PROCLAMATION. J NOTICE l hre1ty gl'n that" tho rvrl Court of Common Pleas, General Quarter 8aions of th peace, and Oprhana' Court. Court of Oyr and Terminer in J General Jnil Delivery, In and lor me oumy oi ivoriiiumncrianu. 10 commence at the Court Hi use, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tlia 6th dav o( APRIL next, am! will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justice of the Teare an J conata iblc in and for the county of Northumberland, era .requested to ba then and there in tlieir proper per. on a, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrance, to do those things to their Mveral office appertaining to be done. And all witnesac prosecuting; '.n behalf of the Common wealth aminat anv prisoner are also requested and commanded to lie then and there attending in their croDcr persona to prosecute against him, as shall La just and not to depart without icave at tlieir peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their .attendance, at the time appointed agreeable ta their notiera. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 3d day nl Marrh in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven and the hide pendenceof the United Slates of America the Hist. God aava Ihf Commniivtpalth. II F.NRY VV EISE. Sheriff. Siitmrr's OrricK, ) 8unbury. March 7, 1 857. S aotiii:. In th Our! nf Common Pleat of Northumber land county : Julio Creech, ") Aling Subpoena for A i Divorce. vs- f To Jutniury Tcim 1807. Ellen Crotch. J No. 47. To Ei.i.en Church, Yuunre hereby notified that John Creech, your liucbund, has filed hia petition in nur Court of Common I'tvna lor Northum berland county, to be divorced I'ruiu the bonds of niatriinoiiy entered into with you, mid. you not being found it) our hailw ck. the subprxnu for a divorce granted by our cuid Cuuit wus duly so returned, wneriupin an alias suhpirim wus granted ; you lire therelonf l tuku no tice that the mid Couit will be held in thu DoroiiKliuftiiiiibiirv. on Moinluy the til li day of April, A. 1. 1857. at 10 o'clock A.M.. when und where you tun appear and fIikw cuuso. M any ciu havo, why tho said John Creech, should not lo divorced from Ilia bonds of iimlriiunnv cunt meted with you. IIKNUY WlilSSK, Sliciiff. SheriJTs Ollice. Sunbury, Feb. 2d, 1657. J Mar. 7. '57 4t PLA.TFOEM SCALES. OF every description, suit.tble for railroads Ac., for weighing Hay, Cool, Ore, and Merchauilito generally, Purchase run no ri-k every aculc i guaranteed correct, ami if after trial! not found salislactory can ha teluriicd with out charge, Factory at the Old "land. estnbliahcd for more than twenty year corner of IS itilli and Melon trcela, hilado.lphia. ABBOTT & CO. Surcessora to Kllicott & Ahbotl. Philadelphia. Maich 7. 1857. e3m. Wall Paper & Winrtow MhwIcn. JT. t. ISAACS & BEOXHIH, No. 133 Aorta .Second Street, below Race, PHILADELPHIA HAVING completed ihcir large assoitmen of the above i.ood for Mpiing and Mummer Tiaile; would respecliully inite tho uileutimi ol FiiicuaM-r to the same. 1 lieir sioca lor beauty, cheapness and variety cannot unsurpas sed. . The have constancy on hand every dcscup lion of Hold and Painted Miailes, Ut.iT Hollands, anJ Fixtures. Wail Papers, Cuilains, l ire Uoaid Print. Uordc.s. &c , all of which they offer al lower rates than can lie ha I at any other establishment. Call ami examine. J... ISAACS & UKO. l'J3 Not III Second Street, bclo Race. .March 7, 1857 Cm w ENGINE FOR SALE. nHHE sulwcriber offers for sule a 20 horse 1 power Engine, nearly new, with all the necessary futures late the property of the Pui noi Furnace. There are three Imiirrs Ik longing to the enine, S3 feet long. each, which have been only six weeks in use. The engine is po bshedand built of t' e very best, am! is offered for sale because the subaciiher ha no .use lor tho same. JACOB KKED. Paxinoa Furnace. Feb. 28. 185H 6t PUBLIC OF YAI.1TAULE MARKETS'!'. rnOPERTY. ri"HK BiibsciilM r wiH expose to public aale on I ) IIESDAV. the 1st day of Ma), next, al the Couit House, Sunbury, the viluable proper ly in M arket Square, Sunbury. late the residence f Edward G.-btn, deceased. The lol i. 00 from and 180 leet deep, on which is erected a two story lirick Dwelling. 2 feel fiolit. will, two alo.v lick back lluildu.g. containing dining r.maiid kitchen, Re i ner is ato on thepiemi scs a trumo two story Dwelling wilh Irame k b..i d use 20 feel troal and 60 Itel deep. There ia l. on ihe lot a good bme stable and other ne.c-..rv buiuiin with an excelieiu wed ol walcr. The lot can tw duoled into Uv.i equal pane ot 3u led each, so a. to aecoir.nmdala two families This propeity i one of the most .desiruble Ixations in the borough, ai d ism good .condition. . , . Tho tcrme, will be made known on the day 'UiWh'' CHARLES GOBIN. Acting for h'nnaell and other heira of Edwnrd Gobin, deceased. : Sunburv, Feb. 58, 18f7.-ts PUBLIC SALE. The will expose to public aula on TCKaltAY. the ltltli day of MAllCll. next, nt tho Grocery of Charles Gehrinjier, in llni liorouiih ol amiuury, i a., uio ioi.o. I n ii peMuiiul property, vir : SIX GOOH MULES. ThreOMlta or Bout llarucsa, ou Shawnee .Cunul lioat utidlixlurea. Term and condition of bale, will be madu i..---"yl7jf-DLACK. r. r J A to LI SEAsllOLTZ. Feb. 28. 1S57. U AUDITOR'S NOTICE. 1Bk"t O I'lt.'E ia hereby given that the under a'mued Auditor appointed by fie Orphan's iCourt of Northumberland County, to Audit the .ex.epliona to lha account of James McMahati and Emanuel Beck. Kxecutora of Adam Critr., d.c -ased. to examine the account and make dis tribution, mid attend lo the duties of hi aid a. pjiiitmeiil at the liousaof John D. Ihlleudcr. fcr, at the east end of the Lewi.buri bridge in Chilli-quaque township. Norlhninberlaiid e.iunly an FRIDAY, the iOlhof M'ch, . D. 1 57,.at JO Moc A. M. of said day at which lime and place all per ms interested may attend if they biok proper. W W. M. ROCKEFELLER. Auditor. Sunhury, Feb. 88. 