Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 19, 1857, Image 3

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    immm man
(lent of tlio Cincinnati Inquirer
cent n-.u'ingmico irom mo mill,
.on to Utah to bring the "Saints"
,:$, Tha letter ia dated Tort
...ov. IK 1 to Soys:
"Armed parties hover around tlio camp of
l ol. Alexander, on ureen river, nnu 1 oni in
formed ho baaVwo ' Mormon prisoners, who
wero taken in bis camp, 1 he grass near Us
lias been Gred and consumed Putty or fifty
acres of it. 1 1 was yet smoking when we came
up Inst night.
"We ore uow enenmpod in the South Van
of the mountain awaiting the arrival of our
provision trains. Throe ol twenty-six wagons
each are here, and four more will be up in a
day or two. We are in want of foroga very
much. Our animals bavo had to subsist on
tho grass and it is already covered with snow.
You need not be surprised if wo lose neatly
nil our animals. It will rerpiiro us about live
lay more to collect all our truing and muster
Col. McCrnw and his men into scrviro when
we will go forward on to the waters of (.! recti
lliver, in Utah, and there estubliih on.l forti
fy a depot for supplies, where we will look
out the Mormons. In tbo meantime, they
Mill continue to annoy us taking care as I
boh-ivB to keen out of the reach of our guns.
''i'l)p?e Mormons have tho of
tha devil. They hnve a mule train or amnin
niti'iu a few days behind und its conductor
applied to Col Johnston for passports to fro
on into Suit Lake. City. The Colonel replied
if there wtis no war declared against us he
needed no such a thing, and if war existed, ho
diould permit no one to cuter tho valley.
I'nlcs3 ihoy iind some byway through tho
Mountain t'hii train will lie seized iu the uame
uf Ihe United Slates aud its men held i:i cus
tody for trial.
A chief of the Soako Indiuns was in our
camp n few days since, l'rum him wo learn
that ail the other Indians in this region are
in league with tlio Mormons. Ho nud his
Land picfi-r tir.itr.ilily. lUioimm Youuis
t i. d to oti"ii"e him, l i't ho t'ul
When red'-kin fight, b'.uoe.-v-t, Maud
upon tho hill unci look on; vil.cii bincciut
!';J;t bltieeout, ie.!.-Uin tt iid njoii the hii!
mid look on; when fjiht,
i.-,M;in turn hisbnuJi l!ui-cont is very g: eat'
y,t J tl.i'ik thin tittle land will ..Ye rn.'ua
I.!,: a.i.-tince t ..r " '.' 1 e.vpeet Ih.-.t
Cdoiiol Johnston will, us lie reaches tli. Tor
v.!. rv of Utah, declare ir.ii' 'O.l law, nn 1 -ch-hot
all iifi' to a trial by court r.iailial.
'it this is dune, Jud-ro Lclichi and his ess-..-;.
vh. '.nil have but liillc to do for o while."
When from my room I ch .iu..-e to stray, to
f;k':u1 an hour at close ofih.y, I ever liud the
j.i-it-j most dear where some fiieud treats to
1 iicr beer. Sticroim-nto A;jf.
Ah! yes, my I'lieud of city lid', sure ru-.h h
trent euros such a stiif"; '-.:'. better than such
a iliKe by far are the laaitjres of n line cigar.
i VKfir .
.Such pleasures may suit Laser mil
wiili (.lui food no favor !iad..;ivo ih
purest joy ia life is niaking lui't. to cue's own j
V,ll'w. '(iU:ilHO ...';'!' I
Mo.a v. isa your choice my worthy IYie: ,
in ilviaon's j.ijs yoar c -.e.s lo tn.'i ; hat v..', I
though tired of siiv.'h; cuii'.ol boast of..ur j
it'.', and so win u uvula utir cares wo,
a..- fly to hisi u ga! that itiut yet. Xoj.u
. '.or.'cr.
Th. it lager bcr will L!!e pro void', while
fine lluvamis end in smoka. To court one's
wife is bettor far than hi.-. In. r.-r vile cigar.
Kisses, on the dov of Love's young inorn.
break on tho bp as soon u- b.,i ii. TUs-j ull
are naaght to tin- gieulost j-y !h-' t'.r.-t pi .".id
elation at yourCrt-boi;i boy. Leiuinj Ltd
"Vis trUA a boj'a a wished-for blersii g, but
then suppose tlio first's a 'ill? A .!e.:r
sweet child with wap caiossin j ttiih j .infills
lips mid flaxen curl with dloiplud ch !.. mid
hoghing eye to come and Lid "papa" goud
live so whether the ouo or t'other embrace
the babe, mid (hen I ho mother. tan J'ia;
ciscu (.Hole.
I'm-ri.fSDKK of ! Iki.ii;. V private left
(,,,.., Il..!hi. dated Scot. 27, says: "For
description of the riches ol ll.-lhi my fien is
niu;lfin.ito. Cashmero t-hiwls, inlaid with
gold, bodies covered with pold lace, rkirts of
drosses, watches, bars of gold, beds of silk and
down, f neb as no nobleman's house in Knglur.d
could produce, von wuiild see Kilchs carrying
out or lVlhi tho Crst day, as if they were
uluiost notlitig. A. -haul whi.-.h in Ltiglaiid
would fetch 100, they wi-rn selling for four
rupees, and, you may depend ( ur f. Hows wero
not behind them. s li is supposed
the U fls will go toF.nglund with upwards ol
XW) each though (Jenernl Wilson has issued
to order that the pi i.-. -s ch;.'.I be u.l p-a al
'et'etlier und divided. Most of our men are
.with upwards of HlO rupee"."
HrAni: Attackkii nv Wolves (n WeOces.
lay night, Mr; Mitchell was driving a mail
, between lieddi'.iloii and Iiangor, J!e.
Win n within twenty miles of tho latter city
huving no passengers a triop of ttu or twelve
hungry wolves nude a dash at hi team, which
however being as much ncared as tho driver,
Marted at lull speed. Mr. Mitchell lired n
illie, killing one of tha pack, which the rest
Hopped to aod before tho pursuit was re
vwod, Mr. Mitchell had reachod a place of
-j "'" mi , t
Hew Advertisements.
Y virtus or a certnio writ of Vi:f. T.xv. to
m directed, will lie e-cpod to puMii sale
"lh Court llaae in Sui.hury, on elon.lay the
1ih day of January, I o click I. M.,
t'ae fdllowiiiu doscrihe.l prapirty to v.t :
certain Tract of pier) of I, situate in
Shvn.ikiu township. Northur.ilu rhind couiu.
B1!j.,i,.i,.glanJjof Charles Uiiiimig. on the ...oil,
Jco'. Mouroron the west, John l !,1ier on the
north and IVler lV-rsing on the east, conta.mns
18'J Acres more or less, whereon are creeled a
two story frame House a larg bank ban,, wagon
bouse nod corn crib, out builJiiifS. "rcUrJ. c.
Biized taken into execution and to be sold as
RherifTs onice. Sunbury, i
December H, 18o7
Market Square, E anbury.
VOW received and will cortinue to receive
Xl lnrr.rst und nest ncicciru
itcck of
Co(i, Camtmtres, Lassuuui ana
Vesting., J -e.
An assortment of Dress C.oodi. viz: Taney
printed Calicos, Chillies, printed Liwns, D. Lain .
llareec Merinos. Cashmere, A lapacas, Dre
Silks, (iinthams, &c.
IrUh Linen, blcachaJ and brown Drilling. Sheet
ing, i'illowcaaeing, &c.
Dross Trimminss in Great Variety.
Hoots and tshoei
liaU and Caps.
Cedar ware,
Cir. cries,
iif .. FISH. Cheese. Crackers, ticil'irs,
.n KoniV. Ac. an as ormei.t of other
. . i . in.tio.ii to nirulloti.
Vlirnr eratefol for past favar w beg leave to
,urJ our old f.iends and tbo public tbat no
,..,rt hall be waiuina to merit a
rtiui WM r -
.... ..t nur niiirnnacre.
Country produca tukeu (it exchange tt Ibe
lijhest market price. p.w.UB.V
Sunbury, Df. I! 18V.-tf
We have just received and r now opening a large and ch 'ice selected stock of WINTER
GOODS, conii rising an end'esi variety, and will ositively sell sur entire stock at
Wg return our sincere thanks to the puhlis for our incccasing patronage, and shall endcaver tn
merit a continuance of the same.
I?. Y. ISIlKiUT &, HON.
funhury, December 19, 1857. ' '
For Northumberland County, for tie
January Term, A. D 1858.
