Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 09, 1856, Image 4

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    Prom tli Oermmtown Teleg raph J
Corn Cobs an Experiment.
M .. Editor Yon have published icTernl
valtiuhlo article on the unea nud iilimentury
mutter enntainod in tho corn rub ; but 1
think the following experiment is oWrvinfl a
pluce in your useful journal t therefore you
will oWiR mo by Inserting it. Having on
band a largo quantity of cub, Tor which 1 had
no uii except to appropriate tin-in by mixing
tho wholo with my compost, I dotorinincd. on
perusing an article in joor jonnul, to make
use ol fiem In feeding my domestic nninials
cr.wg and other cattle,, nnd witness the result.
The mot hod adopted was not to grind them,
but to prepare them by soaking them for forty-eight
hours in salt water btforu feeding.
The nnimiils cows and steers were allowed
Imlfa peck of tho coin per day, at Urst, ui'ler
which they had a larger quantity, and til
though they were partition uf with some deli
cacy at Orst, the appetite Tor them was in.
creased until they we-a devoured as eagerly
us any other food, and with very flattering
results. 1 am convinced that the corn cob
contains a considerable per centage of nutri
ment, that it is far too valuable to bo thrown
away, and that when ground nnd used as meal,
that it will be found highly salutary in its ef
fects upon upon the animal. It is well-known
that the pith of the cob, when reduced to
meal or flour, possesses many excellent qual
ities, and that it makes a most dosirnblo in
gredient in puddings. Why an article of so
milch real valuo as this should so long bo
overlooked, I urn wholly at a loss to conceive.
Our nne-c-st.nrs nf n l,,v mnnMi:nn. i...i.
made no use of it for any purpose, except for
SmokilllT their linmq nml liontinrr ftit.i .
o - - - ..........g, ,,.,. u.t.iia ,
but they were imbued with the some spirit of
emvrpnye anu uiscovcry wincii now ntiimute
ilu ..r !...: i.. ,
time I anticioato verv im DOT t:l fit. il icnrifm! ii a
in tha science of rural economy, nnd new ue
r. ... l... ... i i . . i . . i . . .1
i uiv iuu, uuu oiner articles ol a aimilar
!-J- J. 1$. L.
The "Ci:ixekkYam," or "Japonica Potato."
(Difocoren 'u'rto.) bids fair to giiporefuY
tho common pctaio as a table vegetable. It
litis, for a front number of years, formed the
chief food of liie CliitiufA end Japanese, and
must, therefore, be worthy nt some consider
ution. It has been but lately introduced
into Europe, and still more recently into this
country, but wherever ils propagation Jus
been tried the remit hns been must success
ful. Thee resemble somnivlint tho aweot mi.
tato, but are much longer growing often
inn iwvuiy la iiiiriy-.-ix inches in longtii.
Tluy prow perpuiidiciihuly in tho proum!
Me largest at the bottom, about two inches1
in diameter, und taper lowurd3 the top of the
root to oue-lmlf inch in diameter. They
weigh from a half to three ami five pounds.
The skin is a kind of fawn color, rather more
brown than tho sweet potato. The vines,
like t!:e sweet potato, spread ovorthe ground
for several yards. Tho flesh is white, has an
exceedingly pleasant flavor, and, moreover,
is so dry und mealy that it can bo converted
into flour and baked into bread, in appear
ance nlmott white as wheat bread. Hoots
have been produced weighing from two to
two und a half pounds, from tubers planted
in April, und dug in October of the sume
year. A writer in the New York Tribune
says :
"One great point of superiority possessed
by it is that it may remain in tho ground two
or three year, always enlarging in size, ami
equally nutritious and excellent in flavor.
Experiments have proven that when Un
roots are left for eighteen months in the
ground, the yield is more than treble that of
roots left but for ouu summer ; and it is also
considered that the roots ure improved in
quality. H possesses another
great advantage; tho roots, when left in a
cellar, remain linn and perfect, us well us free
from sprouts, and thi.ycim be kept ont of the
ground a jear without injury or deteriora
tion of their alimentary qualities. This pro
perty renders them invaluahlo for uso in long
sea voyages, and especially us a preventive
of senrvy.
All tilings considered, this Yam promises
to be a most valuable acquisition to our
den vegetables. The mode of culture is easy
any one who understands growing the
tweet potato can grow tho Yam j its culture
is about the same. After the ground is well
prepared and tubers planted, keeping the
w. eds down is about all that is required.
Kurthe up," as wu do with the common
potato, is entirely un necessary.
Tun Via Mahkctof Smyrna. The last
fig harvest has proved unusually abundant.
The cultivators simply gather tho ripe fruit,
scatter it round tho trees, nnd nllnw it to di-v
in the sun. When dry, it is collected into
larq-o picks, and ?cnt iii t o Smyrna on came's.
The roads and principal streets arc thronged
till day with long strings of these oniniuls.
tThe hairs which so frequently turn up among
's, are not from the heuJa of Arabians, as
many suppose j but they are from tllo backs
of these camels ! The'fig market is un nui
m at inr scene. Ilundredi of bugs of figs are
arraiigwd in a sort of a squar, where the ar
rival and unloading of camels, tho tasting; of
buyers und the bargaining with sellers are
perpetual. When a purchase has been made,
the bags aro convoyed to tho packers, and
alter being sorted into baskets, are squeezed
into shape by dirty women and children, nnd
then packed into drums or boxes by men.
'I he residents buy a yearly stock, and have
them packed at homo' by their servants.
CBANRF.RRir.s ox I.p.M). Mr. Need
ham of I.ocusldale, Wert Pauvers, has Fent
u a box of cranberries grow ii upon high land,
whiali are of good size and shape, and wnll
rip'Mi'd Mo has about one hundred rods
otith-r cuiiuie has gathered thhtv-six bush
els, which he has sold at 8-1.00 per bushel.
But for tho drought of lust summer, he conli
ck'ntly expected to pet a bushel from each
square rod. Few men among uj have devo
ted eo tmicb Attention toho tgrowing of the
cranberry as the Messrs. Xeedlmm, or suc
ceeded so well. Others have reclaimed men.
lows, mid cultivated the better successfully
there, but very few Live attempted it on dry
M tsunr One of our foreign ex-ftiitnjrt-a-
has a communication from Mr. Uo-Li-rt
Austin. M;nchnt.r, who enys thut tip
ward til a tun of hi-irso tluiis is piixluct'tl in his
ktablcs tlaiiy, nnd tht; usu'il dllcnsive o.loi uiiil
evaporation from it entii-cly prevtiited liy
eprinkliiiK uvt-r the ilnn heap. Iv inuima ol
un ordinury wutor can. u Kulutitui '.if a pound
or common jjrL-en rcmper.ia in a gulion of wa
ter. I'lii i. an old but i-IIku'iit iluotinriber.
rulluWtlirr ,s ilir.l!lll)lo . T0ixt.:en puucfcg of-
recttliud Epinta of wine u,l,l t,-n prains of car
bonate of potash, (pure,) half an ounce of
ential oil of Herjiittuot, and one ounce of nul.
pliunc ethur ; mix und ko..p in a ;lusii Etopp,.r
wlboulo Apply with a piece ,,f Mion-e,
Oiking tlie cloth thorou-ly when tho Rreuse
is lot recutit The mixture emits a peculiar
jy frt-rout odor ur d hoius- a fluid goun, client
kally compuwd, will be found, a perlld ol
veot of otly matter.
