Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 15, 1856, Image 3

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    wmmmmmmmtnmmmrmmtmmmamm i l efe iai
Tlie following facts repardinrr pifjlit of 1no
principal railroads of Massachusetts are do
Teloperl hv thn reports to the Legislature,
nnJ furnished bv ticsn-stockholder to the
Boston Tost of March 1 1
1. The cost of Passenger transportation
is 1.0C2 cents per passenger per milo.
2. Tho cost of morchumliso transportation
is 3.095 cents pr ton per milo.
3. In piisscnper transportation $tT.P8 per
cent, of the receipts therefrom nro absorbed
in exponas.
4. In merehnmli:e lranportntion, f S9.."2
per cent, of tii receipts thcrofiom are ab
norl.ed in exrensrs.
6. The expenses of railroads are almost
invariably liclermine.l by Hie weirtit carrien
over the mail?. For instance the Eastern
rotid. nnon which mssenjrer trnfRc preilornl-
nates, is operated at nil expense of $3,670
per inilrt ol the lenjrtn o! me roau j wd.m
tli Ton-nil tinnn which merchandise traffic
predominates, is operated at an expense of
$1Z.4'H. . .,
C. The cost of renewals of Iron npon rail
roads is an infallible index of the mnpnitmle
of expenses. For the preeeedinjr reasons,
tho cost of that item on the Eastern road is
but $390 per mile of the length of the road,
while upon tho Western it is 81399.
7. Of tho expenses of railroads, thirty per
cent, aro absorbed in maintenance of way,
or road bed j twenty per cent, in fuel and
oil : twenty per cunt, in repair of engine.-,
tenders mid cars; ten per cent, in spcciul
fieidit expenses, and the remainder in. pas
aenger, incidental and miscellaneous expen
ds The weight of the enpines, tenders and
c: rJ upon passenrrer trains is nine fold great
er than the wii;l,t or the passenpers.
0 The weiaht of the engines, tenders and
cars upon freight trains is scarcely one fol.i
greater than the weight of tho merchandise.
!(1 For cheapness railroads cannot com-
... .. :.. ............. M .Cm. nf henvv ...... o--. .
1 fc . ... l i:. .. . t.n rnct f.f PC-
description" i.i merc.i,ii,..,se . v.-.
t . h rwi I 'Mini i
i,nT 1'HTt' U Ulrc uoon .....
i ...l: .1...
. . . .,:. .am ,iAe Toll 111'T
mile': whilst upon sixteen of ih.i principal
inilwavs of New York and Mas-fachufetls
the e'o.-t of eiirrvini morchfimliso ranges j
from thirteen to sixty-five mills per ton per
1;i:nhcii. Ei r r.ns or !
i v..,l. snnrfon has lately puWbiH i
a lolipdUsel-tatl-m on tl.c neneiaiai ion .. ....
ol eroanuiir and cryin. on tl.ef.erv.ins .- .
tern. He contends that proatnfiT and crj-
.... 1 nti., t.V lllil'l
lii'I are tn i" K1 " "I"
nature allavs noeni.-l.-lhat he 1ms uniform!.'
,.Wrv.-d tint those patienls who pivo v,i.y
to their nu to nil foelinps. ti'ore speedily re
rover from aceid-titi r.nd operations t.iiin
tht.-e who suppoe that it is unworthy a nian
to betray tch symptoms if cowardice ns
1 irrnill or 1U ITV. lie I" .""
0'ed bv the cryiupt and violent roarinu 'i
. -. . .
h i .lietl durilii; tho t ime l e IS nniieroin; " I
violent sui i' operat'.on, cccam-e i.e e..u.
t cd th:it he will thereby soothe Ins nervou
n,...v..'.t. f..v. r. and ioMito a
ijivoruble Ho relates the case .
..f n man who. by crvinc and bawbt.R. reduced
Ids pulse from one iiu;ulr..d r.nd tw'.;!y-!it to
sixty in th" course of two boors. 1 hat some
VatUnt ' fieti iuve !rei.t satlsU-t.on in
iroauiiiR.nud the liysleiici.1 patients efien
xi.eiienee trreat relief from crying, are ...fa !
which no person will deny. As to the r.-st-
n.; I.vnchomliiei.l or tln se who
nre n.ver htinoy but when they nve ur.u. r
'oine cr uise ct meuitui ori-.ieiein. ......w... ....
the French surgeon US-sure t':iem t.iut Hoy
rannot d ) better than to groan ull t.ay hum
erv an n.;;
r ..-..:- to Dkatu HV'.Kis-t!-
i,Ulead I'ac (Wriir dts Ktnl 1' res.i.l)
INbes lioiii a French journal an accouM cf
the death of a woimm iii.m.-d l.epme, i l
IMessier lluleii. in the Canton u t'l.t.-by.
i-i. Ct.,iK. nf l'..a deceased. compo.-.'. oi
three vert.9 tuver wnraed. 1 hoof 'i
.i liitti. I'ii.len. th.'V cartful.
tii v
Hiiiiied from eult ivut inT It. I"or;l!,T the ex-tr-n.e'v
eld i f the putt mon!h. they w, r
in waii't of fuel. There were woods hard by,
where drv sticks could b picked up. Lut
not one of the family hau the euerjy to go
there. . , , ,, .
To avoid freezing tney Ie?an tft burn thM
hone The roof went in detail, thm the
-..r.....!. tt-on il.K .loors. atid filfiV.V 'ho win-
.:..vr...vl.... The womiirt fro
to death in
1 !,h corner of the n.-epi:icf. e-f'-.-r every:
:. ,i ..I.. l.ecn biirnrd ur. rhe
le!l her hc-iaiid's fide at l.ipl-t. at:d iri.wleo
into the a-he f-r vi.rmth. He railed when
l e mi-n-d her. but wi;i 1 not f.-i up to see
vhat bad bocom-i of her In niorn.up he
descried her. but laid SU.i ale! ' "
in i-hbor. This one cam.i. ulid lifted for the
i-b.L'ji.i'l h" the corpse of b; tfUggurd
w;l'e fiom out of the cinders.
TosTorncF. M ATrrns. The Postmaster
General lias made the following appointments
in IViinsvlvaliia: Da'id I.iivii.i, postmaster
. l...van-s ol.', S-mer vt c. I'a.. vice .T.ihii
W. FwrHine. r. if;in-d. Ilnph 1. Miller.
.M,.tinat.-r nt v oill 'lie. l?'iurjj , ' . .is. iiipi.'ii
. IV... l ... ....
resigned. Anna
M-iria Alien, postmistress at Clam, Potter
vice Joseph C. Albm, deceased. The
r..-!t..'fli'e at Woodrow. Wasloiifitoii c.i Pa.,
is re-ehtiililished, mid lliiih McConuiiehy ap.
ui'p.'ilited postmaster.
, -
iltRM.AK Shot.- Early on Saturday morn
in?. two Utirlars: effected an entraii.-e through
the buck door of the grocery store of James
l'ution. Jr , in Allegheny City. Pa., and h:.v.
i-.g li-ihted the ens. w. re making prcpnru
t .on hr plnnderiiia: the place, when a clerk,
who slept in the rom over the store, awoke,
mid fired a pixtol at one of the robbers, win.
groaned and fell. The rleik rushed down
stairs, but the fellows had decamped, without
obtniiiinp nny plunder.
1' . i.e.! 1 ill. .... ..
