BUCKWHEAT. few crops can bo turned to better account, on ft poor, light, gravelly soil, than bock wheat. It possesses ft chemical action on the oil, by vjhich the coarser particles re disin tegrated, or rendered finer, and the soil is thereby improved. Pure icnoriranic earth- that is. Birth unmixed with animal cr Tnjrc. table matter is produced by the disintegra tion, or pulverising of rock. Silex, or sand, is the oxide, or rust of siliciutn $ or, to take it mow familiar, it is pulverised quart?.. Ulny is orodnced by the aocomvoiition of feldspar. Now all the quartz and feldspar in tho world, while existing in the form rock, will not croouce a blade of trass t it is only when cto composed, or pulverised j and the finer the pnrtic'.es. the better the soil. . If ft soil, then, is course, the object of the larmer should be to pulverise it, which enn onlv be done bv some chemical amplication. or the growing of some crop which has that chemical power. Buckwheat, by a process yet undiscovered, has that power, and the lon ger it is cultivated, on a given piece of ground, thu finer will be tho particles of tho soil. It injures land for corn, but leaves it in line or der for potatoes, and is the best crop to kill out bushes, wild grass, and mellow green sward. To fit the land for the next succeed ing crop, in rotation, plow in a crop of buck wheat iu blossom, . ' As a food for man, except in small tptonti tics, we conlJ not rcommend it, as cakes mode from it, though light when hot, are hea vy as cold liver when cold. A constant use of it, has a tendency, also, to produce cutane ous dieoses ; but boiled with potatoes, ap ples, or pumpkins, it is first-rate for hogs. When ground, it is excellent for milch cows. Fed raw, or left standing in tho field, it ia great for Shanghais, (they being allowed to harvest for themselves.) The blossoms afford material for the very best honey, and at e season of the year when other flowers are gono. It should never be given, in any form, to horses, as it bloats them, rather than fattens; and what appears to bo fat, put on ahorse by buckwheat m a week, will disappear, by hard work, in a day. Ohio Farmer. WHY BOKft LA DO PROHDCK WEEDS. Becansc there is more wild, or fibrous mat ter in the soil, accumulated by ages of the growth and decomposition of vegetation, than there is of that property required for the crops wo wish to raise. As we have often said, "burn a plant, and the ashes will show what the soil is composed of-" The ashes are what is drawn from the earth. By the decomposition, what was drawn from the atmosphere, has been libera ted, and escaped in the form of gas. The ashes are mineral, and never exist, uaturally, in the atmosphere. The ashes of nil plants, consist of tho same substances, only iu different proportions. Like soap, which is grcaso, and alkali, but when properly combined, aro neither, but u new compound. So with soils. If the com pound is largely wild or vegetable, it will pro duce weef'a, make an excess of phosphate of lime, and it will as naturally produce wheat ; give it an excess of alkali, and it will produce potatoes. A farmer should fit his crop to the soil, or his soil for lus crop. lb. A Great Fap.m. It is an error among many good people to suppose large fortunes the fruits only of mercantile or commercial life. Because a few wealthy names appear among them, we should not by any means take these as an index of the whole. We wish some of those eager young men who fly to the qjty in pursuit of riches, would read the following, and see whether there are not equal inducements to stny at home. "The liich mond Despatch fcoeaks of a visit to a some wkat celebrated form, on James River, Curl's Neck. The proprietor harvested nbout 40, 000 bushels of wheat, and will have for s.ilu 1,500 barrels of ccrn." From the Oeimantown Telegiajih. IIED ASTs). Red Ants, are worrying plagues to house keepers. The Public Ledger calls for a re cine airainst tho vermin. Spirits of Turpen tine on a small sponge tied at tho end of a stick, will, with a little management, be spread like a vapor over the shelves of a pan try, eliectually ruttfing you oi ine vtio imng. But many persons think tho cure worse than the evil, "dislikine the smell of turpentine, therefore I give a recipe I have used success fully. It is this : Spread over the shelves in fested by the red ant, leaves of green sage. This I have known to act like a charm in get ting rid of the ant. FAUMbK. P. S. Spirits of turpentine applied in a similar manner to nie newiy cominenix-u nesis of caternillers anion? vonr apple trees. I have always found a sure disposer of that pest to toe orchard. LIME IX AGRICTLTl'RE. Professor Johnson savs, "the effects of lime are greatest wheu well nyxed with the soil, and kept near the surface within easy reach of the atmosphere. . Its value is greater tmon newlv plowed arable eurlaco soils. Huch soils usunlly contain a large amount of vegetable and other organic matter, uence the rule that limo ought always to precede putrescent manure when old las are broken up for cultivation. It produces a greater pro portional improvement on poor soil in their natural state, than on such as are richer ; as naturally poor soils contain a greater or less quantity of organic matter but are nearly des- titue of