,elVU'fT Rub aome bread
With ny ter. and tha tread crumb, alternate.
Iaa . . .,1,e,n Ufuw K0 fi browo,
' butter, and keep tarninj them tliat they
Tft Pin. r, .
k"u. w Deo notbina- el.e
S1Z aivVi mii . ,itt,e ton meJ
vviv putBJ It to wa.
Tnaaa ha long Ulster! a public demand for Ml
efiectiv purgative pill which could be relied on
ura and perfectly safe la it operation. This u
bran prcpnrcd to meet that demand, and an eiten
five trial of its virtue ha couclualrely thown with
what ancccM it accomplish? the purpose doaip '
It U easy to make a physical pill, but not easy j
make the best of all piilt one which should have
none of the bisection, but all the adrantair rf
every other. This ha been attempted here, .
with what auccus w would respectfully submit .
the public decision. It ha been unfortunate for
the patient hitherto that almost every purgatiT
medicine Is acrimonious and irritating to the bow
els, 'i'his is not. Many of them produce so much
griping pain and revulsion In the system as to more
than counterbalance the good to be derived from
them. These pill produce no irritation or pain,
unless it aiis from a previously existing obstruc
tion or derangement in the bowel. Being purely
vegetable, no harm can arise from their use in any
quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should
be taken judiciously. Minute directions for their
use in the several disease to which they are ap
plicable are given on the box. Among the com
plaint which have been neodily cured by them, w
may mention Liver Complaint, in it variou form
of Jaundice, lndigetion, Languor and Los of Ap
petite, Liitlessncss, Irritability, Dilinu Headache,
liiliou Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Sid
and Loins ; for, in truth, all these are but the con
sequence of diseased action in the liver. As an
aperient, they afford prompt and sure relief in Cos
tivencss, Piles, Colic, Dysentery, Humor, Scrof
ula and Scurvy, Colas with aorencs of the body,
Ulcer and impurity of the blood ; in short, any
and every case where a purgntive is required.
They have also produced some singularly suc
cessful cures In Rheumatism, Gout, Dropsy, Gravel,
Firysipclas, Palpitation of the Heart, Pains in the
Back, Stomach, and Side. They should be freely
taken in the spring of the year, to purify the blood
and prepare the system fur the change of seasons.
An occasional doee timulatc the atomach and
bowels into healthy action, and restore the appe
tite and vignr. Thev purify the blood, and, by their
stimulant action on the circulatory system, reno
vate the strength of tho body, and restore the
wasted or diseased energies of the whole organism.
Hence an occasional dose is advantageous, even
thouidi no serious derangement exists; but un
necessary dosing should never be curried too far,
as every purgative medicine reduces the strength,
when taken to excess. The thousand cases in which
a phvsic ia required cannot be enumerated hero, but
they' suggest themselves to the reason of every
bodv: niid it is eontidently believed this pill w;ll
answer a better purpose than any thing which has
hitherto been available to mankind. When their
virtues are onee known, the public will no longer
doubt what remedy to employ when in need of a
caihartic medicine. Being sugar-wrapped they are
pleasart to take, and being purely vegetable, no
harm can from their use m any quantity.
For niinut d'rectious see wrapper un lb Box.
Practical and Analytic:: ClicmUt,
Fries SS Cuts per Zox. Five Boxes tor il.
For the rilil Cur of
iiuoxi urns, w noori.(.-roii;ii,
Tms remedy ha won for itself such notoriety
from its cures of every variety of pulmonary disease,
that it is entirely unnecessary to recount the evi
dences of its virtues in any community where it
has been employed. So wide is the field ol its use
fulness, and so numerous the cases of its cures,
that almost ercry section of the country abounds
in persons publiclv known, who have been restored
from Blarniing and even despcrato diseases of the
lungs bv its use When once tried its superiority
over evc.rv other medicine of its kind is too appar
ent to escape observation, and where its virtues ar
known, the public no longer hesitate what antidot
to employ for tho distressing and dangerous affec
tions of the pulmonary organs which are incident
to our climnte. And not only in formidable at
tacks upot the lungs, but for the milder varieties
of Coi.n. Cuuoim, Hoahreness, ftc; and for
Chilbken it is the pleaantest and safest medicine
that can b obtained.
As it hu long been in constant use throughout
tins section, wo need not do more than assure th
people it quality is kept up to the best that it ever
has been, and that th genuine article is old by
Weifer A Hruner. uulmry; Uiid John, Shaiti'ikin
W. Wiem.-r. .orthuiiilierl-ind ; J. l' Ciislow, .Mlltull
and h all Llrncsis's in Northern Peilnsylvuiiia.
Jails IB, 145. IV.
-rr r ,"n n? 1
J, .i ij o
S. W. corner Sixth nwl Arch streett,
rilKAR! Teas!! an uncommonly full
I choice, assortment of Mark and green Teas
of all grades, from the extremely low price of
30 els a5 10 50 f.n 70 u VSct. per lb.,
warranted to lie auprrior to any to be had else
where r.t the sme pri.-es. We know and ronti
ilenll rn oiiuni'iid Ibrni to l e SO per cent cheap
er than any for sale in the cilv. We have nUo
a very superior asnilinent of CnlTce, Oid fiov't,
Java, Luituuyra, Maruraiioo. liio and Cap' llav
lien t'olli-f. Now No. I Mackerel and Shad in
J and i bid. or as may he dciril. Cheese, Pine
Apple, !S,ip ago. New York (.'n am Cheese nl
way on hand. Soap brown and white; nlso
H. I.. Kendrll rV C.i'a Chemical Olive Knap, one
lb. of which will go as fir as 2 of ordinary brown
Soap. Abu Ntarch of ditlcrrnt ijnalities. ijicklrs,
sauces, krtcliups, olives, olive nil, sardines, nu
ilioveys, cVe., with a full assortment of Kaiii y
floods, to which we invite the a lentiim of th.
public to call and examine our evtensivc assort
ment of Fine Ciroeeries for side bv
Wholesale and Ketail Family (Jrocer and
Tea Healers. 8. W. cor. Sixth and Ar.-lt nt.
N. 13. (lnod Jclncied to all parlt of lit. cily
free of charge.
riiiU., iSrpt. SU, 1855. apt Ry
TriiBseo! Trusses!! Trutssoalll
Jin:? cv u I'lUVu 3 ui ll'liuicil,
S. IP. Cor. uf ''iCt'lih unit Jtace till cits,
WMrOR'rF.Il of fine French Trusses, combi
Q ning extreme lilitnn.s, ease .ml durability
with correct roiihlrucilon. Hernial or ruittned
I'aticnts ran bo suited by rcniitling ainoiil.ts, s
IkIow : !fiiding number of inches round the
hips, and staling side aliened.
