- . JLL" !! XL - -! ;.' i 1 ' LJ NEW SERIES, TO L. 9, NO. 49. SUN13U11Y, NORTH UMBEUL AND COUNTY, PA. SAT URD AY, FEBRUARY 23, 1857. OLD SERIES, YL- 17. NO n II II II The Eunbury American. BY It. B.MAS3EB. Uarktt Squar; Sunfcurjf, Ptna. ERM8 OF 8UB8CRIPT10N. ?ll?.rC .. . i., on tiuainr. retatim to TO Cl.UBS. TareeeoeteS ."',,, Jvn .. U.i Fit teen " . fof u,,,, year 'a aul- dnllar. in .dviiiic, will rT ' . T K R M 9 OF ADVERT. INO ...f l line.,1 tl,M 900 10 no till (H and frank r. pcnuit- ..... vMf. Mh'rfSiW of iu.t-I lfFiv.linVfYf' .nvTTi.;' -i - I 00 Hi sou tut) ot 300 taeo JOB PRINTING. JU." ' nr., .at.UU.hrsenl a w. ..Ircted Jt'll l't r 'h, .riv f I"'"11"- i n the iimte.ii "' " ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, Business .tmled w m two ihumberland. Union, Incoming (.'alumina. Caa. Glow.. r-" Linn, ?'lt' c"' JSelccf $!oeln Hon. loll R. Tyson, !.imr,ra t lnmlra.., t nxTtoT wnnwTAIK COLLIERY liUllUiSl aiawwa.- a CI tl SUPERIOR WHITE ASH ANTHBACITE COAX., It.Ca..xl. NoaTucMH-aiAaD l niti, 1 SIZES OF COAL. LUMP, fr Want furnsce sml Cupolas, siri'iWHillT. for Steamboats, Hot Air j . i . - Turnacea and team. UUOKEN, ) Fof Grate,, Staves and Sue. STOVE, For Stove., Steam nJ burning NUT, Lima. PE.. for l.imebur.iers and making tram. Order, received at Mt. Carme! or IWtbuin lUrl.nd Wharf, will r.caie prompt attenuan. M. IS- do.1'1', D. J. LEWIM, WILLIAM MUM. May 3, 1866. tf XILWORTH BBANSON & CO. Hardware Merchants it . ..t frnni No. 69 to No. iiavuig n"" - Market Street, PbtlaJelpni. Are prepare,!, with greatly increaaed fWw ,o Gil oMer. for H ARUWA KG ol .very ; In lit term., from a full ...ortment, ...cluJ.ng KailrmiJ Shovel., PicK . Country merchants mud others tv.II fn.d It to their in.ere-t to call and cx.miu. our .lock te lore purchasinK clnew'-iere. Apil H. IS56.lT . TJ.S. CD IP 6W oik our Native Land." C USQUE H ANNA CAMP, No. 19. of the 0. S of il-.e U. S. A. bold. it. UteJ ioni Moviiai ewning in their New V. Hrishu store, bunhury, I a. leg. ia, .o 73 LET I'H KKiSON 1sUI '.lilt. HOJ.LOWAY'S PILLS. WHY ARK WE SICK? it hat been th kit oftbt human rart tn k watrhfd dnw. by diacaac and luflvriiig. HUl.l.OWAV'S PlLUS re apeciNlly atlupifd to the frlief 4 th WKAK, tlii NKIlVUL't. Ihe UKUCATK, ami Ui INKIK.M, ut all cJimet, agta, leift, ami ritititutius. I'rifvisr IIuIIm way pen iwlK' suprrhilemU the nmnuractute of hi nieit iciurt in the'viiiU'd StvtPi, and olTcra llirm to a free and enlightfnrd (vrople, aa ihe Iwit laHirdy tbt world ever aaw for the iiuovl of ditaM. THESE TILLS rCTlTFY THE BLOOD. Thete faiuoua ! la are ta.irfMly cunibitied to operate nn the aiotnHrh. (he lircr, tha kMlnea. trie lunga. Ili tkm and the tmwels, correrrinff any deriniftriBent iulhrir futtc tumn, puril'ytm the blood, the very Ifuntaiii of life, and ( an pi curing diaenie hi all itbf'irmi. DYSI'KllA & UVKU COMPLAINT Nearly hnlf the htiinnn race htve tnkrn thcur 1'ill. han been prored in all p:irra of the wrM, thut ti"thitir hnB tirrn fituinl fqnnl to thrtn in iMa f dit Tilers of the livrr, dyiipepsia. mid ttnmnch rnniphiinlseenerHlly. Thev )Oii cive a hrnlihy t"nc to th argnu. Imwevet tuuvh o- 'Hiigcd, and when all other rat-am have failed. GENERAL DEIULITY, ILL HEALTH. Mnny of the mini despotic Gorfriimrnti huvti opened their Cumom II-uaea to the introdnrlinn ,if three rill. I hat thfy nifty tirromt the medirtu of the mutpri. Lenm ed Collf pea ndmit thnt thia nieMlH-ini ia the Itent rnifdy ever known f i eianaof rielicntr hen It h. or where the avatem hnu bren iminired, aa ita inrigoratiiif prpertica never lull fo an rn renei. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, youtifr or old, ibmild he without thin vte brated medtciiie. It rnrrtria and irmtulatca the monthly eournra nt till pet nuts, act in u' tn many vjttr like a chnrtn. It inftlio the heat and mfvnt mrriioiite thtit run he triveti to Chil'lrrii ot all ref, and for ntty cumptatnt; conaaqueutl) tio laraily ahuuld be withnut it. llollnicay's Pills art tit heat remedy Jknntcn in the world for the follwinrj disease : Aathmri, Fevrr and Afrue 9totie and (jrnve) B wt'l Complaint! FViniite CnipViinta lci,nd;if y fvnip t;onha flpftrinrhft . Inward WpukneM O'Ma IiidtRfatnm LirtT C-aipliiitf Cbfst Pienca Influfiifn I.vnMof Spiritu CnniiTenrM lnrlninin:irion Pilet Dyspepata Venrrml Alrtiona fi;:rhora Woruia, of nil kioda Dropay PILKS AND FISTULAS. It, AYliili'fc) Cathartic Pills, (sra . . ii.ii ..i.iuitiite Y. mtneirix-" "n : Iiiilitation and SHINDEL. W. C. M. I I.ttl JtAuotTt, K. K. ,nim O OF XT- LNUUISY CtjUNCll.iNo- 30,O.of U. A. kt"'"1, OU.M.11.17 III tllC 3 M. niet-t. every American Hall, opposite V.rWei .treet. tMinnury E. V. uriulit . .lure, P.. Members of the jteiul. 8. S. Hr.iiuicK. R. S. Jan. n. l"'-"" ' Sunhtiry, '55. , ,. ihi Nn. 19 J. 5. ol A evening. i t American Hall, M"" Bunhury. WM H MU33ELMAN, P A. A. PmssiKii. K. , July . "" tabl. ue. wo sue Sun'.iury. .fif ml. Inr lll.Kt """.m r,.,eived hy t;t7juu .v m. A. 11HUNER, JuneSI.'S6. ....... i i.o.a-v llrandy U...vv . . , uiackherry -I L'HT received m frek h P I Y J brandy J 'va,udb Vm" A?lJRUN ER. complaiiKa hy A.uuu.14. 1056. TMour reea uuu SEASHOLTZ&PETERY. Leta ten Mark 9 - 'iroailway, of R n.,r, i v nf.irm Uio ciu... ESri.ciri.-.