Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 22, 1857, Image 2

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ltm rnoM mbpe, .
17i4 Submarine Ttlr. graph fyuarfron-Tnerease
of the British Army The Ml of Dtlh
Believed in Trouble Between IVance anil
Turkey Recall of Gen, Concha from Cub
Death of Eugene Sue.
The Collins Mail Steamship Columbia has
arrived yesterday at New York with Liver
pool dates to thu 6tli inst., four days later
than those furnished by the Canada.
Tbe Submarine Telegraph Squadron left
Qneenstown on the 3d inst., for Valwntia
Hay, to commence the laying of the cable.
The English (Jovernmeut has asked from
Parliament authority t embody the militia
fur an increase of the army.
Tbe Fronch Ambassador to Turkey has
suspended Lis diplomatic relations.
One thousand additional Foot Artillerymen
re to proceed to India at one.
The Kast India Company has made a re
quisition for CUOO additional troops.
Lord Fanmure introduced a bill into Par
liament, authorising tbe embodying ol the
militia, to meet any requisition fur troops,
without calling Parliament together, lie
announced the intention of the Uovemmeut
to considerably increase the rauk and Bio ol
the army.
An Indian loan of fire or ten million pounds
is again spoken of.
Dr. Thomas Dick, author of the "Christian
Philosopher," is dead. Lie had reached his
63d year.
An anti-Mormon riot bad taken place at
Birmingham, nnd the Mormon chapel was
much injured by a mob. Tbe fecliug ugiunst
the Mormons was very bitter.
(Correspondence of the London Times.)
Atlantic reLsaRAfH Experimrxts in Lat
ino the Cable.
Qceesrtow.v, July 30 The CDtire squad
ron, consisting of Gve magnificent ships of
war, now about to proceed te the consummn
tion of this great enterprise, are at this time
anchored io the harbor of Queenstown. They
consist of the Niagara, Capt. Hudson; the
Susquehanna, Cnpt. Joshua Sands ; the Ag
amemnon, Master-Commander Noddull ; tbo
Cyclops, Capt. Dayman ; and tbe Leopard,
Capt. Wainwright.
Tho Agamemnon arrived this morning only,
having been engaged during the trip I'rum
Greenwich in the very vuluable service of
testing practically the form and suitubility of
the machinery to be used for paying out the
To Mr. C. T. Bright is committed the en
tiro control and responsibility of depositing
in its ocean bed this wondrous example of
tbe united power of science and industry.
During the progress of thn Agamemnon to
the Downs, tbe mechanical appliances for
regulating tho delivery of tbe cable into the
sea were kept continually in motion by the
email engine on bourd, which is connected
with tbein ; the sheaves and gearing worked
with great facility and precision, and so quiet
that ut a short distance from them, tbeir
motion could scarcely be heard.
Tbe strength of tbe girders which carry
the bearing of tbe entire apparatus, and which,
to tho eye of a person unskilled in tho practi
cal working of this description af machinery,
may seem at first to be unduly ponderous,
was found to contribute greatly to the easy
notion and satisfactory steadiness of this
most important agent in tho success of tbe
From the Uverlaud Summary of the Bengal, ol
July 10.
Ti;e Km-onTnu Fall ck Pixm.
The following is an extract of a letter from
Bhcrgotty, dated June 14, and received by
tbe Bombay. Slaughter of 'dO,lWi) Men, Il'u
vien and Children. Times. We have no
reason to discredit our informant, whu semis
his mime (says the journalist.) but of course
ho may have been deceived. We consider,
however, that there is sufficient probability
in his statements to warrant us iu issuing it
to our readers :
"Delhi is captured. Thirty thousand lives
lost, consisting of men, women and children.
The British forces gave the mutineers only
21 hours' time to ciear their families out of
the Delhi fort; but they would not listen ;
they said that tho English wero speaking
lies 'Couch dur nayo hey hum ock ke couch
kurna Euckaganyej'' (there is no fear; they
cannot harm us.) After tbe lapse of twenty-
Hours, tlio Uritisb commenced bring till they
razed Delhi to tho ground. Everything is
now quiet round about Delhi; but there uru
risings in small furccs. Liya is expected to
rise on tho 15th instant. A detachment is
ordered to proceed there to guard the treas
ury, containing uine lacs of rupees. Tho 1st
Fusiliers, on their march, met a number of
tbe mutineers on tho Allahabad road, and
cut up a great many of them."
Tbo silk. harvest in Franco is from one
third to one-fourth under a fair or ordinary
crop. Tbe uew wheat is of excellent quality
and bulk, and realizes I to 2 francs tbe
hectolitre, advance- upon old. A good early
vintage is expected.
The death of Eugeno Sue, the great French
novelist, is announced.
Visit or the Emi-eror Napoleon to Oseornb
Paris, August 4. The Emperor and Em
piess will quit tho Chateau of St. Cloud to
morrow, on tbeir way to Ofcborue, the resi
deuce of the U,ueen of England. Tbeir Ma
josties will sot out on their return on Monday
text. '
A Despatch from Madrid ssys that the
Marquis St-irano. has suspended (Jeneml
Concha as Captain Ucneral of Cuba.
A new Turkish ministry has been announ
ced. The French Ambassador to Turkey has
peuded bis relations becuuse the Moldavi
an elections were not set aside.
Mustapha Pucba is the new Grand Vizier
f the troops.
Fartbtr Depredatlaaa by tha thereune In.
Sr. Loi-is, Aug. 15.
Advices from Fort Kearney state that a
party of nineteen drovers, in charge of up.
wars of 1800 cattle, d-.'stiued to tbo L'tab ex
peditiou, were attacked when tweuty-seven
miles above tho Fort, on the 19th inst., by
150 Cheyenne Indians. All the cattle, and
twouty mules ran oil". One of the drovers
was killed and another sevorely wonnded.
Nine of the Indiuns were slain. Col. Sum
Bar had startod in pursuit of tbe Iudiun.
