, , "AID AND COMFORT," Bo Your Own iTIer linuu . iS VAC M. AVlLKKItSO, Respectfully announce that he hut taken the imI lately occupied l.y Ocorge Retin, where he is prepared to manufacture all kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. "PIIE subscriber respectfully call the attontioi 1 ul tlie public to Ilia large and splendid as sortment of every quality and price of a..ii;t-v. aeci: which cannot fail to recommend itself tot-very enr ' ho will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship nnd splendid finish, made up of tlie best stock to bo hnd in the city. No ellbrt is spared in tlie mnnufheture of h in ware, and the Muhscribcr is determined lo keep up with tlie tunny improvements whh4i ore constantly being made. 1 1 is slock consists of Mahogany Knlni, Dlvsiis mid l.outipf ft Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, ! SOFA, BJSliAhPAST AI) DIMM) TABLES md also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Plihu- delphiu luiinul'nclurc. BEDSTEADS, of I'veiy pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WOI.'K AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND KXTK.VSION TAHLKH, In short, every article in this line of his business. Ho also manufacture ull kinds and qualities, CHAINS, ticluding varieties never before to be had ii Sunhury, such as JUmtnt, Black Wai.nci anii (U'ULI.n M jpi.r Giikciax ; AXI) WlMISOII CHAIRS, ash fancy Piano Stool, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subficiilier is determined (hat the-ie shall be no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture in the cities, os every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. These articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they ''(in be purchased elsewhere. Coun try I'roduer tahen in payment for work. tit" UNDERTAKING. Having provided n hands. ino IIkmisk. he ia now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funerals, in this vi cinity , or ut uny convenient distance from this plarv. tjr" The Ware Room is in Fawn Street, be ow Weaver's Hotel. DM AC M. WILKINSON. Sunhury, Sept. 13, lfj5C. tf. CURAT WATCH AND JEWELRY STOKE No 72 North Second Sirret, (opposite III tiJount I'trnon House.) Philadelphia. (TOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ra V ties, !j.'2.S; Silver Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver I.epine, do., !9 : Quartier. $5 to $7 : Gold Spectacles. $4 50 to 10 ; Silver do., $ 1 50 ; Silver Tublo Spoons per sett, $14 to 4 IS; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to 51 1 ; Silver Tea do., do., !fil 75 to 7 oil ; Cold Tens and Cold Ca ses. $3 25 to !Ji5 ; Cold Pens and Silver do. . 1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted lo be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic. M.nks, Pins. Ac, made to order. N. 15. All ordeia sent by mail or otherwise, will bo punctually attended to. Phila., Oct. '1, 1 8 "if.. lyw. JOHN FAREIRA, No. 12S1 Mnrhl Street, clove VliU.ADUl.rniA. TMPORTER, Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds and qualities of fancy furs, for Ladies and Children. .1. F., would call (he attention of the Ludies and others to his iminence assort ment, being the direct Importer and Manufactur er of all my furs. I feel onlident in saying that I can offer the greatest inducements to those in want nnd at the same time will hare one ot the largest assortment to select from. Storekeepers and the trade will please pivc I"C a call before purchasingr, as my wholesale depart ment is well supplied to meet the demand for every article in the Fur line, uud at the lowest possible Manufacturers 1'iices. JOHN FAREITtA. 24 Market Street. Philadelphia, Sept. '.0, lrTiG. linw, CLOTHING! CLOTHING!! WllJI.t.SALK AND KkTAIL. fTIHE subscriber would respectfuly inform the readers of lite American, that ho has just opened a New REFORMED CLOTHING STOKE, No. 2!)H Market Street, (3 doors below Ninth, south side) i'hiladclphia ; where he keeps con stantly on hand one of the best assortments of Ready M ade Cb.thina, in the city; also, a large assortment of Cloths, Cassimors, Sic, which will be made to Order, in the best manner, and at the shortest notice; all of which will he sold at Hie lowest possible Cash prices. Header will you please gi.t tin call ! DAVID M ACL, 298 MARKET Street. N. B. WILLIAM SHAFFNER, will be pleased to see Lis friend at the above Clothing Store. Oct. 25, lS.rC.- w3m3 COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STOBE, No. 21 N.rih Third St., brlmv Arch, PHILADELPHIA. COUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen percent, by purchasing al the above stores. 11 y importing my own goods paying but littl1 rent, an I living ecoi.oinieally, it is plain J can undersell those who purchase their Good here, pay high rents and live like princes. Constantly on hand a large assortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dnd Razors, Tuble Knives nnd Forks in ivory, slug, buffalo, hone and wood handles. Carvers and Forks, &c, Butcher Knives. Dirks, iJowia Knives, Revolving and plain Pistols, &c. Also a Urge assortment of Aerordeons, Sit. Also tine English Twist and German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN, Oct. 20, 1855 ly. Impoiter. BEDDING A FURNISHING BUSINESS Cabinet Maker's Findings, The subscribers respectfully infurm their frienris and the public generally, that they have connec ted wilh their Redding it Furnishing business a Urge and well assorted stock of Cabinet Maker's Findings, af their old stand No. 83 South Stcond Street, bthw Chestnut, PliMlwU Iplilst. They have associated wilh tliein W.fc.flrown who has bem for many years engaged in the principal iit.thlishineiit of the kind in this city. The Hock id Goods r.nw on hand compii.