- .Teiu.t Sunl.ory aim ..J ...ortment i -m ami wvii wsv - I e.ctMveu loift - .yAMliJJ - rf - s,10U,der., Mackerel, eon.iblmt, m part .r J ' , Pre,clved ,II.rrin. White Fish. od i. K ice. Fruit. P.l. Crackers. Chej-. i,n. Cortce, icreen, roa. - . . .1H COATED,) 4i Mali: 10 riEAKSE TITE ELOOD AKD CUP.E THE SICK Ilamlltl.. I'nlliei, liei-i. Pliy.lclnith Pliilai,th,-iln(., rem! tllflr KfTi-ct., autt itilfce of cliclr Vlriut.. KOR TIIK CCKE or llendachr, Kick llendnche.Fonl Stomnrh. fiiriitr.a, fi.. Mmt 1, lf6. Ca.J.C.ArKK. Wr: I lmv Un li.tl!y curni of tl otii l..i li. .hy U-.lv cah Im.. I.v A iir tu .if your Pill.. It Hrai. V. . u. ... ... . r,,n1 ;t..iii-li. lii.'h llmj rlntiiM t mi... If lliy cm ol'i.ie n..,' Ui. tiwt it w.frtli Auowini;. Yuim llb git leij ctt, KD. PKKBI.K. CIrV .Vnler VUnvm. Cilions I)i.oler aid I.iver Complaint. ImrnHTMt.vT nr Tin Ivrti iki. Wi,llllr.. II. C. " M'.. Iti"- u: I b.Tf vt4 voir I'ill. In my Tmm1 ami iKvpi"1 lini. tira miw jr.m ma lt tlii-m, kh 1 1 atiu.il lmill to .v tttrv Aiv Hi. Imt f'HtlmrtU- ein.i"y. Tlifir i.nn l.iliK . lion an tli. lir'r impii. k nn-l .1" niliiiiiit. It lliry Air an aUkaiiialite niiil.v tor drAiig.-ni.nu irf ttiAt .n jaii. In.irnl 1 liavo IiVto fmio.l a ..fM..u dit . n oUtiimt. that II lild not rea.liljr Ji.U tn ih.m. rrAr.rull) lour.. AI.HN.'I BALI.. M. D.. Dvcnt'V, Helm, nmt Worms. rH!7 omrs, 1lr.Ti.inn. Li.Oo.. Mich.. No. IS. H5. Via. Aru.: Your Till. ie th. (.fifwlioa o lnlidiii. Tliff l.a dun. inv ifr lliw. (t.nl tli.ll 1 can t.ll )uil. Sli.'lia'l tn-pii alrfc Ami piulnn away aumilia. Wfnt off lo Iw Am-UiiwI at itivat ciiwa, but (rut no ltt.r. Sli lli. n r..imnn. ..l li.knili vtmr i'ill. wlilrh n..n niil liur, l.y .xiTliini: Uir. qiiAiiiiiiwi .if w.nni. tika.ll fn.m liar ! 'lv. Tll ftf i aai.li curnl li.r an.l r.ur two rhtl.lrn r.f I.Wl .Ivwi.t.rv. Our ..f r.ur nriRlilKint had it Iia.I Anil it ili ciiinl dim wirti two !. f y.iur I'ill.. wlill. oili.i. aronn.l u from fir. to larnly .loll.i. .lottoia" lal'.a. an. I kt iiiuili linie. willioiil lirinu mini .iitn.ly av.n tl.rn. .Such a iii..llrin yiir., wliicli i aclually .mil ami li.uct. will t" r'i'.il 0K0. J. OIllFFlN. ruimaittr. Indigestion nnd Impurity of the Itlood. V.in .rr. J. V. li mn, littnr nf A lm.t lliureh, Hutm. 1. Arm: I liArr n.rd y.Kir I'illa with rxtia...liniy .iK.ru In U'.y fAinily ami aiimlia tli 1 ollr.l to viit in .ii.tiM. To irirulMtr iLrrtrKAfiiKif .liAe.tum an.l piilify t!i lilowl tliry ai tlir vny l.t rni..ly I I.Ai. r.r known, Ami l' call ninflilrntly ncotunirnil tlirm to mj (ri.n.U. Ynuis, J. V. IIIMM. YCtiAW, WroMIKQ Co.. S. Y.. Oct. 2. IMS. Tl... ... 1 ... n.iiiif v.inr fHthaltir Till, iti my Iiruo. tic. ami flint tlirm an rirell'tit .nret' tc drain, tli. atatrlu and iirtfy th fuiinlAin. of tl.r lnm1-!. JOHN (i. MKACII4M. M. D. Ervsipelns, Se?ofili, Kinc'a I'vil. I'etler. Tumors, mill Snlt iilieum. Trim m y rifuniii g Mirhunl if S Aoui. ln. 4, In-". P. Arr.a: Your I'illa ai. tli. liara-ron of all tliAt ia . i mt in moilloin.. Tl r) tiav. oir.1 my littl. .lau.lit.r of nlo.roii aorm uain li i liAU.ia ami ft.l lliat lial iroi.il inrnral.lr fir TrAr.. Ilir mu'liT li liirn l.mf in iiTou. ly A(Tii!l with l.l..tcl. anH liimpli'. on li.r akin an.l In li.r hair. Afl.r our rliil.l waa ruml. .Ii" alao tnr.l T.,ur I'illa. and lliry l.avr cinvd l.r. A!A MnlilillllHiK. IlheunmliMii, Nemalpin, nnd .out. r. n tkt Ilir. llr. ;uw. . M'to-M '-" v"'c l'l LAH II.XMt. S,IAH. C... Jail. Ii. lt-S". llonr. Bia : I llionl'l I llHf ralrfill f"l Ilir r'li'f your kill lia. Iiiouulil in. it I did i o l'l' "t ,0 'V'1- A i.il.l 'ttir.l in liiv liuila and IuohkIu nil rx.-nl' lAlllit Briualirif pain., uliicli rmlrd in rlu.niK- rliruuiatlaai. NolwiiiiaAinlinn 1 l.a.1 Ilir lrl of lilili in Hi. .haraw airw a...- and won, until. I r tl.r advi. . of Jour Irul imrni in lallmioin. I'r. :aikmi. I Haul "ir I'illa. Tlilr r t ,i. 'W In aim. Iyivung III IB. ua. of llitm I aut now enliirl.v r.rll. f mat CllAai., ItAlux IIou.ik. !... t I'rr.. 1 im. Arr.s : I liair lu ril .ntiirly nurd Ly jr.mr Pill, or Itk.iluiAlii' Uoul a lutinfui lin" lliirl had .fl'ii'lr.1 Ulr fr ,r.. TINl'KNT pl ini-LL. For Dropsy, I'lctharn, or kindled i oin- Plallll.. irnuilins an avlir. .um, tin) airan.Ai.l ut rrinriiy. For Co.livenesm or C'einalirnli'", " m iimutr 1'ltt. Ihrv air ai.rnl Ir nd r.-lttoi. ' OOD HELP THE POOB. Darkly the winter day Dawns on tha nmor ; How cuil the heart be gJ Who can endure T See, the sail weary wight Wanders from noon to night Shelterless ! hnnielefs ! (juite ! God help the puorl Now the red robin, here, Sits on the sill ; Nut eVn a (train of bere Touches ita bill ; So with the houseless poor ; Wamlf ritijf from door to door, Seeking a morne! more; Lord, 'tis thy will. Niiilit spp ads her ab!e wing ; Where can tiiey lie t Sorrow like tla-na must bring Tears to their eye : Full the c I on 1 1 torn-lit fulla, Down they must lie in bulla ; . Each to hiH inuki-r eulU, "Lord, let me die !" Ye whom the lieuvelis bless, t.Jive from your .tore ; 'Twill ne'er ninke your tieusurus less Mii.t iimliu tlieni inure. For be thut gives chuerlully Uod loves tenderly ; Jive tn them, nuy with me, "Uud blip the poor!" From th. iudependont. PRAY-IR IN TEMPTATION. Father, unto thee I raiae No appeal for length of days ; Nor lor friends, my way to cheer have many kind utitl deur; Wealth it were but sill lo choose, Having ull I rightly use ; Neither ask 1 health's iiierensp. Since my