Halifax, N. C, Aug. 15
The Sheriff has just arrived from Huleiyli,
with the official returns, showing Shaw's ma
jority in the recout election was thirty-eight
In France, about 34,000,000 pounds sulphur
has been distributed among the wine growers,
and has been employed by thorn apparently
with complete success in checking the vine
disease. Within a period of many years the
grape crop hos not been so promiain;. So
well satisfied was the government, that it
has awarded the prize of 10,000 francs to the
discererer or introducer of tho remedy,
A laJy In White county, Illinois, has had
eiiteea children ut seven births twins three
times, triplets three times, end one the last
Emohmoi'S PlorERTT. It is said that the
aetata of tbe lata ax-Qov. Sprague, of Rbodt
JTbI), awioantf to erer I.OOO.OW.
SATURDAY,-ArQTJST 22710577""
II. B. MASSEIt, Editor and Proprietor.
To Advzitisms -The eircutallon of the Sunhury
Atmntcan iiwih hr different towns on the Sutnuehanua
1 1 nut e ice eded if equalled by any paper published in North
ern Pennsylvania.
Democratic State Nominations.
For Governor
Judges of the Supreme Court,
Hon. WILLIAM Berks County.
Moll. J A ML THIU1MOSI, of Frit County.
For Canal Commissioner,
C7" Arthur's Cans for preserving fruit
can be had by leaving orders nt this office.
Some items of interest will be found
on our fourth or laRt pngp.
Tho Te'eeraph Office nt the store of
Mr. Cloment in this place, is again opened.
It is only when people are deprived for a time
from the use of the Telegraph, that they learn
to appreciate its value.
E?-3f The mail arramrpmpnla Rnnth. from
this place should be iltprod without i'u.W
At present, nil letters from this place for
tiarrisuurg, lsuiinnore and intermediate
points, must lie over at Northumberland
twenty-two haurs. This is what may be cal
led progressing backwards, and should not
be tolerated.
CsJT Mr. Shaw has requested us to say
that he wilfYpmaih iu this place a few days
longer, nnd offer another opportunity to thoso
who desire to have their pictures taken. We
havo examined a number of well executed
nmbrotypes produced by Mr. Shaw.
B3T Dentistry. W e were shown, a few
days since, a full sett of teeth made for a lady
of this place, by Mr. Jeo. Uenn, which can
not easily be excelled for beauty and mechan
ical skill. If industry and fine mechanical
abilities are of any service, Mr. Retin will
soon beat the head of his profession.
tHT We are indebted to Hon. Frederick
Wntts. President of the Farmers High
School, for a copy of an address by the Board
of Trustees. The school is located in Centre
county, on a farm of 200 acres of land, pre
sented by Gen. Irwin. A contract has been
mado for tho erection of an edifice now in
progress for the professors, students, and
lecture rooms, to be built of stone, live stories
high and a front of 233 feet with wings.
65 Tbo 7th annual exhibition of the Penn
sylvania State Agricultural Society is op.
pointed to be held in Philadelphia, 20th
September to 2d October, (Tuesday to Fri
day, ISO".
CiT Cool. A man by the name of Ranney,
in New York, sends us a $5 advertisement,
for the insertion of which he generously offers
us a 1,00 or $1.25 book. An editor must
be green indeed, who would thus cheat himself,
to suy nothing or cheating the public, which
might necessarily be presumed, from the
character of the offer.
Pavements. A numher of our citizens
are engaged in laying pavements before their
property iu Market street, agreeably to an
ordinance which requires each lot owuer, to
havo tho walk paved, on or before the 1st of
September nest. Flag and brick are the
materials used. This is a good step towards
the improvement of thu tuwu. We should
like to 6ee more shade trees planted. A
bundsomo enclosure, a lit I Io white paint, and
a few shade trees impart a degree of comfort,
and render attractivo the most humble
dwelling. A number of our citizens have
already attended to theso matters, but tbe
practice should be universal.
- . .
O Derbies. Some of tho Onest black
berries we ever saw have been brought to
market io this place this seneou nnd are sold
at live cents per quart. We purchased a lot
a few days sinco and found quite a number
among them, that measured 2J by 3 inches iu
circumference, after Having been currii'tflw" a
basket (some 12 quarts together,) four or Gve
niles. Wo have never seen any of tho cultiva
ted Lautou blaekberrits. Will Major Freas,
of the Uermatitown Te'.egrapb, inform us
whether they grow much larger.
In the cities, berries are pickod io boxes
or baskets not holding more than a quart, and
are thos brought to market fresh and plump.
Our berry dealers should adopt this improve
ment. Whortelberriii aro Dot so pletity and
smaller than usual.
iittiuoEAT sr.t.iisc.nove.
A correspondent of the Silinsgrove Demo,
erat, strongly urges the construction of a
bridge over the Susquenanna at that place,
to connect with the Northern Centrul Rail,
road and offord an outlet, by Railroad, for oce
of the richest and most productive sections o
country in the Slate. We fully concur with
tbe writer in the following;
' I assert, without the fear of intelligent
contradiction, that at no point between liar
risbuig and Sunbury will there be as much
local tonnage and business thrown upon tbe
N. C. R., independent or the coal tonage, us
at Seliris Grove, in cute a bridge is built.
lJeiug the natural outlet of Snyder county for
thirty miles back, and draiuing one of the
the most fertile and productive valleys in the
Slate, it cannot but throw upon the Bridge
and Railroad a vast amount of business, and
which will be constantly increasing, as the
mineral weullb of tbe county is jubt begin
ning to be appreciated and developed."
The writer says they must look Tor aid rrom
their Baltimore Wends. A good bridge
would cost perhaps $70,000 or $80,000. Our
Baltimore friends would, no doubt, lend a
helping hand, but at present, while they re
quire all their energies for tbe completion of
the road, they wuuld cot, perhaps, look upoo
th project as favorably as tboy would bare.
