Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 06, 1855, Image 3

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    The North Sidr or Skbabtopot,. At tbo
latest advices tbo Allies wero not in poBses
Bion of too North side of Scbastopol, wbere
Ihe fortifications aro of great Btrength, and
command, on account of their elevated posi
tion, tho opposite shore. An A mprio.nn. who,
is serving aa an ofliicef of tho medical Staff
in tho Kussian army, gives the following de.
pcriptiou of tho forts on tho North side of the
Bay t
"On the North side of the bay is hIho a
fcnecession of hills, soma of which are very
nigh, and running in every direction. You
find on then all bastions facing in every direc
tion. These bastions and redoubts extend
up the bay for a milo or so from the city, and
porno of them aro very affective, nvuring near
ly a continual stream of balls across tbo bay
into tho enemy's battery which is nearest the
bay. I think it very doubtful whether the
French would be aide to hold this cily for
nil y length of timo if they could got posses
sion of it, from tho fact that the bills on the
north sido are taller than those on tho south,
and tho city and the batteries on them, 1
think, would force them to leave it. In tho
mail., they bavo been attempting this from
tho land on tho south side. I will finish this
by saying that it is the best fortified place I
over s iw. There is not a bill or a mound
v. 'i. r a vtiino'.i ,-,)ulJ bo placed with advan
tage but you liiid them."
Tainti-i. Accident. A daughter of Mr
George Hood, employed in the factory at
Merhanicsvillo, in Attleboro', met with an
accident on Thursday. As is frequently
practised in tho mills, sho was combiug her
hair whilo at work, when, upon throwing p
lier tresses backward, they were caught in
some part of the machinery, and, with a por
tiou of her scalp, torn from her bead. In at
tempting to extricate herself, one band and
arm were also much lacerated.
New Advertisements.
UCI.IC Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has tliis day sold out ad his
interest in the "Lancaster Colliery," owned by
Cochran, Pealo & Co., to M. J. D. Wellington,
ami that from henceforth he has no connection
with said firm of Cochran, Pealo & Co.,
Lancaster, Aug. 15, 1855. sop 2!) 3t
flIIR undersigned hereby gives notice that
jL tlicy will make application to the Court of
tjuarler Sessions of the Peace, to be holden in
and for tho county of Northumberland, on Mon
day, the 5th day of November next, for a licrnso
to sell vinious, spirituous, malt and brewed Li
quors, in the borough of Sunbury, in tho county
of Northumberland.
Sunbury, Sept. 29, 1855. :tt
THE undersigned hereby gives notice that he
will make application to the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace, to be holden in and
fur the county of Northumberland, on Monday,
the 5th day of November next, for n licenso to
ell viuious, spirituous, maltand brewed Liiuors,
in the borough of Sunbury, in tho county of
Sunbury, Sept. 21), 1855. 3t
Peoples Candidate for Assembly.
peoples candidate for Assembly. Having
served ono term to tho satisfaction of his
constituents, bo trusts ho con ngain solicit
their support in full confidence of success.
iSlianiokin tp., Sept. 22, lsf5. te.
jonisr SEEN, JR.,
Market Street, Dan.iille, Pa,
fffIMd is ono of the largest and most comrao
dious hotels in the interior of Pennsylvania.
It has been recently fitted up, in excellent stylo,
with all the modern conveniences.
Danvillo, Sept. 82, 1855.
TT2EKRY ft ERETY, invite the attention of
jL merchants and others to their large itoi-k of
elegantly bound Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer
Books, Albums, and Preseutatiou Books in all
styles of binding; Standard Theologicai, Medical,
Miscellaneous and School Books, which they
have received from Trado Sales and are selling
at extremely low prices.
Also direct from the manufacturers and Im
porters, everv kind of Pluin and Foncy Writing,
Letter and Note Papers. Envelopes, Gold and
Steel Pens, Pencils, lukstanils, W rapping l'a.
per, ic, ic, at the lowest cash prices.
S. W. Corn er, 4th and Race Sts.
September 25, 1855. tf
Fruits & Confectionery.
ITJEMOVAL. The subscriber has removed
to No !2G Market Stuef.t, above Front,
(Threo doors above the old stand,)
Where ho keeps constantly on hand, a general
stock of all articles in his lino ; consisting of
Oranges, Lemons and all kinds of fruit in sea
son; Almonds, Walnuts, Cream Nuts, Ground
Nuts, plain and roasted : Pickles and preserves
of all kinds ; to which he invitei the attention of
Dealers and others visi ing the city. Goods
packed at this establishment warranted to carry
No. 36 Market St., above Front, South sido.
Phila., Sept. 22, 1855. 3m c3.
No 72 North Second Street, (oppositt th
Mount Vernon House.)
GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ra
scs, SiUcr Lever do,, do., $12; Sil
ver Lcpiue, do., $9 : Quartier, If 5 to $7 : Gold
'Snii't ach's, $150 to $10 ; Silver do., $1 50;
Silver Table Spoons per sett, $14 to $18;
Silver Desert do., do., $a to 81 1 ; Mlver lea do.,
do.. 1 th to $7 60 ; Gold Pens and Gold Ca.
oca. $3 25 to $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do., $1;
together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry,
Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods
warranted to be as represented. Watches and
Jewelry, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma
conic Marks, Pins, &c, made to order.
N. B. All orders sent by mail or other wire.
i!l l punctually attended to.
Phila., Sept. 22, 1855. lyw.
TOV are hereby commanded to
- meet at the Armory, on
8ATUBDAY, the 6th day of Oct,
it 7 o'clock, A. M., fully equip
ped for drill. Each memlwr to be
prepared with 10 rounds of blank
cartridges. By order of the Captain
Sunbury, SedU tJ, 18BS.
BEBERINE, Veratria, Chinordine and Cln
chonia, just received by
Msy 19, 185. WE1SER A DRUWEH.
KICOrHEROUS doi. for sals by
Msy 19.
AND WARRANT8. The highest price
Lj will be fiivn for Laud Warrants by the sub-
-v n ... a(ii,n
ecribas- t . 11. m a qqe-"-
J .'OR sale at this office. uperior Bias Ink'
OutO Medieins at 3 cU, fure Esstitse
itver, tl rwl
fiAME to the premises of the subscriber, fesiii-
ingin t.ower Augusta townslnp, INorlhumber.
land county, about a months a nra a Strnv Hull
over two years old. Color brindle, white. back,
rcdisn tirimlle head, weighs about 150 pounds.
The owner ii requested to come forward prove
property pay damages and take him away.
Lower Augusta, Sept. 1, 1865. 8m.
"II Y virtue of a Yen. Exp. to me directed, will
be exposed to public sale, at the Court
House In Sunbury, on MONDAY the fitli of
November the following real estate; All the
defendents interest, being the undivided seventh
part of a
situato in Lower Augusta township Northum
berland county, adjoining lands of Abraham
w oil, the heirs or William V. Uearbart deed.
John Kline and others, containing sixty, acres
more or less, about thirty of which arc cleared-
whercon are erected a two story log houso and
log barn.
Sci7ed, taken in execution, and to be told as
tho property of George Conrad (son of John.)
at Ihe same time and place, all defendents Inter
est, being the equal undivided one ninth part of a
situate in Lower Augusta township, county
aforesaid, adjoining lands of John Foy, Joel
Yordy, Jacob Raker, Henry Reiser and others.
containing 110 acres more or less, about 75 of
which are cleared whereon aro erected 2 Two
Story Dwelling Houses, two barns and other
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of Jacob Haupt.
