FORGEIIY ON HE tAITOO iuftlt. Homo two weeks ago a utrangor called on Mr. John Howell, of Allen township, in this county, informiiifr him of tils desire to purchase a fnrm in tint neighborhood, and wished Mr. It. to give him information as to location, Ac, to which Mr. II., in this affable manner, complied, inviting him to dinner, and finally conveying him somo distance to the cars. The Rtranger, not to be outdono in politeness, thanked Mr. II. kindlv and asked him to give him his address for future reCor- onee, and then denarted. Arriving fit Kns ton, with whip in hand, a few minutes after tmnu Hours, ho tapped at the window of the hank, entered, and presented a letter and draft with Mr. Howell's Bitrnattire affixed, desiring a dralt on Philadelphia for three Hundred ana eighty-lour dollars lie, as won ns the contents of the letter, alleging he had Bold .Mr. II. three mules. He stated that ho was in a great hurry, intending to take the train of cars which were ubout leaving. The officers off ho Wank, conceiving all right, after somo hesitation it being after bank hours gave the desired draft, and the next day the rascal, calling on Mr. .Smith, in Philadelphia, with a forged letter of introduction from Mr. Howell, easily obtuined Mr. Smith's signature of endorse ment, and the draft was duly honored by the City Hank. A few days intervrning and Mr. Howell coming to Kustoti, tho draft and let ter being shown to him, were by him pro nounced forgeries. The officers of the Hank acknowledged a take-in, with a loss of three hundred and eighty-four dollars, less one-fourth of ono per cent, for accommo dation. Kaftan Express, 2'itl. till Kit. From lato Hong Kong papers wo select the following interesting intelligence : Amkmcam Saii.oiis on a TotTR. (From llm North Cliina Ilerukl, Dec. 21.) On Friday se'nnight a party of four Amer ican sailors arrived in Shanghue, who caused tio lit t lo curiosity when it was ascertained that they had travelled under escort all the way from Coreu. It appears that these men belonged to the American whaler Two Urothers, of New Dedford. They sailed in her to the Pacific in Juno, 1854, and last summer they state that, being kept on short commons and ill-treuted by their captain, they tonic one of the ship's boats and made their escape to the const of t'orea, being at the time to the northward j their boat was stove in on the beach, but they received n kind leceptinn by the natives, who fed them and kept thorn ninonurt them for a whole month, after which the proper authorities having been eomnmnicuted with, they were sent on horseback through Manchuria to the G'.vat Wall, where they were delivered up to the Chinese Mandarin and forwarded to 1'e' Tin) first night, of their arrival in tho northern capital they were visited by Kiis.-iim missionaries, who gave them food an 1 elolhing ; they spoke lint little English, and communicated mostly in writing. A Tier remaining at Pekin about 3 weeks, 1h" Knsians told them that the Emperor of China haJ presented them with some silver, and they were to be sent down to Hhansrhae the money they never saw ; but on their road to this port, they wero very scantily supplied with copper cash; they received only 40 cash per day, at starling, which paltry sum was subsequently reduced to ten cash a day, until they approached this district, when they were paid about 200 cash per day. They speak well of their treatment both in Corsa and Manchuria, but disparago their treatment in China. They say that they travelled through n highly cultivated country between this and Pekin, and passed through ii great many fino cities, which were exceed ingly populous. Unfortunately they appear to be very unsophisticated young men, from UO to 24 years of age, and d'id not profit much by their opportunities of travel. In all the resting places they were kept in tho prisons, and in Corea and Manchuria they never saw a w oman ; they were jealously kept from the r .iii-qins. New Advettiiemehti. A MARVELLOUS REMEDY! Ton A SIAMTEIXOtS AI I1 HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. TiiF. dRASD EXTEREAL RKME0Y. By tin id of a microscislic. m aee millinni of little opening! on the aurfacn of our botllea. Through, thrae tlilaOiaiment, wlirn rubbed on ihe skin, is cnrrieil to any oremi or inward pnrt. llisrasoa of the Kidney, disorders of the Liver, aflertiona of in henrt, Inflammation of the I.unirs, Aslhinnft, Conalia mid Colita, nreby- it menna eflce tnall)' ritrrd. Kvtry nnnae-wil'n knows Ihnt unit enasea freely through linne or mailt of nny thickness. This heul iii Ointment far more rentlily penetrate throneh any lione or Aeahy part of the living hotly, curing the most dniigerou inward complainte, that cennut be reached by other means. KRYSIPELAS, SALT nilRI'M AND SCORHCTIC III .KK9. No remedy ha ever done an much for the cure of di seases of the Hkin whatever form they may aaanine, ns tin I liniment. No case of Holt Rhenm, ak-uivy, 8re llciula. Scrofula on Eryaipelna, eon long withstand It in llnt'ilce. The invonlot has trnvelttit o,-er manv pnrt of Klobe, visiting the principal hospitals, dispensing thia Ointment, giving ndvire aa to ila npplicntioii, and haa lima been the lucuu i f restoring countless nuinbera lo health. cnr. i .Eos, soke breasts, wounds and tl.Ch.IIS. , Pome of the moat neientilm surgeon snow rely soley on the nae of thia wonderful Ointment, when having to pobo with tho worBt ease of antes, wonmla, nlcera, plan, ilular swellings, and tumors. 