IMONt OF Til ir... aT... " lorR or OrrxioKa t Lewis, C. J. a. Pli ladelX' ZL .Vtom?rWM tene. ? lL C0nrt be,ow Proved and ck J ;LPTncr "Wding to Law. ck J. dissenting. Application for a Special Session ttt 'lV.n0.?Sltlration of t,,e condition of the ne of the Conrt it i deemed inexpedi. to Rrant tll0 p of u P ' pocml Mwipaor the Sanrem Conrt J n i. I , l" Presoni year. Tho applk a is therefore refused. r It I llmnn 1 - . " ms Progress of the Fsviin. The Nor : Arpus, of Sntnrday, any there seems to jo nbutoinent of the ravages of the fever ho city and that in Portsmouth tho fear iiseaso is still doing its work of death lout any apparent decrease in the number lctinis. The Argas comments with so 7 VJ?uB the Precipitate flight of the citi i. The contributions made hy the citi i or Haltimoro, Washington. Philadelphia N ew York wero very thankfully received. Howard Association of Norfolk was nctive in its attentions to tho sick, aud idiujj for tho wauts of tho destitute. iin News. The latest and most impor news to those who aro in want of good cheap clothing, is that Rockhill and ion are always prepared to furnish every le in their lino of business, at their cloth torn, Xo. Hi Chesnut and Franklin e, Pluludi-lnhia. MARRIAGES. i tho 19ta hi?., by the Uov. K. A. Fish Ir. Jamks VAxitons-, to Mrs. Ma.idalexa '., both of Slmmokin. ; Slmmokin, cn -tho lGth inst., by the 1. IJird, Mr. Fkakrum F.irexiiabt, to ivArnr.L ftiiAiRR. all oT Sliamokin. i Saturday, the lath in6t by Rov. II. nan, Mr. Isaac Hijuiix, to Miss iauixk Evens, both of Shamtrkin. t:ie time npo, by the same. Mr. Rorrrt , to Miss Mary Alice Reek, both of :oun'.y. ' the sanio, Mr. J. W. Smith, to Ml An.m Yost, both of this couutv." fflmht Ihiladt'lpliia Market. August 22, 1955. IAIN'.--T!ir iv is Ie?s demand for Wheat, he supply huvin? increased prices aro . iiah-d of oOUU bushels prime Southern Viiiisylvanin rod at $1 5 a 1 62 J per I ; while ?l )fj a 2 01. Rye SL I5ul 18 w. and S2-"!al 27 for old. Corn is low-ili-s lit J7e afloat. Oats Sales of 3000 ew Delaware prime at 40c. HUIIY J'KICE CUItUHNT t. 150 IIS . 90 62 Tors, J 75 x 25 :lsii li x. 10 km. . . is 12 ... 7 OW. . . IS I ew Advertisements. SHAMOKIN OLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. Z I'niir'li session of this Institution will inimciiee on Monday, tho 1 0th ol Seplem ul will rontiilue 14 weeks, inn it f ill.i'.vi ; iary DqiartijieiUrf pet session, $1,00 h 11'iic, " " f 6 00 .,inM, " " et,l)0 iun due at the. midille i'f the tension. nceinoiitH will be made to nenniinouata. is in rrspcctubla private I'vjtiiliea at ret- ) rates. further particular sJJren T- C. J. rt, Miitiuokin, nokin, Aug. IS, 1335. 4L tateof JOnil SNYDER, dee'd. 'ICK U hercl'y given that, in pursuani the provUioii of the lact will and lecta ( Ji.liu .SnyiliT, Mason, laie of tlx Bor f Siuitiury, Northuiiiherlandenunty, dee'd., Ierignei Administrator, d bouit uoh, of .vueei), Hill fit-it at public talc or outcry, at art House, In the UoiourIi 01 Suiibiiry, on iv, the Sill of September, 185.1, at 10 A, M., the fullouing real estau: of aaid d to-wit: ON'K LOT OF GROUND, I in faiJ llormtgh of Sui.lmry, fronting ml hound uu ll.e North by Whartlcbtiry 111 tlie cast by A'iver street; on the south erry alley, and 011 the west by lot So. ( lie will lut 11113 numbered on the gen in of said lloroufiii ai No. 291, where reeled a two story Log House plastered, frame kitchen attached also a stable e alley and with good well of water at te. ALSO : :i other lot of ground, aituated in said U of Sunbury, fronting upon Kawn street, nded on tlie' north by lot No. 194, on bv an alley, on the south by lot of Mrs. Welter, No. iy0, and ou thr'west by treet.bein? numbered in the general plan UorouuhNo. 1M3; where is erected a y Los How J si""11 kitchen, lata the f said Jjhntfnydcr, dee'd. s and conditions will be made known by ;OU VOLNG, Adin' bonis non, of John Snyder, dee'd. urv, Aug :st 18, 1855. Is. ILES AND HASPS. ,V blULiT FILE WORKS, Philadelphia. S subscriber is constantly Manufactur ,8 I ilea and Hasps of superior quality be lowest prices, equal to the be.t im oods, and much cheupcr. ;LT-CTL'KiiBS & MECHANICS an nir OLD FILES HE -CUT and made new, at about half the original cost inches S,00 r Doi.; Plat, 14 - inches er Dox. i taw-liles, Half Round, Millfaw r Files in proportion. Single Files and il parU of dozens charged at the asms J w arranted sa.isfactorv. u gMiTHi -j SEW STREET between Kac and Second & Third bis. Pliiladelphia. Ja. August 13, 1S55. 3m. TVTIIMO Ss BROTHPB, JCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ka. 40 South Water Street, rim-ABEbriiu. ,r attention paid to .ale. of the follow.nj articles I , Butter. Lard. Vo,k, Beans, I'-tato ,.nd dried Fruits. Cn "on., Wool. Feather Poultry. &e., &-.&. ...rts. U'm. Brown. Esq. f n"..B.ulT.Jor.-.E . runnel. ,11 . PiUsburl. . : .1 U ,m Orphans Court Sale. 1 Jr!Llrr,utnc of n order of th Orph OI INorthlimkr1stnl Mm jm l an. Vourt exposed to dfed ? e?- v win ce rutin TRACT OF LAND. situate In Jordan township, county aforesaid, " b ,anu5 01 Hainan Bchrabor, Frederick v.ion, Ocorge Trautmin, and monntain laud, whereon la erected a double Log House, bank farn and other outbuildings, containing about one hundred acres, mora or less, about two thirds wnicn are cleared. Late the estate of Andrew am' ? J ele 10 Cfomence at 10 o'clock, of said day, when the terrnsof sate will be uinuo mown liy BENJAMIN LEITZEL, Adm'r. y oroer 01 tna Uourt, acr ot the Uourt, PURSEL, Clk. O. C. ry.Aug. 18, 1S55 ts. ) J11U, I', fSunbu A STRAY BULL! PJA ME to the premises of the subscriber, in Lpper Aupnxta township, some time since, a small BLACK BULL, about nine months or a year old. There are no particular marks, except the lip of his tail heing white. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dis posed of according to law. DANIEL G. KUTZ. Up. Augusta tp., Aug. 18, 1855. 