.(ffmtgrcssional ffrfos. THinTV-roiltTII (OIURF aVecand Imln. 'suisoto, December1 15. tlorsB. Mr. Elheridge submitted tlie fol lowing resolution, which wai read fur thuju formut ion of member: Resolved, That tliii Honsea-regard all star pestinns or propositions of every kind, by 'whomsoever mad, for the revival flf the African slave trado as Ibocking to thgj Moral Sentiment of tha enlightened nurtirtb of m'Jn.' kind, or any art on the pefof Cniireu leg" lsiaiiosr or conumng at orTegaiiaiing that lior rid find inhnman truffic, would justly subject the United States to the reproucb of all civil, ized and Christian people throughout the world. , Objection was made to the introduction of the resolution. Mr. Etberitlge moved eutpension of the rules. Mr. Campbell, of OLlo, called for the yeas end nay. XI r. Walker asked whether, if the ITonse (ball suspend the rides, it was the purpose of Mr. Etheridge to more the previous question on the adoption of the resolution to cut off debute. Mr. Etheridge replied that the resolution contained as self-evident proposition, lie ' resumed a very gentleman had an opinion on the subject, fie should not discuss it, but would move the previous question. Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, wauted Mr. Eth eridge to leave out the argument ia the reso lution, nod said he was as much opposed to re-opening the African slave trade aa his col league. lie was here called to order, the Speaker laying dobate was inadmissible at the pres ent time. Mr. Jones, said be would Dot be gagged by either the speuker or others. Mr. Orr strove ineffectually to introduce a substitute, simply resolving thut it is inexpe dient to repeal the laws prohibiting the Afri can slave trade. Mr. Etheridge' motion to suspend the rnlcs, in order to enable him to introduce his resolution, wot then agreed to yeas 140 uays 53. Messrs. Greenwood, McMullen, Smith of Ya., Zollicolle..-, Burnett, Barksdale, and Pbelps severally gave their reasous fur voting in the negative, to the effect that, while they were opposed to the opening of the Blave trade, they thought the resolution out of cha racter and ill timed. Mr. 'helps said he was against the abstrac tions of Governor Adams. Messrs. Keitt and Oaruett remarked that bad they been present, they would bare vot ed in the negative. Further explanations from tie Democratic side were objected to by many members, amid Cries of "order." The deniaud for the previous question was sustained by thirty-six mujority, und the maiu question ordered by forty-one majority. Mr. McQueen, moved to lay the resolution on the table. Disagreed to reas 71, nays 139. Mr. Etheridge' resolutiou was then adop ted. Yeas 152, nays 57. PROTEST AGAINST THE POLICY OF SOUTH CAROLINA. As we bare heretofore stated, the propo iition of Governor Adams, of South Caroli na, tore-open the slave trade, meets with little favor in the slave States. The Eederul Union, published at Millcdgeville, Gaorgiu, speaks of the recommendation in the follow ing manner: "We do not believe a Governor of another Southern State can be persuaded to make a similar recommeodaliun. Tlio Southern people have no more idea of reviving the African slave trade than they have of admit ting their plaves to the rights und privileges of citizenship. A few men at the South are unhappy and restless if they cannot keep the Northern people in capitul, wherewith to harass the more quiet end peace-loving of their brelhern. The Southern people must keep wide awake if they would save them solves and the Union under which they live. The suicidal hand is ready to do the work of destruction." The St. Louis Republican also nscs tha following emphatic language : 'For one, we do not admit the right of South Carolina or of Gov. Adams to lay down a platform for the South. Missouri does not admit it. Within a week we have noticed in papers nf nil politics iu the State n repudiation of South Curnlina politics. If thnt commonwealth is fairly represented by Gov. Adams, and is determined upon Fiieh a policy as that disclosed by hi message if Brooks, in bis recent crazy plat form, fore shadows the measures to bo adopted by a Southern party, to be gathered in every slave State, then Missouri is not in the ring; or rather South Carolina exiles her-elf from ti e fifteen slave States of the South. Missouri ran have no internet in supporting such a system of labor a thut recommended by Gov. Adano. On the contrary, her interests ore plainly in maintaining the present order of things among us. Missouri ran scarcely respond with gravity to the proposition to re-open the slave trade. Jler SOO.OUO peo ple answer it with a scornful laugh. Or. if they answer it gravely, it is by telling Sonth Carolina that they stand by the declarations of Congress, ni:d the slave trade is piracy, and justly so declared, and thut we have no Deed of its aid." Lancaster Bank. The following plan for the re-orgnnization of the Lancaster Bank was unanimously adop ted at a meeting of the Rtockholileis. held on the 13th at Lancaster: "A capital of fc-iOO,-000 to the subscribed in shares of each, to be paid on the 1st of April, 1sj7. iu the circulation of the Bank, chucks of deposits at par, or old shares at the ruto of $5 cucb. The old stock not given in pay neiit of new to get its proportional share ol the old assets after payment of debts uiitb-ran nccount kept by tho Bank. Depositors to accept certifi cates at throe years, with interest puyuldu annually. The present holders of circulation ore desired to take certificates of deposit, payable iu equal instalments of 1. 