For the Bunburjr Amsrioau. Mb. Editor: Every day'e experience loaches us the necessity of electing' honest, fti well 11 compelint men, to All even tbe smallest office in the gift of tbe people. I have been led into these reflection! by reviewing the course pursued by our county superintendent of the public schools of Nor thumberland county, in bis unwerantablo at tempts to slido little more public money into big pockets, without valuable consider ation, and thereby take from the juvenile class or our county just so much or that por tion of the school fund wbich was intended for their benefit. Unlucky man I lie seems to think, that if onlv those of his own party were at tliu head of tlie school department, he might have suc ceeded with his Itump Convention, end pock eted the spoil, iy only rendering an insignia cant equivalent. Hut these sharp-eyed Whigs and Know Nothings detected bim in his designs, and slipped bis cable from under him. Hut we think the gentleman is mistaken, and slanders tho democratic party by insinuating that they would have tolerated or countenanced his proceedings, and held valid a resolution an amendment to the resolution then an amend ment to the amendment, which latter dance being the only ono acted upon and carried by a majority of one vote, and thnt (wo are in formed) through an error, then adjourned sine die in disorder, not trusting to put the reso lution, as amended, be Tore the convention for their consideration, wbich was essential to its validity. I am led to believe that an undue anxiety for a little more of the needful must have materiully swayed his judgment in this case, or his perceptivo faculties must bo nut urnlly deficient. For him to puppone that t he uction of said convention granted liim one extra cetit, is certainly, to say tho least of it, ridiculous. Since every school boy who liu ever attended a debating society, or ever went with his mother to church, knows otherwise. Unfortunate mun 1 doomed to disappoint ment. Lot him cease grumbling, and cease to cast reflections upon two large and respec table parties, because they have men among them ready to discountenance illegul acts. I was not aware of the fact that tbo school department had transferred itself into a po litical bnz.inr, until I saw our superintendent's extraordinary production, published in the American, to his fellow citizens. 1 am inclined to believe that the gentleman thinks li is Hull will create a hoxt of friends for him in the democratic party, end that they will set tho Major aside and ISVu com inaion on him, and send liim to W'ushitigton , its an honoroble gentleman. Hut 1 ahull be much deceived in the wisdom of that great party if they suffer liim to pull wool over their eyes to that extent. When ho asserts that the prime movers were either Whigs or Know Nothings in getting up a remonstrance against the proceedings of his convention. I emphatically declare it A hoax, as I know many good ami truthful democrats who were very much interested in bringing about the recult he so much complains of. If the gem Ionian finds ho had a Imrd bar gain, the door is open for him to resign. The t oiivention took liim at his own ofi'cr, in hut, tlieygave liim lifty dollars per vcar more than he asked for. I have no doubt, hud he t been contented with what ho then thoikt was an ample compensation, ut the ei pirution of throo yeurs he could have been re-elecled with a salary considerably increased. Hut reully ho reminds me much of tlio fuble of the dog, grasping for more, uud in the end losing all. lam not of the opinion that lie is the only competent man in tho county. In conclu sion, I would not advise him with all his chain of misfortunes, to leave the democratic party, but I do think he migkt shine anions tlie dark lantern party, or cut a conspicuous tijjure in a Know Nothing lodge. Yours Truly, Klysbnrg. Feb. 20, lejG. B. A. D. THE URITISI1 ENLISTMENT COHHIiM'UK DENCK. The publication of the correspondence up on the enlistment question, by plucing the facts of that controversy in a clear light, will tend to correct several material errors which seem to bare added a feeling of bitterness in its discussion, which might eventually have led to mischief. In the first place, it will show the Hritish peoplo thut this government bus just grounds of offence in the course pur sued by liriUsb agents in this country, and bonce the charges so frequently and absurdly repeated by tbo Loudon Times, that the ad ministration was ngituting the question for political capital, are proved to be slunderous. Ill the next place, t shows that no pioper apology has beer, oltferod for the violutiou of tho sovereignty of the United tutos by such enlistments, for thu, apology was accompan ied with the assertion of a claim which, it ad mitted, would at once neutralise the effect of our municipal enactments .intended to give force, in our sovereign right. . Tho Hritish government is or ought lo be well acquainted with international law, audit is a settled principle of public law that no beligerent nation nag the right to use the ter ritory of Biiother nation for belligerent pur poses, without its comet. If it could do go. no nation would be able to preserve its neu trality. Offering inducement! to persons within the United States to enter into the s. i vice of Urea t Hritian, is recruiting, within the meaning of tho prohibitory statute enuc led by Congress, and the act was ono of whic h Russiu might reosonably luko cllVnce. as a violation of our neutrality. Knowing that the United States did not permit ub eulist inents within its territory, by any nation, the Hritish government bad no right to make the uttempt. Doing so, it coin nut ted au act of .national aggression, uud t.y attempting to evade tho municipal law, it added insult to the injury. The Hritish government, while requiring assurances from our government that it would repress any attempts on the part of llufsiti lo violate the neutrality of thi country, fchould have met these ussurunces of our gov ernment iu the same fair and candid spirit in which they were given Hut instead of this, we find thut government engaged in divising plan whereby the intention of our laws wight be defeated, and at the same time the penalties for violating them might be evaded. We find Hritish