3t. iiL The highest price will be given for Laud Warrants bv the sub- h. B. MASSER. EstatTofsAMUELBTH AT OTIC E ia hereby given that letters of admin X1 islration upon the estate of Samuel B. Haas, late of the town of Sliamokin, Northum berland county, dee'd.. have been granted to John Vanzint, residing in Shamokin township. All persons having claims against said deceas ed, are requested to present them for settlement, and all persons knowing themselves to be indeb ted will rrake immediate payment. JOHN VANZANT, Ad'tor. Shamokin tp., Aug 11, 1855. 6t. EXECUTOHS' SALE. WILL be sold at public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 20th day of Sep- Member, at 10 o'clock, A. M., 1855, in pursuance of the last will and testament of Michael Evert, dec'.l., a certain A TRACT OP LAND, situated ill Upper Augusta township, North'd county, ab.iut lour miles cast of Sunbury, ad joining lands of Jonas Fry, John Haughawout, Daniel Kecfer .nd others, containg about fifty acres, mora or le. About twenty acres of the said premises are cleared, and in a good state of cultivation. Tho remainder is timber land. There is also an excellent, and never-failing spring on the property. Persons wishing to examine the land can ap ply to Jacob Evert, near the premises. Terms and conditions made known on the day of sale. DAVID MARTZ, Ex'r. Upper Augusta, Aug. 11, 1S55. ts. To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I offer myself to your consideration as a candi date for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the eimcini? election. Should a majority of my fellow citizens elect me to that office, I will discarge its duties faithfully and to the best of my ability. JOSEPH VAN KIRK. Point tp., Aug. 11, 1655. te. To tho Voters of Northumberland County Fkllow Citizkxs Urged by a number of my friends throughout the county, I hereby oir.-r mvsclf to you as an INDEPENDENT CAN-' DIDATE lor the office of REGISTER AND RECORDER. Should yon see proper to exert your influence lor me, and I be elected, I will discharge its du ties faithfully and impartilly RICHARD A. FISHER. Sunbury, Aug. 11. 1855. le- WONDERS OF NATURE. fl HE present Proprietor of the newly discov I ered WINFIFU) CAVE (limestone) in Dry Volley. Union county, hereby gives notice that the cave will not be open on Sundays for Visitors. It may I visited by Ladies and Gen t!cmr:i, uri Satm lays of every week, when es pecial prepniatious will be jnado to accommodate wilb light. CSAil persons are forbidden to break off, injure, or take away anv specimens from the Cave, under penalty of prosecution. The payment ot I2J cents only is required of every person before entering. , NOAH WALTER. Dry Valley, Aug. 1 1, 1855. 8m. N NEW OONFEOTIONARV. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. M. C. GEARIIART. & CO., RESPECTFULLY announce to the citizens of Northumberland and tho adjoiningjroun ties that they have opened a Confectionary and Fruit It toro in MARKET SQUARE, Suuburv, where t.'ey manufacture and keep on haud, at all times, .'he most choice Confectionary, ike, Wholesale 1 nd Retail, at Philadelphia prices. Among thei'r stock of Conlectionarics, may be found 1 French Secrets, burned Almonds, Ctaua White, !tr. " Vsnilki, Coiiim'm SecicU. Liquor ire, Gum Drnps, all kinds of scent, Iove lrmis. Mint Drnpa. red and white, Jelly ChWis, 'inil limps. Mirk t'umltes, ot all scents, l?4ck Candy, Almond Caudr, TRUIT. Lemons, Dates, Currants diied, Almonds, Ruii.xii, Prunes, Fie". Citrons, Nuts of all kinds. LEMON SYRUP of a superior quality, by the sing le or dozen. A superior quaiuy 01 o.-gai sou v-v, - -variety of Conlectionarics, fruit, A.c, alt of which is olfcred chep at wholesale or retuil. Come anil see we will try to pleas. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. Sunbury, Au.4, 1855. ly. ARTHUR'S PATENT AIR-TIGHT, SELT-SEALINO Cans and Jars. For Preserving Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. These cana and jars are constructed with a channel around the mouth, near the top. into which the cover fits loosely." This channel is filled with very adhesive cement, prepared for the purpose, and allowed to harden. In order o seal the Teasel hermetically, it is only neces saryto heat Recover slightly, and press it into place. It maybe opened with aa much ease as it is closed, by slightly warming the top. The ordinary tin cans, used for the same purpose foi which this is intended, cannot be dosed, as is well known, without the aid of a tir.nert ar difficult to open, and are generally so much in jurcd in ojiening as to be useless for future service.. Dy this sioipl contrivance, the process ot berrhetical sealing I placed conveniently within the reach of every individual ; and fruit, vegeta bles and butler (if properly prepared) may W kept, with their natural flavor unimpaired, for an indefinite length of lira. Those vessels wer thoroughly tested, during Ibe fast summer, and their contents, afUr tht lapse of months, fouud unchanged. For sal by Amelia Voungman, Pnortbd., agent for Northumberland eouuty, who will furnish further directions. North'd , August 1853. 3t I7UMILY MEDICINE8.- Brown's Fever and - il Ague Pwder. Fahneslock'a Vermifuge, Dr. Jayn s celebrated medicines, oic Nov. tS.'M. " yOUNG'fl STORE. To IronfMastert and Dealers.' PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, 21 ilrc Street, abovt Front, Philadelphia. CJIETES, RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVEN WIRES, of all meshes and widths, with all kinds of plain and fancy Wire work. Paper Makers Wire, ail kinds. Cvlind era an.l Tlamlv Roll coversd in the best manner in or out of ine city. A very superior article of Heavy Founder' Sieve. All kinds of Iron Ore Wire. Wir and Sieves for Seed, Grain, 8nd, 8tarch, Snuff, Crickduat, dec, drs. BAYLISS, DARBY & LINN. August, , 1855. C S in I m T"uo vb 8LPER PHOSPHATE OF LING. Q600 bbls. of the most superior manufacture. Also, GUANO of evory deacription, Cal cined Plastor, Cement, dec. 15T Produce of all kinds bought and sold on commission. R. B. SELLERS & CO.. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, No. C5 North Wharves, between Race and Vine streets, Thilada. Philadelphia, August 4, 1855. 3mc. Estate of JONAS WEAVER, dee'd. TOTICE i hereby given that letters of A d ministration upon the estate of Jonas Weaver, lale of the Borough of Sunbury, Nor thumberland county, dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Sunbury, in aid county. All persona having claims or demands against said deceased, are requested to make the same known to the undersigned with out delay, and all persona indebted aro desired to make immediate payment. CHARLES WEAVER, Adm'r de bonis non. Sunbury, Aug. 4, 1855. 6t. Trusses! Trusses 1 1 Trusses II! C. II. NEEDLES, Trass and Brace Establishment. S. IP. Cor. of Twelfth and Race Streets, Philadelphia. SMPORTER of fine French Trusses, com hi ning extreme lightness, ease and durability with correct construction. Hernial or ruptured patients can be suited by remitting amounts, as below : Sending number of inches round the hips, and stating side affected. C ost of Single Truss, $2, 3, f 1, $5. Double $5, f 6, $8 and $ 10. ' Instri. ctions as to wear, and how to effect a cure, when possible, sent with tho Truss. Also fur sale, in great variety. Dr. Bantling's Improved Patent Body Bratf, For the cure of Prolapsus Utori ; Spinal Props and Supports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and L rector Li races, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and Weak lungs ; English Llastic AbdiuBinal Belts, Suspensories. Syringes male and ftinale. rS" Ladies' Rooms, with Lady attendants, rhila., Aug. i, 1855. ly P 8. To the Voters of Northumberland County. I hereby offer myself to the qualified voters of Northumberland county, as a candidate fur COUNTY COMMISSIONER, at the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I promise to perform the duties of said office faith fully and impartially. FREDERICK HAAS. Upper Augusta, Aug. 11, 1855. te. To the Voters of Northumberland County, The subscriber respectfully informs his friend and fellow citizens that he will be a candidato for the office of COUNTY TREASURER at tho ensuing election, and promises if elected, to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity and impartiality. JACOB YOirXO. Sunbury, July 14, 1855. te, To the Electors of Northumberland . County. I hereby offer myself to the qualified voters of Northumberland connty, as a candidate for COUNTY TREASURER. Should I be elected, I promise to perform the duties of said office faithfully and impartially. PETER HILEMAN. Ssajkury, June 33, 1855, te. FOR SALE! PTE AM ENGINES 90 Horse power each, jtsl with boiiers. Wonld make excellent pump ing ungines, together with 2 large blowing cylin ders, suitable lor a blat furnace. Apply to HENRY LONGENECKER & CO. . Sliamokin Iron Works, Sliamokin, Pa. Shamakin, July 21, 1855,- . Estate of JOHN K CLARE, dee'd. VrOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad- v ministration have been grnnted to the subscri ber on the estate of Jhn K. Clark, late of Jordan township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons having claims against the estate, and such that are indebted thereto, are requested to make an early settlement. SAMUEL CLARK, Ad'tor. 'Jordan tp., Jul2l, 1655. - Ct. Notice to Teachers ! T'lT'ANTED one male and one female leach ' ' er to take charge of the public schools in Treverton, Zerbe township, North'd co. Schools commence on the 1st day of September next, and will continue at least six months. Applications may be made to lteuj. fjearhardt, Tres't, or to WILLIAM APPLEY, Sec'y. Trevcrtoa, July 21, 1855. tic. J. B. DOBBINS, No, 22 Soulh Wharves, ABOVE CHESTNUT BTRRET, PHILADELPHIA. , DCALCB IS GTT.A.lxrO, IMPROVED Super Phosphate of Limo, Tou- drette, and Land Plaster. Having every facility for supplying all articlea in the above line of the best quality, at the vejy lowest mar. ket pricea. would most respectfully solicit a call. Also, Cheese, Soapa, Candles, Spices, 4 c. Sunbury, July 21, 1855. c3iu. IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. rtlHE subscriber informs Dealers an J Farmeia -- that he has greatly improme'd the quality of hi Super rhosphatt of Lime, And now confidently recommends the article manufactured by him, asaurtaioa to any in the market. You are invited to tall, examin and try it. Also Peruvian and Mexican Guano, Oils, Candles, Soap, &c, at the lowest market rates. JNO. L. POMERUY, Successor to Tbos. V. Morgsn, No. 9 and 10 South Wharves, Philadelphia. 17 Farmers can load on two private alleys, and avoid the crowded wbarC Phila, July tl, 1855. c6m. CEDAKTL'BS. Horse Bucket. Painted Buck el. Meat Tenderers, Corn Brooms, Bas ket, Children' Wagons, and Yanke Clocks ust received and for sal by May 6, 1855. I. W.TENrR 4 f HOSIERY. Mens' wool and cotton Sock, Ladies' and children's stockings just open ed a YOUNG'S STORE. Sunburr Nov. 18. 