1'rolrssur llollowny tins, hy coiuninilil of the Allied Hoverinneiils, ihspnlehed lo the hospital of the Eaat. Inrirn shipment of tin Oint ment, to be lld under the direction ol the Medical tlall, ia the worst casas of wounds. It will cure nny ulcer glandular swelling, stiffness or contraction of the joints, even of 0 years' atundiug. l'lLKS AND FISTI I.A3. These and other similar distressing complainla ran Ik) effectually cared if the f liniment be well rubbed over the purls sleeted mat by otherwise following the puiileuill teutions around eucn pet. Doth the Ointment and I'itls should le tc?ed in thefolltucinij cases Ruinous l.uinbacn fore I.ers Hums Melcarial Sore Itrcnlts Chapped Hands Eruptions Hire Iliads Chilblains 1'iles Sore Threat Eistulas lthi-nrnatisiti Sutca of nil limit Salt It heum kinds Skin Diseases Sprain Sold at the Mninifiictorte of Professor HoLI.nWAV S(l .Maiden 1 ane, New York, and 214 Sound. l.oiid"ii. by all respectable Drnitisista nud Dealers in Mi-ilic-rne I liri ntjili otit the United States, nnd the civilized world, in boxes, ut 2,1 cents. B-JJ cents, and l each, I'f There is a considerable saving by lal.tug the larger sizes, N. n Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder ni-e nflixed to each box. Mnicli IKhI lyca Swelled (tlnuda Stifl".loii:ts Ulcer Venereal Sores W'ounriB of ull kinila Sen Ms 'J'liebest collection of Olccit ever I'ullifhetl. TIP-TOP GLEE & CIIOIIUS BOOK. A new im.l choice polleetnni of Copyrrie'its never before harmonized, nud tinny of tiie Cam n f modern German ft Italian Gampners' Arruimcd ill n familiar style, nnJ adapted to the ... , . . , nn.l ,t.n Use Ol tilce IvIUbS, OlIljJMIIj v,iusai-rt una family CircU, V C. JARVIS and J. A. GRTZE. This work contnin a great number of new and favorite Songs, in a stvleuduplod to uencral purposes, while many of the ticuu of MeiidelMsolin, Alii, Kuchrii, and other celebrated roniioserH, nro presented in nil Oiiatnnl lorn). '1'lie prent vuriely of musical compositions here introduced, eminently adapts it to the tnste and capacity of tho Singing School, the Glee Ciuti, inul the Family Circle. prrillCE ONE DOLLAR. Jfi hxA puhii.-hcd by I.tE & WALKER, -No. I8S Chesnut .Street, and J. U. LIPPlNCnTT A CO.. No. CD N orth Kourih St., Philadelphia. t3 Sample ropics will he sent hy mail, free of iioatap-a, on receipt of $1. Mnreli 24, 1856. 4m c-t SnEEIFF SALE. By virtue, of a certain writ of Levari Fa cias to mo directed, will ho exposed to pub lic salo, on SATURDAY tho 6th rlay of April, at 2 o'clock in Snnhiiry, the following described property, to wit : All that certain piece of crrotind or out lot, situate in tho borough of Banbury, bounded on the North by Tokeberry street i Kast, by a Lane ; .South, by out lot, No. 42, and West, hy an Alley, and marked in the freneral plan of aiiid borough of Sunbtiry. ont jot, No, 41 ) containinrf lrive Acres, One Hundred and Twenty Four perches, bo the same more or less, or thereabouts, together with the here ditaments and iipurteuanees. Heized, taken in execution, and to bo sold as the property of lr. Jacob 15. Musser. 1IKXHY AVK1SE, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, 1 Sunbury. March IS, 1850. 4 T.I. persons indebted to tho firm of Frillng Sc Crolit.ot. Nolc, Hook account or otherwise ro respectfully requested to come forward nnd pay up between this and the first of April as they w ish lo go to the Cily to lov in their Wprinir sup plies. F HI LINO & HI? A NT. SunhurT, March lfl, 1N50. tf LI. persons knowing themselves indebted to tlie siilisrnhrrs, an notn or nook account, are respectfully invited to call and fmv the same mi or before the tilth of April nest, an we must have money to buy our Spring nnd Summer snply of goodn. J. r. I.F. KLINE. Klines C.rove, Til., March 22. iTifi tf List ol' Csiuscs, HjCH trial in the Court of Common flcis H of Northumberland County, at April 'J'. A I)., 1850. FLAINTil'FS. Geo, .1. l'iprr, Allen Schrayer Klizabetli bright ('has 1) Wliartou Samuel K le Win Hrdtlens et al Kasc and Denty tlns S lnto .McCoy A I'utterson JaiiitH Mnrfhnll Win E Mnv cv co TSIiick for Sliuniaii School Directors of Sliutnukiii tp. nr;iii rti:eiiev DEFENDANTS. vs S.iui'1 Denrnientl, Ac. va Cl'.arlcs Weaver vs Dnniel ltrtirltemiller va Wood, IJuhlwin el al vs flefj Crifli'V vs Joseph Lrhind vs Kui'ly lioliitis A co va Milton Allium v? 1) C Caul vs Milton Allium vs Jnines Cameron vs Milton Trnvcl vs Jesse Hciwyl 1 U lVKs 1 Masser u'.rick M;ichan oseph E Lrilt Iwurd r nner Milton Troxc I irah Swciiey aeoli llaner pliraim Scott icoh llarnlmrt rnnio same Kaseiin Slmil eo 1' Ji ers Ac. onncllv fur Ciiuuer nrlinru Wtiser Wm Coleman Henry Kuko S' I!cnn Matiliius Heed J It is claimed opon the other ! "'' ground bounded by Virgin Alley, on .was used, but that it was i North ; by asinngtoii eireet, on the Mreet Fight in Erie. An unfortunate nnd discreditable) rencoun tt r took place in this city on Tuesday last, ween .Mr. J. K. '1 hompson and A. It Cnuoliey, Ksq., one of the editors of tha C'm utiliitiini, in which the hit ter was vcrv severely, and some say, fatally injured, 'o trutt, however, this last is incorrect. As there arc a dozen conflicting accounts of this nflair, the true ono of which will most likely be elicited in a lefral way, wo forbear ttatin; either of lliein authoritive'y. It is said upon the one side, that Thompson met his antago nist, mid felled him with a club, and then jumped upon him with his feet; thus inj tirinr ti i in niternallv. tido that no el nl a mere street fipt.ia which our cotemporary eauio oil' second best. Ju either case, the af r.i -i, ,i;t,,wi;...i.ii 4i,ni. n,. nr,rE-u , i j iu., luiiiiuitii;, iiiwiii. vi'iiii oo iiot unprovoked. Wo say this with no design I of extenuating tho outrage ; for there can be no petiole circumstance where resort to personal violence is justifiable. We say it, because we have road tho article which is supposed to have produced this sad result, iiiid wo have the very best authority (ob tained within the last week) that tho insinua tions it contains njraiust Judge T. (the father (if one of the parties) ar oasely false And beiuy: so, that they should have aroused the iticliuirH of young Mr. T., wo can well under stand ; but that such fact is any palliation for an attack upon u person so physically his inferior as Mr. O. we deny. Erie Observer. Va.MINK AM('(l TDK IxilIANS. TllO St. I'aul llemacrut says, that there i3 much sulferinir among the 1 ndians of Minnesota, .specially among the Yanktons of the Mis-t-ouri. Owing to their proximity to tho bel ligerent Sioux of tho Missouri, the Govern ment saw proper to interdict the trade irt guns or ammunition with them last fall; bb a consequence thev were thrown back unort tha primitive means of securing came, bv the bow and arrow. Buffalo being scarce near tiie jiissouri last hill, thev came over to the i ames river, imping to tin J subsistence lor the winter; but it appears they were sadly disappointed, and tho failure ot buffalo in tho winter, when travelling was impossible, has subjected them to all the horrors of famine, und exposure to tho inclemency of severe winter weather. SHERIFF SALES. Jty virtue of sundry writs of Vendllio Ex juntas to me directed, will be exposed to pub lic sale, ut thu Court House, in .Simlinry, on MONEAY the 7lh day of April, kp6, at 1 o'clock, I. M., tho following described pro perty, to w it : All the right, title and interest of Jacob Whitzel, dtfeiideiit of and in ull that certain tract or piece of land, situate in Kush town ship, Northumberland county, adjoining lands of Luther Itassett, Uelij. (Jeai hart, land of the heirs of John l'llnor, und lands late of Joseph Campbell, deceased, and land of Allen Sechler, containing 1'orly-tive Acres more or less, ubout Twenty-five Acres of which is cleared, w hereon areorecleit a Iiwel liug House. Stable, Ac. Seized, taken in ex ecution and to bo sold as tho property of Jacob Y hitzel. A I -SO -V certain unf;tiihed Throe Story Brick levelling, Burn and Two lots (.