Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 17, 1855, Image 1

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OLD SERIES, VOL- 10. No. 8.
The Sunbury American,
rca'itiisi) kvii
Market Htjiiare, fi'uutiury, 1'tnnn.
TKKM9 OF 9 L' II S C It 1 1 T I O X .
TWO DOLI.MtS per niirimn t paid half yenrly in
aalraiic.. No panel diacontii-'ted uulil all iirriarngea are
t-aia .
All enminniiii-atinin -,r letters mi l.iii,ea relating in
thaortiee, lu insure atle-ili-ii. must In ru.sT I'Alll.
Til Cl.llir-.
rsrtt eopiet I ' nddresa, 5H
Seven II l" I"""
Fuieeu 1)" --I'lBi
K iee d 'Hart In Hilt-mire, will pa for three Ten 'a tali-tcripti.-ll
In IliC American.
p.iarmnlera tv H pleine nr t ns mir Ai-eats, nml frank
Itltert c.ititiitMiia. snl.!-nili"H tnelii-y 'I'liey am permit
lad lu do tins uii'ler Hie Tost Oilice l.nv.
IKRM9 Of A D V K II T 1 S I N 0 .
Oae Smime nl U tinea, 1 timta,
IKreiv aalne-iaent insertion,
One fVpiaie, 3 monlln,
ix m-milia,
One year,
nmincM Cards nf Fivt Inite. nrr nm,
Wf.teh.rll anil ..'.hers, iidi-erlisiiit; lir the
rear, w.tli tin priviete of insetting
pilfered silve'i no-mema weekly.
1 I n
JO l
10 00
tX !,:(! A ilvertite. "ruts. n per ;reei.nt.
J OH I It I X Tl N i.
We Vt ev.tierteil tv i;i "'if enril.lia'iment a well
'tt.l lOIOI'T'lrV". wlin'i will ei.n'.'s ui n rieeatt
ill the neale.l mle. e.'ery cs'ieiy of pruuii.i;.
H."37 LCASe333
S uainoss Urii.W to in the, Counties of N'or
taaaitieiland, Fnion, I.j coining Montour nJ
llrfertncrs vt riabu:ellin :
-Unn. Job It. Tram, rhl.'ne. Kin...
omere a Sh -uls-raas, l.iim, Simlli tc C".
v hiti: AsiiAN tiiuacitf. coal
Fiton Til K Lcitrti,
No i il.uinbrrlaii.! county, l'j.,
C'n.I-i;;. we limr veiy extensive- improte
' i. ir ri : . and nre prepaid to oiler li Un
it.. Ii a m-iv aiiiii-iiof nitic.r, p:n licul.n ly suilcl
i.r tn msniilai line of Iron nod musing Steam.
0r e-tes ol Co;.! air :
Ll'MI', J- for Sjnr'.i'.siR pt-rpiisrs.
6 TEAM Ii(IA'J',- lor do. and Steamboat
fctiC. for Family ue and Strain.
Ti)VE. )
M l', (
pea, f
for I.imeburnaia anil f team.
Oar paint of Shipping ia Sunhitry. where ar
easgeiaeri'.i ai inaua to load boala nitlioul any
J. J. CacHiiAK, .aurritrr.
C. W. I'mn, SliamoKiti.
Viii. ItaiHOLii, I.ancaatrr.
A. 11utnMnWH, t!o.
Orden addrrnfil lo iIiainokiti r Siinaury,
will receive prompt attention.
Feb. 1U. IK").1). ly
)'HAItM;!9n. WIltKTUIt "
rA9 ttken t'le Salooin farmerly occupiaJ
br J. vi . v. aaiiiHEion,
Market .?7iii-i, .Si.r.'.nrj',
whara ha will bo happy lo !o li!
Aianda and tli rating puldio t;rnrral!v, all I lie
Irliracira of Ilia aeason. ini linlins llystor lrclt
ad ap'ued. Thr biil (.f f.ira will include sul -alanlialsnnd
delicacies, cilculatid tosaiity tin) e
who ara hungry, and those- who dcrire merely lu
at their palatea tickled. It will ho open nt nil
kaura of th day, and all rrasnnali! hours of the
sight. Cite na a call and ta.'.e fr
Kf Faiailios and partica auppiied on ahorl
uury, Sept. t5. 18H5
FlilTZ, Hi:.(KV & Co.
29 A'mA 77n'n Snei-t, t'hilmleiyhic.
MDRIH't'O Manii'vcturr ,s. Currieia mill Ini
portcraof I'liLNt'll t ' A l.l'-Slvl S, and
dealer, in KcJ and Oak bOl.B .V. ATM Kl! i:
Feb. 17, 18S5. W ly
F. n. SMITH,
Uresiinj l'nc .llamir.ic tuirr,
S. IJ'. cor. nf Fourth A- Cl.e.'tuut .ts.,
1-lfll. A i)l I .I'll 1 A .
Alwaraon hand a larje and varied assortment of
Tart Mnnnniea, Work Dole,
Pocket Hooka, Cahat.
Bankers I'asrt, 'J'ravrlinis llajit.
Note Holdera, Itackamiiioii lloirda,
Port I'olioa, ( 'hesa Men,
Portable lleska, Cijar,
Dressing r'a.-ea, Pocket Menior.iuduin Hooks,
Also, a general upinrtiiieiil of Kuqli-h, Kri'iu h
and Uermaii Fancy (inodi, Fine l'o.ket Cutlery.
Razors, ltaznr Strops and (inld IVus.
Wholesale, Second and Third Floors.
Jt. W. cor. Fourth A C'liratnut St., l'hiladn.
J". 1J- On the receipt of $1, a Suprrinr (.old
Pan will be sunt to any part of the I'uilcd Slates,
by .nail; describing Jen, thus, medium, hard,
r toP.
MiiU., March 31. lS.'.S ply.
Market Streit, JUuuillc, J'a,
THIS ia one of the largest uud most commo
dious holi-la in Ihe interior of I'f lintylt aula.
!t hue been recently fitted i.p, in excellent style,
with all the modern conveniences.
l)an i!le, Sept. 82. IS55.
1U Y your ao-ils from fust lunula and sat e -.'(i per cut
Tin-mi. lersitneit lull in si ne and eflfis ln saiunlllie
.uweii pm-e, witli a ilise.iuut n i per ei-iu lor cash.
VAl.l IS.
CI llltANTS, OilAMil'.S,
cri'iniN. j.i;vii)Ns.
I'ltlM'.S, fiU'KD T dir..
DAi liS. CASTll.l-XJAJ", c
l(iL,'.U M T
I., inutus nin.
410. Water Slleet, railaJelpllia.
Phila 5e,t li, 1S53 lio;i.
A . ... i... I,.- ......I iir.iiinil v iill.-.iili'il !
11)0 bushcla Flaxseed wanted imniedialely ot
il,e Cheni Store of K. Y. lirinhl, lor which
the highest market price win lie paid.
Buuburv, OcloburB, IHjU. II"
HAKDWARE.-Tablo Culliiry, Kaiors, I'ock
ft Knivra, HanJ aa' Wood anwa in
frames, Aies, Chisels, Door I.ocks, and llinues,
Hand Uella, Waiters, ir., just received and for
Mly I. W. TKNEK &CO.
