E MANTVF.ITllEFAtXa or NIAGAnA. The fact Wig t tnnn,wfnt over (lift pent -American Fnlla tltiriim. Sntnrdnv afternoon was brtrfly pofflTminicMo by tcioCTarb. A lottrr-frmit Kidjrnr shrss ' "Bnclimnn, nt.thfl prist mill, u few rods tl)ovcl,p.X'tntact Jlimsc, un-diim from tho rear pi Ui mill coniiojr down in n boat. llig onrs woro linnpinp in tlio' row-loeks, n ml he was Sitting with big ftrm folded serqftmlne for help. Mr. Hnchmnn called hirri td. siozo Jus otrs. A few well-directed strokes would have bmifrht him to tho fchore, but on ho 'cn until he came opposite the back piazza tJ the (Cataract House-, where tho boat cap. aneu. iio was seen to come up once nnu iiiniw oiu ins arms. Mr. li. says lie was a young man bout twenty years old. i "Tho probability is that tho poor fallow,' having, by. gome means that will nover be ex plained, found himself in tho rapids, became paralyzed with horrror,. odd wne luinblo to "so any exertions to prevent his awful ate. Who can iniajrino his emotions as ho nenred tli ratal precipice, whoso roar sounded liltea death-knell in big terrified ear, or the mad lelirinin that siezed upon him at tho thought 'f certain and terriblo destruction? Jt was Jill done in a moment n Ffrngglo, a shriek, ii plunge, and a sound went homel It was nil done in a moment, but told upon Kterni- It is stated that over three hundred letters nddressed to ft fraudulent firm in New York, Milder the high soundiiijr names of "Law, tiniuudl .V. Minot." have been forwarded to llm dead letter office at Wupliinnton. These U'tters were sent to the tirm in answer to Id lers received from them, invitinir remittances 1o be made for poods asserted to bo in their bands belon-dntf to the parties addressed, on which freight was due. In i'onsetueneo ot the exposure of tho fraud, through tiie medi um of the press, the rosruo did not hnvo tlio assurance to call for the letters, and thus tho persons who sent tho motley will get it re turned from Washington. D E A T II S. In this place, on tho 30lh ult., Mr. JAl'OH 15KCK, aged about 73 yours. SUNBUItY IMUCU WllEAT. UtK. CoilS. Oats. Potatoes, - RuKSWAX 1Iki kli.ii Flax. DcTTKII. Eons. 1'nnK. FtA-JSV.F.Il. Tallow. CUUH12NT 250 1 25 90 SS ho 25 10 ?8 12 7 125 - 12 New Advertisements. 'Jo ttc Hun. .Mixamlrr Jordan, Jim., l'rcsi ili.ut, unit h'n ai.inciiitcs, Juuijc of the Court of (Quarter Scsfimhi, nf Xurthnmlicr land Count;. , riHE Pvtition of the subscribers residing in JL the township of (.'on I, in said county, hum bly repn sent that . they desire to continue, the mile of vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liijuors, i ti quantities not Ic.-s ihun a quurt, at their old stand or drug store in the town ol'sihnniokiii, and nre well prepared for that purpose. They therefore pray your honors, to grant them u license to sell said liquors during the ensuing year, according lo the act of Asscml ly approved April I I, 1S55. JOSEPH IJIKD. J. J. JOJIN. Miaiuokin, June SO, IS.."). St. Orphans' Court Sale. B N pursuance of an order of lbc Orphans' Court of iNortliunuerlund conly, will bo exposed to public sale, on Tuesday, the 7th day of August next, nt the Court House, in SSunbury, tlie fol lowing described real estate, to wit; A pait of those TWO CERTAIN I.O'lS, Nos. 205 and t!d6, to wit: Seventy-four feet fronting ori Fawn alriet, and extending in depth back one hundred and eighteen feet, siluate in tho borough of Sun bury, whereon are erected a good small frame dwelling house, barn, &c. Late the estate of Clwislian llowcr, dee'd. Palo to commence at 10 o'oloek, A. M., oi said day, when the terms of sale will be made known by FKEDK. LAZARUS, Adm'tor. By order of the Couit, i JNO. P. PUISSEL, Clk. O. C. Snnbury, June 30, 1855. Is. ) We RiF'rs 'sale. BY virtue of a Yen, JZrp, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, on Monday, the Clh day of August next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the following property, to wit: All the delen dent's interest, supposed to bo the undivided moi'y of A TRACT OF LAND, in Coal and Zerbe Townships. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the projierly of Win, Ayrea, surviving Calvin Illy the, dee'd. HENRY WEISE, Sheriff. Sunbury, June 30, 1855 Pennsylvania Magistrate's Law Library. 1. BINN'S JUSTICE, AXO UCSlXKSrf MAX'S LKUAI, GU1DK. New und Sixth Kditimi, bringing the law down to 181)5. A Treulise oh tlie nolcs and duties of Attlertnnii mwt Jii.tices f Ide Pence in lliu CtMulistuwaillli of t'eiuiayl iVtiuiu, iiielinliug It!) Hie leijuiml t'uriiil uf 1'iueess und iJmkeHHtneH; unit einlHidviiiir not enly whatever way lie lleeiiicd VHlluiltltJ Iti JrsTlt Ksup T1IK PiueK, but lo landlord, 'J'tiunits, unit Geiier.il Agents; and milking Una volume wluii u nrorsiaea in be, A sirs 1 j .l Gums 1" Hcmnm. Mbx. Hy Joliu lliiiii,'liiie AlriVrnniiof Wuliiut Want, in Hi city of l'liiUltlphiit. The Hixth Kililiou. Itcvistil, eorreeteil, und greatly enoircod by Freileriek C. llrilillv. Kw., Aullior of "A Trruli.u on Ihc li w of ?ots," "Kiuity Jiiri8prii(lenee,,T ''Ni.i Print KeiorU,"K(liiii ul '-l'uidiiiri Uisist,'' In OIK tUick volume, tletavo. Price only $l,iu. ALSO, COM PAX ION TO B1N .VS JL M ICE. 2. tiUAYlOX-,S FORMS. Fnrinf of Cmnwinciiie, unit of Practice in llie enuru if Common fletis.i ja-irtw Seniou, Over anil Terminer the fiiireiue inirt Orpliuu's Courls,auil I lie omecs of the vnrioui Civil oiruers and Jurticti of the P.