Cost of Single Truss, , ti, 85. Double
$., rti, ami $ 10. Instr .ctions as to near,
and how to elln-t cure, when possible, sent
with the 'J'russ. Also for sale, in great variety.
Dr. Iiiiiiuiiig'i ImprflTftl rnlrnt Ihiily nra'v,
For the cure, of Prolapsus l.'tcvi ; Spinal Yon
and iSu)iOIIs, l'alcnl c-llot:ldcr llrarcs, t'li. -l
l; vimliilcrs and I) rector litnces, alu iiti-.l to a' I
with Htonp Sho-.llilcis atul Weak lungs; i;i:.i'.i.-!i
Klae'ic AbdomitiBl Helta, Siisjiensuries. Syiini;c
male and lemale.
Ladies' Idioms, with Lady atlendaiils.
Piiila., Au5. 4, 1H55 ly 8.
JjEiItY A FKETY, invite the attention or
1 merchants and other tn their large slock of
elegantly bound Iliblrs, Hymn Hook, Player
llooLs, Albums, and Presentaliou Hook in all
it vies of binding; Standard Theological, Medical,
Misrellaneotia and School Hooks, which they
have received from Trade Sale, and are telling
at extremely low price.
Also direct from the manufacturer, and Im
porter., ever- kind of Plain and Fancy Writing,
Letter end Note Paper. Envelopes, Gold and
Hleel Pen, Pencil, Inkstands, Wrapping Fa
per., Jkc, etc., at the lowest rash price..
W. Corner, 4th and St..
KpUsmbr tt, 1855. tf '
BLANKS of every description eaa b has Vs
? Ting at theoifice oC tk. Americas,
rTMIE pnrity, fragrance
& mild emollient jjJlCyV'V
properties of this 8op.SSt J'Ji
render, it especially de- JgMi't&
serving on every fyj&B&&t
toilet. For ch.pped hand., CsZjtjL
and v.riou. d!.e.w, of J&dW
the skin, it is unequ.led. c.k. i .Ltnped
WM. CO.NWAY, IC8 South Becend .tract,
Philadelphia. No other i Genuine.
ImprovedChomioallOlive Soap,
Warranted to in hard, .oft, or salt w.ter.
Thi. .o.p has powerful cleansing properties,
which readily remove Oil,, Dirt, Ac, from
every description of good without injury to them.
For .11 domestic purpose, it i. superior to ny
other .nap in use, and SO per rent, cheaper than
th common rosin op. Ech br is stamped.
ICS South Second street, Philadelphia.
Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple Soap., .perm,
strnrine and tallow candle., importer and dealer
in ssl soda, sod ash, rosin, &c.
Order by mail promptly .ItcndeJ to.
Phil. August S3, 1855 tf.
J11 the Treatment and Curt of
Consumption, Asilmiu, Iiroucliitis, and ether
iliscHsr or (he Uesplrntory Oiuns, by
aivilit-ul luliuialiou.
.1 Dr. Ciias Urix.ix.
First American edition, from tilth tendon edition, wber
il has bad an unprecedented sale.
This is a vahwl.'e work and should he in the hands of al
invsliila, Hint the Medical Profession generally. For
wururii free of eliaifce. by mail, 011 rei-eipt uf
.11 TV t'S.NTS ; I'lxth (!t) ONK IxHUl.
Ao. 32 Ifurth Ainth tit., l'hiladelyhia.
We subjoin a few. from many commendatory notices
and reviews fioin the K-iKliib and Ameiicaii Medica
and other Journals
"Dr. Mnddork is the n of the kite Henry M-vl.t.n'k,
Kit., M . 1' , llie well kniiw 11 Imrrislrt, anil roti,ist'S to
rise, in hltovvh rnlessi"li. in ns eminent m drgreeas his
larent The System (inhnlMtru) roHriird as the
tn 1st elfrctu.i! metlnsl of Silyui a remedy to a poilmn of
the system winch eJuii"! he directly reuehed hv inrdiruie
iis. ll. . . . We recommend our readers to inrchase the
Work." Wfstryaii t'lir.mii'lp, I, Mill si. Fell. 111. ISIi.
"We rec mniit-nd the Work to our renders, as it ncai's
to he Hilly matured, cleanl) wiilten. and entirely diveMed
of inv (jiisfkery or pe i-S(-ekii'S Irndeney. 'rde Work
welt di-fe'ves p'rnal. snd the .i.ictu' us fur as "nr
kiiowleilee and t'X!tTieure exieuds. uil! repay n t only
n S(rn n'S 'nsi.l.T.'fi -i ',.. , j atn ,u ti(:i .,1 n .ii,''.'-
I.u.l i, Me n - ' fe.ti; Lit IX n IS.
t!....i. t; .v 11 1 i e c it i lie f:ut:i i:s ;ie-U-i1.
wit1' t hecr; n t si" I If ir ! i!!,r wiKiif a o.i.--lesl
nu.; expe a n r. I tti m ; anil tkit il ouk:.'., fur liie sis
uf td'Se v. ii.. K.iif. t Itiou i .i.s i:iij:'i il. a.'f.ina, or iiru iln-
tlS, tn i'? lo i;lu h III. !'.( i.aiyi! i-ilyil! UfM. H IS. Ill tlie
slm :. nt a-MO-.." l.-rni. a v:,':i.i: 'c Wurk l.'xf.'i j
L'iilvernli ileriilu, Noyeo.l .T. ?. I'-iO.
"A 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ol t ' . - I,". i.l ,ii 1' 'm.ip i.f Mr. Msiidors's
(1 ik mi y
H .1 1 ,1 i
V 10
p. .'Jr.., i
iti'-il ol
S, AVi.l! -1
.-'I iii ii w
n-c.-is In
Vo ; n oli
k will t-j
they niv
N..!es . !.,
loinal yi iTNiy I
le m i, li. iti it m
lr iHiy i :..!
