Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 23, 1857, Image 3

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BY virtue of certain writ of Levari Facias
to me directed, will be exposed Is eele (t
the Court House, in Sunbury, eit Saturday, the
th day of June next, ot BJ o'clock, A. Mi the
following deecnnl property, te will
The undivided one tliird part of e tract of
Land, in Coal township, Northumberland county
eurveyed in the name of Luke Kidler, adjoining
landa eurveyed in the name of John Urady , Bam
iel VVitliernl, William Lambert and other, con
taining in the whole 500 ecree. more or lees, on
Which Raid tract of land containing five hundred
nd fifty acrea, are erected two double frame
houses, two aingle log houses, one blacksmith
ehop, at a bio, two coal abantiea and drill rail
road, and on which ia now opened and working
vein of coal. '
ALSO : The undivided one third part of the
eurface right upon all that cortoin tract of land
eituale ini'oal township aforesaid, beginning at
post or corner ol land of the Luke Fidler end
nd John llrnilv, thence north 79 degrees, 67
minutes cast 224 1 feet to a whiteoak etump
thence north 74 degreea and 43 minutea east
1355 feet to a atone ( thence aouth 71 degrees
nd 14 minutes cast I lis feet to a atone, thence
aouth 44 minutes'east 848 feet to stone In the
centre line of the I'hihicleli hia and Sunbuiy
Kailroad i thence along aaid line north 83 degrees
and 18 minutes, west S457 feet to atone t
thence south 7 degrees and 42 minutes, west
190 J feet In a stone; thence north M degrees
an I 18 minutes wert 1910 feet to a post thence
north 70 degrees and 30 minutes west 4i2 feet
te post ; thei ce north 65 degreea and 36 min
utes, west 45 feet to a post ; thence north S6
degrees and 5 minutes east 3'.!9J feet to post ,
thence south G ('errors and 41 minutes east 187
feet to a post on the line of laud of John Brady,
thence along dill linn seuth 55 degreea and 38
minutes east 611 J teet to the place ef beginning,
remaining 60 acres? ami 25 perches, strict mea
ure, being part of a larger tract of land survey
ed in the nnme of Samuel Witherel, on which
aid tract ol land containing CO acne and S3
I fierces, arc erected twa conl bronke's and lateral
railroads. The said undivided one-third part of
the snid tract of land, containing five hundred
nd fiftv seres, and the said undivided one-third
part of "the surface right ol the said tract of luiid
containing CO acresond 25 perches are held, used
end enjoyed, and will he sold together.
jI.NO : All that certain tract of Land, situ
ate ill Coal township aforesaid, beginning at a
Vint Stump, Corner of land surveyed in the name
of George Shcelz. uJ on ' Uni surveyed
to Jeremiah Paul. ,;.;r.c. r' C7 degree. 3S
tninulea eftst4:ifi feet to a iiule .-imp; thence
aouth 23 desreea 10 minutea east '. 107 r 10
atone; thence north (K decrees 20 minute.' est
1328 feet to a fullen piuo in line of land survey
ed te Robert Irwin; thence south 49 degrees 45
m'nutes taa 1242 feet to a stone ; theme aouth
70 degrees 2 1 minutes eat 1210 feet lo a post
nd atone corner of land of Jamee Uundas ;
thence by the last mentioned land south 25 de
grees 13 niinut-s east IH00 feet to a small oak ;
thence south 07 degree? SO rnir.utes west 2516
feet loa post and stone ; thence north 22 degrees
CO rnir.utes west "O'iO feel to post and stones
ia line of lauJ surveyed to (Jcorge Mieetz ; thence
north 65 degrees 30 minutes cast 1020 feet to a
rti ck thence north 24 degreea 4' minute
west 1003J feet to the place of beginning, con
taining 147 acre and 120 perches strict measure
being part of a large tract of land surveyed in
pursuance ef a warrant granted to Robert Cam
plain. ALSO: Two full equal tindiviJed third
parts, to be parte d and divided, of and in all that
certain tract or piece oi isnu, situate u . uui
townshiD aforesaid, beginning at a gum tree in
line of land surveyed to Imiac Miller and Law
rence LomitO i ; thence along tho same and lands
e itveyed to William Gilbert north 7 degreea 57
minutes west 733 feet to a post and stjnes ;
thence south C3 decrees 34 minutes west 2319
feet to stones, south 7 decrees east 9 feet to
atones, south 12 degrees east 3I4J feet to stones
in centre line of the ttrccn Jiiilge branch ral!-
..road; thence along the line or tho same aouth
35 degree. 2 minutes treat IU0 feet, south 30 de
grees 32 minutes want 100 feet, south 26 degrees
2 minutea west 100 feel, south 21 degrees 32
minutes west 100 feet, south 17 degtees 2 min
utes weal 1C0 feet; south 13 degreea 32 minutea
weal 100 feet, south 9 degrees 2 minutea west
100 feet, south 4 degrees 33 minutea west 100
lect, south 2 minutes eat 100 feet, south 4 de
grees 28 niin. ea.-t 100 feet, south 9 degieee 58
min. ens; K 0 feet, sjulh 14 ilegree 28 minutes
west 100 feet, thence along the line the aaid
Green Hidje bramli railroad south 16 degreea
4$ minutos east, lfiOS ftet to a past thence north
84 degree's 3(i minutes east 2i 70 feet to a cer.
iier in east branch of iShamokiii Creek, thence
north 1 decree nine minutes east 464 feet to. a
dead while oak in the line of. laud surveyed to
Lawrence LomUnn, thence north 77 degrees 33
minutes enl IV.'-O feet to stones, ihence north 2
degrees 15 minutes east 1604 feet lo stones,
thenfe north CS degrees west 2785 feet to the
place of bi'fciuniui, containing 320 acros and 24
perches, kliict miasure, surveyed to Valentine
broba, together with the hereditaments and ap-
nurtinaiiCt s.
8eiied t..ken in execution, and to be so!d aa
tho properly of illimn L llelfenatein.
