"AtJ AND CCSTFORT," T Your Own Mechanic Wiliinson h Benn, Respeetftilly annrmtwe that they hae taken the . etaoii lately ocrupwd by lieorfre Rrnn, where ? they ere prepared to manufacture ell kinds of : FJpRmTVRB AND CHAIRS ..-V Of tiie moit Fashionable Style. ....TpHE evbacriliers respectfully mil th attcntioi of the public to their larn end splendid as sort meet of awry quality and price ef ; : CAniiKT-w a 11 rc r Which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on accoant of ft durable , workmanship and splendid finish, made up of tlie best stock lobe had in the' city. No effort it "spared In tlie manufacture of their ware, n the .subscribers are determined to keep up with the msmy linproreniente which are constantly being made. Their (tuck consists of Mafiogany ... ,8ora, DH niiM and l,otingr . x Bureau, Secretaries, Sideboards, S0F1, BREJKFJNT AND l)INI0 TABLR and also VENETIAN BLINDS, euual to Phi! a- - delphia manufacture. UEDSTEAD8, of every pattern and price CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE .. . STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EJiT EN! ION TABLES, - In short, every article In this fine of their business. They alio manufacture all kind and qualities CHAINS. ticluding varieties never before to lie had it Sunbury, uch at Maiiuoakt, Black Waikui auii CrnuKB Matlk OntciAX ; mn Winsns CHAIRS, Atn rAMct Pisxo Stools, which are of the latent styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere, f The stibscriliers are determined that there shall be ne excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence con be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chnirs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms aa they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce tnken in payment for work. W UNDERTAKING. Having provided themselves with a handsome HsAasii, they are now prepared for Undertaking, Mid attending fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this plncr. O"" The Wore Roun is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver' Hotel. WILKINSON & EENN. . Sunbury, March fl. 185C. tf. Now Wholesale Drug Store. IT. SPEWCEH THOMAS. No. 86 South, Kecoud Street, Philadelphia. IMPORTER, Manufacturer and Dealer, in Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Dye stud's. Faints. Oils. Colors, White Lead, French and American White Zirc, Window Glass, GHsswares, Vamuher, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, Whole Spices, and all other ar ticles usually kept by Druggists, including Bo rax. Indigo, Glue. Shellac, Potash, Ac, 4C. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchants are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the Wharves or Railroad stations. Price low and goods warranted. March 8, 1856. ly rLATFOItifl ftSJAI.U' kF every description, suitable for Rail Rout's. Sr., fur weighing Hav, Cosl, Ure and ?1erchandii-e generally. Purchasers run no risk, every stale is Guaranteed Correct, and if, niter trial, not found satisfactory, can bo returned without charge. J" Factory at the Old Stand1, estnblished for more than twenty years, corner of NINTH and Melon Streets, Philadelphia-. All BUTT & CO. March 1. Iflf.6. 3m c CAitrt".TSA.1D OIJ. ( LOTUS, At Eldritlge's Cheap 'Warehouse. The subscriber, bein in a bye street, is under very low tent and lifcht expenrcs. which enable kirn to sell at the VERY LOWEST PRICKS. Merchants visitina Philadelphia, and wishing to buy Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matliiir, &c., will do well to call and examine ris stock of Beautiful Imperial 3-plv, Superfine, Fvns and Medium Ingrain, and ( arptlt enclian of all kind And OIL CLOTHS of ell widths in great Yftrietv. Also, MATTINGS of every kind ond various widths, together Willi a general assortment of low-priced Ingram Carpels, and Etitiv and Stair Corpets, Hearth-Rugs, Door-Mats, Table Covers, Floor Cloths, Rait Carpus, Cotton Car pcu, &c. H. H. KI.DI'.IDGE. No. 41 Strawberry Street, One door above Chesuut, near Second St. March 15, 1856 3me Philadelphia. New WalL Paper Warehouse. BURTON & WANING, Manufactures and Importers, No. 124 Arch Street, second door obove Sixth, Philadelphia. WHERE may be found the largest and Lain! somest xaortiHent in the City, Purchasers from the country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, whers they will be suited with a superior article, at the lowest prices. BLR l'UN & L A MN G. Nn. I'.4 Arch Street, abovo Sixth, Phila. February 8'.t, 1853. lime Premium Improved SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. THE ONLY 8tLVF.lt MKDAI. Vet awarded l y Agricultural Soeit ties was given to this Suierior Article. at the lust Pennsylvania State Fair, at Hnrrisbure. as a fertilizer of the best quality (or Wheat, Corn, Oats. Grass aud Potatoes, liuiwii'; heavy crops, and ireut!y im proving the soil. The subscriber respectfully informs fartners and dealers that he is prepared to suu,.lv the Sprinir demsArl at the old pries. ty HiKN'TS WAJS TOD. A liberal da count allowed. ALSO. No li Peruviun and Mcxiean'fiuauo. Poudieite and Land Planter. Oils, Caudles, Soap, &.c, of the best ijuality, at lowest ma'kcl rates. JNO. L. POMKROV, 9 and 10 Spilth M'hureet. btlow Market Stretl t'Ull-AUm.l'lilA. iT Farmers ea- load on two private ellers, and avoia the crowded Wharf, March 8. 1856. 