Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 21, 1857, Image 3

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    (From Ih PoWie lVcr.
Yesterday llio last snd tokens or respect
wore paid to tho remains ef l.)r. Klislin Kent
Kane by I lip citizens of Philadelphia, on J, in
every ro6pect, they wero betiltin? the inan
nnil the city of Lis birth. Long bnfuro t ho
hour for tlio elurt ing oT tlia procession tho
principal throughf.iros worn crowded with
c'lizcns liurrvini: towards Independence ll.ill,
for the purpose of irolt iiip a plimpso or tlio
coffin cotitniniliff tlio distinguished remoins,
and before ten o'clock the sidewalk in front
or the Hall was crowded with women and
men, nnd ioclamorou9 did they become fur
udmittnnce that tlio doors hnd to bo closed,
mid only a few ndmitted nt n time, who wu!d
riS8 around the room aud out through the
bquare. '
The flags on the public bnildingi. printing
offices, hotel?, Adums' Kxprees Office, ui.d
many prifate dwellings, were craped, and
displayed at half-mnst. In fact, everything
indicated that the hearts of the people had
been toncbed by the death of one who, though
young, l.nd sbed imperishable lustre and
honor upon his native city.
At 11 o'clock the officiating clergy, pull
benrcrs, comradeB of the deceased, members
of Councils, See., assembled in Indepeudenro
Hull. The members" of the various societies
nstcmbled in the Conrt of Common I'leasj
the Marshnl or the United States, Collector,
members of the liar, &c. Diet in the Council
Chambers, and the medical faculty and stn.
iieuts in the Court of Qurrter Sessions. The
Fire Department, Odd Fellow.. &C, assem
bled in front of Independence Hull, and the
cilizecs in the United States District Court
room. The military escort formed on Wul
nut street.
As soon ns the corpse had been received
.ho military, the divisions passed
iown the main avenue of tho Square, and the
procession moved over th Appointed route,
starting at Vi o'clock precisely.
I'i.-b detachments of Police men, each
division extending from curb to cmb. Chief
Marshal. Music. Deck's band. Gen. Ceo.
Cudwulador nnd .Stuff. Military escort, con
sisting cf tha Washington lPiuoi, Captain
tjosline.; National Hoards, Wusliinglou
'(Juaiits, Independent Huurds, State Fetici
'bles. National Artillery. Ciidwolader Grays,
dipt. P-reete, Pulaski (.toards, Philadelphia
'r.iys, Cnpt.-Ottor, Washington Urnys, Capt.
Parry, detachment of Marines from the Nuvy
Yuri, and City Troop. Detachment of .Sea
men. I'all Hearers.
r;uv. Pollock,
Hon. Ho. Kinney,
C ni. Stcwurt,
Mj. C. J. liidibJIi,
Pishop Potter,
Chief J ustico Lewis ,
Dr. D'jnlisnn,
I. A. Drotvn. lrj.
Pall Bearer.
(Samuel Grant, Esq..
-MJeo. Poabody, Esq.,
Com. H-ad,
i; )lr. Dillnrd.
iilev. H. A Hoarmnn,
rrillon. Jn(ge Grier,
X Prof. H. I. Hodse,
' lU in. li. lteed, Ksq.,
Curringes for mcurneis. Comrades of the
Tleeeosed, in the Arctic Kxpedition. as fol
lows : Win. MoreU'ii. 'I'lio.s. Hickev. George
Stephenson. Amos Honsul. Henry (joodfet,,'
lo'v, lir. J. W. Hayes. II. lirooks, Mid J. Wall
V.'ilnon. Comniitteo of Arrangements
Members of Common and Select Councils.
OtnmitlecS from Diiltimori! i. .it lNt v York.
'li'i'gjineii. Officers of St?.t Goveinment.
Then followed, in double file, tin? Societies of
tb" Sons of St. Georgo, nnd Albion, with
liri't i-ih Flag, tirnpod in monrning. Tho Ili
tiernia. Hi. Andrew', and Scot's Tbistla
tiiicieties. Ofiicers, in full uniform : distinguish
ed Ftr.uigi rs ; Jmlaes find Ofiicers of the
variou8 c.).:its: jMeinbers of the Aniciican
Plii'i-isopbiciil Pocifi y o;id Academy of Nut
crnl Science; Wardens of tho Port; Mir
shal of this United .States; United Slates
Viistikt Atioi noy, Collector, Surveyor of tho
fort. Post muster : Director mid ofCcris of
lbo Mint, und other ofiicers of the United
States Government ; Members r.r tho liar,
of tho Coin Kxchiiiigo ; Sheriff, nnd City
s'.ed Comity on;c vs. Scritt Legion. Tim
four Ih. tii'th mid sixth division consisted of
t'io Metlical Faculty nml Students of tho
reveral colleges, Directors nnd Ofiicers of the
rard College. Principal nnd Faculty of
Sligh Sehtml, Musitvil Fund Society, Hoard
i.f Schoid ('iiniicl. Fire Department, I 0.0.
T'., Young Mi n'.-: Aim-rican Club. American
FiMtest.ini As--ocint;tn, Ancient Order of
Drnids. anil t it ';'.. ns.
II. Grinned!, lir;., !io wns ennonnctd as
tine of the pill heavers, declinrd the. situu
tinn, mill took a portion wiiL llie family as
one of I'.ie iiionriieM. Prof. A. D. H iclie
as ntddouiv lii'.i'Yi iil and ctmi i eot net.
"'lie pri'ci fsiou then nn vrd up AValmit
rtreet t.' Si'venteer.tb, up Sevcrteenlh to
Arch, and down Aivh to the Secoml Prcs
I 1 i-r iit it Church in Seventh street.
On t!.e route of prncessini) t'ue Ktrects wero
eompit ti-ly tlnnnnd, nml the inUms of tho
lni'is'-i nvre fil'.ed with ladies Tho Circus,
Walnut Str. 't Tln ulte. I.a Pii no House,
'1'i. iith Wuiii Frcnii'iit ( lull, had flaps craped,
nnd liiinor nt hafiiiiist. Tho Philadelphia
F.i)'jn!ij lintin', Sevi niei nth st was decora
ted with t v. rtfi'ooiis. .mil nil ercli iicross the
etrcet, benriti'tlie (..Powiiiy inscription, "Phi
ln'.elpliiu In .it. r In r son. the event explorer
id' the Arctic region." Many other Louses
on Chi-fV'iiit st i t were decorated.
Assoaii ii thu last nt tho procession hud
passed up Widiint street, a rtih was made by
t he crowd for the Clum h in Seventh street.
Here ropes were sin tel. ed across tho street,
Hiving a tree space in fi-nntof tho building,
nnd only those invited were ullowcd to puss
into t'.io Chinch. Lon before tho arrival of
the f.ini'ial cortege, tin- galleries ill thecdiGco
wre filled with ladies, the. main body of the
Ctiurch beiujf kept five fur the committee of
urraii(jeineiitH nnd others in t lie procession.
During tho time. In-fore i He nppearanco of the
procession, the police had the greatest diffi
culty in keepiiiji the streets clear, nnd muny
children and wuuien. nho hud got positions
near the rope, bad to be taken from tie crowd,
nnd placed inside the rape.
I'lii! beud of the procession reached Sev.
euth street tit half-past ouu o'clock, tho mili
tary formed into line, und the corpse was re
moved from tho funeral car, and borno upon
llio hhoiilders of seamen, fullowed by the
civic portion of tho procession. The military
-t'loil wjth urn. s presented, and the bauds
playing solemn dirges tlurinjr tho passage of
vtho bovlyto tlio cliiiivb. A pedestal or stand,
5verod Hitb black cloth, stood in front of the
-hiirch, on hich the cofiin was placed, the
jxill bearers stMiidiii(.' ou lbo side of it. until
Iho procession bad passed iuto the church.
T-iio body was then bnruo up tho centre aisle,
.and placed in font (if tiie pulpit.
A voluntary wa then played, followed by
on anthem, "1 liei.rd u voice."
Hev.- Mr. Shields then urose aud addressed
tlm assemblage.
Tho final prayer was delivered liy the Rev.
II. A. ttourdiiiaii, D. D. The choir then
sung the concluding lij inn, and tlo cougre
galiou disperseil.
