Wa" HEMOVAT. CIIARLES MAGAIIGE Jc CO. ATI.NO REMOVED FROM N0.MC0MMERCE9T. TO til South- West cor. of Sirth and Carpenter Sts. PI3LADELAIIIPI, BEG la cull the attention of Purehasere to their extensive assortment of Piper, and ' Paper Makera' Materials) Printing Pepcre -for Book and Newe. Water Iraf, eiicd, uncsllen dered and calendered, of all qualitiea and pricei, always on hand : Hardware and Manilla Papers, Trunk Boardi, Binders' Boarda, Hanging'Paper Ac, ttc. Particular attention Is invited to their exten tivo assortment of LEDGER PAPERS, From the most Celebrated Manufactories in the Country. Among their WRITING PAPER 8T0CK ma be found Com. Note, Folio Port Atlantic Note, Thin Medium, . Bath Post, Demy, Quarto Port, Medium, Tool's Cap, Royal, Flat Cap, Hup. Royal, Imperial. Plate Papers, of every description, sire and quality. Map Papers, in great variety. En velope Papers, white, buff, and gold, either laid or wove. Colored Papers, Cne glazed, and other varieties. Manufacturers are invited to exarr.ine their slock of Rags, Foreign and Domestic. 11 leach ing Powders, of approved brands: Alum, ground or crude; 8al Soda, Soda Ash Feltn,is, Wire Cloths, Ultramarine, and Paper Makers' Male rials generally. W They are also prepared to take orders ol odd sizes and weights of any of the above descrip tion of Papers. January 26, 1856. 6mo AMES McCLINTOCK, M. D., Late " PROFKSSOR nf AiiBtnmy oud Surgery in the I'lnl wtelphin College of Medicine, and Acini- Professor ul Mutwilery j one of the Consulting riivsicaiis nf the Phil adelphia Hospital, lilnckley ; late nieiiiher ..f the National M.ilical ah tuition ; n.eiuber nf the Philalrl(ihiH Medi cal ! 'ciely ; iiiemher of the Meilic i-Chiiilruul College r.l I'hiliiuelphia ; formerly President und "Frnlessnr if nat n-a 1 1 thiiaary in Oastlet.il Medical Ollesv, Vei m nit; mid nlao, lutr Prints nl Anatomy and t'hvsi !- ey in llerkslure Meilieal Institution, Pillifidd, Mass., v . Ac. Jcc. ilos lately introduced in a popular form several nf his fiiv .ills preemptions f,,r tne prmcil riiaraae nf tint climate. Tne nume of each article will imply the direate for winch it is inleniled to lie inied IiR .Mi OI.I.V ToiK'S I'Kc roKM. SYRt'P Price S! lilt. MeCUNTOCK'S COLD AND COUGH MIX ll pmhc Ms. CiMiahs. Ae I'riie 4S cis DR. McCI.INTticK's ASTHMA AND HOOPING CO101I KK.MKUV. PiieeSllels. Dr. McCLINTOCK' TONIC ALTERNATIVE. P IU'P-For Purifvin? the Hlond. PrueSI. DR. McCLINTOCK 8 DYM'KI'TIC KLIXIR K..r giving tune tn the stomach relievinir pains alter ratine:. heutthurn. ami all disagreeable symptoms arising ftoni niuivciiiMii rm-esi. Dtt. MeOLlNTocK'S RIIF.l MATIC MIXTURE A Purely Veeelnlile Remedy for internal use Prn e sn eta. DR. McCLINTOCK'! rtHKlWl A'JIC L1N1.MK.NT Fur Rheumatism. Sprains. Swellings, Ac , Ac. Price SOcenis. 5 DR. McCLlNTOCK'9 ANODYNK MIXTURE Fin Pains. Toothache, Headuche, Neuralgia, Ac. Ac. Price SO cents. DR. MiCMNTOCK'S FEVER AND AGUE 8PE C1FIC A rertari eurefiir nil Intermit'ente. Price 81 DR.M"CLlNTOCK'8DIARUII(EA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PRKVf.N IIVI: A. safe remedy. DR. AIcCLINTOCK'S VF.rsBTAULK PUROATIVK PILLS Fm C. itivenesa, Hendnehe. Ac. Priec !5cts. DR. McCLINTlH'K'H ANTIilll.lOUH PILLS For Irregularity in the Fuiiclinns of the Liver and Uoweis we Best Liver Pill mn.Je Prn-e Ki ela. s box For sale bv Dr. J. McCLINTOCK. st his Medical De pot, N W corner ninth und Fllliert sis . Philadelphia, and at all DruRgista nud Dealers in Medicines. All Druggists and Dealers in Medicines whe wish to lie sgems, will plesse sdddresa Dr. McClmtnck, furnishing reference. nsrrie nf Fust-Office, county and state Of For Sale hv Weiaer 4 Uruner, Sunburv and Pha nnkin; Wm. Weimcr, Norihiimherland : C. brown. Mil- .. ... . I.' l I II i . . 1 1 : n i. l .... . . , ... . . nil i c it. auuif iiirim nam,, nnvanoiii , John Vsnlecin, Light Struct j 1 Shsrpless A Son, Cats. February S, 1836. 8ra. Fashionable Hata and Caps. ASHBY & ROCAP, No. 136 Market it., PHILADELPHIA. INFORM their friends and the public generally, that they continue to keep at their old stand, a large and extensive assortment of hats, caps, Ac, got up of the best material anil in the lates; and best style of workmanship and finish. Country merchants and others will do well to call and examine lielore purchasing elsewhere. Phila., Nov 10, IH55. tf. OBEAT EXCITEMENT I La, est and lest arrival o f the Season, At the Store of J.W.Gray, In Marlet Square, Anj just received his Stock from Philadelphia, consisting of Fall and Winter Goods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Dress and Fancy Goods. The following compritej in part a list of my ex tensive and elegant stock, which for variety and cheapness cannot ne excelled in this market. FOR THE GENTLEMEN, Black and Fancy Cloths and Cassiineres, Black Sattin and Fancy Silk Vesting, Shirting Muslin Drawers and Under Shirts, Kentucky Jeans Velvets, Blankets, &e. FOR THE LADIES. Black Silks, Alpscss, Merinos' colored and plaid all wool. Muslin de Lain, a large lot of Prints, of the best brands and styles, brown and bleached Sheetings, twilled and plaid I.inseys, Flannels red, yellow and white, grey Drills, Tickings Cambrics, Dress trimming, ribbons, laces, gloves hose and irish linens, and other things too tedious to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal ebare of their patronsge. Boots & Shoe, Urge assortment. HATS 4; CAPS, HARDWARE A CUTLERY, CEDAR WARE. FISH Ac SALT, T-tccri,n ofcvcrjr aailct. Teas, CoiTce. Sugar, Molasses, Rice. Cheese, Via egar, Candies, Candles, Soap, Ci ackers. Brooms, Lead. Shot, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, 01 ass 6x10 10x1, 11x18. Starch, Fluid. Dairv Salt. Stnok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Fine Cigara, Matches, Mustard, Cundle Wick, Blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment of QUEEXHWAIiE AND GLASSWARE. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Sunbury, Oct. S7, 155 tf. COLLINS & M CLUSTER'S TYPE FOUNDEY and Printers Furnishing; Warehouse, No. 1 Lodge Alley, hack of nets Masonic Hall, Philadelphia. Phi-.. Jan. 12, lot (HAT large and commodious HOUSE. situated in the east end of Market Street, Bunhuiy, payments to be made to suit purcha sers the premises will be shown by the subscri ber. MARY MARKLE. Sunbury , February 1, 1806. Jra. 3p0TS, Miom, HsU, Caps and Oum Shoes, B9 ) just received end fur sala by LOct. T 1864. TENER sVCo tEDA R TLBS, Horse Buckets, Painted Buck eta, Meat Tenderera, Corn Brooms, Bas ket, Children's Wagons, and Yankee f locks Dal received and for sale bv May 36, 1655. I. W. TENER (ft LAND WARRANTS The highest price will be given for Land Warrants by the aub- arlbes II. D M A OS Ell. A fine lot Of Wsli Paper juat received and for eale by WM. McC'AKTY, Market Street Sunbury, Jon t,1855. BLANKS. B LANK3 of every deecriptloa c be had Vy spj s tM sfsee of lb A-usnw. DIilB T233B WAY For the latest arrival of Fftll f$ Winter t.oods. J. r. & KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends end t!" public In general, that they have received lit their Old 8tand. in Upper Auitusta t" nhip, Northumberland county, I'a., at Klines Grove, their FALL an I WINTER Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &e., Consisting in part nf Clothe, black and fane; Cssaimeres, Sattinctta, Checks, Drawers and Under Shirts, and all kind of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vests and Pants, dec. Ladies Sress Goods, Consisting of Black Silks, Merinos, Alpacoa. Co berg cloth, plain and fancy all wool Da Laities. Calicees, Ginghams, Muslin. Comforts, Day State Long Shawls, Trimmings, &c Also a fresh supply of Grprertea of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicinr. Hardware. Queenswaie, Cedarware, Broom, & e. Aim a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Caps, Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country 8tore. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, Thankful fur past favors we hope by strict atten tion to busineis, to merit a continuance of the same. A II of the above named stock of goods will be sold positively at low prices for rash, or in ex chnng for country produce, at the highest market price. Kline's Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. S.-tdttlc and Uanies Maker. Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G. HI Stroh, RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and the pub lic generally, that he has tsken U m establishment lately occupied bv Geo. W. Stroh, and having engaged several good workmen, will be enabled to turn out work in his line equal to any maile in thts section of country. Orders promptly execeted and all kieJs of pro duce taken in exchange. Sanburv. October 27, 1R55. It DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEEN, JR., Market Street, Danaille, Pa, "BV-I'M is one nf the larpest and most commn dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania. it hus been recently lilted iip, in excellent style. with nil the modern conveniences. Danville, Sept. 22. 1855. TIIACHEH &c WODDROP, WHOLESALE BOOT SHOE Sc TRUNK WAREHOUSE, No. 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third &. Fourth Sts., upper side. near Union Hotel, Philadelphia, Carpet Bags and Valices nf nil descriptions. CHARLES F. THACHER. ROBERT s. WODDKOP. Philadelphia, .Ian. 12. IH5R II' Bargains at the Old Stand. FRILING 8c GRANT A RK now a-iaapniiio- nests (alltl Vortt ila-tuiretttL stock of FALL and WIKTER Goods, em bracing an endless variety. 1'lieir stock con sists in part of Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassiineres, Winter Wares for men and boys, all styles and prices. DRESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and figured Black. An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan cy Dreiia Silks st unusually low prices, Shcllies. Brnzes. Bmzc De Lains, Mus. De Lains, Lawns. Ac, GINGHAMS trom r j to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 "124 WHITE OOOPS. Cambric. Jaconetts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Bobi- nett, French and Swis Laces, Edgings. Ac. Brown and bleached Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Checks, Towliugs, Table Diapers, dC mtocr.it i v.. HARDWARE and QUEEN5WARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster Salt and Fish. Also a fresh supplv of DRUGS AND MKDICINF.8. Thankful fur past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, still to meet with the approval of our friends. VV Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Sunbury, Nov 3. 1S55. ly. Great Arils al ol' Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT NF0UMS his friends and customers that he just received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! ! t his Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which s offer, to the public at the lowest prices. liis stock consists of a general assortment Drv Goods, viz : Cloths. Cassimers, Castvntts, leans, Drillings, Iiltis'.ins, Linens; Lclicots, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Bcrapes. Also a large assortment of CLOTH INO. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf and oilier Summer Hate. IM.'i fer. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, CutVee, Molasses, Cheese, Spice. run, Halt, Ac. HARDWARE, Via : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &c. QUEENS WARE, Tea Sttts, Plates, DisKts, Cttes, Saucers, Ifc 17 Country product of all kinda taken rn ei- change at the highest market prioee. Oct. 20. 