3inc. ATT02KEY AT LAW, SUNIIURY, PA.. Aided'. by souie cifht veais experience in tin practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to all matter appertaining to or wit! in the line of his profession. Ofhce with Charles J. Uruner. L'nip, Market street. Suntury, Sept. 15, la5S, tf ' Dissolution of Partnership. HOTICE is boreby given that the partrlrr'hip X heretofore existing between Sam'l A Ilerj strcsecr 4 J 110. Iloli; in thu .Mercantile biuideji at Jlysburc, has been diseolvej by mulual cou-atnl- , 8AM 'L A. HURCS-TRE86EB ) JOHN HL'FF. j Tbe azxounu of the late firm will be settled by H. A. Uergntressor who will continue tbe bu siness at the 1 tJ ttand. H. A. BtRCSTBXSSSa. JClvsburg, April 13, lib, JOHNSON & BKOTIIEB, CABINET MAKERS, No. Vi XorlU tUcotul eiireet, firtt door above Christ C'uuich, Fhih.lelphia. iriKRPOXS in want f Bureaus, TaUes, Sofas, Chairs. Srdsieads, end every variety of tioaarhohl fuiniiure, would do well to rail, as those alleles are made up in the beat lcj nj twU al Dm lowest price. REMOVAL. CHARLES MA OA ROB k CO. HAVLVO REMOVED FIIOM NO W COMMKUCK8T. TO U1 SuthWtt Cor.ofSiK'A on J Carpenter Sts. ' ; , PHILADELPHIA, BEO to call the attention ef Purchasers to , their eaten sive assortment of Paper, and Paper Makers' Materials ( Printing Papers (oi Bock and News. Water leaf, sized, uncslleu dered and callemlered. of all qualities and pricei, always on hand t Hardware and Manilla Papers, Trunk Boards, binders' Boards, Hanging Pspers 4c, 4-c. ., 1 , )': ,t : .... -. , Particular attention is Invited to their exten sive assoitinent of , N .-. , , LEDGER PAPERS, , ,,'y Frpin tht most Celebrated Manufactorit in .? tht Omitiry. a Among; their WRITING PAPER STOCK may bo found 1 Com. Note, ", Fclio Post ", . Atlsutic Note, Thin Medium, Bath Post, Demy, QunrtoPost, JuW.lum, Fool s Cap, ' " ' ' ' Roval, '" Flnt Cap, "' Sup, ' Imperial. Hoya!, Plate Papers, of every itrsrriptioti, rite and quality. Map Papeis, in reitt variety. En vrlopo Papers, while, huff, iind gold, either 'Initl or wove. Colored Tapers, fine glazed, and 'other varieties. i Maii'ifiottirera are invited to exnrr.lne their stock ot liflRS, Foreign and Domestic. Wench ing Powdervof approved oramls : Mum, ground or crude; S:il Mode, Soda Ash Felting, Wire Cloths. Ultramarine, and Puper Makers' Mate rials generally. VW They are also prepared to take Older nl odd sizes am) weights of any of the above descrip tion of Papers. " ' ' January S6, 1850 Crrto EARTHEH WARH. 'TB'HE subscriber respectfully In'orms the citi B. tens f Sunbury and Ihe public generally, that he has commenced the luanufucture of all kinds ef EARTHENWARE, at his mnnnfnrtory in Whortleberry Street, one square, cut of the River.' Hj has engaged the services of Mr. Haiip, orid ydu can therefore depend on htvintr n pood article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. All orders liom a distance will be promptly attended to, - P. M. SHIN'bEL. Sunbury, Feb. 8. '1656. tf MACKEREL. CODFISH, SA LMON, HERRING," PORK, H A.MS AXD f IDES. HOULDEliS. LARD & CHEESE, Constantly on hand and for sale by J. PALMER & CO.. Market Street Whnf, PulLAIIKLVIllA. March 29, 1S5C Rm w KEYSTONE MARBLE WORKS, Market Street, p est of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. B.V. JACOBY & CO.. IMPORTERS of and dealers in the various " Foreign and Domestic .Marbh's.Siatuary.&r., have constantly on hand a larpe and select as portment ci ,Mnlles, l ornl'. Monument, J t ir J'jps. eVe., of overv desctiption, not excelled by unj in the ci'y for beauty, symmetry and finish Cabinet Makers, 1'lunibers and Marble f . ut- ters, furnished at the Bnorte r.oitcr, mill, Mm' ble of every description and pattern, whether Foreign or Domestic, ei'-her finished in thc6'lab or tltock, on the most reasonable terinn. We respectfully invite attention to our stock on hand. March 1, 18.15. 3m c MURPHY & KOONS WHOLESALE DKAI.EHS IN fisii tin s;m: & i'jjovissois, No. 47 North WHARVES, below Race Streets, I'hiladcliiliia. Keep constantly on-han.l a larre sssortiuent of FISH, CIIDESB &. PROVISIONS, whirb lliev arn iirenured o dispose of at the towest M arkel rates. Orders promptly executed. March 1, 1856. 3m w 18CC. STRING MANTILLAS 1SCG At Wholerale and Retail. GEORGE 33TJX.r7;ir ex, CO No. 174 Chesuut Street, PiuU'li'; j !i.i. ; In conneoio.'i with Cenrrje fiuhiin, .Yo 3C1 Broadway,- .Ycte York:. Are now prepa ed to supply the Trade from every section of the L'nin, with their Importa tions and Manufacturers fir the coming sensnn, compi ising nil the newest dei igns, tnun One Dollar to the must costly guiii.euU manufac tured. Merchants will find it pinch to their advantage te examine (,ur stot k prctinus to purt h isiug. Close Duyers, purchssing for Cash or Short Credit, will receive a liberal discount. C.KO. El'LI'IN & CO., .ISt Chesuut street, I'luhid'a., Hctween Seventh If Liuih sts. April 5, 1653. in w Fashionable Il'ata and Caps. ASK2Y & EOCAP, An. 130 Market it., PNFORM their friends and the public generally, that tlie v ciu.tinue to keep at their old st.uid, a lnt;e and extensive uiorl:iic:.t of hntu, cups, Ac, f;ut up ol the best nialeriul an. I ill the latesi and best l) le of woikiuaiihiiip a.id linibh. Country merchants and others will do well to call and examine bclnie purchasii.; cUcwheie. J'htla.. Ko 10, l-55 If. rH AIN PUMPS.. A small number of thes. eaciilent pumps hove Leea received and are offer' 1 for sale by II. B. MA.V8CR. Munnurv. June 4. 165. " issa BTRINO STOCK OF NEW COOPS. I'usliiriittl.lp Bilk?, full lino of thick Silks rew stylo spiinj; ShuwU, dress jroods do,. Linens cf strung fulu'ie. Muslins of Ih'-'I Imijt cloths, st'.iplo housekeeping jjuoiIh, Mcna wuar f ull the new 8tv!es. EVKE & I.ANDr.I.L. ith and Arch Xlret!.. J'iiladelJiia. V. H. Sion-ki'i'pi-rs. 1'uiiiilifs anil all tionj Nett fusil Ihiyeis nn-vo-poftfully invi ted to I'Xumiiu! this MlncU of Now GikhU Ih' foro piirt htisiti, ns we prefer m-lliug h.w, aud kclliiig' the Mole (IoihIs. rrto!'i'ki epi'r limy often find prenl jobs Tinm Auction, us vo nttend tho Auctiou sales ol New Voik nnd I'hihuh'lphin. Phila.. March 8, 156. 