New Goods for the People 1 HENJ A M1N HKFFNEIt RESrECTFi'LLY Inform the public In gen eral that hr ha Jut received and opened aplrr.did itiick of SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS it his New 8torc, In Lower Augusta township. Hit slock consist in part of Cloths, Cassimeri, Cassineti. f all kind, of liuen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Cnllropn. Glmiliama, Lanni, IrloMNNCllne lie l.nliiea and all kinda of Ladie Dres Good. Groceries, AUo an assortment of Hardware, IrOH aJ Steel, Nails, &e. Also nn eicellent assortment of QTJEEK8WA11E, of varioua styles nd patterns. Attn an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. II ATS & UAl'S, a good .election. Salt, Fish, c. And a great variety of other article such aa are suitable to the trade, all of which will be aold at tho lowest pricea. HP Country produce taken in exchange the highest prices. Lower Augusta, June 6, 1857. FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! ! THE LARGEST STOCK EVER OFFERED IN SUN B TRY. Fashionable, Cheat mid I seful THE subscriber, long established as a Cabinet and Chair Manufacturer in Sunbury, thank ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the public patronage. Hi stock of Cabinet-Ware, Chairs, Ac, embraces EVERY VARIETY, USKFIX AMD OR MA JiF.MAt, in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume rate, as anything that may be required in his line can be had at moderate prices, Cheap for Cash, or Country Produce .taken in exchange. Estahlihment South East Corner of Market Square. O Those knowing themselves indebted to the subscriber would oblige him by making pay ment. SEBASTIAN HAUPT. Sunburv, April 4, lf7 if Isn't It So ! ) Use ARTHL'R'8 Celebrated jSelf-dealing- Cans ami Jars, end you will have fresh fruit FrSlh, Frtlit "H the year at Summer prices Full directions for puttii g up all kinds ofj Fruit and Toma toes, accompany these cans and jars. They are made of Tin, filass. Queetisware and Fire and Acid jiroof Stone Ware. The IN 7INTERiare from pints to gallon. Thefe cans and jar are entirely open at the tops, and tiest, to secure economy in transportation. For sale by s t ore ke e pe r a iSJiiliiii '.tirougliout the Lnited St.ite. Descriptive circulars sent on implication . ty Urdcrs from lie trade solicited. Be sure to ask for 'Arthur's." t has stood the test of two sea THAN on' having been used by hun Ireds of thousands of families, totcl and boarding-houso kee pers. We are now making them for the million. Sweetmeats Arthur, Burnham & Oilroy, Manufacturers under the Patent . E cor. Tenth & Opnrirc Sts. PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia, June 13, 1S57 3m Retired PIlfKlcIail. 7S veais of age, having loit his Falltcr, two Druthers, Daughter, Son-in-law, Nephews and Nieces, by that dread ful disease, Consumption, and suffering with a Cough himself, determined to visit the East In dies, Egypt and Japan, where he discovered a Preventive and Certain C ure for Colds, Coughs, Bronchitis, Consumption, Nervous Debility and Asthma. His coupli was cured immediately ; be returned, cured his AVlutivcs, who inherited the disease, and in connection with his son have employed it in their practice, curing thousands of cases considered hopeless by others. For the purpose of rescuing as many of hit suffering fel low beings as possible he is sending the Recipe to all who wish it for 10 cents ; 3 of it to pay the fostaje, and t'e balance printing. Address Dr. Ieath 101 Spring street, opposite 1st. Nicholas Hotel, New York. June 13, 1867 3ra S v o 1 S A A C 31. WILKEKSON, IvIA.NUFA.a'X-CJPtlKR, OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. SoliiH, Dlvniirt anil IjOimiMfe- Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, rR0FJ, liKlilKPAST AX1) DINING TABLES and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equul to I'hi'.a- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, la short, every article in this line of his business. 'pilE subscriber respectfully calls the attentioi of the public to his large and splendid as aorluient of every quality and price of . which cannot fail to recommend itselftoevery ene who will examine it, on account of iu durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock lobe had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the lonny improvements which are constantly being made. Ue a'.sa manufacture all kinds auJ qualities CHAIRS, Ktlndlng Tenciie never before te be had ir Sunbury, such m Mtuuum, Buck Walkut ji CiTiitii) Matui CiuttjAjr; and Winsn CHAIRS, and rNtr Piano Stools, which are ef the latent styles, and warrunted to be excelled none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. I he subscriber is determined that there shall Ve no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, aa every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of hi ware and Chairs. . These article will be dUposed of on as good aarme as they can be purchased elsewhere. Ceun try 1'rod'iee taken in psyment for work. p UNDERTAKING. Having provided handsome Hsiasi, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi amity , or at any convenient distance from this place. ty The Ware Koora i is Fawn Stjoet, be w Weaver's Hotel. . IS.1AC M. WILKERSON. Uunbury, Aprti 18, 1857 tf. fV)oaCOO aiid Bogars 20,00U Imported " Sugars of variou. brands. Eldorado, Fie. Candatl and fin cut tobacco at A. W. Sunbury, March 14. 1R.7, FI8IIER'. T1YDROLEUM PAINTSThcse pllir mixed with water, thereby saving tb nts are e cot wi on, ior saio oy March U, '61. A. W. FISHER 11LAM Deeds, Mortgage, Bond, Warrunta, .tiiscnmenis, oomiuitinenu, summons, 8u. poenas, Exeaution. Justices' and Couah,l,l' Tea Bills, 4c, iic.,can Im liaJ by applying at HUB U1UC. UGAH CL'ia'tf HAM A Jot just receive J i or aj oy. LBvi SEApHOETZ. 11ESOLUTION Proposing Amendment $ to fAf Constitution of thi Commonwealth, RhoIiVIBBT TBI BltllATB AKD HoVtl fit B ativu or thi Commonwealth or I'knniitlvania m in kb I. AidiMHLir MKT, Trial lh f.1luwiHmanfliri.ti r jrtHHii'd t the ci'tiinitution of th vurdiiuM Wllb piuviiinni of the Itiilb article IbtiW, FIHtST AMKNDMF.NT. Thtr ntwiU ! mi itcldiii.Mml aiticl to mid toMtltntiuK to Im dMigiwtwl bi irtiule eleven, bi folio w v -ARTICLI XI. OP PUBLIC DEBTS, Section 1. Thoitflte tuny ronlnwt ilebte, to supply niuaUkfiritt or feilurra in revenue, or to mi-ei expense Dt otherwise pruvttlcJ fnr ; but the arteri-pute it mount of uoh tlebia direct end contingriit. wheiiier contiacte-J by virtue of one or nnr nctetif the (teuerat nnemllv, or nt iliUeruut peril rdtnl time, slutU never exreed seven hundred ltd filly thituRiiid doliuie, mid llie money nneuig from the crrtHinn of it it li dt'litu, slmtl te npjtticd to the purpoee for which it wnt obtained, or to rejMiy the debt contracted, iid to no other pnrpote whntevcr. y.Tii"ii 5i. In udditmn to the nhorf) limit-d power (lit Mute umy contrnct drbte to rrprl invnti ii, snpprem ntur ietliont defend the state in war, or to redeem the presrnt nutstiuidinc iiiilihtediieisitf the n!nti; but the mom v ris ing frtn the enntmctine; of audi Uebia hull be applied to no other put peso wlmtcver. 