A NEW POET. "The Dlslmnrled Volunteer," t correspondent of Hie N . Y. tJtinrlay Time., hat been to Nifipun, tit lin. been reqtieted to write mine poetry on the chief place, "f in terret there on the 81. lowrnce. lie coniplica and. sctuls the follow iug : To the Susnen.liln Hi luge, Kingnry River. Anormnus structorl Whnr, life like tit know, Diil the eonstriicktur. stand ns bill this rode Rite throe the nir ? Say, gentle mews, Wot hed Ihejr to huld on to lint, nl.m The mew. scs tiotliiii. O ! Jcrusntiun, Wot boyed em up ? Imni'jiiiaihin, fluted, Kant get the hang nf it ! ' '' I hev II now! They did it In balloons ! On l.nkc Onlnry. Giren are thy wnlere, recn as buttle glue, Heboid em stretched tlmr Tine Musholmigc mid Oswego hues ts cliefely kerched tlmr. Wunst the rrd liijam liwr took their doliglm, Fistit, lit and hleds Now most of the inhabitants is whiten, With nary red. the foetid Rcileck.lilns on fosslng; Tliroo Thousand Ilea. a O what a fury scne ! It peers to me As jf the strcme, ns fur ns eye ken see, lied with a shower of Hands re My mnile lien liherully peppered. Iineafniid They're truhliled with muskeeters, otherwise Thar would I like to lofc ; elsn lilin k-llius Is orful plenty, when the weathers h it, And makes you sware, witch I lied rnytlicr not, Ptingin a feller blinder than a bat, And his hed swrllill biggern's his hut ! Woll, seteh is life ; timr's nllns sum darned Nii.ig To take the tiu'uin outer Fancy's wing, And that witch seems mmantioal afur Proves, when you're near it, royilicr below par I On the Laaheen Ilnplds. Rushln on with uneommon foice, Faster by cliork. than a quarter horse ; Pteppin nt innrc'n a rncer's speetl, Throo the wust-looking channel I ever sect, Atween rocks whir It semed that we must be pinned, Town we daslit in the Jenny I.ind. What a gloryus pictnr it if, no doubt, But it's arler you're tliroe that yon find it out j For ns we sheered throo the hissen fome, I'd hev given n V to hev been in h m. 11 a- GEVTr.EMAK AST NO GENTLEMAN. The Into vienr of Sheffield. Hev. Dr. Sutton, cuce stiiil to the Into Mr. Vouch, n veterinary gurjrenr.. "Mr. Pepc-h, how is it yon have not called upon me Tor your account?" "O," said Mr. IVeeli, "I never ask a gtn tleninn for monev." "Indeed," said, llio vienr; "then liowiloyou pet on if ho don't rmv ?" Why. after nrertniti time T cnnclnnV that lie is nut a gentleman, nod then I ask him I' A Prayer CVt Short. Parson B. win truly a pious limn, and at tho lung graces, which usually followed tile inenls, lie mid the whole family reverent lv knelt, except the Parson's brother, (who heinir o'er much fary blo and overlonkitiK the trarden.) One day. it was summer time, the Parson was nntisua'lv favored ; not appearing to notice the fitljjety actions of his brother, who kept twist inc. nhont, nntil finding no end to the thaulss ln broke in with "Cut it, Parson cnt it fhort : th cows are in the garden jiluving h 11 with the cabbage !" "Pat," said a Yankeo to nn Irishman, ns they passed a tree near Harlem, with a rope hanoine from tmo of its brunches, "nhero do you suppose you would he if that rope had its deserts?" "Faith, Pd bo walking here all alone to New York 1" I5n content n9 lonjr ns your mouth is full and body covered ; remember tho poor; kiss the pretty girls; don't rob your neighbor's ben roost ; never pick nc editor's pocket, nor eutertain an idea that he is f-'oinfr to treat : kick dull cure to tho deuce : black vour on boits ; sew on your own buttons j and In sure and take a paper and pay fur it. Good practical advice. About the hardest caso ever heard of was a murderer named Stone, cxecutcJ many years since in Kxeler. N. II. Just b. fore the tope w.i3 placed around his neck, be ru quest being promptly ncceded to, l,e took the tnujr and commenced blowing the froth from tho ale. "What are yott doinjj that fur?" nejvously a.-ked the 6heriiT '!!ecttise," re turned tho perfect wretch, "1 dou't think froth is healthy." A Young and beautiful, but poor widow was about to marry a rich old widower. Iler friends wished to know why she wanted to tnarry hint. Who replied, "lor pure love ! J love the ground (mcuiiiujr the farm, priilmulyl on which ho walks, and tho very house in which he lives." There is platonic love foi yon ! Thero is none of your school girl ro niauce in that. A Barrister, blind of one eye, plendii p with his spectacles on, said ' (jetitleni m. in my argument, 1 shall use tintliiii but what is necessary." I hen." replied a wair. "take out one of tho glasses iu your spectacles." A Lady cleared her house of flies by put ting honey tin her husband's whiskers v. Lit Le went to sleep. The Hies stuck fist, uie when ha went out of the house he curtiei them olf with Lim. Pid you over l.now such n mechanical p... riius ns my sou ! s.iid an nhl lad v. lb- is made a fiddle out of Ms own head, and he has wood enough for another." "Boys," said a colored individual ilisclnsi g a small Coffin which he carried alonj under Li'clouk, "Hoys, duu't lauyh I'so u fune ral 1" A clersryman observing a poor mm by th. road breaking sIoiihs with n piekiiti., no koi-eling to get at his work better, made the remark, "A i, dulio, 1 Mtsh 1 couM Ineak tin tUmij he irln of my heareis ns easily as yon ar. iireaking thnsu ttoues." The man replii'.l, "Perhaps, master, you do not work on yur A Good Sixi. Tha Newberrynort Ui ruhl has nn account of several eases of th it frigh' ful disease known as the hhuh tmiijue, which have recently been introduced by some Whortleberry seller from l!owl,-y. Ji tt -a t attacked some children on lli'h street, but ( is the price of berries falls) is rapidly spread ing to, all parts of the town. Wasn't it mean in Powers to eJiistl a poor Greek Slavo out of u little piece or murble As Irish jocky, who was "fetlock deep in the turf," being elated with succs at win. ning a race, observed: "Ho me sow! I'm first at last I've ulwuys beeu behind bufore." There is a yotn;' li3y tip town who says that if a cart-whokl has "nine" fi Hows, it is a p.ty a womaa can t uuva one. Heusible citl, that. A down east parishoner asked his pastor "when he intended to misftVur the church?