Ttv virtue of a certain writ of Yen Ex. Real,
to me directed, will bo exposed to sule, at
the Court House, in Suulmry, on SATUR
DAY, the Cth day of Juuc, at 10 o'clock
A. M.. the following described property tu
wit :
All the defendants interest, it being tbe
nndividvd mo third pnrts of a tract of Land
in Coal township, orliiuinuerlana county,
nrverp. 1 in tho iiunie of Luke tiddler, aa
(,.;i..,r l in. U survived iii tho name of John
Urady, S:,miu-1 Witherull, William Lambert
end other?, containing in the whole 540 acres
mora or less, on winch is erected a coat
Breaker nml fixtures and on which is now
ini-m.,! nn.l unrkintr uveio of coal,
Alan nnnn the undivided two-third parts ol
h surface rifht tiiion all That certain tract of
T.and rituate ill Coul townsh'u aforesaid, be.
ginning nt a nstor conn r of iund of the Luke
Fiddler and John Urady, ihence north Beveoty
nine (U't'rees. 07 imnutig r.ast Z41 leel 10
whito:iuk fitnmp; thence imrlh 74 degrees an
il inumtes l-'.abt 13.V feet to asfooe ; thenc
sou'.h 73 duijiees und 11 minutes east 1148
f.ot to a stone : thence south 44 minutes
t f,lG fort to a btoue in the centre line of
luo j'bi!aU'lMii.& Sunbury Railroad ;.!lC7n
jijon-v Sii'ii lire cl octrees and 18 min-
ntrsl West 2-l"7 feet to Btctie ; thence South
7 Jej;ree3aiid 4'2 minutea; West 190J feet to
a stone; thence North 82 degrees and 18
minutes West 1010 foet to a post ; thence
Vi.nh 70 d.erees and 30 minutes West,
iii'' feet to a post J thence North OD ae
nod :tr, minutes e6t 45 feet to
post: thence North 25 degrees and ft min-
iool r....t in a nniol IbpneA
c i. r.c ,.rrr..i.a and 41 minutes East
ia? rt n u nost on the line of land of
T..i... iir,.,lo. Ihence aloiiuT said lino South
55 degrees and 36 minutes East C64J feet
to the place of begiuning. Containing 60
acres and 25 perches, strict measure, lleing
part or a larger tract of land surveyed in the
! ..f c..,iil Witherol.
UiSIIIf Ul j-' - ail.
u..:...j tuL-..o into execution, and to be
' sold as the property or Wm. L. llelfooetein
Bv virtue of a certain writ of Yen Ex, Ileal
. J a ;it h.. ex nosed to sale, on
S.aW,Xro-FRIUAV: the 5th day
Jar.;, at 11 o'clock. A. M.. me wo-.n
described property to wit: A certain tract
f.r air. situate in Cbillsquanue
township. Northumberland county ; bounded
n v.,rtb South. Fast and West, by land
of John Vor.s, conaiu.iig 1 1 scress, more or
less, on which is erected a log house, one
and a half stories high, with mall shop
i. ,i
Heized'. taken into execution, sod to be
sold as the property of lleory I rowalt, with
notice, to turre-leuunts.
Ttt virtiiA ft Curtain rit of Lev. Fa.
me direetad. will ba sold on MONDAY,
filh of Jana next, at 10 o'clock. A. M.(
tha Court Hni.u in Snr.hurv. cerUin
of land, known s tbe Scott farm, situate
partly lo the boroDgh of Banbury, nd psrtly
In the township of Upper Angosta, ill th
County of Northumberland, nnd bounded and
described s follows, to wit i Beginning at a
Sost on the eastern shore of the Susqnebanea
liver, at the low witter mark, in line of land
late of Samuel Hunter, dee'd., tin nee by said
line of low water mark, aouth 13 degrees and
1 minute, west 1368 feet to post; Ihence by
land lata of Wm. L. Dewart. south 67 degs.
15 minutea east 1072 feet and five tenths to
post; thence by th tame south 22 dega, 43
minutea west 450 feet and five tenths of a
fnot to post; thence by land lute of Charles
G. Donnel and others; smith sixty-live degs.
fifteen minutea east 1751 feet to post ia
the line of the land of John U. Yotingman,
thence by the same land north 24 dega. 45
minutes east 624 feet and five tenths to a
post; thence by the same land 65 dega. 15
minutea east 490 feet to a post In (he centre
of the Cattswissa road; thence olnnjr the
centre of said road, nort h 41 dugs. 40 ruinates
east 918 feet to a post in line of lutid lute of
Samuel Hunter: thence hy the same, north CO
dega. 30 minutes weft 4805 feet (o the liico
of beginning containing 140 acres mure or
loss, being the snme premises winch diaries
Gobin and Surah his wife, and .Susan Scott,
conveyed to Duvid Lnngenecker, together
with all and singular the buildings, improve
ments, appurtenances, Ac.
Seized, taken into elocution, and to be sold
as the property of David Lnngenecker. with
notice to the Suubury Canal and Water
Power Company, terse tonuuts, and all other
terai tenants.
Sheriff's Office, iSunbury, )
May 9. 1857.
Revolution in the Dry Goods Business ! 1 1
J. F. & X. F. KLINE,
Respectfully announce to their friends and the
public in general that they have received at their
Store in Upper Augusta township, Northumber
land county I'a., at Kline s (trove their Spring
and (Summer HOODS, and opened to the public
a general assortment ot" merchandize &c.
Consisting in part of Cloths, black and fancy
Cass mers, Satinetls, Checks, Kentucky Jeans
together with a general assortment of Hiring
and Summer Goods adapted to all classes of per
sons. Ready made Clothing, consinling of Ceils and
Ladies Dress Goods,
Sumner Shawls, Uiughauis, Lawns, Ducals,
Calicoes, black silks Ac.
Also a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines,
u cerie Ac, of all kinds.
A n.'. aiipJ'W of Haidware, Queenswarn,
wooden ware btu'Jms 4 (,.
A large assortment oi" Hoots and Shoes tuita
ble for men women and iliilo. pn.
School Books, Stationery, Envelopes, tilt;) 4.C..
