Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 07, 1857, Image 3

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. Bt'RO.
Toe ChstnbersbarK Vatev Spirit, of Wed
eesday, eonteins probably the most correct
rPpOrl Ol sno uiuuriiuiiaiw un; v"n'"( o-
barg, or wnicn we nsve aireauy puuinueu
several iccoonti. It says !
Some years sgo a son of Neville B. Craig,
Esq.. a distinrarebed cltiteo of Pittsburgh,
married a daughter of Chambers M'Kibbin,
" lisq., the well koowti and highly esteemed
proprietor of the Merchant's Hotel, and at
present Naval Officer at Philadelphia. Ow
' ing te alleged miicondiict on the part of Mr.
Craijr, his wifo separated from him and with
their children returned to hor father.
, About two years ago, Mi M'Kibbin pur.
'.' chased a farm lying a short distance ouUide
of the corporsted limits of this borough and
removed hither with his wife and the younger
'members of bis family together with Mrs.
't'rtig and ber Interesting children. : Last
summer an afflictive event cast its shadow
over the boooehold. A gun in the hands of
a young son of Mrs. Craig, was accidonlally
discharged killing instantly a little daughter
of the iimu lady. After this sad affair the
boy whose distress was unbounded was taken
to Pittsburgh by bis granlather Craig, that
his mind might be releived from the dreadful
itnprecsion niado upon it by the trngio scene
which ho had without design been tho leading
nctor. Yesterday the poor boy was brought
Lack by his father and scntout to M'Kibbin's.
Mr. M Kibbin, moved uy lecimg inai does
credit to his heart sent the rest of M r. Craig's
children iuto see their'felher with whom they
spent a happy hour at Ji'flrey S Hotel.
Mr. M'Kibbin likewise came to town him
self for the purpose of preventing any difficul
ties and induced bis sons, whose feelings to
ward Mr. Craiir were known to him to
accompany him out to tho farm. They went
but unfortunately learned from the boy who
had just returned that his father had brought
liim and was then iu town. Mr. M'Kibbin
nobly exerted himself to calm his excited sons
and alter reasoning we are informed, he had
cause to brleive that his wise counsels would
le followed, Contrnry to his expectation
however and when ho did not expect it, the
young men returned to town.
Mr. Craig after taking an offWtionate leave
of hi children, whom Mr. M'Kibbin had
kindly sent iu to see him, proceeded directly
10 the II lilroad station and took his scat in
t be afternoon train which was then about to
depart. Hero his enraged brpthers-iti-Uw
presented themselves and fired at him no less
tliun eleven shots two of which took t-flVct iu
the lower part of his body, cuusing seveiu but
jicrhapB not mortal wounds. Mr. Craig was
carried on to Shippenburg, where he oow
There were five or six passengers in tha
cars and u number of persons standing round.
Koine narrowly escaped being shot, aud and
tine or two of the passengers were injured by
jumping out of the windows of the enrs to es
cape tile flying bails. Mr. Craig was armed
ami tirud several shots at his assailauts. .
Tho young M'Kibbins came the to town
last evening and appeared before Justice
lieislier who held them in 8.00 ouch to an
awer the charge; which was preferred by Con
stable McClelland. Tho leelings against
thriii at present is strong, at the same time
that their respected father and all the iuno
c ut members of his family who are weighod
lou'ii by this uiilortuuate and terrible affair,
h ne the deep sympathy of liio whole commu
nity. Tho Ilarrisburjj TJigraph, of lat evening
fays :
.4ccnu at s from Shippenburg by Ike noon
1r.iin of enrs to-day, represents Mr. Craig,
who was shot by the brut hers M'Kibbin ot
l 'li timber burg, on Tuesday as boingconlinud
to Ins bod. Ttio second pistol ball received
by him iu the groin still eludes the starch of
ti.e physiciuns although nothing serious is ap-pieht-nded
from ihis fuel the strongest hopes
live entertained ul hie recovery. H i wile aud
L.thi r-.n-law the eider M'Kibbin visited him
usteidiiy uud aro profuse iu their attentions
10 hiui.
The luteal tnteligi-nco from Slt I.aUe
ii-aves us as much in doubt as to tho recep
tion thut the Mormons will give thi United
r-tat'? troops us existed months ngo. Al
though iijioimt d that the- niillitury expedition
was on its against them, I hey avowed
tlieir intention to resist to the last; and if
i.ecessary to abandon thfir Settlements and
t iku to the mountains rutherthsn yield. Tin
eerinons of Young. Kimbul aud the elders
fiierallv breathed defiance to the govern
,Hi,t of "the United States. On Sunday Sen-
ember 1 Jill. Ciiotuin Van Vliet an oflieer of
lien. II arney's staff, who bad been detached
in Auguet lijrthe purpose of getting such in
ioriiiiuiun us might be serviceable to tho
t roups on their ilurch. and alter their urrivul
in tlio Mormon territory attended tho rclig
iuUH service of that community. He estimates
i h niimliHr of nersons nresent at 4500. On
ihe question being put to this audience wheth-
i r they were willing io uurn tneir iiuueua uou
i rnnH mid rutire to tho mountains in the Uni
ted Slates troops forced an entry iuto their
valley, they uimr.imonsly rose to their feet.
In estimating the value of it J demonstration,
however it must be remembered that C'iptain
Van Vliet was present uud ti e peoplo had
i.ixt been informed at lonirth of his character
,.nd the object of his viit. The design ol the
demonstration therefore may have been to
t,iU u Ktrnnir imoreesion ou this ofiieir, and
so iniluoncu bis report lo the commanding
General. , '
It is ruported also that tho .Mormons ere
attending to tho crops and continuing their
I mproveuieiits as usual apparently undistur
bed by any fear that the settlemeut would be
laid iu ruin by their own hands or wrested
from them by the force or the United Slates.
They ore exhorted by their spiritual guides
and ruleers to contiuuo tboir seculiar employ
ment. All of this as far as it goes would
seem as if the Mormons intended submission,
nnd that thei.- preparation threats and defiance
are but bravado. Still it will not do to come
to such a conclusion too hastily. The Mor
" nions are not to be judged of an ordinary
. principles. There is so much that is peculiar
to thd Salt LaKe community, that it is bard to
say bow tbey will act io auy particular con
juncture or what results will follow the attack
of an armed force on them.
i . .