Brother Masscr. of tha Sunburt Ameri
can, In speaking of tha lata Editorial ConveB.
lion, Ironically say : ,
"Friend Tt, of tha Colombia Democrat, by virtue
of his years venerable picarauee and superior Dvmoara
cy,foa called on to pteaide."
We are somewhat at a lost to give' friend
Matser's lanuunca the proper construction.
Only 47 snmmers have passed over our bead
nor have- they implanted one gray hair, in
support of the "venerable," and although,
with Mr. M., we believe, we nave tome claim
to "tuptrior Democracy," it certaialy was not
on that account that we were thus promoted,
as it was composed of a large majority of tha
opposition. It tnunt have been owing to oar
good looks, and ireneroiis disposition. Either
will suffice. Columbia Democrat.
Without intending to flatter the Colonel,
we must say that b is tha roost veneabU
looking man, considering hit age, that we
know of. As regards the "one gray hair,"
he may perhaps be in the lame condition of a
waggish friend, who made a wager that ha
had the finest head of hair in the room, where
upon he took off his wig, and exhibited a pin
feather edition or second crop of hair toftne
that it could hardly bo seen.
So far as "good looks" aro concerned,
friend Brewer, of the ''Montour American'1
may not be willing to concede his claims to
the Colonel, though it will not be disputed
that tboy were the "rival beauties" of the
"Superior Democracy" can only be conce
ded to domocnts who have never claimed or
desired offices, such as many of onr farmers,
mecbamcs and others. nenever men are
standing candidates for office. It is not pre
suniing too much to suspect that their piin
ciples coincide with the seven principles do
scribed by John Randolph, viz : "the five
loaves aud two Babes." In our own county,
all our "superior democrats," or those who
imagine themselves leaders or model demo
crats, are without exception.'odice hunters1
They can't breathe outside of an official at
mosphere. They would collapse and die from
exhaustion and mere inanity.
The dog days ended, according to the
records on Monday last. Sultry weather
supposed to end with the dog days, but this
is not always the case. The thermometer
has seldom reached the ninetys, and then only
for a few days. We learn from Charles
Pleasants, Esq., "who returned home from
Kansas a few weeks since, that the thermom
eter stood, at 105 in a darkened room at Le
compton, and had been in the shade, out of
doors, as high as 110 to 115.
CaT Uaii.road Accident. the train on
the Little Schuylkill Rjilroad near Port
Clinton, Pa., on Saturday the Blh inst., ran
over a small child, which had been left on the
track to phiy, while the mother was picking
berries close by. The poor childs body was
instantly cut in two.
-KT A sei.f-weioiiino cakt, used for hauling
and weighing coal, Slc, is now manufactured
in Philadelphia. It in highly recommended
by those who have examined it. Tbe right
for New Orleans was sold recently for -r000,
Messrs. Rothermel & Martin, of Philadelphia
own tho patent.
tjy Ourcotomporary of the Munch Chunk
Uazetto is down on the editor of the Easton
Argus, for stealing an article from his paper
and convening it into an editoriul. He
quaintly adds :
' The Argus kniw as well what he was do.
in?, when he manufactured a new head, and
changed a few sentences so as to hide his
meanness, as a robber of a hen-roost knows
where to reach for the biggest pullet.
Caf Stumpino the State. A great deal is
said about Gen. Packer's refusal to travel
with Mr. Wilmot, in slumping tho State
(Jen. Packer, himself, would have no objec
tion, as thern are but few better speakers in
thn State, but we think wi'.h the committee.
that stump oratory id no evidence of adminir
tralive ability. Many of the most windy
orators, of all parties, w ould make very indif
ferent Governors, whilst many f our best
men are no orators at.all.
Da.nvii.le. The Democracy of Montour
county have chosen Paul Leidy as their can
didute for Congress. One hundred and fifty
teams havo crossed the Free Ferry io one
day. Jacob Ilibler, au old and respectable
citizen, died on tbe 10th inst., aged 04 years
A child six years old passed a tape worm on
Saturday lust, 40 yards in length. The Dan
villo bridge is undergoing repairs by Thomas
Milton. Dennis Caul declines being
candidate for Sheriff. Tbe Miltonian com
plains that the town clock docs not keep
correct time. The town clock of Northum
berluDd is distinctly heard at bight in th:
I.ewisruro. -Repairs have been commenced
on tho Lewisburg cross-cut lock, under the
superititeodance of W. M. Wiley. Rev. I
Kiucaid last week bade adieu to bis family in
Lewibburg, contemplating an immediate re
turn to his mUsionary Geld in Burmuh, by
the Overland route. The Chronicle says, "on
Monday forenoon our office was visited by
au electric shock which doubtless would have
a tendency to astouuh any person who is no
accustomed to the antics of lightning. It
did no damage, however, aa we alwayg make
arrangements to receive such sudden visitors
by protecting the instrument ; but it caused
a terrific explosion, and left its traces on the
copper wires. Tbe sains stroke of lightning
traveled through the Danville office, uud
probably many more along tbe line."
Bellekonts The Jl 7.117 says, "a very dis
tressing affair occurred at the Frauklitt House,
in this place, on Thursday last. About
o'clock a bright flash, followed by screams,
was observed as coming from tho room occu.
pied by Mrs. Sourbeck and her family. A
number of persous immediately proceeded to
the room, whea it was discovered that it was
all in a blaze. Tbe persons at once proceed
ed to put out the fire, when it was discovered
that Mrs. Sourbeck was burned in a shocking
manner. It appears that one of her little
girls uudertook to light a fluid lamp, and the
cap, Dot being tightly screwd on, fell off, and
the fluid ignited and set fire to some clothing
00 the floor. Mrs. Sourbeck attempted to
extinguish the flames, when her own clothing
caught fire. She immediately retreated to
an adjoining room, where there happened to
be a tub of water standing, but before she
succeeded in arresting tha flames was burnt
very badly. Mrs, flourback to in rerjr
rtbie-tl -wRrfo,
Since veatarAav w have learned additional
facts concerning the payment, from tbe State
Treasury, of Mr. Mott's connsel In tha recent
injunction cos.' We stated neiore mat two
of the counsel had been paid $1750. We
hava discovered that all were paid at the
same time, and that tha cost to the Common
wealth has ben $3000, divided as lollowsi
Wirt. M. Meredith, $1,000
C. n. Buckalew, . 7fi0
Wm. L. Illrst, 750
Jaoies H. Walton, 600
. Total, $3,000
Not nna rent of this monev should baVa
baen taken' from tba Stata Treasury. It
should have ome from the persons who env
ployed tha lawyers and had their services.