3D3i? Et3DSa
-Yin. I 3 'Dank Street, betow Market,
Between Second and Third,
Cf To cash or short time buyers we wilt sell
at it very small advance on Auction rnt.s
rhila., Sept 22, 1855- 2mc2J.
Xo. 45 South Second Street,
4 RE now prepared to offer to their cus
turners, and to tho trade, (of their own im
portation,) the largest and handsomest assort
ment of .Millinciy l.ooils, in this city consist
ing in pnrt of Don net Silks, Ribbons, Velvets,
rancy feathers, 1 lowers, Laces, ice. etc.
Which will lie sold at the lowest prices, and
on tho most favorable terms.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1855 2m p2.
-i y FALL STOCKofNEW Goods.
I'lji1' Seasonable Shawls.
Fashionable Silks.
Full stock ?lack Silks.
Dress Goods, all kinds.
Blankets and Flannels.
Linen and Cotton Sheetings.
Rtapln Housekeeping Goods.
Cloths, Cassimeres and Vcstings.
P. 8. Storekeepers and other nrt cash buytrs
snpplicd with scarce and desirahlo Dry Goods
at low rates. 11ARGAINS from Philadelphia
and New York Auctions dnily.
N. U. 8 cases French Merinoes, all colors,
wholesale from 65 to $1,25.
Philadelphia, Sept. 22, 1855. 3m w3.
Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in
ail iiinua oi uuuy x ura
No. 231 Market Street, (above Eighth,)
xiuviiik iiww (.uiuiiicieu my nr iiiiuu uuu l
, ....iri , . r ii i:ir ... !.:.. 1 r
llt'UUUIIl ! BNUI lllirill 111 Ull WIV UlUl-lcill KIIIUB Ul
Fancy Furs, and fashioned into all Ihe dill'crent
styles and fashions that will lie worn during the
present season by Ladies and Children, and being
determined to sell my goods at small profits it
w ill be to the advantage of Ladies am! others to
give mo a call before purchasing.
N. 11. STOREKEEPERS and the trade will
do well to call, as they will find one of the
largest and best variety of stork to select from
the city. JOHN r AKElKA.
Sept. 22, 1855. 4 mos.
Teachers Wanted t
APPLICATION a will be received by the
Secretary of the board of School Directors.
Sunbury District, for three teachers, viz i in
Rooms Nos. 1, 2 and 3, until rrtJar, Septcmlicr
2rUh, at 2 o'clock P. M., ut which time the
schools will be allotted. By order of the Board,
Sunbury, Sept. 22, 1855 It
Notice to Settle Up.
ALL persons indebted to tho subscriber are
rccctfuliy requested to call and pay up
without further notice, between this and the 10th
day of October next. Please give it your msts-
diatk attention.
Sunbury, S-pt. 2, 1855. 3U
Tho Invitation is to all!
VLL those knowing themselves indebted to
tho subscribers on note or book account are
respectfully invited to cull and pay the same on
or before tho 10th day of Octobur next, as we
must have money to buy our Fall and Winter
supply of goods.
' I. F. A. J. F. KLINE.
Kliiiengrovc, Sept. 22, 1855. tf.
Immcnso Attraction at Elsborgs Storo 1
AslWaahinyton teas ftrrt in war, peace, fcc to
Ehbirif'i Clothing Store it Jirtt in receipt
117 lilt'
.-,11 1, , ., .1 . 1
A 11 s7ll'cr h"V"8 reC rC'Ur?Cj twm,
-SL tho ntv has 111st lipt- n receiving kiuI nriAiie.1
tho city has just been receiving and opened
to-day a splendid assortment of all kinds of Goods
Ins line. Having selected with care, and from
his being early in the market, purchasing cheap
lie flatters himself in being able to oiler to his
patrons aud the public in general, such goods as
will suit ail in styles, quality make and prices.
In addition to Coats, Pants and Vests of tweed
ieans and other stuns suitable for fall wear, may
tie touna an Kinas 01 winter wear, such as Over
coats, Business Costa, Dress Coats, pants and
Vests, made ot all imaginable etullsof different
..lnra frnm lioht to heavv crradea. rhun 1a bwi.1
qualities, in fact such an extensive assortment
of Clothing as wilt not fail to suit everybody.
Also a large quantity of boy s Clothing and ail
aorta of Under-clothing.
II ATS and Caps of all kinds and styles : tba
Ksnsas-Nebraska Hat, latest style.
A good assortment of BOOTS and SHOES, 1
ninnu which are good calf-skin shoes made to
. Alts. f..,W Gums nf .lill'nrnnt kinilu.
. 1 , . . . . . . .
AS uauin u t,SWw av .ii.ii,
of Jewelry, aecordeoua, revolvers, various kinds
of piaiuU. fine cutlery! ahirU. collars, boaiery,
glove, port monntia, besidce great many other
article too numerous to mention, all of which
will be sold at reasonable rates Call and see
and judge for yourselves.
The Store fs In Market Square, opoite tha
former I'ost Office, a few doors below Master's
printing office.
fiunbury Sept S3, 1855.
A Kins lot of Wall Paper just received and for
sale by WM. McCAKTW
Maiket 8treet.
ffunbtiry, June ?,H05
genuine honey boap.
TH? vnT1?'
. . .. . " JW
"" """i-
renders it especially de-
serving a place on every
tnilel. PnT ihnnni1 hntota
and various diseases of?'
the skin, it is ttneoualcd Each cako is stamped
WM. CUINWAY, 1118 South Second atroet,
Philadelphia. No other is Genuine.
Improved Chemical Olivo Soap,
Warranted to Wash In hard, soft, or salt water.
This soap has powerful cleansing properties.
which readily rcmovo Oil, Paint, Dirt. 4 c. from
every description of goods without injury to them.
For all domestic purposes it is superior to any
other soap in use, and 20 per rent cheaper thsn
the common rosin' snap. Each bar is stamped.
1C8 South Second street. Philadelphia.
Manufacturer of Panel and 8taple Soaps, sperm,
stearins and tallow candles, importer and dealer
in sal soda, soda ash, rosin, &c.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Phila. August 25, 1855 tf.
WHITE SOW about two years old. came
to the premises of the subscriber, residing
near the Northumberland Bridge, during the
month of May. The owner is requested to
Come, forward, prove property, pay charges and
taKC her away.
Sunbury, Sept. 22, 1855. .
S. IP. comer Sixth and Arch streets,
TEASITeas!! an uncommon!' full and
choice assortment of black and green Teas
of all grades, from the extremely low price of
30 cts 35 40 50 6(1 70 to 75 cts. per lb.,
warranted to bo superior to any to be had else
where at the same prices. We know and confi
dently recommend Ihem to I 20 per cent cheap
er than any for salo in tho city. We have also
a very superior assortment of Coffee, Old Gov't,
Java, Laguayra, Mnracaribo, Rio and Capn Hay-
ticn Col Ice. New No. I Mackerel and Shad in
J and i bbl. or as may be desired. Cheese, Pino
Apple, Sap Sago, New York Cream Cheese nl-
ways on hand. Soap brown and white ; also
H. L. Kendell it Co's Clicmicul Olive Soap, one
lb. of which will go as fur as 2 of ordinary brown
Soap. Also Starch of ditlerent qualities, pickles,
sauces, ketchups, olives, olive oil, sardines, nil-
ehoveys, Ac, with a full assortment of Fancy
(joods, to which we invito tho a tention of the
public to call and examine our extensive assort
ment of Fine Groceries for snle by
Wholesale and Rctuil Family Grocers and
Tea Dealers, 8..W. cor. Sixth and Arch sts.