Sunbury Dee. 9, 1854.
VANILLA BEANS just received by
tfunliury. May 10. 1855.
as. . . ... -. ,
LAKU WAKIIANTS. The highest price
will ba ( iveu for Land WarranU by the aub
cribe. . H. D. MASSE It.
LACK ParMf a good article for sale by
Mr Wnni e hkvuuh
rf If ct )ork).
It should ho linVf. if loi;i;lhy, it will st,M"p
Our In-iirtt! in npiiihy. i.iii- i'yc in .-h ep ;'
Tin' ilull will yawn, i hi- t- -L ,it i.-1- ihiso.
Attciitiim IIiil;, nml iiu-niuiy unt.iU i-iose.
It shouhl hi- warm, a living nllar-rnnl,
To liii lt t he ii-y lit-i.i t m,n i hai ni I lit- snul ;
A sniifss. tiull hniiiiiiti-, hiiwi-vci- itu,!,
Will tiovi-i- i oust- tin- hotil tir iiiiM- tin! ilcail.
It shouhl hi siniih', r,i r-t :i-::l nml clear,
Nn lini'-spmi tln-iiiy to ili-nsi-tho phi-
No i-iiiiotis lay to t'ii -kit- l.-tti roil priili',
Ami Icavu thu iuiu-nml plain tun il fii J.
Iti-hotilJ tic tender ami nlTcct innate.
As Jl.s warm tlieino. who wej.t Ui Salmn't)
I ti to;
Tin' fiery laws with worils orinvr ull.iyeil,
Will swi'i'tly warm ami urtlully ji-i su iiiU-.
It shdiihl ho manly, just nml nil ii iml,
Wi-a ly oniii eiveil, .-mil well c. irei;?eil witmil ;
Nut still!', il ujlli silly lnitiun.--, :; t tn stain
A sain-il ill-.-,';, and a'mw a nnuMy hiaiu.
Ij sh mill pusses a weli-ada-.t,.,! rrace.
To situation, time am! plan- ;
A seniion lermeii ti-i- s- d-,!.tr, st,it'emin
With peasant s tunl iiii'i-liaiiies ill ucennli.
i . i i i -.i. . . . .
it Minimi nun I'vaiU'elll- lieilltles hliiem,
Liltl' l'.llll'a ilfCu iiilli, A I In MS IT lit lloilip;
Whili; siiiiio ICpictetus nr Sterne i Mct in
A jrr.u-ioiis .Savior iii the lii-spcl theme.
It thutihl he mixed with immv an ::rdeiit
To reach th,. h' uit. and f- nml fasten there;
When Cud ami man are miitmillv aili'ri-sn-il'.
(unl grants a', m-.-n istrulv IiIcsm;,!.'
It shoidd l.o ch.t, ly, vol! iipp!i,-d :.t last,
To m.,:.e i In- m,.iai i, :i : I K f, ,t .
7V."ii art 'e nil i. ami Hum uin'.e u ; r.ial.u
A t'.-iix ti, 1 1 . 1 1 1 o ami a I.ivi,i ijiial.t-:
Select (Laic.
i M ...tli! ,M.ii:-i-i,.e.
The first of .Tnne ls-10! Si. roar airo !
IIow stranger than lietinn it serin- on this
sixth iiniiivi-rsaiy of that eventi'id ihiv. niter
traversing all ihe vit-i-.-i tn!a-s nf i xp'i riem e.
tti'ler lioxiiiL' tlie eonii:iv ', .rf (, -1 1 1 V s.'a.
tun) slitiUiiiir hands Willi every ext reiinly e!
fortune. I should he seated nt last in ilii
quirt little sanctum: the hum nfilnt miehtv
city, which was then t In- !.,; nf oei-hop. s,
n 11.1111(1 me; tlie wj, IVee.l.mi id'tla. iiiimtla
hie prairies evclinic'ed In- t i.e i-nnlim-s id a
diliLrv ol!ii-e: my sieu t iiil' rhai-.-er i!i-r:n d. d
Ini- the old :ii ni-i-ia:i-: li;e li.idjii. i f th,. pi,..
Iieor laid in iile for a more peaceful Imt inih
tier wea,,m. this "o'ay yi,o.-e quill."
r i Six Ii il I IT l-ill-. i.f stl'll- rxperiiliee,
of h.m-ly waiiderins, of ovcr-rb iiiitty, r.ev .r
i-e::.iii!f l.i.l and tin have rhaiienl the
l..,y into ti e man ; the yoiithl'u! remaiice of
the rmum-ipaied student ii.t,, th,. stern, l-xed
p'irpri-es. the ut;:taiiin vi.-ws of tlie slavy nl
Or.Miie.-s. l.i:t have all their .-ti.rmv viri i
t tides nml wild i-xcitemen;s I,',, , , Vrom ihe
mind the fearful im-iuorii s of that len ilie
si-ene, Ii.iilt ay,,, whi n the tyro f the wilder
loss first I., oked on Oeath? Ah. no! On
this sixth anniwisaiy ,,f that mcmoral.l'e dav.
tlie throi'-.'m-r meinoi-i,.s of that tea-, I'.d hoi'n-
crowd thielt up ne. Tie. f,rl stidih-n mo-
im nt of Add alarm ; tliat ten-ili!,' war-n lu.i.p.
hiir.-tiiiLr Ir.uii fifty sav-ip- throats; the rrrk-li-s.4 inn ; the thrilling rxrit.-mrnt , f
that wild chase ol'i-itht mi!es, with lit"; v pair,
ted demoiis si;ilii! ni'ter iiie on tl.i',. -.ld
mu.-taiiLr-i ; tin- appalling fear, as the sweat
pat her, d on the i f niv llv tej ray and
the foam (lew l'.-,un his heati'ii"-' m.stids.' 1,..
his strength and lii.ttoin fhi-nhl fail mo in lev
dire v : nml. id.ove all. t I.e evuli ii:L'
tlirill of LrraJiludi- and r.i:.u;v wla-n the h.,e
wajrmi tops of my rnmr-id.-s hove ia si.-l t as
we lletv over thi. sum i t of ! he I -.-1 !i'il;hat
divided us IV,, in saf,-ty, and the wild Imwl o!'
Ihe haflied horde huist on mr stailh-d ear-
all, nil pome lnu k ; m t! in'is ! -r:;,.' ten, atol
that iiliii-a!ialde revulsion ,,f feelin.r v.-.,.
iny IVihteiied steed r.ishe.l into camp, and
his duly iloi:e, his powers ehanteil. iliopped
almost lifeless t'i tlie railli ; us 1 n eh d from
the saddle nml fervently ;luiil;ed th..t (iia
emus rrovideiice who om!,i., di.wn upon and
protected me in. my fearl'i.! need.
