' J. WSICHSELAT3DI, OPTICIAN ASU OCCIOSTt FROM I E8PECTFULLY Informi the citixen of ft. Sunbury and vicinity. Ihil he has opened ROOM at tli L.A WUEiSCK HUU31S, wnere 'lie offer fr (ale f SPECTACLES 1 f errrv tarioty, aie, and qaality. A new In emion of Spectacle, for distant or done readine with gold, il. tc1, and tortoise shell framing and an and improved assortment of perifocal group.1 flint Glasac of hi own manufacture. He would particularly call tho attention of the public to lii Spectacle for near aighted peraona, and ' for peraona who have bean operated upon for the calarartof the eye, and to M new kind of glasaee and Conservcrs of the eight made of the flint and aiure Glasses, Good Glaeaes may be known bv their ehape, exact centre, aharp and highly polished autfoce. The qualilia are to be found in a high degree in hi glaaae. HIGHLY IMPORTANT : Thovcry best BrasilHan Pebbla t 80 UK.ereally proved to te far Superior to any other Glass. t ALSO: Microscopes, Spy and QuuilngGIa ees of evcrv sire and quality Telescopes, Mag ..ir. in. .n.'l C)i,m t;i.M. with different poware together with eTery variety of ariicl in the Op tical line not mentioned. riniifM 1 I ....1 n f. Tnalriimnnti Ktlll V ' 1 1 ' . II lai.w w.i.t. ...... Glasses carefully repaired at aliort notice. He can alftey aelect Glasaee to suit the vision of the person, aa he area them, Upon the first trial. He 'will remain in thia place during August Court, and those in want of the above articlea will please give liitn a rail. He will, if required, go to any reapectable houac whore hia services may be wanted. C3" The very best KYJS-WATER a I wave for aa!e. July 58, 1656. Distribution of proceeds of real es;ato Bold as tho property of Er. J. B. Ma83or. t Notice i hereby piven to all person inter ested thut the nuli.criler, appointed Auditor to make distribution of tho money in t! Or tihan'a Court, arising from a SlierilT'H ball- of real estate- of tho said Dr. J. H. Mawer, will attend, to tho duties of his appointment, mi Wednesday the 30tb dtiy of July hist.. (18.1G) at ten o'clock A. 11.. or thut day ut his ollicd ia tho Borough of sitiiibury. V. 1. GHKKNOUG1I. Auditor. Sntibury. July 12, 1S5C ot. ATE NT URITTAN1A STOPPERS fur bar bottle for aula by H. U MASSEU. unhuy. July 19. 18S6. OAOrt LABORERS on the line of the Union J(jUJ Canal Wagea Si lah. Ap ply to KOCK.AFELLOW; KLPP & CO. July 20, 1H.')6. al Reading. I'a. NOTICE IS hereby jtven that leltere of adininiatration to the estate of John Sherry, late of Wank ington township. Nurthumbeiland county, dca'd., have been granted to the subsciiber. Ail per aona indebted to aaid estate are requeued to make payment without delay, and all having clniina topreaeut them in proper lorm for aeitlciaent. , V.l. SHERRY. Adra'r. Waehinglon tp.. July 10, lU. 6u ALI. peraona knowing themselves, indebted to J. R. Kaulfiiiaii on llook accoihit, Note or otherwiap, are requested to call and pay upoa or until the first of OctoVr next, audit' not paid until thnt time, the accounta will be placed in tho handaof a Magistrate (or colli etion. J. K. KAITFMA.N. L. Auguata tp., July IS, 1p56 it. LABORERS WASTE'd" NUMBER of good I.nborerf are wanted on ISection 41 of the Northern Central Rail Road, below Trcvoiten hiidge. Good waires pui.l and the beat kind of accommodation given. Ap ply to WM. GAUG1.ER, on the works, or to ' tt rt him I." 15 July B, 18.r. Sunbury, Pa. FURMTURE POLISH. . R All's Premium Patent Enamel Furniture Polish. Thia polish ia Ufhly valuable for reator, ing the polish on all kinds f Furniture. GIjbs, Carringe Bod'u a. Hair Cloth, &c. Alao, for re. moving spou, hiding tcratchee, &c.. Ac. AVer rnnted Jo dry immediately and retain ita gloaa. Price 50 eta per bottle. Sold by WM. A. BRUNER. June SI, 1 8C. NOTICE. VOTICE i hereby given '.hat an application will be ma la to the Tint l.fgWature, of rnnay!vania, for a Charter incorporating a having Hunk, with dikcounting privilecea and authority to receive tnoniiTa on deposit, with a Capital of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, to be located at Sunbury, Northum berland county, and called the "Diicoum and Deposit Bank of Sunbury." HENRY DONNEL, J. W. FRIUNG, 11. 15. MA86EH, JOHN COOPER, I. T. CLEMENT. E. W II, VERT. Banbury, July 5, 185C 6m HOTICE. NOTICK U hereby Riven that I have re coivedthe Pamphlet Laws fur 1S.M', and that they are ready tor distribution to those legal ly entitled to receive the snme. AA M F8 BE A HP, ProtVy. Prpthanstary'i Offieo. 1 Bunbnry, July 12. 1956. J AI.KX la. IUCKEY Sii, jtsrrACTcai or TRTJNKS, VALISES, &C, 146 Chcsnvt Street, front of Jonta' Jlotrl, PHILADELPHIA. HAS on hand the cheapest, and I beat aaaortmetit Of TRUNKS 8c CARPET BAGS, EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Cole Leather, Solid Riveted, Iron Frame. Iron Hound TravellidgTrunka; Packing do, Valinea; I.ndiea Bonnet Caaea; Carpet Baua, Sulcheh', Ac, by the quantity or eiagle arlicla, lower than can be tofught at any oUiet place in lue city. July 5, 1856 PICKS, augor, coffee, molaaaca, tea, cocoa. J Water anil sugar tuxcuii n ante tiy May 81 '66. E. Y, BRIGHT it 80V F ILE8 for Machinist, carpenter, Ae., &c. Ueatty'a edge tool, planea and bench arreua fur aale bj K. i . U1UUII t &. S'i. May 31, 1856. Table and Tockat Cuilirr, a large eelection of varioua pattern for aale by May 31 60. E. Y. BRIGHT & RON IhllHWlN Embroidered Crape, printed cah mere, fancy atella, while barege, rench border, ailk tringe and figured ail ehawU just received by B. V. lUilG H I 6t SON. May 31 1856. sklMiU ortv at s r, fllHE aubacriker reapectfully inform the pub JL nc tkat ne inow aeiiinj ot lua UTOCK OF CLOTHING at reJuced price, a he intend going into other bnaineaa. aerona in want of Cheap Clothing boulU not fall to call. Peraon indebud to the aubacriber arc rr- qaete4 to call and aub. - - fclEGMUND SIMON. By virtue of aundry writ of VasuiTi'o Et rovaa, ined out of the Court of Common Vleaa of Norlhnintverlaiid county, to m directed. il be exposed to public aale. at tho Court Hotie, in the borough of Sunbury, on 8A2'HDAY, the 2nd la of August next, the following doicnbed property to wit: All the Defendnntaintereat of and in a certain lot of ground, aituate i.i the boronsh of Sunbury Northumberland county, fronting on Market afreet, ami marked