After u Silo, snnpr l y liishop, a Dirgo,
I jivuil thy lJosoin," us auug as Uta body
was removed from tbti cliurcb, it was then
placed in a hearse, nnd conveyed to Laurel
llill, where it was placed in the family toiub,
'Tho coffin was uccompanivd by the City
Troop, Committee of in raneinunts, visitors
from Ualtimoro and New York, und the
Hoard of Trustees huviug churge of the
Isdian Pfntjixa. Tal;o eialit tablespoon
ful o! line Indian meal j pour iuto it one quart
J boilinj; milk, with six eg", ono nutmeg
and tliri-o ounces of butt rr. Duke thii quuu.
tity in three comoiou sized diUei.
Scientific American eayi : The past year we
bv kiiuwu thtf spinal murow ot au ox or cow
applied by three different pc.r.irs, with th
most satisfactory result! la relieving psig tai
igCOrinj curt vf tbair letwos.
New Advertiscmonts.
Fresh Arrival vf
r ipHE tindcrsiftned navine; taken the store for
JL merly kept hy Willinm A. tinnier, is now
ready to till orders and prescriptions nt a mo-
mcnti notice. He has a large and well selected
stock of fresh and pure
Dye-stuffs, Oil, Paints, (Mass, Putty, and all
kinds of Patent Medicines.
Tobscco nnd Imported Scenrs of the choicest
brands. Fancy Notions' Inilet articles, and Per
fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Urushes
of every variety.
Campliine and Fluid alu:nys on hand.
Customers will find his stock complete, corti
prising many articles it is impossible here to end'
mernte, nnd all sold at moderate prices.
Iicmemlwr the place, next door to E. V.
Brijlit's Mammoth Store.
Sunbury, March 14, 18.17.
rTllHS work having been enlarged throughout
-"- to admit the largest sized Pennsylvania
Canal Boats; the water will be let in from Mid
dletown to Reading, on tho first day of April.
Toll Sheets and iiifonnalic n respecting the
Canal can be obtained at the Oflice of the Com
panv, No. fili Walnut Street, Philadelphia, on
application to R. HliNDI.E SMITH,
Mar .h 14, 1857. 3t President, &c.
poKT MON.MES. Tooth and Hair Brushe
-- all qualities, and any quanti y, for site by
March 14, '57.
flJCRE OLIVE OIL for table use, two size
at and C2J cents just received by
rHobaCCO and Scgars aO.OOO Imported
Scgars of various tirands. Eldorado, Fig,
Cavendish nnd fine cut tobacco at
Bunbury, March 14. 18X7, ,
A n Ordinance to provile for the paving
of the side-walks and crossing in iShamu
kin or Market street in the-llorough of Sunhury :
He :t Ordained, ly thtHunjcssut, Assistant
lSuresscs and ComtisM Councilmtn of the
Borouyh of Sunluri, t':i Cuwmon Council
met, and il is hcrtby Ordained Ly uutltori y
of the same, t "
Sr.iTloit f, That tho owner or owners of Iuto
lying on the nurthern and southern tidss ol
.Market or Sshamokin street, helween Uruadivay
and the channel known us tho Uut, in said Ho
roogli, shall before the first day of September,
1SS7, lay Jow n and construct opposite their bit
or lots fronting on said street tailed Market or
iSliaiiioUn, a good and 6ubst:tuli,t pavement
Lid in a workman like manner, of bricks, Ping
tteiics or planks, in the m.saner liereinalicr pie
Krihed. Kkctios 3, 'That the width of the pavempnl
shall be ns follows: in Market Square Ihcv shull
extend tnclve feet from the line itr front t.f (he
I it. und in the other part ot said Mr-el, ihev
khall extend ten feet fie in the linn or front aloie
sjid, except where there is no building erected
the width shall be five feit .measuring from the,
outside hue of ether pavenieiits inu arils, and if
hereafter a building is erected on said excepted
pi.i t. the pavement shall he ol full width.
tiKi rio.n 3, The gradii of the pavement shall
be fixed by the Regulators Having regard to
the pavtmonls now luiJ, the grades of which
shall not Ve changed while they are in good or
der, and any person who chad lay down a pave
merit w ithout buving the grade and ilitm n.-ions
nxed by Ihe Kcguluuirs.or having them so fixed, I
shall depart the same, tball be liahle lo a
penulty of Twenty Dollars, to be sued lor and
recovered us debts of like amounlaie liy law now
lecoverable. o be paid to the Uornugh Tieasurer.
And it shall be the duly of the High Constable
to tear up such pavement and relay it according
to the grade and dimensions so lived a sfors
said, at the expense of the party so oll'i nding.
fcr.cTinx 4, That if the on nor or owners of
ll.c aforesaid lot or lots or any of them, shall f.iil
to comply with Hie requirements of this Ordi
nance, it shall be l!ic duty of the High Const.i
Me nnd be is hereby authorized und liircctcl, lo
make or cause lo be made, the said pavc.rnls
in the manner nforejai J, and to keep an accurate
account, hich account shall bevciiCed by him
under oath of the costs of Iho sums a;.d cau
said account to be filed in the Court of t 'oiim. oii
Picas of Northumberland county, in tho name nf
the llurgesses and inhabitants of the llurougb of
Sutibury, against said lut or lots end Ihe owner
f owneisor reputed owner or owners respective
ly, auj shall give notice to the owner or leputcd
owner of Ute same, and if such owner cm nut be
found, Uoii his agent, atlomey oi tenant, and
if the said amount with costs, is" not paid within
len nays alter such notice it shall he the duly ol
the Chief Ilurgvss to collect the same by law.
oectim 5, Any person or persoiin who shall
neglect or refuse tn pais in compliance uith the
provietous or tins Ordinance, shall be subject lo
a penally of Ninety Dollars, to l o fur and revov I
erodss debts of life amount are now by law re- I
covera'ulc, the amount of such pentipy to he J
paw to tfce liorous;!! J rea-urer fer Ihe uc of said i
Borough, aud it shall be the duty of the Chief i
Burgess to bring ruit for the same, l'uoviui o,
That no person shall be liable to Ihe above
penalty, against whom a lien has been tiled and
enforced under the provisions of the 4tli section
of this Ordinance. '
BiiTiu.t 6, That the Supervisors of said
Dorough are hereby authorized and
the points whsre the side-walks on each side of
Market street, aforesaid intersect Kiver, Deer and
Fawn streets, and also at the interne-lion of said
side-walks with alleys, lo raise the croninRw and
pave the same with stone of not les than on
foot in thickness by six inches in the sqimre,
said crossings to be lour feet wide on ihe t p
aud sufficient slope on rach side fur tha easy
passage of vehicles, and the Supervisors are hero
by authorized and directed to pave in the man
ner above directed, the crossing at Market and
Uroadway, the crossing on Market street at lbo
western end of Market square, the crossing at
the eastern end of Market iraie, and the cros
sing st the intersection of Market and 1'aveu
streets, Ihe whole lo be completed before ihe tVst
day ol September, A. D. 167.
On motion. This Ordinance parsed hy the
following vote :
Yeas MeBrs. Frylinjj, llaupt, Stroll, Dnnml,
Arnold. Shiudrl, Martin, liruner slid liucher.
Nais Cenrge Robrbach.
There will a meeting of the citizens of the
Dorough of Sunbuiv held in the Court House on
A'eduesday Uvening, March 25, 1K57, the object
of which, is their lyj provul or rejection of ibis
Hy order ot ihs Chief Burgess.
JuiiN is. liiiiinrr,
Runbury, March 14, If 57.- 2l Town Clerk.
i-AiVVV UllXt-.L. CHiuss:.
rillll-S Grease is recommended to the notice of
JL Wagoners, l.ivery Mtl kceiera, Ac . as
bein; 8cetino to anything of the kind ever in
troduced. As il doea nut gum upon Ihe axles
it much more durable, and ia not ull'ecttd by
Ihe weather, remaining the same in aummer as
in winter, and put up in tin canisters at 37.) and
024 cents, for sale by A. W. rTsilEK.
March 14,1857.