-' meaning when would their brick church be cov. Fred with its contemplated coat of mastic The ready response was "when I chews" (cboose ) A ben in Northampton, Mass , recently catcnea seventeen cuicueus iront sixteen eggR. Adam and Eve got mamed before they were a year o:a, una tne eturan i arr duck Ui Kith a widow at 120. KESOLUTION Proposing Amendment to th Constitution of th e Cvm m on weal th. RMPLvtCBir tn Phnatr and IIor or Rrtfr ATlVKt Of IHS CO.MMttAWBAl.TH vV I'h'SMVUVAHl 1 r.tKRAL A4KMflLV MKf. Tltllt ttl t"tllf Wi i nmeilltTrfJ 1 1 I o pnifMMetl ti tiie VvMiliiutitn til the nmmi nwcniili, in vconluneo with I ho piovimnnt of the tenth nrlicle thereof. There shnll be an nd.titlounl mticlr to anift ennttilutiim to be dusignultni ai arlirle rlvveii, follow ' AHTirt.R XI. O F 1 U 15 1 10 IJJS B T S . PrKfon I. The mto mny enntrtet ik-htfl, to mipptjr Ftisuiildt-ficiti or hiiluieii hi revenues, nr t- meot expntt-t not (Mlit'nvisv I'lovuk-H f"r j but tho inrfrrQitf nni"unt i.f tnch le!ti direct nml cwi'iiiecmI. whether rnntue tetl by vtitue (' une tr hi tr nctit the (ipnernl nwt mbly, or t rlitterent un nlinf tiiire, shuM in vt r exccitl Bvven hinulnd nml fitly iIiiiiummI tl- ti'trs, mi l the mntiey nruing ti'tui the creHti n "I it itl i (h bt. sNuil lie applied tn ihc pjrpfr wlneh il WHS tbtniueil,or hi repuy thedcblS fricunt rutted, nml to no nlh'-r pnrpnuo vhu'ever. " t?ecli'n a. In mlflith'ti to tho nlfiVfl limited tw?r th Into limy riMitruct dibts In repel iiiviiiri'Oi, fiip(.icss insur ret'ii mi, defend Hie ubitc in war. or t redte the prtent outstitiHliiiiriii'"btetliieiBof the tnti t but tho m-'iiey nris lng fr.nii lite f.'iiirurtiinr f such tlcbu tlmll be applied to nc t'ther ptirpits s wtmiever. tieti'n 3. Kxeepl th dt?bts n1nvc sjxvtrie'l. in'tloni one uii.l tw.) of tlim nftJcle, no debt wlmtevet h:iil be crrnied by, or on l hiill of the? strife, H''clitn4. 'I'm provide f ir t lie pnymeiit of ihe present debt, nud tiny uddttimnl debt eoulrivted ns nforewnd, thrt legtiitirtire shall, nt its first session, nlier tho tuKiption of tins nmuiiihiienL, create n siiikitif funtl, winch shall be iuificieiit to pay the iiccim-inR interest on such debt, mid 4Hin:i!I-1 ru.bire Die pnneipal thercr t n stun iml len thiin nvo hundreilnnd liny fKniwirl d 'ibirs; which ninkn in fund slmil consist of the net nnnivil in1 inns of the public w.-iks, from time to time owned by the sbde, or the proceeds of the ailc tf Die mine, or tiny pint thi ieof and of Die inc"in ii prtK'cds of stile f sleets ovt,'d by the stte, t'lyether with oiher funds, or res-Mirees. tlutt mny Im; desiaiimied by l,iv. The s'l.d sinking fund inny he increttied, foirn time lo tinn-. by n?irtiin& to it nny part of he trtxea, or other revenm-s of the snte. not re-(piir-id for the tirdiiwry inul ourrMt expenses of govern moil, mid itnlrss in tun. if h nr. invnuion oi iiiriirieeli.ni, no pint -f the wild bmikhi? fund shall iw lis'"" or nppiie.1 orhct wine than in extinu'iishnient of the public debt, un lit fhenm unt l sm-li debt is reduced below tna sum id five milli-ms nf dollars K etiftiS. Tlte ciidit of Die eom-nonweiillh shall nt n any manner, or event, tw pledged, or loaned lo, any in dividual. iMniptiity, ctirporatit'ii, or nssoemti.tii; n-T sindl the c Miitn-Muveiinii herenltee nee ine n jonn owih'iot st'K'khildet in any cmiflny. nfr uiHtiui, or rrpfinti"f. Sen ion fl. The c"!nui.iiwenlth Khali nd nwuiue the debt., or nny pan thereof, of nny county, city, borough, or township ; "or oi nny corporal hm, or tissociution ; Uiilesa such debt shall have Iiccii contracted t' rimble the slide to repsl invasion, su;pievs dorcestie insurre tion, deiVud it self in lime of war, or to oraiM the slnie hi the discharge of nny portion of its present indebtedncm. WCllon , I lie le.irismmic Plinil lim iiu'irmeu nnj i ty, riiy, bomunh, township, or incorponited district, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otheiwise, to become tockhidder in any company, nsrvoinrion.or corptnniion or to obtain money f r. or loan its credit to. any corpora tion, association, institution, or party, SKCOXDAMKNDMKXT. There snail be an"m1ditiaml tirliclo to said conslilutiuu, to b desigualed us article XII, as follows: ARTICLE XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county s'mll lie divided hy tine cutting off over one tenth of its population, (eiihei to form n new county or otherwise.) without the expietrsiuseiil of such comity, by vote of the electors therettf ; nor sbali nny new county be eslablished. contuiuiiig Icfs than font hundred squute miles. THIRD AMEXDMKXT From section two of the first ariicle of the constitution, strike out the words, "of the city of Philadelphia, mid of each county respeei ively ;M fr.-m section live, same article strike out the words, "of hili'lcipiiia and of the several counties;" from section ti-vei. same article strikeout tho w-rds. "neither the coynt Pi.iltidtrljihiu nor auy.1 und nserl in hen thereof the wonU. "and no;" mid strikeout siti -n I nir. suiue urlicle, nud in lieu tlieieof insert the t olio wing: "Seeii 'ii 4. Intheyenr one tliousnnd rtglil liuinlrcd nnd sixlv-four, nml iu every seventh year thereafter, rep resentatives to ihe number of one hundred, aii:i!l be appor tioned and disiiibuted equally, tlirough mt the stale, by districts, in nron -rtb n to th'nnmb-i of taxable inhabi tants in the several pans Miereoi ; except tht any o..un:y coiittiiiiins at hint three thousand five huadn d tt.viMes, may be ullowedu reouni'e repreteutai ion ; but im irnire ttiaii thfi e coxtilitt, shall be j i:ied. mikl n eounly shall be divided, iu Ihe torumtloii of n district Any city c tniain ins; a s-iHi'Mei.t mimber of tnxahks o entitle it tout bast two repicHeniafivea. shall have a srpuiutu representation I nssiuned ii. nnd shall be divided into convenient dislricis , of continuons territory, of equal table population as near I nsmay be, cuch of which did trie is sltall elect one repreaui- j tutive." At the end of section seven, same article insert tlieso words, ''the eitv gl ri.iindeiphin shall i-e divided into sin gle Fcnat'Tiul distrieis. of contiguous teriii rv us n-uriy equal iu taxable populali ut as possible i but no ward shall bcdi tided iu the fornintum there. d " Tlic b-clature. nt its tbtt ne-'nin. after the adoption of tlits amen.titienf. t-ball divide the city f Philadelphia into Sena'orialnnd representative distiicts iu ll:e maiuor alm e providtl; sneh distiicts to remain niiehaned until thfi nppportionment in the year one thousand eiht-hundied and sixty-four. FOT'KTII AM P.XPMKXT. There shall be nn adtblional Bectiou to the first nrtif'.e of said constitution, wliicli slmli be nunibcied und read us follows : Suction an. The letrislidnre sbaU have the owcr to alter, tevok, or anunl. any charier of iuc-rpor.ttio:i bereafier cnnterrcd by or under, auy special, - r general law, whenever in ihelr opinion if may be injui iou to the citizens of ihe e- nnnon wealth . in sueli manner, however that no injustice shall it U'.'iie to the corpoudom. In Senate, March 27, l?57. JTeft'iIvetl, That tliis res.da'ion pass. On the first aniendinent. veas i?l, nays 7. On the second amendment, eas i.ays f On the third Hiueiiibiient. eas 'Jl. nays 4. On the f -utth naiendmeut, ye..s naysl. Extiuet front the Juutnal. iJKO. W. HAMI'ItSLY, Clerk. Marte.tr, Mangle, M'llvaln, Moorchead, Musselmnn, Nr chols, Nicliolton, Nunemaeher, Tcarson, I'eters, IVtnkin IVwnnll, Puree 11. Rnmaey, Pliilndelplna.J Knmsey. (York) Itunmer, HolmriSj Kupp. lhaw, ttlonn, ToIub, Vail, VoegbrVy, Wtdter. Wesiuiook, Wharton, Zimmer man and Oct, Speaker 57. Nay Messrs. Aurthur, Augustine, Back us, Benson, Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver. Crawford, Kysicr, Oib iHuty, Bumilttm. Hancock, Hill, lime, HofTiuait, fliCba non.l Jneobs, Kerr, lebo, M'Culmont, Mumiim, Heerl, PmitV It.'ambria, pinilh Centre. Stevenson, Struthers, Thorn, vnt.vn.irhis, Vu-kers, WnonseMer, Warner, V in trrxle. Wl herow and Vriilit ai. So the question was deiei udned in the affirmative. t u (he qs est ion, - M ill the House agree to the third amendment ? The vent and nns were Inkcn ngrciiil.iv to the provi sions of the ir'iisn"tui(on,Bnd were ns f--Mow, vie: Yeas .Messrs. Anderson. Backhouse. Hall, Beck, Ben son, Bower, Browi , Calhoun, Campbell, Chose, I. leaver, Crawford. Biikcv. Kill. Kvster. Fan so Id. Foster, tiibls- ney, Hatuel, Harper. Ileitis, BeistaiuL Hitl, Uillegtu, II tf- man (Beiks) II flinnu (l.elnnou.) Iloneekeener. Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs. Johns, Johnson, KHUilmau. He 1,eho. M.s.r- Nichola. Nicholson. Nu in tern, IVinkin, Pownnll, Purcell, lxiiiaaker, vett. Mnuear, Mangle, M't'atmont lieail, Mamma, MU"StMitmn, niacher. Pearson. I Bamscy, (York.) Reenter, Beedr Hunp, Shaw, SI' mil. Smith. (Cambria.) Smith, (CeirtjC,) Steve ison, ToJnn, Vail. unvoortns, ickcis, oivii'ry, t ijj incner. em broi:k. Williston. Witherow, Wright Zimmerman and Ucfsr, Speaker 7-i. Nays Messrs. Arthur. Aucvojliue, Backus, Bishop, f'arty, I)H-k, Glides, Hnmiltoo, llnncock, Iline, Jenkins, Knight, Lctsenrine, M'llviuu, Bntnsey, (Philadelphia.) Boberts, Struihurs, Tlioin, Walter, Warner, W hartou and Winl ntilc "2f. So the question wns determined in the affirmative. On the question, Willthe II onsc agree tn the fourth amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to Ihe provl siona of the Constitution, and were as follow, Viz t Yens M cssts. Anderson, Arthur Backhouse. Backus, Ball, Beck, Bnsm, Hifhop, Bower, Brown, Culhoiin, Campbell. Cart y. Chase, Cleaver, Crnwford, Biekry, Hut, l'ysicr, Fiuisolil, Foster, (iibboncy, Oitden. Ilantet, Hur ler. Heiiis, Ilieslnnd, Mill, Hilbin, lli'llninu, (Berks) lloHinau, (I. if mnon) lbmekeeper, Iinbne, limes, Jacobs, .leii'siits, Johns, .lolnipon, Knuflmiin, Kerr, l.cM, Feiscn lihtr. Ionck'ip, I.ovett, .Mauear, lMimL'le. M'Cnhnout, M'llvaiu. .Muinma. Mussehnan. X ichols. Xir hotnoii, Xune maciicr, IVirwn. Petets, Pctrikiu. Pownnll, Pweell, lltunscy, Philadeiplihi Bamsey. (York ) Reamer, Reed. Koftrrls, Itupp, Sliaw, Sloan, Smith (Ciiinbria.) Smith (CenMe.) Stevennoii. Tolnn, Vail, Vnnvoorhis. Vickers, Voechlev. WnironselleT. Wn-iu r, Wcstbrof.k. Whnrton, AYilliston, Witherow, 'iinmrnnannnd tielz Speaker. ?3 Nays Messrs Dock. Hamilton, IIa..cock, Slruthers, Thorn, W ml rode and Wrtrht. 7. So the que it ion was dttennuied in the n;Tirmutive. St:t itRTAHVs Ornrr. ) Hattirburp, June 1.)7- 5 Pfnnfigtvanift. I do heichy certify Ihnt the above end f rt tfr-hif? is a true nnd ooirect copy of the "Yens" and ''Nays'' taken on the It solution proposing amendments to th Const tin tion of the Commonwealth, os the time nonears on the Journals of the two Houses cf the Ocii'TAl Assembly of this Commonwealth for lim session of l$o7. !-- l Witness my hnud nnd seal of oace, this L.S. S twenty-second day of June, one thousand eight hundred and Gfty-seven. A.OCURTIX, Secretary of the Commonwealth. July 4, 1P37. ' . KKW ARRIVAL OF J ' .'FALL AND WINTER GOODS J Ira T. Clement NO. 1, CORKER OF M AUK El SQUARE, AH just received a laige auriiily of Fall and WinU-r Ondla. lie will continue to eell Dry Gnoda and Oro- cerica CHEATLH thnn ever, aa liia gooda are bought chenp lliey will ha aolrt chei. . He fccla cnnriilrnt with lil experience and al'lllty, tlint tie can compete with ttie World at larse and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate articl" a if time and auuee would permit. It is enough to aay that he hna everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Utotk nf l!eadyMade CLOTHING, HOOTS AND SHOES, e., jr., that Is kept in nny other atore in town, and Hit banner is nn the breeze. And limp mny It wave O'er Iniid nf the free, A net the home nf the bmve While her 9tnr.and.her Puipe. Shine out like the Sun, Telling all nation. Thnt Freedom', hegnn. Thin is a free country n waa proved liy Ihe election of I) uchnnan over the Wnnlv Horae, therefore it is free fur nil In do their trading where Ihey enn UtY lie C11KAPF.ST. All are invi ted to call and fee. T11K COUNTRY, as well at the town aro respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, hih or low, lmnd nr free are invited to cnll at ?o. 1 MarkLet Square, opposite the Court House. P. is. He is not to he undersold hv nny ninn or combination of men. No charge for allowing goods. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Bunhury, Doc 50, 1856. Saddle and Harness Maker 4V IS THE HolIF nr.PBI'KTHVE, Resolved, TiMt thiiires lnti' n pas.. On t'.ie first nniend- rnent.ye:i 7f. nu8 Vi. t m lilt-sienna iiiiiciitltnenl, yen. 5T. ii'i:ll. tin ill." Iliirtl uiuci..lilii'iit, yen. nny. li-i , Diul on f.milh ront'iidinent, t;l, uuy. 7. KxliLiit iioiii the jouriuu. JACOD ZIEGLnn, Clerk. 8AIAEIAIJDER FIP.E AND THIET-PHCOF SAFES. The JoiBfst assortment in the t'nited States. Wnrrantcd to la equal to any now made, and will he .old on aa Good TVtiiis, as can he obtain ed from any other house in Ihe Country, at EVANH Ac WATSON'S 20 5oulh 4lh Street, I'liiludolphia. Trtth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. R,tort of the Committee appointed to snjicrin tentl the Rurninr o f the Iron Hafts, at Rend ing, February 27, ISO". Heading, March 4, The undersigned, incml-crs of the committee, do respectfully report, t'lat we caw the two t-ufes original. y atrrred upon lv I nrrelatSt llcrrtnganu Evans & Wntsnu, placed siilo hy tuile in a fur nace, viz : The Safe inuse hy the Paymaster of the I'liilmlclpliiii and Iieniling luiilroail Cmiipa nv, iu liia nliice at licailinj, manui'actuicd hy Farrela fc Herring, and the Safe in u?o hy 11, A. I.untz, in his .tore, manufacltired hy Evans &. Walnoti, and putiu hooks and papers precisely ulikc. Thejt'ire was utaited nt 6J o'clock, A. M.,nnd kept up until lour cor. Is nf green hickory, two cords itry oak and half chesnut top wood were rutin ly consumed, the whole under the superin tendence ol'lhc suhscrihers, mcinhers of