PussoxAt.. A Washington correspondent
of the Richmond South savs Mr. Uuchanan
till continues to havo hosts of lady visitors,
and scarcely a pretty woman come lo Wasb
intrtoo but she must see the bachelor Presi
dent. His manuer towards bis fair viators
shows th n he o "lady's m in j" h(s graceful
commotio aee seems to lull bun witn ttieui
and I huv seen him evidently sorely taxed to
find a few words to say to the fair dames who
will find their wav to his reception room.
Ha is aid to have been compelled to have
recoursoio two sterotyped phraset which be
invariably addresses by turo to me laaies, as
ha runs tha euunllet of thetll at reception
hours. They are these: "Madam is this
your brst visit to Washington T" A Dswer
' A Dtuse and then "Madam, I would 'advise
you to visit the Smithsonian Institute."
After which th lady is expected to vamose
. Nkw asd Daucbrols CocKTEWriTS. The.
Yorlt Pennsylvanian of 1 hursdsy last, says
A dangerous counterfeit o two different
plate of the York CooBty bank, has found
circulation in this county. They ere to well
executed as to require searching glance to
detect them. About the surest guide is to
' look at the trace io the vignette, where two
rvarseus and two horses are plewioc. Io the
good note the traa ran down to the horse's
leg ; In the counterfeit the Usee does not go
near'y to ta leg ol tHe,lsor. -
' At IIojii kd A.oad. Tlr
Herald, reviewing tha candid.,
abroad says ; "'1 bis stste of th.
other aids is what we bare solicit
repeatedly annonnced and we see no reason
to prevent its Continuance till it. has perhaps
rostrated all their banking institutions.-,
'pon n it will produce little effect. The
evil has been experienced her, aod panic bat
done its worst. The flow of gold that roast
ei in iron Europe to this country will now
prooaoiy continue, end strengthen oar posi
tion while it weakens theirs. We have abnn-
dan t harvests, and cotton, which is the key
oi me current or specie ; and toe- arrival ol
the large tarns which may be expected by ev
ery steamer, will continually improve our sit
uation, 'i ne present revulsion will no doubt
tweep over the face of the whole Karope, end
completely change not only its Enancia! con
dition, but also its political aspects. When
the ttmperori met lately at Btntgardt and
Weimer, tbey do doubt thought they had set.
tied all the affairs of the Continent; but pan
ic bat now - come and unsettled the whole
thing, and they will Lave their work to do
over again." .
The Washington Uoien nablishct tablet
showing the almost Incredible progress the
United States Is making in supplying the
poople of Great Britain with food from be
ing io 1853 the lowest on tho list of countries
which supplied England with wheat, to being
the highest in 1857. In 1855, the quantity
of wheat imported by Great Britain from the
United States was $126,096 bushels ; in 1857
3,483,753 bushels. In .addition to the im
mense ouaatitv nf wheat which Ilia t'nllo
States have furnished Great Britain the pre-
seat year, we nave supplied tier during the
same period with the enormous quantity of
111,407,025 pounds of flour, oats, peat and
beans. It becomes important, at the present
time, to ascertain how much specie there it
in the country, in other words, the amount
of that currency which cannot be depreciated
or in any way disturbed by any explosions.
The specie basis of tho bunks is stated to be
about sixty millions, and the inquiry turns to
Ihe amount in general circulation among the
people. On this point tho Philadelphia
North American says:
"We have taken the pains, for our. own sa
tisfaction, to look over the official figures for
a scries of years, in order to approximate a
sure opinion upon this subject, and they de
velops some results of striking ioterest, at
tho present juncture, which ought lo inspire
fueling of encouragement even in tho most
desponding. Notwithstanding the enormous
depletion of precious metals during the last
seven years, it will be seen that the coinage
in that period exceeded the eqports by an
amount ulinost equal to the whole coinage du.
ring me preceding iiiiy-etgul year9 :
Kx ports.
18j7, (6 mo.) 25,893,782 00
$415,226,717 74 $285,881,176
285,881,176 00 deduct exports.
(1 59,345,64 1 74 excess coinsge.
160,000,000 00 ad'I coi'ge before
$289,345,541 74 now in country.
In Professor Hitchcock a lute work on Ge
ology, he has a chapter upou "The Telegra-
pnic oysictu oi tli6 Utnvorse," in which he
broaches the remarkable theory that "our
words, our action, even our thonghts made an
indellihle impiesfion ii on the univerte."
Tla.i proposition he er.deuvors to sustain by
an appeal to well established principles of
science. He shows by the doctrine of me-
cbanical reaction, that every impression which
man manes uy ins words, or Ins movements
upon the air, the waters, or the solid earth,
will produce a series of changes iu each ol
those elements which will never end. Not a
word tins ever escaped from mortal lips, he
contends, but it is registered indelibly upon
the atmcsphere we breathe. And could uiao
command the mulhemutics of superior minds,
every purlkle of uir thus set in motion could
be traced through all its changes, with as
much precisiou as the astronomer can point
out the path of the heavenly bodies, hi like
manner, tlio pictures of every occurrence pro
pagate themselves through the reuclion of
light on the substuncc on which it impinges.
Ol'ti l.irrr.K LtxrntKS. During the year
which ended June 30, 185C, wo imported :
Silk dry goods $25,700,651
Other silk goods C.017,115
l.aces 1,601,610
Kmbrou'ei-lr-S 4,664,353
Worsted piece goods 12,236,275
Rich Carpeting 1,929,196
Shawls, wool, cotton slid silk 2,529,771
This is an increase over the imports of the
same urticles for the pruvions year of Dearly
$12,000,000, and is pmhubly in turn exceed
ed by the imports fur the year ending on the
30th of June lust. No wonder the titties are
A FiotiT. Patrick White, last night got
extremely "tight," and engaged in a fight, by
punching the head of a friend who said, that
Patrick White was not quite right. As
might be supposed Ins menu s anger arose,
and he hit Pat oil the nose three Severe blows
which as every one knows, is quite apt to
disclose tho passious Which dwell io a man's
heart who is "unwell" irom drinking too
much Of whiskey aud "such." The persons
around were disturbed by the sound, aud
iuuiuii b luiu ui sleeping m wiuk, llll ilia uui-
cry was hushed, aud the Crowd dispersed
,.i,Vl..' .l.:..l. r -I I J I. .:n.i. ....
Mr. Yv bite was put right on the road for bis
borne, and told in all time to come to leave
off drinking rum, and conduct bimiolf pood
as all persons should, lie "ackuowledeed
the corn" of taking a horn, and he rnlemnly
sworo he'd do so no more. Buffalue Republic
Sugar from Cbincsk Cans. The Chisago
Press says that suzar has been made without
diHiculty Ironi the syrup or vninese cane, by
Judee Caton. of Ottawa, and Mr. Andrews,
of Chicaco. Tbey tbiuk there is but little
difficulty in causinc the syrup to granulate,
by a process math more simple loao lue one
pateuted by Mr. Wray.