: S.-S In. M
. ' i- -srwts.1 fi.-ta H;
o .!:? i.llir-iu ....f
- 1 .1 'I .0 -It f ;i-
l;.:e ..f c i J i., i ,
s."-."p 'n h'l ,e m1 i :.' v
l.l'i'.lte.J Viy r. I
ni . vc It lilfli-r.
l'elirin l:;iye it .1 kiv
let fci- i.l'. u-i' lejr l.n: t::e. r.' i
i mfu.-tert sceiiir u in tn t in.vle
ol a l,-yi.,!ine Hi.' nthiTnii;. Ih'-Je Inh tii.r loidrr t'i:s
i:l.:s ul diseases. ,: New Jersey .Medical Keporter, June
(From i 'essnr .Tas Hiynn, Hditor ofthi1
i,.i--' mid Junriial
-l)r llAPDss'i'-n on liihalrition is one of the fe,v
whlt'll hav e lieeil lstlei, ir Q1 Ihe l-'nglisli pie&s on this
soli-eft. lis re-i'iiolienii-'ii ;:i 'bis eonntry. with the
judici.tus Notes of Pr tireene, w.ll r?U to the medical
literal ore of l he t:niteit Kinirs. iuhI, it is evites una
inleiesl in the medii-sl l'rotessioii un the fiTi,,:'! lohn
Intlon. ass means of treating pulmonary afTTtmrs. vVo,
tha addition of in Nlern disc.veries in I'hysiol.iev, t,,,
m ide of Ireatinjr these distast s should huv a fair trial
and S'liue slom-inent maile lor the lour m-cieci whivh In
halutiuu h is fullered ut the hands of tuediyul men
Jamks IIotsn, M. I) ,
Prof, of Surgery in Philadelphia College of Medicin
Pit. Gnr.Kvt: win uet uiskpi.s of thi-:
MM.: end AlK-l'ASSA'iliS. agieeahly to the ntKl
s i sneeesfcluly uilopled in tlie prsetn-e of Ilr. A. li. Marl-d-H'k.
and other emineiii ph airiiinii ,,f Kurope. Ily
m.nte of treaimeiii tiieitiseased surface of the flrtiiiehi and
lames are diiectly acted u:vui. the vaiious ineoieHted va
pur la-li. a carneil t.i the m.t minute ranntiesiiniis of tha
Lillics, priHiarOig h-allliy seliou; where a complete
disorganization has not taWeu plsee the licit results always
attend Ihis feature of Practice; in fact, Willi suitable
ai'juii'ts. it is the niilv reiiahle form of treating- diseases
of the Respiratory ( Irirniis. lie intends devotiu his si.'e
iitteuliiin to this particular hranrh of ins pn-fe.sion.
Tli"se ft-siriius ol consulting him csil dosjtv letter ad
dressed to
ciias. Gitr.r.r.. m. t.
H ii tt s;, I'l.ilaJa. r. o.
DiiUda , June 21, 1PM, Sin.
We respectfully s ilicit the attention of the public to our
assortment nf
MotiliKII.-m I IRA ting tovi:,
for Stores, Malls. Chu.t his. I'srl-irs Ac. warrnnted to
five ui. ire boat With one thud I he foe!, than niiv ,.er
Iteatinc Sl'iye 111 use. The hirire luniitier whu-fi l.ave
Inren s ild in this and otlier eities and the eoiistii'ii ;,,n
increasing demand fur them, is SiirT.rieut .luraiilefl of
liteir siipiauiroy over nil inner lleaiui Stoves, si.ri mc
ehcerl'iuy .uvite the strictest iuvesl iiratii.ii of our claims
to the lii'ist perleet article of the kind m use.
e nlso linvn a suierior CAl'I.DKD.N, for fsnni: e
and eheiriiral plMpnies. luade .ll Ihe principle, fur
whn h we claim 01. i n trinlto lieappieci.iH-d.
We keep eoiisiniillc on hand nil assortment of the
leading CI 11 IK a id l'Alll.UK STUVi:s i anJ are s.u
Agents in this S-nle fur
iii Ki A-s ftiii i AHt.F roitnra.
ltffK'S PATKNT lOtiKIMi STUTt'S. an
ltltsTt)W'S IMilV AI.t.i:ii Ctir-K ,v rAltl.fR
S'i'tlVI S Wh liealers will be sup;
ths lowest fou.l'Jty prices.
m:m a & wahnick.
Vhi hia e Ac It-t .l! S'.ivelle il. rs.
K C ir 01 Sl-.t ll'l A ItACCSts I'luiau'a
nr For sile hv II. H MASXKK. .' tins plae
PhlUdelphia, Auc'jut 110, l-?65. .'Int.
Fl Xeptuno, F.I Dorado,
Kl Ducndo, Uio Hondo,
Hecreailores, La (.'uriosidad,
La cuiuriiii, t'si.alos.
I'lalilalion, Havana C'hrrools,
For Sale at WF.ISKK Sc UKL'.NER.
Sunlitiry. May SO, 18S3.
Annuity and Trust Co.
S. '. corner 'I hint anil CheUxvt tits.,
f I PITA I. Si." 0.0(10.
MO.NKY is r.riived on Vns;t daily. The ammnt
tlcp iled isenteieil In 11 llip isil II ink mill civeu lo
ths, nr, u priKritd. 11 eeriihtale will he given.
A II suiiit, rirne lunl ku.iail, are n-ceiy eil, und the amount
paid hark on demand, willmut notii-e.
Ii.leiyi. is paul at ilie late of f;vk ib rET , eiun
nie.iri,,c In ;n the ilny id dep. .sit. nnd eearnig " iiirteeu
davs pievnais 10 tne wilhitruwal nf Ihe liiouey.
tl.i Ihe iVsl day nf Jnuiiaiy. 111 eaeh v nr. Ihe interest of
raeh iep sil is paid 1 . il,r oewn,ir, tuthr iiiiuei
ial. ns he may peeler.
The (' niiiim have, oovy upwards of 3,500 depositors
ill the Cily i f I'hOsilrlphia .-l.ine
Anvad Im hi il inloiiiialiiui will lie f iven by addressinr
Ihe IxsAtcKsa.
Stephen It frawfnd Pres't,
l.svvreuee .1 h"S .j,. Vice Pres't,
Alula -se W. Th-.ii .iu,
Iteniunni tv Tii yley,
Jae h I. Fl.'iani e,
t'i!linin M. Ondwin,
(mi! It II ul,
ir M'-H-Miry,
J:l,- il "Irri,
Oo.l il'JS 1 v.f.n.'i.
Siieretiii mil Vrea.nrrr, I'l.lV IISIK
Trixea and iMii.rsriLK, J P. OliilLiCHLAUKJt.
phi udcl; h:a, e-.-r t . ti, jj 1 P.
super rnosrifATE cf lime.
rjVHt-, suiiscribor lnfiniiis Dealers and Farmers
l!ut he !ia grcaiiy iiiipioincd the quality of
Suj'er 'Aiisr t.7ff rf lime, .
And now cunti.lrmly rec.unmt tnls tl.e article
manufacture I by hini, as st prn .ok to any in tlie
market. You aro nunc J t,i tail, examine und
try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Uilb,
Candle, Soap, ckc, at the lowest market rait.
Successor lo Thos. ,V, Morgan,
No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
UT Fanner can load on two private alley,
and avoid the crowded wharf.
' rbila., July l, 165.V c6m.
Laud Warrants Bought.
TI IGHEST cash price paid, and money remit
ted by first mail. The beat reference can
be given. Apply or address
No. 80 North 6lh street, Philadelphia.
tVUounty Land, and Pension procured
and Wa rranl. located a. u.ual.
Octotier 8, I8i5.- 3ms
GROCERIES Segar., CoflTee. MoIihh
Spice, Oil, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker.
el, Herrinjand Halt, just received and for aale
y. WM. A. KNAttB.
