Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 04, 1857, Image 1

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NKV SlilUiKS, -Vol,; 10,1 ,I0 i ( h ' . SUNUliV, NOltTIIUMUHIU.AXD CUUNTV;, IA.--SATUUI)A Y, APRIL 4; 1857. OLD SERIES, VOL- )7N0 2
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The SunlHiry Americn.
l LULlsUlli tUtV AHM)AV. v
( BY H. B. MAsklfl, ., - '..
i Market Square, i'unfcury, Venna. -
TWO DOLLARS pr muuiii ,ti l r"1 tlri' m
'"aiI n or lettr um1.ihI.h-m rrlalinf lo
h oifi.', tu i.u Mttuttti...!. utuil b l-V'l t'Aif. , t ,
T .ree coniM W litt". ' '"
Kil'leeil lu w
Sin IK.
V'i.l lhift in Jhii Will r f"f iHie jriiiiub
ttriii'i Aiiitriciii.
P irmntori'will plriecl nur AfmiM, hkI fmnk
uuri u.mtHi.ii.itr uliirri.ii.m m..i.e)f . 'I Ley r permit
e J to dt. tl.n ii.nler me l''t Oi6 iMW.
T K it M ! U P A V V E
iic rqnc- llei
'.vclv tt l.ieriiil,
Oiif.Vi.mi. inmithi,
i in ntthe, - t -. i
H .,i.i'.. O i.'lK "f "l ,lne,i n "nne.
lerehi.nii.iit it,ier-"',w,',i",' ,
,v.f. wltU th priviln f i.iMrtinr , J
.. ..r-,-..!. weekly.
10 DO
lT mrgei Ailvertismneiitt.m per jreemnt.
V hive r mncte.l with .mf U
lnte.l JOHOKHCK, whit will nnlil uitoeirmto
.. .hrt .mim nyle. every VHriety ! riiitni. f.
nnflnniiii tn in th Countiei or Nor
iliiimlirrlmirt. Union, Lycoming Montout nl
Reference tn J'htiaaeipnm; 4
H .ii. lot. RTTtiMi, ' Chm. fliMH, Ktq.. s
iimert Sn.i.lrai, ' Linn, ftnitli Co. ... .
"locust mountain colliery
'rom ihe Mmmotli V.-iii, Fiirn.tes, KouiiJ
ric, SWamlwats m.J J'smily u,
LUMP, fr Hlaat Furnace ami Ctipolai,
Sl'li MUt). I'. fur Kwainboala, Uot Air
Kiirn.Ki'H and iSteam.
JVjV' ,; Pr Of Rtove and Stra.
sVn.VK, i Fr Stovra, Stsam aiid'. burning
Mi l5, . $ . Mine. '
PICA, fur l.iuiliurnrra anil niakitiRrttpam.
OnleM ren ive.l al Ml. Crml r N.irtliuin
jerlanJ Wharf, will receive nr.impt a'ttMition.
M. U BKI.I.,
D.J.I.KHM,'- '
May 3, ISSS-tf ' " ' - , . ... ,
, Ear&wnre Meichants;
lUnnff reim.vl iriiiii ft.s i n."
invl friiiii t. ' l
Maiket Street, riiila.1eli.liia,
Are i,riard. with Rreally inrreaae.l facilitie.,
fl 5 . SZ. fu. II AKUWARB f eVrry
, Wt t,,.-. from lull,...c!d...
their iiUW
,ore ,.ir.-lialnfr elww
AJ.fil I . '
TJ". S. OF ,
. . .....I Mviii.ini our KW.
"f.W unrf r i"i'
3 of .,eC.. A'.h' M" vvl l.ll.'Trwi
- . &'..! Ml"".
"f.',H UHI '.. . ,,,,-0
iluui and
.riiuarv 111, ib,...t..
o. OJP xj. a.. 3vt-
SVMtCKY CiCNcr...N. 30.n." lT A.
M meet, everv Ttsav eveiiitig in the
AmcViiau Hall. 0,16 J;- Y- ',rif'')'
Market tr.. Sonbury. Pa. Me.ulh-rs ..r the
ry. Jan ft. ix.-qci . .-.-.
how. tu i "'" er: v i"t
rve.,..,i. ' A SXtW' WM H.,SlC8EI.MAN, P
' .' 1 iii'v S. I MI If.
Hill"""'- - -
" and Provision tre
'.It, a.
' ,rj;c "-rry St,
: N K W A Kill V A L OF ,
Ira T. Clement
sunburn; jp-a..;
I I -M Ju"' received a large aupiily of Call anil
I W inter Uiinda.' ' M . . ' 1
He will continue to aell Dry Unoda and Grq
ceriea CHEAPER ihm rvrr. al liia guoda are
bought cheap they will l auld clieaiu
He Teela ennlident wilh hia experience and
alulty, that he can commie with the
World at large and Sunbury in particular.
He would enumerate arlicl.a if tune and ai.ace
would (ternut.
It ia 1 noiioh to aay that he hat evcrythint; in
ilie line 01
Cry Goods. Groceries.
, A larne Mock i.f Kendy-Mada i
I BOOTS AKI SHOES, Jr., j-c, '
thai ia kf t in any olher alora in town, anil
Hi. banner i. on the
j AikII hik .nay it ware .;!:
. i -.. O'er land of the free,
' ; " And IhehorruW tlx brave
While her Stura and her Strip.
r Shine out like the Sun, ( '
J 1 TeDit all natimia f..'