It was on 111:.-, tl. iy six years au'o. l.i';ht.
five of us, weary v:',m!ereis over the Ir.iclVss
prairies, were day j.lter day, nml immtli alter
month tniliiiie onv.uid to this distant land i,r
Cold, w hosu lefty si: i-as and sut or plains
have since gathered In I heir eternal embraces
Pi) many a ineinher of that "r illant yoiithl'u!
tiaml. It Wii Sunday in the wilderni-ss ; the
w-a.'ons nil corallei i a'i the lend; of the Little
I 'hii', t!m loil-worn mule.- seatteri-d iiniiiml
joyfully c -oppin-.' the virniii trass under tl.e
watililnl vigilance of the uard. Some of the
piirtv were hathin-j in the , le,.,r stii'am. si uie
I'ookiiiLr. nii'iidin rli, wa-.hinr. louniue;
or .sniokiiif. ami all onj,.in to the full u'tZ
rions suiishinv day of rest nml iiuhdi-nee. when
5IIII1H ovil ir.-nins iosessed me nilh u sudden
desire to he the first of the party tn shiv the
loti"; expected buffalo, mi iini nni wo hail not
vet I'lii'oiititeied. hilt which now bejran to la
the constant the f ronveisulioii mnl con.
jectuie. Several of tho linvs neiv hunting
turkeys in th,.. margin ofihe timhi'i- which shir
led I he river, so that wliou 1 smhlh-d up mv
st"i d, and. with mv rifle at mv saddle how:.
stand out to Ihe northward, the Tew who had
observed my depa,i,0 ,..vehat)(,'i'd uly winks
at my probable diaipoiutinent. but never
dreamed of the tin il!ii,,4 adventure thut was
so rishly in,hhi into. Alllnm-h we
that we were about the confines f ilw.
n "i leriltiiiies d had been warned bv u
convoy of trappers, whom wo had met hut n
few days previous, retninin from tluirdi.-lanl
winteiill'.' L'l-ouml in tho mountains, that t!.jr
war purlieu with y-t out, cnnlident in our
niiinhi'i-s inn tlie entiro inability of our mi.
praclUcd cyea to detect liny tr.ices of Ihtui,
wo had attributed tho well-meant wiiriiiiir r
tlioohl nioaiitniiieprn rnther to a spirit of news
nioii!.'iTiu3 than jinyl liinif i.-lsi, nml rather
despised those wild 'lli'iluuiii of tlm praiiies
i.r whom we lias heard 60 inuch, but us jet,
failed to see.
Faraway over tho lii'.mliful undid ilinjc and
vernal bosom of tin tnu-khfi pruiiie?, 1 rode
pently nlonjr, on the ryi.t i-iV for nny imlicit
tiol)3 of the ulijei-t i.r my desire ii ; but, ihoiiLili
I eagerly fi-au.i.-d tlm horizuti us I proceeded,
not a living beiiiL; nut my eyu excejit ii few
shy antelopes, whuso wury caution mid quid;
perct'iition reiftleivd. them impossible of ap.
proach on the open prairies, far us the
vision cntitil reach oouijht but uouotouously injr surfacn of irently swellitiLr and un
ited hill?, covered only by the liutl'ah) iras3
lttd lloH-ers of every line, extended in every
direction towards the fir horizon, when thi
bin,.' sky of puinmer kised the distant hills,
irlowinjr in the (resh veninri! of the ndvaiii-iii
St wit with the noiseless soliindo (,f this
iintrnihleli ilesert. I lode slowly a'olii'. I,i:;ilv
niu-inir on thostranp' vii-issitmles which had
so sinld. nly Irati-lalcil me from colle,! halls
lo this wild srene. ami had nltn -st imperi'rp.
tib!y I'hii ed some seven or rihl miles be
tttvi n nie ami canip, when far in the distance,
directly in fiont of me, I ili-Tcrncd a i-olitmn
of dust which as 1 supposed, beiokemd the
liintr desired Imlldo Away went romam-e
am) TI e ardor nf the hunter took
possession nf me, nml. hastily loosenni.' mv
pistols nml elatirin at my ride's lock, I struck
spur' to my steed and L'alloped forward, nev.
er iloubtitiy that the opportunity so ardently
eovi ted was now at haml.
Cliaruinv down the hill nml m-rcss the in.
tervrniiio' valley. rose another treiillv sni-.
Ii ! i ir lull of the prairie, mnl, as I "ained the
i summit npnin the mov n' clotul of dust itn-t
' my faze, nnd this time considerably nearer.
and, as I closely .n-i:aided it. 1 prrreivrd that
jit wa-i rapidly iipproin-liinr. mid I bee in to
di.-cern ll.e lla.-liiiiur of ln-jol.t olcecls eeani- j
itiy mil (Vnin its obscurity. This looked I. ss I
like huff. lo, iii.d us the oleect, whatever it!
j itiiuht be. coiitiiined lo approach. 1 halted fur
a better view, and was nol Inn.' in tnaltiii"- out '
a l-irce band of mounted Indians, their snow-
while shields and burnished lance heads plan-
chiir I n il: lit ly in the uioriiiu sun.
Still, however. I scarcely thought of Paw
nees, but supposed it in ii- lit he snine hniitinir
parly of friendly Potlau.itouties or Sioux :
and at all events. I.iunviue; ihe meltlo -ind
powers of my horse, nml havitiL' ii retreat at
ph asiire. tlmiiL-l.l I ineiiir, ,! mi i;i-eat risk
by waitiiiL; fur a more satisfactory in-pecl i,ei .
(Iradimllv, m-ross th" broad expanse of the
prairie, they drew nearer nml nearer, now dis
apoenriii j- frniu view in criissinif some cn
fealed hollow, and aain displayed in bold re
li, f n".a.iis t he sky us they si'.riiieinitcd some
prominent riiiiro.
At h iiL'th their distance was diininished to
h s than a ipiai-lrr i.f a mile. nml. 1 liiiii;iie' a
. clo--, - acijiiaiiilatice nndesiralde, tmtii il mv
: lunge's hean with a view of riding moderately
towards camp till tiny should manifest -onie
ilis-irn to . in sue me ; when inianii.e the chill
! of horror which curdled my blond as I saw two
sinailer t-i in" )-. irallepin-j tn-i tlii-r from
i oil her side to cut oil my n tienl. and heard
i the teri'ilic y.-ii Vtliieh all three raised us t hey
iaiv their wily mana viv iliscveicl, nl.d that
fill I her si'ellce Hnlo'd be Useless,
i Wh ist the main body had continued lout
t raet my at tent ion by a,lv..ui-;n consplemuislv
totvalii me. these tun palliiv had taken ad.