New Advertisement.
lioolt told at pricet to suit the timet. All
Bank Notes taken ot par.
HPHE following useful and Desurtful Books
-a. arii for sale at this Establishment.
Watson's Camp Fires of tb American Favo-
lution, with Fifty Original Illustrations by
Uroome. 8vo. I nee, V? 00.
Proctor's Illustrated History of th Crusades,
. containing over 150 Illustration. 1vol. 8vo,
Trie ti 00.
Stork's illustrated Life of Martin Luther, 1 II
lustrations. Royal f)vo. Price, $t 60.
Miss May's American Female Poet, with Bio
graphical and Critical notice and selection
from their writing. Octave edition, nine iteel
pistes. Price S 00.
Dr. Bethun' British Female Poet, with .Bio
graphical and critical notices and selections
from their writing, octavo edition, nine steal
Plato. Price, 0d.
TsUuu'a New Dictionary of Poetical Quota
tions, consisting ef elegant extracts, en every
subject, compiled from various authora, and
arranged and appropriate head Octave
' edition. NineSleel Plate. Price, $2 00.
Weld's Sacred radical Quotation, or Scrip'ur
1950, S 33,847,838 50
1851, C3,8ys,889 60
1852, 67,845,597 50
1853, 64,291,477 94
H.-4, 70.713,865 47
1855, 44,060.302 93
185ti, b6.794.983 90
e end Thoughts f ftrapheesr) by the
.. Octavo edition. Mint steel pistes
ne, ft uo.
.. Women of the Scriptures, eight illeatrattons
s on steel, octavo, full cloth, gilt backs. Trice
f I 60.
The Christian's Dally Delight, with eight illot
trstions on steel, octavo,.. cloth, (ill backs.
Trice S! CO..
Scenes in the Lives of the A pontics, with eight
illustration on steel. Octavo. Cloth, gift back
Irfce. 60.
Scenes la '.. Live of the Patriarch and fro.
phet. " Muit rated by right aterl piste. Octa
ve, L loth, ilt back. J'rtre.fl CO. "
The most liberal Inducement are offered to
Agent to engage in selling any of thh above
Uooka, or the nomeron other published by
them. Catalogue with term furnished on ap
plication to
Publisher and Booksellers.
AS South Cth St.. above Chesnut.Philailelphia.
October 14, ti5T. 6c4t
"T"HE Star Company, composed or the firs1
vtrlistes in th world, and exceeding in
8trrnglh and Talent ny Dramatic combination
heretofore offered to the Theatrical Public, will
appear every night in Cnmeily. Tragedy, Serie
Comic Drama, Vaudeville, Musical Durlellas,
dec, See.. When visiting the city, go there.
Oct. 24, 1857. ly .
AmerieanHorces in England.
Triumph of Prioress in the Czarevitch
. Ilandicvp.
Fall particulars of the race in ''Porter's
Spirit of the Times." For sale by
Suubury, Oct. 31, '57. It
COIIN at 50 cents per bushel, cah, for snle
'by . J. B. MASSER.
AH IV lit Ions of the Mime Mind!
Tit ftnuivcraorv nf the hitrtHl.iAtiitn nf TTI,
Omtinenl oiifihl lo bta jubiles fmevM. It has snved
eiiuntli-aa mulibu'lfs from ilnNfiirnncnt. parnlvzatieii,
mulitatios, ng.Miy ami clcnth. Sliirtiii 1'ri.m the aurfare u
tvhi,-h it;..! itm hui;... I I... K.wi- .1 1.
etih( anil ligament of the b.l-, to ihe veiy iurca
ana naaia ol all eruptive,, tmnoroua, and runre
rnua diaeaaca. It tliatitiKuiMii tha f, brile princifl tlntl
feeila them, nml the mun-nni avmptnma fnilc, lieul. aad
pnaa awny with a ranidiiy incredihle in thnaa who hv.
nut wilnraaed it.
The Dolarui of scrofula lmS lievee heeil iiirlil
excelled bjr any of the lemedlra of the phariiuiiri:i
me a Mr nuutKiie ei mil virulent au letrurtive elnnt-iit
a II ilL.wuy'a Ointment. Maimidie & Brodie. the ir,i
French and Kngliah aurseoiia, do no deny or diarmt Una
great fact, l'lierc is no f.irm of ecrofula that may not be
coiitrulled audciited hy thia lialanmie remedy.
The knife or caualio mnv remove a enneer nr inmnr
but the areils of ilia terrible excrescence remain in the
blond, and it la soon repriluced in a tvoran form thou
before. Ilollowny'a Ointinenl, on the couiitrury, pene.
tratea into the circnlitlnu. and pervudea every iiilwlcd
vesicle, and ki la the diaenee by destroying the corruaive
priiicif le that gencrnted aad auslaii.s it
All raahes and frdmnry erttntinna. na well nn Frvinelaa.
Acne, iiiugworm. Carliunclea, Srnld llend. Suit Kheurn.
tproav. Prickly Hunt, Ac, aie removed liv a few bnak
ppilcatlana ol the Onifmcut.
WOUNDS, Sprains, Bruises. Scukla and rturna are
Immednitely relieveil by ila Himliculi 'J'he inlhitninn-
liounuiekly Buhs'dea. lever and lockinw are nrrvenl...!.
and under a pcrauvcrmg use of the pieparaiiou, ihe pro
ceaa of healing ia soon accomplished.
Both the Ointment and Pill should le tttcd
in the following cases :
Bunions I.nmlmgo 8.ireJ.eps Swelled flisndi
Bums Mercurial Hore fruits KlitT Joints
Chnpped llsnda Kruptious Sore Itenils fleers
Chill. lains Piles S re Throats Ycm.-real Sores
riatulHa Hhetimuliain S,rea of hII WoiiihIh nf !!
Gout SjIi liheum kinds kimla
Skin Diaeusea Spraina Scalda
ty CAUTION! Nnne are senuine unloas the wnrda
"lloll.mny, New Yurk and" ure diK-emihle aa
aa a wiiler-murk in every leaf of Ihe h. ink of directions
rouun eacn pot or li"X Ihe name limy lie plainly aren hv
I'hIinK the leuf to the lieht A liaiida' nie rewind will
be given to any one rendering aneh inforiiiulion na may
lead lo the detection ol any mrty oi parties Counterfeiting;
the medicines oi vending the mime, knowing tiieiu lobe
Hold at the Manufactories of Profeaaor Hon r. WAT
SO Maiden lne, New York, and -Hi riraud. Uuidon, hy
all rercuihle Ilrncfitla and Dealera iu Meilirine Ihnnigli
out the Uniteil ftntea. and the civilized world, ia boxes,
at 93 eeuta.S'.'i centa. and l each.
vY liiereiaacoiutuerahle auviug by takuig the larger
ai zee.