No officer or officers of tha State had legal
authority to pledge tha State for the money,
and no officer or officers had legal authority
to pay any amount for aucn a purpose.
i inludelphta Jiventnff Bulletin.
The Ambricam Horbrs in Ekoland. The
American horses,' tbouuh very badly beaten
in Uoodwood raoe are not out of tbe Held ; in
fact they seem lO be just entering, it, for we
ee thu they have no less than ten engage
meat a singly or together, running up to Octo
ber the 20th. Tho first is the Cbatnuaiiine
stakes, one mile heat, at the Brighton meet
ing, lor wtiion Liccomte and 1 rioress are en
tercd with twenty other horses, tho flower of
tue bngusb turr. 1 Ins race was run on the
5th inst., and we shall bear in a few days how
Lccomte behaved On the 10th inst., Le-
cotnto and Prioress run at l.cwes, two mile
race; on tbe 19th Prioress runs alone at
York, a single dash of one mile ; again tbe
latter at Hereford, on the 27th, two miles a d
a half. Both Prior and Prioress are entered
at the same time and place for the Royal
plate, terms, conditions, weights and distance
the same exactly as fur tbe (Joodwood cup
The next engagement is for Prioress for the
Leamington stakes, Sept. 2d, two miles, for
which the best horses in England are enter
ad. The following day tbe three American
horses . run for the Warwick cup, distance
three miles. A t the Doucaster meeting Sept
15th, Mr. Ten Broeck has entered his three
year old colt Babylon. At the Houghton
meetmjr, Oct. 2510, I ryorand Lerointe entt
for sweepstakes of 100 each, half forfeit
with $500 added, for a race over a track foiu
mils, one furious and one hundred aud seven
ty-tbree yards. This last shows the spent
and endurance of tbe horses, and is consider
ed the best for American racers, which hnv
been truinea to run greater distances limn
tho English- horses usually run. Tbe failure
at the Uoodwood race is attributed to the bad
management of their trainer, io tco high flesh
to tbe post. It is generally bi lievid that
they will vindicate themselves yet wber. they
ruu in good condition. Mr. lea Uroeck
seems seems determined to test the merits of
the different systems of breeding and training
and in addition to the atiove mentioned nor
ses. he has tuken to England the colt Wood
barn and filly Bouita, both of which are en
tered for the great Ep otn race iu 1809.
Heavy Arrival op Wheat from Kkn
TfOKY. From Mr. R. S trader, conductor on
the CoviniMon and Lexington K.ulroad, we
learn that twenty-five cars, containiug each
three hundred bushels of wheat, arrived ut
Covington depot last evening, from the inte.
rior of Kentucky. Thirteen full cars were on
the side track ulong the line of the ruilroaii
waiting lor a locomotive to bring them down
I'rotn two farmers who camu down with the
wheat ubovo mentioned, we learn that th
crops through middle Kentucky are immense
the vield exceeding that of uny previor.
year. On Friday, the shipment of wheat
commenced nnd fifteen carloads were brought
down to this market. U'l Saturday, seven
teen car loads more arrived, together with
about two thousand bushels of onts and bur
ley. On yesterday oats was deliverable at
any station on the lino of the railroad ut $1
10 a 1 15. Tho Railway company this year
charging 14c. per bushel lor its transportn
tion from Lexington to Covington. Last
yeur only 13c. was demanded. On Friday
una rial u 1 oay lust, seventy car loads ot cat
tie arrived iu this city from the interior of
Kettii ky, via th- Covington and Lexington
uuiiroud. (.iiicimiii uaz., Aug. 11.
Tim Wheat Crop at Illinois. A letter
dated Mendota, Illinois, 7th inst., says :
Tbe wheat crop of Illinois at never
large before. I stood this morning and look
ed over a prairie where I could see ten mil
on my loft, aud it was covered with wheat
shocks, and as far to my right, and it was
covered with standing wheat. The crop
not. nearly gathered. I here is the greatest
scarcity of hands, nnd thousands of acres are
getting too ripe to bo all gathered. All th
grain Here is cut Dy nmcnines cradles are
out of the question. If grain js too badly
lodged to be so gathered, it is quietly let
alone. There are many kinds of reapers.
1 heir or w r u from li to 1
acres per day. Nearly ull are draw by four
Speaking of the U3e of machinery through
out the process of securing and getting out
grain io Illinois, the corrcspodent states that
while it is little cheaper than bund work, it
has to be resorted to, as no hands can be got
By machinery, fields are reaped at 75 cents
per acre if they can drive rouud them, if uot
$1.50 per acre.
'-A barrel of flour will make 300 pounds ol
broad 4,800 ounces. A fourcent loaf weighs
ten ounces, and thero am conseqeently 4HI
four cent loaves made out of a barrel of flour
producing to tho buker $19,20 per barrel
when manufactured. Tho price of best ba
kers' flour ranges from $8 to $8,50 per banel
consequently the profit is g 10.70 from w hich
however, are to bo paid the expense of bakiny;
wages, rent, tc. On the other hand, much
sour bread and inferior flour iused in mixing
which turns the scale of profit considerably
in favor of tho baker."
Costi.t Diamond Found is Ili.i.voh. One
of the workmen engaged in boring an artesian
well for Mr. Van Wert in Stryker, a village
on the A ir Line Railroad about 90 miles from
Toledo, found a pure diamond last week at a
depth of about 100 feet. Tbo diumond is of
the size of an ordinanary marble, ami compe
tent judges say it is worth at least $2.000.