1 Samuol Heaver. I.owis.
2 Jacob Fry, Chilisfpinque,
3 John M. I'ntton, Milton,
4 Samuel Grant, .Slmmokin,
5 Simeon llepner, Lower Mahonor,
G Joseph Hughes, Lewis,
7 John Nicely, J'elawnre,
8 Jacob Hewitt, Lcwor Augusta,
!) Fred'k Haas, jr., Coal,
10 Jumas Newbury, Point,
11 Honry Weaver, Pelaware,
12 Peter Shaffer,
13 Jacob Mowry, Coal,
M Mai tin Uitfhcl, Chilisciuaquo,
1") Mathias Hohnor, Little Makonoy,
10 Jumts Hothcrnit 1, l't-larare,
17 Joseph Kverf, "
13 Samuel liushirk, Milton,
1;) John 11 oil', Shamokiu,
oq Juhu MufcLltr, "
l Wui. II. Chcriiigion, Coal,
2 James Cathcard, llelawuro,
13 Samuel J. Cobev, '1'uibut.
Andrew Deiffenderfer, ta bury.
Ifei ry Ilaap, Vppor Main noy,'
Win., Sham kin,
1. 1!. Montgomery, Lewi.,
Win. L. Montgomery, "
Jacob J.eili i-, N. rthiutiberland.
Michael A mold, Lower Augusta,
l'hi!ii i''.mcr, Turlm',
Cb::s. TiiKl.ermillcr, Delawar-,
Jacnb Crawford, Delaware.
D. H. Leiuhuch, "
Mii-hiH-l liowi-r, Jackson,
Deter Dolmer, Coal,
Dt Henry Coahler, Milton.
S.'hiiiion Marl 7i. Shauiokin,
1 )
John Stitzol, Delaware,
Jo mlhan Uii hel, Chilisfjuoquo.
Jo a l'ei.-r, Wnshinpton,
J.ihu H. Snider, Milton,
tioo-t"- W.'livai.ce, "
Win. Michail, Loner Muhctioy,
Samuel Hoed, r, Hush,
John CaLliifli, Ci-id.
Clu.s. Hfihi rmul, Washiiijrtoa,
J .-cob 1'a'ely, Lowi r AiitUsla,
Simon Hoiipt, Zerbi',
A ioxand-.-r l'oittr, t'unhury,
John (J. i iy,
David 1'aL'i !v, f'hamrhin.
'J'.l Charles (vj.--; Ii r. Lower Augusta.
Albin IIii"he, Hush.
Sair.tH K'-therinrl, I.ittlo ilahor.or,
.Jacob Yordy, Z-rbf,
Ceorpo ll.'iin, Washington,
.K hn llrtt. t!hi!i?(;n!'.';ue,
lacob i-'luuilii, 'i'ui'out,
llani.-l Wolf,
lhuiii.-l l'i.-her. Upper Augustn,
.los. Hoover, Shauiokin,
Jonui lie it z, Wubhintrton,
4') .Samuel lleifiel. jr.. L'pper Mahonor,
JL .lac.b lleime, Nortlniniberlaud,
1- llenj.iniiii I IendricliR, Hunbuiy,
13 Jehu Taifiiart, Lewis,
11 Abla (iibl-ins, I'oint,
to tieo. Christmen, Lewis,
40 l'uniil Haas, Sunbury,
47 Lraiiiel Keller, .ShanH kiu,
A'c Isaac IkidelFj ath, 1'oiiit.
1 Jacob Heller, Rush,
2 Aaron HecUmiin, Lewis,
3 Win. Porting, Upper Augusta,
4 llenj. Catei, Lower Miihonoy,
5 Peter, " "
C Kli Kceb-r, Upper Augusta,
T John Kohr, M ilton,
8 David Clatk, Point,
y John l'oy, Lower Aupiiftu,
10 Wilson HerUhiser, llelawaro,
11 Win l ingbon, Lower Mahouoy,
5 '2 Win. Mussulman, Sunbury,
Ft 1 1 eo. Weiser, "
11 Samuel KeelVr, Lower Augusta,
1") John Yernel, Mt. Curmcl,
1G (.Jeorgo Rehrbuch, Sunbury.
17 Samuel J. 1 lousivcrt, Lower Augusta,
IS Robert Wildcn, Miltt.n,
l'J lleury Arnold, Loner Aorjusta,
J.) Kliua llrosious, Sunbury,
21 John Kbling, Jordan,
'Z'l Ceorgo Ruchcr, tsunburr,
2:j Wui. li. Polhucr, 'I'm but,
21 A bruhuni CeipJ, Upper Mahonoy,
P.orj Hoover. L'pper Auytista,
t. hrisliau etiscl, Jordan,
2 1 in. I . Craut, fcunbury,
28 Wm. lloo?er, "
29 D. N. McWilliam.i, Shamokin,
III) John U. llelh-r, Chdisiiua'pae,
3L Aaron (i.tston, J-c w is,
".2 Peter U. Campbell, Milton,
iJIt Ch.ries IJacou, Upper Aujjutta,
lit 1 -!iac I I'-'ilz, r.liltou,
II.") Win. Suinpel, Helaware,
yii Andrew Kutz; Cuilisfiuuquc.
Xotica is borebv pivon that the following
named persona bavo filed (heir petitions in
iho Prothsnotaiy's ofiico nij iiml ti1Py wjij
apply to tho next Court of "i ...r ytsions
of tho Pencnof Norlhiiniberland couh. ,-p
License lot Taverns and Ilestaurants, ire.:
John Lciscr, petitions for tavern license n
the boronrrh ofbun-.ury, old BtanU.
John Veaver. petitions for tavern license
in Tievorton, y.erbe township.
Martin K. ltucher, petitions for restaurant
liceme, in the borough, of Buubury, an old
stand. .
Jacob Peviclor, pel.tions for reRtanrar.t
license, in the towu of Trevortou, Zcrbe towu-
thip. , . ..
MalihiaaD. Kohncr, pi tittuns for tavern I.
cenve iu Little Mahonoy towntJiip, new stand.
CioergeS.llurr, petitions for tavern license in
the town of Tievortoii, .etoc iownni',n ui"
(lrtrv t. Slroueo. tietilions for (ho saio oi
l iiiioiiH, vinous, brewed and malt l.iipiors in
iiinr.liiies not less man a gamin, in iu v.
I',....rl,.n. V.rrbe (ownt-llll.
r '! Clement, r.etilions for the sale of vinous
uu.l spiritous I.iuuors in quaniiliss not lew than
gallon, in tne oorousn , 'J', i .
T'r'olhonot iiy's Ollice,
Sunbury, Dec. 0, lbD7, j
ttorncn ftt taw,
Practices in Northumberland and adjoining
Counties. ,
Kunbury, November 81, ia
ram? T',,,.V nf siibscriolitin to (Slock of th
I kt... 11. xk. will be onensd at Wil
liam Weaver's Hotel in the town of tfhamokin,
Secretary to Commissioners.
Mutnekiii, Nov. 7, ISoi'.
All Nations of the fame 911ml !
llio nimivrrrery of tin- intrilttrtiiti of TTo1li"vhv'a
Oiiiliiu'Mt utiirlil tn litio jnhit.' ftn;"cr. Il Ins rnt
cniniHcii iimltijuiU's liom ilipfinrrinniJ, piiriilvzulMni,
tnuliltitioti. np iiiv timl ttt-iilh. J::ruiiit: t'tcMii tfi mirt.ii-e tn
wdiflt il it! ii.pii(t!. i: ln:i!inu Icilm fiii'ls n v:iy llir(ii(r)i
rvt-Tv ri .niitijT (m, liiitht ill n' tin iLviy, tn the vciy Miircc
htnl IripiH tu'ali rrupliv, vV-riiM, t!n".nr.iiP. in id I'nniv.
nms ilis.vtflcn. It ilihliiv'ttisltrs tl'f ffhrilc p iMfi.!.
Icrds tli'Vii. iiL) tl:i' w;:n f myUnr.n f;t lo, IhiiI. rml
I'iiwb nwi:y w hh u riijndity iin.-ri'tlltilu l- ih. na vli. U:vc
"t vilin'ijt U it,
muKrui:s kkvption and ti.n;ns.
TiV p- ifnii if Frrt-fttln li;is i;vtr Ikmmi mii!r;ilii'd nr
t'Tptitt'l by miy t( the ft mcilir. if tin pi:i''ni:i"ip:ri'i
'In- f lt ti'Ti I t li IB Vli il If lit :t'tl il-'tni'!U'i (ii ill lit
N I! 'tl u-;iy ( n,!rnt. i"I;ijvn A iti. r n- it
1' if, li !i ru.. i:i;i'!,i ijii;t';'F. iii. n J- by T (lij.iiti
rr;it rtft. 'I'lui" if nnt.irm'w f-.t -l;!'i" t!::! ni;iy ll"t lf
coiitr.'Iit l .iml i iiu'tl ly 1 1 1 1 3 IwKiihic rt'tii-'.Iy.