M.iks lsrus Massackks jx Fi.osiija. A
Utter dated Fort Myers, Fla., Feb. 2G. says:
We have to record another masscre by
the Indians. A Mr. Hudson, a resident of
this post, uccompiinied by his li'pro, Sam,
left here some fiTUen days since fjr the oys
ter banks, in Charlotte harbor, wilh the iiiten
tion of githerin? n loud of oysters. The
dead bodies of Hudson and his ncjrro have
burn fnniid on deck, horribly mutilated ; near
by another boat burnt to the water's edge,
was discovered, and on shore the body of an
ovsteriiian named Martin was discovered in
the tame condition of the other two.
Fossil. Head. A sirgular fossil was disco,
ered some time since in Pompey, Onomla,.
fra, county, New York, in the shape of u pro.
filu of a man's! and shoulders, perfectly
formed, with month, nose, eye, Ac. It is de.
ecribed as " about the size of a ptck measure,"
the lower part of limestone,' and the upper
portion of some other stone rathor darker In
hue. Can this be the head of Pomi-et the
flreat. which after his ussassiiiatiou on the
Aluvandrian shores of Afiica, win cut off
..,! tent to C.csar by.his murderers Acini
r.Ks and gKFTiMia T We know that one of
his frecdmeo burned tha body, and that
C.csab erected a monument over the remains,
wiiicli the Kmperor Aerias afterwurds re
paired. Hut this head of Pompey ealla for
antiquarian iuvestigaliou.
Look oct ro Coi NTKarriTi.TLe conn
try is flooded with new counterfeits. Ainonj;
these sro Mrclmnf Hank of Hoston, of
I'ortland, Norwich af.d ?ew Iiuvert, all ODes
and tens, and all alike in appearance. b&Ting
far vigBotte, a buuteroo hor back, tlirowioa
a Uso on tho horns of a bull, an Indian oo
li e rght cril, and Central Harrison on the
New AdTertlsetnenti.
N (pursuance of an alias order f the Or.
pliant Court of Northumberland Ceutity,
will be expend to public sal lv the undersigned
Administrators of Joseph '1'' Milher, Into of the
city of . Philadelphia, dee'd., on FRIDAY the
4 ill day of April, next, at tha public house rf
Win, M. Weaver, in the town of Phamokin,
Northumberland county, tho following described
real estate to witi
Situate in Coal' towmbip,. Norlhumberlsnd
county fi)rnaid,"riiinrev(d upon the !ld dy of
December, It 85, in pursuance nf a warrant
granted to Thnraa Hamilton, adjoining lands
surveyed in the name., respectively, of Mr.
tin Cm, Wm. P. Brady, John Boyd, Wm.
Wilton, John Cook and Kichard Lake, con
taiuinsr by returvey mtdo by Kimber Cleaver,
Sept. 15, ISSS. 438 acres and 88 pcrchc, strict
mensure. I.ate tha estate of tho said Joseph T.
Mather, dee'd. Male to commence at 10 o'clock,
A.M. of said day, when the tcrmt will be made
known by. . .
Itv order of the Court, )
C. Boyd Pursei, Clk. O. C. J
March 8, I860.
N. B. The above tract of lund liet in the
vi.lley between tha "Little" and 'Big" moun
tains, upon trihntiiriet of the Shamukin Creek,
about cqui-distunt from the two flourishing towns
nl (Shamukin and Treverton. It it all exceeding
ly well timbered with while end Chestnut Oak,
whilo and yellow Pine, Chestnut, Hickory and
Poplar ; and a portion, large ciinuuh to make
two good farms, it susceptible of cultivation.
Justice of llie Peace
To the Electors of the Borough of Sunbury,
FriLow CiTixtst: I beg leave to ofl'er my
self nt a Cai.di.late for the Office of
at the entiling election, .Should it be your good
pleature to elect me, I shall endeavor to dis
charge the duties that will devolve upon me
with tideliy aud imparlialiiv.
March 1. 1856. 3t
I hereby give notice that 1 have purchased
nt constable siile the propoi ly i f B.-nj. II.
( 'oiirad, in Lower Auputta township, North
umberland Co., the followintr property to wit:
utio htove, KvflstvRCl ana It.ililiii. 6 clniir
nwkiHg ,.,iair ul)j ()I1(J (.r,u , ,.ive
,(il)Uil le injJ ,ro)ertv , y y C(
tj, j ;,..,, jt
C'curr.u mi-
Ilh.Mil 15. IVMtAJ.
Sniiliurv. March H, 18.')(i. 3t.
Fashionable Kilkii. full line of black Silks
new stvlo tpritiir Shawls, dress roods do..
pi: e e.. i ..... ..r , .
i.incos in tnuo.n i.u.cie. .uuioo oi oepi ion?
..""'f. rn.jM ii.i-i rj.iiif; ouu.i.-., .ueotwear
4rA nnif .-IrcA Street?. l'hiladtl) hin,
V. S. Storekeepers, Families and all
Good Nett Cash Buyers are respectfully invi
ted to I'Xumine thio stock of New Goods be
lt. re purchnsinj', as w e prefer helling low, and
selling the more poods.
S'oiekeeper.sjmay olli n find preot jobs from
Auction, as wi nttend the Auction sales of
Nev York and i'hiladeipliin.
I'hila.. March 8, lHi'.ti. 3 in. w
o lour Own Alc hank1.
Wilkinson h Eenn,
Itespect.'ully announce that they hare t iken the
stand lately occupied by (ieorpe I'enn, where
tliey are prepared to manufacture ull kind" of
Of the nost Fashionatle Style.
'THR subscriber respeclfolly call the aiteutioi
ef the public to their lur;e pud splemiid a
nH-tiiient cf every qunlily sud price ef
which esnnot fail to reiommcnd itself leerery one
who will examine it, on account of it durable
workmanship nnJ splendid finish, made up of the
licst slock to bo had in the rilv. effort is
spared in the nianuf.tctr.ra of their ware, and III
subscri!jer sro determined to keep up wilh tuc
many .improvement whi-.h are cons-ant'y b;ir.g
made. 'J'heir tock cnihti of .'ahoaay
Sufrta, IslvnuM an.l !itne:ei
Bureaus. Secretaries, Sideboard.
and also VENLTIAN ELIM', e mil to Phiia-
;vlp.ii tiin.'iiiu.'t'ii.-.
IsnitTl'.A DS, of Ktry pattern and price,
In ihort,very article in thi line of their huainest.
Tliry tUa manufacture all kind and c,ualitie
ncludii-.g vaiiitiet never before to be had it
Sunbury, tuch at MtiiociKi, Hl.tca Walsvi
B Cl'HLKtt MtfLC lillliCIAM ; tu WiM.6..n
('JIAIItS, akii sasct I'iao Stools, which are
of the latest styles, and warmntrd to be excelled
by none manufactured in the Citictor elsewhere.
(The tuhscribcrt are jietcrminrd that there ahall
ta no excuse lor persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence ran be entertained
sIm.iiI the quality and fiuih of their ware and
Their article w ill be disposed of on at good
term t they ran be purtrliaced elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in pmmcr.t for work.
It- T'NDKKTAKIN'C. Having provided
tbemtelvrt with a handsome IIsahkk, tlicy aie
now prcinr. .1 for t'udcrtaking, and atteiiding fu
neral, in thi vicinity, or at any convenient dit
tan. e from tl-it place.
V9 The Ware Poom it in Fawn Street, tc
low Weaver' Hotel.
Munbury, March ft, ltiJC tf.
New Wholesale Drug Store.
No. 36 feoulh, Heroud Street, Philadelphia.
1MPCRTEK, Manufacturer and Dealer, in
Dru2. Medicines. Chemicalt. Arid, live
ttufft, Faintt, Oilt, Color. White Lead, French j
and American White Zinc, Window Cilats,
Glstswaret, arm. her, Brushes. Ii.Mrumeiitt,
(iround,Spicet, Whole Spices, end all other ar-tick-
u'tually kept by DruRgittt, including II u
rax. Indigo, Glue, Shellac, Fottkh, &c.,4'C. All
ordrr by mail or otherwise promptly attended
to. Country Merchants are invited to call and
examine our Hock before purrhating eltcwliere.