bine. On the other baud, on poor arable lands which have been worn out by re peated limine and croimimr. it does no good whatever, as snch soils, if thev do not already abound iu lime, are generally destitute of otner Kinds or lood, organic and inorganic, by which healthy plant? are nourished, and they can only be restored to fertility by a judicious mixture of all. . On nil lands in which ve ge table matter is waoting. lime may even do iiurm io mo immediate crops A consiuura. won or the circumstances ubove adverted to are sufficient to induce tho entire abandon- mont of it. Where soil has been impover ished through its unskilful application, or by large admixtures of lime aud marl for a se ries or years, new additions are a waste of material and labor. When r.a u il causes Have removed tho buuerabundanco. and nr., duced an accumulation of tho? other imb alances which, when associated with lime, iu- creass tne productiveness of the soil, us use may do leiumcd.' IIwtorv or Wheat li Amekica Wheat was first introduced in the North American tyoionies in 1595, on the Elizabeth Island in yu.assacr.usetls, by Gu?nokl, at the time he piorea mat coast. That has been upwards r two hundred and fiftv vears .rn m,,t uii. at time.eo great has been the inccose of f i cereal, tnat in the year 1849, aco( rding tthe census of IBM), the vroduet amounted f 00,503,899 bushel.. Cp to 1610. and nrr. i later. England supplied the eolonirs i the greater part of their breadstuff. - nn CorrgE. The CaUveran nLi,i.. Ay that wUd coffee U found in ajjui.ti! n mw neipuuornoort. aim . ..u. Uitivated in Mexico, South mnd Central ua, Theberrieg reaemble tkoeei isf ibo le coSfce plant. be couotie of Western ruunsvlvii.ia' uwd ctu learn, tbore it an tncrea or (TTOund eoverea with wheat thU All axcouDtf concur in representing rowinp cri to be in mEDifieeDt rendt. i THE WEEKLY HERALD. - Th Beit General Newspaper in the World. , ThtNiw Vpi Wnn.f timta la TmhliaHad everv Saturday morning. In contents embrace all the newt of the grrnt events uf the der, report of meeting, of the (State Leg ItUrtare, and of Congress ; Important public foe- smsms; nurrmsan em Dome eorrsssouaeiic i nnanciai and commercial, and erlltotlals of general Interest, that oave appearra in the mw Torn Deny Heram. It it iMHtlr printed, in clear type, on a tareed Dl kont to theet of fntjr-eight columns a (fuck a direoti ly in it rlf snd forme one uf the best and mnet vnloaWt weekly newspapers lo the work). Th sreatest ears Is tsrrn to obtain the attest and mot! reliable intolhcence f important mrvrt menu in all parts OI the world. No aipenw li sp' re' for the purpose. TheeobecrriDthiii bt ee ia three dolmri net onnflm. nave- Ma in advance, or sixpence per tingle eopy. fidii"te of newspapers throughout the ountiy are particularly re qnre'.rd to act at tgeiita. They will receive twenty-five percent emmimin on all e.h l'jbsrrlptl"ne. Any ner e n nbteiititit fve or more lubacribert will be alloweu the tame etdnmittion. Ttftnu to Crtn. ' For one copy of Weekly Hen id for one year 3 W Five auDiea do do 11 vs N St) 3.1 IS n oo SO S3 er su 78 75 tXI (HI 101 99 US 6tl 'fen Fifteen Twenty Twenty-ffva Thirty Thirty-fiva Forty F't'ty-gtre da rlii K ia do do dj do da do do di do ) dv Hi do r uty All letters in be aJilraewt to Jitmrt Goritnn Dennelt proprietor ami editor uf the New York Herald, New 1 oik vitv. ArTnitlencre meat be nwde in ftnde cttnent In thie eily. AUvertuemruU Imeried in the Wi ckly Hemld ( thirty centt per line. New York. Feb. 1S.V - JAMES McCliIWTOCK, M.13., Lata ' rnoFKSSOIl of Anatomy and Surgery In the I'bil e,1e!plna College of Wwticine, ami Acting Profeae. eM Aliitveifery : uiie of the Cunaulllng Pliyak-an; of the PhH ndclphia iluanilal, Ulockleyi IlU: mtuilwr of the Nati.utul Jh-.lical Aetui'iuti.in i meiuutr of the PluUileluhw Mecli of Philtttlclnhin f..rmerly I'realJeiH and Profeator .1 Aiuiomy ana SuiKcrv in Unatlet .n Moilicul Clltg.-, Vei mont : nnd elro, tale Profeet -r of Anot.nny and Pheio. rj-y in I)-rkhir Medical lnitlluU.'ii, Putaliekl, Maea., &c , Ac Ac. . . . . Hun Uitclv iiitMdiiired tn a p-'pu'.ir furm eeveral of hit fivjrile precriitijiie for the principal diaeoae of tin. climate. The name of each article will Imply the dtaeeae for which it it intended to be uaed. VR McCIJNTOUK'S PECTORAL SYRUP. TuteSI jilt. McCMXTOCK'S COLD AND COUGH MIX TI RE For Coltie, Cooghe. Ac Price 45 cie. VH. McCl.lN TOCK'S ASTHMA AND UOOP1NO C'.'UOH RK.MEUY. Price So eta. Hr. McCLI.NTOCK'S TONIC ALTERNATIVE .i ..r , . Kiaiiie uriirureirai vunrae SYRUP For Purifying the Blood PrltelM. DR. McCLI.NTOCK'S DYSPEPTIC ELIXIR For giving tone to the atuwich re.lieving paina after eating. Heartburn, ana an rtitayreeabie aymptoms arising ucni ilidigeati.m Price 91. Pit. McOLINTOCK'S RHEUMATIC MIXTURE A Purely Vcgctnhle Remedy for internal nee. Price nO cte. DR. McCUNTOCK'8 RHRU.MATIC L1NIMKNT Fur Rheumatism, Bnrains. Sweilinn. Its , lev. Price CO cents. PR. McCLINTOCK'S ANODYNE MIXTURE Foi Paine, Toothache, Headache, Neuralsis, Ac. Ac. Price 60 centt. DR. McCLINTOCK'S FEVER AND AGUE SPK- CIFIC A certmn curefnroll Intermiitente. Price SI. UK. McCl..NTOCK'S DI AllliHUJA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PREVENTIVE A enlc remedy. DR. McCLINTOCK'S VEGETABLE PURGATIVE PILLS Fot