-aro Fourth xlllloii, revnl,norie-te,r, enlarneil, unit nitimtcd tn Uie irneiit uneofuw lw;with oopimis raptoiinioiy Notes niid Heferenee. iuiu a mw, lull.aiide mpr.hen.iveliiilex. "riceoniy . S ' '" ",uk 0c'v" l.nt' 3. STROUD AND EHIGHTLY'S PUIIDON'S DIGEST. 1700 to 1855. ApiSestuf theljOTof Pemsnrlvsaia. frm the veai One houiun.IS. veu lluudml, to iie Kl,,Ul d j One Thoaaaud Kijcht lluudml' sd Uliy-K vc Ti ri -ouc Kdiliona by the lute John Punk,,,, i: The I'm il, t,xlh ami Seventh, b, the H,.n (i;,ri' M" "L . ' ll.Rlilh KdilM.ii. Kev,.l, nh Margin ,1 HaiereiHea, Kiiot Notea to the Judicial UtxiJiuna; Aii)lie, C'omenla- n PiRealed SylUI.ua ol mill 'fille ; mH( a NpW fuu Kitianalivelndea. Hy Fleileiuk C. Hiinhllv l .r a 7 thorn' Tieatiai mi ibe Uw of Cc,,,,'.! i.jV;.,?.,, Juri.prudeaee," Nisi Hiia Urpiri.,-' K.liu.r of -ll!,,,,., Junlicc," io. rinstliiek Koyul bvu I'liie only fc ion lilTlie Ireahneaa and porumueiit value of Purdmri Iii.-rtare preerv-1hy 1tie pul.lieuiinu annually of a lntul Ike lwtemicte1 in rich year. Theaa aiiuual UiKeata are uiruiiged in p ec;e c .nfoiinuv to the plm, P.ir.hiu'a liet. 'J'bey are, ewrk ot tUem, lepubliBhed aumiillyj are connected byehrr by a Geiieiul IihIcx (lirniurcu hkw wm n i,i .v.oi-.i cinurneea ll.a eotlleuls ulinauwiuirai-i yu, 9lmlm (RS publleatni of don a lliceai, ui one Aipunii i anu are Douud up vvllh -UriMu U.BB, !. fl CIM.IUliy, - Thue the purehnter of Pnrdon'i Diot will altvaya yj roimHimi m turn wi"!-. wt-wy -oi m PlUIUte LAWS of Heniialvmiia duwu to Uie veiy hour vnhaa he pur ehaara it. Tbe wbi kave already purAiaaed Purdou'a Dnreat mar always complete it to ilate for the muill ., of Fifiy Cents, the piiee of a volume mntainiug all iha annual Unieaia laaiieii aiuce tha tiiat pubkcalioii of the nreselU W)UO(l VI J UlU 'll a vineu. aa nereuuure slated. , . KAY UROJUhR. , ,1 t. LAwBoOHKI tlSt ASD PeSLIkHEia. ' ; . ; .f . ': ' J Ul Fifth Hlreet, v . First Store above ChaMiiaA. ftf Outers ot letters of luquiry (ut Law fiuukit Jnoia tlie jountiv, proiunnv ullenoeu to.' -Float., ianetie, t9 m. - '."V , I1LACK l'uWy- dJ rticlo--lur aalflMy-A J May U. WKER & JJiitNliK. , TO COAL'DEALERS. AMMERMAN, ZUERN & WEITZEL, IJESPFCTFULLY inform tho public that they have leaned the new colliery, culled the Lambert colliery, gnd are ready to' deliver coal of superior quality, and of a variety of sites, prepa red on llieir new coal urenkcr. All orders prompt attended to bv. addressing the firm, either at Sunbu-? or Shamokin. ' , r- 1 ' Sun: irf, June 80, 185.1 y ' t -J AUDITORS' NOTICE. ' TIIE undersigned, appointed A uilitor by the Orphans Court o f Northumberland county, to distribute tha assets In the handa of David Mara, Administrator of the estate of Jnmeg Trice, Into of Shamokin township, Korthumber. land county dee'd., to and anion? tha several creditors of the aaid dee'd, will attend lo the du ties of his said appointment, at his office in the bor6ugh ofSunbury, on Friday, the S 7th day of July nct, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of sold dav, at which time and place all persons interested are requested lo attend. ' VM. M. ROCKEFELLER. Auditor. Sunbury, June 30, 185B- Ct. , . rTr",t NOTICE. The Commonwealth of Pe'nnsylrauia . To the heirs and Jno. O. Voungman, Ad ministrator of Francis Cook, dee'd., and all other persons interested ' . GmtTiso. Northumberland County, ss. Notice is hereby given that at an Orphans Court held at Sunbury in and for aaid county, on the 6th of April, 1855, William L. Dcwart presented his petition to the said Court, representing that he is the sole devi see of the Krai estate of Lewis Dcwart dee'd, and praying the rourt to grant arule or citation upon the heirs and others interested in the estate of Fnncis Cook, dee'd, to appear in court on the first da v of August Term next, to show cause why the Administrator of said estate should not report to the court the sale of lot No. 146 in the borough of Sunbury, made by him by ordrr of said court, why the said sale should not be con firmed, and a deed executed for the premises by the Administrator, delivered to the Petitioner as devisee of the said Lewis Dewart, aee'd. Whereupon April 6th, A. D. 1855, the court grunted the Kule. Witness ihc Honorable Alexander Jordan, Esq., President of our said Orphans' Court, at Sun bury, this 6th, day of April, A. D.. 1855. JNO. P. PLRSEL, Clk. O. C. Funbury, June 30, 1855, PROCLAMATION. NOTICE is hereby given thnt tho acvernl Courts of Common Picas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Oprlians' Court, Court of Over and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, in and for the county of Northumberland, lo commence at the Court IKuse, in the borough ol Snnbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the 6th dav of August, next, and will continue ONE WEEK. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, nre requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with tlicir rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do thoso things to their several oliicca appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting In behalf of the Common wealth against any prisoner arc also requested and commanded to be then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecuto azainst him, as shnll be just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to lie punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my band at Suubury, the 30th day ot June, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and fifty-five and the Inde pendence of tlio United States of America the Ulh. God save tho Commonwealth. HENKY y:iSE, Sheriff. List of Causes, re ,"01t trial in the Court of Common Pleas Sj of Northumberland County, ot August T. A. D., 1855. TLAINTIFFS. pr.FF.NPANTS. Rachel Miller Ac va E R Miller I.tuUviir Kncadlcr, 4c. ct al vs Abrah. Shipmun. Win U Wurke vs Win H Thompson .1 1) Masser John C Mcloy Martin Iiisln l Peter Ilirkcson Win Grady George Good vs Reuben Fagely vs John Weddecomb vs John P Summers vs Peter ShcalVer & co vs Thompson & Eisly vs Sweeney & Caldwell with noliee to Garnishee vs Jacob Scasho'tz vs Reuben Fogely vs same vs same & co va Thomas Dorna n vs David Fisher same vg Wm Tilinan jr vs G Morris vs same va same vs . Samuel Suvidge vg Henry Huff Pcnj Hendricks John Sbissler same Henry Mnsscr's Ex'rs Eliz.ibeth III me Hugh Bellas samo Ann 1 levers G I.ciscnring Fume I.ciscnring & Fisher John Smith Isaac Campbell Isaac Brown va Isaac D. Fisher va John Smick Mury Anu Gumming Rosanuub F Klino same Susan Kline Samuel Kyle James Cameron E. A. Spare, &e. vs Wm. Dales Ex'tors va Good lr Miller F W Hughes Diiu'el Conrad E H Arrhumcty ct al Clms S Eugle Milton Stamp &. co Henry Sletlers adiu'r Crcssler ii Kccsidcs John S. Peter mun Harman Kline vg Jacob Snyder vg Geo Trottcl jr vg Aaron Trottel vs Geo Trottel jr vg game vg iJcnj Grifley vg Geo Zfuker Shoemaker & Dr easier George Yanking, Adm. vs I, I, Bcvin va J B Maaser ct at vg S Ge.brinp.cr vs Jesse Archuniety va Milton Ahlum -vg I. h JJevin , -vg J Our Sr Terretenant vg Michael Kcrstctler Grace Huoy vs Charles Dossier JAMES BEARD, ProiU'y. Prothonotary a Olhee, ' Sunbury, June 30, 1855.- S To tho Electors of Northumberland County. I hereby offer myself to the qualified voters of Northumberland county, as a candidate for COUNTY THEASUKEIt. Should I be elected, I promise to perforin the duties of said office faithfully and impartially. PETER HILEMAN. Suubury, June S3, 1855, tc. . BUNBUTtY, PA. rilHE subscriber Respectfully informs the public JL that she still continues to keep the above jiamed public house. She has also received a new supply of good liouors and wines, and Irustg that she v!!l be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her bouse. , - 'MARIA THOMPSON - Sunbury June S3. 1855 if. MOUNT 0ARMEL HOUSE, : MOUNT CARMEL, Northumberland countyi Pfj. . , THIS large and cominodioua Hotel Is situated on ib ton of ll.a I.oeusl mountain. ' neirlv half way between Suubury and PoUsviJIe, The scenery the salubrity t the atmospiicre and Uie cool mountain brecieg, make it one of lb most delightful summer retreats in the country. The Hotel, is a new structure, four stories high, rated up with all the modern convenience. : 1 he pure mountain water ie introduce J into every chamber,. The place ii . easy of .access. Ueug but on and a half hours tide from Svjnhury, ovej the Philadelphia and Sunbury Rail road. -, From Potlsville, it can be readied by the Mine Hill Rail road to AtlJand, und from thence to Ml CaxineJ 4 uiW, by Omnibufc- Every aUeuiUnoe will be paid by the proprie tor lo make (uesta pomjortabl. , Charge ntpde full. , . a,m ! JOSEPH M. l EAGO. ' Booksellers & Stationers, tork if ! A RE now elllnft o(T tlicir enure 4 - . ..l st-tinnm-v. nvd Iror .of tha 15th ult., at very low prices., rhe .stock i .... .r. variety ef m soollanoeus Books, flsoXnestic and imported Stationary of .very description. A. we are filing out at low prices it will be well to c.W -rgains. S.' v7 corner 4th and Knee streets, i- ;i - Pliiladrlphia. Philadelphia, Juno 1, ls.'io. u. - t JAMES BARBER WHOLKfAMt ft IlKTAITi ' CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, ( S. li. corner of Second Chestnut it. . p-aii.ASBX.rHZA. Where may be found, one of the largest and best assortment of Clocks and Time Pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thousand Clocks ; embracing every vnriety of style and manufac ture, smtal le for (.-hurches, Halls, Counting Houses, Parlors, Sleeping apartments, and Kitch ens. Steam and Cannl Boats, and Kail road Cars. N. U. Clocks Kepaired and Warranted. Clock Trimmings for sale. Also, " Manufacturer of linrhir's Celebrated Fine GOLD PENS "Embracing ell the qualities of the finest quill pen, in addition to which the durability of the metal is fully associated and developed. Gold and Silver Pencils, and Pen Holders, Plated Ware, &c, wholesale and retail. Those wish ing to purchase are invited to call. JAMES liAKUEIt, S. E. corner Chestnut and Second Sis., Phila. 1'hiludolplmi, June 23, 1855. ly, llAllGAINS 1 15A11U AINS I US. 'RISyjEN has still a variety of Dress and Fancy goods on hand which she will sell at cost, and less than cost, cither wholesale or retail, in the brick house ownod by Mrs. Marklcv, Market street. The stock consists of .embroideries, Spencer's laces, et'geings, ribbons, flowors, dress tuminings and buttons, gloves, and many things too numerous to mention. Sunbury, June 3, 1855. 