1857 Como and Settle up. ALL person knowing themselves indebted lo us either by Note or Book account, are re quested lo call at our alow in suhury, and set tle, as atler the first of April w shall ha obliged to place all unsettled account in the baud, of a Justice of the Peace for immediate, collection. ' I. W. TENEK& CO, fcunhury. Feh.S8, 1HS7- Jlll It. AM I tV CO. NJ OUtslaul Birost, (shuOi side, bl w Water,) ' iTaa Oum Wnoa-wssa H"Ui uj rut Cirr.) MM t'F ACTl'Br'.HB mat Wholale doalsrs in Pslsi bku uauU kHPOUH, I'aicat lirmvad Cixtnr. Ware, warreuud unt in uuik. West mA Wuknu-Wtn (-rA UnMii', o ,u( oil Oocri.iU.iU. IVw ii aiU 8AMI7EL M. MKC tlTCIIEX, Mill- Wright and Burr Mill Slop ilanvfac. lurer. Sole Proprietor nf Johnson ' highly approved and much improved Smut and Screening Ma chl.i Improved Iron Concave) Iiran Duster, the Premium Machine for Millers. Residence t Io. 64 Queen Street, (18th Ward.) address Kensington Post Cflice. Shop i Haydock blnwt, below Fient, Phila (lelphij. Coralico Mill Stone, Mill Iron, rmutl Machine, J'atent Mill Bush, Portable Milla, Stretched Helling, Cement aud Screen V ire, Square Meshtd foiling Clothe.. February Y3. 167. 3m w5J of this Neighborhood, can supply themselves for their SPRING CKOFPS, wiih l.eiuau's Pure Bone Dust, " Super Phosphate of Lime, at $40. per ton, " Nilrogeued Phosphate of Lime at 450, ' ' American Fertilizer, at $.15, per ton. These Fertilizera are composed of reliable Chemical elements, abounding in Pot Ash. fcc; they have have receded the Diplomas of Four State, to via t Mew Jersey, Mew York. I'eun y Ivatii and Delaware. Also, for aale GUAM'), all kinds. Poudrnlte, Ac. Country Produce re ceive J in payment fcr the above, at market rates, or Dralta on good houses, or Cash registered with ordeis, promptly attended to. GEO. A. l.EINAU, Proprietor. "New Fire Proof Store," No 19 South Front St., Philadelphia City, Pa. February 58, I8."7 4m w E. NEWLAND Ac CO. Looking lilHSsrs, Picture I innirs, bligraringt and Palatines, No. 120 Arch Street, ab'ive Sixlh, (Late uf-ZlH North Bec.ud St.) PHILADELPHIA. GlllllRltS OtSX DA1LI TO visiTuna. Mcrchanta and others viciiing the City who may v. am anything in our line will do well t give us a call. r .n anry 33, 1857 8m KEMOVAL. C C1T?,..DIE YEPa VP K-sPECTFULLV informs his fiiendsand the public generally, that he has removed his PIANO WAREEOOM, From No. 52 South Fourth street, to No. 180 Arch Sliect, below Eighth, south sine, Philadel phia. February S3, 1857. L. C. IVES' Pludticc unci Fi iiil More, Ao. 15 North Wharves, I'hiludtlphia. Shipping and Country Oonlers promptly filled on reaonsilile orilers. farmers and Dealers' Produce Sold on Com mission. Apples. Bananas, Pine A pplcs, Diied Fruit, Onions. Oranges. Shell Darks, Kaisius, Ueana, Lemons, White & Sweet Figs, Turnips, Cruula-rnea, Potatoes, Poultry, iVaches, Ground Nunts, Chesuuls, Eggs, Ac. Foreign and Domestic Produce and Fruit gen erally. February S8. 1857 ly tatulu ol' ll-l .! ttitu, utcu, OTIUE is hereby given that Icttera of Ad- inii.i-tralion upon the entitle ot William C'urr, l.ile ol ihe Bruukth of Suuhurv, Nartliuin bnilaiid county, dee'd.. have been granted to the uintcristgiicd icsiding in the tounlnp of Kuh, coutil) uloresuid. All persona. haviug claims or demand atat.jsl the said decedant are requested lo make ll.e mine known to the uudeisigned uillioul delay, and ail perHns indebted are do sired to tuako immediate payment. . J'HILII' HUrF, Adm'r. of Williaia Carr, deceased. Kush twp, Feb. SI, 1857. 6t Dissoluticn of Partnership. rHE pailnership heretofore existing between A D. M. Itoyd, John Rosier, Tiiomas Kosaer a d James Doyd, under the fi m name Uoyd, Kosarr & Co., was disaohed by mutual consent on the first day of Janua'V, 1857. The business of the late firm "ill be settled by J. 6c T. liosscr. who will continue the business ofMiningal the Luke Fiddler Collery. or by James Boyd as their agent, at Nuntiury. D. M. UOYD. JNO. KOSSER. Til OS. ROSSER, JAMES BOYD. The undersigned will continue the husineaa of vending nnd shipping Coal at Sunbury, where those in wantol tins celebrated Coal will please address him. JAMES BOYD. Feb. SI, 18.-.7 FOR SALE. CANAL BOAT FOR SALE, on rea soluble lenns. Applv to HENRY LO.NGENECKER, of Shamokiii, or 11 D. MICHAEL, Sunbury. February , 1857. NOTICE. A SPECIAL MEKTINU of the Slmk CVa. boliK-ra ot the I'hiladelphiu k Sunbury lvni Coin pun will be lielil at the office hi t o. c jiiin. in thu city of Philadelphia, .No. ii. carpenter cmirt, m I inliiv. the lath of March. 1nY7. at 10 o'clock. A. M. WM. Ill Ell LIC, Sec'ry. Feb. 21. 1857. friiuiiiioiiM i I'arliiiuii. No. 41. April T. 1S57. Alexuudur Jordan, v. William Davis & Georpe F. Lee. ex'lrs. of Thomas Davis of Philadelphia, dee'd., und i Summons iu uIfo rrubties for tho widow ' l'uitiliou and heir of ruin deceased Joseph Warner of I'liiludcl phiii, und Williuni McCarty of Sunbury. Korthumberland County, ts. 