-cs every description of natrrsals used by Cabinet Makers, consiesing in part of the following, viz.; Hardware department. Rocks, Hinges, Screws Castors, iied Screws, Chair and Sola Sj. rings, Collin Handles, Ac Cabinet Make's Materials, Hair Sealing, Curled Hair, Looking (;iar.s Plates and Frames. Glue, Varnish, Sand Ppn.r, burlaps, ii'iaek and Fancy Silk and Worsted Gimp, S, I., Hnd .'hail Weld ing, Twine, Sucking Bottoms, iVvtwood, Mahogany, Walnut anj Maple Knobs, Glas. Screws, &c. BedJing Department, Hair. Husk, Moss, Wool and Cotton Mattresses. Fruitier flejs, R .htcrc lid Pillows; Flush, Damask and Moreen Cutili inns Comfortables, Cnunterpnnps, Linen and Cotton bheels, Pillow Cases, Linen and Cotton Towels, Table Cloths, Table Linen, Tuble Cov. ra. Moreen, Dornask and Plush by the piece, Mom aud Husk by the bale or pound. Tue Hair Heating and Curled Hair is from the 1 bile. M aimfaetory of D. 4 J. Noblit. N. U. HotU, Bieani Uoau and bhipa fur. ntaUM at the shortest notice. MJL1T, BiOWN& INOBT.ir, 83 ScutA 2nd St., below ChttttuU. (Nearlv opawt Bank of I'ennsyK.niaO AYER'8 Cathartic Pills. (SVG AH COATED,) At lls n CtEASffE TTTE SI001) AND CVRt THE MCK. larsillfls, ratbrrs, Mottiers, Phj-alclnns, Plillanihrista, reatl their KfTrcts, aud Judgs of tbetr Virtues. H)H TUB CUHS OF Ilendnehc, Sick Henlnclie,Fonl Stomnrh. rnrsBUKo, 1'a., V.ny I. INoD. D. J.C. Aran. Sir: I Imvs Won rssoetlfj caivd of tljy woi-al JiuHilHi'lio su.r liw.ly cuu have l.y a tlose or two tifyotir J'ills. 11 m'9ui toaiiirt' fivmilfenl ntumnch. (iL li tlisy .'Jmii at vjiix. Ir tti'-y will cms utbars us tbey ilu lu?,' c list tsjl Is wrtli kunwfiig. uu wilh s.ost resjiocl, T.T). W. PrtKTlLH, Ctrk rtf Steamer Vlurinn. Filiona Disordora and Lirer Complainta. LuFianisNT ur tub Ivrui.iori, I V HMiSMHi.1. I). C 7 Feb., f Sm: 1 Iitivs titcJ your Pills in my gnerul Riel ho.(iiliU rfjf' stw siu yws ltift'.ts ttiriii, tuitt cauuul tissitaloti, my tlisy ai- t) t'wl csAliartio we euivtoy. TltHir timti latino UL'tion n tl.e 'iVf,- iitii'-k urel !w ilwl. ciMH.iqiH.iit ly tty sr sit slnitmMe rMnstly fur dimtisj'inonli (if tlat (Ssu. liiilttal. 1 liavs fcMtiiu foioij uis il' bilitiui io atr su ul'stiimlv llisi It tliJ uul rsteJilv yii!d to thum. iis'.sniiUly joms, ALUN.'l n.l,l M P., ' Physician qf tfie itarint Uotp.tttl. Dysentery, Helm, nil Worm. Post Orrjes, Harthnd. lav. Co., Mica.. Nov. 16. 1fifi$. TlR. Ari:u: Vtnir fills ais tlif iwrtWrlK'U of ins.liciiie. Tlif.v lisvr iLni iny wife uiui gitl titan I cm tvll yon. Hhs' litvl Is-fn i''k un.l piutna assy for mouths. Went en" in hi1 iloctot s.1 st arril i"i.waii, het sol no tiKUsr. Hhs llisn coiiuu.-iK'il TuLitiK your Tills, wliicii aeon tnietl hr, hy txiifllitis lies .jimutiliM of woidh fil'-sll finiu lisr iL-'ly. '1 liy uOsiu-srils curd lir suit our two eliililivsn of liWwIy ilvsnlevy. fin. of our nt-ljfhlmm lis.l it Iia.1 w my wlfo ciitxl him Mi two itoi of your Till, white others sioitii'l lis niiil fi i in nvt to twenty ilollsti iloctois hills. nu) U,r mii.tjliiiie. without Is'ins; ruie.t entirely even then. Pi: h Wtohtue J yonis, wliicli is scluully K.iud slut honest, 1 oe in'ze,l hers. lie.0. J. OK1KFIN, ftislmostrr. Indigestion anil In purity of the IJIood. fivm J.n: J. I". liimn, l'aitor of Advuit I'hurc'i, lMnn. Dr. Arts: 1 have i.ne.l your Pills with e xlrsonliuary itic'i'ss in iny h.a.;!; ivi nnuit those 1 urn otUH to visit In iHstre". 'i'o l e,'n;'e til oritof iliyesiioti nnd purify llif Mood tlu-y s:e tin1 veiy bi-sl vemea,, 1 hsvt evor known, ami 1 i'u coi.fiMentlv lei-oniineii'l them to my f: Irn.U. Touie, J. V. II I M KS. tr.n'. woixn Co.. n. y.. iTt. ivs. TK,R S(K : 1 sm ui your t'stlmi In- I'ill En lev pnic. tiie. sti'l flr.'l theio a'i eir.!eul puitcire ti, cle;oi.Hie ths sMteui suit liutiiy the tnuttiiiiiH ..f t'le Ix.msI. John u. MKriiM. M. I). nryiipelriis, Scroftihi, King's Jil, Tetter, Tumors, iitul Salt Uheuni. Fn.tn a '.rwtiv'iny X.ll.'iunl f.V. Jou.s lib. 4. IS.irt. lis. Arrs: Your Till, arc the 4rwi.-on of a.l tl:st is rips' in ine MMue. Thv l:a-e cure I iny l'tt!e I'aiiV.tpr of ul'e'-otiN soi-ee e.iou h.n hAii ;f a:ol iVel thai I s I provml iMi.'iifal l- for yeais. Ilff motlnr been loiu irih-vous-ly nnlhosil witii blotci.ei unH pimp. .-a on her kin ainl in hfr hair. AfUT our i-hihl w:w ture.l. ahe ' trie. I v..ur I'llla. ami they ha.e cur'. t tier. .SA VtllltlKlllifK. Ichettniiitisni, euinli;i i, nntl Cout. F-Ml Hi' Ji'f. Or: IUa'.t$, qlt'.t JWl'J.rf .. I'l.vrch PlIAsSt Holtl. fHVAN.VAH. !., .lllll. I'. I M. HomRkii Sic. : I ali'-ulU te uutrstrrul fni ibe reiii.t your skill lm, hi-oi.aiit m if I 'li-l not lep-n niy ts-e to you. A t-ohl sotiieil in my liuil-s uii'l I .ot u ex.-i u- iarins ru:unils;io pitim, vhifli eli'il 111 duoric ihfutna'hjii. Notwithstanding; I lis ) the beat of physicians, the tli'itKt prt'W woieH:l woree. until, iiy tbeuilvu rof your ei'cel b'lit RiCnl in Paitintoie. i)r. M:irken.ir. I tiie.1 yoin Pills. Thpir efh'Ct!' wereelow. t.ut aura, by perseveiins; in the use of tlit in ) am now entirely wull. Senate Chakrkii. Haton Kolok. I.., 5 Tec.. l:fi. Pn. AyEn: 1 hse hi-en entbely cuveil by your PIIH of lUu-utllHtic Ciout S pi. infill ilifira"!- tbul l.ii'l pftli'-le I me tor yews. UNCliNT Sl.llil-.l.l,. For Dropsy, Plethora, or kiuiiied ( om plnlllte, leeiiiuK au active I'ill,;-., they me tut evel hnt rpineily. For Costivrnesn or Couslipntion, mid ns a Hill live IMil, tin y sie icmu'i! h- . nil i-i ti si. Fila, Suppression, I'nrnlytix, Itiftiminiit- tloil, an.! ii.i ii nesim-Sa. tnul ,'iillia.l lliiiitl ness luva beau eiueJ by the iiltoiaiiM' u.'tioii of iln-hi.-I'ills. Moiit nf the pilji In nuitlt't contnln lerrurv, wbb h. a! thoush a vnlti.il le n uit'tiv in wli'ltnl bni !. i il.in.ji.iou In a public piil. frnm 1l:e ilri'sotitl c: ni-i-. ti. ,0.-1 I h-1 fre quently follow its illruil tii.iis llto. 'll.fe roiittilM 11 . nivr cury or Diineral suhahmoe whatever. AVER'S CHERRY PECTOKAL F0K TIIE KAl'lD CVHK OF roi:niis.cnr.Ds,i5(nsKM.., iaklv- COl fiM, ( 1HJI P. AVTHVA. I- and for tlie rc-H-.-f of coiinur.iittivt I'litit-uia in civrttirt1!! star of tlie ilisriiso. ln'M nt Hpwik U) t.iP iiiiJ'iit of tn virttus. ThlM'.cliont !' lnwii. nul a'.nt'Ht rvi y lnuiil-t ul' Am-riciui itiiTf. itn wotnirfu, ciiirn ul i iiIihoimiv coni- I'luiuro hiiv-. nut it mmiilj' ktinwu. N;iy, w hit I fitmilifN In any civiliil .