agents, men high in authori ty, no less personages than tbe representa tive! of Great Hritian to this country, actual ly engaged at this work, and when detected in the act, and the guilt fastened conclusive ly upon them, the Hritish government 'itself, though profossing regret that anything in contravention of the laws of (he United Mates should have been attempted, under takes to give a construction to our law which would destroy its effective and restraining force, and allow the wrong that it first con demned to be perpetrated with impunity. A justification whU:li would impair the lover, cignty of tbe United Slate! as an indepen dent uation, can never be admitted us an apology for the affront, of having actually outraged that local sovereignty. And we take it for granted that when these facts are laid before the Hritish public, aud are delib erately considered, they will come to the con clusiou that lluiir owu government has blun dered throughout Ibis whole business, and that wbt this natiou asks in the way of re paralion and security ia uothicg more than justice demands. The course of our govern, ment, instead of being quarrelsome aod ex- acting, has been one of unusual couilosy aud forbearance. Ledger. An Eastern Editor announce! the death of aUdyof bis acquaintance, and touchingly dd--"in her decease the lick hare Ion an joraluable friend. Long will tlie eem to ataud at their bedside, as ihe was woot, with the Ua'm cf consolation in one hand and a cup riiubaib iu the other. New AdTertisementi. PLATFORM KCALUS A V P ..... ,Uariiiiinii. suitable for Rail Road 3 Ac., for weighing Hav, Coal, Ore and Merchandise generally. Purchasers run no risk, every scale is Guaranteed Correct, and if, after trial, not louna Baiiiciiy, u kiuiiiiu without charge. tf Factory at the Old Stand, established for more than twenty year, corner oi ivwv i n ami Melon Street, rnnauoipiiie. AUDUTT it CO. March 1,1856. 3m KEYSTONE MARBLE WORKS, Market fltreet, writ of Twentieth, PHILADELPHIA. 8. V. JACOBY & CO.. 1' M PORTERS of and dealers in the various Forelen and Domestic Marbles, Statuary , 4 c, have constantly on hand a larire and select as sortment of Mantles, Tombs, Monument, Table Top, Ac. of every description, not excelled by any in the city for beauty, symmetry and finish. Cabinet Maker, Plumbers and Marble Cut ter, furnished at the shortest notice, with Mar ble of every description and pattern, whether Foreign or Domestic, either finished in the Slab or Rtock, on the most reasonable term. We rrapectfully invite attention to our stock on hand. March 1, 1850. 3m e SUPERIOR TEAS Is Tna Obioixil Hill Ciitiri, In Boies, of 6 and 13 pound, and in Metallic Package, of J, J, 1,1, & 4 Pounds, for sale by (oalCITIL 13TKKT0H8 Or TUB MBTT&LL1C TXA liCK.) Wholesale Dealers in Tea Only, A". W. Cor. of Market A Ninth St., Philadelphia. Tea in Metallic Pack put up in Half Chest, containing a variety of both Ulack and Green to sail buyer. Printed List of Price, Term, Ac, furnished by mail to all w ho order them. All Teas warranted to please, or no sal. Ono and the same price and terms to all, and one only. Half Chests of Black contain about 35 pounds and of Green, about SO pound each. March 1, 1x50 3l p. MURPHY k KOONS WHOI.f.9Al.E DEALERS IN FISH C IIEEK & I'HOVISIOAS, No. 47 North WHARVES, below Race Street, Philadelphia. Keep constantly on hand a large assortment of FISH, CHEESE A. PROVISIONS, which they are prepared o dispose of at the lowest Market rates. Orders promptly executed. March I, 1856. 8m w fjiesolutic'n of Partnership. lJkJOTICE is hereby given that the Partner Js e 1 1 i existing between the undersigned was dissolved by mutual consent on the first day of February, 1855. The books of the firm will be left in the hands of Dr. G. S. Robin for collec tion, till tbe first day ef April next. All these knowing themselves to be indebted to the firm, are requested to make immediate payment, otherwise they will be left in Ihe hand of a Justice for collection. Dr. G. 8. ROHINS, Dr. J.J. JOHN. hamokin, March I, 1858 3t New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANING, Manufactures and Importer, No. 134 Arch Street, second Hour above Sixth, Philadelphia. WHERE may be found the largest and hand somest assortment in the City. Purchasers from the country will find it to their advantage to call at eur store, where they will be suited with a superior article, at the lowest price. UFRTON & LANING. No. 1.4 Arch Street, above Sixth, Phila. February S3, I85. 3m e WASTED. IMMEDIATELY three industnou Girl to learn the Milluery business. Enquire at the Milliter Store of M. L. OISSLER. Siinbury, February 93, 1K56. if Cheap Fruit and Confectionary. Ill IUC4H & SEIXEItS, Wholesale Manufactures and Dealers in Confec tionary of all Kind. No. 1 13 North Third Street, below Race, Philadelphia. rsHE attention of dealer is requested to an examination of their stock, which will be lounde.pial to any in thi city. Foreign Fruits ofall kind in season. N. B. Orders by Mail or otherwise promptly attended to. February 13, 1851 Sin c DAGUERREOTYPES. JOHN W. DAVIS announce to the citizen of Smihury and vicinity, that he is now taking Daguerreotyie, Cryatalotvpe and Stereo scopic Picture, in the third story above the Post Office, where he flatter himself with the idea thut he can give all pcrfee! satisfaction, who will favor him with a call. Perron desiring pictures will find it to their advantage to com soon, a he will remain but a very short time. Bunbury, February 16, 1856. NOTICE. lAJOTI.'E is hereby given that letter ef AJ 1 ministration on the estate of Aleiander Caldwell, late of Coal township, Northumber land bounty, deceased, was granted to the sub toiler on tbe llib day of February, H56. All person indebted to said estate will make pay ment, and those having claima will present them properly authenticated for settlement. WM. W. M'WILLIAMS, Adm'r. Shamokin, Feb. 16, 18SC. Ct f.