('ground, Minute in I in hut llle, Lewis township. North uml'crlaud county, containing about Two nnd n Quarter Acres of ground, laying alongside i.f Worn I slieet, bounded on" the Kus-t, by Wm. 11. K'.mig, lot South bv land of Sani'l Shannon ; West, by lot of Wm. Herring, and North, bv said Worrel street. Also, u ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N (pursuance of an alias order of the Or- phans' Court of Northumberland County, will b exposed to public salehv the undersigned Administratrix of Joseph T- Mather, late of the city of l'hiladelphin, Uec'd., on FRIDAY the 4th day ef April, next, at the public house rf Wm. M. Weaver, in the town of Shnninkin, Northumberland county, the following described real estate to witi A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, Situate in Coal townihip.l Northern). erlnnd county aforesaid surveyed upon the lid dsy of December, 1783, in pursuance of a warrant granted to Thomas Hamilton, adjoining lands surveyed in the names, respectively, of Mr. tin Gass, Wm. P. Hrady, John Doyd, Wm. Wilson, J hi Cook and l.'iihard Lake, con taining by rrsurvey limde by Kimber Cleaver, Sept. 16, I8r.r). t'.li) acres nnd RG prrehes, ulricl measure. Late the estate of the said Joseph T. Mather, dee'd. Sale to cnmmerics at 1(1 o'clock, A.M. of said day, when the terms will be made known by. ANN W. MATHER, Adin'x. 1IV order nl the Court, C. lioyd Purse., Clk. O. C. March 8, IR5fl. N. B. Tha above trertoflnnd lies in the valley between tho '-Little" and "Win" moun tains, upon tributaries: of tho Sbnniokin Creek, about eqni-distnnl from the two flourishing town nl Shninokiii nnd Treverton. Il is nil rxereiling ly well timbered with while nnd Chestnut Oak, while nnd yellow Pine, Chestnut, Hickory and Poplar; nnd a portion, large enough to ninke two good farms, is susceptible of cultivation. vs Charles Neuharl vs Suiilitiry ('moil !z Lumber Co. vs John lfuinint I vs Micimel Flatherty va Wm E May vs T lliinicanlnor et al vi Abraham 'iminan vs Chcis Nevvluirt vh John P Summers vs I", N Grahnm vs J !i Masser vs same vs Ir.i T Clement vs J 1'. Vaiihoni vs J 1'arnsworth s 1) .1 ool et nl vs 1J Dieckemillcr vs Yaudv lie vs Jacob V.'eitjcl et al vs Jotictih Gnrbrick vs John Faeelv K Vanhorn & wife vs Knsettn Mmll. JAMES HEARD, Trothy. Protht nolary's Ollice. ) Sunl.iirv, March l.r, 1850.- ( NOTICE, LL persons are hereby cautioned not lo pur cbs or receive front any person or persons xrept the undersigned nnv note or notes nfanv description, drawn by the Philadelphia and Nun- hiv Rail Road (. oinpany in favor of Uowen, Mart7. A jMasser; and they are parliculaily cau tioned not to purchase or receive from any per son or persons, other than the undersigned either of the two following notes, alleged to have been Iruwn bv mi'iJ Rail Road Company in favor of Uowen, Marm & Musser, one i utnl r ebruary lUlh, lH.' 4 uioiilbs lor $1134 UC, and the oilier dated Fibruary 10lh, IfciG, nl 5 months. for f ."i!)4 b'J. The whole indcbteibiess of the said Company to the said How en, Martz A Man ser, is due and belongs lo the umlersi:'nrd, and no other person has any right to receive, iiko. tiale or aaigu the same or nny pnrt thereof. JOHN HOW LN. Vi 1I.LIAM Iv. MARTZ. March 15, 18"iG. St PROCLAMATION. JV OT1CE is hereby given that tho several ' Courts of Common Pleas, General Quailcr Sessions of the peace, nnd Oprhans' Court. Court of Oyer and Terminer nnd General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Norlliuiiiberhiud. to commence at the Court Hiuse, in the borough ol Sunbury, at 111 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tho 7th d.iv of April next, and will continue TWO WEEK. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, are requested lo be then and there in their proper per sons, wilh their rolls, records, inipiisilious, and oilier remembrances, to do those things to their several offices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common vveahh against nny prisoner are also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall l e just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to he punctual in tht ir ntlenilaui e, at the time appointed agreeable te their notices. Given iiinler my hand at Suuhury, the let day ol March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ami fifty-live- and the Inde pendence uf the L'nited .Stales of America the 'i0lh. God save Ihe Commonwealth. HENRY WEIiSE, Sheriff. A'ii:Ei:rVAt.TV or Amjiem. It is now set. tied that upon the birth of the young Trench I'rincp or l'rincess, as the enso may be, Al geria is to bo converted into a Yiceroyalty, of which the I'rinco Napoleon will bu Vice roy. The imperial child, if a boy, wilt bo called King of Algeria, and a court will be established there. Immense tll'orts are going to be made by Napoleon in favor of tuis colony, iiuu the most exaggerated no tions of it future great nosg are entertained by tho Government of France. A lute decree of tho Kinperor makes t lie most tempting offer to emigrants, by securing to them not only free lands, but houses already constructed, and tho Government of France hag placed itself in communication with all the German States on this subject, with a view of turn! channel to tuo United States towards Algiers. 