(Joodsseiit to any of the Wharveior Railroad
ttatiuii. Price low aud good warranted.
March 8,1850 ly
Premium Improved
Vet awarded bv Acricultural Bociplir u-fMvm.
to thi Kuyerior Article, at the lat Pennsylvania
Bute Fair, at Htrritburg. a a fertilirer of the
betl Quality lor Wheat, Corn, Oat. Uraa sud
PoUtotl, heavy crop, and greatly im
proving the toil. The tubtenber respectfully
inform hriner and dtalere that he i prepared
to supply the Spring demand at the old price.
I f 40tn WANTED. A liberal dis
count allowed.
ALSO. IS o 1 Peruvian end Mtiictn'CTuano.
Puudieite and Land Platter. Oilt. Candlet.
kop, eVe-i of the best quality, at loweet ma-ke
0 eni 10 Souti tVkarvtf, htloxi Market Street
Urrsrmere can load en two prtvate etlryt.ind
aveu uie rrowoee wosn.
March If. 1.'6. ree.
rcnnsjlviiiiia Wire WnrU.
No. SO Arch Street between Second and Third,
(Oppotite Broad Sireel.)
Sievi, Jtiihlln, Scrteni, Woven Wire fif
alt inthe$ ami tridtht. iri'h nil l imit
nfjiluin and fancy Wire Work.
Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Cetehera; Coal,
Sand and (.'ravel Screens t Paper Maker's Wire
Cylinder and Dandy Rolls covered in the best
manner Wire and Wire Fencing.
A verv superior article of HF.AVV FOUN
DERM IEVEis. All kindt of Iron Wire end
Philt., Miiicb 8, 1850. itm c
ri.i at roKifiM ; "A i
F every detcription, snilable for Unit Roads,
Ac, for weighing Hav, Coal, Ore and
VtnrrhandiKe ircnernllv. Purelinsers run no nk,
livery wale it Guaranteed Correct, and if, after
trial, not found satisfactory, can be returned
without charge.
t" Factory all he Old Stand, established for
niorct'inn twenty veers, corner of N IN'I'H and
Melon fcHiei'H. l'hiludtlphiu.
March I. tS'-C 3me
Maiket Sireel. west of Twentieth,
IMPORTEIIS of and dealer in the vaiimis
ForciKn and Domolic Miirbles.Ntatn.ii-y.Ae.,
hnve const inllv on band a Ih-i and select as
aiirlinent of Mantle-., Tombs. Monument. Table &:, ofcvciy derfci iplion, not excelled by
any in the city for beoul; , svi.iinctrv nod finish.
M.ikcrs, Plimibert and Maib'e Cut
t rf, f.iriii-hi'd at the hh.irlt netiee. with Mur
blc of every iIcm-i ami pillern, whelher
Foreiin or D.imeslic, ei'iier f.ii.she.l i:i the.Sluli
or lll'ick, on llie mutt reasonable term.
We ripei-ifii!ly initc atlcnliun toourstotk
on hand.
March 1. If SC. - Km c
Is TIIK lililOIVAL H.VI.r CllLSi S,
III Boxes, of 0 and 12 pound. And in Metallic.
Package, of 1. J. l.'i, & 4 Pounds, for tale by
v kilj, '.: i j, h '.-j i.' '.:
(.utli:ni. jnvkm roiis r Tin w t tta li.ic T!.t
I'll K.)
Wholesale Dealers in 'l eos Only. .V. W. Cor.
of Mari.el b Ninth St., Phibdelphia.
Teat in Metallic Packs put up in Half Chcl1.,
com. iininc a variety of li.'ih lilack and tiiceu
to tint bu er.
Piiou d Lbt of i'lices, Terms, 4,c. furnished
by mail to all who order them.
All Teas warranted to please, or no a l.
One end Iho tame price and terms to all, and
one onh .
Halt Chests of Ulack contain nbout 30 peunua
and of (ceo, about f.O pound cc!i.
Miifch I, 15. at p
MUin-IlY & KOON3
tVtKH.I-SAl.f. UCAIJ'.liS IN
fish i'itt isso'
No. 47 NorlU WII ARVKS, below Stiecls,
PhiUih l.hi:i.
Kerp constantly on hand a lnr!c Boitmout
of CHKKSK & PI5OVIS10XS. wiiiet
Ihcv are urci arcd o disnnse of nt the locat
Market rales, t.trder promptly CxcculcJ.
Ma tell I. lS.'ifi. Hoi w
Dissolution cf Partnership.
vrvOT't-r, is lu-reby jjiven that tha Purtner
ship e-xmlin? between the undcrsisne-.l wa
dissolved by mutual consent on the firt d.iv of
Pelirna-y. IS55. The li...k of the firm will le
left in the baud of Dr. (. S. i!oliiu for col ire
lion, till the fir.-t duv of April next. All those
know ing themselvet to be iudeb'e.l tot'ie firm,
nro requested to m.ike immeiliule pavment.
nli.rruur they will be Kit in the hnudj of a
Justice fur collection.
Dr. G. S. Ki'iBINS,
Dr. J. J. JUII.N.
Khamokin, March I, 16B. :it
New Wall Paper Warohcuso.
Manufiicturc Importers, No. 124 Arch
Street, ee- onj door above Sixih, I'liibidelphia.
V'lIF.U" may be found the largest and l.uml-
sotnest atiitireiit in llie t. ny.
I'ureliasers from tlic country will find it to j p.,,rr Malicr' Material,. ; I' i'apcrs-lor
their ailvantatfe to call at our stoic, where they I u,,,, Bj ;,.. Water leaf, tired, iilicilleti
will I c snilcl wilh a superior t.rticle, at ll,e ,,.rf.,l .,,,.1 calleinlrreil. ol nil uuublie and ,.r ....
No. lv
Arch ?trcet. above Sixtli, Pliila.
i3, c
Cheap Fruit and Confectionary,
it. itK in h si:i.b.:us.
Wholesale Manufactures arid Denier in Confec
tionary of all Kinds. No. I IH .North Third
Street, l.clow Knee, Philadelphia.
fr.HH attention of dealer is requested In an
examination of their slock, w Inch will l.c
lound e.jinil to Liiy in tiiitcity. Foieigu Fiui.t
of all kiiol in so mu...
N. 11. Order by Mail or otherwise promptly
at.endrd lo.
Feliruu.y 23. 1S!WI -Sine
I'SJ O TICK is be, eby fcivcii that letter of AJ
i iniiiislralion 0,1 the estate of Alejiinder
Caldwell, late of Coal township, Northulnber
land Count! , deceused, was trrnioed to t!;e tub
c,ilier on llie tCth.l iyol l el-rnary, IS?.6. All
liersoiis intlelilt'd to raid estate will make pay
ment, and those havtu 1 1.iiins iviil present them
properly autbei licnteJ for -.'li.ciio i.t.
W.M. W. M H.I.I XMS, Adm'r.
Sl.amol.iii, Feb. Jr., ifof,. tit
'IIIU subsciiiier feepectfully in'orin the citi-I-
lens ot Suni.ury and Ihe public ceiicr.illy.
that be ha cnuimeuccd the iitanufacture of all
kind f
V. A RT11 EN W A R K,
at bis manufactory in Whortleberry Street, one
square east of the River, ll-i bus eniacfd the
tervien of Mr. IliRr. and you can therefore
dep. ud 011 baling a pood silicic. I'he pub.ic
aie respectfully invited to call.