- J L-V'-, aaHTHHlvWAIlB- 111 E subscriber respectfully in'orms the riti JL lens of Sunbury and the public generally, that he ha commenced the manufacture uf all kind ef E A RT 1 1 E X W A H K, at hi manufactory iu Whortleberry Slrect, one quare east of the Itiver. tie ha engaged Ihe service of Mr. Hiar. and you can therefore depend on having a good article. The public are respectfully invited U call. All order from a distance will be promptly attended to. P. M.SHIXDEL. Bunbury, Ffib. ?, 1856. tf TO BUILDERS AND OTHERS. YANTED, tu establish en. Agency for the ' sale ol Wood Mouldings, cf which there are from f'.'O to $V!00 worth uned in every house that i built. Our advantages, in the use of a Machine that will work whole board into mouldings at one operation, and the large a mount of capital employed by the Company, enable us to give a liberal eommiaion.. Pattern book furutabetl, containing SSO patterns, ... A1,'.VJ- n- UALE, Willow Utrerl, above 1 welfth, I'hil idelpbia, P. January 1 9, 1 S38, 3m. c HOECEaOSS' eotaet planiko MAOHINES- WANTEUt-To sell the Uighu and Machine . w ' '"""i. ongutng and Grooving Machine, for boards and nuL ...i.. theNoeroM Patent. Also, the attachment of Ihe Moulding Machine, which will work whole board into mouldings at one operation. Thi patent lias been tried, and decided in tbe Su preme Court in Washington, to be no infringe ment, being superior In U'oodswortb' Machine. Apply to J. D. DALE1, WUlow Street. above Twelfth, Philadelphia, where the Metiditee can It aeon in operation. Jjncsry 9, lo6. 3in t tei jmen,'Fruit Orowen and'Farmeri NEW IVOR HOItTICULTLRAL HEVIKV i A Journal of Suburban Art. Superbly and Profusely Illustrated. VtvoteU to the Advancement of the Rural Interests in America, This is one of the largest and most elabnrale work a lb kiiKl in me worKi. kuial Arehlteeture forme one of the nrliiriml feature Each nuintirr C"itaiue fnrni two lo four enKruviitirs of model eottngee from deaigue bjr eminent aiitl akiiiiui ar chitect Nre ia also aasifmil lo the tnttrtul art of Landscape Uanloning engraved, pbns of enntmni In erem etvle, and adapted to im peeulturitiee of diUereut iHdeis ol architecture, beeutlly trie work, Engrnvinea of new frmts, new flowers, new vcpetnlilrs, Ae., are illustrated and dfeurilwd a mii iheir respective quidttice chn be determined, forming the must complete alio eiegnm manual 01 nurni tlusitnnury ever anemptrd. An experienced corps of pructicul writers, sevea Iu uuinker, are nurtured lo fill its columns. It enntnius seventy huge puges, and ia printed on the niii penri-sunncco puper. mnnutiicturcn rxprcMly, Tskmi ner tnmtiin. huviiIiIm lit Hilt'niwM, Fifty cents cuiiunisiiou on each lutNtcriher allowed to those who act as ageule. Hl.dOU will lie dislrilittleil at the end of ihe yenr nmoiie those wh" send us Ihe twenty In r cent of l..itu. 'ri.-- ii :. :.. r.i. ........ , ..n ... , Hem; I'lTIIMUIIW win m: nuiu hi (.Men. I ' I C . . I . ... A ...f. m i,c uim ,iciiiiaiu win ne The following ar selected from hundreds of stmilnr nonces, voluntary couinuutcu ny couteiniioiuueous publi callous The Horticultural Review deserve the most liberal na. tronoge. It is not nuty eminently practical, hut is written in a styie mat equine me vest cuoria ol the Kite A. J Uowillg KMrKKRBOTKRR. lite most elrguut anil useful honk of the kind that has ever come uuilernuruliservntion. iikoistk. Mr. Kengles, the I'-dunr uf the Horticultural Review. Is a uracticul iHUiioloffiRt. and one of the finest scholars our country boasts of. He peseesses the glowing descriptive riowers ni lumens. I lie eligimt goeaip ol walpole, com. uned with a thorough knowledge of rural art. i-nn l in.ira i ripuxk. Farmers Uiv it for mur sons huv it for vnur dunohlera It is a rich intcllectuHl trcnt; a rare combination of the veautiiul anri the uaclul. ARovs, ft. We had thoueht th:it in llownuig's death. Ihe elonnent adviN.te nf rural, adornment had become only a eheiished remetulirauce: tint iu Mr. Heaglcswe distivei an eaualiv rich mine of meutiil wealth, that betokens the iiiliueuce iif the apint thut is gone. Montros 1 hibi-ki. Advertisers wilt And this an unsurpassed medium n' pntiitcitv, asrthe Horticultunil Keview circulates exten sively in evury Wiate in Hie I'niun. Ailvertieements in serted at the rate of 8 10 per pnge. WOOD ENOBAVINO- Thise requiring Won,! Kmrraving, can htive their orners executeit in an unriviillrd nianuer. Special atleutnni is given to views of ANIMAI-r: an expeiieneed Ruglisli llraughtsman is euguge.1 for this express purpoee. l'er sons living at disnnce can forward a dngaerotype of the ohiect hy mail Ihey wish engraved, which' will lie a sumcient ruitie to obtain a prncct tac simie. rtock Breeilers will lie dealt with Very liberal terrua. renraury ia, ief,w. omo IAME McCLINTOCK, M.D., Late PROFl:firon of Anatomy and r?urgery in ihe I'hil adelplna College of Meiliruie, and Acting Professor of M idwilery ; one of the Conaultitig l'hysicuiis of the I'hil adelpluu llospiud, Klockley ; late ineuilier of the National Medicul AssiN'iiiliou ; member of the Plnludelphsi Meili cnl Society j memlier of the Medico-ChiruraMi al College of Philadelplua ; foruierlv President aud Professor of lint miy aii'l Huigery iu Caslletou Medicul College, Ver mmit ; ami nlso. bte Proieasiir of Anutoniv nnd IMo Biol ogy in lii rkshire Medicul Institution, PitUlickl, Muss., Slv , Ac., Ac. Ins lutely introduced in a popular form several of his favorite prescription! fi r the principal dmrnKe of Ho climate. The name nf each article will imply the disease for which II ts Intended to lie used. DR. McCI.IN Tl ICK'r PKCTOHAl. SYRI'P. Prii e PR. McCI.I.NTOCK'K COM) AND COL'fill MIX TI KE For Cils, Ouch. Ac. Price 45 cts DR. McCI.INTOCK'S Ab-TIIMA AND HOOPIXf, COI Oil HKMKDV Price.tocte Dr. McCI.INTOCK'l TONIC ALTERNATIVE SVKUP- For Purifying the Hloon Pruel DR. McCLINTOCK'! DYSPKPTIC ELIXIR For giving tone lo the stomach relieving pnii;a alter entini;, heartburn, and all disagreeable sviuptonis arising unm indigestion Price t. Dlt. .MiCLINTtiCK'S R IIK.I'M A TIC .MIXTl HE A Purely Vciirtalile Kcnit'dv for inliTn:il use Pln-c -10 ets. Hit. MeCLINTOCK't P.IIEI'MATIC I.I.NI.MENT For Kiicuueitisiu, niutiis, Swellings, Ac. Ac. Price 60 cents. Dlt. MrCI.INTOCK'S ANODYNE MIXTt'lIK Foi Pnius. Toolhuclie, Ileuiluche, Ncurulgiu, Au. Ac. Price M i t. DR. McCLINTOCK'S FEVER AND AIIL'K WK. CIFIC A ccrtftin cure for nil Intcrtnittents. Prire8l. 1R. McCLINTOCK'S 1)1 RKII(EA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PREVENTIVE A sale remedy. UK. .llrCI.I NIC ICKS VEG ETA RLE PI KHATIVfc PILLS Foi C- etiveni u, Hculiiche. Ac. Price iScts. DR. McCLINTOCK'S ANTIIIII.IOI'S PII.1.S For Irregularilv ill Ihe Functions of the Liver and Howets the beat Liver Pill innde Price W els. a vx For site liv Dr. J. McCLINTOCK. ut his Medicn De. pot, V corner ninth mid Filbert sts . lhiliidchinin. and nt nil DMiirgistp nnd Dealers in Medicines. All Druguiats mid Dealers in Medicines win wish to be agents, will please adddresa Dr. McCliatoek, ruruiahtug rei'urencc. liume of Poat-Oftice, county and elnle I?" For Sale hv Weiser A llruner. Silubarv and Slia- niokin ; tVm. Weirner, Norihuinlierlnnd : C. Ronvn. Mil ton j E. P. Lutz, lll'ioinsliurg : Jneidi Harris, lluckhorii ; John Vaulecio, Light Street ; I Sharpies A boil, Cata- Februniy 9, IS50. 