Mr. Van Wert waived all claim to the valua
ble aud its lucky finder a poor honest Irish
man, named Michael Shehnn, 110 doubt
believes he was "born to good luck."
Mr. Stoor-ckl the Russian minister in tbe
United States, and his wife, i said to be ut
his favorite summer resort in Newport. Like
his predecessor, Mr. Bodisco, he married a
Massachusetts ludy.
George Peubody, fifty years ago, at the
ago of twelve, had iCcabion to pass through
Concord, N. 11.. on his way to Vermont, he
stopped all night at theold "Stickney Motel,"
where he paid his lodging and breakfast by
sawing wood 1 Such was the first begiauiug
of George Peabody.
There are in the borongh of Ashland, four
millitary companies, two brass bands, eight
church organizations, and one beneficial'seci
ety. Passmore Williamson has instituted legal
proceedings against Chief Justice Lewis, of
the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, for ille
gally refusing to grant him a writ of habeas
corpus during his detention in prisou by Judge
Kane. .
Thb Rcoar Crop. A letter from New
Orleans (La.) Picayune, rrom tbe Parish of
Plaqustnioes, dated 31st ult , says : Never
have tbe prospects of tbe sugar crop been
more cheering. Tbe rise, although a little
backward, will yield a rich harvest to or in
fsrtrhras fcrners.
A TIovai. T?Atanaits-ltl. Mr. Isodore, th
Queen's Coiffeur, who receives JC2000 year
for dressing her Me.jef.lj'' hair twice a d.y.
had gone to Iondoa in me mornm.
to return to Windsor in time for toMette.but
on arriving at the station was just five mm-
tiles 100 late nd saw i neiram 7" ,
him. His hirror wai great as he knew ni wont
punctuality would deprive Dim w i,r"
so he was obliged to take a special train, and
the establishment, feeling the Importance or
his business, put on extra steam, ami wni
him the eighteen miles iu eighteen nnuutes for
A Hahiwoiu CoHrLiMMT. The London
Christian Spectator says: "As a general
rule, we believe American theological writers
to be belter versed In language, ami inr"
deeply read in ancient literature in other
words, Letter and aoier scnoiurs mn
majority of theological writers io this coun
try. Til (tt.'Vdl BniiAB.CANa. The cultivation
f 1 1, fl.inuau amrnr cane has been thorougly
. . . . .. 1 1 .. w .. anil htia
tested in nastron comury. n" .... ..
ithstood the drought astonishingly. vt nil
enrn Ima r.iile.l in grow in the same field, the
plant has grown to tli height 01 six anu eigm
A Oenins In Bellows Palls, with knifei
fil hammer, and pegging awl hasconstucted
atntionarv miniature steam engine with a
new kind of valve. Tho engine is perfect in
all its parts
Fro Calcutta. A letter from an Amerl
can House in Calcutta, dated June 20th, re.
ceived in Boston says; "The mutiny bids
fair to be a rebellion. All that we can now
do is to act npon the defensive."
Dan Rice was attacked by his trained rki
noceros at Buffalo, on Thursday. Tho enra-
BeAjininial "turned him." and threw him fiT-
tertffeet. Dan was seriously bruised.
APiKNtits Huma! Siur-n A child of
Wm. S, Miller, of Richmond. Ya., was recent
Iv killed bv a full from a balcony. A week
after Mrs. Miller war horrified to overhear
conversation between tho conk and tho nnrse
in which the latter boasted of having pttr
pORi-ly thrown the poor child horn tha bal
cony. '
The two little boys .of. Mr. Cnnninphnm
have been for some Unw at Mr. Wriirhl's
chrxlnt Goshen. N. Y. Thev have, hern
kept in ignorance of the new disgrace that
has fallen upon their mother; -
It is Estimated that the massive structure of
trrnnito. called Ihn extension of thn Tre.isnrv
Puilding at Washington, will take three or
fonr years to complete it nnd cost, to execute
lully tbe plan adopted years ago, 84,000,000.
The Ohio Wool Crop Is estimated to ex
ceed that of last year by 3.000.000 pounds
and is sold from 40 to CU cents per pound, ac
cording to quality.
IPortna miliary Ameriena
Elysruro. Augn.-t Iltli, 1S57.
Mr. Editor: News for the 'American'
where is it to come from ! for really, but
l.ttfo of pubiic interest has transpired recently
iu or about our little, sedate, sober faced
village, that reposes so Quietly on the bosom
of the uiot lovely expauitiou of Shauiokiu
Now I do not wish to insinuate that noth
ing of moment bus taken tduce iimong us
for here, as elsewhere, events aru constuiill
occurring, vitally important 111 themselves
winch, nevertheless ore passed unnoticed b
mo pressing llirotig tty the uminuted masses,
tuai puuse to iook only when a essuviun
convulsion, Etnean eruption, or joint olio
still less ordinary ..lonstrosity rocks the
cradle of the world, anil momentarily mono
polizes their passive observation.
But men in tbeir passion for greatness and
greut things are too often misled by their
zeal, uiul put a pseudo estimate upon the
very coaunodity they seem uspiriug for. Thev
do not seem to think as Shakespeate h la
he says :
"The jtrentrit ttutln are the liiaiilnt :
&i arr the greutrat Men."
Again we have from the Lutin, "That
which is great or splendid is not always luu
tlaolf, lint w haiever is luuauttt must be ureal
ueuce ini; inierence, tuui some 01 the more
"commonplace" events are really biyger will
greatness than tbe most ostentatious and
wonderful phenomena recorded in the lust orv
of men uud things. But let this be hm it
may, I do Dot inteud to write 11 disquisition
now on tlio vain ambitious and blind lollie
of weak men, whose deficiency consists not
so much in lack of power as iu lack of control
not so much in defect of kuowledge as in
defect of wisdom.