1 ub bather in California. Extract Irom a lettenrom a gentleman in California, tiaieu riii, iuui--xour severe winter weather forms quite a cootrast to our geuial clmiale. VV e have net had a particle of ice for near two months, and not uufrequenlly we sit with windows up rull height. For a week we Lave done this j iu the open air the thermometer ranged ubout C4 the othei dav. The nioubtaiu and hill sides are covered with grtwu grass, and the fields already smile as youiS Jo "it li April suu and showers. East; bv Worrel street and lbellenbacher lot on tho South, and by l'aradiso street, on tho West ; containing about Two Acres and three Ouurters of ground. Also, lot No. i on Main street and running back to Virgin Alley ; bounded on the Last, by m. 1 oil nier s lot, and on tho W est, by Hellers lot containing ubout a tpiarier of tin Acre more or less. Siezcd, taken in execution, and to be sold as tho property of Horatio G. Wor reil ALSO A certain tract of land, situate in Coal and Zerby townships, Northumberland county, adjoining lands surveyed in t he names ol John liovu, vwilium mitou. 1 tier Man rer, Michael Krull und Frederick Kramer. containing !107 acres und SIM perches more or less, and about a quaiter of an acre of which are cleared, w heron is erected a rmuU Frame HouSo. Siezed, taken in execution, and to be sold as tho property of Dr. Leo W. Dili ungton, drawer and Jucob Loose, endorser. ALSO A certain tract of land, situate in Delawaro township, Northumberland county containing Two Hundred and Forty Acres more or less, adjoiotuing land ot l eter ,M lirnta jJatiiel nortinun, l eter bliuily tun others, a part of which is cleared, and whore on is erected a Log liarn. Seized, taken execution, and to be sold as the property of Thomas J. Addis. II. WEISE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. 1 Sunbury, March 10, 1856. j PUBLIC NOTICE IS hereby given, in the mutter of the Tract mid parcel of Land odvertised by the Sheriff of Northumberland County among other Lands, to be sold by the said Sheiilf on Monday the 7th day of April, 1851, at the Court House in Sun bury, and described in Ihe said advertisement as "a certain Tract of Land, situate in Delaware "township, Northumberland county, containing "Two Hundred and Forty Acres, more or less, "adjoining land of Peter Mcliride, David Wert- men, retrr Shady, and others, opart uf which ''is cleared, and whereon is erected a Log U.iro. "Seized taken in execution, and to be sold as the "property of 1 homaa J. Addis. bigned. 11. V else, Shf rill. "Sheriff ' OihVe, Sunbury, March 15. 18S6. 'Phut I own the said tract of land above descri bed, that I claim title tu the same by a deed dated the 17lh day of July, A. 1). 1855, from Matthias Matterly Addis, and duly executed and recorded in the Recorder i ollice of Northumberland eouii' tv, on the 7th day of August 1855, in deed book L. L. pages 437 & 489, which aaid deed dcscriliea the title under which I claim the same from the Commonwealth to my grantor, and to which and the deed and conveyances therein described, I leter for full description of my right and tide, of which all persona intending to bid at said (ale win pieaae hike notice. STEPHEN FALLS ELLIS Delaware tp.. March 83, 1856 3U NOTICE. The statement above set forth has no foot. tin lion in fact. I hold the nolc for the payment of debts due bv ihe firm, and if I owe ihcin any thing I am able and willing to pay. J. U. MASShU. March 15, 1650. 3t. BOOKS! BOOKS!! Walk this way for Bargains- KING desirous of disposing of my entire stock of liooksaud Stationery, comprising some 20,lll)O Volumes of Law, Medical. I!eli uiotiH Scientific, Uiank, Musical, 8choul and Miscellaneous lijc.ks. Also, 10(1 Reams of Idler pnprr and a lot of wall pnpes. steel pen, wafers, Ac. I will dispose of the whole t-tock at public sale sale at my store, opposite the Court House, commencing on Monday the ?th day of April, lH.'id nil o'clock, I' M., and continuing, every afternoon and ( veiling until the whole btock is old. WM. McCAHTV. Per JOS. H. MvCAKTV. Sunbury, March 15. 1S5U. tf Premium Improved SUPER, niOSPIIATE OF LIME. THE ONLY SILVER Ml. DA I. Yet awarded fjy Agricultural Societies5 was (riven to this Superior Article, at the last Pennsylvania Stale Fair, at Iisfrirhurg, ris a fertilWr "of the best quality for Wheat, Corn, Chits, Crass nud .Potatoes, liaising heavy crops, and greatly im proving the soil. The subscriber respectfully ii forms farmers and denb-rs that he is prepared to supply the Spring demand at the old pi ice. Itr aliWIU WANTED.- A dis count allowed. ALSO. No 1 Peruvian and Msxicsti'f'untio. Poudrelte and Land Piaster. Oils. Camlles, Soap, &.C, of ihe best quality, at lowest market rates. JNO. L. POMCKOV, 9 and lfl South Wian;e.. helnc lifarhet Street rmt..i,r,i ruiA. n?" Tanners can iv4 en two private allovs, nnd avoij the crowded Wlmf. March 8. IHftli. 3nic. IViinsyivaula Wlrti Work. N". 50 Arch Street between Second and Third, (Opposite Uroiid Street.) fHILABEtPHIA, S'ierrs. Hidillrt, Screens, H'ire i IPiVe if all mcuhfg and trid hs. with nil limit nf plain and fancy Wive Wmh. Heavy twilled Wire for Snurk Catchers: Coal. Hand nnd (.'ravel Screens ; Paper Mai.or's Wire; Cylinder and Dandy Knits covered in the best manner; Wire nud Wire Feneintr. A very superior article of IIKAVV FOI'N- l'EKS 8IEVKS. All kind of Iron Wire and Mavcs. n v Lisa, itujnv .v linn. Phila., March 8, lHII.:tmc v i4 a t r f i : n r i. i : F every description, auilable for K.iil lloads. A-c, for weighing llav, foal. Ore and Merclinmlise genernllv. Pinrhasi rs run n- risk. every arale is Cuaranlced Correct, nud if. niter trial, not loutnl salislai'tory, ran be returned without charge. fif" Factory at the Old UMand, established for more than twenty years, roruer of NINTH and Iclon Streets, Philadelphia. AIJUlMT i CO. March 1, I M.G :)mc Ntmeryinen, Fruit Orowen and Farmers NKW 1.0IIK II O K TI O U LTU It A L" R KV 1 K VV : A Journal cf Suburban Art. Superbly und I'rtfunely Illustrated. iHvutcd ta the Advancement vf the lluial lnttrtsts in Ainertca. . This is rate oi the lnrg at and moat rhbarale v)rl; o th kind in ihe wiiiii, ii mill An-liiiecinre forma one "f tin pritiolenl f-'Ctiri-a. llu'-li nutiilit'i u..iiitotis lrau twotol 'ur c-ligiaviiifa t.l Hi-Kiel'S-a lieiii lli:i t li viuiii'ii.t aitoeul c-(-lii-'-ela Nmch ia also ii-xilkI to the titbtili.'l Hit ef l.aiiiln ii v li titi'i.tnt enitivcil pl.ina of a'llris. iir uvi rv Silf. ii,. I iiiln'ittl l-i i h i incit.uiilliva vi urjri ol iir-.'l:iice,.ii.i, iv.tiitit y tl v -rs. F.arnv'iiiua ol new li uits. new tiowers, new vi-gti'Mc, Ac,,.ic l.iui.f.nml and fit'hi:rinc.l as so'ii lliur rt n'jell : l)u;ilitii!S e i:i to il, icttn'.i i ,1, I riiilrfl ll- lir-cl cunnlilk and ri.jiniiu X.iimiit of liutnl lli.simi.itry ever ?iiti nip't-a. a .Xict Iciieril cil,a of praelit-til wilL-ls, Setta In IMiitiiH i, me cii.