(nitdty on i ?: i- ni: ' i -iri.T u nl t boihp jpiohk1 .xi.T'fnif t-f ifn i-.Tt !.: nntMVwi.'i- yv. il u Ciniuiu:iiiit" Htiv Uifte iii-.lt lunt itut riiicit iln-it Roll 11: livilikT tro.:y nf it victul'V otr 1 1 Mll't liini iltll (CtToua ,1i-i-n't' of (hi' tlil'cnt inul tuiii.. W t il-" it l r' r Li'Wl powerful tintiilott? yet kin"i to iiiim fir tin fmmi tin" le AnJ (itusfn.'H il'su-HKes nf tlir ui!im.n..ny ui .ui.-. i! it nlun tlx plciii.iiil.vt Mini (' l) .it r-.r.i i t- t in iiloyt'tl tor iufiu. t nnd y.niii iip;smi. l-iiunf-? -limit ' Luvci it in stnn ;::uusl tlif ii.iiil.t.ti t-n inv iLni mi v.t ; -tlfm linpn-ji.ireit. M'h hI'IiiiujiiiI lju-ui its n lt!iifVe tilt CHI i:t. t 1'KCTOp ., buy. iiini.' live, t y l! t 1 1. . niiiiitioiif, it iivwiitH ili.in t i : -t- it tnrrt. Uf. ,j i , yon. 111 hi cure our chl whilf !iif, fii.i'il.-. i mt loot tlu'ui iititi'l no lnmuii) UiA cio iititHii-r (!, n-i vml-u cuiikr tlmt. t'.i!-nt'il tin thi- ' iiit'-i. vMf y.-ur litt' itxmy. All Lnotv tlit ilrm'Hul futtili!;, i.f Iuok ltM.n;. i iml ,t tliey know too llif iitncf nl" thin irnu'dy. wi; iirrd mt ! tnori' thRii lo usftiitt? tliein it in sjtiil nni.lt' tin In'tt 11 urn 1. Ve ijiic 110 cott. no cut;, no toil to j,i: irlitrt' ii ti.v mixit f)rfft't ponfitih. umt tli 1 im uffur-l tln'M1 w ! rely on U tho biHii a;,unt VihvU unr Ki.i inn fiirii:ili fui 1 1 it i : cine PREPARED BY CR. J. f. AVER. Practical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mean. AXD SO IV BY Wm. A, linnuT, unlmry; llml Sc John. Sl':inikin W Witrmei, Nnrtliuniberland ; J. C:ib1iw. .Mi)i"t; Hays &c McCoriiiick, McEwinsviile and by all Druiigieti throughout thf P'Minly. Augu 10, ls."-. ly THE SALAMANDER SAFES OF' rnii..i)i:i Pill A ARAIN'HT Till? VOH.D. K VAN'S WATSON. Xo. 2G Snu'h Fourth St., PhUwkljihiu. Iliive had the surest demnnstru HI I.I I he t : p1!i Wl rlC Ceilllii-iilfS. that tiicii ui.Miuiiit-tiire i f Sila I t Siii'B tins at U-utMli fuilv wtiri nnit'd I lie rcprcjicittaiiitiis h have Ik t n mad? nf Ihi-m ikUtihii nn iiiul.Hihtcd Srcuriiy .Tiiist l lie Icnilic cicnii'iit : I'uit.ADri.PiiiA. April I0:h ISVi Mewrs T!vnns .V M'at-un : ('ciiis: It nil. id- ns the hitjtit'itt suli.sfiictiou to (suite to ou. that invito! I" the vt-rv protective qunlilies if two nf liie !S liainini'Icr M.'s ti lnch we purrli:oJ'd of ymi snnie few itiuiiil. niu'c, we hnvt-d u larne perti-nt of oni .feweiry, Ui"ks-. I'tipern, ,Vc , vxvi sed to itie o.ilri-iiiiiiMnK fii t' in lUinKUiid I'tut-e, on tht: iii-iru 111? Of l lit 1 I'll ' MSt When we relli-ct that tli'-se Sufes were locn'ed in the tonrth fctoi V nf Hie hnddin we nccupieil, U"d lhat they fell aulen,uen!!y int'Mi heap ot Iiiniihu nous, wiit-ru the vjiBi iMiiceutraii'u nf'htat i-aiibt'it I lie hnihs tidt tn mrli, we caiin.it but rcaril (lie prtn-M yai imi nf the valuable con let's ;im iiinN c. invoicing pi-uif uf tnu great security ulliir ded l.y ymu SaiVs. We n!i;dl take m'icli ple:iure in reeommending them t uitm of busiiieu as u tuic it'ti;'in-e u'miisI tire. tiKonuE W.StMosi Pro. Pmi.ADixhDiA. April 14. 18f,fl Messrs. l'vans tc Wntu u I h ive tti trier vnu inv tes timony in fn vol o the pre.d Ktcuniv iillnrded Lit my cntne stiuk "C jewelry, Itonkr, papeis. , dnroij the' recent dis'roui contlacrution in ttaits(e.n plnce, foau the fact Hint the tame were e'lntaincd ia two of ihe baiaiiiuudui Saf-s ni 'inufuetureJ by y u. Havittt! Irjllfii fmiu the fifth stiry of tlie A nitwit HuiKl in, where they were picvi'uly pl-ieud mid rposet ind vast heat fr a long tune, the pres'rvntion nf ihe valuable dep. sits seemed to eveiymie who witnesned the opeuin and interior cxaininalion, a matter of profound ui mU1i ment. To nil "vho may tequire perfect protection from the rnvnrs "f fire 1 shnll not hesttatr to rfcoiuui-iid ihe usu of your ShiVs, m 1 coiindsr they have now niderptne the m si trying lest. X, L. .Mokgs. Fini.ASKLPU'. April U, 1H5fl. T;BrS I'VBMS & Wrdson ieiil IfOii-ll No d"ll!it yon Wt!l lie deeply pint i lid to l-'iirn tiie a hhI enudiiiin m which I diaiviveied in v' book, policy of insurance, c.-itiricntes of tock,uid other valuable doeumeids, when on t'ridny lust I opened the natf: rnde bv your linn. With my kunwe'ljfi of us ru-al. exposure, both ti the intensity ot tin bent fr m so hot n fiie. n iinl which de cir","l the Artiaii Biiildimr, as also front ihe force of ihe fall fiuinitH f-inner e'evatt.d iv.si.mh in ihr third story, I craild entertain but tinnier uopeti prior to lis inierior in speetioii, tint the contents which 1 mice so highly prized would ever be oi' nny tterviee to me, lint us tliee feu is nre now linppily removt d, I feel it only due to say to vnu that I can h-meforth recommend the one of your S ues lo all who in iv wiwh to feel a onli'leuce in ihe pertct se curity wtuehstich mrans pmvtties utrninst so fi igntful an c'.tiuual. Kowakd ('AfK ill, llonkbiuder. Co'itf:oit!y mi baud Patent Powder aud Thief Froof Locks fur lii,i,ks, Hi re, Ve. April -J5, 100. ly Cheap "Wutolios j Jewelr: "tlJHOKESALE aud Rutuil, ut the JMiUdl- phi Watch and Ji-wtlry felon," No. 96 North tfecutiJ isliett, corner of Quarry, ! Oo'd , ever Watches, full jew led, Ir wont eas s, Si.iMI 0 id l.ej.iiie l-k. 1JI iHi KinH Silver ii;.txtMclcs. 1,211 Ive,- livp. lull je wiled, rD.t3old Brnccktts. 3.tKJ titvui l'ver, lull iswl'd li '. uilli' linlil 1'e.jicils. l.oO 5,00 tiiipetti.r (Junriieis, 7. G..M Snaciadi. 