To Iron Musters and Dealers. I2?.JfiSYJLVAIIIA WI&E WOIDIS, aVe. 21 Arch Street, ahov Front, Philadelphia. SIEVE. MDD1.EM, SCREENS. WOVEN WIHES, of nil meshes and width, with ll kinds of plain and fmcy Wire work. Pwr Maker Wiie, all kind. Cylinders and lndy Roll covcreJ ill tlio best manner i.i or out of e fil.v' ... ., , . A very siipciiur article) of Heavy Founder Pievcs. All kind of Iron Ore Wire. Wire and Picvcs for Seed, Grain, Band, Starch, Snun", Brickdust, Ac . Ac. HAYI Iff. DARBY & LINN. August, h. issr.. C n ni uitu.m s iiic; ism; I-;. BARLOWf. INDIGO BLUE, i now well established aIhe host article ever olfi-ied fur Blueing Clothe. It n entirely free from acid or ..... tlmur iniuriou to the finest article. All liousekee) ers will ''lnJ l cheaper " trouble than tndii;.) or any other -rtKIc. 'I'lie great Jcoiiiti.l f ir it lis bronchi out several imi tation. Storekeeper end romumera will he careful to get BriJAiM B.tii low's, put up at Alfrc d Wilthercer'e Drug Store, No. 1SD, N. .Second St-cet, l'hilidelphii. St.irekecpcis can pet their fiii pliea from the Grocers and lirungiaU thev deal Willi, at price vie'ditig a gool t.n'jit. X-vr., C.'ieniirut; 1'niuts, Vandrhrx, Pf ftifc.Jrc.. willi a first-rate assortment of every thing in tlie line. Ntorekccprr", Physician and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rule. ALFRl.H vViLTUEiiGER. Dri-cgi.,. I IC!I N. Second Hired, Philadelphia. July 7, i' i ly. "IMPlTfVLD SVTZZ rHOSPHATL OF LIKS. rjfMl F. subscriber inform Dealers and Fsrinfn tlt. t l.e lias greatly iinpro'r.cj ilia quality of liii Super Phn.'j hute of Lime. And nv confidently recommends the article Mamifiitiiwd l.y him, as acrr.ntim to any in tlx market. You ;irc invited to call, examine and try it. Also l-tuviuii and Mexican Guano, Oils, Candle, Soap, iScc, nt tlie lowest market ratea. J .NO. I.. I'OMEKoY, f-'ueeeasor to T ho. V.". Morgan, No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. W Farmer enn loud on two .rival alleys, and avoij the crowded wharf. Thila., July SI, 1S3S. cOm. OF NATURE. fij' HE present Proprietor of the newlv d!cov I eicd V.'lNFiri.l) CAVE (l.mestoue) in Drv Valley, Union county, hereby n'vr" notice that the cave will not bo open on Sunday for Visitors. It rimy l.e v"i;cd by l.idie aiul fien tlrtnen. n Sjturday of every wee!;, when a pccial prepiaUoiia will LanuJeto accoioniudle with lights. C3" All persarn are foihiddrn to brrak off, injure, or t ike away anv peciinrm f. om the Cave, tiiioer penally of prosecution. Th payment of I5J ceii'.s only i nquiied of every person Icfuie entcrini; NOAH WALTER. Dry Valley, Autf. 1 1, 1835 3m. AYElt'S PILIS. fOIl ALL TH2 PUSP03E3 07 A FAMILY PHYSIC. Thbrx has lomr exiated a rmblic demand for an effective purirative pill vvliich could he relied on ure umI icrfi tlv safe in its operation. Ihia li ' been ).n;uareu tu meet, that demand, and au exteu I aire trial of ita virtues has conclusively shuwu with i wh-it success it aecomnlishcs the purpose desi' I It is easy to make a physical piii, hut not easy - ! make the 'c.t nf ail i-'j one which should have noun of tl.e ohicctiom. but nil the rantae' t ; every other, 'lhis h-,s teen nt:eioi)Ud here, f with' wl.nt succes' would respectfully submit . thp nlic decision. It ha been uuf'.-rtimate f-ir j the i..ticiit hiil.erlo t'unt almost every purgative mcdu ne is a ihr.uiiMius mid urttatins tu the how e'i0. I'!..-is not. Many of tlicin produce so much jriTjini i..,.u and revulsion in the svstcin as to n(nr than civ,iuci balance, the Rood to be derived from trism. 'iher.c pilis produce no irritation or paiu, n:dusB it srlse from a previously existing obstruc tion or derangement in the bowels. IteniR purely vegetable, no harm can arise from the:r use in any quantity ; but it is better that any medicine should le taken judiciously. Minute directions for their use in the several diseases to which ther ar ap plicable are given on the box. Among fhe com plaints which have been speedily cured by them, w mav mention Liver Complaiut,'in its various forma of Jaundice, Indigestion, Languor and Loss of Ap- elite,, Irritability, Bilious Headache, ilinua Fever, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side and Loius ; for, in truth, u'.l these arc but the con aequence of diseased action in the liver. A an aperient, tVey atrird prompt and sure relief in Cr.s tivenesa, Files, C'ol, Dysentery, Humor", Srrof tila and Scurvy, Colds with auteress of the body, Vlcer and impurity of the biood ; in short, any and everv case v.hc;,! a nurcative ia reouircd. They have also produced aume singularly auo eessfe.l cure in Uheuinatism, (iout, llropsy. Gravel, Erysipelas, Palpitation of the Heart, I'aim in th lieck, Stomach, and iide. 'i'hey should Le freely taken in the spring of the year, to purify tha blood and prepare toe system for the charge of seasons. An occasional dose stimulate the stomach and bowels into healthy action, and restores the appe tite and vigor. They purify the blood, and, by their atimulant action oii the circulatory system, reno vate 'he ancugth of the, mid restore th wasted or diseased energies of the whole ciganism. Hence an occasional dose ia advantageous, even though no serious derangement exists ; but un necessary dosing should never be carried too far, as everv purgative medicine reduces the strencth, when taken to excess. The thousand eases in which a phvsic is required cannot be enumerated here, but they' augie-t themselves to the reasou of every body ; and it is confidently believed this pill wul ansivcr a better purpose than any thing which hitherto been availablo to mankind. When their virtues are orce known, the public will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when in need cl a eatirartic medicine.' Heinu sugar-wrapped they ait pleasant tu take, and being purely vegetable, uo Larro can arise from their use in any quantity. For minute directions ace wrapper ou th -ox. PREPARED BV JAMES C. AYER, T radical uhI Aiinlyllcnl ChemNt, LOWELL, MASS. Trie II Cinti pr Box. Fiv Box (or JL AYElt'S CHERRY PECTORAL, 4-or Hi rlU Cm t tf COIfiJIS, (0L!)S, 1!0AUSEESS, uuu.MiMTis, ViJioon.