0ia. REMOVAL. CHARLES MAGARGE i CO. HAVING REMOVED FROM NO.iJ COMMERCES T. TO TU K Soulh-West cnr. of Sixth ami Carpenter Sts. lMII.ADELAHiri, OE(r to rail the attention of Purchasers tu " their citensive assortment of Paper, and Paper Makers' Materials ; Printing Papeie lor liook and New. Water leaf, sired, uncallen dercd aud cullendrred, of aUUHlitica and pricer, always on hand: Hardware and Manilla Paiiers, Trunk Boards, Binder' Hoards, Haiigiug'Papers cVc, & c. Particular attention i invited to their exten sive assortment nf I. EDO Ell rATERS, From the Celebrated Manufactories in the Country. Among their WKITINO PAPEK STOCK may be found Com. Note, Folio Post Atlantic Note, Thin Medium, baih Post, llcmv. (juarto Post, Medium, Fool' Cap, Royal, Flat Cap, Sup, Itoyal, Imperial. Plate Paper, of every description, size and quality. Map Papers, in great variety. En velope Paper, white, bull, aud gold, either laid or wove. Colored Paper, One glazed, and other varieties. Manufacturers are invited to examine (heir stock of Hags, Foreign and Domestic. 1) leach ing Powder, of approved brands: Alum, ground or crude; Sal Soda, Soda Ash Felling, Wire Cloths, Lltramariue, and Paper Maker Mate rial generally. ITS' Thev are also prepared to take order of odd sizes and weight of any of tbe above descrip tion of Paiers. January 2G, 1856. 6mo If) It MAI.G. THAT large and commodious HOUSE, situated in the cast end of Market Street, Buubuiy, payments to he made to suit purcha ser the promises will be shown by the subscri ber, MARY MARKLE. ftuubury, February J, 1856. 3m. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. rilHE subscribers, Executor of the estate of M. Henry Masser, dee'd., offer at private sale the following property via s A large two story frame dwelling house, together with about 50 ACRES OF LAND, Situate in Lower Augusta township adjoining landa of Daniel Kaufman and others now in the occupancy of John R. Kaufman as store and dwelling. The house is new and the location a good one for business. Also a TRACT OF LIME6T0NF. LAND, in said township on the river about 6 mite he low i'unl'U. y, adjoining lands of J. T. M'Pherson and others, containing, about 90 acre. The aoil ia productive and contain limestone ai d other mineral. Abu) tract of Land, containing about U5 acres on the bill, about two mile below Sunbury, adjoining lauds of the beds of the luie John Conrad and other. There is, on this tract, a email orchard of choice fruit. For further particulars apply to the subscriber. H.U. MASS Eli. P. U. MASSER, Executors. FRANCIS BUCHER. Sunbury, January tt, U56 tf NOTICE 1 S here'' riven that the partnership of We 1. Cberrington & Co., ha been dissolved bv mutual consent A II persons having accounts with the firm will please cell on the eubaeriber lor settltBunt. WM. H. CHEBRINOTOX. Sbsmokin, February 3, 185S. 3iu INDELLIBLE INK at I May IK. WEISER i B R U.N E R'8. Faahtonable Ilata a,nd Caps, AS3BY & R0CAP, . .. No. 136 Arm let st., rnix.ADBZ.rniA. INFORM their friend: end the public generally, that Ihey. continue to keep at their old aland, a large and extensive assortment of hat, rap. Ac, got up of the best material and in tlie late) and beat style of workmanship and unial). Country merchants and other will do well to Call ni.d examine belnre purchasing elscvltcre. Phlla., Nov 10, 155 tf. VALUABLE FARM TolTsALE. FTMIE subscriber offers at private sale, a X VALUA15LE TRACT OF LAND, ittiHte in Sugar vallpy, fireen township, Clin on county, "nbctit I mile from l.ogatisville, and 9 miles Iroin Lock Haven, adjoining landsnf An thony K lock ner, Creu. Crumley and (ieo. Snook roiitiiioimr 221 ncrea, elrict measure, all of which i excellent Limestone land about BO acre of which are cleared, and the balance well timbered and watered. The improvement are a two lorv Log limine and a log burn, near the western end ol the aaid tract, and an excellent young orchard of choice fiuit tree. Abo another excellent two atory Log House and log barn on the east ern portion of said tract. The snid pmniixca are so situated as tr make two excellent Farm, and will be sold together or sepnrate, to suit puri ha aers. Person desirous of purchasing the above property will please call on the subscriber, rcii ding in Upper Augusta tp., NorlhumUrland county, S mile from Sunbury. who will accom pany them to said premise. "Term reasonable. OEOROE M. FORRESTER. December 82, 1855 If. AUCTION AND PRIVATE'SALE. Worthy the Attention of Every Mun, I A Vl.u positively determined to leave Run bury on tho 1st of February next, I intend selling my large Slock of Clothing and other Good at and below coat at private sale, and next month at Auction. My alork embrace a large variety of very desirable good of dillerent kind. Cl.ti I 1 1 1. U or dillerent tvle and makes va- riou qualities and price, auch a Winter coula from uiiwanls : Overcoat from 3.00 and higher Pant and Vest in proportion; Hat and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Shirt, Underclo thing, Boy' Clothing, pistol, jewelry, hosiery, and all other kind of good generally kept in a Clothing Establishment. I have also on hand a vrricty of Summer Cunt, vest and pants! also Summer Hat of ditferent styles, all of which I will aell at tremendously low price. The Auction will commence on the 7lh of January next, and will continue through that week every day and evening, afterwnrds on Monday Wednesday nnd Saturday. The public will li n J it to their advantage to cull early and buy at private sale; they have then a good as sortment to pick from, and ahull buy good at a low prices as they will probably be'aold by Auc tion. My store i in Market Square, ia known, and can hardly be mU.