All order a will be promptly
atieiiuitl lo.
T. M.SiHNDEl..
Siinl-ui-y, Feb. 2, 18S6. if
V"ANTni). to establish an Agency for Ihe
' tale of Wood Moulding, nf which there
are irom ; .u to -v-iui worm useo m every iiouse
that it built. Our advantages, in the use of a
Machine that will work a whole hoard into
moulding at one operation, and the large a
mount of cupilal employed bv the Company,
enable u to giie a l-l-cral commission. Patlrrn
book furnished, ri,tainiu; S-M) patterns.
Addre. J. 1). I) A I.L, M illow Ktreet, above
Twelfih, Phil ..Iclpbia, Pa.
January 19, ISOfi, 3m c
f ANTED To tell the Might and Machine
for a Miliary Planing, longuing end
Grooving Machine, fur board and idank, under
the Nocro Patent. Alto, tho aliachinent of
the Moulding Machine, which will work a whole
board into mouldings at one operation, 'i'hil
patent ha been tried, and decided in Ihe 8u
pre 010 Court in WasliiniMoii, to be no infiince
maul, being tupeiior to Wo lworth't Midline.
Apply to J. U. DALE. W i(low blrent. above
Twelfth. Philadelphia where the Machine can
be teen in operation.
January 19, 1866 3m c
Second hand BUGGY cheap. Apply
innnil.l 1-,,AAJU
Suniury, March I, 1se. 4t
'J ' '
ITurserymen, Fruit Growers od Farmer
REtv- toilIC HORTlCULTfnAL-ltr.VlEWi
A Journal of Suburban Art. Superb! and
t'rofunely Illiitrated. lHvnted to the
Advancement nf the Mural Interettt
in America.
Thtt It on .a thi- hr. t and melt elHbmatt worki o
"ho',:,' SJKS'W e,,...f .... nrlueiH
1-:"S ,'Lber eo.M...ut ir-n .wo ... f.;f .. WJ H
..Kiel .iU..(!.-. fl... b r".""o". ..,0 , m 1 of
till rclt Spile It Hi" u.(0.'l t "' ttlcl.ll H"I
li Ll.', .Jr..i. i c,g.;l ph..,. .. , everv
tlyle, un'l milliard U, llio ,rcol,i,iil,t ol difla,.! oolol
OI nrcliiU-clure, bcuuul'y tli . , ,
li..mnii. ..f ,mr lru,l, new Bnwert. new vrget'iMrl,
At- , uix llluilriilld iumI d.--rilie.l ... 1 1, llinr rcBpccnvu
q.nlinc cm I .lltrlli.l.icil, I r.i, i.. Il.e II 11 em.'ll lt
Mil cli;ii,,l .Mi'iiun, . I Kural lli.lnl,.dr)' rvcr nllcinpU-d.
An iSicr.cncxl C"t. "f m.-ti.-i,l wiitvf., .vv in
nuuilier. M. e ,ifr.,pH to fill its eol.,.,,,..
II contu,.,. M-vciy l.-., pntf.-t. mid i. '.rietcd oil Uif
f,n.' ie,.,l BuMucx-d ttttpcr. niuiiuliictH'cd. tptrfftly.
'l'K,i Si wr ,.i.iiu,. piiyublK niViUiuhly it, mlvnne.
t-' crnt. c..i,i.iM",l o emil, a,ili..rioer ..II 'W.-d l
llii'M wh', m-t ,. uciMil. PI.IU'O will Iwditlntiin.d n. the
e.t.l ,f il, vrt.r i.m-ni thune wh- n-m.I nutlietw. ,..y lurefc.
lii.!. i f uli.rilK-r. I'lire prrniium. wili be ht.d u, cash.
I'lit lii.t pi tin i.. r, Mill he iiu.
The following rue .Hci-lnl fr..,n hnndredi of
uoiici-s. voliiiitur)- coi.ti.bul.-d l.y, nn)raeoi.t p,,bl
eutio,, Tl.r- Ilortieultuml Itrvi.iw lt..rvr ilir m"t lilirnil pn-tr-nnyr
It is t ..,rv c-iiurttv pri,ci:eul. I.ui i w,iti,-
in n rtvlc ,iW t-qtml. II, Uft lfl. ru ol lii lute A. J.
l)oWi,.! K.1ICKKRB -c.a.
The n, iM i-l.'a'i,,t ,...d ,.rf.u IkxiV of the kind Ihul hns
ever co,e niKiri our ..bfcrviui ,,. IIkuwtkb.
Mi. Knigl.-, ll.' Kililor of Hip II rticuliuru! Krvicw, ,
a pni.-lical po,.'l'ii.. n'l i,e ol ,he llucht scllolur our
country li:.e,l of. lie pewse-wca tlic gl.ovii lf dcwrip'ive
p.wrraof UickcH. Il.i el. p in, p",. ol Wtlpnle. roll,-
In I will, n thi'....gli eniouk.lgc ef rural url !-Ils
l'ei.ic Tiusv.vr.
I i.n.ier linv it for yi mi t ns l uy your ilauehl. r
Il it n ru-li iiii.-lli-rtuji't tiiMtj on ei.n.liniHiion of the
bc ititiltil iuiiI llie nr. lul Ahocs. N. V.
IVc h i.l lliMiipiit tint in D-iwnlKl's d.'illll. the etirjiif nt
n'H.n-.itc ol" eicl- .ur:f,;lt.t.l b.-C' ntr only chcti.liHe
r.-in-'iul run.-.-: Inn in Mr. It'.-.,il'-i we ilivtw. t-quul'v
t let, mine.., iiu'tiii.l vvnuMi. Hi it ti'.'loken lli influence of
lln.' npirit thjt it c-it- Mom rots Trti-m:.
A'U'.-rtirr vi 1 I'.i'il tin no n'irpil.ct mfititim nf
p-tl.' a 'llie Iloitimllurnl lO-view c ircuiul, exten-o.-lv4i.
rlcrv i:.'" in Oie r,oi.,.
iv. Inn 1.1 tin: oste o fn prr pa?c.
Th".' tiiUito'K V Kii,rnvli!r, ean linve tl. -tr ore. r
cxi-ctf-il it, on hit, 1 iiic.iiti.-r. S;'.'Clnl all.'t' is
p.n-'i to nnva of mi expriif need n,islil,
J-'llOiCll-.M,! Ill 11 .'ll'.'.ti'l-ll I'nr .'Xpr.-ft plOpnUI. U
m-o'ii'ii,c n. .liw'M.'-f cut, forwinl ,i CnrwiT' type . f tlie
ol.j-'cl (I'.v tion 1 1 ih"v w.vli ci'ar.iVMl, wli'.-h will Le n
min.-i. .,, ttii.lf o. .'iioi. n n n' ot fi.e eirniic. Sl ick
Bre -ile, wnl In .I"nl: Willi very liiwml lenlit.
February 16, ls. 6iim
' I KUi neull of An.iti'.n) and S.irRtry in the I'hil
lnle!(.;ii.l l.' .il.-i; of, lltl.l Actl'ifl I'ror.-!''! ol
.M :'-.i-;r."- : rif of tli,. t'linsnitntg Pin n.-uib ol' llie Pint
n.ti'l; h,., II.mi; tlnl. HlH-i,!-y: inlc nien.l;r ol" llie .Nnti.'