in tbe general plan of aaia borough. No. 4S, bounded on tht weat by lot No. S3 ; on the eaat by lot No. 47, and on the North by an alley t contoinining GO feet in front and 830 in ded til, whereon are erected a To Story Log Dwelling Houae and Kitchen, weather boarded, a frame Shoemaker' 8 hop, and a frame ttahle, Out Uuildlnga, f ruit i reea, 4c. ALSO- A certain lot or piece of ground, nl- unto in Upper Anguata townahip. and county aforeaiJ, bounded on the' aouth, by the Centre Turnpike; on the north, by a lot ot tlenry Weie, Esq.! on the east, by the Bliamokin Creek r iad ; on the West, by tba Cattawisaa road. II acrea, mote or Ice. Seized, taken in execution, and to be aold aa the property of Daniel Druckemiller. ALSO At the sama time and place, the three undivided fourth part of a certain piece or lot of i -: . : . l. i. i. c O i TV' gruunu, Biiuei ill 1110 iiuiunkii ui uiiuurr, i.ui thumberland county, fronting on Dewberry atreet. and marked and deaignnted upon the general plan of :iid boroegh as the wistern half part of lot numborua, and bounded on the west, by lot No. 1 33 ; mi the eaat, by the eastern part of said lot, No. 1 39 ; and on the south, by an alley ; con taining 30 feet in width and 730 fret in depth, whereon are erected a Two Story Urick Dwelling Home, to which i attached a Stone Kitchen. There ia alao a frame stable upon said lot. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold aa the property of Daniel Druckemiller, with notice to Jame G. MclCeehun, terretenant. ALSO: By vlrtua of a certain writ of Vendiiio Exponnn, to mo directed, will bi exposed to public sale, ut the Court IIou?e, in the bo rough of Sniihury, on MONDAY, AuRust 4 tla. 1S.V., at 1 o'clock P. 11.. the following renl estate, viz : All those two certain con tiiriinng lots of ground, situulo iu the borough of Milton, Northumberland county, in thut part of said borough., commonly cnlled Upper Milton; bounded on the South by upper Market street; on the East, by lot buionirin? I U;nro Cnrry and others, and on tho West liv .Second street ; being lots 21 and '23 in the plan of said borough, containing one ijuartur ofnn Acre, moro or less. ALSO Upon that certain lot of ground, situate in Turbut township, county aforesaid; bounded on the north nnd east by land of O. (Jo.id. and by lot of John lliddlvton; west by Third street in Milton, containing one quarter (full Aero, more or less, on which nro erected TWO SMALL FRAM H HOU SES, one nnd a quarter story high, iindolher amiill out buildings. Seized, taken in execu tion, and to be sold as the property of Joseph L. Aulen. ALSO : By virtne of a certain writ of Xeria Fa eiaus to me? directed, will be exposed to jiub lic snlo at the Court House, in Sunbury, on Saturdny the 2d day of August next, at 1 o' clock P.M. A certain two story Steam Saw Mill and Engine House situate on Buck Ridge in coal township. Northumberland co.. on lands, adjoining lands surveyed in tho name of Robert Gray und others, said Steam Snw Mill building being sixty feet in length ami thirty-five feet in width. The Engine Ilonso lifty two feet in length and fifteen in width, more or less, the said Saw Milt and Engine House being attached, moldng onu building, together with tho lot or piece or tract of land and curtilage apjiiirtcuaiit to said building. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as the property of the Big Mountain Im provement Company, owners or reputed own era, Sumttel Kvlcjiifintractor. 1ZVLS0, By virtue of n writ of Ft. Fa., to me di reeted, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Not thumberland county, will be ex posed to public aulo at the Court lliu$e, in Sunbury. on Saturday, the 2d day of August, at one o'clock, P. M.. a tract piece or parcel f land, situate in Turbut township. Nor- humherlntid count v, bounded on tho East hy he Sunbury & Erio rail load, on tho West iv the Pennsylvania Canal, on the South by lands of Philip Hilgert. on the North by lot of Paul Mas teller, containing five acres more or less. Seized, taken into execution, nnd to be sold us the property of Rachael Yergy. By virtue of a Pluries Vend Exponas from the Court of Common Picas of Nor thumberland county, will be sold ut the Court House in the Borough of sunbury. in sunt county, ou Saturday, tho 2d day of August next, at one o'clock. P. M., all tbe interest of Dr. Leo W. Bufliiigtuii (snpposed to be one undivided fourth,) and all the interest ol Jacob Loose (supposed ulso to no one undi vided fourth) in und to a certain tract of laud, situate in Coal and Zerbe townships. Northumberland county, adjoining lutuls iiir veyed in the name of John Boyd, William Wilson. Michael Krnll and Frederick Kru- mer, containing 367 acres, S8 perches, more or less, i of an acre of which is rleared, whereon is erected a small log house. Sur veyed on a warrant to Matthias iuimermun, supposed to be a first raU coul tract. 1 he said interest seized, taken into execution, and to bo sold as the property of the said Lee W. Buffington and Jacob i-.oose, cacu fourth to be sold separately. A Ls O : Bv virtue of a certuin writ of Fieri Faeia to me directed, will be exposed to public sulo at th Cout House, in buunury, on ..MON DAY, the 4th day of August, 18o6, at 1 o' clock, P. M., the following described proper ty, to wit; A certain Lot or piece of Ground, situate in Delaware Township, Northumberland Conatv. containing three acres more or less adjoining lands of Christian Cosh and others ull of which icleured, whereon U erected a steam Saw lill and Gxturee. Seiztd, tukeu in execution, and to be sold as tho property of Seth O. M'Cormick. ALSO. All that certain four story with basement fiva stones, brick building intended for a Ho tel, uiesuuce nnd tenement, situute in the town of Shuuiokin, und County of Northum berland, Pennsylvania, ulty two leet in rront and fifty two fol't iu depth, bounued on the North by the street or space on the bank of tho bliamokiii CreeK on ttio bout ti uy Arcli street, on the East by Market street, on block number thirty seven us designated and mar ked upon thu gene.iul plan of said town of c.l ' : ..r I..... V-..- onumomn uiiu uccujiiiik miutiri iuib 4-ue. one two and three, upon said block. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property or I nomas Huumgurdner, David Loniier.ecker and Joseph Long own ere or reputed owners uDd Henry Fliillippe Contractor. ALSO; By virtue of a certain writ of Fieri Facia to uie directed, will tie expoEed to public side, ut the Court House, in Sunbury, on MONDAY, the 4th day or August, 1856. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described pro perty, to wit : A certain hutf Lot of Ground, situate iu thu Borough of Sunbury, being the eastern half part of lot No 162, in the general plan of mild town, fronting on Blackberry street, and bounded ou the east by lot No. 161, on tho west by the butf lot No. 162. on the uorlb by an alley, containing in front 30 feet und 230 feet in depth, whereon ere erected a two story log house, weather-boarded and painted white, and some outbuilding, Seized, taken in execution, and to be aold at th property of Jacob JKablti. JJ. VV JJISE, Sheriff. Emrr's Omrc 1 Inaary, July, I, Ull f BERRYSfiUKO SEMINARY. The Acdemic year of this Com ifhhig In stitution will ronniK nee on tbe lid Monday of Ajigtist in Jtt. It I" 1... aled ut Bcrrjsl.rtig. Dauphin Co., Ii on one irthe he.itiit Mod most beau tiful Vhllcjs in the old "Keystone Sluto." Tho design of thn institution is to prepare ynnng Lndies and Ge.itlenien for the respon s.blo duties of lire, and for Institutions of a higher grade. Every facility will bo afforded to thoso whd are desirous of preparing them selves for Teaching. The gorcrntftent of the school will be strict ly parental, nnd it "hull elwaa be the plonsing duly of tho Principal to instil iuto the mind of his pupils such sentiments, as, if followed, will'lead to honor and happiness. Tuition per Session (22 weeks.) Greek and Latin. 7 00 Modern language (Extra.) 1 00 Common English (1st Urade.) 5 0U (2d Crude.) 4 00 Sciences, (Surveying, Chemistry Ac, 60 Printing mid Janitor hervicos, 25 Music (Piano Forto) B Excellent Boarding can be Lad from $1,60 to 82,00 per week. Lectures will be deliver ed every week on "Chemistry Philosoph'' &C. to which the pupils are admitted free of chargo. There is a pood Library connected with the .Seminary to which the students have uc cess for u small fee. The School will bu ex ercised in Composition and Declamation once every week. The priueigtil being a gruduuta of one ol the best College ill tho Union, and having experience us a Teacher fl.itiers hiiusi-lf, -herelofore, to givo general satisfaction to all who ure placed under his tuition. JOS1AI1 F. KENNEDY A. B. Principal. Berrysbnrg. July 12. 1856. LIST or JURORS. Of Northumberland Count v, I'or Aucust Term, A. D. 18f6. GRAND JURORS. Delaware Jacob C. Hoffman, James Himghlin. Sunhury Frederick Merril. 7im Samuel Sluhliiccker, Samuel Cald well. Win. Barr. Upper Augusta Jonn Fry. Coal Casper Shull, Joseph T. Bird. Delaware Cyrcnnes Bom boy. I'oint Isuuc Beidulupacb, Jefferson Stnm. Ceo. P Mart. Shamokin Joseph Hoover, Samuel Ilalo, Henry Leiseiiring. Milton Joseph Bound. Upper Mahtinov Peter Lenker. John Sherry. Chiiinquaque Adam Conrad, Jacob Kre nier. jr.. Andrew Keller. Knrthumherlaud Win. II. W'apples. Lower Mahanoy Isaac Kepler. TI!A VEHSE JURORS. Upper Augusta John Z. Haas, John Burns, Samuel Savidge, sr. Sutiburi. Henry Uucher. Georte W. Smith, Charles Kitiehuit, Charles Beck, Johu lieimer. foil John Sober, Daniel Hans. Lewis Geo. Crisman, S. P. Burrowcs, Tames Tweed. Jackson George Garmnn, Henry Rogers, Christian Albert. Delaware Wm. B. Bryson. Win. Heard. Jos. Irwin. Bnbt. M. Russel. Wm. Smith, sr. Cliilifqnuqut John B. Heller, Jacob Key ser, Peter Wulborn, Sumuel McMachen. Jtush Isaac Campbell, George Uurns. Shumolii) Isaac Consort. Georco Miller. Isaac Sober, John Fisher. J urbul John Haag, sr., John Stndden, Milton Thomas Swelik. Abraham Strauh. Duniel Dougherty, JMwer Mahanoy Jacob Witmer. John Witmer, John Burrel. Jacob Shaffer. Gdbert Humberger. Aerbe Ben). Knonse. Mt. Curmcl David Lewis. Upper Mahanoy Felix Mourcr. Latvr Augusta lsauc lingers. Novthumbtrlund John Leisenrine. Amnn E. Kuiji). List of Causes, iun inai in uie voun oi common i leaa of Northunilierland County, at Augual T u., ic-ou. rLAINTIFFS. DEFENDANTS. v Charle Weaver va Daniel Druckemiller va Harmon Kline v Win Kilmaii, jr. et al va G Morri va tame va same v Wood, Baldwin et al va Joseph Leland vs T Dornan v Tagcly Robin cSc co v Jeaae Henayl Thompson EUely El zaheth Bright I D Kisher nn Diver G Leisenrine -came 'Uher & Leiaenrinp Cba D Wharton Wm Heddena el al Oaman Kane and Dcuty ichool Director of Shamokin tp. Geddca, Marsh St Co. va Wm Caul v Jonas Hummel ' U Masser oaeoh E l.eib va Win E May va ('ha Weaver va Hasina Dunnel va ('. W. Hegiua et al v C W Hegiu v same v J li Maa-er va ame Ira T Clement v J Karnaworth v D J ond rt al va Cba Weaver Ira '1' CI. merit j Maehan &e I U .s'p.ilh'ei'ra. fame nine lacoh Barnhart aame anna Geo 1' i'uyera &e. Connelly for Cramer l(onaer and l.oj J Wm Coleman Henry Kake v Vandvka va Jacob Weitzel el at v ania v Catharine Pollock v P. cJIieaffcr v i Urosioui et al vs John r'agcly v D Dunmover v Jacob WeitZel v C Eaton et a I aame Ragual &. Co 1 Dickieon Henry liohner Matlhia Reed O Eineiich Henrv Rake J B Maaaer JAMES BE A D.rroth'ry. Prothonotary' Orlica, Sunbury , July , Ii0. J THE WESTBEANH INSUKANCE CO. Ol' tAWK IIATi;, IM. Inaurr Del ache J DuilUina. Stnrrs, Merdian. Jic, Farm I'ropeity anil oilier Duildiiiga, and llieir content at moderate rate. CAPITi!, $300,000. C II A K T Elt P E R 1 ET U AL. UiBitTona. Hon. John J. Pearce, lion. G.C. liar rev, Jolui U Hall. T. T. Alirama, ( karlr A. Mayer, ). K Jai kmao, Cliarl.a Cliat, W. White, l'tlcr Dickinson, Thomaa 1 ilehen. Hon. G. O. IIAUVEY, P,ra. T. T. Aulas, Vice Pre. That. Kitchen, Sec'y. II. CHAS. ULM AN, Central Agent. REFEKENCEi Samuel H. Llovd, 'J'lioa. Bowman, D. 1). Win. Vamlertxlt, Win. Keuron, Dr. J. 8. Ciawfjrd, A. Uiidi'grull', A. A. Wiiiegarilnier, L. A. Mackey, A. Wliile. Jam Quitigle. Johi. VV, MaynarJ, Jam Aruiatronc;, Hon. Simon Caiucron, Hon. Wm. Uiglcr. P. W. GRAY, Agent Hunliury, lun 21, lK58.6ui FOR SALE. NE hundred Acre of Land in Upper Auguata Townahip, NorthumUarland county, about two mile rum wunbury. Apply to CHAHLE3 PLUAHENTS, July 6, 1858. it Sunbury, Pa. UOIil' MONAIiy. TooiU nj Hair Bruabca ail quaUttCsV Mil any quaau y, (or aaia Df WL A, URV-NliU. RESOLUTION Propt "asiny Amendment to thi (.hnstihitlon of tli CvmmonweaUk. flaaot.Tiie St taa PT ia Uncaa or Itaena-. raiiruur va umki.th or fiajavLv. a in Uanaati. Axkmm.t met, 'fiMitha KI nir am ma imi uraiMffriKd t'lUia evHisti uli"B h ike eouim iiwonlib.ln ao.'oraiiiica with Uie (aoviainiiaof the lentil arliclu tltera'. Fills T AMtXDMKNT. Ther,ihnR ha an iKMilimial allietf t aald ennalitntijn to lie dvaigiiaiud articja eJerau, aa fnllowa ABT1CI.R XI. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. Affttkin t. Thaatate mny ein)l ttt, In anpply eaautildclTuiUiorruilureR li, revmita, or t nwrt exiwntei not nthnrwiaa rrii1i!d for bat lha atsreiat ammint ,if mu!h dt?lit direct aitd cmitinrrttt, whether entiOauted by vntiiairl' one tr in ra arta-if the peiiem! aaambly, or nt fliflereut pvriMtaol'iiinft, abtill nevar exeaed aevtn hundred and fllty thouMnd d -Hum, nud Ihe mone y ariatna from tlia erenti iii f such debt, ahnll ba applied to the iurp)ie for whiah it waa obtained, or lo repay Hit dtibta a iooniractud, and lo mi ..titer purpose whitever. Heclion In addition to tho abiva limited pfiwer Ihe atnta may enntrHct dehl to repel tnvaii.li, anpurena inanr. rruiinii, defend the ataia in war, nr a,, rnlee-.n tha pieit ouutindingind-lt d'ie-a.,1 the iiit.- but the tn nn y n. ingfiom Uiee ntriiclina of auch dabia aliall be applied lo uo other purp. , whntever. Section 3. Kxei pt the debt above apeerlNl, In aeetlona one and two if Ihia nrllrln, nn deU wliutwuc aliuU bu erenle.1 by, c on behnll" of the atnle. Ho'tbai 4. Ti pruviile Tie Ihe pnyment of tha proaent doM,ai,d any additi mat drhl eiintrafjt'Nl an unirniH), the lef allure aliall, at Ita firat teaaiini. afier the nd itioii of U arncndinia, ereaia a aii,kina fund, whir-h rh;tl be' airnient lo pny the eecrticing intereat on aueh debt, and annully t'i lalnce the prradnl th-Teiif hy a nnrn nut. lt-ia thuu tw,i hundrudand Coy tliouannd dniiaia; which anil:. ing fund shall ennaiat ia the net amiunl incvirna of tije public woilfi, from litre lo time oMned by Ilia atHie, nr the proceetta iif Uia aula of tha antna, or any purl thercif ami of the income ol proceed! of snle of tu:ks owned by Ihe atate, together wiih other fundi, or reannree, th.-it inn y be denignuted hy taw. The anid ainking fund mny be merenad, fioin lime lo time, by flAfigning lo it any part nf the t:ixea, ,-r other revetmeii if the elate, n'l re quired for the ordinary and current eapeiincn of govern, tlienl, nnd utdeu in enne of arnr, invtiRion ol iitMUrreetion, no nai t of the auld anikine fund ahnll he nned or ftpplieil oiherwiae than in extingniehmeut of the putilie debt, un til iheam uut of aurh dcbl ia reduced llow lha aum of five millions of d'lllma beelion fi. The credit of ttie commonwejillh fhnll n-t in any miiiuor, or event, ba pledged, or loaned lo, eny in dividual. ciuiaiiy. eotponition, or aesocintion; nor ahull lha e-inininveDlth here:ifteea joint owner, or stockholder in anv c iniaiiv. ns vintion. or enrporntior. Action U. The coiriinon wealth ahall nut aimime the debt, or any pnjt thereof, ui'nny c mnty. eity. tiorough, or township j orot'nuy eorg iretiou, or nsa-icinlim ; nult-ss such debt shall hnve been eontreeted to ennhle Ibe stein to rertel inr.iaMn. sn;piesa d-nrenttc inurra ti'Hi, deu-ud it self iu time of wnr, or to assist tn etu'e in the discharge of any portion of ila present indebtednepe. taction 7. The legislntnre ahall not agthorixa any coun ty, eiiy, b,trongh, township, or ineorpornted district, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to hecme a s.or:kh-dder in anv contnsny, assist inn, nr eorpornlion; or to nittsitt money f .r. or lonn ioi credit to, any eorpoia- uiui, uaucnuiu.1, insiiiution, r psriy. SKCC1ND A.MEXDMKNT. There aliait ba aiiadditlonal urtiele to.ssid eunstitatioti, lo be designated as article XII, as followa: AKTICI.K XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county uhn le fttvirVd hj-n line roil. tie olTovf' r teiitd tt in nopohtinn, Mttht-i to form a new cuntv nr tdhrrwiHf.) witbtxi the expretnnvriH if iuch c.tuity. by a vote ot thf rlei t'r tiiire'i ; n'r biwii nny new county br estaMithtJ, ecuUiiitiiig lea thai) Iuc huuUrnl iquaie mi lei. THIRD AMENDMENT Fran aection two of tlir. firat nrtirle rf t1i rmratituti'm, ntnke out the worila, u( the city ut' Philruieipntii, unit il' each county reaprftivt ty fr nn rctin fu'e, anniaarticlr utrik-e cut the worda, 'of Philml lhin And of the kevernl nouulu-a;' fr-'iu ifttrm afven, anme urtiele ntiikci'Ut the w-rda, "neithrT the cry nt Philadelphia iir nny." and insert in hru thereat' the w Tria, 'anl no;" dihI strikeout a-cti m four, Miue articlet and in liau Uiaieuf inaeit the loll" win: : 'SV-cti li 4. Int1teyar on a thoiiavtirl eteht hundred and xtv-foiir, and in averr aeventh vear thereafter, ren reaen'ativea to the niimir nf mie huitdrud, ahull he appor tioned and dtitiihu:e( eutilly, tlirougtmul the atntr by distrit'tft, iu prop trtiutl lo the miinlfr nftnxulile inUaUt tail'a iu the acveral piiria 'hereof ; except thit Hiiy I'-nnty coiit-iitiinff at leat three thouaand (ie hirtdred taxubles, inny l all wl a ffraie repreaeiitali .i ; tuitiiomore ttian three tnititi ahnll be j ind, and n county ahull Ira divided, in the formation o" a dutnct Any eity contHin- lufj h 'jfiieieiit numi)er nf tiixuldfi to entitle it to at Unn Iw i repieaeututivra. shall have, a aeputnte rrnrenentHiioii anainiifd ntid ahall lie divided into convenient dintncta of r:ntit!U nia territitrv, of eqnal tnble popuL'tin aa near na mnv let each of which diatf ictl" ahull clct-t uue repreaen uitive." At Urn end of aeetion aeven. anme article1 insert tlieee : words, ' the eitv of Phiiaeelnhiii ahull le divided iuto am ffle arimt-irtiil districts, of coutifrnoua tenitorv as nrnrljr equ-il in tnxtbte popnlation as positl ; but no ward shall lie diviled iu the formation thereof " The IfffiPtlature, at its first at-ssion. after the adoprion of this amendment, aim 1 1 divide the eitv of Phikidehbia into seniiterial and representative districts in the manner above provided; each distiieta to remain un'hnnped until tho apportionment in the year one thoajand eight tdgdied und sijuy-iVmr. FOURTH AMENDMENT. To be section XXV, ArticU L The legislature ahall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, nny ehnrter of inc rporntion hereafter conferred by or under, any apit'i'il, :t geiieml law, whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citizens of the cimm"n wealth : in audi manner, however that u injustice ahull b done tu the corporiaUira. In Sbxati April II, Jfa. Reedved, Thnt thia rss-dution pasa. On the first amendment, yn 01, nny 5. On the second anendment, veus ID. tiaysf . On the third amendment, leas iit, imya I. On the f uith atnendmeut, yeas 23. uays4. Extinct from the Jo'innl. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE, Clerk. In Hodsb or PKtaiti ttjvis, ) April M, le- 6. Raaotved. That this resolution pasa. Ou the first amend ment. yeu 7:1, u;tye 24. On the second amendment, yens ti.1, n:i s aV On the third aiuenlmeiit, vena 61, iias 25 , and on f tiith amendment, yeas 69, iwys 16. Kaltmci fiojn the Juuriu). WILLIAM JACK.Clfik ffEiRKTtTa Own, Fi.c4Auril34.lb66 J A. O CTRTIN, decretory oi the Cominonweallh rirBTAT'a Orncr, I JUnirb'jrt;, June a?, lfcfi. ( Pennsylvania, ss: 1 'oeenify that theatoveand ffireilnr it true and ror te.'t copy of the original ''lies lutinu leluiie to nn amein!. meat of the loiutuniioi." ua the same remains on m this oiTice. in teaMmony whera-T I hive hereunto rt mv hund and caused to be affixed the cnl of the Stjcreury'a Office, the day an J year above written. A O CURTIN, Secretary of the Coin in on wealth. In San Ate, April 31, ircO. Ilea httto nraoninaf nmendmenta lo Lha Coosiituti m of the ConinionweaUli, being uuiirr c 'iieidciaUun. yj'i uir que si toil, Will the !cinite npree 1 1 the first amendment ? Th yeus und wiy weru tken airreenbty to the nrovi. aiona 01 the & uni'uiti( ami were aslolliwa, via ; i eaa ftitvss Urowne. Uucantew, Uresawrll. Kvnns, Ferzua n, Fuiuiik-ii. 11 c Inirrain. jumiau. Knox. I jiu. bck, ijewts, .M't'iMilm k, I'lin-, tSriieia, thuHan. 8.uther. Mrauh, Taffgurt. Waliuu, Welsh, Wheiiy, Wdkius and 1'ian, rpcHKt.-r at. Nay .Mcfcsrs Crobb, Crepg, Jordan. -McllingCT and Prntt 5. h i the question was determined iu the affirmative. On the qnestioil, Will iba Jennie agre to the second anirtidinent The yens at id HHva were taken acreenllv to the nrovi- nnii of the Const nun u and were aaiiMuw( vu i Via Messrs. Urown, Buckalew, Creaawrlt, Kvana, lloce, luuiuui, Juiitittui, Kn-x. Ijtlaiucb. Uwii. Al'dm. t , iSesicrs, hh uiiui. Souther, Strujb. V niton. Welsh. and Wilkin.. It) Nays Mcsaia. Crnbb, Fercueon. Gresr . Pratt. Phea and Piutt, 3,K-uker tt the quean on wua Geterminefl m the amrniaitve. On tbe qut-Uoii, Will the iimligree t" the third ammendmeutf The yna and nny were taken agteeably the Const i tutoa. and were s follow, vix: Veaa Measia. Uown, liuekiilew, Crabh, Creaswe!!, Evtu'S, Kergua in, KUiunkfit, Iif(i?( Ingrain, JuiiaM, J.K.luti, Kuat laiiUJiu'h, lacw s. M'c lit ib L-k, Mfilingtr, fruit, Piico tkller , tihu.iiiiii, Knjiher, ii rjut), Ttigg'.ri, Walt 'ii, Wulan, VVlieiryt Wdkinaand PluljtftSpeakar. Naa Mr. Lrc-K 1 tt-iihe qutattiou was determined u the affirmative. On theqULM)it, Will the tMti:tta agree to the fouth amendment ? Tbe ywisaud iii wofeiukrtiiarueati.y i Ux Const itu tutim, and wt rc us f.ll w, via t eus .Ucura. iiutwna, Buck uie w. Cr eea well, Evans, Ficmnkrii, H ne, Ingrain, Jiiiuiaii, Jortluii, Knox, lau Inch, lewis, M Clniuwk, Piice, Scllraa, Hhumuii,ti.tur.er Hiiauh, Wbtium, Welsh, Wbttfry, Wilkin und Piatt, b isikei 'i'd Nuys Mi wra. Cralb, Gregg, XctKmrer and Piatt 4. ho the question wna deteruoiied in the blkiutalive. J urn tl -I the 11 uae i f KtprtnUatives, April SI. IMtf. The )fttmid nnva were lakun agreeably lu the rovu sionsol the Coiistiuitimt and on the fiist iioposc awauiU utent, wee ua loikiw, vtt t Vwi Muaara. Anuvraoii, liuckua. BaJdwIu, Hall. Berk, (lc 'luing,) Ikrk, ( Vora,) Hfmburd, Uiyti. ttnyer, tit own, iliuab, Uirk.ioau. Cuklwetl, Campbell, Curly, Craig, Cruwf rd, lwtbTl, Kdmcer. F.u.kl, Koater, Getat, UuHies, ll.iiael. Harper, Hems, Uibbs, Hill, Uillngus Hippie, U'tcHub, Huuscraer, Imbrle, inghsm. lunis, Irwin, Johua, Jtthuai. laiairte, lcbi. lnng.,ker, Lovett, M'CuhaiHit. M'C.r ay, M'Cnb, Muugle, Mcueur, Miller, M Nitttonieiy, Mwhaul, N uiuienwcbcr, Orr, Pearvu, Ptitflps, Purcell, Huwaey, Reed, Ueiuhokl, Kitidle, Huberts, leheuk, 8inith,(A Icghenv,, aimin. (Caitibna )r,ualnVj. nrniug.) Hi r .uae, Ilhiiniau1 Vail, VV'twUuti, Wnght, tUaupb:u,) Wright, (Luxerue,) S&itauieriuiui and Wright bpeiiker 7'i. Nays Messrs. Augustine, Barry, Clover, Cobnurn, Dot k, Kry, aulto, tiuykwd, Oibbouey, Hn mi lion, Hau tk, Housekeeper, Huitekcr. Leueunug, JVJgej, Mauley Moms, MutKina, Pntterara. aSnbalwry, hniitli. (1'hilkulel uliw ) Waller, Wimrorie and Vearaley M. Ho tha queatiiai was deter uiiued lu lauVmativ. On the queatiitn, NVill the H iuBO aura lo the eeeond amendment The yeaaand uaya were taken, and wereaa f -llow, vis Yeas Measra. Aiuleisoa, Uaekua. Bulkwin. Ball. Bevk, (Lyaomutg) Beck, (York,) Beriuwrd, Boyd, Brown, Urusfa Hu4-Imihiii. CaklweU, CaiupbeH, Carty, Craig, r susoUl, Poster. G-tB, H sines. UamaL llanteT, Heine, lliboe, Hi if, IliUi.ah.aa U ...L. Li.. I U i ...!.., .a. ' w.iiv,w u')rii, aaaa.kivaiii, iiuawtam a laaiia iiiajiiriiii, lmia, Irwin, Johm, Johnem, lepote, Lottgakar, Jwt, M0lmofil, M'CartbyMiComh, Maugle, Uwteai IsiUef. Montcoaaerv. Munthearf. Namasttachar. Orr. fej. BosHPunwtL Haesens Reeti, Rescdsusd. K Masks, Roberta, renk,aaith . AtlsfbaMy,) aHrteae, VaiWks,, Wngks fLailaase; iUavssj.a eAd Tf1fSj teewfcws- Tsnyn Mem a. Awrine, llorry, vet, Eiiing'ti F-7 rulit u, rtij.,,t on-ii uy, it ii.il, it, hmu -k, limits I.eiaiMiiir.ji. jVi ag ., nmy, ft? nia, Mu t.nr, I ms-ta n, I'h l,.s,i-ii. iBtmry, Smith (.tmUn ,) Tti a.i, 'n. WiUar, w i..it.iie, V-riula (l.f.0! l;u. s.rd Yivrelwy HI. ' Ihp qr.eMiuii waa dy.umli.td Ui tbe nflirmflite. On ilia qtitation. Will ihe MraimNttreetn the third amendmetitt yij'1 nil' wweiuaeii, and war feJ fllow, YeasMeaaAi. AtrlefWAt, RarVus, Hs'd win, RaB.Perk, fLvtv inin?