Jf a v in c vf s : ) c p a v 1m cnt From tlie Germantowa Telegraph. ALT-EXPF.RIMEKTt Mr. lCnnon: In the course of liiy ngri vullurul rending, 1 bad frequently met with Hccount tiftlie ittccfsful ue of tn.lt ns a fertiliser. I hnd nut, however, had nny pJi publo dcnionstrntioii of it eflk-ucy, and tlierc lore determined to give It n impni-tird trial. I wns ol?o desirous of ascertaining, if iraeti ritble, its exnet specific vultie us compiii-i-d with other tiiauures of established rhnraoter ;;unuu, poudrette, sttpor-phosiilitits nud thi? liko. In order that 1 might secure n-u1t which would bn perfectly satisTartoiy so Lir !t loait as tliu cilort9 of a single season uiiylit bo deserving of reliance I seleelnil i piece of light, loamy land which had lain for several vmm-s four, i think in pra33. It wa9 j.-t-fictly lvcl, with few stones and those few of sniull size, and without a single stnmp'or bush on the whole piece. This land I broke up to the depth often in.hrs in the fall briiijiii',' to ihn tuirlui-u a very small portion of thesnb'.ial .which was of a light, gravelly usturr. with a slight ndinixture of sand. Alter plowing, the land was carefully harrowed and rolled, and in thai conditinu'il was left till the subsequent Fprintf. The winter w.n a severe one, chnr acterised by inteiu-e cold, but with wry li.ih; snow till near the inuldle ol Miliary ,,so in.ii the soil which was exDOsed willionl its r.otr.il r i i 'i i" ...-?,. ' wilier cuveruiif up tu nun n-ii"", " ".- , . nrm,,. te,,.1ii1iu..li (.., iiel.iHlition. iind in this Flute it remained till late the It.l lowing: spiinj;'. Ai soon as the frori was fairly out, and the savi'acu had bfCoine tuiliciuiitly diy tu admit of its beiliir worked, the land was cross plow ed care beliijr had not to disturb the tui I' ll nd reduced to n line tilth bv working with the cultivator and harrow. 1 think that, nsit ffeneral thimr. farmers do not pay sufficient ul ten) ion to the pulverising of their land.!. -Although tverv observing cultivator must be lullv iinpre.-isiHl with the conviction that the liner a soil is, the more favorable will H be to vegetation j yet very few who rest under ibis co'uvietiou bi-tow uiero than half tho labor upon their Held that i" essential to fccure feitilitr. Tho'cwp seleftid for my experiment, wns Indian coin. No rotted manure was usou, nor did I iipidv unv substance whatever be fore planting the. seed. The rows were drawn with ii horse-plow, ntul chucked off carefully so us to have the hills equi-distant with the rows running both ways. Commencing on one side of tho piece, I dropped five kernels of com in a hill, and continued till I had drop ped live rows, of forty hills each. Then with a common hoe I drew on one inch or fine soil, utid eomprcssed it very slightly over the corn with tho back of the hoc ; after which 1 ap plied oiiJ and a half table spoonfull of com mon packing salt, and finished off with ano ther half inch or soil. Tho nest livo rows w ere planted without any manure of any kind. The next five were dressed with pourfrette, ..ne half pint to tho hill, under the seed, but with just sufficient soil over it to prevent con tact. Tho five rows next succeeding, were dressed with half u pint of gmmn, and Iho next with one gill of super-phosphate of lone the saino procautiun toprevent contact with the seed being observed in tho last two cuses as were udopted in that of the pondrctte. Tho corn throughout was covered one and a half inches deep, with the soil about it slight ly compressed, and the whole was planted on the same day, and without any previous pre paration by 'stooping or otherwise. The seed Koruiinated readily, and the plants made their uppenrauee above' the surface on the sumo day, but from Iho very first there was direct ntiil palpable indications of the superiority of the salt ; ttnd this superiority was dcmou.-l ra ted by tho result. A t'harvest the salted rows produced one fifth move corn, by wiUjht, thau tho rows ma nured with tho guano, and one-quarter uioro than those manured with poudrette und super phosphate, whilo tho yield compared with that of the five rows on which no nmniuial application had been made, was os nine to one ! 1 do not think there was a single spear of tho first five rows touched by tho com . . . . , . i. - - . . . worm or any other insect, wuiio me ions ma nured with guano and poudrette, wore not bv any menus exempt from their ravap.es, though, they suffered but little after tho first week, and' were not l binned sufficient as to abridge the yield. The five rows on which nothing was bestowed, were considerably thinned, probably one-fifth part of the whole was de stroyed "during the lirst two weeks. About the same difference was remarkable in the weight of the fodder on the several pieces, as in the weight, of the grain. The cost of tho salt was less than ouo-third of the cost of gu ano, poudrette or phosphate. In lookiupr over some agricultural publica tions recently, 1 chanced npou several articles in which the'various excellencies of salt os a manure arj liberally discussed, and the ration o'e of its action scientifically explained. It seems that its value for agricultural purposes, has long been known both in this country and in Europe. Sir Hugh Vlatt, an eminent wri ter, who wrote more than a century and u half ince, hays of it, that ,-it is the irettt and 7ea.e'"andmost philunijJiictd of the ma nures." Dr. IJrowning, also, who wrote more than a century ago, remarks of it, that "it is dispersed over all nature ; it is treasured up in the bowels of the earth : it impregnates 1 lie ocean; it descends in ruins ; it fertilises the soil; it arises iu vegetables, and from them is conveyed into plants." In the vicinity of the salt works of tlrcat Hiitian, its value for mauurial purposes is fully appreciated. The immense quantities there used should be regarded as a direct and unequivocal proof of its efficacy, as it is a re Kult which has grown out of the experience of many years' trial, and a protracted series of tho most uniform und unvarying results. "Soils," observes an old writer, '-which are subject to the grub, and which must be fertil ised by common dung w hich affords u proper nest lor the mother beetle to deposit her eggs in, must be well impregnated with tho brine of dissolved salt, after the dung is first tut up. "Nothing in nature," remarks the sagacious llollingshcad' "is so powerful as suit to meli orate strong and still soils, and also to fiive moifcture to dry grounds; it is also certain destructions to weeds and insects, llesidts its efficacy on corn and fallow grounds, its ex cellent qualities in giving luxuriance und sa lubrity to grass lauds, are peculiarly worthy iho attention of those engaged iu the grazing und breeding of cattle." . It has been observed that salt is tho moth er of ail manures, as every description of ma im re assumes a higher or jower position iu the sculo of value, ucoordiog to tbe saline matters it produces or evolves. 