B Directions for the uid:
diaorder are nAixed to each box.
October 17, leo? I yen
Dissolution of Tartncrship.
6 herebv given that the partnership heretofore
- existing, between the utulersiened, in llie
Flout and Feed Business, in the town of 7're
vor Ion , ha been dissolved.
Trevorton, Oct. 17, Iu7. oct 2431
Huccsasoa to
(Formerly No. 16 North Wharves.)
liETABI.ES, No. 4 North Wharves, 4lh door
Market street, Philadelphia.
Orange, Apple, . Dried Fruit Butter,
Lemon, Onion, Mercer Potatoes, Cheese
KaUins, Tntaatoea, Mweet Potatoes, Bean,
Pea Nuts, Peaches, Cranberries Kgga, dec.
Orherifor tthippinj put up with care and dis
patch. W HOODS sold en commission for Farmer
ami Dealers.
OctdbSr 24, 1857.
Sew ruilndelpUla Dry Caootls!!
tst Saxarixss dt Sow,
T f AVE removed to their new store, N. W,
MM corner of Chesnut and 8th Streets, snd
have opened their usual full assortment of Au
tumn and Winter DHV GOODS, which they
oner at very low price. 1 Heir stock include
bhawl. Black and Fancy tJtlk, Merino' and
other Dress Ooods, Men's and Boy's
Wear, Blankets, Housekeeping
Goods, and Oood for
"Friend War."
Oct. 84, 1857. 6oj2c .
Uv T. 8. ARTHUR.
fpHIS Is a largo 13mo. volume, Price $1,00,
JL with a Cue mrxzolint engraving, and ia on
of the most thrilling tales ever written by the
author. It show how a man msv seem to the
world all that is good and noble, and yet u a ty
rant in hi family, and finally send hi wil to a
We publish all Mr. Arthur' new hook, also
works of History, Biography, cVc, for which we
want Agents in all parts ol the United Mutes, to
whom the largest commission will be paid, also
an extra comuiission in the way of gibs,
J. W. BRtDLKy,
48 North Fourth Kb, Philadelphia, Pa.
N. B. Specimen eopie sent by mail, free on
receipt of tha price of book.
October 4, 1857 3t e
TTIE War Trail or the Hunt of the Wild
- Hor by Capt. Mayn
Keid, for sale hy
August i, '57.
PON IFl IS R, for aale at FlaHER'd Drug
Store. Price 10 ets.
October 31, I8o0.
JVOTICE lherVy givew to She ttoclholdc
that an election will he bold at the Banking
house, on Monday tho 18th day of November
next, between the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, and
9 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing 18
Directors la smv for tli ensuing yesr.
The, annual meeting of the stockholder will
be held at the nanking hoose on the first Tues
day in NoTomber at 10 oVIorh A.M.
" J.R. rRIE8TLEYCa.hier,
October It, 1857 41. ' "
Estate of PETER H.M00RE, dee d.
W OTICE ia hereby given. thl letter of sd
ls ministration on th estate of Petei H Moore,
late of Lower Aogusta township, Northumberl'd
county, deceased, have been granted to th sub.
criber. All person indebted will please make
immediate j.-vment, end those having rlnltre
present thctn duly atiihentieatrd for settlement.
MAttY ANN MOORE. Adm'lrix.O. a.t.
Gctober 17, 18A7. 6t.
' prom rniLADELrVM,
b m n,si r.i i r u'l.i. s imorni me ciuzens m
M9l Hunbury and vicinity, 'hat lie h ouened
a Room at the Lawrence liouo wber he offers
lor sal
Of every variety, size and quality. A new In
ventinn of rtprctacles, f"r distant or rlose reading
with gold, silver, steel, snd tortoise-shell frames,
and a new and improved assortment of perifocal
ground flint Glasses of hi own manufacture.
He would particularly call the attention of the
public lo his spectacle for Near Sighted Person
and for person who have been operated upon
for th cataract of the eye, and to his new kind
of glasses and Conarrver of the siht made of
Ihe best flint snd azure Glasses. Good Glasses
may be known bv their ahspe, exact centre, sharp
and highly polinliel surface. The qualities are
to be found in a high degree in his glasaes.
Highly important : The very beat Brazillian
Pebble I so universally proved to be far superior
to any other glass.
ALSO: Microseppe. Spy snd Quizzing
Glasses of every siz and Quality ; Telescope.
Magnifying and Opera Glasses, with different
powers, together wi.h every variety of article in
the optical line not mentioned.
tV Optical and other Instruments snd Glas
ses carelully repaired at short notice. Jlo can
always select Glasses to suit the vision of Ihe
person, a he sees them, upon the first trial. He
will remain in this place during November Court
snd those in want of the above articles will please
give birr a call.
He will, if required, go to any respectable
house where his service may be wanted.
J he very bpst and the best Hunt
ing Glasses aiwsys for sale.
October 17, 18S7.
Kew Marble HuUtllng,
Not. 199, 201 onrf 203 Baltimore Street,
HAVE now in store (mostly of their own im
portation) one of the largest and most com
plete Stocks in the United State, embracing
Silk and Bilk Roods of everp class ; Dress
Goods a vol v large stock ; Irish Linens ; Lin
en Goods and Housekeeping Articles of every do-
scnbtion ; Meurntng Goods; Cloaks, Mantilla
tid Shaivls; hiuSroidirics, Lares, Hosiery,
Gloves, Blankets, Quilt, Domestic. Goods; a ml
every article generally rexuired ky Farmer and
Planters for servants u.
llT" Koorr.s on first flc or tha price
affile 1 lo each article, from which ne deviation
is made.
Wholesale Rsoiii on the second and third
Octdber, 11, 1657. 3m.
'pHE STOCKHOLDERS are herby notified
A- lo meet at the Banking house on Thursday,
the ftlh dav of November next, at one o'clock,
P. M., for the purpose of deciding on Ihe expe
diency of accepting or rejecting the law legali
zing auspension ot specie payments, passeu llie
IHt.i day of Octolfr, lt57.