(;-tiii;if, uiorr, Asiiiu.t, axd l0.l..lPTI0. Ttlia temedv ha won for itself uih notoriety from its enrea i f every variety of pulmonary dise-ojt, that it is ent'rclv minece:.ry to recount tha e?i dcuce of its viitnrs in any cominutiity vv'ier it ha been emploreil. Su wide is the f.cld ot its use fulness, and o' numerous the casts of it cure, that almost even- suction of the country abounds in person publicly known, who have heen restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of th lull)! by it use. When once tried its .iineriorily ovar everv other medicine of its kind is too appar ent to escape observation, ai d wVere its v.ituts ar. known, the pulihc no lonpcr hesitate what antidote to .niplov f..r the di-UrinaioH and dsngerou alrcc lion of the pulmonary GrRii whu-h are h.o.dert to our climate. Anfl not only in formidable at tack upot. the lunx. but for th milder varieti if Coi.i rnfOH. HoAioiE.sK, c. ; and for L'utunHEK It is the t)leautiit and afet tuedicuia that can be obtained. Aa it ha long been In eontet via throughout tins section, we need not do more than assure th peopl it quulitv is kept up to the best that it vr b been, and that th geuuina utiU i old by vvTf is-i A Mrt nsr, -..miiurv ; A J ini tft.-.U'.ikia VV. Wiem r .iiilliuoi,.erlloiil ; J. F. ('Hi 'tr, Mill-U; ait Uy 'l l)ru. z .is in Xuiil.i,i ivu . -luua i3, loil ly. CMLVEIt WATCH Efl.A fe doull caae 10 Eu-;lisb Uiiver Walche, for sale l very low rice by Hoahury, H.B MAfeSEK. Apri 13. 1A -4 7 ERMICFI.I I, klaccaroni and Coin HtarvU just received l.v May 19. ttlA.V WE1F.R 4 BRirNBR. TRAtK'fl 'tiietie Ointment at MT ( WEHEtt it UKENEtl K, 118 PERRT Sz ERETY, Bookteller & Stationers, VRE now selling off their entlr atock of Books and btationary, raved the fire of I he 5th uli.. at very low price. Th atock einhrnica evetv variety ol miscellaneous Books, School Booksand all kind- of Blank Books, also domestic and impoiteil Stationary of every description. Aa we are selling out ut low price it will be well to call early and secure bargain. PERKY & EllETV, 8. W. corner 4tli and Race street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June S3, 185ft. tl". SUN BURY, PA. I 1H E aul acriln r reKpectfullv inforina the puhlie L that ahe atill continuea to keep the above named puhlie house. t?!ie ha alao received a new aupplv of eood li'iuora and winea. and truala that ahe will he ibr to give aitiafaction to all who may visit her huua. MARIA THOMPSON Sunhury June S3. 1855 if. "MOUNT C A R M E LI 1 0 U S E " HOUH T CARMEL, Korthumberland county, Pa. fl'MllH InrRC anil enminodiona Ifolcl iaaitunted -- on the top of the l.nrnst inoutitiiin. iicily half wav lietween Suiilivirv and l'olthville. The scenery the aaluhrily of the atmosphere and the cool mountain hrert.-a, make it one of the inot deliithti'ul Buiiimer relreala in the eountry. The Hotel, ia a new alructure, four atone Inch, fitted up with all the modern convenience. The P"re mountain water is introduce.! into every chamber. The place ia easy of necefs, heiu hilt one and a half hours ride from .Sunhury. over the Philadelphia and b'unluiry Ka'l road. From I'utteviiic, it can he reached by the Mine Hill Pail road to Ahlnd, and from thence to Ml. Carnirl 4 miles, by Onmihua. Every attendance will he paid by the proprie tor to make gucaU comfortable. Charge inoilc rate. JOSEPH M. FEAGER. Mt. Carmcl, lune S3, 1855. tf. NKWTAMILY OROCKRY, Ilovr, Fcol cncl Provision ov3. EEASIIOLTZ & PETER Y, limnlimy. ,' ! Mm l vt J- lilackhtrry Sis. rjEsPECTFl'U.Y infonn the public tUat they have just rnniveil a Inree and well elerted assortment of ihoice Family f.'rocerics, consisting in part of Hams. Shnnhlers, Mcke-el. Herring. White Fish. Cod Fish, Salt Preserved Fru't. Picklca. Crackers, Cheese. Molasses. Rie Sugar, Coffee, (vrpen, roasted and grnuiuM Im perial. Yoiinsr Hyson. Gunpowder and black Teas, Crdar-warp, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boot and shoes, tobacco, lerrers. &e , tofjether with every article usually found in a first riaaa (Jroeery Store, all of which will he ol.l at the bswest price., eithr'r for cash or country produce. Wc also keep on hand choir Liquors, Port, Lisbon. Ac. Porter. Ale, beer, sarapnrilla, d e. We tire a'sn prrpitrrd tu sup. ply the cimeiis with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, prelzpls and ralips of every kind. N. D. The hiuheat cash prices will be paid for butter anil eggs, corn. oat, rve and wheat. Sunhurv, July 7, 1855. SE3ARS- El Nrptuno, ill Dorado, Fl Dueiicio, Rio Hondo, iiecrca. lores, La t'urlusiJsJ, La Seuiiarini, Caualos, Plaiilaiion, Havana Cheroot, For Pale at WElsER & URL'NER. Sunbury. May '.'0, 1855. rhotO!rrnphy ! Daguerreotypes ! ! A NEVEBAIN ART! J. E. McCLEES. (Sucrsartn McClecs Germnn,) TJTrOl.T.D call tlio alteninii of the public, not ' nijy t v the Biiperiitrity of the Haguei-ren-tvpea the Hvaloraph, (bv .some called Auibn. IV re.) and the various stvles of Photography on jiaper; but t ) the f i- t, that parlies at a dist'iurc rossi-s.iui; a small d icuerreotype. may, hv seinl intt it to No. I 00 Chestnut hav, made from it by the means of Photooraphy, and the talents ol t!ie l-est A'tiatB. a portrait ol tvr atzx, frotii a small Lo. ket to Ihe full ajze of life. j . small hook i , 'Mininvr. ileseriptton, p-ii ett, iVc, iVc. will he sent gratia to any person ma king ihe request. McCLrES Philadelphia Photurranh Estahlishinent. No. Mill Chiatnut below 7tlt Thila., July 21, It-Sr5 tf. i IMPROVED H'l'KP. F'lEfJSIMIA I K OF MMP, ! ).5f'1 IM. of the most superior manufacture, j ' AIo, OCA .NO of every discripliioi, Cl ( clued Plaster, Cement, &c. j r"" Produce cf all Winds hcuglit and o',J on I COtUinisblOU. ; R. R. SELLERS A CO., t-'orwardin? and Comniissioii Men hunts, No. (i.r) .N'o.i.h Wharves, bclwten Race and Vine i etreets. V'.Mi-.h. ; Philadnlphia, August 4, ISS3 Sine. Bargains nt the Old Stand. i FUELING- & GRANT . RE now openiinj a new and very desirable ' '' i.toi k of Spring and. Summer (, cm- i I hraeiim an milieu variety. Their atock con- ' siats in part nf j i Elack & Fancy Broadcloths fcCassimere?. Summer Wares lor men and boyj, all th and DUESSCIOODS. ! SILKti rtitiu awl Fijured I?acZ . An bm.h. merit ot Tluii, -Snipe am. Tizurt'tl Fan. I ry iirpeg nt utiu-Uitiiv low prurii, Mielhef. .Jrf. lie Lniim, Mu. : lJe I. aim. I.nwntt. -A . . (ilNHlIAMs from ft lo S5 rent cr yarj. CALICUKS 3 ii Avnrn; goods, Crtn.lfir. JacoMttia, Swii, Tarlton. lTti!!, i iit tt, 1 n tirh ftm Swi.