While Elysburg is one of the most diminu
tive '-Burghs" in the county, it is fur from
being the most despicable. Her mechanics
are of the first grade of workmen, some ol
whom are often sought to go a distance when
good structures iu the line of saw-mill, Hour
ing-mill, dwelling-house, or churches are to
bj built.
Tiia beat of whteli her wheelwiighta make,
And axletreci that "never break
Her ainilha all rivalry defy,
Ai ull the hod will twtify ;
Uueualed leather it maile hara,
At piii-ea juit "cleverly" dear ;
llrr adllcri aew llieir aniuii all neat,
And hurneai llluke that "can't tie beat."
To Fry'a we go for nhi and boota,
Whoae work weura well and alw.iya anita,
Her busy looma nvike cloiha that wear
Ai lot g aa life, and uevel ter ;
And if you want a coat well made,
Her taitora understand the trade.
Her merchants do fine goods supply,
At prices low to ull who buy,
Here, school committees ulwuys find,
Teaeln-rs to train the youthful mind ;
Her d-x-tors rank among the bes
That any people ever blest.
The standard of morals prevalent here
compares well with those found ut other
places. The Methodist aud Presbyterian
congregations each have a commodious and
neat church for public worship in fact, both
buildings are yet new aud handsome ; and
thete are three well conducted and flourishing
Sunday schools for the children und youth to
attend. No grog shops or liquor bur is
sustuiued here now, to spread its devastating
virus through the veins of onr hardy und in
dustrious denizens ; hence, broken windows,
empty cuplfourds, squullid families and drunk
en rubbles form no part in the present history
01 tins weii-io-uo community, neither is the
truveler tieglec'ed here ; but aid und comfort
is always to be found by the hungry, weary,
and way-worn ut the Temperunt d House
aud no traveler after enjoying a night's rest
under this hospitable roof finds a brick iu his
but upon starting in the morning.
There are other things I may make men
tion of ut sonie future time, i. e., if 1 have
not already exhausted your stock of putience.
Yours, cordially, H.
For tha Banbury American.
Ma. Editor: I observe in the papers the
names of a number of persons as candidates
for the office of County Treasure. Permit
me to recommend Daniel IIkim. of Ujper
Mahonoy, to tbe voters of Northumberland
county as a suitable person for that oflice.
Major Ueim is a man in every respect quali
fied for that office and would undoubtable
give funeral satisfaction if elected.
M a. Editor t The mechanics, miners and
working men or this portion of Northumber
land county, we mean Coal, Zerby and Mount
Uarmei townships, are very anxious to tea
Oen. John Kay Clement, Dominated for th
State Senate., lie is yet a young man, full
of vigor, and, as all who know him will testify
as lull or intellect and Information as perhaps
any man in this county. He is withall a sound
and working democrat, and all who saw hia
efforts last rait, and heard his eloquent ap
peals, will bear evidence to his teal his abili
ty, and to the great good his services accom
plished, lie did hot bring himself out lor the
office, we are asking for him, and witn the
good sense and modesty of true merit, is not
and has not been traveling the county work
ing and asking for himself, he prefers, if nomi
nated at all, that the nomination sbaune the
free and voluntary gift of the people. Now will
not the people support htm all the mora wu
line Iy because he is not a wire pulling beg'
ging politician, but one of themselves, one
who hns always proven himseir their earnest
and sincere friend. Last winter, when no
one else thought of it, or cared either about
the people, not one of the other candidates
for tbe oflice we want to place him in, ever
thought of doing so much or half so much for
the people be went to llarrisburg several
times, prepared, 01 bis own accord, and bad
passed, a law protecting the wagea of the
mechanic, the miner aud the luborer, giving
him a first lien to the amount ol one bun
dred dollars for the wages of his labor in all
cases of the failure or assignment of their em
plover or employers. JVow do not toe peo
ple the working classes owe him their good
will fortius act, if they do not take Into ac
count his steady devotion to their interests
heretofore, a devotion that is known and can
be attested by thousands in this county, and
thousands on thousands in nchnylkili county,
where be fo-merly lived, and where tbe work
ing men and the young men were always with
him. Vote for your beBt friend who is able to
serve you we ask it he has cot been among
you to ask for it for Inmseli, but we waut'lo
honor him. One thing we are determined to
do, whether he is nominated or not, we are de
termined to present him with a token of our
regard. Two lailures in bhamoKin tins sum
mer have already proved the value of tbe law
which he got for us, by saving to us working
men an nggregute ol over lour thousand dol
lars We made up a purse of money and
offered it to him, but his disinterested heart
refused it ; he said be had only done his duty
and had pleasure enough in the act. We are
procuring and intend to present a suitable
testimonial a silver service. But the best
testimonial is our votes. Let us all vote
for bim.
Jn behalf of the working men of Coal, lit
(.arnul ana tCeroe townsMpi.
Per iituHbary Aaericaa
Mr. Editor: "i
1 observe in the papers tha names of
number of persona aa candidates for the
oflice of Prothonotary. I have nothing to
say against either, and tome of them, I have
no doubt, would 111 time make good ollicers
My purpose is to recommend James Beard
the preseut incumbent, whom we all know
has giveu universal satisfaction during the
pun six yeurs he bus been ID ottice. M
Heard lias ull the necessary experience
speaks English and German, and is always
obliging und attentive, und will, therefore
receive the support of many, without distiuc
tion ol party. AbUiaiA
Adva.ntaop. or FoRKro.f Tiuvrl An el
del ly lady, who with her daughter bus bnt
recently returned from u rather rapid jourm
through England, France, part of Germany
and ltalv, was asked the other day, u the
hud visited Home, and she replied in the neg
utive. ''La! Ma. yes we did, said the dungl
ter, "that wus the place where wo baught the
bud Blockings." A more Elriking instances
of forgutfulness was exibtited by a i-entletnan
who spent two days in Philadelphia, and
could not r.)inember that the best clothiagin
the 1 1 V was that ol Hoc k hill Wilson
Nob. 6U3 uud tiU5 Cbesuut street Philadvl
A C lllD.