Bv order of the Board of Director.
J. R. PRIKSTLY, Cashier,
Northumberland, Oct. 24th, 1857.
samTki, ii. omrm,
OJJlce on South Second, near Market Street,
L E W I S B U R G , PA.
Practices in the Counties of Union, Northum
berlnnd and Montour.
All 1'koi tsHtoNit Hum x ess entrusted to
h's t are will receive piumpt and faithful atten
October S, 1857. ly
Runburv, Sept.Sfi, li7.
HY. FRILINO. bavins obtained the agency
for PUKKKS GIFT BOOK Enterprise
is now prepared In furnish any Book published
as retail price with a gift worth from 25 cent to
Godfrey Nanvtive of the Kan Expedition
bound in cloth, pnee tl.OO (with Gift.) Bound
in paper (ithut gift) AO cent.
Dr. Livingstone' 18 year' Exploration and
Adventure In the Wilds ot jflnca, xou, N vo.,
pages. One hundred splendid Engravjnes,
bound in cloih with gold, price ijil.00 (with gift.)
Paper edilion 50 cents (without gif').
Sept. 19, 1857. 6t.
.Tsis A. .11. B OT! i:iC,
Surcessor to Mrs. M. Hill.
Fashionable Straw and Taney Milliner
No. 463 (old No. 821) North Second Street, be.
low Noble, opposite Red Lion Hotel, Philad's.
t3T Pattern Bonnets made to order. Milli
nerv in all its various branihes. A call respect
fully solicited,
October 3, ' 857. 3wr3tn
rililE subscriber respectfully announce to tho
A public, that their new Steam Flouring M ill
in this place, ha, been completed, and w ill go
into operation on Monday tt, 3 tat day of A a
gus', inst.
Having ingiged a competent and, careful
Miller, tbey trust they will be able, with all the
modern improvement idopted in their mill, to
give entire satisfaction to ail w ho may favor them
with their custom. , ,
Sunbury, August 9, 1857 . tf
PORTER'8 Spirit of Ui Tim for al by
Augnst 1, 1857.
AME to the premise of the subscriber on
Monduy, the 7tb ol oepiemuer, mat., a
GRAY HORSE, about U or 14 yearaold. 1 he
owner ia requested lo come forward, prove pro
perty. py charges, and take him aw ay, otherwise
he will be disposed of according to law.
Koh tp., Prpt. 1, 1857. Im
T'HE Glasgow Poisoning Case Particulsr
-1 in the National Polic Gaxctte, tir le bv
August l.'ftT. H. Y. FRfLlNO.
HYDROLEUM PAINT?. Thea paint are
mixed with water, thereby caving the coot
of oil, for sal by
March 14. 'VI. A. W. FI8HER.
t.TiFR HVbR'S ftxDoaition of Mormon-
i.n lri. it I t.V fur sale bv
tVft. i, ist.-i. h. v. rnii.iNn.
RLort. . a i v-uLY inform th cltireh of
of Ijower Augasta township and the pub
lie gei.erally. that ho ha furchased the Store
lately kept h? Inaac Maris, in Lower Augusts'!
township near Itmerb h Tavern, and na jnst
opeuej a aplendrd stock of
Full and Whiter OOOD9.
Hi dock ronoiat of Cloth, Caaalmeres, Cassi
netts of all kinds, lined, Cotton and Worsted.
Also, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Mousseline
De Laine and all kind of I.tdie Drea Good.
GROCERIES, Hardware, Quecnsware of va
rious styles and pattern.
Also, an assortment of Ready. Made Clothing
of all description. Boot aud Shoes, ate and
Cap. HAlV FISH. Ac, and a variety of
other article such sa are Suitable to the trade,
all of w hich will be cold at the lowest price. .
Country, produce taken in exchange al
the highest market prices.
Lower Augusta I v. p., October 10, 1857. tf.
JVOTICE I hereby given ibnt the several
Courts of Common Plea, General Quarter
Session of Ihe peace, and Ogrhnns' Court. Court
of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery,
in and for the county of Northumberland, to
commence at the Court He use, in the borough ol
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
2d day of NOVEMBER next, and will continue
The coroner, Justice of the IVac and Consta
ble in and forth county of Northumberland, are
requested to be then and there in their proper per
sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and
other remembrances, to do those things to their
several office appertaining to be dune. Aud al
witnesse prosecuting in behalf of the Commnnl
wealth against any prisoner sre also requested and
commanded to be then and there attending in their
proper perwms to prosecute against him, a shall
be just and not to depart without leave at their
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to
their notice. - ;
Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day of
October in the year of our Jord one Ihotifatid
eight hundred and fifty-seven and Ihe Iiitle
pendence of the United States of America th
82d. -V ' .
God save the Commiwiwealfh.
Sheriir Office, Sonbury, )
gepV 10, IB57. , $y,
TTOR trial in the Court of Common Pica of
Northumberland County, to be held at Sun
bury, on the first Monday of November:
O. Lciscnritig a va G. Morris
L. Machan vs Hegin Sc Donnel.
J. 1). .Smith's ex'rs. vs same.
same . v same.
ame v same.
Abott for Justice nSR Wood
Wm Heittman, vs Jacob Hilbish,
Abiaham Druer vs John Bartholomew,
R. D Saxton vs John Simpson
Wnt K Mart vs J B Musser -
Eckel Raiguel dc Ca vs H Masser's Ex'rt.
John Bower et el tiS J McCormick
Philip Faust
M M Sober
Raguel Si Co
John Hess
E Helfenstein
C Ysrger
Ira T. Clement
vs Joseph Hogendoblev
vs t Mutcbler
V D Stewart and wif
. vs Catharine Pollock,
vs H B Wasarr ,
vs Jacob Gas
vs Wm Sheafler,
va Henry Vangaskin
F. Fryer and wife va P Sutsback et a)
Sarah Swenev, Adm'r., vs Samuel Tea
John Fry v Coinmis.ionersef Nm tliumb'd Co.,
Philip Sarvi v same
Geo. Sli.ill & Co v C. Smith
Henry LaUha vs M. Kluck
George Hurner v Mary Hmsirr.
A. Kissingers, Ev'r, v John W Stamm
Ira T. Clpment va A C Noyes,
Helfenstein for PMthono- ,,.
Nicholas Biociou
Leib for 7annuer
Samuel Savidga
Mowrey Peter,
Henry Weise,
iiviiit .1 rdicr
vs Calliarine RrOrtous
vs Sunbury Canal If Co.
vs John Smith
vs Bell, Lewi Sc Co.
vs Thos. Baumgardner,
v Northern Central R. R. Co.
va Frymira and fctout.