-b l.tttos, Liliiikjs. Ar, j Urown an Moai-I.ttl .'.ftil:us, I Jrillinp-. 'i'ii h, t'i.eckB, 'roivliiii;, ThI.Ih lii.ijiert., i, c. ato r.f-ik:s. j HAHBWARE and QLTEN 3 W A P. E, Cf Jar-wnre, llolio.v-wurc. Iron, ytt-tl, n-jntr ; . It an. I J-'ifclu Alto ti u ly f UH L AMJ MCDICiM.. Thr.kful t .r ym f ivor. we hope by tnrl nttetuioti a ii,1 n (.uy.rt to pliite, tli .1 t.j mva witli tii Ht;roval u( our frirnli. I"" (.'kHjutiy proJui-c oi'ttll kiaJa taken tit the Vuu.-nt market iirire Sunhury, June S, ISf5 ly. Shr.mckln Vhlte A h Anthrccita Coal. I From Ihe Old I Vi'V i i i),e (lap Collicri. ; T H. ZIMMERMAN -VJNO. r.prnsKI.. I ' (uccssors I-, Kase, Keed A Co., will con. 1 t'ut'.te minim;, !iippiug and selling coal from the I above well klioven Colliery, under the firm nf Zimmerman Ar. Purse!. The point of shipment ; is at the lower wharf in Suuliut v, Niirihumter ; land county. Pa., where all ordera for the various 1 kinds of coal, vii : Lump, Broken, Eitg, love, j and Chestnut Coal, will Ix thankfully received ; a'l I promptly attended to. Buubury, July 14, IH.V1, 8i aiaT, JriT 8, IP55. Th firm nf Kae. Kee.l Jr Ck. having sold their lease in tha (lap Colliery and interest in the wharf at Suiibniy, lo Messrs. Zimmerman A Puisel, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customer and others t" Ihe new firm, aa they will ha able to sell them prepared coal of the be.t quality, KASE, RF.EDiSt CO. 1 1 ATaTVCAP-S Silk and Slouch liilu, Military and cloth Cap. for men ami bo)., also Gum Bho of variou ixe, just received and for at . yOVKO' TK.- ffuc'JOr- Kan, H.IM4. ExtraordiDPTj Arrival of rilHG lubtcriber take pleasure in Informing A hjs customer and the public generally that he is flow in receipt nf an unusually large anil Splendid Assortment of New Goodo. To endeavor to enumerate the one linmlretli part of the article would be useless. SuHiee it to aay, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will l e disposed of at aa low price as the same quality can tie purchased elsewhere. My motto is "Quirk- Salft nnd Snutil V-jfM." He take Ihi method of presenting to the public his thanks for the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, he resi cctl'iillv solicits a continu.uiep ul the same. It will be advisahln fur purchaser to call and examine hi as-nrtinetit before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce taken i" exchange. EDWARD Y. BRIGHT. Sunbiiry, May 19. 1555 !)( ! OH VOl'ltNKI.F! THE POCKET ACSCCLA I'lVS: On, EVEP.T onk fits own rnvstciAN. 'pilB FIFTIETH IMi A tion. wilh tine Hundrcil .fir- i.-.. i i... Vy l.nirav piiuvviug iris- ias r ,w3 "ml M'llforlniiliona of y,IiV Wl ''10 Human Svalem in every jas!in'1iM' nl"' 'ol"'. 'P" which I added a 1 realiso on the Discuses of Females, being nf the highest importance to married people, or those conteniphiiiiig marriage, iy H f in. Voiii.c Let n1 fntt.r te rsS uaeil to prrsf-nt a co;y of the JIS. Cl'LAINf to tiis chil't i lony save loni Irian nn parly gniv l.el n y 'nun m in or v. .iiimii eti'er into 'he sere o! i-'ns I nvirrie.1 lu'e Wl'liiau re-nliti,- the I'lll'Kl. l' .V.Sri!. VlMI'r l.'-t no "lie smFT ring IV-"!! Irn kiirtsl C"iic'i. Ii.i ii i i t' e Si.le. r.'Stle.s mollis, nervous l.-eliitcs, anil ll-e vvli-'le tr-ii, f l)s.t-;lie seiissti hi.. h-s( given ll;i hv tlfT lo -i"att. I) Mi1ll'l In lliriil w iltloul e,.. sill'lii ll'P .tlVl.At'H tlaieli,. n,l i ip'l, T til vl, Mil to l.e MLtrriei' mo oii;i'.ltfi.'iO. rem! litis Iralv iist-iul tl s.k. t'S ll lias ''! tin- 111. :ins "f S''l il.c ill nis:t.,ts of utl f. ..tninie .-re irn-es fr 'i-i t'i- v v C,ei f .l.-rol, tV Anv pers n se.iH,ng 'I U I.N l'V-1'l VI'. rBT?. eni'l se I in s IctlT vv ill rei-.-ive -.i e i y "f tins b -k. I,y mail, or fee e -pies wilt be s.s-t f i .ne il list. A.lilft-s, tin w YOt'Mi. ISH rllt L'CK. S'reet, I'lJiLA PI'I.I'IIIA." I'osl paid. I' i Irlplil-l. S.-pt-inber P. tK15 ' V HOY d, ncssn o., ilcD 3s!) 3utl)vacitc o:.!. From the Lukn Fiik;r Colliprv Shamckin, Korth'd County, Ponna. Ad lrcsi l!oyd, llo'scr e!t Co., Suii"i'v, I'a. II. ST, Hum J. Hossxa. J A S. I1IITP. T. MOSSklt. b'unhury, April 7, 1S5' tf LATEST ARRIVAL Of Spring Sj Summer Coods. j. r. & zilins, ESrEC'l'Fl'LLY announce to their friends JL i-Bt nml tl A iinblie in creriprul. that tilev have received at their (lid Stand in I nner Augusta township. iNorthuniberiiiiiil county, rn.,st Klines , Houses, 1 , triors, leetng lv itch Grove, their Spring an! cSuminrr (!ood, and j ens. Steam and Canal 13. -at a. and Rail road ( 'ar. opened to the public a full assortment of N. 11. Clock Repaired and Warranted. MERCHANDIZE, &C, I ('' Trimminp for sale. Al.o. Comialina; in part ef Chilhs. black arid fancj. Casaimera. ISattiuctts. Cliecks. and nil kinds SPRLNG k SUMMEIt GOODS. Alan a lot of Ready. made Coats, Vest and Pants, &c. Ladies Dress Goods, Calicaes, f!iii(-;hams. Muslin tie Laities. Ac, Also lHack Silks, Ac. Also a fresh supply ! ; I ) !(" of all kinds. A fresh tiilv ol I l.triluare ami Queens ware, Dmcr-i ami Morltcitii'S. Wooilcti Ware, Also a larse assonmeut of Roota and Shoe, su.tuble for Men, Women end Children. Hats and I aps. such Palm Lcif. Canada, Panama and Silk Hats, and all goo-Js usually kept in a Country Stare, Call and See. (Mieaper than the Cheapest, All of who h will be s.-Id foria-h. or in ex change for eountry produce, at the !ii-ltet market price. I'puer AutTUMa, May I?, 1 sr.". Dlt. A. B. HADDOCK'S CELERRA'I'El) WORK i. INHALATION Pt the Treutmei.t and Cure vf ! f'eiisumptiiin, Asrluiia, Id iticliii . s. unit other ! i)isrusea .r i tie i e-piratn ry ifraus, by r)Ie.lieul lulli- WITH NOTI.S ADDITIONS BY 1 K Oltl'.k.NK F:rl Amerirnt -it i. fr mi ti'tti 1, in-t.-M ri'.ftsiii, where it li.ii tiittl :ui tnipit I'tdt'itti tl k ilp. Tn;i m n v:ilu;iltie u t,-unt ttt-uM l.-in t.uiu'. ( a! Iili'.linlfi, ill nl t!ir Mt-4ic;il riif-ni 'ii frt'.it r tl v. r r Air.i.ti Ui( ii run", ty m.i.l, .mi rt-.-tii-t f.rrT iNls; l--lii an'!) filAK i C W. VAN hi;n A CO. X". 