165.V rTlHE subscribers offer a reward of Sfty dollar for the ducovery and conviction of the per son or persons, who cut end destroyed the bends on the Machinery of tlisir Coal breaker, at the Mammoth Colliery, between ohamokm add Mt. Ckrrnel, on the night of the 9th inst. The above reward will be pmJ to any one gtv ine informs ion that will lead to the eonvictioi of the orTcnt'.crs. CLEAVER, FAGELY dr. Co. ehamokin Oct. 37, l6A. tt El Neptuno, El Dorado, El Duendo, Rio Hondo, Recreadorea, La CuriosUlad, La fcemiarmis, Canaloa, Plantation, Havana Cheroot. For 8al at WEI6ER & BRUNER. Punbury, May 26, 1866. rpRASK'S Magnetic Ointment at -l Mav 19. WEISER BRUNER'A I ARl) W ARE.-Table Cutlery, Ksaor. Pock et Knivea. Hand aawa Wood east frames, A lee. Chisels, Door Locks, and Hinge, Hand Bella, Waiters, Ac, lust received and foe sale by I. W. TEN ER is. CO. Sunhurs Pee. 1. ISM. CAMBRIC. Swiss, Mull, Bobinett, French leoes. Check. Collar. Undenleevee and Chemisettes, Heak dresses. Valval and Velvet trlmmincs. Turkish counterpane. Elsnkata. Broshe, Thibet ft Bey rtU ebwls, for eel by Sonbury, Dwe. I, '54. B.Y.PIUCHT. AYER'S PILLS. fob au, tex rroroszi or a FAMILY PnYSIC. THBxa haa long existed a public Aemsnd lot ast effective purgative piU which could be railed on sa sura and perfectly safe la its operation. This u been prepared to meet that demand, and aa eatssi etve trial of its virtues baa conclusively shown with what success it accomplishes the purpose aesitf It is essy to make a physical pill, but not essy nuke the heat of all pills one which should have none of the objections, but all the advantage f every other. This has been attempted here, with what success we would respectfully submit .. the public decision, tt haa been unfortunate for the patient hitherto that almost every purgative medicine Is acrimonious and irritating to the eew als. This is not. Many of them produce so much griping pain end revulsion in the system aa to more than oouuterbalsnce the good to be derived from them. These pills produce no irritation or psin, anless it arise from a previously existing obstruc tion or dersngement in the bowels. Being purely vegetable, no hsrm esn arise from their use In any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which they are ap plicable are given on the boa. Among the com plaints which nave been speeddy cured by them, we may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forma of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap netita I.it1eura. Irritsbilitv. Bilious Headache. Bilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loins ; for, in truth, all these sre but the con sequence of diseitsed action in the liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tiveness, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula and Scurvy, Colds with soreness of the body. Ulcers and impurity of the blood ; in short, any and every case where a purgative is required. They have also produced aome singularly suc cessful euros in Rheumatism, Oout, Dropsy, Gravel, Krvsinelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the Ba'ck. fitomach, and Side. They should be freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of aeasons. An occasional dose stimulatea the stomach and bowels into heslthy action, and restorea the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted ot diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists; but un necessary dosing should never be earned too far, as every purgative medicine reduces the strength, when tsken to excess. The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they suggest themselves to the reason of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpose than any thing which haa hitherto been available to mankind. hen their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to Uke, and being purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Fries Si Cents per Box. Five Soxes for St AYEIVS CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rsll Curs ef COFGIIS, IOLIiS, HOARSEESS, EltOUIllTIS, WIIOOPIXti-t OMsIl, (R01T ASTHMA, AND This remedy has won for itself sach notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, that it is entireiv unnecessary to recount mo dences of its virtues in any community where it has been emploved. So wide is tne neia oi lis use fulness, and so' numerous she ee ite manm, that almost every section of the couutry abounds in persons publiclv known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by ite use. When once tried its aupenonty over every other medicine of ita kind ia too appar ent to escape observation, and where ita virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affec tiona of the pulmonary organs which are inaaent to our climate. And not only in formidable at tacks unot the lungs, but for the milder varieties of Colds, Corona, UoK8i!Eas, &c; and for Childbin it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more thsn assure the people ita qualitv is kspt up to the best that it ever has been, and that the genuine article ia sold by Wei.er & Bruner. Sunbury; Bird Si J .hn, tjhsmnkin W. Wieaier. Nurthumherkind ; J. F. t'a.lnw. Mi lion and by all Drurgnts in Northern I'cniK) Ivania. Junenj, leos ly. NEW CONFECTIONABY. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART, RESPECTFULLY announce to the citizens of Northumberland and the adjoining coun ties that he bae opened a dintectionary and Fruit 8tore in MARKET SQUARE. Sunburv, where he manufacture ai d keeps on hand, at all times, the most choice Contectionary, Ac, Wholesale and Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among his stock of Coniectionartrs, may be found : French Secrets, Gum Drops, sll kinds of soent, Burned Almonds, Love Dr.