O "Stivemet, Hendiiche. fce. Price tUcts. DR. McCLINTOCK'ti ANTHUUOUS PILLS For Irregularity in the Functions of the Liver and Bowels the best Liver Pill mnde Price 01 ctt. a !x For ante bv Dr. J. McCLLSTOCK. at his Medical Be- twt. N W corner ninth tind Filbert I'i , Philadelphia, nnd nt all Druirgitti nnd Dealers in Medicines. . Ail Druggiait and Deslert in Aleaicinca who wnn to lie ngente, will nlcnte adildrcta Dr. McClint'x'k, luriiithms reference, nenie of Pntt'Oruce. crunty nnd ttate. IT For Pale hy Wciaer ft Urnner, bunoury and Mia. mokin ; Wm. Weimer, Nortliuinberlnnd C. Brown, Mil ton ; E. P. Lutz. Bloomtbiirg: JmcoIi Harris, Uuckhnrn ; jolm Vanlecio, Light Slrct j I Sharpie as & Son, Cnta- wtses. January fl, 1655. ors. "Wines 6j Liquors. Mnrtelt Brendy, Chsmpaigne Wine, ptnet Biieiry Clarot ' Turc Port " Port . Muderis " Lisbon 11 Wine Bitters For Sale by French " Comtn'm " Rye Whiskey," Monoiiguhela U'hitkey, Common 41 Jamaica spirits, H iland Gin, WEISER it DRUNER Sunbury,Julya, ISM. LAWI1ENCE HOUSE, STJflLTJEY, PA.- rilHR suVscriber respuctfully informs the public X llrit she still continues to keep the above named public bouse i-ihe hit a.eo received a new supply c: .food liiiuors and wines, snJ trtifls that fche will be nble to give satislaclion to all nil a may visit her Louie. MAMA THOMPSON. Punbury March 4, le54. if. Erkish Periodicals tn EARLY COPIES SEMRKD. Premiums to 'eu Subscribers ! I KOOARD SCCTT CO , New Vork, continue to re publish the luilowing British Petiodicalt, vis. : 1. THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH liEVlEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h ) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDI N BURG MAGAZIKE (Tory). The nreseiit critics! itate of Eurnccan aff iirt will rmHer UifBC publicati'mt niiuivuUy iitefettiig; Ouriiif the forth, taming year. They will occupy a middle ground between uie tmstiiy wnteu newt-items, crum iiiecuiatini.ttitt fly. tnr lumon rf the dnilv Jttunial. sitri ihfl tvuidertiui Tnine of tho future lnniiau( written after the living i.ilcreil ar.d etoitement f the preat pnliticul r'enta uf the time hell have patted twny. It it to thete Feriudicult tlmt rcnceri mum iwii i.ir the only rce'iy intcliifiDle Qnd reua ble history nf current event, nnd mfh. in tdditi'm to their weilettalilithed literary acientific. ami thoul"gir:il chnr.'icter, we urge them Uixu the c jh aide rat lull oi the rtunintr puitnc. 17 Arraiitreineutaare now nermnnentK made for the re.'eurt oi" Early Sheeta from the British Puhlidliert, hy which we are ei in bled to place all our Beprima in the iianna t tiiDweriDera, atxnitat mom at they ran iw iur:ntiiei with the foreign cpi. Although thia invulvea a very larpe outlny on our part, we ahull continue to fuiuith the Periodical! at the anine low ratet heretoffn-e, together wiisn me i. now tug rremiuma to new miiecriDera. TEUMS AND PREMIUMS. Set list of Premium Volumes below Per ami For any cms of the four Revieivssnd one Prera. eol. 81 U0 Piirsnylwo ' " one " S (Hi Fur anv three two " 7uu For all four of the Reviews ' two " fc (hj Pur Hlackwocid't Mnevsine one aou Fist Black wood and throe Itevirws three " S Uo Fur BIscIcwihkI Jt the fur Keviews three " 10 Ou Panmenls to be made in oil cases in alvann. fthneij current in the State where issued will be received at far, Thv Premiums consist f the follnwins works, back volumes uf whii'b will te given In new uiiacvibers accor ding to the uumuer uf periodicals ordered, us unovs es- piuuicv.; PREMIUM VOLUMES. FussiaK Qcastsbusv Rsvisvr ( yssr Uvut swtioit'a M04SiNS (six month) l.osn n tcaiSLT Ksvitw (one yeui) Kdikscsc llsvisw ( ste yeir). MeriioPuLlrttt Maoaiixi' (iu moo'hij Vitx'ii:u Ht;vitw(oiie yeai). Consecutive Pre nium volnmet es'.nnt in all esses be furnish.'d, except of the Foreien Quarterly Review. To prevent dtMni 'intmeiit, theiefore, whete tlmt wuik ie not sJone wanted, guiief riUera will r-leaae ,Irr at inanv diaVi ent woika fur preniimna us thers ore volcines tu which Uiey may be entitled. CLUBBING. - A dincmint nf Iwentv-uve par cent, from the above prt. ces win lie allowed 1 1 Cluhe ordtsims f ur or mors copies nf any mi nvre of the alve works. Tims: Four copies of U'ackw-vid, ir ol one Keelew, will be seut to n, f j " '!i '"' "Piescf tiie four Keviews and uwmwjui ioi ajuj ami e, on. a, POSTAGE. In all the prliulpal Cities and Towns, theae works will nruvarea, irrou? Aseuts, FBKB OF POSTAOK. neu sent hy mail, the Postage to any part if the United Plate will leb.it Tvt rui) -Faur trute a year for "Blaikwood." aud but Tivtlva ...i. . r. ..i. of the Reviews. neiniiuinuas sua enmmnnnatinns should always be mmcm-u, wnaiu, iu me rublishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., ' 8i GOLD 8TRLET, NF.W VORK n. o. l. . at ia. have reeenltv puliliahee). aud h nsTn.'"'''? ABVrH'" "L'lUK," l HeiU," rhine. ni tdniUMjl,, ui Prof Norton, of Y.la oil Vaf II,',,''m!',"',',,K,,,ota- rol"CIV". aonUll n. o u . st uk have reeenttv iu iliahaH m..A k.u. Bus. Cotlrae, u,, 77. ' w"'ssiot the old I'Book of the Farm" letjly a sseseiTA t.d and ,h,own uno. tha M.XZ F "', ' UeoiuUr rt, last. - - L. L. BE VAN, .issiuiffCKixT hotel; - . . rihai&okia Pa-' Uabov. t ' oneir'!y. htb. hastak.n fhainoki,,, j, ,"uZZ " h'm " TO; CASH BUYERS." v Ar0. 