3ui. w a;iiislvuiklA Viie Worlltt. No. 68 Arch Street between Second aud Third, (Opposite liioad fr tit.) Sieves, hlddlcs, Screen, lloren I!Vi rf all uitfhts aud tridths. ri:h nil kinds nf pluln and fancy Wire) Work. Heavy twilled Wire for ctpurlt. (.'ntchers; foal, (Sand and (iravel Screens; Paper Mullet's Wire; Cylind.'r and Damly Rolls covured in the best manner; Wire and Wire I'tiiiing. A very euuciior article of HEAVY FOUN DERS fclLWL. All kind, of lion Wire and Sieves. DAYJ.IS8, DA KEY &. LI.NN. Phila.. March 8, l0 Hm c FOR S-AIj33 I riWO liOKbEd cbtap for rash. Ap ly to 1 j. U. MAStaCil. March 29, I8S6, IT?00' JOct- 7, BOOTS. Slioes. II au, Caps and Oum Shoes, just roeetveo ana tor ex 10 uy tea. . , ! TE3EB Ct EargTilns at the Old Etand. FXIXZiINCr & GRANT Alii! now openitir a new and very desirable slock of FALL and WI1STER Goods, em bracing an emllms variety. Their slock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cimcres, Wintet Warea for men and hoya, all styles and . ' t -prices. DRESS GOODS. ' " ' SILKS I'lairi and l'ijsirtd Plticl: ' An assortment of Plaid SiripeanJ Fiitured Fan-, cy UreM Silks at nnuaunlly low prircs, ri Shcllica, Hrares. Braze pe'Lniht, Mus. .' ! lie Lains. Lawns. Ac, INR1IAMS from 6 to 85 cents per yard. CALICOES ' 3 12J white ooons.- Cambric Jacnuetts, Swiss. Tarllon, Mull, Bold- liett. French and Swisa Lares. Kiiiiinus. Ac. Brown and bleachid Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Checks, iowlings, Talile Dinpers, c, , HARDWAEE and aUEEK5T7AHE, Cedar-ware, Hollow. ware, Iron, Htsel, Piastry , e:iit End I mli. , , , . , Also a tresli supply of ' '' , ',' KK';i'it ANI1 MKD1CINT5I. i( Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to rn-et with the approve! of our Iricnds, Ce CiH'iitry produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price ' ' Siilibury, Nov 3. 1S55. ly, , .-.'l -.: ; v.; (.rout At'ilviM of . Fall and Winter Goods ! , ,Y IRA T. CLEMENT NFOIJMS hi9 friends and customers that be jiitt received a:i elegant asHovtinent of TALL AND WI'VTES, GOODS !! At his Store in Maruct Street, Huubiiry, which e oilers to the public at the lowest prices. . His stock consists of a general assortment )rv (sootls, viz : Cloths. Cassimns, Cassmets, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, Linens. Cottcofs, Muslin M luiiiis. Lawns, Ginghams. lUrases. Also a large ass irtment of CLOTH INO. A lorye assnrtmeiit of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Talm leaf ami other Summer Huts, - 8iili--. GROCERIES of .-very variety. fugar, lea. Colter. Itiolassis, Cheese, Spleen, I' !iilt. .Ve. haud'.vakp:, Via i Iron and steel. Nails. Fi!e, Saws, Ac QUE E N S V A It K . Ten Sells, Plalcs, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, T V3r Country rroducc of all kinds taken in et change at the highest maiket prices. U' t. 2(t, ls.ri.) DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEBN, JR., Murl:,t Strert, Dwi.iiUe, Pa, K il' ifs is one ol i! largest and miirt rommiv - dinus hole's in the interior of Pennsvlvania it has been reeeutlv fitted i.n, in excelieiit stvle wnu nil me. inniii'rn conveniences. Danville, Sept. r;, I S.r75. THACHEP. s WCDDBOP. DOOTSHOi: A. TRCMi WAREHOUSE, K.U)Arch Strr.tl,ip Stairs,. Fovtrili Mia., iir aid. near Union Hotel, Phiiauelpliia, Carpet Eajs 'and Valices of nil desrriptmns. ' H A K1.ES F. TH ACHF.R. ISOilURT s. WODDROP. Philadelphia, J-. I, issa if ttAMl.3 McCXlNTOCK, il.D., Lato rKOFKBStJK of AiKit any a: J :j:irfrr in ll.e l'tnl utU'Il hm C.t.ttg of ,lr:ili.-ilie, ll'-.il Acin-J! "I'roJcBk T oi .tiiilivii'ery ; ..ik: ol' tlie L'oi.liiitii.g I'll) kii-uns .1 liie Phil ti'tlt'liia II 'Si'iuil, l.i-n-kli-y ; l:i!c nii'inher ol' tlie Xt'i -iuiI .Metllcal AKfCitttii'ii ; ui'i:iiUfr ..l' lite Plulailrliiioii Miili i-il iety ; ihemi.fl of ,m .te:lle.i-Chliui'einil Colitis 'f Ptiil.ulfl( !oh ; f'.nr.criv- ltiifcot nnit Proft-BB'T tf nit "iiy j 1 1 riurary oi Oasttet ii Meilu-al C'.lu-:tf, Vci inoiit ; :oiH !,o, trMlrsnoi of AniU'Wiiv lout t'rilHi 'I "jry ia Ui:r:.siurti .Mc.lii-al J natititti. -it, I'liUli-M, .Mass., i , Ac , fcc. Uti, lutvl y i!ir"ib;ned in a popular form srvprul of bis "v -rite rrrscrii'ti.'iu f.,r t!:e in.iciil itiwane ( tins elimnie. T:-" mine of racli art!.:'-- will imply tlie diwue lor Wllicll t ! i;llM:rf."l to M'l Ult ki;l IN'Ku li'r. I'rcl'i'HAI.SVrtfP. Priel lift. ,Mi'fi.i.-r,n:i;'S ct,.l A XL1 O.'L't.H .MIA i'L'HH I' .r l- !'. i.'.Mik-l.s. .e Price S i is ill!. MrCIJMdC'S AI'I1.MA A.U UtlOI'INb o'Jl'iili hl-:.MK!Y. Puce .1.1 e-s. l'r .Mel-.INTr,L'K'! Ti'XIO AI.TtirtVATlVE KYltl'l'- for !',ir:fvnit' Ih ;:..I PiueSrl Dit. ."!. l.'I.IN'lMCK S tAM'! l i'l U l:i.l Xlltfor vlvntir ti'i.e tt Hi.' hi tii'.iK-li ri lt..4illli'irtt, ami u!l iin:.gi.-eatt lliflilO'Sti 'it I'ncf (. -...in p't PH uilr eulin. syiuiiioios uriilcff ti.'iii !- It MeCLIN l-Hl'tC'S lillF.l'.MATIC.V.IXTt KK A I'ur.'ly Vi-el.i!-.:e l'.'.i!.-M or i.!!ir:nl 'iu l'r i.-r r.u ris. Dli- .V,"'t.l'l'cX'i:s KlIKt'M ATIC l.l.M.il'. T F'.r PlicLiu.itis.il, -jir-iMis. Swel.':;g!, Ac, ftc. . Trine 50 CC'VK Hit. McCl.lVl'OfVS WODYXH MlXTITtr. Fm t':iiiis, T lliaciic', Hc:i:uic!jc, Nctlrulgitt, Ac. Ae. P.-ice 50 c -ins. UK. .WcCI.IXTOCK'3 Pi:XS AND A'.'.'i: f PK-CII-'IC A CTI;i,!i en.-- t'-ir all tnoTuinttiiln Piicefcl. Dlt M.'CI.INTIM K'f 1)1 A It It Hi A t.'olUMAI, AND CilOl.f.HA TkKVi:.N'l IVI-: sniv rie-!v. Dlt. M.Cl.l.M'Orli'S VlUil-.TAIit.K PfltCATIVh Pll.l.. l-'oi c piici. Ilffiili'clic'. ,V c. Price v.'els. llH. MeCI.IXlOOH'H ANTItlil HITS I'll. I,! For Irresnlariiy in lite Fin. i-;i"i' ofilif l.ivcr and U-irels llic licii l.icr Pill iiiaile fiii v.l elf. n o .JC For sulr l.y Dr. J. McCI .! Vf iciC. el his Medieal De pot. V c ifi.cr niii'ii :ii.t! I'i 'tt-rl sis . Pf.il'vl. lpliin. :ni.l ut sil tlriirel,tf lout ilraleia in Xt ci. fines. All llnip'tR's snU Draifift in Mi-iltcines wii mil lo l.e niroi.ta. w.ll plcuse Mil'lilrpits Or X'eConlorJt. fiuiuiloi g refcmice. iiuhi of p.iit-iisict' iiutv uo.i i:a:e VT l-'"r Kale l.v IVeisrr A liiiim-r, ft-mlmry ami fsiis iii kin; Vm. W'eoiifr, Norttoiiolierin:..! i i. Brown, Mil too ; t:. . .i,t. t'.:o'iiin.l,iirj: ; J-ieol, llorrm, lt.t(-I.U"lli ; Mini Vanlecio, l.igdt t!i-n ; 1 BiureU-ss Son, Cala- W I SI'S. l-'clirtmry 0, I8:tl. 6:s. A STORE ROOM on Market Simie in &uii bury, aud two num." adjoii inc. CHARLKS PLEASANTS. Jsnuary 9fi. lSTif,. tf Cheap Fruit and Confectionary. Itl'ItK'411 & sri.L.Wl!, Vbolesalu Manufactures and Dealers in Confec tionary of all Kinds. No. Ill) North Third tStrcct, below iiace, Philadelphia, r"jnHr'. altentiiiii of dialers U rriiiesiei lo an "- cx.iiniuaiion of tin ir Hock, w hich wilt be loun.l eiiiul to any hi this city. Foreign Fruits of nil kimU in seusoii. N. U. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly all. 'lulc, I 10. February S3, 18rM5 flinc CtAMIilHC, Swiss, Mull, Dobinett. French ' laces, (Checks, Coll.us, I'liih rsleeves and CI', miisettes, Heak dresses. Velvets ami Velvet triinmiiiLis, Turkish counterpanes, Elankets. Uroehe. Thibet & Hay IStata Shawls, for sale by Hunbury. Dec. I , 'ftft. I'.. Y. UK1CIIT. "EDAUTEHS. Horse Ouckets. Painted Buck -- ets. Meal Tenderers, Corn ltruoms, Bas kets, Children's Wuguns, and Yankee Clocks ul received and for sale l.y May SO. tHSft. I. v. TEN KB i 'e . A Fins lot of Wall Paper just rrvied aud for sole hy VV.i. AlcCAA'TV, Maiket fcllisot. Snnberry, June 9,1 fifth. BITALI. PAPER. A large end splendcd V aaisortiiieiil of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, and Oil Shades, just received ami fur sale by I. W. TEN E It & Co, Kunbiiry, May Sfl. 185'. TILEY'S C'OUti COi'DY. An excel at this ollhe. December 4, fht. COLLIKS & WCIEESTEIt'S . TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers rnrnisliinf; Varehouse, J"o. I Lodge Alley, hack of ueio Masonic Hull Ptiladelphia. ' rt-iVi It? lW-. AYER'S PIILS. -rea all xsi hepoiei or a - - FAMILY Til YSIC; Tttna tiss tnn eslstsi a eublie demand for aa effective purgative pill which could be relied on , sure ana perlectty sme m us epersnon. mu u been prerinrea to met that derasnd, and an exten sivc trial of its virtues has conclusively shoivn with what success it accomplishes the purpose deai(,- It Is easy to make a physical pill, but not easy . make the best of all f7! one which should have Bona of the objections, bnt all the advents' f every other. This hss been attempted herer Willi wnat success wa wmua jespsciniuy suinnjs the public decision. ,.It hue been uuforturmte for the pstlent hitherto ftlst sltnost every purgative medic''ie is aetimonions r.i irritating; to the bow els. This is not. Many ef them produce so much Kripinir pain and revulxiun in the system as to mors than cceintccbalar.ee the good to be derived from them, l hese pi!U produce nq irritation or pain, nnlcss it srise from a previously exihtlns; obstruc tion or derangement in the boweJs. Being purely vegetable, no' harm ean arise from their ne in any quantity ; but it is belter that any medicine should be tuksn iudieionsW. Minute directions for their oso in the several diessea to which they are ap plicable arc given on the boa. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, we rr.sv mention Liver Complaint, 'in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Iiss of Ap petite, Listlessneas, Irritability, Jiilious Headache, Kilious Kever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins s for, in truth, all these a:e but the con sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an spjrier.t, they alfoid prompt and sure relief in Cos tnxness, Piles, Colic, Dv6cr.tery, Humors, Scrof !a arid Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body, Ulcers and inipurity of the blond s in short, any and every ease where a purgative is required. They have aim produced snmo singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Tains in the Hack, .Stomach, and Side. Tbcy should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood snd prepare the system fur the change of seasons. An occasional dose ntimnlates tlie etomsch and bowels into healthy action, ond restores the appe tite nnd vigor. They purify the blood, ar.d, by.their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the b..'i'y, and restore the wasted or diseased er.ergiei of the whole orgRnism. Hence an occasional doss is advantatrccus, even though no serious derar.geiiic.it exists! but un necessary dosing should never be curried too far, as everv purgative medicine reduces the strength, when taken to excess. T he thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated hero, but they' suggest themselves to the reaion of every body j and it is confidently believed this pill wid answer a better purpose thin any thing which has hitherto bceu available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public, will no longer doubt whut remedy to emplny when in need ot a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm ean ariie from their use in any quantity. I'ur minute eirectijus see wrapper ou the Uox. PREPARED ny JAMES C. AYE Pi, I radical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Price S5 Cents por Tox. Five Boxes for $1. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For Hc i-niilil Cure of COVfiJiS. 0l,tS. UOAKSEXESS, it.io in ns, wiioorixe-t'oiciii, iBttii'. asthma, axd (yssiNSMiox. This remedy has wen for itself ssch notoriety tiu eir.n of everv vnii'.-tv of lmlmor.arv ilicase. sut ii ! mtirely mineeessary to recount the ori deuces of ivS vn ti.es i.i ?.nv community where it has Iwen emploved. So wide is the field ol its use f,.i. ......i n inirrrons the cases ef its cures thut almost every section of t!.e country abounds ; ,,r..n o'oli. '.'v Vium-n. who have been restored t urn alarming and even deixerato diseases of the lungs bv its use. When once tried its superiority over everv other medicine ot us Kiua is mo appai cut to ccfipc observation, and where its virtues are known, the put lie no longer licdtate what ar.tidote to eniplov for the distreskoig sea Dangerous aiicc tiuns of the pulnionprv organs which arc ir'ideii' to run- climate. And 'net ou'.v in formidable at tacks uiior. the lniigs. but for the milder varieties of Coi.na. Covons, IIoahsknrss, Ac; and fjr Chu.iiiikn it is the pleaiontcst and safest medicine tkit can be obtained. As it lias long been in constant use thraughout this scc'.ion, we need not dD more than assure the people its ((Uiditv is kept np to the best that it ever Lis'iieen. and tiiat the genuine article is sold by We ?ur .V Mri'n?r, MtiLnr)' ; Itird J .m, --iitifiokiu Y. Vii.niei. IS .J: l h.irri.. -rlad ; J. f. r.'' iw, .Miiuuij iio't l.y nil lii!'j."j ia Nott.ic.ii l'cni'.iMi.ia. Join- V'l, ISi.5 ly. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, aad Elastic Steel Praxes, ?K"S ATllllMATICA I. lustru-nentj separate nnd in cases, Thei .....uieti-rs of various sizes, 'ipy Cii.isHes of every description, PUtiun win, s for l.ililuiiiii liodi. Mimic Lunierus with scriptural, astronomical aud temperance desiiius Microscopes and Microscopic objects, (ialvnnic llatteries. Flecliical Machines, .Surveyor's Cum pjsses, SSurvevin (.'Iibihr &c. McALLISTtllt cV URivniEU. (Krlnblished in 1730.) 101 Chestnut Mreet Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illu-iiuied Catalogue (SI pac;i-s) willl l.'iO illua'.rations luiuislied on application, and i.ent by li.ul' '-s of charge. Phiia. Sept. a, U'i. ";. COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERYSTOHE, Ao. 21 Xorth Third St., Ulow Arch, S-IiiLACriLPIjIA. TtOUNTRY Merchants can save from ten to fifteen percent, by purcliaiiiD nt the above stoies. Dy importing my own goods, payini? but littl rent, and livii,;; ccanomi -uily, it is plain I can uiidciscil those vho purchase their lioods here, pay hiill rents nnd live like princes. Constantly uu hand a larie assortment of Pen nnd Pocket Knives, Kcisso.s dr.d li.il.iro, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, slug, bufi'alo.lione and v.o.id hauiiles, Carvers uud Forks, vie., liutciier Knives, Dirks, Uowie Knives, Kcvolviu and p. Bin PUiolt, & c. Also a largo assortment of Aecordeons, A.e. Also line English 'Pivirt and German (iuus. JOHN M. COLEMAN. Oct. SO, 1855, ly. Importer. $50 E"W.PIID. ''ElIK aubsrribers oiler a reward of fifty dollar -- for the discovery and conviction of the per son or peii-ons, who cut und dcttioycd tho bands on the Machinery iif l!u-ir Coal breaker, al the Maiiiiiiot'n t'ullicrv, between Siumol.iii and Ml. C'armel, on the tiii;ht of the Oth iust. 'J'he above reward will bo paid to any one riv iug iiifornia ion that will lend to the coiivictiot of the offenders. CLEAVE!!. FACIEI. Y & Co. Shamokiii Oct. 27, liuS. tf. r ""HENRY JJONNEli' ATTORNEY AT XiAVT. tyice opposite the Court House, , Snnbiiry, li'orthura'oeiland County Pa. Prompt aiU'iiliou to businoes in adjoining ounlirs. COllURG. French Merinos. Persian cloth, ' Paris" twiJj. Cbinlres. Detanks, DeU'ises, Alnpuras. Kilks, W ool plaids. . Mohair lustre French, Hcolcli and Aiuctic.an (.iiiighams, jus rci'ived ami for sale by Kuiibury, Dec. I 'P5. . E. V BRIGHT ANX'H LETTEB PRESSES, with books,! nk, and all ctnr.plete, just rieeived. and lor sale by II. U MA8-SEK. Htinhury, June 4, !8e).- IRENCH black cloth, plafu & fancy Cassi meres, Cassiuetts, Overeoati nor. Satin and Silk Velvet vest paiterna, riiJk otnl Wool Hals, Lisps. Bean's and Monkey Jackets, for sale bv Sunbury, Dec. I '5. E. Y. tfKlUllt. UARDWARE.-Tnble Cutlery, Uaiors, Pock . et Knives, Hand saws' Wood saws in frames. Axes, Chisels, Door Locks, ami Hinges, Hand Hells, Waiters, e., just received and fur Uby I. W. TEN E R & CO. rjunoury Dec t, THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, TffUEDniMlM the Seal. SsnetPm and Atutiorlty of the i University ufFrlKK MKI'ICINK and popl.ir Iiii"W leile, Chsilcrerl uy tlie flute of Pennsylvania, April). 1B56, with a Opitul ol etoo.iso, niniiilr lor tlie rmfposeef srresting tlie evli of lipuiious anil worthless NonriilnS; Also lor supplying tht ilommnntty with retinltle Rrm' dies wherever a Oomneiest physician esmnit or wi ""t bi eiTiptoyed This lustitution has purchased nwsW Jobs It. Hswasd, his Uriel,. sir d . 5lovraur-s Torslc BSJnrc, Known for upwards of lM-nt -five yenrs as the only sure and snfeeiire for PKVKr? nilil Atrt B, e.. snd his IncS timH.le Rwieily fur UUWMI.CoM 1'l.AINTrt, lil tomponi'.d tyriin i Blucklierry lts t, vyliich Jnglily ap proved snd n .piilsr ftf piedi-s. togi'lher willi 'i nn iiniversuy'B urmrny imi ooipi:,:iuw -n i c i h-i , The University's Itemed for Dyspepsia or It:ltgeslioni The I'nivmily's Xemerly for DoStive-BnWels j Also. hp Univfrmy's Alninnae msy be lie bad, at the nrtiuc'i Dispeiissry.o'r Store of ' . ' ' 7 WILLIAM Df.PPIN. Nov. D, ISiS. J " ' Malmii iy T O. .ii ..I ,i i.' ' CHEAP. BOOKS & BTATICfNERY.: TJEKUY fV E.11ETV, invite the attention of , merchants and, others to their largo stock of elegantly bound Dil'Ies, Hymn lJonkf, Prnver Hooks. Albums, and l'resenlBlioir Booka in all tyles of bimliiig; tslaiidurd Thflologicai. Medical. Miscellaneous and school Books, which they have received from Trade Sales and are eellintj at extrnmelv low nrirrs. 1 Lo direct from tlio manufacturers and Iin- orters, ever- kind of Plain and Katicy WritinB. ctter and "Note Papers. Lmvclones. (jnkl ami Merl Pens, Pencils, lnks'.ands, Wrapping i n pers, ic. ire, at the. lowest cash ptices PlKU Y ii f.Kh I V, S. W. Corner, 4 tlx ami Itace !S!h. . Philadelphia. September 23, 1855. tf Su-viisra- JPTJ 1ST ID OK ti;B UNITUD STATES INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. 51. E, crntr 'Jhird and Chestnut Sts., PUII.Ablvl.l'HIA. CAPri'AL S-tr.O.UOO. 1 T ONKY is nveiveii on deposit dmlv. The amoum ill (lfto'isiieil is enteral in a llcnosit ItooH ami eivtu Hi Ii. n isitor. or. if nrt'ferrttl. a cv rnticulc will tia civen A 11 sin 1114 , HT7C anu snnoi. sie fit c: eo. aim inc iiruuuiu paiJ I'lu-k on dtiuniiid, wilhont iio-iis. luteiesi is mini ui ilie ruts of rivs era cart., e m.K in? from the diiy of depntit, a:-;1 Cfiining fonrten ua.-s pii'vions to the wilhiliswai ot the money. ; l.Mi tlie IKli:. liny oi jiuiunry, in encn ytar. liie iiutrer. n each dtp in is piiiu lo uivunpjf.iar, ui ac.aru ui uir pt.nc, Irftl.ns hf :ui:v rireftfr. . t in? l.:orr.;iaio' .'i:tvc li"W miv nros oi .j..i-"j ue ?ooui in tr, I !V of I' ui'e!r!llS::i nmop Aiivn.tditi iai .iiiuimu-.kiu will re c.vcn iy aoorcssing the I umiusii. DIUKCTOKS. 'eplien It Crawford. Pn-s't, tfii'.ioin M. f5n:'win, N.ivreuee J Iinsoii. Vice Pro't, I'.u-I 1) (i ihhid, Aml'ii se V. Thompson, ' '( M' Henry, Uet'ian-in W. Tii:g'.ey, J-.nm lieye-.eua. Juioh L.. rioraiie, Omtsvns l.iislisa. s,.f-rttirv and Treasurer. PIt'HY FIRK Tui-Lsa sso IxTSMrLaiu, J. C. ()EUI.bCIIl.A(jr.H Philudilphia, Sept. 8, IK. lyP. ATISZ'S t.lil'.At n A ii.ii noil jr.o i-.lui I'o'in Sa 72 Xorlh' Second S'rctt, Invpotilt t n o. I t',-11 4 r I I? 17 1 V V CTr;T T j'ifiKii! Vcriicn House ) Fliilidelpiiia. OLD T.cvrr V.'utchem full jjwsled, 18 K, ca H ses, 5t2 ; fcil.