N. I). Goods delivered to all parlt of the cily
free of charge.
Piula., Sept. 22, 1855 apl 8y
Watso Dr.rcr. Thomas Dr.rn.
J. 8. 1EPUY & SONS,
Xo. 223 Xorth Second Street, below CutlotrhUl,
and S. IT. Corner JCiihth and Spring Garden
icspcrtfully inform their former
customers and others, that thev have just
laid in a splendid assortment of
CarpetM, Oil l lotlis, Inttlnprs,
Window Shades, Door Mats, &c, &c, at very
reduced prices Wholesale & Retail.
TAKE NOTICE We will sell our goods
as cheap as any other hruse of tho kind in the
Pnila., Sept. 22, 1855 w3m
Aided by some eight years experience in tho
practice of the Law, will attend with fidelity to
all matter appertaining to or w ill in the line of
his profession. Oliice with Charles J. Bruncr,
Lsq., Market street.
Sunbury, Sept. 15, 18oo, tf
I.L persons indebted to the firm of Filling
& Grant, on Note, llook account or other-
. .r , . i . r ,
wise are respectfully requested to come forward
, ,, , a . e ,
aim puy up uciwvi'u mis biiu iiic iiiai ui wcioiivr
as they wish to go to tho city to lay in their fall
Sunbury, Sept. 15, 1855. tf.
Head Quarters 1st Battallion of 8th Division,
U. M.
rilllE first Battallion of 8th Division of North
JL uinlerlund county, composed of the Cad
waladcr Guards, Shainnkin Guards, Shamokin
Grays, Formers' and Mechanics' Artillery, Dew
art Guards, under command of Lieut. Col. Marts,
will parade in full uniform, at C. Lciscnrings
in Shamokin township, on Saturday the 0 day
of October 1855, for drill Ac. The lino will be
formed at 10 o clock A. M.
By order of the Col.
J. C Harnhart, Adjutant.
P. S. Commanders of companies are especi
ally required to furnish to the adjutant a full copy
of the Roll.
Sunbury Sept. 15, 1855.
$10 IE'W-eIID 1
riiHE above reward will be paid by the Com
-- misaioncrs of Northumberland county, for
tho discovery and conviction of tho miscreants
who shut up, 111 tho Slate liouso entry several
eows, on 1 ucinlay night last, and otherwise
injured the pi tmc buildings
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court
of Northumberland county will bo exposed to
public salo on Monday tho 15th day of October
next ou the premises 1 The following described
real estate to wit 1
situato In Upper Augusta township county afore
said, adjoining lands of Jno. tbuntti, Hurman
Khu, and James Campbell and the North branch
of the Susquehanna, containing sixty-five acres
or Uiore about of which about JO acres are cul
tivated, and on which are erected a log Hut and
Stable. Also the undivided half of certain
other tract or Land in said township adjourning
I . . ... i . J . 9.
tho ubovo described tracts, lands of Stein aud
James Campbell, containing about 85 acres, of
which about 25 seres are cleared, and on which
are erected a log hut and stable. Late the estato
of Adam Neidig, deceased. Salo to commence
at 10 o clock, A. M. of said day, when the tonus
of salo will be made known by
DAVID REEfiER, Ad'tor.
By order of the Court, )
Jno. J. Pursel, Clk. O. C. J
September IS, 1855. It.
In the matterof the estate of Daniel Hoch,
I deceased.
Th Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Maria, tiwnied to WilUan Karchner, Jacob Ilvh, J-loi
lioru, nuHiuiMn iiocn, mulled Ul Ueorg VVelXcl,
tuns H'mtH, Mirliael lloek, Uecoased, leaving: a ltauililcr
naiDca ruiau. a minor, uudec the ege nf rouiieen years,
wnuw uusruwu is , Lyaia I1UCB, nuccosixl. wa
I WHS UjamoU to Ueurge I-ei.lllcl, leaving two Ullmjelii
, I dron, Anns nd Krtwaid, who have fi their Uuardtui
-, I1 a r(niret . mar fled lo Jatxiu
I nvamul to Wm. Wuir, Aiuw, uurriai
, Marguret, married to Jacob Leidnig, bi istianua,
W Win. Wolf. Aiukti. uiarrifMl to Uu
avid Ueitit.
I'hdip Hoch, aim Klius Hoch, lineul doaeeudanU uf fuuiol
Hoch, deeeued, mid to U other uerKjus interatnl
Northumberland County, it.
You ar. hereby cited
to bt, and .ppear before tli. Jud-rxs of Ui. Orphans' Court,
at aa Orphuiis' Court, to be held at Sunbury, iu and for the
said county, on ttw first Muuitay vA November next, thcu
ud there to accept ol refuse 16 Ink. the irt wune of
said l.iuel Hoch, uoceued, situated in luper Mahauoy
townuop, wtjoiuiiur binds of Joiiu Mheri y, Jacoti Herb,
Daniel KeilS, Smuuel Item, aiul oUieri, eouuoiuig about
US acre., etc., at (lie valuation Iheieor, or show cause
whr th. atuna ssuld not be sold aeooidouj ut law. And
hereof fail not.
! i CertiAed from th. records of our said Or
s.L. I piuuis Conn at Sunbury, tills 7ia day of
Autuat.A P. P-oS
4NO f I'FBSEL, flk. O t
anbury. Sept ?J. l - V
"3'..., -- -Jf-'JT
new i3r?.ix)a-"a.
THE Highway Bridno of tho Trcvorton snd
HusquehaiiHS Railroad Coinpuny, cro-nimt
the Susquehanna River, eleviin miles below Nor
thumberland, at Tort Trcvorton (formerly Chap
man) in Union county, to Trovurton station iu
Northumberland county beiuir completed, tho
public are now informed is open for trovel.
Drovers and others will find this the shortest
and easiest route between the Susquehanna River
ruid Pottsville, as it avoids all tho mountains
except Brosd Moun ain, which is crossed at tho
lowest elevation.
Port Tievorton, Sept. 8, 1855. lm.
UY your Hoods from first hiinds and save 9 per O'-us.
t The anikisiEiierl his in stnre nml oners for el tin
lowest piire, wiis a dwont nl il per cenl. lor c.iDh.
WAlA'tiTf, t't'HIiANTfl, IMIANOKa,
i-iuikhtj", i-Ku.i:a, bwuktihl,
All orders by mini promptly ai'fiideil M
'nitj.MAS noM),
418. Water Street, PliiludeliJiiu.
PMIn. Sept. IS, 1935. Imp.
IURSCANT to mi act of tha Ocnenil Asin!tly of tho
Cominnuwenllh of I'etmaylvaiiin, eniitlrtl An not
relating to tho election of this CoiiiiiionwodlUi,1 appro vwl
the aecoml tiny of July, Anno Domi(i. ono i!nitnJ
eiirlit hmidrctl nml thirty-nine. 1 UKNKV Vi;iS-:,
Hiffli Pheriffof the county ol Northtnnliprliiiid. lVnnnyl
vuiiia, rti hereby innke known ami give nut ice to the vUr
tora of tlie eomity aftucrtid, timt a ifctieral election wilt
lir; held in tniid enmity of Nurthumltcrktml on the SF.C(N I)
TUI-sMUAV lull) rf HCTlJll-;ii, lb.'i5 tiX which Jt iiuo
tiite anil County Officer, n luliuu a, uru to ic cliiti l :
One pcraoit ai Ctinul Commissi' ucr of tho Conninni
One perin aa MemU'r of the II niso of Itcpreacntntivea
to reprcwiit tho ennty of Nortlmniliuil:iud.