3t. i,. ii. rissit, Stencil Gutter) . A'o. 1 North Sixth Street, (BASKMKNT.) PHILADELPHIA. JTENCII, BRANDS cut for Merchants, Far- KJ tners. Millers ami Distillers. Alphabets, brushes and Inks of the very best quality. c. K. 1-lSK, l. it. nsK Phila., June 23, 1855 2ui. ATTENTION, F4RKER&' 4U MUUNICS' AllTILEllISTS!! "T OL" arc hereby cuinmanded -" meet nt the Armory, on to SATLIIDAY, the ilbday of July, st 10 oVIoelt. A. M., fully equip nrd for drill. Each member to bo prepared With 10 rounda of bluuk cnrtridpCs. Uy orderof the Captain SOLOMON STROII, O. S. June S.t, 1S55. Sunbury i NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. T8JOTICE is hereby given lo Taxpayers, ihat J. all those pnymg their State Tax fifteen dava prior to the first dav of Ausust next, will bo allowed live per cent. JOSEPH NICELY, ) PHILIP REN'N, Coin'sfs. GEO.C. W ELK Eli, ) Com'srs. Olliee, ) Sunbury, June 10, 1855. I NOS. 21 & 22 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Agricultural Implement Manufactory, Bristol, I'a. beed u rounds loU Acres) UloomsJ.iIe, near Bristol, Pn. Phila., June IP, 1855 3m- p3. A PIANO FOR SALE, fF Loerd's celebrated mnkinc, at $ 125. Iiv - quire soon, at tho office of the American. Sunbury, June 10, 1855. 4t TOBACCO, &c. Straw'ierry. Congress, Eldorado Fig, Eldorado Coke, Sarsuparilla Fine Cut, Pressed Fine Cut, Andersons " " For Sale at WEISER et BRCNER. Suubury, May SG, 1855. SEOARS. El Dorado, Rio II oil do. La Curiosidad, Canalos. ' Havana Cheroots, El Ncptuno, El Dueudo, -Recreadores, La Semiarmis, Plantutinn, For Sale at WEISEH & BRL'NER. Sunbury, May 20, 1855. lYbBbKIISE, Veratrin, I'lunordine and Cin cbonin, just receiveil by May 19, 1H55. WEISER & DRLWER. A Fine lot of Wall Pafierjust received and for sale by WM. McC'AVTY, Market Street. Sunbury, June 2,1855. GROCERIES Sugars, Coffee, Molasses Spices, Oils, Brandy, Gin, Wine, Macker el, Herring and Salt, just lereived and for gale uy VJM. A. KNABU Lower Augusta May 8, 1851. 1 ICSBAND'S Magnesia for sale by " May 19. WEISER & BRL'NER. flRASK'S Magnetic Ointment at M, 19. WEISER & BRL'NER'S. piAMPHlNE and Fluid of the beat quality For sale by WK1SEK 4 UKI.niSK. Puubury, May 19, 1355. 'WTERMICELLI, Maceatoni and Coin Starch y just received by Way 19, lsaa. ' , r;iKfcii &. ukij.msk. ITIAHNESTOCK'S Vrrrui'uge, for sale bv May 19. WEJSEU & BRL'NER IJ AINTS of every description Just received by May 19. ... . . .WElsEK & BRL'NER rli;iCOPHEUOi;8 B do?.; for sale by JL "May 19. WEISER & BRL'NER. 1NDELI.IBLE INK at ' ' T Mty J3,, ,. WEJSER & BRl'NER'S. piOMBS. Back, Children's Long. Side and fine combs; Hair Brushest, Toot h Brushes, Sic., for sale at , Sunbury, Nov. YOUNG'S STORE. IS,' 1854. G LOVES. Buckskin Gloves and Mittg, do Glove wool lined, Ladies Gloves. Chil dreu g do.. Mitts, e., ut ' " 'f Nov 18, '53. .!..?! YOUNG'S tiTOKE TMBRELLASf-Ovettboea, Pocket Books JJ Porlinouie Silk PeokeUhoudkerchiels, Neek-tiaal, Hpniig-atockg, Saapendi-ra, ie.,'at, ' Nov. !t&, 'M. a,';'!. . YilUNU'B b'l'OKE, ' UOfSltltYMvu' Wool arid cotton Bocks, LadigV. aji4 elLahlxtut'i ctockingg just mi. cdUlM.' a H YOl'NG'w MOKE. - SuutUi.v Nov. IH, CI ,V'.. -.o-J r-lmss FIRST AR1UVAL . ; At S. N. Thompson's Store, . In Lriur Aniusta totmmhip, at the Junction of the iWiehocken and J'lum creek roans. 11HE (ubacrilier having returned horn the city with a new and extensive assortment of fashionable goods, respectfully calls tho attention of Farmers, Mechanics and others to the samo. SrRIXO AND SUM M Ell GO J PS, ' consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths,Caimereti, Catsincts, Jeans, Driltiapn, Muslins, Votings, 1 weeds, ana ail kmas oj Spring and Summer Wear, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Lnins, Lawns, Gineliams, Hcragcs, Holts, JVoolent, Flannels, Ifc. CUlOCKItll.S, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spires, Salt, eVc., Ac, &c. Hardware, Nails, 8crews, Files, Saws, Knives cV Forks, cVc Queens and Glassware, of various styles and pntterus. BOOTS AND SHOES. A largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, for n.ti, women and children. H its Caps, &c, of various sizes and styles. Pesides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examino for your selves. VW Country produce ot all kinds taken in exchange at the highest mnrket pnees. S. IN. t 'IIOMI'SMJIM. Lower Augusta, 4 mo. 88, 1855. r-LATlXA roisrs FOR LIGIITNIIfQ RODS. UR Points are made of a tapering copper bo dy, about 0 inches long, well gilt with pure gold to prevent the action of the weather, nnd tipped with solid Platina ; they have been in use for over thirty years, and have given general sat isfaction. Prices $1,00, $1,50, $2,00, $3,01 f4,(U) per point, according to '.he quantity of 1 Inline. We also furnish glass insolntors and iron staples. Manufactured by MCALLISTER & BROTHER, (Established iu 1700.) 191 Chestnut St., below Eighth, Philadelphia. num., may rt, I8.r:. lm. Estate of JOHN LEADER, dee'd. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa mentary have been granted to the subscri ber upon the estate of John Leader. Into of Jack son township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons knowing themselves indebted to, or having claims Tigainst Kaid estate, w ill cull and settle immediately. WM. DEPPEN, Ex'tor. Jackson tp., May 15, 1855. Ot. NOTICE. TOTICE is hereby given that npplicxiion will J- ' bo made to tho next legislature of Pennsyl vania, at llie session of 1N5R, for tho creation of a corporate body, with banking and discounting privileges, to be railed the ''Siiamoki Bavk," located nt iIiamokintou n, Northumberland Co., Pa., with a cupital slock of 150,000, with the privilege of increasing the same to $300,000 if necessary. Shamokin, May S3, 1855. Cm. Bargains at the Old Stand. FRILING & GRANT RE now opening a new and very desirable J-- stock of Spring and 6'iimmer linods, em bracing an endless variety. Their stock con sists in part of Black & Eaucy Broadcloths & Cassiineres, Summer Wares for men and boys, ull style and prices. DRESS GOODS. SJLKS I'lain and Figured lllaek: An assortment of Plaid Stripe and Fltrured Fan cy Dress Silks at unusually low prices, Shellics, Bra7.cs, Braze De Loins, Mus. Dc Lains, Lawns, Ac, (5INGHAM8 from f to 25 cents per yard. CALICOES " 3 ' 12 " WHITE tiOODS, Cambric, Jncouetts, Swiss, Tarlton, Mull, liubi- nctl, French and Sw iss Laces, Ediiings, iVc. Brown and blenched Muslins, Drillings, Ticks, Checks, Towlings, Table Diapers, iVc. caiocimiKs. HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Ccdar-warc, Hollow-ware, Iron, Steel, Plaster, Salt and Fish. Also a tresb supply of DHLOS AND MKDICIM.S. Thankful for past favors, we hopa by stiict attention and a desire to please, still lo meet with the approval of our friends. tt Country produce of all kinds taken at the highest market price Suubury, June 2, 1855. ly. . "FLEMING SS BEOTHEH, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND KKALKBt IN FINE GROCERIES, Ao. 40 South Water Street, J'hdadclJiia, Uit COXSTAXTLT OX HAM), Cheese, Starch, Pure Grd. Spices, Butter, Lard, Sweet Oil, Beans, Castile Soap, Barley, Dried Fruit, Olive Soap, Sal. Soda, Cranberries, Salarat us, Ess. Coffee, Scaled Herring, Farina, Dairy Salt, 4 c. .. Country Merchants rending orders by mail, may rely on having the same quality of goods scut, and at the same price, as if tiicy were per sonally present. Philadelphia, June 2, 1855. pl7. Estate of HUGH SEASHOLTZ, dee'd. TVOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad- ' ininUtrutto.i upon the estate of Hugh Seas boltz, late of Lower Mahuiioy township, Nor thuinlicrlaud county, dee'd., have been granted lo the undersigned, residing in Georgetown, iu said township. All persona having claims or demands against said deceased, are requested to muka the same known to the undersigned with out delay, and all persona indebted are desired make immediate payment. REBECCA bEAKHOLTZ, A Jin'lrix. Georgetown, June 16,1855. 6t. Great Arrival of SPRING GOODS! lit A T. CLEMENT NFORMS bis friends and customers that ha just received an elegant assortment of . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS At bis Store in MarSet Street, Sunbury, which he i. tiers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consist of a general assortment of Dry floods, viz : ' Cloths, Cassimers, Caasmcts, Jeans, Drillings, Masliut, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Lains, Lawns, Uinhamt, ticrases. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for -Men, Women and Children. ; 1 ... Silk Hath.. Panama, Pulm leuf and oilier Summer Hals. . PlaMcr. - - GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, Ae. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, cVe. . QUEENSWARE, Tea Sell, tlates, Dishes, Cvns, Saucers, Qc " liquors, Vint. Brandy, Gia, Rnin, Uliiskry, le.-' L - Vf Country produce of ll kinds taken iu ex chaaige Ihe highest market prices. ' ' t April 8, 1855. ly, " IfOOFLAN'D Ottlereat rtwM Miy 19. WElSEK A BRtMHt'fC LATEST ARRIVAL r : A Of Spring t$ Suntmci4 Coods. J. T. 6c I. P. KLINE, REsrECTFL'LLY announce to their friends gnd fl'e public In general, that they have received al their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Po.,at Klines Grove, their Spring an I Summer Goods, nnd opened to the public a full assortment of . MERCHANDIZE, &c, Consisting in part nf Cloths, blark and fane Cassimers, Satliuetls, Checks, and all kinds , , S1TJKO & SUMMER GOODS. Also a lot of Ready .mado Coals, Vests and Pants, &.c. -. Ladies Dress Ooods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Ijiinea, Ac. Also Black Silks, Ac. Also a frosh supply of f JrocrrlCA 'of all kinds, A fresh supply of Hardwnre atirl (iueens ware, Drugs nnd Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women und Children. Hats and Caps, such as Palm Leaf, Canada, Panama and Silk Hats, and all goods usually kept in a Country Store. Call nnd See. Cheaper than tho Cheapest, All of which will be sold for crhIi, or in e change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, May 12, 1855. Groccrey, Flour, Food and Provision Htorc. SEASHOLTZ & PETERY, llroadicay, between Murlet lilucklei ry st.t., Sunbury, TESPECTFi:i.LY inform llie eitir.etig of Sunbury, that they have engaged the servi ces nf a competent German baker, and are now prepared to supply the citizena with fresh bread, twist, rolls, pies and cakes of every kind. Sugar, collee, (browned) green (r Mack teas, rice, crackers fc cheese, tobocco & setrars. A II kinds of small brer, as well as lemon, pineapple and strawberry syrup, constantly kept for snlc. Snnbury, May fi, 1855. ly T UT ill: LAI H K S Of Sunbury and Vicinity. AGNEW & CO., 190 Chestnut Street, Phtladil'hin. ARE now offering to purchaFora a splendid Stock of New Spring Shawls, Mantillas and Dress Goods: their assortment of Paris made Mantillas, is very extensive, comprising one of the best selected Stocks iu the City, and at ex tremely low prices. SHAWLS I'roeha, Cashmere und Gold bor dered Shawls, long nnd square. Also, lame assortment of Rich Eu.bioidcrcd and Plain Can ton Crape Shawls.. SILKS Particular attention is requested to our stock of Brocade, Plain, Plaid Stripe, Morau A n ti nne and l.lk. Silks, of ull ipiulilies and prices. Wash Silks in great variety. DRI'.SS GOODS Flouuced barege Robes, Grenadines, Tissues, Bareges, Organdipes, Mousiluns Challin Delaines, brilliants, French and English Chintzes. ,Vc, Embroideries of all descriptions. Collars. Sleeves, Rullles, Insert ings, with a full Stock of Ribbons, Ladies' und Gentlcinens' Gloves, Huisery, Ac, Constantly receiving f'esh supplies of Season able Goods per Steamers from Havre, Liverpool, New York and Philadelphia Auction Sales- Purchasers are requested to call and examine our stock of splendid Spring Goods before puieha.