tlays mid nights ure pence : Hut in nlter'hopelessiiess 1 am come to ask thee this : Sure me from the subtle sin Which nssaileth fiom within; And my heart that tliowi? to thee All lis iiiBiithcieiice, Brings but this one ailjnratioii S.ive iiiu always from temptation. Not when foes my steps surround, Then I know where help is found ; Not when pains and grief I tei I, lie who stintes is strong to heal ; And our Father's darkest way Leads at hift but to the day ; Though lie. in their chiiinbeds deep, fJiveth His beloved sleep ; Yet with import unity Do I coino mill cry to thee ; Nl'W Willie li. . . ,...,. Ptr0nc While my days are good nnd long, ' Save me from the wretel ed nit Of my own deceitful In-ail ; God of pr.iyer nn I of salvation. Save me from this grunt temptr'n i ! l'uauA Caky. Ntvr Yor.k, Jan. 27th. Improbability of a man committing- srJch an act who held a position of great trust in society, and whose character for honesty was beyond all question, a he should prove by evidence of the highest respectability. After hia address the name nf the witnesses for character wero called, but, as the trial unfor tunately to..k place 24 Vnnrs earlier than in the ordinary course was expected, they were r.ot present. The jury, without leaving the box, found him guilty ; the judge approved the verdict, and the poor man waa sentenced to some years' imprisonment. It may be asked, where was the wife nt this time? Why was she not present T Wonder not ! The day before the trial she gave birth to the sixth child, and from distress of mind was not expected to survive the day through. Fever came on. insensibility followed, and for ten days she was unconscious of everything about her. At the first gleam of returning sense sho inquired of her nurse if John had returned home, evidently alluding to his usual return from business ; but memory, like a flash of lightning, recalled her to his sad position, and she sank back into the state of insensibility from which she appeared to be recovering. I am not indulgent in senti mnnt ; 1 narrate what I saw. Three weeks later her two oldest children were carried off by an attack of scarlet fever; ten days more her infant died. Within three months from that time sho reneived information from the governor of the gaol that her husband was dying, and that she must proceed immediately to him if she wi.hed to see him alive. She entered his vretched cell. There, before her. mtstdl ancous. .IS. urriage -a help'es, paralvted old Effecting iovj). Fits, Suppression, l'ninlyi-1?, Inflnnimn. Ion, ami mil 1)4 afnr.., und 1'arlial Ulinrl liar. lu via.d th. ulluialix aUlou .1 I lirac ocnseiv iuKinr mo H""' " " . from uiy friend's neck aid, 'I suppose this is part of the proeeeds of your calling.' hx- in ..t on on l ie nail m um uvvuawu -n rSucar. nanal. YoUtlg Hyson. i. . . i Ui,.nfc.aanl. Tea., yeuar-w-., - . .oX,.eco, ind va.h line. Gunpowder and Blaca SO.IH. niu... jiloi a fears, found in a . ..i.i n.iiaiiv Kc-:' su.. .u f which wa!7r.old a the tows- price", e.ther for cash or ply the ciliten. wiin t. - butur and g?s. crn, oats. r. and -hsat. Hunbury, May 81, IBjC mil BY. liiWrtrACF. K CO., PAPER, PRIMERS' CARDS ENVELOPE Be NO. 5 WiWf STREET. rjllLADEL'A 0U tons Rsjts wantad fol Cash. Au.utt 23, IHM 6n " flTOVES- Htn.as Entpdrm at this offira. , - .... ..r-a a .l.mhla case SJU.VER WATtn(.D la . war low I 000 lUiKlUheUvwr Walchss, toaa'' tloli nr.., I'illa. 1 j.t f tli. '!1i. Is mark.! contain Mrrciirr, wliii li al though A valuul I. rruid in .kilfnl I.Aiula. M .Iminrri... in a pnl.li.- pill, from Ilir dri-adtnl roiiwia rra Init fia qufAilr Wlow ila InrAUtiotia ua,.. 'I haw coataili no Ai.r turj or aiinaral auh.l.im hl..r. AVER'S HIEBRY PECTORAL FOR TDK RAPID CL'ltK Ot' MIIOtlPIRO COIOH.CIIOIP, ATlllA, l.N - tlPIKXT lO.l NPTIOK, and for th. ndUf of cili.iiinpti. lAtirnla ia ad'.nc.d tai;. or th. iiiaoAN.. . nrrd n..t ai.k to tl.. puUic of It. rirtnr. Throunhonl r, lown.Aild lj..l .ry l.aml.l of thr Amriii Aii Siaio.. it. ot.d.-.fiil .nr.w of pnlim.iiry .. nl.inl. har. aiAd. it tlrra.lj known. Nav. tt w Air lh fan, inr. in Any cinliiail nmi.liyon lhim-r.n-li.rill without a-io. r.raaii.1 raprrit-n.-. of ila ulrcia: ai.df.arr y.l tha roaimunlliw any wl,-t- wl.i.l. Ii.. "t '' ami. Imi.K ti"V'" ' ,t""r, "," , ..'..r'.i.. iI.ioai and l.u.ti. l.llc H H' nual po"nfi'l .nikima ! sue l I" man fur tlir Siimi .I.I.I, and Aaiifc.rona diwaHH. of Ihr pulmonary oiKna. il la alM lb. i.l.Miilri and a:fat K-n.nly tkal . an h. ill ployal f-TT infaula and JonnR 'i-u- I'ar.nl. "hoiiM hav. It in aior. aeAinat Hi. Inaidiou. .nruiy lhal alrala apoa Ih.B unfrra-d. W liA. Al.uu.Uiil arnnntl. lo llK.a ih. Ciit Aai t iiTi-hai a.. mar hi hy th. .on ilulltioF.a II nrna-iila llian IIm il curl. R' P II ) .n.l ri... .our n.nu wl.ilr thrv ar rumlil.. ni nra- U-t tl.rn unul uo liuaiau ak . II in Siaatrr tlm iaraorahW raukrr thut, (viauul on lli vhaIa auW J'" lua awuj. All kwrw Uk drwilfnl tuAlity of Inos dU.irdi.pa. ud aa ILry know uu th. nrtUM of OiU r.aiody. w. nrW do! do larvr tiian lo aaaur. thrui il i. atill miui. Ihr IaiM It r.a la.. Wa .r ao ro.1, no rar.. ao loll to irodur It lu. aval p.''