-iF?o L .til il i'liU nn,a tl C"i)tfiins s-v"nly fure po.-e, sml is -ithtil rin Ilia n;H 'Pt. I ';ni r.'i'hv.m ;";... maiiiil ;i::turce i:xir f-. v . 'J': Fi, (t , 'I no j i ll.i. o cue '--i I'er aenaiii, iiiihi Iii invan.i 1 III it-lv;.:i''1. v-ilfl i: '.i:ii.i.m in no .'.''l nutjvl i'kt ali .V'l-il i' " i .r ..,'i.Tit. tl.'Vil eil; lie du'iilnliril :.l t-.x I l i.ii eio ain-inj.. 1 1,.- r. wlrt fi.i1 us 1 1"? twcli'y lurpt f Bii . i' i 1 . ' .' rr. . '1'ni-so ,Hniiuiua will be miJ i. t.iale 'irin are a--tri'if' fr.'tn handrLsla of su:v 'uhi'iy Clio iiiiili-d liy c:inteuipuiniiv' ua uui KEYSTONE MAR1JLE Vi'OltKy, T), M-r KMiitnrut Rt-viw Avwvn trip m t tiltr;il pt. tr !in;'- lui i . n,y - rti tic. tt v prtiCtifnl, Iml ' Wiiilt-n in .i i'Ttt:il tli i. t ' t fl-ri ll:u Lite A. J. L.iiVi'. K.t rKM.V. t :';-.n. Tiif m.wt rktrtint mtl tin-fiti h uM "f tSd kind that lias c- r ciuiie- ii 'itt-i nm ,i"i.t:rvn'i n K F',it: . Mr. I.'f "fT.i-f, thr fi.l.L'.r tf tin: II nifiiiti i'.iI H view, ik li ;if tr ii-H i.-n-- ?u t'lui Mini m' itiy Um-t-t ft' li ( ;x -tr I'n.iiitry Iri:t5 ." l' il- j mti-MTfii t16 pVvi nt? (lt?fttTipt ive p i vms of I ,! iit, ri;i' . itj.tnit fttti ! Vi'lj V. v :n-hi't.-ii u'h :i t'vi.ujj It k.n.vivc!-e it' rtilul 0. t. -fI ;Ta T fc 1 1, tpusi-. I Ul iticr.' lid v 1 1 u t v. mr tt ni h:v tt v i-i'T (Ijiiii-IiltTii It is h licit iiiT.-M t ui t ttt-iit ; ii r;iitt ri.i.i!t'.i,iit...n v( Hie 1 laMiKiuii tr t tlic up.'iiii Ai;.;t , N. V. I Wv hi 1 t)i''ny!it ill it in I .vmiiy's tnlh, tlie (l"i"'!lit j rMTi"i:iV:iiirM : I'Hl in , If-ir;!.-t vo tli--ov-;.( mi tqn:i)!v I tlf'll fill If f ll'-Mtil! .VJll.l'. 111 II ttt t -M-.K t it; lmiu';H; i f j tlie i lisat j? iu . mmoii: 'ruin Nr. A' -rt:Fi if ' iv-;. , nit !iiir-nr;iF,''t liifiKur-l of IMiMitvfv, ii')!h: UiMiH-iiMitr-d Kcvit w ( irccliitn -xtft-.i.lUj-jl f.rr V I'r in tin' l'ljtit, Alvr!Hitlin'ti! nt HMIM Jit lltt-. IMte nf H(J ("T Hipf. V003 EiKGAAVlT7C Ph''- r";i-i:'i n' W.i"l I'c. living, cm )tnv tlirif f:rnpi! rt'-cuifil i:i mi UMnv..i! ,l liin-niri. (-ti-iul Hltt-ntioit :v- n n vt-.'Vfa f AI,: mi rxi-i'iii nerd K.:iIikIi Pr.-mrlilMi.iin in rt, ini f ir tl.Ts t-X-rrM urtH fp. J'i i " mi nm itt etui fnrwttul n (,:it:ui'r'typ of the Ktir.J !,y HI-lllJ 1,iy VlSh ("lfr iVCii, Wl.lfll Wtli l'ttt r-ti:1i I'init lm'i'" to nlitniM n p1 rfr.-t f.ic mmiie. Slot Is K't.'-i-'is w.;i !-.iit wtili veiy libeuit iun:m. l-"flmi;.ry ;6, Gum Pnthfonablo ITats frnd Oiiptf A&H21T & E0CArf. ; Xo. ?C Market Lr f NTOriM Uirir fricmJ ami ihe publia fff mtirr! tliut ihcy Citiiliuue to kefp Rt 9nv llirir olil stun.1, n I(rf;e auJ extpiisivfl K(rtmf u of hrtt. cpp, Ar., got it ttf lliclicst inafprio! tit! in ihe Uu nnJ bl 11 of workniafiRlti ttutl liiiit-fi. Country nipfdiani nTul ntlii-rn will do w!I ttf coll nit J exnmii.t1 hclorr )Uuhtisii!(j rifewhec VUu.i.. 10, -tf. AiWAiYni& TOR CAIE; 'lMK ilmrn'icr olli rs ut privtil sjTf, VALUAULK Tit ALT )V LANi- siluato in rtiijinf vnlinf, Crrnn tuwiishipi Cltii nrr i niintv, nl i.v.l I n K fioiii Logniisvill'. and mill s lioin l.uii, Haven, ni'j.iii. iiiir Intulsof An Ihoiiy VpiKih r, ii-o. t'riiinlty nml Ceo. !"tiool, (out inhi "21 ucris, Mrirt li ensure, nil of which i.i rc lliMt Liiof.loiis hinil ahoul till Hires o? which ur clearei!, (tint llm l ulntice well tinihcreijL snd wnierc l. T,e iinprovrment" ore a livo pt'orV Lrnt IIoiim' uni! a Ins hum, nrnr the westiirn em' ct the tract, nnd :itt eicellettt young or. !ei it of choice ficit trees. Also ntiolher excellent two hlorv Losf House nml U.g harn on the eosU erri (ion, on ol'snul tint t. Tim snul premises nrn so siucilcd at ti mnkc two ece!letit FHrms, nnrf will hp sohl i,(;, thpr or 8ciar.ite, to auit purcha' s. rs. Person ,lcsirous of purchasing Ihe ahovc pritpLTty will pleaso call on Ihe suhscriher, rei dini; in t'pper Aunustn tp., N rlhtinihr rhunt county, .r) miks from Siiiiliirry, who will acenm pany them to raid prrmises. Terms rcasonnhlo' CKOKtJF, M. KOliKEMS'l'Krf. Dcremher S2, tf, Market Street, west of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. JMI Ki jrpets. t ,4Rfi:TS 4n Oil. ( LOTUS, At Eldridge's Cheap VarehouBo. The suhscriher, heing in a hye street, is under very low lent and liirht expenses, which enahle Uinitoaell at tho VKKY I.OV'iT PRICKS. Merchants vicilin? 7'hilailelphin, nnd wishing to htiy Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mallitnrs, Ac., will do well to call and examine his stock of DeauUliil Imperial 3-ply, Superfine, Pine and Medium Ingrain, and r Cu eneiun ot all UiuU, 3 Ami OIL CLOTHS ofullwidlha in creat variety. Also, M.AT1 IfiS of every Kind and various widths, together with a general assortment of low-priced Ingrain, Cnrpets, and Lntry and Mair Carpets, Hcnrtli-KuRs, Donr-Mnts, J uhla Covers, floor Cloths, ltai( Carpets. Cotton Car pets, Ac. 11. H.KLDKIDtii:. iSo. 41 tStlav hpv Ktrcct, One door ahove Chesnut, ntar 8erond St. March 15, 1858 Sine Philadelphia. TIX'SBAND'8 Magnesia for aalo by May 19, VE18ER & EHUNEB II' OOTST, tShoea, Hat., Cpan4 Gumbhoai, tt- 7 ISJi. TEXER iCo TEINS No, 3 and 4, seventeen and thirteen feet in thickness of pure White Ash Coal, on the Green Itidge estate at Ml. Carmel, lioth Veina driven to marketable coal. Jor further particulars enquire of Chas. W. Churchman, Philadelphia, P. W. hhealler, V'ottsville, or ol JUMiJ'U S. Dl.Vli., cup i. Mt. Carmel. Northumberland Co., Pa. March 15, 1856 tiw 1856. FPKINC .STOCK OK NKW OOOD.S. Kiishiotuilih; Willis, full line of hlurk Sillcs new ttvlu Hpriii!' ilmwlis, dress cdoiIh tlo., Linons cf Rlrong fabric, Mulins of bst long t lolhs, stnple lioiisekcriing goodi", Mens wear ol ull thu new styles. KVI?E & LANDKI.L. 4th and Arch Street.. J'iitadehihia 1. 