, vanta:.',' of the mum ions holl, tvs. which at
times had conceiiled Ihrm temporal ;lv li-i-in
ti, w. to ilivc-e,, and by a wide circuit, attain
, my rear. 1. irn enhoi n th..t 1 was. never
: dieainioL' of this common I niiiai; st ratacui
while Mi!i,.y i-eeiirdiuy t lie tirl ami oii'y
; olee. t which luul nt t rai li d my j.. .. ;,,'i
, t. is l ia ie m l , t ui,-' 'I in-1 v. o nit, r. cp; mi.'lies were r.,pi,!iy i-onveiinj- toward-- the
j hr.e of my retreat, ami were nlreadv willun a
i quarter of n mile of each other, w hile 1 was
'not more, than halflhat I'.i-taiice from the
ci litre. 'I lie main body, w.lii a fenr.i:l
it lioop, ihislu-d on In close me ill. M ylioi'.e
i tv;.. II el ami tine, but he was also I v.ivl-l-w o: n
I and f. t:vm d. lli.w I , i : i lt could he distance
; those wild coiiiseis of I he desert even if 1
Csc.pei! the iiamr.iiite daii'j.-r? Hill I here
w.i.s mi tune tn deliberate. Now or never w as
tl:.- chance. Another moment would be too
; late, liraipiii"; my rille with u lirtner clutch,
. an. I rcas-iirinv:' with cai res.iii(f words the
i t' I" lit i-tii-il s!cd. who idonr could save me
. from ii bul l il'!.- fate. 1 made a bold ihish for
: the interval winch still separated the detach,
i d pai tiis, iiiid t.po!i which they welt- rapidly
Nobly tho gallant responded tn the
i call. Si Null iiiLT with terror ill the wild shouts
j of mir pin sin-is. t ri-n 1 1 I i 1 1 lt in every limb with
I the intensity of his exertions. . ,ahed be-tw.-eii
the appreiici.iii h, ndes. Within a luii.
dred y:,r,ls ,,f ns on eit lu r ha:al. Willi th--
i 1 1 e r ;.- y of despair I ur.ispid the saddle u;i!i
my knees and In at lotwaid loa-sist his fltini"
; coarse. On. en. Inwards the only lap,- i.
salety, !,.y y-l i i iif ill nioiis hai-.l up, li ,. fi
ll .cl:s, their biaii!;, ts ami liiu-rv (!in in the
, wind, otiward we sped, pin sn,-i ami pui -ued.
ovi l!ie expiiis-' nl that prairie ocean.
So.-'t .the lie, I ne.- and bin. ,.! of my Aim ri.
can cci-.-ci- l.e-iin to t II on ll.e t-mlai ini! but
slower-tooted in'i.-tan;:s t;l the Indians. .Some
of the woi-st mounted were o,r.!,liia'!y di-oppiui; ,
I,' tin' tear, a:,, I aft, r l uiiu;iil; tt.ooi- three1
' mi!, s they w. re sIiiiiil; ut in a ...; line be. J
I hind mi'. ( radit.dly I slack, met sped, fori '
w,-l knew that the bottom and e iidnranco i-fj
i lmiiiiti hor-,s. accu.-toiued to liiivci.-e iin-
l mouse distances at a si:i"le stivteh. is almost
j without limit, uud many a h'tur mile wa si ill
j before us. .iiiiin they would diminish the
I dilance, and uiMiu 1 was ob!i...ed In iiilto mv
(ji.hd steed In' Ins b.stilVorts. JJul 1 was
I'l-chiiiiue, to l.reatiie frn r, the first st.irtlins
' id ,rin was ov.-r, half the dist.-nce was aecoin-
plislu-d. If my gallant "nv cnnhl but main.
tat. i his tremendous exertions for four miles
more 1 was sale. Once in siul.t of camp mnl
the prudence of my wild pursuers would
L'l men but once at the eighty 'American l ilies
which would ulcam from behind our wagon
1 was now descending a lonz bat frentle in
clination Inwards a broad level depression in
the prairie w hich spread out about u couple of
hundred yards widu at its base. My uavape
pursuers were for a moment out of sieht be
hind the riiijrif 1 had just crossed. 1 reached
the foot of the hill nl full speed; my steed
plnnireil fm ward on what seemed hard p-numl;
and, O. despair! rank to his brlly iu treach
erous swamp ! Ah! can tho (lalheriutr years
of all futurity ever blot IVoni my mommy the
despair of that nw fid moment ' How far ibis
seemingly impa.ssibl,) barrier extonded up nnd
down the n vol, t which divided il 1 could not
fiuess. A terrific yell burst from the exult
ant warriors us they appeared over tlm crest
of Ihu ridsTu and the dilemma they
had too truly anticipated. Terriblu fears
thilh-d my blood. Jn that brief moment, us
the wild savages caiuu tharyiu dow n the hill,
tumultuous thoughts of lunne mid friends,
uiiiiyled with the brie, lit anticipations, so loti
cherished, of a (-olden future in I in' hind ol
promise, caino throiejiu in wild confusion my teeiiiiiiii brain. There was one
hope left, desperate as it seeined ; bill llierc
was no time for deliberation, no oppiu innit v
for choice. Ji, sislaiici- was maducss. J wa
heinm.-tl in on every si,l but one. titruiylit
ulicad wan my only idiunce. uiiuht Hnitniler
thrnuh. mid. at u 11 eveuis, mitlocalioii or
Cipluie in the bo was no worse than install
t menus destruction uheie I was. lljsh'ii".
the rowels into tin) treinbliuje aiiiuiul, 1 madly
lirired him foi wuid. The Seil, tl)iuii;lt covered
with grass, uml apparently tiini, (iuve way ul
every step. Plowiu his way by (jij;uulic e(.
forts, now for uu iustaul raising himself on
some harder sjxit, tlj) .slaking to hia sJdlo
n ill lis. tirjrod by my frantic exertions, terrified
almost to frenzy by the appalling yells of the
rapidly tipproaehiii'f enemy nnd the shots
which beuan to whistle mound us, the noble
animal tmled gallantly on mid ijaiiii'd the linn
bank just as the dusky forms of my pursuers,
in!',. ri. iled lit I he possible loss nf I heir prey,
w ere clustering on I be opposite side, seeking
a favorable spot to lollow.
Their ilelihc ni'.inn saved me. It required
a strung control nf reason to walk my lading
horse sluwlv up the hill wlnlethe Indians wire
llniimlf rimr alter nie tlirnii".h the swamp.
Hut 1 rightly judged that a Lille hiriithing
lime would not be wasted on him. I turned
the summit of the hill just us the disioinlil led
Indians were beginning to era v. I out ol the
bog, uml again putting spins to my jaded
horse once more we sprung forward in that
mad race for life or death. (.Inward we
rushed, over hills and valleys, across streams
mid through ravines, in headlong Might, pur
suers ami pursued.
The timber which ninrkeil the camp grew
more and more distinct ; now for a moment
concealed by mi ilitt I veiling hill, and again i.s
we Hew mcr ils summit ri.-ing nearer nml
dealer to view. My horse was rapidly failinir
great Hakes of loam II, -iv from li s mouth.
I'ovcicd Willi mud and dreiiclied with sweat,
he still, however, toib-d gallantly onward,
.-piirning the wild sod of the prairie with his
Hying-hoofs. Hut the goal was nearly won.
Oil! if he could bt, t hold his pace a little
l inger ! The tireless mustangs of the Indians,
no match for his Heel limbs in a short stretch,
mov exhibited their wonderful powers i f en
duraiiee. Onward llu-y swept alter us with
umliiiiini.-hetl spi-ed, t h. ir uii-.liorn manes and
sweeping tails mint-ling with the II, iwing dra
pery of thu wild riders ami Hying out upon
the wind.
The tiinbur. d banks of the Little Mine."
which I had earnestly longed for. had been
for some moments cotic-alrd by a long but
gently swelling ascent, the summit nf which 1
was approaching. Jf fr,ii:i lu re the white j
wagons of oar camp should be i.-ible over tl.e
uninterrupted plain I should yet reach them.