- .aul.U. and thua a.Til tluaa wlai rrly o U ah. brat asrul whlril vur aklU uao furniali Kn Uirii FBIPABED BT DB. J. C. IYER, frscUca and Analytical Chsmlst, larwall, Xase. J JfD SOLD sr . GOSUEN CHEEsE-Jm.t received snd for feEAbUOLTZ k I'ETUY A LEGAL ACCIDENi". l-n.lor this title. Mr John Hrudv. of War- rickterriittce. ltelgruvia. furnishes the follow ing ad'ecting narrative to the London Times : "Mr. T , a young man of high charac ter, with rospectu'lile family connexions, was em'ploved for twelve years in one of the birget firms in the Manchester-line' in the city, the last three of which as buyer for the establishment ! in that capacity he laid out on an avemae from 10.000 to 50.000 a venr. In the early part of the year lHM he left town fir Muiichestt r by the iiight nu.il ; ..rrivinrr at nation he changed his mind, and ilet' ruiined not to proceed to Man-1 Chester that night. On leaving tho station for the hotel he was stoppeil ny a j.uiice nlbi'iT, who accused him of mealing the nari.oi )u(r which he hail in his baud ; on ex animation it f""'l " u u" r another ifi" rleiimn. H endeavored lo ex plain that he took it by mistake ; but to no purpose, ila wan searched; his ticket fur i Maiicln-ster was found OH mm. una nici frinwumve evinence inai inn aa.. v.iii-iuriv.. leavine the train at this intermediate station was iIoiih for ri'lonions purposes. Another policeman coining up at the moment ut once r- cognized in the person of Mr. 'l a no torious swell-iiiobsuian. from London, and ti.Winir the L'old watch and chain I I' I .. .1 1 I.! , iiimuiulliiu Ut.ll UBttl'll vain lie ueciareu in-, i v. ..- , r... i.ia ....... I. .. Inn the idea of bis possessing such an article was utterly ridiculed, and bis biuked uuon as part of the sharper's do.lge. Alter a little lur her cere mnny he wad consigned to a cell lor the niirht to wait his examination. He implored neriiiission to write to his wile, but SO great ia lntir "All Id not lie irranted. The accusation, ever, at this early stage, ii ur..rk Exciteni-iit set 111 anil in the agony of his distress ne cnneeneu me futile design of attempting to escupe. trom .a hr.rr.,r of the tilace he was in and the foulness ol the charge, uninnuiiaieiy. uie aituamt. was niadd. and from that moment l.ia faLe was sealed. Without being permit with his fi lends, he was u.....;..u.t ru.fo.-a tha matrislrateS and com milivd to th- county gaol. Kight day from this time his wile, who was its perreel igno r....u.,r wlist had hatiliened to her husband went in great distress of mind to the city to ,..Ua in.niiries as to his ubxence, when to her ...... luru.kliiill .he was told that there was an account in ae aiutry newspaper ol u:s nam g boeu coiniiiittod 10 prison on a cnarge in run. hery. At once he set off to his prison, and .lt.'.r an interview, proceeded to the magiB tr.i'.e who coimni ted Imn with a Y.eW i. Im h iiUd out. but in vain. Now. w.tliiuii going into m mile detail of what took place Irmn ma iiineoi ua wur seeintf him in prison to the day of hit riul. I sha l aUie thai the day for h s t lal w s P pointed ; ho s.di itr for lb- d fsnce had iu-triictious to t. legrupU to hi- brother, a .in...n r,f i.iirb character in the city. who. r . . . . : M .......l..v., int..nilliii With my Uiiliappy irienu a rir;. to be present at the trial, to ,p.ak t charac tar Hut the fatality which inthofiist in stance befell biro pursued him with nnrelent. i,nr narsBverunce. The business of the court. which whs calculated to ocenpy a certain .i.... tmf nvar mnrh sooner than was at first ex nected. Poor T was called -npon . . . i . J . tha ehurve. His eouusel, IS Cfe 1(U t lOaaVU v w e . i fsa4e, poioted ootto tbe odfe e )tj the Iny her husband man on idiot. Hit hair. wh;ch three months before had not a prey hair in it. was now perfectly while. His age, 35 years. Fortunately for him he knew her not. Her passionate and heartrending grief, which wrung the hearts of those around. Tell dead on his enr ; all human sympathies Were gone. K.-aunn was rudely jostled from her seat. He cared nut forjudge, jury, or policemen, snd he gazed nnc- nscioiisly on the wife or his early and affectionate love, and mother oMiis help, less children. I tieed cot dwell opon this scene. After some formalities at the Home office, he was removed to a private asylum, near London. He was once more a free man, but to what purposes? In a tborl time he sank and died. This was just one of those esses in which it is easy to fix suspicion, and next to imnos- sihle to remove it. If no two curpet baea were alike: if there were no confusion at a railway station on the arrival of a train : no rush for luggage ; hut, on the contrary, such order that it would bo difficult instead of easy as it is to make a mistake; if the roilwiy authorities had on their part done their duty, und made proper search and in quiry for T 's carpet bag, which they would not believe he possessed, but which they aflrirwards found ; if they had ullowed him to communicate with his friends, so as to give him an opportunity, before he was con signed to prison, of proving thut ho was not one of the swell mob, as they rashly and -.."