) a tlx n A WINTER MORNING. UV ANDREW .VOItTOX. Tho keen, cluur air the splendid sigLt We wakoii to a worl J of ice j "Where, all things are eusuriuetl in light, At by some gt-ni's quaint derice. "l'is Winter's jubilee this dny Hi Blorcs their countless trcasursl yield, fc'eo how thu dinmond glunces pluy, lu ceaseless blaze, from tree and flold. The cold bare spot where late wo ranged, The. linked woods, are seen no more ; This earth to fuiry land is changed, With glittering silver sheeted o'er. A shower of gems is strew'd around j The llowcrs of Winter rich and rare j Hubies and supphires deck the ground ; The topaz, emuruld, all aro there. Tho morning sun with cloudless rays fis pewerleoe splendor round tis streams j From crusted boughs and sprinkling sprays Fly back unloosed the rainbow bourns. With more than summer beauty fuir, The trees in winter's garb are showu ; What a rice hub) melts in air, Arouud their crystal branches thrown 1 And yesterday how changed the view From what" then elmriued us j when the Bky Hung, with its dim end watery huo, O er all tho sort, still prospect lilgb. The distant groves, arrayed in white, Might then like things unreal seem, Just shown awhile in silvery light, The fictions of a poet's dreum ; Like ehmlowy groves upon that shore O'er which Elysium's twilight lay, Hy bards ond sages fuign'd of yore, Ere broke on earth heaven's brighter day. O Ood of Nature 1 with what might Of benuty, ehowor'd on nil below, Thv guiding power would lead aright Earth's wanderer all thy lovo to known ! fanner's Department. Seed Totatoe:. tn the (timofee Former, tho epicstinn is psked, "Whether it is more ndvautngoous to plant small potatoes than large ones t" From my earliest youth I have been taught the importance of selecting thu largest and beiit potatoes to be used for seed. My practice has been occasionally to put one such in a hill. In tho spring of 1849, owing to the scarcity and high price of potatoes, 1 was induced to plant ns an experiment, some small Mercers in tho garden, on a square that was highly mauured. The yield was grout, und the potatoes first-rate as to size. Ueinj much disappointed, and stating tho fact to a friend ho gave an unqualified opinion, that the favorable result was owing to the rich ness of the soil. The past season, 1 planted several bushels of the largest and best Mer cers I could purchase iu tho city They were generally cut into three pieces, each. !nt the supply not being sufficient, 1 planted 3 bushels of small ones, such as hud been luii aside as too small for table use. Of these, three were put into each hill, and were planted along side tho large ones. Tho quality of the ground, the time of planting, nnd the tillage, wero in all respects the same. When tho shoots from the small seed first appeared, and for a short time after, I thought them rrther more slender than those from the large ones, but soon there wes no perceptible difference. At harvesting:, the size, quality and product from tho small seed was equal in nil respects to the larger ones. Hut tho ground on which these wero planted wus rich, having been highly manured. To complete tho experiment, however, 1 planted ut the same time half an acre of ground of fuir qtiulity that had been tilled before, but not manured. Half the piece was dunted with the biuall seed, and hull' with the largest and best quality. These were cut into two or three pieces rack r'roviuus to the first hi eing, a handful of leachud asheg was thrown on ench hill. .At harvesting, the potatoes wero lu.go and fine ; nnd those from the small seed wore equal in size and product to the others. The rivhneiH of the ground, therefore, iu the first parcel, was not the cause of producing as birge potatoes from the small seed us from the large. In the latter cuso ground comparativelv poor, produced tho same re sults. If a bushel of small potatoes, that would not sell for one-fourth thu price of lare ones, should prove us good for planting ms Urn large, it would be well to know the f.ict. I have made these suggestions to direct the attention of fanners to the subject. E. Setting Fence Post. Many methods lire rteriminnndod fur sot tiiii.' fence jiosts, but iu rasos where firmness and durubility art) especially desirable, I know of noun supwrior to tire folluwino; ; Having se lected yonr posts, remove tli bark, from tlm ' )f.vt r ends, and chur tlinn j then finish the whtvo us yuii prefer to havo tliem oppear when 6ot. '1'ho holes fur their reception should be never less than eighteen inches lu diaaititer, an 1 three and tine-fuiirth fuet tleep, nor should thero bo anv diminution of the site of tho post beneath the suil. The larger tho posts in that part, thu mora firmly will they set. To supply the material for "Gllinjr in, take common limo one part pulverised charcoal, one part lioiiso ashes, ono part, and roarsn gravel six parts; slack the lime in si. tt-r in which half a bushel of suit to one bar rel of the former has been dissolved, und mis the materials intimately till tho mass is of the consistency of mortar, then throw iu a few shovelsful to constitute a bedding, nnd Iiaving set the post in thu quisito position, eomineuco fining in. Where tho fenco is to be ornamental orre ry strong and high, nnd where swaying from the effect of owerful wirds, or other c.wcs, is to bo Fpofially guarded against, the iutro. luction of small stones, or chips of grauite, before tho cement hardens, will bo found very desirahln. These should bo thrown in as the process of Cllin g proceeds, nnd rammed doan to Inrretiso the solidity of thu mass. This cement is one of tho must efficient autireptic mixtures known when applied to wood be neath tho toll. It harden to the solidity of tho firmest grnnits, and will neither break nor crack. In finishing- off the filling in, care should bo taken tn give a slight rlevntioa to the mass immediately in contact with the post, rising some four or Eve inches in con tact with the posl, riin? soma four or five inches in the form of a pyramid, to prevent the water standing upon it, which would nc celerhta tl.a lecompoil on and decay of the punt. Posts