8tvtin a. i:rri ttie dctita nbovc Bpefifiert, in necUona one mid two of fin nrticlr, nn debt wlmtever elr.iti be irated by, or on bflioh" of tlie atntr. Section 4. 'i provide foT the payment of the prenl tit lt. mid nn addiii-iiml debt eontitictrd tit afureemd, the Lfiritliiture nhuli, at its lirat cscioii, nfter the mltptun of this nincuJini'iit, rre:ite a rinktug fund, which ahull be auiPirinit t poy the nrciueiuff interest "iistu h debt, mid itmiUdly t riMltice the piinciivil thereof by a won not lea Hum two hundred oiul fitt V ttiouaotul iljllara; which ainkt iiij; fund aliull cnfitol the net Incnin of the public woi k a. from time to time owned hy tho ttute, or the proffeda of (lie atile of the same, ornny part thereof And of the income 01 procecdanf aulo of atocka owned by the attile. together with other funda, or reaourctt, tlmt maybe deainnted by luw. Tlie etiid ainkinp; fund limy be inerenaetl, fiom time to lime, by flsnijriiinp to it nny part of the taxes, or other revenuea of the attite, not re quired for the orrtiiiitry mid current ejtpeuara of govern mem, nun umm m en ho m prnr, invunnpii n iinuiiriiiuti, no pmt of the anid amkius fund slmtl be tisrd or npplied ntherwiae thmt in extinguishment of the miblie debt, un til Iht'nm uiit of t'.u li debt it reduced below th mm of fivo million of dollnra. 8er:in5. The credit of the commonwealth urn 1 1 not n nny manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, nny in dividual, eompniiv, corporation, or aaaocioiinii ; nor ehnlt the c minonwenlth hereuftee bec une a joint owner, or torkhitldcr in any coinjioiiy, naaocintimi, or corporaiior. Suction 6. The common wealth aliall not aaaume the deU, or any pm t thereof, of any county, city, borough, or townahip; or of any corporation, or anaociation ; unless atieh dett shall li.ive been contracted to enable tlie state to repel invasion, au;piess don. ratio iusurre- tiou, defend it self in time of w:ir, or to ftsint the stale in the discharge ol nny poitmn ot Ms present inneiitenueaa. Section 7. The lepislatore shall not authorize any coun ty, coy, borough, townahip, or incorporated district, by virtue of a vole of its eiuzent, or otherwise, to become slorkh'il.ler in nny company, unsocial ion, or corpoiatioii; or to obtain money fr, or loon its credit to, any corpora tion, association, iustttution, or party. gKCOXD AMENDMENT. There ehail be eiratMitionnl nrtiHe to aaid onituliou, to be designated at article XII, at follows; AKTICI.R XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county ahall be divided hy a line riHting off overom) tenth of its population, (cither to form a new county or otherwise.) without the exprew uasenl of aiteh county, by a vote of tlie electors thereof j nor shall nny new county t eslublished, containing leas than four hundred hquure milea. THIRD AMENDMENT From section two of the lirat article of the constitution, strike out the words. of the city of Fhiliulclphui, and of each county respectively from section live. Ktmeurticle strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and of the several comities;" from accti'm seven, same oiticle strikeout the wrds. 'neither the ciiyol l'uiUd.-lphia nor any," mid uaert in lieu thereof the 'word, "and nu;M and strikeout section four, tuine article, and in lieu thereof invit the Kiliowinp: .... , , "Hecttoii 4. In the year one th'Hiaand eight hundred nnd sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep resentalivet to the number of one hundred, shall be appor tioned and diatiibuted equally, throughout the state, by dintru ta. in nronortion to the nurmVr of taxable inliabi- tHiitainthe several parts lnreof: except that any enmity coiitaiuinr Ht leat tliree thouMind five hundred t-ixalilca, miy be atl wetln ae(arate representation ; mil no more th;in three cMutiea ahull be joined, and no county tin 1 1 be divided, in the formation of n dutrict. Any city contain ing a S'lificietit number of taxables to entitle it to at leant two renieacutaiivea. shall have n trpaintc representation nsi ipicd it, oud shall be divided into convenient districts of ctuitiiruoua territory, of equal table population as near na may be, each of which districts shall elect one represen tative." At tlie end of section seven, snmenrticle insert these words, 'll:e city of Philadelphia shut! be divided into tin trie senatorial districts, of contiguous territory nt nearly equal in taxable population as pogrihle ; but no wurdnhutl be divided iu the formation lhrr.;nf The legislntnre, at its first seaabin, after the adoption of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia into teuaiorinland representative dixtiieta, in the maimer above provided; such disti ietu tn rein liu unchanged umil the apportionment iu the year one tliousiuiJ ciht-liuudied mid sixty-lour. FOUIITH AMENDMENT. There shall be on uddtlional section to tlm first article of said constitution, which aha 1 1 be numbered and reud at folluws ; Skctiox 20. The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, any charter of inc rporation hereafter conferred by or under, nny special, or general law. whenever in ihcir opinion it may v tuuirious t the citizens of the cmnni' ii wealth, in such maimer, however thut no hijuvtice shall k dout to the corpoiutors. Is exatk, March 27, 1M7. Resdved, That this resolution puis. On the first amendment, yeus Ui, nays 7. On the second amendment, yen iU. nnvs 3. On the third ainendment, eus 21, nays i. On the f 'U'lh nmendinent, yeus 2U. uoys l. Lxuau from the Journal. OKO. W. 1IAMERSLY, Clerk. It tUB IIoiX OF REPBKsXNT&TlVhS, A 01 it 43, 1657. J Resolved. That this resolution pass. On the first amend ment, yeni 7e, nays 14. On the second amendment, yets S7, nays 31. On the third amendment, reus "il, nays Si, and on fourth uinendmrut. yens t-J, nays 7. txlruct from the Journal. JACOB ZIECLEIl, Clerk. Sscshtast's Own, ) r'illUr, lb' 5 A. O criiTix, Pecretary ol the Coiniuouwealth Sri RtTAry's OpntF, l!arn.',b'jrg. June vj, 1SJ7. J