VDU01.PI..M I'ALN'i'b. These paints are
mixed with water, thereby saving the cost
vf eil, fur sale by
March 14, '67. A. W. FISHER.
stationery. A large aupply of fancy Note
O Paper and Envelopes, Mourning, Letter,
and Cap Pa nor, Pens, Ink, 8aml, &c , st
Ms.cb 14. '67. A- W. rWHKR'8.
Knglish Silver WatcUes, for sale at very low
pricea by H. II M-VK.
fcHiabwy, ya 1, IMt.
, . toscCTtuitn d nri rs i
Nil. 77 A 7(1 Nurlti Stfcnnil firri't, Pll'iiili Ipl.b.
Arts ii";.v reci'Jt'inp iltnr SVriiic ' " wl.icii Wit! r.ifl
piiii ii In,, fi'iil O.'slnible im -Miliifnt el' till kutrlft ,,l
f THAW nuit I. ATI-; liO.N M; rt. Tin ir n.clt ,.f uw
er will I'l1 iciniiinllv l.irirs f ti i n iriw in, nml t itrreto"- in
Vlli! y.itir FFpiViUI nlldlfinn III tlmt ik'l Jllmrcit I'li-tfa
Ciill nml rxlnnic I'm-iii ki'foru li:uLinf yuur purtlmicil.
Miiu-Il 1 1, lfc-,7 Vm
IS hereby jtiven that the Methodist fiplvnpnl
Churrh at Trcrorton have f, d their peliiinn
for nn Incorporation tinder Ihe name nml stile
nroresnid ami Ihol the Cnutthavc fixed the first
duy of nxt term for hentincr Ihe same
JAMEs UKAliU, P otb'y.
Pr.ithomttarv's OUb e. J
Suiihnry, Mnrih 7, IN57. )
front Street Wire Marmfactory.
W1SO, COX J .,
No. 6N-irlh Fiinit Sirert, eonipr of Cwntib's Allrr,
liHWeen Mnrkt-t ami Mulherry (Arrli) Sliepln, riiilmlel
iiliin , innmifiic-iiire .f supnrinr tnsliiy, llnif iikiI Ifnil
Vire ?ipvrs. of oil kimls ; IJruws ami Ooepfii Wiri Clelll
fir Paper MiikurF, ftr. CyHnttrrs anil Ijan'ly ol!s co
verpit in the liciit iriinnier.
Ilenvy Twillnl Wiie for Prmrk CntcWs. Sijrvea for
riniss rind Iron rnniutris, Pcrrpn Wirn. Wind ivv W'iic,
Nnfes, Traps, Disli Oiww, Cat nml ttaatt Hcreeni, to,
Fiipic)- Wi.'e Work "l" every ili'K-ripti. .
M.ircli M, 1M7. 3m c
IJC pursuance of nn order of tho Orphans'
Court of Northumberland county, v ill bn
exposed to pnbl;c eale on SATUHDAY. Ihe
4th day of April next, nf. the Court llotwo in
the borough ofSunbtirv. 1 lie following tltv-cnb-ed
real estate towit : Tho undivided moiety or
half part of nil that part, of a certain tract of
land, situate in formerly .Sh.imokiti township,
now Coiil township, county aforesaid, bound
ed on the North by land surveyed in llio
name of John !$vd, on tho IV est by lands
surveyed in the name of Frederick Kramer,
on tin! South by lands surveyed in the namo
of Esther Kramer nnd Samuel Heolt. nnd
Kiistwnrdly by lands formerly owned by
Henry Fiahc.r, now tho heirs of S.. !. Pucker
nr.d Ciideoii Murkle. tleeen.-ed, containinj.' in
the whole 1U2 icros and 35 pcicbe?. Ueiiifr
the undivided half putt of the western putt
or a certain l.irjft tract of land, surveyed in
the tmine of Magdiilctie Five Deverson. Lato
the, , . estate of Jciie;h Marshall, deceased.
Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock, A. M. of
said day. Terms of wit ' cash.
Auniiiiisl rater.
Py order of Ihe cnrt, 1
j. li. Pursel, Clk. O.
March 7th, 18."7. J
Cm nut lla a.vii P.iijisol M N i'crt:iii:,
No. 2 North Fourth fStreet, N. M . Corner of
Market, Philadelphia.
IIASniiWun baud an extensive nscli tmeul
, .. v,.,n,',lU .V1,.,';lI,II':-lr:,,''e1Kl,l'l'v';'
eluding miny MvW M'VI 10s nut hcreiol, ;
lo he bad ... tl,H mart. An ri.mi.isi..ii of ,
our st.Hk.s solicit. dUrure purchasing e.l.civhere.
Mau n 7. IH.w.-3mc j
nf the newest nud nmi-t tle-irable kind
TalsOEi Afii'il'..
UT .V51 taken adrift on the Husqtichatina river
during lbo late fre-t'iet. a lot of KOI-'.N U
l.OCiS ami si.Mne siiiiarc'l IM liUit. ''he o.iiuer
is nqHesled to conic f .rwanl prove prnpertv,
pay eliarues and lul.c Iheui away, or othtrivise
Ihcy will be sold accord.;H3 lo law.
l.l'i'U'iS I, i:II.UT.
Sunbury Kerry, Snyder en.. March 7, lha7 3t
berebv civen that tho Ht. .lohn's I'nited
iernniri It; formed, and Kvansdical u'
Church, in Cpper Mahanoy lowi. ship, ?n"orlhufn
herlcnd countv, have filed their peliiinn nravin;
for an act ol incorporation under tint naine and
title above meiitioned, and that Ihe, court have
fixed ihcliist day uf next term fpflicaiins of the
same. . .'" "
' J A M 123 r.F.AI.n,
I'rothonotary'fi offico, )
Sunlniiy, March 7,
rgHIK Norlhuinbei land Improvement Compa
I li y invite proposals fir the Lease of a por
tion oi their COM, VKIN'S, fitunln on their
properly ill Northumberland c. unity. JYnnlva
uia, lvo und halt' mites above tbe town of Siia
inekin, and dirretlv on I lie line of Ihe Pbil.nlfl
phia aiel Sui.burt bond.
The Veiim ol t' lire well heated fur easy
and proliuHc uper iti n. Ant lv lo
JONlil'lI 6. Dl.Vi 'N. A cent.
Mount Ciirniel, Pa.
or to C1IAS. S. rOI.WUl.l., .-.c'v.
I fSoutli Blrctt, l'hil idelplua.
March 7, 1K.',7 ;im
IIOW.N'S and llrriniiw Kssrnce nf (Jiii'Tr.
mid Ilusbdiid's Mai!iu i-ia at
M .rcb U.T.7. ITHfiK'S.
"(O.NNUCT.S tin, Uvndiii,' lbiilroad at An-
bunt, on tho iScbuj b.ill, (10 nules below
l'ottstife ) with the Northern Criilnil It,
at Duuphiu. on liie tSucpieiijinia, and wu.i the
Pi tiusv lviiniii Kuilroail ut liuci.t il!e, (5 niilea
above llarris'-urg.) and luns pusseucr
train in winter, ami i w u p.isseujjer tiuius in
Mimmrr Ihruugli letwctii Auburn and Harris.
burj;, each way, dally, (.Sundays excepted ) on
time orranijeil w connect pioperly with these ; wiibllie Cumbrrluoil Valley and Harris
burj; und l.unCHKler Kailro.ols at li i.rrisbiirir,
and Willi the 'utljivi.'m K iilroul, and us north
em cuniii'cli in at Pint Clinioii.
KI.I.W Ol)U MOUhlS, Erg. A. Sup't.
March 7, le67. Cm. d.
.S berebv ijiien that tint ,!ethoiiit I'piseopal
t.'hu ill at Miuiiiiikinlow ii, bate tiled
peliii'iu lor an liu.ui por.ilion oiider the name mid
title iibovi' mentioned, und ihut Ihe t'nurl bine
fixed the litst day of next leriu for bearing ol the
JA'.IKS UF. AKIJ, I r .tb'y
1 rottionolary a IMlice
lice. )
ouiibuiv. March 7,
Notice is hereby given that the fol!oiii
named persons buu bud their petitions in
tho Protluuiotary's oflice and that they will
apply to tlit' next Court of (Quarter Sessions
ol tho Peace of Not t liiilnberiiiiol county for
License for Tuverus und I'i'&tuuruiiU ic.