Hut, oh! if another of iuleriiiiiiable
r.iiges should intervene! J)y poor horse wiis
nn his last legs. Mat to perish in e,i:ht oi l
.-alcty. to be taken in Mew of the camp h
these implacable savages! .My In a:n te, meil
with these maddening doubts as 1 iieared the
spot which was to decide mv fate, and 1 trem
bled w ill geriu ss for the view which might !
consign me to despair,
1 mured the summit; another bound am
we wire over, ami were Hying with Cilleriug
steps down a long geiille inclination which
swept aw.iy in ei-ntl,. timlillal inns to the
bufjeil-lor i iinber. still ubinit a mih' ahead.
I strained my eyes for indications nf my com- j
rules; and. oil ! rapture unspeakable! far
a a ay. but directly before nie. nestling at the I
base of (he long k line of Cottonwood, in j
lull view of the panting fugitive, loomed up '
the white cir, lo of tents and uaL'mi tops j
d.-ar-r to my lunging gaze than to the d, sort
v.oin pilgrim the lolty minarets and marble
palaces of K.isti'i-n st.ay,
A shunt nf 1 1 inn. p!i and exultation 1 it t st
from my lips as 1 discovered the welcome
scorn! and recognized the gate nf mv deliver
niiee. 1 looked back. One after another the
savages came In niiiilin g over t he ridge, pies- j
sing on with the wild fury of ilis.ippniulrd '
I age. Hut tl:. ii pi.i.lised eyrsweri! not slow
to discover my re.'iig.-. and one after another ,
luiilid up his p iiiting st.ed and gazed with'
liaiiled malignity ul 1 1 r their expected ictim. -
M il I was -avi d ! (.'ovi r, d with foam uud
sweat my caliaut pr, burst jut,, camp,
and, as 1 sprang fioin the saddle into the midst
of my stiirlled comrades, wilh a gmmi ,,fex-hau-linii
he sunk quivering to the earth. The
faithful creature had toib-d to the last; In
had done his be.-t ; his powers were exhaust
ed, and. yielding at !a-t to utter prosttatioii,
lie s lelcln d his weary limbs upon the sward, '
and I thought that tin- List race of my gallant !
grey was run. Howl nursed him 'through
lliat long night, how 1 covered hnu with my '
own stole of blanket and supplied him care'- j
fully and cautiously with grass and water, how '
1 trudged along on foot day after day for the
lu-xt two weeks, and 1, , and cliei ished him i:.s
c ireful as a li-i ble child. 1 have not time to
tell ; bat. although many a mile heeariied me '
i:i al'.i i- days ov, i-these ilreary deserts, and
many a tiiae brought nm abmg'side oft'iie (ly. ;
ing biitj'alo in his mad career, jet never again
did he ran an eight mile ste,- pie chase against
Hie y.i iil. wain tuty iiiituli.iea coursers of the
ilt Selt for
s compel. lms, and fill v painted
wai liors cliing
in Ms ri i,r.
J o r t r n .
I've tuned my harp to various themes,
Mat ne'er before to brass ;
Have lacked my brain wnh many schemes,
'foi'laini through life a pass.
Hut Nature m ole my farcofc7,iy,
Which seems misfortune dire
A brazen front we neiil each day
To help us to a.spiro.
A man nntiiiettired with the ora
Should Hot be left at large ;
Me may not earn em, ugh on shore
To pay his parish cliaige.
'Tis lolly in this lliiiiiiling ago
To show a modest face ;
Jlrnsii is the crown, ami brass the rage;
lt leads off in the cha-e.
The cabbage zru;v3 the daisy down
Poppies otll-.-i-eiit the lose ;
Miiiss dij'iiili.-s the brainless clown,
And gives him great u pose.
The pumpkin fur out-swells the peadi
The burdock scorns ihe pink ;
lir iss ol.en fancies it can teach
Meal tlcsh and blond to think.
Then why may I not bravely sing
lu praise nfstaring brass ;
It seems, in this mad age, lo sin;;
To lo power uu u-y..
The voice of i'ilil breaks on I ho air,
And says, -I'm King o liarth ;"
Mill (V ri.f.. which hoots down all despair,
Claims prior fight by birth
Mrnss stnres iiiillinchiiig in the face
OlVcn'-Ohl Nick'' himself.
And mot ks till modesty and gruro
Wh.le clamoring for pelf;
Me Wears a self-ruffu-iclil look, '.
And swings wnh uci an Air!
I've half a I in in I lo wulu a liooli
On brass ! it would be rare.
Yes, I have sung on many themes,
Mut ne'er before, on brass ;
Have lacked my brain with many schemes,
To claim through lif's a pas?
Cat Xaturu made- my fate. r clay.
Which seems misfortune dire ;
A brazen front makes clear tho way
For uluoies to aspire
"I'll not live this way!" exclaimed Mrs. Ly.
ous passionately, which disorders, wrangling
and irregularity, rob my peace, mnl make the
house n bedlam, instead of it quiet home.
Tom !' sin; spoke, sharply to u bright little fel
low, who Wiis pounding away with a wooden
hammer i n a chair nml malting a most toler
able dint ; stop that i,jMi this instant ! And
you litii, not a word more from your lips. II
yon i-iiti't live in peace with your si-ler, I'll
; seperate you. Jl'yo hear? Hush! this in
I stunt !'
I lien nmki! .Iiili; give nm my piii-cushion.
She's got it in her pocki t.''
"Il is no such thing, 1 huvw not," retorted
"You have. 1 sav," '
"1 tell von 1 hav'i 'l."
"Will you hnsh !" The face of Mrs: I. von
was Itery red, and she stamped on the Hoot-
ns she spoki..
"I want my pin-ciishion.
me my luii-cuslijun."
Make Julu give
rritaled beyond run! rol. M rs. Lyon caught
Julia b the in- unl t liriist ing her haml in
her pocket, drew out a thiinbie, a piece of
lace ami a pen knife.
-1 told you it wasn't there. Couldn't yon
believe me ?''
Thi i inipe rtini'tiei' was mnro than the innlh-
er coubl eiiibire, ami, acting upon her indi"-.
mint impulses, she boxed the ears of J ulia
soundly, conscious at the time, that Linily
was chiefly to blame for all this trouble by a
wtong accusation of her sister, she turned up-
on her also, iiduiiiiis tei ing un eniial niniisli.
ment. 1- lightened bv all this
1 he oungor
children, whose iaecs.'ant noise,
f, r the last
hour, hail contributed to the overt brow- of
their mother's temper became suddenly quiet
and they skulked awav into corners and ih,.
baby that was seat,
two pillows curved
II the Moor,
r quivering
i the distorted
ed to see the
:ps, mid
face in
ove light
glancnl i iii lully up t,,
which she luul been us
. i. .... i . .
iiiai inane ner Heaven.
A deep ipiiel fo'iowed this burst nT passion
like the hush which succeeds the storm.
Alas, I'm- the evil traces that were left behind.
Alas, for the repulsive image of that mother!
dngiioireottpcd in an instant on the memory,
and m v. r to be ell'act d. Mow iiianv, maiiv
times, in after veins, will a sigh heave thei'r
bosom, as that lelleet ion looks out upon them
Irom i-iiiiJ the dearer remembrances nf child.
A woman with good impulses, but with
scarcely any control, was Mis Lyon. She
loved her elrldreti, and desired thei'r good.