(4 llrk (York.J Uurnbanl, Huyd, Boyer, Hr wn huclianaii, Caswell, Campbell, Cnity, Craig, CiawfhCd, Kdiiiar, PttmvlJ. Foster, Frv, OVjs, Uninea, Hiimel, Il trprr, Ileina, iltbba, ITiU. lliilrina, llmuie, Hole wb, U -uikjoci pw, .ralma, Inghnm. Iimia, Wm, J-u.s Jot,n-r.ftp-tr, tAhtt, IHtgaker, Love it, M'Culinont, M' Comb, MauRlft, ftfenear. Miller, Montgomery, Nunne timcher, Oir, Puniaiai, rhels Purcell, Rnmaey, Heed. Ktddle, tjhcnk, mith, (AUcgbmy,) Hoitlt (Oambrm,) Pinith (l.ycomiiijr,) Thiimpnni, Whalhw, Wriuht. (Data pbin) Wncht (Luxerue) and Zimmeiman 4. ,Nna Meaara. Utirry, Clover, Cnbourn, loek.Powdill, Fultnn, Oaylf.nl, Oihlwney, Hmnillon, Hancork'. Huneker Leiseiirnifr, M'Canhv, Mnpee, Mnnlev, Moorehad. M.wiia, Patterson, Kviuhold. Hobt.rta,8nlfaburv( Walter, Wiutrode enraely nud Wright, Speaker try. o the quest iuti was determined in the affirmative. On the q-iesiittn, Willtha II iim ngre to tbe fourth amnmlmettt ? The ycflattud imva were tn ken, and wr aa l 4Uw, it YausMuwre. AhdiTB-n,Hti kus. II ill, llerk (L)-c -mina: Berk (York,) llernhnrd. lioyd, Boyer, Hr.m-n, Um-h, Huehnnm, Culdwell. Campbell, Corty, Craijr, Ciawford, J)owda, Kdinifr, Fawsold, Knatt fty, Cctx. llaincl, Ibiriwr, Iluinf, tibl( Hill, llii:.is, lildts U.-lcomli, II tus-keeper, Uudeetker, Inibr.e, Intiia, lrwiiu Johna-ii, Lnrotte, J.ob.1, Irfaifffik'-r, Lovett, M'Cultnnnl, M'Cnrthy, M'Conib, Maugle, Mefienr, Milloi, MonUTonieiy. IMnor-h'-i d, IVuiuieniwicr, O r. Peam-i, hi ipe, Pnreeil, Pnm sty, Hrd. KeinholJ, RMdK Hoborta.Slitnk. Smith (fiiim. bru,) SmiOi (Wyoming.) Thompufn, Vail, Walter. Whal !., Vriht (I.uxerno Yearaeiy. Ziinmeriiiaiiand Wright Sp'-oker Nfive-rMear. Harry, CI Trrr, CeHonm, Fiilton, Gtlbrt ny, Hntnei, IlancK'k, Muucker, Iturham, Leiaenrmfr, Mn ffee, MauKyt Morris, Putters m, Baliabury and VVi.trodo 16. So tha question wna diter mined in the affirmative. SBraxTABT Orfirr. Ilariittbmg, Jane 27, lb;0. Pennsylvania, it. I do beteby certify IhaMbe nlove am rTe(r'ting ia a true and eotrert copy of the "Yeas" and SNay " tnken nn the Pwaolnti -n proposing autrnrlmenta to th Contitu tfou nf the Comuionwenlth, na the anme nppeara tn the Jouinalsof the two I! x . f the General Assembly vZ nis uomm'nuveann lof iiieaessioi J 1 Witnea mv band and L.(. twentv-aveiith dav of Ji ) hundred and fifty-six. lyciiiiii 'tiwrmin iftr ine session oi irou. anal if ain office, thin June, une thousand eight A G CrRTlV. Secretary nf the Cummonweuhh. July 13, l&fl. P J 10 C J j A M ATI 0X7" jV OTICE is hereby given lliat tlin aprernl Court of Common Pleas, Gcncriil Quarter Sessions of the pcarr, and Oprliaus' ('ourt. Court of Oyer and Terminer mid dVneral Jail Delivery, in and for the county of NorlliuinlKrlitiiil, to commence at tlie Court IKusr, in the liorouijli ol Sunbury, nt 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monuuy, t!i 4th diiy of August uoxt, und will continue TWO WEEKS. Tiie coroner. Justice of tlie Peace nnd ronata lile in and for the connu uf Nortliumlierland, are requested to be then ami there in their proper per sona, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do thoe things to their several ollicca apperlaining to bo done. And ull witnesses prosecuting In behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper peraona to prosecute against him, ua shall be juat and not to depurt without leave at their peril. Jurvra arc requested to he punctual in their attendance, at tha tints appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 1st day nt March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and filiy-six and the Inde pendence of the United State of America the 79th. God save Hip Cnmmmiwpallh. HENRY WKIsE. Sheriff. patevi' wficii, Giictsi:. rrtlllS Grease is recommended to the notice of JL Wagoner. I.ivcry ."itubl keepirs. Ac. a being Scrnuioii to anj thing of the kind ever in tioducrd. Aa ii dor not gum upon ihe rules ia much more durable, and is not HlTectrd by the weather, remaining the aame in dimmer in winlcr, and put up in tin canisters at :)? and CSJ wim, for aale by WM. A. UKl'NEK. June SI, I806. . . . . , Summon! in Partition. No. 61, August T. 1850. Martin Weaver, ") I fnmmona in William McCarly, William Partition. Shannon it Rachael his wife. J Northuialjerland County, ss. The Commonwealth of J'ennsiilvmixa to tie Sheriff of Xorthutitbtrland County, Ukkktino : I F Martin Weaver make you secure of pioas " culing hia claim then we command you that you summon by good and lawful ruinmoners William MiCartv and William Shannon nnd Rachael his wile, late of your county, so llint they be und appear I'chVe our Judges at Sunhury, at our County Court of Common Pleas, there to be held the first Monday of August next to how wherefore, whereas. Martin Weaver and the aforesaid Willijm McCarly, William Slum non and Rarhael hia wile, together and undivi ded do hold nil that certain piece, pnrccl tenement and Tract of I. and, situale in Coal towuThip, in aaij county, containing Seventy Acrea er there-ali.nit.-'. hmiudeil by l.iihls i.i'W or lale of l.mlivig Guk, Martin Gass, John ltri.ly and others, li e same Wiliiaai McCarly, William Shannon and Rachuel hi wife, partiiion thereof between ihem to lie made acoordiug lo the law and cusioma of thia eoiuiuonwealtli iu aueh rase made and piovi.led. And the same be done as will not permit injustly and contrary to the Una. ami customs, and to the ataluea aforesaid ua is taid, &-. Witnesa the Honorable Alexander Jordan. President of oursnid Court at uutmrv, thia l'Jlh day of June, A. 1). I "Mi. JIM I.N S. UEAKU, Hep. Prolh'y. rrothouotury'a ntTice, ) Sunhury. June SI, IH.SO. Ct FLOUR. FEED & GROCERY STORE. CHARLES GARIXGER, ESP1XTFUI.I.Y informs the ritizena of Suuburv and the neinhhiniiiir country 1h.1i he Ii ns purchased the Grocery Store iu aler street, in the rear of the wharf, recently kept by Wtiee & Clement, and that lie has just replen ished his stork which he will sell at reasonable pricea. He will keep a constant supply of r luur. (.ruin and r eeJ. llreail. Pixh nntt Cheeae, Hams, Shoulder and Herring, ('ntli e, Sugar and Molasses, leas. Dpices and Fruits, Nuts, Confecliuiiariea of all kinds, li.i.iW and Shoes, Ladies Gaiters, Mi-ri and Children'a Shoes, also Queenswaie, Ccdarware, Haidware and Notions, &c, A.c. Citizens are reoueted to send J11 their nnlera for Flour, Feed and Groceries and he will de liver them nroperlv. Sunbury, June 14, 1850 tl mTAINSOOK, lJixli.ii Lawn, Cumhric Mu- lin, Jacanett, ltonk Muslin, Plain and dot- te I Ham, Curtain M usliu, CordrJ Uimity and UonnctCoid. l or sale bv e. y.'uRK.irr son. May SI, ' BS6 VTMJLK&i.EKVEH, Cheinisettef. Crotchet CJ anil Mtedle Worked Collara, Flouncing, 'I hre id l.aces. Inserting and A-wiss Edging. I or .le hy E. V. U RIGHT & SON. Mav 31. 