Jos. Trago,
Mrs Dorr
Jhn Young
Catharine Stroh,
Ann M Seiti
Jacob Hill.Uh
v John W. Peale,
vs Chas Stroh,
vs Henry Lahi
v John Weaver
vs P. Montague' adin'r
Henry Glar.t
Krieghaum William v Samuel John,
Samuel John vs D. Gibson and wife.
Franklin Potts vs Boyd, Rosscr A Co.
Prothonolory' Office, )
Sunbjry, Oct. 10, 1857.
No. 246 i c St. bet. Second j- Third,
(Opposite Hrceil Street,
S FIVES, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wire of
II meshes and widths, with all kinds of
plain and fancy wire work, ieavy Twilled
Wire for Spark Catcher ; Coal. Sand aud Gra
vol Screens Paper Maker's Wire; Cylerder
and Dundy Rolls, covered In the beat manner;
Wire and Wire Fencing.
A very superior at' tide of Jfeavy Founders'
Selves. AW kinds of Iron Ore Wire He i vi s.
Philadelphia, Sept. 19, 1857. c3tn.
jVyTJCE is hereby giveu that application ha
.hreri made to the Court of Common Picas
of Northumberland county, by the members of
the (ietman Reformed and Evangelical Lutheran
Churches in Upper Mahouoy township, for a
Charter of Incorporation under the name aud
title of the Trustee and Church Council ai St.
John' United German Reformed and Evangeli
cal Lutheran Church, in Upper Muhonoy and
that Ihe same Will be presented to Courl for a
bearing, tho first Monday of November next.
J AMES BEARD, 'roth'y.
Frothonotary' Office.
Suabury, Sept. 19, 1657, ( tc
Could't Patent, September 2d l."6.)
IJTOIt which a diplotiia was awnlc (1 the
Eifihth Ejliibition of the Mast. Chartluble
Mechanic's A socialion.
Tliis is an rntirely new eppltcalion of spiral
spring to bed, making a more coinfortnolo, neat
er, and cheaper pring neJ thin ha been oft'oretl
to tha public, applicable to old a well a new
3'he peculiar poiition efthe spring elevate the
head slightly, saving the trouble of building up
the head with extra bolster.
21ie construction is so simple, and every part
o exposed, that bug have no hiding places, and
the moit iuexperieuctd can tale out each for
washing, a ihey ate only fastened bv a button.
'J'li bpiing used are mad for these
bed on a Hslenl irsl Kpritig Machine. Jlie
public need only ee this bed to appreciate it.
The subscriber ba purchased Ihe right of
manufacturing, and selling, io Northumberland
county, sad will furnish tha srtiile at reasonable
11T 8ping put rn old bedstead for three dol
Sunbury, Sopt. IS, 1857. If
BLANK Deed, Mortgages, Donds, Warrants
A llschmenla, Comoiltmrnt, Summon, fta
pcenss. Execution, Justices' aud l)ot.subles'
r'e Bills, 4.., 4e.,ca bHir) by pplylng at
this office.
PICKLES of vaiious kind, Lobster, Sar
dine, Ac, 4, just received and for eal
at th Urug 5tor of A. W. tISII EH.
iinrmry, August I, 1ST. r
-fTrHOt.FJA!.E ANrtKTA!I.,litis "Phllmitpt.ta
f r Wstchne sad Jeweh r More," rim 14 (Old No. S
Niaih Seeourl Htreet, Cottier uf (Juarry, fhiladelphta.
Oolrl Lever tVaiehsa, fall JeWeired, IS caret Meea, pw,M
Uord r.i-prna, 19 earet, . iM 00
Wlver Jver, full )wIM, . J IS)
Wlver liepiiis, tewele, OS
Hiiperhif Quartiers, V 00
fokt Srweuele, t en
Kine Hilver ., I SO
Oold HeaeMa, IN
I.vdy'a OnM Pencils, ' I 00
Hilver Tiki Srxioes. set, 'SCO
0l Peiw, wil Pencil nrllirvr holder,' I M
Gold Fearer Blnsv S?f eta to SMI; Water) rewe, pUiii
191 els , patent IS, l.u ret S i ! older article In projKirlum
All goods warranted to be W hnt tliev are hi for.
r On hand some Ookl and Silver Levirs Slid l.epiuse
still tower tann lire above nrieea
PhihHit.lphin, Uckdier IU, IbJ, lyW '
In the Matter of the Settlement nf (hi totals
of Pelix I.erch, nf Mt. C&rme.l.
TVOTICK Is hereby piven that Catharine
Lerch, widow of Felix Lerch deceased
has made het selection of tho personal prop,
erty of said deceased, according to the Act of
Assembly of I4tb of April, 1807, which will
be preseutcd to tho Orphans Court for ap
proval oa Thursday, the Mh day of Novem
ber next.
October 3, 1857.
S61 f North Thira Street, 1 dtor below Vine,
SALES nf TViota snd Shoes, Dry OotnIs, f!nn, ttard
wars, Watches, Fancy Goods, fce.. EVKHY KVi:
NI.NO. I c" CJonntry Rlorekeerera anil others will elwaya Snd at
our Kveiiins rjlr a laifie and desirable anortmcnt el the
alxive t' d, to he sold in lota to suit Layers.
!ioods nnek on the premises lor Country Trade.
Bepl. SS, 1637. C 3m
No. 21 and 23 South Sixth Street, nctr the
State House, Wiladelphiu.
TeB floors nf this spacious l.uil.linp, crectT eitpreitly
for the Proprietors trude, are stored with Seeds aud iiu
plcleiltsof nrteiest to Farmernsnd Gariteners.
The suhscrihers desire to call the attention of every rrie
interested in Farniins an Garileiiin. to their well select
ed atoek of Agrieiiltimtl liiiplenieuta and Maehinery.
Hrejit v.inety nf Horticultural Tools, warranted Ounlen
and Fkiwer ceda, Grasa and Field Seeds of the most re
hali'b quality
The AgTirnHnral Implements told bv na sre mottl
manufaetnred our fteam Works. Hriitid, I'a.
Ilavnnj filled up this eanahlialiasrnt. without reenrd to
expense, with the most complete iniit-hinery, for llie man
uliicture of various kinds of Agricultural Implement", we
erenow prepared to sapply allartielea in thia line fully
equal, if noi superior, to any thing of the kind ever before
orTeretl to the public.