'Ihe Commonwealth of J'enntilvaitia to the Sheriff of Northumberland County. Ghkenno V A lexutuler Jordan inuko you secure of M proseciilinif his claim, then wo command you ihut you summons by good sumiumitrs Will lain Uuvis ami Ueorgu l . L,ee, .ecutor of Thomiik Davis nf I'lllladelphiu, (11 1 eased, and ulao trustees for the widow und liuirs oi said dee'd., Joseph Warner of I'luludeliiliiu und Williuni McCarty, of Sunburv. so thut they bo und uppeur bcloru our Juntices at Sunbury, at our County Court of Common I'leuM, there to be held the Fust Monday ol April, next, to show wherefore, whereu tli Fdid ihlemluuts und the Said plaintiff, lo L'rtlieruud undivided do bold Kiuhl LoIh o Ground in the tow, n of Shuinokiii as originally laid out by Williuni McCarty, Thuinu Davit, Jor-eph Warner, and Alexauc'er Jordan in the county ol NortuuinoerlaiiU, and mini lured in tho plan of said town, numbers four hundred and thirteen : four bundled und thirty-fix ; four hundred aud til teen ; tour hundred ami fourteen ; four hundred and Iweiity-nine I four hundred and thirty-seven four hundred und thitty-eight, and two lain ilred and fifty. Partition whereof between them to be made according to the form or the statute in such cute made and pro vidml, the taM defendants do gaiusay, and the sunie to ba dona do not permit vety unjustly and contrary to the form of the stutute aioresaia, c. Witness the Honorable Alexander Jordan President of pur aid Court at Sunbury, pep. u, itjai. JAME9 BEARD, Proib'iy, Prothonotsry's QR'ica Sunbury, in. t, IS-T- i BLANKS. HLANK3 of every description caa b bad ? r vt-. si ibe eOi r iHe A .l'iit SHERIFF SALES. By irton of a certain writ of Ven. Ex. o ma directed, will be exposed to public sale at tl Court Hons inSnnhurv, on Saturday the 28th day of March next, the following pro perly to will All thut certain Lot of Ground, lying in Lewis township, Northumberland county, containing twelve acres more or leas, where on are erected a story and a half 1 g House and Log Stable, joining lnnd,west , Michael lirobst; North, John Wellerj East, Fligiu ger South, A in on J. Dispel. Seised, taken in execution and in be sold as the property of Daniel Roth and Elizabeth lloth. ALSO. Hy virtue of a certain writ of Ven. Ex. to nm directed will be ex nosed to public sale, at the Court House in Sunbury, on Saturday, the 281 h day. of March next, at 10 o'clock A. M., the following property to wit : All that, certain tract or piece of an out lot situate in the Dorough of Sunbury, and county of Northumberland, Htul marked in the gen eral plun of said Doroiigh No. 8, und descri bed ns fotlnwf.; beginning at u post at the north vast end -if an alley which inter sects Cranberry street lit the end of Fawn street; thence north 65 degrees, west 25 per ches to a post at the corner of out lot No. 5; tlience south 24 J degrees west 18 ierchej and 3-10 to a post: l hence south G51 decrees l east 25 perches to a post on the west side of s hi alley; tlience along said ulley norlh Z4J degrees east 18 and 3-10 perches lo the place of beginning, containing two acres und 13 perches. ALSO; Upon all thut certain tract or piece of land in the llorough of Sunbury aforesaid, described as follows: beginning at the south west corner of out lot No. 2 tln iice 18 degrees west 18 and 1-10 perches, to m post being the corner of the fence ns it now stands in nut lot No. 1, and the uiljoining out lot south C5 degrees east 46 and 8-10 perches to a post, in the north 25 east 18 perches to out lot No. 3: thence by said out lot, mid nut lot No 2 south 65 degrees, west 48 and 7-10 perches, to the place of hegiuiiiig, containing 5 acres und 59 perches. AND ALSO : Upon nil that certain lot i f ground, situate in the borough ir Sun bury. aforesaid No. 5, bounded and described as follows: Di-ginuing ut u post on the north side if Cranberry street; 1 hence by mil Int No. 8 5-1 J degrees, east 35 and 8-10 perches; thence by out No. 6 north 65 de grees west 24 and 1-10 perches to a post ; and thence by an alley south 24 degrees west 35 ntid 8-10 perches toa post; thence by Cninb-rry street aforesaid. soul h 654, degrees east 24 and 8-10 perches to thu place of he giniug, coii'uininj! 5 acres andUO perches strict measure, being the same promises which the Siinbiiry CiiiirI and Water Power Co., pur chased from Williuni McCarty, by deed dated the 7lh of Jatiuury A. 1). 1852, all of which Suiil land is cleured mid upon which ure erec ted u Steiiin Saw Milll with u lirii K Kiijinr House and Stack u smull frame shop, and part ofun inlet lock there is ul.o a canul cut through said bind. Seizeed, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of the Sunbury Canal and Water Power Company. ALSO. At the same time and place, bv n certain writ of Ven. Ex. to me directed, will be expo sed to public f ale, the following described io erty to uil : A certain hulf lot of Ground situate in the orough of Sunbury. Northumberland count v bounded on the south by iluckberv Mreet. on the north l y ui. alley, on the east by lot of Jiicoli vv eiiner, and on the west, by lot of Elizabeth Mullen. Containing in width (on IS luck berry iret and the alley.) about 30 feet and in length ordcplh 230 feet, whereon is erected u two story I louse, weather boarded and painted white, fronting on Black berry street, somo smull back huildinira, mid some fruit trees, being tho sauie premises now occupied by Jucob Cable. Seized taken in execution and to be sold us the property Jucob Cable. ALSO. At.tho pamo time and place, by a certain writ oll'tti. Ex. to me directed, will be expo sed ut public sale, the following described property lo wit: Among other property a certain tractor niece of Lund, situate in the Dorough of Sun bury, and bounded on the north and north east, and south bv Shainokin creek. and on the south west, by land of Benjamin Hendricks, and on the norlh west, by laud of Jucob I!. Masser und George Weiser, con tuiiiiug 17 ucrcs more or less, all of which is cleared, utid whereon is erected a lume Saw Mill. Seized taken in execution and to he sold as the rruperty or the Sunbury Cuuul and Wa ter Power Company. ALSO. Atthesume time and place, by a certain writ of Lee. Fa. to me din ctet: will be expo sed ro public sule, the folloning described property to wit : All Unit certuin two storv with the base ment three story Drick building, intended to be used us a College by the deleinliiiits mes suuge and tenements, situate in the town of Shuinokiii, Coul township, Northumberland county Pu.. being cue hundred feet in front by titty reel in depth. Ihe Hull, or main en trance thereof being twenty feet in width, und the wings upon cither side of the hull. forty feel square, anil erected upon block No 57 us marked and desicmited iu the ueu- eral plan of suid town ofShumokin hounded by Arch street, fcigth street, und Chesluut street. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of thu Shumukiu Collegi ate Institute. HENRY WEiSE.Sheriu". Sh -lilf's Olfpce. .Sunbury, i rehruary HI, I8o7. J AMES BROWNS'" GltAMATlCAL WORKS, 'I'M E fnsl book ol the Rational System of Enii liall tiramiHar. 35 ci The second book of the Rational svstem nl F.nelih Grammar, designed lo leach ihe proriss of Analysing the EiirIUIi Language wilh sound jdaiiieiil ; and the art of using it with gram matical propriety. -It e'l. Thee works aie now uted iu the J'ublic Pchoola in Ihe first School District of lYniikyl vania. The third book of the Rational 5vateni of Eng lish Gramma', deinfd lo enable Ihe learner lo become most thoroughly acquainted wiih the nature and ue of the Preniiioiis. and maybe read bv him either in or out of si boo'. 60 c DROWNS' Gramatical Reader. This U ok sefs aside Ihe old Grammars exposea tlieir defects demonstrates the little use of atlei ding to them, and presents to the teacher ihe uurrr nit and onlv way lo the Grammar of the Eniilish Lan Bus ire. 37 J eta. For sale by Peter Unilee, 118 Arch blrcel, Philadelphia. February I, 1857 3m w lTJPaFEY & KC01TS, 141. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and wholesale dealer in l iali. Cheese & I'rorUioti No. 47 North Wharves, (below Itaca Kireet) PHILADELPHIA. Having constantly on hand a large assortment of Fish, Cheese aud Provisions, which they are prepared to sell at th lowest possible rales. 19" ORDERS promptly attended to. February SI, 187 am w3 FOR IrtEXsTT. niHE Ptor Room in Market street, occupied J. by J, W. Gray and the dwelling house ad- joining. ppiy W ma exccuwri w i, niasscr, 'Jkecac4.- Jsouarv. 17. ' If Van Waal a GOOD PAPER bMrike for "THE NATION." The ainat popular weekly ia America, which fcas laune diatetjr upon iu issue, ajuaog into au IMMENSE CIRCULATION. This rapid aareeas ia anpreenleiitrd ia the history or Jnorimliwn, sud esa onlf I accounted for by Ilia lacl thai ins rr-iprieiurs osva employes, wiuvui regara lu ex peuae, iha' Star Writers of America. Ttlfl Nallim is tha nnlv nanttT whira enntnfns th M l ITV, llUMOHUb'8 and iU-5(-mliiaJ Bkolcoes of xrwatVAi.xBD HumonisT KNIOHT BUSS 0CK8IDE, M. It. Or which aarisa, one akeloh alnaj ia worth the whole yeara' aula;riition. THE NATION 19 KD1TKD Br S. M. BIGELOW, AND Mn. E. dD. E. N. Southwovih, Who ip well known one of the moot popular writers in America. In aUtliiioti to the above We have ejuged coiitribuUici, Clare M 'ietHi, Ilrnty W, Herhert, Alice cur), v w. roetiick. Aire. A. F. Law, C A Pnytj, Mre. K. b. Kltet, Urn Caer1flr. I'aik Uciijnniu. VV. I. Urwinan, And itomeriHie others. To the fair aex we nnrticularly CitiKmrnd our eheet Tbeir tltMftnient will fe edited with the uiiBet caieend no exiieitee r taliitr ajmrrd to render the eumni devnied to their eeperial benefit. unuHualty uriUiuut, atlraclive. metiucuve and orwiiiieii tea. The Farmers na riantrr' Corner. Will eoniain priK'tieiil up(reti(Mie end aRriculttiinl hints, con tr drilled und culled (tout axurcea the moat reJiahle, hikJ continuing iiiltiriiwtloii which will piMvetoihern in the iMurat; nf a single yenri't almost iiimlcubilile teiiefit. Theotter ileitartments ul' our pitjwr will receive the ntlenlinii they reirectivet ileiurind, turh heiiie: especially and carelully prened to meet the vnricd tusiei if the Srveiul cittsst.-s of its tenders. Among these we tuuy mention Orifciiml Ptonei and Poemn. Editorial namMinge and bketcliinps. tHt-y Cily News, Wushiugtoit GtiMip, Mew York Chit Chut, Ihe latest Huris Kushions, Prut'itcul Ifrceipin lor the llnusrhold hi d Toilet, "The I. itlle One's' UejHirtmniit, Ucnisfrom I'roee and INtptry, HeMd ei's 0 utile, llisuwiciil Hketcher, TrunsJuUtNiSi &c i Ao, The NATION is issued in QuiirM Form, (right pates.) and eiich numliei will cmitmii h! linn two nrigniQl cngni viiign, IhuftluniisliiMg Subrciilwra ut the end nf the yeur with n volume cohtaming 410 huge sif, lietiuttfnlly pinned (Mgt sof uimurpnsed Noveiletle, hketcliea, Ac. Togetht-r with over 100 ORIGIN Al. .U:rTltATIONS, The Nation is sent at Ihe following irmnrkr.'nly low iMier.nptmti und CluUbng Terms; invnrinhly in ndvimce. iingle Copies. (4 til per annum. i wo (io one suur') 3 so " Three 6 i Six " 0 (10 Ten 15 (10 IVAnd one mpy free to getter op of the Club of Te.i. All Ihiwe sending us suliacripiions Ifftm ihe Krilirih prnviuces, must enclose in ailthti'ui to the sulicripiitMi price i cetitrt for each suliscrilert as we are compelled tn prepuy the United States posuige. All lettrre conlHitiing m"iiey should he registeredt tnd directed pltunly, mid liiey willooiue ut our liik, otherwise we are nn revnsiMe tor ihein. Specimeii copies wi'l I sent free to Post Masters, Agents, qihIhII who wish to set. up a club ; to all others, on the reef ipt "t four cents in stamps. The expense of registering is only A cents. Address CROFUT UIGKI.OW, 63 Dock street, IMiiludelpliiu, Pa. Among the hundreds of complimentary