T!'c kriitV or fruiii m iy rct ve n rnnc'-r or tini r,
lnt "ril n( ihtj itTfildv f.irrfcf:K-i! n m tin ia I tn
ltt",i, Hint il iSiim r(i.r.n!'i;-;J hi n ui'isi- l.-iin tlntu
I'-'furr. If ll..vny Oiu'piL'iit, fii tin i-.'i.niriiry, pfiu
l! itosiji' Hie rii'Ml tti'.n. :nti pirV;t.l- i r. r liiliffi
Vt'Sii'N', ini.1 i is tiit- .;i'i-:n-. 1 v t(. Mii'Vii':: !.ic ii'iri-Mrc
piiiiftjIc t!.ul pvncr di J ;n;.I Piu-'iin f it
J'l'I..V.MA TIONii (!' Tl!K KLNS.
AH rnslipn u.iii ori'i'utry (.rii,ti. i-.i, hk w r.y V.ry itv'.'t;:,
Aciii'. Khiewnra:, ri.ii.'U'.vIi ri'-.:. Ilcji!. :,i III i-mn,
l.i.-ph'.-y. l'i i. My llr:if, A ( Hit li ;ii"vri hy a lew lilli-'
ttppll.' iii -lift (il It:.- ii.m lit.
WOlNPS. S:-iiii. T'ii v. vu V.umf utc
iujiiH ilintfJy ifnii t i- its jir-u -.itian. 1 uu n tnnii'i'H
t.nju-j'ii.-ii.y hi ! 'S tiff. I ia tr .1 1 I' (i ).-y :ii-" -nvMittit,
:nnt until mi i t r-i vn m ii;'? i' tl..- piin.n.ii:i:i, tic j-r--
ccfas in' ii(.-;:iii.f; i? S-'cn itt'.-i i;:; li-Iint.
Ut.lh the
r.l f.n.l
Its e!,wl !
' i ii if. :
le list-.
II t
Jtuni -us
t'linp.r.l flu
rinl iliiitis
C, Jt
try cai
hx :i l '.-.'.i -i.
m r. .r . i-I . ..!,
1. mi. '.l'i;
M -i ii r ii.1
;..! . I :rntiel
ritfrt'.ii i
fi.ia !
I KiN :-
! I
;: ' I ' I .
W ;tl. Will
ii i R III I V
il I f. Mi:x to !k-
UK I1' ':.! t.
r ri-;..l'r,i :,f hi-
I !lll p li tv
I lie I. it 'i'-ifit;: Ol
fc;:liri- 'fl!.
IKlll! iJ.t! F:t,.j( , i
si r I U r.r.inrjLY
I..-H.I. n, liv
mi t-f - !;-;., )rn--:;rtn twl 1).mI -r in .11 1. inur i..rn
111 llif Tllll. -,i Sf.i'cY, :ui. t!:f ( IVtllX'-vl WtTlil. in 1.
ht i r-iM.n-."i i tn. tin.! 5-1 r:.. .
. It PllCftin;f f,)f tlir fft;
li.s-'r.i! r ni" :ti;":M-. in i
OvU Wr J7, 1.-.::. via
nine i', in cvi'ty
f y A KEil'iS ('-'ii i m rs inn i i i-.n i
'JJOZLN. 1 ''' J,".rii: ''' I ulaij;riiicut. I
'j 'f he l!c.-,l iu tliu . c ,d.
j 'Ihe L hmprtt in I lit- Wm'd. J
i'limiunia to cneh Sul . !
j Fiery Fanner iu'crenti-J.
I Alto, every ."mail l'i. t (Inner, j
To inert the iiiererued value of,
Xi KF!!'S .money coiifi-.jueiil nj-un li e ' f'at.l '
J n,,-4'';,'l'iiie," the .ohlidiir of lie Ami:-
iikji A t: ii l er i.i i it i t is happy
io nnnuiince that he ha increased I
;thc pages ul ibis tlaum-h old jeur ,
;iial one third, and doi.Wed the in
jirimic value. Ea.-b iuii,, will'
ben-aficr contain B2 double ijuailo j
Jiaires, fiil.d with, j.rui tH a I I
KFK'S "'''a'''c " 1,11 "in -i ui, i f exn e,l,i.- '
DOZEN. va!"c to every ei.c v ha i i.llivale.i
'.a Farm, a Garden ; or hut t..e : ui-il- ;
ieBl I.I, It of ..-..lie,.l. !
, I - c
I La ics. each volume of Ihe Agri
'culluiiit will ronlain hui.dies ol
iexeellei.l practieul hiuU upon every
B KFK'e'llP'lr,mtl'1 of 'n-U-ior, or House
DtiEN;1'"!1) NV,0,k' .,.
i Ji. Ki.I.- fiirnifhieo' t ie b;riivt
(amount of icallv ueli:l inlorie.aii. n !
ne iiie.l by u erejl miinlieriil prar
jlieal working men and women, tho
.4gncultiirUt i new ti e lurj;est
II MvEIl'S: '""""' 'U har.ictrr in the
itZ EN. vo" '-' l'ut PWM,i? lu Iho iinniie
jeiiciil iihin, it i;ui ,.iiltc nll'.uded
jut oiit- ilollnr a year, or for eighty
lientH racb to clubs ef (en or mere,
lor 14 inoiilU u , l,e sent lor the
lusuul price of 12. t.i nil Miburriliera
jfor lK;-,H.(Vol. XV 11), that ii, all
,-iiip,Ie cr club Mihsrrihcrs for ls.-.H,
ho suWiTil-rr no'v, will neciic
I, .vpi.;'1"' ,wo V''V valuable iiUlli'.aia for
ji.i,vl'v:VuU,,,-1,"'ud l'ec.inlcr, ..('this
v' vcar, without cslr
V aliiub.e s. i .!
IV'ii ii-rr'j .nl.;-rilr t'ur l"".
j A large I i-r of lahu'.l.le Field,
Garden a:id I'lourr f-'eids will I n
Vrrri-iticJ to the sybucri' eru for vol
ume 17, from which cw ry ruhi-cri-ber
will le allev.eil to ih.'o.-e three
tiiickor-rs vit'.e ut char;c ! The
esds will ulone be worth tbo sub.
seiiplion price to many persons.! vour inaiiirs nt oiiee, and
"1 AKEItVj'he kucccrdinlr?Sl4iiJ',nplly
DOEN. 'upon the first d-,y of Thui
',""1.1 the end of 18.SH.
I. Tb 1- r .1.. .... i
- . r.-ti 1, -,.-. iv .,r iiih -'1,7
Ilex-' .will I... . . r. . :
, I.I Itilill 1 1 Oil ,VEiI-"""-IM
IK.. I ..vl ...... : .7.
'"8 ,,4t er, ,!-.. .. . t ...... l-.!.l
(.iatdell8,,,,.t,n,.1.. -.1. -
'1'km lk .. i SI n vear
(or U bioiilh ,)). hiu copies
for Te ay,;, ,or j -.
OllANGE JL'ls 7.;;;jr
IISU Watcr-.t, iiN YulU
The Pcnusi Ivai.ia Fiirtu Journal hnY,,.
merued into the Aliietican A(;iieuhiiiist, , .
the Agriculluiist is now ptcubarly the J.ape
fufjTtui.svliania tanner.
1.1 Xi-
November , to(.
THE Stnr Company, composed or tha lirsf
Artist. a in the world, and exceeding 111
Strennih and Talent any Pramalic coii.biii,ation
heretofore oll'cred to (be Theatrical Public, will
appear every Iiipht in Comedy. 1 ta,cdy, f-eno-Conile.
Urania, Vaudevilles, Musical liurlettas,
&c, &c. When visitirij; the city, go thai.
OcU 21, 1857. ly
H. RAii rt frcmium Csteni j-.nainei rurnuure
Polish This polish is hitsbly valuable for re(o
ring the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Class,
Carriago Uodics, lLir Cloth, Ac. Al.n, for re
moving spots, hiding scratches, &c , Ac. War
ranted to dry immediately ami retain lis floss.
Price 60 eta. 1'er bottle. Sold by
March 14, 1857.
M. C. CEAiaiAKT.
8uiibuiy, Scpt-'io, 1S5?.