2, and 3 years, with interest tho circulation held by them to be deposited with u trustee as collat eral. The Bank tn be opened aa soon as its liabilities are ubsorbed, or postpoued under this arraugeikent. tOALTIlRDK. The quantity sent by Railroad this week is 60,513 18 by Canal lii.173 15 fur the w-k C8,GB7 13 tons, against 41, til 17 fur the cor responding week lust year. The shipment may be considered as closed by the canals for the season. All the canals are more or less frozen up except the Schuyl kill, and all shipments have ceused excpt fur short distances on the line, where lio.ttinen are willing to venture with their boats at this season of the year. I'uUsville Miners' Jour. tin. Bai.timokr, December 14. Hotli Houses of the South Carolina Leuisluturu disposed of the proposed re-opening of the slave trade by allowing the committee to which the subject was referred to report ut some future time. Fruit Jellies may be preserved from mould iness by covering the surface, i cf an inch deep with finely pulverized louf augur. Thus protected, they will keep 5 years. To Clean Kid Gloces. Wut-b them in a mixture of equal quant itie of Ammonia and Alcohol. Then rub them dry. The ubove solution will also remove stains and grease from tlk tod olotfc. .THE AMERICAN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1858. EC. D. MA SEER, Editor ad Proprietor To Anvtatirrxa -Th mreuhitloii of tha Banbury American amona th uif!rent town! on tin Sii.quehanna ii nut airevtal ira.na!h i by n paper raniiahxa In Ninth n Pamiavlrania. WV Lr st. A gold hrecelet for a child The finder will bp rewarded by leaving it at this iiffiVe. ityNrtw Postmastkr. We find the ful. lowing announcement in the papers ! Maktim K. Bti Miia. pnt mapter. Sutihury, Pa., rice John Youaman, resigned. (So? The TrAc-nra 1kt-ti-t for Nnrthnm berland Connty will meet at Shsmokin, on Wednesday Hip 24ih inst. The .Snp-inten-dunt cordially invite all to attend, an t advi ses the Inn keepers to imitate Vt. R,i. crsexiimple, and furnish etirertainment on this occasion at reduced price. tJ5T Tn WxATurn. The closing of the Canal and River by I he late cold weather did not Inst lor.g. The moderate weather and the rains re-opened ranal navigation to as to permit most of the boats, ice. bound to reach home. It has again, however, blown np cold, aud this roads are awfully rough. t3T Nkw Good. Mr. Ira T. Clement has received a lurge and handsome assortment of New Uf ods. the litest arrival from the city. among which we observe a Ure stock of rea dy made Cb thing, Boots aud Shoe. See his advertisement in uuotLer roluuiu. jy Aovrbtisino Some of our advertising agents, and ether, must have an idea thut advertising is done remarkably cheap in country uenpapere. We have beeu obliged to reject a number of advertisements sent to us the past few months, on account uf the term. Newspaper that insert tbt-se cheap advertisements, undervalue and injure their own busine. A paper that ia worth adver tising in, need uo uch support, if support it can be called. (a7 Coi.0KKt. BissKix's eligibility to the office of Governor of Illinois, to which be was recently elected, i a subject jf discus sion between the Democrat and Republicans, Col. Bissel accepted a challenge from Col. Jefferaon Davia, iu 18.10. for words spoken in debate. The Constitution of J 'l'nois. lecture that the offer or acceptance of a challenge shall be deemed a disqualification for the office of Governor. Now the question is. whether or uot the application of these words is limited to the Stte of Illinois. Democratic Static Co.nvkktiom. Col. J. W. Forney, Chairman of the State Cen tral Committee, has puldirhed a cull for the Democratic State Convention to meet at Harrishurg, on Monday, the second of March, 1357. Candidate fur Governor, Canal Com missioner and Judge of the Supreme Court are to be nominated. II' IVT I'll It K. We doubt whether any town on tne Sus quehanna run turn out as many heavy hogs as huve been fattened in this place. The fid lowing is a h.-t of some of the heavy one kil led list week, that have t.ef n report d. There were others killed that we hav no account of M r. Kiile beads the lint this year. J. F.ngle Chas. Beck, do Henry Bncl.er do Jacob Young do P. t.-r H vipt Jacob Ilanpt G'-o. Harrison do Jacob O Beck Sol. Broaioiis E. Kessler, 503 lbs 4."l 3G0 430 3!0 437 3 r-7 s:vj 3J7 3.".4 3 tl 7'.n 711 700 6,599 two The sum total of 17 Jhogs lieii.g 6.590 lh?f averaging; 3HH pounds to each hog. The following were slaughtt-rjd the pres. ni week. J. G. Yo'.mgnian 3C1 300 411 427 3'j:i 432 42" do B. Zettlrmuyer E. Urnsiou, do Dr. J. W. Peal, Geo. Kuhl buch, LtWUOlHn t til Hi ioir:. While in Lt-wittiurg on Monday last, we visited the new Court Mouse which is almost completed. Th! building is one that reflect the highest credit ou the liberality and enter prise of our l.eaisburg neighbors, who have in this, as well a in a number of other instan ces, given evidence what perseverance and en ergy can accomplish. The New Conit iluute exceed anything of the kind iu Northern Pciinsylvuiiia, and in point of convenience and neutness iu ttylc, h.is few, if any superit ra in the State. The cells of the priaou depait ineiits, are iu the hu&eincnt btoiy us is uUo the kitchen of the Sheriff. On the tirrl floor aro the uCice of