Fiu mo S11.T.
And all goods usually kept in a country store.
Corre and see, Come one, come all.
The public are respectfully Invited to call and
examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere.
All of the above named stock of goods will be
sold positively at low prices fur rash, or in ei
change for country produce at the highest mar
ket price. x
Thankful for past favors we hope by strict
attention to business to merit a continuance of
the same.
Kline'a Grove, Pa., May 16. 157 If
fN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court o Northumberland county, will be
exposed to public sale, on
SATURUA Y, the 13M ,lay of June, next,
on the premises, the following described reul
estate to wit : A certain tract or piece of
LAND, in pond cultivation and well timber
ed, situated in Shumokin township, Norllmm
erland county, adjoining lands of Jus. Yo
cum, John ltepley, the centre turnpike, Sam
uel John. Solomon Fngely, II. K. Martz, and
John FUli. r. containing sixty-Fix acres mid
fifty-two perihes, and ullowuace more or less,
on which are erected two good Dwelling
Houses, a good Barn, a wagon house, two
Summer Houses in one of which is a fountain
of never failing water, nlsn an Ice House, a
Curding Fulling Mill, a Clover Mill to which
are a l.trlied lit:i ant smngie saws
good water power) and other oulhiiihliugu
nd also an interest lor tho term ot ninety
ne years, from thu Cth day of February,
1839, iu a certain tract of Lnn.l adjoining the
bove niece, for mill-ruce. I he above des
ribed property, lale the estate oi uaviu
Marts, dee'd., is in first rate condition and
itiiate within a fow miles distance of tho
of the town of Shamokin the head of the best
Market in the ponnty. Sale to cominrnce at
11 o'clock. A. M.. of said dar, when the
terms of sale will be mnde known by
li Y. J),, si a
c:urt, 1
O.C. V
By order of the c:i
C. H. Fursel. LIU
May 9, 1857.
Market Street 4 doors East of Chus, Meurer
Hotel, Sunbury, 1'cnn'a.
MRS. M. A. FL'NK," has jusl oned a lot of
Perfumery Fancy -Articles, Ac, for ludb-s
and gentlemen, coiis"itiiii of Hosiery lor ladies,
gents and children. L.uilroidery ami emtiroue
rv Hoes, worsted oerleralrd paper and canvass.
Tidy and durnluii IJolton, Ulotes ol all size.
Note Paper and Unclnpes. Ladies and lienu'
toilet articles, rucings and Kibhonu tor uonnels.
Wulcbone and muss Hoops, 4 c. ic, 4c.
Call and rice.
A part of the Heuse for KENT,
riunbury, May 9, 1857. 31
MISS LOUISA fcHISSI.ER, respectfully in
forms tbe citizens of Trevorton and sur
roundinir ruunty, that she has opened a new
store of Millinery and Fancy Gooils, at Trevor
ton in Shumokin street, nearly opposite Knouse's
Tavern, where all kinds ot Bonnets and 1 ancy
Goods car) be had at 'he lowest terms,
'Jresu iiiuUnq also attended to ia (ho best
... . i
manner anil laten ni.
April 25, 1857. It
Baddlo and Harness Maker.
Successor to A, J. Stroh,
KESf ECTFULI.Y informa ihe
jU, citixena of Bunliurv and the puli
a I
lie senerallv. thai be baa taken
tba establishmeiil lately occupied
Siroh and is I rei an d lo li in cut woik in
is line ol buinesa equal to any made in Ibis
..Min nfitie country. Unlers promo'iy exeeu
ted and all kinds of produce lakeu in Eschange
Bunbury, May , 157. ly
A Itelli
Whose aands of
I covered while i
I cure for Conauii
, 1 .
Retired IMiynlclHis
life have nearly run out, ilia-
in Ihe basl luuirs. riu
.notion, Asthma, aroncliitia.
7. i,. f, ,1.1a and (ieneral Uellllity- 1 ne
""I"1 . ... ..... j.: i
remedy was discovereo uy nun wuru - yj
i.ii.i . dsimhtrr. was Riven up lo uie.- iu-
. I ........ i V. 1 n II m n, u.,,,1
lng to do aa mum gou u
; of
. r.1 hi. iB eled ttllow-oeing aa requesi
thia recipe, v.ih full and explicit directiona
mnL in, it in, ami succesaiunv u-uia n.
e V
A. J
quires each applicant to eneloae him one shilling
threa ciils lo ne reiurueu fwr'Be- -
radix, and ihe remainder to be eppneu 10 ii
pay meui oi luia Biiveriisemem.
UI, 11 . lAMbO, IW, ,w " ' - -.
Jersey City, N. J
Apfil, 185T la.
a kew ut)liy v 'tuch. raini.
. it
Fluid, dec, jual received a.;d for U by
SunbMry.May . 18VT
. k 1-
A Good eeoad-BMa "Pf "
A cflice.
'I'VE subscriber will sell at Public out-cry on
SATURDAY, lhe:td day of MAY, atone
o'clock P. M , FOUR CANAL BOATS, now
lyine in.lha Trevorton Coal ( ompany'e Basin.
Term a, one-third rash I one-third in three
months and balance on sit months credit for
approved notes. These Boata will be positively
s Id to the highest bidder.
Port Trevorton, April , 1R57.
jeTHD OF Tilt? PE4CR,
OJJict in Deer Street, immediately opposite th
Public School House,
All business promptly attended to. Monies
collected and all ordinary writings done.
funbury, April 25. IS57. tf
jnfllNS !i ill ill ni4KTZ, respectfully
1 f B informs Hie citizcna of ISunhury and sur
roundini; country, thai she has opened a new
Store of Millinery and Fancy Goods, at 8unhury,
in Market street, neaily opposite Weaver's Hotel,
where all kinds of UonueU and Fancy Goods
can be had at the lowest terms.
Sunbury, May '., 1857 2ui$
WHOlUllH SNIt limit
40 South Fourth SI, above Chesnnt, Phil'a.
B ftOOTM. iShoea, Gaiters. Ac, promptly made
B5 t i order in the very best style, and of the
bel material.