We the undersigned farmers of Montour
and uiljoiiiing counties were nt the trial of
Mowers on the 22d of June 18o". on the
farm or John Mowrer in Mahoning townshi
.Montour county. three Machines were
brought into tbe field, namely: Hussey's Im
proved Reaper and Mower manufactured by
fJetltle Mama & Co., ol L,ewisPurg. 1'u
Manny's Putetit, ninnnfactured at Jloesick
Full. S.Y., and Kelt-hum's manufactured ut
Reading by Boas Spungter. The machines
were worked by the owners or agents. Af
ter seeing the operation of the three ma
chines, we give our preference to the II us
sey Reaper and Mower, for the following
1. We think it is tti most durable ma
2. It costs less than the Manny's and tbe
3. It is very simple in its construction and
not liatile to get out ol order.
4. It is manufactured in this section of th
Aud wn would say to onr neighbors, that
if you want a good, durable and reliable Rea
per and Mower, get 000 01 the llusseys ltu
proved Machines-
Wm. Yorks,
Samuel Yorks,
David Roberts,
Jacob Sechler, Sr.,
David Davis,
David Clark,
Peter lleinbach,
Mayberry Gearbeart,
Lafayette Sechler,
O W Rishel.
Stephen P Roberts,
Peter Rishel,
Ma thins Appleman
solomon 111 uel,
John Gearbeart,
J Stanley Gearbeart,
m S-ec tiler,
A B Cummings.
WisrAR's Balsam or Wila CHiaar, The great reme
dy for CUMtlPTIlN and all oihrr diseases ol ih
t'ulmonary Orzims. llicurauter the value of any disco.
veiy die Inulier il is held in liie esteem of the public, and
so ntui-h iu proportion is that public liable to be imposed
upon b die spurious iiuituiioua of iguorunt, designing and
diilioiusi mm.
Now that this prejiaratiou is well known to be a mora
ceiuiincure lor incipient CONSL MI'TIOX, ASTHMA,
I.IVKK CO.UI'l.Al.vr, COL'OIIS, Ultti.NCIHTIS, and
all smiiliir nHtx-lions. than any other remedy known, there
are .,uuil those eo villunously wu-Kcti aa tocoitroct a spu
rious, and peihaie a poisonous mixture, aud try to palm
it ll' us the genuine liulsum.
Thia la to caution deulera and the public generally,
ogtiinst purchatinfr any oilier than that having the wrlttau
sipuuture of 1. JJUTTS on the outside wrapper.
Trepured only by Sktu VV. Fowls A Co., Boston, Mass
to whom alt urders should be addiessed, nud for sale by
their ugenla.
1781 .OOO HKIVAHU will be nnul for uny Medicine
that will excel PH ATT liUTCIIKK'K MAGIC OIL
fr the f. Mowing diseuvea: Rheumatism, euroteia.
Spinul Aflt-clion, Contracted Jointa, Cholic 1'nine, 1'aius
in the Sule 01 Ihn-k. llrinlabhe, Toothitche, Hpiains, gore
Throat, Cuts, Uiuisr-s, liurns, and ail diseases ul the skin
Musck-a and the (.limits. None genuine without the sig
nature of I'ratt A- IttTCIlKS atlUL-hed to eui-h lihei.
I'ciitcipul ortice, 40G Wnsliiiigton street, lirooUyn, New
York. (v IO by
Albert W. Ir'ishei, Diuggist, Market street, Suubury,
3r This is to certify, thnt I have made
hut one application of the Magic Oil on my
fingers, which have been drawn from contrac
tion of the cords, brought on by rheumatism.'
It was of seventeen months standing, and 1
now entirely cured. I cheerfully recommend
it to all aflhcled likewise.
llarrisburg, 72 Locust street.
July 23, 1357. Iy.
On the Cth inst., by the Rev. 8. R. Hoyer,
Mr. Josuh Fir ST, of Milton, to Miss Ellen
Jakk Fokksman, of Utiiontown.
In Milton, on the 11th inst., MINERVA
COOLKY, aged abaut 28 yeurs.
On the 31 at ult., in Chilisqoaqne township,
Cc lladiets.
Philadelphia Market.
Aug. 20, 1857.
UllAII .WU.i Q.1
t..i . 01 prime new
Pennsylvania red at 81 62Cil 63 and 1 C9
for good wh.U. Ky, Pennsylvania at $1 00
cents. Corn fialea r.f m -lit . nn...,:
Oats it selling at 42 cts per bushel.
Cfoverseod Salei of prime at f 6 60 per
la hhds., at 31 cents.
Whtat, .
Rye, .
Dtied Apples, . 1 tS
New Advertisements.
iriCTi'itt: Gti u nr,
rjEO. Y. WEISU has again commenced and
will continue to take amiikotvprm a...
t hia Room above the Post Office. P,n.
wishing to hate good likenesses taken, will pleaa
call and seo ua. We will tnke rjirtnrea at redmaJ
prices and take trade in payment lor "ib-. stroe.
All ktndaf pictures copied.
Bunbury, lnKust JJ, 1K57. tf
"gIOHT Teachers, seven male and one fe
Llal male, for the public Schools of Coal School
Fhstrict. Public examination to tela ft.-. .
Shainolin In the School House. T.....1..