15y tbe scientific cul tivator every description of vegetable aliment is portioned out to tho soil upon rules deduc ed from a knowledge of tbe affluence in saline particles, on tbe quantity of nitre it contains. Mr. J. E. Bebcbcmacber says : "1 think salt lime and several chemicals, will destroy the potato iiiuue. I prefer salt, however, lot-auto when mixed in tbe soil, it may get into the juices and circulate through the whole nlanl. Lime, or lime water, would do tho tame, tu a certain extent, but it U far less soluble than salt." In many cases where salt was freely applied in tbe cultivation of this valuable edible, during the prevalence of the plague, the tubers woolly I'scapcd tbu (lis case. A PRACTICAL FAKMER. Dal J Eaglt Farm, Apiil 28, 1856. Hall the Duukirk barber, w ho it will be re numbered robbed a Mr. Fluids of some $1. 400 through means of chloroform administer ed whik (haviujr his victim, has been sent lo May ville jail. MATCHES ! MATCHES ! ! ' JOHN DONNELLY, TITANUFACTURER Mid inventor of Rafely Patent Sipjara Upright Wood ho Matches. No. 100 FOURTH Rtiect, (above Race,) Philadelphia. Matches having becomo Ml indcspensible Mil cle in housekeeping, the subscTilier after great eaeriflce of time and money, is enabled to offer to trie rubltc an article at once combining Utility and Cheapness. Thn inventor knowing the dan ger apprehended1 on account of the flinisv nun ner in which Matt-hen are generally packed in pa per, ha by the aid or New Steam Machinery of his own invention, micrcedcd in getting up a SAEETY PATEST SQUAWK VMIGIIT Wood Bo ; thin box is for preferable, in as much that it occupies no more room that the old round wood box, and contains nt least Two Hundred per Cent more Matches, which to Shippers Is consid erable advantage; it I entirely new and secure against moisture and spontaneous combustion, and dinpcl all danger on trnnrpoitation by means of Railroad, Htcamboat or any othe mode of Con veyance. These Mnti-he are pacl.ed so that one pros Or more may be Shipped to nny port of the World with perfect safety. They are the most desirable article for Home Coiiri'.imption, anil the Southern and Western MatWlsthat has ever been invented. Dealers and shippers, will do writ to call and cjtnmine for theroselve.i. I V The.se Matches arc Warranted to be supe rior to anything heretofore offered to the l'uhlic JOHN DONNELLY. 100 North FOURTH St., Philad'a. l'hila., Dec. 10, 18o4. tim. . ., r- r -r-mrris rr T Turn I AMES McCLIKTpCK, H.D-, IM mm mnr i-s-mt .r i,int,nir aiid Fureirv In tin I'hil a-VInn Cullme el- Mullein.-, nwl Aclli. ciel.W'r el Midwifery ; uw m ilif OusuHleR I'liyiicant .;! the lul nrllihia 11 r.H, Blecklo i talc 'it'"Jt oftlie Nutj.wil M. ,li.'iil A null li ; iiMiut-cr Ol tlm riillmlelvhm -M"" (il Inrii lv i iiwm'kt f Mnlici-Clii"ir;;ll Co.lrge of piiitadclfhi.i: l.n.m-rly Prefidjnt and l'roie-r tf AinUiiuv ttii'i t-urit.TV In Cmtletuii Mnllcul Coltrtre, et' nn. it ail.) !il. li' Proinumt of Aiinloiny sml J'himJ oiry in Bcrt.lii.e Medical insiiiulioii, 1'iittfivki, Mas., Ha laVflrUitriiecd in a pnrnlar form wreral of his fnvjritn nrwriiti.ni for the principal ditrovc f thn climate. Ttieiinownf each article will linj.lj the dueiiM for whirh il l lntcn.il.-o to lie utcil. Til MrCMNTOl.-K'M'KCTOKAI.aYRl-P. PrucSI PP. M.'CI.1TCCK S COM) AND Ctircil JIIX TI RE For C'.M, Coneln. Price W ci- PR. MpCIJX'I-OCK-'S asthma axu hooping OOVGH RKMKDY. Pi ice no ct. Dr. McCI.INTOCK'S TONIC AI.TRRXATIVF. BVIU'P For Purifvins the UI"ol. Prke Jfl. lilt. MtCI.INTOCK rl DYPPEPTIC KI.IXIItFor giving time to the stntnnch r.:licving pnina uIut CHtun;, licurilmrii, airt nil disrigrecnblc eyinptoina arising tioiu iiidn-csiivii Price M. 1)11. McCMNTOl-K'S RIIEfMATtCMIXTfRK A Purely Vrartnl.tc P.ciidy for internal .ife. P.ice i rti. DR. Mi-CI.INTOOIi'S BIIICUMATlC MNIMKNT For Rhcuinatisin, rliiain, Swelling, Ae, Ac. Price 00 coma. nil MfPl.lNTorK-rl ANODYNK MIXTCRJ: r.n Pouii, Toolliachc, Headache, Neuralgia, Ac. Ac. Price CU cents. DR. McCMNTOCK S FKVKR AND AGPF. Sri I'lrirt A ecrlnm euro fnr nil Inlermittenta. Price St. DR. MrCUNTOCK-S 1)1 AHUIHUA CORDIAL AND CllOl.F.HA PRKVKN'TIVI? A aufercmcdy. DR. McCMNTOCK'S VKOKTABI.E PI UaATlM. P1I.I.S Vn (-"Biivcu.iw, MmrUirha. fto. rri-evocta. DR. McCl.lNTOl.K'rt ANTIBILIOPS PII.IJ l-or Irrcirulanlv in Hie Fiiiiciiona of the I.ii'cr and Bowela tlic Wal l.iver Pill w-.il-. Price SJ ru. n lx i... ii. j M..nl.lTOCK. m hit Medical D- v v nr,,cr .'h.ih und Filbert i . Pliilidi lnhia.niHl nl all DrupBiaU nml Dc;iler in Mclicinet. Ail Prnggiaia an'l IJwiler in jiicincim'a wn. , iu tli;-...., plrnae odrhlriaa Dr. McOlintoek, furnialiing rcfeienie, urine of Poit-Ortk'e. rnuutv and Unte. If For Stale hv Wiiaer A Urnncr, Suiitniry nnd Pha mokin ; Win. Weimer, Norlhumberluiid ; C. Urown, Mil ton ; r,. P. luitz, lll kxnaburg j Jneok llama, Iliu kiiorn ; John Vanlcciu, Light ftrsel ( I Slmrpleaa A Son, Cula wia. January 9, tSo-V C,i. S Liquors. Mnrtell Bmndv, Pinct " French " Common " Rye Whinlicy, Monongalielu xVliihkcy, Conim-'ii ' .tuinuim Pjiiil, llotlinid Gin, Champaigne YVinr, Sherry ' Claret " Pure Tort " Port " Madcria " l.ulKin Vme Hitters For Srde by WKlSIilt ft lift UN KR. fSnnbiuv, Julv -M, l4. LvAvfiENCE HOUSE, SUNDUIvY, PA FJIIIE subscriber respectfully informs thcpublir JL thnt she still couliuucs to keep the above named public houc. She lias nlso received a new supply of jiood liUors and wines, and Uusia that flu- will be able to givo satisfaction to all whu may visit her house. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunburv Manh 4. 1851 if. British Periodicals KARLY COPIKS SEI IRED. K7Trtminmt lo h'ew Subscriber ! '. ! '.i'OOARD SCOTT A CO., New York, continue to re publish tbe following Dm mil Periodicals, via. : THE LONDON QUARTKRLY (Consorvaiive) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig ) THE NORTH RRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h ) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S ED1NBUKG MAGAZINE Tor)- The present criucnl state of European afluirs will render Ihcwpublii-iitions unurvully interestinc. during ihc foith coming yenr. They will occupy a middle pround between tlie hiistiiy wrttcu iicwa-iieius, crude Seculjti'..tis,uiHt Ay iiitr imnois of the dnily Juiinuil, and Uie ponderous Tome of Hie future hiatoiun, written alior Iho living intercut and excitement f the errntt political events of tho time shall have pamod away. Il is to these Pcrimlicula that readers iuukI l"ok lor Ihe only really iutelliyible and rolia Lie Inslin-y of current eieols, and ua such, in aihlitiim lo Iheir well-estahlielied iilemry scientific, and lboo.icnl clmnieter, we urge ihcru upon Uia eonsideralioii of Ihe rcitdiug public. 13T Arrangements arc now pcrniuucnllr ina.le for the receipt of liirly Shi-els from Die Hi itish ' Publishers, hy whicli we are enabled to pluce all our Reprints hi tlie bands M snbseribvra, aixiut us soon nsther can lie limit. hcri Willi the forciifu c .piea. Alihough this iuvlvrs a very lure outlay on our purl, we shall continue to furnish iho Peiiodicals at the saino kiw rates ss heretofore, hvether with the fallowing Premiums to new Sulocribcrs. ' TERMS AND PREMIUMS. See lift of Premium Volumes below Per nnn. ror any one of the lour Revieu sonrf one Prem. vol. S3 no For any two ' . out " s ( 1'-. uny three two " 7 (ti For i.l funr of the Reviews " two ' e no For Blackwood's .Mizina " one " sou For PldckwKid ami three Reviews three " tl no For IRackuruod It the h'ur Heviewa three " lUUu Paiiments to be mad in all custs in advaixt. Money current in thtStatt where issued u-ill be received tit par. 'J'hv Premiums cuuict of ihe following works, !ik volumes of which will be given to new rubK'ibrrs aco-r-diu,e; to Ihe uuuiber of pcuudicals crdercd, as uloie ex plained: PREMIUM VOLUMES. Fobkion Qi ATKELr Kkvikw ( ,ne yeai ; 111., awo id's Maoaxins (.ia m..niu). Ixivd a IjetaiauLi rtsvirw roue ten) Kiiaeao itavisw (one yeor). lUKTaorottTsji MtOAii.vk (n uvmihn) VVkstuinates ltKviRvnue yeai). C.Hisu:uliva Premium vulmncs cai.not in all ease Iw furuiam-d. except of Ihe Fureisu (u irlerl Iteview. 'I'.i prevcnldisupixuntment, Iheielore, where UuU woik is not alone wanted, kubai ntier. will ptcosc nrd,.T as many dirfei. cut woiks for prcmiunui us Dure are volejut-s lo which they may be eiililicd. CLUBBING. A f.iyomjt of Iwctiiy-fivo per p iii. fni tle tbort pri ors will he ullowetl to C lutta older tug ftiur of inor mk of nny (ir mora of the olrn'o work. Thus: Vimt cipifa"f U'mkwihitJ, ir ol'otis Jfvicw, will be went to one ddreim fur ; four co-is of lbs lour Review ud Muck wood for bJH; ami on. POSTAGE. In all Ihe principal Citiesand Towns, these works will U deiiveied, trrouah Aeenia, FHKK OK I'Ob l'AGK Wheu aeut by inuil, the Put-luga o uny purl of the I'nilcd Htatcs will le bin Ttvt Hi losr Usia a year lor .' II lark wood, o and but Twelve C-eula a year lor each of ihe Reviews. Keinittauees and eoaiinunh-ntinns should alwaj-a be aiklrcssrd, poat-iaid, lo the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., 64 UOIJ) STKEET, NEW YORK. N. ft h. 8 k Co. have recently nublished, and have ow for anle. the'-FAHMFIt'ii Cl lfjK," by Henry rV. pIhim, ot Edinburgh, and 1'naT. Norton, of Yala Collrau, New II avcu, complete in two vols, nalo:lavo, e.Huiuing lea) pages, 14 aieel aiid tot) wood eng.mvings. Price iu muslin binding, M. If Tins work ia bit tbe old "Bi'ok of Ihe Farm," laldy es.nsflTATSliaiid Ihrowu Ukmi the ijaikel. New York, Ueecmbar 'A, IkM. V71C, F. FCTT3, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN mON & STEEL, 461 Wurket street, below 13A, north side, rmiiADSLVIIIA. Hula, 1'iC 30, 18;.. ly. THE WEEKLY HERALD. Tho Best General Newspaper in the World. The New Yoat Wimi llaanta Iipnliliahed every fViturdhy morning. 11a content embrace all Ilia uewi of the srenl evanla nf Ilia ilnv. renorti of nipetinira. of Ilia Ptnle IainUilnre, and of Coiigrem) ImpurUnt publie d w amenta; F.nropean and home rorreapiHideiica ; Fnancial and eommercinl, and rdttoiinl of general IntereM, Hint aave appeared in the new iotk tinny Hernia. It la noatly printed, In clear type, on a large dnublenua to aheel 4 foitjr-eighl eolninn a IxKik tloecunry In it X'lf and forma one of the beat and moat tmliiahle weekly iicwapnnera in the workl. The a rent cat care ia lakeii to obtain the loleit and inert reliable inlullicence of iinporlant mnrementa in all parts of the world. No expeim ia (pa red for the purpose. 'Pheanliarription price Is three iMtar per annum, paya ble in advance, or sixpence per atngle copy. Kdiiors of newspapers Ihnmghoiit Uie country are particularly re quested to nel na ngenta. They will receiva twenty-Bra percent commission on ntl enfh enbaeitptiona. Any per aim obtnining five or nior t anbscribers will be allow-ed the tame enmmiccton. Tax ms to Cum. F one eope of Weekly Herald for one year M 00 , 1 1 -J) 80 r ive copiea Ten Filteen Twenty Twenty-flVu Thirtv Thirl y-Bve Forty Fony-Bve do do do dn do do t di do do do do do do do do do do do do 3-1 TS 4'. 