That they shown so lit'le forbearance, one
with the other manifested -o little fraternal
all', otioii, grieved her deeply.
"My w hole life is nu'de uiihappv by il !" she
would efieti s:,v 'What is to be done ? It is
dreadful to think ofa family growing up in
discord mid disunion. Sister at variance
with sister, ami brother lifting his hand
agonist brother."
As was usual after mi ehulition of pasiot.
Mrs. Lyon duply depressed in spirits as
well as iliscoiiiage,!, retired from her f.nniiv
to grieve ami Weep. l.ifligg- h,. fright, ned
baby from ;!,. fl,,,,,., shr drew its head temler
I.. again-t her bosom, ami halving the nurse
ry, sought the quiet o! her own room. 'J'bere
in repeiii.ince and humiliation, she n called
the stormy scenes tlirom h which s!. ,a j.,...!
p issed, mid blai.ied her-elf for yielding Id'iml
ly to pasinn. instead of meeting tho trouble
iti.ioi.g her tliiidr.-n with a i uict disciimina-
To wi oping, raininess siiccee.icd. Still .-he
was perplexed in ,,. ;..,!. ;,s w, !! as giievid at
her own want ,,f self coulio!. What was to
be done with her children ? Mow were they
lobe governed aright? Painfully did sh"e
feel her own unfitness f,,- the task". Mv this
time baby was asleep, uud the mother fi It
soineihing orthut tranquil pence that i verv
true inoihei- know.; when a young babe is
slumbering on In r bosom. A book lay on a
shelf m-ar where she was silting. .' M ,-s.
Lyon, scarcely conscious of the act, reached
out her hand for the volume. She opened it
without feeling any interest in its contents,
but she had read only a few sentences when
t'ois remark arrested 'her attention ;
"All right government of childien begins
with Sell-govellllllelit."
The words seemed written for her. uml the
truth expressed v. as elevated instantly into
percept io I. She saw it ill the clearest" light
and dosed the book and bowed her head in
sad ackmnvledgeini'nt of her own err us.
Thus I'm- some time she laid been sitting,
when the loiiliuei- of Voices from below grew
more and m. re ili-t lin t, and she was roused
tn Ihe painful fact, liiat, as usual, when left
alone, t'ao children were wrangling among
themselves. Various n,,;.-es, as of pounding
on, and throwing ah. ml chairs mid nl In r pie
ces of furniture v.i re In aid. and at length a
hind Si-ieam, mingled w ith angiy vociferations
smote upon her ears.
Indignation swelled instantly in the heart
of M i s. Lynn, and hurriedly placing the si, op
ing babe in ils crib, she started fnr the seen
nf disnrder. iiiuved by an impulse to punish
severely the vuiing rebels against her autlior
ity. ami was half way down stairs v.'.ien her
feel Wiis checked bv the remembrance of thi
seiilimeiil : -All right government
drcn begins with self government.''
"Will anger subdue anger? When
meet stnrm. i., the tempest still, d'.''
were quest ions ji-ked of herself almost inv
ur.larily. 'This is no spirit in which to tut
my children. It never has. never will enforce
order and obedience,' ,hi! added, as she stood
upon the stairs, struggling with hcr.ilf ami
striving fur the victory. I'lom the nursery
came louder sounds nf disni-.lcr. I low weak
tho Hint her fell Yet ill I his VI" V weakness
was streiiglh.
-1 niiisi not slniiil it: !y bci ",
crv of anguish smote ia-r cars.
i- a
an 1
in, ve,l on
Iv. and
iciiing the ii-.iis. rv
door, sto, ,1 i-ev.'iiii il to her i l.ihiri u. Julia
hud Jit. t raised her haml to strike li nily. nnd
stood front, ng her with a fiery face. ' Moth
weie a little startled at their mother's sudd- n
appearance, nnd bnlh cji, cling the storm
which Usually caiiiti nt sitcli tiuiis, began to
assume the delimit, stubborn air wilh which
hi r intemperate reproofs were a! .lays un t.
A few luoi.ii'iits did Mis. Lu ll stand look
ing at her children grief, not linger, upon
her pale countenance. Ht.w still it becaioe.
What a look of wonder came gradually into
tho cliihli'vii's laces, us tin y glanced, one at
thu other. Something of slianiu w as next visi
ble. And now tho mot her was conscious if
a new power over tho young rebels ol her
"liuiily" said she) speaking mildly, nnd yet
with a touch of sorrow in her voice she could
not subdue, 1 wish you would go up into my
room, mid sit wilh Mary while slaj sleeps."
Without a sign of opposition, er even of
reluctance, F.mily went quietly from Ihe nur
sery, in obedience to her mother's desires.
"This room is very much in disorder, Ju
lia.'? Many time, Mt. Lyons raid, under like
circumstances, "why don't Toil put things to
rights?'1 or 1 uever siw such girls! H ull in
the room was lopscy turvy, and the floor uu
inch thick with dirt, you'd never turn over
hand to put things to order," or. "ijoaml r-t
-ho broom. Ibis mini te, and swoop tip t Lt.
rn mi. Ynti'ii- the la:des girl ever liv. d.'
Many, iiiany times we havn itid, had such
lanuuiigi! been in'.dressed by Mrs. Lyon, uu-
der like cit-r iiiiistunri' s. to Julia and her sis.
ters, without producing anything belter than
a giiiinbling. partial execution of her w i-h -s.
Milt now the mibl intimation that the rnom
was in disorder, produced nil tl tl'.'it- i'e.
sired. Julia went quickly about tho work ol
re.-torinir things to the right places, and in a
r. :. ... . i 1 . ,
i ie-,t minuifs, inner was nppareiii win'io i on
i fusion reigned before. Little Tommy, whose
i love of hammering was an itier-siitil aiiiinv
i mice to his iiiolher, ceased his din on her suil-
lien appearance, ami for a few moment s ttnod
j ill expectation of n boxed ear; for a time he
was puzzled to understand tin- new aspect rf
; a (fairs. Finding that he was not under the
1 ban, 113 li-iia!, he commenced slapping a si ick
- over tin- Ion o un nbl tab),, m ,1. ..... ,, t
' ''" I'ii'icing noise. Instantly Juliasaid, in a
I low voice in him -.
"Moii'l. Tommy, don't do that Y'oa know
it makes mother's head lielic."
"Hoes il make your head ache, inolher?"
asked the child, cnrioiulv. and with it pitving
lone in hii voire, as he cume creeping up to
his mother's side ami limiting at her in doubt
1 whether he would be repulsed or not.
'Sometimes it does, mv son," replied Mrs.
Lyon, kindlv, 'and it is uiwavs unpleasant,
W'on't you try to plav without making so
, much noise."
i "Yes, mother. I ll trv." an-wered the little
i fellow, cheerlnllv. '-Mnl I II for,...! s, ,.,..
1 times."
' Me lookc
1 eariioMlv at his mother if some
thing more was in thoughts.
"W ell dear, what else?'' said -he
"Wlieii I fot-g. t. tell me. won't von?''
i "Yi s. hive.""
; "And then I'll stop. Mitt don't si old
I mother. I,,r then 1 can't stop."
i Mr.s. Lyon's hem I was touched. She
; e.tuglil her lilealh, and bent ln-r face dow n, to
l conceal il.s expression, until it rested on ihe
silken hair of the child.