Estate of THOMAS 0RA1IT, tlec'd.
jVOTICE is herebv given to creditors and nlhrr
A Interested, that the Orphans' Court of Norths
umhcrland county bavo appointed the suhscriher
Auditor to distribute the moniss in the hands of
J. H. Zimmerman, Administrator . of Thomas
ftrant, deceaneJ, fo and ainnng those legally enti
tled. He will attend for that purpose at his ollice
in the liorough of Sunbury, on Monday, Pcccni
her SSlh Inst., at 10 o'clock A.M. Creditors are
cnutionnl lhat It is tx;t sufficient to have given
their claims nnd accounts to tho Administrator,
but they must see that they are prpcpnlml to the
Auditor at tho time appointed, and duly proved,
otherwise they will not he included in the distri
bution, JNO. K. CLEMENT, Auditor,
funbury. Dec. 5, 18S7.
Flour, Food and Provision store.
IJrvaiheai bdw niucklierry .Slrrct.
FJF.SPKCTFULLY inform the citizens of
-Sunhnry and vicinity that he hna jus-t re
ceived a fresh and cheirc eupjily of
coiifisling in part of llnms, fhouhlers. Machrn ;,
Hcrrinir, Whiio Kis-li, Cod l'ish, Halt I'n-eiie.l
Fruit, I'lcMcs,, Cbeese, Mol3s?c. Hire,
tiUfjar, ColVee, (erecn, roasted and ground.') Im
perial. Youmr Hyson, tiunpoiVch r and ISIark
Teas, Crdur-narr, Stone-ware, Kon.p, brnslie
plow anil wash liiiefi, li.iols and hIioi-h, ti.hace.i.
Kepari. c, together with every ar;i. Ic usually
found ill a first chin tfrorery IStorn, ail of ivliieh
will he sold nt the lowest prire, cillier for ca!i or
country produce. II" hi" alf.i prepnred to ko;i
;ily the cil irons with fresh 1-renil, twUt, roil.i, pies.
pretreN and eiiheanf every kind.
K. I). The h'n;het rush pri'-ra will he Iiid fir
hulter nnd eirs, corn, onls. rye and
t-'unbury, Fee. f.
g .(UIN ul .'.It cents per bn
dud, cash, for sab I
C N T on onirr tf tiic I'rphanV
(' of Norlliiiiiibcrhmd comity wilt be o--
o.-cd to (ol lie solo cu J-vVIT i;l;.V, l!:e '-(llli
day of Dl'.CF.M 1! Fii, lH.'iV, on the prciiiLca.
ihe fullowiiic dcsciibed real rsi.ilo to wit
A i c-t.ila j i. ee ur 'l'rs. t of l end, idtuato in
II i' - It to-.vii: !np, county iifori'Miid.adjoii.iug bir.d.i
of tiie heirs cl fj.eticcr Metier, di c'd.. lamia of
.llirahnm Cnni.!?l!,! 'harlcs Metli r.tiilhert l.iielz,
Philip Motha's heira and others, eoiiU.ininj fA.e
HiiiH'red Achm and fifty-four perches slriel Kn-a-iiure.
more or less, about 20 ru-re of which are
linil-rrland. and the icinain.ler cleurcd aiol in cul-
ivatio.'i. Whereon are ere. led a I wo ftory ftonc :
ll..i u. lV.irt.rt,,. V." n.r.ti.. I ! ...K,.. n P.. .1 ttuffl i
piinjr ln"lB nnd oihir oiil-biiild'n;T. Also a
saod diehaid. I-te the estate of iiiiam t'arr,
- ... '.! .1. 1 sr r
il.-e u. !--filO 10 Cf'.-lll'iii e ui iw o ei.H i, ;. i-:., ei
s .i I dav v hen tho terms of tale will he!
I. II u ;v n by huff, .dm .
Pv order of ihr- Court. 5
C. PI 'US I'.!., CI!;, o.c.
fr'uubury, IVc.S, 1C57. J
Eitr.te cf Jc-liii Harshav. cut, dee'd.
Jc'er h I li.u.'hawtul, I Writ of Partition
! w. I ami valuation issued
! Tho Heirs c-f John J out cf tho Orphans'
! ll.uijihrmotit, deceas- i ' art of Northuuibc r
ed. J laud comity.
L'CTICE To the l.eiifi and h-gul repre
I sentativi'S of John lliiuuhawoiit, deceased.
j Von ate hereby iiotilied that, by v.rlue of.
j tho above writ to in:) directed, n..d iio'jest !
I will bo held nt tho Into nsideiieu of ruid ,
J .l.ih'j lliiti-'haMont. ilecearod in I'us-h town-i
j .-hip, Noitiiunilieiland coili.t-. :-n Saturday '
! the -tilh dav nf lleceiiiber n. xt. nt ID o'clock I
A. M ., for tlio jiurt.iso of t'mkintf Partifion
of, nr to value and epprniso the llual i-istiit.)
i.l'?-.iid dccciiPi'd. nt r.bich time and place
uti muv attend il von ih'- I: proper.
.1 A ! lis A a l) K I-:, Sheriff.
Sl.eri'.rf orieo. Sunbiirv.
No enihei- 1, 1 -.'
TOTlCE is hereby piven that thn Severn!
- Coutis uf Corinnon Fleii--, (l"ri"rc.l (Jicirti r '
f-es.-ioiis uf llie pence, .ind ( Iprhiu.s' Comt, (outt j
id' (Iyer nml 'Ferinioc r and (ieneral J.iil Ir.-iivery, 1
ill and tor the county of Nerthim:! crhind. to i
comuicuce at the ( 'ei.rt if. use, in t!;e boiou'h ol i
.Siinburv, nt III u'eloek, A. 1. on Monday, thn
.till dav ol JAM .Ull next, and will cot.liiiuo
The coroner, Justices of the Pence nu 1 censt.i
bles in and forthe county uf Northiiiuberhiud, are
reituested to be then and there iu their proper tier-
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and j
othiv reiiiembr.uices, to d. t!:o: o tlioius to their
st-ici'al oll'ices itppcrtaiuiut; to be done. And ni- j
ivitnc! -si s .roeeiit:ii-; .u bchull ol trie (.ommoid
ivcallli aaittsl any prisoner arc tilro rc.;i!estod and
ronimai.ded to be tlreti aod tb.ere altcndinr- in their
proper persons t.i prn-coute acniit't him. as shall
be just and not to depart without h ave at their
peril. Jurorj are reijie.-sU J to beputielual in their
i.ttoiuh.nco, e.t the time appoiutcj. agrecjbic lo
their to:i;-es.
I'iven under my baud ut Smiburv, thn 1st da
st day of j
h..i.s.,nd 1
December in the vear of our Lord one t
ci.tht hundred mid liiiv-seicn and the Imbi
prudence of the Lniled ti'.a'.cs ef Ameiiealhe
Cod save tha Com 'vonwr.illh.
Sheriii's OUVc, ."r'nnbury, )
Deeetnbir 1, US?. J
OR trial ill the Court of Common Pleas of
.Viiiliumecilain! i oi.i'tv, to lie lieu at Sun
bury, oil ibu lirol Monday ol January , 1 85S.
Cent sl.ily,
J. IJ..s'i'.iib's ex'rs.
Peter L'ickson
Hrriet .lei I !l.a elal
vs A DuiiLclhcigi i's adiu'r
vs C V Jlcgina
vs sime.
va Shall'.-r A Co.
vs North d. Imp. Co.
vs 1 U Maner
vo ...
jreib for 7ammer v. 8n.jr Catrni V ' -
In T Clement " , , J ". J
, a,j. vs John Snittti .
Sainurl ravuiga -r
Helfiin-tiiiitir fatten vs 11. 11. W eaver & wtfo
lleiirv WeirC, 'I'bos. Uaunijiirdiier,
Jos. 'i'ra.i, ts Nottbetn Central K. H. Co.
lames Malone vs Suttbuiy Canal sV V. I'. Co
NVoolverton ev Clement vs 1 lancis l.cklcmail
RFngely iV Co
Haaj; A. Urown
.lames M aiono
II liclfciistein
W V, ill FlMsllUllZ
vs Will L. Ueivart
vs fame
vu Fhila i Sunbury K li Co
vs Jacob (less
vs 1. ra olieuuer,
'.Tit ilcus Morgan vs E. & D lie
I tr-1"i!;ue Stiob, vs Chas Ktn
I 1 - I'oiuuiig.i innrici ii
iniuil Teis
J, 1 - -. V uilli nB-il.e.i.ei.i'.i.ii.iii.u uuu
liu 1 oung , , n .
, ., li John W. Pea e,
Isaac lirown a, ,.
Henry Lat.Ha U" S-
t.ouarc In of Hclfstch. v. Vm l "rtwU.
F.a.iklinPotti v Doyd.'tlUrn'-lem
Flciiiining lu &c, vs W m 1. Hcli;ii.,t,.V 0
. . :.n.r.flrv.,.ii i.'.u.