M-ilU'llI A.M-nili'1,, ; ,n.',iilu-r of tile I'll 'l.lrlflph II .M'tlt
S.u-iwil i oi.-it.l.. I i-l" the ie II --.-l-iniurL'ti ul C'oKrce
of INiilmU-'liin ; fnun'.ly I'res.iV-it inul l'r"ietiHr ' . ay an1 ri-oirfiy in i-'iin!':l"ii Al.tli'-ut t;nil.-f.o 'cr
tii nil : unit nt-io. Un- l'r. in-.. i of Aniit'itny i.n.j
ocy in ll.'r'riiliire .Mi.-ilicul Inatiltitt..,,, ri'tUfn td. Mnw.,
H i- in;r .l icii.l n, a p ipn'iir form sfvcal . f hn
f U'oril.i o-M-ticti-iiis tlic pfin.'ipnl ,l:fei.e of tl. is
eliiat,.-', 'I'd.' unnie ofciii'li nrtirU; will hn;-;)' the doH'Ufte
for whirli it , iiii.'i'i!'-.! p. Uf i.f.-d
1,1! .M'fl.tN I'.uii's I'I'i - I'UKAI.PVRIT. r.Ii'.-.SI
Ml. M.i .l Tui U'rt COI. I) A. COLT.II .MIX
Tl "K 11 l-'ii, I '..I l. t'oilKlt. &e".''.".
till. M.OI.IM'lH'I.'S AI'II.M.V AL IKM Jl'INf.
t'Ot. till HKMKI'V I'ti.'c.V.c f.
llr Mcl.'MNT.KJK'!. 'ruMO AT.TI-.I'.N ATI VK
SiVtiFI1- for l,....fvi..ff the lii...-d l'ri.i l
1)1!. Mei.-l.l.NTtiCii S liYS'.'K.l'TlO Kl.lXin For
flic.-jT t"ne .-. th i tt t.nncli rriii-vo.K p . mi iol.-r riillni.'.
Ii, :ii:ii'i--u, itii.t ntt ill ir.'.-;!.; lyiuploins nrtsi.ig f:o,n
nii! i ,1 I'rtf.' .
int. m. .'i.'.NnH ii s i:iii:fm.tic.mixtit.i-. a
I'uol-.' V. jii-Liliif 1J .-.ti 1 v I .r i.i'fn:.! ..e. l rn-e SO
HI!. McUI.IXTlM'K'r Ullf.t .MATH.' I.1MM1-.NT-For
II, S,imi.i.. IM'tliniii, Ac, Ac. I'ncf
" lilt". 'McCI.IXTOCii'fl ANfiDYM-: M1XTUIIB Fei
r.-iiiiR, ro..iu:iciie, ll'-amtiihc, Xctiraiia, Ac. Ac. l'nt-e
ill .-nt
nit. M.n.iNTucii i An Ant k oi'.
CII-'IC A c.-rtnii. cure for i.l! l.i.t-rtTitt'e.i'p. Price SI.
Mi l l IXT'H K ! l.l Altltll.KA OOl'MAL AND
Clllll.l'.ltA I'KKVFX I 'I VF A wife
lilt Alrrl.lV KK K S VF'il.TAHI.I-; IM KHATIVI-.
FILLS. F .Iivcii-m.. 11. i.l ..'I.e. Ac. Price
I'll. M -CIAioi K'S AN I'lllll.U.l S l'll.l.S l-'or
Irie'ularti In 1 lit- l-'tlnci ioi' of Tlie l.ivrr t'tt.l lleAcll
lln- Sit l.iver F.ll .n-i.'e Fii,-,' ..' r !. a Ir.x
For b.V l.y Ur. J. .McCI.lXTUi'K. ut I.i- M.-.lical He.
P'"l. VV corner ninth :..l Fil''TI i:a . P.iil'nt.'tptna. mid
ut n't Ori,v:i.Kt. mill llcilerB in Mclicinti. All Ilrupilil
'id llt-nlers in M. ilu niefl cti wi"l, to 1 nfi.-nn., will
p!. ;Pe ml i.'r.-flM f)l. M.'C'li 0".-l.-. (itrnifalinig reference,
iii-.n-' of p.-pt-l ifli.-c, con -itc i.ti-l rnte
FP For Sale l.y HVi.-t Krnner, S'nilmrv nnd Shn-rii'-kin;
Wr,. Wi-tiner. NoiTtnnn'wrh.n.l ; V. Itrown. Mil
ton; K. I. I.nt. Ill linirir ; ,T;.ob ll.ori. liiif-Khortl ;
J"b i Viinlecio, I. it-lit, i?lrct f I J-iiarii:. ii A Son, Cuta-v:-l.
Fel.rn.ny 0, IS'.rj fl.s.
'iutith- h'est cor. nf Sijcih nnd Ctirj enter St.i.
fJEft to call llie attention of Purchaser to
tlicir exleiwivc a.sortment of l'uncr. nml
I ahvui on band: H irilware and Manilla I'aperh
I Trunk board, Itimler' UjanU, llaliiiiiic'l'uiicri
i'B'ii.l uocrs
Ac. A c.
FaMii ul ir attention i invited to their exten
sive assorlineul of
Ll'.miKlt TAPERS,
Ficr.t thi most f'ehlrattd Mauuftictories in
ihe Country.
Among their WUITINli PAPER STOCK may
be found
Com. Note, Fclio Post
Atlantic Note, Thin .Medium, Post. Demy,
Cjusr.o Post, Medium,
t ool t up. Royal,
Flat Cap,
(Sup. Koial,
lii...- 1........ ..r . .1 . 1 t
. . .,.... . .r,r ue.cill.uu... . 1.1.11
quality. Map Papers, in K'Cat variety. F.n
iclopc i'aper. white, bull', and gold, either laid
or wove. Colored Papers, line glazed, and other
Maii'ifactnrers are invited to their
stock of Rau;, Foreign and Domestic. 11 leach
iii l'owilers, ol'approved oiaud : Mum, ground
or crude; Sul Kouu, .Soda Ah 1', M ire
t.'lo lbs, I llramariue, alol Paper Maker' Mate
rials iH'acrally.
IV 'l'hey are alro prepared to take order of
ud.l si?e and weights of any of the above desnip
lion of Paper.
January SB, ISAti. f.nui
FjJVIAT lar-e and commodious IIOTTSK,
1 situated in the east end of Market Street,
Suubuiy, payment to be made to suit purcha
sers the premise! will be showu by the tubacri
ber. AMY MARK I.E.
f"liibt.y, February S, lff.0. 3in.
IM MEDIATELY three fiirlt to
learn the Milluery businett. Enijuire at the
Milliter Store of
m. I., (itssi.nn.
Sunbury, February SS, l-56 If
riHE subw-nlier. Lxeentors of the estate of
& Henry Matser, dee'd., oiler nt private sale
Ihe following property viz; A large two story
frauie dwelling house, together with about
enluate in I.uwer Augusta township adjoining
land of Daniel Kaufman and other now in the
occupancy of John M. Kaufman as a store and
dwelling. The bouse i new aud the location a
good one for busioe.
in said town.hip on the river about 5 uiilet be
low flunbu.y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson
and others, containing, about DO arret. The
soil it productive and contains limettone and
other mineral.
Also a tract of Land, containing about 35
acre on the bill, about two mile below Sunbury,
adjoining laud of the belli of the late John
Conrad and oilier. There, it, on this tract,
. n 1, A,nl...l nf ..h.dcfl froit.
U.S.. v .. v. - --- ,
For further particular apply to the tubtcriueri.
H.B. MASS Kit.
P. D. M ASSF.R, Eiccutort.
Euubory, January 19, 1858. tf
Mjl9. WTTSCJt rRr.vtR's.
Fuhionable Xlafa and Capa.
Ar. 136 ifarket .,
INFORM their friend and the publio
Bcnerallv. that they continue t keep at
their olj aunt), e tarffe end estensive astrirtniet.t
of hats, rapt, Vc, got up of Ihebrst ma'.erial ami
in the latest and beat tlyle of woikanailsbip and
fini.b. ...