I "Me a good boy. Tommy ; and mother will
never scold you more," she murmured gentlv
in Ins ear.
Mis arins stole upwards and lis they were
t wined closely about her neck, he pressed his
lips tightly ug.iin-t her cheek, thus scaling
his 1 it 1 1 of the contract with a Kiss.
Mow sweet to the mother's ta-le were those
( fruits of self tiouttol. In tho effort to
govern herself, what a power she had acquir
ed. In stilling the passion in her own bosom,
she had pour, ,1 the oil of peace over the storm
frelted hearts of lo r chililicn.
Only the first fruits were there. In all lu r
after days did the mother strive with herself
ere she entered into a contest with the inher
ited evils of her children ami ju-t so far she
Wiis able to overcome ev. 1 in Ihein. Often,
very often, did she fall bad; into old stales
and often, very often, was s-eil'-iesi.-tance only
ii slight cll'orl, but the feeble iiiHurucc for t he.
good that llowi d from her v.or.'j or actions
whenever this was so, warned her of her error
ami prompted a more vigorous sell'-cotiliol.
Need it be said, that she had all abundant re
ward? j LAST Ol'- Till-: It.VMiOI.I'llS.
I Hoiing the summer of IS-.-,4 Inn come
I business Ir insai-tions which called :ne to the
county of rliai lotte. in lun r Virginia. A
i mibl and lovely Sal-bath morning found nil!
I seated in one ol the comfortably cushioned
pews of the village church, nt the court
lions, . As it wanted a few minutes to the
hour of service, my eye wandered over the
largo and respectful looking audience assem
bled, ami whs finally att rooted by u very ec
centric individual, who was ju-t entering a
r.H her aged man, tail, of dink i oiuph.ion,
long white hair waving ph nl ifnlly over his
shoulders, mid mi equally vcneialh' beard
(lowing on his breast. His step was active
ami graceful, h's foi in eiect and manly. Mat
, his peculiar act ions were in striking contra.!
, to his dignified appearance. At f,r.t, 1 t'lo't
; him only eccentric, but a few moments of
I liirtln r observation proved to mo that he was
: insane. Immediately on entering his pew he
knelt towards the w ill, cr. is-cd himself, uml,
; apparently repeated a prayer. He then set
! down, drew out ii white cinuhiic, t'.eiieately
perfume,, wiped his brow, removed !:i.s
i gbives, stiiiked his hair nod hoard. I'.ok up
his Mihle. kissed it nml read, examined his
, cane, ii.-ed his handkerchief again ami ail
i the linn- keeping himself in constant molii.n.
I I say all the tin:.', but. oeo.isi,ni;.l!y, he Was
ipissive for a few minutes Ins attention,
j apparently, aroused by some truths from the
i minister ; but these tines were rule. 11 is
i countenance ass tuned ail kinds , lYvpivseintis.
i Coiilcuipl. alarm, pleasure, earnestness, sor
j row nml linger, li.He.l across it, in lapid sue
i cession. It reminded me moiv of w imt clnl-
drc ii call making faces, ' than any thing else,
j A Iter t he services v.ei'e over, 1 n-ccl l.uiu-il
i that thi." eejillcnniii tm other th ill ihe
I nephew of John Kaudolph of Mi iinol.e. He
1 calls hiiiisdi' Sir John Si. tieorge l;.i:.d..!p!i.
and is sole In ir to his celebrated uncle, liail
j ilololi, liltii.-t-il', i'ein i:ked with hil'crness. du
I ring his hist days, licit th. -.r blood liew, d in
the veins of but one single scion, ami l.e was
ill u ilmi.h and i-i -ii.-if
So much for h
.n I
greatness. The subject ol'tlds sketch ui- ,
though physically, ami now mi nt ally, deb-e- !
tive had i uiiuil cultivated in the highest j
dejiop, n his youth he wi.s sent to Pars
where, under the protection of a celt brat, d j
abbe. In- n ceived a ihoriug'i education
Hiving tie capacity to receive, end tl.e
wealth to commaiiil, mi pain vwie spared in
the improvement i f his intellei 1 u d faculties. 1
Mut it was I 'bni- e-t ; f.-r. mi n turning tn i
Ins home in .rcinia. bo met with, and h:V, i!
a young lady, w Innn l.e ,-d,!n--scd, but was
r-fiis-eil. on ai count of his hysical del', its.
Oil Lccnming aware of tie imlh, he was
p'ung.'d into the most prof, uml grief, lio:n
which he Was at la-t r.toiisid, but iii-.i-.t-.
I le has coos '.lei able wealth, which is man.
aged by h ':; friends ; mnl. b, ing hi'.ru.h- -. I e
-I i.i
ami goes as l.e plcan's, and is gratiii
II liii whims. Wrecked, r.s his mind
i-, lie still commands re p ct ; and l.ispicu
liar manners do tint ul I raet ti.e titteiitiou of
hi.', acrjiiainlalices, i r i veite uu i iimeiil, us
one would lixchalige.
(Irahimi Fi;i it Tiikks. An iutereslitig
discovery has been made' in Frum-f with re
g.ird In engrailling frait liccs. Jitelead ef
making ifse ofa graft, a slip is taken front an
apple tree, for example, mid id.;nted in a pn
taloe, so that a couple of i'lclies of the slip
remain visible. It soon takes root, developcs
ilsi-H, ami finally becomes a liandsoine tree
bearing I'm" fruit. This method is due to tho
Uohem'iiu g.irilner.
A pKiu Shot. The following dialogue
ensued between a conductor on ouo of our
PorlUiid ruilroads and a passenger, a few
days since : Passenger Well, Mr. Conduc
lor, what is the political news? L'onJm tor
lon't know.Nir, for I havn't tttu to cturch
for tbe lost twg SuuJeyi.;um.
A l.nvn.i::.: !leu: Tin re is Ho lonlii:i's-,
Iheie can I oue in nil the wast a or p.eop!,d
deserts of the wol!l le irii'g the slightest
eniii) a:i-i,n with that of na unloved wife
SI'.e stand.- timid her family like a living stat
ute iinioii.; th,. marble memorials i .'the dead
instinct wnh lif,., M.t paralysed niili death
tlie burning tide of r, liuraf reeling
round her li.-ait the thousand channels fro.
zin through v.hidi that feeling ou-ht to flow.
.1 .--. .Vi'v.
Vi'iutis Ani-io, ii,r v. L) reply to t'ii,
question, tJeti. Poy. a distinguished orator in.
th" French Chambers, gave the following an
swer :
'Aiislornicy in the lfqh centurv is ihe
lei-.glle, till! condition of these who Would cnlp
sr.ino without producing, livo without work
ing, know w ithout learning anything, earrv all
honors without deserving llu-in. uml oee"::py
all the places of government bein'"
able to lill them.-'
Tin-: Yt:i!V L.tsT i1o;..:r. Puring tho la(r
Agricultural Fair, nt I Iaverln!!, u place wa-;
'wauled for tho tii-.d of hor. -i and a mm
named Lee offered the committee nm spec
talors Iiie inlmtisioii to hi:; iiiiiuls li-r ,;i it
purpose. The cowd i ashed in but v. lieu thu
sport was over it cost tliem a quarter each"
! ,.i out. .