notices, we have received from newMpers m evriy senium f the cuutry, we quote the following extrnrt from : 'The Nation appeurs in large eleir type on snow white paper, and is lichly adorned Willi illulratniis." N. Y. bun. It will ott.Jn to n higu poAition in the literury world M Pin In. Daily News. Il is one f the best weeklies now puhlinheri, and we t:ke pleasure in hrmgiug it to the iMiee of the rending public. Hiirrishurg Herald. The talent and energy of ihe pinprielnre its original nml mteiesting ciHiteuis, and the beauty of typocmphv, cannot fail to secure for it a general circutuliou." Wit lia-nspon Imlepemtenl Prera ;As a literary und family journal, we hive no hesita tion in pioii Juciiit7 it tiie best itmoitK our excVangrs We ml vi pc the hitltts to procure it wi!h'ut delay. " Fulton HepuWican. We dislike pnfBug city emanations, but in this cose we nre bomid to gi'e way to merit. Tulike many city cote in oral ice. the Xiition i ctini-ed of sound, sultstan tint and nsefu. mutter, aud ia not filled up with an over dose of flimsv, wish'1 washy stuff iron the hands of crack brained uthtrs Krie City Disjiutch ot has the moat beautiful engraved head we ever saw, and itscontents nre deeply inteit sting, truly delicious und s Mi-absorbing." Wi llinmsbuig. Vti., Guzette. "There is room ftir jusl such a paper. um1 it has secured two ns true heads and hetirls to control its columns as ihe literuy and SK-iul woihl holds " WellslxHough Agita tor. It will soii leeoine a leading paper at the fireside." DiHinville (Mo.) Observer. "We seldtmt eiulorse northern pnpen, but tn this in stance we are forced to overcome our prejudice, and com meml thelNution" to our readers."' Troy, (Auihama,) Bulletin. T8 hereby given th.'t ihe partnership herelofore viixti'd ill the niercaulilc bnsiuesa. between iSacii'l Truiiliiian ai.d Alrx. Leib, trading ander the firm af'J'roulinan V Lrib, lis this day been ilinsidted by iiintiuil consent. The claims nf the late firm will be settled bv Snmxel Tmutuian. who will continue the busi ness at Ihe old stand. SAM'L. TBOUTMAN, ALEX. LIEU. January. U, Ift7.- 6t. B. 5T. BRIGHT 5s SON, 1 AVE just received from riiildclphi bv Kail iioad, and aie now ojieniug tlieir thiid aupplv nf WINTER GOODS. Our assortment ia unusually large, and will be disposed oil' at the lowest lure. We respectfully invite the Public lo call and examine our St.x,! remember that "a penny saved is a penny made." IV" The highest market price paid for Country Produce. K. V. UltltiH P &. 60.N. Sunbury, January 17, 18A7. How Every Family Can Make their Own BROOMS. ONLY SO CENTS. IOR 50 L'ENT-S I will send printed instruc lions plain a Ihe lul-el on a bottle of medi cine how lu inuke Horn brooms, 't'lie neressarv aparatu can be made by any bla ksmiih for less than AU rents. When a broom is worn out. another can he atlai'hed to the same bundle in IA minutes. I positively guarantee this to be no catch-iieuiiy advertisement to fleece the cred ulous out of Iheir money. Satisfaction given or the money returned. If afraid lo ih-k SU cents. then rend two 3 cent stamps lor more informa tion, or refer to the Post Matter here. I alo give information as to the best mode of raising and curing the corn. Address, P. K. FISHER, fVlinsgrove, Snyder County, Pa. Jan 31, 1857. Sm To Builders Si Carpenters. The subscribes are agenia for the aale of Doors, Window blind. Window Shutters, and all sizes of Window Sash, all of which we oiler at ihe lowest prices. Nov. a. '.'6. E.V. B RIGHT A SON 15 EnSTTISTZFrx. 'MIE subscriber resnertfullv offers hia nrn. feseional service to ihe ladies and gentlemen oi buunury and vi.-imly. He I prepared to atteiiil to all the various operations ill Dentistry and is provided with the lateat improved rOUCELA IX TEKTII. which will be inserted on pivot, ailver or gold plate, to look a well as the natural VST All work warranted. OFFICE in Mar ket street, 4 d wrs east of the Post ollice, Sunbury Pa. Feb. 7. IH57. JOHN K. eMICK. KOTIC'B 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of Jame Taggart, dee'd . or to Jame Taggart & Son or to Grantham I. I aggart, aie respectfully re quested to luaka payment on or belor th 2Utb of March, next, or the account will be placed in th baud ot an othcer lor collection. GRANTHAM I TAGGART. Northumberland, Feb. 14, 1857. A I.L indebted to th ubacribr on Note. Book Account or otherwise, ara (pectfutly requeated to pay up immediately, a th account will b placed tn to nand or a Juatic for collection. IRA T. CLEMENT, 8unbury, December SO. 1856. GOSHEN CHEEME Jst icoarrad and for k by ecAWiOLTj rtTur Sept. IS, I8S4. A. J. CONRAD, Hollowing run. n Sl'ECTFl7t.I.Y informi the publie that MLMj at dm replenished hia Blore with an ex cellent assortment of New Gooda just received from Philadelphia, which be will sell on terme ai reasonable aa any other eatabliabntenL ilia assortment consists in part of CLOTH9, CASMIMERE8 & 8ATTINETT, '.Vinter Weari for men and boy, all sty lea and price tn0ics llrenfl CJoods ConJisting of Black 8ilka, Merinoa, Alpaca, Lie l.ainesi Cahcoci, uingham, Muslins, 1 run mings, Ac. Also a Ireah aupply of GROCERIES of all kinds. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Cedarware, Brooma, &.c. Alaoalarge assort ment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men Wo men and Children. Hata and Caps. Silk Huts, and all gonda uaualW kept in a Country Store. All the above named iiork of gooda will be old pneitiveiy at love price for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at th highest market price. Hollowing Run, Nov. SO, 1856. If GRET GIFT BOOK SALE. 400 BROOWAY, NEW YORK. Fine Gold Jewelry given away lo J'urchaser of Bnolt. All Book will bo sold as low aa ran be had at other Storea, many of them for lens New Hooks received daily. A Gill varying in value from 25 cents to $100, given wilh eachlbook at the time it ia aold. Having on hand a very large atock of new and valuable Booka, and aa our motto ia "Large sale and small gains than can be had elsewhere. Any look published in New York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent gift included, on receipt of publisher's price. Catalogues of Books and Presents, containing full exjilauatione will be sent free to all parte ol the country. The most liberal inducements are offered to Agents. Any person by sendiiisr us an order ror ten.hooks, with money inclosed, will be entitled loan extra Book and Gift. Allorderafor booka, contaitiiog tnnnry, (to ensure perlect safely,) should be registered at ihe Post Ollice where they are mailed, and direc- teJ lo Evan A Co., 409 Broadway, New York. Reference. M. Thomas & Sons., South 4ih street, Philadelphia ; J. B. Lippinrott d Co., Philadelphia ; U. Appleton & Co, Broadway. New V0rk ; Derby d) Jackson, Nassau street. New York. 13TSEND FOR A IJATLOfSUE.r EVANS A CO., Principal Store 409 Broadway, New York. Branch Stores at 125 Chestnut Street, jPhiladel phla and al Washington, D. C. December SO, 1856. Pam 4 Last but not Ii'nt. N E W ARRIVAL 0 V FALL AND WINTER GOODS! Ira T. Clement NO. I, CORNER OF MAUKE'I SQUARE, AS just received a large supply of Fall and W inter tioods. He will continue to sell Drv floods nml Cm. eerie CHEAPER ihsn ever, aa his goods are nought cheap they will !e sold cheap. tie icris ctiniiuciu wun uu. experience ami ibillty, that he can compete with IhV World at large and Sunbnry in particular. He would enumerate article if time and space would permit. It is enough to sav that he liae evrrvihii.o- in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large Stork nf Ready-Made OLOTHINO, BOOTS AND SJ0ES, A c, A c, that ia kept id nhy other store in town, and Ilia banner is on the breeze. A nd long mny it wave O'er land of tlie free, And the hutne ia the brave While her Ptiira and her Stripes Shine out like the Sun, Telling all tuitions Thut Freedom's hrgun. This is a free country as was proved by Ihe election of Buchanan over the Wooly Horse, therefore it is free for all to do their trading where ihey can BUY he CHEAPEST. All are invi- ted lo cull and see. TIIE COUNTRY, as well as the town are respectfully invited, and every person, lich or poor, high or low, bond or Irce are invited to call al .So. 1 Markket Square, opposite the Court House. I . S Me ia not to be undersold by any man or combination of men. No charge fur showing gooda. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. Sunbury, Dec. SO, 1856. stationery. A large supply of fancy Note Paper and Envelopes. MourninE. Letter. and Cap Paper, Pens. Ink, Sand, Ac, at May 31, '56. WM. A. BRIBER'S. PAIR NOTICE, A LL perse.- knowing themselves indebted to the subscrii. kr bv note, book account or other wise, are requested to make papment before the lUth day bl the first months (January), isriti, or their accounts will be placed in the haudi of a Justice lor collection. R.N.THOMPSON. L. Augusta tp., 13th day, 1 2th mo, IK.'.ft. 3DEJM TISTH'S'. GEOliOE HEXK, 4 NNOL'NCKS to the ciliiens of fiinhurv ami vicinty, that he has opened an ollice in Sun bury, above H. J. Wulverton's ollice oppositH ('. Weaver' Hotel, where he i prepared to nltcml to all kind of work belonging to ihe prfcion, in Ihe latest and moat improved style. All work well done and warranted. December 13, 1856. OYSTKItS! OYSTKIiS! ! Fresh from Baltimore every Morning. VANDYKE AND VAXDEXEKER, Northumberland Fa., Will furnish Reatuaranta .nd private families Superior tiultimoie Oy.icra, (by the ('an or hal Can. All orders promptly attended to on the shortest notice. JAMES VANDYE, JOSEPH VANDENEKER, Oct I , I860. If XISSOLTJTIOIsr. NOTICE i hereby given that the lata partner ship existing under the firm of rMiu.'k A Hileman, Kealurant keeper, in the llorough ut Sunburv, waa disaulved by mutual consent ci th SOth of January, last. The claims o ll lata firm will U settled by G. W. Hileman who will continue the business at the old stand. JOHN K. KMICK. G. W HILEMAN, 8unbury, January 84, 18" 7. 6t PHILIP E. PTJPXY. wBonaaia aro bstail Grocery, Wine and Liquor Store, S, E. cor. Walnut and Wattr Streets, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERt and familie will be promptly upplied at th lowest price. October 4, 1858, U CEDARWARE. Hollow-war. Class-war, and larg atock; af Quenwr, embracing th pawaat yartleni, fat ai bv o it, 'S I. E. V- BRIGHT & pON. CtiNTRR OF ATTRACTION ! Large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. H K A P- II A Kliao in E DR ABI.K, THEHt, qnaliliea combined, th pulrlie will Hnd by calling at the blore of B. Y. UKIOHT 4 it UN. Their assortment r Urge, and has been selected with great care, na wilt be dis posed of at small advance. THH Wifl find mong our Dry (Jond Wool Plaids, Black nd Fancy bilk, Plnid Lama Flannel, A Ipacea. anlhl colored and Fancy Ilelainr. De bege. Scotch Phiida, Figured Cashmere, Per sian Twill, Coburg Cloth, Ginghama, Calico. Delane and Dcbege Robes, Florenct Silk, Wool lluwtt. Opera Cap, and HWcn Cvfft. LADIES and CHILDREN WOOLTALMAS Gum Belts. Belt Riblion, Mohair Head Dresses,, Kibbons, Needle-Worked slid Bugle Collar. Thread Lacee, Flouncing, Iuaerting, rjw:sa, Mull, Cambric, Nainsook, Dimily, arred Muslin. Briliianline, and a general assortment of whit Goods. Wool and Cotton Carpet, Oil Cloth. Oil Shade. Rockdale blanket. Turkish counterpane embossed labia cover, lickings, sack