Have btien lief'tre the public for spwartls of eixty yeiira ;
their WHle-snrend popularity, and the ntauliy inereus
ing deni:nid year to year, is the best evidence of llieir
superiority over nil others.
tf Country mere hunts csn he supplied with seeds in
paper, or hoik, on the most lilierul terms.
Uluoniailale, near Bristol. Pa., our Garden Peed grnumla
contains three hundred and sevenry at-rea. and la tho lar
gest eatuulialimculof ita kind in the wnri.l
Nos.JI and 23 South Sijith Street, Philadelphia.
Beptemlier Stl, IH57. pr3m.
This well known remedy discovered hy my lata iart.
ucr Dix-tor G. J. f,eeds, is a sure cute for the aliovediwir
der, Sak-Hradaclie, and all other Neivous atTections. It
contains no Quinine, Arsenic, or other injurious inirterii
enla It strengthens Ihe sstem, gives tone to the toni.
sell, anil is invaluable hi'Djeneptics sud those alfielnl
with weakness in raw' pait Ihe svsteiu It is tpei'isllv
recommended to females troubled with Falline: of the
Womb. One bottle ia sufficient in most caws, wro-re t,F
Ilirectinnsare followed. Ceitificuro can be furnished from
sll parte of the Union.
Sr.Mby the Driiists srenernily rsrl hy J. II Hazard.
Wholesale Drusglst, and Sole, Proprietor 121 Jlaulen
Lane, New York.
New York, Sept. 15, 1867, v3in
'TltoCM ! for rrrrl, Pru to. Vtnlatf.!M. la
w pwrUflly PrMh Rt.u. !l mrj.irM m W, 8oM
K 1-emelTt. osla In.i.i i I. . , ,
avid wtMthlsM Iu tes.!'aa
la prtMnU Uiu jnjU tniV. rt,l,H, tf , lnveRtfr
'""" worm u ut Jr.lli;btJ, StBipI, ttvi soul
PxltiM inwM'-rfj is m in fwhf Cm miir try
to ilrirs:iat tVi srifU t. fa,lu ..m-.t.. t.J. .fi
olisi nretiel uu in kv sjsnuiMi ui7
ltUwrrstttrl tu kp 11 HleU pot an nr.1ti
tJirriMi Try H. mud ia ll r whor . (uiit
U fuU f ttisj c'sin thf incnvy ill ! rajfunJoJ
ILsj n.rl ii Pur UnsviuIlensUei TnttHi Gum,
s i viiviibits an ueeu ity vsutin.
1 L Hvfilmr i no M tuttroly b.w (In tht
!ft;t pcrtsvtly Kti.l.kod Mnot Mriove or -n
Pur) bail) TKnlfHtai mr..lA - .. ..
Tha aiieUlnST it Imvb snomrlt In U... at fasll-alsiss
rk. TVitsra U no Land ab ot it In Jelniiurssie IhJ
taa ooasauW t ii U ith. .,.,) r "Tt. I
Tu r,rinii,c f sl.alisirf htval J t e te-t fprThta
m avi.j u who hava ulea Uiant trill iim
fl to ati ar
,w. us i'-tum BUf n. -Oar
Sept. IS,1?7.
rfViC suusrrilicr oilers at privutrsulo the hotire
a. and I.ol now occupied by himself, situated on
(he corner of itiver and ldurlerry streets, Sun
bury The improvements sre a two story
nearly new, a Wash-house and W'ond hniise and
a good stable. Also an excellent Well of Wa
ter. There i also nn the lot a choice variety
of good fruit. Term easy. Vor lurther parti
culass apply to
Sttnhnry Sept. 12, 1857. tf
E8PECTFt'M.Y inform hit frienS. and
the public generally, that h ha just receiv
ed a New Stock of GOOD, at his new store, at
David Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town
ship, and that ho is prepared to sell good al th
lowest prjecs.
His Mock consists in part cT
srillXO cV (SUMMER fiOODcJ,
Groceries, Qneeuswaic, Hardware, &c.
an J every arltty usUBlly kept in a country
Treverton price paid fnr all kinds of produce.
Loner Augusta twp, Aug. 8, lbf)7. if
jpirTtRi: GiLLutr.
rEO. V. WEISE ha sain Commenced nnd
will continue to lake A Mil HOT Y PES, &c,
at hi Ituom above the 'ol Office. Persons
wishing lo have good likenesses taken, will please
call and see us. We will tuke pictures at reduced
price nd take trade in ps incut for the same.
All kind of picture copied.
bunbury.liigust Si, Irj7. tf
Dissolution of Partnership,
NOTICE is hereby given that tlio f.rm of
Dird. Douty Ac John, of Uig Mountain Colliery,
was this day (luly 1st, IHoT,) mutually dissol
ved by th withdrawal uf J. J. John.
John b. Docrr.
The business of Mining ani H.ippini Coal
trom th above named Colliery will herei tier he
earned on in th name of bird St Uouiy.who
will adjust all the unsettled accounts of ibol e
nrm. jiiHcrn hik ),
Shamoltin, July IS, 1857 if
fyA? every description, suitable for railroad.
" ckc, for weighing Hy, Coal, Ore, and
Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk
every icale is guaranteed correct, and if after
trial, not found satisfactory can be lelurned with
out charge,
Factory at the Old Sund.eiWis!ieJ for more
than twenty years corner of.Nintii i.J Melon
HUects, "liilsdulphia.
loecessor to Ellicolt fc AKbort.
rhlhvMpMs., ept. , iaHf,.-c3in.,
AV.. O. KIM DAI. I., .
if-- rwcon.e t resident of
inform the citizona nd otln
to form Ringing Clues, both St
nd will inipvrt inslructinn to H
to place therttsnlve mirier lit ehar
f N. B Mrs. O. Kimball is prrpstv
instructioTi to few more pnftl en li
Forte. , . y
Kunbary, Peptembcr 1 9, IR57. i
; fancy Furs for i.adii.s.
' JOHN FARF.m A CO., (New No.) SIR, No M.
ft. slsiva Kigbl, Phikidftltiliia. Importers, Mfinefactio
snddewlerS In tjidies, (imtlemeu sud t:hildres air
Furs. Wholeanie ami steunl, 1 K. & Co., would
the atlenlH.a m le,iiers and the Public senerully lo iht
Immense 8iek m Kaney furs for Ijiiliia flentlemerf an
C ililren ; their aasortmem emb sees every srtlele ,
kind of I- nney Ktirsy that will he worn cliirlnsr this sn
such as Full Cim, Half Crapes quarter Capes, 'JMimik.