One person as Itciister and Hecoider ntid Clrrk of tha
Orphans Court for the county of NortinmiiTrlMjid.
One person as Trcnunrer of Nortlitindfei Itind coiim!v.
One person as CnmniiMioncr fur tli county uf ISorth
umherlund fof a term of: yesra.
One person na Cominisaionor for tht) county of North
umberland for 1 veiir.
Ono peiaon us'Autlitor for tho county of Nortliumber
lmid. I Qiao hereby rrnke known and (five ttottro t'int tho
plncee of holding the aforeanid ijcneriit tMcction in thf yv
eral bortmuha nml townships wuliin the county f Nor
t lm mlier land tire u fttllnwg :
The Snnbnrv District, com scd of tho h T"Ui,li m
Sunbury, and Upper Aiuuistn, at the CVuiiiy Loiirt
The Aii?utf District, compyg;d of l!ti lwnsbip (
Lower Augusti, ut the ltuucc w Kliaf 1 jnerich, iu tmd
The orthumbcrl.ini Di'trict, potnpoefd of thelmrouirli
of iNorthiimbfrlatid,it. I lie Ji use of Augustus Iloutz ti trie
borough of Northumberland.
The Point District, at the Imuia of Homy Hi ut in tho
borough of Nortlmmherhnd.
Tim Milt' in District, at the house of Frederick Sticker,
in Mid b TiMiirh.
Tha Turhut District, nt the house occupied by Abraham
Kiwinprr. J
The Delaware District, at tho Sinking Spriug ScIkki
Tho Chiliaquaijuc District nt the Ittuse of Ctnj;im.n
The J.cwia District, at the houao occupied by Michael
The Shamokin District, ut tho house of Charles Tei?cu
rinp. The Upper Muhonoy District, nt the house of D.iuid
The I.iUle Mjhimoy District, at tlio h mc of rnvlcrick
The I.ower Mali n y District, tit U.c liouse of Mitlmul
Spit z.
The Rush District, at the Liberty 1 de F h v l Ifure.
The JucAdon Di:rict, ut t!ic h 'tiso o'cupictl i-y
The C "d District, nt l'io h 'ubj of Wi'li .m M. Wcivcr,
in the town of Slinuiokiu.
Trie Z'.rbe Dibtritt ot the hfusa of John Wc.iver in
Trvvurtt n.
The Cameron District, nt Ihe house of Gideon prrk.
The Disirift nt the house of Ilennuun lici'z- l.
The Mount Caruiul District, at tho pu:hc hou?o 1 1 To
lix IatcIi.
Tiie ctotit B to rpeu between the hours of S and IU
o'clock in the forenoon, tntd fliull continue without inter
ruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in tlio t'eiiing
w'tcn the p'ils rhnll hit el t d.
Tii-i bcv'tuI InSiH'f'Uirs mid Judges elected on t tie 31
Fiidny ot March, 1S.V, in pursuance of the &1 Section ol
the net of the 2d f July, lu, will ho.d the cltcnou on
Tues-liiy the fth day of Octolier next.
'Tliut every pcrs ui except a Juiue of the IVn.ce, who
ahull hold any inilce or apptuntment of profit mid tnot un
der ttie frovcrnuient of the Lntlutl Stiles, or uf tin Stale,
or of any city or ine rporiued diHtru-t. wiielher a cuimiiib
ftiow-d oificcr or ncut, w ho trhull he nnplycd tinder tliu
Icpislative, cxtutive cr jiidieiary department et' tins State,
or the United States, or ol :my city or incorporated tlimtiet
nnd nlso tlmt every member Copprcp nnd of the State
Leisimure, mid of the select and connn mi council of nuy
city, or commissioner ol any incorporated District, is by
law, incapable of holilin? or exieeifttmr the oiheenrnp.
p 'iutmeiit if Judge, Inspector or Clerk, of nuy eh-etion
of this coinmonwe:i!th, ami ttint no Inspector. Jii'tgu or
any td her itlv'cr of such election, shall be eligible to any
oliice to l then vuted
And the said Act of Assembly, entilled('itn act relating
to the electioiid uf this Comin'mweiilih,' pasvtl July Hie
Sun, lurtlier provides ns i llws, to wit :
' That the Inspectors mid Judges chosen us nfo repaid,
slmll iiicct at (lie respective ptai-ts for h'ldtutr ttie eleetiuu
in the district to which they respect fully belong bcfoie
nine o'clock in the morning of the second Tursday uf t)(
toiier in each nnd every urT and e:wh ol wiitl infcpeelors
ahull appoint one clerk, who slull be a quahtied voter of
uch divtru t.
Skction . That ony fraud ctmmilted bv any person
ltji.K in the nmuuer nlvo (tresenbed, khall te punished
as si iiiilar fnuids are directed to be punished by the exist
tug laws oi tins cotmnonwenitii.
"in case the person who shall have received the secrtnd
hipht'sl number of votes for Insinx'tors shall not titteud on
the dity of any election, llifii the peron who shall have
received the second highest number of voles for Judre the
iitxt preceibug elcciiuii. sli;ill act ns an ttiHctoi iu liis
place, un.l iu case the person elected Juihre ahull not attend 1
t!ie Inspector who received the highest number of votes,
hall up poll it a Judcu in his place; anil it any vacant-v
s.i:wl continue in trie ItoirO lor the simceoi hall oil hour af
ter the time fixed I y lw fr the uiieuimr of the election.
the quahhtvl voteis uf tho townsliip, wurd or no district.
lot w lneli uch oltiC'-rs shnii tiave been eh eteu, present nt
the place of elections; aiiad one of tr.eir namlicr to fiU u?h
-It shut', be the dutv of mit. nssessora respect ively to ut
tcnl ul the place of liokhu every gfiu-ial, special, it
wnBnip election, during tnc wluue time a.ol t feet i mi h
c nt open, for tho nuriMso ol civtmr iitlonnatiou to the
luspt-ctoro aud Judge, whuu calh-d mi, iu relation to the
light of any person assessed by them to v-to nt sudi elec
tion, oi such other lualtcra iu filiation lo tliu usseKSiiieul of
voters, ati the said inspector or judge or cither of them
shut! from time to time require.
'o neraou shall be ncriuitted to Vote at anv election an
aforeauitt, ither thnn a white free man ot twenty-one or
more, who shall have resided in the statu ut le;n one year,
and m the election district where he olfers to vote ut Imst
ten days immediately nreceethng the election, und within
two years paid state ot county lux. which fciiall have been
nscsed ut least tMi days liefore the elet-iion, Itul a citiueit
of the United States who bud previously been a qualified
voter ot this state, aud removed therefrom und resumed.
nnd shah have resided iu the election district, and paid lax
a altweiwid. shall l entitled to vote after residing in this
slate six mouths, Provided, That the white Ireemtii, eiti
zens of the I uiled Slates, between the nge tf twenty-one
and twenty-two yea is, und m the elex:tion tlistrict ten days
as aforesaid, sliali be tnniled to u vole, ultuouU they shall
not have paid taxes.