Lower AojnsU May I, !S4-
Flour, Feed and Provision toro.
ftrnatUcay, hetween Marlel Blackberry Stt.
RESPECTFULLY inform the public that
they have just received l.rjje nd Well
.elected ortment of choice Family tlroceriea,
consisting in part uf Ham, PlmnUlers, Mackerel,
Herring. White Fish, ('od Fish, fait Preserved
Fruit, Pickle, Cracker, Cheese, Molasses, Kice,
Pujar, CoiTre, (green, roasted and ground.) Im
perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and
Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes
plow ind line., boot. nd .hoe, tobacco,
teg.r., Ac, together with every article usually
found in first class Grocery Store, .11 of which
will li. .old at the lowest price, either for cash or
country product. We alio keep on hand choir.
Liquors, Tort, Lisbon, cVe. Porter, Ale, beer,
ssrsaparilla, 4 c. We are alio prepared to sup
ply the citizen wllhfrcsli bread, twist, roll, pi,
p ret -els and cakes of every kind.
N. D. The highest cash price, will he paid for
huttor and e,-gs, corn, oat, rye and wheat.
Sunliury, July 7, 185I-.
established as the best urticle ever offered for
Dlurinj Clothes. Il it entirely free from acid or
any thing iiijuiiou to the finest articles. All
housekeeper, will find il much cheaper and lea.
trouble than Indigo or any oilier article. The
great demand for it ha. brought out several tmc
talioin. Storekeeper, and consumer will b.
careful to get I)x.jmi Barlow', put up at
Alfre tl Wiltberger' Drug Store, No. 160, N.
Second Street, Philadelphia. Storekeeper cn
get their supplies from the Grocer and Druggist
thev deal with, at price yielding a good profit.
Drugs, Chimicalt, l'iiiKs, Vamishts, t
Stuff, a-e., with . first-r.te assortment of every
thing in the line. Storekeepers, I'livsicisns and
manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates.
ALF1JED Wll.TUEKGEIt, Druggist.
169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia.
July 7, 1855. ly.
flHE suli.r.rihrr respectfully inform, th. public
a. that she still continue to keep th. abut
ninieii puidic house.
Nile has aluo received . new n;iply of good
liquois arid v.-i;isa, t::d trus'a that she will lie
s;.ie t.i give tt'.is!':ii.T.i to iil who may visit her
Sunhury June 53. 1855. if.
L'OYD, lOi'SIDP. & CO.,
Hint .sc szirrxKs cr
Uclj s!) 3.itl)Viuiic Coal.
Fi-orn tl.e
Ink" ri'i.'er Couirry
SliamoUia, l.rcr:h'a Ccuuty, Tenca.
AJdress. Hoy.l, K.yscr cV C )., Sutibtiry, Pa.
II. M.Pol li. J. Hi'SMlTI. BOtl'. T. Iiosscr.
Sun; ury, April 7, 1M5.". if.
F.ALi:i:S in Watches and Jewelry,
continue the business at
old tnd bf
Jiine U. Fidler,
sVi. 12 South Serond Street,
Where they inlicit an e lamination of their large
and varied stork, feeling assured that Ihe ete
rietuc both vf them have had in the business,
and the they posses for procuring
goods on the most ;-iv,WelH'. term, wiil e:ia
ble them to compete fjuii'!;' with any other
establishment in the city. '1 niy h;vg J10ar on
hand a fine assortment of
f-'ilver. Plated and lirillsn.a W.ra, Cutlery,
Fancy (roods, &r., Ac.
N. B. Uepuiring ci" Watche and all kind, of
Jewelry attended to with promptness and the
greatest care.
l'hila., April 7, 1855. tf.
KSPFC"1'FLLLY inform tl.e public that
they have licd the new colliery, called the
Lambert ollbry, and are ready to deliver coal of
superior quality, and of a variety of sires prepa
red on their nsw roal nreaker. Ail order prompt
attendrd to ly aild.eskiiig the lirui, eillicr at
Sunhurv or Shamokin.
Kuul.ury, June HO, 18o5.
Photography ! Laguerreotypei ! J
(Succestnrto McCltes (Tt."n"n,)
"I'tT'Ol'LD call the attenion of the public, riot
' only to the superiority of Ihe Dngueneo
tvpes, tiic Hya! jjrapli, (by some called Anibro
lytic,) and the vtri.iu styles of Photography on
paper; but t the fact, lliat patlira at a liitlsnre
posscssitig a amall tlagtirrreolype, may, bv send
ing it to No. 100 Chestnut st., have made from
it by the means of Photography, and the talents
of the best Artists, a portrait ol am siil, from
a small Lotkct to the lull site of life.
A small book curtaining dcsc-iij.tion, prices,
Ac, Ac, will be sent graii lo any person ma
king the rt-ijuest.
riiiladcliihia rhntoijrap'.i Establishment,
No. 160 Chestnut St., below 1t!i
Thila., July 21, 1855 if.
strna piiosimiiti: of mjik.
)5C0 bbl.. of the most superior manufacture.
Also, Cil.'AN'f) of every description, Cal
cined Plaster, Cement, Ac.
ft" Produce of all kinds bought and .old on
n. II. 6ELLEI1S A CO.,
Fotwarding and Commiiiion Merchants, No.
C.1 North W harvc, between Knee and Vine
streets, l'liilada.
PhiUdtlpliia, August 4, ISS.I. 3me.
Shamokin "Wliito Ash Anthracite CoaL
I'lum the "(Jll IVtu" in t'ie fi'uyi Collierij.
auccesaor to Kase, Reed & C'o., will con
tinue mining, shipping and selling rnal fiom tho
above well known Colliery, under the firm of
Zimmerman A l'tirsel. The point ol shipment
is at the lower whaif in Sunhury, Nortbuiiiitcr
hind county, Pa., where all unlets for the variou
kinds of coal, vir. : Luiiip, Itioken, Fgg, Stove,
jii.l Chctnt.l t.' n', will be thankfully received
at. ! promptly nt'.em'ed lo.
Suiilut.v, July 14, ISo.l.
St-jiai'ny, Jny , 19,'iS.
Tho firm of Kas.e, Kee l 4 Co. having o!d
their lease in tho (jap Colliery ami interest in the
wharf at Suuluiry, to Meaor. Ziinir.cmiaii A
Puisel, would tako great pU .n-uteiii recoiinnciid
inn oc ci.atomera ii.l otheiu to tho new firm, a
they will be aide to soil Ibom pujurrd coal uf
the bcstijiiahty,
kasi:, nr.KD
il.EY S CO-f.U CINDY, n eicel
lent remedy for coughs, cold. For aale
at this oiVice.
Ilc-cmlx-r 4.
rtllAIN PI MP... .mall number of thest
eicelleut pump, have beca received and are
offcr- for Ml by
Kunnurv. June 4, 1855.
VERMICELLI, Macearoni and Coiueitarch
jut received by
May 19, I8S5. WE18ER & DRUNER.