32 Xirth Xi.t.'t ... i'luhvijyltitt. j We iulrj in a f,'v. fi m unity c tinnvn icitiorn! itt fr-Vi-Ual fl' 111 tllB K'l.l! Hl4 .Vi:t'-I(.MH .MlMitM ti-t .'tluT J llfiiii B. ! Dr M iMiw it hi f tie l.itu Ilf.iry M..,, I'.iq , M. I , the wi-II lu 'wii ikiriixh i, (unl iruiu.fica t nf, Hi li: iiWH )rirlflM ii. in :it cintlifiit ll d. Crr Hi Iun tiirfi!. . , . Tin; HIni (il.ti iltll -n) pTi un (i IM ol t.tlt-1-t il Uirffl-'d tit :i ninety I H -'iri M "I ! tlin V item XVIHCH IMHIHK he (iltrt'tU It'iH'lutl liv lllfill'iO i 'ii' . . . We nv.niiitU'ii-i mile-in . pur'-his Hie V,.rJv.M W. ..-iit. Ciii-'iiii li'. I.'-iui.-ii. l ili ;. if-J-j. ! W rtr -mnit inl thf Wi.rii I "ur rfinti-ri,, nt it :of.H i t' l.r I'tlly Mii:nril, f! hi)' wnllt-n, mii i-ntir-K ili vr-tt-fj in' -t n 'pi n-k.-ry ur pe -r k n-; tt-mti n'-; . 'i'hc W'.it ; welt ii' it iVi a v in.-til, :iiii int ,,1.1, 't . nt (ur nv inr 1 isn iwlt-ttjc mii 1 Kprrif -iit -pi i-'Kic, r Ltv n it milv ! ! fn mii. -usiKicf ill -it. In:i u i -u? "rc ti en "I !ln iiufit' ' ion Mc.lic.t J.iirnil. J(.,iti, r M j I V" I'M.ik i.ii! h i ttnr mi iipiVitin it e- ; j t):il, h1i mt lu inj Hii'n!iri i) nt it is Mif v Ul u pMr ' le t: uuJ t-SMi-rt' "i fit i.i mi ; iiii-i ti i.t it niic'iT. f r inr s i'k 1 tll'tsir .Vttu tviid 'l V '111 III J' I II. Hh' (lill, -iT hi -mi tic - ! ir, t til . I'lU 'l lit" t'X'f.HlHf C.ll ll! 'il II. Il 1. lit it.e : : cnrriii the lfitn, ii wtEii'tMct Wvirk.' On'ortl 1 j L'i.K'e:ni'v H-i.ii'i. N wuit't-i. 7. 6 A l.e-l'inif ct t-i- I, -ii I -ti I'll i m.i,' Mr M uM -cliV ' ' W. it r ii ( Vii-ipi!.tU'.n. Itr I'l'hiili A pi-m'. A i-. ; wi'fl ' i!i. Ar.. liv jr. ili-ir ine .r Tim W'.iik wit l -t- i l Uliil VV-T 1 1 V e ii't-'UTi 'i. w tir rtmli i I' r tli-y uviy Ir.TH fi "Hi tl t lint I t'X; t l -III ttlil ill tic ti(" ' irp'finj; C li'.in t',.11 t'.i r :ill't' i .11 f tli iin'iiiu 1 t.i It. l i. vvi ( ii. , ii. .1 ..i v hMiti-uM'V iutt lU-(t-,cf w.ln'i'VtT 'lii'lt; I. t.' ji t. , i,, iulni'iitionl tl iii-ili'Mli:.! Viiporn, lit Ki-enn l i it'v iMVv l tAfii'-t, ; iriv. v kf lurMiff. iiili! mv t It-it w i.-nr i !ir ilm Pi-. j I'.-r-ffi ii i ivpii t K've-n fcnifififiit i"f.o ri t ilr in lr I i't a. If.' tliiitr ill-- tiT'.-ri:ii., H- -r -.- f tl ig l t ') JlM-.Ve"." iv J -ffv .U f. -" ''l- r, Jttn-J ! (Fr!!. Pf.fisi r .h.n 1) yei. I-Mis.'- -i t'-r- i'j U't.'n a ; Ijl'.ll 'I I .l ,iT. 1.-. II ! . "IV. VaPH Ii"-. l-i K t'li l' I. n , I f.-i- wnt-li h.ii r l"-ni i-aii. ii ii iii ilif 1 i -.,:. ) .i i :t i i. hi fit I'll ri-; nii'ii-ili 'ii iti ll,. r -ii. Hi,, w Ii i) t .Ii i II" N'l'v I ( ir fir,"-'. Vilt H''-l I llii tun Sir 1 1 illflitlllfv- I t" 'I:" I"ii:e-r Llt- l. ttll) ,t P .1, VJfl ( tTlH inti.rr.t iii tlif inf'lit nl I'r i-ksi n ti ttir .'i : i f i.t' 1!. I ill. ii. ii iiK-niit nt irenii it iiii;ii.i;irv .!' i -..if . W't'i, Ih.t mti'llo,, i, ,n sl-.rn -vet i,-s In 11, is, 1 lll'iilt. of trealin I lice il.Sias.'S ,I..1.1 liair .1 f.i.r liio n.l ao'lie Itlitnuii-iit in:.. I 1' ir tin lonir m-y'iel i l.irji In liali.ti ill l.'.s .uttctial Hi the haii'ia of na-iiii-:il ni.n J.lMH Ill'Vtx, M r , I'r if of Sargery in -iil:idel.!ua I oil, (o ol .tclicino A CAEP. Tin r.nrrs'K iii tmt nisr.ASi-s of thi-: l.t'MSSt and AIU-I' ASSAtil X. uir In ll.e m ils s 1 succesMuni iulp.. 1 1, il,,. ,,N,..ire of ',r. A It. Vml d s k. anil oilisr iniit-nl phvaii inns of Kiir .e Hv una 111 nl.- 01 ireanne a tin ibw asi il snrlare of ti e llronelii ai il I. lines are itu.'i tlv ni"uil up-ai. Die vaii -ns nnsltratril vs- I sir tirina eirii--. to ,tte in is iniiml-, rii.tli'lent i 111s ol'lha .il'iirs. ir sin -itiu lirnliliv aeti..M; u hers a eoin;l,-ttf dis ima ii;ni i), l,;,a 11 .t taken plaer the his! lesnlls ulwavs altfin! tin. fe-itnrr of frai.i.e ; in fm-t. with suiiahlr ai'i'lnets. it is the inlv re! ihle form f trealm ftiseivas rf Ih lies irutory tlre.ns Ile Inlenils CrvKin Ins sol siteutiou to tins -lanieiil'ir brsti -h of his profession. l'ntse desirouB uf eiawuliiug buu can do bo by letter d dressed to CIIA1. ORKF.VK. M D. II ids, Phituda. I'. O. Philaila . Jiiua l. I'M. am. MLEy-S COirii CNUY. In aicel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sal at this office. Does. m her 4, 1H1. PINT of every iles-riition just received by Ma 19. WEIUBR At 11R"M"EK IAHNESTOCJ:' Vermi uge. for asl .v May It. VEISER 11RLNER BEBEKIN'E. Ver.tri., Chinordm. and Cin chonia, just received bv MllttM WEISE8 V BXTJrtlB. FIRST ARRIVAL .or At S. N. Thompson's Store, In Lnn er Auyuoln township, at the Junction oj the 'lilpch ckt;n anil Plum crerk nmrln, 'JHE subscriber having returned from the city A wilh a new and mensivo assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully cull the aitention of Farmers, Mechanic and o'her to the same. SPKINU AND SUMMER (iOODS, consisting in part of Dry (lootls, viz : Clnlha. Ctitfimrrn, Cassinets, Jeans. Drillinp, Miiiliim, Veslinss, Twttth, ami nil kinds vf spring :iim1 SunitiiiT Wear, LADIES DM ESS AND h'ANCY GOODS, Calicnes, Muslin ile L'tius, Lawns, Ciinchams, Brraes. Robes, Wnn',ens. Flannels, tfc. i.ttui r.ftii., Sugar, Teas, Cotl'ee, Rice, Molasse. Cheeaa, Spier. Salt, eve, cVc. &C. IS.-irdvt r, Nail, Screw. File. Shw. Knives fi Forks, c ftrcens and Glass vn re, of various slv les and pattern. BCOT3 ANJ1 fHOr?. A large assortment of Runt and Shoe, for men, women nml children. It, T Cap, Ve., of varioua aire and style. Reside a Inrgo nml general assortment of fashionable gnodii. Call and examine for your selves. ItT Country produce of all kind taken in exchange at the highest market p'iee. S. N. THOMPSON, t.owpr Augusta, i mo. 2S, IS55. (At the old Utitml nf .S X. Tlfimson.) jHE Subscriber rp-pect nlly informs the ppo. 9 pie nf Suiiliiiry and t i.-initv. that he Iim.s ta ken the Sluro Room lately occupied by S. N I'hompson. in Market Street, Snuhury, below Weaver' H tel, and that he has just received and opened a handsome assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, CoiisI'diitf' in part o Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, (jbiernsware, Hats cV (.'nps. Roots vV Shoes, Fish, Salt. Meat. Ac. All of which will l e sold at the lowest priir. Ail kinds of prodti'-e taken in exchange at th i highest market price. II. H. VASTINE. Sm l-irv. April 21, IS.")-. I JAMES BARBER Wilu.F.