00 fid si T fill 78 rs H 00 101 8.1 lrj so I illy Alt tellers to tw ndilressed to .tiimes Oord.in Bennelt proprietor mid edit. of the New York Herald, New Yoik 11 Remittances mutt l innde In funds current in this city. Advcrlia'ineius iuurled in the Wevkl) lleiakl f tlurty cents p-r hire. New York, Teh. 1M. TO CASH .BUYERS. ' 2 MILT &rOTHE?., A'o. 852 Chestnut ttrcet, above 'Jth Philadelphia, Have i.ow open a large stock of CARP E TINGS. Emsraeiaj the new and leading stylos in Vel vet, Tapestry, Brussels, Ingrains, Stair Carpets, Oil Cloths, rVc, all of which will be sold at the lowc.t cash prima, WHOLESALE A RETAIL Phila., Sept. 9, JSM. ly. United States Hotel, Chestn'it Street, above Fourth. PHILADELPHIA. CJ- MncLELLAN, (late of .lours' Hotel,) baa the pleasure to inform hia friends and he traveling community, that he haa leaded tbia House for a term of j eara, and ia now prepared for the reception of Guests. The Local advantages of this I'uvoritc establish ment are too well known to need comment. The House and Furniture have been put in first rate order! the rooms are largo otid well ventilated. The Tables will nlvrays be supplied with the lieat, and the proprietor pledges himself that no c flint on his part ahull be wanting to make the United Stales eijital iu comforts to any Hotel in the Quaker City. Phila., July 8, 1854. HENRY 13. FUSSELL, tANVi.tci riiLii or Umbrellas Sj Parasol:-, IN EVERY VARIETY, AT THE OLD 8TANP, Vo. '2 A'orlh Fourth St., Philadelphia. IT"1' (.'imslnntly on lmml a loice araortmen- to which Iho uttcntion of Dealers U icrjucRted. I'lnla.. fept. IB, 18S1 BOOKSKLLIill, .Market Hired, SUNBTntY, PA. B l'i?T received und for sale, u fresh supply of fur Singing Schools. He is also opening at this time, n large asaortmcut of Hooks, in every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Bcirtitilic Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children' Hooks, Bibles ; Sohuol. Pocket and Family, belli wiih and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prnyrr Hooks, of all kinds. Also just received and for aale, Pitrdoiis Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, price only S6.00. Judge Read edition of Bluckstoues Commen taries, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at 510,00, and now offered (iu fresh binding) at the low price of 8G.00. A Trcutiso on the laws of Pennsylvania re specting the estates of Decedents, by Thomas F. Gordon, price only 3 1,00. Travels, Voyages and Adventures, all ol which will lie sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. February, 51, 1853 tt. M atches. Jewelry, Silverware AND FANCY GOODS. 7"-4 Choice Assortment of the Finest Quality FOR SAI C AT THK LOWEST CASH PRICKS, AT WI. B. ELTONILEAD'S, So. 184 South Second street, between Fine and Union, vest side, PHILADELrillA. asfiirtuieut embraces a Liire nid e'lcct Stock of 1 ine Wuliiien, Jewell v, Silver Waie. Albuta Waro. 'luted with line Sliver, tu&'ooM, Porks, Ludiea, e. jet uoons, r uns ana r ancy Articles ol a superior quality, deeervmg the exuiuinotiuu of llkaw who desire to procure Ihe beat goods ut the Lowest Ciu,h Piices. llaviug a pruulical kuowteilgenf ihe buiiueas, and oil availubla facilnies tor linpcrling and Muiiufncttiriujr, the subserilHT eoiifidentlv invites puichosera, believina lhat he cuu supply ineiii ou leriua as luvorauic OS any uluer vatau lishmeut iii either of the Atlantic Cilica. If All kinds of Diuia od and Prarl Jewelry and Silver Ware manufactured lo order, withiu a reasonable time. IV Walehcs, Jewell y and S;ifcr Ware lailhfuU)-ra pai.eu. VM. R ELTON'READ N'o. 11 b.mtb C I Si , a few d xT above ihe 3d Alaiket Weal fide tf In the S nith Window of the Store, may be seen the famous Dllll) CLOCK, which euinniaisis the adiniruiiou ol the suientilic ano curious. Phila , Oct. 7, le-)4 ly L. L, BE VAN, SEAMCSHT HOTEL, Bhamokin Pa. flXH E suhscriher lgs leave to inform his liicnd. X and the public generally, that ho has taken uio auove wen known stand, and will I happy to accommodate all w ho may give him a call. Shainolin, July 8, I8M. HENRY D0NNEL, ATTORNE3T AT LAW. Vjji.ce opposite the Court House, Sunbury, Northnmberland County, Pa. Prompt ailcnlion to buiuce in adjoining vuuuties. INK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Con grea Ink fur sale, wholesale and retail by lloeemlier Srt. 18M. 11. B M Aei.SEIt. A UASOL8 of a I, aorta. L'mWclla. caruet lings, willow baskets and cedar wars of all kinds, just received and for sale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1854. rkTLGRAlNINGS Dnm. lilark. liaw I'm " her, Burnt Terra de Siunna and Vandyke crown, eiicanj prepared from trie Acw Jersey Paint and Color Works, for sale bv WE1SER & 13 RUNE R. Sunbury, July 33. HM HOE8. All kinds of BooU Shoes and slip. pern lor aale by O. KLKUElif! & CO, Mai let street, opposite th Post Office. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 TrpOOTS, Shoes. Hau, Caps and tium bhoea, m iu "wires sno lor aaie vy Oct 7 1854. TENER eVCo, EDARTL'BS, 11 or Bucket. Painted Buck eta, Meal Tenderers, Corn Broom, Bas-. kots, Children Wagon, and- Yankee Clock usl receded and for sale bv Dee. S. 1864. I. W. TEA'tTR 4 f A CURE FOR ALL !!! i lloll o way's Oi ntmen t. Citizens of the Union : Yoa have done ma the honour, as wtih one voice, from one end of the Union to tno either, to sump the character of my Ointment with yonr approhuUon. it is acareeijr iwo years since mane u mown bihuiij 7"u and aliendr, it has obtained mora celebrity than any other Medicine (ii so short a period. THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 38, Corner of Ann and Nassau Streets, New YotV ASTONISHINO CURB OV SORE LEGS, AFTER N'liNE YKAR8 STANDING. Com of a letter from Mr. W. J. Langley, oj llnntsville, Yadkin County, Oorth Carolina, U. S., doled November Ijf, 1853. 