232 Cfcr-sfntii streel, abovt 9i ; Philadelphia, . ' Hav now open a large stock of . CARPETINGS, . EmVracinj the new and leading styles In Vel vet, Tapeairy, Orunels, Ingriin, Stair Carpets, Oil Clothe, Ac., all of which will be sold at the loweat ctah prlcat, ' ' ' ' '' WHOLESALE RETAlt Phils., Kept. 9, l64.ly. ' United States Hotel, . Cktstnut Slrttt, about Fourth. PHII.ADBt.PHIA. CJ-MacLEI.LAN, (late or .Ion' Hotel,) has tht pleasure to Inform his friend and tie traveling community, that be hjs leased this House for a term of years, and Is now jirepareu or the reception of Guests. ' The Local adventne-esof thisaorite establish- menl arm Ion tvU Lnnvtn to need ComtltPnt. - The House and furniture hfle been put in Aui mt. nr.tnri iho moms are larM and well ., I Ti, 'I'.l.te. will elwnve be supplied et ith the best, and the proprietor pisdge himeelf that no edort on his part slisll oe wnnun iu make the United States eoual In coinlnrie to any Hotel in the Quaker t.ity. ... - rhila., July , 1854 , Sunbury Academy. J. P. CRONMILLER, Principal. TRUSTEES: Man. Alex. Jordan, John loune, it li. jvins- ser, Esq., Jucoli fainter, Hon. leo. U. Welker, Henry Uomtel, Esq , Irn T. Clement, Hugh Bel las, John W. Peal. THE SUMMER TERM o( this A.-adomy wil1 roinmcnce on Tuesdny the 10th of April 1 he course of Instruction will embrace all the branches of a liberal English and Classic 1 eda cation. It is bis aim to make the Academy one of the best Schools in tbo country To o complisli this, nothing will be wanting n bis part. 1 horoughness and accuracy will ho required in every recitation, and no pupil will be permitted to pass superficinllp over an subject. Compo sition end Declamation will receive particular attention. Correct reading;, writing and spelling will be carefully taught to the less advanced. Calender. i he Winter session will com' mence on Monday, the 16th of October, and con Untie twenty-two weeks. I he session is divided in Two I urms ol eleven weeks each. TUITIONS Primary branches (per tcTnO ff3,00 English department, (per Term,) $5.00 Classical " ' $8,00 For further particulars address the Principal, ounhury, l a. September 16, 1S5I. lm. HENRY B. FUSSELL, Kisuricrontn or Umbrellas Parasols, IN EVERY VARIETY, AT THE OLD STAND, jYo. 2 North Fourth St., ' Philadelphia. "ConstanlW on hnntl a large atsnrtmcn to winch the attention of Dealers is requested fnila.. sept. IB, 18S. TYM. M'CAPvTY, BOUKSKI.LK.il, ' Market Street, ' SUNBURY, PA. J UST received and for sale, a fresh supply of for Sincuiir Schools. He is nlso opening at Ibis time, a Urge assortment of DouLs, in every blanch ot Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Iovtls, Kooianccs, fccieiitific Works, Low, Medicine, isclinol and L-lnlUren s Dooka, Billies: School. Pocket and Family, both with Held without UnirravingR, uml ever) of vari' stv ol CinJing. I'myer 1 looks, of nil kinds. A Iso just received and for sale, rurdons Di gest of the laws of Pennsylvania, edition of 1851 price only ffi,00. Judge Keads edition of lilot'.kstonet ujmmtn Is i its, in 3 vols. 8 vo. formerly sold at SlU.OU snd now offered (in frosh binding) at the low price of SG,00. A Treatise on the laws ol rennsvivania specting the estates of Decedents, by Tbomaa F (ionlon, price only S4,uu. Iravels. voyages and Auveniures, all oi which will be sold low, either Tor cash, or coun try produce. ' February, 81, 1853 U. ' e i r B -st Hatches, Jewelry? silverware AND FANCY GOODS. OCT A Chokt Assortment of Ike Finest Quality FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST CAtfH PRICES, AT Will. B ELTONHEAD'S, No. 184 South Second street, between Pint and Umorij west UtiCy T hint HE mi "tmiit cintsfturei a laartre and Srleet Sloclt m Fine Wiitchui. Jewelry. Siirer Ware, Altmta Wure, Ititcd with fine Silver, in 5nin, Fork. Ladlesi, Ve. et G.MHle, Fhii and Faney Articles of a uifi"f ouaiiiy. H nv in a practical kituwlvditenf the huniiM. and all vhi!hII t'aciltl iea tor ltiip.rttnp and Muiiuineturiiia, tha Buoacribtir tuniieuuv invite purriusent uriievtug inai ne can iup)ly them m tenm an lavornhle at any other eataO iiaiiinictn in ciinci ii lira a uant ic svlllfa. IF" All kinda of 1ih md and Pearl Jo we try and Silver War manufactured to order, within a reaatiiuihle time. 17" WutchcK, Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully re paired. No. 184 South eld St.. a few dtKn ahjva ihe '2d Mai Let sr-aa I., tka tt ...ik W I aiI.. it. fiimom B1KD CLOCK, which emaiid (he admiration or l he Kient i nr and canine. Phila , Oct. 7, IftM.ly J HENRY JJ0NNEL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office opposite tht Court House, . Sunbury, Northumberland CovMy, Pa. Prompt aileniion to bosiuess in adjoining uuiiurs. TNK Boureau'a celebrated ink, and also Con Itres ink for sale, wholesale and retail by IWc-mUr tH. IRS0. H B MAHSER. DHOEH All kinds of Boots hhoet shd slip. tiers for sale by " U.ELSUEKHatU, Market street, oiiposite the Post Office Snnburv. Oct. 8. 