8. Storekeepers, Kninilk'S ti tut all Uood Nett t'tish ISuvers lire respecifiilly in vi ted to examine: this stock of New Hoods bo I'orn )-.ti rclmsi :i jr, ns we prefer gelling low, and selliii"; tho more L'oocl.i. St()ri k('e.ers'iiiny ol'leti find pront jobs from Auction, as we nttctid thu Auction tales ol New York nnd Philadelphia, l'hihi., March 8, 1 f.'iG. Jim. w 'iFANFcOMFOKT," ! o Your (Inn Mechanic. Wilkinson & Renn, liespectfully announce that they havo taken the stand lutely occupied hy t.'eorge Ketin, where they are prepared lo lmiiiuljctuic all Kinds of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Cf t!ie most FasLionaWo Style. rPUK subscribers respectfully call the altentioi of the public to their lurue and splendid as sortment nf every quality ud price !' CAKB.rS'-WAKIl which cannot fail to reionimend it.-elf to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid liiiinh, made up of the bent stock to he had in the cilv. effort is spared in the iiiiitiufaeture of their wnre, and tha subscribers are ilelcrmini il to keep up w'uri the many improvements' which are constantly being lnade. Their Mock consists of Mahogany istif'.ix, Oitans atnt I, utilise Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA. BREAKFAST AMI UlM.Nli lliiLB and also VLW P.TIAN BLINDS, eiiual to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price CUPIiOAIinS, WOltiv AND CANDI.K hTANDS. TOII.KT TABLKS AND KXTENSION TABLKS, In short, every article in this line of their businrsa. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CIIAIKS, ncluding varieties never before to be had il Sun!'""', auch as Maiioh -, Black Waim't AMI ClBLKII MiPLC tini.lUN ; AMI W I S II SO h t.'HAIK.S, ami KAxet Piami Stools, wliicliar of the latest styles, nud warranted to be excelled by none ninmilUetured in the Cities or elsewhere. (The bubscribers arc determined that there shall be no excuse lor persons to purchase lurniture in the cities, as every confidence ran be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will he disposed of on as good terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. 11T L'NDLIiTAKI.Vo. Having provided themselves with a handsome Hkausk, they arc now prepared for 1'iidurtnkiiig, and attending fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tune from this place. t" The Ware Kooni is in Fawn Street, be low Weaver's Hotel. WILKINSON cV RENN. fcunhury, March H, 1S56. tf. New Wholesale Drug Stre. Xtf. BPENCER THOMAS. No. 20 South, Second Street, Philadelphia. . IMI'CIITEH, Manufacturer and Dealer, iu Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye stull's, l'uiuts, Oils, Colors, While Lead, French and American While Ziuc, Window Class, (il isHwarcs, Varniaher, Brushes, Instruments, fi, AVhule Spices, and all other ar ticle usually kept by DrupqUts, including Bo rax. Indigo, Clue, Shellar, Potash, Ac, eye. All orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Country Merchant are invited to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Uooilsasent to any ot the harves or 1! ail road stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 8, 1856 ly S. F. JACOBY 5; CO.. MPOnTEKS of and dealers iu ihe various oreijn nnd Domestic Marbles, Statuarv.oVe., have constantly on hand a large and s. lect ns sorlment of Mantles, Tombs, Monument, Table 'Pops, i. r.., of every description, not excelled hy any in the city for beauty, symmetry und fmi h. Cabinet Makers, numbers and Marble t ut ters, furnished ot the shortest notiee, with Mar ble of evury description ami pattern, whether r orrign ur Domestic, either (unshed in thelShib or lltoek, oil the most rcniounhle terms. We respectfully invite atteniioii to our stock on hnnd. March 1, lS.rC 3m c JAL'lLl IXjCHNTOGK, M.D., Late I'ltorKSSdll ,,f Airitoiny ae ' ! ii'li-1!'!"!! t.'olt,-." m" Alfilirin.-. mi;! . Ml.lU'tl, I y : one it I lie Cnnyti II ins PL a.l.'li.lna l..ltiil. Cloi'lill V ; lute III' M-.lii-:il ,-:-a' i;ili"n : nu'iii'.jri ul' t i: -ill! urirerc in Tin n it Pi''!' r"r v mi . inn "i i!i rii.i I lln- Xali..1B, I'lH.'iid-h'I'a, ,M,,i, BUPEBIOB TEAS In THU OiiniMAL Half Chksts, In Boxes, oT A and 12 poutids, and i:i Metallic Packages, of i, J, l,t!, it 4 Pounds, for 4t by (imteiTAL i rrs rons oa the mlttallic tba PACK.) AVholesale Dealers in 'Peas Only, .V. V. Cor. of Market A Ninth Sis., Philadelphia. Tens in Metallic Packs put up in Half Chests, containing a variety uf bo ill Black and Creen to suit buyers. Primed List of Prices, Terms, &c furnished by mail to nil who order them. All Teas warranted to please, or no sale. One and Ihe tame price and terms to all, and one only. Hall'Chrats of Black contain about 33 pounds and of (ireen, about 5(3 p minis each. March I, ls50 3t p MUnriIY&"'K00NS YVIIUl.r.SAI.n liK.U.l.hS IN nsii ntKsi: &. rnovisiovs, No. 47 North WHARVES, below Pace Wtrc.ts, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand a laree Hoilnienl of FISH, CHEESE & PKDVIMO.NS, which they lire, prepared o dispose uf nl the lowial Market rates. Orders proinpllv executed. March I, ISoO. 3m w irn ti -t ; iii,'M,l,.i 1. 1 tln M.-ill('-t;liiiini'"':i! Oi;.pi ol' r!n:n.,lj,!ini ; ln nifrl , Pii'snlnat anil l .il'ciiaiir ,!' n 't.i nv u i i Si-iirrri- m i;!i;-t n ,i.-,ln-;,l (.'.'ll.-iv', V.;t-i.-i'inl ; anil n!o, late l'liij'rsi'r "f Aii;it iir. :i:i'l I''l. oi:v in il'Tksliui: .Mcilcai l,iijlitiin.ii, l'itliLKI, ;'t?.. Ac- . Ac, ,Vc. Iiiif liiit-ly iiitr.Mluceil in n p''pa';ir f -rm ff T liii, fi'v.'lile -i-scri-U"iia I n' tliu enii'.-t; ilifiNise ol link i-liiiiarc. Tlic n:niie ut' .-nrli urlifl'; w:l! iaiy tlie diseoe f'-r i liii-h il m iriti-in''-'l ti, l,r il.c t. I'H.M.CI.I.N I'OI'K'f I KCrillt.M.YnrP l'rice?l ll!(. .McCI.I.N TOOK': It'l L) AM) l tl' MIX T I " I r 1 1 ;r f"l t'o'iL-hs. ,'iC Price A", els lilt MiCI.IX l (Hi; S AT!IIA AMI IKK. PINO Cl (.11 HK.'.IKIlV. I'iK'e .50 cis Dr. Mil I.IM'llCK TXiC A I.Tf.tlXA I'l VE !S II I'I'-l'.n I'nrifi in-.' Ill- Ill'uii' Pri.c.M. ins. ,i. ri.i. 1'iii iv pYsi'i,!-I'li; i:i.txti For ii nti; l"iiu to Hi. t .-1 1 1 1 1 1 . -1 1 rrt'i'-vinpr i.iins niU'i oatlin;, li''iLI:i'.'i, a.tJ -ill ilis.-igrcealjiti a) ini'toins urising Hum in-liiri sin n Pri'-'- ; . Hi:. McCUNTi ifK's lllIKt'.M ATlCMIXTfttK A Pur.'Iv Vi'triuliio Iti'iueilv I'or Inlcriuil nae. Price Ml uts. Dli. Met I.IMUCK KIII'.LMA'1 1C I.IXI.MKNT For lllieiniiutiimi, Si'iulne, isvt'liritcs, Ac , ,Vc. Pricf 50 fi'tits. 1)11. M.Ct.lXTOCK'S AXdKYXf. MIXTI'ltti Fot l'.iins, 'l'j'jliiucde, ilc:i(t.icl,e, NcUin'a, it. e. Price 50 cms. lilt. M.-Cl.tNTOCK'S PEVKH AND Af'K SP1-.. I'll'H; A citI'iim cnri' loi fill lnt"-:nini nla. I'ri-c;l. Hit. M' CI.IN I'.H K'S III VKMIlUA I (HilJlAl, AM) l.'lil.i:H A I'lll-.Vl.N riV:A w,r.: r.