Codl'rey li. Hebocli, pelitimis for tavern
license in Washington township ut his old
Henry It. Weaver, petitions for tavern li
cense in Trevorton, Xerby township ut bis old
Kbits Shaffer, petitions for tavern license
in Jordan township, ut Daniel cjwaitz's old
Marinh Thompson, petitions for tavern li.
cense in the boruujjh of Sunbury at her old
J. II .ilen Smith, petitions fur tavern lioenso
in Jackson township nt his old stand.
Henry llaus, petitions for tuvt-ru license in
the borough of Northumberland ul bis old
Deiijiimiii K House, petitions for tu ern li.
tense in Trevorton in Zerby, township ut bis
old stand.
Peter Weikel. petitions Tor tavein licence
in CmmKon township ut bis old stand.'tilh ltuker, petiiioiis ror tavern li
cense iu Litlla .Mahanoy township, at bur old
James Covert, petitions for tavern license
in the borough of Sunbury, ul bis old sluud.
lilias Kinerick, puliliuii for tavern lieeiicse
iu Lower Auutta township, at Ids old slaud.
Hubert It. X'orltr, pililious for tavein li-
ccute iu fabsmukiu, Coal lowubbip at bis old
f "Mr
Sinmel Clark petitions for twi, licence
in .Ionian town-hip.
Machuel Wjlvert, laveml, -
ceno in thn bori'tih of Smib'iry.
I.,i... ii,.,.i,' ;,; ' r i, l;.
u, i. ..,.,. , I. .. i' N.'n.tliiiiii..rian.l .. t
his old stand,
C. S. Hi own. rietilioii fur t nvern icriise in
tlio borough of Nortbumbeil.ind t b.s old
Ibinlel Ilol.-hoe, petitions for tavef license
fn Point township nn old stand. ,
John K. VV'eist. petitions for tnverrJicrnso
in .Ionian township.
Tbotnas Fowls petition for tavcrfl jennro
In Trevorton. Zi-rby lowtiship nn old (ami.
Abraham Ostium, petitions for Infill li
censoin Shaniokin, Coal township at Is old
Charles Leisenrinp, petition fnrtnnn li.
cense in Shamnkin towusliip nt bis old snd.
Cbnrles Weaver, petitions fur tuven li.
cense in the 15orou"b or Sutibury at hi old
Daniel Herb, petition for tavern licon in
Upper Mahanoy township nt bis ( Id slam.
Samuel I!. Heed, petition fortavetn licose
in Pottsgrovf, Chilisquurpie towiship an (Id
Henry J. KeKbcrt, petition for tnv.lTi li
cense in the borough of Milton at hispid
Win. Ashman, petitions for Invcrn liceise
in Trevorton. Zrrby townbip.
John M. Jlufl", pililiouslor tavern lieeite
in the boroneli of Milton nt his old stand.'
1 eter .S. Yeuer. petit, lions lor taverv li
cense, in Coal township, nt. bis old stand.
Win. M. Weaver, petitions for tawrv li
cense, in .Shainokiii, Coal township, ut Lis old
Kiizabntli Str-cker. petition for tnvrt n i
ceuse in tho borough ot Milton at btr old
Alexander 11. r.loir, petitions for t iv rn li
cense In tho bnrougli of Milton ot hii old
James Leech, petition for tavern liceisc in
Delaware township.
'J' Search, petition for tavern Icsnse
in Oliilisrinaipio township nt his old stit'ul.
J.din Frymire. petition for tavern I cense,
in Turbutville, Lewis township, ut Lis old
Isaac Ke.nler, petition fur tavern 'ieense.
In Turbutville, Lewis township, ut his old
Adam IMmick. peti'iinn for n tavern 1 ceuse.
in Slniinnkin township, nt his old alnnd.
AVm. ILLi-n li. petition fur tavern license,
ill Ml, Cariuel, nt his old stand.
John Henry Adam, petition for u tavern
license, in Upjer Mali-inoy township, old
st a lid.
Ibiinel Kromrr, petitition for tiiviiii 'li
cense, in Cameron township, old slainl.
Iotii l Ih-im, petition f ir tavern lieen-o,
i;L"ppcr Malianoy township, old stai,:!.-
Jacob .Struiib, petiiion for tavern license.
in .Ionian township, old stand,
t-eorKo liiiilo. petition tor'lavcrit licence
. C! ;.,..,,, towllsl(ip. 1R' "'L'
, tluu, ,,. .,, jt fort:lVern liccn-o
. Lnv,,,',.,.. id statnl. '
j ,.,,,, ,, , , ,,
in l)e!-iwnro t- iwiishlp. old Stan
AbiMhim H.tliar iul. jielition for tiVoN)
license, in Loivi.'i taliatioy tiwiiliij, tdd
J. (J. Smith, petition' for tavern license, in
Jackson township, old s'nnd.
I'ilias Wei,t, petition fn?' tavern licct.s.', in
Lower Maliaimy lown'ip
John li:ianiiu. jietitioii for favern licens",
in Lower M.ihanoy township, old stand
Win. Farrow, petition for tavein license
in .Shaiiiokiu lowiiship.'olrt-f liind.
Jacob Leisenriti";. pi lit, on fnrluvern license,
in .Shiimoliin towuslitp. old i-t no!.
Perry A. Frost, petition for li'vnse for
gelling Litptors. in quantities not bsa than
ouu pulloii. i:i I K-lnware township.
Jesse Kice. petition tn sell I.iftuors, in ids
I store in Mount Caniul, in quantities not
I htm one uaUuti.
11. M. Frii k and Lenas Stout, pititimi for
licetis.' to sell S)irituoii3 ami vinous lienors
in ipiantities li'it os than viie jailnil i.tTo
Iiriinnuh of M ilt.ili.
Sayn s iitiii Foit tlio, petition for lici i ts
to s.'ll sjiii ituous nml vinous liipiors, tn (uan
tities not less '.hull olio gall.ur, i:i the loan
of Treviii iiin.
Ira '1'. Clement, petition for license to sell
sp;r tni ils iili.l v. nous liipmis in qu.ilit liv-
: not b sj than one e.jj,,. ii, i;0t.ui!i ol
j Sui.bitrv.
i Win. K. McI)ot,ald, petition l..r t'.os.teid'
si'i l.i'.inrs iii lbo 1! .miieli of Nor-
! thutiiljii'latid, ut ills Jtetliiune K;t,lb!lll-
ClLirles Culp,
pttitioti for
llll-llS I Olllll
liconso to Sell
-. ill iiualit lies
SJiil'it llolls u 11 J
not 1 ss than one luI'.oii, hi .Mount C.irmid.
Ceore Winters tuol Henry lliany, peti
lion lor license tor selling spin! onus, inuli, or
brewed Inpiois and loot lt ii.e, iu ti,,. u,nn i:( '
Tivviirton. X 'llio toiviishiji.
Charles lleiiuiiiei r, pet. I u.n for license to
sell vinous, mull ni-.lh d l iju. is in cuit
nect ioii with ".nods, v ata , uml ni hi r i'oiuiiio
tiito s, in Ihe town nl' Siuinn kin.
! Lewis, Mear A' Co., pet it i ul for Urease In
S. II spil'itiilis, Vllloli . lllillL all I lil'elleil .lllols
I i i iU.ilit:ty not less than one j.'.il. ni, in Muui.t
John Knlif. pelitlmi for Jicenst' to sell
vinous, spit iluoiis li'iuors. in (inutilities not
less than a liullnn, iu t!.e l'oioneii (,' .l illon.
David .1. Lew i, petition fur license to sell
vinous, distilled, malt and brewed litptors, in
tliu town of Mt. Caimi-I.
O. W. Hib'iiiau, pelilimi Tor restaurant
license, in thu borough of Sunbury, at bis old
F.dward Oass. petition for w.-taiirniit li
tense, in the boriuiyli of Siinbuiy, jul his old
Josiah Henry, jutiti 'it Tor reflauiatit li
cense, ill the hoioueh i f Sui.l.uiy.