inserted in this way will ul wayi retain an erect position, and endure for sfes,- fltritiantoun i'eU Ixri.AVKP Evr.8. A strong decoction of green tea, sweotened with loaf sugar ana made smooth with tlik'k sweet cream is often an effectual cure for common iinQjumiut'on of the eyes; in severe cases. Mud the tea leaves on for s poultice, it is loothiu;, cooling add at loust harmless. Ssw-PrsT roa Hr.DuiKO. Those who have access to saw dust can use it for bedding stock instead of straw I sprmura1 'if.ue, we presume, is In its absorption of liqnld tna-buru-aud fertdinaj aMS. AYER'S PILL S . JOB ALL THS MEPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC. ore nnd perfectly eafe In itsopcrM.cn. ' " been prepared to meet that demand, .ad anwte . iro trial of it. virtue has conclusively .linwn vyitn what .ucccs. it accon.Pli.he. the .purpose dc,,K It is es.v to make a physical M ' J!"',"??. Jn..e the be.t or all pi I one which should have noneol ' th. oCctio.".. but .11 the ndv.nt.gr. .f every ether, This ha. beea attempted here, wittf wh.t ..lece.. w. would respectfully submit . . thi irabUe decision. It ha. been unfortunate for ihe patient hitherto that almost every Prpt,ve medicine is acrimonious and irntatine to the bow el. Thi. 1. not. Many of them produce so much Tipli.r pn end revulsion in the system as to more than eountcrbalsjica the Rood to be derived from them. The.e pill produce no Irritation or pain, ante.. It arise from . previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. Beinir purely vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any quantity j but it i. better that any medicine should be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their u.o in the several di.ense to which they are ap plicable are Riven on tho box. Among the com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, wt may mention Liver Complaint, in its various forms of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor nnd Loss of Ap petite, I.istle.siieas, Irritability, Bilious Headache, bilious Fever, Fever and Aeiie, l'ain in the Side and Loin, i for, In truth, all these arc but the con sequence of diaraacd action in the liver. As an aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos tivenras, Tiles, Colic, Dysentery, Humors, Scrof ula end Scurvy, Cold, with soreness of the body, Ulcers and Impurity of the blood; in short, any and every cat. where a purgative i. required. They nave also produced some singularly suc cessful cures in Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy. Oravcl, Erv.ipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pnins in the Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely take n in the spring of the year, to purify the blood and prepare the system for the change of aeasons. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowel, iuto healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno vate the strength of the body, and restore the wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism. Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even though no srrious derangement exists! but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as tverv purgative medicine reducca the atrcngth, wheu taken to exce... The thousand cases in which a physic is required cannot be enumerated here, but thev auggest themselves to the reason of every bodv ; and it is confidently believed this pill will answer a better purpo.e than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankind. When their virtues are once known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a cathartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can an.e Irom tneir use in any quanuiv. Fer minute directions see wrapper on the Box. PREPARED BY JAMES C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS. Friot 85 Cents per Eos. Five Boxss tor SI. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, For the rapid Cure of 0rGIIS. fOLIrS, IIOAKSEXESS, I)R0X IIITIS, H'llOOriXG-rol'Cill, CHUFF, ASTHMA. AXU coxsiMrriox. This remedy has won for itself such notoriety from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease, n,i It ! untirclv tinnecessarv to recount the evi dences cf its virtues in any community where it has been emplovcd. So wide i. tho field ol its use ..!.... ,! an" mimemua the ca.e. of ita cures. that almost every section of the country abounds in persons publiclv known, who have been restored from alarming auid even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When onco tried its superiority other medicine of its kind is too appar ent iWii nhcprvation. and wheie its rirtues arc known, the public ro longer hesitate what antidota to emplov for the distressing and dangcroua affec tions of the pulmonsrv organs which are incident to our climate. And 'not only in formidable at t...k. ,r th In, ivi. but fur tho milder varieties of t'oi.ns, Covons, HouieRNBSS, Ac. ; and for t'im.iiiilis it is the pleasantest and safest medicine that can be obtained. A it lixa lonif been in constant use throucricut thii section, we need not do more than assure the peopl ill- its uualitv is kept up to me riest tnai ii ever been, and tliat the genuine article i. sold by 1j;i oeci. Vtii,r rtruner, Bjiilmrv; HirJ A J fin, V W. Wiinner. .N'ortliumbcilanil ; J. V ''Ma! v and by all Urucs.iia in Norllicrn l'emisylriiiuv June 3, 1CS5 ly. i,n. kin .Mi. km BURTON & TEUTON, S. W. corner Sixth (vul Arch t!reU, rillLAlJKl.l'Ill 4. r 1st. AH! less!! an uncommonly full anil JL choice assortment of block and green Tea of all grades, from the ettremely low price o: 30 cts 30 40 50- 00 7i tj 75 ct. per II warranted to be superior to any to be had else where at the same prices. We know ami conn denlly recommend tl.em to be 20 percent cheap er than any lorsalu in the nly. e have nls a very superior assortment of f.'olTee, Old Gov't Java, Laguayra, Mnrucanbo, Kiound Cup ' Hay tien Cotl'te. New No. I Mackerel end cUiad in J and i lihl. or as may be desired. Cheese, Hi Apple, Sap Sago, New Yoik Cream Cheese l wavs on hand. .Soap brown and white ; also II. L. Kendell A Co s Chemical Olive Soap, on lb. ot which will go