NBW ARUANOEMENX I Fresh Arrival of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS, ic. rrillE undersigned having token the store for X mrly kept by William A. Bruntr, i now ready to till order and prescription at mo ment notice. Ho ha lrg and well elected tock sf fresh and pure ESUGS, CHEMICALS, I)ye-lnlTe, Oil, Paint, Gls, Putty, d U kinds of Talent Medicine. FRUIT AND CONFECTION ART Tobacco and Imported Hejiar of the ckofrett brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and II sir Brush I every variety. Cainphine and Fluid atroys on hand. Customer will find hi tock coniplele, com prising ninny article it ia impossible here to nu merate, and all sold at moderate price. Remember lh place, ueit door to 1. T. Bright' Mammoth Store. A. W. FI9HER. Sunbury. March 14, 7. Xi. e. ives' Produce nud 1'i hM Slnrr, N. 15 Xorth Wharvet, Philadelphia. Shipping nd Ceunlry Oorders promptly Illed on responsible orders. Farmers and Dealers' Froduce Bold oo Com lisaion. Apple, Bananas, Pine A pple, Dried Fruit, Onions, Oranges. Shell Barks, Raisins, Peans, Lemon, White & Sweet Ficra, Turnip, Crunberrit', Potatoes, Poultry, i'eachen, Ground Nunta, Chesnute, Eggs, c. Foreign and Domestic Produce and Fruit jen rally, February 28, 1857. ly EOVEE'S LiaUID HAIR LYE. Tins hair dv needs only a trial M satisfy sll of ils per feeli ju n as "a l)re, add Hie fidlowing testinioniiil Irnm tti:it eminent Anaiytie CheniiM, Piorepsor IJotilh, of the V. tt. Mint, will only cotitiiin what ilinuiuds laive pre vioasly home testimony lo "L.BOKToy roa Psacticju. Chsmuiry, I lit. Mlephen's Plaee, ( ritturntt.rHii, Febiuaiy 17th, 1R57. "Being well nrqiiuinted with the sultslances eonipising Hoovkb's l.i'itir Mair HrK, I am satis-tied that by f ilhw tn the iinpie direetions given fur its use, it will nH iiijjie the Hair or Skin, t ut willgire a uataral anddura h: color to the Ilnir. JAMI'S C. BOOTH. Anatvtie Uhemtnt " HOOVP.tt'S Wltri'IXO INKS, inciuding Hoover's Fluid. bihI li'xiver'a ludellihle Inks, are t' well known end uitwdured to require say alditional teatim.iiiy of iheii eliametcr. Tlis salrfl Iwve ta-en incrcasitig since heir first ititr'Htuetinn, giving evirlcnee that the articles truly piifgeKs that intrinsic meiit claimed at first for theio by .he Manufacturer. Outers, addreaseil to'the tanufactorv. ??o. 41. nAf'll street alaivc FOl liTII . (old Aa. HI.) Philadelphia, will xeceivo prompt attention hv JOKt'll F. HOOVER, Manuiactarer Phiiailelphia, April iS, ltj7. ly LEAGE OF VALUABLE COAL LANDS. FJtHE Northumberland Improvement Compa JL ay invite proposals for the Lease of a por tisa ol their COAL VK1.NS, situate on their property in Northumberland county, Peunsylva ia, two and half miles above the town of Sha Biokin, and directly on th line of th Philadel phia and Sunbury Hail Road. Tho Veins of Coal are well located fsr easy aaJ prolitable operation. Apply to JOSEPH s. DlA"N', Agent, Mount Carmel. Pa. r t CIIAS. S.FOLWELL, Sec'y. 18 South 3d street, Philadelphia. March 7, 185V. 3m FURNITUEE POLISH. S. KAE'S Frcmium Patent Enamel Furnitur Poliah. This polish ia highly valuable for rei-tor, ing the polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage Bodies, Hair Cloth, ic. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scratches, Ac-, 4c. War rented to dry immediately and retain ila gloss. 1'ik'S 50 eta. per bottla. bold by A. W. FISHER. ' March 14, 1857. THE DAUPHIN & SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAD. CONNECTS the Heading Railroad at Au burn, on the Schuylkill, (10 miles below Pottaxillo,) with the Northern Central Railroad, at Dauphin, on the Susquehanna, and with tha Pennsylvania Railroad at liockville, (5 miles above Harrishurg,) and runs onb paascnger train in winter, and two passenger trains in summer through between Auburn and Harris burg, each way, daily, (Sunday excepted.) on times arratiRed ttf connect properly with these roads; with the Cumberland Valley and Harris burg nud Lancaster Railroads, at Harrisbiir, and with the Cattawiaeo Railroad, and its north ern connection at Poit Clinton. ELLWOOD MORRIS, Eng Supt. March 7, ie57 6m.pd. ' AS iTSl'lTFOa SALE. rPHE aukfcribor offers for sale hia 8HANTY, 1 Cook-Stove, 4e., on the Rail-Road below Trevorton Bridge. Apply soon to H. B. MASSBR. Sunbury, April S.", 18f7. JOHN STONE & 602CS, iVo. 4j, Second Street, Philadelphia. ARE now receiving theit spring importation of SILK and MlLLLN KltY (JOUUS, con rioting in part ol Fancy, Cap and Bonnet Rib bons, Satin and Mantua Ribbons, Glace and Plain Silki, Marcelines and Florences, Black Modes, Fiench and EnIih Crapes, Tarlatane, M aline and Il'udi.ni Laces, 4c. Also, a full assortment of French and American flowers, which they offer to the trade on favorabl terms. March 2S, 18:7. 3m., P. 2. Citrate of Magnesia oa TASTELESS SALTS. riHI preparation is rccommeiuled as an ex -- cellcnt laxative and purgalne. Il operates mildly, is entirely free from an unpleasant ta.te resembling lemonude in flavor, prepared and sold ky A. W. FISHER. Sunkury, March 14,1858. (T, MISS A. M. TOMER, Successor to Mr. M. Hill, I'usblonublo StrntT and Fap.fj Bimiufr, N Ml North Pe.-,,1 Street, below Nobis, apposite Itsd Lioa ilotel, Pailauetjt la- IIATTRHM Honni-ts tniule to order. Orders rtsacot fully 'lieilwl iln, ihoib;,!! attcndcil to. Maiell SJ, tini w NEW CONFECTIONARY. "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. 0. GEAIUIAIIT, 1 TAA just received a new and eicalient assort meBt of goods at hia Confectionary and TruitStor in MARKET STREET, Sunburr, where h manufactures and keeps on hand, at 11 time, the most choice Confectionary, eke., Wholesal and Retail, at Philadelphia price. Among lua stock of C'onlectiouaries, may be fsund : Pieneb Beersts, AomPrripi. atlkiailssfsesat, ttarned Almonds, I.ovc Oioi.i, rrrsui Whits, Jttuit lr i, res' and wkits, 41 I.eraoa .loilv t'skss, ' Ks, Fiait Dro;-., " Vsinlia, H ell Candlss, sit HtM Canrnna r-tsisia Hoes t'aiidr, Li'iosrus, Aim nd Candy, FRUIT. Binsnss, Prists, Pales, Fis, Cuirants diisd, Cinons, Aiwamls, Raismis, Nuts sf a iiad LKMOX BYliUP f a nperior quality, by the itigl or doicn. A Uerior quality of Began and Tobacco, and a varie ty of Confections ries, fruit, Ac, all of which is offered cheap at wholesal or retail. ICE CREAM. II ba alio opened an Ice Cream SaUnn, and will at all times be ready to sorts hi customers with led Cream. Sunbury, May U, 1858 ly FOR SALE. A CAAL BOAT FOR SALE, on re (enable terms. Apply to IIENKV LONGENECKER, of Shamokia, r H. D. MICH A EL, Sunbary. February 11, U5T.