the Com mittee. The Sufc were then cnolid oil' with water, after which they were opened, nud the books nud papers taken out hy the Committee nnd -ent to II. A. 1. anil's store for puMic exam ined and marked by the Committee. The hooks and p:ipcr taken from '.he Sale manufactured or I'arrels Ar Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than those ! luken from Emiiis i ntson's l-iafu. We believe the ul ove to have been n fair nml impartial trial of the respective qualities of both Sales. JACOI1 II. UVSII t:i;, HAMKI. S. HUNTER. Having been absent during the tunning, we fully coincide uith the above .latenietit of the condition nt lic popeis and books taken out of the respective Sales. O. A. NICOl.I.S, ii. ii. Mrm.KNnF.no. J .' KSMIl.HOI.l.ANU. March 21.1 SS7 HEINTH-S' HATJPT, JXl. .?tcce.ior to A. J. Stroh, BESPECTFUM.Y informs the citizeua of Hunliury and the pub lic generally, that he boa tuken the establishment lately occupied A. J Stroll atid ia prepared to turn cut work in is line of business equul to any made in thit, section of the country, Ordera promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken in Exchange Sunbury, May 9, JR57. ty Whistling Tackl3. Ited Cork, Crass, Cot tun and Linen I.if es, Out Lines, Sen fitnss hy the yard, Snoods, Flics, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Roils, &c., for aale hv March 4 1 . ':7. A. W. KIXH F. R. pEc:trTxv's OrFirr, t-'.led.May tf, 1-57 A. r. rt r.TiN, fec!ctar oi the Couinionwcalth Sl.fBKTARY's (HTICC, IlarinUuig, June I!.', l$o7. DE1 TISTRY GKOlidK IiKNX, KNOUNCKS to the citizens nf Sui.liury and vicinty, t'lat he haaoiieucd an olficein Sun bury, above II. J. Wulvertou'a oflicc opposite C. Weaver's Hotel, where ho is prepared lo attend lo all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in the latest and most improved style. All work well dor.e and wnrrantcd. December 13, lurid. II. DECOU & CO. Clothier 4' s, No. Cnr.srNLT Sr., a&i.ve Fourth, ritlLnDU.PHIA, Keep catiSumlv on a fjiltmlij r.fTjrtir.cm of Read y- made CI oth in 7. C-JOni MASK TO Ot'IlrR AM) to nr. Nov.CO, 18"G y Citrate of Magnesia IIH TASTELESS Pennsylvania, ss ; I iio certify ihnt tlic ;ilwuc and forctj-iMiff in true aA "nr- re t C"py ol urii;iiml "Itt-M'tlnt hut rt iv' li mi :niiriH-mt-iti nt' the tiuiuuliuiM ha the baiiie u-iuuim ta file in In iKsniBiuiy v:icn!if l have li-sri'iint i ati'J AHRANGEMENT I J 'i t'k Arrival of DRUGS, TAINTS, OILS, &c. 'B'IK undersincd mving taken the store for I merlv kept by William A. limner, ia now I ready to till orders und prci-ciipttoiis nt n mo. I meiits notice, lie has a iurge und well selected i stuik of fresh and pure I EKUGS, C7IE3IICALS, Dye-stud's, Oil, Puiuts, (ilass, Tutty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. 1'KI IT AM) CO.MT.CTIONAKY Tobacco and Imported 'cgars of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Uruxhcs of every varicly. Camphiiie and Fluid uhcttys on hand. Customer, will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and alt sold ot moderate prices. Remember the place, next door to E. i. Urijht's Mammoth. tStoie. A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 11, 1S57. TIIE DAUrillN & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. PJONNECTS the Heading Railroad at Au bum, on tho Schuylkill, (1(1 miles hehw Potiville.) with the Noithern Cenlrul Uaihoad. at Dauphin, on the tSusquehan ia, and willi th. fralih, Frasser, Crejgr, llania, j IVnns Ivania Railroad at Ho k vi lie. (5 milcr utiove tlarrib.iiirg,) and runs os jiassenger train in winter, and two p issengi-r train, iu summer through between A.iluiiu and Harris burg, each way, daily, (Sun lay. excepted.) on times orrauced la connect properly with these roads; with the Cumberland Valley ami Harris burg and Lancaster Railroads, ut Harrisbuin, and with ihe CaltawUia llailroad, and its north ern connections at Port Clinton. KI.LW f)t)D M (JURIS, Eng. 4 fc'upt. March 7, 1K57 Oni.pd. EROADWAY FAMILY GROCEHY! Flo'.ir, Fctu and Provision orc. Broadway hth.iv J:laUtrry Strut. LEVI SEAS1IOLTZ, IIKSPECTFI.'LLY inform the citizen, of 6- Sunbury and vicinity that lie has removed to the storo lately occupied by C. (ichringer in Uroadwuy near Ihe Rail Road, and is receiving a ehoicii supply of coiisibiing in iurt uf lldiiix. r'litmldcia. Mackerel. IJerrinp, White FUli, (-oil full, 8all TresPived Kruit, J ck Crackem. llu.-e.so, Molanse. Kire, Hugar. (;ultitfl, (krrot'ii, roakti'd and ground,) Im perial, Young ilvion, (Juiipowdor and IJIurk Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Hoanu, Itrushett plow and watb Iiiicm, boots and shoe, toburro, srgii.i, Ac, logtthcr with evry anicU usually found in a fin cluns Urocery Store, ail of which will he sold at the lowest prices, either for caoh or country produce. He hua alao prepared to sup ply the citizen with fresh bread, twut, rolls, pits, pretxels and cakes of every kind. N. 11. The highest cash prices will be paid for butter and egiis, corn, oats, rve and wheat. "unhury, April 11, IH57. " :i1 ' 1 lUtl "-'reiuiy's Oriifc, the Uay )sar alwve wrnu it. b'-Ttary oi (lie O'l.uu.unveulili. Is SrsATE, April i?, 1Su7. Ht'fr'liUitin pioiifHii.sr. o-fleiithv.-.-uta tn thi C'ilituti.n of Hie C.'imn-imvtMltft, bt-mg uuJer c iir-ulriutiv-u. On tin' titrninnt Wiil t !.. Sri.uut nrvt tii tin- firkt nmr tulnicnt 'J'lie yv i n:ii n-iyn were mkrn iirvf:il'!y tt!ie j-rovi tioiin td t;ie l'' nst n 'it H mi, tiiitl vtr un itiiiow, viz : Miosis iiivwt-r, lir.'Wne. C't!Vy, l'.ly. Kvnns, Felti-r, FifiuuUvti, l-'tu.cr, inL'nim, J -iil:in. KtlliimT. hn x, Ijiuuh Ii, l.rv, i?, Mt-r, rcttiii.l, S-!ici, r'iitiiiint, S'rrtt Srniuo, Wf.'fcl Wilkin, Wiighi m.ii Tjyuit, tSptvtki'r tfl ,nv AUffcrs. CraMi. rrcsswcll. I'i.inev. Gn-.'ir, Har ris. iViirnsf mid SiHitl.i'i 7 h' the tjiieU i u un i-iclcriuined ia tlic nlTinnutive. On t he ueeTiun, Will the Senate acre to tR'! s.T'tiii rtmcuilititint t The yeas uay wurs taken narcej.lily l rovi- MtK iif Colter it nti in uttit wnc as I ll-v. viz : Yba Mvfi, IJiewrf. lit wn. Cr-'naiVf!!. Klv. I'vatu Fetter, Fnin-y, f let.inlv.-ii. hij-iulil, J ftl.tti. Kin X, Ijiu-t.:iu-li, l.i fis. Mycr, ir!lerii. rl lit tii. p tutlit-r, HleeJe, S'rauh, V elsh, Wilsiiis, Wright mid Taeijuri, iSpciiUcr. 1 NaTh Measrs. OmT-v KillinfT'T. rctiKue and St- .iri,t b . the quest i ui wji du. iinihi.l m tli afuimutive. On (he (jiit-s! iai, V.I1 tlit Stii.ite .iiee V il,e third miHnenilment f Tue '. t nud i.ii were t;ki il uuieeulily to til; Coiutl tut 'M.amt wcieim i" ll'v. viz : Veas .MeBHS Hie'.ver, Ur -wn, CruMs Cresiwell. F.ly, Feat's, I'li-iunk'-ii. 1'rt-zeri liier:nn, .Im-thin. Kidniuer. Kti , Iaaltcii, I.L'Witi. Wy:r. -ti. !t), Si-il.