Philadelphia, May 9, 1S57
Centre Tiiiiiplliv RoikI.
jTOTICE is hereby given that an election for
Managers and other oflirers of the Centre
Turnpike Kad lo serve for the emuiug year
will be held at the boure of C S. Urown, in
iNoithumherlaiiil, on Monday the first day nl
June, next, between ilia hours of 10 o'clock A.
M ., and 3 o'clock P. M.
J. It. I'KIDSTLEY, Prtaident.
May 2, 1857. te
H"TNLIKF, the more ephemeral Magaiinee of
J the day, these Periodicals lose little by age.
hence a full year of the N'os. with no omissions,
for lti.rC, nviv be regarded ne.rly aa valuable aa
fur IN57. We propose lo furnUh the two years
at the billowing Kjlteniely low, vis:
For Blarkwond'a Magazine, 4 SO
Kor a.iy one Kcvit w, 4 00
For any two Keviews; 6 00
For ulackwood and one iceview, 7 00
For L'lackwood and Ihe two Keviews. 9 00
For three iivviews. 8 00
For liluckwood and three Keviews, 12 00
For the four lievicws. 1 1 00
For liluckwood and the four Keviews, 14 DO
To avoid tractions, 23 mav be remitted for
liluckwood, for which we will forward that
work for bulb er, post paid.
IS. d. I be price in Ureal Uritam of Ihe Bve
Periotlicula above named i about fill per an
Aa e ahull m ver again be likely to effer such
inducements as those here piesenled.
Aow is the time to Subscribe ! !
N. I). liemittances must, in ull cases, be made
direct to the 'uhlishers, for at these prices no
coiiiiniiisioii can be allowed to Aaents.
No. M Guld-strect, New York.
April 4, 1857. if
Estate of Alfred R Hon land, Ucc'J.
TV OTICK is hereby given that letters of
il Administration have been granted lo
the subscriber on the estate of Alfred R.
I lowland, dee'd., late of Trevorton, Northum
berland county. All persons indebted are
requested to make immediate payment, and
those having claims to present them duly
authenticated lor settlement.
GF.O. MOWTOX, Adm'r.
Trevorton, April 11, 1837. 6t
Of the most Fashionable Style.
SiklitH, llaiiH ami l.oiinKt-H
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and also VENETIAN BLINDS, eiual to I'hila
dclplnu manufucture.
UEllSTEADS. of every pattern and price
In short, every article in this line of his business.
'rilli suhscrilier respectfully calls the attenliei
' of the putilic to bis large and splendid a
orlmeiil of every quality and price ol
4 A 1:11. 1 A ft I.
which cannot fail to revommend itaelf toevery ene
who will examine it, on account of its durabl
workniaiitihip and splendid finish, made up of th
la-xt stiH-k Ui be had in the city. No effort i
Kiiared in the inniinfitcture of his ware, and th
subscriber ia determined lo keep up with the
irviny improvements which are constantly Item
lie also manufacture all kinds and qualitin
iic-luding varieties never betiire lo be had
Sinhiiry, such as Mi'JoiiANT, Black Wium:
1X11 LlllLfcll .VlAPLK UIIKCISK I A M " Mll1
CHAUIS, ami VAStv I'iaiu tSrooLs, which are
uf tbe tntcM styles, and warranted lo be excelled
by none iiianuractured in the Cities or elaewheie.
Tbe subiicribcr is determined that there shall
I no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
Ihe cities, a every confidence can he entertained
about the iiiahiy and hmsh of las waru and
I'hetc articles w ill be disposed of on aa good
terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Gaun
try Produce taken in payment lor wora.
LIT l.MJKHI Altl.Mi. Having proviueo
liHiiibiime llttmi. he is now prepared for
Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi
cinity , or at any convenient distance from this
1ST The ware boom is in r awn nireei, De-
ow Weaver Hotel.
Sunbury, April 1H, 1857 tf.
Repoutofthb At'uiroais or Nortuliuk-
Georqe Rriqht, Esq, treasurer of Northum
berluiut County, in account tvtiA ci same.
To amount of outstanding tax for
laSS and previous years,
" amount of couuty tax assessed
for 18f6.
" amount of county, road and
school tax, for 18o4 & 18f5,
cash received for jury fuuds,
rent of Court House, ic.
" order given to George KuntH
overpayment of State tax for
" order to D Dnoy, overpayment
or State-tax lor 1850.
' order to D M Smarts, over
paymeut of State tux lor '05,
order to lio ICeeler. overpay
ment of State tax for 1855,
order to M Uachmao, overpay
moot of Stute tux,
order to D Nl Swarts, over
payment of State tax,
' order to Y Hilemen, overpay,
meet of milrtia tax for 1884,
" ordet to J Simpson, overpay
ment of militia tax, 113
. , 30,821 49
By outstanding County tai for
1856, and previous. years, $12,114 97
" Esonorations alluwed'collec-
tors Tor '60, and previous, S98 86
" Commissions, do 648 76
" Cash paid on Commissioners
orders issued in lBSft, 3,499 22
" Cash paid on Commissioners
orders issued in 1856, 13,305 65
" Treasurer's commission 00
$16,804 774 at 2 per cent, 420 11)
" Dash paid Eastern Penitent!-
y. ., ...... 9 12
" Treasurer's commission on
$119 12 at 2J percent, 2 97
" Tieasurer's services for connty ' 3 25
" iliilunco due the Couuty by
tbe Treasurer, . ;. 103 63
."! $30,821 45
George firight. Esq.. Treasurer of Northum
berland County, in account with the tame
respecting State tax on real and perianal
To amonnt State tax on rl and
personal estate, for 1855 and
previous years, as per Audi
tors' Report or 1855, 87,006 OC)
" amoniTt of State Ux assessed
for the use of the Common
wealth for 1856, as per state
mentofthe county Commis
sioners filed with the Trea
surer. 17,101 47
" amount of said tax received
on unseated lands for 1855
and previous, 1,552 02
' Interest on D f Caul's da
plicate for 1853, 12 50
$25,765 05
By cash paid State Treasurer on
account of tax for 1856 and
previous, as per receipt dated
July 22d and Decemher 17th. $U,C31 09
" Exonerations allowed Collec
tors for '50 uud previous 751 99
Commission do 1,069 36
" Treasurer's commission on
$14,781 09, at 1 percent, 14C 81
" Outstanding tax Tor 1856, and
previous year, 7.003 05
" Five per cent abatement on
Stute tax for 1856, 678 94
" Ralaoce due the Common
wealth by the county Treus'r, 1,033 81
$25,765 05
George liright. Esq , 7'reojiurer of Northum
berland count if , in account uilh the same,
respecting 'lartrn. Distillery, and Eating
House Licences, -c.