Cbtiiles Oiinneer. pel liiii I'm- iistiiunint
license, iu tho hnroufilt of Suiibiuy.
Sarah .1. Divalsi n. petiiiot) b r restuur.iitl
license, iu Turbiil township, ut Iter old stand.
John F.. tiflitii;. pelitini fur leltatilalit
license, ill the tioroneli t'lMiltoii.
Joseph Harris, petition lor restaurant li
Ci I'se, in (he bori'iiith of .Milton.
Itobeit Whiteside, petition for restuutunt
lict use, in Tievoili n, Z. ihe tunsl ip.
Charles Mctiinly, petilion for Hestaurant
License in ChiltNipiurpio lowusbip,
Colleili Iiiyiuiie, petition for icstauratit
license, in TreVntloti, Y. rbo township.
Jaenb Stubl. petition for rcst.iiir.iiit li-ci-usi',
in 'I'm but ville. Lewis ton i t hip.
Win. Ashman, petition lor restaurant li
cense, in levottnii, Nellie township.
Win. Fisher, petition lor iifiaiiiaulllccnse,
in lbo lioioiiejh of .Milton.
Henry I Libers, petition for resla:aunt
license, in Lower Auiisla township,
John V. Ititch. petition for restadraiit
license, in the ISoirmh of Northumberland.
John. M. Keiieilin'. Jielitiou I'orTo.-tiiiiiaiit
licinse, in lbo Uufoiih uf Noithioiibcilind,
old stand.
S A. Ib r'.iiiibiiiiP, petition for restaurant
licence, iu the Dorouii oi' Nnllhiiiulierlaiid.
J A MILS ni'.AP.D, ProtbV.
Protlionoiai's tHbce,
7. Irjfl7. J
Siiiiburv, Murch
Como aud Settle up.
A LL persons knowing Ihrmsilics iudehtrd to
F us either by Note or Itouk ai count, sre re
quested to call ut our stole in iStnihury, and fet
tle, as alter the lir. of April we shall be obliged
lo place all unsettled nccounU in ihe hands u o
Justice of the Peace for immediate enlb ctiuu.
I. W. 'i ENEII& CO.
Sunbury 4 Fob. 23, lR.r7.
Leather 1 Leather 1 Leather!
ItKMIV V. t I HM t,
IMPtJItTEIt M Frrncli full PkiuS inirt (trnrml Lealhfi
Uiidlir, .W 6 Si.ulll TIlllU lrrrt, I' l tliu
A tuietsl aksnitii.vul ul' till kinds ul' i-eailiir Aloruixit.
iUd uul Oak Bob Uathar.
; 1( Vnj V ATT (
I J ' ' , . .. , ' ' A
! OTK'K is lierel-y p'Vcn that .o
I U-mrts ot Common I teas, uenerui ivunner
Sessions of the npiiee, trod 0Ml'.ans' Cour!. t'onrt
J of O vcr v rid J ci inn ht a tut tel icru 1 J in I Delivery,
In and for the cmitit of Northnnibeihinit. lo
toinmenccnt the f.'uiut Htin-c, in the bcroiijli ol
irunbuiy, ut 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
Oth tlay ol Al'LIli next, and will continue
The coroner, Justices of the Psare and ronnta
blrs in and for the county rl Nortbumbarli'.iid, are
rei;ncsted to be then and there in their proper per
sona, with their ri Us, record", inenisitioim, nn I
other remembrances, to do llvnc. thine., ti their
seveinl oliiccs appertaining to lie done And all
witneses prosecuting in liebalf of the Common
wealth against any prisoner lire also requested and
commanded to be then and there unending in their
proper persons to pnviecutc neniot him, im shall
he just aud not to depart without leave et llieir
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their
iittiindaiiec, ut tho lime appointed agreea'otu to
Ibcir notices.
(iiven under my band at fSunbnry, lbo 2d day m
March in the year of our I.oid one Ihou-taiKl
.'".eight hundred and lilly-scvin and the fie'ie
peiideiu'e of the Cliited Slates of America the
Cud save lie' Coniir.nn weai'h.
llll.MJV WKIM-l.Mierm".
S ir.niri's Orrit
7, K.ri7.- S
f-'onbiiry, Tlareb
No. 41. April T. 1H."7.
Alexander Jordan,
V. ilii nil Davis 'i fleora'n F.
Lee. ex'trs. of Thomas Davis
of Fhiladelphia, dee'd,, and
Summons in
also I rustces lor the widow 1
Furl it ion.
and heirs of aid deceased
Joseph Warner of i'hibulel
pbi i, und William McCarty
of Sunbnry.
Tiorthumbc'ikiicl Conuty, tn.
Ihe CuimiKiiuccullh ' J'inus;
.'nini'i to the
Shi ) j 'if Xmthuntlerlund O wiy. Gukkiixo :
Ti F AleMinder Jordan t.rike you secure ol
jL prosecuting his claim, then wo i-oiniiiaiid
Mm that yon summons by pried sntiiuioners
Wlilialil Davis did Ooot e,e F. Lee, L(.cutol s
ol 'Tliotnus Davis of Philadelphia, deceased,
and ulso trustees for tho widow uftu) heiis ol
said dee'd., Joseph Winner id' Philadelphia,
and Wiiluiin McCarty, of tiuiibttry, so timt
they bo atid uppear lieloro our J list iocs ut
Sunbury, nt our County C-'Ui t of Common
Pleas, there to be held the l'liot Monday of
April, next, to show wherflore, win n ns l!i
said deletiilutits nnu t'tio sail pb'illti'V, to-
cot her and undivided tin bold liichl Lots of
lj round in tltoloviii of Shainokiii iisorijiitial'.y j
laid out by William .MeCuity. Thomas Davis, j
Joseph Wanic; und Alexander Jordan in
lint county of Northumberland, und num. j
bend in tho plan of said town, numbers
four hundred und thirteen ; four bundled and j
thii ty-i ix ; four hundred nnd lllti en ; lour j
hundred und fourteen ; four knndrcil und :
twenty-nine ; four buntlred and th;itv-si;veii ; '
four hundred und tiiiity-oio.lit, und tun hun-
died und lilty. Pultition w hereof between '
ibi'in Id be iiii'ido nccordiii", to tin; form
of I he stutiiti s in Mich c;i;o made und pro- ;
videil, lbo said defendants do (,'ainsay, nnd I
tin same to bo done do not permit veiy ,
unjustly and contrary to the form of the
statute? iiVorssnid, Ac. ;
Witness Hie lloiioiablo Alexander Jordan, '
President i f our said Court i.t Sut.bury, j
1 el. 1 ,, IS., i. " V
.I.Mt;S UBAKP, Piotli'ry
Frutliono'ary'i Oliicc.
funbury, Jan. il. 18."7. )
In the Court nfConniioii Pleas rf Xcrthumbir j
land cuuhl. : I
John Creech, 1 Alias for aj
vs' f To January T; m 1S37.
K.'li-n Creech, j No. 17.
To F.i.u n Ci;k::i ti.
i , i ouu re lierei.y iioliln u initt .inliu
Creech, your husband, bus tiled Ins petite it
J in our Court ol Common Pleas I'm NtU'tiuim
i beibind count V. to be tiivoi ccd from the bonds
nf iiiatiimonv ei, 'fled into with on, llio!. ou
, not boit ir liuind in ")ur bnilwcU, tin
bpa'i a !
I for
i d i v nt ce y I'.iu t eil by our said I unit was.
' was i;
oretunied. wr.eie.ipoli an ill, as tuiip'ruu
lanieii: von me the i eliiio to tako liu-
I tice lb illl.e m:d Coutt Wii,' lie belli III thu
Poioo-h of Siiiiburv, on Moni'uy li"' ilh duy
lofApiii, A . D. ls"-')7. ut Pt oi'k'di A.M.,
I ttlieit ntid v.beio vo;i can appear J'lnl show
I caiiM'. iT
i t.'ieech,
my yon have, why tl.o said John
s't-otiid not bo t:iVi.tce'! t rem the
I bote
li of niatiiiiK.nv cent faeted with veil.
lll.NPV WKJK, Sheiiii.