'IMIASK'S Magnetic Ointment at
C1EDARTL B8, Horse Bucket. Painted Buck
eu. Meal Tenderer., Corn Broom. Baa-.
keU, Children' Wagon, and Yankee Clock,
uat received and for aale by
May W, 1855. I. W. TENR 4 a
Oct. r
OOTS, bhoea, HaU, Cap and Uum Hhoea,
just received and lor aale try
Northumberland county, Pa.
a Vila large and commodious Hotel le.ituated
on the top of th. Locust mountain, lieirly
half way between Sunbury and Poltville. Th.
cenery th. aalubnty of tne atmospnere ami
the cool mountain brecie, it one of the
most delightful .ummer retreats in the country.
The Hotel, i. a new .tructure, four .torie high,
fitted up with .11 the modern convenience. I lie
pure mountain water I. introduced into every
chamber. Th. place i. easy of crcs, beng
but one .nil a h.lf hour, ride from Sunbury, over
tlie Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail road. From
Pott.ville, it can be reached by th Aline Hill
Rail road to Aslilsnd, and from thence to Mt
Carmel 4 miles, by Omiiibu.
Every attendinc will be paid by the proprie
tor to make gu.t. comfortable. Charge mod'
Mt. CVmel. lune 83, 1K55. if.
Ao. 28 Suu'h Fourth tit., 1'hiUuletphia.
GREAT FIRE, Chestnut
& Fifth Street. Friday
morning, December 35th,
1854, Evana A-Watson'
lamnder Sfea Trium
phant, as they alway. are
when put to the teat.
PiitLinr.i.riti t, Dee. 15. IR54.
Messr. Ei ir Wat.oh, N. 39 South
Fourth St., Philadelphia.
(lentlenicn : We take much pleasure in re
commending your Salamander afe to Merchants
and others in want of a secure meana of preser
ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, as the
one we purchased from you about seven months
since has preserved our bonk., paper end cash
in as good a condition a they were when put
into it, before the great fire of thi morning, which
destroyed the entire block of buildings corner of
Chestnut and Fifth streets. The above aafe wa
in ue in our office, on the second floor of our
building, from which plce it fell into the cellar,
.ml remained there until tl.e fire was out. '1'lie
Safe, was then removed and opened in th pres
ence of at least limo person., who witnessed tiie
good condition of the content. Will you ple.s
have the rtufe and Lock repaired, a w. intend
to put it in ne sin, hai..g perfect confidence
in i'.s lire-proof ins'il:f s.
Your, Kespectfu'lT.
Tans .V take pleasure i;i referring tn
the f..!!:-Vt.-r:, amove the many htu-.i're'! who
lue their r-'afce in use: 1.". !. Mint, I'liilad. ;
l-'armeis' .i d Mc-hauic' l?nk, I'dila ; Samuel
Allen, 1.!.. li'jh Sncriir, I'm" a; John H. lieu-
tier.. n. City!ic'!er 5 Citb f'opcij- Co., 'o.
lei) larke; 5t. ; ICn-hard rii d- Son, Loco-
riotive bui'.ilei-, I'hi'sda ; lisncro 'l 4- .'iellers,
M;h'n'ts, comer ITtlt am! Jsn:rs Ms.; Fran
klin l ire Liui:M.-e Co., 1'hi'a ; l'enns Itaui
KuiitcaJ Co, i'tii'a.; l.a.ey ir Philip, cumer
f.lh an. I Minor P'a; s'.iarplrs llr.-i.. No. Hi
Sot-.tli t-'rciiil St .; .Istiies Kent A. Santee, No.
I47 N'orlii I bird ft; W II. Horlman A Sons,
No. M North Thitd St.; Smith, Williams A Vn
No. 87 Market St.; J. & U. Cue, No. lS4
Chrilnul I t.
. A lare a so-tmcrt r.f t!,e a'.iose S.ifi-s alwsy
on hand (warranted to sum! at least 111 percent
more fire than any Herring's Safe now in use.)
EVANS cV. WATSON, also manufacture and
keep fur sale. Iron Shutters, Iron Doors and Iron
Dash, for making lire-proof Vsulta for lianks
stores, public and private buildings. Seal and
Letter Copying Presses; Patent Slate Lined lie
frigeratiira, etc. Pleae give us a call, at No. t(
South Fourth St., Philadelphia.
April 7. Hwo. cly. 10.
:o iou vol iisci.r!
or, Evntty o.vt ::is cn phti:ia?.
riHC K.'F'J'IKTH Kdi-
lion, with Or. :;un.-',J
Engraving, showing Ills
. ..,.i u.'r. ..: .a
.X the Human System in every
74 1 5! "nape ami torm. J o winch
'EL adilcd a Treat;se on tlie
Iliscasea of Females, being
of the highest importance to
married people, or those
Contemplating marriage.
liy Ir t in. Youiiir no l.e asSsmnl to pr, s, nt s copy of ths ..
Of 1. API I S to h i , l:ii. I. It msy save liiin I'rom sn e.irly
r;ivr. I.vt o. ynlnn; mill or uorumi enter into tlie srne
iiNiri'i ins nf ni'lrtlril l.le will.out re.-li:,t tlie 1'IH KK T
.t:St'l I.Al'll S. Let no fiie boITWijik; fr.,in li-irlcne.l
L'oucli, I'iiiii ni tSe tile. rrttlrss mollis, uel voi-.s leeloiss.
anil llir whi le triiiti nf llvs;-.t,c Sfiir.itn.iis, soil given
uo liv their plivsti-iun. In- nuolher moniriit without con-
ulnns li e .Vii.'t. l.AI'll.'S llnvellis inuuietl. rr Ihnse
nlHiut to le nmrrieil any iMr'Ptlinieiit. reml tliislruly uiJiil
liAni,-, hi I.'IS lieM the IlielniS nt SiVlllf tll.'iIAHuds of
eie.cure. fri m 'tie Virv isws nf itirnli
tlfAey seisHo.jf i .V I AT V-l- l VK rr.NTS,
eiie;..-,l in s Liter wt'l re.'e!e one C'j.y o! tins lii .t. hy
liinil. or live e ipis v ill i.e sent f.i, ,?. l .,li. AitH,.,
Ilr. IV Ydl .Nil. No. IU M'KUt'K a.ieel, IMII1.A
lil'.l.l'HIA." I'.:p:i;i.
I'ui.s le;iia, feinnl er S, 115 ly
(At the old Stand if S. X. 'J'hwnpsun.)
'IHL Subscriber respecHully informs the peo
L pie of Sutibtiry and vicinity, that he has ta
ken liie Store Room lately occupied by S. N.
Thompson, in Market Ntreet, Suiibury, below
Weaver'. Hotel, and lint he ha just received
and opened a handsome assortment of
Consisting in p.irl or
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Quccnsware, Hats A- Caps, Hoots & Shoes, Fish,
Salt, Meat. Ac.
Al! of which will he sold al the lowest prices.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange at th
hiuhesl market price.