'SC. 'I'ObaCCO and ScgarS SO.Otll) Imporbd -- Sega r a of varioua tiranda. Eldorado, Fig. t'avenduh and fine cut tobacco at WM. A. UK UNE ITS. Sunbury, May SI, IS'16, yjAll.H, apikea, hammered and horse ahoe nails, canal shovela, picks, grub boea and mason bainniwr lor aale hy May 8 I'M E. Y. BRIGHT & ON. Srstlie, grain, English ind German j' brier cytlie and anealha for aale ' May 81 '6. E. Y URIU4' 80.. Ctationery.A Urge f. Not 3 Paper and Enelop' Wo1u""n- Leuer, and Cap P.per, r.n. 8,,Ji May 81, '68. w. A. UKLNt.R'a. PURE OL.''10"' ''0, tW "-Tr o.i JiOtl enu ioat rreaived by ,l87 WM.1.B.U.NR, ,1.'H rcocLAiar it to tiie people! Ira T. Clement AY). I, CORNIilt OF MMiKEt SQUARE, SAVS cpoIy, ho'dly and deliberately, that he cad of Dry Coot'a Merchant of Munlnirv. tie ahall eoniinim to aeil iry tjooui and i-ru- eenrrt CJlEAPER than crer, In good arc bought cheap they will be aold cheap. Ho ferl confident with hi experience and ability, that he can compete with the World at large and Sunbury in particular. He would enumerate artich a if time and paco would permit but aa any COUNTKR-JUMPINH NOVICE can do that he will leave it to lha verdanl nd umnuiateit, it la enough tojwy that he ha every, thing in ihe line of Dry Good?, Groceries, U00TS AND SHOES, jc, $-c, that i kept In ny other itore in town, anil Ills banner la on tho brcoI. . Anil long may it Ways O'er land of Uiefreo, And tliehnnie nf the brave While her Stars and her Stripae Bliine oul like the Sun, Telling all nations Thnt Freedom's bcfrnn. . This ia a free country or at least will be so when all are free, therefore it ia free for ull to do their trading where they can IJUY ho CHEAP EST regardless of the cross and sour lookn of old fov merchants. All are invited to call and ace. TI1K COUNTRY, r: veil ai the town are respectfully invited, and ever? erson, rich or poor, hijjh or low, bund or free u.-e invited to cull. Come one come all ond stop your s;eed, I have g'XKls enough fur ull ia need ; Tlia boya themselves ure nt their posts, And they alnue e:m supply a kust. Over other uWrrs in the town Tlies-i arnne biys have win renown, For selling the Cheapest unit the best, And selling more than nil the rest. Hurrah, Hurrah ! O'er bill and plain, Accept my thanks and call ogaiu ; Among om iie-surlnleul you'll u!uuya Cad, Gt'Otis to Ci und picaie tho iniuJ. We've oa hand and ulwaya willing, To tell inn g His and emu a shilling, S'i hxld yinr luirscs and come this wny, Wo shall he g!;id tj see you any day at No. I Markket Square, opposite the Court House, P. S Ho wishes it disiinclly understood, that he U not to be undersoil! by nny man or combina tion of men. No charge for show ing goods. All kinds of produce tuken in exchange fur goods. Sunbury, June SI, 1 850. NOTICE S S hereby Riven that letter of administra 1 tion have been granted to the undersigned, in the estate of Sarah Wt ntzell, late of Jordan 'I mvnahip dee'd. All person indebted to suiil estate are requested to make paj ineht, and n 1 persons liavinar claims against aaid estnto will present them uulv authenticated for settlement. JEREMIAH WOLF, Adm'r. cum testamento anntxo. Jordm tp., June 28." 1850.- 6t Citrate of Magnesia OR TASTELESS SALTS. "M1I3 preparation is recommended 01 an ex- - ru'llenl Invntiv nn.l ntirnlir.. Tt mildly, is enlirely free from any unpleasant tasie resembling lemonade in llavor, prepared and sp!d WM. A. BKUNEIL Sunbury, June 5 1, 1850. V aillllt llCUIIt. A fresh assortment i st received by WM. A. DRUNEK. June 21, IttfO. J. 11. j.ni:s, Justice of the Peace. MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. All business piomptly attended to. Moiii collected and all ordinary wri'inss done. Mount Carmel, Juno I t, 185G. ly I?OAU AXES, hand axes, adzes, hatchets, hammers, chisels of all kinds, squares, saw s, saw setis. augurs, pluncs, plane bits, files, com pusses, acrew drivers, braco and bitts, hand vicea, lieels, spirit levels, tapo lines, drawing knives, monkey wrenches, nippera, plveri, aprina; callip per., pinchers, oil stones grind atones, cranks uii. I fixtures, ciii.eland augur handles for aale by May 31 '5ti. E. Y. lilUUHT & bO.N. rI.C'lv. hlDai.J brown c!oth. jilain and fan ey cassimerea, Kentucky jeans, satlinetts, airipeil roatiug, duck linen, tweeds, grenadine silk, silk velvets, pluid and lieured vesting, for sale by K. Y. BltlUHT & SO.N. May 3!, ISiiO. NOTICE. nnillE American Executive Committee of Morthumbeiland County, will meet in Sun huiy, on Monday the 4th day of AiiRUt. 1850, al 10 o'clock, A. M A general atiendauce ii requested, a business of importance will be tiun-ucled J. W. WEEKS, Chairman. F. U. Potts. Secretary. May 31, IS5G t la WASHINGTON HOTEL, NORTHUMBERLAND, PA. C. S. -BOWICT, Proprietor. Norih'd, June 7, IS5C. Cm. V OTICE ia hereby Riven that application will ma,le to the next leeislalure 01 reniiv !. nia, nt the aession of l."7, l'.r ti.e creation of a corporate bn.'y will) hankin; and diseouniinj privileges, to be called the "Shamokin 1Uk," locuted at Hhamokintowii Northumberland Co.. Pa., with a onpiial atock of fKiO.OUO. wilh Ihe priwlcge of increasing the same to $3UU,0ti0 if neressary. Shamokin. June 14. laKfl. R:n NOTICE Is heieby Riven that letters of Administration to the ralate of 1 homes Updegralf late of Point township, Northumberland county, de ceased, have been granted to the subscribers, All persona indebted to aaid estate, are requested lo make payment without delay, and all hating cliims, to present them in proper tor in tor seitle. menu SARAH UPDKCRA FF, Adm'trix. WILLIAM OSMUN. Adm'r. Point township. Julie 21, 18AC Gt 1 AWNS, Hull' C'harulHaa, Chilli, Alpaca Q J Papliu. Silk Lustre, llelams. Aints, Do- heges. It aretes, 1 issuea, Ulack ami Fancy Silks, Scotch, Lancaster, French and Kuglialt CJinj hams. Just recti ved by E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, Mav 31 1806 Cl;M-p'HifT of all kiiKla. door and table Oil J Cloths and oil hilce of Ihe latest si vie for sab by Ji, Y. BRIGHT V St).. MTl'7ealin anj Fancy Itin'wn. ilk. Voratoi and Linen Braid, Mohuir Head 1 lr...