1853. fL CRA1XING3. Prop, Black, Raw ITm v' tier. Burnt Terra do Sienna and Vandvk Brown. team prepared from tha New Jersey Paint and Color Works, for sale bv VVElSERi BRU.NEK, Sunbury, July 2S. I8.K CEDAR TL BS, Horse Buckets, Painted Buck cla. Meat Tenderers, Cortt Brooms, Bas kets, Children's Wagons, and Yankee Clocks ust recenysJ and for ala by Dec s. 1854. I. W. TEJiER a rs gy. UEENSWARF., Beautiful sets of Tea -want, in China, Biona China and De!f, Dinner and Supper Dishes of all kinds, Toilet Keta. covered Dishes, China Fruit Baskets and Ornaments, Fluid Lamps, Lanterns, Glassware in variety, and Tumblers from 8J dents upwards, just received and for sale by , : fsc, 8,1854. , I. W, TENEB ic CO. A BAS0L8 ot ah' sorts. Umbrsltss. eamst haas. svillow . baskets and eedar wara at all Undo, just received and for sal by . ; ' .4 WM. A. KNAB8. . Lower Angusta, May 6. J5W . H00T5, ShoM, Hats, Caps and Gum Shoe a, C 9 just rec ied and fer sale ty Oct T USt' TCNEF Co. t Tt- .. "r.;w II olio way's Ointment. CUizeni of tht Union f ' " ') " ' Yon htvs done ma the honour, as with oris voice, from one end nf the Union to the other, to stamp the chsrnctcr of my Oiutinenl with your approbation. It it scarcely two years since t mane it snown among you, nnd slieedy, it hut obtained more celebrity than any other Medicine in so short a period. i IILIW AI5 UUlJbO ,T A , 8, Cornet of Ann end Nassau Slreett, New York , ASTONISHING CURE OF PORE LK'JS, AFTER MNB YKAR8 STANDING. Copy of a letter from Mr. W. J. Langley, oj HuMsvillt, Yadktn Counfy, Oortl Carolina, u. a , aaled JSuvtmhtr 15(, load, (rr READ HIS OWN WORDS. Tu Profesfir Hollowat, is this letter written for the mere stilts of writing, but to nir. it ia mrt ,nv uetan ia nennme mnorious, iichmb say, tliat your Ointment cured me or one oi uie mn areamul curluueoue aisensee mat nwn m uo wl.ich waa e nitidered bv all who knew me, to he entirely iwivnnd um rmicb nf meflieine For nine years i wus alhicted with one of the moat painful and troublesome sore legs tlmt ever fell to the lot ol man I una nuei trying everv medicine I hid ever heard of. I resinned iu despair alt hope of being cored: but a frieuo bronght me a oouple of lares pots ol your Ointment, which causca me soiesou mv leca to heal, and 1 entirely regained my henlth tu my agreeubte surprise end delight, and to the astonishment ul my frierlde. ifisned) Vt. 1. LANQLEY. AN EXTHACnDINARY Ct'REOF A BAD HKKAT. WHEN NEARLY A V THE POINT OF DEATH. Copy of a Utter from Mr R. Mutant, New Urlcaus. November 9A. 1853. To Professor Hollowat. 38. Corner of Ann and Nastua Streets, N. Y. Dear Sir, II is with hour I felt gratitude I hove to inform you that by the use of yourOsntineiil aud Pills, the iiie oi niy wile nat Been saved. For seven yenra the eeroua nntuie.) I wus told thul uothins could save her: ,.uu u ormsh wnn ieu raimuie wounaa. rnot ol a con. sua was then induced tu use your Ointment and Pills, wnen in the short space of three mouths, ihev effected s neucci cure, to in-astonishment of all won knew us. t e oMnined your Medicine! from Messrs. 'Vrightft Cn nrChartrei-ilreet. New Orleane. I Send this from "Hotel oee i-nncee," fans, although, 1 had writteu it at New Orleeuis. befoie we Bimlly left, at Ibut time, not knowing J1'"' iiimrcniinew kOIK. retfnedi n nun ant The Pills ahonM lie UBAd onlnIllu wrilh Ilia llmlmMil iii iiiobioi me following cases Bad Lefre, . Chieo-foot, Bid Breasts, Chilblsins, Burns, Chnppeil hands, Bunions, - Corns (Soft) Bite of NTosche- Cancers Fistulas, . i Gout, Glandular Swelling, Lumbago . Piles R hentnatism Scalds, Sire-thnsts, Vre-heads, Wounds, toes A Bund-Flies. Contracted end Coco-bay, Stiff Joints, Elenhantinsis, Sore Ninnlea. Skin-diseases, ' Peurvy, lura'iurs, ti'eers, Sold at the rstabliahmeut of Professor Hollowat, tU Strnud, (near Temple Bur, London.) and also nt hit House in isrw yors. urilert lor Mrilicincsin tne Mates, nmires. sed 'T. Holiowsv New York, will leceire due attention S-ild also l,y ill resnectulile Ul ngeists snil Dculer in Med- ,,',b ,111,1,,,. i," i i,c o llliro inuir IT, w 'rm ... f v,. nw,, 87 cents, and SI. SO cents each Tibs bad Wholesale of the principal lrug Houses In the Union. r 1 nere is a eoiisiaeratiia saving uy taking ins larger . i is ri are affixed to each box. i bo: June 91, 1854. om. Cheap Watches Jewel r v. WHOLESALE and Retail, at the 'I'hihdet phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96 rvorlh second Street, corner of yuarry, X-mZ.ADEX.FHXA. - Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 enmt eases. $2C.IKI G'lld Lepine lhk. eH.W Fine Silver SuecUiclus. 1,60 Silver ln. full jewllnl, SO.lGoM Biocel'ts, . 3.K) Silver Lever, full jcwl'd H I adits' Gold Fnncils, l.i Nineii ,r (.(nurttcrs, 7. Silver lea spoons, set, 5,uu Gold Pnectnrlej, 7.fMI Gold Pens, with Pencil und Silver Holder, 1,00 Gold ringer Bines, 37J cents to $80 ; Watch Ulnsscs, tilain, 121 cents: I'utcnt, l.tinct 25 ; olhcr articles in proportion. All goods war. ranted to be what they aro sold for. friTAlr f EK & HAKLEY, On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepincs, still lower than the above prices. Sept. 80, 1854. 