MofNT Vi-hnox. It will be rcodlict. d i,-,
our readers that soiiii! months ago an e!f;rL
was started by an association i,f ptr.'oiii. l.i
dies for rai-ing funds to pureliase l ho pn a--'!y
of Mount Vernon The Inquirer stales t lu";
between (itl.dlll) and $7il.0m ol ihe pitrcha---money
has ulready been collected.
(iltnwTll e.r Wi:sti:i:.n Tow .s. The vill.ige
of La Crosse, Wiscntisiii, the to;m:n:i- o.'l!, '
I. a Cii'sse and Milwaukee Maili'oa,!, wa 1 .. ;
out only four years ago, ami is
Contain two thousand houses'.
-id to
t.r' ; it
newspaper, and enjoys the frequent visit; of
some thi rty different s leunibc-it :.
lii.ovKs. M. Igiem is lie great glr.vo m..ii
tifaclnry of Iiie World. Il i s s'lite,! t hat from
one establishment la.-l year, dlill.timi doven
pairs were exported to lingland nnd Ameri
ca. There lire tluco thoiisaiul hands em
ployed there.
Me not diverted fr.v.n y,etr duty by nnv
idle rellectioiis the silly v.euhi may make upon
yon ; Col- their censures nre not in your power,
and consequently should in t be any part if
your coiici rn.
F.xrt.ii-iT .-"I wn.i grun' for to tear down
mine stoop next Montay " said a Huti-liiiian,
but 'twas so hard times 1 git uopody to help,
so 1 put 'em olfto lust ' onlay, den 1 begin.'
l'oi-.r.t--, CiiiMt:. Of ;he sixfy-pight. per
sons committed to Jer. i-v City pi'i-oii dor. tig
the inonlii of October, hut six were i niivis,
while fifty-one were In. in Mi it:. -ii t;bj..rts.
Hot a ni Coi.ti. A-i L-isi iaan iiiscovere d
a pail i f 1 he wood work ofa chimucy-piccu
on tire, that endaligeied the whole house.
Me rtishi-d up stairs to his master announced
tho alarming intelligence. Hov.n ho ni.-i.eil
with him. A larg" kettle of boiling water
was on the li.e. "Will why don't you out
the fire ?"
"I can't surr. '
"Why, yr,;i fool ! pour the watir upon it.''
'Sure it's hot wuu-r, Miir."
"A K i:.A.n ion av Ouri-p." Tlie follow,
ing is from an Albany (N. Y.) piqu r: dohu
N un Miiren. the otheri veniiig-. said (ion. Ne
was bottle-holder for (low Seward.1' Tlie
lieneral says tlie Argn.'. in lSIs', called hiui
'bottle-holder fop John Van Muii-n.' Hois
console,!, in thi; transfer, by tl-.e fact that he.
-.-.ill imt wnr have to pull t he corl; as often as
he did I'.s.'i."
Nor sn 1!;, :i as Si eeosi n. A statement
in I In- papers millet s ti.a liol iisdiihls v.ort'.i
s7ll!l.(hl(l.ll(l; in i'ioiieycaj,,li.i a:; 1 .viloii pun,.
(MID in real estate. '1 ho National Intelligen
cer sins this i.s c'wm-nI : that their apcrcuttj
wealth is mil a (lll.llilll.l Oil of tVaiic-, or ah at
t'lll iltlll.lliiti. Some dt'.icrei. ce, it .s ti .ie, but
still leaving enough to make, them feel in
coin ft, i t. .ole Circtiiiisia'.i.'es,
A Hii'.vt: Winw. Tin' lioirn i f (".mate)
! I
Ill llllHIlltoll, M...-S.,
b, a thief, nt) Friday morning. Thoie were
only three f-.'-udes in the In iise at tin- time,
one of v. bom jumped out of bed. and culled
on! to kt'.ov v.'h-j '.va.. then-, w h, n ti:i f.-ihov
Occiinpcil leaving behimi a lm mil j ef silver
e.iliclei v lii.ii !ie had pr-cLcd up.
Citii s iv Ii i.i ;'!.. 'fin' city of P.-, ria is
the i-econd cii.v li. t!: - .'-'t..te. li'.n.i! -.:-ing- 11,.
.''Jo citizet e. 'I I. e value of I. or liiaio.f.-.'.-turcs
is set down :it gl. I.47H ; lite i-lo.-k S'JUl,
fs7ll. Ijiiincy has a populal ion of ll,7ol.
Value of liiaiiiii'.ic'.Uivs il,0?7,.WU ; livestock
t l ls,oCt.
An editor down 1-1 t has been CeHirting' says it ri minds him of Paradise ltegaiued'
and then he I '-tsnii hi.; high-heeh -.! boots and
exeli'.iii's ; fugging a bbie-eyod girl on a
pi!.- of iVi sh cut el ivcr ! (io uwey stiawbcr.
lies, vuu have lost jour t-ts'.e."
A AVei::rr.urfi. Wo?t v:.. A feamlo sdicol-
teiicher in her advertisement, staled that she
v -is "complete mistress id' I cr own tongue'
" 1 1' that's tin- case," said a can-lie old bacli"
ler, ". I: can't ask loo much lor her set vices."
A. L u.v was teqr.crti 1 by a I "i-l.tloi-.
somewhat adv.nici ,1 i.i year.. t!' 'm':.- a s- at
it ui n his ' wh lo in a cr -.-niil l. :gii
' No. thiii,'; y, u." said sl-o, "I am i,!V ii I s,:i I old : cat t'-eiihi Lie.:!', tl.ivii w ilh in.'. '
A young wi.lo-.v was aked why sim was j--
ing to be inanioil .-o i li aii'-r ll.e I'l-atii
her liimb.iml "Oh. hi." t-.:.! s! . 1 do i: -prevent
fret I in uiys-.-lt to tkutit i a aicor.- '
of pool- ii, ar Tl in."
Prisi nor. you have la-.-.i.
for hal-itm.l iii nnlti n-ic s. v
1 r sccii'e-.
:ave ou 1
so Tour ho:..
say in ileo l i e : XI',!
--, I':
er but an habitual must.
liter of lo'l hortcr lb
iiioerat givrr
this receipts to kill Hons oil dogs : Soak It c
dog live miiiiite.', in camphetic. and then, n
(lie to him. '1 iie effect is lii.-taiitaneous.
The following toast was recently given h ,
a '.stricl.o-i" young man; The hniiis My
we kiss the -.ii'.s we picise, uiid 1'iea.e tl.8
girls ie kiss.
A celebrated Poet ot ono tin'e advertise. I
thiil he would supply "lines for any occasion.'"
A fisherman sought hiui shortly after f.;,.l
wanted a lino strong enoujli to catch tj por
poiso." Wiikat rnoa Oeoroia. The. ship (ieoraia
cleared from Savannah, Ua , last week, f- i
Livei-jjool, having, as part of her caro, 73 '.:-,
bushels of wheat, being thu beitji.d shipui:.t
of tho kind from thut port.
Tho little ant short snvir.g of wise tr.i
excellent men uro ol great'value, like the dust
it' fold, cil the least sparks of diamond