Pennsylvania, ss : 1 1I0 certify thm the txive niut foreiins is true and cor rect cuity ol' th oriental ''iK'S'.luli'in relulive 10 hii ainrnrt- ment of ilie CullltitutlOll,, us the same remains on file in this ostic. In teatnaony wliereoi I have lirrennt.i svl ihv lunui uikI eiiist) to le nlhxed tlie il of the Secretary's Olfice, the Uuj and yar ubovc wmti'ii. a.o. crmi.v, Svcrelary of iUe Cuunnunu ealtb. Ia SasiTS, Apiil 27, 1837. Ri-S'ilution nronnaine amendineiits t the Ctmstilution of tlie C.Mnin.iinveailh, Leiuiz under cJiiflueiulion. On tlie qiieitiviu, WillUie Senate apree to the first amemlment ? Tue yeas un1 n ivs were taken to the proyi sions 01 the Ci'iisniutioii, aitit were us lolluw, via: Yens Mesrs. Urru-rr, Urnwne. Couey, Klv, Kvanaj Feller. Fie ken, Frazer, Inpruin, Jmibii. KiUmger, Knox, Lauluch, I a w is, il er, bvolielil, tn lleis, Miuiu i:i, Sleele, blriiuu, Welsh, WllWins, Wiijjl.l ami 'iaegarl, SjH'jker VI. Nays .Messrs. Crulih, Cressvvell, Finney, (irefp.'llur ris, Penrose and Sirmiier 7 r liiequest en wus determined in the amrniutive. On Ihe (jiirslion, AVih Uie Senate ugre to tho second iimenthnent ? Tne yeas u.iys wers t-ikeii npree:i'ily to llie provi si his nl ths CoiiHtilutiiiii atut were 11s fnll.iw. viz : Vas Messrs. Hiewer, lir.iwn, t:ress ell. Fly, !van Feller, Finney, Fleninkei, Infiain, Jordan, Knox. Ijn luuch, Lewis, .Myer, Sell-rs, rsli man, Mouther, etuete, Srauu, Welsh, ilkins, WrigUi uud i'uggart, r-jienker Nats Messrs. CoAVr, Cnhh. Fiazer, Creeg, Ilarns, Kilhnirrr, I'enrose and CH''theld ?. 8.1 the question wus dtenuinca in ths amimatire. (ill llie qnesli'in, Will the Senule aeieelo the third ainuienrlnlent The yens and inn s were lulieu auieeubly to tin: Cousii. tut'on, and wciens follow, viz: Yeus Messrs. Biewcr, Hrown, Crubb, Cirsswell, riy, Heaps, Flennikeii, Fraer, lucrum, JTitan, Killlnger. Un ix, Luiiluieh, lwis. Myer, hi, Seller ,-Hiuinnn. bouihcr, fleele, llr,mli, Welsh, Wilkins uud Wright lit, .Nays MesHis roiTey. Iirei:i?. Ifmris uml l'eurise 4. rt 1 1 he question wus determined 111 the udiiiuuiive. (u tlie iilleslmu, Will the Senate nree to the fi.ulh amendment ? Tlie yeas nnd nays were taken uieeably lo the Coustltu tull iu A vbere us folli.w, viz : Yeas- Messrs. Ui ewer, Hi.iwue, CitTey, Ciesswell, Kly. Evans, Flenuikeii, Fruzer, Ini'imn. KilluiKer Knox, I .au Isieh, Lewis, Mver, 8-held. S Hers, bliuiuiiu, Soulhrr, Steele, Slrint), Welsh, Wilkins and Wiissht -J3. Nays Messis. t', Finney, Jcrdau and Penrose I. aw ths quesiiun wus determined iu ihe ciTiiiiiuuve. Is tiis Ilovssoi rtsrmiiarim ss, A(iiil9, iw, Tti resilntinn proposing amendmenis to the Constno mol tlie C iuniJiiwealtu bcuif under conslJerau m, Un ths ijueale in, Wdl Hie IL.use njtree to the first sinendiiienl T Ths yciaaie! nuvt were taken SRreeuWv to the provi sionsol Ihe Cousinuti.ui, and ou ths hi si pioi'sed amend. nient, weie lis lollnw, vu; Yeas Messis. Andera,.n, Arlhur, Bufkhnuse, Ball, Beck Bishop, Hewer, llr..wn.C.i!houn, Culniiliell, Chase, Cle.i ter,, iliekev. tut. tester. FsLj.1. ... , t - -....n.,iii., , t.ei: vesi'iro.ia. w ,n.t.. ecu....... ' ' Wiight, Zimuiurinuii and tietz, Sneaker 7a ' NyaMeasrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, lianiilton. Han- jock, lliiie. HMffiaaii, (UliauoaJ Lebo, u ulhers, TUoiu. Warner and WiutrileH. ' " rio ihesjuejiion ivas detcuaiueil hi ths sflirmutiv. On ths qnesiiau, Will the Houto are to the second amendment f The yens uud uays wsrelakcu KretUy to the provi sions of ths Coustiiulnui, ami were aa fidlow, vis : Yeas Messis Audeisoii, llaeku 'use, Ball, Beck, Bow er Ctlhoun. Campbell, Cany, Ent, Fousold, Foster, .Mrs. Qsinel. Ha par, Hems, llietuud, Hiilreas, Iloff an, (Beilrsi Housekeeper, fmbiis, Innes, Jsr.kius, lobn., Jckason, Ksnfflnan. Kiiijt, LeuiTii(nj, Lonas.ker. M Ci.Wi ncy, i liintcs, tlamel, llarper, lleins. lliesland, 11,11, ililleaus, ll.U.nau.llle.ks I inline, lanis, Jae .lis, Jenkins Juhuson , Kauaman. Kerr, Kuiuln,, lniaker M.'m, ,'. M,;'I''ia''lMl,ulr'M't;''1'U''iil,M!llva.,i.A,H,?hea.l Mumnia, Musseluun, Nichals, Nieh..S"ii, .Vuuemaeher oT , , 1 1 V!.' 1 Powaull, I'ureell, Huinsey Hupp, hhsw, blouii, Sunlli. (Cnmhrin.) tSmilh, (Outre b eveason T,.la,i, Vail, YauJ.Kirliis, Viekers, Vnenhlev iiaiL'i,, Mm ale, M'llvatn. Moorehcarl, Mntaelmnn, Nl ehola, Nichoiaon, Nunenuehar, Pearaon, Peters, Petri in Pownall, Puraell, Ramsey, Philadelphia.j Knmsey, fYork) Kramer, Rolwrla. Rupp, Phnw, Klonn, Totnn, Vinl, Voeghley, Walter, Wettbrook, Wharton, Zimmer man nnd tietz, Speaker 07. Nays Messrs. Aurthur, Angmtine, BncVus, Rensnn, niahop, Hrown, Chas. Cleaver, Crawford, Eyster, Gili bouy, Hamilton. Hancock, Muf, lime, HofTmnn, ricba non,l Jacobs, Kerr. ,elo, M'CalnHatt, Mumma, Reed, SmiOi, (Cninbrin.) Hmith Centra. ttcvenson, Struthere, Thorn, Vat.voorhis, Vickera, Wnnaisvller. Warner, Wi triMle. Wiiberow and Wright 34. Sj the question was deteiintutd is the Btfiraxitira. On the qaeation, Will the Hint at nsree to the third amendment ? The veas nnd ns s were taken nareeuhly to the provb sinus of the iutiitutioii,aid were aa follow, via: Yeas Mwrs. Adder eon, Un-khousa, Hall, Heck, Ben son, Rower, Hrown, Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Cmwford, Diebey, Km, Kyster. Kanaold. Foster, Giblw uey, Hamel, Harper, Heina. Ileistand. Hill. Hillegaa, l-tf-maulRcrks) Hoflnian (Iil-anon.) Housekeener. Imhrie. Innes, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson. Knuffman, Kerr. 1clio, UiiiKiiker, lvett, Manrnr, iIai:ale, M'Cnlmont, Mimit- head. Mumrna, Muftehnan, Nichola, Nicholsttii, Nitue machcr, Perirsou, Petcia, Peiiikiu, Pownnll, Purr ell, Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed, Rupp. lhaw, flnn, Smith, (Cumbria,) mtfh, (Cctttje.) Steve ison, Tolmt, Vail. Vanviwrhia, Viekers, Vorphley, Wionteller. Weal hronk. Willifton, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz. PpcnVer 7. Nays Messrs. ATthur. Augustine, RnrVrrs, Bishnt), Carty, Dick, (iildeo, Hamilton, Hancock, Iliue, Jenkins, Knight, Leiaeurimr, M'llvaiu, Ramsey, (Philadelphia.) Rolterln, Mruilmrs, Thoin, Waller, Warner. Wharton and Winl rode 1W. Si the question was determined in the normative. On the question, W'lilthe House agree to the fourth amendment t The yens nnd nays were taken nurecubly to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were an fallow, viz : Yeaa Messrs. Andera-in, Arthur Bin khouac. fhu kua, Hull, Iteek, lteneou, Lihop, Dower, Hrown, Calhoun, Camplu'll, Curly. Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey. Eiit. Evsler, Fuusfihl. Foster, fiiblviiev. (iilden. Iliinul. Hnr- nrr. lleina. Hiestand. Hill. Hilleya. lIofTmnn. t Berks) Hoflmau, (Istbrnion) Housekeeper, lnibrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins. Johns. John"n. Kn ml num. Kerr. Lelm, Leiscn- rintr. Longak'T, Lovett. Manenr, Muucle. M'Calinon yj 1 1 vain, mumum. .lins-einiiin, lenois, . icunisnn, nn-. macher. Pcnraon. Petri a. Petrikui, Pownnll. Pm-cell, Itnmacr, Philadelphia Ramaev. (York ) Renincr, Herd, Roberts, Rupp, Phaw. IS1 mu, Smith (Cambria.) Smith (Centre.) Stevenson. Tolnn, Vail, Vonvoorhis, Viekers, V'oetrhley. Wngonsellfr, Wn. tier, Wert brook, Wharton, Willirtoi), Witherow, imniermannnd Getz Speaker. &3 Nays Messia IJoek, llnmilton, Hai.cock, Mr ut her a, Thorn. WintrmJe nnd Wright 7. Sti the quisltou was lU-lermined in tho affirmative. Sfcbbtary's Orrica, ) llnrrishurg, June !fJ, 167- ) Pemtftftvania, m. I do hereby certify that the nlove and foregoing it a true nnd cot rcct copv of the "Yens'1 nnd "Nays" taken nn the Resolution proposing amendments to th Count if u lion oi me Coinmonwnitn. as me aamc appears on the Journals of the two Houses of the fieivrnl Ast(mbly of this Coinm nuveailh for the session of 1?"7. 1 Witness my hand nnd seal of satd ofTiee, this S twenty-second dny vf June, oue thousand eight ) hundred and fifty-seven. A.G.CURT1N, Secretary of the Common we ulth. July,lKi7. SAIAMANDER FIEE AMD THIEF-PROOF SAFES. The largest assortment in the United States. Warranted to 1 equal to any now made, and will be sold on ss Good Terms, as can he obtain ed from any other house in the Country , nt EVANS & WATSON'S 26 South 4th Street, l'hiladclphia. Truth is Mighty, and Must Prevail. Rtport vf the Committee ajipoinled to superin tend the lUirninij of the Iron Safct, at Head ing, lXlruary '11, 1357. l!nnio, March 4. The undersigned, members of the committee, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safes originally agreed upon by Forrels & Herring anil r.votm & atson, placed side by side in a fur i.ace, iz: The Sale inusc by the Payniixler of I lie Philadelphia and Heading liailroad ('ompa ny, in bin ollice at Heading, maiinfjcturc.l by rarrelsdc Herring, and the Sate inufel yll A. I, an!z, in Ins store, manufactured by Evans 6c Watson, and put in books and paper precisely alike. The'fire was started at 8 J o'clock, A. M., and kept up until four cords of green hickory, two cords dry ouk and half chenut top wood wete entirely consumed, the whole under the sii;riiu tendence of the subscribers, members of the Com mittee. The Safes were then cooled off with water, after which they were opened, and the books and papers taken out by the Committee and sent to II. A. I. Hull's store for public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and paper tuken from '.he Sale manufactured oy h'arreln iV Herring were in our judgment, damaged fully fifteen per cent, more than thoso tuken from EvaiiB & Wstsnu'e Safe. We believe the ahovc to hate been a fair nnd impartial trial ol the respective qualities of both Sales. JACOB H.DYSHER, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Hating brrn absent during the burniinr, we fully coincide, with tho above statement of th; condition ol the ph ers and books taken out ol the respective Kales. O. A. NICOLE. H. II- .Ml.HI.KNBF.KO, JA.V LSMIUIOI.EAND. March 21, 1857 NEW ARRANGEMENT 1 J'l tsh Arrival of drugs; taints, oils, &c. flHE undersigned noving tuken the store for 1. meily kept hy William A. Kruiier. is now ready to till orders and prescriptions at a mo ments notice. Ho has a Urge and well selected stock of fresh nnd pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Uye-slufi's, Oil, Paints, Ulan, Putty, and all kinds of Talent Medicines. FRl'IT AM) CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Hetrnrs of the choicest brands, fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair brushes of every variety. Cumphine and Fluid always on hand. Customer will find his stock complete, com prising many articles it is impossible here to enu merate, and all sold at moderate prices. I'emembcr the place, next door to E. Y. Uright's Mammoth .Store. A. W. FISHER. Suubuiy, March 14, 18S7. THE DAUPHIN & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. rjONNECTS the Reading Railroad at Au burn, on tho Schuj Ikill, (10 miles below PotUville,) with Ihe Northern Central Kuiltnad, at Dauphin, 011 the Susquehanna, and witli the l'i iins lvai.ia liailroad at Kot kville, (5 miles above Harrishurg,) and runs o.M passenger train iu winter, and. -t wo passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Harris burg, ach way, daily, (Sunday excepted.) on times arranged U connect properly wilh these roads; with tho Cumberland Vullcy and Harris burg and- Lancaster Railroads, at Harrishurg, uud with Ihe Callawissa Railroad, and it north ern connection nt Port Clinton. El. 1. WOul) M OK RIM, Eng. i Supt. . March 7, IS57 BROADWAY FAMILY GROCERY! Flour, Feed and Provision tore. Broadway btlow Jilackherry Street. LEVI SEASIIOLTZ, riESPECTFUI.I.Y inform the citizen of a Sunbury and vicinity that he has removed lo the store lately occupied by C. Gebriuger in Uroadway near Ihe Ruil Road, and i receiving a choice supply of FAIAILT GP.CdE3.IEC, consisting iu part of llama, r-houldcia, Mackerel, Herring, While Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Prcseived Fruit, Pickles, Cracker, Cheese, Molasses, Kite, Sugar, Coffee, (jreen, roasted and ground,) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoe, tubacco, egara, &.C., together with every article usually found in a first clusa Grocery Store, all of which will be aold at the lowest prices, either for cash or country produce. He ha also prepared to sup ply the citizeu wilh fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and cakes of every kind. N. B. 'l'ha highest cash price will be paid for butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunlmry, April 11, 1867 IlORTand MADERIA WINES, Schiedam Schnapp. Wild Cherry brandy, Blackberry and Lavender brandie for medicinal purposes at March 1V67 A. V. FlPtHER. NEW ARRIVAL OP FALL AND WINTER GOODS I Ira T. Clement NO. I, CORNER OF MARK El SQUARE, A8juatrereived largt aupply of Fall and Winter Honda. H will continue to tell Dry Oooda anil Gro- corica CHEAPER than ecr, aa hir gooda arc bonglit cheap thry will Va aold cheap. H frila confident with hia experience and ability, that he ean competo with tlta World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate ankle a if time and apace would permit. It it enough to say that he hae over) thing in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A larga Stork of Remly-Mads OLOTHINO, JIOOTS ASD SHOES, frc, c, (list ia kept in nny other store in town, anil Uis banner is on the breess. Ami long may it wnv O'er land of the free, And the hnms nf tlie brar AVIiile her Stars anther Stripes Phlne out like the Sun, Telling oil nations Tint Freedom's begua. Tlii in a fire country " n"""1' I'T the rlrction of lhirlionan over the Wnoly Horse. therefore it is free for all to do their tmrlintr where thev can BUY lie CHEAPEST. All are invi- ted to call ami see. TIIK COUNTRY, as well st the town are respectfully invitej, anJ every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or tree are invitril to rail at .0. 