September the first, at one o'clock, P. M.
uj order 01 the Uouril,
P. BIRD, Secretary.
Aufmt J, 1857 2t 1
t'tfate ol' Tcllx Lorch, dccO.r
TV OTICE is hereby jsiven. that letters of ad".
lw miiiiklralion on the estate ofFclin Lereh,
late of Mount Carmel township, Northuiularlan,!
county, deemed, have been granted to the aub
scrikrr. All persons indebted will ni.. n,.i
immediate payment, and those having claims
present them duly authenticated for icMUment,
Shamokia twp., Augutt 82, 1857 6t
IN ann, anting the TIIIRTI-'.KNTII Annual Volume ut
specltully Inform the puhhe that in order to increase a 4
stimulate the formation of clubs, they propose to offer
for the nfteen largest lists of subaw.ber, sent in by tha
1st of January, lb; said premiums to be distributed aa
fuMows :
For the largest list, 8300; !d. 950 : 3rf. 0: 4th tISO
S'h, S!(W; 6,h. (Ml; 7th, V ; Slh. 870 j fill,, too- toTh'
;n j i ith, aio ; itnh, 9.a , vh, ju j n,i is"!ilh ,'
Names of subscribers tun be sent in ut lilleient lirara
and from different Host Offices The cash will he
to tha orders of the succ-wful competitors, iiunied,sts:y
alter the 1st of January, ik5. '
Southern, Western, end Cuimda money will be taken for
anbacription. Cm.ndinii subsenbers will plrnse to remit
Iweniy-eia cents extra ou each )cai's subwriptiun to
pre-i ay n. stare.
T m.MS ol' SI-BICniPTION.Two Dollars a Year,
or One )..r f .r Six .Mimth . '
Cl.UII ItATKS l ive Copies, for Six Monti a
Fu a O p,ea. for Twelve Months, ; Ten Opies, for 8,
Months, en.; Ten Copies for Twelve Mentha. Sis
1 weuty Copies, far Twelve months, i8 '
For all Clubs of Twenty and over, the yeaily sulseiis
ti'in is only 81 40. ' "
The new foluine will be printed upon fine taper wild
new I) pa.
Tne general character c.f the Sciintitic AMaaicits is
well known, ami, as heretofore, il w II be ciiietly dev.itrd
to the premutation of in'oinintion re'titine to the variuae
M-e inaical nnd Chemirnl Arts, MniutfMcturra, Agriculluia
I'atenla. Invent ir, Kinhieeiiiifr, Mill W.-rk. ai.d a'l
interests whii h the light of Practical Science is caicuisied
to advance It is issued m-epklv. in form for bftdinr ; it
Contains annually from SO0 to dco finelv executed Ki aia.
vings, ai d .V ttees of American and l-'.uror,. an Imrrove
inenis, tf ether wi.h an Officiul List of Ameiiean I'ntei.i
Claims pu' lirhed weekly in oilvonee of all other rarers
It is the aim of the Kditors , f the fcirsnrie Amcica
to present all subjects diarnned iu its columns in a niai-ti.
cal and popular lorm. They will also endeavor to main,
lam u candid feoileeaness in eoinlialinc and exi oii a fair
theories and praclicesm Scientific and Meet anient mntlca,
and thus preserve .he character of the !citiiic Ami.
aiess as a reliable Kaeyclo. ajdia of Ue,fu and Enter
taming Know U dte. .
Specimen copies will la sent gratis to any ran of
(he aoantrT.
ML'NN A CO , Publishers snd Pstent Ageme,
No. US Fulton attest. New York.
Aurast 99, 137. '
ICE I ICE 1 1 ICE111
SunltjTT, August 1ft, 1HS7.
In ihf Court of Coairr.on Pleat of Northutabar.
Ian 1 County, August T. 1857.
TIN tha matter of the sale of the property of
Henry I.ongenerVer & Co., the undersigned
Auditor appointed by the said Court Io distribute
the monies in Court raised by the tale of said
property on aundry writs of Executions, among;
the t'Srlies entitled to the same, will alter d to
the duties of bis appointment at bis oflice in
Sut.hury. en Tuesday the SSlh day of August,
1857, at 9 o'clock in the forenoon.
H. J. WOI.VKKTO.V, Auditor.
Sunbury, August IS, 1857.
The 110 and $15 Single and Double
Threaded Empire Family Sewing
A 2 AGENCY for the tale of these 8ewing
Machines cin be secured on liberal terms for
the County of JSorlhumherland. No one need
apply without capital sufficient to conduct tbe
buainrat properly and who cannot brinj rcfar
ences at to reliability and capacity. A personal
application will bp necessary.
Tbe peculiar adaptation of these Machines for
all purposes of Family SewiiiR, will, where ever
thev are otlrred for sale command a ready and
unlirui'.eJ demand.
8. K. Corner of fith and Arch fits., Philadel'a.
August 15, 1857. tf
VOTICE it hereby given that Joseph Wolver
ton. Executor of the Will of Isaac W'olvtr
ton, dee'd., in pursuance of an order of the Or
phans' Court, of Northumberland county, granted
at August Term, 1S57, will expose to sale by
public outcry, on
next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the dwelling house,
on the prrmisoa, all that certain FARM OR
TRACT OK LAND, situate in luh township,.
Northumberland county, adjoining lands of
Abraham Hoffman, Simon Interline, John Yea
ger, Samuel (iillinger, Jacob Weaver aud a lot
of the widow Wolvcrton, (cut oft' from tbe farm.)
containing 1C6 acres, on which are erected a good
a Darn and Outbuildings, and ou which are an
Apple Orchard, a good Spring House, and about
100 acret of well cultivated Uud, It is about
four mile from Danville.
TERMS OK SALE T per cent, down,
out half the balance on the 1st of April, 18.SM,
the other half on tbe let of April, lt)59,
with interest from 1st April, ISSg, to be secure!
by liond and Mortgages on the
JUSKI'll nULtt,KlU.,Cl'r.
By order of tbe Court
C. a. I'ursel, fJIk- u.
Sunbury, August 8, 1657 .
j oily Zi.n.VEit.nj.y;
RESPECTFULLY informi hia friends, snd
the public generally, that he has iu.t rcceiv.
ed a New Stock of GOODS, at hia new ttore, at
UaviJ Miller's Mill, in Lower Augusta Town
thip, and that he is prepared to sell goods at the
lowest prices.
litt block consists in part of
Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, c
and every variety usually kent iii a aountrv
Store. '
Trerorton prices paid for all kinds of product
Lowvr An'yusta wr, An, ff, ts.4T.-tf