturai;e. The d-K-trinesns tiiught Ly this muiiutiiivr, uiul fodder und pus tule cultivatinu system arsratinnnt, cletti and evidest, and aiiiritest an iinprovuineut in the inmte of agriculture littler. tn unknown tii our fanners, and winch, if udnptol and carefully prucliced. cnim-it fail tu advuin-e the mteissts nf the fanning cntuiminity. buch a work 1ms beeitinui-h wiiuted, as it fills u void which hus long lieeii fdt, but which there tin. hitherto heen no attempt to supply, and us funners nf t 'eutre and Huntingdon counties, we s-coin. ineud Ihe wnrk to every farmer, as we fully lielirvv that they will reap the gieutcst possible beiiefit irr.m ill D'liliel Mnsser, uiirisiuin nine, Ueoriru llnul, Jacob Mnsser, Jnhii litnley, Samuel Diiiu-tui, Jnua. MeWlllniins, George Guyei, Jr. John I'urpt-r, I - til It llllt-SOII, rVtlilliel .Vils'il, (iooe V. Meek, Philip Mnyar, Jueoil Al-iyer, llnury Mnyer, r'aniuul Uilliluud, tieorge Jut-k, Johu lliiiiiuin, I'corire llut-liunan, Fntlteis Ali-mruler, John etr. Sell'r. John llotft-r. Chiistifin HotTer, . ' josi-pii tinker tV 'J'he ulx.ve work is for sale hy ltev. J. C. McKEF. I1A.V, Milton', oithuiiiuerhiud county. Pa. lrius tflU. Auausl I, Ii7 Sinn lOOO Hi of Curiu t Hag at the store of K. Y. Britht A ' fon, who are constantly receiving a fresh supply of Goods, thus oll'ering to the public the largest and most desirable assortment. : Julytl "1US7. , : ; What an enormoiu Variety of Toys and Fancy Goods he has ! Who ! Our Friend JOHN DOLL, ; .If Xo. 14 1 Xorth 2nd St., above Arch, fhila., 1 IE has just received direct from Eumpe a very large assortment of Toys of all kinds, fancy .Baskets, Pipes, Canes, Segar Castas, To baeco Hones and an endless variety uf faacr ar ticles. Call upon him before purchasing else where. Philadelphia, August 39. 1857 SmSJw 1)ICKLEs uf various Kinds, LoUters, Sar dines, Ac, Ac, just receiveil and for salt at lh Drug Store of A. W. FISH E R. Sunbi7, August 1, 1807 Al n assortment of HOOT it SHOES. 11 ATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, i-c. At great variety of other articles such as are lie to the trade, all of which will be sold at thiwest prices. Country produce taken in exchange thtgheat prices. wer Augusta, June 6, IS57. WEATLEYS ARCH ST. THEATRE- !CH ST. ABOVE SIXTH, PHILAD'A. rm E Star Company, composed or the fn -Mrttstcs in the world, and exceeding in Stpgth and Talent any Dramatic combination hojofore offered to the Theatrical Public, will a iar every night in Comedy, Tragedy, Kerio- ic Drama, vaudevilles, musical Uurlettas, cVc. When visiting the city, go there. let- 2. 1857. ly 1. ATISE. CHEAP WATCH AND JKWEI.UY STORE JVo 72 Xortk Second Sheet, (opposite III idounl I ernon Home.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, IS rv, ca .. -28 : Silver Lever do., do.. $12; Sil ver Lrpine, do., 9 : Quarticr. $5 to 7 : tlold Spectacles. I 50 to 10 ; Silver do., 1 fiO ; (Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 In $18 Silver Desert do., do., $U to 811; Silver lea do., do., $4 75 to $7 60 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca ses, $3 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do., $ I; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. W otches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. A Iso, M a- sonie Marks, Pins, &e., made to order. N. 1). All orders sent hy mail or otherwise. will he punctually attended to. Pbila., Uct. 4, I8ie. lyw. WIIOLXSILX ISO RETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. iriMu( fi Il'dcr Streets, nilLADELrHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the luwest prices. October 4, 1836. tl C. BEITZEP-.T'S WIIOLISIH xnn Kktail BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, above Chesnut, PhiF a. tOOTS, Shoes, Gaiters, Ac., promptly made H ' order in the very best style, aud of the best matcriul. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857 WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSVILLE, PA. rrIin subscriber respectfully announces to h - eld friends and the public, that be has talon that old and well known establishment, thu "Wliite IHorse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Mahantogo sts., In tho Borough of Pottsville. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and otherwise improved, rendering it quite as conifoitable us any ether Hotel in Schuylkill county while lbs stables are large, in good condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlets. To travellers and others who may stop at his house, he promises every attention calculated tu render them comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FJGi;K. April 6, 185- If HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAT7. Office opposite th Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prempt altontion to business in adjoining Counties. EGKLiE HOTEL, tH'POSITE WEST BRANCH BANK, WILLIAMSPORT, 3PV.. II. II.4V. I'roprlelor. C A. Srni xe, Assistant. U, An Omnibus will rnn to and from the Depot and Packet Landings, tn Jhis Ho:ol, tita of charge. S,.,,i,mber 13, 1 8SB. tf DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Street, Danville, Pa, riMIIS is one of th largest and most eommo 1 dinus hotels in tho interior of Pennsvltanla has been rcecutly fitted up, in exccllcat suit-, with all the modern conveniences. Daiivilled, Sept. 52, 1855. FLOUR 1 FLOURI OK SALE BY M. C. GEARHART unhurv. Sent.SO. lfiSt. 1 FURNITURE P0USH. SjRAv'S Premium Patent Knamel Furniture Plish This polish is highly valuable for resto rif the poluh. on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Cfriage Bodies, lUir Cloth, ic. Also, for re- rrlving spots, hiding scratches, tVc, tVc. Wir- rajted to dry immediately and retain its gloss. lk-e ou eta. per bottle, cold hy A. W. riSHEK. March 14, 1 817. Leather! Leather! Leather! HENRY W. OVERMAN, TMPORTI'.lt nf r'rench Call" Skins ami general Iatkei X dealer, In. e rsmtn I mm street, i'iniurti-i.hia. A general assortment uf all kinds of Leather Mnrocos, tt.tc. Ki-.l and Oak Knl Leather. February tn, IK57 lyw l.MON'DS. RAFSONS. KHJS. l.F.MONS - . . 1 i- 4c., Ac, just received a fresh supply aud for sale at the Confectionary store of M. C. CKAKHAUT. Sunbury, May 16, 1857. FOR SALE Good second-hand Buggy. Apply at this SL oA'ice. jo. i s. iti:ui, ATTORNEY AT UATW, (lict in Macket st., opposite the Court House, 6UNBTJHV, PA, Collections made and Professional Business erally attended te Promptly and Carefully. FOR ZRiEHSTT. I1HU Store ltoom in Market atreet, oecupiod L by P. W. liray and the dwelling house ad joining. A piny to tne executors oi n. Masser, deceased. January "T 1R57. - : PuiiABiiruiA Rcrsatxca t Billitt 4- Fairthorne, . Diehl Werli. Dtvis cV Birney, r . 1 ylot cc Co. jHunbury, June 20, lg5T. , TfcROWN'S and Breiuig'e Essence of Ginger nd Husband i Magnesia at IMarch 14,'67. FISHER'S. rishlna: Tackle. Red Cork, Crasa, Cot- -av toq and Linen LiMe,Oiit Lines, bea Grass by the yard, Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Liuieritlt and V I iibi v iiuuu, UHM IUI vj March 41, '57. A. W. FISHER. New DrugM, Paints, &c. A 'EW supply ef Drugs, Paints, Us, a Fluid, eVe., just received and for sale hy A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, May J, 1857. LANB W AKKAISTo. The highest price will be given for Laud Warrants by the sub- ctibei. H. B MAS8EU. Clicitp Watches fj Jewelry THOLUSAI.F. and Retail, at the "rhibJ.h phia Watch and Jewelry Store," Ii'o. B6 North Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watt-hes, lull jeweled, 1 carat esses, ft. Oft (iolil l.cpm. irk. fit .not Fins Silver trwtnl. I .an Silver lp. full jewlled, 9 .iGnlH Hiaeelets, J tsJ Silver l-ver. full iewra ft t sdie.' Hold I'eneils, . I.lsi Supeiinr (niir'.irrs, 7 Silver Tt sfxmns, set, 5:tl G.ld Speetueles, 7.0tl Gold Pens, with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1.'0 Gold Finccr Rincs. 37J cents to $80 ; Vi atoh Glasses, plain, 12J cents; Patent, ifj; Lutiet, 85 ; other articles in proportion. All goods wj ranted to be what they are sold lor. KTAL H EK CV H AKI.Kl, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. i)ct. 4, lSSfi. ly. BLANK Parchment Taper Deeds and blanH Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Sumtnna-s c, for sale b Sunbury Apr! 26, II. 1856 B. MASSEN. STOVES- IT'OR SALE an eiccllcut second-hand Ceok'" ing Stove, also several Cylinder Coal Ktoses. Enquire at this office. GOLD PENS with and without eases, el a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, fer sals hy H. 11. MASSER. Sunburr. Dee. J7. 1S56- SILVER WATCHES. A few double rase English Silver Watches, for sale at very lew prices by H.B MASSER. Hunbury. April IS. I56. "ElUCAN 1IOUSK. WJLLIAMSl'OUT, l'A., J. II. KEI.TOX, ri prlclor. 3k. T. 11 ai.i. Ass't. Sept. 13, 1856. tf PATENT BRITTANIA bar bottles for sale by H. Sunbury, July 19, 1856. STOPPERS fo B MASSER. rpobaCCO aud Segars SO.OOU Imported hegara of various brands, Eldorado, Fig. Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at A. W. FISHER'S. 8anbry, March I t, 1857, IJf RE OLIVE OIL for table use, two sue at U74 and C2i cents just received by A. W. FISHER, March 14, '57. stationery. A large supply of fancy Note 5 Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter, and Cap Paper, Pens, luk, Sand, March 14,67. A. W. FISHER'S. UORT MONAIES. Tooth and Hair Bruslie t .11 ,ualitica, and any unt; JJeIZ March 14, 'M.