To amount of Tavern licenses
grunted by the court of Quar
ter Session for 185G. 1.350 00
" Licenses grunted, January,
1856, for selling li(uur, 30 00
" amount or Retailers license
for 185p. ' 1,006 15
" Fating house and Restaurant
license for 1856. 140 00J
Distiller, ltrewers, 4e, 200 00
Billiard Tables, and places of
amusement, 55 00
Lumber ami Coul, 15 50
Balance due Treasurer, 10 32
2,803 il7
By cash paid Stain Treasurer as
1 . , . , t t.
per receipt uaieu Jiay iuui,
" Cash paid Stute Treasurer as
per receipt dated December
17th. 1B.")6,
" Cash paid J G t A A Young
niuu for publishing Mercaulile
Appraisers list. puid C O Uaclimao for
" Treasurer's commission 00 $2-
631 U ul 6 per cunt,
" LioLoralions alluwvd,
1,491 50
1,140 00
15 00
14 90
131 00
14 00
2,800 97
Georoe IW'uihl. Esq , Treasurer of Northum-
bci t,ind I iiuntu. in account Iran im mmt
respecting Militia Hues.
To amount or said fines outstand
ing for '55 uud pluvious $1,673 96
" amount of militia tiuvs asses
sed for 1856. 976 00
$2,649 96
81,206 77
Uy amount of said said fines re
niuiuing uncollected for 1806
mid previous jeurs,
" Kxoiiorutiutis allowed collec
tors for '66 uud previous,
" Five per cent, cuiniiiission al
lowed collectors for ltt.ri6 and
previous yeurs on $'J32 bO,
" ttinoiiiit paid county Cuiiiuiis
sioiieis lor time occupied ia
militury business iu IfcCii,
" uniouiit paid for books and sta
tionary used by Coininissioii
us for military purposes in
632 51
46 64
IS 00
8 00
Outstanding Taxes for 1856 anrt'ious years, tn the 31st Deeimber, 1816
Names of Coilectois,
Jacob liinecnian,
Lower Muhunoy,
Lower Muhunoy,
Upper Augusta,
Lower Muhunoy
Little Muhunoy
Lower Aneusta
Lower Mahanoy
. Little Muhuuoy
M I Curmel.
Upper Augusta,
Upper Muhunoy,
m I! lrin,
t J umes Iteurd,
Martin Uachntun,
t J nines F.i'klioi't,
Michuel Keefer,
John Simpson,
f J nines Heard,
N S IH'uniheller,
t M at tin liachmau
James l'.rkbert,
A J Coniud,
J lttiukelbergor,
tJaines Lynn,
th l'.iseiihurt,
tJ Hover
tl) W'Haus,
ft! Homboy,
1' Kniss,
tU M Swart z.
ft) Stuhlnetker,
tJ U Clink.
fJucob Uarman,
tJ Ituker.
fJ llo)reiidoculer,
tO A Keeler, ,
tJ Hloom,
tJ Miller,
Wi Jnhnson,
tSumuel Hales,
tFeiei Pursel,
tJ R Hig'.e,
J F.i'kmau,
til Haas,
Solomou Billmnn,
tM K Mauly,
Th.. nnlleelor. marked with a () have
have since paid in part and many nearly all.
We the uudersigned. Auditors of North1
mtmrlanrl rnunlv. in the Commonwealth of-
98 Pennsylvania, do certify, that in pursuance
the 4tb section ol an aci, euunou,
regulating counties and townships, passed the
15lb day of April, 1834, we met at tbe Com
iniseioner's Office, in tbe borough of Sunbury
on the 5th day of January, aud adjourned
from time to time, and did audit aud aettle
the eeveral accounts, required of na -agreea-ble
to tbe lertral Act of Airembly, and op.
3 04
S 00
" amonnt paid county Com mis.
sinners tor time occupied la
military business Id 1856, 1ft 00
M amonnt paid for books and
stationary need by Commie.
sinners in military bnsiness in
1856, 8 00
". amount paid assessor for as
sessing and furnishing lists of
delinquent militia men, - 26 70
"amount paid J. ll.Zimmer.
man, Brigade Inspector, for
- inspecting Companies and
publishing Brigade Orders, 81 60
" amount paid Cadwallader
Infantry for 1855 75 00
" do do for 1856 75 00
" Amount ' paid Mahanoy
Guards for 1853 60 00
" do do for 185G 60 00
" amount paid National Guards
for 1855, 73 00
" Amount paid Peppinville
Cavalry lor 18ftJ 60 00
" do do for 1803 SO 00
" Treasurer's commission on
$533 40 at 1 per cent, 6 33
" Bulancn duo the Common
wealth by county Treas'r. 178 61
$2,649 96
Expenditures of North' d county for 185$.