-cd. ALBERT ELSBERU. Sunbury Dec. 55, 18.r5. To Merchants and Storekeepers. The tiubsciibcr desirous of leaving a soon as possible, w ill sell lo Merchants uud others who limy favor liim, at wholesale, lower thun Phila delphia rates, any or all bis goods on band. lli stock'comprise a Aiiiiely oi gmide adapted to Ihe season, is pretty lari;e yet, so thut he can give an Assortment of sixes and qualities lo buyer. Merchant will find it to their advantage to call early. ALBERT ELSBEKO. LAI EST A1UUVAL, Largest and Best Assortment (Ml HAP, HANDSOME DURABLE. npHE subscriber takes pleasure in informing -- hi customer and the public generally that he is now iu receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one bundreth part of the article would be useless. Suffice it to say, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will be disposed of at as low prices as the same quality can be purchased elsewhere. My mono ia 'Quick Sate and Small Profits." He takes thi method of presenting to the public hi thank for Ihe lilieral patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, he resiectl'ully solicits a continuance of the same. It will be advisable fur purchasers to call and examine hi assortment before purchasing else where. All kind of produce taken in exchange. EDWARD V. BRIGHT. Sunbury, December 1, 1855. QREAT EXOITEMETTT I J.a est and bent arrival of the Seuton, At the .Store of P. W. Gray, In Market Square, has Just received his Stock from Philadelphia, consisting of Fall and Winter Goods, Embracing a great variety of Lady's Sress and Fancy Goods. The following comprise in part a list of my ex. tensive and elegant stock, which for variety and cheapness cannot nc excelled in thi market. FOR THE GENTLEMEN', Black and Fancy Cloth and Cassimeres, Black Sattin and Fancy Silk Vesting. Shirting Muslin Drawer and Under Shirts, Kentucky Jean Velvet, Blanket, Ac. FOR THE LADIES. Black Silks, Alpaca, Merinos' colored slid plaid all wool. M uslin de Lain, a large lot of Prints, of the best brand and styles, brown and bleached Sheeting, twilled and plaid Linsey, Flannels, red, yellow and white,, grey Drills, Ticking. Cambrics, Dress trimmings, ribbons, laces, gloves, hose and Irish I hums, end other things too tedious In mention. I would earnestly solkit liberal hare of their patronage. Boots & Shoes, a large assortment. HATS CAPS. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, CEDAR WARE. FISH dc SALT, Groceries of every vuiiely. Teaa, Coffee, Sugar, Molasse, Rice, Cheese, Vin egar, Candies, Caudles, Koap, Ci ackers, Broom, Lead. Shot, Bed Card, Plough Line, Ulan 8xlU 10x12. 1 lilo. Starch, Fluid. Dairy Salt. Smok ing and Chewing Tobacco, Kin Cigars, Matches, Mustard, Candle Wick, Blacking Water Proof, and a general assortment of QCEEXSM'AUK AXD CLASsn'AIlE. Country produce taken at the highest market prices. Hunliury, Hit, S7, 1HS.) tr. COLLINS & M'CLEESTER'3 TYPE FOUNDRY and Printers Furnishing Warehouse, Yo. 1 Lodge Alley, lack of new Masonic Hull, Philadelphia. Phila., Jan. 13, 150 AUCTION ! AUCTION ! rilllE Auction of tlie Rubscriber will commence A next Monday inurning at ten o'clock and will continue through the day, will also be held from 0 till tf o'clock in the evening. Every day slid evening next week. Tlie week following ouly Monday's, Weditesdav'a and Katorda". ALBERT ELNBERO. Bunbury, January 6, 1865. tf. THAOHER Ac WODDBOP, WIIOLE8ALE BOOT SHOE At TRUNK WAREHOUSE, Ko. 101 Arch Street, up Stairs, Between Third St Fourth 8W upper side, near Union Hotel, ' Philadelphia, Carpet Bags and Valieea ef ll description. CHARLES F.THACHEK. ROB BUT H. WODDROP. 'hiUdelphia, ian. 15, lloS. tf Great Arrival of Fall and Winter Goods ! IRA T. CLEMENT INFORMS his friends and customer that he just received an elegant assortment of FALL AND WIVTER O00D3 ! ! At his Store in Maraet Street, Sunbury, which he nflcra to the public at the lowest price. Hi atock consists of general astarltncnl o Ihy Uouds, yi5 ; Clntkt. Cntstmers, Caasinels, Jmus, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Culicnts, Muslin d Lai ns, Laicns, Ginghams, Herages. Also a large assortment of CLO TH I.N (i. A large assortment of Boot and Shoe, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf am) other Summer Hats. Il:itcr. GROCERIES nl every variety. Sugar, Tea, Collie, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Vis: Iron and Steel, Nails, Files. Sawa, Ac. QUEEXSVVARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, fVt ITP" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Oct. 20, 1HS5. GENTLEMEN'S CLOTirfwot MERC HA NT TAILOR, SUXTBUZIY, PA. Resiiectfrlly inform the citizens of Snnhorv ami the luihlic nenorallv. that he from Philadelphia, a choire and select assurmonl of Cloths, Cassimeres, Ac , vix : French black Cloth, plain and twilled, Black Beaver do for overcoata. Fine blue cloth. Claret cloth. Caasimcre freuch black corded. do do do Doeskin, do do irrev miveit l)iMteLin Vesting plain olack silk velvet. Uo r igured velvet. Plush velvet, do Black satin lion red. Woolcll SllirlS Slid Drauiera. Gentlemen's Pocket Handkerchief. do Neck-tie. All of which will be sold or niad on to urdr in the latest and best style. Sunbury, Dee. 1, 1855 tf saddle and l(nrnc Maker. Thomas H. Tucker, Successor to G. Ill Strah, REsPECTFl'LLY infurms the cilizens nf Sunbury and the pub lic generally- that he ha taken establishment lately occupied bv (ieo. W, Sirnh, and having engaged several good workmen, wii ba enabled to turn out work in his Hue equal to any inade in this section of country. Orders promptly riecrtcd and all kind of pro diu c lakeu in exchange. Sunbury. Oelolier !i7, 185. ly I I l lent arrival For the lulanl arrival of Kail cj Winter (ioods. J. F. & I, F. KLINE, R loi n i r I i.i. announce lo their Inruiis ami the inililic in ceneral, tlml tlicv have rccciveej a'tlieir OM Slaml. in I'pper Augusta toa-iisliip, Nortliuililirrlaiiilcoiiiitv, I'll., at Klines Grove, ilieir KALI, an) 'INTKI, ami opened to the pulilic a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part ef Cloths, hlack anil fancj Cassimeres, Hultinelts, Checks, Drawer and Under SliirU, and all kinds of FALL and WINTER GOODS. Also a lot of Heady. made Cuata, Vesta and I'uiits, Ac. Ladies Dress Goods, Consisting of Black Silk, Merinos, .Vpacos, Co- lierg clotu, plain ami fancy all wool De Lames, Calicees.Ginghams, Muslin, Comlurla, Day Male Long Shawls, Trimmings, Ac. Also a fresh supply nf Krocrrlcn of all kinds. A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens ware, Drugs and Medicines. Hardware, Queenswnre, Cedarware, Hrooms, Ac. Also a targe assortment of Hoots and felloes, siiitahle for Men, Women and Children. Hat and Cap, Silk Hat, and all - gauds usually kept in a Country Store. Cull and Spe. Cheaper than the Ciieaest, Thankful for past favor we hope hy strict atten tion lo .husineis, to merit a continuance of tho same. All of the ahove named stock of good will he old positively at low price for cash, or Hi ei cliange for country produce, at the highest market priee. Kline's Grove, Nov. 3, 1855. COSMOPOLITAN ART ASSOCIATION! 