07" HEAD HIS OWN WORDS. To Professor HoLlow.lT, 'Sir, U is n-H my wish to become notorious, neilhe ia this letter written for Ihe mere sake of writing, but lo any. thut yonr Ointment cured me of one of the moat drendiul eurtnneons diseases lhat fleah la heir to, nud which was considered by all w1k knew me, to be entirely beyond the reach of medicine. For nine years I wns afflicted with one of the most painful and troublesome aoro b-ga that ever fell to the lot of man j nnd after trying every medicine I had ever heard of. I resigned in despair all hope of being cared : but a friend brought me a couple ol largo pits of yonr Ointment, which caused Ihe eoicaon my lege to heal, and I entirely regained my health to my agreeable am prise and delight, and to the astonishinenl ol inv friedda, (Pirni-d) W. S. l.AXULKY. AS LXTR A ORDINARY Ct'REOF A DAD HHP. AST, WHEN NKAKLY AT THE POINT OF DEATH. ' Copy of a letter from Mr. H. Durant, Aei Orleans, November 9th. 1853. To Professor Hollowat, 30, Corner of Ann and Nassua Streets, N. Y. Dear Sir, It is with heartfelt gratitude I have to ... you nun uy ine useol yonr unnment and rills, the life of my wife has been enved. For seven yenrs she hnd a bid brenst, wiih leu running wounds, (not of a can cerous m tut e.) I Wea lolil ll.nl ,,oll,i,,. ronlit v. hr she was then induced to use your Ointment and Pills, when in the short apace ot ihree monshs, Ihey eflecled a feriecl cure, to th- astoniahment of nil wno knew us. continued yonr Medictnea from Mesars. '.Vrighl f of Cliartres-slrenl. New Orleans. I send this from 'llr ocs l-rinces," Paris. alllKNigh, I had written it at New Orleans, before we fiunllv left, at that lime, not knowing your address at New Yotlt. (Waned) Jr. DuR ANT. Tbe Pills should lie used conjointly wiih the Ointment pTid Leys, Chieio.foH. Fistulas. . uiu ioiiov. ii,h cuaes Dad Breasts, Chilblains. Oout. Htirini, Chapped hands, Glandular Swelling, rmmonH, uorna (E?ollJ i.umijago llite of Mosche- Cancers Piles t.H h rViud-Plics. Conlructed and Itheumatism Cooo-bay, Stiff Juinta, Scahls. Eleiihanlinai. Sore N ionics. Sore-lhriits. Skiu-diseiiacs, Scurvy, Sore-hends, I umouie, I 'leers, wouivis, 1 uws Sold at Ihc EotuMmhmeiit of Professor Hollowat. SU Slntisl, (near Temple liar, liOndon.) and also at Ins llonse in ivew ork. Orders lor Modtcuicsm tlie Mates, entires. acil 'T. Uollowav New York," will leceive due attention Sold tilso tiy till r.-gHtuble Diugirisls nnd Dealers in Mc. ictnes tlirotighont the United Stutea, in Itoxes ut .17 cents R7cen.s,nnd SI.5II cents eneh Tube had Wholesale ol the principnl Drug Houses in Ihe I'liiou. i l Here is a eonstderuble saving by taking the larger V i' - Pirecliiins for the guidtince of patients in every a 'i'.i-i are mnxcii lo eocu box. June SI, IMS I. 8m. Cheap AVntches 6j Jcwelrj WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "I'hiladcl. T phia Watch nud Jewelry Store," No. 36 ?iortn Second !trect, corner of tiuarry, PIIItiADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watchea. full lewetetl, It) carat eases. Si?.m OoklLepiiie IS. 41 .0111 Fine Silver Spectacles. I.MI Silver lp. full jewlled, fMl.Uidl.l llracelets, 3.00 Silver Li ver, lull jcv.'l'd IS ! ndies' Gold Pencils, 1 .00 Superior (;inrliers, 7. ISilver Tea spoons, set, S,IK) (iold ajiel'irln, 7,fKl Ookl Ptiu, with Pencil and Sliver Holder, 1,00 (iold Finger Rings, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch (ilaKses, plain, 12$ cents; Patent, ISj; Lunet, vn ; otlu-r articles in proportion. All goods war t anted to be what they arc sold for. KTAL'FFER & HAR1.EY, On hand, some (.'old and Silver Levers and Lepincs, still lower than the above prices. Sept. SO, 1854. 1. SASH, D00ES, BLINDS, &o. flIE undersigned would respectfully inform llio I'.ilir.eus of tiuiilniry and the public gen erally, thnt they have entered into co-partnership tinder the firm of Kuix & McQi-ai.k, for the purpose of manufacturing Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c. Also, Door and Washboard Moulding, worked to order. Their manufactory is at Ira T. Clement' Steam Saw Mill, where they will furnibh the above articles of the best workman ship and luwcct prices. JACOB KRAM, JAMES P. MctiUADE N. 1! A II orders left ut I. X. Clement's stor promptly attended to. Sunbury, Sept. 2, 185-1. SAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON, DEALER IN Lamps, tonterns, Ctian Jeliers and Candelabra!, No. 152 S. 2d street, above Spruce, ruiLAOKi.riiu. f guving enlarged and improved his ature, and havini; one of Ihe largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pine ( lil, Camphenc, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of all patterns, Class Lamps by the pncktigc, at a B'lall advance over auction prices. Hciug a Manufacturer and Dealer of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid and A Icohcl, which will tie furnixhed to Merchants at such prices that they will find it lo their advantuge to buy. Also, Household Li lain ware of all descrip tions at the lowest market price. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, ISM. L. S. rT.tCOASr. THO. C. KM0I1T. S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS DFALEKS IN Fish and Provisions (USKHALIT, sYo. 17 Xorth Wharves, PniLADELFXIIA. I'hiladt-lphia, Sept. 16, 1854. NEW CLOTHING & JEWELEY. MM ON, late of the firm of S. BcLnurmau &. Co., respectfully informs the citizens of ISunbiiry and vicinity, that be will continue the above businea in the old stand in Market street, with an entire new stock of gooOs, which are ou tho way from the city. He will also be prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em ployment for that purpose. He therefore respect fully solicits the patronage of Ihe public. Sunbury, Hepl. 16. 1854. tf. AYISE'3 CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE A'o 72 North Second Street, opposite th iiJount Vernon House.) Philadelphia. COLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca- ses, $28; 8iUer Lever do,, do., $12; Sil ver Lcpine, do., $9 : Quartier. $5 to $7 : Gold Sped icle. $4 SO to $10 ; Silver do., $1 50 ; Hilver Table ripoons per aett, $14 to $16; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to SI 1 ; Silver Tea do.,: do., $4 75 to $7 50 ; Cold Pens anil Gold Ca ses, $3 25 lo $5 ; Gold Pens and Silver do. , $ I; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in the best manner. A Iso, M a sonic Marks, Pius, Ac, made to order. N. 11. All orber sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually attended to. Phila., Sept. 16, 1854. ly. , ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with books, i lilt, and all cc mplcte, just received. and for sale by H. B. MASSE R. Sunbury, June 4, 1853.- CLOCK8 Eight day and 30 hour Iron and Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts, Raisins, and Prunes, just received and for aalebr WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6 854. WILEY'S COUGH MNDY. An excel lent remedy for cough, cold, for aale at thi otfice. December 4. 