Views of roads, bi idges. Ac, fc28l 00
Itnildinjr and repuiriiiK bridges, 1,681 39 J
Grand, Traverse, Petit, and Spe
cial Jurors' puy, 2,243 CO
Sherifl's Fees, 410 18
Fox Scalps, 38 15
Court Crier's pay, . 1)8 C2J
Assessors' pay. 380 67
I'rothonoturj's Fees, 330 06
Constables' puy for different Ser
viced, 336 60
Commonwealth costs, 312 68
Election officers' pay, -1,007 C3j
Stationary. ' 217 62j
Public Buildings, 181 9;ij
Prison Expetisos, 34 00
IMoniling. 157 85
Damages for Ronrls, 989 75
Fuel, 93 75
Prosecuting Attorney, 167 00
Incidental Expenses, RIO 03 J
Auditors' pay for aauiting ac-
couuts for 1855, .72 00
Win Uockefeller for auditing pub
lic account, 25 00
Clerk's pay in part for 1P55, in
loll, 184 38
" ' for I806, 370 48
John K'ibiiis fur printing lo
Jan. 1, 1856, $25 00
John II Eck, on contract, 20 00
John Kubins, " 25 00
" 25 00
II B Masfcr' - in full 65 00
J G 3c A A Yonngman, on
contract for 1855, SO 00
in full. 25 00
J It Ktk, in foil, for 185G, 30 00
Commissioners' tcagtt.
George C Welker, in full
lor 1856, $10 80
Philip lteiin, " 159 00
Frederick Haas, " 237 00
C llotteosteiu, " 133 50
255 00
570 30
'treasurer's account.
Paid F llucher, late
Treasurer, in full,
" Jacob Young,
i, , ,.
' G Bright. Trees,
for a Llceds, ic.
8158 82,
1,111 00
247 01
31 00
1,547 83
Eastern Penitentiary,
Agricultural Society,
Road tax on unseated lands for
1851 & 65,
School. ' " "
11a n
100 00
815 95
1,755 67
Coroner's Inquests,
117 23
$14,690 60
.-lmouitf of Qiurt Fines and Jury Funds, and
to u hom paid.
Plaintiff IinV'iiilaiit. To whom paid, Am'l
Com'th. 1' Mc Bride, not puid $1 00
Jacob Fry John 1' r y rt ul J Iteurd 4 00
Com'th, II J Wolvertou do 24 00
' N Uurget not paid 4 00
' ' 4 00
" J Drooks " 4 00
" J Johnson " 4 00
D Teas J Swetiev's ndm Board 4 00
It IluR' I itiac Ciiinpt.i'll " 4 00
Bright A Clement V k S It K C " 4 00
II .Sum tier's ud J Car & co. tint puid 4 00
1J Wolverton K Fegely & co. Heard 4 00
J IWnhart John I'aiilo " 4 00
Lechteiithuler F W'ilhelm etui " 4 00
Cres.-ler & ltesides M Kestetter " 4 00
U J Kneltt Al A hi n III not paid 4 00
McCay Ac Pulerson U C Caul Heard 4 00
W K May J as Camerou not paid 4 00
Sarah Swetiey Jnhti Kiuh 4 00
'. Scott M Urulmni " 4 00
E liright 1 Dritckeniiller Heard 4 00
Ueddea & Marsh W Cane uol puid 4 00
Ann Detiers Fulincr et nl " 4 00
School Uir Shamokin lletisel Beard 4 00
J as F. igon t) A Corsan not paid 4 00
J 1) Fisher II Klino Heard 4 00
J K I,eib W !; Mav not paid 4 00
J B Musser J Pummel " 4 00
Tlimnsoii Ac Wisely O VV Stroh " 4 00
IV Column J as Vundjke Heard 4 00
Ihiii'l Conrad S Savage " 4 00
A Osmun T Dunvor " 4 00
Com'th Uideon Desh not paid 4 00
G 00
fi9 50
17 10
$82 131
293 04
44 50
32 50
16 50
1855 470 58 489 17 36 72
m 224 78 19 95
17 97 67 02 39 00
218 65 59 87
261 09 2ti3 49 33 50
- 187 73 19 00
114 52
h 219 '16
1654 C30 19 324 51 97 50
192 16 117 80 18 50
9'Jfl 55 524 40 51 50
1,307 16 672 51 47 50
209 99 73 24 9 00
309 08 26 43 36 50
859 59 354 08 69 50
- 762 71 2U2 17 63 50
673 02 46 69 64 50
- 84 81 Ul 13 6 60
402 23 282 77 66 00
684 71 674 26 46 50
. 285 80 217 15 28 60
C81 14 436 16 24 50
359 934 19 08 26 00
215 29 64 80 19 50
621 24 319 44 39 80
1,931 69 269 12 37 50
199 36 232 05 21 60
206 58 264 19 22 50
67 00 12 87 24 00
654 34 626 34 67 00
112.114 97i $7,503 05 $1,201 77
aince paid in full, and those marked with a (t
uleoivtits thereto, according to the best of
abilitiee. and we do fur
ther certify that upon a due eiaroination
the eipense boon o: me county m m'
nets of tbe same yel unpaid id oroera,
j j. q in sutnesa whereuf we have nereun.
to eet our hands and seals, this 2d day
February. IBM. vt . M
Fashionable, Cheap and Cternl
THE subscriber, long established as Cabinet
and Chair Manufacturer in 8unbury, thank
ful for past favors, solicits a continuance of the
public patronage. Hie stock ef Cabinet-Ware,
Chairs, embraces
in housekeeping. It is unnecessary to enume
rate, as anything that may be required in bis
line can be had at moderate pricee, Cheep for
Cash, or Country Producetaken in exchange.
South East Corner tf Market Square.
tjr These knowing themselves indebted te
the subscriber would oblige him by making pay
Sunkurv, April 4, 1857 tf
Flour, Food and Provision "tor.
Jlrtadxcay below Blackberry Street.
RESPECTFULLY inform- the citizens of
Bunbury and vicinity that he has removed
to the store lately occupied by C. Uchringer in
Broadway near the Rail Road, and is receiving
a choice supply of
consisting in part of Hams, Shoulders, Mackerel,
Herring, White FiBh, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved
Fruit, 1'ickles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Kice,
Sugar, Coffee, (ereen, roasted and ground,) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black
Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes
plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco,
aegara, Ac, together with every article usually
found in a first claaa Grocery Store, all of which
will be aold at the lowest prices, either for cash or
country produce. He haa also prepared to sup
ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies,
pretzels and cakes of every kind.
Pi. U. I be highest cash prices will be paid for
butter and eggs, corn, onta. rye and wheat.