Tht Frerdim'a lHaa. 1 .
Thin ia a free country aa waa proved by the
election ef Huvhanan over tkat Hmae.
thereliire it ia free for all to do their trndma where
they can UUV lie CHEAI'KST. All are invi
ted lo call
; , Til K COUNTRY.'
aa well at the town are re..ectfully invited, and
every erat.n. lich or (.nor, l.igi. or low, bond ...
tree are inviud to call at No. I Markltet Square
0oilu the Court House.- - ,
I. 1 He ia not undi-rso'd by any man
or comhitutiuu of men. No charge lor sUowing
All kind, of produce taken in exchange foi
Kunbury, Dec; 20, 1 856.
Milt- Wright and Burr Mill Stone Munufuc
Hole Proprietor of Jubnmn'a highly approved
tind aiut-h iuiproved Smut and 8-reentii Ma ; linpruv. d Iron Concave Bran burner,
the I'reiniuiu .Mnchine for Miller.
1 Ko. 64 Quoin Street, (Idth
Ward.) a.ldreea Kei.aii.gtou I'lwtrtfiee.
' ll,op : Huydock atreet, below Frent, rhila
di'lphin. CiN-alu-o Mill Stnnea, Mill Iron., r-'mutt Marhine..
I I'aleut Mill BikIi, Porlal.le Mi la Mtrett-hed -Belling,
(Ji-inent ami Ccrreu W lie,
- buure Mrslnd .oiling Ulolha.
. February mi. l67. :im wSJ .
;""' l-'ni inpri : ;
of .l.ia Neighborhooil, ran aupply tbeinaelvea for
tltt-ir M'KIMI ClitJr-l'S, wuU
l.einau'a I'uiw Bone Dual,
crupr.i I'liucpl.ato .: $40per ton,
. " Niirmjti.e.l rinwjiliule ol nl 5U,
' American Fertiltier, at sjl'iS, per ton. '
Then Kcrtilit. ta "u.e eouipiweil of reliuble
Chemical element, olv"undii,g i t Aeh. ire;
the have have re!ceiel ft.e Lii.-lomia of Four
llatea. to vix 1 iVew ierey,vw yor, .ei'lu.
evlvauiaau.l Delaware. Al. 'or - (; U , r I,
..ILimla. I'ou.lretie A..- Couiilr iro.
i ... )'. tcr Hi", at market ra..
1 or D.atia on good liau', orCaali regiatered with
ordeia, prouipil allei.deil to.
tirlO. A. I. EIN A U. Proprietor,
'New Fire Proof Ktorf," No 1 9 South from St.,'lphia t-'ily, Pa. .
February VS, 1 8S?4ra ar
A NN0UNCK8 to thecilitcna nf Sunbury and'
vicintv, that he ha. opened an otiiceiu Sun
bury, aliove II, 1. Wiilvertou'a ofHce oi.uiwite C.
W eaver'. Hotel, wSerebe ia prepared to attend
to all kind of work belonging to the profession,
III the luteal and moat improved aty le. All work
well doi.e and warranted.
December 13, IH5B.
O Y8T K US! O Y ST K" '
Fresh rroin Baliimo everr ornin.
Aoi tkuniltrlatiil Pa.,
Will furni-h Kealuaranta and private fanittiea
Superior liallimo e Uyatera, 'by the Can or hal
Can. All orders promptly attended lo 011 Ihe
liorteat notice.
Oct. I, 1850 tf
"AVKjiiat received from Pblladeipiiia bv
' Kail Koud, and aia now opening their third
TER goods.
iii.umollv latge, and will be
a.utr lllat", penny
paid for Country
'ill Tdt SUN.
fee their Own
: ' : 11 . , . ,k ,,1 : :
! if '1 1 :tMV"" Y'':? '"'
' Ft The following linen were written by Mi
M'liitlier, the aiater of the tjraker Poet, while
Dr. Kane w lingering at Cuba for the re.tora
lion of hia I calth 1 ,, ; '. "',
' Dr. Sane in Cuba. .
A rnlitp life is in tliy '
A nnereil lriit ti thee ia given j 1
Uriulit Inluml ! let thy heulinft air . ' '
Do to him us tlio brcutli uf heaven. .
The rnnrvel nf hia tlnrin? life
Tlie elf.ftirpp!tin(r lender linbl
Stir?, like tliH lrnmn't'a Call to flrifo, ,
A tuillioii limit ul Hiuaner Uitiuld. -
Kyea thnt ahull never mei-t bin own,
Look tlim with tear ncross the Sea, .
Where, from the dark anil iy (itie,. . , .
Sw.etlbleof Flower ! lit t-utiius. to thee.
Fi'ltl him in reel. oh. pitting clime ! 1
Give b.K:k bis wu8lel ulreiiull) HCnin .
Soothe, with thy fiidletta snuimer tinie,
II18 wiuler-wearied hcurt and brum.
Sine aoft ami low, hmi tropic bird,
rrnin olit tliB liajirnnl, Huwory trep .
The (iilJhat beins tjlue now, bus beard
Tku of the winter ea.
Through lonit watch nl awful night,
llo tiiiw the Bear in Noithein kii a 1
Now, tn the Southern Crt.Ha ul liRlit, '
Ho lirta 111 hopu hid weary eyes.