1. SASH, D00ES, BLINDS, &o. flHE undersigned would respectfully inform -- the ciltrens ol Sunbury and the public gen erallv.that they have entered into co-psitnersliip under the firm of Kram & Mq'uadk, for the purpose nf inanufncturin j 8osh, Doors, Blinds, Ac. Also, Lloor unJ v astiboara Moulding worked to ordor. Their manufactory is at Ira T. Clement's Steam Saw Mill, where they will furniHli tho above articles of the best workman ship and lowest prices. JAUOd kkam, JAMES r.MeQIJADE N. B All orders left at I. T. Clement's stor promptly attended to. Sunbury, Kept. 3, 1851. SAMUEL S. FETIIERSTON, DIALER IN Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers ond Candclabras No. 152 S. 2d street, abovt Spruit, PHIMORLPHU. Taving enlarged and improved his store, and " havinx ono of the lararost assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish rine Oil, Camphene, Burning Fluid, Lard and Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of nil patterns, Glass Lamps by the package, at ft s"iall advance over auction prices. Being a Manufacturer and Dealer of 1 ma Oil, Burning Fluid and A Icohcl which will be furnished to Merchants at such prices that they will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, Household Glassware uf all descrip tions at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. , S. STNCOiST. THOS. C. KKIGI S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS DFALERS IN Fish and Provisions auftsailLT, JVb. 17 JVorth Wharves, rKXt.ADFX.PHIA. Philadelphia, Sept. 16, 1854. ' NEW CLOTHING & JEWELRY. S SIM ON. late of the firm of S. Schnurman & Co., respectfully informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he will continue tbo aliove btiaineas In the old stand In Market street, with an entire new stack of goods, which are on tlie way from the city. He will also be prepared to repair watches, having a hand in constant em ployment for that purpose. He therefore rerpect. fullv soliiits the patronnge of the public. Sunbury, Sept. 16. 1854. tf. CHEAP WATCH AND JKWFLRY STORE No 72 Nor(s Setond Street, opposite (h " iilount Vernon House ) , ; -: Philadelphia. - GOLD Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 K, ca ses, 528 ; SiUei Lever do,, do., $K; Sil ver Lepine, do., $9 i. Quarlier. $5 to $7 s Gold Spet'.laclts. $4 90 to $10 ; Silver do., $ I 60 j (silver , Table Spoons per sett. $14 to $18; Silver Desert do., do., $9 to 81 1 j Silver Tea do.,: do., $1 75 to $7 60 j Gold Pens and Gold C'a scs, $3 25 to If 5; Gold Pens and Silver do.. $1; together with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb , Guard and Fob Chains. All goods warranted to be as represented. Watches and Jewelrv, repaired in the best manner. Also, Ma sonic Murks, Pins, &e made to order. Nr B. . All orbers sent by mail or otherwise, will be punctually atteuded to. . . v Plulo., Sept.. 18, 1854. ly. ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with books.l nk, and all ct mlete, just received, and for p!e by n. a. M A&eK. Sunbury, Juns 4, 1853.- rlLOCKS Eight day and 80 hour Iroo and t Wooden framed. Cream Nuts, Ground Nuts. Raisins, snd Pruues. Just received and for sale br - M.n,MAou. Lower Aurtists, May 54.- WILEY'S COUGZT CUNDY. lent remedy for coughs, colds, at this office. " December 4. 1853. - An excel For sals BOOTS and Shoes for Man, .Womsri and ChlldnsrK f ..diss' Morocco Shose, Ladies' bHA and colored Gaiters, just received snd for saleby-1 WM. A.MADB Lower Augusta. May 0, 1854. UTewGoodi for thePeoplal vm BENJAMIN 11EFKNER O EsPECTFUiiY informs the pubflc in gen " erol that he baa just received aud opened a splcr.did stock of , , Spring and Summer Goods at his New Store, in Lower Augusta township. II is stock consists in psrt of , . , , , Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSOl Callcoe., dlnarhams, Lawns, MouNtjeline He balnea and all kinds of Ladles Dress Goods. Grocrrlee). Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron ami Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of (sTTEENSWARE, of various styles and . patterns. Also an assortment of BOOTI &. SIIOI.S. HATS Sc CAPS, a good selection. Salt. Fisli, cc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will b sold at the lowest prices. idf" Country produce taken in exchange a the highest prices. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1851. REMOVAL. lAghi'. Light! Light! Mil. DYOTT & KrKT have removed to their New Store nnd Factory, No 74 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. (Five doors below their old stand ;) Having increased fscilities, we oiler to Mer- ehants and others, Gas Fixtures rnd Lamps of every description, and a the lowest Manufac turer's prices, and uneurpnuscd in quntly or np. pears nee by any in the country- Our stock em braces DIOTT'R PATENT NNB LAMPS. t (the best in the world) Burning fluid and bolnr Lard Lamps, Chande liers, fur Gas, l'ine Oil, Solar Lard, an I Fluid, Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes, Glasses, Wicks, Fine Oil & Fluid, wholesale and retuil. Merchants and others will find it to their ad vantage to rail and examine onr Stock and Pri ces. PIT Particular attention given to fitting up Churches and other public buildings. Phila. October 7, 1854. ly. Pickles, Sauces c. Just received Cauliflower, Chciw chow. Mixed Pickles, Onions, Benns, Girkins, I'ticali, .lhn Bull Sauce, BrWatetik Woreesier " Ksseneeof Anch. lives, . Chilli Vinrunr, 1'he shove are oil from Cryisve A Blackwell, London, I'oticd T aigus, " Ham, ftnsf berry Jam, Currsnt " Plum " eirdiiiis, Tutnatn Catsup, tte., e. WKISKR t BRUNF.rt. Surettior to Hartley d Knight. SEDDING & CARPET WAREHOUSE, No. 148 South Srcond Street, five doors abow Spruce street, PKILADELTniA Where he keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of every article in bis line of business. FEATHEliS, FEATHER BED?, Patent Spring Mattresses, curled hsir,. Moss Corn Hubk and 8lraw Mattresses, Velvet, Tu peslry. Tapestry, Brussels, Three-Ply, Ingrain, Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Cutpctings, Oil Cloths, Canwn Muttine., Cocoa and Spanish Mattings. Floor and Stair Druggets. Hearth Knga, Door Ma's, Tab'e and Piano Covers. To which he respectfully' invites the attention uf purchasers. Phiia- Oct. 7, IS54. ly. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCARTV. Bookseller, Sunbury, Ps. ' The American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in thu several actions now in use in tha United tates. Br Colmnson Kecd, Esq., Ipsat Ugis viva vox With notes and additiona, together with a shor system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan. Pres ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Wm. M. Rockefelor and M. L. Shiudtsl, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pearson of llarrisburg t HiitnisBCBO, June 80, 1353. Gistiemex: After a careful examination of your "Amer ican picadors assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval nf the selection end composition of tha precedents thus offered to the public. 1 he legal profession in Pennsylvania sLands in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adspted to our habits of business, and the practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of assembly will be a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safop- and brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. r ours, with great respect, JNO.J. PEARSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, Esquires. W. McCastt, Esq., Dear Sir: I received more than a year ago a copy of-'Reed,s Pleaders' Assistant" improved by Judge Jordan and others. I examined it with some care soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it de cidedly valuable as a : manuel for practising attorneys in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it- If it wars generally used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in matters which are often very carelessly done. I aro very truly yours, ic, - J. h. BLACK. I also received s copy of the Pleaders' Assii ant, and have examined it sufficiently to enable me to concur very heartily in the above commen dations by tho Chief Justice. GEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1854 Sunbury. July 39, 1854. Liquid Glue. LVVAY3 ready for use. A new article of the greatest utility and convenience for re pairing Furniture and Household Ornaments of either Porcelain or Glass. It is preferable to any other cement used, as it leave no mark where the pieces join. It will be found a very great saving of money in repairing of Furniture alone. Neatly put up in bottle a- 85 cents each, or a doien. All order promptly executed. WM.O. MASON. S04 Chestnut street. Philadelphia Phila., Oct. 14, 1854. tf. GROUND and whole Pepper, Clove, Cinns-J mon, Nutmeg, Mace, AllUpice, Ginger, I Liquorice, dee., &c, at Nov. 18, '54. YOUNG'S 8TORE. SMITH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, a fresh supply just received, and for sale by if. B. MASSER. fiiinbtirv, Jan. 10. 1IM. IATE.NT BRITTANIA 8TOPPERS for bar bottle for sal by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April 13, 1851 TOR sale at this oftca, Superior Block Ink, tV Cstala Medicinal at 25 ota, Pun EeseftO of Qim, lb cent CHERRY PECTORAL: s?s tfc Cars ( COUGHS, COLDS, HOARBBNTESS, BROtf OHITXS, OROT7F, A8T. MA, WHOOPitfO-OOTJOS AXsTD CONSUMPTION". TO CURE A COLD, wira bsichs aud soassasa of tha body, take the Cnsar Pxcroa. on going to tied, and wrap up warm, to sweat during the night. , Foa a Uols and Cough, uke it morning, noon ana eve ning, scooiding tu directions on the bottle, and the difficul ty will "li Im removed. Nona will long sulfur from this trouble when Ihey find it oan lie so readily cured. Persons sltlieted with e sealed cough, which breaks them of their rest st night, will find, by taking the Cherry PeetorsI on purs t, bed, they mav be sura of sound, unbroken sleep, and consequently refreshing rest. Great relief from suffer ing, sud an ultimate cure, is afforded to thousands who are thus nlHicted, by this invaluable remedy. From lis agreeable effects in these cases, many Und themselves unwilling to forego its uss when tbs necessity for . has oeased From two eminent Physicisna In Favbttovillb, Tenn , April IS, 1851. " Sir We hsve given your Cherry Pectoral an extensive trial in our piaetice, end find it to surpass everv other re medy we have for cuiins-nffectlons f the respiratory or gans. DKK.D1KMKR HAMPTON. TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS this remedy Is invaluulile, ns by its action on the throat and lungs, when taken in sm.'ill quantities, itremivesall hoaraeness in a few hours, end wonderfully increases the power and flexibility of the voice. ASTHMA is generally much relieved, and often wholly oured by Cherry Pectoral. Hut there are some eases so ob stinate ss to yield entirely to no medicine Cherry Pecto ral will cure them, if they can be cured. BRONCHITIS, or irrilstion of the throat and upper portion of the lunps, may lie cured by biking Cherry