7. Silver Ttu SlaX'lls, set, Until l'uiis, Willi l'eiicil and eiilver lloUor, 1 ,00 Gold Finger Kings, 37i eenls to S0 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 1. J cunts; 1'uteut; ISj; I, unci, ; other articles in proportiou. All goods war ranted to bs what they ara sold for. KTALTl'EK & HAKLEY, On band, soma Gold and Hilver Iycvets and lupins, still losrw viw) tltu abov tnicea. Oet. lib8. Jr. NEW.' CKrECTIONAETT. WHOLESALE AKU RETAIL. "M. C. GKARIIART, IT AS jusl received new anil excellent amort nient of goods at bit Confectionary and Fruit Store In MAIJKET STREET, Sunhurs, where he manufacture! and keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia inires. Among Ilia stock of C'onlectionarica, may be found t Freneh Srerets, ihirued Almonds, rronm White, ls,moii 1 Rose, Vmiilta. Common rAectots. Liquories, Hum Drops, all kiwis of went, l.iva Oropa, Mint Drops, red ami whits, Jelly Cnkes, ( Fruit Props, ft irk Cnniltes, ot all scents Knck Onitrly, AlmnuU Cuuilx, FRTJIT. Bnnnins, ' . Prune, IJntea, Kiss, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, P.ais'BH, Nuts of all kinds LKMON SYRUP of a auporior nnnlily, hy the sinalo or donen. A anperior quality of Negara and Tohacen, and a variety of (Joiifeetionnriea, fruit, Ac, all of which isollered cheap at wholesale or rctuil. ICE CHEAM. He has also opened an 'ce Cream Saloon, and will at all limes he randy to serve his customers with Ire Cream. Sunhury, May SI, 1850 ly Patten's New York WINE0W SHADE & CURTAIN STORE, 203 Chestnut St., opposite Jimes' Ilnttl, I'llll.AUKI.IMIIA. Window Shade, Oilt Cornices, Hull', White and green Hollands, l'ielure Cord, Potent Rollers, Curtain Pins and Trim- H roetitellea, Satin de I, nines, Worsted Unmasks, Centre Tassels, (imp and I, nope, Curtain Bauds, l.tiee aud Muslin mtiiKs, Curtuins, Piece Muslins, Store, Steamboat and Church Shades or Dra pery, irol up a1 the shortest nolite. Curtuins cut. made and put up by the most enperienced hunds. 1atti:x' Nf.w Voiik Stoiik, 203 Chestnut St., Melodcon I! nil, lings. May 3, lB!)ti . J. IB. al.VtlEM, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business piomptly attended to. Monica collected and all ordinary wri'iujjs done. Mount C'srinel, June 14, 1851). ly riHIS Oroase is recoinmended to the nolice of I Watjnnprs. Livery llhh! krepcrs, Ac. as .icing Sui'Kition to unylhin of the kind ever in troduced. As it does not gum upon tlie nxha is murh more durable, mid is not nOVelrd hy ihe Wi'nther, remaining ihe same in auinmer ss in winter, and put up in tin canisters at )7 and 62 J ctnlss for sale by WM. A. UKUiNKU. June til, 1836. 13 OUT MOXAIES, Tooth and Hair Urushrs all qualitietj. and any qusnti y, for snlo hy " WM. A. mtLTttiU. June 21, V)C. AT B. K. Thompson's Store, In Lower Auyumt'a toicnuhip, ut the Junction oj tlie Tulprhm kcn and f'lum creek roads. flHE subscriber having returned Irom tlie city with a new and en tensive assortment ol l'iihioniible pomlH, reapei'tfully ckIIs the attention of Karmers, Mechanics anil olhers to the same. SCIUXU AM) SUMM KU (JOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : CIUhs,Cussimcret, Cassinets, Jians, Drilling, iliiisliiis, I csttvgx, J v eeit.1, ami ull kinds vj Spring inul Summer Wear, LADIES DI5ESS AND KANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de l.nins, Lawns, O'niaininJ, Iterates, Holes, aniens, Flannels, tyc. tiuovr.it i Wnijar, Teas, Culler, Iiire, Molasses, Cheeae, Sjiires, .vatt. Ac, tic, Ac. IS a rd ware, Nails, (Screws, h'iles, Sawa, Knives A Foiks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various styles ami patterns. BOOTS AND SHOE3. A large assortment nf llnois and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cars, Ac., of various, size and styles. liesides a lare and ireneral assortment of fashionable goods. Call and esaniine for your selves. IV Country produce ot all kinds taken in exchange at tho highest market prices. K. N. TIlOUrsON. Lower Augusta, 5 mo. 21, I8.rfi FLOUR, FEED & GROCERY STORE CIIAULES GAULNGEri, KSPKCTFTLLY informs the rilizens of uuburv and the neijhbiriiu; country that liu has purchased the Grocery IStore in Water street, in the rear of tho whiuf. recently kept by Wfistf & Clement, and that he has just reph n. iehed his slock which he will sell at reasonable prices. lie will keep a conrt.iiit supply nf Clour, drain and I'cc.l, ltie.nl, Fish and Cheese, Hams, Sbouldcrs and Herring, Colli e, Sugjr and Molasrvs, 'IVas. fpiccs and Fruils, Nuls, ConfcclioiKiries of all kinds, Hoots and Klines, Ladies Callers, Missc and (Miildrcn's Shoes, also Queens. ire, Ccdarware, Hardware and Notions, Ac, S c. Citizens are renueteil to send in their orders far Flour, Feed and Gioccries and he will de liver them "irnpetly. hunliury, Juno 11, IS.'ifi. tl Cancer Cured. ""lANCnCS, Tumers, Mens I'lcers, Scrofula While Siwcl in Arc, cured without Surgical operations by Dr. I.aunsberrv. Dr. I.'s l'ainphlct (2nd. 3d..) on the treatment ami cure creancers, I'uinors, Ac, will bo sent lo any address (tree) on receipt of a postage sum j Oiiice UP J WA I.Xl'3' St., Philadelphia. Sejit. G, 1850 3ui FFNKSYLVANIA COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE, LOCATED I3ST YORK:, TA.. FFEKS ynu'iir men all the advantages uf a tlmrntiili licaiiiees Education. Til L, COl litsE OF ."STUDY Embraces Double-Entry Dock-Keeping, as ap plied to Wholesale, Ritail, Commission, Mini ufacturiiig, ,Siippinfir, httcam Hosting, luditjd ual, I'artuership, and Compound Company Business. PENMANSIIIF in all the Ancient and Modern Hands. Also, LECTCUK.S on Commercial Law and Political Economy, by Thomas E. Cochran, Esq. For Circulars, Ac, uddress the umluisigncd. T. K. WHITE, York, Pa. September 8, 1850. 6m. OLD PENS with and without cases, of a very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale hy H. H. MASaElt Bunbury, Dee. 27. IH6- J) LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortguges, BoiuU, Executions, Hummons sVc, for sale b H. B. MAtiSEK. 8unhury , Aprl 36, 1856 VUUllla lleani A fresh assortuieat j. at received by WM, A. BRUISER ii(ifl9, . .. i ,1! ! - it a, ('.. I i r.Tt PI IhOA TttGl.'l IIU. IIOLLOWAY'S tills. ' WHY AUK WK SICK? It tins been the tot nflho hutnitti rnri to Wfifihrri down l.y doit-nsr and Mtflerhuf. tl(),l.