Kcilrv In & snm8 1
Ann'MHciu vs Henry Labi
Jacob IlilbUh vs John Weaver
(ilatilfor WhrelanJ vs P Montague's adm'is
Mary Wilson v K. M.l ricW
same v Wm. MX'Ir.ery
Isaiah Wilkerson vt t3uso,nehannaCoalCo,&c
William Krirbaum vs famucl ."'un,
Wamuel John
vs ). liiuson i". -
vs (Jooige A Keeler
vs Jacob fcsaahull'S
II. ...K Nellss. &C
James II ice
Christian Miller
Geo C W elker
to lil'.trubender
Charlea Fidb-r
Isaac I) row ii
ts Boubury Kii 11 It Co.,
William Ito ipi
. .1. hi. B Pe.eiii in
.. . .... i. I.'.'.. II U ('n
A Livenuor
. . - 4.I....W
Shipman Auclnnuiy v. " "
Pinibonotari's Oliicc
uubijrv. fee. 1 1 Is57
WpV virtue of aundry writs of Vikbitio.ii
tilt EjroNAs, and Levari KxrM to me di
rected, will bo expand to l'uhlie 8lo at the
public house of W. A. CUVKKT (Lawrence
irouse.) I. HUNHCIIY.oii .t I outlay tUv
JSIIj day ol lirfmiii'. upvt. ni io
w ,. ,v ,., 10 i0ll(ttU)g iicscnLcd properly ' and V I. J I,K C.UOD.S, and opened to tho pub;
0 ! 1 lie a general assortment of mrrchaiulhre Ac.
All that rrr'ain plcco or parrel of LAND, sit- Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy
ualc in, formerly I pper Augunta township, now Cass'nicr, tfatinetls, Checks, Kentucky Jeans
the borough of tSunbury, adjoininir tho old bo- : tof!i-thr with a Reneial assurlinenl of Fall
rough lino in the south, the river 8urpiehanna ' nml WinJet (loods adepted to all classes of per
on tho west, lands bite of i-usnn II. iSeott end .sons.
Charles (Joliin and wife on iho north nnd caM, i Hfdy made Clotliinpr, coni-iBlinjj of Outs and
Coiitaininff 10 Acres more or leso. . . Vcs'n, I.'nder Shirts and l)rnc-s.
Also, that certain Otil-I.ot in Ihe boroorth of Ladies BreES Good?,
. uniuiry aloresiud, nuinbcifdin Ihe Rfi.eial j,!:mi
ui uietown o. .1, (.tluee), coiitniuim-iivo Acrrn
or thereabouts, adjoining iho old borough linr
one the liorih.out lot No. !J 011 the wi t, .iut-t
No. 4 on the simlb, nnd ool-lot on t::.
cast. Sii. d laki-n in cseeiilion mid to be sr,!,
as the propcity of V.'M. I,. IlKI.Fl'N'h-l'lilN'.
AI.S'O : At the sania time and p!ae, tho fob
lowinir Lots of (..round, situate in il.e h..r inb
of Sunbury aforchai.l, uul lumkcd in ih" ecu. rl
plan of raid town W. an. Si", I I.i. ill I. S:i7,
aju, iiin, 'iii-., Mr; 2;m and i. bouniied
by (.oosebetry iilley, cart by llerr slrert, soulh
by I'l-Pel rrry street nnd iv(,t bv Kivrr t!cv,ani!
! lots No. S.! kiC, Wi I aiulUill, b-H.nd-rd
by I'ol.eherry t.!net ni l!:e Cii.-'t, and Kin t
alley, r-'fivnl taken in e:.eet Hun an I Io It
li e .r...(rly f the 1',' 1 1 1, A 1 . 1; I V vv
Al.t-'O : At the sitae tiim and phire, .'Seven J
coi.Ii.:iioii. Lots of (ironnd, ritiiKie in ll, town!
ul' f-ti.iio..; in in toiviihi;i. ortbuinl erluiel i
county, and i.iinilcfi-d in Ibe. -laii ol ho i.i lun-n '
Niw. I. -. I. o. U and 7. nnd in Ho.!; No. 1.1, I
iiouioied nil the r u:h by alimt slieei. en the'
iv. -si by J-'. -nii'l stieet eie.l en tlio eaet by 'i'liird
sir..!, whereon ore erected a flame dwel-nii'
house, a hiieii hnu-v, n Liiitthi.r s 1 1 . -. j tuo sbibl.
Oul buil.Iims, Seized taken iu evriMitian
uul o It nd.l i.' the pre-.ei'v of II A MUI. P.
HA.t-' and KO.-vNN. II A A.'. .
AL-'tl: Atl'.-e Hiiiiii-liiiiti and placf, tho fob
lo-.M-l (Jeerribed Ileal I'lonertv to wi'.-
All tiia' eeil .iii Fl'UNACE, Ci-.tim; Km:--,
l.iivi'lliii-.r li.tirc'i s";' i-.ed tole -'I t.-n. niei.t
and 'JViiel of l.ei.d, fili.aic in Co?! i. i'Mi.-bio,
Nouhiwiibrrlan.l .'oa!.iv, brianiii at n pr-t in
a bin: i. f laud mrvved i" the inui.e if V i!ii u.i
(Ireeo. !h.-u:-o fi-jth k'l d-creo-i r:i -' i'1.' bit nnd
(i inehen la a post; thence tioil'.i I ib'j.-re-.- nn.l
US Inioutes eriot :U)-' t.-.t (i a -o?i;.
thence tioi ih r. 1 deerics and I'll inii.ules we-t. i
H teet toa jst ; th.tlec south :'i devices rind H'l
uiinules west, l'ilij l-i I to a p vt ; thence uoith
81 decrees nnd iiil iniin.t.s m.-l II) fct to a p.--';
ihei;. e r.orlh H 1 dcprcr-.i and niiuuir ue. t
' 1 J d t lo a t n.-t ; thence sontii I iVro- and
il) n; i ii 1 c-.- lie.t Ijoli Kel to n ur t ; th. ia c soulli
1) ih-.'recs 3d niiuu'es ims' t.ii.'i In' to li," place
o; be-' coijlaiaiiig I'.l Alu? ii.1 ''.' j '
e of sliiet ineasuvc.
Also, nil that certain Tract er pirecl of laial, .
si'ualo iu Co.. I tovu hip. nl'o'.v. aid, I ceil: liber e t '
a o-t in a Ihie of l.i::i .-u; vtyc.l in the iiame of :
r .:niRl t'lur!; ; fhrnco toiilli :1 d.-;;.ecs i:; t.
i'.'o Let to a j, ist ; tlx-;: :e ronth I decree and 1
H;) minutes v,-c.-t f:(! II. t t,.- a s'one by n fuliei)
heed irk ivitiK.- ; thence sou:!i K!l decrees west '
.r)()l feet t i a p-t; theneo lo-iiii I '.) il.-'i .-.-s wes: i
1 1 1 ' 1. 1 1 t i tliept rccof bi-;. inning, contaiuiiig f
'J Acres '.if perelits etii.l mia--iiro.
Al.- , all that rirtnin tract or pare. 1 or Land, I
situ..te in Coal towns hip Btofiviid, l:e;-uu::-.: at
a post iu the centre iiuc ul the b r.Hi.r.i i.'.nl ,'.ja.l '
tc IHt MiiiMitiii-i, w here the said centre line ero--ecs
the rat'ern line ef'.i.e tr ict el ..ui tuivcvid
in the lame t-t" r- ii n i lit I ('In!;; thence c'nnij the "
ea-t. rn lu.e of the snid tr.u lof Ian i in the iiame '
of i-'.iimn I Clink, south I degree 3S minutes!
wet II. IS bet to a post; thence e0 ill . '
c.l l'ert to a pe in the centre line of said , lioad ; tbenre abm the eet lie line i f svid
Hail Eoad no'th l."idei;rees S'i tiiitiules west "2
feet; ihenee north 1 II decrees and IJtl minutes
west 1(!0 Icet, north 1 1 decrees f-i) minutes vr.-st
100 (Vet, not til f'. decrees and 1(1 minutes west
Ul ) I'v-et, north H devices and 30 minutes wi st north 7 ilejr.-ees and AO minutes
west 1 1 (-'." feet lo tho place of bc!'i;ii.inir, con
taining r.l Acres of laud sitict incisure.
..I.-,.. .. .. ... .