Prayer, from the hearts that watrhc.l
When the ilurk North nn answer irnvp.
Iliai', tri'll.l.llliu. In the Futher'a enr,
J hut elill His lovo niuy htdp ami Hive.
E. II. W.
Select fait.
" (From Dr. Barllett'. Angln-Au-a. '
rs . . ,
1 cannot rememiM-r t lie 1 line wnen 1 was
not in I u iv with Kitty Pleasant. 111. 1 1 mtitt
have bi'L'itn when we were l.uth babies. I
.1111 surw i loved her as we silt together by I lie
riuiM.ile soakinu our duudeliiiti steins 111 Hie
littlu puddles of water lo lilako them curl.
My passH.11 was 111 no wite uuuteu when.
8'imewhul later, I climbed cherry trees lit lu r
biil'.'iiii; ; nor. Inter Vet, when ut duiicitii;
echool 1 awkwardly mudo my new-l.-uriil bow,
und asked h.-r lo be my partner; nor, I am
sure, was ,ny boyish passion ut all damped
when, on my return from collece, l louti.l my
sweet little Kitty changed, by ome muli fina- front i l.iv. ly ptiilit to a I.e.
witchiiiu Voiinc woman. She was the
same as when 1 purled from her three wars
liflore the wo uli wus like the chilli there
were the same rosy cheeks, the same pc.ulinjr,
iiiuoceiil mouth, the same curling huir, but
some chitrin, (irace or sent imeiit whs uil.l. d,
which ii.rt'ie ti. v heart thnil with new emolitiii
8 I uz d ut her.
K.ilv," 11 id 1 to her, one day. after 1 hud
been ut home u week or two, nud I found I
could restrain inysfll ' it longer. "Kilty, I'm
very much 111 love with yu, us y..u know us
veil as I ilo, 1 ve iilwnvs l.een 111 love with
iriw'V"' ' '"",v vr"1 M,v '"Vl! ,"l '
1 1 s;.i;,,'iv;',r:,,,,irtu "mrry '""-"rr
1 . r .I it ty tiiaile no anrwer, mid 1
y:",.,,',k".V- Kittdoii'ljou!"
l-irsl.t lme" su.p nnd
with nn odd mixture or. ei.t ,,, hM,
ness her race. ",l you've inao. wbttl i
cal.ed an i.HVr T
I ti ' be sirre I have, my darling," J re
. , - '
plied ; "un offer which I trust und hope you
will !ifi(itt w
riri he too sure of that." said Kitty
"Kilty, you love nn " J .
' "That's my secret," replied the provoking
little thmg. "Hut, ut uny rate." she ecu
liliuetl. "I could, lint possibly tlii. k of accept-
i 111 the veer nrsi oner 1 ever receivml
kh-'ftu i" iiton men an tne rest 1.1 my lite if
I 1II1I. No, indeed i no girl of spirit would ..r un..ur.t 'mew A .. . B' - ... : ...
u. ...... pkiruiinp, lir lrl ,..IT, H5 11 MIU
were afraid sli should never have another.
K.xcuse me, James, I cant pnsibly accept
you till I've ut least one other oti'rr."
"H-it. my dearest Kitty,-" 1 began.
Kitty! Kitty! Kitty!" she exclaimed j
"will Mr. ISraitt leurii to cull me by the prop
ernauie? 1 confess I did hope "that mi re
cciving my 'first ofler' the pt ihon mukiug it
wouiu iitioress tne wnn proper cnurti'sy und
in u manner la-fitting Ihe (H.'cul(.ti. giving ine
my name of Kutbaritie; but now you've jjone
ami spoiled it all." '
Oh. I suppose you wanted a stilT, cp remo.
ninus proposal in form," 1 olis. rve.l ; -,ut
I'm no Sir Chirlei Uramlisnn. Kitty
Kuilntfiiie, 1 would Say; therefore flon't be
foolish ; be content lo know, in plain words,
tl.ut my wliole Ileal l is yourh ; have the
good sensu lo accept jour first ofi'tr, since
NOiir sel'nlld lliky tint lie so good."
soi'liit'" v,,i" w,'r,, WS "tH'ithcnts and ren
berlir.t iVudlniU-ri'l
changed my lone, and ui'queei, , hu,
Views, confessed that, after all, I h,
certu.n pride on that point, ami shoml ba
ruther imirtiDed to Itnt.w that mv wife hud
nev.r hud any bfTer but th,t ha. mtKU
uitiile Iter i and fin I promised tti suspend" my
suit till Kilty was so It.rluiiute u tt receive
un oll.-r Iron. Some other (piniter.
Now, not far from where K.tivdwili tl,..r-
was a liavoriledell or bower. Or sniueihuig of
"Hit kind, ttiwl.illi elle daily repaired with
some I'll. .Sell Vulllihe to sit uinl r.-,.,l A I
eli.leuvors to her to allow me tuu.
Compuuy her llnihi r bad always he,.,, ,,,.
Hi yam. Kitty wus firm in pr. f. rrmg ber
iid.stuibeil solitude, und I wa daily dtion,,.,!
atl liliiir i.r two or the mopes, duiuiir her
elhtiid visit,
uursuaiice with this cnitoui Kitl set hiive skelili. i
fciinii:.;, a usuul. my oflerol compui.
than huir an hnnr hud elapsed
reul'hed her favorite seut ere
as i-ucted l' young get
'( k which
Wit tie tin
liitere-it.i-Kitty'a ' tity: In llm' wnnda was
KiihifthlltK lonuvr Ihun mat' that nrturnooU.