-A.K A ItllTAIL CLOCK ESTABLISH MLXT, 3. E. earner of .Vecornt I'hetnut 67. Where may be foil d, one ol the largest and "rest assortment of t.'iuck find Time Pieces in the United Mates, in quantities to suit purcha-era, of from a single (.'lock, to one thousand ('locks ; cmhracini: every variety of etvteand inatni'ac turc. attital le for Churches, Hails, Counting t,;irun;i iurer ry um-nrs ' e'friv.en tine GOLD PENS Embracing all the qualities of the finest quill lien, in addition ti which the durability of the metal is Lilly associated and developed, (.old and Silver Pencils, ;i.) Pen Hchl-rs, Plated Ware, &c, whulesule ann' r.-tail. 'i'Lose wish ini; to puiciiabe are invited to call. J MEtS HAKIIER. S. E. comer Clieatnul and Second !., Phila. Philadeljdiia, June S3, In..."). ly, Pennsylvania Magistrate's Lew Library 1. BINH'3 JU3TICI:, AND M AN S I.K( ' I i US INK? ; A I. oLii'i:. j .Ww itiiil .Mj.'A .''.( oi. hrihjv. ; f.c ('lie j A Tri:ilip i.ii iii'- -iTi- tnttl i'jik-i if A MTtini, nt:-! t JtlUtll-f I'Mllf r-!.ff III Ul'J l"'U.tll ItWflilttl "I l'tUH.- i ; v:iiim iiu utiini; all tnc ii nutt I t it rrwcia nl ljHcki-i l- ..'.iifH ; nml t .i.Unlj it i; im -I - 1 y wiunevrr in:ij j l.r ilft t :i.U.iliit: In Ji I F Tllr- I'hAOii, l ilt I ' 1 I..ii.JI.-r.ln, iMtil'.t 1-;.T; in-! Iiii-'llii. l.nUiilf WUHl II ir'Vifefi. tn bv, A l.K .Af. tl!l!iK r b )iiiik Mk.x. I-.' J -im lii'iit-. i.itc a :-:.-i i.,:t i i.i U .ii.m V ...... iii il.t- i .f. - I I'i'tt.i.:. ;; , i.i. 'Ih- ,x'1 I'.iici n. ift-v vil. i'.irr', iin-.l i!rt':r. iv it. irffi tv Fiilfii'-k t." lifiiiMlv. l-c j , Aui:i -r t-i "A Tre.itis! ' Hie l.iiw - i t'-..(,'' I ii f V J.irifj rtiirfnrr," "Nmi I'uim l;nirtn." f.f .::. ft'"lur. 'ni"! liiLt st,'1 A. la cur vi'iu-uif, Oi-tuvii. Pru t niii 5l,i.-i. companion To a:N s J' :"nn:. I '1. (;iiAVl'UN S KM KM S. j I'ornis of t'oi, eviini i.ii;, nii.1 of I'l'i.'tici- in Ihe cmiits ot I'olMII ill ll':is. t 'il irl.-l S. ssi. lis. I II it mi'l Ti-I miner. ' liie -Li;irein-nml l iri linii's I'ourls. ami llie . lli.-.-s i f ll.e I v-iri -us t'uat nrllfc-s .nut .ulic-- ot llo I't-in . 1'oiirtli I t -i'oi ii. levtpe.l.e rr-l.l, -n n.i.-.l. ana a-lapl.-.l I i llic pr.-ssiil Slriir ! me law : vvoh c nl 'lis . x i . I . o t l V n'n ii-iil Iti I. Tenets. Mill ri in'VV, I'll' anil Iiii'r. 'n iti ve 1 MiU s, I liv Itnlirrt ! '. Wrigiit, l'.sij. In one tinea t.Ytavo v'aiine i ! ITU'S -111) H :j.SD. ! '. ' j .1. STUOl I) AM) IHIKiH'l I.V.SPI.UDO.N S j I'lliErS I'. I7UH to is:,j. i A iieat of ia Laws of P.-hus. !v:oi'a. fr m th yerir I Dili) T ii ism I II iii lriil. to ll.- l-.iibui il.y ol .tpiv, ( In! Tnoiisanil I'.icll' ItiiiiilH il unit I'ifi -five Tnetusl i I-' tir l-l'lo s lv I lie I n " Jotni I'niili si. I l,tj . Ihe I', i ' i:li mi.) .-k'tni Ii, lo- Hie II ii Ii.- ni M. Sir no. I I l-'.io h 1. Ilitllloll. Kevi-eil, ll Oil liu eii.'i'S, Kool ill's To llie .tll'liei ll tits IK) I, a ; A.ialytil al t; .ilCuls i II 1 ll'i-i-sti'it sillil.iis of in Ii Till. ; mot ii Nriv, I'uli, anil ( t Hxii.nlliVi' luiti'S. H I'leib'i nl l'. li. iliili . I .So., tu ' illior-.f i-. Tiumi'. on the Uivv ol i;.o.s,' ..,iii y. I ; Jnri prii.l.-i i f," -Nisi I'm s Kf;. ri.," Kilit r a ."Hiiin' I .1 ;ist .,-." i. Om thlelc It-iviil MV-. I'l lire oiilv IS ..l-U la The I r.'slii.i-ev mst peritiaiii'iit value l'tir t- i s !,(.-) are . l.v the pjlilicill nl mtiiii.iliy of K DiL'esI o Itn liws etl trteil ol yi-nr. Tlis lliinil'il I I i 1 e sr.. nl'aiiilist in pu-eia, e tufoitcuy to tlie pinii "I . I'liriloiit1 l)iir,-sl. 'I n V are, tli'h or ll.eni, l,-.alill, I an. ill III ; Ulr c .uif.-Ie.l I pt'h-r by a li.neial In.lrs lliri-irirnl ai.t vv ea. h Vi-..r.) Wlilrh enihr;.. . s liie e nleuls I ol ihe I -aw a ol y iet, y.:n I lie .nl.ianti -n of 1'iir- ; s )nr-st. in one Al.ilnls) ; nint sre li.iuiiil up witn I I'nrl. ill's Iriili si, anil also a -lit lv 'I'lnia Ihe pali lister nf I'tu.l m's t)u.i-it will nlvvnvsbe in i ' Sfci si f I'i e 'iliiileii-h of t'-e Sl.iintt- Laws of I'elliisi Ivno'l ll WII to In-- Irly b .nr M Inn le .nr-i-l tss :T. I'll ;sc vvh . tial'i alren.iy iilr'-l asril I'uriiou'a l)issr mav lllwnvs C 'lill'li re it U. ilnli- I' -r ll.e small Sinn "I -'ifiv reins, tbe jiiiei f a vol-ime 'ii'.iiiKim u'l ll:e S'liia i! l,c'ls .i'-ee ti e fust i-ul lii'- tl u ol the pu'iiciit erblion ol rniit n. b.e1. n- l'r.-t -f.-rc ,tnteil. k w . iimn ii:;u. I.svv Hoori-i'i i v h svn I'esr.isitKHs, i; A 11 " . Ull I'll'lh Slleel, I'lisl St -re id ve rlii'Stiint. Ot.b'rs oi letters of in.pi:rv fir Law li iks lYum t.' .) llntiV. pr-tifillv .-1 ,.-,: It it to. Phila . June rill. I-.VS .1u 5. KAYTCCK & riDLEE. Jr'.LF.KS in Wi .'atchea and Jewelrv, will continue the buinca at the old stiuJ of 1 .lamca U. Fuller, Ao. l' Smith Sr:i:ij Street, rim. -ii ki.i ill , I Where thev solicit an rtauiiuaiioii nf their large I m l sailed it. o k, lecling ussuied 1I111I the en e ? rieiire tmih f 1 ! it in have had ill the business. .-lot t'te tu itit cs t; ey posses lor proeiirtut: I- on tiie most siUaulaueous terms, will cna-:-le li t 1:1 to coui:ete favorably wilh auv otlier establishment in the city. They have now on hand a tine assortment of WATCHES. CLOCKS, .IF.WEI.KY. Silver, I'hiled and lirittaiiia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy (lomls, tie., cVe. N. ). Kci.airing of and all kinds of Jewelry attended to with promptness and the greatest rare. Phila., April 7, 1R55. if. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEItMAN, ZUE11N & WEITZEL RESPFCTFl'I.LY inform th public that they have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and are ready to deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sire prepa red on their new coal nreaker. All order prompt attended to by addressing th firm, either at Sunbury or Sliamokin. Nunbury, June 30, 1855. piIAI.V PLMP.S, K amall number of these excellent pumps bav be.a received and ar offer" I for l by H. B. MASSER. Hunliajrv. June 4, S.i5. - I NK -Uoureau'a celebrated ink, and alao Con gres ink for aal, wholjsale and retail bv IW.mber 1 1850. H B MASSER. TAMES MoCLINTOCK, M. 5, Lato PROFKMOIt of Anst any and Surgery In Ih. Phil Brtstittna College of M.slieine, ami Acting rrolcasor A Mtitwil'ery ; one nf the t insulting VhySKuns f the Phil-ait.