1851. LACK Putty a good article for sale by MayLV. WblsEK ot BnUNEK. HUSBAND'S Magnesia for sale by May 1. WEISER 6t BKUNER. HOOFLAI May 19, AND'S Bitters at WEISER Si BRCNER'8. F AH.NESTOCK'S Vermiruge, for sal bv May 19. WEISER & UKUNEK 1 NDELLIBLE INK at 7. ... KOTICE. A NY operator, engineer, condjetor or agent who shall hereafter run and permit to stand for the space of IS minutes, any car or car on Broadway, will '. prosecuted according to the Act of Assembly. The fool walk i the line, and as notice to leave a sufficient spue for vehicle and poraona to pas belween the cars ha herets fore been disregarded, we now giv thia last notice that no car shall aland beyond the line of the atreet. PETER B, MASSER, J . , .E.O.MARKI.EY. H""1'0 Sunbury, July 14, 1855. Photography ! Daguerreotypes I ! A NEW ERA IN ART! J. E. McCLEES, I Successor to McClees Gei-mon,) TtVOULD call the altenion of the public, not ouly to the superiority of the Dnguerrco types, the Hyalogrnph, (by anmn called Ambro type,) and tho various styles of Photography on paper; but to the fnrt, that parties at a distance possessing a small daguerreotype, may, bv send ing it to No. I HO Chestnut St., hsve made from it by tho mean of Photography, and ihe talents of the best Artists, a portrait nl ur srss, from a small Locket to the full size of life. A small book containing description, prices, Ac, Ac. will be sent gratis to any person ma king the request. McCLEES' Philadelphia Photograph Establishment, No. 160 t'hestnut at., below 7th. Phil., July 81, 1855. tf. JOHN O. MARKEL, M. D T ESPECTFULLY inform the citizen of Sunbury and vicinity that he ha commen ced the practice of Medicine and Surgery, and will promptly attend to the calls of all who may desire his professional services. His office is at the residence of his mother, Mary Market. Sunbury, July 11. 1855 3mpd. Celebration of the Fourth of July. Great Reduction in Prices ut ELSBERG'S CLOTHING STORE. TJEING desirous of scllina the summer supply off in season, the nhdcrslgncd will commence from and after the Fourth of July, to sell his stock of Clothing and other Reasonable goods at greatly reduced prices. I think the Anniversary of Independence afittiuio to begin to sell toy stock much lower, independent of the prices of other meichnnt. I wish to get as much space ns possible, so that I may have room enough for the extensive supply of fall goods I shall receive. The warm weather having only luU-ly commenced, a good many hae neslcctcd to get their summer wear yet, I would advise all such to favor me with a call and supply themselves with the wanting artirles at greatly reduced prices. "Take heed all ye needy." None need to swrat in unbuitn ble clothing, as I am willing and able to suit my prices to every m n's purse, from the pojicst la borer's to the rich capitalists'. My stock on hand comprises amongst others: Coats of all colors, styles and materials, which I will sell at various prices, from seventy fire cts upwards. Pants of all tho various patterns at from 87 cts. to higher prices. Vests from 50 ct.-. and higher. AUo a splendid assortment of all kinds of headwear, suth as Panama, pihn leaf, senate, leghorn, Florence, braid, china, pearl and and different sorts of Straw Hats, fine andcoar r, white, blue, black and gray fur and wool Hats. Silk Hats, and different kinds of caps. Also boots and shoes, shirts, collars, revolvers, various kinds of pistols, Accordcons, Jewelry, fine cutlery, hosiery, gloves, portmonnaies, besides a great rrany other articles too numerous to mention ; all of which will bo scld nt farlhrr reduced rates from the cheap price originally set upon them, So let all remember the cheap Clothing Store in Market Square, where I shall be happy to wait upon you all. ALBERT ELSBErtG. Sunbury July 11, 1855. Shamokin White Ash Anthracita Coal. From the "Old Vein" in the Gap Colliery. T H. ZIMMERMAN & JNO. P. PL'RSEL, J successors to Kane, Reed Sl Co., will con tinue mining, shipping and selling coal from the above well known Colliery, under the firm of Zimmerman A, Pursel. Tbe point of shipment ia at the lower wharf in Sunnury, Northumber land county, Pa., where all ordera for the various kinds of coal, viz: Lump, Broken, Esg, Move, and Chestnut Coal, will be thankfully received and promptly attended to. Sunbury, July 14, 1855, Si nhi ht, Jl-lt 5, 1S55. The firm of Kaso, Reel ir Co. having sold their lease in the Gap Colliery anil interest in the wharf at Sunbury, to Missis. Zimmerman A Purscl, would take great pleasure in recommend ing our customers and others t" the new firm, as ihey will be able to ell them prepared coal of the beat quality. KASE, RF.ED&. CO. 11 in i.ows ixdigo n m; i:. BAKLOW'SJXDIGO BLUE, is now well established as the best article ever offered for Blueing Clothes. Il is entirely freo from acid or anything injurious to ihe finest articles. All housekeepers will find it much cheaper and lens trouble than Indigo or any other article The great demand for it has brought out several imi tation. Storekeepers and consumers will be careful to get Benjamin BanLow's, put up at Alfre d Willberger'a Drug Store, No. 1GU, N. Second Street, Philadelphia, Storekeepers ran gel their supplies from Ihe Grocers and UruimUu they deal with, at prices yielding a good profit. Drug, Chtmical. Paints, Varnishes, Ityt Stuffs, ire., with a lint-rate asxortmeut of every thing in the line. Storekccjiers, Physiciana and manufacturers supplied at reasonable rates. ALFRED WILTBERGER, Druggist. 169 N. Second Street, Philadelphia. July 7, 1855 ly. IS hereby given that the law ol Pennsylvania have been received at the Prothonolary's otl'ue at Sunbury, and are ready fur distribution to those who are legally authorized to receive the same. JAMES BEARD, Prothy. Prothl notary's Office. ) Sunburv. July 7. 1855. ( VTMBRELLAS. Overshoes, Pocket Books J Portmnnies, Silk Pocket-hondkerchiels, Neck-tiss, Spring-stocks, Suspenders, Ac, st, Nov. 25, '64. YOUNG'S HTGI1E. rOMBS. Back, Children's Long, Side and fine combs; Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, etc., for ssle at YOUNG'S STORE. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1854. HALLENRERGER'S PILLS A certain 3 cure for Fever and Ague, for sale bv WElbER & BRl'NER. Sunburr. uly 22. ISM. GLOVES. Buckskin Gloves and Mitla. do Gloves wool lined, Ladic Gloves, Chil dren's do.. Mitts, Ac, at Nov 18, '53. YOUNG'S STORE. YfALL PAPER. A large and splcn.lcd " assortment of Wall Paper, Window Pa. per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER A Co, 8unbury, May S6. 1855. GROCERIES Segars, Cofiee, Molasses Spices, Oils, Brandy. Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herring and Salt, just received and for sale hy WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta May 8, 1854 ITATS dr. CAPS Silk and Slouch Hats, Military and cloth Cap lor men and boys, also Gum Shoe of various sizes, lint received and for sale at YOUNU'S STORE. Sunbury Nov. 15,1854. YIARDWARE and Quesnsware in great va A rietie and of all descriptions, iu.t received enJforiaUby WM A.KNABB - Ljj August, Miy 1634.-1- JAMES BARBER . WHOLESALE RETAIL CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, S. E. corner of Second Chestnut Sis. PHIt.ADBI.rUIA. Where msy ba found, one of the largest and best assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in the United States, In quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to on thousand Clocks embracing every variety of style and manufac ture, (uilatto for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlors, Sleeping apartments, and Kitch ens, Steam and Caiml Boats, and Rail road Cars. N. B. Clock Repaired and Warranted. Clock Trimmings for sale. Also, Manufacturer of Barber's Cehbraicd line GOLD PENS Embracing all the qnslitios of the finest quill pen, in addition to which the durability nf the metal is fullv associated and developed.. Gold and Silver Pencils, aud Pen Holders, Plated Ware, Sic, wholesalo and retail. Those wish, ing to purchase aro invited to call. J AMES BARBER, 8. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sts., Phila. Philadelphia, June 23, 1.SS5. ly, U03. 21 & 22 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Agricultural Implement Manufactory, Bristol, Seed Grounds (370 Acres) Bloom3dale, near unsini, ra. Phila., June f , 855. 3m- p". new kTmlt1Jho(jkky Flour, Feed and Provision Store. SEASHOLTZ & PETERY, Broadway, between Market JHaclhernt Sts. I ESPECTFULLY inform tho public-' tint they have just received a largo and Well selected assortment of choice Family Groceri, consisting in part of Hams, Shonldcrs, Mackerel, Herring, White Fish, f'od Fish, Salt Preserved Fruit, Picklca, Crackers, Cheese, Molasses, Fire, Sugar. Coffee, (ureeii, roasted and ground.) Im perial. Young Hyson, Gunpowder and Black Teas, Cedar-ware, Stone-ware, Soaps, brushes plow and wash lines, boots and shoes, tobacco, segars, Ac, together with every article usually found in a firt class Grocery Store, all of which will be sold sl the lowest prices, ciiher for cash or country produce. We also keep mi bund choice Liquors, Port, Lisbon. Ac. Porter, Ale, leer, sarsaparilla, iVc. We are also prepared to sup ply the citizens with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies, pretzels and ca';cs of every kind. N. B. The highest cash pricea will be paid for butter and egs, corn, oats, rye and wheat. Sunbury, July 7, 185.r. " AYER'S PILLS, Anew and singularly successful remedy for the cure of all Kilioi.i diseases Costiveness, Indi gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Humors, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflamma tions, Headache, I'ains in tlie Breast,' bide. Back, and Limbs. Female Complaints, &c, Jtc. Indeed, very few are tnc diseases in which a Purgative Medi cino is not moro or less required, and much sick ness and suffering might be prevented, if a harm less but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails j besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timelv and judicious use of a good purgative. 1 his is alil. truo of Cold, Feverish symptoms, add Bilious dorangrmcnts. '1 hey all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses all over the bmd. Hence a reliable family physic is of tlie first importance to the public health, mid this Pill has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that dumarid. An extensive trial of its virtues r-Physicinus, Profes sors, and Patients, has shown results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures have been effected beyond belief, were theyjiot sub stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Anionjj the many eminent gentlemen who have testified in fHvor of theso 1'iV.s, we may mention : Uu. A. A. 11 WES, AnnlyticalCheniist.tif Boston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, whose high professional character is endorsed by the llos. KtiWAitn Evehett, Senator of the V. S. KoHF.iiTl'.WiNTiiuor, Ex -Speaker of the House of Representatives. Ahhott I.A wiilnck. Minister Plen. to Knaland. f John B. l 'l rzrATinrK.Cath. Bishop of Uoston, Also, 11 a. J. IS. CiiiLTiis, Practical Chemist, of New York Citv, cmlflised by Ilos. V. 1,.'Maiii v, Secretary of Stats. "M. 11. Astoh, the richest man in America. 8. l.KLAMi A Co., Propr'a of tho Metropolitan Hotel, and others. Did space pfrniit, we cnnld give many hundred certificates, firm all parts where the rills have been used, but evidence even more convincing than the txpcrii-ncc of eminent public men is found in their ettW-is upon trinl. Theso Pills, the result of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best and most complete which the present stato of mcl:cal science can afford. They aro compounded i:ot of the drutrs themselves, but of the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable, remedies, extracted by chemical process ill a state of purity, und combined together in such a manner as tu insure the best results, 'i his system of composition for medicines has been found in the Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more ellicieut remedy than had hitherto been ob tained bv anv proves, The reason is perfectly ob vious. Vhile by the old mode of composition, ev ery medicine is burdened with more or less cf acri monious and injurious cmalitiea, by this each indi vidual virtue only that is desired for the curative elfect is present. AU the inert aud obnoxious qual ities of each substance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence it is self-evident the elfccts should prove as they have proved more purely remedial, and the Pills a surer, more powerful antidote to disease than any other medicine known to the world. As it is frequently expedient that my medicine should be takeu under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not properly judge of a remedy without knowing its composition, 1 have supplied Ihe accurate Formula) by which both my Pectoral aud Pills are made to the wnole body or .Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If however there should be any one who has not received them, they will b promptly forwarded bv mail to hia address. Of all the Patent Medicines that are olfered, how few would be taken if their composition was knowu f Their life connista in their mystery. 1 have no mvsterie. The composition of my preparations is laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scientific- wen to Le a wonderful medicine before its etfects wero known. Many em inent Physician have declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are will ing to certify that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by their powerful influence on the internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions of the stomach, bowels, Uvur, and other organs of the body, restoring their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, auch derange ments as are the lust origiu of disease. Being sugar wrapped they are pleasant to take, and being purely vegetable; no barm can arise from their use iu any quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper on th Box. JAMES C. AVER, Practical nnd Analytical Chemist, LOWEId., MASS. Frist 23 Cent par Sox. Fiv Box for SL bold Br Wei Bruner, Punhury; Bird ft John, Blianiotin . W. Wieint-r, Northumberland i J. P. Caslow, Mlltou: and by all llniegnts iu Northern Peuuaylvuiiia. JimclO,lo6i ly. riKASK'B J- May 19. nHASK'B Magnetic Ointment at WEItr'F.K dc BltLNLR 8. 4 Fin lot of Wall Paper jui.t received and for sale by WM. McCAA'TY. . . Market Street. Sunbury, Jun 1,1855. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GlN. GKH, fresh supply just received, and far by kl. B. MA.SSKR. Eunbury, J111. 10, lif5. Extraordinary Arrival of rTiHE .ubaeriber takes pleasure n Infmin. -- bis customer and the public generally that he I now in receipt of an unusually large and Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one hundreth part of the articlea would bo useless. Suffice it to say, they have been aclected with th greatest care, and they will be disposed of at aa low price a the aame quality can be purchased olscwhere. My motto is "Quiet Sates and Small Profti." He take this method of presenting to the public his thanks for the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by atiict attention to business he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same. It will be advisable for purchaser to call and eramino his assortment before purchasing elso where. All kinds of produce taken hi evehanne EDWARD Y. BRIGHT, Sunbury, May 19, 1855. c;rcut Arrival of SPRING GOODS! IRA T. CLEMENT HNFORMS his friends and customers that he just received an clccant assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At his Store in Market Street, Sunbury, whl. h he ofter to the public al the lowest pricea. His stock consist of a general assortment of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimtrs, Cassmets, Jeans, Drillings, Mnslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de La 1 iu, Lawns, Ginghams, Btrages. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. Tanama, Palm leaf and oilier Summer Hats. l"l;t(ci'. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, f ish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, Vi : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, A.c. QUEENSWARE, Tru Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, ije LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rum, Whiskey, it- tlF Country produce of all kinds faken in ox change at the highest market prices. April 8, 1855. ly. PERRY cSc ERETY Booksellers & Stationers, ,4 HE now selling off their entire stock of Books nnd Stationary, saved from the fire of tho I Mb ult., at very low prices. The stock embraces every variety of miscellaneous Books, School Books, and all kinds of Blank Books, abo domestic and imported Stationary of everv description. As we are silling out at low prices il will be well to call early and securo bargains. PERRY cc EKETY, S. W. corner 4th and Race street j, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Juno 3D, 1S55 tf. SUNBURY, PA. PlllE subscriber respectfully informs the public sl that she still continues to keep tho above named public house. M10 has also received n new supply of oood liquors and wines, and trust that she will be able lo give satisfaction to all who may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON Sunbury June S3, 1855. tf. TO COAL DEALERS. AMMEEMAN, ZUEEN & WEITZEL, OESPFCTFUI.I.Y inform the public that they have leased the new colliery, called the Lambert colliery, and nrereadv to deliver coal of superior quulity, and of a variety of sixes prepa red on tl.ctr new coal oreaker. All orders prompt attended to hy addressing tho firm, either at Sunbury or Sliamokin. Sunbury, June 30, 1S55. MOUNT C ARM EL HOUSE, MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland county, Pa. PTMUS lurgc and commodious Hotel issiluatej on the top of the Locust mountain, nearly half wuy between Sunbury nnd Pottsville. Th scenery the salubrity of the ntinosphcro and the cool mountain breezes, make it 0110 of tho mot delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories hih, flti d up with all the modern conveniences. The pMc mountain water is introduced info every chamber. The place ia