6 ECO MO YEA 11. 4 ii It A XC K W KX TS foi the Second Animal Cnlleetinn y V oi tbn iakw uud popular Institution for the dirtuiioit j 'i micieiuia mini ma, uavtj unn miij uit in lie's cixii- an-e auale. Among ih worka already encnjrjd, ia the far-fuined t "GENOA CRUOIFIJC," which nriinally Ten TtitHiaaiid Dollara. In ftirimiiK the new Collection, tlie ditIuion of wuki rif Amkrh-am AUT, and Ihe eiicurrtguiiii-nt of Amerieaa f:uniu, liavc iut Lee ii nveilookcd. Cuiuniiuioiia bava eeji iMued to nmny uf the moat diatintrumlml AnixricMii Artiati, who will contribute aome of tFu-ir inert pfduc tinni. Ainong them ure three Murlde Htiitt, exix'Uled iy the greateit living Soulplur IIikah luwri : . GKOKUK WASIUXUTON, The Father of hia Country : UENJAM1S FHANKI.IN, The PXiloopher ; . . DAXirci. WKIL-STES, i The Stutewnan. A aentlia viailed Kurope aud wadecarefu aud juda'ioua aeleetioiui 4 lortrigu worka of Art, UkU ui Uronte end .MurUa , Statuary and choira ruiutiuga. The whitle- i4rtying a larie and valuable e 4ieUoii of Paiiitiiis and tiUituary, ti be dutribuled i kKb aiuoig t)i niembeft of tbe Aaauciatiou fur the Hecond cur. T Kit MS UP MKMHKHSH11V The paymnit of three dollar rHHtitula any one a mem bssr ol tnia Atufivitttioii, and eat it lea him to either on ( the Mlowituj fljuijuzuiea lor one yriu, aud oil a ticket iu the dittribuUou offthtt aUaluury id I'umtiuga. Tbe laiierature iaaued to auhacrtbea cmieteia of the fol lowing Montldy .MApaziuea: llitrper'a, Hutiuim, Knn-ktr-b'icker. Illnckwoody Grutuisti'), tiudey'e Ud UiNk, and HoaaeboUl VVorda. Pi.raoiia taking h va uaiulerahivanr entitled to any Gv of the Miigiuiuca for one year, and to tut tnktit tu the difftriUiUou. fcsjThe net nroeeeda derived from thatale of mjmlerliipa, are devoted to tbe (ar(iiae ol worka tf Art for the enu iiujr year. THE AiOVANTAGKS SECCRF.D by beioinint a wuitier of thia Aaaoeiatlon, are Ikt. All peraona ret-eiva ihe fail vulum of' their aularriV tit'iia at lUe aiuit, ia tht ibapa oi kicriing Mugaxuie Lite ruiure. rid, K;irh member ia aitriUtftint; towarda fwrehaaiitf choice Worka tf Art, u hick ara to be dutribuled among tlieuiK'lvea, ond are ut the nnue lime eitcaiuriMMtia; the Ana of the cuutitiy, duburaiug lhouauiia of ddkira tu rough ita tege-ucy. I'ereoiu) in remitting ftA1a ta Hieni1ieThip, will pleaae fie their p-t-urice uddiesa m full, atatiug tha ununh they wiah the MufHitiiie toaoiuiiieiwei, and knv the letter reKikiered at tha Hot OaVe lo prevent I ; ou the re ccipt of which, a certificate of tr.eiubeiahip, tag el her with the MiiK'uzine dt aired. wiU ba forwarded to any part 0 Uir c.imtry. Tlittaxe wh purcliaae af uaziiiea ai Book More, will ob aerve by jinauif tki Aaeoctatioit they receive tha MagHXiHa and fr iWkyt in the annual dtatrihutton. ail at Um- aaiiie price ihey vw pay for Ihe Mwfiaaine akne. Bt-autilully illuatrated Catalogue, giving fall deacrip thuia, at-ut frea ou applicatiou. Fur MeuiUtfabip. addreaa C. I. DKRBV. Actuary C. A. A. At either nf tha principal eAcea lUictaittekaker MaKn" ofrira, 319 Broadwav, New York, or, WeateraOlLoe, IM Water attM.ftaiuiuakv.U. Nov. 17, 8M. . DANVILLE HOTEL. JOHN DEBN, JR., Market Street, Vannille, Pa, TIH3 is eee of Ilia largest end most comma diou hauls in the iuUrior of Pennsylvania, it has been recently fJttad up, iu etcellcnt style, wilh all the modern convenience. Dsuie1e, Sept. 53, l5ft. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, I. TV. TENEB & Co,, gnnlurF , Pa., ESPECTFULLY announce that they have just received a large and v.ried atock of splendid good suited to the season an innper tion of which they solicit from their friends and the public they will be sold at low price, as thry still ndbcro to their old motto: "Small profits nnd quick Sides." Thi in the end pajs best, whifi it be'. crves their custoincr. Their stock now consist of Cloth, Cawlmtres, Veslinas, Ladies' Dress (ioods, iu gicat variety, of Silks, Poplin, Delaines, Cashmere. Cohtirrs, all wool de- lams, Calicoes, Ac, wttb s large assortment uf drew trimmings.-Uroi lie, Thibet, Cash mere, and wollen shawls, worked collar, cufTs, sleeves, chemisette, 4-c. A now stock of Ready made Coats, Veals, tnd Pantaloon, nf superior style and workiniiiislup. A law, Hat, Caps, Boots am Shoe together with a central assortment of Hardware, (joeens ware, Ororprirs. Provision, Cedarware, Drugs, Paint. Oil and Nail. ' Come and sec, in) charge is made for show ing good. Country produce token in exchange for good, at the highest market price Sunbury, October 13, IB.'ifl. S- E. Cor. 71 li & rhrsnnt M. Tlti Inititnttnit, wliirh wm firnt rm:il)liji:t j,, Nfirvnilwr, I.n.I, tnd tiiiitiltrrii uiti.xiit jin rtu:ita Imti rli'tlt i the Uikiiitss inen in ttim, Mii'l tiihcr ritifR; whi on Junr 4tu, Clnirtfred, unit mliihlntlitnl tu h w g Cotlffyi-, in tircordunctj vitli Act vf l,rirtnltiinr. Tht! 'nl(lHKnF iNtTBfCTIll?! If) if ttioroiiulily i rtir'tunl 'lirnctrr nnd rvtiitmntt nII rli !e hratifficn iici;citiiry fir ii (tu iti'imiuewi ; lfiir wlurh, ill pnpilH have tlie irivil-q if rilTvri-liiiH-i up.n it rtHimn tif l.f lC'ITKKrt VVWi CPMLKCIAI LAW. livir;d I'm iht-ir ftppfiiul uc, liy eim- Mv-llt Hpl( l(ti'IHT. Knr the )re,iit pnif-m, tlie Hi.. JrpiiR n kvo4id' 'rvicei ur tu iiifiNl hi tht '1Kirtmiit. I!.r!llTTKNI)i-.V,Priiipiwl. Iy 4Jstt:ltfriif. will ht fiii .i any adtlrew. n Mt)ttli("iiiiu hv It-ttrr AU'i. :nirThii;Ns hook KI.Kl'I.Vd, un receipt prr iitftil nf llic price, (fla.jJ. Kfj i" suinciU rta P?1 Effl r- , "was y re COLEMAN'S CHEAP CUTLERY STORE, -V'. 