fl.inncl, scurfs, kid, silk, Lisle thread and Woolen gloves. Of every variety, Russia Crash, Linen and Cotton Diaper. THE OENTI.lMEN will find Black, Blue and Brown French Cloths, Doeskins, Black aud Fancy C.iasiiner, flamed S.itmett, Overcontiiig, 7'weed, Velveteen. "ilk, butiti, 1'lush and bilk Velvet Vesting, IVeck-t'es, carl's, Collars, Gloves and Slocks. BEAE'S-ryAIiE CZ.OTEXZ7G, Hat and Caps nl all sizes and price. OUR HARDWARE Embraces all kinds of building material, a large atock of Carpenter' Tooli of the best manufac ture, files of every dcaciip'R'n, picks, grub i.oea, Mason hummeis, bar iron, e'ccl, nails, paints, putty, glass and oils, window aaslt of all aizea, griiuistones, Circular and Mill S.nvit. Tliv )iit't'iisivnrc Slotli is composed ot Ht.ine China felts, Fruit ditties, Cake plate, aauce dishes, common plates, cups a. .(I saucers, together with a varied assortment ol Glassware, embracing the lu'.est styles. OI K GKOCKHIKS are fresh and pure, among which may jn found, O. A. Sail, Mackurcl, Slnul. Ccdfish, boxed and pickled Herring. Goshen and Huge Cheese. The be I of tea, sugnrs, cutfre. &c. Wc return our thanks to the public fur our increasing patronage, and respecrfullv invite an examination of our atock, a we deem it a plea sure to show our Goods. 11T Country produce, taken in exch.tnge at the highest market prices. E. Y. BRIGHT A SON. Sunbury, Nov. 23 1856. Bargains at the Old Stand. riULING &. GRANT A RE now opening a new and very desirable stock of Fall and Winter Goods, cm bracing an endless variety. Their atock con sist in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeros, Winter Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS, SILKS Fluin und Fitjured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dresa Silka at unusually low prices, Mua. De Lains, Dcbeges A c, GINGHAMS from fit to 25 cents per yarJ. CALICOES " 3 12J " " WHITE (JOODS, Cambric. Jaconetta, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bohi- nctt, French and Swiss Laces, Edginga, Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings. Ticks, Checks, Towliugs, Table Diapers, c. IKS. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE. Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plastei1 Salt and Fish. Also a trcsh aupplv of DRL'OS AND MKDICINt-:?. Thankful for past fivor. we hope by strict attention a nd a desire to please, still lo meet with the approval of our friend. 11'" Country produco ol all kinds taken at th highest market price (Sunbury, Nov. 89. 1R5C ly. TiTdjiIcou & CO. Clothiers, No. 1.11 ClU'TMT Sr., Aaot-E I'ousth, Pn:i.r!E! rni., Keep on h..r.J a fplcr.c'.ij tfu-jitnicnt of Read v-mudf Clothing iJ.ju's mam to Of; a A.-a tVi.R.,Kri!u TO H'. NoV.SO. I8.)G y EXECUTOR'S SALE. rTHHE undersigned Execub-r of the estate nf Jacob Painter, dec d., late of the Borouch of Sunburv, by virtue of a power contained in the last will and testatineiil of raid deceased, will dispose of at Private Sale, the following valuable Ken I i'slute, viz : SEVERAL LOTS OR PARTS OF TWO LOTS OF GROUND, in Market Siuare, in the linronh of Sunburv, fronting 45 leet on Market Street, being pitrta of lota No - and on which aie erected Three Frame Buildings. The dwelling is a two sinry frame Building, with the uunl oult.uiMjngii siablc, &e. lalo ll.e imilmre of ;iid deceased. Their is also on Ihe front of said lot, two two story frame build ngJ. occui icd aa a store, shops, cVc. with a good Well iV water before the door. ALSO) A FAUV, OR TRACT OF LAN I), containing about '.b'(j Acre, niuate between the CatlawhMt and '..'reck ro.iJ about tliri-c-ij. oiler miles Irom S'jnburv. The improvements arc a frame two-story dwelling, and a large Rank Be.rn and other outbuilding. There ere several line Springs on the promUca. one near the house, aud also a number of fruit trees of various kind. The terms and conditions of sate will he made known by application to the undersigned, resii'i'ig near Sunbury. JOHN BUYERS. Agent for Geo. A. Fun, Ex'rs. Sunbury, Nov. 8, I860. tf , BEODHEAD & ROBERTS, No. 13S, ;V. 3J Street, riiit-ADBrpuiA, INVITE ihe attention of country merchant and other, lo Ihcir slock of BOOTS &c SHwiEo, nhtch i bey will dUpose of ou the most reason able lerma. Nov. 9. I8.',6.- ly RESPECTFULLY inform hi friend, and Ihe publio generally, that he has just receiv. ed a New .Stock of GOODS, it his few si.ue. at David Miller' Mill, in Lower Augusta Town ship, and that he ia prepared to tell gooda al the lowest price. Hi Slock consists hi part of FALL oV WINTER GOODS. Groceries, Queemware, Hardware. &0.1 nd every variety usually kepi in a oouutry Blore. Trevorton pricea paid for all kind of produce. Lower Auguat twp, Dec. 8T, ta5B U COUNTY ORDERS. County order laken ae cash for goods, and on not or hock ac count by E. Y. BRIGHT 4 bON. -Nov, 29, 1856. THE LATEST ARRIVAL OP FALL AND WINTER COODtJ. J. P. 6c I. r. KLINE, Respectfully announce to their lrienda and th public in general that they have received al their Store in Upper' Auguata township, Northumber land county Fa., at Kline Grove. Their Fait and Winter good am opened to (he j ublie a fall asarslmenl of m ercbar.dire Ac. Consisting in part of Cloths, bb ek and fsncy Ca mers, Sstinetfs, Checks, Kei tucky Jcaii Under Shift and Dtawcr and all kimfe of f ail and Winter Good. A lot of ready made Cloathing, Consisting a" CanU and Vests. Ladies Dress Goods, Sba'ivla, Ginghams, Berage Delaine, Caliooo, black Milk 4 . Alw a frcahi aupply of Drug and Medicin Grocerioa oj-e.