(V AN "S 1'ILt. arr Uneciiitlv nditiJ li t)ir relict' if the WKAK, the NKUVOCS. tboDLl.lCA'n:, nnd the IN K1K.M, nf nil cliiuett. nffci, nt'xcs. mid contitnti'i.ii. rioftfir Holln. wh purs HitiMy nprrinttntlr lle nmiiufnetuip if din med ciiu'i in the C'niUd Slot t, nnd otlcn ilicm to free ind i'linht(Hf;t proplr. ph the iM'it temedy the world vc ww fur ttia ittinuvitl of UiSi-use. THKSE PILLS l'LUlFY THK IlLOOD. These famous I'i la ore exinewly condnnml tn npHntie on the moumcli, the liver, the kidney, the liingi, the skin find the how tin, correcting nny dennitfeintnt ioltttir fniii' tionft, purifying the blood, the very lountiiiii of life, ui id thnfi curing diaenve hi oil it forma. DYfaSI-'Kt'rilA & L1VKH COMPLAINT Neurly luilf the htimnn race Imve tnken ihefe I'itl. hanheeii proved in nil ptirts of the world, tint not hour hug heen found equal to them in iiieH "( dumrdcri 4f the liver, dypprpiti. nml ftomnch PHinpl:iiit!ineiuTfdly, Tliev ion give n henlihy tout to th'e nrpui!, howrver much ocrniiBfd, nnd when all other in emu mive fni led. o fix eh a l DEinr.frr, ill health, Muny of the mol despotic Governments hnve npeneil llieir Cufltom H hiih'H li the inlrxhirtion tf thew I'illa. (hut thi'y nny heroine the medicine itf the trmwen. I .euro ed Colleges admit thnt (his tnedu-tue in the let remedy ever known ff peraotmof deticnte henlltt. rtr where the nyHtem him been ioipmred, tin iis invigorating properties never fail to nfT rd rrlief. 11CMA LE COM PL A IXTS. Nn fetnnte. youitt or old, hon1d le without thin rrle hrnled inedifimi. It cnrrrcis nnd rem tn ten the monthly emirae nt nil peiiodn, nctinir in mimy c-;i?es like n ehurni. It tunls'i the best nnd Ktfeat medicine thnt eini he civen to Childrfii of nil nirefl. nnd for nny complaint j cuiseipjently no laniily should be without it. IuUow(nfs I'itl, are the lest remedy knvwn in the world for the fnlhnving ttixense ; A?hmii, Fever mid Airne ll"ne nnd Grnvel II iwel Complaint Femnle CompKiiils Sefuiuhirv ytiip- ('onulia IlKidnrhes Inward Weukiu C'Uts Indiitestiofi Liver C'ltnplaintt ltwnetssof spirits files (;heit Uipeuises InfJuenza CnKtivencss l)spepsia Piarlircu Umpsy Infliunmiitinn Venerenl AiTcrtions AVonns, of nit kinds IMLES AND FISTl'LAS. SM at the MnnuOictnrlea nf PrLfeaanrlloixowaT 0 Aliiiilfii l-niie, New York, inul 'JI4 SIthikI. Limitm, by ull rcanecliililt: Ilriinciits mid Dealer in Medicine tlirimli- oilt the United btatea, iinrt the civilized world, in bonis, ut cents. G'Ji eenla, unci f 1 each. L7" Tliere la a considerulile saving by taking: the larger sizes. N. I) Dirertlmis fnr Ihr ruidiincs of nalienls ia every discinler are atl'ixeil to each box. Murcli ttt, lsa6, lyca llORTand MADETUA WINES, Schiedam Kchniippa, Wild Cherry brandy, Dlackberry and Lavender brandies for niedic'tinil purposes at May 3156. V'M. A. BKUNKR. Citrate of Magnesia on T A S T K LESS SALTS. rlHIS preparation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative. It operates mildly, is entirely free from any unpleasant taste resembling; lemonade in flavor, prepared and sold by WM. A. BKUNER. Sunhury, June 21, 1S5G. VALUABLE FR0FERTY FOR SALE. fg"HE subscribers, Exccntors of the estate of 3. Henry Masser, dee'd., olVer nt private iale the following properly iz: A large two story Inline dwelling house, together wilh about 50 ACRES OF LAND. Situale in Lower Augusta township adjoining lauds of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John I!. Kaufman as a store aud dwelling. The house ia new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE" LAND, in snid township on the river about fl miles U. low Snnliu.y, adjoining lands of . I. T. M'l'lirrsrn and others, containing, about 1)0 acres. The soil is productive and contains limc-tniic and other minerals. Also a tract of Loud, containing about 35 icreson the bill, about two miles below iSunbury. adjoining lauds of the heiia of the bite .luhn Conrad and others. Tliere is, on this tract, a .mull orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscribers. H.B. MAssKR, ) P. U. MASSER, Executors. FRANCIS IU CIIER. ) Sunhury, January I 'J, 1S50. tf NEW ARRANGEMENT ! Fresh Arrival of D II UG S, 1'AIN TS, OIL S, & c. flHE undersigned having taken the store for fi mcrlv kept by riser and Itruner, is now ready lo till crilcrs uud prescriptions nt a mo ments notice, He has a large aud well selected stock of fresh and pure DRUGS, CHEMICALS, Dye-stufl's, Oil, I'aints, Class, Putty, and all kinds of Patent Medicines. Flil IT AND CONFECTIONARY Tobacco and Imported Scgars of the choicest brands. Fancy Notions' toilet articles, and Per fumery of all kinds. Tooth and Hair Brushes of every variety. Camjihine and Fluid always on hand. Customers will find his stock complete, com piifiing many articles it is impossible here tu enu merate, nnd nil sold at moderate prices. Kemember Ihe place, next door to E. Y. liright's Mammoth Store. WM. A. BRUNEI?. Sunhury, May 31, ISfiti. MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Xorlhumherland Count;, I'cnnsihania. llls largo and cummudious Hotel is situa ted nearly hull way between Sunhury and i'oltsville. The scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool uioiiiilain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in Ihe country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four btoric high, fitted up with all tho modern con veniences. The pure mountain water is intro duced into every chamber. The place is easv of access, being but one and a halt hours ride from Sunhury, over the Philadelphia and Sun bury Rail Road. From Pottsville, it is 17 miles. J. very attendance will be paid by the propne- lor to make guests coinfortulde. Chaiges mode rate. J Esse RICE. Mt. Carmcl, May 24, 165B. tf JF.TER alDKS, Ijiieoi" the linn ol Stevens. JAS.S. SI'UVER. Late el the l 'iiiim Hotel. iliilliiitialiead A Co. NATIONAL HOTEL, (lite wiutk swan, ii'iice Street, altoce Third, HIII.ADIXnilA. riHR above well-known Establishment, have- ing been entirely remodeled, introdi ciug all lue modern improvements, and also, newly lur iiitlied throughout, will be opened lor tlie recep tion of (iutsls on the FJHST DA Y OF SEITEMBEH. The proprietors, from their determination tn devote their attention to the comfort of their guests flatter themselves with the conviction that they will be able to give satisfaction lo their patrons. Carriages will always he in readiness to con vey passengers lo and from Steamboat Landings and Railroad Depots. SIDES d KTOVER, Race Street, above 'I hird. ' Philadelphia, August 3(1, 1856. ly riAISlNS, Figs, Jujube Paste. Rock Candy Jelly Cakes and Own Drops for sale hy MavSIM. WM. A. Bltl.'NER. BURNINO Fluid. Camphe aud Lamp, fur aale by nene, fluid Wicks j. r. & i. r. .cllnk. 