-lpliia M apiud, llloekley ; late mei'nher if tlia Nati'sial Mistical Assts'iuliim ; member or the lUmsilelnhia Mcsli eat !"eiety ineintiei uf the MeOie-i-Chiriircii-al Citlege .a' rhilmlr!)hi ; f irmerly PresiHfsjit riiiI l'mleas"r if Aiinloiny a.ul Stuirery in Castlet ai Mettle! College, Vei tnoiil ; Hurt nis't, liile I'mtesvir of Anatomy him! l'itBin. y in Iterksture Medical Institution, i'iitsh-kl, Msa., Ac , Ac., Ae. It. is 1st. ly iutriMlueed In a popular form severs! of hi favorite, presrriptlons tor til prilieipnt ilisesse of this climate. The name of each artiek? will iliipl) the disease for Wlliell it IS ItllenrleH o t,p nseil. lilt .M.CI.IN'I'IM.K'.i PF.C'n iHAI.SYnt'1'. PrieeSI Dlt. M.CI.I.NTOllK'l CHI.D AN1J foLOIt MIX TI'Hi: For Col ls. riislis Ae Price US ets IHI. McCI.IXI'DrK'S ASTHMA A IS II HOOPINO COHUII ItHMKDY. Piice Vieis. Dr. Mci'LlvrorK' TONIC ALTHItNATIVE YltL'P-For I'lirifviiie the Ml.ssl. PriteSI. Ull. MeCI.IVruCK r UVSPF.I'TIC MLIXin for 'ivme tone to the stomach relieving pmn atler eating, learllitirii, ant all riis igreealjle symptonis arising fioiu heliiresti n Price ft. lilt. Mi-rl.lN l')i!K,!. ItllKFMATICMIXTt nil A Pirelv Y Betalile b-r interna! tse. Prire .Ml etB. Hit' Mei:l,lTorK'f ItllKll.MATIC IJMMUNT- F"r Itheuinatisiii, tpralns, Swclliiilis, Ac, Kv. Price 60 eeirs. Dlt MePI.IXTfirK'S VXOtlYNK MIXTl'HFF Pains, To ittntche ll.-ailaclie. NcurHlcai, Ac. Ae. Price Ml rents 1)14 . MrCt.tTO'K-r rilVF.R AND AW'K PPK- (I !"tr-. i-rrir,,H rnr for n Int.Ttnitients PrieeSI D'l M"CI.ITlM'K-! llUHMKHs roitDIAI. AM) rlllll.l It I'ltKVIIN IIVII A sal.-reni.sll 1)11 MiCI.I.N llli:K S Vl:il-. r.AHI.K PI It. ATI VI. I'll, I, Pol i; Mireai s. !' t ehe. Ae Pnee i iels 1)11. Mel'I.INT)('K'r ANTIHII.HIi;! I'll. I.S For trrenuliirity in Mie I'niiftions of the l.iver nml Howe! the liesl l.iver Pill tna-le Prje.. yr. e's. n b x For aOe by Dr. .1 , McCI.IVI'r U.K. nt bis Mwlical De. pol, N W e run nnilh'iuil Filb.-rl s's . li'loii. mill al nil DillL'Cisli. iiinl llesleis in M.sliriii, s. All Dninisls mill llealrrs in Mrilteiiies w ho vvisli to be npents. will ph-ase n.l litres Dr. McCliatoek. rarnisliii.g let'erenee. Heme of ! .,).( rTii-e, e niiitv ami suite VT For Mile liv Weiser ft IIihii-t, f inl arv and Ph-i-lil -kin; Wl" WeiMier, N'orthiiiiilierlani! : C tlrnvvn, .Mil ton ; F.. '. hntz, Hlo I'lisburir ; J;ifoli Harris. Pn.-kliorii ; John Vanleeio, I.ij-lu tlrset j I 'slrirpless A Sou, Cala- wissa. Ja-iuary 0, l3."i. 8:. rs rwj. 4 - IMPORTER AND DEALER IN si PI Market sine!, hrlma lo.'i, north shit, s-T-m. p.xitr.Tm a. Phila.. Dec. Hit. tS.VL lv. ilENPsY L'O.VclL, ATTOILIiFir JIT TaAW. ()i;'c oppiifite tin (.'rtrl House, puubry, Korthumbrrl-.'.r.rl County, Pa. Piouipt m'.Ii'Ii' ion in hiisi iJ-s iii mlj itiii'io "oUil'.ll'S. 5 A LA MAXDER SAFES. EVANS ,t V VT.'O.V. i"o. "0 All's iiinri'i St., Pliiindilphi't. ?-v?-.vs . OR EAT FIRE, Chestnut t ';f S-1 'i & Fifth Streets. Frdiv lunrntnir. lleccmber Slt'i. 1 IS.V1. Ilvaiisd- Watson's f ".ret f-alamainler f-at'es Trium t.h'ir.t, aa thev ulivtvs are aiJSf - w he'i put to the teat. PlltlVI M NII,lHf. 15. I KM. i Nfenara. TlvvsiV Watsii., Zv'.. '-. J Mouth I Fourth St.. Philadelphia. ! (I'rr.tlemori : We ln!e tnuc'i pleaauee in re ! commeniliniT your tafca to Merchants i and others in waul of a secure means of preser ving their hooks, papers, etc., from tire, as the one we purchased from you about seven months j since has preserved our books, papers and cash I ill as loo.l n condition as they were when put I into it, before the Erer.t f re of Ihif mornini;, which I i!e.-trovcl the entire block of louliliiiijs corner of ' Chestnut niiil Fifth streets. The above safe was ; in use in our olhce. on the second floor of our ' b lildint;, from which place il fell into the cellar, j and remained there until the lire was out. The i .va!t was then removed nud opened in the pres. ence of at least 10(10 ersoii, w ho witnessed the : cood ( of the contents. Will you please have the iSife and Locks repaired, a we intend to put it in use a-;. mi, havii.g purled confidence i:i its lire prouf qualities. Yours, Ke.spectfuIlT, I. CV 4- pun.irs. j Evans lr Watson tnke pleasure in referring ti j ihe folio in.;, among the many hundred who ; have their tnfes in u-e: I.', ri. Mint. 1'hil.nla ; j Faiuicrs' and Mci;.nic.' Pank, Phila; Samuel . Allen, K.vp, Hiutl Siu r ll", I'i iii, ; John II. Hen. j i'.cisoi, I'ily I "utit .-.1 !-.-; Caleb C ope J Co., .No. IHI! Marke ."s-t. ; Picli ir.i .Morris V f.oii. l.oco- j motive biiil.lcis, I'iiilnda ; E .ncroi't iV f-'el'ers, Mai hini-t , c irner 10th and .l.iii.cs Fran klin Fire Iii-uraiiie Co., 1'hila ; !Y;)n.avlvaut i Kiihoa I (.', Phila.; I.ncey .V I'hilips. corner full im.! Minor Sis; Sharphsa liro.. Mo H'-l I south ,-i-.!nl Si..; .I.ino a Kent A. tsantie. Mo. j 147 .Morlh Third !SI ; W II. Ilorsimm & Sons, I o. Ll Nurih Thii.l Si.; Smith. Williams & Co.. I .Mo. e'7 Market St.; J.'vVU. Oine, .Mo. ISI Chestnut St. I A larcft nssortiuent of ll.e above Safes alwaya on hand (iva'r.inlcil lo stand at least 111 per cent more tire Hum any Heniiiit's Sale now hi ie.) EVA.M.s & WATSON", also manufacture ami keep fir sale. Iron Shutters. Iron iJoors aa.l Iron i Pin-li, for nuikiin! lire-proof Vaults fi,r Psnks stiues, iililn and private buildings, and I.eltl-r Cnpv iuj; Pres.-es Patent Slate Lined Ivc. I friiieritors. i te. Please iTve us a call, at No. 26 South Fourlh St., Philadelphia. 'April 7. IK53. cly. 10. ! " NEV7 33RUG STOPvE ! I Vhole-nlo arid Ivetail I)jru2:2ifit3, .lAii id i't., nert door lu E. 1". liriht's Store XFFEU to the public the largest and best - seiecte l stock ever opened in this section of eoiiutrv, coiiaisliuir ot ritEsii akd pup.e rr.UGs, Medicines, Chemicals, iiiound Sj.i.s, Pai'its, i iliU. Varnishes, ) c-siull's. Window Class, i I'litcnt Medicine, louclhcr with a co.nplete as- I aoiiinciit of Paint, ( b.thes. Hair, Tooih, Nail I and r haviin. liruslies, liressim;, side, .Meek auJ P.ii ki t Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Crcamr I 'Piibacco. Siut Port Monias, Stationary, Con leclitiuuiies. I'IMiK WIN ES AMD liRAMOIF.S For Mediciiial use. nii!ish, French and A meri- j can Peifi iuery Fancy Hoods of every ilcserip- tion.iu blioii every article kept by Hiui;-;isls ieiierallv. I Prescrip'tons Carefully Compound,! I i.iiii. it. KiKi;, v M. A. EIH 'NEK. H-Uiihurv, Mav 20. IsMI.