. I'Wbal Is Hie ipuUef, bill I j Jl '. nuked .1111
niMitijt .her jnuiii nflt r her rwtnrn hi'ine.
"Your eyes apnlkl.', add you l.nik MM pliMiHci
ih lliouuli voii hail met a fuiry in your ufter
I1011H rumble."'' - , ' " r
"It i better than n fitiry," fried Kitty, lilnslt, "iiV a yniiii(r man."
I 'Inil.-e.l !" I ej i. tilateil, with a wliiclle. :
. "Yea, James,"' nbe n plied, ''nn.l he is so
hiiiiilsnini -co iipr.'i'' m ib ln-liHiil, tliut
1 emit Kny how tliii'fis miglit ff il be were to
iiinke me, muno ul tliusa Uayv, my ficon.l
"Ymi. runt iinpoe on' me in kind of
W.IV. HWeet KitlV, 80 ill'li'l 11," I
xclHiini'ii. "I'll bo liiiiiM.I the impiideiit
l.'ll iw, whom I wi.tit t.l.jt-ct to Rpenkiuu 11
bit il my miinl to, is iml buiidsomtT or more
.iftreenlile than I am mjelT."
Killy Iiiiil'IihiI i.l.itnl in tlerisioti. "lie's a
llioiisiuiil times Imnd-onier' lln.ti ynu tire."
die cried, scnnirully, ".mil as much morn
riiti'tti.ininjr us he is mute handsome."
"Unine. KtllV. iloli't lie lull lllltllllf. too
cruel," I l.eui, but Kitty drew befell' up
w.iii iiiL'tmy,
"They cull me Kulhurine who do speak to
me, air." she said. ' 1
"Kiitlmrine. fiddlesticks !" 1 cried. "Kitlv
is the prettiest und sweoleet i.hiiih in llie
world. 11 nd comes most tii.tri.l to me dun't
hi. 1 her me with tour"
"I Jart' Kay ynu may like it," suid Kiltv,
polititiir. half angrily: "but I tbni't. It's too
free.' How wuubl yon like ii if I porcMed
in callinic you Jim? I dorlntr I'll call toil
Jim if ymi x.. on cnllinit me"
"Hi. Mill you IiKh, l replieiUv."uitil it will
snon soiiii.l in me like Ihe sweetest inline in
llie worlil. Hut. miiy t renime to Utp from
my f iir und urui'ious Laity KHtliarine a ile-
sciiplioii of this wood-Adutiia .tibu buy been
eiiuniiiiteriii). t" , .
"Ilea tall." beinn Kilty.
'Taller I ban IH' I iiilerrupt.'d. Kitty
almost ..niuliiliiti'il me by u look.
"Hy ul Ifnst huir a loot iu..l.of nn eli'jriint
III! 11 re." she colli lulled. Willi tiiHlhl en.jdiiisis.
"lie H8 ilrcM-.'.l in a fi.-biiig cotitume, which
gr ally l.euaii.e him." , ,
"I have 1111 old fishing blouse, up stairs." I
uiultervd, sotto voce; "1 tbiiik I'll gi't it
out." , .
The young mini's manners were unrom
ll.ii.llt.- ao.v ult.l .1 ..ul ti.t.iutit.- I
! J . w,,.. p nin i,Hit,, ,1,1., niiiiiu
I peri.-ctiy respectlul himI ileleri-i.luil." contin.
lied Kilty, "llnviiig nHt'ertutlie.l my name,
lie ti vit once loryot liiuifeir m. rtr us to
abbreviaie jl bis cotilni-t conti'ahtitiK fuvor
ubly in that respeel with some of my Iriemla "
"Well, Kilt,;1 sai. I I. "wluit ulher perfec
tioliK huve you here? or llavo yvu rshuiiatvil
your IikI T"
"Far from it." said Kitlv. indiinntitlv. "He
wears his hair parted down in ihe middle like
n poet.or that i bnriiiinjs riifrnur Pozzolini in
the part of the Kitnftlo "
"Or a Methodist parson." J observed.
"And besides all tliut.'- CoiiU.ueil Kitly,
'fcn n ii.uatuche.r ;
"A last. best (jilt.'' said r ; "lnit.' K illy, thnt
perfection, I hop... will not be very difficult of
achievement. I'll begin to-morrow. I., tine
see lull biiiiiNoii.H ivr eable oml maii
nera elegant tiguTe. uimI a miifliii he ! Un
the whole. Kitty, 1 think I'm vt ry much
ulranl id' my new rival."
I "You have cuuse," Kitly replied, with grove
j The next day when Kilty reached her
little I'.'treut t-lio found the stranger ugain in
ils'neii'bliiit' I iiiiit-l it. 1 Ibe little co.
ipielte the justice of I'l.nfeShiny thnt she did
look startled, und indeed, wben she
saw him ; but perhaps thinking it too late
to retreat she u.lvaiiceil tiiui.lly. 'I he youth
nu t her with 11. any up.. logics mil u plain-, Lie
pielelise ..r bis lliti us nn. wl.:ctl she ri tll.l
111. 1 gainsay, while sono'tliinf ring in
his n.aiiiit r 111, nl.' her blusliiiiiily divine that
1 the hnpu of ugiiiii seeing In r had been the
. . -. 1 r -, ,.-111,,.,
it might, tire stranger, p.-ibai to cive Kiltv
1 1. . . .
t lll.t cause ol his le-iippenraiiif, llelbutas
tiiite to recover .her eontidt'ine. i 111 ! v
sauutert'd a -H in pursuit t.r his sntitt, unit
j ""j"' 1 ' ',. ,
new u.lmirer. tliew n.nh lo r book ; iii.J,'! I
tling ber.-ell'iu 11 in, ism enriier, In-gun to read.