Country mrrrhnnts end oilier will d.i well to
call ai d examine belme ptirchaing elsewhere.
i'hila.. Not 10, IrO.V If.
rpiIB tulwrilicr offers tt private sale, a
situate m Sugar valley, f.reen township, Clin on
co.inlv, " i, I . ul I mile fiom I PBHiiaville, and B
miles from Haven, 'lj. 111,1111 lanil of An
thony Klerkner, (ien. Crumley ami Oeo. Snook,
conlninin ir SSI seres, strict l,ienre, all of winch
iii excellent Mtnestotie latttl about 60 arret nf
w hich are cleaied.nnd the balance well timbered
and stereo1. The iinprovemenls nre a two story
Los House ami a log bru, near the western end
of the said tract, and an etrcllent young orchard
of choice f.uit Irce. Also another excellent
two sturv Log H.itise and log Imtn on the eust
ern portion of sairt tract, 'i'he said premises are
so situated a tn make two excellent iarins, nun
wiil be sold together or separate, lo suit purcha
sers. I'ersons desirous of purchasing the above
property will please call nil the subscriber, resi
ding 111 l.ppcr Aucuta tp., INortliumtif natid
county. A mile from Suubury, who will accom
pany them to said premises. Terms reasonable.
December 58, 155. if.
Worthy the Attention of Every Man.
HAVING positively delerinineil to leave Sun
bury on the 1st of February next. 1 intend
selling my larire Stock of Clothing n,l oilier
(100.U at ami ix-low crt nt private tule, ami next
month at Auction. My t-tcx-k rinbrncea a large
variety of verv ileiirnhle g.i.l of dilTcrcnt kinir.
CI.'OTIII.NG of li!lcreut styles .nl mnkei va
rious qualities and prices, such a Vt iiifrr enal
from ijiii.iS tipwajd i Dvercoat from &H 60 rnnl
higher i IV, ts and Vesls in proportion ; Huts
and Caps, Hoots am) Shoes, Sl:irts, I nilerclo
thing. Hoys' Clothing, pistol, jewelry , hoicry,
nml ell older kind of goods generally kept in a
Clothing nslTil'l.s'.iment I have nl.-o on baud a
vrriely ol Sumnicr Coats, vests and par,t ; i,lo
Summer lints of ilitivrcnt l If :s, all of which I
will seil at tremcmlou.-ly low prices.
'i'he Auc'ion will rnrr.nienee on the ?th of
.l.imiary nrxl, nml will continue tlirough that
week every day nnd evening, afierwards on
Monday Vcilncilay and Saturday. The public
will I'inil il tn their Hilvatitnce to call eirlv ami
liny at private sale; they have then a good ns
sor.mcnt to picl, from, and shall buy good nt as
low piiccs a they will puilubly be told by Ato
My store i hi Market Square, i known, and
can hurdlv be missed.
AI.HCKT ri.sur.iiG.
Sindiiiry Dec. Si, 18..5.
To Merchants and Storekeepers.
The subscriber dc-innis of le -:ig a son ss
possiolr. v:!l sell to K'.d othrrs who
limy favor him, ut wlmlesale, lower than I'lilla
deb, bin rales, any or all hi goods on hand. Hit
stockVuuipTisoH a .inriety of goods ntJnpted to the
season, is pretty Ihi'kc ycl. so that he ean give an
Assortment ol" Ufs a ud iiii.h'ic to buytr.
Merchants will find it to their advantage lo
rail eaily.
am: list r.i.siinn;!.
Larjest nml Best Assortment
subsriiber hikes pleasure in ii. forming
his customers and the public g. nerully thr.l
he is now in receipt of an unusually large and
Splendid Assortment of New Goods.
To 1 ndcavor to cuiiii. crate ihe one huliilrelli
part oft l.v articles would be iimIcs. SmTice it
to say, they baie been selected with the greatest
c ire, un. I Ihcy w ill be disposed ol ut ns low prices
as the same ipialily ran be purcha-H-J elsewhere.
My motto is
"Quick Sale and Snrtll Profile."
He takes thi method of presenting to the
pill. lie bis thank f.r the liberal patronage exten
ded In him, and by stint atten.ion to business,
be respectfully solicit a continuance of the same.
It will be aiKi-iit.ln for purchaser to rail ami
examine bis assortment before purchasing else
where. Atl kind of produce in exchange.
i:i)VAIM T. lilHUHT.
Sunbury, December I, 18.'5.
I.a est und best arrival of the Season,
At (be Store of
P. W. Gray,
71 Market Snwire. has just rrrcireil his Stock
from Pliitadil),hia, consisting nf
Fall ami Winter Goods,
Embracing a great variety of
Lady's Dress and Fancy Goods.
The follow inii comprises in part a list of my e
tenive and decani ntnik, which for variety and
i cheapness cannot oe excelled in this market.
. . 1 (.:.r. T. ....
Snttin and Fancy Silk Vesting, Shirting Mu.lin
Drawer aud Coder Shirts, Kentucky .leant
Velvets, Uliinkfts, cVc.
Black ilk, Alpacas, Merinos' colored sml plaid
all wool. Muslin dc I.uin. a large lot of Prints,
of tlie liest brands and styles, brown and bleached
Miteting. Iwilied and plaid I.inseys, Flar.ncl,
red, yellow and white, grey Drills, 'Picking.
Cambrics. Dress trimming, ribbons, laces, glove,
hose and iri.h linens, and other things too tedious
to mention. I would earnestly solicit a liberal
share of their patronage.
Baots & Shoes, a lurjo assortment.
, . FISH & SALT,
('rocri ich nl evf rj tuiiety.
Te,Cofl'ce, jiugar, Molaiset, Mice, Cheese, 'iu
rgar, Caudiet, Candies, Soap, Ciackcr, Mrunm,
Lead, Shot, UcdCutds, Plough I.iucs.OUs HdO (
1 III 12, 11x16, 8tarc!i, Fluid. Dairy Salt. ISuiok-
ing and Chewing Tobacco, FiueCigar, Matcbea, j
.Mustard, Caudle wick, iiiackiug v ater froot,
and a general assortment of
Qui;'APn a.xd glasswahi:.
Country produce taken at the highest market
Huubitry, Oct, 27,
. and Printers Furnuhing Warehouse,
A'o. I Lodye Alley, back of uew Matouie Hell,
i Philadelphia.
I'hila.. Jan. 11. IMG
T IUE Auction of the Hubscrilr will commence
A next Monday morning at ten o'clock and
will continue through Ihe day, will also be helj
from 0 till U o'clock in the evening. Every day
end evening next week. The week following
only MouJay't, Wednesjav'a and Salnrda.-a.
Sunbury, January 6, IH.'iS. if.
TS here'-y given that the- partnership of Wat.
A . Cherriugton St Co., bae been dissolved bv
mutual conwnU - All peront having account
wilh the firm will plea cell on Ihe eubtcriber
for settlement.
bhtmokin, February , 1856. 9m
1 AND WARRANT8 The Uighett price
will he ivn for WtrranU bv lie tvib-
' ecrihu.
im UASrr.
,. limit Arrival or I
Fall and Winter Goods! S
8NFOUMH hi friends tn!l rnslnmer thct he
jntt rei-eived tn elegant atortnieut of,
At hit Ml6re in Market Afreet, Sunbury, which
he effort to Ihe pnblie at the lowest price.
Hit Hock eontista of e general astortiueiil
Dl'j' lioods; viz :
Clothi, Cttssimrm, Caxmnetn, Jeans, Drtlfnfl,
Auiri.i, .incus, Calicoes, filmUn di
Loins, linens, Ginghnmt, Jitrastf.