No person shall be permitted to vote wh ise name ta not
Contained in the list uf taxable inliubitjmi furnished by the
commissioners us utoie&ud, unless, irst : lie produc es
a receipt lor the luivmeut, wuum two years, oi u st-tte ir
county tux ussessed agreeably to the ctmstuuu-'ii, und nave
vuistiieturv evidence cither on ma own oain r nttiinui-
tiuii, or on the outli or umrmatioii uf another, tlutt he has
paid sui-h tax, or on fui'.ure to produce a receipt, ahull make
uu oain to inu paynirui iiutcoi j ur vcjiu, it ue eiann a
right to vi'U y being an elector lietweeu the ngea of
twenty. one and twenty-two years), he hbntl depse on oath
or tuhriiiulion. that ho has resided in Ihe Mate at least mo
year next bdoie his niiplirutiou, and make siu h prouf of
residence in the dintrift us is required by this act ! and
that he docs venlv believe from tho uccoiint Kiven him
dent he is uf the age aforesaid, and give such other ,eu-
ttiuces us is riiuireo nv tins uei, wnercu tun tue naiuc oi
the persin so udmittid to vote, bhall be tuberted iu ulplia
Utieal hat by the iiiSjwUsrs, and a note matte oppiuue
theret i by writing the word "tax," if he itll lie pciimt-
tllovi-ie bv rejjson ot luivum pant t, x, or the wool
tage," if he sluiU be pennitted Ij vote ou m-e 'tint i f his
nue, una in either case the leas u oi sucu voles bit ;i io
cailed nut to ilm clerk, who shad iu tLc U 'Ils in liic !i. t of
voiers keiA ny mem.
In ut cases where the name oi tne pers -n ci nmmi'
vote is not toimd uu the hM luruniheil by the l .imhiiMon-
cis und Aiscpsor, or his riKlil io vote wht-tlu-r f uiul ta re-
on or not, is ob.iei-ted to b uuy quuhiied citueii, tho In-
specloi shall exanune such person on oath tin t his
callous, Jiitt 11 he claims U) havo nut. led ui tlio slate one
yuar or more, his Hith shall be a proof ihertuif, but be shall
prove bv at least one c- 'inieteut witness, who shah 1x3 a
qualified elector, iliui he testdixl within the district ul least
ten (lavs n-xt iiumetiiutciy prcceiiiuQ the eUwtion, and shai
aUo himself swear tliut his (una fide rtsilcuce, in pursu
ance of lawful ending is within the district, and that ho
did not remove into suul Urict for the purpose of voting
Kveiy prson quiibficd as aforesaid, and who shall niako
protrf, if required, of resident ami payment of taxes, us
aforesaid, shall be admitted to Vote Ui tha lowuship, ward
or u ut nil in wnicu ue suuu rcsme.
it any ei a not qiudified to vote iu thisP minonwea!th
a-ecably to luw, (except the Bona of qualified citizens)
hullttPiHMtr at anv n Lice of elwtiou fur the nurisrwe of is
suing tickets, or uidiiencing eitixeiis qunb lied to vote, ha
shuil, on convicti hi, lorieit anu p.iy any sum not exceed
ing one hundred dvll:ira for every onu such oiicuee, un,
be imprisoned for any term hut exceeding three months.
It sli i!l bo Uio duly ol every mayor, a-ni:, auV rioan
iiiktiee of the peace, and constal tc r l puiv coustu'iic. tl
every city, oounty, township or district witiiin llii com-
moi.w-.4llh. whenever culled U)mhi by any odivtr of an
ehclioii, or by uny three iiaaliUi.4l el-.-clirs ilu-ruol, to clc;u
any wintlow or uvenne til any wiuitow, lo liie place of
aeiwiul election, which aliull be olwitiuuled in such a wav
a. to prevent voter. Iron) approuthiiiK tiie aame, aiai oa
unileet or refusal lo do ao ou such red mm mi. said ortii n
aluill b deemeit suilieil of aua-tcmcunor in efliee and ou
eonvietioii aluill It. hued in uuy sum not lew limn one huu
dred uur luoie Ikui one IhouSiiiid d dlar. ; and it .hnli be
meauiyoi me rwpocuve eoiuMalile ol euco ward, di-ancl
ut lowwaip, "uu oonuuonweuia lo he proariit in proon
or bv deputy, at the pla.o of U' kliug .ucli election, iu u b
vnud, diMiict i towiialup, for the pur'tose of preacrviug
tiie peace a. uforeauid.
Il aliikU 1m 1 Km ii ui v 11 mmha m.. . r. . . : 1
who .hall be present at any u h ilisturbaauea at aa elro
I11.11 as is dcai'iitted iu tlu.aet, to renort ihe uiue to tha
licit 00111 1 of quarter acMiou., and ulau tlx name, of the
witmaie. wlt-outn prove the annie.
'His Ju.lses are lo make their returns fw Ui.eouaivo
rtorthunUieriand, at Uie Court HaiK, in Sunbury, on fri
nay-, in. lam uay 01 riciofM:r. A. 11. n.v
UtliN V WK'irli. faiiiJ
leiunCi O.ur ,.. .,u'jury I
S ,1 15, l-J-i -tt J
Tn tr jam- -n wt
tfllin fntirlii of llii.s Inu.tulion will
rominrnro on Mon.Ly. tiio lOlIt of&pptoin
bcr, uiid will continue 14 wre'ica.
Ttiiiion us follows!
Primnry Drpartmenls por session, $ 1,(10
Academic, " ' f 0,00
(lollciate, " ' ,U0
Tuition due nt tlio inidtllc o,f ihd scRabm.
Arrangements will bo mn.U to ncommoJnte
boardcra in respectable privalo fnuiilics at tea-
snnnbln rair.
Tor fnrilicr piTiicubirs eddrc Kcr. C. J.
I'hicbnrt, Shamokin, .
Pbamokin, Ahr. 18, 1 S.'j.j. 4t.
"Estate of SAMUEL BTilAASrU
kTOTreE is hereby Riven that letters of admin.
L iteration upon tho estate of Suinurl 11.
Haas, loto of the town of Slmniokiii, .Northum
berland county, diic'd.. have been grunted lo
John Variant, residing in fchamokiu townahip.
All persons having claims sgaiiiPt said defeas
ed, aro requested to present them for settlement,
ond all persons knowing themselves to be indeb
ted will irake immediate payment.
Bhamoktu tp., Aug 11, 1855. ft.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
At ihe solicitation of a number of my friends
I ofl'er myself to your consideration as an Inde
pendent candidate for
at the ensuing elrction. mhnuld a mnjoriiy of
my fellow eitirrn clort me to that Uicrt I will
discharge its duties faithl'uMv.
Punbury, August 25 1355.- te.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
At the curneHt solicitation of friends, I liavo
been induced to present myself before tho public,
ns a Volunteer Candidate for tho othYe of
Should I be elected, 1 pledge mywdf that T will
fuilhfully nnd imparl. .!l!y;e the fevcral
duties appciluinir.g to paid oflice.
j. n. KEEU.
Milton, Sv-i-t. 1, 1855. lo.
In Gold, Silver, nnd Elastic Steel Jb'rnne;,
MATHKMATICAli Intdrumenta separate
and in cases. Thermometer of various
size, JSpy Glasses of every description, rhilmi
poinJsfor I.ilitniug K-'ds, Magic I.anlerm with
scriptural, pt-trononiical and temperance designs,
Microcopes and Microscopic objects, (iahunic
Ualteries, tiectiieal iMacbinea, ISurvcycr's Com
passes, burvevitiEi (.'bniws &c. &c.
(KslablUhcd in 1790.)
134 Chestnut rUreet 1'hiladelpbin.
Our Priced and Illustrated Cotalogue (84 pac;)
with 150 illustrations furnished ou application,
and sent bv mail free of charge.
Phila. Sept. 8, 1855.