8he, however, had scarcely Micif.dt'il iii
llMi.g iter till till 11 it pa,;i tin
pe.iiii.iciiui strnnci'r r-oi'i.. nr. .1 uml
daring that fUhtnu v,u tlidj work mi. I u,,,
t i . I. ... ..I I ' I . , 4 .'
Ilfh would not bit-, he cuipost d!y d
liliiiM-lt ul Kitty's f.-et. ami i.egge.1 to km w
llie name nl the book she Win, rt-ailing. "T,-l.
Iivsiiirs Princess," replied Kilty, curtlv.
'The itiia rliii'biilie slriiiiger iliclar.'d the
book a gieut favorite of ,i. hi.,1 I,,.,,,,,, ,
iuin p i-i.ii'ii.ii.iiiiyiv i,i i.oi.ks imil niiihnrs
that Kitly, wuriued l.y Ihe subject, forgol lo
be diginlied. und un' ui.iii.ut.-d iliM-t.inse id
fuvorile uiilhors eii.-ue.. Arterwurda the
young mail benutl perunssjoii t.. r, () )VT
lew uU.niial.le pussues from the bonk she
held in In baud, and il so hupp, i., u,pt ,),
pus .g. s he hull seh cud ttt re llie v. ry ones
Kiny loved la-sl ; l.e ieu.1 lliem wt ll.'(,. H1
K.lty's bright eye sparkled wi b ileltgli't its
il... i:. ...... .. t . i . . ..
,.ir ,,.-,..,,. , ii.iini in ,,SI , hH ,.(,uj(H
concluding interview lu-iwsen Ida mi, I the
young prince, tlio striiiit'ei's voire became
mole niiii earnest us he ivud, till coining
to tlio wtord8 .
'Indeed 1 1 ive thee, c 'the,
VirM Ihyadf.up it.) I,.pr u.i.l Ihine are one :
At'complleh thou tl.y ......luaaland th arll'j
Lay Ihy awout huikt. iu mine and liuai to tne."
he suddenly Hung Ihe l..,i.k aside, ecliiimings
"Whul words 1 w!! W.ln.t would
not huh f..r to i,i,r thi-ili lo the
being I ve best on!" the stmngei
paused a tnoimiii ulid then forlh
.inpeiiioiiMv: ' forced sileiite is ill!
ani; tne w, I wm.l.l repress wj
turn nave i striv.-n to 1, p n,i,.ni
cautious to allow yon tone m.i t., atartle
ynu lovely, bewitching M iss K.ilhariu.
ymi ure y.uisiir the (,l,j,.,t f ,
duration, to whom would say inn
tlari tl ;" uinl thereupon ibe vouth r.
iidl aiiiali. ully fell 1.11 one knee; mid fori I
prot'eedeiltu illake K'tlt a Vi-ry 1 1 ,iu
( his h. tii.l. ' '. ...
Meanwhile Kitlv hud risen e
mil reCoverinif f, her f
liew lieisi'lf no with v
hardly know, sir, what y.oi me
-Irungw Words and coli.luct '
have lukeil has made me ve'
own imprudence In huvie
vane s id u str i.g, r So pr
I ahull be careful ue.'er to i
nig. my proud tin U Kitty
-tiuiiKer with a distant
direct ly hame. 1
- I did hot see Kilty till so'
return ; perhupa she wa'
'inU ill her own room. To.
' wag at full of mischief
''ell, James, why h.ii'
wilt lire tu-H'
there," said Kitty, blushing, and somewhat
c lifiised j ,' bttl he was tbof' . ; . 'i s
. "Of course." I replied, utufflr. '' "Wi ll, waa
your Adonis a hutidsome ana agrveutdu as
ever." , .
' More so!" cried Kitty, recovering her
coiupostire, "he looked mine Miissauie ).ik
ll.uijy vtr ill his fishing tires ; ai.d Tor en
teriiitnnient he llrsl read nie ull the finest
parts) of Tennyson's , Princess, ni;d then
mailt! a marring. proposal, I don't, tliink
any mmi could be expected lo do more iu cue
i should think not, indeed," said I. "Pray
what leply did you muke to the ruscal ?
that you bail a friend al home who would
be happy lo kick him well for his 1
"Far from it," said Kitty, "what my reply
was is my secret and bis j but for yon, my
poor James, I'm sorry for you it's all over
with you and yoiif nfit-r."
'Why, you good for nothing, little, de.
ceitl'ul puss!" cried 1, losing all patience:
"iheie never wus a morn arrant dissembler
living, liehol.l how plnin a tule shall put
yoiioowii: inr to i i myseii, disguised merely
by u little paint a fishing-blouse, a fnl.-e
mustache ami a change in (he urraiiui-mi'iits
or my hair, was in my own person this ele.
ganl, hutidsome, Hgreenble stranger, whoso
praises ynu have so lavishly sounded."
