THE AMERICAN. B7JNBTJRY. ljBATtEfiAY, JEPTEIilBER 1. 1855. II. B. MASSEB, Editor and Proprietor To AtmtTttR. .Th nrraiatlim of trie Santinrr American ameny the ilirrVmit tiiwne on the Pafquehamia le not r if aqnlM by anjr paper pulilnhed in North ern PannavTvama. DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATION.' For Canal Commissioner, ARNOLD PLUMES, of Vonango Co. T1IE STANDING COMMITTEES' NOMINATIONS. Assembly, JEREMIAH II ZIMMERMAN. Register and Recorder, C. BOVI PI HKL. Commissioners, rt-Mhtwe. r. HTTiriTrix. ft 3 veer. FREDKKICIC MAA, furl year. Treasurer, OEOnr.F. BRIGHT. Auditor, tVILLtlM T. FOnYTII. KIMTOll TABLE. Uualaets Nsllrea. AnvtRTiSEMrra. Our readers will find nmnber of new advertisements in our column this week. Several liave been crowded out tlii week that will appear in our net. O" Most of our first page, this week. U taken np with the Address of the Native American National Convention, which we pnblish at the request of a number of our subscribers, a portion of them prominent members of the Democratic party. As the American party has no organ in this county and as tbey complain of having been grossly mis represented, it is but right and proper that they should have an opportunity to be heard. 63 ScxncBT and Erik Railroad. "We understand the company intends to open the road from Northumberland to Milton on the 20th ult., if possible. The pradinjr, with the exception of a fcwTshort links, has all been completed, and the track is now nearly all laid. The grading between this place and Nor- thumberland, is progressing. The work on the bridge has been greatly retarded by high water, but the piers are now all above water, and one of them completed. THF. KRSUI.T AS PU KOICTED. After the Standing Committee bad issued their manifesto, requiring the democracy of Northumberland county to vote as they directed, we predicted that the people would, indignantly, repudiate the action of the com mittee. The result of the lute primary elec tion has fully verified our prediction. The whole vote polled will not reach 550, while Eve townships were wholly un-n-presented, and paid no attention, whatever, to the man dates of this political inquisition. If such a rebuke does not satisfy them that the people have no confidence in them, we can hardly imagine any thins that will. '"The unterrified chairman of the committee," and his friends might exclaim in the language of a more renowned hero, "another such a victory, and we are ruined." IJ5P Pennsylvania Stais AiiairrrrrRAL Society. We are indebted to James Uoweu, Esq.. President of tuo Society, fur a printed catalogue or list of Judges appointed for the f.i'th annual exhibition, to be held at Harris burg, on the 25th, 20th, ami 27tb of Septem ber. 1355. The following are the names of the Judges from this county, appointed on the commit, tecs to award premium, vis; On Uor-ei ntvl Mules Amos E. Knpp, Northumberland. On Poultry David Taggart, Northumber land. On Flowers. Plants and Designs FI. B. Mawr, Snnbitry. On S'lver waro, UUas.ifcc.. Wm. L. Dew. art. Siiiibury. ' ' On Rucon and Hams D. Br.iutigan, No'rthnmherlund. On Inventions W. T. Forsythe, Nor thumberland. On Miscellaneous articles. Fine Arts, 4c, W. P. Withintrtnn, Shamokin. On Farm Buildinjjs D. M. Boyd, Sha inokin. Ot Farm Implements S Elliott, Nor thumberland. On Farm Implements and Machinery A. R. Fiske, Shamokin. On Dairy, Sugar and nouey Jas. Tag gart, Northumberland. GLEANINGS FROM OCR NEIGHBORS. Wili.usisport. An excursion from Wil liamsport to Niagara is to come off on Tues day, the 4th inst. Some of the citizens of this place, Northumberland, Milton, and Danville, intend to embrace this opportunity to visit Niagara. Pure from Williamsport to Niagara and back, $4. John B. Beck, Esq., hug been nominalod for the legislature. Sixinkgiiove. The Burgers and Town Council have purchased a Fire Engine, for the payment of which a tax is to be assessed on the Borough. This is a good move, a town r.f the site of Selinsgrove should not be without an engine. Danville. The Democrats of Montour county have nominated the following ticket : Assembly John G. Montgomery, of Dan TilU. Commissioner Abraham Wagner, of Lime stone. Auditor--William Butler, of Liberty. The Domination of Mr. Montgomery, is subject to the decision of Columbia county. Liwisbvro. The Chronicle thinks that we did not interpret Its srguinent fairly in regard to the Insecurity of our Jail Well, we think orselves. tbs inference wt made was rather far fetched. The editor cf the Union Timet thinks we cau't save tbs Lswisborgers. Poor fellows, wt pressms tbejr will be hopelessly and utterly lost then, aulest tbs giant of the Ttmes comes t the rescue. Never mind the firatts friend Rsush 1 The ehiralric kuigbt irBt never refased to splinter Uocs ia iUw U Mk aJ tks ftsljdsjss TIIK STANDING