the Prol bonoUry, Ucgialur und Recorder. Sherilt', Commissioner und oth vis, with fire proof vaults adjoining, and ut the lower end, the parlor and dining room ic for tw Sheriff. On thu sccuud flour ia the Cuurt room, which ia a spacious and baud VJiiia hail, cunvuuieutly arranged. On the same floor utui above, are rujuis lor the Gmud und Traverse Juror, witm sa room ic. Every upuituii nt i wannrd by ri-girler with lui. u air, eciierali d by two furnace iu the bue- in. ut story. The l.tuldmg L ol bii.k 100 feet I'Wi! by lilt IU Wliltu, ana lea ukmici lor eoui. p..clin-, utility and archiiecturui laU. It wa designed alter a aiiuilui tlrutura iu Cam d K.J, Mr, Pel? i (h buyi. YMrOltlAMKflTAt' MEMBER, aftD TMtl CANAL BOARD. Having mislaid the "Gazette" of the 6th inst.. w were not aware until a few days (inc that the editor had attempted reply to otir strictures cnth remotal of Mr. Dieffen bach by the Canal Board, We say attempt ed, because it amounts to nothing more. The Oaiette says we ask the abolition of the M because "Mr. Elliott was obnoxious" a. Thi is not the ce. We have nothtjg o aay individually egainst Mr. Elliott or MrkDiaflcnbach. Politically, they have both he, opposed to n. But we. In com mon with be people, wenld like, at least, some shadow of n excuse, for thn removal of tried and competent officer, before his time, to make room Ut an Inexperienced one of d.mhtfnl qnnl Ccnfous. But the Oaxetto Vtrther add the follow ing 'A to the dialogue Appended to out aessV hor' article, we ere mfWiinfto aay that there is not a word of truth in it." We have no doubt hntthat the Major, not only "attthnrimt," but requested it denial, as well he miifht ; but if the Major suppose bia simple deniul was sufficient to igunraa state ment of f.icl. vnuclied fur by n, l.i grossly eiitku in the estimate of hi eharai t. r iu thia community. Our neighbor should have learned, by this time, that w uev r aiake churgc without b.-iiig able lu. buck thano and we shall do so in thi cose. We therefore repent, that every wcr.l to that dialogue, is snli.tunti.illy true, und that we m'ght, truthfully have added more. Our information came from a source before whom the Major dare not deny it W might have added that the President of the Board informed the Major, thut so far as he was concerned, the appointments would be made by the Board, and not by outsiders. The Major may have been ollivio't. but that will not alter the fucts. The President of the Board could easily settle thi question of veracity, and we nre willing that he shall be consulted. CT I bk bot'THFkN Cokmkkcia!. Convex. Tion. in sesfcion at Savannah, hs r-solved V, have nothing to do with the revival of the slave trade as recommended by Governor Adam Inyi ng on the t ible a motion to j discus the subject, by the very decisive vole ! of 68 to 16. These sixteen vtes are fi on J South Carolina, Texa, and a portion of Ten nesFte. C? The Pictorial Brother Jonathan, for Christm, contaius some rich and humornn illustration. The Coal Mtawre. The total monnt of the co il measures of the United Htatc is 133.732 square miles, of which Pensv vania ha 15,437. In 1855 it was computed that the United Slate produced 21 335 000 tons of coal, of which Pfnnsvlvania yielded lOIiCO, 000 tons. Of this. !l00,000 tons were an thracile coal, or which about the lilf hi yi.dded by Schuylkill ecnj. and tlia remain der bv the L. Infcrt, Liii kitWi.na mine ; .fid 3,160,0irt were bittrmoioi coal of which Extern P. cii")lvani. 3.000.000 To fur nish this anpply we have in daily operation 7!H) miles of r,lr,,.l. ,! fi-r, mi!, itf nnln constructed alimwt exrlusivrtv f,,r tliis trade, at a cost of f 3 1.0r0,00!l. , Schuylkill coun ty, too, 150 miles of railroad, under ground leading to the iniii-a, huve been constructed. Over SI00.000.OtH) have been invented . I'ennsyivuniii in coal l.mds und in mnkiug the nrcessary nrr.inifeiuents to produce mid transport coal to market. Cost of EiiIUli A'.i;jc,-. The London nenstnrn lurnisli lite Tini.-s of Post on the iluy oft he pntdcatioiifor 5 75 a quarter. Fur the Herald if 6 50 a qn.irlrr ia chnrgntl. Th second edition of iIik Loinlon Times, Sun, Globe, or Sinn, lard, fiirnixhed fur 7 50 a quarter, or 30 a year. G.'pie of the Tunes, cue day old. are lurni-lied at $ a quarter, so the ditb-rence in the owl in England between a paper ol the late-t el.tii.n ou the day of publication, on tho day text succeeding, is equal to the sutiaei iptnui price of th, largest commercial iit .-p-r in ilie United States. A tile of the London Times taken iu this coun try costs about f.'ij a year or nearly mrn teen cents for i acli coy of the paper. The Kncliali p-ers are conducted on the cash visieui e.cimvely. They h ive no iubcribers tint aro I'uruirU'd to newanien by the ream, who supply "patron" iu the cil) and country tliytii'.ta. VoKiiKiiFi'i, Gkowth or Iowa. Governor Grunt, of lowi. in his anmi il ine.'s;je. UWKes the it'tite linlelitedness SIA.INlll: ar.bli revenue, f ;' Hi (Kid received ilurinif Hie year ij.2Cii.miU ; paid out ;2 19.000. The popul ii ion of tlie .State in iM.'jii Hinount' d to ut ln.534. no to . nne, ld."i4:it increa-ed to 32(i.'JH, and in June !a.t iiiiinbered 503, tVJ.i aoui. At the preeut moinent it proba bly teach,- I'.iiii.o.MI. The assessable tirotier- ty in the State in 13."1 was valued ut $2S.