easy of access, beng but one nnd a half hours ride from Suuburv, over the Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail rood. From Pottsville, it can be reached by the Mine Hill Rail road tu Ashland, and from thence to Ml. C'armcl 4 miles, by Omnibus. Every attendance will be paid by the proprie tor to make guests comfortable. Charges mode rate. JOSEPH M. FEAOER. Ml. C'armel, lune 3, 1855. tf. Bargains at the Old Stand. TOILING Sl GRANT . K E now opening a new and very desirable stock of Spring and Summer Uoods, cni hracin! an endless variety. Their stock con suls iu part of Black & Fancry Broadcloths &Cassua?r0", Summer Wares for men and hoys, all styles and prices. DRESS UOODS, SILKS Plain and Fujured II'mcI. An acquitment of TlaiJ Stripe and Figured Fan cy Urcts Kills at unusually low prices, Shelliea, Brazes, Braze De Lain, Mus. He Lains, Lawns, Ac, (ilNGHAMS from 6 to 55 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 12 WHITE GOODS, Cambric, Jaconettg, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, Boln- liett, French and Swiss Lacea, Edinjrs, Ac. Brown and bleached Mulius, llrillingi. Ticks, Checks, Towlin;s, Tabic Dia-ier, fjc. KROtntllS, HARDWARE and QUEEN3WARE. Cedar-ware, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steal, Piaster, Salt and Fih. Also a tresh supply of PKL'GS AND KlEDlCINKS. Thankful for past favors, we hope by strict attention and a desire to please, atill lo meet with tho approval of our frienj. . rt" Country produce of all kinds taken al the highest market pricsv Sunbury, June 3. 1855. ly. L. II. 1 NU, Stencil Cutter, Vo. 1 Xorth SUih Street, (VASIMS.ST,) GTENX1L BRANDS cut for MeitUut. Far- I mers. Millers and Distillers. j Alphabets, brushes and Inks of the very best quality. . c. ni, u na, Phila , June 33, 1855 2m. NOTICE. JV'OTICE ia herohy given that application will J v la made to the next legislature nf Pcniisyl vania, at the session of 1KJ6, fur the creation of a corporate body, with banking and discounting privileges, to be called ihe iun0lsj Usxi," located at fibamokiutown, Northumberland Co., Pa, with a capital alock of $!S0,UUO, with the privilege of increasing the am to $300,000 if necessary. Shamokin, May . 1855 6ia. &RMICELI.I, Msccaroni and Coin Sta'ch just received hy LATEST ARRIVAL Of Spring j Summer ('ood. J. r. & i."r uxiNE, T ESPECTFULLY announce to their friend' and tie public in general, that they havsj received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta lownsbip, Northumberland county, P.,at Kline ISrove, their ripriiiff an Hummer. (iood, and opened lo the public, a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &e., Consisting in part of Cloth,' black slid fanes U:mrs. Saiiinet's, checks, and all kinda Ki'RlN'G & SUMMER GOODS. AUo a lot of Ready. tnsJe Costs, Vests and Tants, otc. Lftdica Dre?3 Good., Ca!icos, Ginghams, Muslin d Laiiies.Ae. Alio Black Silks, Ac. A!o afiesh supply of C;r('i-fi (if alt kinds, .t Ircili supply of Ihrdwarr and Queem w are, Drugs and Mtdicint. Wooden Wsre. , AW a larc.11 assortment . of . Boot and .'. suitable fur Men, Woman and Children. Hats and Caps, such a Palm Leaf, Canada, Panama nnd Silk Hats, nnd all . t Jods Uiually kept iu a Cuuntry Stsro. Call and See. Cheaper than the Chesprat, .-, All of which will be sold for .cash, or in vhingo for country produce, at tho highest market price. Upper AuRtista, May 13. 1R55. Pennsylvania Magistrate': Law Library. I- BINN'S JUSTICE, BUSINESS MAN '8 LEGAL GUIDE. Xe'O and Sixth Edition, bringing tht lam down to 1655. A Treatise on lbs niTica and duties of Alderman M Jurliccs'.f il.e l'csie In the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania, iucit'iting all ttia rei)atrcd Foiins of Process atMt Docket Ktitrics ; anil embodying not enly whatever may be iletinei', vhiuit'jle lo JisTicas of thk 1'kacs, but Ui I jiiirllarJs, Tt-hams, and General Agents; and making this volume what it proposes to be. A satb Lbgal (iriDi fnft Iti-slNESs Mil. By John Binus.lnle Aldsrnisu of W:ilmit Want, in the city nf l'liilndelnliiu. Tha Sixth Frlitinn. Bevistd, corrected, and greatly enlarged by Frederick C. Ilriahlly; Kq , Author of "A Treatise on tha Law "f Cuts," "Kquily Jurisprudence," "Nisi Prlii lU'porfa," Editoi of "i'urd in's Diireit," &. In one thick volume, Octavo. Price only r?t,ou. ALSO, COMPANION TO lilNN'S JUSTICE. 0 f;nAYim'H forms. F 'rms of Cmvcvaiicine, and of Prncti" fn Dm eodits nf Citninon pienf, Cjicirtcr Sions, Oyer and Terminer, the Supreme and Orphan's Cnnrls, and the orhcea of- tha vnrious Civil officers and Justices ef the Peace. Fourth edition, revised. corrected, enlarged, and nrfnpted to the nr"Mit! statefiruiti Inw : willi eoniuus aanlMilatofT'Nfttea and Kel'CTMices, mid a new, tull.and comprehensive Index, Hv Kouert K. Wright, tsq. u one uucs uraro ruiurua Price un'y 3,50. ali, 3. STKOUD AND BRIGHTLY S PURDn'8 lilGEST. 1T00 to 1855. . A Dills', f the Laws of I'emisvlvsnia. from the yesr One Tiionmuid Seven Hundred, to tlie fciehth -lay of Muv, One Thousand liiirlit Hundred and Fifty-Five. The first Fmir i:.!il ions hy the late Jnhn Pur ton, Esq. Tha tilth, Si!!; nnd Seventh, liy the in (ioorgo M. fctmnu. rifhrh Ivliiiini. Itcvi-d, with Maiguail llcltrcnccs, t out Noips to tlie Judicial Decisions ; Annlylltnl Cunlcnli ; a Diccuud Syllahns of ntti Title ; and a New, t ull, and Hxha'istlv hale. Hy Frederick C. Biigbtlv. Ksq., Au- horof '-ATieatise on the Ijiw of Costs," "tuuitr. Jurrrndciice," "Nisi Prius Rep.irtt," KiliUir of 'hiiin'a JuBlicn." 4 c. One thick Royal fcvo, l'liceonlv V),WI r" The t'refil'.ueAS and permanent value of Purdon'a DiS' &t ore pri'-crvi-d by Ihe pjLlicutioii cimually of a lnrc-t the Laws enacted in caeii year. These annual Digests btp orrinigt-d in precise confoimity to the plnn Ol PuVdoiis' Dijijest. 