- SALAMANDER FIRE THIET-PROOF SAFES. Th lergcat assortment in the United State. Warranted to b equal to any now made, and will be aold on aa Good Terms, as can b ohtaiu ed from any other house in the Country, at EVANS WATSON'S IS South 4th Ktreet, Philadelphia. Tnth is Kigktjr, and Mast P'reTail. Report of the Cwtmittct appointed to iptri tend the Hunting of tht Iron Unftt, at Head ing, rhi umg 27,1857. ReaPi, March 4. The ndi ri(ncd, members of the committer, do respectfully report, that we saw the two Safe oiiijiually airreed upon by Parrels A Herring and F.f ana ii Watson, placed side by side in a fur sac, via : The Safe inuxe by tlio Paymaster of the Philadelphia and Reading Ruilroad Compa ny, iu his office at Reading, manufactured by Farrel & Herring, and the Safe in use by H. A. Lanlx, in hi store, manufactured by Evans A. Watson, and put in books and pupers precisely alike. Thcjfiro was started at 8 o'clock, A. M.,ud i kept up until lour cords ol green Hickory, two curds dry oak and half chesnut top wood were entirely consumed, the whole under the euperin lendencc of tho subscribers, member of the Com mittee The Safes weio ll.cn cooled off with water, after which they wcro opened, and the books'aud papers taken out by tho Committee and sent to II. A. Lorilz' store fur public exam ined and marked by the Committee. The books and papers token from '.he Safe manufactured y Farrel 4- Herring wcro in our judgment, damaged fully Ofteeu per cent, mare than those I ,.-, v,ni sein, giving that tone and energy to imlispeu taken from Kvans k Wnlson'e Sale. I s.ihle lor the lertoryti.ni ,.f hcalih. To lie al.lu to state Wo believe the above to have been a fair and impartial trial of the rcsjicctivo ijualiltcs of both j i Safes. JACOB II. DYSHKf, DANIEL S. HUNTER. Having been nbsent during the burning, we fully coincide with the above statement of the condition of tho papers and hooka taken out of tha respective hales. G. A. NICCLL. II. II. MUHLKNBERO, JAMKS Mil. HOLLAND. March SI, 1857. H. WARD, Ma It OF ACT CRE AND PF.AI.P1 !M B T R A "W GOODS, No. 77 TU Nuitb St'coml Sireet, Pliitadtlphia. Are now reccivim their S?prin? ttiH-k, which will com priie a Inrgp and tlcfimlilc ns iitiiiiit f all kindn of KTHAW an. I LACK KO.NNKT. Their atin-k if Auw etc will he unuiu:iMy lirgMhis mna-in. nml tlirrclViTc vite ywnr epjieciiil utirnrioii tn lh:it drpaitmcnt IMftme ctilt tiiul ex'tiinn thcr.i Ltffore waking yuur purcliaica. iinrch 14, liT. Jul 32. 3SrEWriA.3STX3 Sc CO. Loeksu Utussrs, Picture Fiaiucs, tnifravlns and Puintings, No. 1S6 Arch Slrcet, ohovc Sixth, (Late of 2 18 North Second bl.) PHILADELPHIA. Oir-nait! urix liiitr to tisitobs. Merchants and others visitiitg tha City who may want anything in our line will do well to (ive us a cail. February S3, 18.17. 8m BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE A The British Quarterly Reviews. Great inducement to Subicribe ! COPT KKDL'CKU 00 TO 75 l'J'K CKNT. L f i.'OTT A CU., New York, rontmue to pabliah tlic Mowing luling HntiitU PciixJiciil, riz : THK LONDON QUARTKRLY, Cunsorvutir. i THE KDINUIRO REVIKW, Whig. :i THE NORTH IIRITISH RETIKW, Freo Churck. THK WESTMINSTUn KBVIKW, r. literal. 5 ULACKWOOD'S KOIMU'RO MAOAZl.NK, Tory TIiupc reriiuliciilsalily ri-pn's-'itt tint three ensit politi cal purtit'S ti (nut Hrituiti Whig, Tory anil RmJital but pttlilict 1'i.nuB only mic iVuluti; nl" tlit-ir ctmruclrr. At urfffuis ol the uit'gt proloutiit vnturnoa Scifrnt-e, IJUtr tun, Miirality nmi Keliion, iht-y ktmitLris jy wer huve lMt,uiiuviiilc(l in the wtirld of Ieltrrn, Uen)i rttnnicrrj iii.l!t!ienKiilr t the Bcli;lur mid thj nroiVrtrTinnt nun. while in the intt'.hp.i'iit reader of evrrv vun they fiiiiiit.li a mure correct uiid uiim'uctory reenrrf of ttie itiri-nt liter n. t lire of the day, throughout the work1, tliun can bt postd hlv obiuut!d fh'in unv oilier ur'(t. KAlil.Y COIMKS The receipt nf Advnuee Sht-ets liotn the Uritifch puhlmhtT give hudittoiiMl vu'ut tit these Itepr'nl, in m iniirh u they fan imw if placid in the ' liam'vufaabtt. riltrrs nUait h h-xiiui ib onmul editions, j TKKMS. (Rpyulur Piivrs ) ! rxniuim. 1 For if ne of the fmr Rfviewn, f,1.00 For any two of the four Itevirwa, 6,00 For miy ihrne of Ihe four l!rvievri 7,(0 For ali four ol ihe U rviewa, t.fto For Hlurk wiKHl'g Ma-jnznic, 3,fHi For Hlarkwoirf) and throe Hevi'-ves, 9,wi For Bluckwootl and thuP ur Iteview". 10,t!0 Pvinpnij t' h nmdc in nil rwt m idvnnc,. Money cur rtnt in Hit tiite wiiere iKiie.t, will he r'.'cejvrd at jiar roTA(iK Th P- r'Apr t rmv r.m of the I'nited Pfiiies wi!! he mt T FA I Y F H It f'KNTS v.n for 'illt.ckw Htd'oi.d hut FlM'UTLKN CKNT? a year for ea W of (he Ri vievva. At the above prtcci the PenodirHla will be furnished fiif 157. KI'I.KNPID OFFKRJ FOR 1KB AND 1P37 ! Unlike the more ephemeral MittrazhiPi f the dny, thsa Periodical lose lilt ib l.y aj;e. Iltnce a full year of the Noi (with no tiuniit:Mious) lor Ir.06, n;ay be regard nearly an vuliiahle ub for 1.-07. W prop,. ku to fnuush the twii years ut ihe foilovvici; extrru.rly low ntc,viz : For W.arkwfM'd'a Magiuuif, ?4.50 For any otic Kciiew, 4. (HI For an two Review, fl1) Fcr IIlai'i.wM-d and on Review, 9.00 Fir KlurkW'iod and two Urviewa, Forthiec Review, r,0. Frr Itta( d.woodaiid three Rericwa. 12,00 For the ftuii Reviewa, 11.00 Fnr UUekwoiKl and the four Feviewa, 14 CO To avoid frartioim, f may be remitted for lttarlwvtd for which we will frwuM thttt wot It f.ir bth enra, pont-p lid N 11. The price in 0 real Rritnin of the live Periodi e)i ab v 1 mined 1 aitoitttll per annum. Ai we ahull never npma be likely to olfer auck induce WCuLiUb thuu her prtueutcd. AW is the Time to Subscribe! IT" Remittance must, in all eatira, be mude riireet to the Puhhaheri, for at theke priree n c-irm:j'i(n cmu be ailowed to AkTcnti. Addrt n, I.FONARD ScoTT tt TO No 54 UoldSueeC New Yoik. April M, 157 joiis ii. ujj; & co. Nos. t snd i Chestnut Strn-t, (nulh id, be!w Wuter,) (Tm Oldkst Wmn-'Ski llouia im ma Cirr ) MAM'FAl'Tl'HI'.nSiiiHl Whoksiilvilrslcrs in Fulrnl M.ii-lnns liimtti UHllUMS, I'uienl nnmvi-d (Vi!;ir. Ware, wsrrcuit'il nut tu tin ink, Wuid anil WiiK.w-War C'nrrfii, Urimhi'S, Ac , nf sll descrjjitiuiis. i'lsuss tail und simniiiu our finik. Kuluuiiry 157. -iy i BLXITDS JLTD iT-or m;v tsTVLES.j u- j. wix,i.ia.m:s. X: 12, Xorth Sixth Sired, Philadelphia, MAS I' FACT I ft FT t)e VEUITIAH BLINDS, 7&LVET and (JOI.l) COKUElfEI) and I'AI.MIil) KH A Jt.fS, of beautiful de- atfcins. HurT, and a!l oilier colors uf Holland used for shades. Fixtures, Trimmings, ic., Ac, Wboha.ile and Itel-.iil, at the to west cash price. Store Shade Paintcp to older. B. H. thankful for p.ist patronage, respect fully (olicits the public to cull and examine hia new and larg assortment, before purchasing lsewhere. n?'"WK STl.'OY TO PLEAsK."J 1'hiladelphia, March SI, (H57. c'Jiii New Wall Pper Warehouse, EUJ1T0S & LANIKO, lrivri-i'Ti-u.