COMMITTEE'S CONVENTION. The Standing Committees Convention, as sembled at the Court House on Monday last. It was but meagerly attended, and was, per haps, the smallest specimen of an attempt at a convention that ever met in that build ing. Five townships, visj Chilisqoaque, Coal, Cameron, Jordan, and Mount Carmel, were not represented. The number of dele gates or Judges was sixteen. The whole number of votes polled, when summed up, amounted to a little over 500 or less than the democratic vote of Shamokin and Augus ta townships. We were not furnished with the proceedings, but took a note of some of them at the time. The following is the vote of J. II. Zimmerman. Esq., the candidate nominated for Assembly s Turbut Lewis Delaware Milton Point Northumberland Stitihury Lower Augusta Upper " 19. Upper Mahanoy 31. IS. Lower ' 2B. 42. Little - B. 36. Shamokin 30. IS. Zerhe 39. I f8. Rnoh 2!. Ci. Jackson 24. 49. Mt. Carmel 6 10. 196. 318. 318. Total. 614. There were but a few scattering votes. For Register Recorder, Ac, C. Boyd Panel had 493 votes. For Treasurer, George Bright had 523 votes. For Commissioner, Chus. C. Holtenstein, of the upper end was nominated for 3 year, and Frederick Haas, Esq., of Augusta, fur 1 year. Win. T. Forsyth, of Northumberland, was nominated for Auditor. The committee then proceeded to tie nomination of delegates to the state conven tion, when D. B. Montgomery was nomina ted Senatorial, and Jacob Leisenring repre sentative delegates. The delegutu from Point proposed to nominate Major Dewart as a delegate to the National convent ion, ut as the resolutions of the Inquisition had made no pr visions for this change, it wus denned advisable to let the Stateconvention perform that duty as heretofore. The next business in order was the ap pointment of the Standing Committee, or rnther the re-appo;ntment of themselves. The people, of course, had no say in the matter. The Committee hud appointed the Judges or delegates, and they, of course, were, in duty bound to return the compli ment, by re-appoluting the committee. In this way they will be able to perpetuate their power ond rc-oppoint each other to the end of time if the people do not tako the matter into their own hands again. The Standing Committee have certainly but a poor opinion of the democracy of Northumberland connty if they cannot trust them with the choice of their own Judges and require them to swear that they are demo cruts. During the convention a letter was read from Cameron, stating that the small vote of that township did not justify sending in a delegate. Mount Carmel was pretty much o the same opinion, but sent in its six votes by letter, thinking, perhaps, that small favors would be thankfully received. The democra cy of that township have grown exceedingly negligent since the last delegate election. One of the remarkable things of the con vention was the omission to pass any resolu tions. Perhaps the odium attached to the late resolutions of the Standing Committee gave them a surfeit, but surely the sworn democracy ought not to be afraid to express their views on any subject. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT! ON TIIKCOIDKSi AM) A1IBOV RAIL lllAP. We s'op the Pnss to record another '" p'orable uccident which occurred on the Candeti and Anibny Railroad, on Wednesday last, by which twenty-one persons were killed, uud fifty or sixty wounded. The train of cars which left Philadelphia, reached Burlington just before 11 o'clock. It then stopped, waiting for the 8 o'clock New York train, which passes ut that place. After waiting five or ten minutes, and the New York t ruin not nppturin'r, the Philadel phia train went forward slowly, watchinj for the approach of the downward train. It hud gone forward about a mile and a quarter, when the New York train came in sight. The Philadelphia train commenced backing, and soon got under rapid headway for Bur lington again. The engineer being with the locomotive, of course had not the advantage ot seeing what was ahead of the backward going train. He had run hut a quarter of a mile, and a mile from Burlington, when the first passenger car came in collision with a light pleasure wagon, driven by Dr. limine, gan. of Columbus. N. J., who attempted to cross the track in front of the cars. The watjoti contained Dr. Hannepan, his wife, and two children. The former, it is said, is hard of hearing, and by this infirmity runs, ed an accident nearly similar, but not so fatal, near Beverly, about a year pgo. The doctor had seen the cars pass as he wus driving down the road, and supposing all safe, neglec ted to keep a proper lookout. The first pas senger car struck the two horses in the wa gon, just as they were crossing the truck, kil led them instantly, and threw one thirty feet on one side of the track, and the other forty yards on the