1 MarKuei pqunre, opposite the Court House. 1". 8 He is not to be undersold ny any man or combination of men. No charge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken tn eichange lor good. Sunbury, nee. 20, 1856. Saddle and Harness Maker. HENRY HAUPT, JR. Successor to A. J. Strtth, HESPECTFL'I.I.V informs the :V. citizens of 8unbury and the pub- t,f:s.vjiiv ,c generally, mat lie nns tnKen the establishment lately occupied J Stroh ai.d is rrepsrrd to turn cut woik in ia line of business equal to any made in this, section of the country. Orders promptly execu ted and all kinds of produce taken hi Exchange Sunbury, May 9, Hi57. ly I fishing Tackle. Bed Cork, (ira ton and l.inen Line, Out Lines, S asa, Cot- Sea Grass by tho yard, Snoods, Flics, Kirby, l.tmcrick and Carlisle Hooks, Hods, dec, for sole by March 41.V.7. A. W. DIElXi TISTRY GEOUGE UENN, NNOUNCKS to the citizen of Sunbury anl icinty, that lie hasopened an office in Sun bitrv, above II. J. Wulvcrton' ofliee npposito C. We'aver's Hotel, where he is prepared to attend to all kinds of work belonging to the profession, in tho latest and most improved slyle. All work well done and warranted. Ilccember 13, I8S6. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Chestnut St., aiiovc Foi-kth, riilLADZLrXIA, Keep csuflanth- on i.ind a f;ilondiil afloruncnt of Ready-made Clothing. GoODJ MADE TO OltDlR AND WaKKANTLU TO FIT. Nov. 23. 18.16. y Citrate of Magnesia na TASTKI. ESS SALTS. rlHIS preparation is recommended r. an ei--- cellent Inxtilive and purgative. It operule mildly, is entirely free from aiw unplens int taste rescmblini lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by A. W. FISHER. Sunbury, March 11, 18SG. AM 41)FR CiCltlt Imjkrter and Wholesale Dialer in SALT. 38 South Wharves, Philadelphia. ;k ASH TON Fine, Liverpool Ciround, Turks Island and 1'niry Sail, con -r U olanlly on hand and lor tale in lots to suit the trade. 18.17. Cm April 4, HOVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. Tltii hair dye nt'&li nnty a trial tn saliifv oil of itt per ffctuiti hm iii u liye, , mid 1 lie filltwin; tcttiin'miut irom 1 1 ml emiiitnil Anulytn? Chi'iniot, runr-Mmr liiHi)i, ol the L. 8. Mini, will only pontuiu wlmt ttiouuuUb liuvc jue- viouii) iHirue irHini'iny to "I.AilUltATl'ItV t'OB PR ACIIPAL CllKMISTRy, ) St. S:.'hcn' I'lure, rmi.Amxi'iiiA, Ttlruuiy Kill, IS.IT. "Ocinp well ap.unint il with tlie bjI.kihim-m rtimp-ixiig IffjMiVKU'i Iiytu Uaiu Uvk, I UIU Kllivlitd llat t) f.illnW ini ihe simple clirfrtiona f(ivrii for in um it will ii"t inj'Kc tlie llMir or tUui, 1ml will give n natuml aiidiluru ble color to the H;or. JAUr.SC UOOTir, AiinlytirChcmmt " IHKIVKH'S WitlllU I.MvS. HKlu.liitff H.N.vr'i Fluid, out! Ilociver! Indi'liil'te Inks, nie hsi well known ami iiitioilucnl lo ictiuire nny aililiiiMiul ttat icth nv of ihrii cliiiiiicif r. The miUn have t.eeu i ui-r uittj in utice Hieir hrsl introduction, pivinn evidenre tli:ii the nriirlft truly 11-h, that iiitrinsic incut claimed mi lirrt fur them by .he .Miiiiiifiu-iurtr. Oi.lcri. uddreKxM lo'the Maim fnl .rv. No. 110 H A I trt-fi HlMe (U liTII, fold Wo. 114,) IMoLtdtlphiu, wilt receive proiunt ntirntititi iy JUSKIMI r. HOOVr.n, Manulmturcr rhiladi-ljd.ia. April 45, lt57. ly NEW CONFECTIONARY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEAlllIAUT, I fAS just received a new and excellent assort incut of goods at Ins Confectiunary and Fruit Store iu MARKET tSTHlCU T, Sunhurv, where he inauufactares and keeps on hand, al all times, tho most choice Confectionary, Ac, V holesale and Ketail, at riuladolpliia prices. Among hi slock of Coiilecliouariis, may be found t French ffrreU, Gum Drops, sll kinds uf scent, K'jrned Ahnoiuts, Crrttm While, Lemuu Kow, Vanilla, Oomnvui Hreiett. Liquor ico, l.tive m i 'lis, Mint l'Mis, red snil white, Jelly Cukes, Flint Drops, htn k l uiultes, ol sll seems Hock CuiiUy, A Im-'iiu CsnJy, livllXT. Bnnsnns, Prunes, Dines. Fur, Currsnts dried, Cinons, AlmuuUs, Rslsons, Nuts of sll kinds LKMON SYUUT of a superior quality, hy the simile or dozen. A superior quality of ISccars and Tobacco, and variety of t'oul'ectionaries, fruit, Ac, all of which is otl'crcd cheap at wholesale or retail. ICE CREAM. He lias aWa opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will at all times lie ready to serve his customer with Ice Cream. Sunbury, May S4, 1858 ly IVciv Drugs, I'uinta, &c. NEW supply of Drugs, Paint. il, Fluid, ic, just received and for sale hy A. W. FISHER. funliury, May 2, 1857. 4K A. FURNITURE POLISH. 8. RAE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. This polish is highly valuable for restor. ing Ihe polish on all kinds of Furniture, (ilass, Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, Ac Also, for re moving spots, hiding acratches, &c., &c. War. ranted to dry immediately and retain it gloss. Price 60 cla. per bottle, bold by A. W. FWIIER. March 14, 1MT. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, ton TltR RAPID CURB Of Coldn, Couffhfl, nnd Hoarse iicsa. BmnKU Mam., flntti lr 18A5. I. J.O. Atfr: 1 liiotl,lt'ittowy bMt rfinfxly f harti itrt fnuol tr Cortfcht), HonraanflM, )nflnnrA. nd tho concomitant ayiaptom of a Cold, la your Ciicrrt l'KOT.mAL. It eonflttnt on In my ikriu'tltv and my faully frr tho laat e4i ynn han aliowa it to poaani ipo , rior TlrtiiM for Uie troatmput of thiao oomplainta. KBb.N KMUliT, M. D. A. It. MOltTLEY. KMMoTVTtcA,N.T wrirra: I har nued ymir PrcTorul, m f and in my family rr ainco yon InvcnUnl it. and belirro II th bent mKllcino for Ito purpopa tt pnt out. With a bod mid 1 ihonld aootier tj twenry-ftva dollnra for a botUa than do without it, or ' taka any other rfunxly." Croup, Hhoopinjr Conich, HfRiNoriit.D, Mii., Keh. 7, TtnoTRRB Arttnt 1 will cheerfully certify your Prctorai In tha Imt remMly wa mmm ftr th cura of Whopinm Cough, C'imp. and the ch'at dfwnM of children. Wa of yotir fraternity in tho 8uu(h appreciata your ak 111. and commend your mtdiclue to our people. HI HAM CON KLIN, M. I. AMOS t.KR, FflQ .MnKTBRET. Ia., wrttwi, 9d Jn.,lRfit '1 liad a tedlnua Influonw, which cunflned me In doors alx weoka; look, many nieilicirifa withnut relief: finally Uied yonr Pkctohal by tha advtca of our cleruyman. Tha flrat doae rellernl tlie oremma In my thivat and lunRa; leu than one half the Imttle made ma completely well. Your mmliclnen are tho chcnpeit aa wtdl m tint bant wa can buy. and wo imtcrm yon, Ioctor, and your remo die, aa tlte poor man's fdmid. Asthma or Phlhinic, nnd RronchltU, WlHT M ANCHTflTRR. IA,. Feb. 4, IKofl. Pint Yonr CfiF.KRT Prctoral ia perfcrmlna; marvolloni cure) In tliia rxx'tlun. It hnn reli 5vel neveral fruni alarm ing avmptoiiifl nf cotiBiim prion, and la now curing a man who hat bOrored under nn (T i t Urn of the luntc for tha laat forty ycara. I1KNKY L. PA11K9, Murchant. A. A. RAMSEY. M.TV. Monro Co., Iowa, wrl'cs. !Vpt. G, 1fi5: Purine my practlc of many ycara I hare found nothing equal to your Ciikrht Pkctoral for firing rn.u and iidiuf to cantttinpUva patianta, or curing ucu as aro cnniuio, - We might ad-1 rolnmns of erMenre, but the moat eon Tlncinj proof of the virtues of tbts remedy Is found in Its effect upon trial. Con sumption. Probably no one rutiiudy ana ever been knewn which cured ao many and such dnnKrons canea a) this. Some no human aid can roach ; but eren to those the ChiarT PicroniL afford relief and comfort. Amn If or New Yot Citt. March ft. H6. Doctor Ater. Iwiti.i.: I fit-l it a duty and a pleasure to Inform you what yonr Cn.'RtiT lr.cTmAt hna done fur my wile. Mi hint tem nv monins nuKiiinic nnaer me dangerous aymptoma of Consumption, from which no aid we could procure (rave brr much rtdi'f. Hie ae Mtradtly failing, nntil Ir. JStronp. of tliia city, wliwv wo hae come for advice, rcromoindcd a ttlal of your medicine. We blcaa bin kiudnosA. aa we do your aklll, fur the haa recov ered from that day. Hie U not yet a strong an t-he need to be, but i In from hor couph, and rails henwlf well. Yoara with gratitude and retinl, OULAMH) SllKLIiV, or Sufi.rtvillb. hnmmpfirt, do nut donpair till yu hare trlfd Arr CnctiRT 1'kctoraL. It is mini by one of tho bMt medical r-licmiRt in the world, and Its cures alt iirouud ns IvM.-uk the high nici iU of its virtues. 1'lriladityhia Lttlgtr Ayer's Cathartic Pills, mills sclrnres of Chsniislry nj Mnlldne Imve bttn X laxwl tlmlr utmost to pruduu this best, most pcrr purgiitlTo wlilch is known to nisn. Iliniini'riible pimfs si's shows Hint tlicst l'n.u lisre Tlrturs which suriuiM la sxcellenoe the onliuary mwllrliiss. and that thoy win un precedMitrillj ujinn the ostcem of all men. They are safo and plessnnt to tnke, hut iHiwrrful to euro. Their pene trating properties stimulate therital sc-Livitlesor HicIkkIt, roniove the ohstnutloin of its urgans. purify the blornt, and expel iliwwe. They purKe nut the foul humors which breed and crow distemper, stimulate slugKlsli or disor dered organs into their natural acllou, and impart hoaltliy lone with stienirtli to the whole system. Not only do they curs the cery-day complaints of every body, but also foro.ld&Me and dangerous diseases that hare baffled the best of human skill. While they produce powerful effects, they sre at the nsmo Unix, in diminished doses, the safest and best physic that can bs employed for children. Belna sugar-coated, they are pleasant to take; and beinf pnrely Timetable, are free from nny risk of barm. Cures bare been made which surpass belief w ere they not sub stantiated by men of such exalted position and character ss to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Many eminent rlergynten and physicians bave lent their names to certl fy to the public tlie reliability of my rnmedios, while oth ers hare scut me the assurance of their rooTicttnn that my Preparation! contribute immensely to the relief of my sfflicled, suffering fellowmen. The Agent belo named is pleiuel to furnish gntis my American Almanac, containing directions for their use and certificates of their cures, of llie following complaints: Cosliveness. liillous Coniilaiuts; lllleiimitlsm, ITujist, llearthurn, Iteadiiche at icing from a foul Stomach, Nau sea. Indigestion, Morbid Inaction of the Dowels and Pain ariaing th-'relrom, I'latulency, Uiss of Appetite, all Ulcer ous nnd Cutaneous Iiiii ases whith rcpiire an eVaruant Weillrine. Scrofula or Kinu''s Ktil. They also, by purify ing the IiIimkI mid BliinulatlliK tho sy.teni, cure many complaints which it would not lie they could reach, such as deafness. Partial llliinlness, Neuralgia and Nervous Irritability. IVraiigeuieuts of the l.irrr and Kid nevs. tlout. and other kiii'tred complaints arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Do not be put eft by unprincipled dealers with some other pill they make more profit on. Ask for Avbk's ritts, and take nothing elso. No other they can giee you roinpari s with in its intriii.ic value or curative powers. Tlie sick want the host aid liier. Is for them, and they should have it. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AVER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lewell, Mass. Psics av Crs. na lies. Fis boxis roa $1. SOLD BY A. V. Fisher, Sunbury ; Biid k John, "liamoVia W Wiemei, Northumberland ; J. K Cnslmv, M i; Hat s MrC.irmick, Mri;wiiiville and by all Druggists throughout the county. August 10, It.'.o iy BKPD1XU & iaMlNKsiTrNiT HUSIXKSS Cabinet Maker's Findings, Tlie snWrilcr rpspertfully iiifDrin ihcir friends ami the iulilic iri'iirrnlly, tlmt thry have I'ntuii'C I oil wilh their Uoliliii". .v: Kiirriishini; luiiness a large uml well assorted stiii'k ul Cabinet Milker's Findings, a their old stand iVo. 83 6'okii Second Street, heluw Chestnut, PlillaiU'lplila. Tliey lisve associated with lliein V. S. 77 r own who has I id' n lor many years miiinged in Ihe iiineiial establishment of ihe kind in this city. Thrstot k uf CiiikiIs now on ham! toinprises every deiutrijition of muteriiuls u-d hy (-'uhinet Makers, consistini; in part of the follow ing. viz; Hardware ileiarlnieiit. Locks, Hinges, Screws Castors, fed Si rens, C'bnir and Sola innings, ('ullin Handles, Ac. ('ahitiet Maker' Materials, Hair Seutinjr, Curled Hair, Looking (ilass 1'lates and Frames. Ciltte, Varnish. Snnd Paper, Anrl.ips, lack and Fancy Silk and Win sled Uiuii, Sofa and Chair Welihing. Tuine, Sackiiiii llnttoms, A'osewond, Mahogany, Walnut and Maple Knolis, Class Screws, &c. Iiedding Department. Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Muttresses. Fiaihi r eds, Uolslcrs and I'lllows ; flush, Damask mid Moreen Cush ions Comfortables, Counterpanes, l.inen and Cotton Sheets. Pillow Cases, l.inen and Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Table l.inen. Table Cor. ers, Moreen, Uemusk and Plush hy the piece, Moss nnd Husk hy the hale or pound. The Hair Seating and Curled Hair is from the Phils. Manufactory of l. rV J. NoMit. N. B. Hotels, Strain Duals and Ships fur nishsd at the shortest notice., bhowx & 83 South 2nd St., heluw Chestnut. (Nearly opposite Hank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia. August fl, 18'iti ly. PHILIP H. PTOE7. WHOLESALE AND UKTall Grocery, Wine and Liquor Etore, S. E. cor. IValmit und li ifer Streets, rHILADKl.rHIA, DEALERS and families will be promptly supplied at the lowest prices. October 4. ISoG tf SR0DHEAD & ROBERTS, JV. 135, A'. 3d Street, riIIX.ADBI.rHIA, INVITE the attention of country merchants and others, to their stock uf BOOTS Sc SHOES, which they will dispose of ou the most reason able terms. Not. 9, 1856.- ly 0AT AND MULES FOR BALU. rpHE nhscriber oiler at private sale, PIT A GOOD MULEo.and a good fclI..VNE BOAT, wilh future. The above will be sold cheap, and on reasonable terms. JAi;iU KEASllOL l Z, agent for JOHN BLACK. Sunbury, March 88, 1857. tf I. AND WARRANTS. The highest price ''will be given fot Land Warrants by th eub. tribti. U. B MAK8ER. HAKTHIilSWAllB- flIIE subscriber respectfully in'orma tha titi A tens of Bunbunr and tha Dublic. cenerallv. that ha ha commancad tha manufsctui uf all kind f EARTnENWAIlE, at hia manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of tha River. He haa engaged the services of Mr. Hiar. and you can therefore depend on haviag a good article. The public are respectfully invited to call. All order from a distsuc Trill be promptly attended to. P. M.SHINDtL. Sunbury, Feb. t, 1866. tf .IOII II. ALLEN sfc CO. Nos. 9 and 4 Chestnut Street, (south side, belnw Water,) (Taa Oldist Woon-wiax llovia in tvb Cut.) MANUFACTURERS snd Wholesale dealers in Pntent . . l:.... . i. ii ii . ,( , mu It ...... i: -.1 Wifrn, warreuted not tn shrink. Wood and Willuw-Wars Conls, Brushes, Ac , of all dessripiiuas. fleas esti and 114 niUL'lllllc liwu. liliuu.u.. uvcii. . - eaomiue our atoek. February l, lhS7. tjf W VALUABLE PROPERTY J0R SALE. fl'HE subscribers, Exccntors of the estate of JL Henry Masser, dec d., oiler nt private al the following property viz: A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 60 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Loner Augusta township adjoining of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John It. Kaufman as a si ore and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also Til ACT OF LIMESTONK LAND, in said township on the river about 6 mile be. low fSunliu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. MTherson and others, containing, about 90 acres. 1 he soil is productive and contain limestone and other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing ahaut 35 acres on the hill, about two milea below Sunbury adjoining lands of the heiis of the late John Conrad and others. There is, on thia tract, a small orchard or choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.B. MASSKtl, ) P. B. MASSER, Eieeuior. FRANCIS BUCHER.) Sunbury, January 19, 1856 tf MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE. MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. rVpHIS largo and commodious Hotel ia situs H. ted nearly half way between Sunbury and Pottsvillc. The sccnciy the salubrity of the otmosphcre and tho cool mountain breeze, make it one of the most tMiphtfai summer retreats in the country. I he Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, fitted up with all the modern con veniences. The pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The plare is eas of access, being but' one and a bait hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Poltsville, it is 17 milea. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comforlabU. Charges mode rote. JKSSE KIUE. Mt. Carmel, May S4, 1S5U. tf E- NEWLAND Sx CO. Looking t.lnsses. Picture Frames, fcugravlags and Palulings, No. 120 Arch Street, above Sixth, (Late of 2 18 North Second St.) PHILADELPHIA. Giiirnits on dailt to tisitoss. Merchant and othcra visiting the City who may want anything in our line will do well to give ua a call. February 28, 1857. 8m M. ATISE. CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STOKE So 72 North Second Street, (opposite th itlount Veriton House.) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, .$S8 i Silver Lever do,, do., I2; Sil vcr Lepinc, do., $9 : Quartier. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacles. 4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., $ I SO ; Silver lable Spoons per sett, .$14 to $18 silver Desert do., do., $9 to SI 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., $4 ff to $7 50 ; Gold Pens and (iold Ca ses, $3 25 to $5 ; (iold Pens and Silver do., $1; together with a variety of fine Ciold Jewelry, (iold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. Ail goods warranted to he as represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw. PKfER hints, Isfltrnf tli firm of trveni, J AS.,. STOVER. I .sir ef Id Ci.ios Huiel. Il.tltuipSHfiMJ a c.i. NATIONAL HOTEL, (LATE WHITE SWAT, Hate Street, above Thirl, l'I!ll.ADI:l.l'IIIA. T HIE above well-known Establishment, have. na been entirely remodeled, introdi cing all the iiiciilcrn iniproveuients, and also, newly fur nished throughout, will be opened tor the recep tion of Guests on the FIRST DAY OF SF.PTEM HER. 1 he proprietors, from their determination to devote their attention to the vomfort of Iheirguests flatter Iheinselves with the conviction that thoy will be able to give satisfaction to their patrons, Carriages will always be in readiness lo con vey passengers to and from Steamboat Landings and Railroad Depots. SIDES $ sTOVKR. Race Street, above 1 hud Philadelphia, August 30, 181C. ly C. 2E1T23.T'S WHOLf SILK AMI RkTAIt BOOT STORE, 40 S'juth Fourth S.t, above Chesnnt, Phira. 