-r , S.iuiimii. S U'lier, Steele. Mr-niti, Wi-:kIi, Wilkixn ni'i) Wri-ht tfl. N'iji it nti t.'ciiey, Lnei;ir llairitt inut Varhc i. H tiir qit-ti'iii wag ilcteriiiiiieil in the a SuuaUve. fa the ijtii ti' n. Wul the Sen ile asree tt the fonth nmenJinent ? Tue ye ttf an l i i s were tnkeu Utfrecibly i.i it ConstltU- tuii 'ii, ami were an f Hi-w, viz : eas Al' isrs Ui wer, Hinwae, CrTi-y, Crefweil. I-tv. I'v ins, I'l'tiaik a, Kfitzcr, Ihimii, Killiiitfrr Kit"X. I .an kicli, Lwi, Mvi'f, K- ifi' til. iSe'lfrs. Siiurnan. tau liter. tte"e, Straii'i, xli. Wi.ki.isuiwl Wiitflit -i-l. Au s y. t-ut. t r:iM. t- iimu'v. J'-nlitu iiml t'eur5ti- 4. bo tlis (iiieu in ws ileieriuiuel iu the uii.iniati', e. In tus ii vi ur KetiiXcen tativii, Aj.iil Sit, lb57. Ths iMitlutmn prop.isin aincnflni-ii(s lo the CmiMitu lion oi tlie C mv.a uM-eailii beinj uu-iti c.'iiUJderaUun. On t'te quistiv u, Will tin it a:ne Hn s t ihe flrM uiiienilinetit f Tire yihuaittl tm were t tkt-u agict-ithly to Ihe provi sions l the C aifcitinli-in. Dud uu the hrl p'lonohcj u.iiciid-nit-lit, wcie ui ii.il.iw, : e.i .li ta- s A iUer u. Allhur, ll.irkl) afe, M ill, IJeek Hisli , llower, llr-iwn(t'allrttiu, i.'iiiib-ll, Cii'is.', Ciea vi, ITawl' -r.l, Di.-ivey, Kut, l.yst.-r, Faat. .Ill, F-.t,.r, il.Mi ne. , liil.i a, II iiuel. llaiii rt Ueins. Uitdhuiit, Mill, llt j; ii. II itniati, Herki-J luiUrie. Imus. Ja 'lis, Jenkins, J !.,.. in, K iuinaiin. Keir, Knight, Lfis.-niing. (.m iker, l.vi tl. M uiiir, Iauh . M'Calui -tst, J M'IIvuim. Motrin id, Mainnia. Mti)u.liii.iii, Xieh ils. Nu ll Is n, " Vti.ifiiijM her, ivir..i. Peleis, irikt-n, )Wiull, Pureeli, KaaiFey, (l'iiil-iIHilui,i l(amse.y.(Vork.) ht-amei. Heed, lt..erM, l(npi, fliave, Kioin, Sunt It. (OunUriu) Smith. (.VtUre) St.-v.-iis ai. T-'lan. Vuil, Vniiv.KirliiH. Vlekers, V-.ryl.lev, Wd trr, WeMhi.t k, Wliarl n, WtliMtmi, Wilhcruw, Wiik'IiI. X.innu'Miii.in ami (iris, Hp'akerT4. Na Al-nirs Uwkua, liens n, htck IlnmilMp. Iluu c k, Hie, M -Hmun. (LrlmmHi,) 1-eho, Sliuthers, Tnoru. Warner und Wiutr.Kle Vi. ti the qn.-sthm was deterinmed iu the affirmative. On the qm-sii'iii, Will the II us'i tutree to ths second inendincitt The yeas n nil nuvs were Ui ken grecalil to the provi sions of the C HistMUiiuu. und were us fnllow. vii: Veus Messrs Anders n, Backhouse, Lla'l, Ueek, llow er Cnlli iun. Camiihell, Cany. Knt, FsitS'ikl, Kosrer, 4i:ldes, H jinel, ttarir. Ueins, lltestaud. Ililleirus. H"if- I man, (Berks H mseKee,)cr, Imbiis, liuies, Jenkins, Jchns, iehttsos, KsnsTmsjitliii frit, Lsistnrlng, LoivfHksr, st S A h T S . 'IHTS prepar-ilion h recoiitnifudrJ ns nn rx -- ci'llrnt laxnlive ami puriilive. It operates mildlv. ih entirely fret from aiw unpleasant taste resembling lemonade in tluvor. prepnted ;iitd sold by A. W. riSilKK. Sunliurv, March 11, lS.r.O. I u 1(1. nd MADKKfA WINES, Schiedam eicluiapp.. Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender hrandiea fur medicinal purpowi at ri.rch 14, '7. A. V. FISHER. AL! IM It KKSilt Importer and Wholesale JhntUr in SAl.'J 38 South Wharves, Philadelphia. ".l.-v ASH I'O.N Kine, Liverpool (i round VJ . 1 uika Irdund and Dairy Piilt, e in X)X?'la:itly on hand and fur tule in lotn d-iiSZi to suit ihe trade. April i, 1857. nm " HOVELS llfaUID HAlKTLYEr Th's hair dye mints only a trial to satisfy oil "f hi ner t -i t us as u live, mid the foliowintr tetnn-Miiitl irm ih:il eniiiieiit Analtif i.htMnii-t, i'iitLH.'r li."-i!i, oi ti, t.. Mint, will only t'-uifiiiu wi:al iImukjihIs iiue tv Viuusiy iHirnn ivm nn-!!) hp "LADOHATOKY FOR PKAfltOAl. ClIfMISTliy, St. il tiliii Place, Piiii..im:l iiia. I'tliiuaiy i:ih, 1: "ueinz wel! tiPtitiainii-d With Ihe ihFtaneea eoitiposiit! 110OVKK lT(jt ll U.MU VK, 1 lllll lt ISliol t!lt by n! iw tux the Htniiilf itirt-eiiniis tfv!i l-tr its tin', it will n iitj'ite ti:e Hair Skin, I. nl will gi e a inluial undduru- Dte uia.'r to uu nair. JAMKS C BOOTH. Analvlir Chemist IIOOVFU'S WKI'IIMi INKS, imiudi ll-mver's riuul. Hud Manet's Inileltihle Inks, uie too wi-ll kiinwn nud intiofhietit to require, tiny additional testimony ol' (hell ehanu-UT. The sales have let-n Miereasiim since their fir.t introduction, pivuiif evidi-nee that tlie artu-ics tiulv p'lst-r lliat intiiiisic uieiit ciaiuifd m Ursi f.i them hy ihe M:iir.iri'cturer. Older, oddrewftl to'lhe Mauufacl.irv. o. i Id ItAI'K street a!.ve Ft IITII , ( ld Wo. Ill,) Philadt Ij.hia, will receive prompt iitleiitnn hy JOSKPII F. UOOYKH, Miinuiacturer riiilndelphin, April ii, I .-67, ly ' AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, ton Ttin rapid curb or Cold . Couffti9 nnd llonrsciics fsntnttB, Maqi., 90t(i Dc Dn. J.C. Atfui Iritf oot heitt tossy tho twnt rctnrdy I hitr srr fouod fir Omifths. tftNinwiiMS. Inflnenu, snd ths co4icoiiittnt symptoms uf s Cold, Is jnnr Ckkhhv Pbothial. Its ccwttftnt nte ts tny prtirs snd my fmully for th lost twi venrs hwi shows tt to pntucss tap-. rior vtrtnes fur ths treatment of thets comulalnts. K II HN KMUilT, M.D. A. B. MOHTLKT, Ki.. of Cno. N. writes : Ihaw nseil tour PrcroRAtnxMelf and In my fsmllvever stnos you Inrnutad It, and bellevs tt the bwt Ileitis ftvr tS pnrpims ser put out. With s bad cold t should sooner pay twenty fHs dl)ars fir a botUs than do without It, sr tuke any otlier mmedy." Croupy Whooplntr CoitRh, Inflaenxn. HfRiNonsi.D, Mtm., Feb. 7, lHf6. Pnorna Armii f will cheerfnlly certify your PKcTnsAt Is tho 1ret rcinvdv w pnMess ths cure of irav-pms Qntft. C up. fttid the chest diseMea of children. We of yuis- fratentlty In the South sppreclsts your skill, snd commend your medlcins to our people. lmlAM CON KLIN, M.D. AMOS T.t!H, He?q., MnTERBT. Ta., writes, M Jan., 1 : "I hsd a teilhnis Itidnenza, which eon lined me In doors six weeks; took many niedieines without rsiiut; nnany tried your Pectoral by tho rwlvirs of our rlerirymnn. I Tho rirat fbvx rellere.1 the soreness In my throat and bm: thnn one half the bottlo mode me completely wnll. Tour medicines art tha cheapest as well as the Iwst wo can buy, and we ent.