1865 Special Exprosd W6tlco. 1B50 IIOW'FlID Ss GO'S EXriiESS. MA VINO oMnli litU p'r"r irv.1rgft ovrt the ;A'f AWIS8A. bUMHil?Y AM) Kit IK ami YII.MAM8l'OltY A ELM lit A UAlLKOADiS, we tie now irfHreil lo forward is 1 1 drpcritiotm of KxrcM l.omlB hy l'Mt)Rtrr Trains, dnily. Ii tvrrii riiili!rlltin Htnl Kltnira. conrnctiriff al Klmira witti all tint W eflern Lx press (Jon. itt n ir. All H'-mmU for TniniMiin. aSutrtmiL, ( 'Htlnwifsn. Diuivlllt, Miltmi, iiliniii-ioi t, Lliriira.Bnd fllno to loi tliuiolinl-.iiil ii ml Siuiloiry anil all intrr iiiftlinle I'larpi, (lcllvrotJ the khiiic 'Iny. Km I' Irani tn fliurgc of uur own ('Ccint Mi'rtojtiT. IMiilmlclul'tH 9st Cheat i ut iStriMd. f) Hi re Klinim hi I niteil M.itcn l.n'mi Dil'nc April .a, IKoU l BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains 3) KINO desirous ol disposing of mv eiitm ft stock of Hitokaand Mmionerv n-prisim s oiie UO.IlliO Volumes of Law. Medical. Reli i"us Scientific, lllmik.. M usu al. Mi hool inn Misrelluneoiis Hooks. Also, Mill Reams nf letter paper and a lot " wall paper, sleet pens, waters, Sie. I will dispose o I lie hole slock at public sub sale at iny Mote, opposite Ihe Conn House coMimoiicing on Monday the 7lli day "f Apri' 1856 al I o'clock. P M-. and conliiiiiing. i vcrv allpriioiiii and evening linlil the w hole stock i sold. WM. M.CARTY. Per JOS. II. M.CARTY. Sunhury, Maich 15. IM5(i. tf Nevr "Wholesale Drvg Store. XT. BPENCER THOMAS. o. 21) South, Nccolitl SUcct, l'hllilt-lilii;l SMrCRTIvll, Maniilacturir and Dealer, it Drmis, Medicines, bcmiciit-i. Acius. Dvi .lulls, I'aiiits. Oils. Colors. Wliilc Lend, Frencl and American While Z'u-r. nnlow liias- I Jl'issw arcs, Va ruir bci , liriiihes. Iiislruiiient.- (irinind Spices, Whole Spices, and all other m Ucles usually kept bv DruL!irits. iuclinllng itn rax. Indigo, (ilue. Shellac, l'olash, Ac. 4 c All orders hy mail or olherwise promptly ullendcil to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine onr stork before purchasing elsewhere. Coods sent to any of the Wharves or Railroad stations, l'rices low and goods warranted. .March 8, IK56. ly JOHKSOUJ& BROTHER, CABINET MAKERS, No. S4 North Second Street, first door above Christ Chutch, Philadelphia. OKRSONS in want of Bureaus, Tables, 5.'ofas, Chairs, Bedsteads, and every variety ol household furniture, would do well to call, as those articles are made up in the best styles and sold at the lowest prices. April 12, 1H5G. ly EAIITEEWARE. fjHF. subscriber respectfully in'orms the riti I zens of Sunhury and the public generally, thnt he has commenced the manufacture of all kinds of EARTH EN WAKE, at his manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one square east of tho River. H has engaged the services of Mr. Hi tie. and you can therefore depend on having a good nrliclo. The pub.ie are respectfully invited to call. All orders from a distance will be prompt'y attended to. P. M. SHINDEL. Siinbitrv, Feb. !. S5fi.if MAM l ll'Tl II F It OP WIRE, SILK cV HAIRCLOTH SIEVES, Coarse, m oii.in and fine in mesh ; la c. mid' le size and small in diameter. m-tn!Oi "ol!i. ir V ' Wire, Oflhe best qualities, various sizes of mesh, f.-otn No. I to HO inclusive, anil from one to six feel ill idili. They nre n'imbered.so many spaces lo a liiu nl iin h. and cut to suit. The sul scriber also keeps cot stnutlv on hand 53 For Coal. Slid, Ore. J. hue, Oiuin. Ornvel. (iiiano Sun a . Suj.ir. .s'alt. Pour, Coll'ce. .''pice. Drugs. P r S mi's. A c. Togc her with an as sortment ol briglv and annealed Iron Wire. All of Ihe abov e sold whole- ale or retail, by .1. A. M'l'.M.KS, 54 North Front St., Philadelphia. May Hi: I5S. white house hotel. POTTmYILLE. pa. rS1 f E sub cribcr icspectfully announces to his -- old t'lli-i ds and the iublie, that he has taken that .dd and we'll known establishment, the White ITcrso Hotel. At the comer of Centre and Mahantogo sis., in the Borough of Pollsv ille. The house has re cently been very much enlarged and nlhcivvisc improve. I, rendering it quite us comfortable us any olln r Hotel in .""chtiv Ikill county while the stables are huge, in good col. dilion, and at lend In careful, iiilenlive, piuclcnt hosllcr. To Havellcrt and others who may st p in In house, he promises i very ulteulion rulculiitcd I render them cmfortuble uud saiislied. JOS. M. Fli'JER. April 5, lfJ.-v .- tf SUU BURY, FA. flilll! subscriber respectfully informs the public L that she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has also received a new supply of goud liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisl'actioi; to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunhury May 81, 185(1 tf. J. STEWART DEFUY & SONS, Importers and Dealers in Carpetings Masonic Halt, Chestnut St.. below liiijhth, WOl "LD respectfully invite vou lo call and ' examine their largo and well selected stock of Carpets, flil Cloths, Cocoa and Canton Mat tings, Druggets, Hearth Rugs, Door Mats. Ac, which Ihey w ill sell to the trade at such prices as wi.l muke it desirable for those who wish lo pur chase, to call and examine their stock, before purchasing elsew here. Philadelphia, April 12, 156. ly (fishing Tackle. Red Cork, Cities, f A- ton and Linen Lines, Out Lines Scitii nt- nass by the yurd, .Snoods, Flies, Kirby, Limerick and Carlisle Hooks, Rods, Ac, for sale bv M.iy3l,'56. vVM. A. BRCNER. WASHINGTON HOTEL, KOUTHUMDEnLAND, fa. C. S. I'roprietor, Norih'd, June 7. IB56 Cm. r ObaCCO ttl.d Segai'B SO.OOII Imported -1- Kcgurs uf various bruinls. Kldorudo, Fig, Cavciidi.li and fine cul lobuceo ut WM. A. BUHNER'S, etun'hury. May 81. IH5H. . ' ' . . , . r " ' III.FS for, Machinists, carpenters, ce., &c, Beatty's edj;e tools planes and U'lich screws for sale hy E. Y. BlilUHT A. SDN. Nor. 20, 1856. RNOLD'S WRIT1NO FLI ID and Adhe sive and t rgitl envelopes, for aale by H. U. MAUSER Huiihurv. Ian 10. IdMl Faiibanka' Platform and Counter Scales foj al. by E. Y. BRIGHT fcON. NOV. t, U5e . . TO COAL DEALERS. AMMERMAN, ZUEEN & WEITZEL RESPFCTFUI.LY inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called Ilia Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of aiiea prepa red on their new coal oreakor. All orders prompt attended to hy addressing the firm, either at Sunhury or Shamokin. Sunhury, June 30, 1855. Photography 1 Daguerreotypes 1 ! A NEW ERA IN ART I J. E. McCLEES, (Successor to McClees Gcrmon,) YTOL'LD call the atieniou of the public, not only to Ihe superiority of Ihe Daguerreo types Ihe IIvahturHph, (hv some railed Ambro t lie.) nnd the various at les of Photography on paper) hut to the hut, that parlies at a distance possessing a small daguurreotype, may, bv send ing it to No. KiO I 'hestnut St., have made from it by tho means of Photography, and the talents of the U'st Artists, a portrait ol ski sua, from a small Locket to the full sire of life. A small book (obtaining description, prices, 4c, Ac, will be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut at., beYv. 7th Phila., July 21, 1855. If. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, I PML'KD undei the Seal. Hiiiictlim and Authority of the I university ul I III.K MKDICIMS anil poplar know leilce, Chailereil by Ihe Hntc. of Pennsylvania, AnrilliO. IB35, Willi a Capital of" SMtHt.000, mainly lor the purpose of arresting: me eyiiaoi riiiiiiius titin worthless Nostrums ; Also tor supplying; ih Community with reliable lleme tljes wherever s Cimipeleut Pltysiciaa ennnot or will ntt ne eiupioys'i. i ni. iiiaiiiuti'in mis purenuseu irorn ur Joit.i It. IIowaso, his Celehrutcd dmv.nid' Tonic Mixture, Kii'iwn for iipvvurtla of twenty-five yeurs aa the only sure nml ante cure fu PF.VF.lt rou! AUVF,, Ac, nnd his inea- tuuiil.le ItemiMly for MJVVK.l. COMPLAINTS, Howainl's Cuinpnuiiil yup ot lllackherry Itoot, wlnca luglil) ap piiiveu inul p .pin. ii iinnttiiuH, incrnifr wnn The University's Iteiueilv for i'nmrilaiiits of the I.uii?: The riiicersity'a ttemetly lor Dyap. pain or Indigestion j The University's Itemeity for Costive-Dowels: Alan, the Tnice raity'a Alumnae may tic be had, at the llrunch Dispensary, or Mora ot wiluam nr.rriN, Nov. 3, t?53. MabaiiOT I. O. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. TE?RY ft ERETV, invite the attention of T tnerchnnts and others to their Inrye stock of elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Albums, and Presentation Books in all "Ivies of binding ; Standard Theological, Medical, Miscellaneous and School Books, which they have received from Trade Sales and are selling at extremely low prices. Vlso direct from tho manufacturers nnd Im porters, ever'4 kind of Plain and Fancy Writing Letter and Note Papers. E .j.i.ci.'.'ia, ..iiM nn. Steel i'ena, 1 encils, Inkstands, Y rapping l a Iers, Jcc, &c, at tbe lowest cash prices. PERRY & ERKTY, S. W. Corner, -1th and Race Sts. Philadelphia. Se-.temher 22, 1855 tf Fashionable lints and Caps. ASHBY & R0CAP, No. 136 iforkct St., PIIILADELI'IIIA. 9NFORM their friends and the public generally, lhat they continue to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment ot lints, cups, Ac, got up of the best material and in the lutes) and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well to call ai d examine belore purchasing elsewhere. Phila. Nov 111', IH55 If. NEW MASONIC HALL, I'llll.ADF.LI'ltlA. Ai?lvrs WANTF.D in ovety town and enmity ia the. L'liilcil States, toficll th henutiful picture uf tiis GRAND LODGE ROOM. In the Nkw .Mai-osic IIsli., I'liiliult'lphia. This Date ia selliinr very nipiilly, unit elicits the. aumirutinii ot all, fui Hit: c irici'liiess and fidelity with which the StatdvSY, I'KKfCo PAiun.tu- ami I'ca.iiTCRK ure reiresented, and the arnsiic licantv unit liiirnniny of ths colors. Sizs of I'lnle, ii X '.'S. I'riee M en. D'i'-kselieia nml Picture Dealers wishing tn take siren cie. for it, will please address, lor fuither information. 1..N. BOSKNTHAL, Lithi igrupher, PhiUidelphia. October ST, ISM tf GREAT MASONIC HALL. 'I'll!: I.AIICKST I'lANO FOP.'I'K, MIU.()DKO AND Ml SIC siTdltF. IN TDK L.MTKD S I'ATKS, Vill be 'opeiied OcMicr l.'ith 153, in the Masonic IIciuiiisg. Clifsmit Slrcet. alrive Seventh. I'hiladclpl. is. llyJUIIN MAItSII, the Solo Agent for jloiirtliuan, (Iray .V t.'o.'a cclel.rulrd Di'Icc Cainpaua Altacllineilt I'iiin Fm lea, ii.nl (' V. Fiak A. Cn'a I'retniuiil Melo ilriiiis Ala... Pi;ui" Fmles uud .llel ideniis nf other dis linuuiitheil iniikerH. J M . has nlitiiiiied a lease for several vcaia in the i.ev. in igmfieeiit nnd well kaiiwii Masonic li.nl'lliii. vll Me he inleiuls kci.-pinc the lartri at stork nnd assntt'iii-iit nl I'eui'i Furies, iMeli'ileins. Munic, and Mu snal liisliiiiiii-nta nf cveiy liescilplnnl. ull of which are cireiiilly aelei-tt'il by hium-lf, mid vvarruntcd to give per feel sitiiiictii'ii ill every instance. October SITlh. lsiS If TH O S PALMER, O li M OSIO. Itl t; K t II 1 ST, No. 35 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission : Dried Apples, i'eaches, riutns. Pears, Cher- lies, iVc.tirecn Applss in Barrels or hy the bushel Beans, l'eas, Cr ml en ies. Onions. Mercer Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Lemons, Shell' arks, Ruisins, Chrstniita, Figs, OroundNuts, Prunes, Oranges, Orapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, . Cheese. Nml ull kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. April 12, 1856 ly Is ti X.