-ing. AGNEW & TO., 190 Chestnut St., Philuda. April 7, 1S55. am. 1TEW DE1JG STORE!" WEISER & BRUNEI!, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St.t next door to E. Y. UrihCs Store STJNBURY, PA., OFFER to the public the largest and best seleeled stock ever opened in this section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spa, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stuffs, Window Glass, Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, II air. Tooth, Nail and Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side., Neck and Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creamr Tobacco, Scgars, Port .Monias, Stationary, Coll fectionaries, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in short every article kept by Druggists generally. C7 Prescriptions Carefidli) Compounded. GEO. '11. WEISER, WM. A. BRL'NER. Sunbury, May 2G, 1859. Extraordinary Arrival of 'plIE subscriber takes pleasure in informing bis customers and the public generally that ho is now in receipt of an unusually large uud Splendid Assortment of New Goods. To endeavor to enumerate the one bundrcth part of the articles would be useless. Sullice it to say, they have been selected with the greatest care, and they will be disposed of at as low prices as the same quality can bo purchased elsewhere My motto is "Qiuck Sales and Small J'rojits." He takes this method of presenting to the public his thanks for the liberal patronage exten ded to him, and by stiict attention to business, be respectfully solicits a coutinunnee of the same, It will be advisable for purchasers to call and fianunu Ins assortment before purchasing else where. All kinds of produce taken in evchange EDWARD V. BRIGHT. Sunliury, Muy 19, 1855. Estate'of MAS0NHENRYr Dee'dT TVOTICE is hereby given, that letters of ad ' ministration have been granted to Ihc subscri ber on the estate of Mason Henry, late of I'pper Augusta township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persona bavinir claims against the estate, and such that are indebted thereto, are requested to make an early scttclineiil. The undersigned administrator will be present at the house of the late deceased, on Saturday, Ine Jlst iiisl., to make dial setteliueut. MICHAEL AK N OL D, A d'lor. I'pper Augusta, May IU, 1S55 0t. Estate of ADAM CILGER, dee'd. TOTICE iglierrby sivett that U'tters tcstiimep tury upou the estate of Adam Gilger, late of Shamokin township, Northumberland eounlv. deed., have been grunted to Jonas GilgCr, rusnl iug iu Shuiuokin, tuid Sutu'i Gilgcr, at Elysburg. All persons having claims agaiust sunt ilvcrus- cd, aie jequtsted to prcatul them lor aettlciucnt, and all persons knowing themselves to be indeb ted will U'uke iiunieiliule pavineiit. . . . JON AS GU.GKli, ' . rMML.GlLGER. l0,H Shamokin lp., June U, 185S. W. , , - . 7 Estateof GEO. SMITH, deo'd. : TVTOTICE is hereby given that letters Tecta mrutary upon the eslale f George Smith, late of Jackson towuship, Nortliunilcrland coun ty, dee'd.. have been granted to the subscribers, residing iu said township. AU peruiua having claims against said deceased, are requested to present them for settlement, and all pcrsoua knowing' themselves to be indebted will make immediate payment. ..,., , SARAH fMIDf, "' ' -I , ' 1 " JNO. GALEN SMITH, 1 Jackson tp., May , 1855. - ut. '' RN OLD'S WKI'IINO ri.HU and Ad he ie and legal envetopea, for sale by ' - .-. : ! t... t. . . , n. in, M.S)sjiElJ, u Siuibui) , Jau IAjMSo-S.-m .:.. - SAIAMANDKIi SAKKf. EVANS & WATSON.."- -: No. 20 SouHi Fourth St., J'iifi:.kli,i. , 'ill GREAT FIRE. Cbe.tnut fa Fifth Sheets, Friday morning, lllceinber 35th, 18iH. F.vnna ir Watson 'a Snlnmniider Snfrs 'I'rtiim phnnt, as they always are when put to tho test. . i I'm Ann eni , Dee. 15. IK.'it. Messrs. Evak. cV Witsok, N. 2'J South Fourth St., Philadelphia. i Gentlemen : We take much pleasure in re commending your Salamander Safes tn Merchants and otliera in want of a aeeuro means of preser ving their books, papers, etc., from fire, ax the one wo purchased from you about seven months since baa preserved our books, papers nnd cash in as good a condition as they were when put into it, before the great fire of this morning, which destroyed the entire block of buildings corner ol Chestnut nnd Fifth streets. The above safe was iu use in our office, on the second floor of our building, from which place it fell into the cellar, and remained there until the lire was out. The Sifo was then removed and opened in the pres ence of at least 1000 persons, who witnessed the good condition of the contents. Will yon please have the Safe and Locks repaired, as we intend to put it in use again, havb.g perfect confidence in ite fire-proof qualities. Yours, Respectfully, LACY if PHILIPS. Evans If Watson take pleasure in referring to the following, among the many bundled who havo their Safes in use: Ii. S. Mint, Philadn ; Farmers' and MechnnirV Bank, Phila I Samuel Allen, Esq., High Sneriff, Philn John H. Hen derson, City Controller Caleb CopceV Co., No. 183 Market St. ; Richard Norris Vr Son, Loco