- 464,550; iu le."i5 at Hl6,hii5.3!l0. and iu H56 Ht 164, 194.413. This i trulv a won- ilei ful growth, and show to wh.il greatnesa and . wealth thi youuir State is raridlv attaining. The Transit of Venus will take place in 1 H G 1 . when the planet will p.iaa directly be tween the earth and the sun. dating the' d iv, and the darkness mused by it will make lights neeessarry in the bouses. The transit only occur, once in a century, ami on the last oc casion the British Government fitted out an expedition to the south Pacific Ocean, for the purpie-p of observing it from several points simultaueuiisly, f,,r astronomical pur poses. An lxmRANT Cask. The case in the Sn preniH Court of iIih United State of Scott and others involvine the o,u."-lioii of the power of Couuress to prohibit slavery in thu Terri. tories of the United StaNs, is to be argued t d ie iu VVusliiuvt on, should there be a full bench. A disciuf ion on such a queation will be looked for with interest by the 'people of the Union. " Cunt Oil inSi erm The Light House Boardi ut v asiiiuglnn. D. C. ha ordered one of th lighthouse in the neighborhood of New Yo to be lighted with the BreckenridceCoal 0'. in order to tost its good quality wide is claimed to be superior to that of the 'liter strained sperm oil now in use. The-'ompu-ny has oflered to supply it at one d'lor per gallon. Viii Cake. Take 4 cups t,f Aur 3 of en gar, lb, of hotter, I cup of uir4- I teaspoon, ful ol siilarut i, 2 uutuieus, 2 s, raieiim, 1 lb .uulei uriaii.is, l'Vr this, b'd ill 1 cak , balk 2j hour. i ".'ii'HeAnnnn" Terrapin! D. W, C. Cal lendur, ol Uoyle,towii, Pu,?aiight over U00 terrapins in the upper lurot Buck count), in one week, lately. Thee sell in our cily I $3 per dozuu a Suqvhuuiia terrapins. LiTEiuBV KmohjWN'S. Mr. I'rescoli's in come Irom tliu I'luloceoiliou of hi woiks, Md toharw raM tWXiO vitfan apw, Faon Ilia Ttwoats Cntnniat, Dm. ( HKAL MEROIIM. Th Wreck of thg Schooner Niagara at Fart Ilnp. Canada. The wreck of thi. veseel on Wednesdny last was attended . with loss of life nnder singnlnrlv painful cirenmstance. In endeav oring to make the harbor, she strnck on th shoal to the fast of It, and immediately ca reened over. It was blowing a terrific gut it the time, and the frost wit to severe that every rope glistened like so much crystal. The 'hand first look belter nnder the bul wark ou the quarter deck, but the were oon carried away, and they were obliged to take to the mainsail boom, which Wa liter- e.lly covered with ic. Hundreds upon hun dreds of people were looking rrotn the shore at Point Hone, about two hundred yard distant, nf the painful and desperate struggle of the brave tars clinging to a spar a it wa wnyed about by the storm and washed by the"urf. At length a jolly boat, with Capt. Wood, of tho Aunie Maude, of Port Hope, Mo command, put out tyscue the freezing , "and nurf.lieaten CrcW. " A cheer rose from every Toice as the boat gained the deep water, and was gallantly cresting the wave to rearn itie ecliooner. But after repeated nn almtwt superhuman effort to bring the boat alongside, h wa ohliued to abandon the at tempi, lest she should be waiuiHd. or dashed to piece uiraiust the veavl. Tear dimmed every eye when the brave boat, which hud agata cud again, until she wa very nenrly filled with water, and wa literally covered with ice, endeavored to "make fast," wa seen making for lurid. Iho poor sailors, who were mo tionless durinir the striieirle nf the boat to reach theiu, again waved their hands from the boom, for one last eff,irt to sav them. lUe feelings of the hundreds of spectators at this time nre wholly indiscriltnble. in a short lime, however, another boat with fresh crew put oat, a hi id cheers which irnnielr minsled with the wild torm Gloriously did they mount the w!l. whic'j now threatened to sweep the pour sailors t8 the boom. Wave after wave they crested, us beurU beat high that witnessed thel'.i, aud as holies sunk and rixe a they disappeared between and unon rose abovn the swell. At length they reached the echoouer. and oue vast rbeer was heard as they made fast to the davit. The crew of the boat, with the except ion of two men, climbed into th schooner to help the half fioren tailors off the boom. Une was baiMeil down ; but ere second could be lowered, a feurful swell al.ii'M bid the bout; another Cuine and she .a,tiiLenicd, and the poor sailors who had lioviijupl iKiudeil down to what was his l.ial hope ol safety, wa the only me nf the three that was ever see a. He rose, ctruggled with the breakers, caught a rope, wus hauled on the deck of the si lnioiier, and was iu a few minute utterward frozen to deutu. A cry ol despair nw re from every oue. Thu brave crew of the boat were folded to the crew of the schooner, and wilder and wilder still raged the storm. Irom a point of land above inn schooner, a scow was set adrift, in the slender hnie that it might float to her. It stranded in a few seconds after wards. Front the Grand Trunk wharf, which was to the windward, tin ir Ix'St boat wa floated oT, but its fate wus like their hopes it soon sunk. At last a brave old skipper honor to hi nani and to hi l.eurt said he would make one more effort to save them, or he would perish in the attempt. Daring. deerHt as was the resolve, bis bout was manned by silor' aud fj.shermeu in a few ie-comls. and llterallv. amid cheers and nravers. they ivnsbed ber into the boiling sari I he previous boat having been too small to live tn the sen near the schooner, thi last wus a larue and heavy boat ; and for a long time it