Poor Kitty wus completely confounded.
"How could 1 have been so stupid t" she
murmured, "und the voice, loo, which sound
ed so latniliur all thu time I"
"Yes, Kilty, you're caught," said I; "and
to punish you lor attempting just now to
pal in a wjiked falsehood upon llie 1 shall
impose a two fold tine. First, you shall kiss
me, ami. then fix tmr wedding day. winch
must be very shoitlv. fi.r I'm lioinif t. 1'uiis
iu a ii, out It, nml you must go with me."
Kitly gave u little screum, ami declared
tial she could m.l think if submitting to
eilher-of my pern. hies ; but lit vain she strug
gled und protested I bad her in my arms,
und liiiiliui! ul last ull her ell'.n ts to release
betself less, ber jests und laughter sutl
tlenly cliungetl to eurnest tenderness, and
closing bt r urtns roiiiid me, she said : "As
you will, ileal dearest Jamie!''
"One month from i., i,.y, then, my own,
swet , darling Kilty," I began.
' KuilmriiiH !" whispered Kitty.
"Kathiiliue, then " I repealed smiling at
her pertinacity on this point, "one inuhlli
I'loin to llldl l ow, my Katharine." '"
"You never put any adjectives before' Ka
tharine," iniirmuied Kitty, evasively, hiding blushing am pout ing" luce."
"My own ibur, gracious, winning, bewitch
ing, most kissitblu Kutbartne," said , "shall
it be us I say t" - -
"if luiiii.mii chooses." whispered Kilty.
A so 1 persuaded the. sweetest and prel
tiei jiirl io the country to accept her first
and only lover ; ami though to this day my
merry little wile often complains thai 1 de
Iruiidi d ber by my tricks of her nutuml wo
Hiiinly right t.f breaking two or three hearts
ut leant ere she liutde one man supremely blest
still she generally concludes her reproaches
in u maimer most nattering to my vuiuiy, hy
declining thai she hud two oilers alter all.
ami thai eut-h of then, wus. worth u thousand
common ones.
Jacks in OfTide."
A number ol' politicians, nil of whom were
seeking i.Oice Uuutr goveiiunei.t, were scat
tered on the lavcm porch, talking, win null
old toper, named I' iV, came up to iiiem.
Now, suid 1 is u petsoii who is veiy lo
quacious w hen 'coined," butt'Xuitly opposite
win II Sober. Allhu leu lit time being
"lighl," he suid if the company hud iiu ubjtc.
Jecl.oi.s lie WoUltl tin Hi n otuiy . 'liny lulu
Ii. iii lu "Uie uwuy j ' wlienupon bespoke aa
lunows :
"A teriain kin doli'l fect.llect his nuine
hud a pl.lloM.phcr, Upon whose jii.lgt-iuei.l ,
ulWitys depended. Now 11 so happened tl.ut
one ouy ll.e king look II into b. heud lo go
u hunting, auji utter 6uuinioliiiig bis to bl. s,
ami muking all l.ecessaiy plepuiulions,. he
sum lamed his philneophei' uinl u.-ked hiiu if
il would rum. Thu pli.losupher I..I.I linu a
woultl not, und he UUu Ilia liol.lea departed
" itiuru.yiug, i be met u coutitty
ii.uu inoiaun ,ija. ka.-f ; ne udvi.ed (hvin
tote.uiu ir, saiu he. It wi, eel lalnly tuili.'
Ihe a,.,. leu lout, n.pluoii.ij ,. Ulll.
p..ra. tl on. Deloie tlio hun y,,ne mm, ,IUs
ltoWeer, the hud reusou tu legrel not haMi."
iukcii ine uui ice, us u tu-uvy siu.we,
coming i.p they weie dlencheO lo luo skin.
lieu I h.y had lelilllleU to, Ihu pu..ce, the
king lepiiiiiiiaded Ihe pldlnst.pbcr aeVerely
lor leliu.g ti iii Ihut ii would bu clear when il
wu iiol. ! met a counliy man,' said he, 'unti
lie kliuws u gieut deui mine tnuu you. ilr he
I..,, i me a would ram, whuieus you told lite it
would not."
" Tlie then gave (he philosopher his
walking paper, and sel.l lor il..- ceuutit ti.ui., uiatiu In appeal ante. 'Tell lue,' sa'.d the
Klnu, uvi you Knew it would mill.' -1 didn I
Know,' Said tlie rublie, -my told uiu.'
Ai.u how, piuy. u.u he u-u t.u V thu kna
urKed in Ukloiiislliiieiit. 'Jiy pricking up Ins
ur. your majesty.' 'The king How still the
counliiiaii ewuy i piocuruig llie juckuss he
pluct-o liliu in thu cilice llie philosopher hail
tilled. Ami bete. oui-ci'Vt-d il . looking
veiy ue, here is wh. re tin- king p ado a wif
tthu. Ilo soi' ill, lliled jitf ,. a. Why
ever suite that liuie, w ' ih u gin.
d.i li.s nl.u. evcr ... ' -e
i slor"
A Si"
lire u
f flCif J.
From tlond'. anp'jbllatied Poem.
Asa horse is a lea horse
When ynu see him in I he sen ;'
But when you see bun in the bay,
A bay hurse then is he.