-m ynU, Doctor, snd your reins diss. a the poor man's friend." Asthma or Phthisic, nnd Bronrhiti. W'-sr MavcRrsrsa. Pa.. Feb. 4. lH,r.rt. Pis: YonrCnrSRT PnTonAL is erfonnln- manrrlloua Cures In thi serthm. H ba relieved aeveral fnmi alann Inyc svniptoms f consumption, and is now enrin: a mnn who h.v litborcd under an nflVTtiun of the luii)o for tha hurt furty yesrs. II iiNKY L. PARKS, Morcliant. A. A. RAMSl'V, M.D.. Aimov, Monrob Co., Iowa, writes. Sept. A, IW: nm liiir my prnctlce of many years I have found not Id nir equal to 'your Cm.Rnt Puctorai. for I tvix vaQ sad rt-U.'f to consnmptivo patlouts, or curing such as are citaMe. We mifiht add Yolumei of Tldance, but ths most eore Tinrlnp; proof of the virtues of this remedy ts fbUDd In its flscts upon trial. Consumption. PnibiiMr no one ronn-dy has evr been knawn which cured sn mnny and such riimfierous encos as this. Boms too human aid can rm h ; but Tn to those ths CbkR&Y Pectobau afT'irds r!Iif and corofort. A-itor Hws. New YoitK Crrr. March 6, IRfifl. DOCTOR Ati-s. Lwell: I feel It n duty and s plessnrs t lnfnrm vou what your CnsitRT Pectoral has done for my wife, "the ha 1 tleen five tnontha laborhiK under tha dangerous symptoms of tVmsutnption, from wnich no Rid we crmhl pnieiire fr:ive her much relief, rhawas steadily failine. nntil Dr. tinonir.of this cPy, where we havocom for advice, rerommnd'Ml a trial of your medicine. hi Win-In.'", as we do your skill, for she has rscor ered fmm tJiat day. rhe is not yet stroii(r as she used to be. but is free from her cough, and calls herself wall. Yon i with pratitnde ami regnm, OULAMK) bllKLUY, OF Bun.liTTn.LB. Omntmptiw. do not despair till you have trlwl Atrh'b CnERRT Pectoral. It is maile by out of the best medical chemidts In the world, and its cures all around ui th'Spiuk tha high meriU olits Ttrtuei. j'mouietpfua juttger. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. milK Mlir. of Cli.mi.try and Mnltclm li.v. ln X taxed tliolr olmcnt to produc. thi. lt, mrt porfrot purgntivo which 1. known to man. lnminicrnlil. proof, are .hown tlm thrso I'ilui h.ro TlrtiiM which .urpiw ia .xcellenc. the ordinary medicine, aud that they win un- preculenttMlly nixin th. e.tcrm of all mn. 1 hi-y are not. and pleasant to take, tut powerful to cur.. Their pen. tratlng propertic. .tiniul.te the vital tiritlf or the body, remote th. obstruction, of IU orRnm. purify th. lilood, .nd expel dikousa. They pni-g. out the fnnl humor, which breed and gruw li.tcinMT, itimnlat. .lucicnn or disor dered 01 pin. Into their natural action, and impart healthy tone Willi etreliRtll to tho whole ly.tein. Not only do they euro th. eferr-diiy coni;ihitnt. of every body, but .lno forniMatde ftnd daiiKroii, diwawi thut have bafSed th. tiest of human .kill. While they produre powerful effect., they are at the same time, in diminifhed donee, the latent and bent phyalc that can be employed for children. ltellijr Binpir-otMited, they are pleamt to take: ana being purely vegetable are free from any risk of haim. Cure, bar. been made which wirpn.t K lief were they not nb tantiate.1 by men of .nch exalted pnnition nd character u lo forbid tho .n.pi.ion of untruth. Many eminent rleritymon and physician, have lent their naiiici to coitt fy to the public tho reliability of my remedies, while oth ers have sent me tho assurance of their conviction that my Pi epiinitluns ct'iitribitte Immensely to tho relief of my afllicted, sufii'iinjj fellow-men. The Agent below named in pleased to furnlrh gratis my America Almanac, containing direction's for their use and certificate, of their cores, of the ft.'.lowinn complaints: Convene., ltilioiis t'empl.iiuts. Kheuniatim, Dropsy, Ilenttbiun, lle.-t liu he iiriins IVoiii a f -ill Moninrh. Nail .ea. ludie.tioii. M.'i-bid Inactlnn nl'tbe H"wels and I'ain aiUliiK Ho r. firm Hntiibm y. bus of Apiwtite. all l.'lcor- ous iiikI ( iitalieons l)i wl wl.i. li re(i:ho an evaciiaiit M. J..ine. S r.ifnU or lilim's Ksil. Tln v Also, by piuifj Ine: the I'IkI and stinmlnlhi the system, cure jimr.y complaints which it would not be iipioc. they could reach, such a. Ile.ifuc... Partial liliudite.s. NeulMlsia and Nervous liiita'ii'.itv, I'eranitetneiit. ol the Liter mid Kid neys. Uout. and oilier kiii'h-d conipl.titits ari.in from a low state of the lio.ly or obstruction ol its fnnrti'-lis. Do not be put ill by unprincipled denier, wllh some other yill they make morn prolit on. A.k for AYi:n's Pilij, and lako nothing else. No oilier they can fctve jou compnr. s with Ibis in its Intrinsic saluo or cnmlive pone:.. The sick want th. kest aid there is for tbeoi. aud t)cy should have it. I'roiai U ly Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Cliemlat, lowoll, Masa. l'aici Crs. plr lui. Fivit hoim roa tl. 301.D liV A. W. Fisher, Punhury j Ilird John, Slwmokin V Wirmei, Northumberland j J. K. Caslow, Milton; Hay. MaCiMinirk, McKwiusville and hy all Drufgist. tliroucliout the r.iunty. Aoguit lit, IBOC iy rpilE lubacritier roapectfull; in'orma th till- men. ui Buulrur; and th public generally, that he haa commenced the manufacture uf ell kind, ef EARTHENWARE, : at hi. manufactory tn Whortleberry Street, one equare east of the River. He ha rni.ieil the eervire of Mr. II a nr. and u can therefor depend on hating Rood articl. The public are re.uecttully Inviteit to call. All order from distance will be promptly attended te. I M.SHINDEL. Sunbury, Fb. 9, 1858. tf JOS3 II. ABjLEIV .t CO. No.. 9 mid 4 Chestnut Street, (south .Ids, below Water,) (T Oi.dsst Wnon-WATii Hntr.l IK ina CiTt.) A I AMrFACTUnKR3nndWholerale dealer, in Patent ,,1 iiiiienioc inifiiu nnow.ue, ruicii. vnni- Ware, warrented not to .luiiik, Wood and Willow-War. Cunls, Brashes, An ,of .11 descriptions, fl.as. call and exntnuie otir .toelt. February 8, tSST. ly w Shnmokin White Ash Anthraoif Coal From th "0V Vtn" in (A Out I ollu-rv. JH. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. K M I;t-l l., lll.M.n. I. 1 T 1 . . . .l, v n.e, iici u vu.. T. in iih;- tiuue mining, .hipping and .filing Coo! tun tl.c abov well known Colliery, unilef Hi firi.i t .iramnmin ot l urael. 1 he poihMil .1 it n . n la at th lower wharf in Sunbury, Nunl land county, Pn where all order fur the variou kin.i. ol coal, rin Lump, Broken, teg, Mm, .... ..c..u. ui, win u luanklully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, StJBt T, Jdit , HSft. Th firm of Kasa, Reed 4 Co. h.vnui sold their leaae in the Gap Colliery and inteie.t in the wharf at Sunbury, to Meesr. Zimmerman A I'urscl, would take great plrnmreiu rcconimf tid ing our customer, and othere tn the new firm, a. thoy will be tbl to sell them prepared coal f the b.st quality, KASB. RF.EDA CO. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE, ME aub.cribcra, Executor, of tho eatats of Henry Maa.cf, dee d., offer at private aale the following property vizi A large two atory Irutne dwelling house, together with abeut BO ACRES OP LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman aa a store and dwelling. The house ia new and tha location a good ono for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in said township on tho river about 5 miles be low iStmliu, y, adjoining lands of .1. T. M'I'hersnn ami others, containing, about 90 acres'. The soil is productive and contains limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing about 35 acre on the bill, about two miles below Sunbury, adj. lining land uf the hcits of tire Inta John Lunradnnd others. I here is, on thi tract, a .mull orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. II. II. MASS'KR, ) P. R. M ASSER. S Executors. FRANCIS HUCHER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1856. tf HATDOClt & PTTmrr r IWltTTm i- ... ; will continue tha business at th old sin James B. Fidlcr, v No. 12 South Second Stret.t, rHILAUKLPHlA, w nere tney eolicit nn examination of t'icir lare and varied stock, feeling assured tln.t t!i , v; e rience both of them hav hod in the bunue'ss. and the I'ac.ilitic they possess fur priiirii goods on the most advantageous term, vnll ena ble them to compete favorably n lib nnj oilier establishment in the city. They have nuw or" haud a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWE 1 IiY. Silver, Plated and Urittania Ware, ( utiiry, Fancy Goods, Ac, Ac. N. B. Repairing of Watches and all ri nu'a of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest care. riiila., April 7, 1855. tf. NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAIll I ART, TAS just received nrw and excellent assort ment of goods at bis CoufiTtiuiiary and Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Suuluirv, where he inanufucturi'a and keeps on lmnd, at all limes, the mwt choice (.'oiilictionary, &c, Whulesule nnd Retail, nt IMiiludcljihia piu-e.. Among his .tuck ol" C'unlccliunarica, may be found : Cam tr. ips, .11 k inda nf scent, l,ov Dions, Jlint lniis, red and white, Jelly Cake, FlUlt Itrops, Stick faiailc, of .1 scants lloek tudy, Atm 'lid Candy, rsuiT. Prunes, lies, Cilrons, Iliii-r.il., Nuis if all kinds LEMON SYKU1' of a superior quality, by the single or dozen. A superior quality of tSegnra and Tobacco, and a vani ty of Cuulectiunarics, fruit, &c, all of which is otic u'd cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He has al-- opened on 'co ('ream Saloon, ami nillut all times be reudy to serve his customers with Ire Cream. hunbury, Muy 21, 1 8 ." 6 . ly French Secret., lturned Abiiuitds, rreain Wlllte, . l-ell-lt! H'e, Vm.illa. Cumini'ii rkciets. Li-iuorice, ail.nas, Hales, Cnrruiit. dlitj, Alliluud., IVcw IiugN, Paint, NEW supiy nf Itrugs, Paints. Oils. J Fluid, SiC, just received and fur sale hr A. W. FISHER. Kunbury.Muy 2, 1857. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'8 Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restur, inir Ihe polish on aU kinds of Furniture. GUss, Carnage llujii s. Hair t 'lolh, Ac. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, 4c, &e. War ranted to dry immediately aud retain its gloss. Price 60 cu. per bottle, bold by A. W. FISHER. March 14 I SIT. llEDniXO FUKNISUINU IJL'SINKSS Cabinet Maker's Pintlings, The subscrilicra respectfully inl'orm their friend, and tho public gcuemlly, that tin y liavc cminec ted with their Redding & Funnelling business lare nnd well assort. d st ick nf Cabinet Maker's Finiliin;, ut their old sljnd No, 83 South Second Street, Mow Chestnut, rrilai!tli!ila. 31iey have associated with them W. P. ,'rou n vrhu has been fur ninny veurs ouiaged in the piiiicipnl fslalilisliment of the kind in this city. The flock ul't!o..ds now on hand comprises every description of materials used by Cabinet Makers, consisting in part ot the Mluwing. viz; Hardwire department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors. Z."d Screws, Chair and Sola Springs, Collin Handles, Ac. Cabinet Maker's Materials, Hair Peuting, Curled Hair, I.noLim; Class Plates and Frames. Clue, Varnish, Sand Paper, y.'nrUps, Zilnck and Fancy Silk and Woiilcd Gimp, Sol'.i and Chair Webbing, Twine, Sacking Bottoms, Cose wood, Maht.g.iiiy, Walnut and Maple Knobs, Cluss Screws, Ac. Bedding Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool aud Cotton Mattresses. Fiuther Vi. ilM. Bolsters nnS Pillows ; Plusli, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Comfortables, Counterpanes, Linen and ('niton Sheets, Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, Table Cov ers, Moreen, Demask and Plush by Ihe piece, .it oss ami iiikk by tue Hale or pouml. Tiie Hair Seating nnd Curled Hair ia from the 1'hila. Manufactory of D. A J. Noblit. N. B. Hotels, Steam Boats and Ships fur- niaiied at me snortest notice. NOil.lT. Bi'OWN A NODLir, :i .Soi '2nd St., below Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Bank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, tugust 9, lS.'.O ly. PHILIP H. PTJ3.D7. WHOLCSALI l!n DETAIL Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, 5. E. cor. Walnut and Water Strctt.1, rillLADELl'HIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4, lt.56. tf BRODHEAD & ROBERTS, No. 13."), .V. 3 Street, PHILADELPHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to iheir stock of BOOTS &C SHJES, which they will dispose of on lk most reasou able terms. Nov. 0, 1856.. ly BOAT AND MULES FOR SALE. ' rfVIE snhsiriher offers at private isle, Pl.Y A (it M ID Ml LES.and a good SUA W.NEB BOAT, with fixture. The abova will b s d cheap, and on reasonable terms. j.M.-i.U SEA8HQLTZ, agent for JOHN BLACK. Hunhurv, March ii8, IH57 tf MOUNT CAR. MEL HOUSE. MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Fcnn.iyli'ania. rWHIS large nnd commodious Hotel is situa II ted nearly half way between Sunbury and 7'otlsvillo. The scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stones high, fitted up with all the modern con veniences. Tho pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. Tho place is easy ol access, being but one and a halt hours ride fiom Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 mile. Every attendance will lie paid by the prnprie tor to make gue.U comfortable. Charges mode rate. JKSSE RICE. Ml. Carmel, May 21, IPSO if E. NEWLAND &T Col .soiling masses. Picture Frnmrs, Kngraring. and Painting., No. 125 Arch Street, above Sixth, (Lute ofSlS North Second SI.) PHILADELPHIA. GLiKni.s opgx niit to tisitoih. Merchants and others visiting the City who may want anything in our line will da well to give us u rail. FcLiunry 23, IS'.7 Sm f.r ft.;. A MS V ARR A NTH. Tb highest price -,wUI b given foe Land Warrant by th ub rib. H. B MAB8EB. ATI 022 CHKAP WATCH AND JKWKLRY STORE .Mj.7a ior Second Street, (opposite IA 4'jouni rrnon uouse.) Philadelphia. fl 01.11 Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, e. ses, .tZSj Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil- ver l.epiue, lo., $9 : Qiiarticr. S5 to 7 : Gold Spectucles. 