-mnlv. Hit. M-rl.lV lOi'liSi VlK.I.'I'.VIil.t: l'l'HTIVL PIl.l.S I'm f"Sii eiii'du. lli'iiit'n'hp. Ac Pri'-r 'i-icrs. Hit. Mi l,'l,lT.II'li:S AN I' S JMI.IJ For li'i iuliirily in llic l-'nncii'Mn of il.i l.ivcr nmt ll'i,vv!-1 lit' i"'flt l.iv-r Pill niaile. Prii'f i.'.'i cfs. ti li -x For ante liy Dr. J. Mi-CMN'I'dCK. al liii Mrnical I)e p"t, W corner iiintli mi't Filln'it sta , Pin!ii'ltdliia. nml in all llrninria'.i anil Hcalcra in .Mili' iiiHS. All Druso-iii n nl Hf.'ili'i. in Mciln-'itrs cli wisll to lie agents, will (ileiiac ii'l'l'li.s ir. Mi'CliNt'iek, furnialiuig rtl'erence. niiiiir "I Pmt.( iiTiee. .'"inity unit sialu. (?' lr'T S;lle liy Wi-isrr , HlllniT, 'llll'i.TV lllltl PllB- ni 'kin ; Win. W'piificr, N'irlliiiitiiitTlnii'1 ; U. Ilruwn. Mil hni ; K. I', l.ulz, lll'i'mislniru ; .I.-i'i-li llnriis, llurkli' rn ; j"l:n Vaiilrci , l.ielit Street j 1 tjlir.ricSd St Scn, C'au- Kel.rn.'ov ft. I.'tj. 6-n. REMOVAL. AL. CTION AND PKIVATEALE. Vorthy tho Attcrtion cf Every Kan.' ? J'1"'1 r'-11"''!'0')' deterniinej to leave un - a bury on the 1st nf February next, 1 inteml sellini; my Inrtte Stork of Clotliinit and other (inmls at nnd below cost at private sale, and next ni mi In at Auction. My stock enil.rar. s a larie. variety of very desirable goods uf tliller.Vf li'Vi'ts' I' 1,1) I'll IN., of ililfcirnt s' les ami makes vn rimi'i ipinlities nnd prices, such r.s Winter eoalu frnri 'i'i.'i 'i iipwnjils; Overcoats from ?'3,00 and higher; Pacts nnd Vrsis in proportion; lists a:i I Caps, lion's an, I fShoes, Shirts, I'l: Irn lo. thiu, lin s' Clothing, pistols, jewelry, li'inierv, ti'i.l nil other kinds ol goods grner.".ll'y kep. iti a Cl.ithins Lstnl.hshriierit. I have nls.i on band a v rriety of Summer (.'oats, vests ntnl pnuts; n!o Sumincr Hats of dilli rent st les, all of w hich I will m II ut tremendously l.iw prices. Tim Auction will commence on the 7th of January nr:;t, nud will continue through that week every day nnJ evening, afterwards on Monday Wednesday ami tJaturday. '1'he public will lind it to Iheir iuKaiitai;e to call enrlv nin! buy at pitvate sale; they have llien a pood as sortment to pick from, and shall buy poods nt as low prices as Ihey will probably be su'.d by Auc tion. My store is iu Market S junre, is known, nnd con hardly be missed. AT.11P.KT ELSKEKf. Sunbury Dec. S'i, lfi'-r). To Kercliant3 and Storekeepers. The subsciiher desirous of leaving as soon as possible, will sell to Merchants and others who may favor him, nt wholesale, lower than Phila delnhia rales, any or all his comix on hnnd. His stock'eomprisrg a aarirty of poods nd.iptril to the season, ir pretty l.irKC ycl, so thnt he ran rjive an Assortment of sizes and qualities to buyers. Merchants will lind it lo their advantage tJ call cc.ily. ALPiPLT LLSBEUti. Kow Wall Taper Warchouso. BURTON Sl LANINC-, Manufueturea and Iniporteis, No. I'M Arch Street, second Joor above Sixth, Phi'.adclpl.i a. AV1IEKE may be found the largest and hand somest assortment in the City. Purchasers from tho country T. ill find it to their inl antnu'e to call at our storc, whero they w ill be suited with a sui'CT r article, at lowest piiees. KI'il'l'ON iV L.'.M.ML No. 1X4 Arch Street, above Sixth, Phils February S3, 1850. Dm o the Cheap Fruit and Conectieuiiry. nritic.iM ti. !r.i.i.i:iis, Wholesale Manufactures and Dealers iu Confec tionary of all Kinds, No. lit North Tim J Street, below Pace, Philadelphia. riMIE attention of dealers is i'.iuesuJ to an examination of their stock, v. iiich will be tound cipial to any in this city. Foreij;!i Fruit ufall kinds in season. N. li. Orders hy Mail or otherwise promptly attended lo. February 23, 18.rame NOTICE. OTIC P. is hereby given thnt letters of AJ V ministration on the estate uf Alexander Caldwell, late of Coal township, Northumber land County, deceased, was Rrniitcd to the tub sciibcr on tha 12th day of February, IKfiti. All persona indebted to said estate will make pnv- mciit, and those having claims will present them properly authentic ltfl for settlement. WM. W. M WILLIAMS, A dm r. Shaniokin, Feb. 18, 1850. 6t CITAIiLKS MAGAROE Jt CO. I it a vi u is r.Movr.u rut xm no m co.mmxucest. to TUB .S'niifcirsf for. nf Si.rth a ul Carpt'itef Sta. l'lii.AriKLAinri, IK.ti to rail iho titienii ci of Purehnrers to tiieir exiensi. nsS'iitmetit of Paper, nnd Paper Ni iikeiV Material-. ; Printing Paiiei for HimU avl N. ..s. W -iter leaf, aized, uuc.'lb'ii dercl .in.) r-tlletidcr.-'.l. of nil .Ralit;is and prire, nhvaa on i.-.'iul: liar. !iv. ire anil Manilla Papers, I n.. '; It.n-idi, I'in.lcr-i' lJo irils, ll.iniiiii.'l,upers v' . V.. P.n '.u ul'ir is iovileJ to their cxten si e asiurl-iii nt if i.i-:LtiF.r. iw mis, Ei.tiu the . Ct.Ulrati d Manufactories in I ji'Ae Country. j Among their WHITING PA PEK STOCK may be found (Join. Nt'le, llio Post A ilaiilie Note, Thin Medium, Hu ll Post, Dcinv, CJnai t Post, Medium, F':ol' Cup, Povnl, l Cap, Sup. Poval, Impenul. Plata Tapers, of every description, siio nnd quality. .Map Papers, iu (treat viriety. En velope Papers, white, bidl" und gold, either laid or wove. Colott J Papers, tine glazed, and other vaii.lirs. Manufacturers are inviled to exaii.ine their slock ot ilt. 1 ori ii;n and Doiucslie. Ulcaih 1111; Powders, uf approved tiiauds : Alum, gioiiiid or crude; Sal Soda, iSodu Ash tVUiiis, 'iro t'lotbs, I'ltramarine, and Puptr Makers' Jialc rials ttcneraily. W 'i hey are uln prepared to take order of odd sie and weights of any of Ihe above disciiji lion of Papers, Jaiiiiary 20, IS56. Gmo GREAT EXCITEMENT! La est und best arrivoi of Ike Season, A l the Store of P.W.Gray, In Marlet Snare, has just received his Stock from I'liiletdelphUi, vjiixixtiutf of Fall and "Winter Goods. L'inhracin5 a great variety of lady's Ercsa and Fancy Goods. The following comprises in part a list of my ex tensive nnd tlei;aut stock, which for variety and cheapness euunot 6e excelled in this niaiket. Foil Til I' G L'NTLK.M K.N, Hhick and Fancy Cloths and Casimercs, Black Sattin and Fancy Silk Vesting, Shirtiiijr Muslin Hi iwen and Under Shiits, Kentucky Jiana Velvets, Ulankcts, Ac. FOR THE LAlHE.