-ms, frsaro Wnus, Mint Drops, red snd white, Louun Jetly Cskvs, Knse, fruit D"', Vsnills, tf'iek Csn,1tsa,ol st) scSBt Comra rn Secret. R.k Csndr, Liquorice, A m nd Candy, FRUIT. rn, Prunes, Estes, fift, Currants dried, Citrons, Almonds, P.sisons, Nuts of sll kirwis LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the aingle or down. A euperior quality of Srgar and Tobacco, and a variety of Confectionanes, fruit, Ac, all nf which ia offered cheap at wholesale or retail. Come and see he will try t please. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Au.4, 1S55. ly. HENRY IIONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ojjke opposite the Court House, Sonbary, Northumberland County Ta. Prompt attention to businesa in adjoining .cunttei. WALL PAFER. A large and splendcd assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa per, tnd Oil bhadts, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER A Co. Sunbury, May t. )8S FRENCH black doth, plain is. fancy Cassi meres, Cassinetts, Overcoating, rjaun and 6ilk Velvet vest pattern, Silk and Wool Hats, Caps, Scarfs and Monkey Jacket, for asle by Sunbury, Dee. I '45. E. Y. BRIGHT. SHAl.LENBERGER'S PILLS A certain care for Fever end Ague, fur 'e bv WEISER tt BRUNER. Busbar. n!y tt 8M. COBURG. French Merino, Persian clcth. Pari twill, Chintte. Dlane, Celges, Alapfca. fillks. Wool plaids. Mohair lustre French, Scotch and American Ginghame, jua teecrred end for sale br Bonbory, Doc I '56. E. V 'ittlOHT mANN"8 LETTER PRESSES, with j.T 1 books.i nk, and all a anplete, juat r'ccived, nd fornla by H. B. MASSER. Sonbury, June 4, 185S.. ajpi ROCERIE& 8egara, CofTe. Molasses Ol Spice, Oil. Brandy. Gin, Win. Macker el, Herring and 8alt, juat received and for sal by WM. A.jKNABB. Lower Augusta May 8, 1 iM "jTTERMICELLL Maetaroni tnd Com buret Y Just received ley May 19. 18S5. WE18F.R & BRUNER. riAMPHINB and Fluid of the beet quality for Ml by WEIBCK BKUXvCK. Biintmry, May IS. I IU. I rpRICOPBERQTJsWe do, for ssls by . May ITA. WEJSER tt BiJftB. BURTON & FENTON, S. Ir. nrntr Sixth and Arch streets, PIULADKM-HI . TEAS I Teaetl an uncommonly full end choice assortment of black and green Teas of ill grades, from the eitremely low price of 30 cts 36 40 60 -CO to tj 76 cts. per lb., warranted to be superior to any to be had else where it the same uricee. VVe know and confi dently recommend them to I SO per rent cheap er than any for sale in the city. We have also cry superior assortment of I 'olTee, Old llov't, Java, Latuayra. Marscsiilio. Rio and Cap liny- tten Coffee. New Mo. I Mackerel ami Sliad in ) and bid. or asmav be denired. f.'hcee, I'ine Apple. Bap vago, IVew t urk Iris in Mieee al ways on hnnd. S.iap lirnwn and white; also H. L. Kemlell tt (Vs Chemical Olive Simp, one lb. of which w ill ao as fur as 2 of ordinary brnwn Hon p. Also .starch i-f different qualities, pickles, ssuces. ketchups, olives, olive oil, eardines. an rhoveye. dec, with a full assortment of Fsnry Oomls. tn which we Invite the a trillion of ihe public to call and examine our c tensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for side bv BI'HTON A FENTON, Wholessle and Retail Family Orocers and Tea Dealers. 8. V. enr. Sixth and Arch sts. N. B. flood' delivered to all pant of the cily free of charge. Phila., Sept. 2?, ISSS apt By Trusses I Truauca!! Trusses!!! C. II. NEEDLES, Truss and Erace Establishment, 5. IV. (.or. of Twelfth and Jiace Streets, Philadelphia. M PORTER ol fine French Trusses, comlu ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients ran be suited by remitting amounts, as below : lending number of inches round the hips, and stating side ahVrted. Cost of Single Truss, $2, $3, U. Double $5, f6, $8 and $10. lustr-ctions as to wesr, and how to eircct a cure, when possible, sent with the Truss. Also for sale, in great variety. Dr. Banning' Improved Tutnil Cody Bracr, For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri; Spinal Props and Supports, Putent Shoulder llraces, Chest hxpandvrs nd r. rector Urncen, ailspted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs; English Elastic Abdominal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes male and female. ITrT Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants. PhiltKAU. 4. 185.r.. ly P 8. SEW MASONIC HALL, rilll.ADKI.PHIA AfiF.NT WANTF.D in every town suit county in ths United States, to sell the beuutiful picture of the GRAND LUDGK ROOM. In the Nsw Maeaic Hall, Philadelphia This Plme is senilis, very rnpiillv. sml elicits the ailinirHlinn -f nil, fir Ihe c 'rreenieM mid fiilehlv wilh wlnetl the Stati.by, Fatten Psictiso- !n rcamruss are represeineii, and tliesrtisiie lieuuiv hikI hunn ny of the colurs tSixe of I'lsre. 9-J X Price S I 00. U i 'k-ellni mid Picture Deiilers wmhinr tn tale seen cies for it, will please odilrens, fr fnrlher inf .riit.ili n. I. N. ItOSKSTHAI,. I.ith"graplier, Philadelphia. Oct.. ber 27, ISM. if GREAT MASONIC HALL. TIIF. I.APr.KST PI ANO FoltTK. .Mr.l.tl)l"f) AND .MLSIC H'ORE IN THU L Nl Yf.U PTATK!. Will be nrieued dctiber l.tth lb5S, in the Mssuatc R,iiinin. CheRinit Slri-rt. Hh ve evelllh. Phililiteinhiu. lly.HMIN MAKitti. Ihe S .le Aiem f.