1858. - 00T8 and Shoe for Men, Women and - Children, Ladie' Morocco Shoes, Ladie' blaok and colored Gaiters, just received and ror sale by WM. A. KNABB. Lower AujitU, May 0, 1854. New Goods for tlie Feopl t '. ' HENJAM1N HEFFNKll RESPECTFULLY inform the public in gen eral lhat he ha just received and opened a splendid stock of . Spring and Summer Goods at hi Mew 8tore, in Lower Augusta township. Hi stock consists ia part of Cloths, Cassimers, CassineU. : of all kind, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO i Cnlltoes, Glitghnim. Lanwt, Irloutsseltne De l.alnes and all kinds of Ladies Drees Goods. Groceries. Also an assortment of IlnrdwniC, Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWAEE, of various style anJ pattern. Also in assortment of HOOTS II SHOTS. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, Nc. And a great variety of other articles such as are auitable lo the trade, all of which will be sold at tho lowest price. Cir Country produce taken in exchange a the highent prices. Lower Augusta, Mav 6, IBM. REMOVAL. I.iSlil! Light! Light! It 1 n. Dl'OTT & KI'.XT have removed to their New Sloro and Factory, No 74 Sotifrt Second Street, PHILADELPHIA (Five door below their old stand ;) Having increased futilities, we ofler to Mer. chants und others, (ins Fixtures and Lamps of every description, unit at the lowest Manufac turer' prices, und unsurpassed in qunnly or ap pearance by any in Iho country- Our slock em brace DYOTT'S PATENT 1' INE Oil USPS. (fVie bist to the trorld) Burning fluid and Solar Lurd Lamps, Chande liers, for lla, Pine Oil, Solar Lard, and Fluid, Hall und Putent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, Pine Oil & Fluid, wholesale und retail. Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to call and sxnmino our (Slock und Pri ce. fy Particular attention given lo fitting up Churches nnd other public buildings. Thila. October 7, 1851. ly. Pickles. Sauces fje. Just received I'Mfncftnf Anchuivcn, rauli-tl'Mvrr, Chilli Viittvar, rhmv rlmw, The uhve nre nil fruttt Mix ml Pickies, Cr.rw ,V H he It well, UmU"i., .Tm"n, i-tuiru iitiiguct llranf, u Ham, fi irk ins, f tnnf Wttv Join, I'iecali. f'urmnt " ' John Hut! J? nice, Plum " HcefnUnk Kiirdmei, Worcrttcr Tonmlo Ciitniip, Ac., A e. titeef.ior to Hartley If Knight. BUDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 118 South Second Street, five doors above Spruce street, PKILADEtrHIA V7"herc he keeps coiisluutiy on hand a full assortment of every article in his line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring Multresies, curled hair, Moss Cum Hnk nnd fritrnw .M jtlref-ws, Velvet, Ta pestry, Topfstiy. Biuosels, Three-Ply, Ingruin, Venetian, List, Rag und Hemp Curpeli-ies, Oil Cloths, Cumoii Mattiiie.s, Cocop nnd Sjpunifh Maltinps, Fluor und Sl.i:r DrUh'gcts, Hearth Kiiks, Door Ma's, Tuble uud Pia io Covers. To which he respectfully inviies the attention of purchasers. Phila- Oct. 7, 1S34. ly. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCAUTV, Bookseller, Sunbury, Pa. The American I'LEADEUS ASSISTANT : ll.iiiil a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceeding in the ocvcrul actions How iu use in the 1'niied tutrj. By Coi.l.tNso.N Rki:i, Esq., Ipae trgis viva vox With notes and additions, together with a nhr system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, Pres ident Judj-e of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Kockefeler and M. L. Shiudel, of the bar of Northumbciland county. Since the publication of the booh, the following letter has lieen received from Judge Pearson of Harrisburg : Hiiiaisui-uo, June 30, 1853. Rssitlkmkn : After a rarefnl exiiminnlion of your " Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure iu ex pressing my entire approval of tbe selection and composition of the precedents thus oll'ercd to the public. The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstcin of pleading, adapted to our habits of busiues, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great cxtott, founded on the acts of auembly will be a savinf of labor lo the pleader, and con duce to safetv and brevity iu our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer iu our state. Yours, with great resiicet, J.NO.J. PEAKOX. 1'an. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Miiinlel, Esquire. W. McCabtt. Esq., . . Dear Bin I received more than a year ago a copy of "Reed, s Pleaders' Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with some care soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it de cidedly valuable as a inauuel for practising attorney in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were generally used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in matter which are often very carelessly done. I am very truly yours, Ac., J. 8. BLACK. I also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist out, and have examined it sufficiently lo enable ma to concur very heartily in the above commen dations by the Chief Justice. GEO. VV. WOODWARD. July 19. 1854 Sunbury, July 89, 1854. Liquid Glue. LWAYS ready fur use. A new article of the greatest utility and convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household O.nainent of either Porcelain or Glass. It is prt for able to any other cement used, as it leave no mark where the piece join. It will be found very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in bottle at 25 cent each, or $3 a doien. All order promptly executed. WM.U. MASON, 204 Chestnut street. Philadelphia Phil., Oct 14, 1854. tf. fjJROUND and whole Pepper, Clove, Ciona y mon, Nutmeg, Mace, Alllspice, Ginger, Liquorice, Ac, Ac, at Nov. 18, '54. ' YOUNG'S STORE. MITHV8 E88ENCE OF JAMAICA GIN- OEU, a freh aupuly jnt received, and for mU by H. B. MASSE R, Sunburr. iB. 10. I8S3. PATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottle for sale by H. B MA88ER. Sunbury, April, 11, 18S1 FOR aale at thi office, Superior 15 lack Ink, Catsta Medicin at SS cla, Vwt Etucnoe of CHERRY PECTORAL: Wm the Cairo f OOVOHS, OOX.D8, HOARSSNBSS, BR OCT OHXTX8, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIWO-OOUOH ASTD OOMSUMPTIOlf. TO CritE A COLD, with madacbb ! soasas of the body, take the Cusaav PscToaak on going to ltd, and wrap up warm, to sweat during