motive builders, Phil.ida t Bancroft eV Sellorx, Machinists, corner Ifith and Jamas 8ts.; Fran klin Fire Insurance' Co., Pliiln.; Pennsylvania Railroad Co, Phila.; Larry ,y Philips, corner Bdi and Minor Sts.; Sharpies Bro., No. 32 South Second St..; James Kent & Santee, No. 147 North Third St; W 11. Horstman & Son, No. 51 North Thiid St.j Smith, Williams & Co., No. S7 Market St.; J. dt B. Orne, No. 181 Chestnut St. A largo assortment of the abovo Safes always on hand (warranted to stand at least 10 per cent more lire than nnv Herring's Safe now iu use.) EVANS ct WATSON, also manufacture and keep for sale, Iron Shutters, Iron Daora and Iron Dash, fur making fire-proof Y tilts for Banks stores, public and private buildings. Seal and Letter Cupying Presses; Patent Slate Lined Re frigerators, etc. Pleaso give us a cull, at No. -11 South Fourth St., Philadelphia. April 7, 1855 civ. 10. PETE1! OSUOKX. .111., WHOLESALE & RETAIL FEATHER Ai MATTRESS WAREHOUSE, No. bl North Second Street, Third door above .h-eh. Fust side, Philadelphia. Feathers, Feulhcr Beds, Bolsters Ac Tillows, Curled Hair, Moss, Wool, Cotton, Flock and Husk Mattresses, Straw Palliasses, Settee, Pew, and Chair Cushions, nil kinds and collors, Bed tickings, Check, Moreens and Dumask by the yard or piece, Cutis, Cat-tail, Sacking and Cords, Counterpanes, white and coloied, Comfortables of all kinds and sizes by the single one or doyen, Clibs, Berth, Singlo and 9, 10, 11, 12 and i-i quarters Blankets, Bleached and L'libleached Sheets, Blocked Muslin nnd Check pillow cases, Towels of nil kind,'Tahlo Linen, Table Covers, Damrsk table cloth, Bindings of ull kinds and colors, Thread, cVc, N. B. Benton iV Coslon's patent renovater worked by fleam power, is daily in operation for the purpose of purifying old nnd new feathers. All articles from this establishment warranted. Philada, March 3, 1855 cr 3 in 3 NEW SHilNG AND SUMMER I. W- TENER & Co-, Sunbury Pa. n AVE just received a new and splendid as" sorlmeiit of goods, suited to tho season" amongst which arc : Cloths, Cassimcres and Velvets, Ready made Clothes, English, French and American Ging lnins, plain and painted Challi. do. do. Lawns, Barege nnd Barcsc DcLains, plain uud painted Tissue, Tissue Barege, Thibet Silk, fringed Shawls, Em broidered and Dnmask Crape Shawls, Fancy Mantillas, stri ped nnd checked Linen, Ta ble Covers, Mosquitto Nets, Fans, Purasols und Um brellas, together with a general assort ment of Dry Goods lints, Caps, Bools, Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, (jitcenswarc. Fish, Salt, Nails &c, d, c, all ot which will be sold cheap for cash or Country Pro duce. Sunbury, May 5, 1855. TO COUNTRY STOREKEEPER. rYHE Subscriber bus on hand of bis own man . tifarlure, a large assortment of Ladies', Misses', and Children', Leather, Kid, and Morocco BOOTS, SLTOES, and GAITERS, of the best workmanship and materials, which be will sell nt as low wholesale prices as any person in tho city. Buyers can get any sizes lo luako up assortments, without having to purchase the smaller or more unsaleable sizes. WM. C. PARKER, No. 91 North SIXTH Street, below Race. Philadelphia. N. B. Gaiter Uppers ready for tho last, sold to Country Shoemakers nt low prices. Sunbury, April 14, 1856. .1m. NOTICE. 1 LI. persons indebted to the Into firm of James I jggart &. bun, ot Northumberland, either bv note or book account, are hereby requested to muka settlement thereof by tho first dny of Jul) lie it, to Grantham I. Taggart, surviving partner, or the accounts will be placed in Ihe bauds ol a Justice fur collection. GRANTHAM I. TAGGART, fc'urwvuij partner. NoitVd, Muv IS, 1853. Sm. Estate of JACOB ALLEMAN, deo'd, JOT'CE is hereby given that letters totlamen-J- Inry upon tho estate of Jacob Alb-nun, bite of Lower Mahauoy, Norlhuinlerlaiid county, dee'd , have been granted to Ihe subseriWr. Therefore all persons having claims or demands against the aaid estate, uiu requested to make them known without delay, and ull persons in debted to lntiyc pavmeut huthwiih. JACOB LINUEid AN, Ex'tor. Lower Mahauoy, May "ti, JsoO. tU . - .- . IAMILV MEDICINES.-Browu'a Fever and - Ague Powders, Fuhucslock's Vermifuge, Dr. Javnn's celebrated medicines, S: for sale t Nov. 85, '54. YOUM!'." STORE. " 1 NK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con greg ink for sale, wholesale and retail bj 1 !.--. n 1 1. cr 2H. ,tK5t). H. 11 MAS5EII. 1TAI.L PAPER. A I.irgrt ond splendcd T T Hnrimral nf VV'.II 1' .,...- W ... 1.. per, and Oil Shades, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER & Co, Suubury, May SO. J 85 illALLKNBERGER'S FILLS,!., certain eure for Fewr and Ague, for sale by VTElstMl &. BUHNER. - Sunburn uty 51." ISM. - - - I ATS Si CA P.-filk arid Slrmh Hats, Military and cluth Caps lor men and boys, also Gum Slioes of wiuua si, just recrlrcd and ftr tvlo a( i , VOWNU'tJ STOKE. . i'unbtiry Nov. S5,lS5i. ," . , , . , , r EDA R TI' B , Hore Hnclets", Tjinfed B ets, Meat Tenderers. Corn Brooms, Mas-, kete; C'bildrcn'a Wgons, ami Yankee " VMt nsl received and f. f sub Vy" " ' ' " ' ' ' May 28. lU55."