as far as S of ordinary brow Soap. Also Starch of diflorent qualities, pickles, sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, an chnveys, cVc, with a full assortment of Fancy Cinoils, to which we invite the a tention of the public tocall and examine our extensive assort ment of Fine Groceries for .ulo ly lJL'KTON & FENTON, WluMosole and Ketail Family Grocers and Tea IUialrrs, S. W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts. Jt. 1). Good' delivered to all psrll of the cily free of charge, rhila., Sept. S2, 1855 apl By Trusses! Trusses! I Trusses!!! C, II. NEEDLES, Trass and Brace Establishment, S. IP. lor. of 'i'li'dfth und Jiace titrtett, Philadelphia. MPOKTBK of fine French Trustee, enmbi. nine extreme lichtnc.t, rate and durability 1 with correct ronttriietion. Hernial or ruptured patient, can 1st suited by remitting amounts, at Mow : Sending number of inches round the hip., and .luting side alVected. Coat of Single Truu, $2. $3, f t, S3. Double " 5- tH, $a and $10. Instructions ss to wear, snd how to etVcct a cure, when poi.il 'e, sent with the Truss. Alto for tale, in great variety. Dr. Buniiliig'i Improved Patent Body Brace, For the cure of Prolsptus Uteri: Spinal Pront and Support., Patent Shoulder Hr.ce., Client Expanders and Erector 15r.ee, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders auJ Weak lungs: Kmk1i.Ii lCL.lie Abdominal Doltt, Suvpentories. Syringes male and leniule. tTT Liilie' Konmt, with Lady attendants. Phila., Aug. 4, 1855 ly 1' 8. CIIEAP BOOKS Si STATIONARY. TJEJTHV eV EBETV, invite the attention of 1. niercbsnta and others to their large stock of rlenntly nouml Uitilra, Hymn llnoks, Prayer uookt. Annum, sua 1 rcteniatpiu Uooks in sll tylcs of binding ; Standard Ideological, Medical, Mitcellsneout and School Hook., which they have received from Trade Sales aud are selling at extremely low prices. Also direct front the manufacturers and Im porter., ever kind of Plain and Fancy Writing, Letter and Note Papers. Envelope, fiuld snd Steel Pern, Pencils, Inkttaudi, Wrapping I'a per., 4c, ic, at the lowest rath prices. PEKBY t EKUTY. S. W. Corner, 4th and Race Sts. Philadelphia. September li, 1865. If BLANKS. : VLANKS of every oWriptian ca rut had Vy tiM apvTtag attaaethca ot the Amencaa THE UNIVERSITY'S FAMILY REMEDIES, IfWKDandm the rVnl. PWtlon and Authority of is. Umveraity of PHEK MKUIC1NK and poplar snow loose. ChHitrrwl by the Pule f I'eninylvoina, April 2U, less, with a C.pltal of f IOO,ouO, mainly for the rsirpoee of armtiug lb. evnufS;uiiuua ..id worthies. Nostrum. Alan for .upplyinr (lie Oniinumly with reliable Heme dice wherev.r . Competent Thymoma cannot of will n4 lii employed. Tin. Inftiitulion lia.purdia.ud f rum Ur Jobs K. IIowahd, hi. Celebrated KowhimI" I onic IMIxUire, Known fur upwards of twenty-flvs yrsr. as the ni.lv sure mid sifeeurr f. FI'VKIf snl AG I I'., Ac, and In. inea. liimlde Hin-dyfor IIOWIU.COiHl.AI.NTr, lUm-and-. t'ompootui Fyuip or niartberry Hoot, whih highly as pr vc:l and p rtil.r llenirdiea, tnprll.cr with The University's Keinedy for rnmplsiiits of ttiel.iine.; Te University's Remedy for Dvsnepsi.or Indigestion j The University's Henie.fy forCi'miye-HoWKlsi Also, llie University's A4irmtrac muy be Ik had, at the Urmu li Dispensary, or Store ot WILLtAM DEPI'lV. Nov. 3, 1P4S. Mahanoy f. l. SPECTACLES In Gold, Silver, and Elastic Steel Jb'rames, flATHBMATICAL Instruments- separata anil in cases, Thcrinnmctcrs of various sizes, Spy Glasses of every description, l'lutina poinisfnr I.iglitning Rods, Magic Lanterns with scriptural, astronomical and temperance designs, Microscope, and Microscopic objects, Galvanic Batteries, Electrical Machines, Survcyer's (Jom passes, Surveying Chains &c.&c. Me'ALLlSTEK & BROTHER. (Established in 1708.) 194 Chestnut Struct Philadelphia. Our Triced snd Illustrated Catalogue (84 pages) with 150 illustrations furnished on application, anil sent by rr.t:' frm of charge. Phila. Sept 8, lr'c5. GENUINE HONEY SOAP. HPHE pnrity, fragranra - & mild emollient iftlSV'V properties of this oup.tfn3iS' J . renders it cspecin lly . de- toilet. For chapped hands, ' .t ...:.. .!i rJ vortous iliscttses of -0itT7.T'a'1 tho skin, it is uncqunlcil. Each cuke is stamped W M. l.UWAV, 168 South Second street, Philadelphia. No other is Genuine. Improved Chemical Olive Soap, Warranted to Wash In hard, soft, or salt water. This sonp hss powerful cleansing properties, which readily remove Oil, Puint, Dirt, Ac, from every description of goods without injury tr them. r or all domestic purposes it is superior to any other soap in use, nnd 20 per rent, cheaper than Ihe common rosin snap, bach bar is stamped. WILLIAM CONWAY, 168 South Second street, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soaps, sperm, slcarino and tallow cundles, importer and dealer iu sal soda, soda asli,rosiu, cvc. Orders hy mail promptly attended to Phila. August "5, IS 5 5 tf. DR. A. B. MADPOCK'S CELEHKATED WORK OX INHALATION In the Trtaimeut and Care of Coiisuuiptiou. Aiiliuia, Bronrhili, ami ollrr IiiKuacM or tut ii pirniiry uri;aii. Hy .Mnlicii. lulialnliun. WiTU NOTKSi AND ADDITIONS BY 1)H. C'llAt UltFK.Mi. I'irit American edition, from fiiih f.''iidcn fJtti.m, wlifra ll hut tild Ul) UllJUtCCviCUttll wtlr. Ttiii ii a valunMf wnrk and should n in the hnndtj nf ril inVHli'li, hiiu the MuJical rritfrtvi"!, gtncnilly. 1 or wariuxl free m rliarpc. by in til. u rwript ol" tint CIMl I Clflh (tllt) 'NK D.)LI A. U. W . VAN IIOR.N & CO. Ao. 32 Xvrth Xinth 7.f J 'hilmh ljhiti. Wt f ulij' tin ft frw, fr-in mnnv commeii.!lory ttotir) and reviewa from the I igUhli und Atnencmi Mvtlii'n and iitbrr J.iurnula "Dr. Mud.lock it the am nf the laid Henry MaiMN'1f, F.n((., M . 1 , thr well known Uiriitet, and pruiis-a f" niu, in hit own pro. rum m, iu aa t-niinent a d'rct- an hia par fiit Tim ayatein (iutuilnliou) propoard nn the m at etTtxtuHl inettuK. il ppU ins; a remedy to a jnrtin of the avateui which en n not he directly renrhed by iiir-dioine it eltf. . . . We reC'immeiu. our rendera to purrhiow the Work.1' Weaieyun Cliroiiiclo, I'ial'ii, Feb. 10. IMS. 