I have boon retme-stod by the Prcidin cf
tho n;rririi!tnnil Sucioty, to Fay that tbr-rv is
now in tlio Treasury, ono bnmlrod dilhus,
which uuthoriisos mo to druw ono hundred
more ns contributions from tho State Trea
sury. Tbo premium:?, will therefore all bo
raitl on the day of exhibition.
II. G. TAGtjEUT, Treat.
Umbrellas n?id 1'arftsols,
Ao. 2 orth Fourth Street,
1111 LA V ELi'MIA.
ITir OMtsttnntly on Latul a tnranseorliusat, to which
the ottmtt'in ot iPHitr is rut-nttM.
l'hila Jcli-lna, Sept. t?, 15. Hue.
OF every ecriitiiii, suita'-lo for Railromls,
4-c, for wclqhin? Hny, Coal, Ore and Mer
chant ccriprally. I'urvlinscrs run no tUk, ev
ery scale is tiuirnnteoJ correct, nnd if, after trial
nut found satisfactory, cn be returned without
la" Tnetiry t Old Ptund, cstnhlislisd fur
more than twenty years, corner of ninth snd
Melon btiecL, rhiludelUifi.
Suceccaors to Klliot &. Abbott,
l'lilla. Sept. 1, 1855 ainU. .
-Vw. 90 Xorth Second St. le'.wttn Arch Itco
AS received a l.iruo n: ?ortmenl of Toys of
. Wood, Tin, China, (lum, Vc, uUo lkm'v
Basketa, Work boxes, Porte Monaies, Pocket
liool.s, Sejar t'ases, bnull and Tobacco botes.
'iocs. Cards, Ilannonienln, A.-cm Jeons, ioims
and Strings, Marbles, U.ilU, K'ui,;s, nnd an end-
ets variety of oilier nrtules !o; numerous to
mention, lor twle Wholesale & lwtail, ut
J'bila. Sept. H, I K 00. 3m.
We respcei fully solicit tlisatteutiou of ll.e paWie 1 1 our
assortuieiit 01
M.ieGBF.nOU H1-.AT1NG fTOVI.f,
for Stores, Halls, Cliurelni, Parlor. A e, warranted to
ctve niire lifat with one tlurJ tit. fuel, tliaa any other
Htntiii? Stove ui use. 1 ue lurge liuini'er which kave
lieca ld in this iiikI otlur ClUv. and the constant atl
iiicrea.itu; deiuanJ fr thnn. 11 siUi.cicat saaraatua oi
their .tiperiori:y over atl other Hvti'.iuz Stove, .nil w.
cheerfuly invile the strieteitr iiiveliir:amii of our claou.
to the m ist pi-riVet article of tiie kint in nw.
We also have a superior CAL'M'UON, for fariniiiu
ant chemical purpose, ninile on the rime ptinople, tor
which we claim only a trial lo ueappruciatcil.
W. keep I'on.tantly on liuml nil iiRnortment of th.
Irailinir COOK ami 1'AK i.Oll ; auJ are
AeeniK in thie S'-ite f"r .
ill cr... ri'ii i A in ii. , 'i''ii. .
llt'L'K '! I'ATf.NT ClIOKIMi STOTF, ni.l
BAKSTOW'S l NltlVAl.l.Kl COOK it i'AKI.Olt
STOVK8. Vhl'lvKlle llea'cr. will t-e .npliiicilul
the lowest foundry tiricc
; r..,i.- nn.iii i,
Wholfiilf A Stove Dealers.
N. E. Cor. of KI'.i'OMl it liACKSn. l'hibd's
fV For ml. by 11. 11 MASl'.l!, of tins pfcic..
ruitadvl;)lua, August '25, lt-od 3m.
Annuity and Txust Co.
S. E. corner Hard and Chetlnvt Sit.,
fONF.Y ,. rereivrd hi daily. Tiio am.innt
I ilein'l.ttc-1 i.eiitcre.l iu a leiioiiil ll..ik und civen lo
tUe Ui'ii'it.'r, or, if prelerreil, a eerulieale ill I kivcii.
All amiiR, ltire and lima, aio reeiveu, unu u.c uinounv
paid liiu-k on demand, wittnuit notu-e.
Jntcievl I. pill il ai ine rie oi viva rr.a i... i., w -
inrncinff tror.i 1 tie day of rirpoM. mid efJining tyi:rlcrii
diiv. pitviiiu. to the withdrawal of llic iiioii.'V.
On ti e fi' l day of January, m each year, the interest of
each dcr"ftit is paid to liiedtKiUii-, yi atldt-d lo tiic piiacl-
pal. a. he may preiet
I he I i ilirlll lia r now winimi., u.uw ..i.i
ill tli. fiiv of Piiit'i.lelphi'l alone
Any additional information will hp gireu by adortstiag
tlio Tssaasksa. , ,
llllll. L 1111.3.
8tfpfien R. Crawford, l'ro't,
Uiurence Johnson, Vie. I'rei'l,
Wiillam M. Omlwin,
I'uul II Cml l u.l,
Ainliroee W. Tlioinpaon, f.eorite Mellrnry,
Bomnmiii W. Tingley, Janioa lievercm.
Jacob 1,. Florence, fluntini. hiurliui.
Brcrrtury and Trrnmrer, I'I.ISjV HK.
Talks and Ixnaraiiita, J. C. UUllLhCilLAUlClt.
ri.iladclploa, S.-rd. B, U-M lyP.
WALL PATER. A lar-o and splcndcd
ssortinent of Wall Pupcr, Window Pa
per, and O.l tUudcf, just reeciveilind for salo
by I. W. TEN Eft & Co,
Sunbury, May 20, lb5
GROCERIES 8egars, Cofl'ee,.MolaMos
Spices, Oils, Urnudy Jiu, Wine, Macker
el, Herring and Salt, fust received and for salo
by WM. A. KNAliU.
Lower AufrusU May 8, 1SJ4.
JAMILY M EDItlNES.-Drowu's Fever and
Ague P.wders, Foheettock's Vermifuge, Dr.
Jaou.'s celebrated medicines, $fc, for sal st.
Nov. S5, 'Si. VOUNQ'a 6T0RE.
IT AP1E8' Dress Goods. Spring and Bumms.
ILi Shawls, 13 lack silk, ailk poplina, Ds I.ainc,
Oiutiham, De bafa, Lawns and f alio, just re
nivrdaiid for sale hy WM. A. KXAUB.
I ii,'! AoMU'ts. Ma H-l
Tiont Street Wild Ilfumfactoiy.
SlKTB, KlTJW.R, ScttEF-.N AWr Willi! Ol.OTH
46 Korth Front Sirmrt.
rVxnerof Ooimiti'. Afler, Hym MsrldstTi Mhj .
(Arnli) Snle,
g'ONTirtTjE to mnnufa.'tura of supfrmr t-. I-
Ity, Ursas and Iron ire Siores ol nil Kin.'-j
riru3 nnd Copper Wiro Clolh for Paper .Makers
Ac. Cylinder and 1uii'ly Ii oils coicrcd in Ihs
best manner.
Extra Heavy Paster Wiru of Superior ipiality
Heavy Twilled Wiro for Spatk Calibers, bieveia
for Ilrass and Iron Foumlcrs, Kercen Wire,
Window Wire, 8ufes, Traps, l'inh "Covers, Coil
and Sand Screens, &c. Fancy Wire Woik of ev
ery description.
Philadelphia, cept. I, ISO 5. 3mC.