other side. The wagon wus turned round and upset, none of its inmates being injured, except in slight bruises. The front car, A, ufter striking the horses, run forwards, and off thu truck, about one hun dred janli, aud over a small embankment. The second car, B. was thrown directly across the trat k. The third car (C) went through car B aud stopped diagonally across the r ad, the fourth car (D) followed and ran into C. The fifth passenger car and the baggage car stopped without leaving the track. The two latter were not injured, but three of the other passenger cars were knocked to pieces, and many of their occupant were killed, wounded, and maimed. Ths killed and wounded were taken to Burlington. Two special trains were dis patched from Philadelphia containing Ptiysi- ciuns, friends, relatives, Ac. SJjr Ciaci's. Our readers will observe that Francouis' Circus will have anexLibitiou St this place, oil Friday, ths 31st iust. Our sotileaiporaries of tbs neighboring towns, speak mi Urns of nigh cooiweudatioo of tbs pertormaacss. J. will M. B9 flgatt, wU tlts4 9 Tus War in tdc Cmmia. The arrival of the Canada brings important news from the seat of war. The Russians attacked the position of the allies at Tchernaya, with C0 000 men, under Liprandl. The action lasted three hours. The Russians were repulsed by the French and Sardinians, with a loss or 4000 or 5000. The loss of the allies Is much smaller. Sweaborg has been bombar. ded by the allies, and the store bouses, arse nals, and magazines, with many other build ings, were destroyed. Breadstufls have dc clined. DEATH or IIOK. ABBOTT LAWRENCE. The telegraph informs us that the Hon. Abbott Lawrence, whose feeble health has for some time piven his friends fears of ap pronching dissolution, expired at 11 o'clock ou Saturday morning. J I is disease is said to have been congestion of the liver. This sad event will bo regarded with much sym pathy throughout the country, for the de ceased was undoubtedly a man of great mark both in private and public life. Mr. Law rence was boru in 1792, in the village of Uroton, Mass., and was therefore, at the time of his death, about C3 years of age. llis father was a respectable farmer of Middlesex county, whose means were too limited to allow him to give his children any more than a common village school education. In 1808, Abbott went to Boston, whither his elder brother, Amos, had preceded him. and started in business as a retail dealer. In the course of a few years he was so successful that he was enabled to enter into partner ship with Amos, as an importing merchant. The firm did an extensive business in British fabrics, and M r. Lawrence resided for some time iii England, superinteiiiliugthe interest of the concern, lie continued in this branch of trade until the establishment of manufac tures in New Ei gland, when he invested a large capital in the mill of Lowell. He displayed high energy and business capacity, and as Lowell grew in size end importance, he amassed a prte c'y fortune. For tunny ye.irff, he was the lo ad of the linn ol A. & A. Lunri-uce & Co. Lowell is much indebted Li his enterprise and liberality for its wonder ful progress. Mr. Lawrence first entered public life in 1835, as a representative from Boston in the twenty-fourth Congress, lie served in thai body with ability and industry mint .1 ls39. In 1843 he was selected us one of the Com mission .rs for the settlement of thu North- eastern boundarv finest ion B verv honorable appointment, considering thu importance ot thu interests confided to the Commissioners. In politics. Mr. Liwr ii'e was an ardent Wh g, and for in my years, he was a firm sup porter of Daniel Webster. In 1S43, how ever, he separated from that statesman upon the ipu'stion of the fitness officii. Taylor lor the Presidency. L'pon the accession uf Gen. Taylor to the Chair of State, Mr. Lawrenci.1 was offered the post of Secretary of the Navy, which he declined, and wassubsequeiit. Iv appointed Minister to the Court of St. James, in which position he continued until after the death of President Taylor. From the time of his return to Massachusetts, Mr. Lawrence was almost entirely engaged in superintending his business affairs. Mr. Lawrence was married many years ago to a duuifhter of Col. Bigelow, of Middlesex county, Massachusetts. Besides his widow, three sons and two daughters, allof whom un married, survive him. He was a man of commanding presence, pleasing address, and unbounded hospitality. He leaves a splendid monument of his liberality in the Lawrence Scientific School, attached to Harvard University, which he gave 5100,000 to en dow. He will be remembered as a generous and public-spirited citizen, a firm friend of American manufactures, and a man of real business tact and skill and perseverance, who has set an admirable example to his