'We rpcunnneml thi Work to our render, m it nppenri to be fully nmlurisl, clmnly wtitteu, nnd entirely di vented of :iny quackery m peil-atnikinn tendency. The Work well i.-tefvea peru;d( and the pim-tice, na far aa our kiiawlcdue and experienca exicnda, will rrpi.y not n!y n a-riot. ii,tdfiHitiu, hut a p;ttu-ut trial oi ita m'.ritfc' IjuiidJii Medical Jmiriril, Decctnler III, IMS. "We think that nu one mil rmtfroin ita pe uxnl, With .ut lii'itss Balifiu;! (hat it ialne w.nkttf u pruc lent and exjtrm-te'l nv-',i ; mid that it outfit . for the .ike ff th iHi! who (tulft:r i nun o ttmn nipt i -n . apttiuin, r briu-hi tia, to he hrouulit int.) erne naive ciirui ni"ii, ll in, in (he atnc-nt e:,e i" th tt ifii, a vihrihlo Work." Oxford Liii.etit Ilfiiild. X -veiiiher. 7. Iitf. "A llu-Piiiit ot itio ltti j, n 1Mi:i n of Mr. Mahlock W tk on CitiiHuin'fjoi. Hr.Mirhitia. Aitiiu:i, Ac. ; with j V't. Ac, ly Jr. ) '!.... (tren-e T'hia W nk will be ; f.-unii w -n" y .;:e jitn'i 'ii u! i-tir pm.!- -a. for lii'-y unv j Iivir.i tt i'. u wtit.t . ; itr ' X itc'.i l(r"ia t'.ia ui'tle of j Ire itinp C. irt tN -'i 'tol :i n hfi--o'ittiia f tfie tur-pa lr. M m rvn:i'i .".l) ulh if c tnnith-riit.lrt inteiii- pciu'e fin.. !iii-r in of (r. d in iii'mlnii.'i: t-i tiit'd'cnted vspMm, he affiiml-i have n'ilily to extract, n, we f tatt.ier, s-M k-iv. t!it we litti lint ti;e I'nv. feii n t uve irii fc .vfti antlicieiit attnt'i n ti Di n m A flllfVintM'f I14 i'.ffrriiiK of thoitr l.ilc'ljiiR littdi-' t'"a j c!:a of diaiae.1." New Jeraey Medical Kfjmrter. Ju;:, (Fri-m Profeaa r .Taa. Prxnn, IMitor nf the ''rhiluc', !iia Meilirnl mid Kur:ir.d J 'urnal." "Pr. !app no r on luh:i!nti'in ta i-iie of trie few winch have been iavtird from the I'tiplinh prcaa on thi ant'jct't Ita re-p!'l'v-''i"ii mi Una riuitr, with the imticiou N'tlea nf lr .ireenc, wdl ndd l ihe lucdieal litrrattiri of :be I'mled ratea, nnd, it is hoped, ext'itia.Miie inferi-at in the mc)icai i ftaiti.n on the atihjcri oflnha bti-m. a inciuaof trcnti-nr pulmtnnr) HifTtiona. With itu addiluiii of mderii ilincoverua in I'liyniol- v, ih:a mode of tTcatiiift tliete diafuvca ahould Imve a fnir trial and me ainnenient nnde lor the ln? nf-irlrtM which In httluLum hii r-ultcred at the handaof nifili'.nl men Trof. of Hurpery in riiilndclnhia toUpe of .Medieint A CARP. Vn. GUTiV.SF, will treat DISF.ASKS OF THK MNtil nnd AIlt-FASSAGI-, agreeably to th m a i aucveMtully adopted in ihe practice nf Dr. A. H. Mnd-d-tck. nnd other eminent phym-uni of Kurpe. Hy thia mile ol ire.-uinent thetiaesaed inrtace oi the uroneni ana Lung are dingily acted upon, the vaiioua in ed iro led vn rr being carried ti the innat minute ramiftenliona of the uuca, prduriug healthy action; where a complete diaorfrnmzatioii haa ttketi place the Iteat reinlta alwaye attend Una feature of I'metice j iu fact, with auitable ajuncta. it ia theoidr relinbt form nf treat inp diaeaaea of tlte Ueipinstory Orpnia. He intenda v.-ttnioT hia aole a'tenti'tn to thi pnrlieniar braucn ot nn proicaaion. Thfe dcairooa of conanUiuir hi in can do toby letter ad- dreaat-4 to CHAW. ORKEXn. M. n. Box mi, JMiilada. V. O. Philjda , June 91, 1?M, flm. STOVE3! STOVES! We rrapeetfutly ar.licil Uieattaiittaii of iho pnthc to our u Tlmciit of Mier.Br.fion tir.ATtNr, siTovrs, for trr. Unit., t'hurehf., Farlor. &c, worrnnrH to ir.v. mure heat Willi one ilurtl th ful, tlinti nuy other Uruliup tove in ure. Tli. Irtrrr. nnmlier wlnclt knve licen hild in thi. .ml other eitie. nnd the eon.uiiii .tie fncre..uig rienmud for them, l. .mficient guamntre of Dreir superiority over .11 other Ileslinp Htovea, and we checrfuiy invite the .tricteat iuve.tigntiu of our ctaiin. to Hie m tt perfe:t article nf the kind in tn. We .! have a tuoerinr CAt'l-DRON, for f.rmin and ehemir.t porpoaea, m:nle on the Kime priiteiple, (ot whirh we claim only . Irinltn be nppreeieteil. W. kepp eonauntlv on h.nd an emortmnt of ih leading TOOK and I'A K LOU STOVLS; aud are t Atenu in tho riinte for (ll'F.F.Vfl PORTABI.K FOnfifS. IllTK'S PATKNT roOKINO PTtlTRt, and jjAiisTows vNrtivAi.t.r.u cook haki.oh HTCiVKrt. Wlu.lra.le Uouler. will be supplied at tha ltrwcat foundry prices. N F.MAN It WAHMCK. Wholemle Itclsil Slm e Drnln.. N. Cor. of PHCOVD It ACF. Sit. Pliila.l't rr For.,tehy II. n M ASSF.H, of thi. place. Philadelphia, Augual 4o. Itsii. 3m. SEQARS' El Neptune, El Dorado, El Duendo, io Hondo, Recrcadoros, La Curio.idail, La Semiarmis, Can. lot, Plantation, Havana C'hrrnote. For Pale at WEISER & HHI NER. Sunbury, May 26, leAS. Land Warrants Bought. T.1 IGHEST cash price paid, and money remit ted by first mail. The test rclerence can be given. Apply or sddress 8 AM U1C I. LECHTOLD, jr. No. 80 North 6th street, Philadelphia. tV Bounty Lands and Pension, m fir. u mm and Warrauls loeateJ ss usual. October 8, 1866.- Zm'i OEBERINE. Veratris, Chinordine and Cin-- chunia, just rsceive d by May 19, lft5. WElSBH A DRTTNER. TANILLA BEANS just received by WKI8ER V BRl'NER. Sunbury, Msy 19. 1865. THABK'S Msgnetie Ointment at May 19. WEI9KII & BROKER'. 1JAINT8 of every eltweitpiion juat tex-eiveil by Mir 11. WEISER 4 BRVNKH NEW FAMlt.Y GROCERY, Flour, Feed end Provision atore. 6EASH0LTZ & PETER Y, lirmdirny, beiwtrn Atarlet Blackberry Stt. E.sriXTFt;i,LY inform the public that they have juat reteived a large and well selected assortment of choice Family Groceries, consisting in part of Hams, Shnnlders, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, Cod Fish, fait Preserved Fruit, I'ichles, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Hire, Sugar, Coffee, (green, roasted snd ground,) Im perial. Younj; Hyson, Gunpowder and Ulsrk Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segiirs, Ac, together w ith every article usually found in a first class Grocery Store, oil nf which will he sold at the lnwest prices, either for cash or country produce. We also keep on hand choice Liquors, 1'ort, Lisbon, ic. Porter, Ale, beer, sarsspsrilla, A c. We ere also prepared to sup ply the citirens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels snd cakes of every kind. IN. u. 1 ho highest cash prices will be paid fer butter and eggs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. tfunhury, July 7, 1S55. iTm hToU 'S I X D I GO BLt E. BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE, is now we I established as the best article ever otlerrd fur Ulueing Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or anything injurious to the finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper and less trouble than Indigo or any other article. The great demand for it has brought out several im tationi. Storekeepers end consumers will be careful to get UsxjiMia Uahlow's, put up at Allrc d Wilthergcr a Urug Store, io. IliJ, XV. Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers can get their supplies from the Grocers and Druggists they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit. I)ritz3, ChetHtcafn I'tiiHtt, I'artiisheir, Dy f-ttiffs, 4 c, with a first-rate assortment of every thing iu the line. Storekeepers, Physicians and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFIiEl) WII.TDEKGEK, Druggist. 1C!1 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 -ly. SUNBURY, PA. t lHE sulncrilicr respectfully informs the public JL that she still continues to keep the above named public house. She has alxo received a new supply of (rood liquors and wines, and truats that she will bo able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MAUI A THOMPSON Sunlmry June 23. 1855. if. BOYD, ROSSER & CO., miiii amu Hirr.ui or Ucu Vol) ntljrcmtc Coal. From the luke'Fidler Colliery Shamokin, Korth'd County, Penna. Address Iliivd. Itosn:r &. Co., Sunbury, I'a. 11. M. Hlllll. J. HIIS. Kit. Jll. IKIin. T. BIIHSFR. Sunburv, April 7, 1M5S. tf. " H AYD0CK & FIDLEr7 I'VEAI.EItS in Watches and Jewelry, will continue the bunincp. at tho old eland of J.iiic. 1). Kidler, Ac. 12 South Secmd Street, rilll.AIH'.I.I'lll A, Where they solicit an examination of their larce and vmii'd .tuck, feelinor assured that the expe rience both of them have had in the buriucKS, and the facilities they possess for procuring good, on the mot advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment iu the city. Tliey huve now on hit i id a tine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWEI.UY. Silver, Plated and Urittajiia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy (Joods, &c., Ac. N. U. Itcpuiriiict of Wtitrhcs and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with proinptueri. and the greatest care. Phila.. April 7, ISSo. tf. TOC0AL DEALERS. AMMEEMAN, ZUERN & WEITZEL HESPFCTFriJ.Y inform the public that ' J tbi'V h.ivp ltMsetl the new rtilltrrv. rnlli'il lbi Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, mid of a variety of sizes prepa red on their new i oal nreakrr. All orders prompt intended to by luldiesHina; the firm, either ut Sunbury or Sliuinokiii. Sunbury, June 30, 1335 Photography ! Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEW ERA IN ART ! J. E. McCLEES. (S'leeftiortn McCec $f f!rrmnti,) V'OI'LD call the attenion of the public, not ' only to the superiority of the llnnuerrco tvpes, the llyalogroph, (lv tome railed Ambro t re.) and thu vuriou. atyle. of Photography on paper ; but to the fact, that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv teiul inz it to No. Kill Chestnut si., have made from it bv Ihe means of Photography, and Ihe taleiitn of tho best Artist., a portrait of ait sin:, from a small Locket to the full size of life. A small book containing description, price., fee, Ac, wilt be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McCI.EKS Philadelphia Photograph E.tabli.hiuent, No. 16(1 Chestnut si., below 7th rhila., July 21, 1805. tf. Shamokin White Ash Anthracite CoaL From the "Old Vein" in the Gup Colliery. TIL ZIMMERMAN cVJNO. P. PCRsEL. successor, to Kate, Kecd & Co., will con tinue mining, shipping and telling coal from the above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman & 1'ursrl. The point of shipment it at the lower wharf in Sunbury, Northumber land county, Pa., where all ordera fur the various kinds of coal, viz : Lump, broken, I'.gg, Stove, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended tn. Sunbury, July 14, 185S, Si sat-BT, Ji lt 8, IS55. The firm of Kate, Reed 4 Co. having told their lease in Ihe Cap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Mettrt.. Zimmerman & Puiscl, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our cuatonier. and others tn the new lirm.U. they will be able to aell the in prepared eoal of the best quality, KASE, RF.ED St CO. or TUB UNITED STATICS INSURANCE, Annuity and Trust Co. 5. E. corner 'third and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA, f AI'ITALe50,OO0. MONEY is received on iteoo.ii ilally. The .mionl deemed i. entered in a llersisii IIihiV aial aiven to tee Uepoauor, or, if nrrlcrrrd, a ccruli. Mlt will I Riven. A II eaina, large and aniall, are received, und llie aiuouiit paid liack on demand, w ithout notice. luteieti i. Mitd el the rate of t iva rta rssr., coin meucutf troni llie day ol rlepisil, end ceasing fortrtctai pitviou. Ui the withdrawal of the inonev. Oil the first day of January, in each year, the interest of eacn oepo.ii i. pnin to thedrpotitor, or aisled to thr ptinci pal. at he may preier. Tl.t Ci'nipanv hsve now upward, of 3. WO depositors in tli. C iiv nf piuMeiphi. .Ions Aiivad'lmonal Inloriiititioii will be given by adJieaaing th. Tsl.iusss. DlRECTOItS. ?i,.hen R. Crawford. Prea't, William M. Godwin, Lawienc. J 'hnagn, VicePre. Paul B God, laid, ImUoM V ThoalpaoB, George Slctteiiry, Beniaoun W. Tiniley. Jainea Deveiena. Jaoob L rbrsuee, Gutavut Engluui, eeeelarr anal Treasurer. PI.ISJV FlftK. Ttxtsa aas Isrt.nsita, I. C OEULBCULAUtR. PhusJelphlS, (ept. 1, lyP. GROCERIES- Begars, Coffee, MolassM Spices, Oils, Brandy. Uiu, Wiite, Mocker' 1, Uermig and Salt, just received and or sale by WM. A. JCNABB. Lower Aututta.. May 8, 18i4- CEDAR TlibeJ. II or mi Buckets, Painted Buck els, M eat Tenderers, Corn Broom., Bae- kale, Children,) Wagons, and Yankee Clocks ust received nnd fur sale by Msy 9. 