whs u dead stia,:r:!e to keep their 'T.n with livr. Hlie rnre nol'lj lO me WllVeS. but she ninde little or no headway. Every -nerve of the brave crew wa etrained, but they could only defy thu aturni ? they could uot giiiu npon'it. At last, a the crie of t the rriewdo of Ikoffe who s we on hoard the srhooiier were growing wihler on the beach, ui.d the poor sailors were seeu freezing to the hoom. there appeared a lull of a few second", and one vabt effort hrought the bout under the stern of the schooner. A cheer rose from her crew. Men. women und children, as they had all hut one heart, broke out into a wild scream of ecstasy and hope on ahore. The poor frost-bitten crew were safely handed down into the boat ; aud o she crested the wave and bore them triumphantly to the shore, it seemed as if all hunmii sympathies were absorbed in one intense feeling of admiration of those who had behaved with all the generosity of sailors, ami more than the nobility of most men. The name of the captain who commanded the laiit boat waa Stephen Woods, of the A n lie Mamie.' He and hi crew deserve far more than thi trifling tribute to their henism. FMoriTARMC Wokkh. TbeNewYoik cor respondent of the Boston Transcript says th it on the first of January. Chiltla & Peter son. Philadelphia, publishers or Kane's 10 x -petition, will pay over to the author the hand one cum ol fifty thousAiin ibdlors copyright percentage on the sale of the work. Seven tboiiid copies of Alliboues, Biograpical Dictionary, by the same publishers, have beet ordered iu advance in England ; aud the oahVt has been already offered teu thousand dojars lor hi copyright. The Steam Fire Engine has fairly worked its way into favor in New York. The Cum min Council have ordered two new steam fire ensues ef Lea k Larntd, at a cost nf (8,500, anil will pay ?3. 500 each annually for run ninr them. This will be an economical ex peolitiire of money. Vliat grows the lest tired the more if works? A sagou-wbeel. Ii.kasaxt. To dream you are worth a Mil lii of dollars and wake np and Cud yuvTeell tele a:i editor ol a newspaper. Mrs. Opie said, talking of Byron. "His viee was sticha voice us tliedcvilteuipted Eve wLli, ytai feareil iu fascination the liiouielit )i beard it." A Frenchman, gasconading overthe inven lie genius of bis coiiutrymau, said : "We in vnlc.l laco luCles !" "Ay," said John Bull, "tid we added shirt to the III 1" 7rocir. How many kind of axe are thre! Boy. Broad axe, narrow uxe, post ale axe of the legislature, axing pi ice, und afe nf the Apoatlea; Good ! gu to the bead of our class. ida Cake 3 egg ; 2 cups pulverized su gir ; cup of butter ; 1 cup of sweet uulk ; 1 Aatvpoutifull 0f aoda ; two of cream tartar. ciavtir wau lumon. To Cure tlie Quinry. Make a poultice of coiiiuion white Limu beans, aud ujiply it to the throat hot. Tlieyanke who waa "lying at the poiut of deuth.'' whitlleil it oft with hi jack-knife und i now recovering. Gold und Silver are metulsquite too heavy to be carried to llcuveii. biit in good baud they may pave the way to it. Pust events are as clear aa a mirror ; the futuie as obscure as varnish. What Nbxt T They are playing Uncle Turn's Cable at Win eliing (Virginia) Thea tre and the paper of lliut city say that it draw "crowd af adinirjng auditors.'' Cannibalism not Extinct A recent letter the from Australia states that two missiona ries and their wive had beeu murdered and eaten by i he tavige of the New Hebrides, PclQM aeaMi ticw br (tigklt Impeitant Irom Blcaiajoa, Critical Position of Oen. Walker. Cbari.imtoh. Dee. 13. The temhid Isa bel arrived to day from Havana il West, witn date to the loin met. The steamship Tennessee, from Sau Jaan, I'eceinber, 4.1 li, lor iow xorx, witn nve nun dred passencers nnd 6900.0)10 fn specie was at Key West. She had lost ten pusBengero irom cooler. The passenger from Nicaragua in tho Tennessee state that Gen. Walker had been driven from every place eicept the Trnneit route, and at Inst account Ins farce, to tue number of 400 men. were at Granada, ear rounded by the Costa Ricuns and the forces of Han Salvador and Guatemala The fighting had continued for nine days. General Walker wa on board a steamer on the Lake, aud .without communication with his arrmv. His men were regarded us in a crriticel position, and were suffering for Waul ol provision and clothing, am dying oil by disease. It was announced, last before the siiling of the steamer that Walker' force bad evac uated and burned Granada. Maaybad al so b en buined. The naval engagement between the Xicar aguan schooner Granada and a Costa liican btig uccurrhd Dear Sail J nan del Sui', and las ted for two boars. The Grenada had two nix pvuuders ou board. Lola .Monies is pasengr oil board the Tcnue. The ! Vlstarbancra trrttt ol a Colored Preacher. LouariLi.1, Dec. 15. Th Courier of this morning say that on Saturday morning, the Lev. Win. Anderson, a colored nruauher of th Melhodiat Church, and chief of the Abolitioiiiai of Matlisoo couuty, Intl., was captured ou board the steamer Telegraph with a carpet bug tilled with incendiary doc ument IU ha been engaged in rnnninjr off slave from th vicinity ol G-irrolilon. 