- J - W. Tf.Nfir fi Spring and Summer Goods ! ri'ETER W. GRAY. - - 1 N FORMS his friehds that he Las just tecoived a good assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, at bis 5'torc in Maiket Squate. His ,lm.k 'cor Msti, of . DRY COODS, VIZ: Cloths. Cassimers, .S'allinelts, Jeans. Drilling's,' Uaragcs, Unrnge Do Lie,, iKh, Lawns, Limns, Muslins, Flannels, Mantilla Mlks, Winter Phawls, Dress Ttimmii g nnd all items . .In the Dry Goodr line. Also, a urge a"utlmct of Miocs for Men Won-tn'ond Children. Hats and Cnps, f.i'ocrrlrs ol every, variety. Teas, Coffee, Sugar, etolssses, Spices, Sail, Fish, Ac. II n nt wart.',' : - A general assortment of Cedar Ware Tubs Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, &c. ' fji-KKiswAiiK a general assortment. . Country produce taken at the higheat market prices, Sunbury, May 19,1855 if. Baltimore Card. fri COMMISSION MERCHANTS' f'UH TUB KAI.K OK FLOUR, GRAINAND2LUMBEE,J Siears' YhirJ IiuUimore. W Agents for Newark and Rosen Jain Cb Cement and Plaster. G. A. nnd Fine Salt, constantly for sale. N. 1!.. Liberal ('ASH advances made on con signments on receipt. Baltimore, March 17, 1855. Oin. PENNSYLVANIA VtfRE WORK, Ao. Ill Arch Street, tiborc Front, Philadelphia. - THE aubscrilicra have on hand, and nre eon stantly manufacturing SIEVES, RIDDLES, SCREENS, WOVENWIRES, of all meshes and widths. Also, all kinds of plain and fane Wire work. Brass nnd Iron Wire Sieves ef nil kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &c. Cylinders and Dandy Hulls cov cre.l in the best manner. Heavy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves fur Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Win dow M ires-, Safes, Traps, Dish Cover's, Coal und Sand Screcnf, eVc. HA VLIS.V, DA RBY & LINN. March 10, 1H55. C a m 2J NEVSTORE (At the old Stand of S. N. Thompson.) riHE Subscriber rcspectlully Informs the peo JL pie of Sunbury and vicinity, that he ha.i ta ken tho Store Room lately occupied by S. N. Thompson, in Market Street, Sunbury, below caver Hotel, mid that bo has just received und opened a handsomo assortment of SPRING & SUMMER GOODS, Consisting in part of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, yueenswarc, Hats $ Caps, DootstV Shoes, Fish, Salt, Meat. Ac. All of which will be sold at the lowest prices. . All kinds of produce taken in exchange ul Hi highest market price. IT. II. VASTINE. Sui bury, April 21, lS.'i.r. ly DAGUERREOTYPES. T. P. LEISENRING & J. K. ECKMAN of Danville, respectfully announce to the ladle nnd gentlemen nf Sunbury and vicinity, that, they have opened Dagucrrean rooms above Fri ling & Grant's Store, in Sunbury, whero they arc ready lo uecoinuiodatc those who tuny fiiwor them with u call, with beautiful and lilc-lika miniatured. , . i All who desire miniatures will do well. to call early mid secure Ihcii pictures, as wo know nor what a day may bring forth. Then hasten to our rooms, nil ye people, lleloio you liave reaa.iu lo urteve j The cost you will fiml it but lillle, Am! to all ailisl'wiroii we'll give. Sunbury, April 21, 1855. Jt , HAYD0CK & FIDLER, . . AEALERS in Watrliw and Jewelry, will conlinuo the business at the old stand of James B. Fidler, Ao. 12 Soufli Strond Street, Pllll.ADKM'UU, Where they solicit an examination of their targn and varied stork, feeling assured that the expe rience both of them have hud in the business., and tho facilities they posses for procuring goods on the most advantageous terms, will ena ble them to compete favorably with any other establishment in the city. They have now on hand a line assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS, J KWKLUY, Silver, Plated and Biiltatiia Ware, Cutlery, Fancy Goods, eVc., ore. N. B. Repairing of Watches and all kinds of Jewelry ultended to with promptness and the greatest care. Phila., April 7, 1955. tf. BOYD, ROSSER & CCw MINER f AMI anil'l'EXS OF Ucb SVniljracitc oaJ. From 'the Inke Fidler Colliery ' Shamokin, North'd County, Penna. Address. Boyd, Roscr & Co., Sunbury, Pa. li. m. unru j. ttnssKn. jas. no id. t. iiusskh. Sunbury, April V, 185ft. tf. "Estate of JAMESlTAGGART7fj'ir OTICE is hereby given that loiters tcstamcn 1 ' tury upon the estute of Jumea Taggart, lata of the borough of Northumberland, Norlliuinlicr land coonly, dee'd., have1 been granlrd lo the subscriber. Therefore all persons having claims or demands ogalnsl the said estate, are reipiesU'd to make them knnvtn without delay, ai.d all iiersous intienieii to make payment forihwith. GRANTH AM I. TAGGART, Ex'tor, North'd, May l, 1H55. 6t. BOOKS E 1, LE 11 S, BINDE 11 I'l.ANK ming ttAXI KAITtllf.ltS, ANDsTA'HOXERJi: 5. It'. Cornel- if Fourth - j;,ue Sh eih, PHILADELPHIA. ' March If, 1855. tf ' :1 louse and I.ot lor Sale. rjIIE subscril or olU rsat private sale, bis how l and l.n situated in Whor!elcrry uliee:, Sunbury. 'i'lm hom e is a new TwoSpirv fiUUl dwellii.g, on a lot of lit) list front. There in also, a Butcher Shop ,.u t!, prami. 'J'he lui:ag.n, is an excellent our, for uny ptrson wishing t.J follow that buaiuciis. " ' ' ' ' WM. HOOVER. Sunbury. March I?, 1855 if. Kiirnittire! Furniture! ' Ao. 137 SouthSrcuud(uuariStriice,)tutiUle, rillLADELTIIIA. rpiin aubscriber would respectfully inform the-J1- leadeia uf fj.e hujtturp Amrit and t,e' publiu generally, that ha ha on hand a ewiataui. supply pf elegant, fashionable, nd well mad. t uruiture at rcaaonable prices. , Ucing a i.raeli. caj woehuiu.-, auj having all hie good, luaiiulae. lujcd nndei big own aupwinU ttdeace, purebaaes may ply on getliug Ju ut h rti:l l. a. ar represeptcjf , Lounge a. ill, . icinevable rms. lUo new pallcrns of K.fa BcdsieauV. a hoa. who trabuuL.guiui, to bnuaMkMeLiM.il askl rfo wcUlocad. ,. . , . -.,r-t..;.i.V: JfA. DArEft;;',I - w i'4- 37 SoulUSc.uidtstU , II. All .order -thankfully iwcivcj anJ promptly aftendid to. . A pnl 1:,3 n ly, '