Victorlnes Hons. MuOs ai MuSiitesii, fiorn the hrrest Rus
Sinn Snbln to Ihe Itiweet ptlec Domestic t'llts.
Kot Oenllemn thelnrei st assortment nf Fdf Pntriirs;
Gloves Gnunllets Sco., heinsthe direct imporleisof all out
KursaudMatntfiir'tiireraof them under our own supcrvi
shhi we fel we eon .Her heller tndiieemems t.V
dtfnb-rs and the publfa eenerally thnn any other house,
havitift an aisortineiitto select from and at the nlanufactur'
ais prices. We only nsk s enlfl
johs fnrmA rn
N.iStt Maii-ei fMreet slwe Highlh, riiliU'.
Phihdelphh, Sept. IR, IM7. wtm.
Benjamin Chandler
Bucli?r, Ayres, el it.
i Ne. 40, Aigvti Tern-',
157, August Uli, 16S7.
On motion nf William M. TJncke frl'cr, E:.,
attorney for pliiitititT' rule on Ihe above
ents to Appearand plead by the first day nf next
term to the sbiive action of ejectment for all that
certain Unci T piece of land, situate in Slismokii
(now partly In Coal and partly in Zerle towa
ships.) in the county of Northumberland, con'
taining two hundred and seventy. three seres',
more or less, adjoining lands in the name of Win.
Wilson, Peter Mowrcr, Michael Kroll, Frederic .
Kramer did others. Surveyed on a Warran
granted to Matliias Zimmerman. 1. cur.
Extiucted from record and certified September
3d, 1357.
JOHS 8. BEAKD, Deputy Troth 'ry.
rrothonotary's OIHce I
Sunbury, Sept. 4, 18S7. 1
No. 816 Chcsniit Strftt, nppotite the Oit ard
OOKl.'(;"(ilnss Vt'arem avitf Reposito-
of Art. EntrraviniT. Pnintintru. Pnrtrair
anil Picture Frame, in every variety, of lh InW
original anil r.uropcsn 1'atterp.s. 7'tcr J able.
Consols, Brackets and Cornice. The most ex'
tensive and elegint aHmrtment of Looking ('Iss
ues, of substantial workmanship, and at Auction
(old Modal awnrJifl by the Maryland Insti
tute, 1850. Highest Preja'r awarded by the
Franklin Iiiblitut 1855.
feptcmlier 10, 1SC6 c3ma
The $10 and $15 Singls and Donb'e
Threaded Empire Family Sewing
AN AGENCY for the sale of thes's Sewini;
Machines can be secured on liberal term fi-r
tho County of Northumberland, pio one need
upply without capitnl sufficient to conduct the
business properly and who cannot bring refer
ences a to reliability and rapacity. A personal
application w ill be necessary.
The peculiar adaptation of the Machine for
all purposes of Family Scwinu, will, where over
they are o lie red for salo command a rcsdv and
unlimited demom.
S. E. Cornef nffith and Arch fSta., Philadel'a.
Atigust 15, 1857. tf
J 1 NEKV018 DElill.lTy, after many
year of misery, desires to make know n tt all
I'ellow-suH'crers tlio sure means of relief. AiUr
enclosing stump to pay return postage, Mrs.
MAUV E. HEWITT, Boston. Mass., and th
prescription will bo sent free, by next pos'..
Auust f, lSor. 3m Pt
Whatan enormous Variety of Toys and
Fancy GooJs he has! Who? Our Friend
At o. 114 North 2nd St , ulore Arch, Phita.,
E has lust received diiect from Europe a
very iJrgo assortment of Toys of all kinds.
fancy Caskets, Pipes, Cnhns, teg,ir Cases, To
bacco Bove and an etidless variety of luncv ar
ticles. Call upon him bcfjre purchasing else
where. Pliiladelpliii, August 29, 18.17 3m51v
'IHE fclloning, from that eminent Physician
' of Phil.ulelpliia, Or. Ilrinrkle, added to Ilia
testimony of Professor Booth, only confirms
what is evidenced hy thousands who have usc.l
Hover's Dye.
"tii'Riito How, Ciinsfrsr r Stbi t.t. )
Philadelphia, 22d, J
"In regard to Hovi.n's .in Dtk, 1 can state
unhesilaliugly, that it contains no deleter! lilts in
gredients, and may bo deed vriih entiic safety,
and with the utmost confidence, and success."
Hover's V7riting & Indelible IiJis,
Are so well and widely known, as to require no
euloijy of their merits, it is only neossary lo say,
that the -Irmly and increasing demand", ?:ve the
best ew.!ei:co lhat liny maintain their character
for superiority; which distinguished them wlifit
first introduced, years ago.
Or.lers addressed lo the Manufactory,' No. 41tf
RACE street, above Fourth, (old Na. 144.)
Philadelphia, will receive prompt a'ttnClon, by
JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer.
Sep. 12, 1857. pri!25, '57, ch.
'pobaCCO and Segars SO.OOU Imported
Hegars of various brands. Eldorado, Fir
Cavendish and fine cut tobacco at
S anbury, March 14, 1857,
f?iV in Macket rt., vjjosite tin Court House,
('olIecliiiRs mail and Professional Hush, ess
generally attended te Promptly and Carelully.
ritiLAtirirtitA KrrKSEse :
llullilt iV Fairlhorne, Diehl 4' Wcrtz,
Uavis ti Uirney, F. Tylui &. Co
riunbury, June 20, 1(57.
Spring nnd Bummer Fashions for 1S5T
-A-T IF. "W. OrTUr'S
Market Square, Sunbury.
JVJOW receiveJ and will continue to restive
the targeft and lest sekeled rllock of
hlack Cloll.s, Cufsiikcrif, Camtnit's and
Vesting., i.e.
An assortment of Dress Goods, vix: Fney
printed Calicos, Chillies, piinlcd Lawns, Lie l.aius
ll.irepes, Meiiuos, Cashmorts, Alapscas, Drre
silks, (jiiitboailAiC.
Irish Linen, bleached nd brown Drilling, Sb
ing, J'llloacad'in, oVc.
Drcbs Trimmings In Groat Variaty.
Dj! and rjhoc
Hats and Csps,
Queens iv are.
SALT and FU, Cheese, Cracker, hegara.
Tobacco, NnutT, Ac , an aasorsment of other
Good too tedious lo menlioh.
FseUng ur"itcful fir paat favor w beg leave to
assure our old friends snd the public lh
ctlort co our part shall le wanting lo n
contmuiiic of our jutriMiar.
Country produce liu is. ticks I
highest tiiaikrt price.