18J5. . W. TEN ICR 4 Ce MOUNT CARMEL HOUSE, MOUNT C ARM EL, Northumberland county, Fa. THIS large and commodious Hotel is situated on the top of the Locust mountain, neirly half way between Sunhury and Pottsville. The scenery the salubrity of the atmosphere and the cool mountain breezes, make it one of the most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is s new structure, four stories high, filled np with all the modern conveniences. The pure mountain water is introduced into every chamber. The place is easy of access, beng but one and a half hours ride from Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sunbury Hail road. From Pottsville, it can be reached by the Mine Hill Itnil road to Ashland, and from thence to Mt. Carmel 4 miles, by Omnibus. Kvery attendance will be pnid hy the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Mt. Carmel, tune 53, 1855. tf. SALAMANDER SAFES. EVANS Aj WATSON, No. 26 Sou'.h Fourth St., Philadelphia. GREAT FIRE, Chestnut & Fifth Streets, Friday morning, December 35th, 18S4. Evans A Watson's Salumandcr Safes Trium phant, aa they alwaya are when put to the test. 'PiitisiiRLriiis, Dee. 15, 1854. Mcmrs. Etaks A Watsok, N. 89 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. tientlemcn ! We tako much pleasure in re commending your Salamander Safe, to Merchants snd others in want of a secure means of preser ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as tho one we purchased from you about seven months since lias preserved our books, paper, and cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of Chestnut ond Fifth streets. The above safe was iu use iu our olliee, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the fire was out. The Safe was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition or thr contents. ill you please have the Safe and Locks repaired, at we intend to put it in use again, havii.g perfect confidence in its fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LACY 4 PHILIPS. Evans 4- Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many hundreds who have their Safes in use: U. S. Mint, Philsdn ; Farmers and Mcchunir. Hank, Phila : Samuel Allen, Esq., High Snerilf, Phila; John H. Hen dertou, Cily Controller j Caleb Cope j-Co., No. 1H3 Market t. ; Richard Norris ir Son, Loco motive builders, Philada ; liuncroft A Sellers, Machinists, corner Kith and James Sts.; Fran klin riie Insurance Co., 1'hila.; Pennsylvsuia Railroad Cu, Phila.; Laeey A Philips, comer nth aud Minor St..; Sharpies. Rro., No. 32 South Second St..; James Kent cfc Santee, No. 147 Norlh Third St; W H. Hnrstmnn & Sons, No. 51 North Thiid St.; Smith, Williams & Co.. No. 87 Market St.; J. & li. Oruc, No. 184 Chestnut St. A largo assortment of tho above Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 percent more tire than any Herring's Safe now in use.) EVANS A WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters. Iron Doors and Iron Dash, for making fire-proof Vsults for Ranks stores, public and private buildings. Seal nnd Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc. Please give u. a call, at No. SS South Fourth M., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855. rly. 10. nocroii vol RSKi.rt 7 11 E 1 OCKEV. JCSfi LA PITS : OR, EVBRY ONE HIS OWN rilYMriAN. rilHE FIFTIETH Edi- -S- lion, with One Hundred Engraxings, showing Dis eases and Mulloiiiintions ol the Human System in every shape and form. To uhich is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contemplating marriage. Ity Ul- Win. Yotuix' T.fl no fnllier l.e u.hntnrd to present a copy of the CTI.AIMI'S to his child. It may save him from mi early pnive. I.nt no V'Min tnnu or woman enter into the seere 'l.liiralirtiis 1'iiiriii-il life without rending; the ViH KKT .CSlM'I.MMI'S. I.et no one autlWins fnun haeknird Coniih, I'aul in Ihe Side, restless iil:hta. nervous leehnire, and the wliolc Ir.fin if lJ).Mpltc .etistil ions, mid given np 1V their physician, he nni'thei iinnnrnt withnnt coli anliiiirf the .KSt.'L'I.AI'lt': Have the inn.iidl, or those ats.iit to lie married any impediment, rend ihi. truly ua:lnl ImmiW, ns it hua heen the mean, of aiiviiit tlraisiiiul. of un fortunate creatures from the vrrv jaws "f death. fiT Any person sending TWKNTV-FIVK CF.NTS, eucloeed iu a letter will receive one copy nf th.a Istok. hy infill, or lice copies will he .ent f-u one dolini. Athhcsa, lis. W. YIH'.Nti, .V. IS tfPiU'CK Street, I'lIU.A DKI.IMIIA" Postpaid. Philadelphia, SeptriulM.-r P. 1S5.V If NEW STORE. t.lf the old Hindol o. .. 1 hnmvso n.) 'I'HK Subscriber rcsect!ully inform, the peo L pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that he haa ta ken the Store lioum lately occupied by S. N Thnmpson. in Market t'trcet, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel, and that ha has just received and opened a handsome assortment of FALL & WINTER GOODS, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Ilardware, Queensware, Hats Cups, Boots & Shoes, Tish, Salt, Meat. Ac. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices. All kinds of produce taken iu exchange at th highest uiurket price. it it vr A CJTIVF il. 11. V .VO 1 l.V . Sutbury, Nov, 21, 185S ly ch JAMES BARBER WH()I.F!AI.K KF.TAIt. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. '. corner of Second Chestnut Sts. PHXZiADBIiPIIXAa Where may be found, one of the largest and best assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in Ihe I. lilted States, in quantitiea to suit purchasers. of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ; enibracini,- every variety of style and manufac ture, suital le for Churches, Halls, Counting lIoues, l arlors, Sleepine apartments.ar.d Kitch ena. Steam and Canal Boats, and Kail roudCura. N. H. Cloeka Repaired and Warranted. Clock Trimming, for aale. Alto, Munuucturcr of llarhtr's Celebrated Hue GOLD PENS Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill pen, in aililitiot) to which the durability of tli metal is fully associated and developed. Gold and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Plated Ware, &c, wholesale aud retail. Those wish ing to purchase are invited to call. JAMES BARBER, S. E. corner Chestnut aud Second Ms., Plula. Philadelphia, June S3, 185S. ly, HENRY DONNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW. UJict opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northumberland County, Pa, Tiompl attention iu business in adjoining -ouiilies. nOOFLANP'3 Bitters at May 19. WEISER & BRL'NER't. ANN'8 LETTER PRESSES, with books,! itk, and all etmplete, just rrxeived, ad to (uresis by 11. U.MASSKK. Sunbury, June 4. 