younircr countrymen by the integrity of his conduct, and thu judicious uses to which he applied his great wealth. Bounty Land Warrants. From an fifii ciul record in the L'nim of the business trans acted at the Pension Office for the week en -ing the 21st instant, we find thut there were Applications under act 3d March, '55, 2.500 Examined or re-examiued, 3.000 Allowed, L"10 Warrants issued, 2,320 Total number of applications, 206,800 Acknowledged, 165.080 Allowed, 23.223 Warrants or certificates issued, 20,586 From this we observe there has been un average issue of 1715 warrants per week for twelve weeks since the first of June. It is to bo hoped that the Department of the Interior will adopt measures greatlv to increase the number, us thousands oftlie applicants are poor and feeble, most pf them ranging from the ugeg of CO to 104. The bounty, to be beneficial, must be speedy, for to these old folks time flies with untiring wings, and the sands of their lives are fust running out. Tub Ykllow Fever at Norfolk. Dr. Stone says, the fever at Norfolk is that which the Creolvs call la pente, w hich visited New Orleans in 1853. 'It seems to differ from the old type cf yellow fever in manner of attack, iu treatment required, and in thu celerity with which the work of death ia performed many of its victims dying within a few hours of their ui taik. The premonitory symytoms are simply a sharp, acute pain, like rheumatic pain, or sometime a paralytic shock in some part of the body. Others ure attacked by a sharp pain across thu knuckles of the hand. -Unless attended to iininei iately, the pain extends up the arm or leg, audgra liially ovi r the entire body. Internal l'i v. r t usiies, while the skin and e'xtreuutii s ure i y cohl. The first t fl'oil is to bring about a reaction, b wrapping the patient in ice, followed by hot mustard applications, the obj-ct being to produce eispimtiou, which, il si.ccesslul, is generally followed by a cure. Yi ry lit lie, il uiiy, internal medicine is nei-ded or uilowt d. except, perhaps, a slight tonic." The number of deaths in Norfolk is now averaging about seventeen daily ulid about twenty in Portsmouth. The iin reuse ol new cases is, however, in a much lurgerproporl.ini than the increase of deaths, showing that it is uiore readily yielding to medical snutnuiit. The Norfolk and Portsmouth Si fff.kkl. The contributions in aid of thu Miifircicr of Norfolk and Portsmouth ure being swelled to a considerable amount, but it will be re quired, uud probably u great deal more. The followed are the amounts contributed, us near as vuii be ascertained : llaliiiimra, Nrw Y.irk, t'hilMiirlurua, Hichin 'lid, I'rteralmrf , l-'redvrit-kftburff, Rnvmiari, Nurfulk, SI0.1HV,riiii(rt-n, ti.ncv I.INIU 8 I S ' S.ISXI SVI.7IJ Lym-binirf , .im 3.iio ?INI t uoo I'IiiIm. Nwt-y Vara, rharlrili.wii do Oilier a -meet, Tutal, ,uuo BkWARE OF Col'fcTF.KFKIT $5s Slid $108 On the Bunk of North America, some dalun Philadelphia, some in Rhode Isliud. From 870 lo $100 were left in Wilkea-Darre the pust day or two. Many of tbe counterfeits are laid to be very well executed, having a genuine vignette, and looking new and bright. A $10 bill belore us, dated Philadelihia. March 10, 1855, looks bad, and by holding it up tu the light, the name of the Bank ami 'Pbilada.' look as if pasted on. Refuse all uotes of the kind. Pbsttt Fair for Missouri The St. Lou jl (Mo.) Republican states (hat oo ono acre of ground qu the farm of Judge Inge, in Fraukliu county. Stale of Missouri, there was raised and e uj sleveo tbousaua $v hundred and (UDStssa poanda of hay. - 1 MARRIAGES. r.. tU ll.l nl k t,j Ttav T Ttnrfi. Mr. VII ii'., . - - -- Piiimp Iu.ttrs of Aewisbiirg to Miss Mart Bkrobr. of Lower Augusta. On the 26th tilf.. by the fame Mr. Robust Brooks, to Miss Catuarink Bkll, all of this place. On the 23d ult.. by Rev. IT. Hoffman, Mr. J. P. Miller, to Miss Elizabeth Scumink. both of Shamokin. On the 14th nit., by the Rev. Oeorre Wolf John Brown, to Miss Mart Hillard, both of Delaware township, Northumberland coun- ir on the 14th ult., by ths Rev. 9. R. Borer. John Strompckkr. to Maroarrt Jank Wat son, both of Washington township, Lycoming couuty. DEATHS. On the 17ih nit., in Delaware township ROBERT HUTCHISON, aged about CO years. On the 3d ult., in Middleburg. JAMES BAHB1N, aged C4 years, 1 month and 10 days. On the 15th inst., in Turbnt township, REBECCA DATKSM AN, wife of Win. P. Datesman, aged about 32 ycurs. Cfec pirlids. Philadelphia Market. AiiL-nst 29, 1855. !run. The demand f.r Wheat is limited, but prices ure 2 a 3 cents lower. Sales of 40011 busheis good and prime Delaware and Pennsylvania red $1 75 a 1 70, and white at SI 'JO a 1 HI per bushel ; sales of Pennsylva nia Rye at SI 10 ii 1 12. Corn is scarce small sales of yellow lit !)7 cents, afloat. O its are iiuchungeu 2000 bushels good Southern sold ut 40) C. per bushel. sir.l'UY I'lilCli CUIIUUXT V"mt. 150 Km. - 'unf. 90 Oath. 4S Poririir., 7" I)kkwi !2.S llit'Kl.r.n FtI. 10 HcrriH, 1R Kti. l'i I'ii ii it. - - 7 Klavxikii. - 11?) Tailhw. 