-I- c .liso, att tur.i certain oliirr trnct el l.autl : i ui ...iui lowiiBiiip, niori'-aiu, i-eoiUtiir ni i
I - 1... r. i,
vey.d iii the name of Samuel; thenci
n Iiosi oil in priKler,, linn ,,! I ... I. ... ..I 11..I -r. '
111 rib 1 dejitee :o minutes east lOo" foil to a '
post 011 tbo south west corner of Pearl mul
S-hakspear strculs in tho town of !iainol:in,
aluii -aid, thence alonir the southern line of said
Shakespeare street, south S-l degrees !!." 'niiiule.
eust ;1T;U fuet to a post; theties south fi degrees
and 25 minute wet CO feel ; tlieti'-o south ,ri5
decrees bli minutes cart 71.1 feet t-i a post;
(hence ;tith .0 di g tea and .')') minutes cast
..11. feet toapirt; ihenee srurh 1 ih erees 3S
liiiiiutes, w.-et Atb'ifert ton post; thence north
CM AvfTtv 22 minutes w.t 1 1 tut fi , t to t" e
I'lacrof beiuiiiii).", rontainini; i0 m r.-s ni:d IS
pcr.hrs stiict mt-asttre. t-ii.ed taken into ec
ciilioo and to be sold ns tbo property of A. K.
risKEuud HENliY Lo.NI.EN EC K Ell. (.a-
dint; under the firm of Henry Loiifteneeker & Co
j ALSO: At the entno tit'o nnd place, So
! veti conliiruutis Loti in the town of Sh.iu.o
! Lin in Coal toiinahit). N'oiili'imherhiiKl conn.
i- nUil uuti.bered in the encral plan of s.iid
town od. 1, '', !1, -1, 5, b and 7, iu block Nc.
be ''is tho ivholo saiil block, bniinih'.! nn
tne south by Walnut street, on (he west by j
Hecond street and on tho east by 'I'liird rtreot, !
tthcrenu are erected a I'r.itno dwelling house, i
a brick Iiuufo. a butcher th.op. t .vo l. ,i
(tlt-bl.ildili-!, .Vi". .-h'i.-d tt.lifll ill exeeii- i
linn nnd to bo sold c.3 tr-.s prnpetiy of PAX. i
ILL P. 11 A AS. !
JAMF; VANl)VKL,Sheii,r. j
Sheri.Vt Oincc, Sunbury, j
November S, 1,7.
JN pursuance cf an rrjr-r of the Orphans' Court
of No.thuinh. riatifl rinmtv, w ill be i r. jiiise.I
lo pubiie fitle on S. 'i'L'KDA Y, Ibe l'Jlh dav ef
PKCILMBi:.', IK57. en the premises, thc'fol
lowiiiii described real estate t.i wit : A certain
Tract of I. and, situate iu Lower Aumista town
ship, BiljiiiniiiK lamia of Joseph (lass nnd others.
iTt' ttteTO'.r.t 'wj f l-i
o- . weniberboard dwellins House, a Loi4 l)"i
an Orchard of boo.l fruit, and there is also a
eiiod Siiiimr at the home
'i he preiuiM'S arc in
n:i,..l rei.air mid t!ie latld i
oil staro ot cuitl-
vation. Fate the C-late if Hemy Hanabaeb,
dee'd. fiide to col. licence at 10 o'clock A.M.,
of said day when the Icin s of sa'.e will bo made
known by ,
l'iy c.rdcr of the Court, 1
C. U. PI 'USF.L, CI'.;., O. C j
. Suubuiy, Nov. isr7. J
Estate cf Eartara: Balliet. Vcc'd.
John F. Ucntlor,
The liniiaof Patbara
P.alliet. deceased.
Writ of Partition
nnd valuntion issued
' out of tho Orphans'
Court of Xoith'd. Co.
Vo lU Ihir and rfprefl,itiv htr-
-1 Ai.mi IUi'JUt, defeetMd. i
v , i ... i ..:i.,., ..f !
Von are hereby notiucu, iuav uj '"".' I
rKeWV-a writ to me tlicoctea, an iinpjuM win .
Saturday tlx hl-.enu vumo in ouuuu. j, on
tfrecn the houra-oay of January next, be-
,or u f-r--- ; .- .. ,
ihOti, uaieu .- - - ,
for K.0 acres of Government Laud. Ui to ho
, i .. .-i tt..iii widow of Jacob Litlbel
Ciititairt In tha revolutionary N ar, ill
U.e pputteni..ce3. Ac. At which tun. and
place you may attend if you see r'V1''-
tlborilT's Ollice. Sunbury, 1
November '-i, lSi". )
valuintialiil appraiMuB -"Yrj-'l.." ", t.f Coiu.nun Fleaa of or-.niimoi..o.... v,,.
.aid d.-ceaaed. to Wit t of i U iu ra aistlllmlc n.,? tbtS I.ien eredi.ois the money
Land Warrant, issued by tho LihU'4 biate,Tf;Vu ,,;,,.. ,a!o ui ,) rfal
of America, under tbo Act of Clli, ,hai pu.po- S.. w. i. ,,,wr, will attfnd for
.Ui.A Jnlv lTlh. lefitj. No. M.WO ,dv.ilieS'Jthdajofl)ee- pn . 1UM.
J. F. & I. F. ZELXNE,
l!esieetfully announce to their friends and Ihe
public in Rcneral that Ihcy have received at their
ftore in I j'per AuruMb township, Nntthunibi r
latidronntv Pa., nt K line ( irovo thi ir FALL
tinter Plmwl. Oinithanis. Caslin.crrs, I)e.
Inthes, ( alicoes black Sil s. itc.
A bio a fresh supply of Drugs and,
(.'loceries (Ve,
A new supply of Hardware. Qucinsware,
wooden tvriro l'roouip ; c.
A hup a.sorlineiit of Itoflts aad fboea suita
iilo for men w omen and children.
Fchool Uorks. etationrry; Kuvclopes, lid;, Ac.
CltKhsr. AMI S.i, p.
And nil rjoods usually li'.-pt in a country store.
The i pnl lie nrejl i e.pretl'u'.lv invited to call anil
e-jiniiie nur st.-ek beloro uirc!inxini elwwherc.
As we are ilelern-iiucd to sell ot prires to enil
the tiires f..r CASH ot in Lithane for
lo' i.ce al Ihe mailrt rii e.
'i'hiii.l f;i'i f,,i pnvt favc-ra
past (avers wc bore bv s'.riet
ti i in ii to
I usit.rsa tn merit a coiititiuatut- of
' rl.ii.r.
Kiiiie's drove, Pa., N, v. 21
PTu tf
F.Meulors ..!' I'm
tato of
..lortTt i.'t I ,;, dec '!.. I ate r.l" Cnmrrnn l.o.n.
-'"rtliiiil'i-ilatnl coiirdy, will evpi-je to
pnl iic sale on tb pr. lui-.-i 'on SATI'ilD.W,
the 1 i.h day of Decerti'ier. nest. Ihe I'AlfM c
si;id I :.-.). iicrk, ib-cM , c.intainin 1M Acres,
One 1 1 mill-. ,1 ,,f v.hii-h is cleared and the
remainder well lioibci e.t. ' Tho improvement
consist of a Lor. IfOl Ml', nu-l I! A IN, nml a
number ut Fiuil Trci s. The Mahonov Cu r!,
p .! (hr.ii:.,U (!.o prcmb cs. and a fiords an fx
ec!!, nt water p iwi r. 'i'he b.r,iti,.) is m-:r the
(.oil l...iiui, six miles from 8h;iinokin and six
f.-oi i 7'ioviirl..n.
'i'eriii-i a:ij condition v i';l I e made known on
the Ja) if tab bv the umlersL't:.).
:.r.";!.r,i. di-:i,-k.
ci:o. Kc-j.xTF.'rruR.r.x'r.-..
("amr rii fw-p.. Nov. li, 18.'.',' ts
r:rViirclSi:rr ar-t. ii -;i:tKiiot'!;tlon.
T F.r.CHAN'l s 5 nc business men . f Trevor
L lo:i and viiiniiv, can h.e.c th ir Mcrchau-di.-.'
a-.d other CVu's sliipj-cd lhront:!i from
I'bii:' h Iphia l'i 'I re . i rton ami Fort Tr.-vurton,
""I all iiil.rn-.i ,bntc huts on the jhi.e, bv seiel
ir : t i the Centrrl Depot House of FKUF.D,
Vi'AIIDA FKFKD. N... ti! Maiket ISt., above
Fuhlh l e !. Pl.ilrohlpl hi.
Cuo.'s carefully utuir.'cd to aiid promptly de
li .ere!.
Fiir.r.p, WAini a- rnKcy.Aeents.
November 7, IS.V. Umoh.-.-i
LA HUE IIP.V (ifli'lS EninUelU'EST.