Sunbury, April 11, 1857.
Thu nir dye neerii only to Mtiifjr all of fti per-
fVMiiMi na Dve. oM ihe following testimonial from
that eminent Analytic Chemiit, l'.orecfrir Booth, uf tht
U. . .Mint, win miy cuiinun wumi Miuimuuui nav pra
vioualy torii testimony lo
U, fcMrnhen'i Place, C
Philadelphia, Fehruwy 17th, 1657.
Deins well cqt.Tiinted with the jbntauce cimivtinf
Hoover's Liquid Hair Dvi, I am ritishwl that by follow
ing the simple directions given for its use, it will nut
injure the iitiir or rKtn, but wm give ft imiuiu inuaura
ble culot to the Hnir.
JAMKSC. BOOTH, Analytic Chemist
HOOVKU d WK1TIG INKS, incLutiiiiff Hoover's
Ftuitl. and HHveri Inttrlliljle Inks, ate tK well known
nd intfiKliiccU to require nny HlntionHl testimony ot
their character, i lie sales have been increasing since
their first introduction, giving evidence that the articles
truly rses that intrinsic met it claimed at first for them
Itv alic Mnnufacturer.
Unlers. iKire8!eit to trie Mnnuiactorv, o. fio kai v.
street FUUHTII, fold rio. 144,) rhilodelphia, will
receive prompt attention
11(111 bv
JOKI'H t. HOOVER, Msnuladarar
rhilmtelphis, April iii, IM7 ly
A SlIlMrY lOU 8 LE.
IIE subrcriber oners for sale his SHANTY,
Cook-Stove, &c, on the Rail-Ruad below
Trevorton bridge. Apply soon to
n. U. mASHJsk.
Sunbury, April 2 1857.
Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SALT,
33 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
-t ASH I ON Fine, Liverpool Ground
rJX Turka Island nnj Dairy Salt, con
Cjjstantlv on hand and for eale in lots
ZESs' to suit the trade.
April 1857. 6m
The British Quarterlyjleviews.
Great inducements to Subscribe!
T SCOTT CO., New York, cnlinut lo publish
Xj' thr rolluwing leading isriliirt I'eit'xiicul, vis :
I'llK LONDON Cjl'AllTKKLY, Conservative.
These Periixliculs aWy rrnri'S'nt the three errst politi.
ral narllrs of Greal Hriluill V hie. Torv Slid Hadical
hut uolilics li.rins only fue Iwnnie of the ir chararier. As
nrintiii of lite iixtt nrolound wiilfrson rk'leiH'e, Liters.
tare, Morality snil Ui'lli!i"n, they aluuil, aa Uiry ever have
stood, unrivulled in (he world of letters, Iwinn consiilered
liuliKiu,i.inlile to ilia scholar and lha prolVMional inaa.
while to the latelliscn' reader of every class lliey fiiinish
a more correrl uuil sal isitu-lory recotd f the carrenl liter
tare of I lit day, lhroui;hout the word!, than can be possi
hly obiainrd from nnv oilier source.
I'.AUI.Y CtllMES The receipt of Ailrance EheeU
from the Uritith pulilishers gives additional value to these
Itepnulr, in as much as they can now be placed in the
haul's ul labac riucrs about us saunas tho original editions.
TERMS. (Rugalar Triies )
Ter annum.
For any one of the four Reviews, f3,0
For any two of uie lour Keviews, o,oo
For any three of the tour Reviews, 7.00
For all four of the Keviews, 8.00
For Hlarkwood's Maeuzim, 3,00
For Mlai'kwood and three Reviews, 8.00
For Hlackwood and the four Reviews. lo.Ofl
Payments lo lie made in all cases in sdvone. Money cur
rent in Ihe Siate where iued, will lie received at uir I
I'OSTAtiF.. The r.nnee lo any pun oi ins umira
S'ales will Ik hul TWENTY-FOl K ('EN IS s yeai fir
"Ulackwisl." and but I OI.Illr.t. .cv ia a yew iui
each ol Ihe Reviews.
At the above prices me i criouicaia win us luiiiiroeu
tot 11-57.
Vnlike the more epheineml Mapizlnes of the day, these
Periodicals lose little by use. Ilriae a full year of tbe
N.s (with no omniisioi,) for ny lie regard nearly
as valuable as for 1.'7. W propose lo furnuh the two
years si the loll'iwint! extremely low rales, vix i
Fur Hlaikwood's Magazine, 1'Sa
For any iue Review, -a
For nny two Review, ""a
For Blackwixd and one Review. 'iOO
For Hlaekw.Kal and twa Reviews, .W
For thiee Reviews, ,'VZ
For n:ai Ihres Revisws, 18,00
For ihe foul Reviews, !!''S
For UlackwoKi sud thefour Reviews, 14 W
I'o avoid fractions, 8a may be reiniiled for r.mckwood
for which we will forward that wins fjr both years,
pom-tiid ... . ..
u.TIe prire in Grent Britain of the Svs Periudi
cals above named is 611 pel annum
As we shall uever araiu he likely lu offer such ludacs
ineulsaa Uioks heie prescnied.
Now is the Time to Subscribe!
rtemillanres matt, in all eases, be made direct to
th Publishers, for ai these prices no coiniiiiswou caa be
allowed to t KnNAR A..-ri.T co
No H Gold Sued, New i ork.
April SS, 137
a hrrt aiven that lettera of Adminiatratinn
mi ihe estate of Henry Hannahach. lata of
Lower Augusta township, ISorthumberland coun
ty, dee'd., have t-een granted to the aubacriber.
All nersons indebted are requested w maae ira
mediate payment, and ihose having clairua or
demands atsinst the same will present them for
aettlemeiiL jur-u v. uw , sun r.
L. AugusUlwp., April 18, lOT ei
Valunble Town Properly
rr" TIF. subscribers, desirina la go weal, oner lor
I sale a House and two Lou in Ihe town ef
Shamokin, No- 20 and SI, Block opposite
ib. O.I.I rVllowa' Ha 1. on the corner ol duntiury
and Liberty Streeta. The bouse is a two and a
half atory brick building, well nntsnau, who a
ronn store room. and a basement story. Also 4
Mt.hU and olhsr out-buildinss and water con's
nieiiL The properly, which is situated on lha
main atreet and business part of the town, will
be aold on reasonable terms.