SlierilVs Olllce. 1
Sunbury, Feb. If 57. Mar. 7. "7- It
5 1 1 K fubscriber oiler.-' for sale a 20 burse
Si pinver Engine, neaiiy new. with all the
ncei r s.iry fixtures lute the propeity of the I'axi- j
I. ns Furnace. There are three boilers belonmiiC! i
In the engine, i3 fet t lung, each, which have!
been only six weeks in use. The nipiiu! ii pj-
liMn .land built ol I t. very best inatcii.ils, ntn!
is oli'ireil for sale became ihe subsciiucr lias no j
use lor the same.
Taxinos Fi.itiace, Tib. 2R. lS.'irt Ol V
'J'llll subsi'iibcr will evp.jte to public sale on
I TUESDAY, the Ul duv of Mj, Levi, nl !
lbo (.'unit i!ou-e, SUiiliury, the Viluaule piopei- j
ly in Maikt t Suiire. Sunbury. I He the ;
ii Edward (jcbin. decessed. i he lot is OJ front I
mid IHO ft el dtt p, on which in erccltd u two I
story li i t' I; Dwelllnir. feet front. Willi luol
story biicl; bnck li iii'.i'.ii.jT. contaiuiui; diiiim; '
r..uiiiaiid kitihcn. iVc 'I'licie is alo on Ihejiieuu- j
sis a Irumc two story Dwelling, with frame:
hack Imi.dnij SO bt l IroM nud (it) feel ilcep. I
There i3ulso on the lot a poml linme Kiuhlc. and I
otlicr biiildin: wilb ail excellent well j
ol water. The lot tan be divided into t.vo ;
equal purts uf til) feet each, so a to accommodate i
two families. This property is one of liie ni.v-i
desirable locations in the hurousb, and isia gfO.l ;
The terms, will be made known ou ll.i day
of sale b I
Acting for himself and other heirs of
Edward Cobui, ilctiasc.l.
Fuiihiiry, Feb. 2S, lt..')7 ts
II t. M II t L
slid w biib'aalc dealers in
t:ji.,L &. rrovisiouss
No. 4? North Wharves, (below Pace Strccl)
Haviiironstanlly on band a lurje assnrtnient
of full, Chei and Provbien.-i.wh:fri ihry sie
prepared lo sell at lb h.wct poi-ible riitia,.
I"'' OliPElb prcmpily altcndid to.
February 1, I H-'7. Int 3
sonuble terms. Apply lo
of hhuinnkiu,
or II. D. MICHAEL, fcui.bury.
February tl, lS.r.7
Nm II aett t CliMtuut Street, (inatli siilc, Wl .w Water,)
iTHS OLDUT WeoB-WSKI II Is! 151 lilt CltY )
A 1 ANft'ACTinritSni'il WhnlcuiBiloalrrs in l'.".
M HitiMiM!. I'uu-iit t.r...vl ! .?(
um, ivHtrininl nut in fiiiiiik, VokI and WillawW
Corilii, Urus!", Ac ,of ail dcwriplteus.
I'tsatf ul!
luimiw nur port
fvUMr SM,
.... . , ,.
. Hy it Co. ( no writ of lei.J.t t.."
itef. rrcc . i I 'n exi.t a n io po i.
. C'lln t llonsif in Suiit'ii'y. n't
i nror ;.
if pn.'i
a-MliU .Murrli,
13.) 7, I lei fi 1 1 0 V
t wit : Ac it iinlit er ii.ic t i tn
sitoi'to in Cltd.p'i'l rpie tow:ti lii;i .-.oitoi.e!.
bpriund connt'". Iho ii. oi, i n lbo Vy I ! i
Suillitl.t (Mtd'P.-if lll lioed. Ill 1.' Il lUl 1'
Iniiil id' Pavid II. Mil or, I'V b'l.d 'l AlictHfl
Mi n Iho cist, en i tli- liei' ftf J"l,n
Keisertoi th,. sni'lh coiit ain utr five Mi-e
more or les.'. vVitih uro -fS -ted Iwo-stnry"
loLr boliS". I of tatdennd a small irelmnl.
S. ized taken In ejceeition. and to 1 sold
n 1 it properly of Henry J. Pioj.
l'.v virtue of n ci'itaiti writ, of !r. AV. to
me directed, nil) be ex pored to pt:Mie .1.1
tlo Ci nt t House inSnnbury, on H'"rdny the
'-f lit day of March next, tho fu!!; ' pre- i
perty to wit : i
All that ccrtntn T.ot of 0 round. Jyir in '
Lewis!,ii,. Noi'lvind.'elliiiiil Vni'i.'y, !
coutaliiitiif twelve iietPn n.rie or less, wliere- :
cn lire en cled a si.iy and a half Li f ilou-" ;
noil Lojf Stable, ioiuinir latnii, west . M ii loo 1 1
llfobst; North. John Weib-r; East, lTtjin- i
p:r ! South. Ames J. Pissel. '
Seized lid;, ii in e., c ut ioii and to bo '( id
ns the l'l'opi j i v r Daniel UuLii and Filizubclh
Ty virtue of ,t ciirtain writ, of I'm. Kr. to
mn tbrected vjil he is posed to public sale, nt
'!i Oo'iit House hi S'i nlm rv. on H itunhiv,
lie 2?th dnv. of March iifXt. ntlO o'clock
A M . 1. . i- 1 1
. .ii.. mo i.uiowiuir protenv lo wit i i
A tl . I... . , ..!.!
i.i i on' i:e:iaiu irae.i e.rpt,ice rn :io tot i
ittfttein lbi It.iroMh of Siiu'eifv. i'm.'i ciiuuty j
ol' Norlhaiiiliet iaiii'i. und ni'irkeii in til pen.
r plan of said fbironol. No. 8, and ib-reri-
bed 113 fo'lowf; be'inniiiy ut it post. at. the'
north east end of u.n niley which inlet-
seels Cranberry street, at ti:o r n l f F.iun!
street; t!i"ir:i. nnil'i f,."i dio-rc. ?. west 2."i per- I
i bi s to a po-i ni tho corner of cut. lot No. :,; '
tbeiK-o fotitJi IM Jd o'tees v.cll j Mcbi-ji i
nnd .". 10 to a .(, t; tnetien s.ititb f,.. d.-f roes i
east o."i pcrclie.! !o u post on !!: lo.'l sii' i , f j
said nlley; nloiiir said n!e v north ';
ib-'jiees rn.-l IS and 3-10 peiciies'to the pbie j
of berii'bin, coi.tiiibitig 1-vo acres and P' I
perclios. !
ALi-O: Upon nil thai errt.iin tract or i
piece of lend in Iho Pnroiioh (,f Sui.lnii-v
aforesaid, ilesfrilwd us fdlows; borjintiine nt
tlio sioilb west corfn r of out. lot N' . " tlieuc
1?J ilefnes west IS iiT:d 1-10 r eichi s. to a i
port being tlm corner uf the fencn r.s if new:
stands in out lot No. 1, ntid the out i
lot sooth O") ilio-reei east do and f?.'lfi perches j
tn fi pot. in t'ie north 2"i east H perches to
out lot No.
: tiipuce bv said out lo'tkuid out
lot .no sent li 6.1 (I n i erf, west
peri .he?, lo the plu"o of bcinuit
;") acres and : 0 perthi's.
4rt7nd 7-10 1
, tor.taii.ire; '
A.SI ALSO: Upon nil that
lot of rroitnil. sitaut,. m tl,P lir.ri.iijb of S-iii-bury,
ufon said No..", boiindi d and tle?.T.i. d
nS foPoWS t Iteei,,,, ,.;, u ,,0,t (,,) tl.-
niltll sii'p of Claiibei iy' street ; tl bv
out. bit No. 8 "i! ib-pi-ees. east "." n: il ' 'l
perclie?; tbence by out No. C m rt'i (,.'; d-.
erei s west 21 and 1-10 per la s to a j.i -1 ;
l.nd thence by nil nlley south 'id f iloer es
vest I'.rinml 6-i) perches ton .o-l: 1 1.t nee -.v
Craniierry strei t sifu!-uid. sout'i CfI d pi'
, fast 21 nnu S-l( p. tt hi.R to tin
i;inii:o, con'iiinin;. ;" m res nr.iiCO i , rcl
I measure, beine t h- s ime picini.-i s ti b
I Sunbury Canal i i d Water l nv.t r Co
j e'lii.srd fn in Vil!.;,-, M , ( ' .,; y. 1 v d, ,i
7th of J.-iiiU.,! y A. It I'-." :.'. ;il! i f
w n
I -'til fintl is fi...i:i-o en i open ipuii;.re
i ted a Steam .v'u v .Milii with n Lriet: V.