1oc uuivut were founil in liia possession implica ting distinguished Northerner. F'e Was takt u yesterday, ou lb steamer Superior to Carroiltun, where a reward of frCUU nud been otieted for hi arrest. Apprehended Slave Imarrtcllon I h .Ml llrlh) aa I alamliy. ltaLTiMORir. Dec. 10. The authorities of Alex'indri. V.. telegraphed to Gov. Wnirs, ou Sunday last, for arm to suppress nn np prebended Uve insnrreet ion. They were sent the same uisrht by express. " Two of the whit men enbmergeS in the Midlothian Coal Mine have been rescued, and great effort are being made to save the others. lav laaarraailaM. Bai.timo, Dee. Ifi. Tha reported slave insurrection in Harrison county. Texa. proves to have been greatly exaggeratad. The committee charged with tha investiga tion of the matter, reports that there is no evidence of any concert amofig the slaves, nor are any white implicated. The Alex dria Gazette says. also, that the minor ol insurrection there have been gristly exagge rated. WAhMNnrrii, D.-c. 15. It was reported in the Hoa to-d.iy that Mr Stephen, of O., iuu eent ernallerge. or note preliminary thereto, tn Mr. Hill, enenf the Fillmore elec tor of that State. Their dif5cu!:i grew out of a question of veracity concertiinii the term agreed on by them for conducling the pumic discuasions during th Preideutil centest. Edger M. Garrett, of Virginia, ha ncen appointed Assiatent Clerk of the Conrt ol Claims, at at lary ef two thousand dollar per annum. CtKcix.vATt, Pec 13. The Evansville Jonr nal is informed, by gentlemen direct from Tennessee, that, cn the 9th. the whole nmn from Memphis tbronyh C'larksville and Do. cer. on the Cumberlnud river, was in a atnti of the greatest alarm in nxard to the move. ments or the slave iinr.nlation. The tails in nil tho counties were crowded with th arre- ted blacks,. The countv courts had hen as sembled in snch ennnfy. nd viail.inre coir mittees and patrols appointed foranrh neith loriiooii ann uwpntp. ,r(fiit more nerrnes had been hnnir at Dover. mukiiiL' I!) in nil. No overt ct has yet been committed, but the proof of insnrreclionary designs is said to be conelusi'. RicHxnsn, Va., Dec 12. A friirhtfnl nr. cident occurred lust night, at the Midlothian Coal Pits, in this State, not far from this ci ty. A stream of water burst into the pit while the miners were drowned. The calam ity caused the trrcntcst consternation anil grief among the families of the victim. Nrw York, Dec. 15 Advices received here from Jainsif. by the Tennessee, state that the wlioly British fleet on that station had been ordered to hold itself in readiness tn proceed to the Gulf nf Mexico, for the pur- pose of blockading tho Mexican ports. The despatches convening the tailing orders were daily expected. Wasiiinotos, Dep. 14. Several letters have been received here from Oregon, main ly from the missionaries resident there, urg ing, the strongest terms, the return of the late Superintendent of Indian affairs, Dr. Dart, of Wisconsin. The Indians will quiet ly submit to the Government authorities, in case of his return, and peace will again reign in that distracted country. Ilollou-ay's Ointment ami Pills the most celebrated licmedies for the Cure of Sore Arms. Samuel Wet, th worth, of Norway, Maine, was for five years nil! lifted with sore trui", thcru were four different nicer on them, and the trying nature of his business, a boot maker) made him so much worse, that despite of his wishes he wns compeled to relinquish it ; he tried varoua remedies nud they failed to benefit him ; however about thirteen weeks ai;n. at the recommendation or friend, he had recourse tollolloway'a Ointment and Pills which very soon made him better, and he culled On Professor Hollon ay four weeks since to show him his arms, w hich were quite well, aud with scarcely tho bears perceptible. The Mustang Liniment cures Rheumatism j The Mustang Liniment cures Still Joint ; The Mustang Liniment cure Bonn and Wounds; The Mustang Liniment cures Sores and Ul cer. The Mustang Limeut cures Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples ; The Mustang Liniment cures Neurnlegia; The Mustang Liu, incut cures 'Corn a.iti Warts j The Mustang Liniment is worth 1,000,000 dollar cfu asm m To the United States, a the preserver and restorer of vuluuble Horses und Cattle, ll cure ull Spruius, Galds, Wounds, Stiff Joints, Ac. Will you enswer thi questicn? Did yon ever hear of any ordinury Sore, Swelling, Sprain or Stiffness, either on niuu or beast, which the Musluiig Liiiimeu would not cure t Did you ever visit any respeeluble Druggist iu any putt of the world iu Europe, Asia, or America who did uot say "it was the grout est discovery of Ibe age I" Sold everywhere. Every family should have it; 3 sizes. iJAKJVrJS A PARK, Proprietors, Nv York. Da tto, lM,-!a. H. I, tleman greeablr and T der it at Many pv nd the ui. never metui your tooth. . morning. A . A beautiful eompla. by using the "Balm of a It will remove tan, nimnlt akin, leaving it of a soft K towel, pour on two or three dr., face night and moruing, SHAVING MADE EASa, Wet your shaving brush in cither in wi. cold water, pour on two or three drop of "L of Thousand Flower," rub the beard well an. it will make beautiful soft tnlher, much facili tating the operation of having. Price only fifty rnt. .Beware of counterfeit. Nona genuine unless signed by W.P. FETRIDGE CO. Franklin Hquare, New Vork. Sept, 97, J 858. Bra MARRIAGES. On Thursday, the 4th inst., by P. Becklcy Esq., Mr. Wa. MiLi.x.t to Miss Adit Bbirn ull of Trevorton. On tho 27th nit., by Kev. Dr. Dorr, Frank A. Tugtrurt, of Northumberland, and Miss Sulliu King of Philadelphia. DEATHS. At Trevorton. on Tnesdnv, the 9th inst., ED WABD C H AILLEE IIELFF.NSTE1N infant son of