- i T. (soods petek v;, envy, J.r()UM-S luri I'lirmU that he h just ret't'ived ?ont usMirlmt'iit ut" SPIUKQ AND STJII3IEH GOODS, tt his .Store iti Mmkt-l SiU-wf. Ilia uttn'k con lbta Ut' DRY (;0O!)S, VIZ: Cloths, Cassimeis, attnietta, Jeans, Hrillings, Karages, Harare (le l.aiu.s, ( iiiiijh mis, Lawns, I. incus. Muslins, Flannel, Mantiha .'silk. Winter Shawl. IJi ess Triiiiinii g anil all item in the I'ry od, luir. lo, a arge assortinet of Miim'H lor Men V, on n and Children. Hats and Cup. (.l orerlt'H sil ticr-f variety. Tea, Cofl'ee, Sugar, Molasse, Spices, Salt, Fish. Ac. II.i nl tvaro. A general assortment of Cedar War Tubs, Buckets, Wash Board, Broom. Brushes, &c. (ji'siaewaaii a general assortment. Country produce taken at the highest market pi ices. Sunbury, May 19, 1S55 tf. C AM PHI NE and Fluid of Ih best quality For sale l.y W'EISER 4 BUHNER. Sunbury, May IB, 1855, nOOFI. AN rrS Bitters"at May 1. WEI9ER tt BRL'NER'S AH books, i nk. and all c mr-let. just received. ana lor sal. by H.B.MAB. sHm 4. 1 New Goods for the People I HBNJAMIN 11EFFNKU J ESPECTFITI.LY inform thepnbtlcin Rrv eral that he ha just received and opened a splendid tock. of Spring nml Summer (Joods nt lit New Store, in Lower Augueta township. Hi stock consist in part of Cloths, Catsimerg, Cassinets. of all' kind, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO t Clnllroc), CaiiiRliam), I.atvns, 9luiiNNelliic lie sLuliic- and all kind of Ladies Dress Good. f-irurr i I?n, Alio an assortment nf Iliirtlwnre, IrOU mul Steel, Mails. &e. Also an excellent assortment of UUEENSWARE, "f various tyle ami pallfrn. Also an assortment of IKXIT-s ti. MIOI S. II ATS (i CA PS, a pood selection. Salt, Fisli, C-,'0. And a great variety of other article uch a are suitable to the trade, oil of which will b (old at Ihe lowest prices. ft?" Country produce taken in exchange a the higuest prr:es. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, 1855. Walclic!, .Icwclry, Silverware AND FANCYG00DS. ZZTA Choke Assortment of the Finest Quality roil Sal R AT TUB I.HWF.sT l.'USH PKltliJi, AT VM. B ELT0IJH2AI) S, Xo. 184 i'ouA Ji'ieoin strett, between "in ou Union, west side, PHILADELPHIA. ' I -i 1 K assortment enil.r.M'es a I jirc' ami S'-b-'-t P)'-lr r,f 1 Fine V:iti-li-s. J"vvcliv, Silver W'uie. VthnU VV,i:s. X ii ft', Fintl nixi l:iry Art .cirl nf n mit r i-i tj ij.iiv. l..f (k f (f f "in ni lh is'V' t rt;f!! Tiirt i. f : i HX tl pritiMiritl till' U-ti.-v . if ,.- I .I.. nviiihil.rt- i:icil'u n t tr littjvrlM': ttml l ii.;r. mi.wtiurr fni-tintlv inviitu puifirn"!'!,. Ie i v hi mii'p y ii.fiu mi tTii,i ii.; i.n- ,r.itt!e uh in liflim -nt in 'itfier "f llie ATi'if.iif Olm. CVr All ktiflti of l)iini' P'mhI Jew ! Wm i:n u li ! ttrs"tl ! i urdtT, xv,llj;i 11 i",!." i fi Wulciit'8. JcA r'Iiy ni,-! ii'v.vvr "a:i.' ess. and a:l I'lroiu. the j nv 1 ii.i; nc iti. r e.tali- 1 .-. 'i ?i vr ' ' r" 1 ,:,ie. I pairtJ. wm. i! i:i.TfNiir:.i, tl utr!, 41 St , n few it ra 4! iU U t .M:i.kt I r" l,i tiir S 'inh V:-j ', "v -f t'-t ft-TC. nay Si tfo-; 'hp fun iia i,;H!. t.'!.(n'K. w.iirh c-'iiiinniiil tut :.-.. 1 a'. 1 ut it'-ii-fic jvi-l - ;.n' i!i. I:) i n t O-1 7, I-JI . 1 y I'ui iiiture ! Furniture ! .Vo. 157 South Second (ul'-ve Sprue.) eui! rT'''-1' 'o' scriber would respectfully inform the t l':llh.t ,,f III.. Si. ii I.. it u A M.- e.ttt Al',1 111 public (.cuerallv. lint ho 1. 1 on hand a constant s'.ij ply of elerj-mt, .I'.-diiotiab!-, and we'l le Futiiilitre at rcasoinil le pneea. C i i ;e a pruo'i. cal mociumic, nod iiviinr all ,is oo Is loaini,,,.. luted tintler his own snperiuteiideiii'e, p;:ri lias. 'S may rely on (trtiin; just such aii'pirs a ere ri ;ireeiite:I. I.oui ea v i re'll .a : I r a urios, I also new patterns of Soft, fl...l-te ids, Tbo,e j who are about gjint to houne'ifepii'f would do I well to call. j JOHN A. EAUEiv, 1S7 South Steoud street. N. It. All order ttink!'ul'.y recensj a,,d i promptly attended to. AprilU9. C55. w9 ly. , . rvacsJr. Taos. c. Kumar. S; L. PANCOAST &, CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS in DFAI.EUS IN Fisli and Provision! omnuii, JVb. 17 Mrt ir vei, PHJAtT!T-P!!:i4. Philadelphia, Sept. 10, 1S.VI. IIEXI1Y H. FUSSF.LL, xi i i ictc uka or Unibicllifi Parasols, 1.1 KVF.ttY VARlKTy, t Tllg OLD iT.O.'D, .Vo. 'i Xorth Fo n th St., Philr.dely.hla. Constantly on hard a large sssertmen ii whicli the attention of I'es'.ers i re ji si'.ej. Pliila.. Sept. IC. IS.'i-l. JJOUIi'TY LAKD WARRANTS. -rIHE suhscribt.r linvint; received the necesiary JL t irir.jji I nisrii. ttions tr im the lvpjrt:uem, at W'ashusition, is ore, irc l 1 1 procure Eouuty I Land W imBiita ut the tun. teal until'.. H. It. M ASTER. 5nnhnrv. A I 7. IS,. I. L. BE VAN, sJ Jl. l. Jl 4 ai ) Shamcikbi Pa fl'IIE sub.cril'cr bc; leavt, to inform his l'iends I and Ihe public ienera.!y, that be bss taken j I the above well known st ind, ami wi'l Id l.appy 1 I to accommodate all who may give him a call. j i Shuiiiokiu, Jul. 8, 181.1. I KOTICF. ! V'OTICE is hereby given that application will j v be made to the next legislature of Pennsyh ; vania, at the session of l.M;, for the creation of : a corporate body, with hanking and discounting j privilege, to he called the 'Shiwokis Dm," I located at -Sliaim ls into'.vii, Northiiiiiberlainl Co., I Pu.. wilh a capital stock uf (I. with tl. i privilege of incroasinj the saino to $U'0,ttO if ; necessary. Shamokiu, tay 92, lS'S. 6:a. TOEACCO, &c. N'tr.iw'ierrV. Congies, Fldoradi) Fig, Eldorado Cake, Sarsapariila Fin Cut, Pressed Fin Cut, AinJei.tiu " " For Sale at WE Is EE A UK UN Ell. Sutiburv, Mav 50. IS.'.S. n OilT'. si lies. Huts, Caps and Hum Shoe, ju.t received and for sale hv 7 is5i. i eneij 4 Co 4 KN'OLD'S WKITINC, FLI'IIl and AJlie H. II. MASSEII. st.iiihurv. Ian 10. I tHOEM All kinds of Coot Mioc and aliji. pers lor sale by (!. ELSEEIiO & CO. Market street, opposite the PoU OtHce. Kiiubuiv. Oct. . IH.'iH. 17LANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortiiane, Bonds, Execulions, Summons Ac, fur a lib H.B. MASSER. Sunhurv Airi 26. Id.-i lUs-ANKS. S'JjLANK.S of every des4siption caa be had a.) 3) I'. Vin at the i,H'ii-e nf lit Aioenrsn, JIlOIT.D and whole Pepper, Cloves. Cinna moil. Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspice. Ginger, Liquorice, &c, Ac, at Nov. IS, '64. YOUNG'S STORE. 