1853. WATENT BK1TTANIA UJ'OPPEKd tot M ter otKuea lor saw cry II. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, 13, 1861 SILVER WATCHES. A few double case Eugliah Silver Watcheo, fee sale st eery low prices by II. B M AoSt u Sunbury, Apri it. 141 . 6 sgk ' New Goods for the TeopU ! BENJAMIN 1IEFFNE11 OE8PECTFULLY Informs the publicist gen eral that he has jnst received and opeaed a splendid stock of Fnll nnd Winter GooiU at his New Store, in Lower Augusta towaship. His sleek oontittt in part of Cloths, Cossimers, Casiinetj. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO: Callroen, cinfflianu, LnvTiM, Itlousaclliie Ue L.hIiici and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. CJrocr rleit, Also an assortment nf llnrdvrarc. Iran ami Steel, Nails, &c. ' Also sn excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, or various styles airfl patterns. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. II AIS It CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, J,c. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitsble to the trade, all of which will be .old at the lowest prices. -v onuuiry produce tasen in.excbange a the highest 'prices. Lower Augusts, Nov. 10, 1855. United States Hotel, Chestnut Street, abort Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. J-MscLELLAN, (lato of Jones Hetel,') has the pleasure to inform his friends tni he traveling community, that he has leased this House for a term of years, and is now prepared lor mt reception ot Uucsts. The Local advantngcaof this favorite establish' anent are too well known to need comment. J lie House and 1'uruiture have been pu in firs rate order I the rooms are large and well ventilated. The Tables will olwsvs be supplied with the best, and the proprietor pledgee kimaalf that tin effort on Ins part .lull be wanting te make the I'nit.d States equal in cemforts te any Hotel in the Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1854 SAMUEL IT F E T II K I IS T ON DEALER IX Ltmpi, Lantern, Cliaiidrlirrs oud Cindilaliriv A'e. 152 S. 2i it red. aiovt Strut: riiiT.AirLViiiA. I TTaving enlarged and improved his store, aaJ j having one of the largest assorltneiits of Lamp., in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur- ' lliall Pin fill Com nli.oi. H. I,!..!.! 1 I ! - --- - ,'-, uiiiiiik t iuiu, i,aiu and Oil Lamps, and Lautcrna of all patterns, Glass Lamps by the psckage, at a aniall advanee over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Ucaler or l'me Oil, liurning Fluid and Alcohol, which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage te buy. Also, Household Glassware of all Jeicrip tions st the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 134. WM. M'CAirLT, BOOKAEl, LKK, Market Street, BUNBTJRY, PA. 1 L'T received and for sale, a fresn supply of i.vGi:i,n;i, .insic for Singing Schools. He is nlxo opening a Ibis time, a large assortment nf Uooks, in every branch of Lilcrottire, consisting of Poetry, 11 istory, Novels, Rotnsnoe., 8cientil Works, Law, Medicine, ,xc,0ol and Children's Uooks, Pibles; School. Pocket and Family, both with and without Engravings, aud every of vari ety of Uinding. Prayer Hooks, of all kinds. Also just received and for sale, Purdous Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1811, price only 86,00. Judge Reads edition of Blackstonet Commca tarics, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly aold at 910,00, and now offered (in fresh binding) at Uie lew price of SO, 00. A Treatise on tho laws of fennsylrania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. liorilon, price only 34 ,)(). Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ol wlnch will be aold low, either for cash, or eouu- trv produce. "February, SI, 1852. tf. "AID AND COMFORT," 'fo Your Own JVIetliniiLr. GEOUOK RENN. I MANLTAirrHBER r FURNITURE AND CIlAIRh Of tho most Fashionable Style. '"PHE subscriber respectfully ralla the attenrint of the public to hit large and splendid aeaorl nient of every quality and price ef C' A It 1 1 I2T-V A R 15 which cannot fail to retommend itself toeverv owe who will examine it, on account of ita durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to lie had in the city. aiTbri i. .pared in the manufacture nf his wsre, and ths stibserilicr is determined ta keen m, arlik ik. ; .... r -I "- many improvement, which are constantly heiag made. Hia atock con.iata of Mahozan- Stifaa, Olvaiisj nnd Lennge Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards. SOn, BREAKFAST AXD I)iM0 TABLE nd also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phiia- dclplua manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and priee. CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLE?. In .hort, every article in thia line of liia businrt.. lie also manufacture, all kinds and qualities of I ' TT U I) O t W AS. illllOi ncluding varieties never before to be had ii Sunbury, such as Miiionsay, Bi4.cs Wsisjct nn l'",ii MiruGiKriu; .sn Wisn.on CHAIR., .:.u riser I'u-io Stools, whirh are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Citiea or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the citiea, aa every confidence can be entertained about the quulity and finish of hia ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. IT" UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome lis. ass, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. ITf Tha Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weatcr's Tavern. (JEORUE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853. If JULY'S COVGH CNDV. An excel lent remedy for couzns, colds, t or sale at this orllce. December 4. 18il. piIAIN PUMPS.