... . J. -...1 ii L- r.. ;...! ... indeed it michi tie ssiofthat there V3f.kVi for a jury. Hut there was no such case. The. man was falsely accused, imprisoned, cuu victed and driven mad. Would that 1 could here close this tale of misery. The husband's relations, for feusons which it is for them to account for. nnd, if they can. justify, thought proper to sli.u the widow and children of their depratlel rela tive 1 Two years passed, and the littloall she had rings, jewelry, and part of her firnitnre were consumed in the support f her hi'lpless children, ishe sought emplyment ut one of the houses in the city as a blond runner, ami she is now to be found, vil h a shattered constitution nnd skeletor form, stitching from daylight till twelve occk at night, to obtain n" most miserable andscunty support lor her three helpless snrvivi chif. err-n. The work, when done, must bi taken to the warehouse ; there this gentle stfering creature, delicately nurtured, not lor since tho mistress of a happy and comrtable home, has to stund for hours to wait Ir turn, that her work may be examined aud tfreth supply given to her. 1 In a subsequent letter Mr. Brady yst "Since the publication of my letter have received many kind and symputhisii com. muuications, the greater number cusiiniug fOr.lrililltir.IH frr.ni Ja ). r Mlr 4' lyn.... that a punnu BiHioci'ipilon for the Me:,! the iitifortuiiute widow anil children of p.- Mr. 'I' should ut once be entered upv. A committee ol management wiil be forirf ia a dnv or two. when a list of subserous Khall'be nublished under direction. I. firm Gkrmak Constance A Romakcr. On Mouduy last, on tlie ui rival of the mottling train Irom the East, to German girls step, ped out uf the cars und were immediately recogiiired by two young men who were standing on the platiurm, when tluy were clasped in euch others arms Their eiiiicru tjuu to this country forms an in story. 1 he joung uieit were natives o, lemuurg, Geaniany and when ill their n place "loll lu love" w... wealthy citiseii, and their leu ou l lie part ol the daughlers. Hut the attention ol the youths, who were j.oor. pro. I.- U.I ,I.U .. . . i. . 1 .' ,.,o ui ...or, uiri iua (.r ,w niaitl l liey would not be disgraced by the tin, 111 I lit' It llUItU IllMI'al ta. a . . , "i U,l';,1",'ur1' " o.idili'g th.Ji the "old In ks" could not bdreev,,,,,,, l)(.y hlt apou the Mloa.ng plan. , u,nlling , KH,red agreement: I he y,,ng ,,, ,,,, ,e,ve W uitemburg and c.nie to tin' yt'niled States, m.u rum uiuiii j,, wnen Having earn, u'vimugif, they would senu lor the objects of their uf fectiou; they declaring constancy till death. They parted. T1H young men cutne tj America, and by the persuasion of friends who had preceeded them to this country, and settled duwn to haid luhor in Ambersnn's Valley.somc miles fiom rihippensburg. After working about a year, they iiccuuiululed 1 1n means uecessury to convey the idols of their hearts from Germany to America, and im mediately dispatched it to them. spending many sleepless nights in anxiety lor their arrival.'' On Monday last, their enp of joy was filled, lor their loved ones reached them in safety und health. They left home nn. known to their parents, hud came alone four thousand miles, without meeting un acquain tance till they einliiiiced their lovers ul the depot ill Shippeiisburg. Sltijytmburr) ('.) Neus. Fakmrrs Poktahi.k Gkain Mux. The im poituiice of feeding ground feed lo stock lias, of late, elicited much utti iiticn among prac tical farmers, snd hence, a cones ponding de sire has been created to obtain a pmulili grain mill, so constructed that but little diffi culty might be incurred in its operation. Sev. eral inventions have been introduced, bin failed to give etttire satisfaction ; consequent ly improvements have been much desired. Lii leiving, therefore, that the farmer would he greatly benefited by having a knowledge -,( n complete Funnels' I'oitnblu Grain Mill" recently invented by Ezra Coleman, l'hiladel phia, 1 am induced to uiuke a f. w remarks in regard to Us practical operation. Hv the aid of horse power, four bushels of new corn, may be ground in one hoti.r while a double the quantity of old corn can be ground in the same length of time. It may be set to grind tine or : ours! as may be ieiUiid, and bv means of a sieve which ii attached by a lev. er to thn null, the linest kind of mush ineiil may be ground for family use Corn nnd cob a a,.iniii- win. .rji,u hu-jito. n,.il reducestht ni to meal of the nicest quality. The self re. gu nip Mi.i.aratus connected with he hopper governs the nors ,..., rV! lually. that an equality of moimu is obtained very teimukable. 'I he ilurnbiliiy id" the mill is greatly increased, in conoein(.nce of the grinding surface beiug soconstruced. that the action isconnned to a crushing instead of cutting principle, thereby causing the e..r ing of the gutters tn inreasu the grinding sur luce, act as u self sharpening proces-t. Hence it is. the more vou grind the more nu en-I large the grinding surface, until tlie'eurved gutters heenme entirely worn ,11', then the meal will cease to pass b, tweu them, and I consequently, the nulls is worn in.?, and v.j i The Lucul Editor of the Fittsburg Gazette wishing to huve an appropiiate Vuledictt-ry on closing bis connection with the psper, does what Pennsylvania would not de when Wbtttier advised it "rise tu the level of the time." i ... ,, . ' , V ist. ye muses, heathen tuoug li v to h Villi ,n d ."''" ,Kt M diu gracefully ! love Lo re,-ifr mV. 'f"' M '"T'rS '".'""I me hi era. I'.i.t ilH. I ' vr"-'d ccu.