I House und .Stuck n smrill fi
j part ofnn inlet; there i-.
m o seep
Uo a c r.r. u! C'Jt
! liinninii sa:it l:i nt..
Scb'i'ed, taken in i yocul inn n:i.l lo be sr.ld
instlii! propet ty M'tl.n Huubttrv Canal iui-1
W nice Power Coiiij-.aiiv.
Al the sanin timo ar.d place, b. n certain
wiit of Pen. Ex. to uie directed, w:l! be i-vp i.
si d In hiili!li u!u !!, C, 11, .inn. . ,1. . .. .
erty to wit : ' ' c '
I 1 A certain 1 nlf let td On rd sin-...,!,. In 11 o
' v ,.iihoiiv. oi'i iim'i r;:ii:u roiin.v
I Jiilldid Oil lite fonlh by rdackbeiy street, on !
tho nor' li by n n nlley, on the e.i -"t 1. , i,.i ,.,
Jacob Wcimer. nml on the wist. l. v 1 ni I
Llizabeth Mullen. CotiMin!n!! in width ('on
lihirkberrv street and the all-v.) tibout :pi fo i
and in length t r tletii b 'Jl'J I'-ii.t. wh-rer-n S !
I etecteii n two slmv i.ntf lion-
IV Lna Ifi.n-e. v.eatl.e;-
bonrdei! and omul, d w into, fron
i . ' i .
i.. i i
nrr on ln.icl;- !
berry street, soiuii sinail buck l.i.ioli'ii;.'', uf ;
snini" iruii trees, ben:;: llio SJino piCllilse
liow occupied by Jacob Cable.
Seized taken in execution und to ba sold
us tlic property Jacob C ilde.
At tin.1 same liino nnd place, l.vaoitiin
writ ofI!. l.x: to uie directed,
sed nt public sale, till! lullov,
:CI b; d
propeity to wit :
Anions oilier property a eiir'aiti tract o
piece or Lftnd. tiin ite in the in rnuijii o" .-'ni -bun",
and boittideil on tl.i'in.nh ;,n, inutn
ea-l, n.l Se'llll by Slurnoiiin ciee!,-,
and on tho south west, by land of 1'io' iau ln
I leni'.rii ks. mid on the iiniih not. I ;. laud (f
Jacob It. .Master nud tieorpe W .-.m r. eoi -iftiniiy
17 acres more or ie.-s. all ol'whiib is
cle.itid, und whereon ii i iih Iji! a 1 . 1 1 o ;juw
Scirhd taken in execution nnl to lis sob' cs
t!io property of I l o Sutibury Canal ami Wa
ter Pouer Coinpiinv.
At t! Paine tiiuo nn 1 pi ..ce.Vi" rt certa n
w it nf .':!' Fit. lo me lili'iC td v. :d be t .vim
si illo public sale, llio following described
pi o et ! v to w It :
:1 that eert .in two story v.ii'u tl.c Ie ?e
till t.t th.ei! b-1 . 1 y DrieU, il. te, lied III
be tts.-d ui :t t.'olii Ue by llle 1 1 I. I . I ! !: t 111 S
suaee and tenements, situat" in th" r.'.vn of
shaiindMi. Coal town-b'p. Noi l i.un.bci la'...
I'onniy Ph., be n;: i ee lo.niiied feel in fini.t
l.y (i i"r y feel in ii ptb. Tl e I'.il1, or ni il'i en
trance .hereof I i v.'x twee'y lictiii will'!',
aii'l the w ins upon eiliief sid.! of the hale
li'lty feel Uplare, mm el'ieled upon block
No .';7 as to ii'.. d ard .Ii '!:;i:ali i! in the pen-
el al p'au of sail
l.y A i cli street,
str. 1 1.
Seixul. t.ii;.
S(.ld a? I be , i. - j
ate u.,iili;!e.
f iii-.i:f's Oll'ne.
I'c'.'.'llnrv -1,
low il of ftps i:i.,!,i;i. I. o .nub d
K.-th st I'e. I . and Cltt'St.T.t
in cxcci'!'
t v of tin- S'.i
el ii
i in 1 1: 1
to Pi
t'.iiti'.'iirt , )
l-.i7. "
Gil A.M.t TI; A L V()i;. KS,
( li P. lii -lb ui'.he Pali i, v -ten, ,. !;, ,r
1 bfli Uraiii:n:it. ( ;s
J 'I'be si cend 1 nek of ,'ne lla!! :-u jn it
j Euuiidi i!.-',; i:cd lo teach ihe pontss
j of A icily s;n j.; Ibe 'cnjlili J.''ii;nae .:l!i sound
I ju.l,::iiinl ; u.ij thu ail ef e.ii 4 il villi f;ra::i-
, n.iHii'i l p. np'.ety. : i c'r.
j 'i'l.e-.' v.ur'. ! f'.v u-'d i i t!:e i'ltl.Yc
tel. CO S ill ll.C f.Ul lIiOi.1- Pl;!:l.l el l'lllllsjl
'J'iie ttjir.l book ofllie llati.ind S'v :n I'i,a
j licit liiainuiar, ilcsis'iud tu enable tin- luuif io
Lccoiiio ou st 1 1 101 on .' 1, 1 v '. ' j . 1 t 1 1 .1 v'.;i t'ie
1 liatine and um. ot' ibe !'n p-.i' ioiis. r.i'd 1.1 1 e
! read bv hint eol u in or eel oi'V. i, 'vi ?
I liliOW 'N'S' li.suu.ii. I '.(coi.-r. 'I l-'i. !; ok
fern aide the old liraiuoiniH ex;'i,.cs i!n ir ib !.-. is
1 dcmeiisliiiles ibe liltle u'e of utici.diii I 1 tliein,
I ouil pusci.U lo t!u tencbcr the em 1 r 11 : m.d
I only way to Ihe if llio E.ith-h 1 an
I KU.i?,e. t !I J its.
j pur sale by PeUr 0'iifi'co, 113 Arch Street,
February 81. 185T 2:n "
i ITIi Ts IST'1
I .,,.. ... ,, ,. . i.,, . , ,
'V1 h "' ,V -71 1 I ,'. P .
JL by P. W. bray ar.J the dit,.!,...g ho;;,e ud-
jollilnit. Apply tO tuv' CiWUtOt " . Massor.
( tleoaaisMt
au r i. ixi.
r a A. .....
t.uwwncMona livrr jUrl .
Folo rropflrtis ef .toiicurn's lu. bly ai.piV
and much iniprov l tr ,, evvi ::.: f Nv
clib.e ; Impto-'i '.I iron ( oti'-an Itran ie .
the Pri'ioioin Machine for Mine.
Reaidcnce t No. 6 Quern '.' er-. Mnj
Ward.) address Kensington Post lb. e.
Miopi Hay dock bireet, beb.-v lii.t, Jii!i
I'elphia. Cocnlied Mill Plones,MiII Iron-.: ro.f r r i ii.--.
Itent Mill B,ik!i, Portaiilo '! '. -' i. ,t. :
nellinj-, i;( merit an t fci'-'ii i.e,
S'lpiao! ("nclud yii!l"r:T '.'oit,".
Tel !t irv i ,-
..rti w.; j
(I l:,w .i'r- ;i. :;., (,! mi ..-.r!- .-s ;",
t'.ei. j'liOM ('i's, u!i,
, ejliau'i." I'll'.- fu'le I 111 ..,
" .':' Ve." J'lw ;! 1'.,' Of 1,11.1". ::: ; "'. ; .-r
' !"-.' 11 V'.Cio'il ite of t 'Ml - -' O, '
tlne.iia:i !'i: Ji'iyci', ..t o.".. i r r '. i:
Tl.cs leriilizcij aio i-a'j.i.i'l ,-f
'-'iii t-.iiial ileiiu'utn. ii'ceoi line in p .. A-h. A i
t;.?v. i, ...... i ! ,c ncci-. 6.1 the 1". Ij-t'-: r,t I'm
I Mtelrs. to ii t Ni-w Jc'e-v, New
' t.;, I e'lia atiil n''i !av;:n -. A!- f.'r r:
'. a'i l-ir.ii., I'l-'udi Ac. f'
. - .