-r H.nii.liniin, tiray a; Co.'s celebrated lhlre Csmpntis Attschnient I'ihii Fortes, siul O W. Fisk k Co's Piemnnn lel deons Also, Piano F'Mtes nd Alel'ideons i'f other dis tinguished makers. J .M. tins ohliiined h lense fur reeml )enn in the new. misillficent mid well kiiown Mas ine ' V:r ' . ,',,1,'.;n,l ss .rlrnent ..f PinoF"rle .Mel.Hle .iis. Music, in I Mu- eareluiir vrieeted by hitnseir. a'ld warranted to give per feci BniifHeiinii in every intuiiice. Octoher ?th. I?i5. tf SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel frames, MATH EM A TIC A I. Instruments separate end in cases, Theiu..iieter of vsriotis sizes, Spy (Jlssses of every description, Platiua poin.s for Lightning Rods, Magic Lanterns willi scriptural, astronomical and temperance desii;na Microscopes and Microscopic objects, (islvmiic liutterie. Electrical Machines, Wurvcyer's Com passes, Surveying l'hsiis Ac. Ac. McALLlSI Eli A U K' HULK. (Established in 1 796.) 194 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Our Priced and Illustrated Catalogue ( t pages) with 150 illustrations furnished on applicaliuu, aii. I sent by n.l" '-i' of charge. Phila. Sept. 8, tc'ta. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. I W. Ti:l-:K &, Vo., NiuiIhm . ia.. JESPECTFULl.Y announce thst thev llse " just received a lame and varied stork n i 1 1 t.s splendid goods suited tn Ihe season ; a Hon of which thev solicit Irrm their Iriends ami the public they will be sold at low prices. a thev still adhere to the' r old motto: "Small prnfts and quick Sales." This in the end pa) a best, while it best serves their customers. 'I heir stork now consists of Cloths, Cassimeree, Vestings, Ladies' Dies Goods, in great variety, of Silks, Poplins, Delaines, Csshmeres, t.'oburgs, all wool de tains. Calicoes, Ac, with a large assortment of dresa Uimmings.-Broche, Thibet. Cash mere, and Hie; shswls, worked collars, cuffs, s'ceves. chemisettes, 4C. A new stock of Ready made Coata. Vests, and Pantaloons, nf superior style and workmanship. Also, Hata, Caps, Boots and Shoes together with a general assortment of Hardware, Queens ware, Grocerira. Provisions, Cedarware, Drugs, Paints. Oils and Nails. Come and see, no charge i made for allow ing goods. Country produce taken in exohange for goods, at the highest market prices Sunbury, October 13, 1S5S. COLEMAN'S CHEAP OUTLEBYBTORE, io. i Aorth Air' St., below Arch, PHILADELPHIA. (P10UNTRY Merchants can save from ten to J fifteen per cent, by purchasing at the above stores. By importing my own goods, paying but nitl' rent, and living economically, it is plain I can undersell those who purchase their Goods here, pay high rente and live like princes. Constantly ou hand a large a'sortment of Pen and Pocket Knives, Scissors dud Rsiora, Table Knives and Forks in ivory, stag, buftslo, lione and wood handles. Carvers and Forks, Ac, butcher Knivea, Dirk. JSnwie Knives, Revolving and p ain Pistols, Ac Also a large essortment of Aecordeone, Ae. Also fine English Twist end German Guns. JOHN M. COLEMAN. Oct 0, 18J5. ly. Importer. mUTILEY'SCOUGf CMNDY. An excel T lent remedy for coughs, cold. For sals at this office, December 4 1P51. VANILLA BEANS just rereid br WELiER A BRUNER. Kunhory. My 10. I8S4 flOOFLAND'S Bitter at May 19. WEISER & BRUNER'A. FAHNESTOCF I Vermi ug. for eale be May 19. VEIER A BRUNER LADIES' Dre Good Spring and 8umraa. cihdwl, Biack (ilk, (ilk poplin, L Lain, Ginghama, De bage. Lawn and calico, jest re ceivd and for aale bf WM. A. KNABB. Lowwr Augyetc, May , 16Me RLACK Putry-J-e goed articU for aa.1 by May WEItJER dc BRUNEK. PAINTS ef isy deecriprjoa jot received by Mr lit. WEISER ftSfl'XES TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEKMAN, ZUERN tt WEITZEL REBPFCTFL'LLY inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert Colliery, and are ready to deliver roal of superior quality, and of a variety of site prepa red on their new coal oreaker. All orders prompt attended to by addressing the firm, either at Sunbury or Shsmokin. Hunliury, June 30, 1853. Photography I Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ABT I J. E. McCLEES. (Successitrto McCleet German,) WOULD csll the attenion of the public, not v only to the superiority of Ihe Uaguerreo tvnes the Hvili'grsph, (by some called AmbrO' type.) and the various styles of Photography on paper; but to the fart, that parties at a distance posesin a small daguerreotype, msy, bv send ing it to No. ICO Chestnut St., have made from it by the meant of Photography, and the talents of the best Artists, a portrait ol sat sue, from a small Loeket to the full site of life. A small honk containing description, prices, Ac &c, will be sent gratia to any pirson ma king the request. Mc;i,Mi3 Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. I f0 Chestnut st., below 7th Thila., July 21, 1855. tf. JAMES BARBER W'HOl.KfALK A. KKTAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, .S. E. corner of Second g- Chestnut Sts. Where may he foil d, one of the largest and test BHKortment of Docks anil 1 ime Pieces id the L'nited tstes, in quantities to suit purchsiers, of I rum a single ('lock. In one thou'iinil Clucks ; embracing evcrv variety of emesnd msnulsc' tore, suiisl In for Churches. Hulls, Counting Houses. Parlors, Sleeping apartments, ai,d Kitch ens. Steam and Cannl Hosts, and Ksi! rntult'iirs, N. H Clocks Ri-ptired and Warranted. Clock Trimmings for sale. AUo. Wmufarlurtr of P.nrher's Ce'.thrated Pine GOLD PENS Emhrncina all the qualities of the finest quill pen. in addition t.i which the durability nf the inetsl is fully associated and developed. Gold Hiid f-'ilver Pencils, ami Pen Holders, Plte;1 Ware, &c wliuleviilc and retail. '1'hose wish ing to purchase arc iuviied to call. J VMES H RHEK, S. E. corner Chestnut and Serum) Sts., Phila. Philadelphia. June 33, 1855. ly. BOYD, HOSSER & CO., minchs amu iilirrlti nr Ucl) Vol) Vntljvacitc vCoal. From the Luke Firtler Colliery Shamokin, North'd County, Penna. Address Uoyd, Fiosncr &. Co., Sunbury, Pa. II. M . BOTH J. HIIKSEH. JAS. 1IUH. T. HOS:K. Sunbury. April 7, l5S. if. THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, I I I'D oiiflfr