Also a large aoftment of CL(I'1I l.XO
A large astortincut of Dool and Shoes, fur
Men, Women and Children.
Silk Hats.
rename, Falin leaf and other Summer Halt.
Ilaff r
GROCERIES of every variety.
Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasar, Cheete, Spice,
Fish. Salt, Ac.
Via I Iron ami Steel, Nail. Files. Shits. A c.
Tea Sells, Plntrs, Dishes, Cvps. Sair,ers, (ft
IV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex
change at the highest market price.
Oct 20. 1S53
Rcrpcctfclty informs the citizen ol Sunb iry and j
the public generally, that he hits just received '
from Phihtdelphl, a choice and select nisornient I
of Cloths, t.V.simcrt , cVc , vir. :
French black Cloth, plain nod twilled. ,
Mack Reaver do fur uveicodit.
Fine blue cloth'.
:iaret cloth.
Caasiuicre french black corded,
dj do do Uoeskin.
di do Rrey mixed Doeskin.
Vesting plain nls.k silk velvet.
d.i Fraured velvet. I'lusU veliet.
do lilack satin figured.
1'oolen Shirt and Drawers.
Tientlemcn's Pocket Handkerchiefs.
do IVeck-tie.
All of which will be sold or ma in up to ercer in
the latest and best stile.
Sunbury, Dec, I, issn if
.vuMIe .and ISarnrsx 2;iKcr.
Thomas H. Tucker,
Successor Itt ti, II'. SlroJi,
sriy' citirens of Sunbury and the pnli.
J.y iv3 'ic generally, that he has lake, 1
CS esial.lishmcnt lately oc. u) ii d l.y W. Stroh. and bavin g encased -c qjod
worliincn, will be enabled to turn out work in bit
line equal lo tiny ma.'e in Ibts section of country, rs promptly execetcJ and all kiuu't of pro
duce taken in exchange.
Suiihiry. October S7, 1P.15. ly
For the I.i tost arrival of
Fall f$ Winter -ood.
J. P. & I. P. KLINE,
UMl'KCTFl.'l.LY announce to Ihrir fticndt
and lie public in general, that liiey have
received at their Old Stand, in I'ppcr Aui;uta
t"tiship, .Norilinmlii-rlanil rounly. I'a., at Klines
(Jrove. their FA II. an I "VlVI'tllt liooda, and
opened to the public a full assortment cf
Cansistinp in pint ef Cloth, blaik and;
Cassimeres, rutlinetts, Checks, Drawers and
Under Miirtu, aud all kind of
Also a lot of Kcady.iiiade Couts, Vests and j
Pan's, Ac. I
-. Ladies Eress Goods, j
l CousUtiiijj of lUack Siik, Merino, Alpaca. Co- !
I l.erp cl ith. plain and fancy ail wool He I. ;
t iilicpes.tiinrtliiims. Muslin, t.oniforts, U.iy Mate I
Ijong Shawls, Trimmings, eve. i
Abo a fresh supply of ;'( f 1 1. of all kind, j
A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens- j
ware, Drugs and Medicine;!.
Hardware.Queensware, Cedar ware, froomn, & c.
Also a In, jje assortment of L'oota anj
Slues, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Caps,
Silk Hats, and all
good usually kept in a Country Store.
Call and See.
Cheaper than Ihe Cheapest,
Thankful for past favor we hope by strict atten
tion to husiueis, to ntcrit a continuance of the
All nf the above named stork of coods will
sold positively at low prices for cash, or in ex
change, for country produce, at the highest market
Kline' firove, Xov. 3, 1855.
j-onasr deen, jr.,
Market Street, Daiuille, Pa,
'IM'IS is one of ihe largest and most commo.
dious hotel in the interior of Pennsylvania,
it has been recently titled up, in excellent style,
with all the modern conveniences.
Danville, Sept. 22, 1855.
A'o. 101 Arch Street, vp Stairs,
Between Third ct Fourth Pis., upper tide,
near Union Hotel,
Carpet Bsj and Valiee nf r.!! dewription.
Philadelphia, Ian. 12, lf?5fl if
Aided by soma eight years experience in the
practice of llie I. air, will attend with fidelity to
all matter appertaining to or wit! in llie line of
hi profession. Orlice wilU Charles J. L rarer,
Eta,., Market street.
Sunbury, Sept. 15, 19' tf
jad with Uoiier. Would make ex. elltnl pump-
ing engine, loetiier wmi laice uicwui' cyitu.
uers, suitable tor a blast furnace. Apply to
Shamr.iin Iron Workt,
halu.lkin1 Pi
fchamaViii, July tl, 19.M5,--
Ul'SHAND'S Magnesia lor sale by
BLACK Puttv a goed article- for tale by
May ' WKjEli Jt BRU.NEIl.
FAHNESTOCK 1 Vermi une, for l br
May l. v 'VEIcvBHrV IIKI.'NF.R
.. . NOTICE.
All person knowing Ihcmsclvrt indebted to
Ira T. Clement, on Book account, note or oilier
wise, ere requcated to call and puy up without
delay, otherwiae their account be placed in
the hand of a magistrate for collection.
fSuubury. Nov. IT. Is55 tf
ABIES' Drete Cooda. Spring and Siunmi
I Bhawl. black tilk, tilk ponlmt, De I.aine.
Oliighaiua, De bage, Lawns anj calico, juat re
eeived and for tale by WM. A. KN ABU.
Lower Augusta. May 8, Is 54.
TRENCjl black cloth, plain & fancy Caati
A mere, Caatinetta, Overcoating, tain aud
Silk Velvet veal palttrna, i!k end Wool Halt,
Cape, Brarft and Monkey Jtckele, for tale by
f swirury. De. I '.S. K. Y. iiiUOH P.
I. Xt, Tliou s. Jo., Sunliui v, I'n.. announce thsl tbry hsve
jii merited a large and varied stork of
pleiidi.l pood suited to tke sesson; an inepec
lioti of which they solicit frrm their friends ami
th public they will he sold at low price, tt
they ttill adhere tp the r old motto
.'airi prnfts nml quirk Suht."
Thi in the end pay j, ,tr,.r
their eustmnere.
'J heir .ork n.iiv coni.t of ,iths. Csssiineir.
elini(1. Ladies' ll-,:i f;,-,.,,!., j t,eli
variety, of Hjlks. o,,lil,s. j loii;.--,'
Csnhinerrs, Ci t-ur,s, ' nn , c
li'i os. (. i:,oe. cV,-.t
lrr nssoi.inelll if dlrK
rmiMiing.- l!mrh,
Tluba. C.l
mere, tnd wollrr. t!iaw, worktrj t-!Nr, cufTs,
sUcies, ehemi-rf-tler, c.
A new utock o rieadv mn.ln t'oi.l. Vi..l
Pantaloon, of superior styln ".ifkinnhi(..
Also, Hals, Caps, Iliujl ar.l Kion t'oirc'lnt
with a jreneml a.ortrf-f nl of ll ir.bva'e. y ucent-
ware,. Crece'tes, r'rj-.iiiiniu, Crdaiwatn, Du-ai,
Paint... Oitrf nnd r.'aily.
Coine and nee, no cliargo i h.i.u fir ',.o,r.
in j rjoods.
Cotmlry produce taken in ervh arise fu'
at the highest maiket .r,cr-
Sunbury, October Id. !8,-,o.
S- C. Cor. ,lti J, I h: Mint Ms.