the night. Fob a Ool asi Conaa, take it morning, noon and eve ning, aeoordmg to directions on tlie bottle, and the difficul ty will oon l removed. None will kwg suffer fnrm this trouble when they find it can lie so readily cured. Persona sIHicled Willi a seated cough, which breaks them of their nut at niyht, will find, by taking the Cherry Pectoral ou goirg t bed, they may be sura ui sound, unbiokon sleep, and consequently refreshing rest. Great relief from suffer ing, and an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands w ho ar thus alHicled, by this invaluable remedy. Prum its agreeable effects in these cases, many find tliemselvcs unwilling to forego il usa w heu th necessity for n has censed From two eminent Thysiuians in Kavitievillk, Tenn , April I, 1351 Sir : We liova given yonr Cherry Pectoral an cxtensiv trial in tnir piaetice, anil find it to surras every other re medy we have for curing affections of the respiratory cl eans, una. D1KMKR HAMPTON. TO tMNUURS AN D PUBLIC SPEAKERS this remedy is invaltialile, ns by Us action on the throat ami lungs, wheu taken iu small quantities, it lemovesall hoarseueas in a few hours, and wonderfully increnses the power and flexibility of the voice. ASTHMA is generally mueh relieved, and often wholly eared by Cherry Pectoral. But there are some cases so ob stinate as to yield entirely to no inetlit-ino. Cherry Pecto ral will cure Ihem, if tiiev enn be cured. BKONCHITIS, or in nation ol ihe throat and upper portion of the lungp, maybe curtd by taking Cherry Pe; to rsi in small and iri-qucut doses. The uncomfortable op- presr.l.111 is soon relieved Unv. i)oct. LAN SI Mi, of Brooklyn, New York, ntJitcii: "I liava fcffen the Chtrrrv Pecioral cuie ntch cmtes vf Asthma and BronchitiK bp leads ma tu believe it can rarely fatl tr rure lh"se dieae." FUR CROrp. Give an emetic of antimony, lo he fnllowfcd by InrM and frqueiit dor-l of the Cherry Pecto tal, until r subluca tbo chicane. It taken in lenn'ii, it will not fnu to cure. waooriNU rorCH mav x broken nn and Ka cu red bv the uf-c of Cherry Fecturnl. THK INFLl'KN'A iaHpecdilv removed bv this reme dy. Numerous iimtmicrs huve been notteeil where whole tnmilies were protected fnnd anv serious consetiiiencee, wh'le their ncighb-ira, without tha Cherry Pectoral wtie mmtTiMg irom tneuisense. Dr. J. C. Aver: fAt.KM. Ohio, llth .lune. 18,51 I write to inform you ol the truly remuiknbtc effects of your i iii.hhv I'l'jt ninAii in ttus pinec, auu in my own fiunily. One ol my daiifhters was completely cured in tUrrr days of a drendiul WihmjPJNo Coonu, by tukiim it- lr. Menus, onetfotir very best nhysiciims Iieely slules mm nr consider 11 the uesi remedy we nave puimoiuu y dinease", and thnt h has cured more eaues of C'Kovr with it than nnv other mrdteiue he ever adinmistcrcd. Our rlerirvtnrit n( the HnntiM Chnn-h suvt ih:it durinff the run of Ixri.rnNZA here this cns n, he h;is ;eti cures frtnn onr niulieuic he could pearvvly have believed K ith out tts inp. Vours rvapcctfuUy, J. P. SINCl.Ain, Deptty lVstinHhte.r. From the ilitlingttifkcd Professor of Ckcmis try and Mctcria Mcduc, Botrduin Coltcec. I have found the Chf.rkv Pkctohat,, ns iit iiiarcdtents show, n powerful remedy (or cnUls, nud cmlm, and pul inonary duciius. P4KKK1, CLKVELANDj M D. Brunswick, Me., Feb. fi. Ici. 1)H. V A1F.N Tl N I" M OTT. The widely celebrated Professor of Surgery tn the Medical CollesCj New YorkCHtj) Sfiis. "It gives me pleasure to certify the vnltieniid clfieney of AvkuV Chkhry PectoeaLj whieh I eoiihider peculi oriy atlnpted to cure diseases oi Ihc TliroJtl and luii;?s." Cures cf seveie diwnses upon the l,mics have twen ef fected by Ciirrht l'EcrouAL iu such extreme raped ns Warrant llie belief th:R a reined v has ut knuth been found that can be depended on to cure the C-'iiijlis. Colds and Consumptiai which carry from our midst tlioummds every year. It is iiiileed a lufxiiciuu to which the tdllii'tcd ei.n look wiih OHfidenec for relief, nud they should not fail to avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Loinll, Mass. Sold ill Sunbury by H MASTER, ami by PriigsiKta generally tlirougliotit tho Stole. July 30, 1853 ceow 1. Nov. 13. '52. Groat Arrival or SFIIXNG GOODS! TRA T. CLEMENT gNKORMS liis friemls and customers that lie just received an rlccatit arsorluieut of SPBT.NO AND SUMMER COODS At his 8torc in Marlict Street, Sunbury, whit-h lie offers to the public at the lowest prices. Hi stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin de Loins, Laiens, Ginghams, Iterates. Alio a large assortment of L'l.OTlIIMi. A targe assortment of lloots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Silk Hats. I'll ii a in u, Palm leaf and oilier fc'ttminer Hat. I'lntei. fJKOCERIES of every vaiiuty. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spires, Fish, Salt, Ac. HARDWARE, "u : Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEENS W ARK, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes' Cups, Saucers, $c LIQUORS, Vine. Brandy, Ciu, Bnm, Whiskry, te- IT?" Country produce of all kind taken in ex change at Ihe highost niaiket price. April 8, 1651. ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Kroiu th Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, from lb Ainesivan Institute, New York, and FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS F rom Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D. C. COLLINS & CO. Aro. 100 If 166 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, Main Street. Springfield, Mass. and Westfield, Mass. -' Portrait Painting auJ Talbotyping, in th highest state of perfection, done in all liie above Establishments. Sky-Lights nsed in all th establishment. Miniatures Uken equally a well by them in cloudy as in clear weather. Phila., May 87, 1 854- tf. NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. TW'OTICE is hereby given, that all person A v found trespassing upon, or injuring th line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such case made and provided. H. B. MASSER, Pre.'t Phila. and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, June 3, 1854. If. SAXV1UEL W. PEPPER SVCCISSOB to HENRY J. TErPER & SON, Watches, Jewelry & Silver Ware, N. 175 Chestnut tt., opposite the State House, rHXX.ASBZ.PBIA. Phila., May 27, 1854.ly. JOHN V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TAILOlt, 8mrBtrxar,xA n ESPECTFULLY inform., his friend and customers lhat he haa just received from tha city a new and complete a rtment of Men Wearing Apparel, which h will make up to order, or cell, a cheap aa any other eatablisluneut in the place, aa La ia determined to permit do one to undersell him. Hi good are choice, and carefully (elected from th beat in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in th best and latest atyle and warranted. Ilia dock consist iu part of hand some Marseile and Silk Vetting, Duck and other Linen for Coats, Ac. Also, a variety of Cloths, CaasUncn, Cravat, Keck Ties, auJ a variety of other article for Mens' wtar. Sunbury, June 10, 1851. tf. "AID AHD COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE RENN. MANtrrACTutn or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of tha most Fashioiiablt Style x of the public to his large and splendid wm ment of evry quality and price of CAMKET-TVARE. which cannot fail to recommend Kself uyrr on who ill examine it, on account of it durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the beat stock to be had in the city. N0 Jjjrort pared in the manufacture of hia ware, and the ubscriber ia determined to keep up with the many Improvement which ar constantly beir.c wade. His stock consist of Mahogany Sofas, Divan and Loung Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboardi SOFi, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLE and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phil. delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and prfre, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in thi line of hi kusinV He also manufactures all kind and qaalitte o( CHAIRS. including varieties never before to be lil it SunbuTy, uch a Mabooakt, Buca atsof ko Ci.RLtn MirLi Gacciir t aim Wibbso CHAIRS, ano rawer Pi sire Stool, which ar of the latest style, and warranted to be exeeltr.-f ly none manufactured in th Ciliesof efsewhcfV . The subscriber i determined that there (haf be no excuse for persons to purchase furnf!a. i the cities, every confidence can be entertain-! about the quality and finish of hi wire anr Chairs. Ilia articles will lie disposed of on esorl term a they can be purchased elsewhere. Cunn try Produce taken in payment for work. CT UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself. with a handsome Htiasi, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funar als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. C?" The Ware Room ia in Market fitreet. below Thompson' Store and Weaver' Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1853 tf. DOCTOR YOirnSELF! THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OK, EVERY ONE MIS OWN PJITSICIA. rpiIE EIFTIETH E1. lion, with One HunHisJ Engravings, showing Dis eases and Malformations of the Human (System iu every shape and form. To which is aJilc-d a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of tha highest importance I o married people, or thom contemplating marriage Ky Ir Wni.Toiiii:- ' Let no father lie ashamed to present a ropy a the .CSCULAriUS to his child. It my in him from an eaily crave. Let no young man woman enter into the secret obligation of mm ricd life without reading tho POCKET .ESlT LA PIUS. Let no one suffering from hackiaV; Cough, Paiu in the Si.fe, restless nights, nenot feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic St-im lions, and given up bv their physician, be anut'ir moment without consulting the .BS('l'LAl'JI Have the married, or those about to be marrir any impediment, read this truly useful b.icil, , it has been tho means of saving thouanils eftt fortunate creatures from th very jaws of ill;; Any erson rending TWENTV P1V CELTS', enclosed in a letter will recrs o, copy of this book, by mail, or five copies wiii ' sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. Y(il'. No. 1S3 SPRUCE trcl, PHII.AHCI.riii.t Post paid. July 2i, 1851. ly. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, Prepared bv U'KISF.R K lilil NR This prepaialiou is recommeniled oi n . rellcnt laxative and purgative, itopertlon' is entirely free from nny unpleasant i! scmblinn lemonnde in flavor. 'J'hi nirJiu highly U-neficiel for diseases pectiliai uiba and hot v.eutiier. Sunbury, July I, 1854. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAKZEOS T ESPECTFULLY inform tbe mm the Uorotigli of Sunbury and riiinitr. he ha permanaiilly located l.iinlf u borough ; and offer his professions! vnii . those who may wish to employ fcim. Fi present he can be found at YVeavm Ih'tl Bunlrury, March 11, 1854. U. RY GOODS, Cloths, Casaimtrs, Sa't Wtftitlo-a Tn..lu Mi.h.h.i .In.k cord. Tickings, Check, Muslins, Ar. juii anu lor salo by WM. A. k.Al Lower Augusta, May C, 1854.- X "TsTEGETABLE CATTLE POWDER-si. v dozen Breinig and Fronefirtd's Citli F der, just received at the New Drug Siors of WEISER & I'Kl'M Sunbury, May ST. 1854 TR. H. H." IIIGBEErenifJy f t-4 --'cold, and pulmonary diseasrs. A "flfr this valuakla medicin just rectiinl twi i by H. 1. MAisO Sunburv. June 4 , 1853 ATS AMD CAPS.-It ttlaW' ii ... p ... o m.m laanionaui Bilk, V oel UM r m also Clalh, Fur, Oilcloth, " Cap for sale low by G. EI.?Brl!0f Market street, opposits ttV T' G OLD PENS with and ails." Also m fi-Acti ann.J.. r Fluil I .. sauiyiMf UI tt UUU br H.i-"AS" lASSt ountiury. Dee. 87. ! c HA IN PUMPS.- A .railH!:of u. w- offered fot sale by H. B. MASbE Sunburv. jun 4( ig33 s ILVER WATCHES. A fc wbto Er EngUA SUver Watches, '"""j. by H-l-188' rice Sunbury, Apri 13, 1851 COOPER'S GELATINE- Forwleby WEISEB01,1 Hunburv. June S4. 1854- B farchment Pspr Mortgage, Bond., BS- ., for alb H. "- LANK P.r,-bm.ni V.otr D' Ac, Sunbury, Apr! 28, 18JI- ATS and Cap., Silk. 'In. Slouch, P.n.nT..Le,h Btir,2au for men and boya. Ladie B"4" jut received and for al . . iuA Mat 1.1854 VX-. 1EWELRYA nic.-e"!,ch.i Mv.rP..cil..dPJgERGC Market .treet. opPw T Sunbury, Oct 8, -- BLANKS., LADIES' Dre- ttrKlU Oingliama, D be. ".M. yi eeived and fur ! . iaj.4. , Low. Auut. MJ ' ' i t