-, of all kind. A new supply of Hardware. Quecnsware, wooden war Broom $ t. Also a large assortment of Root and Shoe suitable for men women and children, H VPS AND CAPS. Also aft assortment ol School Book, Stallone, ry. Envelopes. Ink and cheap publication, ttt. Salt Cheese 4c and all good usually kept in a country tore. Cotre ami see, Como one, Come all. Cheaper than the Chen pent. Thankful for past favor we hope bv alrict at tentimi to business to merit a continuance of lao same; All of the above named stork of gooda will bn sdd positively at low pricea for cash, or in ei change for country produce at the highest mar ket price. Klines Grove, Pa., Nov. 8. 156 If I. V7". TElTEpT&CoTr" or s cxrffBTjivsr, f a.. Esi'KC'l'FULLY invito their friends and the public to inspect their new stock of WINTEB OO&CSi just received fiom Philadelphia, being convinced that their interest is best promoted by a strict continuance of their old plan of "Small profit anil quick Salts." ihey shall still abide by Iheir previoua course. Amonpat their atock will be found for GEN TLEMEN, a largo assortment of READY MADECoats. Vesta and Pantaloons; Cloths, Cassinieres. Satinctts, Veatinga, Undcr-Shi t, Shiit Uosoiuo, Collars and Cravata FOR l.ADIii'S. Black and colored Silks, Dc Bcgi .Robes, Do Be.gca French Merinos, Cashmeres, Mad una Clottia, Coburgs and Alpacas. Delninca both plain and printed. Beady-Made Cloaks, ZJrucha and Woolen Shawls, Tahhv Velvet in various color. Quilte I Skirts. Sack flannel various col ors Red and whit Flannel. ALSOi A general assortment of Ladies and Gcntlemans BOOTS, SHOiTS & GAITERS. Men's, Boy' and Children' Hats end Caps. Hardware, Quecnsware, Groceries, Cedarware Stone and Earthenware Drugs, Pdiuts, Fish' ctult. Cheese, Nails, Oils, Ate, $-c. A good supply of school booka and copybooks with printed copies on each page. Country produce taken iu exchange for goods, al the highest market prices I. W. TEXER & Co. Sunbury, Nov. S3, 18oG. HERRING'S SAFE THE CHAlvIPION 1 1 The onlg Safe which, in every instance, prt nerved their entire content in the late Extensive Fires. 53 a; T the bitrtiinn of tlie Artiinrt Buildiiiira. Aiinl I'lih, and in lliu GREAT r'lllK in Market r May 1st. IbTill. I lie penuiile ll-rri:ig e-:ife prcsc-rvetl th-- Jtwelry nf Oto. W. Siin, limit & Uro. j lli ks, Pa pers. Al-.. of Fisher ic Bio. and L.dwnnl eWiuua tc Co., lifter re fnnniiug exK.'el in the liurning ruins 1'nr nenrly Torty H'-urs, air. prnviiia ciieliisively hat we have alwnya clunm-d for lliemi Iheir greai sapeiiorily over ull cecuriUrs now known. In thesi- lire . the tlEHrtlXO'S PA FT., sinmltiie side by side -ilh lh .se artyertiscrt aa "warranted to stand 10 pi-reiil. innrf fiie ihiiu llt-rritia'i,M crime lorih Ihe at kiiovledjied virlol lint only prfferviup tlieir cnl'nts ill exeel!nt order, liui being ilicinselvea in a eoiiHitinn to t rlir, iuIi niinihr urdenl, while the honsleil 'Palbinande a'il other mukrs aie Imillv used ni in evry mttunce, and iu a. mie t-ases llieii entile tvnitenlfc eoinplelely iVstrnyed. To Ihe pnhlic we wniW aiinply siiv. Hint. rtnrin(t the H yt-nm I lie Ilririnv's tile has li,-eii hel' lhin. iiinitf than Iwn iiunitrm have pnssed through uct-idtlitHl firci wiliuut the nceurmi-e nf a sina'e AVe vnld. Itierefnre. eanlioit purrhasera npninst the rniprepreaentnlinn nf interefted pintles. The llerrina'a Patent is the only Fire-prnof Sla mude in this city which ia pr-it-cli-d liy a I'nrent M Iphr, and we will ruar antee it tn rppist more Ihiiu dudblt the amount of heat of any other Safe now known. I'arrclH & Ilcrrlwr, Sole Manufaoiurers in tliis Suite of "HERRIXC'S rATfeST CIIAMP10S SAFES," 31 lrufnuf Sr, Philada. 5l 1? "F.vans A Wntson's Improved ?nbmnndpr8,,, Oliver F.van'a,' "C. J. Uaylei'a," and Shut's" Ir.ln Chi-sta. (it liiraensorlinent htivine been tnki-ll iu la:t pavment fur 'llerrin(t'') will be sold at low puces. Pliila., June dl, l"-0 Iv. New Goods for the People t 11ENJ A M1N 11KFFN ER ESI'ECTFULLY inform the public in gen. w- eral that he has just received aui opcued a splendid stock of Fall and Wixteu Goods. at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. His stock consist in part of Clotns, Cassimers, Cassineta. of all kinds, of Imen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: CnltrocN, GltiKliaiiitt, Launs, MotiiHCliue De t,nlne and ell kinds of Ladies Dress Gomls. Gi'ocertt'N, Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron ami Steel, Nails, &c. AIo an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various style and Htiieru. Alio an assortment of HOOTS & SHOO. HATS ci CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, cv'c. And great variety of olhfir article such a ra suitable to the trade, all of which will he sold at Ihe lowest prices. 17 Country produce taken iu exchange a tha highest prices. Lwer Augusta, Nev. 2 I8.";fi. - BARGAINS IX) BE HAD AT P. W.GUAY'S STO10SJ, Market Street, Banbury. "K L'ST received and opened a splendid Stork 5 o( FALL & WINTEli GOODei, consist l l in part of Black and Fancy Cloths and Carsimcres, An assortment of Dry Goods, vis: Merinnt, Cashmeres, Detains, Calico, Woolen Plaids,. Gingham, Misiin, Linens, Flunncb, c. Trimmings in Great Variety. IIARUWAUH, GK0CEU1E8, QUKEXS. WARE, ic. SALT and FISH, Cheese, Itaisins, Tobirc.i and Cigars, Qucnare, Bool, bhoe. 11 ii and .'ape, ami a variety of Coeds loo tedioti to luen tion. Call and examine my Slock lefure Ttfrckav iug 1 laewbere, A Keasouablo Discctiut will be taken oil' for all cash Sales. Country projuce taken in exchange at tha highest market price. P.W.GRAY, Sunbury, Nov. 1 , 1656. tf AMERICAN HOUSE, W'JLLIAMSI'ORT, PA., j. ii. hixtu.v, rropitetor. Ja. T. Hai.u Am i. Sept. 13. Ib.iC tf PATENT URiri'AXlA STOPPERS fo bar bottlea tvt aale )iy H. B MASSfi, Suiilairj, Wjf If. J850. m