-L. j . I A1 r .V . 1 l KI.I S .nit imih.ii.ra Wi ,ll & -..I. ' I sii'st, see.iii.id. , iii,. t'hiiu'iiel'nhiii'wiiei. ni'.y l found His 1m; lOI-NTHV Pt HfllAXFRS may her. h. accorwnsn. rtaled with.nll Ilia liie.uiveiiieiiet ol hxikiss fuillier, and rosy be aasui ed ttist they will reee.v. ike adve s. of lllir Money UI HTIlN I.AMMI, u , J . C? "l,bovb.ili1 rii.iwlc pliia. March Is,, ls07. 3me. rpoba00O and Segara 0,fl00 Imported - Kegara of various brands. Eldorado, Fig, Cavendish aud tn cut tobacco at , A. W. FISHER'S. Bunbury, March H, 18S7, Sl'GAB CtKEl 11AM.A lot just received and for sal hy. LEVI 8EA8H0LTZ. AjMill IST. Drug-, Faint andfOlas WHOLESALE WARETIOLHK, Coiaer kf Tenth and Market Ptreels, (ITie ill Beoond Btoiy,) l'HILADKl.l'IHA. WE Invit attention tt oar enlarged stuck of Pruca, rsints, Oils, Varuiahes, c., stlcetrJ ereely lor our snirs,aii(i comprising una ut llie iiiipsi sssMriiaeius m Iks IT nited Stairs, winch ws olef at low pi icx, lot cash or approve' ciedit. WK MANL'FACTURK eery eatenslrel I Premium fur Whil Lead, (best,) KsiisinyVm Fuia Wait Lead, PfflrlSnow Whit I. mi "V if lie Mmitneiie" Preach Zinc, (heal) Pure juw tVliite Awcricsu Kins. rtiilmlelHiin 8a"W White Zinc. Silver's I'niauc Kir and Weather, proof Points, rhmme (iteca, Yellow, and colors generally. AGUM'! Ft iK : Poller's snperinr Alkaline Window Glass, IsVlliline French l'liils Olass, (warrcuteil) Ttis New Jersey V.ine Company's products, Tilden and Nephew's N. Y. Varnishes, HriMiklvn Preunuol Puic While Leuil, Hampden Permanent lircens, Pure ohu, Catnwlw JJrandy. &., A. IMrilli I'lObSI OK: French and Knfflish Piute Glass, French and I : i I h)i Cylinder likss, fjuloteit and liirriiqi-U Window Olass, llaffoerreotvpe lilnts, H:iniiueieil I'luie for 'Floors nnd Fky-ligkia, l)rua, Cheniiciilc. Perfinnerv, Ac. WIIHI.IlSAI.i: DliALKKS IN : PltlQSintii' Arlicletl gencrtilly, Pnirileis1 TooIm o nil ileferiptioas, Hydraulic and nomtin I rnient, tJiileinnl aint Lmul I'lnfler. Paper Maker's Cby.rintin While. c. A c. FRIACIl, RICHAItOS kCO., Store, N". W. er. .f Tenth and MaiUt streets. Fnet'irv, Junitinn Yolk Avenue, Crown and Calhiw hill Streets; Philadelphia. April 1 1, Uin a Consumption and all Disoaaea of the Lungs anil Throat ure positively curable, h) iuhalnti u, winch coiivevs the remedies to the cavities in the luue.s llir)iii;h the air puswtges, and caning in direct ciaituet with ihediseimv, ueuli'allKes the tulteteular matter, alluvs tlieeouull, ciuses a Ireo anil ray eipectonition. heals the I ..'..,.!... il... 1,1. i.iil imitiirlM renewed vilalltv til the SaVniuehunito he control of nnilii al treatment a nuy oilier I'lirinidnlile ilinsr: ninety tnit nf rviry liuiulm'H rums c;in nc i-uiftl in tlie tirst st'ipe?, iinii tiny n-r ti'iii. in tlirswiml j lint in llie lllinl slagu II is iiiipuHiblc li ivf III 'It th.in live 'fr rtnt , lot tie litni;a lire so rnt up by tliu ilim-npi: :is In l.iil a.ii-Jiiro to iiu-UiimI skill Kvru. h.mvver, in llm Insl sM ess, inhulati m all .nls cxlrn.uilniiiiy rtln-l t.i tut snili-iins; ultein!iii(! lliis luiilul sc.itirnc, wlmli Hiiinmlly illr..s niiifty-tive lli'msnnil rii rs ms ill the l iiiliil Sintt-s nl nie j and aeorreet c.-iluuLitioii shows Ihut nl' the prekeut "i l i loll nf the earth, eighty luilli.'lis nrc destiueU to fill the Cousunintive's ttrave. Truly ihe sjkivct death lias no arrow so fninl as fMi sumplion llialloycs it has lieell Ihe pleat enemy f life r.n it snares neither sec nor sen, but sweeps oil slike the brave, the lieautil'ul, the uriieelul, and the itiTlitl. liy the help f that fupreme Being. I'roin whom coinelh every go.l and perfiel gift, 1 am enahlcil to finer In the nlllieteil u permanent and speedy eure in Conauinplion. The first cause of luberelts is from impure Mood, ami the iinmedi ate nffect. ploduecil bv their duposilion in the lungs, i tn prevent tile tree admission of sir iulc the nir cell, which causes a ve!ikencd viuibly through the entire sysiein Then surely it is more rulioiialto expcelVn.iliT(.""l from medicines eateiinu the ravities ol the lunjs than fnim those a.liniunclered ihroueh the nloinai h Ihe pn:iriit will always Had Ihe runes free nud llie bicnlhinn eny alter in haliuir remedies. True, iuhal ithut in a l.wal reun cly, nev ertheless it nets connliluli inally, and Willi mine power sun eertainu than r.anodies iMlniinialereil ty the ph.n..-H-h. To pnne the powerful nud direet Inlluenee of thin mode of adininiiuralion, ehlorofoiin inhaled will entirely ilirlri y HiiBil.il.tv in a few minutes, nalalviiiiiB the i mire nei- vou si-si'eul. Sit that H limb may la? tmipillaleil without Ihe sli;;hleM siiu; inhaling Ihe ordinary burning gun will de stroy life in n few hours. The inhalation of uiiuii mia will rouse the fjstem when faintiui; or upj areullv desd. The (nlor of many ol Ihe mecliciiies is perceptible in the skin n fuw niiuules after bemi; inhaled, anil mnv be imeibately deteclnl m ihe bl"oil A COtlVlllCllUr priMU o tile COUSllllllloiiai eio-cisni iniiuiu- lioii, is the fact th it sii kiieti is always prmlr.eidhy breathiut; foul air. In not this positive evnlenew that p-o. per ramedies e.nel'ully prepared mid judiciously n'liniuis tcred through the hinu.". should produce llie most happv lesultB? During eiehleen years' praelire, many thous:inils su.Teiing from diseases of ihe lungs und throat, huve been under 11'iv care, and I liHVe nlteeted liianvremstlialtlc c.irea even sfter the sufi'erers had been prououueed in tie hot I stages, which fully satisfies me that cousiitupti ai is i o j longer 11 Inlal lltsenSl.. Mv treaitnent of e nisuinptii n is , original, nud founded on lorn? expe' Knee und u lliorougli I My perfect uapiuiulnnee with the iintiire of tubrreles, v. euiihles me to ilistingutfch, remlily, the vurious forms of disease that simulate consn Tiption and nppb- the proner remedies rarely being mistaken even in a simile ease. Tlits J familiarity in connection with cerium palholneical I . microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the hnu-s from the effects of contracted clicFts: to enlarge !te chest, purify the blood, imparl t i it renewed vitality, givinrr energy nud lone In Ihe entire svhtein. Hox Post Oilier, (i W flllAIIAM. M U. Oirice HlO lllbcrt Street, Iwlow Twelfth, rinhulelpriia, Pa. Match HI, IS)?. 