1 0
i ,
j ce'nc 1 ie .ayoie.l ' f:r the !io"e, nt ;!,r!. -t ..
i er Drafts on food iwil'-cs, n- Cied. reyis'i d
ur.ii.os. j!. i"-tlv ni 'tui 'd to.
I CKl. A J.ill.N'At". rr'or;i-..-,
"Now Fire Prtiol Mt,.t " i' ''..h 1-,-mt
I t: ! : !, t. ' I Ci'y, I'a.
'"e'.ii uarv l-'."!!' 4 :o v:
I ooKI s t.IasM , P?f-tirp h
tunc. l.ilLilivi
mill r'."ini.t;.;
?,0. lC'j Arcb Sifet, ;.,.ovf itb
Latc utviH Noit S.'jc.uid hi.)
n.w.n ai:: iti.v imt.v ro visitors.
Meit'ii.i, lis and olbf-i visiting!'.
i'"y Hani .i!! thi.irj in ou: line v i!
5 i v e ni ii ci.!.
l'i'.ruary 29. If ..! fm
no vi!
r tt-1..
fj.t J.bPr.C l'fl f.l.V i.-.rr;n
-t--' the pulilic t;ci!cral:y, t! a- !
'A'ZAZSO -CTil.T::
Fr.o'i No e i.-ou!.'i I'outl'j
Aich Mu '.I. below liiuh'di,
C lTl.f.l.V i: l'..r:ns his .
; M iiiuK
i er, to an.
. M 'C. 1 If.l.i
brvarv 5S. 1 S."V.
A'o. 1 ." A
;e.u;r und (.'i
.'.'',.., ,o, III
. '.
o-.itrv Oorde
.'le:i,Tt! Ilii '.I
Fanners and Pi
ii ; ion.
cc r:..-;.i
'Iroi.n.l .'s
r- Appie.-,
ji.i dr-
t on n,
i t .,. .v-
l-hell ll.ill.-,
"Whlli! ,S r.y
I, l'.e..l"t,,
II. t-, t i:eLan.i-,
I'orei'ju ami Pep.ii tic i'.-odi.tu jr
',.'.. .:... V I ',.) 7
r ii-.ii.
Vi:"'ii."i: is
i. Cll .-'..',
ia' Tc : ' oi i r A
..M liiejM
. N
I n.
I''d .
lo noe...
Willieut lb
Ml CO to ill
I t.;
saiiie Kni'l
;;', "'-! ail J ";
lit ilnliii .ll iti v..i in.
i'liib'i'r j:.
of v,. (ii..-., ;
p. "lb. St. I L'.V,'.
..v .
'l I .
ii t.bJlt..
V - J.'i. r.!,..!'.':'.!:;;
I.t'7' lf ,'IC ev i -','!;.
11 Ulis.-vr. '"iii-.-a
b r '!. il ii., ,:fr-
fji'lftl ptilncrsliiji
! M . ilovd. Jo!
j " '''' "
T f
.d. nn
, '..-, .I.sclf'.d bv niuli.iil
IV el .Ici'tiaV. Is ')"..
7'he li:iT!iT3 i.t tl.c b f il r.rr v ,it I e sf!l,
J - V T li.r-tir. Mho v ill o'.ii.ii:,- ' i.e.
of M :i.iii.. ii the !.ui.o l"i i -:--r .:. i-y. iliiid n.i I'atlr ad.t, u". ;'::..' -v.
i). '1. I t, !''.
,i. i ). ;,i i s ;:.
Tin l;t)s,K,
j...':l'-; utivn.
J ;
l !,c i
th e lit
ad. bcs.,
P. :.'.
tndersi.-M'd w il! c
: "I'd - Id; ! ii . t.'i
..I :,t
! ,;...-
III 'V, Vll'l'
Will j!-:!
T. ' 1 x It
want o! il,
cclc!.r:Ui d t. ai
!, ISol'
4 V rvevy i'!esc:ipt:o!i, sultiblc ti'.-
lJ" A :., lo,- Hav, ,..
e .'cue. all".'. 1'ur,
i ;.iiaiaiitec.l eonr
ui.l s.itirbic: : ci!. i
i I'.MI
a Per
ev, rv .(al
t . i:i 1 . net !
t o-H!
Cllt c'.
l'aetory nt the OM vMtvl.
than ltei:v '.C'ir-1 fiiairr el
Mrivl;, i.:!a !e!"i:i:i.
,d 1
;;'.n n' .v Ai.
. i in.
:;:rresois to ill
l i;:': .'e p;.i i, .ti
til H i!ti; i'
.V-.. uj A'
th v. coin!
1'lUI.AP.EI.T'Hf .
i !.:.. ,! thu- 1 ,v.
I. mis I
A m-.
r,' .;..
.3 t 1 tl.e
:j...f :-s or. I
1 I:'
.1 v e
.!' a
nl l'a .utc'il
, t' (!.
ill -c
mil .-'i-ij.t liMu-.i, v.'all Papers, '.,itai:i...
i'lie li. aid Pur..,,, s. ,,!,. s ,(.-,.. which
leey n.irt al lo'.,,;- '.a:cs cm 1 c I.a 1 e.t anv
UT Cat;.bt, j' ,,;c
I. t.'iiii mid I'j.iulti.'.
J. L. l.i.l.l.':i A ERO.
l?.t N jr'li rVca.'.d street, Ivlo.v li i.v.
ni v.-
-1 r
Tl.e fuliMiibci ni.! m.'nts f.,r t'.c
Pore , 'Wi'idi.-.v hmi is, -. .:.d i v Mint:.
al". l.-rs ,.! W'li.Jow tras'i, all of v.l.i.b v,
i.t Hie I rvc.-l pri.-e.
N'.v. .-ft, '.-.:;. E. V.E"!. liT A :
ii .
ie.-; re".'., 'e
c; .ui '
Pen:! 'tv.
f .-ioii.e civile lo llle I;.'.'.'
i.;ui . n mid vii ii i'y. J ie
i-inl to fttt t!ie various .eirrntioi
liib-.l v i;ri li.e Ul.
l i i.prov i d
POl't 'KLA1N
which will be ill.-iitld on
l.'i ilc. t I l '. a-: Vi 1! tin-
w c.-:j
U in . 7 w r -
Mi in
.f!. !
f '.. "
lit w
, j.
' ,
:t i.i :
It !-'.!
e. c-'o c , .-'unbit:
U N .P.. s Viii.K.
.J-' J. '
i Ir.ileb!- .1 : . i
1 I,'. tuTLCW iCi-ee!- .! '' l..l I si ,
i T' o . . Cec'.l . Ci VI .!..'. i,Mlt .'
ir.'-i tua.iili i a. I P',"-.'l:'i me rcprctivi
q'u-.te.l to m.'.l.c payuiciit yn rr b, ' li e
: oi tt
i-l-!.. licit, i r :k
nccui'.siiii will be ph.cul
r tor cile.-itoti.
Hi lae nitnua oi an
tlKAN'J'HA vi 1 TAtili Al!'l
Nert!u.mte!i.nt!, Peb. I t, le'.'T.
IPA-" 'CJj? 1 r
ft I.I. cr-nm tixb'btt'.l ti ti.a rubscripcr on
- No'e, ' o'.i Acc O'.nil or other ise, .iro re rciiueii'd lo ay e.p iinQcd:atc!Taa
I ti r iici-ui. swill lc pluctd in the bunds j j
Jus'.irc lor cuilec..oii.
LI V T. CLP'-r-Y
Kuobery, D- cc.-naf r 10. ' "
ft J
i 5
,AN15 of tv.uv descrintfun can be bod Vy
I fltwway . Wr -ty
fl . I . 1 . . , -
iii if IT ' tuaoiboa of iU A. iilf
t Jsnu7, 17. t57.