Of course a race-cour&c isn't coarse ;
A line is fur Irom tine !
it is u satliletiing sight to see
A noble pine tree pine;
If miners ure all minors, then
Their guuiduns get their gains ;
All glaziers extra jiaiiis should take
'To ptil in txtiu puneS. ,
A -bat about a funnel's room,
Not long ago I knew
To Hy. He caught a Hy, and then
Flew up the chimney Hue.
lint such a scene was never seen
1 uiu quite sure of thai
As when with slicks oil bauds essayed
To hit llie but a but.
"How do ynu do?" suid Sal to John,
"So-so," replied he,
"How do you do i" suid John to Sul,
"Sometimes aew-suw," suid she.
A kitchen maid is aft on made
To burn her face or broil It j
A lady will do liltle else
Than loi. it at her toilet.
'Tis punishment for me to pun,
i is t ii II i it lf void ol worth.
So let il puss unnoticed.
Like new that's due to eiiflh.
farmer's bailment.
Choic Fruitc
The Uerinuntown Teleirranli makes Ihe
following selection of choice Iruits. As this
is thu pluming season, il is vuluublu:
Al'H.KS One hundred trees ol twelve Va
rielies of Apples, we should plant e.s follows :
6 American Summer
2 early harvest '
i Fail pippin
4 go.Ueii pippm
U Ukldwiu
4 hays .
4 gruvenstein
b Fortiwalder
ti Yoder Pippin, or
the NcVtowu Pippin
G llubburdstou'a none
2 Lady Apple
4 White Seek No
Further j
4 raintcj
b' poiter
ti retl ustraehaii
U 1 Greening
Uoxbury Husset
ti .SpllZeilblll'ir
1 Villimn's I'uvorite
4 Swuur
Pkks. For twenty-five pear trees to be
selected (ruui twelve varieties, We Would
2 Uloodgnod I 3 Helle Lucrative
2 Kosticzur J 2 Uibuiiiste
:i Seckel I 2 Flemish Beauty
2 Barllett I 2 Uveiii.lw's St. Oer-
2 Tyson I train, (bukiug)
2 butrre d'Anjou !
2. LnwreiiCfj I SM
2 CliHlicellor
PkAKSON Qiincr StbCKS. From twelve
vurittit-s we should select the following fifty:
Duchess d'Atiyou-
Vicar of Va,ll3c.Id
Faster Htierte
lilouf Mo ceait
Louise bfiiJ-i d'Jcr
Duchess d'Orleans
4 Frederick of Wirt-
2 luke of Bordeaux
2 Columbia
2 Ott
2 Nun vea ii Poiteau
2 Figuo d'Aleiicon
2 Suldul Laboreur
C ii Kit i: ik.s.
2 (governor Wood
1 O-Ceoli
2 Kluck Tiirtariui)
1 Carnation
1 Nupoleiiu biggareu
2 Black Kngle
2 Muyduke
1 Kiitluiid's Mary
To Desthov Hats. A correspondent of
the Ccnncsee Farmer. Mr. William Heiigo.
ol Newcastle, Pa., sends the following uluus
nig description ol his plan of destroying ruts:
I t.Uild my cnrii-cnb on posts eighteen indies
high, inuiie rat-proof by putting u brord board
or sheet iron on thb lop of the posts. Make
exurythdlg Secure against ruts except the gra
nary una bate this rat plool except ul one of
the buck cornel.). Here, where the) will like
it best, make a nice holu with u spout five in
ches long oil the outside, where they cull go
iu and mil uml eut ul pleasure. Then. (I I
tlitlik the ruts me ttlo numerous, I lukeu bug
ulter dark, ami slip the mouth over the spool
on the out Si.iti ol the granary Then send
'lien' in ul the door with a I sld, and the ruts
an. I mice w.ll ull run into h bag. T.u n
slip the Inig oil thu .pout and slap il once or
twice ugunist the sine ol the granary Turn
out the deatl; ulid III Ull hoot ol Iwo repei.t the
proceas. all are killed sto Jup the hole
till new recruits arrive, whu-li i in the
same way. Try it, and my word for it. you
wi I save enouiili to pay for the AnKt'AM us
long as you live,'
, extract the following good looking re.
Irolil Various nuinliua of the "Home-
it Soi p; (fltte !; Take one qart ol
I sepun.tu them from the liquor,
"loroughly In a jiii.t of wuter,
.r, ailti olie piul of tniik; gome
nd pepper, wilh thrVe crack
'oe, u. id oue-foiitlh pound ol
'nor, boil ull together about
i.e it oil thu firu; when about
ml tu lha oysters und
f 'I'.'ie soup will the
for cut Ii qiiut t of t
bu ud.lod. uutl ev
rlioo to the qu
oj' oy sters
CriARt.wt rtDt)iio, (une.) One cap of s'
gr, one cup 0! sweet milk, one egn.oue tab
p .on of melted butter i hull a teaspot n t
soda oissolved n. the milk ; teasfinnt: of crea
tartar s f ed through the flour. Kut with wa
sauce, atid bake in a loaf;
Appl Float. the white of twopggswp
beaten ; add IO it Tour spoonsful or sugar, an
8 x apples stewed and (trained ontil qaite or
These Ingredients must be beaten a Ion it t m
add also a lemon to it. Then make either i
S ifl t f ti hard costard, and pnt at the but let
of the dish; and lay the mixture on the top
Ornament with sognr mites.
', ' ..