12 WFW ADVERTISEMENTS. AGRICULTURAL. I have been requested by the Presiden of the agricultural Society, to say that there is now in the Treasury, one hundred dollars, which authorises mo to draw one hundred more as contributions from the State Trea sury. The premiums, will tlierelore all be paid on the dav of exhibit ion. " II. G. TAGGERT, Treas. To the Voters of Northumberland County. At tbe solii-il.itioii of a mimlier l my friends, I oiler myself an imlcif mlcni candidate tor COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at tbe enauing election. Should 1 be elected, I will liiacliarge Ita duties fui hlolU and impartially. ADAM LE.NKEK. Lower Mahanuy, Sept. 1. s5.i. te. CMK. to tlie premises ut tbe sutn-crilirr, resid ing in Lower Aiiitus's township, tNnrihuiiiler laud e.iunty. al'iint 3 month siine a Stray Bull over two years uid. l.'oinr Liiiniir, wlii'e back, reJiali brimllc liead, iV weighs uh..ul &i) imuiula. The owner is requested to come tor ward prove property pv damugts and lake hint a.vjv. OWEN UO WEN. Lower Auguata, fept. t, Ivlo. Via. To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the earnest solicitation of friends, I have len induced to prcs-ut my ault' lfure the public, us a Volunteer Candidate for (lie ollice of REGISTER AND RECORDER. Should I be elected, I pledge myself that I will faithfully and impartially discharge the several duliea aiiixriuiuii.g to said ollice. J. 11. REED Milton. Sept. 1, 10S te. OK every description, auita'-le lor Itadroada, 4c, for weighing Muy, Coal. Ore and Mer chandise generally. Purchasers run no risk, ev ery st ale is liuaranteed correct, and if, after trial not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. IV Factory at OIJ Stand, established for more than twenty year, corner of ninth and Melon Streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & Co.. Successors to Elliot Si Abbott. I'hila. Sept. 1, 1855 3iiiO. TO LADIES SUFFERING AND -PTrX-SrSICIA-HTS. Mrs. Mils' CelrUaled tfuip.iicr have (wen inert with uiiiiiiamiiuxl suecras lor Ilia luai lueuiy )aars, by many tboUMiiti bulies. wall eafee and v-.iiji rl, being wllbout aiiv Metallic taring wlwlevcr, and luve i;iveii irumeilisic relief in a large uumlicr of caaea where ulher lew succeuaiul appluiucea huva fulled. Ladles ran depend untha in( prmujit, liy culling im lra. Bella, 341 WmIuui klrrrt, Pttilud-luuia. The rvipp"""" can b aeui rasa by mail. 1'ricca, $5, $0, antl a. I'liiuuleliliia, tepleniher let, ISM Int. ORPHANS COURT SALE. 3 N pursuance of an order of tlio Orpbana' SJ Court of .N,rthunr4r.iid county, Frederick Lazarus, Administrator ol the estate of Chu-lun llower, deceaaed, will vnpoae tn public sale, oil Ihr preiui-es. mi MO II AY, II. e first day ot UC1 OJJfcK, nest, at I o'.lo. k. I. M., all that LOT OF GROUND, In the borough of Sunliury. iluale at the north west comer ol Kawii (. t'okehcrry slreeta con tauiiiiii in trout on Kawii mi eel. about 140 feet and running hack westward an the noilli aide nl I'l keU-rry street, elmut I'-" feet ai'jniinnx a lot ol r-auiiii l liuulei on Ihe nuilh. and I'd of Mary D xtt.r on the west, o i wa.c.i a e ere el a itiiim-B -yO'B mvovz A i tue inroer of the stievt, and a m ill 11 ue or Dili e and a lie u. The ame tw ii a U u iwu loin, iium- e. rd Sol iSi, 'Jf6, and will be ol lend in the whole or in two parts, so aa lo suit pur. haters. To 1 a Id lor pa) ineiit of debts. Terms uf sale will he made known on the day of sale. KREU'K I.AZAItUS, Ada'lor. By order of the Cuuit, ) J. I'. PCUEL. t'lk. S Suubury, UepL I, lb55. ) ORPHANS' COURT SALE. AN pursuance of ail outer of the Orpbana' Court ol fVoriiiuniierUiid ciuin'y, will lie ri poaed lo puhiic sa e on HA I L KDA V. ihe Uih day of btl'TLMHKK. naU. the following Real Estate, tu wit : Two certain LOTS OF GROUND. 6ituaie in the town of Treverton, county afore said, being lot Nu. 10 iu blocs No. 1 17, and lot St. 3iu U lock No. UI. which said lla each eontaiu twenty five feel iu trout, and ISO feet iu depth. 1. ate the estate of William Stanton, de-cea-ed. Tu be sold as the property of the minor cbildreeii of said deceased. bala to com maiire at o'clock, . M. of said day, when the terms of sals will be wade known 'jr rETER WALSU, Uusrdisn. Dy order of the Court, ) J. F. PCRdliL, Clk, I 8ob7, 8oV . front Street Wlr Manufactory. WATSON se cox, - BrtVt, RtDPLB, SCBKRN ARB WlBK CLOTH M ancfacturkrr, Kn. AH Xorth Front Strut.' Comer efOOufc.b'S Alter, between Market and aarrjr . (Arch) Bfraeta, Tt,tlrtJ1nola. m r'ONTt NFE lo manwfectare of superior quel- v liy, uraaa ami Iron ire owt m amua; Draea and Copper Wlr Cloth for Paper Makers Ac. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered In the beet manner. im xienvy in-i -.f-. -i--"." 1T w:u-.i H'I- U- n...rk r'.lkra Rt-M for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Trapa, Uih covers, loal and Sand Screens, tie. Fancy Wire Work of ev- erv description. Philadelphia, Sept. t, 1855. - 3mC. TBANCONI'S AMERICAN L&US IRIAN ARENA AND FRENCH CIRCUS, Now TiaveJIin; by Ra.lriaul. HENRI FRANUnNI, Prnprietnr Ut ItMl I. BL.N.N'KI-H, Manager Tllu.MAS U. 'I'lli.M A !!!!, Apei'tin l Advertiai r L'uuauat C'-iirentrutinii ui Ntivetty, Ability and Amuse- ever t' the )e pie oftlie ilepuhhe. Pnminenl itiii tnc rSe t rli;ra f dririvid uod will rurnril rrputn tn... w il he l..u..(l MO!. IIKNiil KRA.roM,.l Kr:siK"hi'a iiip,Mli 'ni , Punt, mid Aineritu, mhU gfiierul itnectof Cirtjunle Ul m,i4Uf, runt, wlio will miIphIucv in t wo neparne tnui(e ncen- i hit tw thtr usjn ttret', hii:ilv cliir.iteil tiid ir:itite. tmrirri Jnhimtpr otid BnyHttl UCi(.Ni;i.I. KL'WKIst, ihf rVenia ( qiiemiiMii, ut hit frruml miiitir wt ritlii.etl l!ie Fih'-fmoii f Ntplrt " tml ttts tplemlDt tfieiui'il rr-pr. tpntatinn uf tho 8 iriffii'i I'ltRlti. nr iti- Victim Pfitnot uf Ihe II ly Crunde; Mr. Umiiiplt will Mlt intr dure imvfl prf rin-nice rniitlrtl the Tr.n,ii'ent PyioniMl. TIIOMAd NKV.I.LK. the iieit punci'irtl ritlfT in thm w-rll, it ii' W iwTrnane illy t ciiitfNi with Frtirie.iin't Ainrticnn Troupe, nii'1 wil' pwe t-n th Imck of hit flert ttefcl dnrinjj art ct Kquim li-Mi, tiirliiiliufr hit tomernptt over ktiners, linrr rrst nm oiij-H'U, a tul hit I ifty flitfii'e in mirl nir. IsAVATKR laKKtmii hit iiiiMnt triti, in their rltMie sxrouninKti, rrnre till p k-i. iui'1 HiiTirult iGiirien O hum. laKH. I'F.KKi fKHiHt!T. ihe treat i in iiifil perfnrifirt of Iji IVnh Kqnipoite. will, in Bilili'i. ii to tliit miracle ' f Rin1ibri mil, intiorluT Ihe chef dure of tiinnf let prttihle TrNiwxe. A fair h.iet-t f tuenii m ia Mtvl'tle PaLVMV II A. the yoime, hiiitirnl and iRlented er)iietrieiiiie, vh- will nreem t her American friemit, he ortrm-il Sfnie il'Kariiiatinii. The Un tii.f rlnwn it JIMMY KEY NOI.DS. who in Ihe South mA S inth Wear thnred m at aut-reBa ully the Inure a wi b Dmi Hire. He will five new at-riea of qmiint foyinfft. necd tet, eh tract eriaM'-a. Ii 'ii ntot'1. Hud ex ireMMiia. ami h it made t aolemn e ro imct l' at I e;i at give SOMKTHINO NEW, and n t h re the people with a M of tterrentyped fne i:r Hiniuiltiire iikes He will he naintetl hv that prmeee f M mi hp, UTTIeK STKVK l.KK, the y ''un?rat cl wii thril hnt iiver entered the arena, ol ad ptl "Mottle aa the only wear."' The Pantomimic French Clownt are Franc mt and Aucntte. wh i will act aa funny mi their Aniericmt cwnrcerii will talk, lit add i lion to the ah ve mntioneil atrt, n retnlar eirr-t of aero-tint a. leaner, vaultera. ridertnnd nnxilliariet hnye been enrcetl to give loiie nn i eclat to the entertmiimentt ; whiltl the at -vie nf II or tea. p.dyret and Pmit will lie found einl ti til. and tiineri r to rrnmy of the E(pietrin Organizati m now in the United Statet, or Kur pe. A m 'rnifi'ent Hntt and String Orehettra will enliven the perf.irmntieet with a aelecti n of aira. mnrcbft, Dtn cea. Waltzea. and comrv tnlona Thiaffreit rircna will ethihit at vuiinnrv, nn rrnw, A n fimt 31 At, fot nne day only. Dav and tve'dnv ehihi. h ii tt. Ut-irt tpeii t ' w -iid 7 o'cl est. Ptf'tnwieM will tmrTinef pniictii-illv in half tu h ur fr nn opening. Ticketi. "2H cente. No hull price. At "Vliuttfrore. Satnnlnv. Sentcmber lit. tad Port Trevorton, on Moinlav. September W. AUDITORS' EEF0RT. Rsroat or th Avmtom or NonTnfiEP.- LAND LOU.tTT, FOR TIIK X EAR 18.14. Fi-anc's Durher, F.sq., Treasurer of Xorthum lerland County, in account with the same. Da. To amount of outstanding tax for 18o3 mid previous years. 5.1, 353 60J ' amount of tus assessed for 1854. 11.003 20 " amount of County, Road and School tux oh unseated lands for 1853 and previous years. 3,413 S3 " amount of rent from Public Utiildinps, 21 50 " balaucs due Treasurer, 839 84 J $21,267 73 $6,773 06 443 46 673 81 i 13,044 26 326 10 Cr. Ey amrmnt of outstaiulinfx tax fur 1854 and previous years. " amount of exonerations al lowed Collectors for 1851 and previous years, " amount of comm'ssions al lowed Collectors fur 1854 and previous, " Cash paid out on Cotnmis- ioner"' Orders. " Treasurer's commission en $13,044 26 at 2j per ccut. $21,267 73 Franeit liucher, Esq., Treasurer of Xorthum berlamt County, in account urilh the same respecting State lax on real and personal. Dr. To amount of Stste tax for 1853 and previous years, $1,915 07 " Df'rcgutB umoiint of suid tux assessed for 1854, 15,864 03 " amount of Stute tax received on unseated lund, 1,186 61 " interest on Slate tax, 14 71 'balance due Couuty, 2,648 62 $21,829 OH Ca. Bv amount of ontMundinsr tax for 1854 and previous vmrs, $5, "51 12 " error 111 duiiiicate. 