3m J. P ASIKK fi Co. Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. DEAI.KKf I.N FISH AMJ l'llu VISION? ; HA VF. cotlH'iintly on hand on ntsoitnient of .Mackerel, tliad. Urn inns, I'odiinh, Heel, Puis, IjiiI, Ifh.mldcis Hams, Sides, Cheese, II ice, itc. Wareh 81, lr,7 Jul COLEJIAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY BTOHE, .Vo. 21 Xnrth Third St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. Ol'NTliY Meiihaiits can save from ten to t fifteen per cent, by purchttsing at llie al ove ! stores. By importing my own gum's, paying hut little rent, nud livii'i ecouoinirally , il is plain 1 , can underKcll those who purchase their (ioods I here, pay high rents and live like princes. j Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors, dud (uxors, Table I Knives and Forks in ivory, slug, lu:lllo,hotie and wood handles, Carvers and Forks, &c, liutchrr Knives, Dirks. owie Knives, Revolving ard plain Pistols, Ac. Also a luroo assortment nf A ecordeon, Ae. Also fine tinlish Twist nnd (icrman (inns. JO(i- hi. UUI.EMAS, Oct. 20, 1955. ly. Importer. s w.i r.i. m. !Hi:iT( iu:, ifill'WriijM and Burr.Wdl Stone Munu'nr turer. Sole Proprietor of Johnson's hiithly approved and much improved burnt and Screening M i chine; (miroved Iron Concave Ur.iu UusUr, the Premium Machine for Millers. Kcsidence : No. CI tjucrn Street, (IKlh Word.) address Kensington Pot Ptlice. Shop : Huydock Hlreet, below Frent, Thila delphi.1. Cocalico Mill Stones, Mill Irons, f'mutt Miehitics, Putctit Mill Bush, Purialde Mills, Sirctclu-d liellitig, ('cmr nt and Screen Wire, Square Mcshfd polling l.'lulhs. Fehrunry 'ii. 1S57. 3ni w5i PORT and MAUEKIA WINES, Schiedsm Schnapps, Wild Cherry brar.dv, Ulackberrv aud Lavender brandies for medicinal purpoeea at MurcU 14, '57. A. V. riMIKU. R. DECOU & CO. Clothiers, No. 141 Cm-siutT Sr., adovi FyfiirM, PmLAUt.M'MIA, Keep rn.1ir.try on hunJ a fj lendii aiToi tmenl ct' Vj )U MAI.'F to fs.r.ta to nr. 7 Not.S, 1E58.. Wall I'apor & VlnIo Sliudcts. J. Ii. ISAACS St EHOTHliR, Xu. o'i Xurth Stcoud Street, beluw ttace, PHILADELPHIA. n A VINT! cimilcted their large aasortinenl nf the above lioodsfor Spring and Summer Trade; would respectfully iuvile tho uttcntion of Purchasers to the same, 'i'l.eir stock fur beauty, cheapness and variety cannot be surpas sed. Thev have constantly on hand every descrip tion of Gold and Painted Shades, Dull' Hollands, 1 t.i - 1 1:... VI. -il I. i. 1 anil nnaue riiures. v uil apers, x.uiiuius, - .... ... i r're l)ord Prints, llorjer. ic, all of which they oiler at lower rates thau can be hal at any other establishment. Call and examine. J.L. ISAACS A URO. 133 North Second Street, below Itace. March 7, 1 857 6m w BOAT AND MULES FOR THE anbseriber offers at private aale, SIX ti()Ul MLLE8, and a good SHAW NKi' BOAT, with fixtures. The abov will b sold cheap, and oil reasonable terms. JACOB SE ASHOL'J'Z, agent for JOHN BLACK, funburv, Mirth 1 8"7 tsf AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, TOR TUB RAPID CCBH Of Colli, Coneh, mid Honrsjoncs. Bsomeil,, Ms., n Pee., ISM. I)s. J.C. ti:s: I rtonntliesihitstosny His brut remnlr T hire er Sinn ) for tVnirlis, Mirsonei. lufluenm, fd ths rnoromilsul symptorusof t'ohi. Is ymjr CitrnriT Psctorai- Irs ennstnnt m la mv prantlno and mr fnmlljr for llw Inst toil rum has shown It tn ravisess U rtnrlrtues for the Irmtnvnt nf Uirss roinnhrfiits. KHUN KM'HIT. M. D. A. n. MitnTI.EY, Ks..of Un. N. Y., srrites: "I hsva Bswl jnnr Proma-ti aiTvlf st"! in my finally esr slsi' yon luronhhl it. sa l lielio It the best ini-ih-los r. lu P'irHsn eTvr vut vnt. With a bsd enld I shiuibl snunnr par tueuty fKc ilhu-s fi a bottis limn rV, without It, or ttUtc siit iilliur remedy Croup, Whooping CotiRh, Intlnenxn. Hi'KiMlnsi.n, Miss., Feb. 7. JSfrA Pnomna Arsn; t will t-l,orrnliy crtlfy your Pfctousi Is ths leit remedy WD Keis.isi for the euro nf Ir7aea'ri0 fbu.7h. Vmtip. sml tho eh -st ill.ieases of children. We eif yuur fmleralty In tho South nppreriate your skill, nut! feiunieiid your tnediciie, to one poople. I1IKA.M CONKt.tN, M.t. AMO t.KR, Kq.,M0NTKr,r. T., writes. Sd Jkii.,1S6! it bml a tedious ii.tluenra, which eotiriiieil me III dn.rs Six weck; to"k mnnr ine-lhines williollt relief; llnal'y tried your t'Ki TulMt." by the ndvlw of our eh'rg nuiti. Tho fiist dov relieved the S"iTii.s In lay tlilont und lunsj leas Ihstl oil" half llie ln.ttle niadoliii.coinph.tely ell. Your madlctni'S sis tb-i cho:ipe!it iW well as llie bt we can buy. und we esteem you, lioctor, and your roms dies, as Hit. pool- man's friend.' Aatlima or Phthisic, nnd rtronoliitis. Wi:sT MANt iii:sii:r. 'k.. Koli. 4. 1K;MI. l : Your rnrnr.v PucTotiAt. Is pei formhiE nmi velloiis rnros in this Beeth.n. It has relhood aeveral from alarm, ing Fviuptoms of cousuniptton, nnd is now cm ruit s man who lias labored under an nd.Ttion or the lutigrf for ths last folly y.'ars. IIKNHY U. PAUK8, -Merchant. A. A. UAl.r.Y. M.T).. At.mov, Mosnos Co., law, wrltcB. Hept. 11. ivhi : ' IHii iug iny pnicti.-e or many ycurs I have fuiin 1 nothing p-pinl to your Ciir.ttRY PlcToilAI. for aiving eae and relief to cwnsuiuplivc patinuts, or curing such as ore curable. We alight add volumes of cvldnties, but Uie mast con Tln. lng proof of the virtues of this remedy is found in Its alTucui upon trial. Consnmptioa. Probably tin mie remedy lias ever lieen known which enred so many and such dangeroua eases as this. Some ro human sl l can r.icli: b it even to those the Cnecni Psctoual nlfords relief and comfort. Asron II n-t, Xcw Ynna C:rr. Tifarch 5, 1c51. Doctor Atr. Iiwr.l.t.: I feel it duty and a plea-sure lo Inform von whit your Ciicnar I'ltnoriAl. lias Ions for my wife, 'she lia I l-een five inonlbs IntHjring Ulidor tbo dangerous syniptoins of Consumtil ion, from wliich no aid could pti'ieiiie cave her much relief. His was steadily falling, nutil Ur. Strong, of this city, where we havo corns lor sdvlce, reeomnienilert a tusl or your meaicme. Hess his kindness, as we do your skill, for she has reeoVj red trim that dar. Mie is not yet as strong as she used to be. but Is free from her rough, and calls herself well. Yoait with gratitude and regai-d. OIILAXIX) rJIIKMiY, or Eiiri.sivti.ia. 0'eiite.)'irf, do not dei'i alr till ym have tried Arr.n'S CllStinv I'MTTOI: AI . It i made by one or Ihe ninlirsl ehenii.'ls in the world, and in cures all around il" ln l uk Ihe hiah uu-rits of its virturs. iUMljtht Lntgtr. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. rpili: s.e hits i.r rlum: ry and Medeine hn-.e 1 een X taxed their ullinvt to .riHli:ce thi" tictt. n;it perfect purgative vrhi, Il is known t, man. I iinninrral lu pn,fs are shown that these 1'u.l.a have virtues whuli Fuij-a.4 in ncollcnre the ordinary imdicincs. and that they win un pieced. .nteillv ii'n Ihe est", in uf all men. They are snro Slid pUasaut to take, hut powerful to cure. Their pene trating pinperties stimulate the vital activities of tli. hotly, rumove the ohstrnctions of i!s orban, purify llie Mood, Slid expel disen.se. They pin ire out Ihe foi.l humors whii h breed aud erow dis.eni;'r, Hiiauiato sliiMi or disor dered oi pain inle their natural action, and mil art healthy tone with s'.rnisth to the wh ile tystcm. Not oi ly do they euro the overy-day complaiuts of cv ry Issly. hut also formi lahle and d.iiiier.au diseases that have hi.ll'vd the Ust of hiiuiau skil'l. While they produce li-nverful rTeets. they are at th:' same time, ill ihiniiic.lu'd !"" 'ho safest and ll physic that can ho employed for cl.ihllen. BrlliK sili'al welled, tie y ill' pleasant to take; and lieira pnwly . R' tahle, are flee from fttiy ri-k of harm. Cures have han made which surpass belief wop. t'.i .y not aub staulialed hy men of such i.vil'ed pieitioii and character as tu fortiid the suspicion cf iinliiith. Many eniincnt rleri.Mn slid ..y. i.ms have lent llicir names to certi fy to the puldic the r.-lial ility of my remedies, while nth ers haM n-nt me the a'scrimce of ih. ir con iclloii liml iny Piopavatioii, contri! ute imnieiiflely to tlie relict ul tn) Stliieled. i-llherilip feilow-llien. The- Ansnt in low niui.ed ia plea d to fiirni-V (iratls my American Aluttouir, coiitaitiin direct i-ois for th'-ir usealid tertllicstrs of their cores, or the f.i!lowlli comphiiiits : C'.Mtivcnehv. piiic.m I 'i.miihutit. Itlietmistisiu, III opy, II. iolle mi. Headache n;i-iiie. IV.tin a full Mouucl Niov S'M. lie;:! - -tiotl. ! u! id Ins' ll oi of the ll..ucl rohie 'lei. fi.ni. t'litcieic . !,- of ! etito . and I "ilia e!l t Ic. r- ens ao.t l.'ut inioiis ;ii :ts'-fl wl.iih I -iici.e mi eeae".i:;t Medicine, .-'erofiil i or Kind's i.n!. Tiny a!-o. '.y purlfy- Ing lie hi "1 an I slimu'nili '. the syOem, ti.le ei.n.i laiuls when it win. hi not ' - :r.v s. I Ihcy re.l-.-ii. such I' rii'nc i I'nrllal Win Nouikl.- ouhl Ncr'.ns In it. -hil it y. i. m:is'"ii'..io ..( il.e l.i, nee lioiit. at,.l .ch-r kit- 'ro.I coin:'' 'i nts n' i o-i r.ei- flotll S low mile of llu ho lj or ol-. in. lion of ils fundi -in. 1 1.) not he put i if hy lli.pi ll'i ipt.-d ihyihrs v.-lli some ntL-r pill they luske mor.. pi-,:,t on. A -k f-r Air.s's Puis, an I lake notion.,- el-?. n o'her Ih.y can rjive you ccmp-ires with thik in its hitiin-ic va'ne or curative powers. The si-k want ths t--r.t aid there Is fi r them. Illiu Ih'-v Khould icive it. I'rppnroJ by Ir. J. V AYTR, Preotical and Analytical Chemist, Lew;i, Ea3. I'.HC. c-T3. J.-T. P.sx. Ttvs Iiuxus iji; $1 S-1I.U l.V A V. Tisher, Snnhury ; rird 4 John, Sham .kin W Wieinei, N.irlhiiiul.crlaui! ; J. !' Cnsl Miitmi, ll.iys ft McOurniick, MrKwiusvil! and by uil l)iu;gists tliri'uuh.-iil the county. Aur,u.t Id, l-;6 iy N I'. W A Kill V A I. U F FALL AND WIKira GOODS ! Ira T. Clement XO. 1, C0II X Ell OF MA Pi EE I Sill' ARE, STJITBTJBY, 8 H just received a large bitpj ly of Full and g Winter O.mJs. lie will ciinlinue to sc!l Dry Goods and Orn eericx (.'II EAPKIt Ihnii ever, as his goods ate boti'''il cheap they will be sold rhenp. He feels eonlidi'iil wilh his ex,rieuee and ubiiliy, that he cjn comjictc with tho World at large and Sunbury ia particular. He would cnuiueritte arliclia if lime and spucu would permit. It is enough to say that ha has ever thing iu 'lie line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A IiirRe Stock of sicady.Miide CLOTHING, IKHlTS AX I) SHOES, Ac, jr., that is kept in nay other atore in town, and Hit banner is oa the bleeps. Auditing inny it wavs O'er hud of the free, And the heme nf the brsv While her Ktnrs sii(l,ht.-r Bmrss Pl.it. out like Ihe Sun, Tilling all nations That Freedom's liegun. This is a free country as wa proved hv tlie election uf 1) uchuiiau over tho only Horse, then lute it is tree for all to do llicir Irndiin; where il.cy cun I1LY ho CHEAPEST. All are invi trd to cull and see. THE COUNTIIY, .is well ai the town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, hi'it or low, bond or free are invited to call at No. I .Murl.ket Sijuare, opposite the Court House. P. S. He is not to be undersold hy any man or eoinhiiiatiuu of liiL-u. No charge for thnwiiig ft' mils. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. 20, lS.'ifi. Leather! Leather! Leather! IIKMtV V. OVrftM t, IMI'OKTIMt of Kreneh Cull' Skins nml eeneeal lnhel leiiit-r, -No. 6 ysnilll Tumi slretl, l'iiilaih Ipliis. A fienerul iisiKiiliiiL-iit uf all kinds uf Lcaihcr Moiueua, ie , e. Ked suit Oiik S.ile Leather. I-'eliruur) l.sjK. ly w Iishing Tactle. Pfd Cork, Cirai.s. Cot-- ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines, Sea (iias hy the yard, Snoods, plies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Hods, Ac, for sale by March 41, '67. A. W. FISH EH. 3DEXNI TISTRY (IKOIHIK UUNN, 4 NNOL'NCES to the citu.cu of Sunbury and viciuly, that he has opened an olliceiii Sun bury, above 11. J. W'ulvcrlou's oflice opposite C. W eaver's Hotel, where ha ia prepared to attend to all kind of work belonging to the profession, Ti the lateat and most improved alyle. All work well done and warranted, rcremhei 1 lS?,rj.- 3 4V MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CAHMEL, Northumberland Cewity, Pnnnfleania. H IS largs nl commoJiou Hotel ! aitua- t(il nmrlv half war between Sunhur? and 'ntisvillp. 'i'be ce nery the snlubrity of th atmntrjiliere ami the cool mountainbreer.es, make it one nf the most ileliijhlful summer retreat in the country. The Hotel, is new structure, four stories IhrIi, fitted up with all th m ruler R eon iciiienres The pure mountain water is Intro ilurcJ in la every chnmher. Th plar Is eas nf acre.s, being but one and hall hear ride from Hunhnry, erer the I'hilsJelahia anil Snn bury Kail Knail. From Tottsville, it i IT mile. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make gnests comfortable. Charge mode rate. JESSE K1CE. Ml. Carmel, May 84, 1858. tf PttTTR SIUI S, tntf nf Ihe dim nf tlcvwi.. J AS. ft. f OVER. lAle sf tli Union Hotel. NATIONAL HOTEL, (llTI WIIITB SWSST, 7J(ic Street, abort Third, riiii.ADiii.i'iiiA. T SHK nbove well-known Kst.ililishincnt, have- ini; been entirely rcinoilelr J, iiitrmluciiip; nil tlie inmlrrn iinprnveiiionts, and also, newly fur nished llirouiiliout, will be opeued fur th rctep. linn uf (iiiccts on the FIKST DAY OK SKl'TEMDEU. The proprietors, from their deterniinnlion to devote tin ir nttenlinn to the comfort of their guests flutter tliemselvr wilh the conviction that they will be ublclo giva satisfaction to their patrons. ('jrriuges will always be in readiness to con vey passenger to and from Steamboat Landings nnd Kailroe.d lVpota. SIDES J- STOVER, Rare Street, above '1 bird. Philadelphia, August 0, 18h0. ly CKIiDIN'O & rUHNlrfHIXO BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, Tlie fiibscrihcrs respectfully inform their friend and the public Renernlly, that ihey have connec ted wilh their lieddiiig & Kurnishing business a tnreo nnd well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker' Findings, at their old stand -Vo. S3 South Second Street, btlow Chestnut, I'lillnrfclplila. They have associated wilh them W.8. Brown who lus been for many fears outraged in th piincipal istiiblishment of the kind in this city. The stmk of (jnods now on hand comprises every description of maternal used by Cabinet Makers, cmn-Ulind ill part of the follnwing. vix; Hardware department. Locks, Hinges, Screws Caetors. fed Screws, Chair and Sofa Springs, Collin Handles, Ac. Cahinil Maker's Materials, Hair Seating, Cuilcd Hair, Looking Class Plates and Frames, i Clim, Varnish, Sand Paper, burlaps, ilack and Fancy Silk and ornled lump, Sofa and Chair We'.ihiit', Twine. Sac.kiiiR Uottotas, A'osewood, Maine;, Hi v, Walnut and Maple Knob, Glass Screws, Ac. I'l'il.iinc; Department, Hair, Husk, Moss, Wool nitdl'oiton .Mattresses, Kialher Tieds, Uolstera and I'tllo-vs; Plush, Damask and Moreen Cush ions Comfortables, Counterpane", Linen and Coiton Shew, Pillow Caes, Linen and Cotton Ti.wrK Tab!,' Cloths, 'Cable Linen, Table Cov e., M. oven. Ditinask nnd Plush by Ihe piece, Moss ai. d Hiidk by llto bale or peund. 7'he Hair Scaling and Curled Hair is from Ik Pbila. Manufactory of 1). eic .1. Noblit. .. it. II dels, Steam lloats and Ships fur uir'.ied si the sli r!i st notice.. NOWl.ir. B0VN A. NOHLir, S3 South '2nd St., below Chestnut. (Neurly opposite Hank of Pennsylvania.) Philadelphia, Auc,ul 9. lSr':-Iy. PHILIP E. PTOB7. WIIOI.KSALK A XII HST1IL Grocety, Wine and Liquor Store, S. K. cor. Walnut and Water Strr.tts, PIULADKI.riHA, nP.ALEKS and fumilie will b promptly supplied ul the lowest prices. October 4. Itiiti. tf BKCDHEAD & EOEEHTS, Xo. 1 :.), X. .id Street, rillLADEtPHIA, jNVITE the tiltciition of country merchants h 'id ollicrs, In their stock of BOOTS &c SHOES, which they will dispose of on tha most reason ai.Ie terms. Nov 9. ln.'.e.- IV I'LATFOIIM SCALES. OF every ilcsiriplii.n, suitable lor railru.id Ac., lur weignii!); Hay, Coal, Ore, and Mereliiindi.v pem ral y. Purchasers run no risk every sc.ilc is i;ii.iraulced correct, and il alter liml. nut f.'Uiid s&li-l.-ulory can be ie!urnej with out cl a'ne, I'ncl.i.-y at ti e Old Vtand, established fur more than twenty years corner of Ninth and Mel.in "Mnvts, 'liiUdclphia. ABBorr & co. Success irs tn Ellieott & ALboit. n.ilsd.lphii, Maich 7, 1857 elm. KErJIIMG'S SAFE AG A' If THS CHAMPIONII The etnhf Safe, which, in ercry instance, pre Mrt ed their entire contents in the lot JCxitnaive Fires, -"Sstt 4 T llie lurtiijie nf ih ArtiTtin "- r '-ifi J J HnilflincH, Ajinl 1 01I1, and in :;; , . '.,: : Hip (JltKAT Flit K iu Mark l St I"! ;r '?','' ,V'- r i,il iA ts-jii, ilifueiiuine Hrrritig iT'i ' ""V i "V pi ricrvnl the JewHry if (ifn. " -C:j1Vf,jj ktp. Ac, ( FUhn St io. and r,.f. -jc-v'-: !',.,' KtlwMnl Si'inam Al Co., nft.tr re 1 -, i .. iiiiiiniiiR rx"i('(l in Ihe lioining t'-L-i;'":1 j ?t i-Jl1. ruins fur nuirly Furly H-hitp, nut V- V f" .-".-Si'r.n'iiiif fiicluivity what uelmve VlLa;Xt2 rlmmeU f.r tliem, their J great itijeturity over nil securitiei imw known. Ii) iie lire . the IIKUUING': SAFPI, tlanr1in sirfe by mcie willi ill nc iiitveri itfftl hs 41 wiirnuitcd Ut ttunti IU p r wit. mur fitethnn He'iriim'i,' riiine lorth the no kii"wlfd'il virtni not nnly prtf ervinif their cuntrnti ill t-xcf!Unt tiitlT, hut hi in thciiirielvei lit n romlitioti tt thr iil'Ii Hiiitiln-r or.tf.il, ui.iie the hmiteil 'Sul.'mttuute I'oi iMhcr iiPt1tciN it to Imilly usfd tip in every instanpe, hii1 in 8 irit' vnm r ilit-ii ri.tno t'unU'iilB eoiiipktt-ly U'sirtyrt1. Tt) tht i-ill, r wmild dimply say. that, during lhi-14 yew's tl.i llt't riiiR'i Hitl'i' Inm In-fii bi'T'Te thfin, m.ire than tw hiitnlrni have pnF.scJ thnuij-li ucciUeiiUil fire witlhiut thr ncciii rrncf of u nnelu lorn. We w in!.). th'rt'nr'e. ciutimi ptirphniern nninvt the niijirt'ircft'iitini-'ii f iiitcrrtflerl putties. Tha Herrtii'a I'Hl'-ut in the tiily Fii"-j.rotif Safe, nmrte in thin c.ty wltii h ia protcp'pd by u l'nfent iliphf, nnd we will trnar mitre it tn rcmpt hiit tlinn dtutle the omooat uf htat of nuy otlier Safe now known. rarrcl J & SlerrlnpTt !e M-inufactorert iu this tat ttf "HSGXIM'S PiTEM ClI tMPIOS SAFES," 31 Walnut St., Fhilada. S H. '-r.valis k VataouTs Improved Hsl-jfrninders," Oliver Kvan's," "C. J. Onylei's," nml S-mtl's Aslietoa," Iron L'I'cita, (n lai;eiissiirftniil liiivina lieuu taken in pari jiawm-iit tir allrriii;,s) will bs sold at low pi less. i'l,lla.,Juii!fl, l!?5U ly. CHKAP WATCH AND JKWELKY STORE So 72 Xorth Second Street, (opposite th irlount IVrii on lloust.) Philadelphia. OLn Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ea ses, JtSrt ; Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Kit. vcr Lepiue, do., S9 : (juarlier. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacles. $150 to $10 ; Silver do., $1 CO; silver Table Spoons per sett, $11 to $18 Sdv er Desert do., do., 9 to SI 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., $1 75 to $7 60 ; (iold Pen and Gold Ca fes, $3 25 to $3 ; Gold Pena and Silver do., $1; togeiher wilh variety of flue Gold Jewelry, (old Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All good warranted lo be aa represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the beat manner. Also, Ma sonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. Ii. All nrdera sent by mad or otherwise, will b punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. 4, 1856. lyw. I) OUT MONAIEA, Tooth nd Hair Ilruah all qualitie, and ny quanti V, for aale by A.W. FISH PR. March 14. ':T. LET Vn REiSOX TOETIIKR. HOLLOW A Y'S PILLS. WHY AHK SICK? fl hnn hn the hit of tho humnn Tr to b wmpriwl tlwn by difniiu nw uflcrintT. IIOLI.OWA V I'lU-S al ... .l" ..e 1. t sr l. 1 .1.- arr FtMfrinny nitnpim m nip rrnci in mc tinnn, tin NKKVOUf, llie UKIJCATK, atid the INFIRM, of nil climm, acii, (wsc4, nmJ con"t guti-Mi. 1'rofewor Hollo woy pt-rB Hially tmwrinteiKis Ihr mnnufnotuie of hit med icines in the I'nitttl Hluttts, mui utTrrn llirin to 0 free and enhghteiieti people, ns i lie Dim icmeoy me wuriu ever sow tor the lemovm i uiflLiine, TI1KSK riU.S rUHIFY THE I5LOOD The fnmttuii l'i In ore mpremlv C(imliml to nnarnt on tlie HtniutK-h, the liver, the kidney, the luiipt, the tkin mtil i lit hnwela. rurrcRiintr unv riVrniifrenient in their func tion!!, purifying the hktiHt the very luuiituui uf lite, and tliui rurmjt iiii!iiitc in nil it t'inTi. Nenrly half the hnmnn rnre hnve t nken t litre Vil't. linn been provetl in nil ptiru tif the wirll, thnt tinthintt hue been found eninl to them iu ens of tlirdrr8 of Ihe uvcr, tlyppejiftin, nml Htomurh nimipiiiintnpeurnny. i ney Oioii give n healthy tone to th-im; arcimc, however much serengctl, nud when all other rnctini hitve failed. GliXEHAL UEIin.rrV, ILL HEALTH. Mmiy of the inont despotic Oovornment hnve opened their ('iinhtin Houses to llie introduction of theo I'ille. thai they may homme the nifditMiie of the inrtinen. l.rnrn ed Colh'jren mlinit llml thin inrdicine ia the heiH remfdy ever known foi pinoiiM of drlicale lieulth, of where the ny trm haa been inipaifrd, bh ita invigotuting properties ntTer fail to adWd relief. EEMA l.E COMPLA IXTS. ( No female, youtifr or ni, should be without thi ecle b'tatfd tiipdieiue. It eorrfeta nnd regulates the monthly rouritfs ut nil pm i-wN, nrtiiitf in nuinv casfs like a eliarm. It isalno the bit nud nritent mnlirine that I'ttii be given to Lininmi of Hil iur'd, nun for nuy ctinplaiut ; coiisqueuuy no fumily should be without it. Ifolloirays Pills are the bent remedy knoum in the world fnr the following disease: Asthmn, Fever and Acne Stone and (irnvel llitwttl Ctirnnltiiuts Petnale Coiiinhinla Ptieondirtv Svnin Cougha i I i'aitarhes I u wurd eak iiim Colds 1 net Mreti' n I.iver Coninlninti Che.-Jt Piftensra lnflunizn I,nwnensjf tpiril Ostiveueis Intlamiivition rilrt yppia nen-l AuVetiona Dmrlio-a Worms, of nil kiuria Uropsy PII.KS AND FISTl I.Af. S..I1I Bt the MannfiiPt'irlea of Vn f.-erIIoitnwv SO M.viden Ijiiic, New Vnrk, nnd CU StnuiH. Lmiilun, by sll resoeetiiUe llruireists nml IlcHlersin Meilieine tlirniitli out llie t'niteil Mimes, nml tin: civilized world, ia boxes, ot Vi cents. 6-JJ ceiita. mid l eueli. IV Tiiers is a coiiaitletalile suvin by taking Ike larger sizef . N. B. Directions for llie esidsnc of nalieiils la even- disoriler are affixed tu etich box. Mnicli , lc;". lyca FIHIE subscriber respectfully in'orm th eiti L xens of Hunhury and th public generally, that he haa commenced th manufacture of all kind of EAKTHENWARK, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, en square east nf the River. H has engaged th services of Mr. Hr. anil you can therefor depend on bavins; a good article. Tho pubii are respectfully invited to cull. All order from a distance will b promptly attended to. P. M. 8HIMDEL. Sunbury, Feb. 2, 18A6- tf VALUABLE PEOPERTY FOR SALE. rjHE subscribers, Exccntors of tha estate of L Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private sale Ihe following properly viz: A large two story frame dwelling house, together with aheet , SO ACRES OF LAMD, Hitunte in Lower Augusta township ailjoininj lands of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John K. Kaufman as a store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for buviness. Also a Tit ACT OF LtMESTONR LAND, in said township on the river about S miles be low Sunhu.y, unjoining lands of J. T. M'Phersnn and nthnrs, containing, about 80 acres. Th soil is productiv and contains limestone ard other minerals. Also a tract of Land, containing shout 35 seres on the hill, n'noul two miles below Sanbnry, adjoining lands of the heiis of th late John Conrad nnd others. There is, on this tract, small orchard of choice fruit. For farther particulars apply t lh snbseribae. II. Ii. MAKSKK, P. B. M AKntt, Keenors FRANCIS IH'CHRR. Sunbury, January 19, l?.'i6. tf .i. es. .iamb:, Justice of tho Peace. IVrOTJIvJ-T CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All bti.-iness pmn'ptly aKcuded to. Hsairs colleited hn.lull ordinal y ri'itijs done. Mount Carmei, June 14, ls.'.6. ly T ANU VAKRANTet. Tha hijliest prir -will he jiven for Land W.irranls hv the sub erili H. P M A'hNKR. I'arnsei'N nf !his Neighborhood, can supply thensalve for their SPUING CliOPPS, wild Leinau's Pure Bone I'tn-t, " ."iiper Phosphate nf Lime, at l?40. fr ten, " NitroRened Phosphate of Lime at $0,' ' American Fertilizer, al $'.'.'i, per ton. Theno Fertilizer are coi.-.posed of relish! Chemical elements, abounding in Pot Ash. Ac.; they bave hav recciveil the Diplomas of Four Stales, lo viz : New Jersey, New York, Penn sylvania and Delaware. Also, fur sale GL'ANO, all kinds, Poudrette, Ac. Countrv Produce re ceived in payment fcr the above, at market rates, or Drnfis on good houses, or Cash registered with ordeia, prompllv attcndiM to. GEO. A. LLl.NWr, Proprietor, "New Fir Prool store," No IU Houih Frul 8l., Philadelphia City, Pa. February ?tf, IS'iV 4ni w' I'KTKH l Z.W.fT.'.?f.?.V, IJESPECTFI'LLY inrorms his friends, and the public gciiernlly, that he has just receiv ed a New .Stock of GOODS, at his new store, at David .Miller' Mill, in Loner Augusta Town, ship, and that llu is prcjarad to sail good at lh lowe.it price. His Stock consists in part of FALL & WINTUR OOrtDS, Groceries, Qucensware, Hardware, &c, and every variety usuully kept ia oounlry Store. 