Sin bury, Nov, !4, IP.") ly eh
S. U. corner of Sermul Cl.tstnut Sis.
Where mny be foil id, ot:e of liie Inrcest ami
best assortment of Clocks and Time I'ieees in the
I nited States, in tiaiitilies to suit purchasers,
of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ;
embracing every variety of style and manufac
ture, auilallo for Churches, Hull, Counting
Houses, Parlors, Sleeping apartments, and Kitch
en. Steam and Can ul UjjIs, and Rait roadCars.
N. II. Clock Repaired and Warranted,
('lock Trimmings for sale. Also,
Manufacturer of Hurler's Cchbrated J'int
Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill
pen, in addition to which the durability of die
metal is fully associated and developed. Hold
and Silver Pencils, ud I 'en Holders, Fluted
Ware, &c, wholesale and retail. Those wish
ing to purchase are invited to call.
J X M F.S 11 ARBF.R.
8. E. corner Chestnut and Second St., l'hila.
Philadelphia, June ii, lSji. ly,
OJJkt opposite the Court House,
Suubury, Northumberland County, Pa.
l'tompt attention lo Luaitiesi in adjoining
HOOFLAND'S Bitter, at
lyj book,l nk, and all ccmplete, just rr reived,
and fur aale by II. U. MASSER.
Sunhury, June 4, 1S3.
M tar bottlaa for aale by
Sunbury, April, It, 1851
I In r'HK
CILVER WATCHE8 A tew dobl res
English Silver Watch, fee aale al very low
pri. by U.B MA&KKR.
eHmVtrry, Apri It, KSI
At S. N. Thompson's Store,
In Lover Aufutta tovnihip, at tht Junction oj
tht Tulpthocktn and I'lum creek roadt.
THE ubacriber having returned from the city
with a new and extensive assortment of
fashionable good., respectfully call, th attention
of Farmer., Mechanic, and ether, to th
consisting in part of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Casfimcrts, Cassintts, Jeans, Drilling,
Mutlintf Vtstings, Twttds, and all kinds of
Spring and Summer Wear,
Calicoes, Muslin dt Lnins, Lawns,
Ginghams, Brrages, Holts,
Woolent, Flannels, tfc.
8 agar. Tea, Coffee, Rice, Mo!ae, CheeM,
Bpices, Salt, Ac, dtc, ck.
II n rd ir. ire,
Nail, Screw, File, Saw, Knive. A Fork., eke
Queens and Glassware,
of various style. ml pattern..
A large aasortment of Boot and Shoe., for
men, women and children.
Hit. Car, Ac, of variou. sires and style..
Beside a large and general assortment of
fashionable goods. Call and examine for your
selves. VsT Country produce ol all kind taken in
exchange at tho highest market price.
Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 38, 1855.
4(1 Market street, btlow 1 3 A, north side,
Phila., Dec. 30, 1854. ly.
Furniture ! Furniture !
A'o. 157 5oui5ecorii(aioreS;-uce,) east tide,
IHIE uhcribr would respectfully inform the
- leader, of the Kti.trry i4men!t and the
public generally, that he liss on hand a constant
supply of elegant, fashionable, and well made
Furniture at reasonable prices. Being a practi
cal mechanic, and having nil bis goods manufac
tured ninler hi own superintendence, purchasers
may rely on getting just such articles as are
represented. Lounges with removable arms,
also new patterns of Sofa Urdsteada. J hose I
who ars about going to housekeeping would do j
wen to call.
157 South Second street.
N. B. All erder
promptly attended to.
thankfully recited ad
Aptil -J3. r.VV w8 ly.
'jMIE subscriber having received ihe necessary
forms ami iiisructlion from lb Department,
at Wbigton, is prepared to procure Bouaty
Land Warrant al lh shortest notice.
JuMbury, At '' T, 1853.
Shamokin Pa-
rilll T. subscrilier begs Iras to inform hi Iriends
X. and the public generally, that he bss taken
th above well known sin ml, and will be happy
to accommodate all who may give him a call.
Shamokin, July 8, MM.
'V'OTICE is hereby given lint application will
x v be made to the next legislature of Pennsyl
vania, at tho session of Isofi, for the creation of
a corpora le body, with hanking and discounting i
priviic.'f. to be called the 'Siuvcsis bus," 1
located at ii:iokintown, Northumberland Co.,
Pa., with a capita! ,-toik of $ IMI.tlfiO. with the
privilege of increasing tti hiiii lo $300,GC0 if
Shmokin, May 51, lSSH m.
wnisnii & BRUNB31,
Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
.Vurajef St., next duor to K. Y. Ih igkCs Store
FFER to the public the largest and bsst
'- (elected stock er openea in this section of
country, consisting cf
Medicine, Chemical, Ground Spice, Paint,
t'ilj. Varnishes, Hye-sttiirs, Window Class,
I'aleut Meiiii i:ie, together w ith a complete as
aortment of Faint, Clothe,:, Hair, Tooth, Nail
and shaving Uriishea, Dressing, Side, 7. rck and
I'orkel Com!-, Fancy Soapa, Shaving t 'reams
Tobacco, Scgai, Foil Mouiaa, Stationary, Con.
For Medicinal use, English, French and Ameri
can Perfumery, Fancy Coods of every descrip
tion, in short every article kept by Drugjista
CP" Prescriptions Carefully Cotnynundtd
C. P.O. 15. WUHF.K,
Hunhury. May 28. ISS4.
Strawberry. Congres.
Eldorado Fir;. Eldorado Cake,
Sarsaparilla Fin Cut, Piessed Fine Cat,
Anderson " " For Sale at
Sunhury, May IS, 1855.
Tn. H. H.
-'colda, aiu
Hlfi BEE'S remedy for coughs.
nd pulmoiiarv diseases. A atiMilv f
thi. valuable medicine just received and for "sale
y h. u. mas!i:r.
Ntinlmrv, June 4, IDAS.
V i; n ui. u's w r.t .No TT.n u"aTidv Jiw
aie and legal envelopes, for sale liy
H. li. MASSER.
Suubury, Ian 10, ISM
tiJHOES All kinds of Boot SWTiidiip.
per lor aale hy
Market atrcet, opposite the Poal Olhce.
Pnnbury. Oct. S. IN.'iD
ATS ANU CAPS. A .plei.did lot of
fashionable Silk. Wool .nd Fur Hats.
also, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military
Capa for aale low by
Market treet, oppoaite the Post Office.
Sunhury, Ort. 8, ISSS. .
aipiULD FENS with and without esses, ef a
HM very uperinr quality, just received.
aio a iresu uppty of Writing Fluid, for ssl
U. B. MASSklR.
Sunhury, Pee. VT. 1ST5'
TVw 1rchn"rit Paper Deed, and blank
Mortgage. Bonds, Executiona, Summon.
4c. fur sale b . jj, MASSER,
Sunbury ,Auri I ft, IRS
.ROUNU and whole Pepper, Clove.. Cin..
nion, Nutmeg, Mac. Alllspice, Ginger,
Lwuorice, &c, Ac, at ' '
I EWELRV-A nice aetortmeul of (ield and
Silver Pencil, and Petia. for aale cheap be
Market atreet, oppoaite the poet Office
Sunbury, Oat. 8. IS3J
fJAMPHINE and Fluid of the ht au.lity
For Ml. by . WEI3EJI 4 BKL'NER.