21 Xurth Third St., helm? Arch, PHILADELPHIA. COPNTRY Merrliauts can save from ten to fifieen percent, by purchasing at the above stores. By iipporting my own goods, paying but littl- rent, and living economically, it i plain I can undersell (hose who purchase ..their lioods here, pay high rem and live like prince. Constantly on hand a large assoitiuoiit r,f prn and Pocket Knives, Scissors dial Hiuors, Table Knives and Forks in ivory. Mag. liufTilo.bnne ami wood handles. Carvers ami Forks, Ate., Butcher Knives, Dirks, owic Unites, llcvolvittg aud plain Pistols, Ac. Also a large assortment nf Arrnrdeoim. As. Also fine Lnglish 'J'wist mid Ceruian (inns. JDH.N M. COLM MAN. Oct. 10, ISSfl. ly. Importer. NEW CONFECTIONARY. : WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. t M. C. OEAKHAliT, Ii I'SPKCTFl'LIeV auiinuncfi to ihe citizen?' of .NnrthniUiTrlaiul nnd the ailioiiniii; rotin- i il,i i. .i i- ... i I .If.1".' " .V '"V ,,ry fruit Store ill iM.I!M;T rlii;.KU, Sunliurv, where he manuikcturee ai-d keens o r,,l. i where lie manufacture aud keep on hand, nt all time, the mpst choice Confectionary, Ac, Wholesale ami lfftail, at Philadelphia prices. Among hi stock of C'oulecliunarica, may he found : r'reneli Serets, llnrnwl Alinnnfls, rroim While, l I virion ' Rose. Vanilla, romaiiai eeiela. I.njuotice, Cum Tlrnps, oIKinris of scent, live Drops, Mint limps, red and white, Jell)- rakes, Fnot DrOn, Muck Canutes, of all seams It.s-k rniiy. AliU'.lul Candy, FRUIT. Lernoas, I'ninet, I'tee, Kid, OnrrantB diie.1, Cilronn, Aliuonia, Kuiaoni, Nut of all kind LKMON SYKUl1 f a 8tiiorior tjuftliiy, hy the fcinlo or (Jo;o;i. A tirior quality of iSotrnrs auJ Tobarcn, nj viirirty of lon!.'ctionnrir, fruit, &cn all uf yliieli it. olio ret 1 plioap al wliolesa!" nr. retnit. ('otno HiiJ hcu hi1 wilt try ti pleHse. OrJera from a distance roii pt ly Rttetnli'J tu. fmi.ury, ."Vila., 1h.5. ly. Bargains at the Old Stand. FXIILING & GRANT . RK now opening a new and verv desirable stock nf FALL and WIMTER Goods, em. liracim; an cndlcaa variety. Their atock con sist in part uf Black & Fancy Broadcloths & Cassimeres, Winter Wares for men and hoys, all styles and p,ices. DUESS GOODS. SILKS Plain and Figured Hlack; An assortment of I'laid Stripe and Kiirured Fan cy Urcsa Silks at unusually low prices, Hiellies, 1)M, Urate l)c Lain, Mus. lie Lain. Lawn, Ac, ttlNOHAMM from to 8ft cent per yard. CALICOES " a 18J WIIITK COOPS. Cambric. Jaconet!, 8wis, Tsrlton, Mull, Bobi- nelt, French and tSwisa Laces, Edging. Ac. Drown and bleached Mudiu, Drillings. Tickf, Checks, Towling, Tahlo Diapers, fc. c.KOCi:itir.. HARDWARE and Q.UEEN5WARE, Cedar-ware, Hollow-wnre, Iron, Steel, Master Biilt and Fish. A lo a tresh aupplv of IIHl tiS AXD MKD!!I.N'Kak Thankful for past favors, vie liupe by strict attention aud a desire to please, still to :nret Willi the approval of our friend. V" Country produco ofall kinJs taken at the highest market price buiihury, Nov 3. 1855. ly, MTICAY Ms) A I. "1AME to the premises of I lie sulxcilier iu Lower AuKtiala townh!iip. on or about the j 15th of December 1H5.V a stray white tdioat about ten month old. The uwer i rijt:eted te cone forward pay charge and take it iiuv. JACOU KE.N.N. Lower Augasta. Jan. 1 1 tjott. Um. vOBUnti. French Merlims; Per.ian clcih. Pari, twill. Chinla. Delano. Debeee. .aca. Silk. Wool pla.,1., Mohair luMr. Alai French, Scotuh and American Uinghauis, jus reecived anil lor tele by Bunbury. Doc. I 'R5. K. V HR1GUT ("1AMU1UC, WwUs, Mull, llobiuctl, French J lace, Chocks, Collars, I nderslicvea aud Cheuiiaeltea, Heak dreaaca. Velvet and Velvet IrimiuiilRs. Turkish counterpanes, Klauket. Urorhe, 'J'hihet k Hay flate Shawls, for wlf by Bunbury. Dee. I, '55. K. 1 . BKU M 1 riXKlCOPHEROCS 6 dos. for sle by A May f9. WL1h:H & llK'iMCU. WALL PA PEW. A larSe and aplendcd v f asaorlrueiil of Wall Paper. U indow I per, end Oil Shade, jus rviVivaJ and for I. W. TBJsER A Co. ao,tm...l'oi;W.ll P.,. Window Pa- sale Buflbiiry, May . TO RENT. A8TOKE ItOOU ow Market Sqeare in Bun bury, end to rooms sdjoiiiinK. CHARLES PLEASANTS. January S6, 1856 tf UARDWAKE.-Table Cutlery, ltaiors, Pock et Knivee, Hand saws' Wood saws in frames, As, Chisels, Door Locke, and liingei), Haud belle, Waller, 4rM just received and fu ale by 1. W.TE.NER it p0. Suuburv 9. li.VJ. linlisU.l'triplicals . tipik t orir (tr IREU. Premium to yew Substnbers ! ! l.KlAnn (COTT ft C( New York. e"ntitrae lo r pubhsb Ilia lullowing Hritish Pel it (boats, vis. l thk London uuautkul Y (Coiervative, THK KDINBURGII ItEVlEW (Whig.) ' . THE NOliTII BRITIMI REVIFAV (Free C'h THE WEiTMSXSTMt RJJVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S F.DINBUUG MAGAZINK Tty). rim prrteiit criticnl Blulr of K-iroan rWVnrB will rrtiir thrwf (MiliItc;iti'Mii miuFvnIi- iiitiTt-ntiiit dutinu tlin ioitli CMuitiK ywir. 'I'firy will 'st rnpt n und!l rummhI ht.l wtt tht htittiny vitji iiftwiiriiiN, crude MncnilniioiiB fttn tlx- I inif iiiinoiRMi th? il.-iiiy J mil, Hiid tlio poirttcriMii Tnina I l the tut lire htnt r i;ni, wntlt n niltT tlie Uvinff intni ( Mtid wiwtuvnt d tlie arei't polilu-rit cvviiti of th ttti't I a!mll Iihvi- fulfil nwNy, It in to tli'-W' IVriiHliiula t(mt renders in tint I Mk f. ir th only n-iil!f jtit II. glide tind rtlia- rir nimory i fiirrf-tit rvntf. nixi hi iiu ii. in umini n i Unr vH-rMtiil(hphrd tilriarv ifittt,L. mid thihtri'l rli:ir:ictn, ive urge tlicni ujtii Uio ciii-Ucraliu itf U ftiidinff piil'lii. 1" Ar'iuytnfi'tn nre now prnianrtilly imi' for ih f'V' of tetr SlifMs 1 1 it in the Hmmj1i "riljiifc!ier. 1'V wliirii we nre iMDililud to plpce nil our lftrintn mi the iuiimI o fnh.prilitri, niniul vh r h :ib 1 1 i -" rmi lie-1 itrn iftlit with the torcifjit f.