- afills flbMd Mlrwliiona f'.M.ik bruidvded and Flourishing Thread. For sale hy E. Y. BRIGHT aVBO.N. May 81. Iflno. IVllll Fupr-t splendid lot just ' and fur aale bv received I. VV. IMLI1 ot Sunbury, JuneI, 1856. LB ROWN'8 and Breinie Essaoa of Cln;er, and Husband's MaoisaM ai M.y!,'. SKCNIRti. Mri ' j 1 '"',i,H' " erit-jr in a, a a utcu-enrir coat rut in 1 A ''be bnrniti nf tha I. - D 1.' nP"l OH! -II Ja 1-Rr.A 1 l mi. , M...L .mi in "if ! . j A?"1"1"" llarrii pm, a;' ",!.-; B"'k"i -l.dward e.,l-,,A!,CTr ' ' I n.ins fr nesrly r'." 1 ''"- K pr-nrin e-nelus.ycly 'v. r"' always oJaime.1 f.ir thl,weJl" Bros Sb,Miri.ritv fiver all ffv 'lefr nnw known. ''riiiee In lhse fira . flia tlRnRlNOim SAFE, stmi-t; hysnl with ih 'se artveriisitt aa "warranted toaimid? per ent. more fiie than Hrrriiit's," enine hirth tha a k'riwlerttfrtrl viuioi not enly preserving- thflr enutenis In rxrelli-nt order, Imi Irfinir tlmmsclyrs in a Bond item to go throueh nnothnr nrrtenl, whils the trtsleil 8otnmnnf1e s',.l other m ikers aie badly used op tn every mtlance. mvi In Siinie enscs Iheii e:lire e-'lilnnls eomplelRly cjefltrnyc!. i'o lh pulilic we nnM simply any, thro, Ortrinr lite yrnrs Ihe llerrine'a Pnfe has titcn bef ire Ihem. muTr o-m, two hnnrirea hnve psssed Ihroiii-h aceidKiital flics wulmuk thn rmciirreneo of a slnrlo lo. Wi wciihl, therefore, einlin fnT'liaii s ernlnst l toisrepreneiiinii'in nf i'tlcrested fijriiiss. 'I'ha ilerriua'a t'ater.t is tha nnlr I ir-proof rnfe innda in this nty which is prnteeird lv a rnfsnt Hiy.ht, and we will nsr autee it to rrrist more than doable tha amount of haul of any other Safe now known. rarrel & Ilorrlnrr, Sole Manufarturrrs in this Suit of "IICCRISC'S PATENT CIMINGX SAFES," 31 Wahid St., I'hilada. N L' "F.rana A Wntsr.n'a linprnvcd (alamon.hirs." 'Oliver Kvan's," "C. J. Otirler V and Si .tl's A.lirt.is." Iron C huts, (11 Innrenos-trtiix'tit havitie, lieeu taken lu 'Sit p.ynient lor llerriiiaV) will be aold at low plicea. I'lilia., June 21, 10 . ly. CAEIIIAGE & WAGON" MANUFACTORY. TiHE aulisciiber respectfully informs his fiiends " and tlie public genernily that he has taken the new Miop of Mr. II. Peter in Doer Slreela. near the Lutheran Chu-ch, where he is prepared to make U order all kinds of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. ROCKAWXYS, HEAVY AMI LKillT WAliONS, WHEELBARROWS, AC, in short everything in hia line. The siibscriber thanks his fiiends for tluir former liberal pa'ron- rgo ond hopes to merit a cintinuance of it in future. Repairing of all kind dune in the Lest and most expeditious wanner. SAMUEL 8. GOBIN. Sunbury. June 21, 1H5H 3in Notice lo Tax-Payers. "Vn,riCE is hereby given lo Ux-pavprj of iSorlhmnherland County, that all those pitying their Slate Tax fificen day prior to the lirst days prior 10 the first day cif August next, will be allowed live renf PHILIP REXX. FREDERICK H A As. CIIAS. IIOTTENbTlKE. Commissioners. Office, ) Sunbury, June 14, 1S50. J Colli niissiniicrs. SHEAFF Ss BLACK, nikkii ATn siurrtiis or VEUS ASH ANTHRACITE COAL, From Ihe Big Mountain Colliery SHAMOKIN, NOKTll'D COUNTY, PEN.VA. Address Si.ealVi Bluet. Sunburv. or Sh. mokin, Pa. Sunbury, May 54, 1850. tf To Builders & Carpenters. The subscribers are a Ren Is for tho as!e of Doors, Window Minds, indow Shutters, and all sizea of Window tsash, all of which we oiler at the lowest pricea. May 3i Vi6. E. Y. B RIGHT & SO.V. A. J. CONRAD. HOLLOWING RUN. E?PECTFI'LLY informs the public that Jfi.6t i;c has purchased the Store recently kept by .1. R. KaulVinan, am) that he lias replenished the tame by an excellent assortment of IS'ew Goods jut rcei-ivcd Irom Philadelphia, which he will sell on ternia as reasonable as any other establishment. His assortment consists in pait of v CLOTHS, CASSIMERE8 & SATTINE TT.. Summer Ware for men and boy, allatyles and price Iadaos Dress Giootls. Consisting of Black bilks, Merinos, Alpacas, Do Lsines, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, Tiim minps, & c. Alsoairesh supply of GROCERIES of a.'.! kinds. HAHLWAHE end QTJEEICSttAHE, Cei'arware, Biooins, &c AUoalarce nssort meiit of Boots and Shoes, puitahle lor Men Wo men and Children. Hals and Caps. Silk KaU. and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. All the above named s.ock of goods will he sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the higliost market price. Hollowing Eur., June 14, 1830. 1 7 XTE"W confectionary! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GE A11II ART, 575TAS just received a new and excellent assort. M ment of j-oods at his Conleelicnary and Fruit Siore in MARKET STREET, Smiburv. where he lnauufaciures ui:d Weeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Cniitectioiinry, Ac, Wholesale and KrUil, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stuck of C'onleclionarics, may be found : French Sprrei. llurnd A!aioi.ds, Cr-'uni hile, ' bciiion Koar, " Vnn.lla. Cuinmou tetftcfa. Liuvitce, CumTlrops. otlkm,!of icenl, f.ove Prors, Mini llr.ips, red and white, Jellv ("nkrse piuit Ilrnps, Puck Oaiitiies, o( si) tcerita H'-k Cnn tv. A hn aid Cundy, eeuit. P.insnas, llsiea. Cairruuis dlied, rnu.es, I'isn. 1.1:11 Aiiuwl.-s, Itaisons, Nuis of ail kind LKMOX SYHUr of a superior qualilv, by the siiiL'le or doion. A superior quality of thenars and Tobacco, und a variety of Oonl'ectionaries, fruil, &c, all of nhich is onered cheap al whole.alo or retail. IOE CREAM. He haa hlo opened an ce Cream 8aIoon. anil will at all times be reaJy to tcrve his custonmra with Ice I.' ream. Sunbury, May 21, 1S35 ly GEORGE SCHALL & CO. M4M,KACTl'KtK or BLASTING POWDEK, Mt. CarmtL, JVorthuBiberland County, Pa. May 10. 1&A6. SIEliM, fish, tanners, flaxseed and pine Oil, puinta, g!ak, putty, eopal varui.li, spts. tur penline, fluid and paint brushes for aule by May 31. '.16. E. Y. bKIGIIT A bOX. iyDI!OLEUM PAIT8.-Thesc psinl.ara mixed with water, thereby saving tbe cost ui on. lor saie ny May 81. '66. WM. A. ERUXER. pORTaml MADERIA WINES, fchieJurn Scunuppa, Wild Cherry brsndy, Blackberry and Lavender brandies for medicinal purpose al May 31. '50. Y"M. A- liKl'.M'.K. P'iahing Tackle. R.l Cork. Grs. Cot. ton and Linen Line, Out Lines, tea Giata hy the yrd, Snood a, Flie. Kirby, Limerick nd Carlisle Hooks, Rod, 4a. final bv May 31, '66. WM. A. UBL'XER. CAWR Saws 8par aodr Jackson' hand, pannal, rip, oouipaa. tenant brae bark, fraaiine. circular, croa eut ami mill r,.. " "7 X. UtA I trON I . I r. . . . .