- A small number ef thete excellent pumps bsv beea received snd are offer i for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbure, June 4. 18IS3. "mTERMICELLI, Maccaroni and Coin Starch jr just reeoiveu uy May 19. 1853. WEISER A BRl'NER- CAMPHINE and Fluid of the best quality For aale by WEISER e BHUNEB Sunbary, May 10. IH(A. A Fine lot of Wall Paper just received and for sale by W.H. ici..i I. Market Sir est. Sunbury, June 3,1855. ROOTS. Shoe. Uots. Csps sne uai ouoes, ju.t received and for sale by ' -m S 1- L l FIRST ARRIVAL a-. . or I - At S. N. Thompson's Store. In H'ZSv!'v'!a ,ohii jht Junction ' ' vlphocken and Plum creek road, 'I'll t. subscriber having returned fiom the cite with a new and extansiva lunrimui It fashionable goods, respectfully cells the attention ui i uiuidii, iriBcuanics aim enters to the sams SritlNG AND SUMMEH GOODS, conaiating in part of ' Dry (soods, viz : C0A.1, Cassimerts, Cafsinttt, Jcant, Dtillinit Muslim, Vestings, Tweeds, and all kinds vf' Spring aud Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Loins, Latent, Uinehams, Berates, Holes, ' It'onlens, Flannels, $c. catocEiiii:.., Sngar, Teas, Coilee, Rice, Melasses, CLeete, Spices, Salt, Ac, ie., die. . Hard it n re, Nsils, 8crsws, Files, Ssws, Knives & Forks, Ac Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. boots And shoes. A large assortment of Uoots snd Shoes, for men, women snd children. Hats Cirs, Ac, of various sizes snd styles. B esides a large and general assort men! of fathionable gooda. Call and examine fur your selves. EF" Country produce ol all kinds taken ia exchange at the highest market prices. S. N. THOMPSON. Lower Augu.la, i mo. 28, 185S Furniture ! Furniture ! No. 15" SeuthSfond (abort Sprvct,) nail tide, PHILADELPHIA. rTMIE subscriber would respectfully inform the readers of the Sunbury Ameneun aud the public generally, that he luw on hand a constant auppiy oi elegant, fashionable, and well made Furniture at reasonable prices. Being a practi cal mechanic, and having ll hi. goods manufac tured nnder his own superintendence, purchasers msy rely on gelling jn.t luch ariicles ss are represented. Lounges with removable arm., sl.o new patterns of Soft Ued.leads. Thosu who are about going to housekeeping would de well To call. ' JOHN A. BALER, 17 South Second street. N. B. All orders thankfully received au.I promptl? attended to. April'jg. 'e-S.V-.w8-.lr. BOUNTY1 aND WARRANTS" 'T'lIE aub.rriber having received tlm iieres.trv form, and insnicttion. from the Department, at y..iilgin,) u ,r,,,,ri,r i procllrc Bounty Land Warrant! at tha shortest notice. 11. B. MASSBR. aaabai, As-1' 7, 1S.VV L.L. BE VAN. GZA1CZI1T HCTZL, Shamokin Pa. rpiIE subscriber beg. leove to inform hi. Iriends I arid Ihe public generally, that he has liken the above well known stand, and will be happy to accommodate sll who msy give hiiu a call. Shamokin, Julf 8, I814 NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER 8c BRUNE21, Wholesale and Retail Lrng;gisti( Marktt St., next door to E. Y. Brnht's Sttre SUNBURY, PA.. 1FI LK to the public the largest and b.at aelectad stock ever spent iu thi. sectiua of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS. Medicine., Chemicals, Ground Spices, Psints. Oils, Varnishes. Dye-stud., Window Clsta, j Patent Medicine., together with a complete ss ; .ortinenl of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nsil I snd Shaving Brushes, l)re.sing,.Side, Neck sad I Pocket Coinbt, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams. i oracco, egars, J'orl .Moumi, Slutionary, Co- ' faclioiimiei 1TKK WINES AND BRANDIES Tor Meilieinul use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy (Joods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept ky 'Druggists generally. XJ Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. CF.O. B. WEISElc, WM. A. BRl'NL'R. Puaburv. Mav SS. I j.M. TOBACCO, &C. Strawberry, Congress, Kldorado Kig. Eldorado fake, Sarsaparilla Tine Cut, Pressed Fine Cat, Anderson. " f 0T e,. ( WEISER & BRLNEH. Sunbury, May 38, 18.'i5. TVLILH. HIGBEE'S remedy forCugl,." 'cold., Slid pulmonary diaeates. A supply of lint volua'.lo medicine just received and for aale H. B. MASKER. Vinbmv. Jure 4, 8",g I a rsz,l r.io Icl.'l'ci v. ... ..... ; , o hiuii.mi r i.i iu an I enveloi.s., for tale bv d Adhe li. Ii. MASSKR. Sunbury, Jan 10. I8S2 ! W'es j '' S. -All kind, of Root. Slinra ami alit or sale by ' G. EI.SHEKG A- CO. Market atreet, opposite the Post fllbce. Simhuty. Oct. If. IH.M) NOTICE To Trespassers ou the Telegraph Line. V'OTICE is hereby given, that all pcreon found trespassing upon, or iniurini: the lin j of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph U I't dealt mill according to the act of Assembly m such sates nude ai.il provided. II. B. MASSER, Tres't Phils, end Sunbury Telcgiaph Co Sunbury, June S, 1(551. tf. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prcpaied hy WEISER 4; BRl'NER. This prep. i. lion is recommended ss aa ex cellent Isiative and purgative, it operate, mildly, ia entirely free from any unplasssnt l.ste, re sembling lemonade in flavor. This taedirine ia highly betierieisl for diseases peculiar ta suinmce and hot weather. Sunbury, July 1, 151. INK Bouretu'e celebrated ink, and also Con rrrs ink for sale, w heluale and retail by IWr.ls-v ISM. H B MANSER. HATS AND CAPS A splendid let of fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur lists, also Cleth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Capa for aale low by O. ELSBERG 4 CO. Market ttreet, opposite the Tost Od'o t. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853. CiOLD PENS with and without esses, ef a Jf Nery superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by U. B. MASSER. SurWy. Dee. J7. ISS' 13LANK Parchment Paper Deesla and blank, -' Mortgagee, Bends, Executions, Summons sVc, for sale b H. B. MASSE R. tunbury.Asrl 86,18.1 rjJ.KOCND and whole Pepper, Cloves, Cinns roon, Nulmef, Msce, AUIspict. Ginger. Liqaorir, &., ice., at No. 10, '54. YOUNG'S STORE. 1 EWELRY. A nice aseortineut ef Celd sndi BUver Pencils and Pens, for eels chesp by G, ELSBERU eY CO, JfvVet atree. opposite the PmI Q1uCs Sunburr, O-t. 8, 1855