'J'hcy are, each of them, itpuhliihed ennui!'; ere connected togeher liy a General Index (prrrrflr'td unew each year.) which embraces the couteuta of the lanvsoi" eacii yvm since the publication of Pur don's 1'iC' t, in one Atphnliot ; and are bound up With Purdon's' Di(;t, nnd o!o s -Id scpamtely. Thus the puivlrner of Pnrd mi's Dictt will always Ua in possi-smon of tlicconnilvte bfHly of the Statute Laws of PeniiAyivimia down to the very hour whrii lie pur chases it. 'I'll se who have already piurcha'-cd Piirdnn's Fiest may nlwnys complete it to date for the small sum of Fifty Cents, the price of a volitate contuiniug all th aununl Digests issued since the Gut publiculinu of tha present eduiou ol Puidou's Divert, us heretofore stated. KAY 4 HllUTIIKR, Law Cooksfu.em PisLtiBias, 17 Ac 19 South Fifth Street, v Fiist Store nbave Chestnut. CV Oidrrs ni letters of inquiry for Law Bjuke f. the nouutiy, protuitly uttended to. Phila , June 30, 16-03 ,tiu5. DR. A. B. MAD DOCK'S 77 CELEBRATED WORK ON INHALATION In the Treatment and Curt cf Consumption, Astlima, llroncliltis, and olkct illstusea of tlie tteplrutory tlrfaus, hy Medical liihalallou. WITH NOTF.s"aMI AUDITIONS CT UK. ClIAS CiKSLXX. Firsl Amarican eilition, from fifth IiomVn tifniim, wtt'i il hits hdd an unpiecedeiiled s:ile. This is a valuable w.rk and should belli Ihe bands al invuliiis. und the Me.lical Prolession geneniliy. For wriie.1 free of charge, by in-ul, on reeeipt ol l:rit IOIl tlolll (jlllt) C.VE DALd. C. W. VAN HORN A CO. Xo. 32 -VorfA yimh St., J'.ilaJi!jl,il We ibj 'ia a fev, frim nnny ejmrnn.lntiry nticue And rcvieua fioru the Ivi:iu auJ Ainuiicau M4iu an'l other .lourna s : l)r M 1 1. 1. iek is th; s-n of tha late Iteury .Mn.UicV r.q., f- P , llii: Well known barn.itci, and (irours. s tl rise, In his own profession, in u eiiuneut a decree as b'.s iri nt sy.lem (intmlutioj.) pr.ipoted as tha most r!Ti t-tu-tl inelhoil 01 Hpl ni u rei icCy lu a Krtion ot thesitu-ui whieh eauuot be d,i ectl) riiieliej by liitdicine icif". . . . Wc recommend our readers to purchase ,tlie Work." .IVen'cvan Clir-'tiiclc, Loudon, Feb. I'J. Ifiti. We recoiuiMeiid the irk tii our re,niers, us it nppea'e to be fully iiintured, clcnnly written, aud vntiiely diveeted of nuy iiaaekery ir pell'-scekHig tendency. 'Ine Work well dcaeives pettisul, aud t;.e pruc le.1, as fur as our kaowkiltrc und experience extendi, will reptiy not fin!r a s'rioiis consideration, lint a patient trial of us mcnit'l Loudon Medical Journal, llecciuhci- 13, 1?45. 'We think that no one "ail iiefrom its p., Wiihuit beiiiii muishcd th't it is Hie woiki a nrao tieul aud experienced man j mid that it ou-lit, for the sake of thoe who suiL-i irvia coinumptioii. amlmia, or bmnci. tu, to be brjujjht into eatciuive ein-ulalion. It it. in tre strictest sciiae oi tha term, a valuable Work." Oxford I .,I.C'-..lyll;iiili!. November, 7, lalli. "A RcPiiiit ol the lulju LditiKti t Mr. Marldofck's 'W.iik on Cvmsuinption. Hroiirlinia, Arfhrsn. air;; wwh Notes. &c . by Dr. Chns. Orecne This Wiak will l found worthy the attention of our reuders, for they rosy learn from it what can be expected frurn this muda of treating t:oiisuiii titsi slid other alfeutions of ihe air-pas-suges. Fi. M. is evident i) 1 nUil ol" considerehle iutehi (renee anil whiiiever theie is of good m inhalaiiniis of liiedk-utud vupor, he seeius to have ability to extract, nay. we g further, add sav, that we fear that tho J'ro'in lune not given sutTicieut utienLi n to this mod nf nlleviaiiiig the siiiferings of those iaboi iiig tnaler this clis of ilrtcuseai." New Jeriey .Mtiiual ilcnorter, June Ilia. (l"i ui I'r. fessir Jnt. R.yan, rditor of the "PbilaJJphia Meiiical and Suricil JounuU." 'I)''. Madd ick's book ou liilmiatiou n 0ne :f the few winch have been iteutd from the F.ligllah piees un this sub eet lis re-pii'bcniion in tins cnuitrv, with Ibo judicious Notiv of llr. (.recue, will add to the medical liu-tatare of the rmtrd States, and, it is hipt-d, rxwitesnui iniereiit lit the iin-dieul Prwefeioii .-n the subject ol' li-,t,s--htlou, 1 lUcnnSLiI triatn g pulmoiuiry a.l'ections Witli in., addition nf niodern diseovenea in I'hysioiogv, ibis III tie of ireutnig ttiese diseusee should have a fmr trul and siaiie atonement made fia tlie km" neglect wfuch lu blell in his luttercd at lue hands of inedicul ir.eti. Jamls Hrvan,' M. D , Tr.if of Surgery in rhiladclj.hui CuUrga of Mcuiatiw A CARD. lVt. nrfEF.NF. will trem DISKAI! OP TlfK I.l'.NiiS and A!II-PASSA;K-4, iigteeably to tlie mode s i sueceMlully edopled in the practice vi Dr. A. H. Miut iLi k, and other enilnent pbysicluus of F.urope. My Uiis mmle of treatment the diseased surface of the Hrnnclii end Lungs ure diieelly ai led ujkiii, Ilia vu ioui medicsied va por being cuirieil to llle m t nni.'.ite ramifications of lbs Luiifs, pn'aciiig healthy action; where a eomplete JiAori aiiiiini .ii has not taken pkice the beat results always attend tins, ire i f Praetiee ; in flirt, wild saiubi adjuni'ts, it is the only reliable form of treatiiig diseases ot tha Kesjitratory UreaiiS. Hi intends Cevoting his so.a at'eiitioii to this particular b.aueb nf his piofesuiai. Tiesie desirous of uoiisulinig Lira cau do su by letter ad drrasod tJ CUM. fiRKENR. M. D. ..... , . boauudr, Philada. p. O. I' , Jane SI, 1H4,-U). toBArca&c StravH,rrr Confrreaa, Flilorailo big, Kidorado Cak. Ha ran pari! la I'in Cut, t'reascd Fin Ctit, Andcrsoii " "' For Bala al .. WUISER A UKt'NEK. Hunl.ury, May 8, 18S5. SE0AHS' Kl Dorado, Uio Hondo, La Cutiosidad, C'analo, Havana Cheroots. El Neptunn, UI Ducm'o, Kccrcsilori-s, , l.a Sciniariiiia, llaulatioii, For Hale at WEISER & UKUNEH. eunbury, May 26, 1855. rflAlN I'LMPB K amall rumWr of th... veWlcut pump hav ba ncved and ar onvi'v lor sal. oy H. B. MAffiER. fHRICOPHEROU- Jo, for sal by 1 May !. WEI8ER & BRVNER- t f trT deripiw" May 19. . WEISER B RUNE R'8. M.y 19, Mb. WEI1ER A DRIWT.R Vunnutv, Jun 4, MB.