! HAMILTON i;.V.STi:K &. CO.,
I Xew ?Eui-;wc 1 5 ni: din--;,
.Vos. P..'1.!. 'JO I cud -0'! T'nUimnre S:ic
V T' AVE now in : .re (meslly of their own im
. " ll j .it.i'i .ii'; ei.c ,.! the hiir--s! nnd m.i- emu-
pbtc storks in tlcj Ihii-cd St eiubrii. hi.--I
.c'lks and iik fjoods cf ev.-ip c!-is; jlrcs
i Goods a very lare sbult ; I-i-h Lir.cns; I. in
i n (ii.ndir.n. Houekt-c.i:.s A rlh-ies oi' even de-
M-ribti.iii ; Mi-crning Coeds; Clouki-, Mn-.i-llas
: and; J'.iiibroiih-rie.--, Laces, llo.-icrv.
i (ilovis, lll.itiKct., 't.iltj, Domestic (foojs; arid
: every at tide generally rvxuirt-J by Farmers and
j Point, r-i for nrv.iiits use.
! I ' llettil Ejoil.i on first fknr ihe price
i aflixc I to each article, from wIulIi no deiutiun
I is made.
, t.':. ' Whu'csalc llsou.s on the serct:d and third
. fhuis.
(ct.!! cr, 11, 1P.'i7. 3m.
'( on Sovl'i Stri-tiil, near M'trlxt .S'lf;.'.
Practices i i the Coui.l'ca of l aioii, Norlhutn
berii'.ud mol Montjur.
All Piioi ussioNal 11-.-sisi:ss entrusted to
b-s i are vv i.i mceiio prompt anJ fi ti.ful atten
tion. October 3, lPf.7. ly
Successor t. Mm. M. Hill,
Faoiiicnable Straw ard Taucy Ili'.'.incr
No. 4G:J (old N.;. dil) North Si com! sticet, be
low NoL-le, op! 'lied Lion Hotel, Piiilad'a.
tJ' Pattern Ilonnels na 'e to order. Miiii
ncry in nil its various bradehes. A c ill respect
fully tolicite.l, 'S.-i:. Sw.-3m
.tT.T:T-T 171 T:,iTTs,'?T
W b w Ul A V J-( J
SlicessiB Tj
J. O. CAMri!E..I. Ci CO., AMI I.. V. UT.',
(Formerly No. lo Noilh Wharves.)
(.'iri'APl.LS, No. 4 North Whaives, -lih door
Maiket sticet, Philadelj hia., Apples, lbicd FruiU Hulter,
I.iM ins, Oi iolis, Mercer Potatoes, Cb.eefC
l!.iisi:i, 'I'oma'.ies, Hwcct Potatoes, Leans,
Pea N uts. Peaches, Cranberries l'is, &c.
O.l.ers for shipping put up nith care and Jis
pal.b. (Kin;);- : i!,l on coinniissb.11 lor Formers
and Pcaleri-
OctM er 1:1. 18.17.
Xlw Vl-AlixO.c li ltJa Urj tiuodi ! !
1.4 ni
O A.vatriii StuarLUi ft '
t .... 1
have ..iicucl their
t. infill ot Au-
( tuuill
Winter Ulii
C.OtJlfS. wh'uh they
Their Jtock includes
V S i'l.s, J.tcriun's and
Mm's a:i. U.-y's
I lotisi . iili
ol'.cr 1.1 wry Lev pnoi a.
Sbu-.ils, i.'hic'; and F.i'o
nh.-r Pns. C- ..Is,
N eaf. Fhitik'i:
,ds, ui.j t;.....'s fui
"l l.lKi ' IH.
ii, is:.'. .ii''c
W'-"1"U -iili.
rcill 1'. suhscribe-s ri
.crtlu.Iy atii:-. u:.ce to ti;u
JL puf.'.ic, that their new tte.i:n I'loj.u .; Mill
in ibis place, has been complete.!, and i.i I o
into operation on Monday tho Uift day ef Au
gust, ins".
Having engaged a competent at d .careful
Miller, they trust they n iil l o able, v. Kit nil the
muib rn iruprovcnients adopted i.i their n i;,, lo
it'ue ti.titc satisfaction to all who may fai. r diem
llilll llleirC. blJlll.
UNiDhK, FINEHAKT & V, Allii'.r ON.
(Sunbury, August 'J9, lii57, tl
VOT1CE to all interested. The sub Ib Am' sppointfd by (ho Comt
A. M.
W I. CUEE.SCrtAvl'iik
Funbnry, Dee. 8. 157.
"lvi; ou sa-
. ..... a. 'IT 1 I
V" .. . "il .7 l-lsd KlfS Pro,!
I'OMFlt". (or sail- -
J Store. Piiee 2
October 31, l"fi-
-.1 s.n ' ... . .i 1 -1 1
JOHN FAR FIR A ft CO, (New Nn. n, N" Mnti
H. I'.iclit, I'liilii.lrl) hiu. li.ipcrli-rs Mim"lrtsw
nn.l.lelilers ill l.ii.lii-", lii-iilli-in.jil nn.l ChiWrrlis I sjssr
l-'urs. Wh. IrsBlfliil.l Iteliiil. J. 1". (.' "
llie ntlrmien of (l.-nlcrs ioi.I llif TnMic (reiinnllr lo.ll.wr
iinnirnrv ;.-li ofl iniev t un for Lmlifs r.mll.rni .ii
il.lren; Ihpir nsv.rl limit rmli arrs evrry srlie.'s
kind .1" I'liiK-v J '.rs. Unit will lif worn ilsrniK (Ins
sncli ns t ipfl Ciecv lli.ll' Cnpes ((iirn icr Ct". "(mm
Vic'oi incl Bona, ,l uifs .V Mull ii.'f. H"in (lie hnit (Ins.
Sinn Siilile to II. r low vpt iiirp DowPPtir Kins.
I'm ijrnikiii.-ii tlir liosint fuwirlini'i.t uf Far Clss.
(Hives (iioiiitl. IS &r., brine the direct linprlriB.( all '"l
Furs nml ,liiniif:.r-itirrri of tlirm under oiit own SMpww
Sl"iiv.-e foel r.iti-fu-il Ive ei.n 'lln l..-llrr Induermslils In
On.l. in nn.l 11'.' iiil.lii- grnrrally lli'in nnv "Umr h"n,
Imvii-ir nn n-Moriiiu-n' to f.-tri'i fioni and nt lbs Mstiofassaf -ci
iinccs. We only ntk h mill
- joiiv KAnrinA ft rn
Si irsrt s'.v( K'(luli, I hni.
riiil.'itgtplnn,i-vpt. in, Itj-.wlia
A'o. IllG Climnvl Sirrrt, oypnsitt the Girard
OOKI.(i'(;inf.s Wnreroonis and ltrin-
of Ait. J-ingravuigs, raintincs, I'brtall
and Pielure Frames, in every variety, of the tale
originals and l.uropsin Patterns. J'ht TaMr.
(.'oiisols, Urnkcts and Cornices". The most ei
ten-iie ami ilerrint assortment of Looking Olas
scs, of suhfttun'.inl wo-kmanship; and at Auction
it ices.
(luld Me.tnl awarded by ibe MnrylanJ Int
tit'e, lSf,r,. Highest Premium awarded by Iho
Franklin ItittUtitu 155.
f' 10, IfifiG coin3
TlrHCI.r.S.i.l.T: AMI i:KTAIt,ntio "I'liilvteli.!.
1 IV:, tell. s a:..l .1. ! f rorp" Ho. IIS (l)KI No. !OJ
Ni-itli Sii-eon.: lier-i. Coin- r ! (p'-i'ir;-, l'hiln.lcl-li,i.
O..M I .ever tVnirin-s, full Jew i-".-il, f,r cmet Cniws, f'3S,0n
n.ilil I.c inc. W c:trt''. g (jo
Mlver J.eve.r. InM j.-lvrlled, 1 W)
Silver t....ii.e. jewels, 0 IS)
noi eoi.i'ti 7 is;
Sn. . Ins!.-, 7 it,
Mlve- -I ... I so
I, 1,1
1.1 Ilr.-i ,kr. ui
i.ty:si f.oM I'.pci!'. ott
v. r 'l .-i S,. .... Rt. 5 no
! I'.i'. iii-t: t'.i.eil -ind Si!-cr holder, i oil
li...l fill... r Hl..i;. :)7i CIS to ff!-0; Wlltrh ft.IMM.. r.iufn
k't I
. t-. e.. iil 1-,. I... let 25 i niliei nrtielcs iii proi.urt'011
...s v.-uimlLil to hii wlml tlier nr.- not.! lor
P'l'At ft HAR LEY.