3 73 " Tieiisnivi's receipt from Stats Treui I'reasuier, dated July 20th, 1854, 13 967 61 " Loalemeut allowed collectors " Treasurer's per ventage on $13.1)07 61, at 1 per cent, " coiiiiuissiuns allowed collec tors, " exoneratioDS, ma x 139 67 763 C3 463 17 $2'..2'J01 Francis Bucher, Esq., Treasurer of Sarthum. bertaud County, in account with the same respecting Militia Fines. To aggregate amount of outstand ing tax for 1853 and previous years, $868 60 " amuuut of tax asssessed for 1854. 947 50 balance dus county by Trea surer, 1,034 83 $2.851 13 Ca. By amount of outstanding tax for 1854 and previous years, H amount paid 'I reasurer of Washington Guards, for 1853. do Dewart Guards, 1851, " do Deppenville Cavalry, '61 " do Cadwalader lufutitry, '51 " do tihamokin Guards. 51. " do Farmers and Mechauics' Artillery, 1853, " do Cadwalader Infantry, '53, " do North'd Troon, '53, " do Dewart Guards, '53, " do tsharaokiu Guards, '52, M do J. U. Znuiiierman, 11 ri. gade Inspector, for '54, u do paid Assessor for making a list of doliuqueut niilitia wen, Treasurer's commission oa $1,752 30 60 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 73 00 60 00 60 00 02 33 32 00 " exonoratlon allowed collec tors for 1854 and previous years, " commission allowed Collec tors for 1854 and previous years, 362 00 40 29 $2,801 13 i tancie uucher, isrj., JYtarvrtr in aecnvnl uttA (As Vonnty respecting Itetaxltrt Lie en Dr. To aggregate amount of said li cense for 1864, as per list fur nished Treasurer by lbs Mer cantile Appraiser, $960 25 H amount ot License granted by County Treasurer, lo 37 $970 62 Ca. Dy amount paid Yonngmsh A Son for publishing Mercantile Appraisers List, " amount t a d 11. B. Master for same, " do do German, " Treasurer's commi.-siou on 8976 02, at 5 p.T cent. " balance due by Treasurer, $11 90 11 90 11 90 43 53 686 39 8970 C Francis Hurher, Esq., Treasurer of Nnrthum vtriunn i.nuniy, in account witn t,e same respecting Jarern license. Dr. To amount of sa d l'cense granted by the Court for '54, $545 00 Cr. Uy Treasurer's commission on $545. ut 5 per cent. " balance due by County Trea surer, $2" 517 $545 00 Francis Hucher, Esq.. Treasurer, in account with the t 'nun'y respecting lieer Houses ami Vysttr bhops. Dr. To amount of said licence as per list furnished by Mercantile Appraiser. $89 00 " amount of said license granted by County Treasurer, 50 87 $139 87 Cr. By Treasurer's commission '$139 87, at 5 per cent. " balance due by Treasurer, on 7 00 132 87 $139 87 Francis liurher, Esq., Treasurer in account with th.- County respectinq Distillers, iretc ers, and Rtclifytrs of Whiskey License. Dr. To amount of said license furnish ed by Mercantile Appraiser, $13 00 Cr. By Treasurer's commission on $13ut5 percent.. $00 65 " balance due from County Trea surer, 12 35 $13 00 Francis Hurher, Esq., Trrasurer, in acenn-J with the County respecting License granted for places nf amusement. Dr. To amount received from Circus, $'0 00 " do billiard table, 30 00 $80 00 Cr. By commission on $80 at 5 cent. " balance due by Treasurer, per $4 00 76 00 $80 00 E'xrenditures of S'nrthumlerland Countv. Premiums on fox sca! s. 52 62 CU's w C. Martin. '53. $85 29 '54. 3G3 3."jJ 448 64 2K5 CSi 209 63 1,710 61 306 36 385 7S 446 78 1.079 33 189 40 608 86 2,618 18 55 68 Assessors' wages, Rond and bridge views. Building fe repairing bridges. Constables fur making returns, ifcc. Refunding, Publi.' Buildings, Sheriffs Fees. Cominnnwe.ihh costs, Flection expenses, Juror's wsges, Fuel, f Cbai. Weaver, '53, $41 03 '34, 270 00 311 00 Simon Snvder, '53, $24 00 '54. 50 00 Jos. Nicolv. 1854, Ceo. C. Wi lker. 74 00 95 00 25 00 8 30 I Thilip Renn. Outstanding Taxes fir 1351 a , prto'nu N'amee nf Cnllcctors. T.iwnshiiia. Michael Evert, John Leisenring, John Luihig, David Stahlnecker, Thomas Burr, David Stahlnecker, John Leisenring, Jacob Beck, Dennis Buoy, Henry R. Johnson George Kuntz, Conrad Kershnsr, John Leihip, Jacob Eckntan, John Hine, Pi ter Ruch Henry R. Johnson David Wilson, Solomou Marts, Jacob Bingemau, John Hine, Jacob Kline, Peter Ruch, Peter I'ursel, acob R. Clark, y.imes Buor, Abraham Kissinger, Martin Buchtnan, D. P. Caul, Win. R. Irwin, Dan el D. ConraJ, Tames Buov. Henry R Johnson, Peti-r Hileman. Jeremiah Peunepacksr, Elias Eisenhurt, Daniel D. ijohner, Samuel Hales, tbraham Kissinger, Fiederick Fox, Jacob R. Chirk. Martin JSaclunan, Enoch D. Raker, Joseph Eckbert, C B. Smith. Joseph Vankirk, Pb lip Hile. Samuel Hales, Peterilileman, Jacob Stamm, Michael Kieffer, Jacob II. Kaufman. Jeremiah Ponetipacker, Elias Eisenbart, Johu Simpson, John B-'jt-r, James eard, Nicholas Drumhellcr, Daniel D. obner, Upper Augusta, Noithumberlund, Coal, Delaware, Lewis, Delaware, Northumberland Sunbtiry Chilistjuaqus, Rush, Turbut, Sunburr, Coal, Upper Augnsta, Camerjii, Northumberland, Rush, Lewis, Coal, Lower Mahsnoy, Cameron, Chilisquaqtte, Northumberland, Sun bury, Lower Augusta, M ilton, Turbut. Lower Mahsnoy, Chilisquaqus, Delaware, Lower Augusta, Milton, Rush, fSitnbury, Zerbe, Coal, Jordan, Shamokin, Turbut, Lewis, Lower Augusta, Lower Muhanoy' Little Mabanoy. Milton. Northumberland, Point, Rush. bhamokiu, Sunburr, Turbut," Upper Ingnsta, Upper Muhanoy, Zerbe, Coal, Cliil.squaqoe, Cameron, Delaware, Jackson, Jordan, WE, ths anderslgned Auditors ct Northumberland Count, in ths Commonwealth of Penosylvaui. do certify that, in pursuance 1 f ths 1th section of an act ntilksd an act r. 