Applr Pi'DDttJo, (delicious !) one pouni
of apples stewed and strained ; one pound o
sugar; six eggs, one pint of ci earn ; six oun
ces of butter ; glass of wine and a little nut
meg. Paste on the bottom of the dish, unt
bake like a pie.
Fink Muffins One tjnart of rttilk. three
egirs. teaspoon of shII ; four tablespoons of
yeast; Hour to make it stifJemnigli for a but
ter; butter (he size of an egg; The milk)
must be blood warril.
f) nittDr mis.
The Queen And Quakeress.
In the snmther of I818 her late Majesty
Queeii Chatlotte visited Hath, accompanied
by the Pnncess Elizabeth. TI 6 wuter Soon
efiected such a n spite froth pain in the royul tbat she proposed art excursion to a
park of some celebrity in the neighborhood,
then the estate t.f a rich widow lady belong
ing to the Society of Fiiends. Notice was
given of I he Queen's intention, und a message
r. turned that she woultl be welcome. Our
illustrious tiavuler had. perhsps, never before
uiity persOtml ih'ierCourse with a hiemher or
he per-U tsioii whose volttfies never vcluntnr
ily paid tuxes to "the man Ueorge, called
King by the vain ones." The lady and gen
tlennm who were to attend I he royal visitants
had but feeble or the reception to be expect
ed. It was Supposed thui the qn iker would
at least shv: "Thy Majesty," "I by Highness,"
or "Madam."
The royal t orriape arnved at theloi'gv of I ho
park punctually at the appointed hour. No
preparations appeared to have bci'ti made ; na
hoste 8 or dome tic s'ood reudy to creel tl;S
gnest. I he porters belt was rung; ne step-
ped forth deliberately, wna tns uroau-orim-it
ed beav. t on, and tiubeu.liiigly accosted the
lord in wuitiUiJ wilh "What's tby will,
Irieml V
This tfas nllriost ufireasohable; "Surely,'
said the nobleman, "your lady is aware that;
Her Majesty goto vour mistress and 6ay
that the Queen is lierK"
No, iruely," answered thpinufi. "it heedctb.
to' 1 .av no mistress ntr b.dy, but mV
friend Kuchel Mills expects thine. "WuIb:
The Q"6eri and 'b P.i icta were handed
Out. and Walked up the avenue. At the door
i.r I he house stood the plainly at tiled K.nTnT,
who with ntevenacoiirtepv, but w tn n cheer
I'ul noil. said. "How's thee do, Irieml T 1 utn
glad to see thee and thy daughter. I wish
thee well, llest and refresh thee and thy
people berm-e I show thee my ground?;".
What coilil be sail ol' such A (it'ismi?
S Hue condescension wuS atieinplt d, implying
that her M"j-tty cain. hot to vitiw the p rrf,
but to testily her esteem for the Society to
wh eh M.str ss belonged. Cool and tu.awed,
Shu answered, "Yes, tlioti alt right H ere.
I he Fiiemle are Well thought of by most
folks j but they deed nrt the ptulse of thu
world : for (lie rest, iniiiiy strutigers gratify
cutiosity by going over this place, nud it is my
eiisloin to conduct thent myself; therefore I
will do thee like by thee, Irieml Charlotte.
.Moreover. I think well ol thee, as u Utitif.ll
wile ahd mother. Thou hast hud thy trials,
and so hast thy good partner. 1 wish thy
grutidcliild well through hers." She alluded
to the Princess Charliitle.J
1 was so evident tluit the Friends meant
kindly, nay r. spei tfully. I hut no offence could
betaken. Si e escoi ted her guests through
her estate. The Princess Elizabeth noticed
in the heu-boiisto a lin ed of poultry hitherto
unknown to her. and expressed a w,s)i lit p. 8-
Sess some of these rare I, .wis imagining that
Mrs. M.lls would her wish as law; but
the Quakeress merely remarked with her
characteristic evasion, ." I hey ure rare,
thou gayest ; but if they are to bo ptirrruseu
.it this land or other countries. 1 k'-'w "few
wnmeii likelier than thyself lo focure them
with eae."
Her Hoval Hightiecs """'6 piuuuy expres
sed her c'tsire lo some oi mooa
which she now ber""'1'. ..... ,
I do not ""b1 buy onl1 st'"' ttnswreu
Uacbi'l, . '
'Pethip yttti will give tne pair! VPr-sgivn-d
the Princess. .
'Nuy, veiily," replies llachel Mills," I
have rel'uSeii li'sity friends and Ihut hr.h I
dei. i-d to inv own' kiiidswoinall. Martha sh
it i pcomefh me not to grabt to any
h ve long had it to say that these bird, be.
nn ge l oiily to our housu ulid 1 can ihuke no
xceptiou in thy favor."
This is a f ict. -Sharp's London Mpazine.
"frrcrnhit lilt r. ?()." In the Court of
'pecttl SdasivllS this liiornn;g, a limn limned
-until was arraigned for stealiniir ' deiuij.ihn
c nta'ning three gallons of whisk y. "Are
yoli gui ly or not guilty?" aed ihe tier1'
" VI ull. ton c'n call it what you likes, '
ihe whiskey, that I admits, and ami
it tu; ' ''Yt'U look il without
yoiiioi?" 'I i.ever w ,it to teas
ar icle's rniind." You drink al.
'Try me and see. Judge ; I r
lieui'e.i iu that line o" truib
yonr appearance thai
wo' d Oil that pr'
t r. if uny bo