44 50 to -fi 10 ; Silver do., $1 60 ; silver lalile Sjiouns per sett, $14 to $18 " iK er IVs- rl do., do.,. to $1 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., I 7ft to 7 50 ; Cold Pens and (Jold Ca sts, 25 to 5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1 toy-ether with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry rtuM (. urb , tiuard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in Ihehest manner. Also, Ms sonic Marks, Pins, rlr., made to ordor. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will lie punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, IB.IC lyw. j.s.s. irovK't. Iaite uf Iho Union Hotel. Late "f the f.rin nf Stevens, lMlingshrar! .V, Co. NATIONAL HOTEL, (UTI WillTI IWII, Race Street, above Thiri, riliLADELPlllA. r"IIIE above well-known Kstjblishmenl, have. 1 ing been entirely remodel nl, introducing all the modern improvements, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened for the reccp tiun oi iiuests on the FIRST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. The proprietors, from their doterniination to devote their attention to the comfort of their guests H itter themselves with the conviction that thoy will no ahlelo give snuslaclion to their patrons' Carnages will always be in readiness lo con vey passengers to and Iroui Steamboat Landing ami liatlroau Depot. SIDES STOVER, Race Street, above 'I bird Philadelphia, August 30, lSoG. ly WIIOIIS.LI A Nil RlTAlI. BOOT STORE, 40 South Fourth S.t, abort Chesnnt, Fhil'a E BOOTS, Shoes, Gailt-rs. Sic, promptly made JJ to order iu the very best style, and of the oesi material. Philadelphia, May 9, 1637. Leather 1 Loather ! Leather 1 IIK.MIV W. UVERMAN, 1MPORTKU of fremli Calf Skins and seneral Leather dealt r, No. B Auilli Tlilril street, t'liilarlphia. A lieaeral assiiiiieiit of .11 kuals uf Lealli.r Monxu., -., P. tied and Oak Hole Leather. Ketiruary V", IKxf ly w ALIiX. L. HICKIIY Ac. mnx, n.m-ricTciiEk or TRUNKS, VALISES, &C, 140 Lhesnut Street, front of Janet' Hold, PHILADELPHIA. L. C. IV US' I'roduic aud Fruit Store. No. 15 North Wharves, Philadelphia. Shipping and C.uulry Oorder. promptly filled on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold on Com mission.. Apples, Bananas, Pine Apples, Itiicd Fruit, Unions, Urunges. Shell Harks, Kaisins, Beans, Lemons, V bite & Sweet Figs, Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoes, Poultry, 'caches, Ground Aunts, Chesuuts, Eggs, A-. Foreign and Domestic Product and Fruit gen era 1 1 y, February 28, 1337. ly A SIMMY TOIt SILK. 'VII E aubtcriber oilers for ale his SHANTY, 1 Cook-Stove, &c., uu th Rail-Road below, Trevurton Bridge. Apply iooii to H. B. M ASSE R. Sunbury. April 2 1857. FOB SALE. 4 Good second-hand Buggy. Apply at this FOR DCIEISTT. fllHE Store Room in Market street, occupied 1 by P. W. Gray and the duelling house ad- joiuinu. Apply to the executor of II. Maaaer, deceased. January, IT, lRftT. SwnjM ,IA8on hand th cheapest, and i l 1YH best assortment of TRUNKS & CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE P1.BI.1C. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted. Iron Frame. Iron Hound I ravellidg Trunks ; P ticking do, Vaiives ; Ladies' Bonnet Cases: Can et Haas. Snti bel.. 4c, by ihe quantity or eingle at tide, lo.ter than can b bought at any other place in the cily. Juiy n, lo.io. WHITE HOUSE HOTEL. TOTTSVILLi;, TA. rlHE subscriber respectfully annnuncrs to k!s old friends and Ihe public, that be has lakcii that eld and well known Ci-tahlWinieni, il.a White Horse Hotel. At lb corner of Centre and Mahoutogo sts., iit the Borough of Pottsville. The house Iu.b re cently been very much enlarged and ollieiviise improved, rendering it quite ns cnn.ltutaliie as any other Hotel in Schuylkill conmy v. I tie the stables are large, in good coi il it ton . ni:d at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hosier. To traveller and others v. ho may stoji at his house, he promises every attention calculated ts reader them comfortable and sMii-ficd. JOS. M. FEGER. April 3, 185' tf ATTORNEY AT IiAXw. Office opposite the Court Hvusc, Sunbury, Northumberland County Ta. Prompt attention to btisini'M in ailjuiniiig "onntiit.a. ZEGrLZE HOTEL, OPPOSITE WESTI1WAXCII HANK. WILLIAMSPOr.T, X'J.., VILLl tlrl li. tl IV, i't u.'i i ti,i: C A. eiraixa, vtssistant. N. B. An Omnibus will run tu nr.! lioiu he Depot and Packet Landings, tu this liott-.l, lue nf charge. September 13, 1838 rf DANVILLE HOTEL. joiiisr deejst, jrx.., Market Street, JJnnrUle. J'a, ff HIS is one of the largest and most eommo- dious hotels in the interior oi I', m.s Itnnia it has been reeently fitted up, in excrDent st) l, with all Ihe modern convenience. Danviiled, Sept. to. -.01. i.n 5 t il Clieap utclics cj.ftMu ! lniOLKSALE and Retail, at Ihe !:..! !c! " phia Watch and Jeucliy :.u " .No. t North rJecond Street, corner of iji..:n-. PIULADELPK I . . Cold lrr Watches, lull jeweletl. I- 101.1 e-i-.-s. f!"ld l.epiue lbk S-J4.UU! I'n.e Si:-, n i..,i fflver Ip. full jewlle.l. Sll.ll)..!d H.-ii-n.-is. Sliver Lever, full jcwl d l'J 1 adit s' I I", ,., ,-, Supeiior Ijunrtier., 7. Silvii Ten s i.olil rpei'iaelcs, 7,(xi Cold I'ei s, with Pencil and Silver 11 -UW-r, I, in Gold Finger Rings, 37 J cents to Nti ; U'afli Glusses, plain, 1SJ cents; Patent. lvi ; I. unci, 23; other articles in proportion. All boon war ranted to he what they are ..!,! fur. KTAL'FFEK & H AI.'I.EV, On hand, soma Gold and r-'i!v, r I., veis and l.epines, still lower than tho ubove prii es. Oct. 4, ISfifi. y. A R.NOLD'S WRITING FLI'IiiMiilAi!iie sire and legal envelopes, for s!e hy H. 1!. MAssF.R. 8unbiirv. In 10. 1 r.i; GEORGE SCHALL & CO. Mvir(Tint 11 or BLASTING POWDER, iJt. Carmel, Northumberland (iunt:j, fa. May 10, 1856 BLANK Parchment Paper lueda and l lai.li M lt...iu r. w - - ' ', tJ.'mui'i... .fill III, tl, ic, for sale b II. II Sunbury Auri 26. I .' M Whk MJATENT BRITTAMA JL mi bottle for al by fltinbury, July 19, 1851. H. 8T0PFER3 fo B MASKER. Cyliu.l.r ' STOVES- I30R SALE an excellent second ha - ing Stove, also seveil rilo.as. hnipiire at this nlTice GOLD PENS with and without cases, til very superior quality, ju-t received. Also a fresh upply of Writing Fluid, lor sale '7 ii. u. ma.si:k. Runbunr. Dec. S7. lRffi- GOSHEN CHEESE Jus r.cei.ed and I... lbv LEVI iI'.IIii.IZ April II. IAS7. CII.VER WATCHES A lew .1 .uhlr ,r English riilver Watches, for sub, at very low price by H. II M t I!. Runbnrv. April 13. I &... AMKH1CAN IKTuskT WILLIAMS PORT, I A ., J. II. KI I.TOV, l i oi IKor. J AH. T. II ALU Asu't. Sept. 13, I806. tf IJCRE OLIVE OIL for table u.t-. two air at 3JJ and C2J cents jus.1 r. c, in d bv A. VV. FISHER. March 1 i, '57. CJtationery. A Urge Uppiv of fan,.v Ie Paper and Envelopes, M.mruii.j, "Letter nd Cap Paper, Ten, Ink,-Sand, Ac, at ' Mareh H, '67. A. W. FIsHrn's pORTMONAIES.Toolh and Hair Brush. H Hualtu, and any quanu y, for sale hy M.,eb.l7. A.W.KUUtK. .