th Srnl. S:uif'liii nd AuiSfritv of ih I'Mivemitvof KKKK MKUIClNK mid kji-w. ! Ie!tf, I'lLiftrrnt ly th Mutt? t.f IVnitaylvuttia, April a. I l&.'i.', wult a Crtpitiil f fKHl.tHil), nininly ir the piupme if rrt-miitfr Itir evil Sputiinn mi't wirtliln N'truni; Alrt i I'nr PUitplvtiisr the OmmuniTV with rruaMe Itcme- I dies wherever r whrrvir a CtiiipH(riit IMivficmn rnii"t r wiM ti"t b rmp1'vM. Thi Jnatitutn'ii han purcfaMed friiu br Jun.t K. KvwAfiD, hi Ce.clritid Ftov...tr Jo, He Iiluro. Kii' Wii for upw:iufi f tu-fiitv-fivf vcum mi the rnly iiire pid mfrftir" fm KKVKK ami Ail 1- ,Vr , sort his ines- tim , Ilem.dyf..r IIUWK c1;1 , rill, r m.kl COM PLAINT:, Kowanrl's tierry It.mt. wl.ictl Inghly Bp provnl m.H iml.,r ftmeiie. ("Seiner wilh l lie l nivermiy'i nemeiivr.r i i.mpiHiiiis oi icei.inigs; The University's Kemril I'nr IHpepi:i or Indigestion ; The L'nivemuy's Itenieily f..T''"Stive-llowels; Alto, the Lmversitv, Almatmc may be '.e had, st the Branch Dispensary, or Slors nf u,i.iai iir.rri.v, Nov. 3, 18.55. Mahanoy P O. CHEAP BOOKS & STATIONERY. TIERRY A ERETY, invite the attention of incrcliauts anil others to their Urge stock of elegantly hound Bibles, II mil Punks, Prayer II. inks. Allunni, and Preciilalinn Bonks in all Mylraof hii.iling ; Siandiird Thtfulngh-ai. Medical. Miscellaiieuus and School Hooks, which they have received fom Trade Sales and are veiling at extremely low prices. Uo direct from the manufacturers and Im porters, ever- kind of Plain and Fancy riting. Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes. Gold Slid lcel Pens, Pencils. InketaiuU, Wrapping Pa pers, &c, Ac, at the lowest casli priees PKKltY A KKKI Y. S. W. Corner, 4th anil Race sts. PhiUilctpl.ia. September 22, 1 8.15. if GENUINE HONEY SOAP. "I'll K pnntv A A niil.'l fr.iaranre emoliicnt properties of this Soup renders It especial serving a place on every ,W)-52S?Ji toilet. Forchapped hands, Jfrnmil&lL and various diseases of -.,"S"VS' Ihe kiii, it is uneiualed Each cake is stamped WM. CONWAY, lfi.1 8outh Second atrcet, Philadelphia. IS'" other is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olivo Soap, Warranted to Wash in hard, soft, or salt watrr. This snap hs powerful cleansing properties, which rendily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt, Ac, from every desc iptinn of goods without injury In them. For all domestic purposes it is superior to any other sosp in use, and 20 per rent, cheaper than the common rosin soap. Each bar ia stamped. WILLI M CONWAY. 164 South Second strict, Philndelphia. Manufacturer of Fancv and Staple Soaps, sperm. stearine aud tallow randies, importer and dealer in aul soda, sod ash, rosin, &.C. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Phila. August 25, 1855 tf. or TUB UNITED STATES INSURANCE, Annuity aud Trust Co. S. E. earner 'Jhird and Chestnut Sts., I'HII.ADKLI'HIA. CAPITA I. $4311.000. TONKV is receive oh deposit dinly. Tne amount .M JeposileU is entere.l ins Drpsil II.Hik and given to the Depotitor, or, if preferred, a cenihcsle will he given. A il s.nns, lare snd smell, sre rcveived, and the siaouni pj'd uses nn demand, without notice. Inteicsi is pahI st the ruts f rrvs esa essr , r un- me.ieu.g irom the dsy of deposit, end ec.-isii.g ft.nriesii das nievious ki the wilhdruwul of the nioi.ev. (.in the fii-ar d.iy ..f January, in each y.ar. Ihs lelereit of vseh deposit is ruod I-, thedspieitor, or added to the princi pel, ns he inny prefer. The Cimpaii have now upwants of 3,500 depositors III the City '! riitlM'Irlproa ulons Aiiyndditi nal inl'oimatiou witllie given by addressnig the Tatussaa. DIRKCTOItS. Stephen R. Crawford. Pres'i, Lawrence J 'bus m. Vice Prest, Amhr.s V. ThoniiiS'iii, Benjarrilii VV. Tingle)', Jac.it I, Florsncs, ftecretury ad Treaknrer, TsLLsa ssd IsTiarsiTsa, J. William M. Onrlwin, Paul B (i.hUiT.1, Ge-Tse Melfenrv, James Ueyerena, Gutt-ivus English. I'l.lSY FISK. C. OF.HLfeCHLAGtR. rhiladei.his, fsept. 6, lB.M 1) P. CHEAP WATCH AND JKWELRY STORE A'o 72 North Second Street, (opposite th td Mint Vernon House ) Philadelphia. GOLD Lever Watchea, full jeweled. 18 K. ea ses, $28 i 8iUr Lever do,, do., Hilt; Sil ver Lepine, do., 0 ; Qusrlier. $3 to $7 : Gold Bpectacle. $4 60 to 10 ; 8ilver do., $ I 60 ; Kilver Table Kpoon per sett, $14 ta lfc Silver Deeert do., do., K 9 to S 1 1 ; bilver Tea do, do., $i IS to $7 60 s Gold Pene nd Gold Ca ws. $1 54 to H4 t Gold Pn and Silvr do.. 1; together with a variety of flue Cold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard tnd Fob Chsin. All goods warranted to be represented. Watch and Jewelre, repaired in thabeet manner. Alo.Me on A M arka, Pin. Ac, mad to ordar. N. B. All ardor nt by mail or otbervW. trill b punctually atuoded la. Pblhi, Bsvpt. ft, 1813 I j-w. ' New Good! fet the People I IJENJAMJN 11EFFNEU OESPECTPULLYluierme the public in gco eral that he ha just received and 0ned a splendid stock of Kali und Winter Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta, townahlp. His stock sonsists in pert of Cloths, Casiunerd, CassineU. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO l Cnllror. Gliicrhnni, Lawns, MouMftellnc Do L,aliic and alt kinda of Ladies Dresa Goods. Groceries, Also an assortment of IliartUvtire. Iron ami steel, NaiL, &o. Also an etcellcnt assortment of QUEENS WARE, of various styles and patterns. Also an assortment of BOOT A. 8IIOES. H ATS at CA PS, a good aeloetioa. Salt, Fish, i,c. And a great variety of other articles such a are auitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. Utr Country produce taken in'eichangs the highest priree. Lewer Augusta, Nov. 10, 185S. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, above Fourth. PHItADHLIHIA. T i- MscI.EI.I.AN, (late of Jones' Hotel haa the ptessure to inform hia friends and he traveling coramumtv, that he use leased tin House fur a term of yesrs, and is now prepared for the reception of Guests. I he Local sdvsntsr.es of tins favorite establish ment are too well known to need comment. The Mouse and Furniture have been pu in first rate order: the rooms are large and well ventilated. The Tables will always he aupplied with the l ent, and the proprietor pledgee liitrsell lliat no rfiort on his part shall be wanting to make the United States equal in comforts te any Hotel in the (Quaker City. Phila.. July 8, 1854. SAMUEL S. FETIIKRSTON, DIALER IN Lumps, Ltintrrns, Cbandrl iers and Candelabra. A'o. 152 S. 2d street, abate Spruce, PHILPr.LPHIA. Jlsviiu! enlarged and improved his store, and ' having one of the largest assortments ol I.smps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine Oil. I'amphene, Hunting Fluid, I.ard nud oil Ls nil's, and l.antcriia of all patterns, filses Lamps by the package, at a s"-,sll advance over aui-tion prices. Ueing a Manufacturer and Dealer of I'ir.e Oil, Huriiing Fluid and Alcohol, nhich will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, llouseliolj (.Unaware of all descrip tions st the lowest market price. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1634. (XICI OIC TM RSKI.n THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS: OR, EVERY OUt HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. rpHE FIFTIETH Edi -A tion, with On Hundred Engravings, showing Dis. euses and Malformationa ef the Human System in every shape and for. -a. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseasea of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. Ity Ui- Wiu. Yonng' Let no father ls aihsmed to present a copy of ths jES CTl.APire to his child, ll may save him from an ssrly snive. Let no vounu man or woman enter into the seere ohliirnlioiis of married life without resiling Ihs PUCKfcT .fvSCt'l.AIM L'S. I,et an one suffering- from hoekmed Conch, Tain in the rtide, rtlcM nichis. nervinis feeimrs. mid the whole triini of llyapentie sensatimts, and civen uo hv their rihtaician. he another moment without eon vultitisT the XSCl'LAflL'." Have ihe ma.iieil. or those about to he married any impediment, read this truly aaeliu IvHik. aa it haa been the meana ot saving thonaands ol on forrnrais creatures from the verv iawa of de-ith. nrAiiv parson sending TlVKMY-FIVI. CENTtS enclosed in u letter wi'l receive one copy of this ly., by mail, or hve e -pies will be tent foi one dol'jii. Ail"ief lis. W. YOt;Ni, No 15-iSl'KUCE btrset, PHILA IJKI.PIilA." Post pnirt. PhiLnletphin, Septem'.wr 8, IMS ly NEW FAMILY UltOUERY, Flour, Feed and Provision store SEASHOLTZ & PETEHY, lirnattirai, hetveen Market Blackberry Sts fj ESPr.C I r CLLV intorm the public tits - thev have just reteived a large and well selected Hssorlinenl of chnire Family Oreceries, consi-,tinc in part nf Hams, KlintiMrrs, Mackerel. Herring. White Fish, Cod Fish, Salt Preserved f'ru t. 1'ieklra. Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, P.ire ugir. t'olfee, (zreen, roasted and ground.) Im pt-rial. Young Hyion, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, rtone-ware, 8oaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoe, tobacco segars, Ac, together with every article uaualty found in a first class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold at the lewest pricea, either for rash or country produce. We also keep on hand choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon, Ac Porter, Ale, beer, snrnapritilla, Ac. We are also prepared to sup ply the citizen with fresh bread, twist, roII,pM, pretzels and cakea of every kind. N. B. The highest cash price will be paid for butter ami eggs, com, oata. rye and wheat. Sunbury, July 7, I8fj6. Shamokin White Ash Anthracite Coal From the "O.'a" Vein" in the Gap Colliery, TH. ZIMMERMAN A JNO. P. FL'RSEL, ' successors to Kase, Reed A Co., will con. tiiiue mining, shipping and selling roal from th aboe well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman dc Pursel. The point of shipment is at the lower wharf tn rsunnury, iortnumDr land county. Pa., where all order for the various kinds nf coal, vn : Lump, Broken, Egg, Move and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. fc'untary, July 14, I8SS, SfBfnT, Joit 5, I85S. The firm of Kase, Reed 4- Co. having old their lease in the Gap Colliery and interest in th wharf at Sunhuir. to Mesais. Zimmerman I'mscl, would take great pleaeure in recommend ing our customer and other t' the new firm, as they will be able to sell them prepared coal ol the beat quality, KASE, RF.EDdc CO. L&$mmv E'ss sunbuhy, pa. THE subscriber respectfully inform the public that the still continue to keep th abova named public boose. She baa alu received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trust that she will be able to give satisfaction t all w'ao may visit ber hous. MARIA TUOMPSON Sunbury Juna. 18iA. tf. HAYCOCK & riLLEa, DEALERS in Watche and Jewelry, arill continue th business at th old stand of James B. Fidler, No. 13 South Second Street, PHJLAHEmiU, Where they solicit an eiamination of their large anj varied stock, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have had In the business, and the facilities tbey possess for procuring good on th mast advantsjeotis term, will eoa bl them to compel favorably with any other establishment in the city. Tbey have bow oo band a fin assortment of WiTflWK !TJa"WTirR- JEWELRY. Silver. Plated nd IBntuota Ware, Cutlery, Fancv Goods, the., Ac N. B. Repairing ei Watcbea and all kinda of Jsvwalry atsatvlad to wis pnrmcasjw aad (ts gTMtMt nia, FVta, spC T. llHff. FIRST