Sunbury, May It, UAa.
' lo f WaJi Pajwr just received and for
aale hy VTM. MeCATy,
. Market attract.
Bunbury, June I,g4.
Kew Goods tot th People
ESFECTrn,I.TIraforin. th. public In
aval that he ha. just reaeived and otwi
.pl.cdul Mock of
Full and Winter Ooodi
at hi. New Store, In Lower Aagvata tewa.ftia,
III .lock eon.i.t. lo part of
Clothi, Cassimen, Casslneaj,
of all kind, of linen, eotton and werateik
CallroM, Olngbanta, Luitq.
Mouaicllne De L,alut
and all kind, of tadie Dree Ceoda.
AIm an assortment of HnrdTTRraj, lrMa
nJ Steel, Naila, &o.
Also an ercellent sortment ef
QUEEN8WARE, of various .tylea ai
A 1m an aa.ortment of IIOOT9 & MTOE4.
HATS it CAPS, a good lelectlen.
Salt, Fisli, iS'c.
And great variety ef other article uch a era
auitsble to the trade, all of which will be sold at
the lowest price.
t3T Country produce taken In exchange a
th highest prices.
Lower Augusta, Nov. 10, USS.
United States Hotel,
Chestnut Street, above Fourth.
" J-MaeLELLAN, (late of Jonea ReUl.)
ha the pleasure to inform hi friends ni
he traveling community, that he ha. le.sed thi.
House for a term of year., and i. aow prrpar.d
for the reception of Guests.
The Local advantnge.ef this fsvorit. establish
ment are too well known to need comment.
The House end Fuinitur bsve been put la
first rate order! the room .re large .nd wU
ventilated. The Table will always I supplied
with the best, and the proprietor pledges himself
that no elTort on hi part aball he wanting t
make the Cnited States equal in temfit U ay
Hotel in th Quaker City.
Phila., July S. 18.14
bamueITs. fetIFetonT
Liaipi. lintfrm, Chindtlifnaad fandclsbrai,
St. 15S S. id street, aiovi SjrM,
Hav'ng anUrseJ and improved his star, a4
lis.iiwr urn nl' tm I . ....
- " 'mrti iir-.mnis r
Lamps, in Philadelphia, j now f repa'ed to fur
nish 1'iii Oil, C:npher,a. Hcming Fluid. L.t4
and Oil Lamps. r,d Ltrterns of si! patterns,
(.la-s Lsmps cy t! package, st a s.all adv.n.e
over auction Heit j. a Manufacturer i,J
L-a!r of Pi, Oil. Burr :g Fluid ai.d A leehal.
wbt. h will be fuini-hed to Mer-1 snts st tUih
prices lliat they wiil find it 0 t: jr ,j,stsg te
buy. Also. Household (ila.snar uf all dsicriu.
ti.-ins al the lowest market ptices.
Philadelphia, Oct. 14, U51.
Mjrkel Street,
L'T rsesited and for sale, a frssa supply
r.VAct;L:c'ii. muhj
for Singing School. II is also epening a
thi. time, a large assortment of Hooks, in .vary
branch of Literature, consisting 0f
Poetry, History, Novels, Romance., Scienllll
Works, Law, Medicine, School and Chiidr.n'
Books, Hibics ; Reboot. Pocket and Family, both
with and without En;raings, and vry eif vrt
ty of Rinding. Pisyer Hooks, of all kind.
Alio just receiied and for sal. Furdou CI
gest of the laws of I'cnns)viii, diiion of I SSI,
price only 56,00.
Juile Heads edition ef Elackstones Cruia
taries, in 3 vols. 8 o. formerly sold at 910,04,
and now otler.d (in fresh binJing) al th lew
pries of Sfi.O'J.
A Treatise on the law of Pnn.Tls.nia re
specting tlie estates of lJecdnU, by thooia T.
Gordon, piics only St, 00. Voyage and Adntar, all el
which will k sold low, sitbsr for cash, w coaa
try produce.
re,.T"ry, tl, I85t t!.
"AIlTvr) C0UF0ST,"
1 Your exvti X3ech.inciK
tne mott rahionAb!a 8tTl
HE .ubseriber respectfully call. th. .tumi
f the public to his lanr.- ami .r.'..i; i .
men! of every quality and price f
whieh cannot fail to revommend itself t.,TBrT M
who wiii ..;;oiirie it, on account of it du'r.fcla
workmanship and apT.-.,.i-.J li:,i.h, mi,Ie up of lht
best stock tube had in tli cit. ' ,(rort is
aredin the manufacture of his' war., nJ tha
subscriber is determined to keep up' with lb
many improvement which are constantly
laadc His stock consists of Mahogany
Son., Divar.M nnd I.oiingo
Buream, Secretaries, Sideboardi.
and also VENETIAN BLINI;S, equal i Phi a-
dclphia manufacture.
BEDSTEAPS, of every pattrn and pruss,
In he-rt, esery article in this line of his huain
lit also iniiiMifdctiirra a!i kinds AnJ (lUftlitiM of
neluding varieties never before to be had h
Sunbury, audi a, Blsc. W.ivey
an Ci rlkii MtPLKGanriaa; atit. Wiansia
CHAIRS, ssn r.xcy Puo Stoois, which r
of th latest atyle. and warranted to be excelled
Ly noi.e manufactured in the Cieieor elsewhere.
The ubsrril-er is ilttcrniin'd that ther shall
be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, as every confidence can he entertained
bout the quality and finish of hi war and
Hi article will l disposed of en a geed
term as they can le purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce taken in pivnient for work.
yW l NDERTAKING. Hasing prvid4
himself with a handsome Hi.asi, he M new
prepared for I nderlaking, and attending funer
als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis
tance from this place.
V9 The Ware Room is in Market Street,
below Thompson's Slur and Weaver' Tavern,
Sunhury, Jan. 10, I PIS tf.
To Trespassers on the Telegraph IiD.
!aTOTICE ia hereby given, that all person
found trespsssjng upon, or injuring th lino
ofth Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph wit
be dealt with according to the act of Assembly i
such ease made ar.d provided.
II. B. MASSER, Pre.'t
Thila. and Sunhury Telegraph Co.
Bunbary, June 1, 1654 tf.
or Tasteless Salts,
Prepared by
Thi. prepaiation ia recommended a. a ex
cellent iaiative and purgative, il operate mildly,
i entirely free froa any unpleasant taste, re
tain tiling lemonade in flavor. - Thi medicin i
highly beneficial for disease peculiar lo euiniuef
and hot weather.
Suubury, July I. It4.
NK Boueaau'e 4ebratd ink. aud alao Con
ree ink for aale, wkeUeare and reUd by
Deeoikber taeO. H. 9 HAtHtsX.