'Prevorton price paid for all kinds of produce. Lower Augusta twp, Dec. il, 1 85G. if JATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS bar Pottles lor sals ny H. B MASlRR, fiunhury, July 19, lB.IS. FOB RENT. fpHR Ptoro Room in Market alreet, occupied X by P. W. Gray and the dwelling house ad- joimnx. deceased. Apply to ihe eiecutots of U. Masser, January, IT, l8.rT. AM KKIC AN HOLSE, WILLIAM.Sl'OUT, IA., J. II. IiKl.TOV, lrprlefor. Jas. T. Ham., Ass't. Sept. HI, lH.riG. tf Ml.'RE OLIVE OIL for labl uso.-lwooiao t 37 J and CiJ cent just received b A. W. FldllER, March U, 'ST. Stationery. A largo supply of fancy ? Paper ami Envelopes, Moiimiiif, Le Not etler, and Cap I'aper, I'ens Ink, Hand, Ac, at March 14, f.7. A. W. n-IIFH'S Shainokiu Wliitd Ash Anthracita CoaL Irom tht "Old fW in tht GapCollUrv. JH. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. PUR8EL. IIISesaanM .. V D 1 f. -. I . .,.. nnse, nu CC WO., Will COSV- Uuu mining, shlppinn and selling Col from th bov welt known Colliery, under the firm of .immerm.n x rursel. I he Point of shipment is at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber land county, P., wher all ordera-for th variou kiud of coal, via 1 Lump, Broken, Egg, ftov. and Chestnut Coal, will ba thankfully rsceive nd promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1808, Bt sariiT, Joit , U5. The firm of Uaee, Keed If Co. haviag toi their lease in the Gup Colliery and interest in tha wharf at Sunhury, to Messrs. Zimmerman & Pursel, would tahs great pleasure in recommend' ing our customers aud other to tlie new firm, a they will b ahl to sell them prepared coat f the best quality, KASB, RF.ED St CO. AI?DVAKE.-Tabte Cutlory, Kotora, Pock et Knives, Hand saws' Wood sawa in frames, Axes. Chisels, Door Lock, and Hinges,- iiaini uells, VI alters, ie., just received and for le by (. W. J KNEll ft CO. Kunhurv Dec. S, lf4. HAYLOCK & FIDDLER, TVEALEUS in Watche and Jewelry, will continue tha business at the old stand of James 13. Fidler, Ko. 12 .SWi Second StrtH, fin l.a nr.i.t'ni Where they solicit an examination of their large? and varied stock, lecling assured that lh ex re-' rience both of them have had iu tho busines.. nnd the facilities thoy possess for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete fnvorahly with any ether establishment in the eity. They bav nw en hand fine assortment of "WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silver, Plated and Btittjnia War, Cutlery, Fncy Goods, &c, &e. N. B Kepniring of Wiitchoa and all kinds f Jewelry attended to wiik ptswpliisss anal the greatest care. Phila., April T, 1855. if. TO COAL DEALERS. ' AMMERMAN & WEITZSL OEf?PKCTKL I.LY inform the put lie that they have leased the new colliery, called tli Lambert colliery, and art readv to iMiver eo.l mt superior quality, and of a vari'etv of sizes prepa red en their new coal uresker. . II orders ur,,,,L. attended to by addressina the firm. ithr 8unhury or Shamokin. Suubury, Juno 3U, 1855. AMiX. Is- IIICKCY A. s, siiincruini r TRUNKS, VALISES, kC.t 146 Chctnvt Street, front tf Jotet Btttl, itlll.AUEI.PHIA. HAS on hand tha eh,! tm& best sortinent of TIWNKS 4- CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE TLBLIC. Solo Leather, Solid Hivetcd, Iron Frame, Ire Bound Travcllidjj Trunks ; Packing do, Valises ; Ladies Bonnet Cases; Carpet Fsrs, 8aUbe!s. &e., ky the quantity or siuyle article, lower taaa caa be houirlil at auy other plac iu th citv July S, 1S5G IItFIToHSE HOTEL. rOTTSVILLF., PA. fpflE subscriber resprctfnlly annmmeM t kis old friends and Ihe public, that he has tsksa that old and well known establishment, th Whit riorso Hotel. At Ihe corner of Centre and Mahantnjro sts., in the Borough of Pottsville. Th house haa re cently been very much enlarged and otheiviis ""i"""i iriiiiriuiu ii quite us coiniortatile ss any other Hotel in f ihujlliill county whil the sialics are large, in Rood condition, and at tend by careful, attentive, prudent hostlers. To travellers and others who may stop at hia house, he promises every attention calculated t render them comforlaliis and setistied. JOS. M. FKGElt. April , 1S5'.- tf ilEKRY EOKMEL, ATTOFs.PvTS3r AT IiA v7. OJice oppctite tht Court Ifouse, S anbury, Northumberland County Pa. Prompt nttetiWon lo busitipn in adjoitiinty -on nlies. EAGLE HOTEL, OPPOSITE WKST El'.ANCII BANK, WILLIAM6PORT, WILI.IIM II. Uiir, Iro.rletr. C. A. Htbisb, Assistant. N. B- An Omnibus will rnn to aid from the Depot and Packet Landings, ia this Hotel, 6m f charge. September 111, 1 Ma. tf DANVILLE HOTEL. JOIUST JR., Alarlet Street, Ua:u ille, Pa, f 1MIIS is on of Ihe largest and most cmmo- i dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania it has been recently fitted up, in eicelleut stylo, wilh all the modern conveniences. Danvilled, Sej t. Z'i, Is.'io. . (.'lienp A'iithcs 15 .Jpwtli I'lTHOLKSALK and Retail, at th "Philljol- ' phii Watch and Jewelry More," No. 6 North Second Street, corner of tiiarry, PHII.AI2IZ.PIHa.. GrM l.evar AVstrhcs, lull jt vvi It-il, is csmt s.isa, g-js.fo S"W l.epjne p-k. fu is Fine Silver i.-tel. rtilvel lp. full jewllnl. Sfl.lli.iM Hmci-lris. 3.l) Silvr Li ver, lull jewl'tl fi '. miles' lj. ,l I'sneils, 1,(D Sinpfi mr Quu'lini, 7 Silvci Ten spoons, set, (j.'lil tiectapea, ?.''li 0"W Pttu. wall rtis-il s:ia filvcr Holder, 1,00 (iold Finger KitiRs, 37 J cents to $ SO ; Watch Glasses, plain, IS rent; Patent, lij; Ltinet, 2A; othor articles iu proportion. All goods war ranted to be what thev ar sold for. BTALFFER A HAKI.EY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Lerere a& I. spines, atill lower than the above prices, fret. 4, 1856 ly. A RN OLD'S WRITING FLl'lD and Adka. siv and legal envelopes, for sle by II . U. MASTER. Sunbarr, Jan If). IV.H. GEORGE SCHALL & CO. MAUKCl l itl R or 33X.A.STIlsrG- POWDER, Ut, Carmel, Xurthuiulcrland County, Fa. May 10, 18S6 f I LEY'S COUG CASDY. Aa eicsl lent remedy for coughs, cs'.'s. Far ssl at this oldie. December 4. I AAA. Ijl.ANK Parchment Paper Deeda and IdaTk Mortgages, Bonds, Evecutions, Suminona Ac, lor sale b 11. ii. M ASsKK. Hjnhury Airi t6. 1S!SS STOVES IOR BALE an excellent second hand Ceck ing Slovo, also several Cylindw ("ol Stoves. Enquire at this nllic. G' OLD T NS with and without cases, of a very auperior qurdilv, just received. Also a fresh supply of Wriiinz Fluid, for sal by H. U. MASSER. Sunburr. Dec 57. Is6- GOSHEN CHEESE. Just received and for ale by LEVI SKASHOLTZ . April 11. I7. kJILYER WATCHES. A few doubl cas Puglish Silver Watche, for sale at very lew diIcm by 11. B H AWVR. Sui.lVry. April 1. lS'.r.