-.er Lover di... d.i., tli t 2; Sil- vnr l.ei.me. i o . SD : Uuaitier. ti o to . : uoui Si.eet aeles. iS4 B!) to SilO : f.ilver i'.3., 41 fiS silver 'I'u'.ilc Spoons per seit. ?M4 to lei; Silver Desert do., do.,:! to SI 1 ; Miser Tea do., do., s I 7.t to fp7 fit) ; (iot.l Tors mi l (iold Ca sev. V5 to 5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do.. 1; together with a variety of fine Jeweli-y, (iold Curb , iluar.1 and'Pr.U Ch iiiis- All goo-'.s warranted In l.e as reprefer.tej. Watches and .luwalrv, repaireil ill theber.t maimer. Also, Ma sonic M arks. Pins, &c made to order. N. 15. A II orders sent hy mail o: otheruHse. will be punctually cttemUd to. Phila.. Kept. M. lftfi. -.. !) . 5. IF. comer S:xth ar.d Arch tlrettt, PHlI.ADKI.I'Ii; . r1''EAS! Teas!! kh uncommonly full and n. choice assortment of blu-'k ami r;i-ceri Teas of all grades, from the extremi-iy I iv price of 3ii cu- :i; .1050 GO 70 tj?."ic;. pi rib., waiinnled to be mprtior to any to be had else where nt the sanie uriccs. Wo know and etv!:- .Irmly ret 011 1 11. mil t!;.-ni to lo SC percent cheap er than any fjrsalo in the city. We have a!:o 1 very su.'C.-ior asnorlineiit of ('ode.''. Oi l' ( lov'l, Java, Lacriiavra. Marucaiilio, Uioind Cap - Hr.v ticu Cr:!'i'r. New No. 1 Mi.-Verel r.nd Shad ill i ami i bbl. or as ,nav he dri-in .1. Chresti, Pine Apple, Ksp aizo. Ni".7 York (.'.-can ( hrcne nl wnya on band. P.iap browi: r.n.l ivl.ile ; also U. L. Keiu'u-'.l Jfc Co'ji Chemical 'tiive .''onp, one !b. of which will po as fir a? 2 c f orditiary brown !op. Also htarch of dilferent ijualitba. pickles, satires, ketchups, oliies, olive oil, snt'oi's. an i b.oveys, &C , with a full sss rtii,e,it of Fancy (i.:,vls, to wi.icli we invite the a leniioii of ihe public to call and examine our cstciinive autfuil mcnt of Fine CIrocerles formic bv UFilTON A FF.NTON, Wholesale and Kctai! Fuuiily (iroccrs and Tea I'ealei'K, S, W. cor. .Sith and Arch sis. N. P. C.vrd-' dcltxeied to all pattt of the cily free of I'liniie. Phila., (). 2t, IS55. apl fi y Trusses! Trusses!! Trusses!!! Tiv.is ar d I?i-r.C3 Esisblishmant, . I!" Cor. of TnKlj'ih and llace Street, Phlladelpaia. SMPOUTEll of fine French Tnis.'es, com!,;. is nitiK extreme lie;htiief-j, else and durability -villi corie.t coiistniciion. Hernial or ruptured n.itients can be suited l y remitting amounts, ut below : Sending mj.n!i:r of inches round the hips, and staling aide allcr'o ). Cost of Single Trms, iji'-J. f;l. f-1, S5. Double .', 0, .S and $ 10. lilt:!!' .ctioiu as to wear, and how t 1 cl'.'-ct a cure, wln.n possible, sent with the Trus. Also for hale, in great variety, lir. Biiiiuius's Improved Patent Bo.Iy Dracr, For the cure cf Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent shoulder Places, Chut Expanders and Erector Unices, ailajited to all with Stoop Klwiilders and Weak lungs ; English Elastic Abdouiini,! Ilells, Sunpeueoiies. Syringes male and female. fy Ludiea' I'omns, with Lady attcnJanls. Phila., Aug. 4, lsas. ly P S. NEW MASONIC HALL, Pilll.ADIOI.I'tllA AOHNTrt WANTKU i" every town snd enu.ty in lbs L'uiti-il plates, to sell tliu briianJul .ictiue of Ilia G II AND I.ODGH UOOM.- In in New Maoic IIir.. I'I i ailcli iua. 'I'I. ii Plata is s-.-lliuir veiy iniii.il, null tiioiis Ho, a.lMtirnlioit ' i sii, f'r tits e-rresliicss mill ti.lt lily wnh wiodi tlie StaiciBT. Kakiico PaiituN'-.- ASfi l-'lR.Nilciis uro rrcrcst-nlc'l, anil tlitt uriir-iic ticuuiv unit h inuouy of the u'lors biav-oi P'lile, JW X -in. I'ri.-e fU l.'J. B-i-'kfllers ami Picture Dcnlcrs wisinir In tike aeil eies f. it, wilt iilesss uilurcss. for fitrllicr infiritiilion. 1.. n. iui.--r. riML. Lull 's rubber, PlilUiUcij'lus. October S7, 1S15 tf GHEAT MASONIC HALL. the i.AttfiK.sr pi ino rorn'n, mki.okkov and Mibic mini: IN Tin: rxiTKU statu;?, Will he o.ci;d t'clobcr i -j; b lnsa, ia tlio Masomc ltini.DiN.i, Ciii-sual t-ircot, nil ice e'sillh, Pioiiiilcipiiiii. HyJOIIN MAltSIi, ike ti'lt Ao.-i:t In HiMioaiiu, (jrny h Co.'s etltlirnirtt l'k-tt I'snipmia' Atinchoieiit riiiuo Fortss. utsl C W. l-'isk tt Cu's Premium Met.. ileous Also, Piano FoitesauU .ilel-Hle-iiis of oilier dis tuiuubht.l ir.nkcrs. J. M. Ims oliuiiucd a It-iisa l' t s,-veial hios ill s,- i-evv, m'ipiiirti-riit aiiil well known Mas 'iiie Hiiilitma. v here he iioenhs keei'iiiff LOs Isrecst stock ntid assorl'i.tfiil "I' t'i'itio t-'ortes, Melo.ie -us, Music, mill viu. siral liiitrninciitsof evciy ilstcnpti.-n, all of wbicli urs irfuilv sfltctt-a l. liuiislf, and warrantee togivs per fcel suiii'selioti 111 every iiistaitcs. i . October 7ili. Is0o-tf JJOYD, EOSSER, & CO., " Kiasas sap suireaus or ttel) Vs!) ntijvacitc oal From the Luke FirUer Colliery Ehamokin, North'd County, Ptmna. Address. Uoyd, Hosser & Co., Buubury, Ha. c. sr.- otd. -1. Mosses, fit. aoie. t. lostia. eMnbory, April T, I85ft.-. THE roCKET-iiSCULAPlVSi Cft, BVBRT l" OWN PIIYMC1AM." ' rM'E TIKTIETH Edi--,L tion,itU One Hundied tligravings, shawiue; Dis eases and M'llfoTrhstione ol the llunmfi Hstenj iti every shape Hud- fnrm.i To wtiich 'is stildrd a Treatise on the Diseases of lYmalcs, being cf the highest importance to irn "people, or-those contemplating marriage. Ity Br m, Voiint?' t.t no fmher l.s sslinmed to prtseu't a copy of the A".S- CUI.APIIW ttbis chill limsyt ivs Jaiipfnun nn early grave. I.ct no younj; ninn or woiniui enier invi ins Burns ihlienlsmiof ruarricfi life Wtlbont resiling the POCKKT .