Mr.. RctLs1 Ce!el)ruic.l Hnpporur. hive bern awl tvith
anmli'riupte1 .ijecc. fcr the twrnty year, ly iti.iny
tluMistiml Ivulit-p. Theyuie woin vt'iili vhxo enr! fcvinr-'rt,
iK'inft wtlh'Wt sny SU-tillic tirinirfl wlmlcver, und hive
pivcn iiniKaitiiiir nh' in a lar(e numliiT ofe:i"e. whrre
I'tlu-r U-k tiit'i-eiairill epplinn'-w. have fmlcil. uiIk-k ra
ilrH-iiit oil the liioflt mmi,t nUnnttiMt, .y twl'li'tt on
Hi-tin. .til Welnut Strii-t, rhiln1i'l,iln. Th
iiiir'cra cuii be Knt rsa hy inual. I'ricvs, J, ijft,
ami ft.
IMnUdelpliij, ?c(item1;r tnt, 1M5 lm
rErVIK snliserilier is constantly Mariiifactiir
ji inj; 1 ilea and Itaps of superior quality
and at the lowest prices, riual lo the lct im
poiied cooils, anil much cheaper.
have their Ol.') I'll. US L-CI;'T and mule
ctpial to new, nt nl.ont half the original ev;t.
Flatia iiiehiH $!i,iHI per Doz.; Flat, 14 inches
1,7.r) per Do.. ; Saw-lijes, Half Kuimd, Mill:iw
and other File in proportion. Single Files nnd
Iraclionnl paili of iloens rhar?ed nt I liu taine
rates, und wiTantcd s.lif.u'lorv.
3.V,. i'MlTII.
NO. n NKW STKKF.T Iwiwern Fuo and
Vine v .-econd eV Tli'nd Sts. Piiila.lilphia.
Pliilitdi. hi;iMt H, 1865. "Jm.
Trusses ! Tiuhscs 1 ! Truss on 1 1 1
grij C. II. NKEDLKS,
Tni?3 ami Brace Eslablislimcnt ,
S. 11'. Cor. vj '1'ici lj'ti and Dace SireiU,
SM PORTER of Ono French Trusses, enml i.
nin? extreme lighlnrss, ca-" und durability
with cbrrcct constrnclien. Hernial or ruptured
patients can he suited by remitting ainontit?, as
below : Sending number of inches round tho
hips, and staling side ull'ecled.
Cost of Sintjlo TriiFs, fi-'i, f :!, ft, S5. Douhlu
""1 v'S nnd ?lft. Instructions us to wear,
and how to el'i ct n cure, when possible, sent
with tiic Truss. ANo for sale, in great variety.
Dr. Jiiiiininij's Improved ratnit liinly Bracr,
For the cure of Prolapsus Uteri ; Spinal Props
nnd Supports, Patent Shoulder ISrares, Chest
Kvpandcrs and Freetor IJraees, adajited to ell
witli Stoop Shoulders nml Weak liiniu ; Enl'Mi
riaslir AI'dominal lielts, Su-prnBorirs. Syringes
male and female.
t"" Ladies' Kooms, with I.ady atlpinlants.
Phila., A113. 4, 1855 ly P 8.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
I hereby olTer myeir lo the qualified voteiaof
Xorthuiuhciland county, as a candidate for
at the ensuing election. Should I bo elected, I
promise to perform the duties of said ollicc faith
fully and impartially'.
Upper AliRUsta, Atlg. II, 18o". te.
"orphans' clwTrsZiCET
IN pursuance of an Older of tho Orphans'
Court of Northumberland county, will bo ex
posed to public sale, on fi ATL ill) A Y, tho 29tU
day of 8EPT12MUUK, next, t!io lollowim Ikal
F.iitato, to wit t Two cet tain
Situato in tho town of Trevcrton, county afore
said, bein:; lot No. 10 in lilock No. 1 17, and lot
No. 3 in lilock No. I'M, which said lots entli
contain twenty five feet in front, and ISO feet in
depth. I.nlo the cstatn of William Rlanton, de
ceasiil. To be sold as the property of tho minor
childrcen uf said deceased.
Sale to commence st 10 o'clock, A. M. of said
day, w hen the terms of sale will bo uiado known
rnTEU WALSII, Ounrdian.
I3v order nf the Court, 1
"j. P. PUKSET,, CIV.,
Sunbury S.-pt. 1, 1S55 )
To tho Voters of Northumberland County.
At the solicitation of a number of iny friends,
I offer myself as on in lependont can.UJr.ta lor
nt tho ensuing election. Should I be elected, I
wi-1 discharge its duties i'ailhfullv and impartially.
A 11 AM I.E.Mvl'.U.
Lower Mahanoy, Kept. 1, IS05. tc.
To the Voters of Northumberland Count
rr.Li.ow- Ct riiKsUrged by a number of
my friends throughout tho county, 1 hereby oiler
mvseir to you ns an INDEPENDENT CAN
DIDATE for the oflico of
Should yon seo proper to exert your influence
for uie, und I bo elected, I will discharge its du
ties fuilhfully and impartilly
Sunbury, Aug. 11. 1855. tc
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
At the solicitation of a number of my friends,
I oiler myself to your consideration as a candi
date for
at the ensuing election. Should a majority of
iny fellow citizens elect me to that o "ice, 1 will
disease its duties faithfully and to tha best of
my ability.
Feint tp., Au?. 11, lt)5!). te.
1)H SA1.K1
T f TEAM UXtilN E 00 Horse power each,
j j vi;h I'oHeM. Would mnlic excellent pump
iiijr Mtjncs, tOjjorf'cr wi;!i 'i lurje Wowing cylin
ders, suitalile for a bk"t reroa-e. Apple to
Miamoliu Iron Woiks,, Pa.
f iinmskin, July 21, l'o,. .
Xo.TlSo-Jh V.'ianrt,
hcalcb is
WMTROVEI) Super Phrphato of I.iire, Pou-
drette, and Land Plaster. Having every
facility for supplying all articles iu the above
line of the best quality, at the vejy lowest mar
ket prices, would mj! respectfully solicit a call.
Alio, rbeci'e, tfoaps, Candles, Spices, Ac.
.Sunbury, July SI, IS55. i-am.
CltDARTUns, Horse IlaeketK. Painted liuck
els. Meat Tenderers, Corn It.-oonis, Bas
ket, Children's Wagons, attJ Vaiikm ( locks
ut received and for salo by .
May SO, 1855. L W. TEIVFK I
UOS1ERV. Mens wool ami colton Socks,
Ladies' and childieii's stwkinffs just open.
ed a
-, vn'j s' 'ii .
Bunburr No. I.
LOVES Duckakin Oloves ami MitU, do
Uloves wool lined, Ladies Oloves, CbD
May !'
H,CK I'ullv eKxl article-lor
Mayl. wei!EK&BB
lor aals by
V N F! K .
jj rsrKClTI'M.T anix-uiico to Hie .'itU.. ..--
of Ioilhii.,.liNiai'l and U.c sdjoinhii; coun
ties that tlicy Iihvsj eporie.l n Ci.i.rccliotiar)
I'mil r?lor in iAii;iiT K.JARi:, .i-i'Mirv,
whore t!iey inai.ul'uctuio ai d Ui, p on hand, u:
all tirnrn, the ml cloiro f.'..n.ictionorT, &c,
Wlinlosolo nnd K. lail, Lt J hilUuipiiia ;.:ir(M.
Amoiig their '.t.U ui" LS'iii.'o,ii.r: nuy l
found 1
il ini'.l A iit.'itfi,
" V n.iih,
Lkjii.ii lee,
1 v '1.