Edward and Julia Helfenstcin. Aacd 4 months and 9 days. Several weeks since, at Georgetown, in this county, JOHN SPATZ, Hired 94 year. The decease resided in the lower end of the coonty npward of 50 years, and was univer sally esteemed for bis honesty end iutegrity of conduct Few men have observed, more strictly, tho divine precepts of their creator. "An honest man is the noblest work of Gad I" Philadelphia Market. December 18, IKS. GnAT!f. Wheat is dull, but prices ere stea dy. Sales of prime new Southern and Petinu red at ?t00al 53, and $lG0alG2 for white. ltye cornel in slowly; sales of Pennsylvania at eO cts. Uorn is quite scarce ; sales of yel low at Dftttiu, cents, anoal, unci O'J cents in store. Oats are steady ; ealna of prime old Pennsylvania and Delaware 44 cents per bu- snei. "Serw Advertisements. XJ0P I ,4 I.T nerfuna indebted to tlie aubscrilier on Note, ifooit Account or otherwise, are re pr tfnily retjzestvd to pay up immediately, as tn areoutit will be placed in the bands of a .lustit I'm' collection. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunhury, December 20, lt).'6. KOTICIE hereby given that letter Tetmentay on the citat of Jacob Oroh, 1st el J.ower Au gust tnwiitiiiu, Morlhuiiilieriand county, drc'il , hsv been granted to the ulicrilr. All persons indebted to) said estate will please mak? payment without delay, and tho having claims against a ml estate will please present them properly at tested for settlement. GEORGE KEII.KR, AdnTr. L. August twp., Dec. SO, 18.rn Ct NOTICE 18 hereby given that a 1'ctition has been fded in the I. outl el Common Pleas ol Northum berland coutiiy, fur a Charter ol lneorporaliou of the ,vieindit tpiscnpal Church iu feunhury, and ti at the naii.e will be prcscnti'd to iicaI C'u'jrt lur Incorporation. JAMES DEARD, rroth'y. I'rothonutary'a ollice, ) Munlmiv, Dec. : 0, S liHnt but net Lcat. N K W A 11 R I V A L O F FALL AND WINTER G00B3 ! Ira T. Clement SO. 1, CORSLllOF UAPdiKl SqUAlli:, Adjust received a large supply of Fall and W inter liooda. 11a will contiuuo to cell Dry Goods and liro- crrira CH UAl'EK than ever, as liia gooda are bought cheap thry will be sold cheap. tie feels confident with his esHricnca and uhillty, that ho can compete with tha World at Urge and Suubury in particular. lie would enumerate articles if tiiuo and apace would permit. It is enough to ay that he haa everything in the line of Dry Goods, Groceries, A large IStork of Reatly-Mado CLOT XX IN Q, BOOTH AXD SHOES, fro., jr., that i ke t in any other store in town, and Hit h'linier ia on the breeZa. AiiUtong m it wavo O'rr laml v( the Tire, A nil the heme ef the hruve While her SJUtra and liei feuipes Shine out like the Sua, TrtlinK ull nations TJiat t'reejeiu'a t,effua. I his is a free country as wa proved by the election of Uuchanan over the Wooly florae, therefore it is free for all to do their trading where they can UL ho UllLAl'heST. All are invi ted to call and see. THE COUNTRY, as well si the town are respectfully invited, and every person, rich or poor, high or low, bond or tree are invited to call at no. I Alarkket square, opiiimite the Court House. 1. 8 He ia not to be undersold by any man or combination of men. Koeuarge for showing goods. All kinds of produce taken in eiehang fur guotta. Suubury, Dec. 30, 18.'i6. NOTICE IS hereby given thut the following persons huve filed petitions with the Clerk of the Cuurt of (Quarter Sessions of said County, for License to sen ppiruous, vinous, iiaii ami y.'reaed Liquors, under the act of Assembly passeti .Marc n, icjj ; Sanies Place. Pemarks, Ira T. Clement, Cyrus Brown, I"uac Brown Wm. F. Nugle Win. Fisher, Robert Latimore, Sunbury, Milton Store. Druggist More " Eating House. Trevorton, Store, Suubury, Innkeeper. Mn liuel Wilvert, Extracted from th recoid and certified. Dec. 11, ISOC. JAMES BEARD, Clerk. Sunbury. Dec. 13-1856. notice, A LI. persona knowing lhmelves indeblsd to the subscriber by note, book account or other wise, ara icqueated to make papmeul brfor ilia lOih dav t-f tha firat moulha (January), 18SS, or their account will ba placed in Ui hand of Justice for collesttou. 8. N. THOMPSON. U Augusta to, ilth 1 llefi. tenbooks, with mi... to an eitra Hook and Oilt. All orders for honka. rm. enaure perfect safety,) ahould be . the Post Office wber they are muileii. . hj io r.van a to., nu Broadway, IVcw Yuri,. Reference. M. 'I'linm 4, .,!. a,k treet, Philadelphia i J. B. Lippincolt (, Co , i-nuaiieiphia ; JJ. Applcton A l!readway. New Vork Derby Jackson, Nasnau street, New York. jT SEND FOR A CATitLORUE.j EVANS A CO., Priucinal Slnra na R,,U.. v. V...L Branch Stores at Philadelphia and at Washing ton, D. C. December 20, I85 P.lm 4 ALTSB. &. "W ILL X Z T O 3,T, 'inu.1,,1,1 Ut.A L I- . B IX rrelgn, Dsnet!r a.trt I anry LlQunnR No. 113 S'julh front Street, below I!Vi.j Philadelphia rj'LNE old Drandie, Wines, pure Rve, Monr bon and Monamtahela Wbiakry, bicblv im proved by ge, couatuntly on hand" and tor 9lu as above. IE?" Note of the Lancaster Bank recelrcl for Liquors at par. December St), IS50. 3m L7 AVE YOU SUBSCRIBED if ma CoBmopolitan Art ArjBociation Pur the Third Yeart SF.F. TUB It A UK INt)tTKMIiNTS:-TI,e manic., nivnt h:v-a lit pleasure ol uiiti,i hciiii; thut ibe c.iie,ni,., nt V(,rkt il Art ilci,i.iied fnr I'miribiiliuit miioitg i,0 i,. seriliers, wlieffe iitinieM lire nieivtd i,reviu to tiie S5ia ul' iatiuiiry, H?j7, ia mueli Inrtier and more e ctlr tliin on I'reviou fuar. Aui.ing i ne leuil'iif w,,rka in Ifculr ture rxrcutnl in the iniirat .Mjrlilu u thi: new unu biau tilul Sluluu ol tlie W O O V N Y M 1' 11 Tha Rnsta nf the Tluee lirr.it Ainriirnn P'nfMirn CI.AY, Vl;ilsll.tt r CAl.Ut.L.N. Aiwi He .u. lie li'ml Husl, "Pl-HlNU." At'tI.I.O AND In A S A. in .Marble, life aim, t.