Thin liiiti,:i..n. witi- 'i wm f.r .(
etnttlitiv.) in Sf,;tpr(ii.--. i-ii,i.Hi
IHltlil)fit liltl 'f.H ls I-rict'iKi'.'-H 1. 1111-
dn'tU o Hit- t.iii.j'M" mt i in il,,,
nu'1 illi.r citipr; v.i en ,ri'i Vi
t;tTirit'tri., B' .i -M:.'-': tj- ' m 4
2 :i;r, in u--xvr.aM,fe v. iin A t tf
'I 'I I 'r Kre Of Pfi:T !?! in n
f J Mi rrrrti!y tpir1l-?l !' .1 .-t Ml.
flll I'!'! tlKisff b'JMii:! t-j (--.( iry
J l"f l'-'M l i ln'S'M ; liii-h': 3 wh
jj j fli j jiitvi- tl.- prn . .., -
1 il.Hn'e hivi 11 i-ii'irM' nf l.lj' H V
's Z i ro . in.M;;:;o t i.wv.
7 i.Vi l'"t M:-ir t''-t i Ui.. hv Clli"
' r v P.
li r
l-'o; t p-i'S'nt rl-.n. UlC ll, 1.
; 'hi
Jcriop.'s "-n u t s nre ri.
ruri-.t in tin ..'-i'l.l Ull' !"
S U. I'tllTTCSDr.N, r.iiielp..'.
t t" ('.it-i! 'rri"--' M'i l tn' snl t- s.:y
a.iil. CIS, .11 iii;.!ic.-i. i-ii n l.-tur
A'.. ftlTTt-:M!KN-s- HOOK.
vr& Kr.l'.r'M". 11 .ecco t -r .11' '!'.!.
priee, l,-.o. Ky to s.oii ii'J CIS
riiilads'phia, Oct. 13. le.M6ai,
j iVi. 21 XoilU Third ., br'.ox A1J1,
I rj.jtAijEi.riiiA.
C'iOUM'tty Merchaitt can ae- f.ora tert U
J Kit "en p'-rccut. by purcha-iim al tlic i.l-vo
I -lore. J!y i.npoitiiij my own (ooi!.. piyinij V.!
I li'tl- rent, ai d livintj economically, it is plain I
' can undcrpl t!:oe who purchase their
I here, pay hbrii rents amj lice like princes,
j f binstanlly on hand a Isnre anrln'.ent of Pen
I nnd Pocket Knives, Scissors dud P,i7ors, 'J ul.;...
I Knives and Fo.-ks in ivory, hi'. I.uii'ilo. bom: .. n I
j wood handles, Carvers and Forks. Vc., Pu'.'
j Knivc. Dirk. i'owie Koivc:-, llcioliirg and
p. ain 1 ismis,
Also a large .assortment of Accordeona,
Also fino Uriglitli Twist and (lernian tiers.
Cel. 50, 1S55. ly. Importer
Sit KSPECT Ft I.!.?, announce t the ci'iw . v
nf Ntirtsiiiniw rl:....l n.1.1 lliri .ltoMl'-.ff cnoo.
! lies that ho has opened 0 Coiifcctii.rtury end
: More ill M AKIvKT SljCARU, Pm.inirv.
where he nianufaclurcs ai.d keep on hrhl. l
a'l times, Ihe most choice Confectionary, Ac,
I Wholesale and Ketail, at Philadelphia pnri...
j Among hit stock of Cublcciifiiiarks,' mi;,
I found :
French S-srels,
Hornet! 'ul'.,,.!,
l'rc-in 'li.ici1
" l.t-inoa
' Hole.
Conmioii s'ectclt.
l.ic.uoru e,
Cum Trc..e. n!I .imif of irecr,
J.v- lltotis,
Mint I'rt-rs, reu tirA iv'ii'e,
jiiv -sk.-s,
Fmtt Urof,
iitick . t.iKi'et, n( tU )..-:
Ilock C'anay. .
Aliaon 1 1',
Ctr s,
Rivn, .Nun ef kiadi
Cam,':! rlii.rJ,
! of a superior quality, l y the tingle or dole-... A
superior quality of recar and Tobacco, on I a
j variety of Coiilcclionanes, fruit, Ac, nil of w!u-b
I i offered cheap at wholesale or retail, l.'on.o
j and see he will try ! pbase. (irdc.s fro:a a
distance promptly aittudtd to.
I Sunliury, Au. 4, Ino.v
Bargains at the Old Stand.
1 RE now oper.ii, 1; t new and very dcsiiable
' V stock of FA1.1, arol Wl.NTKR (I.,,!,,,,.,.
brscinqt un cmliera varlcly. Thrir stjik con
sists in part ut
Bkck & Fancy Broadcloths &Cas3iaieret,
Winter Ware for men bsJ b;y, all ati Irs and
price;'. .
ZIT.KS Plain and pigurtd Black.
An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Figured Fan
cy Drese tsi'ka nt unusually low prices,
Mitllies, Ura.'cs, Drtuo DeLai.ia, Mu.
De Lain. l,a n. Ac,
filXfillAMS from CI to 2, cent per yard.
CAL1COKS " a " " ..
Cambric. Jacouett, Svvi0a, 1 arlton, Mull, Edd.
nett, French and S--t i.accs, Fdijing. Ac.
Brown and bleached Muslins, Drying. Ticks,
Check, 'I'owlhigs, Table Diaper, ifre.
OtKH t'lll V.H.
Cedar-wtte, Hollow-ware, Iron, Hletl, Piaster
hall and Fih.
Also a ficsb n plv of
titt os a'::d mkdicinf.s.
Thankful part favor, wo hope by ttrict
attention and a draiie to please, tlill to meet with
Ihe oporova! of our friends.
Pi- Cmmlty produco of all kindt taken al the
h.ghcst market price
bji.hury, Nov 3, IS'5. ly.
AME to the premine of Ihe aubscrii.T j:,
y Lower August! towiuhip, on or about
15th of Decemlwr 1B5. a ttray wlilte i'i.-at
iiiouins oui, iho ow.r i i.ouctcJ
I te cou:e forward p3y etargi aod uko it wav.
I JAt'UU RSN .. '
1 Lowt Ailgu.ta, Jan. U 1350. 2m.
; f"i()ii r-..rj i'rft. P. m
Persian r'ulh.
l'ari twill, ChinUi, ),
Alapacas, rsilkn, Wool pbid, Mnluir lo.-'re'
French, tcolcli and American Ginehar.:. .0.
! reecived and for sate by
1 Sunbury, Dte. I WV E. V BRIGHT
JAMUKIC. fcwt, Mull, Bobinett, French
,V "' tu"-1''- -ollari. ITndcrsleev ,m
Chemiaetict, Heuk dretes', Vilvet and Velvet
trimming. Turkish coirt:terpane, Elanket
Broche. Thibet l!:-.y Sute Shawl., for alo bv
Sunbury. pee. I.J.55. r y, up. fur. '
r I Ml COP H E R(7uW?o.TntieTv
May 18. WEISF.R & HRiTNCn.
WALL PAPE1.Z.A large "Vnd" "jJJ
a.orlmerit of Wall P.., Wi,iL .
.i 0.1 c. ... . " -
i., -M w.i ..Miutu, jusi reeeivtu ud
lor tale
1. W
Sunbury, May S,
VE.U 4 Co.
i STORE ROOM ca Mket Kiiuare in ?ue
bury, and two room, ayijmi wig.
January tG, 18.SS. tf
1 1 Cutlery, RJ0r., rock
t Knivee, Hand anw.' Wood taw. j
ra?A't;l"', VoM Lecke,end 11-nrr
Hand Bel!.. We.Ua,., 1,,,!
"t T rv . I' ftM'CO
uulorj Dve. , ;..