On linal s mic K M and Silver Levers snd lfiuis
ni:: I
. . . .., .er .......e ,...,.1,
!. -.j.iini, Oriohcr 10, j; ',v
rrCOKEB&M A R g "si, '
V".-."i y'uVff Street, 1 door hclofo 'mr,
1 w :.r
M.CS i f !io h
I rriec. Drv O.v-lr. Clnn,, JtaM.
nay (iui-!, &c, tVKKY KVK-
r ' rviin;rv
ear r.-.eii;.: S
ills-ve .. . iN. t
ul.c-perf nndnllirrs will alvvnvs Bud nt
:iii! mi.1 ! ural.le i'-..nuie'nt ut ll.a
-Iii in l-'ts to mi. l.nv.MH.
m the i.renbs. s for' Country TriiJti
r i: Cm
(;I imm: !?i i;sri-n -i t; ou xr.itvr. toxic.
veil l.n -.vii r- mc.iv discover. .1 l.v inv hie i.m.
l Ik, i:. :i fare erne fti'llip above iti -r-nml
all oilier N. i voim r.iT.vtiom. H
-lis -i:ic. or o'li.-r .i.i..rioi'a
li.- s;.'.iai, : i"i-a lo the
m ii-i:. .' I" , i -3 iili.l thcro lllt. st.hl
- i.i "nv p-ilt ol li..- si-s'-m. It iii crpt'eiiillr
Ml. nil. lis tii.-.ilile.l Willi Fnl'm.. of H...
b.ttl.: K. stuii.-i. in tn most eiieen, wlier.. il..,
I ! ' il. C' itilii.-ittt: l-aa iV.nri
-'!' r-rr:,i'jr ) ,y J. h. Hnmrii,
st, and Sole, rroprietor 1st MaiJeii
i n - i . j, rr T.., -rvj-tf Fret.. Vt-r-tat.'s.. A
o- I I'"' 'V " i '''-'- I. rlii- O'. IV. r, SVl,!r
I li Iu Csn r ln-r.nlJ. AU
. ..V j "'.'.i:t sr. vquAln- difftw
lr Vr n't 'ff ll-' In II t O InM.i.
ri.l Usit (ntel.tiV. Sinyb, tmj sr
I iii .hp ,. i.c-ft ir Ctc. nnnr frr
,.. .1.
-Onrl'.i. t.y tnlm .ta'; bnl all
lit Uti"e ull-1
jit l- ri
..-..wal uxu s Ui. li.a OXAUMIuia ilta.C
.. u - Triti,..t ,,, US.P 4ii Nrnci. .ni ns .rnrdls ..... T' n.n.., in All ci... wh.ri. n f.iiur U
, ... vi in- . ai n,. n nn-r in He ni
, 'I h. a i-l.t l. 1'..... IT... li-'t. Tj.1. 4 Til.
m Cnml
il: .... Ooin Oi
1 TI.. ..,,,,, .
.i.' inuuvcnitn.
n tutlri'ly ..un. the Ofs.V.1
... -i
l-i-itiT. seii.ui. i .I..1T1.I icrlhi:-or t
1. ur. I t.i.Ti.l ,f rtr.- or t rf, vu.
rh.,-..-inj i, .,,..,,., n, , fJUhe.!
n iu.,-
I !.'. 1 i, :. . I.....J (S. ut it lo ,!,Urk.rM.) thp
1 in... ..p( . i 1. e 1. ni.' .nti., lT .,r l ia
1 Tlo--rii.w:,--.-of S.-,!ii.7 h; .0 ol e... le.l ferTtifM
t 1 - l'i'. o-i.l ih Lo liaio Uwiltiiem ill
, 1 i.i':ic'i;"iL'tircorKT to tub tbid!!. A
1.11U1.UVI uni.
C lis mm bl., . V.
S,.pt. 19. !?r-7.-
RFS'PKt.TFri.I.Y inr.irms his friends, and
the public cencriillv, that he has just receiv
ed a New Suvk of OOODS, at his new store, at
David Miner's Mill, i:i Lower Auiiiista Town
ship, and that ho ! ) prepared to sell goods at th
lo-.vest prices.
His Mock con-'iits in pail of
Grcceiies, GuccnsTrare, Hardware, Ac,
I and every variety utually kept in a country
Trevorton prices paid for all kinds o ptoduc.
Lower Anu-;ii tup, Aug. S, IS57. tf
.Vo. 21 and 2'-'. South Sixth S'.rut, near the
Stufu U-uise, 1'hitudv'lltia.
Teallioraer this s-meious Imil.lii ir, erer-tr.1 expressly
t..r tin- 1'ioe.h tors' 1. nit-, are mor.-;l u-uu siiH-.hi and iru-l-IeitK-iCi.
' .1 no. -net to l-'at M.eisioul Oiit.ieneie.
si vt-v YKAiis i:m'ai:i.imii:u.
T'.i.; sc.'..i.cri'1-ts det in- to L-iiUtfio ..lieiili.iu of every
ti.tie -le.! ut t'..r:i!.;it; i.a (eiri'.eiiii.jr. tt. their well tt If -t-e
t Mloelx r.f A.ti'.-e..:;i..-t! laiiili ait-i.ts a.-td Mttcliiitf ry.
C'ent van."' .1 II .rtica.laial Tools, ivrtiiitnKtt fai'dcll
at- j p. iw.'i Set 's. tiraks Kici Scris of the uiefet rc-
.i-.,',.:.. .i, .i.i,-
'I..... Acr.ciilttir it Innilt-nirats sold iy ns me mr-stly
l:: tie. lit. on 1 1! ul i ar Sleaai l'oil;.t, lirUtol. f'a.
Itii-.ii.;- ti-'-.' i:,i ll.ib ttiiblitlim-tit willt.-tit retriird to
ev;).-ii.-.c. v-iil- l'i.. ino.i eoiiiplele in iSlniiery, for tl.e nuiil
i;i -litrt. f v ut kimls of A't u-itltiiial luilt-iniits. iv
uiuii-. v ....t.iul losaj.ply 'l tin. e!.s i.i tl.ia line lully
t.i i.i. if i... i j..;i.-:ior, lo any s of tl.e kiad ever bcioi'o
flb-reil lo I lit" pnelic.
1 ANli.Ji.'eiiS' V.WIIB IT.!) OAlinr.N SF.fH-lii-iif-l!
i.e.'--, ... i- . nar
na,i--rti.i, i i -, T.f i..n..i,.eru.
ty C.iii.liy rueretitiuta rail be r.ipplieit sevi's it
Sii--r. tt 1.1.1s, ..ti lite uv"-t lil-eitil terms.
. ill... tir-liil.-. near llritol. l's , our tiiiiilMi .'tt
rotilitii.a tlircti b.iti.lre.1 ttitd s. vein y utii4. aail u titular-itt-dt
culal.:.iuiliiei:t of its ktl'il m tlis , . lit!
I) I.AMiKK'I'rl SIlV.
N.m.9I HSJ?iu:ii Sixth S;f4i-t, I'luladrl, hta
SepietuVi 2i, ji;. rrJiu.
iT rvery description, suitablo fjr railroad,
I I v - .- :..i.i-.- ir CI i
i Merehaudi.-e eitie.-ally. Purchasers run no risk
.... ... ,1,. i ..u ira.itee.l correct, and if sfter
t.iab not li satisfactory call bo iclurncd ivitli
out charge.
Factory it tha Old Stand, established for mora
than t-.ven v c its corner ofiinlll and Melon
l-'t.-e-it.-- .ii! i h-b hia.
Amiorr & co.
Successors (o F.llicott 6c A 1 holt.
Philade'Hiia, bept. 8, 1S57. ciJm.
Xu. -10 Ai-fh St. bet. Second 'j'n'ud,
(OppositS b'rt a.t Ml 1 1 i,
fPtFlVFr1, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of
all meshci and i,llbs, wilh all Muds of
plain and fancy wire work. icay Twilled
Wire for (park Cuicbrrs; Coal, iSand and (.ra
vel sicrrcus'; Paper Makei's Wire; Cyleider
and llutuly Polls, covered in the best manner
ire and Wire Fencing.
Avery superior a-ticlo of foavy Founders'
'Wi... til Will is of Iron Ore ire iScives.
- 7. .''r U' U-OtUY A LYNX.
icKi.t- or vis...:
diu.J.c, Ac.jiut (AwjEi'"
aTihe '' nf A' " ' 1
Suut-u-.y, AusuH 1, I3i-
i --Mi- -is .Hk
n-:r D' i ir. J.
i'-r. S . k-fl.-u!,tc'
C Ull:i,r:f 1,1 (.Jlll'iT
-'I 'H II htfr-l'-'l!
J I'il'i is .,
j wn it i t.i::ii
j !' . ir.uc ii led
i-lll'l. (.1
I ..,-.-.ti.C -.ii I
all r I'M CI - I
! Wl.-'l-r .! l,-.i.-'
I v