8 BOOTH, Shoes, Gaiters, &c., promptly msdr J to order in the very best style, and uf the l ii-l ninlcrial. Philadelphia, May 9, 1857. Leather! Leather! Leather! IIKNttY XV. UVKRM.sN, "IMPOItTCIt of Krencli Call" Skins suit jreneral Lrathei I ili-uier, No. 0 Suith Tlnril street. IMiiliMirlBhiB. A icruerul iissoitmeiit ol' all kinds of Leather Morocos, Her! niut (Ink Rule l,enlhir, February 3M, HiH. ly w L. C. IVES' Produce uud fruit Store, No. 15 North Wharves, Philadelphia. Shipping and Ceuntry Oordera promptly filled un responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold on Com mission. Apples, Bananas, Pine A pplca, Di ied Fruit, Onions, Oranges. Shell Barks, Raisins, Beans, Lemons, White 4 Sweet Figs, Turnips, Cranberries, Potatoea, Poultry, Peaches, Ground Nunts, Chcsnuts, Eggs, As. Foreign and Domestic Produce and Fruit gen erallv, February 28, 1857. ly A SHINTY loll 8tLU. fJlIIE .ubrcriber offers for sale hi SHANTY, 1 Cook-Siove, A.C., on the Rail-Road bt low 1 revorton Bridge. Apply oon to H. B. MASSER. 8unbury. April t 185T. FOR SALE. A Good second hand Buggy. Apply at this oflios. FOR HrlElSTT. fllHIS Store Room in Market street, occupied 1 by P. W. Gray and tha dwelling house ad joining. Apply to th executor of U. Masser, deceased. January, IT, 18AT. P.VT1 bar 8TOPPERS fo bottle for al by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, July 19, I JSS. Bhamokln White Aih Anthracite Coil. From the "0of.n" in th Car Collier v. T H. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. PURREL, successor to Kase, Reed & Co., will con. iitiue mining, shipping and aelling coal from the above well known Colliery, under the firm of imrn.rrnan at rurel. The point of shipment at the lower wharf In Sunbury, Northumber- wsiujirs, wner all order fot the variou kind of coal, ii I Lump, Broken, Egg, btoT. ml f:hlm... eul . . m ; , "iu o lusnalully received and promptly attended to. Banbury, July 14, 1861, an. , Bctrt, Jblt S, ISM. Ihe Arm of Kase. Reed A- n. b. !.,.. uu their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in the vinari at ounbury, lo Mesara. Zimmerman & Pursel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our cuatomera and other to the new firm-; a they will be able to sell thorn prepared eeal the best quality, KASB.RKED&.CO. HAYDOCK & FIDDLER, TJEALF.R3 iB Watche and Jewelry, will eonlinue the bueinose at th eld aland of James B. Fidlcr, No. 12 South Second Street. PHILADELPHIA, Where they eolicit an examination of their large and varied stock, reeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the business, and the facilities they posses for procuring goods on the most advantageou term, will ena hie them to compete favorably With any clue establishment in the city. They hare now orf hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELR. Silver, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cutlery Fancy (ieoda, &c, &c. N. B Repairing of Watches tt4 si! kim'd cf Jewelry attended te with promptness and- the greatest care. I'hila., April T, 1B6S. If. A LUX. L. IIICKCY & HOX. Avi icToasRs'er TRUNKS, VALISES, &0M 146 Ocul5(re,roni of Jones' Hotel, 1 111L A DELPHIA. HAS on hand the cheapest, and best assortment of TRUNKS ft CARPET BAGS, ETEK OrFERED TO THE PUBLIC Sole Leather, Solid RiTeted. Iron Frame. Iron uotinu 1 ravellidg Trunka ; Packing do, Valises ; Lsdtes Bonnet Cases: Cariirt U. k...u.i.. C by the quantity or atugta article, lower than can be bough at any other place iu the citv July 6, 1856 1 WHITE HORSE HOTEL. POTTSYILLE, PA. rpHE subscriber respectfully announce to fcrs -- old fnenda and the public, that he has tkn that old and well known establishment, tho Whito Horse Hotel. At the corner of Centre and Msliantogo sts ia the Borough of Poltsville. The house hss re cently been Tery much enlarged and olherwi.e improved, rendering it quite as comfortable as any ether Hotel in Schuylkill county whila the stables are large, in good condition, and at tenrl by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To traveller and others who may stop at hi house, he promise every attention calculated te reader thera comfortable and satisfied. JOS. M. FKQER, April 3, 183".- tf HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OJice opposite the Court House, Snnbury, Northumberland Comity Pa. Prompt atttatien to business in adjoini'iiir .onntieg. . EO-ILIE HOTEL, OPPOSITE WEST BRANCH HANK, WILLIAM8PORT 2?A UII.I.HM II. HAY. Proprietor. (.". A. Striki, Assistant. N. V. An Omnibus will rnn to and from th Depot and Packot Landinga, lo Ibis Hotel, fr of charge. September 13. 1858 DANmiHOTEL. Market Street, Danville, Pa, fTjt HIS is one of the largest and most cob. mo X ritnus hotels in the interior of Prnnslania il h been recently lilted up, in eicellen'l st:le, with all Ihe modern convenience. Dinvilled, 8ept. 32, 1856. Cheap AVatchcs hi lyHOLKSALE and Retail, at th "Phila.! 1 T plua Watch and Jewelry Store," No. el da norm ceconu street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA, OoM Uver Wairhes, fall jeweled, Is curat nses. OT'CO Lcpine lik. 821 .00! Fine Silver Speciucles. I ,i0 ..... ... tun jrwiivo, e.'-l Hilrei Lever, full jewl'd H Snpeuor Vrtuutieis, 7. f.i ild Stiectuch-i. v.rsi bold Bracelets, 3.ih) I sdirs' Gold Pencils, 1 .00 Silvsr Tea spooas, set, S,HO Quid Pen,, with Peia-li Hl.i Silver Holder, l,n Gold Finger Ring, 37i eenu to $80; Watch Glasses, pluin, 12J cents; Patent, lHj; Lunet, J5 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. KTALFFER A HAKLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and l.epines, still lower thau the above prices. r)ct. 4. 1858. ly. itRNOLD'S WRmNGTmFand Adhe v and legal envelope, for aale by H. B. MASSER. BnnburT. Jan 10. 185(1 GEORGE SCHALL & CO. MAaiiracTl'lteR or BLASTING POWDER, ift. Carmel, Northumberland County, Pa. Msy 10, 1856. TJLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank' Mortgagee, Bonda, Eiecutions, Suminone e., for sale b II. B. MASSEK. Sunbury, Arri 36. 1856 STOVES IOR 8 ALE an (xcellent second-hand Ceok' ing Stove, also several Cylinder Cos Atorfis. Enquire at this office. M 1 OLD PENS with and without eases. of o very superior qualitv. iust received. Also a fresh suppIt of Writinr Fluid, for uis nT H. li. MASSER. Sunburr. Dee, J7. 1S.. GOSUEN CHEESE received sud for 'by LEVI hK.ARHOl.TZ April 1 1, 18.1T. tJILVER WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, for le at verv luw pricea by "tuiitiury. H. B MAShER. April IS. 1856. AMERICAN HOUSE, WILLIAM SPORT, PA., j. II. KFI.TOV, rropi Ictor. Ja. T. Halu Ass t. Sept. 13, 1856. tf pfRE OLIVE OIL for table use.-two ii 1 at 87 J and C2J cent just received by A. W. riSHER, March 14. '57. Stationery A large supply of fancy Not Paper and Envelope. M and Cap Paper, Tens, Ink, Sand, Ac, at Marcn 14, ot. A. W. FISHER'S. T30RTMONAIES, Tooth and Hair Brush. J- I niisatitl. a- i i ta inn inv ubjiu yt ior vaie oy . A.W. FISH LB. M.rch 1 1, 'fr.