-frtler Willi tlie fiiiiMWiiiK 'jruiips ui.ii Miiiu,. m Linri ia iim Wis i ll.e Siiusjile lor the lle.irt, ttuiclli t'lulll oft.irWii; anil i.l le t ; ' ,, ,','. uteroiia worka in Hiotrp, m,d n t-i.C-ii, n , f a.rral humlml I'IM-lOll. I'Al.N'I'INil'J.l.y l,i,iiii;(1 Arlisl. 'I'lie WH"lr ol whieli nre to be dial r.l.ut.-.l or ui! MM niiion- the auhacrilM-ia whrnc ituinta Brc r-teivtct irrvi'if.s to the TWENTY I'.ICJilTII or JANUARY, 18.57, v'.iau th'j Uia'.Tiba'.ioii xi taku plnre. TiiF.'.t. rv rLTi.cnirTios. r.veiy auUrri'HT nf Thrr.' I'olUra ia tntitirrl In A f'.y of the a,,le:i'tiit Kli'tl l-.henivini;, ".ttur.trf Nitjlit"' aeipr4 " of v.if r. -II w iin M ls- , on vear ; iila , h co;,y oi thrt Art J.-uiii'il one ye..r, nt.d a Ti, ktt in the biMiit.clioi, ,.f Work? , f Ait. 'I'iiua, n.r every tbiitt (t l,:irn p.-iii, n pira it not oiily a a bp:iutnul l.ugr .ivi:.p or M:i:-izi,i , ,ie yrnr. 1:1 liia rt'cro-ea the Artjounml rre tur, nut a I ivk-1 in lli'i A nil.al Uiatril,it:ii.r, n..,!,,, o f, u I'oi.-.ia v -i!i I" jKi'tmi; uiiiUnl U-3Mlca Ibe t..l;.., l,v ul.i li a vTi':iii.:i JMillrtiiK or 'i'i-e ofHt'itnary iim l-e'rei-a v, ii in -uMm .m. I hoa.. wli.i .n-ler .M.'l-u.-.I i rr'l l l.i amvn v -i'Lim. iliy Nij;'il,-,r:iii !n riil.,-1 of thi- f ,,,w,iit mr our : llarpvi'a .M'-miziue ; li,lc'i'a LiulyM: h. I nil. ilMiri Mwu.ne, t'.nu knl. .ci.cr .Nb.nm", lirahnm'a Mmi-Ziuc. lti.irKwo,J Mj'iirliie. N llUo'iii l.iietmy i t-K. No uu ui in rrHtrirlnl In a aii.jrl,. i.nr. 'lb. m- luhiiii; live iiieinlieralopa. ir. r. mtiili-,1 to mt Kiifmt i '. to ai tli-hfta III tr, Hlalribtitioi), ,;r al.y fn e of tbu Ml 41,-ztiu-a: one yt-ar nnrl a:x ti.-Urta IVTHona in riMiiiilin'r imi'! ,.f melnlrf dip. U'l't Vnn 1,'g: llT ll.e letter !,t thf " .-t OC to 'l, I rut b : na lcf:t, f who b. a e- II tlicutr- of Mciuln rvbii,, ti colLr with t' e K.iwueii I nr .'lia .uicrli ein il, il, Le . rv a nt to miy pint of tbe eonnlry. For furtiiei partii'iil.ira, see the November An .lournat, Mot fipe 011 ri..liriitiou. l or ii,. iiib-ihip, ud.kiva C f,. Df.ItllY. '.ctiinrv C A. A . fli- llromliv.iv, .,w Yoifc, or WiaVm lifi.ee. ttaii atreet, KiiiLlufky, (,'bi- 'r in j-'y 1.1 J'.MIN S. IIKAHI). II .innuv ?..p. Pee. JH, is;6 1-ui.bitry, IV.in n. Prospectus f r 1357. THE SATURDAY ETEIJIHCI TCT. Pstalilirhtti Auffu.-t -Wi, lt:M. rilllE Jiulilishers or this old und frir.ly estahlisln d paper take pileasiirn in call. n the attention of the public to their prn irrummu for the cominjj year. Hur!Viti d v. ith politics, tho claims of Literature will l-e nnn-p than ever appreciated by the reading v t rld. We have already made iirrunpei-.ciit with the follow ino brilliant list 1. 1" writrr.-i: William lluwitt, (f lCnuliind.) Al;ci- C-iry. T. ,S. Aithnr, Mis S-iuiitliivi.rih. Auunaiii'p Diinnnne, .Mrs. M. A. lcnison, the utiihur of "Zillah," A c. Wi desi;n commencirp, in the first nninl rv in .fuiiuary ne., the following orij;ual Novlet : Tallengetta, or the Sqitnttcr's Hume. By William llowitt, author of "llural Lifo in England," 'Jlnmes of thu Poets," Ac. This is a Htory nf Australian I.ilc, Mr. llowitt having visited Australia expnf.'y with the object or nciHiiintii!j.' I.jmseir with tho novel und romantii: aspects undir winch nature und soiiely prteciil tiieniat Ivls iu that singular regiun. 'I'he fulltuvniK Novelet will then be liivert. though probably not in the exact cider htr ineiitiniii d : 7V,c Story of A Country Girl, By Alice Oary. An orioinul Novelet, written ixprrsely for the l'otl. The Withered Ikart. An original Novelet, written exprasly fsf the Post, by T S. Arthur. Lighthouse Island. An original Novelet, by tho author mf '-My Coiifossion," "Zillah, or the child Medium, to. The Quukert I'roletje. An original Novelet, by Mrs. Mary A. Decl bou, author of "Murk, tho Sexton." &c. 77i 7?i J of Burgundy. A tule of tho Swiss Cantons. An original Novelet, by Augu:linu lujranne, author of 'The Lost of the Willness," A:c We have uIbo the promise of a short aid condensed NuKtUt. Ii Mrs. South worth, to run through about six or eight nambars of the Post. tJjT In addition to the above list or con tributions we dpsiu continuing the usual amount of foielgn h lit is, miyiuul sketches, choice selections troin ull sources, ngricultur ul articles, general news, humorous anec dotes, view nf lae produce und stink mar kets, the Plnladelpniu retuil markets, bunk note list, editorials, iVc, &e , our object being to give a Complete Kccord, ua l.ir as our limits will iiilniil ( the (iiiut Wtuld. ENUUAYINt.S. fli the any of Engra vings, we generally present lo weekly me of an instructive, und il.u other if u humor ous character. The posture ou tho Post to any part of the United Slates, paid ijuurterly or ,euily iu advance, at the ollice uheiu it Wus received, is only ti rents a y'tir. TERM 3. Cash in advance Single copy (2 a year. 4 copie. aud oue to thogetttr np ol tue ciuo, g M 11 II I U H II I. S-VOO ' 10.01) ' 15.00 " iU.OD " 2Q . U M w a Address, ss, always post paid. DEACON & PETER.?! l'En?ON, No. 66 South 3d Street. Plllt.DKU'UU. W SAMPLE NUMBEBd scut grail to any one when requeitsd. 1". 29, 1W. 1