-s of five years' "My sonl abhors the vulgar sonnd of prose, terse alone my local life shall close , ist. ye muses, heathen though vto bel I reviews hunting news I' In graceful order let each '-item" rise Thu troubling cares 1 huto aud charms I prise. lo vain the oppeal 1 my feeble pencil halts! From the prosaic theme !he mure revolts ; Imagine, t heu, these cares aud charms are told While of my plan I do the "toil unfold." A He then bids rythmic lurewt'sll to rnmice, iilUennen, jails, dec. Ye dead men's bodies, now in peace repose! Inquests, henceforth, shull not for ine dis close. ' Itv prying questions and post mortetns rough The "deep damnation of thy taking off I" Opposing trains, dash -vfi j your buudreds slay I'll read wiih horror nil the news next dny ; Ye raging Haines feed on, and Hoods pour dow n ; Let barges ground and bunkers bresk the town. Mnyor'lty uspirants come up by scores My'suul in calmness one anil all iguoies. Uiipes, Murders, Tires and Councils ; Hloody Fights. (And hunting for them on the darkest bights) Elections, Suppers. Concerts, Halls, ef cel., I leuve yon all for some one else to get. And thus my muse bus safely borne me thro' ; There nothing now remains but any adieu ! 11' 1 have gained your friendship, wish for me A safe, deliv'raiice from Newspapery ! xis iinU Sciences DimirOrmis. " Inginj About." A Texan correspondent of the New Or leans Picayune, tells u good story in one ol bis letters, of a 'surly-faced, grizzly-haired snuffy and moon-eved chap," who persecuted a roguish dumsei with his attentions, but was finally thrown ed the course of true love by the following rose : It being the waler melon season, and Hetty's father having a fine supply, all the youngsters for ndlea iinum.) ueconilili'i there on tlie holiday to feast on melons. C. was prominent in the circle, till in the afternoon when Betty held a private interview with the .tl.n young men, nnd arranged thut C. should bo decoyed from the house, and frightened by I he cry of Indians from some of his com rades, which it was thought would wound his pride and drive him away. Five yonng men, with C.. walked out. A bath in tho river, three bundled yard distant was proposed by ore, iiinl seconded by several. Of course, poor C. wus "iii." They went down to the ford near the melon patch, nnd begun undressing. In the meantime eight or ten others, with guns had gone down under cover of the bunk, and secreted themselves along the path from the MaMerman & Co.. bankers, hssiadly consented to receive coniriouuons. 1 Fn io the American Mebk-r. His II had was Crowned with Tirk .ittle Marv wus sick, and felt that sfttist lie ; hut she was the child ol mnny and trusting in Jesus wub willing til thai "hntitiv and. tar. lar away. r, qo.I heart and weening eyes her motheich e,l over her darling child. One day tk tie one said to her. ".Mother, when J frad ami put in my litlle coffin, don't put aR round mv heud." "Why not, my hill! ?" asked I he tender mother. " lHe." said the the child, "they crowued my air's head with .thorns. When this story was toui totnepos gomery, he perpetuated trie Mnuiurj these simple sianzus : Mamma," a little-maiden said, Almost with her expiring sigb. "Put no sweet roses round my bea When in my cohiii lie. I'WIiv not. mv deut ?" the mother What Hower so well a corpse add " l Ullllllil. " the innocent replied. I Thev crowned my Saviour's hitb lliurts." requires new castmes. l't, r.r,ti.,,.i r, I oaiiniig place to the rouse. '111.' cuiiinanv use, however, they would last fur tftcutv years ' w',n '' .w' r" '" "lle B'Rt' uni' P0'nT lowii at least. " i spoke of the recent outrages of the Indians, ers, to ro. lug ie In. 4. let IIkn I'oisks. Always have a fn hnniA. nvHiiiuiitl situated and sus-d i.o . aniull vard into which the hei turned in fnlr mouther, and ustd whel stances r.u'iire. Provide posts ennsruct a HOOil tucket leoce e high, and .0 close that the hens cat.es between them. If y"" can so mam, to h -.ve a purpetuul supply oi wuier wne hetlery il will bU loand a vaiuuona bviu. h-.i.ni.h iimw avium anun. hh liiu.l ,.u,u I. rich dust, tiuiverized sit. stale milk aud chopped vegetable- ted. The lute eccentric Dr. Abernethjed . i ...ii.nii ai.iman be the follo4e- ., a , Put vour t.io80e ou. mailfl t Luilv coinoliad. "Now keep it tl I have dooe talking.'' . frhw I. an oinniboe strap likio sciance ! Becaose it u mwara oa) Ueitvv4 sm s. ' .;.... a. Ikku fn( p. of Tkmpkr om IIkai.tii. Exces sive labor, exposure to met ul Cold, depriva tion of sufficient quantities of neceshurv und wholesome food, huhituul bud lodging, "sloth and intemperance, are nil deadly enemies lo human life ; but none of them are so bad as violent and ungoverned passions. Men und women huve survived all these, and ut last renched an extreme old age; but it inuy be safely doubted whether single instance can !.erf'i,.',!.1,',',f Y!.n"J ff v"'l"it and iracible tern per, habitually suliji ct to storms ol nngov eruahle psssion, who has urnveil at a very advanced period of life. It is. therefore, a matter ol the highest imnottnncM to ..