-EUCUIiAl'llis. lit no nuts aun-ron iiodi iiuesiiisu C"ueii, Psiu in the Side, rcstlsES iukIiis. mrvous feelings, end ihe r'ioe tvslii of Oyspeiitie sensations, end given tn liy their physi'-iaii, lie auoihef tnnineiit without eoii suiting the JbsiCI-'IiAPIUS liars the man ied, ot those nliout to lie married any impediment, rcsj this tr.ily useful book, as it has lieen tl.o means oi saving nvniu'iiK.s oi un- foTtniists crcsuires tnim toe very jaws ot nro-n rTAiiy peri . a seiuliiig TWKNTV-PIVK CENTS, encloteil In a letter will receive one caiy of tins hook, l.y limit, or five copies will he sent fin one dollal. Ad ltfB, Da. XV. YOUNG, No. 1M BI'IH'CK Htitel, fill LA UK I. PI (1 A." Pout pn id. I . .. . Philadelphia, fepteml-er 8. ls ly NKW FAMILY UUOCERY, Flov.r, Food find Provision store. BE ASHOLTZ & FETES.Y, IWnndwny, lahrttn Market A- lilaclbcrry Sis. , til'bt; 11 1)1,1. X iniorm tne punnc inai - they bnvo just received a large und Well selected assorttiicnt of choice Family firoceriea. consisting in part of Hams, 'Shonlders. Mackerel, Herring, Wkito t isii, t oil t ish, s-slt Ureserveil Pruit, Pickles, Ciaekers, Llieese. Molasses, hue. Sugar. Coffee, (green, roasted and ground.) Im perial, loung Hyson, liuupnilcr and Ulsck Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash linrs, boots and shoes, tobacco. cga:s, A.C., together with every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which viil bo sold at the lowest prices, either for rasti or country produce. We also keep on hand choice Liijuors, Port, Lisbon, cvC. Porter, Ale, berr, anrsaparilhi, 4 -c. We are i.lso prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, Dict.els snd cakes of every kind. N. 13. The highest cash piices will be paid for butter and cg$, c:ru, 0.1(3. rye and wheat. frunliury July V, lH5.j. - Bhamokin White Ash Anthracite Coal. From the "Old Vei l" in the Go.p Cc.liicry. Tr II. r.CMV.EP.MAN cV JNO. P. PL'RSSL succe"-sors lo Kae, Heed & Co., will con tiiiue minii.f', shipping and kclliii;; coal from the above well known Colliery. i".u!tr loo firn cf Ziromernta'l & Purwl. 'J'ha point of s'nipiorr.t is nt the lo.ver whiif in f unl.nry, Zi'orthuii.Ver land comity, Pa., where all orders for the various kinds of coal, vix: Lump, Uinkeu, Hgrf, tove, a.ul Chestnut C sl, will be thankfully received auJ promp'-ly stton.ied to.' , faiiiiuury, July 14, ISSA, BcsRi-nT, .'ciT 5, 1515. The f.im of K?e. Peed b Co. having sold their I'.nse in the Uep Colliery tn.i interest in the wharf at Sunbnrr, to Messrs. Zimmerman A Puieel, would tnko great pleasure in recommend ing our cuKtnmei-j and others to the new firm, as they wiil be able to soil them pr.-;;irrd coal of the bcs'. ouaiiiy , KASB.RFXD&CO. f Tt f!'--S SUSEUfiY, PA CKIfH sn! scriber respectfully informs tlie public 0. tliat eht. s'iil c iutinues to keep lit above named puh!i;"1i.vu-e. fc.he has also received a new supp'y ef good liijuors n. wines, and trusts that site will be sbls to give sailsi'sciiou to all whj rar.y visit her house, MAUI A THOMPSON Punbury June S.t. 1SI5. if. iyEALER3 ia Vatches and Jewelry, will coiitinun the business at the oid stand cf James Ii. Fidhr, K. 12 Smith Stc md Street, l';lll.ADl-.!.P!U., Where they solicit at eisminatiots nt tb.elr le.rjrc nnd VHiic ! fctock, l-ilhn; assured ih.U the epe riei.oe both of t'.u m fr.vo h.ul in the buainrs:. and the Uciiitive tlmv possess I'cr j rcnir.,ic, iooi!s on the moat advantageous terms, wilt con He then lo eo;npe'e favorably y ith any other establishment ill thicity. They hnve now 011 hand a iine asaorttnei.l cf ' V'ATCIIFS. CLOCK?, JKWF.I.UY. Pi'.ver, Plated and BriUiiita Wars, CtilleTy, Fancy Goods. Ac., Ac. N. P. Iifi'atiir.R of Watches and oil kinds of Jewelry attended to will) promptness sr.J tija greatest care. Phil., April 7. ISflft tf. TO COAL t'EALEllS. AMMEHMAN, SUjERlT & "V7EITZET, RKKSPFCTFUI.LY inform the public thst they have leased the new cullierv. called tlie Lambert colliery, Diid are ready to deliver coal of Hipcrior quality, and ol a variety of sizes prepa red on their few toe', ore aker. All orders prompt-altt-iohd to by tuioresuioj ih fim, either at hunbury or Shino!in. Suubuiy, June 50, IS.5. FIiotoTapliy ! Dflg'.ierrcctTi.'es ! ! A HEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. MeCLEEiJ, (Successor to McCiccs f? German,) TOULD call tlio atlenion of tho public, not only to the superiority of I lie Ditgucrreo tvpes tiie llyalojrspli, (by some called Aiuhr.v Ulie,) and the vniious st lea of Plioioraphy hi paper; hut to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv seml M13 it to No. K'O (.'In smut !., have made from it i-y the means of Photography, and the talents of tho best Arlials, a porir.iit ot tu sizs, IV0111 a. small Locket to the full size of life. A small book tuntaiiiing description, prices, tie., CvC, will be sent grulis to any psrsou tna king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia P'notoirrap'.i Establishment, No. 160 Chestnut st., below 7lh Phila., July SI, 1855. If. JAKES BARBER WHOU.SAI.E -V ItKTAlI. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. cornei- of Sccon-i fi Chettuut St. riHLADBLrHIA. Where may be f itt d, one of the largest and Vst assortment ol Clocks nnd Time I'ieces in the L'nitcd States, in quantilies to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ; embracing,- every variety ef stylo and manufac ture, suital ie fcr Churches, Hulls, Counting Houses, Parlors, Sleeping apiutments.ai.d Kitch ens. &tea:n and Canal UjIs, and Hail roudCats. N. U. Clocks liepaiied and Warranted. Clock Trimmiiiss fnr-ssle. Also, JunuucfureT of Darhtr's Celebrated Fine GOLD PEN3 Embracinii all the qualities of the finest quill pen, in addition to which llin durability of the metal is iully asaix-iute.l and developed Gold und Silver i'enulti, aud I'm Hulders, Plated Ware, &c, wbulesule and retail. Those with ing to purchase aio in i'ed to call. J-MEt UARREI?. S. E. corner Chestnut and fecund Sis., Phila. Philadelphia, June 2d, Hob ly, SILVER WATCH Ent-A few double ca Ennli.