'iiu ting counties '' tuwusbi, 4c, asssd ths 15th of Xpril, 1834, ntet, at tha ('oiiim'""0' ers' Ofllce. iu tbe borough of bunuury, oa the first day of January, 1855, and adjourn- d mun time to time, and did audit, adjust and settle ths several accounts required of us, agiveablt w tha several acts of Assembly aud supplements thereto, according to the Im-sI of our judgi""' and abilities. Witness our hands and seals, this 2 2d dav of January, 1655. il. J. D, WJTillfiQIW. L. 8.j J. BOOVER. V. 8.J JhO. OUhOMAN. 11 Court Crier's wages, 134 12 ?82 cr, lr.r 40 1T.0 50 116 09 83 73 13:; 00 2.418 f,4 It." t'O 2P2 f8 37 61 225 79 84 35 16 90 77 50 1 nnunjf . Incidental expense. Dist Aty. C. W. Tharp, '54, -vuionery, (.'unity Knirrne. Coronor's Inrmpsts. Road and School tax on unposted lands, Auditors' pay for 1853, Prothonotary's fees, Eastern Penetentiary, Lunatic Hospital, Prison expenses, Register and Recorder's fees, Agricallural Society, $13,455 23 Amount of Court Finet and Jury Funds, and 10 vnom pata. Defendants. To whom paid , Horton, not paid $4 00 Hilemnn et al Beard 3 00 Plaintiffs, Rockefellow, ConYwealta Elliott Mart 2 Orineer Wolfinger Trnxel Cummings Billmver Wilhelm Watson 30 00 40 00 40 00 Ki.-flVr Martin Good Crawford Mnscr Wilhelm Winchester Uowon Rhoads Hush & wire Milliard C.iLel Kwing Wutrjronseller Wetzel Xeitlig Fisher flrosious Taptrurt ct al Farman not paid Beard n not paid Beard Thompson ' Wertmnn " Suxton adm'r not paid II art man jr. " Bnchmun et al " C'umminjrs ' Kipp ct nl Beard Giirman et al " Cotirud not paid Fisher et al Beard Cabel Barr " Gossler Rank of North'd Wagner Holowell Com'wealth Reed Clement not paid " llanegan ' " Clement " " Stepp ' Davis (.'nhlwell et al not paid Walter Waldron Simpson BuCington " llilbish ApBley Rhoads Harmon " Philips Zerbe Run co " Ilerbst Freese Tracy Robbins et al Beard Cuiu'wealth Weise " " Fisher not paid White A Mervine Bower Gosh co Beard 4 00 Cummings Hunt et al not paid 4 00 Driickemiller St-asholti ' 4 00 Seigfried Whiteside " 4 00 Cash account between Francis liucher. Trea sunr, and the county nf Sorthumherland. Dr. To amount of cah received on Countv tax for 1854 and previ ous yeiirs. $10,412 61 " amount of cash received on un seated hinds for road, school and comity tx for 18."2 Jt '53. 3,413 53 " cash received for rent of Pub lie Buildings, 21 50 $13,847 72 Cr. Bv amount of cash paid out on ' county orders. $13,044 26 " Treasurers commission on $13,044 26 al 2 per cent, 326 10 $13,370 36 $477 30 Balance in Treasurers hands, State Funds. Dr. To amount of State tax received for 1854 and previous years. $14,004 C2 ' State tax received on unseat d lands for 1?52 A '53, Cr. Ry am't pnid State Treasurer. "' commisKion ou $13,967 61 1 pt r cent. 1.16 61 Sl.YlOO 63 $13,967 61 at 133 67' $14,107 23 $1,083 35 Balance in Treasurer's hands. Militia Funds. Da. To nmonnt of cash received on Militia tax for 1854 and pre vious, Cr. By amount of cash paid to differ " ent military companies. " Treasurer's commiision on $693 55 at 1 per cent, 732 50 $699 53 6 99 $70C 5fi $75 9G Ba'ance in Treasurer's hands, i, I'M-t ot the 3l( Ozcvnher. l'it. Years. Coantr, Suite, Mihua 1846 3 OO" 1848 t3 c" .. 16 00 1 95' 1649 $4 03 11 50 45 63 13 TO .1 34 50 . r.i 43 1850 61 42 127 59 45 00 133 05 29 00 19 29 .. 7 24 59 50 h 29 00 4 no 1851 36 66 12 54 7 35 159 67 179 73 41 00 - 106 52 67 31 28 Ot) 139 72 . 13 95 6 00 1852 11 28 25 13 13 30 " 247 84 343 09 172 76 8 OQ 9 72 8 35 24 50. - 6 50 1833 42 01 67 35 3 40 92 16 34 11 21 53 292 511 402 94 5'J 60 124 67 40 62 60 00 " 340 78 83 33 69 50 75 33 96 42 29 00 160 4f 217 33 C4 60 " 32 45 73 05 14 50 13 26 11 50 u 3 00 17 50 1831 523 59 70 19 23 0d - 153 69 73 40 62 50 486 12 363 80 67 53 153 72 107 UO 13 50 283 76 62 36 32 60 1U8 66 59 50 S7 00 534 00 357 19 21 50 " 154 64 70 54 17 50 - 395 10 62 27 67 00 645 21 243 89 50 oil 237 65 97 71 7 00 416 07 146 61 21 00 258 53 51 21 23 6d - 350 62 43 41 65 00 309 80 402 15 191 00 521 30 150 21 34 0d 79 58 17 22 14 00 738 07 20 61 60 00 " 220 40 26 04 31 f0 213 53 87 62 41 50 IS r? oej fvu u r " 00 03 00 00 00 00 00' 00" 00' 00- 00 00 00 0 0(f oty 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 on