-..r.. one desirous to preserve - a sound mind in a sound body," so thai the brittle. vevKi.l ..I 1,1'., may glide down tha stream of time ti,.,.i M,- and securely, instead of being continually toe' sed ubnut amidst rocks und shoals which en danges its existence, to have a special cure amidst nil the vicissitudes und tiiuls of lile' to maiutuin a quiet possiosiou of his omii spirit. their increased boldness. &c ninl thti3 exci ted theani combative bumps of C. to the hilliiesl pitch. "Now. boys." said on?, "who shall be first to dive in that 'er pool, eh 1" "I will," snid C. "ain't 1 first with the gals In course I'm first here." Off went couts, shoes, pants. &c. Jur-t as ('. had dolled everything Inuring a short ri d flannel shirt, bang ! bung ! whoo yeh; loud and shrill ro.se the Indian yt-11 iu'the dense ousu uml under the r.nu I:. "Oh. I uui a deud man, boys !" said James liii iniii THg i)lECOVERKR OT ZlNf. It ! discovered in 1M0. by no less o persoaaa than Tbeophrsstn Anrerlt'is Tlonibiistf ('i rticelsus', the wild, funtnstic In ro of Hion ning's celebrated dmniHtic pt4 m. It ii perhaps, be oew lo most people to be iiifoCu ed that the very word "bombast" o.k it original menuing in Ihe "great and sw,lliu words of vaoity" uttered by this singnlu genius. "With all his insane pretensiont there was true mrjal jn Hombsstes. H i was who gave the death blow to eb helny and was the first to show the nfter hollow ness of the then prevailing scholusticism. a respected physical investigations. He ing ap pointed to the first piofesjorship of chemis try,' at Hale, in 1520 -he enrliest chnir c. chemistry ever establisld be played siicl mad pranks, nnd kept n porh storm ii pool little Hale, that the tm.islfale-i had Ii banish him from his chair. After undergoing many alterations of fni:ine, it irks us to say l)t poor iVombastDS, to parody o tnodun, llirusu' "went on the zinc.'' and died liiisei-n. lily, ill an obscure tavern in Salisbury, in the forty-eighth year of bid age. Lortdon Euyi neer. Frknch Railroad Clocks. Time is tele graphed along the railway lines of Fruiice to each station? .''il the l'uris Ob.'ervatory. A plan has lately oeen adopted of having two minute hands on enrh station clock one red and one black. Tha black one shows the ia Iroad time, the ted the local time, differ ing from a minute tn half nil hour. Thus, at Paris, the two hands are identical. A hun dred and fifty miles cast, the red hand is ten minutes in advance of the black one. A hundred and fifty miles mest, the red hand is ten minutes behind the black one. !iy this simple plun common mistakes anil contusion are prevented. As the two hands are fixed on one shuft, it is easy to regulate both ns one. Improvement in Blastino Rocks. A tnodo now adopted in blasting rocks, consists m placing the powder or charge within a lube or a case, between two beads provided with a suitable packing, and attached to a rod. by which Arrangement the charge is prevented from "blowing out." or obtaining vent in tho direction of the hole in which the tuf.e nnd charge are placed, nnd the whole effect of the charge is exerted against the sides of tlie tubes nr case. Hy this method it is repre S nted that rocks may be blasted with much i greater facility than by tho ordinary mode,- no tamping, ur packing ol clay being neces sary to confine the powder within the hole. Powder for Razor Strops. Take rquo' parts of sulphate of iron, (green copperas r-f commerce,) nnd common salt ; rub them well together, and bent tho mixture to redness in n crucible. When the vapors have Ceased lo rise, let the mass cool, and wash it. to rcs-iove the salt, and when diffused in water, collect the b.-illiiint scales, which first subside ; these, when spread upon leather, soften the edge of a razor, and cans- it to Cut smooth, 7b Stop lileedin.j from ihf Cavity of an Ex tracted '1 ooth. Noticine the cuse of Mrs.. Locks, who bled to death in consequence of the extraction of a tooth, Dr. Addington. of Richmond, Va; says I e never fails to Hop thn bleeding by packing the alveolus Troiii which the blood continued to trickle, fully and firm ly with cotton moistened in-a strong solution of alum and water. He cared a brother physician in this wey, whose jaw had tied fur two weeks. Cure Jr a Dry Cvw.h. Take of powdered gum uruhic hall an ounce, liquorice juice half un ouiK'O. Dissolve, the gum Ci.-t m warm m ater, squeeze in the jaice of a lemon, them add of purngsiric two drachms, syrup of squills one drachm. Coik all, in u bottle nnd shake well. Take one teuspoonful when the cough is troublesome. Jsirntfr s $cpiii Intent, "Whether a man leads a Sober life or not," snys a penny-a-liner, "depends altogether on the temper of his wife. Nu man will listen all nighl to a scold who knows where a "good warm sling" may be bought for a sixpence. At Cocktail's, the other nieht w f,,im,l .i less than thirteen married men, who spend six evenings a week in souirtimr t,,l,:-,. juice on a coal stove. We thought we would hud out who they were. On inouirv nn earned that eleven of them We lH hinds wl with wivpn who "jaw" from M.iiidur till Saturday nurht. whilu thn other la-n wedded a couple of she missionaries ladies so constantly engaged in ,h welfare, of Central Africa." that ihcy have nu limo to keep their husband' shirts whole." Fbostio Fkkt Heat a brick vervhnt uml hold the foot over It us closely us il can be Id without burning. Cut un onion in two. and dipping it repeatedly in -ult. rub it over tha foot. The juice of the onion will be dried into the foot, und effect acme in a short time It this is dune for a lew times, it is' almost certain to care your feet entirely. Tkt floud in Canada. Tha river Ttmn-o. brokri uii or. Sunday. 