-TillCKEV & OI', MANrFAcTriii'.Rs or TRUNKS, VALISES, &C., 14 G Chesnut Street, front nf Jones' Hotel, PHIL DIM. VHIA. sn ni, ... i i i i ti i i-?t 11.113 on iianu inc tucupcov, BIIU 11 Til best assortment of TRUNKS sS- CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PIBLIC. Sole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame, Iron Hound Travellidg Trunks; Packing do, Valises; Ladies' Bonnet Cases; Carpet Bags, Satchels, cVc. by thequanlity or single article, lower than can be bought al any olhcr place in the city. July 5, IS50. JAMES F. CALBREATirS LADIES FANCY SHOE ST9BE, No, 59 jVurtA Eighth Street, Above Arch, Fast side, PHILADELPHIA, Ladies from the country, can have shoe, made to order in the very lest style and workmanship on a few days notice. An excellent assortment to select from, always on hand. May 10, 1856. lv UYDhOLELM PAINTS. These paints are mixed wilh water, thereby savinir the cost of oil, for sale by Mv 81. '50. WM. A. BKUNER. FURNITURE POLISH. t. R AE'S Premium Patent Enamel Furuitur. Polish. This polish U highly valuable for rcslor, ing ihe polish on all kinds of Furniture, Glass, Carriage UodUs. Hair Clolh, Ac. Also, for re moving spots, hiding scrutcltcs, 6c., Ac, War runted tu dry immediately and retain it. gloss. Price 50 cm per bottle. Sold hy WM. A. BRL'NER. June 21, 1858. llrnll Paper a splendid lot just revived ' and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunhury, June SI, 1858. H A VI , should-!., Cheese, Mackarel, Irish Salmon and Sail for sale by May 31. '& R. Y. BRIOHTsV BON. 81'GaITcUKED HAM A lot just received and for earn by. eEAWIOLfZ t FETRT. Pert. !, ISSt SAMUEL 8. ITETHEIISON, BiAtaB tar LAifPS, LANTERNS, CtJANDSLISIM AND CANDELBRA3, wa,. Philadelphia, 7 fTAVlNO.nlarged and i.t,lnuJ I i. T n" 'vng one of tbe largest sMirtmZIl. Lard and Oil Lamp., and Lantern, of all pa'teW Class Lamp, hy the package, at a .m, l l. . over auction pric.. Being i M.nutlrtr Za Dealer o 'in. Oil, Burnin, Fluid ...d ZoM which will 'be furnished to Merchat. ,r ,ucb' price, that they will find l0 ,Ileir JJ huy. Alao, Household Glawware of all d2eri! lion, at the lowest mark-i '""P PhUadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. ' IIARDWARE -Tahle CuOKT et Knives. Hand saw vv i , ..m.u c..s, w.i3r., q-c, just received and for falti rv . LW.TENER&CO Sunhury Dec. S. 1854. Shamokiii WhTteAshAmhmiterclL J from the "Old Vein" in thtGapCnllierv H. ZIMMERMAN &JNO. P. PLR.sEL .uccessor. to Rose, Reed & Co., will ro tiitue mining l,iPPiR ,nu ,cIlin conl fro above well known Colliery, under the thm of Z.mmerma& Pursel. The point of ,h 2 . a the lower wharf in Sunhury, NorthuW land county Pa., where all orders for .he va .o". kind, of coal, vin jMmpt hrijk ,ou' and Chestnut Coal, win U.tiikfullT.i and promptly attended to. received bunbury, July 14, 1855, Tb. fie t xr S.t'"nrTi-'rtrMS5. iheTr: ,' ' C'o. having sold wharf at Sunhury, to Me Pursel, would take great lib c . ""V "c'y interest in the i to Messrs. Zimmerman ii great Pleasurs III rtirniiitimn.l ing our customers and others to the new firm as iKiit10-11 "-.-leoaiVf KASE, REEDi CO. HAYD0CK & FIDDLER," QEALERS in Watches and Jewelry, will wTFidVrh.ebUSi,,CS8Bt IJ "'n"df No. 12 Sot,! Second Street l'tllLALlliLPHiA, Where they solicit an examination of their large and varied I stock, feeling assured Hint the ex pe nence both of Ihen, have had in the businL. and the aeilm.. they p0SS(.9. for . ' goods on the most a,lva.,tKeu. terms, will e.,.- establishment in the city. 'j'Ly ''1;: ...w iiicui in cuiupere l.ivorubly with - m lino BSaOriUlCnt Ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Silver. Hated and Briltania Ware, Cullotv. Fancy Goods, &c, &c. ' N. B Repairing of Watches aud all kinds of Jewelry attended U wilh promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1855. if. DANVILLE HOTEL, JO HINT DEEN, JR., Market Street, Danuille, Fa, ' d ous hotels , tle illterior of Pennsv lvania. U ha. been recently fitted up, in excellent stvl. a., mr. iiiniietn conveniences. Danville, Sept. 22, 1855 THACHEBWbDDBOP WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE i TRUNK WAREHOVSJE, No. 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third & Fourth. Sis., upper aide nsar Lnion Hatel, VV ' PhOadelphia, Carpel Bags and Valices of all description, CHARLES F. THACHKR.' J-h-i A . v- i0m'AlT "s- WOUDKOP. Philadelphia, .l,1M. 12, 1S0 if lyALL PAPER. A large and spleadvd "rtinfiit of Wall Paper, Wimleiv Pa per, and Oil Shades, jttsl received and for aale u I- W. TENER A Co Sunhury, May !fi. ins.-, f AND WARKANTS.-Tbe highest price will be given for Land W arrants bv the sub- crii.ei H. B MASSER. JNK Boureau's celebrated ink. and also Con grc. ink for sale, wlmbsalc and retail by December IN.'.ll. u MAS.SEK. rjEDAKTi:BS. Horse Buckets, Painted Buak ets, Meal Tenderers, Coin Brooms, Bas kets, Children's Wagons, und Yankee ( locks ust received and for sulc by May 26, 1855. I. W. TENFR ! r. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SLNBI RY, PA., Aided by seme li-ht years esperienee in the practice oflhe Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or will in the line of his profossiou. Otlice wilh Charles J. Brunor, Esq., Market street. Sunhury Sept. 15 1855, tf SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames, XTATHE.MATICAL Instruments separate and in cases, 'i'heiu.uuielers of varion. sizes, Spy Glasses of every description, Platina poitiisfor Lightning Rods, Magic Lunlerus wilh scriptural, astronomical uud temperance designs, Microscopes and Microscopic objects, Galvunie Batteries, Electrical Machine., hurvcycr's Com pusses, Surveying Chains Ac. &c. McAllister & brother. (Established in 17U6.) 104 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Triced and Illustrated Catalogue (S4 pages) with 150 illustrations furnished on application anil sent by li.il' '-ee of charge. Phila. Sept. a, O'i-o. OOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps and Gum fchoes. just received aud for .ale bv Oct. 7 1854. TEN El? COLLINS & M CLEESTEll'S TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, No. 1 Lodre Alley, back of new Masonic Halt, Philadelphia. Phils., Jan. 12. 1856 DROWN'8 and Breiniar's Ess.nce of Ginger, and Husband's Majjuesia at May 31, '00. BRUNER'S. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNEV AT LAV7. Vjflict opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northnmlerland County Pa. Piempt altenlioii to business in adjoining Tounliei. EAGLE HOTEL, OI'POSITK WKSTURANCH BANK, WILLIAMSPORT, PA., niLU'! II. 114V, Proprietor. C. A. Btiihi, Assistant. N. B. An Omnibus will rnu to and from the Depot and Packet Landing, lo taie Hotel, frs. of charge. September 13, 1858 tf GEORGE SCHALL & CO. Ma.MHtTlRR e BLASTING POWDEB, Mt. Carmel, Northumberland Giunfy, to. May 10, 1856 f WILEY'S COUGH CINDY. Aw sd lent remedy for eougha, cold. For aala at this efnoe. PMaeveher 4, lSf.fi, .