M.ti) It
Ir,! Cli.
I'l.l.l lI
.;r..C r.:.
Aiu!.:l ju'
T.fia?;, Pisuo.
Cuir.r.'t eneil, ClU
A!ia.mi H. Nnr rf Mi summ-
of a superior quality, by the inr!e or
siiperitir quality of Scf;ii sml 'iui.icvC anJ
variety ol Cotitccti.iu.irios, fi u:!, i !l ( i wt: c
ii oileicd clieap at wholesslo 1, l..iu X:-..
snd see we will try to plea;j. 0. fioui
distance promptly sttended lo.
Sunbury, Au. 1, IH55.--1;.
pSK.SPECTFLM.Y informs
Sunbuiv iin 1 vicinity that he Ii.
e:.' .h ui
a cemms.i
ced Ihe piacti.-o of McJii ina nnd Sin iiry,
will j ron,(;;iy attend to the calls of sll who may
ilcsiic bis iiofi'sionl service.-". H s eH'-cn is
ib.e rcsidi-ncc of hij tiiothcr, Mar' :u...i.-.!.
Sunbury. J.ily II. 1?S"-. Jiv;
To Iron Masters and Dealer.
Xo, 21 Arch Sire!, ulive 1-ront,
(jV;i:vi:-s, rii;iijj.Bs, s -iiLiJN.-, v.'(;
'l)Ji:s, f nil tne ,-hes and vi!:'. -, v i:b 1!
hinds of plain and l;,ney Wire work. F
Makers Wire, all kind.
Uol! covered in the b
Cyiioders and Iarrtv
st manner 111 co- oot oi
the city.
A very superior articlo of Heavy F-i.r.,f
Sieves. All l.inda of iron Ore Wire. V i e 1
Sieves for Seed, Girain, Sand, Starch, ."11
llrit.kdu.,1, CvC, &c.
UAVUSci, PA KEY &. Lirv'.'V
Augilol, T, Uo'i. (J 'A in
Krs'Kn rjgosiM.vrc or liwc.
fjSoO h'.l.i. of 'I o most superior manufacture
AI.-o, Cil'AN'T of ecry description, Cnl
cined Planter, Ci'inent, &e.
XT' Pfoilitcc of all kinds bought and sold or
R. 13. SELLERS cV CO.,
Forwarding ond ComniiM-'on Mcrchantu, No
Co Noilh Wharves, between Raca r.nd Viiu
Ftr-Tt-ts, Phil.ula.
Piiiiadelphia, August 1, 1855 5mc.
Photortrp.phy ! Daguerreotypes!!
Successor to McClcct $ Otrmon)
"ITTOUI.D call tho attcnion cf tV.e public, no.
ouly lo the eupetiority of tho Uasvierieo
tvpes, (he llyalogrnpli, (by somn called Atubro
tvic.) nnd the various 6tvles of Photornphy on
paper; but to the fact, that parties at a ilistincr
ios,e?sint a small daguerreotype, may, bv S 'lub
iujr it to No. Ib0 Chestnut St., have tnado from
it by the means of Photography, and tbo t-tlonn
of the bent Artists, a portrait ol .'.hi utzs, from
a smiill Ld?ket to tho fall fiie of life.
A suti.ll booU eo.itaiuiiis desrription, pries
&c., &c., will lio sent g-.e.lis to uny i ;;jn rua
kins t!--' romicst.
rhilsiclr.Ma Pliot;Vranh Eatahlishmcnt,
No. 100 Chestnut st., libnv 7tii.
Thila., July 81, 135. tf.
m n LOTS 'S B U I G O E l IX u.
fT9 .UU.OW ri INURiO 1J1.1 L', is now wen
established as the best urticlc ever ottered foi
P.lucitiL; Clothes. It is entirely free from acid or
anything injurious to tlio finest articles. All
housekeepers will find it much cheaper and lew
t.ouMc than Indiao or any other aiticle. Tlin
great demand for it has brought out sevetal m:i
t.iliom. IStorileepcrs end consumers will Iu
careful to (ret UrxjAitls Il vmow's, put up at
Alfre d Wiltbcrjer's irur Store, No. 100, J.'.
Second Street, Philadelphia. rStorekcspcn ca i
c;ct tiicir supplies from the Croecra and IJniisU
they deal with, ut prices yi,-lain;j a rtood prolit.
bru7, CiiCMieai, 1'atuti, YaruisAen, ;v
Sti'tfs, c, with a first-rate assortment of every
thing iu tho line. Morekceperf, Physicians one
manul.ieturers supplied at re.isonai'tc rates.
ALFHEU Wll. l lJi.ltti:.!;, irrticgisu
100 N. ScconJ Strjct, Philadelphia.
July r. 153. ly.
r"BMIE subscriber informs DealcrB and Farmer-;
-8- thuthe ha. greatly iniproniej tha quality o
.5ii;fr Phosphate of Lira,
And now confidently recommends l.:a articic
manufactured by him, assi-pruiou lo any in the
market. You art invitci tJ call, examine and
try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican tiuano, Oils,
Candles, S?osp, &c, at the lowest mtrket rates.
Successor to Thus. W. Morgan,
No. 9 and,10 South Wharves, Philadelphia.
1" Farmers can load on two private alleys,
and avoid tho crowded whurt
Phila., July 1, 1835. cCm.
Orphans' Court Sale.
pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Northumberland county, will be exposeJ to
public sole, on SATURDAY, tho 20th day o'
September next, on tho premises, the following
described real estate, to witt a certain
situate In Jordan tovrush'p, crmtty nfjiecn' I.
adioininj landa of Nathan'Schrnber, Frederick
Tyson, (ieor(e Trautmm, and inonutain l.r.d,
whrieoit is erected a doable Loj House, bank,
barn snd other outbuildings, ent'nin'Ti'i; about
ono hundred acres, inure or leu, uhuutlivo third:'
of whiih aro cleared. Late the cstute of Andrew
Lcn'T, deo'd. falo to coinuience at 10 oYIo.-k,
A . M., of stiJ day, whou the terms of sa'o will be
rnuda known by .
HKNJ Aoiir LEIT7X.I., Ailn. r-
Ry order of the Court,
;.iurt, )
flk. O. C. V
8, lf-55 ta )
JNO. P. ri.KSbl..
Sunbury, A us. 18,
V- I'E prerent Proprietor of the newly dicoi
I ered WIXFIKLU t-'AVM (Hrie.tor.e) in
Dry Valley, Union county, hereby give, notice
lint the cae will not le open on Sundays for
isitu.. It may be visited by Ladies and C.'ti
tleuien, en fciuturday. of every week, when es
pecial preparations will b. mads to uccoiuuiodate
with lights. ,
lT All pPns ara forbidden to break oif.
in : u ro, or take sway any specimuna from the
Cave, under penalty uf prosecution. . .
The payment of IV cents only is reflated or
cve.y pctiiun before enterlnj.
Dry Valley, Aug. IJ, 163. 8m.
TfMUILELLAS Oversjiess, Pocket 11 oo
5U Portmonies, Bilk Pocket lioudliereliiels.
Neck-ties, kipring-stocks, Puspenaers,,
Nov. S5, '64. YOL NU S STOKE.
"-JOMB8. Back, Childreu's Long, Bide sn
fine combs; Hair Brualies, Tooth Brusl.e '
&.C., for salo at YOUNG'S STORM.
BunBury, Nov. 18, 1851.
k ' cure for rv.r aud AguM for sale by .
WEISlft A 11 Ul NT1-'
futbttrr uiy Its')!.