(ic. Altti';th tin involvte n vrry l:irc oiitlny on our txtrt, we elinU ttiitimic lo funimh ttia IVii'H.irtils :it tlir rhiic low nirM on lifrid"for, ocstiit With tlie lidlowiiijr Prrininirn to urv Pulfrilicr. ' " TKUMS.AM) FKKMIUMvS. . Set list of Premium Volume below ) mr pi.h I'nr miy oiip of tlie fnur Review mtf one Ft mi. vol. VSM I" s r tmy " " one " 6 Koi miy llirce " two 70 Kor till four of the nevirwe " two fc i Kor ttlMi-kwixirn yiutri.'tnf ' one K K-r HlurliwotHl Hinl tlirce Hrviews tim e " I'or UIiickwtNHl Ac the f-mr Ufvit-u-n Uirre 10 W Payments to be yituie. in tttl cus. in wlvane, ' Money current in the Slate where issued wili be received qt par, ' Thv Vrt'tiiriiin pdiifcicl tf th 'following worki, bnrk vduinr." of wliirh will lr (;t vrn tn ufv nnwriler mcwr diitir to ihr nuaibvi uf pMioOictila urdend) P.lve m: pIu.iim!.. Pi'BPtfir f)r ARTKRi.Rv KsviKw("ne veer , lLA KWOOU'II MtflATTIMC (PTX tnonthts), I.OM. ?l (L'KTFR1.V HKVIKW (i'IIO )CUl). Kin mii Ki:viw (-)( eiir). . . , lrTllnPOLlTlX M(.9!tK (KlX inol) .' H'KHTMIN'iTeH I( KVl K W (ol! V'.IM ) . . . C'ttifirtMitivH lruiiiititii volmnt'f rn'.iiot m nil 1 ? Nl fiiuijhrd. fxrrpt nf tli Ffrfi;;t (.jtrirtcrl le"iv. Tu prevrnt diftiipixmiiiiR'nt, tl.n i-for-. whutc tlml woik it nol nl hi- winit''d. Suliw rilwr will picniti; order ninny diilet- ut avurkft for prt'iiiiumii ms ti.cre Ufa vuluuici tu wbicti llicy uiiiy t'J mtitlvd. CLUBBIHO.. A (linmunt of tuntir-tiv- j.r cnit. fmm tlte Mvt pri will le nilowM t- rifidi oidTnijr four or more conic of any oh or more of he nlmre wortm. Thue: lom copiti of li'iifk wiviej, or if one llrvirw. will he acnt lo nne iddrftm fur jbi; four eopiea of tue lour Keviuwa auJ itiiirkwotHl fnr Wi: nnd oM. In l!t!ir prin.-.ipitl Ciiimnnd T"V.-n!. thie wnrk will b-lirliyt-ird, tr,ouHS.i Aeenl. I KKI' UF IMlSTAOKe. Wben fwtit liy ihn lAiiige to miv pert of the l-nitftd StMtrn will hi hut Tucnty-lour ntt a yrnr for Hiin'kWM(,i," Hiitt tut 'I n t lrv ( rnti a jenr 'for tucb of the lU'vifws. Itmiliniirt' nnd rniOMMiirati'tn) .hoU nl ,vu) I bt ddimsi'd, poHi-jUitd, ut the I'lihliyl 'T-, LE0XA1U SCOtT k CO., .M oru.D stiu.kt. m:w yobi. N. B I.. J. A To. I.JU'-i r entlv puhlinhcd. nnd hard ow tur UTii,-. tin -I'AlirrKI! "S ttflliK' In- Henry Ste plunr' o ;.Iinluri;ii, nnd lpf. Norton, of Ynlc Cotlrpe, Nr'w lliu'cu,C"uipl' tc ni two -n!. roiioftvo, ciMitmniiif lW!ft pacru, t fu-v unit L'tWt wt-d eiigrnv logs. Tnea tn tinit-lin i-iiiiliti,?. P-ti. fF Tnm W'trK is 'T the old o(,M,i, (,f farm,' lately KKiLwrn ATKr nnd thrown tintm il,e .Muikct. .Ntw Yoik, Ijivemtjer 2 t, !-,'. CHKAP WATCH AND JKWKLRY 5TOER No "2'Sortk Second Street, (opposili tk Mount TcniOH llumt ) Philadelphia. atnl.ll I .nr VVI,.. f..H ;l,l IRK" e.. W v.-. i i . VT ., JJ bl.Uc Lever Jo,, .lo., U; iW ver Letunr, do., 9 : Utiarlitr. 5 to $7 : GoW Specturlea. l,r)(l .t 10 ; Silver do., $1 0 ; ."Silver Table Spoon p,'r sett, $14 to $184 Silver Desert do., do., if H to $ 1 1 ; Silver Tee. do., do., 1 75 to tjv 0 ; UM Tens and Gold Ca c, :i S5 to i (iold Tenx and Sfr do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods wnrriittid lo be as represented. Wotches and, J f wU'Vi repaired in the best tuiiuiier. A ieo, Ma sonic Marks, I'iiH, Ac, made to order. . . X. U. All order sent by mail or oiherr.isv. will be puncttr&lly attended to. Phila., Sept. 23, iSSS, Ijtv. NEYMA3OTIC HALL, iJIU.AUUr.HIA. ACt'NTS V."t'i:D iu every town Slid county ill tu Ltoled States, to gl II tlie 'le.uiit'u! .titre i.f tha CIJANJ) LOTXiK KOOM. In tl.e av .Ma.omc Halt., l'ltitruletploil. This Pl:ite is aelliuv: vei'y l:inlly, noil elieiis the aiUiill.ttloll of all, for tlie e-irret-liH'M and klelii y Willi which tlia Statcakt. t'KKtieo l'AteioAMi I'l'SNircai: are reireaenteil, ami tl.e .iriisiii iH'auty au.t li;irnniuy of the ciKts. Eue of 1'hite. SJ X 'i". I'riee eM Umikhelleis aiui 1'ielure Lleiilers wishing to take 8f-eti cies fur it, will iiljuio udirc8S. f"r furihi'r ti;f.Tiu:itiou. I..N. Hl)r;rNTIIAI Liluoruputr, I'uiladvlhia. flrtnher S", I5" tf GREAT JIASOMC HAIL. THK IsAKtiKST IMA NO Ff lUTK." MKl.iHKOV AND Ml SIC IN 'I'UK L NVI KD fitl'ATKs. Will le n-;eneJ Cs-tf1er loth 1-71, in the Makomc lltM!.ntn, Clifsnut Street. nlve hH-veitth, lMnitidelptiiu. HvJi'HN .MAHll. tUc 'ie Aiit for li.mi.imim. firny A ro.'e i-Hel.riited l!i. (V.mivinn AtUictiinuiit riiiiio Forte, hiwI C W. Fi?k A- e l'rcmiuiii .Meltt iteons. Also, IYiho Ft Mice immI .J(.kIimih (" n0ir dik tmpiiisluii ni,iKt-r.i. J M. Im iiUtiuil u Uuse ftr mverut vein in ihe iww, tn ij;nit;fenl rirni well known Mnnie Hiiililiiif:, wh -re he iiiLuiiili keepiiiix the btri;it toe It and tiMoriiufiit t" P11110 Forte, Mloilron, Mumc, rmtl Mu icul ltir(iiiiiicnt of tn'eiy ilcsertption, ull of which ri e;in!nlly etr-rtt-tt hy Iiimself, antl wurrantcH to givt per ftet vtihlticiiiMi in very inlunce. OiIoIkt 27Uu lei) tf 3PVXJL CORNYk, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SI :.Bl HV, PA., Aided by ecme ciyht year experience in the practice of tha Law, w ill attend with fidelity to all matter sppcrtaininrr to or will in the line of his profession. Otlico with Charles .1. Rruner, Esq.,' Market street. Sunbury, Sent. 15, UOa, If ' -$50 K,E-W-A.IID. npHlJ subscribers oiler a reward of fifty dollar - for the discovery and conviction of the per son or person, who cut and destroyed the bands I Qn the .Machinery of their Coal breaker, at the j Mammoth Colliery, between Shuniokiii and Ml. funnel, on tlie uii;l;t of the ?th iut. The above reward will I'O 1'aiJ tu any one gie ' in g inforun ion 1I14I will IcjJ to the conviplior I .r ,1.. .ji'...i u, .liv mil nut CLLVWL'It. FAGELV&Co. bhaihokiii Oct. S7, H.'i5. tf. KOU KAI.K! f TEAM LXtilM'S oHor.pprcreach, I JZd wiili boiiers. Would make excellent iMimn- ' "ti"c, U'Sether with larye blowjuj cylin- '" am'aiue Mr a i.ias luniuce. .1 p.j vo JIE.NK Ll).M.'..LCKEK oi ( O. bb.iinokin, l's. SbainsUn, July SI, IS.Vv - Hl'hHA.VLl'S Msnneia fur sale hv Mav lii. VfcltfEK & I3KCNEE BLACK Putlv a ood article for aal. by May KIsl'.U A UKl.'EK. 1.1 A H X'l'OCJf i Vermiruno, fr al I May 19. 'V EI.sEl V UKL'NF v L'.NEU NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to 1 T. Clcm-nl. on Uook sccoum, note, or other- wise, are requealed to call aud pay up without delay, otherwise their account will be placed in me hands ol a magiatrate tor collection. Sunbury, Nov. 17. 1853 (f ADIES' Dress CoJ. bpripg and Summa. H A bhawla, Dluck ' Ik. silk uo:lii:. De Lain, Giiiih&ms, Df huge, Lawns' and calico, just re,' ceivd aud fureale by WM. A. KXAUU. Lower Augusta, May 8, 1854. lRENCH black cloth, plain A fancy Ceasi' 4- meres, Cawuietts, OvercMlioR, Satin and Stik Velvet vest patterns, Silk end Wool Hals, Cap. Scarf and Monkey Jacket, for sal hv .unlM'v, I'.t. I '.'.5. E. V. iKIGHi.