For further particulars apply to
Bhamokin, pril It, 1857 If
ww vnnnT.FITM PAINTS. These paints
miied with waler, thereby saving tba
ofeil. for eale by
March Itv '61. A.-W. TWHEF
IN Middle Coal Field, Northnmberland county!
connected by a short brsnoh with the Phila
deldhia 4 Sunbury Railroad, Known as the
teith upwards qf 600 Acres of Superior CVal
belnngirg t the New York and Middle Coal
Meld K. R. end Coal company, witb Breaker
Engine of 20 horse-power, Miner's Houses, lie,
reeay erected and in good order.
Several coal veins above water level have been
opened, and a number of others are of easy
access, which may be opened with little ex pens.
Persone desirous of examining and leaaing
the property are referred lo J. H. Hewers, agent
of the company, at ML Carmel, for further in
Proposals for leasing the same will be re-
eeived at the company's office, No. 88, South
Fourth street, Philadelphia.
t, uuui.r. r,
P. ft, For the pnrposo of facilitating the
transportation of coal from the company's mine.
the company have SO cars at their disposal, for
tbe use of their tenants.
March 88, 1857. if.
PROP08AL8 will be received by the New
York and Middle Coal Field Tt. R. and Coal
Company, for leasing this colliery, situated on
tne Isaac Miller tract, vrith upwards of
300 Acres of first rate Coal
adjoining Mt. Carmel, and immediately en the
Philadelphia A Sunbury Kailroad.
This collierv is now in complete working
order, having an extensive Tonnel and Uang-
wavs already opened on several veins of excel
lent white-ash coal.
A new and extensive Breaker with a 40 horae
power engine, Miner s Houses, cVc, are now
ready for use.
The property will be shown to parties desiring
to take a lease by J. II. Dewecs, sgent of the
company, at Mt Carmel.
Applicationa will be received at the oflica of
the company, No. 88, South fourth street,
P. 8. The company own fifty first-class coal
cars, which will be appropriated to tbe use of
tenants for facilitating tbe transportation oi coai
to market.
March 3S, 1857. tf
Tbe World's.Creat Exhibition
Prize Medal!
For the Tuo Pianos, London, October, 15, '51
OESPECTFLLLY informs his friends and
the public generally, that he has consturrtly
en hand Pianos equal to those for which he re
ceived the Prize Medal, in London in 1851.
Ail orders promptly attended to, and great
care taken in the selection and packing the same.
lie has received during the last In years, more
Medals than any other maker from the Franklin
Institute ; also First Premium at Unstou, anil
Premiums at ISew York and UuUiinore,
Warerooms, removed fioin 52 B. 1'ourth, to
No. 180 ARCU Btrcet, below Eighth, south aide,
April 11, 18o7. 3in
J 167 NoiUi 3d street, t door below Vine, Philadel
phia. Sales of BOOTS and SHOES, DRY GOODS,
Ac , every evening.
Or" Coantrv Htoiekeepers and others will always find at
our Evening Sales a latite and desirable nssoitmeitt of lha
above riMids, to be sold iu Ms to salt bayeis.
Go44s packed on the premises fur Country Trade.
March 38, 1&S7 3mo.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Northumberland connty, will ba
exposed to public sale, on
SATURDA Y, the 13A day of June, next,
on the premises, the following described real
estate to wit : A certain lot of ground, sit
uated in the to vo of Hliamokin, county afore
said, whereon is erected a two-st?!'V rTama
Building; bounded h Jots' 0t Johu fjoughner
and others. Late the estate of Samuel 15.
Haas, deceased. Sale to commence at 10
o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the erais
will be made known by
By order of tne Court,
C. BOY1) rURSKL, Clk. 0. C.
Sunbury, April 11, 1857.
Notice of Dissolution of Partnership.
flMIE partnership heretofore existing under
the firm name ot I.JW. Tener & Co., of
Sunbury, Pa., in the retail Mercantile Business
haa this (1st of April,) day been dissolved by
mutual consent.
The business of the lale firm will be aettle J
by I. W. Tener and J. H. Engel ei.her of whom
ia hereby authorized lo receive all debta due to
tbe late firm and to pay HI all liabilities.
Those who know themselves indebted to ns
by note or book accouut are requested to make
immediate payment, aa the accounts must be
collected forthwith.
8uiibury, April 11, 1857.
M. C. GEAItllAllT,
HAS just received a new and excellent assort
ment of goods at hia Confectionary and
Fruit Store in MARKET STREET, Sunburv,
where he manufactures and keeps on hand, at
all times, the most choice Confectionary, 4c.,
Wholesale and Retail, at I'luladelphia prices.
Among bis stock of ConlecUonaries, may be
found i
French Secrets, Own Drops, all kinds of sccat,
Burned Almonds, l.nvePtnris,
Cream White, Mint tirops, red sad wsite,
' lrooa Jelly Cakes,
fuse, Fiuil Drops,
Vanilla, rUick famHea, of all assets
Common Aeciel. Kock Candy,
Liuarics, Almond Candy,
Currents erisd.
AUnonda, Raisons,
.Nuts si su ainos.
of a superior quality, by Ihe aingle or dozen. A
superior quality of Segara and Tobacco, and a
variety of Confectioneries, fruit, Ac, all of which
is ottered cheap at wholesale or retail.
He has alto opened an Fee Cream 8aleon. enJ
will at all times be ready to serve his customers
with lee Cream.
Bunbury, May S4, 1858 ly
THE subscriber offers at pifvste sale, FIX
GOOD MCLE8, and a good 8H A N EE
BOAT, with fixtures. The above will be seld
cheap, and ou reasonable terms.
SnnbwTV, March 88. I8S7. if
IIKOWN'S and Uremics feasance ol uinger
and Husband's Magnesia at
Mateb 1.'T.