ARRIVAL At a N. Thompaon'i Store, In Lower Avyustn tottmskip, at the Junction q the -Julf-eiclen ana jiutn creK roaos. THE euuecriber having rettirned from the eJf with new arid ei tensive assortment fashlonabi good, reepectfully call Ibe attentiot of Farmer, Mechanics end ether to the ssm. SPRING AND 8UMMER.U00DS, consisting in pert ot Dry Goods, viz : CiofA, Co.ntWrss, CassineU, Jeans, Drillinfc Muslins, Vesttngs, t vteas, ana ail lanas ej Spring und Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND KANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin, dt Loins, Lstwni, GinriVami, Berates, Rob, H'ooltnt. Flannels, Ift. CROC Kit IKS, ' Sega'. Teas, Coffee, Rice, Mel esse, Cbeeee, Spioee, Bait, Ac, Ac, die. Ilnrdtvnrc, Naile, Horews, Filee, Saws. Knives A Forkf, A Qnceni and Giftasware, of various styles and pattern. SOOTS AND 6Z10BS. A Urge assortment of Boot arid 8eoe, foe men, women and children. If 4T Car, Ac, of various sizee and etyle. Beside a large and general assortment c fashionable good. Call aud etramine for your selves. f JT Country produce ol all kind taken in exchange at the highest market price. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 98, 1855. It4UMW'SIOICO RLUL BARLOW'S INDIGO SLUE, ia now wet established as the beat article ever offered f; Blueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid ot nything injurious to the finest articlee, All ousekeepers will find it much cheaper and lex trouMe than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it haa brought out several imi tations. Storekeeper and consumers will be careful to get Bskjsnin Bimow's, put up at Aiire u vv ntnerger a Drug More, Io. 163, JV. Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Orocer and Druggist they desl with, st prices yielding s good profit. Drugs, .ht-niraJe. Paints, VarmsAti, Ey fluffs, Ac, with first-rate assortment of every thing in Ihe line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFRED WH.TBERCEP-, Drugvist. 1C9 N. Second Stieet, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 ly. BOUNTY LAND WARRANTS. TMIE subscriber having received the necessary forms and insructtions from the Dcpsrtinent, ssuiRvion. is u.reuare.1 to nrocure Koi.nie Land Warrants at the shortest notice. H. B. MASSER. Banbury, At" 7, 1S5V NEW DRUG STOHE! WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale und Ectail LruErzists. Market St., next door to E, Y. Bnht't Start SCNBDRT. PA.. rVFFER to tlie public the largt and best electd stock ver opened in this section of country, consisting of FB.E3H AND PURE DRUGS, Medirinri, Chemicals, Ground Spices. Psints. Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Class. Patent Medicines, together with a comtlrte as sortment of Paint. Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail and Hhaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck anJ Pocket Combs, fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams Tobacco, Segara, Port Moniaa, Stationary, Con fecrionaties, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri ca Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generativ. Cy" Prejsrtpfioni Carefully Compounded. SEO. B. WEISER, WM. A. BRUNER. rW.hwry. May 38. llo4. TOBACCO, &0. Slrr.wVrry. Congress, Eldorado Fig, Eldorado Cake. Marssperilla Fin Cet, Pressed Fin Cut, Anderson " " Kor Psle st WEISER A BRCNER. Bunhury, May tt, I3!i. TAR. If. It. "-'colds, and HIO BEE'S remedy for enuehe. d pulmonary disrate. A sunr.lv f this valuaMe medicine jutt received and for sale 7 H. B. MASSER. fiunhtirv. June 4. t.S. A KNOLD'8 WRITING FLl'ID and A the iv and legal envelope, for aale hy H. B. MASSER. fiunbary, Jan 10. I Sol.. C HOES. Alt kind of Boot Shoes and slip- per lor ai by G. ELSBERG A CO, Market street, opposite the Post Office. Hiwibarv. Oct, 8. ISS3. NOTICE To Trtvspassers on tht Telegraph Lire. OTICE is hstsby given, that all person found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia and Kuubury Telegraph wie. he dealt with according to the act of Assembly in each case made and provided. H. B. MASHER, Pres't Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Ce anbury, June 8, 18&L- if. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, . or Tutcleii Salts, Prepared bv WEifF.R & BSENER. This prepsiation is recommended as sn ei ccllent laxative and purgative, it uperetr mildly, is entirely free from any unplesssnt taste, re sembling lemonade in flavor. Thia mcdicini ir highly beneficial for diseasea peculiar to summer and hot weather. alunhury. Jury 1, 1854 TNK Boureau'e cerebrated ink, and also Cnn fro ink for (ale, whel.issls and retail bv lWervher l.Sft H R MAS.SF.R. ATS AND CAPS . splerulirj lot c fashionable Pilk. Wool and Fur. Hat"' also Clelh, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Miliisr;" Cej fr ! low hy O. ELrJEERG A CO. Market street, opposite the Post Office, flunhury, Oct. 8, 1S53. GOLD PEN 8 witb and without esses, ef " very superior quality, just received. A iso a fresh aupply of Writing Fluid, for aalf " by If. B. MASSER. SonlKiry. Dec. 87. IJ' 1?LANK rarchmant Paper Deeda and blank' - Mortgagee, Bond, Eiecutious, Summon ' Ac, for saie b li. B. MASSEK. fcunhury , Apri 2. 185 JEWELRY. A nice assortment of Gaid and Stiver Peacilt and Pens, for sete chssp by G. ELSBERG A CO, . Market street, oppesil th Post Othc Sunbury, Oct. 8, I SAX , CjlLVER WATCHES. A few double cess English Stiver Watchea, for sale at very low pricea by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, A pri It, 1851 BEBERINE, VaTirri.rCbinordlo and Cio chonia, just recefved bv . May 19. 1855. WEISER A BRt'NER. CHAIN PUMFSC 4 email number of lhes OTceikut pimp hv b4 reoecved and ai flr4. or ai by , . ?fcfvr. Tifn A IIM-