1 EWELItV. A nic asoiti-enl of (ild and " Silver Pencil and Pen, lor sale cheap by G, EI.SULKU V CO., Market street, oppotit the Post OtUc Sunbury, Oct. 8, 185J. JATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS foi JL bar Doltls lor aal by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, It, 18S1 rkR. H. H. HIOBEE'S remedy for cough '-'cold, and sulmonary disease. .A supply al Ihi valua'sl ssolifctii just racvived and frr aal by U. B. VUEK. kaiaVvt rr. Um 4, Hl 4,AID AND COMFORT, To Your Own Mechanic GEOltGE KENN. MAMCFA. "TCBER or FURNITURK AND CHAIR Of the most Fashion&blo Style. 'THE auharriher respectfully calls the aitentlia A of the public to hi large and ph-r.did asor ntent of every quality and price of m which cannot fail to recommend itself to every on who will examine it, on account of It durabU workmanship and apletulid linish, mado up of th. best stock to be had in the city. JV0 tfoT, ' a;mrcil in the manufacture of hi . .. uliscrilier in determined to keep up' with th many itnptovement which Rre constantly Uir. made. His lock consist of Mahogany fsolita,' lllrnn( and Counare Bureaus, Secretari?, Sideboard SIIF1, EKEAKF.AST AND DI.M.MJ T1BLS and also VENETIAN ELIND.S, ,lla Ph, dclphia manufoctiire. nr.DSTEAD. of every p,er ,ni iw CUPBOARDS, WOP.K ANDCANDI E. STANDS. TOILET TAW.ES AND EXTENSION TABLES In .liort .very article in this line of hi bu,ins. He al. manufacture, all kind and uualiti-ii CIIAIIIS. neludiiig: varictip never bpfore to be had lr .01,, , .iiiHim.,,,, I'lack W'a ;ST"it,,M'r,-"'ii ai. w ( HAILS. , r.,,rr J)MM) Sroniii nhi iL!tWT .vtnoaj vihich ara c ' '' " warranted to he evrelled . .. on-- . lanniuruuen tu t!,e Cnie or elsewhere. 1 he .uhscr.ber i determined that there .hall be no excuse for person, to purchase furniture in the cities, n, every confidence cat, l B entertain! about the rp.ahty end finish cf hi, war. .rut Chan. His s-li-V will la ,!;., ,...) , , ermj a. they can he purcbaaej ,,v,.erc. c'un. I trv Pre. nee taken i.. . .. r . . r-- . v-,; .;,. rorwori:. I .O'l.M.1', a . I him .!f ..soil, 1 I. " .. ring iiroT'JaJ . ... , , ,. ""Hi"", tie 14 now io,-, nnu aaeiiiiinjr lunei 's, In ll.i.s ,.. irutv, 1 c ot any convenient di- tance fr.-.n thl .8 J '.(I'. y lie v.are j:,.0.,i ,n :,ri-el L. (cowl!!,-,,!., in, .-...j.-... and 'J (.,.. fcuri! urv, 10, !S5i tf. &ut..u.-r to Ua.t.'ey Klu. So US South Second Strut, :v. Wi vV t-pntct -fl.j5r51yJr XIX A. r',r" ? "T funlnriilv on hinj assuitmctit i:l'rcr; ar'-u! i.i h, a fall FfiTHEr;S, FFATIilin cr.ns P..:cnl : aSprin-r Matlre..,., curlid hwe.XCot. "iia anu an aw Aiitii-...,.. Vtiv.i r, pes-ry. Tapestry ru,M.. Thr,'.-Ply, Ingrit,;. Vere'ian. .ui, j;f .,;) Ut,nj k Curpetincs, Ud Cloths, Canton Matti,, (oc. and S, ar.i.h .M.tli..8. Floor and w.j, brucue-i. jleurth Puj-a. Door M a'., J'abi r..l Piano ( '..(:-, T i,;, h i rr,efu,. iu,o. the ;tei.tion ,.f piirr !:.rrs. Phila Oil. 7, 1S5I j. Uiiited States Hotel, Chestnut S;-,et, alou Fourth. aj J' A.acI.EI.I.A.M, (late of Jnne.' Hotel) has th. pleasure to inform hi. I'ritnrf. al h traveling conimunity, tb.i . h, eaad thi Houi for term of vears. and is now piei.rW for t!i recfptinn ,,i (.nests. The Loral a Uanieitesof this favorite estallis. n.ent are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniiuto have been put ia order: ti.e rooms are large and ii ventured. The 'i .l ie will ul are he auppl esl v ifii th best, r.J i prC;.-iet ir i''e !jrs .ia-.lf that no cfi .rt roi hi art .ball ' L wrming l sr . .- i. iii r-i isies eqini m cmfbila to . aa Hotel in Itie IJuaker City. Phila.. July is, 18SI NOTICE To Tref ae5?i on the Telegraph Liasv iilU.i, is hereby giv.n, that all perse t a louiHi irestiaMiiiir upon, or iniuriiiir il.a i;,,. of the Philadelphia and iSunbury 'i'tla-rrardi wii! I dealt with according to tha ai t of Assembly ul such csass made ai.d provided. H. U. MASSES. Pr..- I rhila. and t:un! ury Tel.jrapU Co- I Sur.Larv, Jut. U, 1S5 J. if. CM RATE OF iac;nes!a, cr Tar'eles8 Sold, Pre; arej I v WEb'F.rt & This prepaiation is recummendej .. an x. ce'lent laxative and purjalive, it uparatra naiidiv, is entirely free from any unpleasant lasts, i. seinbling lemiui-nle in flavor. 'J'iii. med.cie. is hi.'hly i ei'el:iitl for diseases pacvit.rta .arauce iid hot weather. Sutiburv, July I, 1854. AVM. M'CAUTY, B U tl K I F. L I. 1 1 , Mirkel Street, 6UNBURY, FA. ! H'ST rrived and for sale, a fren pplT j 0 n iwi iiirii, jii Hic , for Pinging Schools. H is also opening al j this time, a larue assortment uf Bock, in e,sry , branch of Literature, consisting of I Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scif'-'ifla i Works, Law, Medicine, School and l'hi!d';i's I Uook, Uil lc ; School. Pocket and Family, ctit I with ami without Engravings, and every of van- sty of liiiiding. Prayer Hooks, of all kin.ia. j Also just received and for sale, Putdoiu IV I gesl of the law ul lViiusylvatiU, edition of 1851, , price only f li.UU. I Judge liead edition of Blackstones I'ommrn. j tarie., in 3 vol. 8 vo. formerly sold at f 10.UU, I and now olTcroJ (in fresh linding) ut t!.a low j price of $fi,H0. A 'Piealise on the laws of Pciinsv Ivanis re specting the estates uf Liecedci.t-i, by 'i'lionu F. I i-ordoi." pill a uiily 5 1 ,1)0. 1 ravels, oyaues and Adventure, all cl which will bs Sold low, ei'.her for cash, or coun try produce. February, 51, 1S52 tt. SAMUEL S. FETI1EUST0N, CCAI KA IN Lampj, Lnntfnis, Cliaudilifrsaml ranu'tlalirai, oN'o. 152 S. 2d street, afovt Spruce, ri.lLAPF.I rilt a. Tfaving enlarged and improved his store, n,l havinsT cue uf the largest e.sortmei.ts cf Lamps, iii Philadelphia, is now prepare ' to tir, Pine Oil, Caniphei.e, Burning Fluid, Laid and Oil Lamps, and l aiiurni. ct II tatter's. t.lass Lamp, by the package, at a a-nai! ad i auco over auction pricee. Being a Manufacturer ai J llealer ol Pma Oil, Burnin; Fluid and Ah th. I, which will be furnished to Mer.hant. at such prices that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, llouscliolJ Glassware of all descrip tion at tbe lowest market price. Philadelphia, Oct. 11, liii. IT BATS ANI CAPS splendid M ol H S fashions!.! Silh. V oo and Fur Hats, also Cleth. Far, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Cap for aal low by G. EI.PffERO 4 TO. Market stieet, opposite lb Pol Oflica. Sunhiiry, Oct. 8, l53 KJLU PEN'S with and without ce, f fl ery auperior quality, just received. Alas a ftMii supply of Writing Fluid. lay ft. 0a M A "-- sVcaknTva-, IW tr, laX. s .- " K