-.h Bilver Watches, fur sale at very. low piices by ftiinkiirv. H. U MANS t' K. Apri 19. R1 I iK Liouu.u s t-Mit-biiiuitl 111, uu S'so i.wti 1 ares ink for aale. wbol.isal and retail by BLANK Parchmeni Paper Deeds uuu ouns Mortgagee, llouds, Execulious, Summons ius., for salob H. li. MA&SElu yv try 'vi MrW.i-Wis m IflUST ARRIVAL At B. K". Thompson's Stot e, In IjOK-er Anyusta toumMp, nt the Jum4i of the 7 ulpehncken and J'lvm ciaW: rous nPHE eubacribcr having returned licsa (be vw wif' new and an tensive assortmeut & fashionable goods, respectfully calls the ettotitien of Farmers, Mechanics and ethers to tbe same ; 6FR1NU AND SUMMKlt.UOODji ' ' consisting in part or Dry Goods, viz : . Cloths, Cussimcres, Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling Muslins, Vesting, Tweed, and all kind sV epring and bummer cRr, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, -Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawn, Ginahamt, lirraeis. Rcbtt, ii'cn'.ent. Ftanneli, be. (.i HOC Kit IKK, Sugar, Teas. Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheeee, Bjiiccs, fait, &c, Ac, Ac IBni'ftnai-c, Nails, Screws, Files. Sawn. Knives ti Forks, Ve Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. boots Azrx SHOES. A large assortment of Hoots aud Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Cars, Arc, of various sires end stvlea. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for yeur' selves. Country produce ol all khds rstteis u. exchange at the highest market prices'. 8. ri . THOMPSON. Lower AuRiista. 4 mo. 2fl, lfi5,i It i Jl I.O v s 1 V 3 t 38 LS t .l!Ll)W'S INDIOO EIX'E. is now we I - rstablishnl as the best article ever offered fot Dlueiug Clothes. It Is entirely free from acid nr ' anything injurious to the finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper and lew Irou'de than Indigo or any other article. Th Kreal demand for it has brought out several m,. lahirns Storekeei era snd consmm rs will be csielul lo eet Euvjamih Eancom-'s, put up at Aifre d Wiliberjtcr's UrtiR rtore, .. Kjij, ,, Second Street, Pbiladelpbis. Btorekeepsrs ran Ret their supplies from the flroccrs and Druecisle Iheyilfal with, at prices yielding a snotl piofit. Drug, Chemical. Puiiin, Varnish, I)y StrjJ's. ce., with a first-ratn assortment of every, thins in the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and tnanuiacturf rs supplied at reasonable" ra'es. ALFRED WILTDFHCEK, DrnFKirt. 169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. New Goods for the Peopl! B EN J A 31 1 N II KF KN E II f ESI'ECTFULLY informs the public i pen e:;.l that he has just received aud opened a splendid stock of Full nnd Winter Goods st his New Store, in Lower Aajusta townsMp; His stock consists in part of , Cloth.-,, Cassiaters, Cas?!aet. i all kinds, ol linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: . CaHcocK. eTssfiptMintR, t,aina tiJesiMN,;t!;;j; re S.tilu;a and all kinds of Ladies Diesa Goods. ffJrorci'icR, Also an assortment of .Hvnre. Irta ,.. 0 a" t,rtl"lr- assortment of CTTEEHSWAEE, of yarioug g.yles ,ntJ Ah p.-.l-II s. so an assoitnient of E2lOVS &. JJsiE HATS & CA PS, a gooj .election. Suit. Fish, oc. Ar.J a j,rest variety r.f olher'nticles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which wiil be sole tt lue lowest prices. I.V Country produce taken In eichanae ft tr.e highci't 'rl -es. Lwer Aueust.i, Nov. 10, 1SJ5. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. S Kti!.erilr !'.avinS received the firma snd invi uc ttiune from the D e nereiisary ifparlment, st .as!iir.str,u, prepared to procure Eount i.and airar.u at lbs shoilet t.r.iice. II. E. MASstEK.- i?ur.bury. Ar 1E.V5. ti. ii. I'.tict.i'.lK remedy for rnuiln il. colds, and h'.iltr.onr.rv diseescs. 1 .o,..,lv- .r ,L , 1 - 1 1 V lo'.s vuaiaMe liieilKioC just received and for sals y ' L'. B. MASSER. "nn'mrv. June 4. lR.r).. . l!.(jr.D'S WRITINtt ILEID and Adhe aivs and Ujial tnveiopis, for Sale by H. B. MAfc8EE. Kind urv. tsn 10. IflS'J United States Hotel, Chestnut Sirect, above Fourth. niltADHlHIIA. J- MicLELLAN, flate of Janes' Ilotel.V " has tlie pleasure tu inl'oi-.n l is li tends slid lis traveling community, Ihst he has leased this House for a (erci of years, and is now pnpaiseV for the reception cf (iuents. 'i'i.e '.o--.il adveutorjeaof this favorite istahlisk menl are ton nell known to ueeJ comment. The House ti.ii Ktirniture hrvve lern pu in first rate order: tbe rooms are large and well vcnttl.-tti d. The Tables will always ! e supplied witii the best, and 1 lie proprietor pledges hiioself tint no eilort 011 his psrt shall be wanting te make tiic I'nitetl States casual iu eo.nfoita to any Hotel in the Qnnksr City. Pl.iiu.. July , 18. SAMUEL S. FETIIERST0N, DKsLCR IN Lamps. Lnntrms, riiantK lirrsncd Candc!abrsr Ae. 152 S. 2i street, alove SpruH, PKII.ADKLPIJ1A. I Savini; enlarged aud improved his store, and ajl having 0110 of the largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil, Camphene, Kurnin; Fluid, Lardt and Oil Lamps, and Lanierna of ail patterns,. Glass Lamps by the package, at a s"iall advance over auction prices, llein a Manufacturer anils Dealer of I'ii.e Oil, Burning' Fluid and Aicohcli, which wiil be furnished u Merchants at sucta prices t!ut lliey will find it lo their advantage to. buy. Also, Household (i!aMvure of ail daerip lior.s at the lowest market pricea. Philadelphia, Oct. U, ISii. To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. JVIO'I'ICE is hereby given, that all persi n.- found trespnssing upon, or injuring the lir.. oflhe Philadelphia and iSuiiliiiry Te.egruph wik be dealt with according to the actof AassuiiU tu such cases made ai.d provided. IL 13. MASSEK, Prcs't Phila. and Sunbury 'i'siegtaph C Banbury, June 3, 1851. if. CI PBATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Saks, Prepared bv - WE'ISRR & BRUNEI. This prepatation is recommended as an ex cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly, ia entirely free from any unpleasant taste, ro ssmbling lemonade in flavor. This medicine it highly heiieiiciul for diseases peculiar to auaner and hot weather. Sunbury, July l.lhSL . JEWELKY A nice assortment of Hold and bilver Pencils and Pens, Inr sale cheap by U, ELbUEUUsV CO, Market atreet. opposite tne Post Office tllibury, Oct. M. IMA.I if 'ltlLD PENt 'i;b and without cases, ef a wy suierior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aaU by - - II. D. MA86EK, Sonetirr, De, IT. LU U - . ... ' .