-s. Black Silks, Alpacas, Merinos' cclored snd ptaid all wool. Muslin do Lain, a lae lot of Prints, .,! llm l est brands and slyle3, brown and bleai bed Sb"Cini;s. twilled and plaid Liltseys, Flannels, red, jcihiw and white, urey Drills, 'Pickings, t 'ambries, Dress trimmings, ribbons, laces, gloves, hose and iri.h linens, and oilier things too tedious to I'le.ii'. in. I would earucs-lly solicit a liberal ('.mm of llicir putrutme. Boots & Shoes, a l;ir;: :s? ortinetit. HATS , CAPS, II AltD WAKK A- Ct TLKIIV. CT.DAU WAKK. FISH & SALT, c;rot ilcs ol c.orj- vni Icty. Tejs.ColTee, 5uar, Molasses, Rice, Cheese, in ecrir. Candies. Camllea, Soap, Ciackers, Brooms, Leal, Shot, ItedCuj ds, Plough Lilies. Ulass HxlO 10x12, 11x10, Starch, Fluid. Dairy Salt. Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Fine Cigars, Matches, Mustard, Candle Wick, Blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment of QEEEXSWAHE AM) GLASSWARE. Country produce taken at the highost niarkut piiees. Sunbury, Oct, 27, lSS.'i. tf. ii o n it:. The uudersigned hereby givesa notiee that lie will make application to the Court of Quarter Suasions of the Peace, to be hidden iu and for the County of Northumberland, on Monday the 7th day of April next, for a license to aell Vi nous, Spiritoua, Malt and Oiewed Liquora in Trevorton, in the township of Zerbe, iu the County of Northumberland. ISAAC REISER. Trevorton, March 8, 1855. 3t TO BENT. A8TORE ROOM on Market Squara in San bury, and two roema adjoining. CHARLES PLEASANTS. January it, tf 2MOTICE- " The in dersigned hereby siv notice that they will make application to the Court of Ouarter Sessions of the Peace, to be holden in and for tlie County of Northumberland, on Monday the 7 lb. day of April next, for a license to fell Vini- oua, bpinluous, Malt and Pre wed t.tuuora in the township of M t. Carmel, iu the County of XNortnumUuiand. BELL, LEWIS 4 CO. Mt. Carmel tp., March 8, 1856. 3t NOTICE. " All persona knowing themaelvea indebted to Irt T, Clement, on lloolt account, cotes or other wise, are requested to call and pay up without delay, otherwise tUeir accounts will be placed in tu bauda of a magiatrate lof cotlection. Bubury, Nov. 17. lf5 tl rIIE subscriber respeelfully in'nrius the riti-1- zrn of Sunbury and the public generally. that he haa commenced tha manufacture of all kind' KAKTI1KNWARK, at hia manufactory in Whorllebeiry Ptreet, one square cast of the liiver. Ha has engaged the services ot Mr. 11 a a p. and you can inereiore depend on having a good article. The pub.ic are respectfully invited to call. Ali ordera from a distance will he promptly attended to. P. M. SHIN DEL. Buubury, Feb. 3. 1856.-11 " WAKTCD. IMMEDIATELY three industnoui Ciirls to learn tlia Mflluery tuaiueaa. Enquire at the Millner Store of M. I.. GrsSLER. 8unbury, February S3, 1858. tf IFOR BALE, A Second hind BUOOY cheap. Apply to CHARLES PLEASANTS. Sunbury, March 1, 1856 4t PAUL COENY1T, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8UNBURY, PA., Aided by aome eight yetri experience hi the practice of the Law, will attend wilh fidelity to all matter appertaining to or within tha line of lus profession. Othce with Charles J. liruner, Esq., Market street. -Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1806, tf - 1NDELLIULE IMC at Ms; It. WE1SEK &. U RUNE IPS. TO buildehs AND OTUEItS. VAMCIi, to nil Aur.ey for the Bale of Wood Mniililiiies, of which there a.'O fiom 1' to -!oit worth used in .'Very house thai is built. Our udvantnecs. in thonieofa Machine that will wnlc a whole board into moulding ut one operation, nnd the !ar.;ca liiouut of ea-'il tl eniph'V"d by the touipuiiy, eiinbh. us to give a l'bcral comiirtss'.on. Pattern h.Hik furnished, coni.iinin? 'J.r0 p iiterr.s. Address J. I). DAI.K, Willow Street, above Twellih, Piiilidclpl.ia, Pa. January IU, 1H30, Jul e NOBOROSS' H0TARY PLAlVIXa MACHINES. ANTED To sell the Rights and Mucbiiira for a Rotary Planum, Tonituiug and (irooving Machine, for boards and plunk, under tho N nc r oss PaliMit. Also, the attachment of the Moulding Machine, which will work a whole board into moulding at one operation. 'Phis p iteut has been tried, and decided in the Su preme Court in Washington, to be no iufringo mciit, being supeiinr to Woodsworlh's Machine. Apply to J. D. DALE, Willow Street, above Twellih, Philadelphia, where tlie Machines can be seen in operation. January 11), 1350. 3m e VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR, SALE. w f Jtlir, s';hers, Executors of the estate of I Henry Mamer, dee'd., oiler tit privato sale ihe follow lug property viz: A larsro tw atory liame dwelling house, together wilh about 60 ACRES OF LAND. Situate in Lower Aujiusta township adjoining, lniida of Daniel Kubi'iii.ui and others now iu tho (.ccuiitncy of John K. Kaulninn as a store and dwelling. '1'iie house ia new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIMESTONE LAND, in jid township on the river about 5 miles be low 'uu!iu.y, adjoining lands of .1. 'P. M'Pherson nud clhciH, containing, ubout tit) acres. The soil Li productive and contains limestone ai.d other minerals. Also a tract of Land, coiitainins about 115 irrci on tho hill, about two miles below Sunbui v, adjoining lauds of the he'.u of the late John Curtail und others. There ia, on this tract. small orchard of choice fiuit. Fur further pailiculiirs apply to the subscribrru. II. 11. MASSKR, ) P. 11. MAssLR, 5 Executor. FitAMTS UI.'CIIER. ) Sunbury, January 19, 1850. tf tot: mam:. rfjlH AT large and commodious HOUSE, ji situated iu the cast end of Market .Street, Suuliuiy, payments to be made tu suit purcha sers the premises will be shown by the subscri ber. MARY MARK I.E. Sunbury, February t, 1850. 3m. 11 ALLEN HEUUL-R'S PILLS. A certain cure fur Fever and A cue. tor sal by WE1SER & BRl NER. Suuburr. uly 33 5t. LAND WARRANTtt. Ths highest pric will La lifan (or 1 nul Wnnl k ik. sotidm. u-l MASER, COLLINS & LTCLEESTER'S TYPE FOUNDRY Bud Piinterg Furiiiiluiig Warehouie, Nd. 1 Lodge Alley, lad of new Masonic IJU!, PhCadelphia. Phils., Ian. 13, 1656 AUCTION I AUCTION r rriHE Auction of the Subscriber will commence next Monday morning at ten o'clock and will continue through Ihe day, mill also h held from 0 till 9 o'clock in the evening. Every dny and evening next . week. Th. week following only Monday s, Wednesdays and S.tardu ALBERT ELhBEBU Sunbury, January 5, 1805. tf. IfOTICE 3 here" y given that the partnership of Vr - H. Cherrington t.'o., has lieen dissolve,) hw mtitnnl f.msent. Ail peisons having tccounts wuh the llrin will pltssa call on the sulctibw fvr settlement. ' WM. H. CHERRINUTON. elvHUckln, Tebrusry 2, 1866. 3m A. J