8ih Inst I'L.rfa UrnigH, at London, was curried awav. Tha bridge across tlie Kettle Creek ut Pun Sinn- ley is gone All Ihe warehouse were ll,ul. J. Most of the dams and bridges on the strem are gone, Kilwurlh Dade;- wus currkd away and a man drowned. Thtilitiotri Hvmp Crip The St. Lon- Jnlelligeucer learns from a gentleman who has iu.t returned from the interior of Missouri Ui. yield of hemp in thut State will amount to aitout yiUMW bales. Farmers were generally asking $rwper torrrthoughi tales bad been made of $ 1 00 pyr ton. ' Ho ho,nn suppress motnn(' aetser. sa-y r-etrany day's sorrow.' "My leg is broken ! Oh. sava me '" erinrl George Williams. "Hun for your life, men ! Run, for mercy's snke, run !" cried Jack Parsons ; "one of mv eyes out, und both urns broken!" all beirn'r jsaid in an instant , when do you see that j red Maze nlojig the path? Look a moment 1 '-:'v. The jugueil hair ull straight mil belli ml "V C. streaking it Tor the house, sliiiteiiJr see him about the corner of the field by . thicket banc ! bang! went half it dozen pieces luuder than ever ruse the hideous War cry. "O Lord 1" shouted C, redoubling his speed the red bluze getting larger bunches ol his bushy huir droiminir out un In. .., r..u!o himself" see him leap the yard fence, high in the uir, red shirt und ull ! The porch was full of ladles oft" went two or three more guns C. gliiticed at the ladies, then ut his red shirt. "Run fur your lite C. " screamed Bet fy. the hoiun is full of Indians ! father's deud end brother Sam's wounded ! rnn ! speed!" In the twinkling of un eve, C. was out of the yard; and supposing the premised sur. rounded, off he shot, the red blaze more brilliant thun ever, nnd striking directly into a thick, thorny bottom, he reached and swam the river, nnd although it. was near sunset, C. irot into a settlement fifty miles distant to breakfast next morning, stilt rctuiniiiir the sleeve and collar of hi red shirt, und report ed ull the family, visitors, among the .-lain. As for himsel', he said he fought us long us fighting would do any good. It is unnecessary to iufuiin yon, dear reader, whether or not Hetty was troubled with C. ufter that snap. An honest Dutchman, in truiuiug up his sou in the way he should go. frequently ex ercising him in H.blo lessons. On One ol these occasions he asked him; f VUS 00' "6 'let'P m i Bolipher's "Shoseph." ..Ik...1. , 1 . TV .. " room noy. en. yt was tie rea son he would not shlcep mil her. "Don't know, spose It vusn't shleepy." lu a dialogoe which Dobbs had with him self, the other day. he came to tha enneln. .lull thut the best way to success wilb a wo man i. io urug ol ber baby, aud speak well of her bonnet. A doctor told his rmtiant that ha mriol take an emetic. "Ifs uo use," said the pa tient, "1 huve tried it before, and it win Id not itey on ry stoaiwh tt minnies." trxr ol Pt'Mi'KiN Sr.Kn on Caitlh. A correspondent J. . Freeman of tho .Vew Englnmt Furmtr, desenlies the evil eflVrts of iuinpkin Bfed, iu rendering milch cows dry. He suys ho has been led to believe that the'y were good for feeding niik-h cows, mid conu mencetl to feed them out to a cow nt the rale of half a bushel per day -At that time," he says, "she was giving about eight quurU of milk per day, but inleud of this increasing the quantity, it rfiiuiuidhcd it. 1 increased the foed to a bushel per day; still there was a decrease in the quantity of m;!k until ihe. pumpkins f oze i p, when she did not give but four quarts per day: The cow did not fatten and tlie reason for tha decscus in tho quantity of milk. 1 could in no way accot.nt for. I then took out ull the seeds, when, lo, the chunge ! instead of five quarts of milk per' day, 1 got nearly nine in u short time." im, pRi Nt.so. Never cut a branch until yorf cm See a sulisluctoiy reason for its removal, lu thinning the brunches of old neglected trees, endeavor to do it regulaily, so as to preserve, a well bilui.c d head. Young, stiu i. d i t -s s'lould be nrun d well Imk. . n I t.ll fruit buds picked out. On tho olh r liuud. iho.j that have made stn ng growths should bo sparingly pruned, und, il the upright cen. tie shoots tire vigorous, und the lower side branches weak, the latter should be piuued clofe, and tint centre slu.ou reduced iu vigor by pinching the young shoots during growth;' pruning them severely now. wiil only increase their future vigor; II"! Sanders. We should like to see professional men omit, if they do not choose to discard, "pinchii g." Il may do where a muii bus a fum y treo r two, us a pastime: but we tl.iuk ii is eU.r ly tut of place as a general, practical recomux-uda--lion. Tab Oricik of Wheat. The origin of the wheat which wo now cultivute, is involved in considerable obscurity. Nowhere is it found to exist native. In a pnper in the .Vindury Jitviev, the author ol itt .kes the ground thwl a. I our cereals have been developed, by calti vat ion, from grains having, in their natural state, scurcely any resemblance to those now cultivated, and he asserts that the particular plant from which wheat has originated, in a grass growing wild on the shore, of the Med iterranean, unk known to botunisls by ll name of agilopt. If this is true, it will u&urtl some clue to solve the question, "does wbuat. ever become cheat - . ereekintr wittocV tiluliiac U" ' ifciVvUrt H.3 MAs.R. . ria,IMc' aftcX aT !