Pe.to. ral in small and irequent doses. The uncomfortable op pression is soon relieved. Rev. Doct. LANSING, of Brooklyn, New Vork, states: kl have seen the Cherry Pecioral cure such cases nf Aatlims and Bronchitia as leans ma to believe it can rarely lull to cure those diseases. n POR CROUP. Give an emetle of antimonv. to be followed by lae and frequent dosc3 of the Cherry Poetic i til, until i' subtlucs the disease. If taken in season, it will not fail lo cure. WHOOPING COUGH may be broken up and soon en red l,y the tie of Cherry Pectoral. THK INFLUENZA' is speedily removed by this reme dy. Numerous instances have been noticed where whole families weie protected from any serious consequences, while their neifrlili Ts, without the Cherry Pectoral, were suffering from ihe diausse. lr. J. C. Avert . Salem, Ohio, llth June, 1651. I write t inform you ot the truly rcmorkaule eflucts of your CHERRY PECTORAL, in this plucc, snd in my own family. One of my daughters was completely cured in three duvs nf a dreedtul V uooriNo Cuoon, by taking it Dr. Means, one nf our very best physicians fieely states that he conrtders it the best remedy' we have pulmonary diseases, and that hr has cured more cases of Csocr with it than any other medicine lie ever s-lnnuistered. Oui clerpymn ol the Bnpilst Church suvsthnt during Ihe run of l.ivi.rRNrA here this season, he has seen cures from your medicine be could scarcely have believed Kith out, si-eins. Yours respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIR, Iieptty PostmMster. From the distinguished Prnfcswr of Chemis try and Materia Medicc, Doudoin College. I have found the Chsrkv PsrrossL, ss its ingredients show, s powerful remtdy Ivi cjIJ.s, aod cnugha, and pul monary dise&acs. Pa f K ER CiEVILAXD, M.S. BscxfWics, Me , Feb. S. IfM?. PR. VALENTIN E MOTT. The vridcli) c.lebratci Professor tf Surgery tn ,rt Medical Lathee. K4w York tvy, s,!vs . 'H Rives me pleasure to certify Ihe valilft and cnVaey nf 'Avsk's Cmsbst Pectob!.,1 which I conbirlt-r peculi arly adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and Lungs.1' Cures of severe diseases upon the Lungs have beeu ef fected by Ctiessv PeeroKAL iu such eslreme costs es warrant the belief that a remedy hoe st length been found that can be depended on to cure the Coughs, Colds and Cotiiumpliuti which rarrv from our midst thousands every vear. It is indeed a medicine to vvhii'h the (TMetcd con hok with oonfidence forrltef, sud they should not fail to svsil themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. . Sold in Sunbury hy II MASSER, and by Druptrisls generally throughout the SiBte. Jn'y 30, 1853. ci-ow lv.Kov. 13. '52. Great Ai'iivaJ ul SPRING- CfOODS ! Hi A T. CLEIENT- R N FORMS his friends and customers that he Ji just received nit elegant assortment of SPRING AND SU.U-MER GOODS . At hi Store in Market Street, Sunbury, which he oflers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of s general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Ccssmets, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages. . Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Eoots ar.d Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Filk Hats. . Panama, Palm leaf and other Summer Hats. BMaster. GROCERIES of every variety. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spice., Fih, Salt, &c. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron snd Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, dee. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts, Plaits, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tjt LIQUORS, . Wiiif. Braiidf, Gin, Earn, Whiskey, ic ICt Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at t ie highest maiket prices. April 8. R54 ly. The Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, From tha Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, from the American Institute, New York, and FIVE FIRST PREMIUMS From Different Fairs in New England. City Daguerreotype Establishment D.C.COLLINS &C0. A'o. 100 a; 166 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Also, Main btrett, apnngjitld, Muss- and Wcstfield, Mass. Portrait Painting and Talbotyping, in the highest state of perfection, done in ail the above &etalilishmrnts. Sky-l.iglit used in all the establishments. Ministure taken equally a well by them in cloudy as in clear weather. Phil., May 87, 1854- tf. NOTICE lo Trespassers on the Telegraph Line. TOTICE Is hereb clven. thst all persons i- found trespassing upon, or injuring Ihe line of the Philadelphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly in such case mado ar.d provided. II. U. MASSE K. Ires t Phil, and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Su,nbury, June 8, 1854. tf. SAMUEL W. PjDPPER , , . svccEssoa ro " HENRY J. PEPPER k SON, WHli'lie,'jewirlry & Mlver Tfare, No. 175 Chestnut tt- opposiltfht State House, 7HIXiABBZ.FHI.sV. .. . 7hil., May 37, 1884 ly. ; JOHN" V. MARTIN, 7 MERCHANT TAILOR, . BTJNBTJBY, P A., ..- RESPECTFULLY informs his friend and customers tlul he ha just received from th city a new and complete ss rlmoiil of 'Mtnt IVtaring Jlppard, ' ? which he will make tip to order, or ell, a cheap a any other establishment in the place, as he I determined to permit no one to undersell him. Hi good ere choice, and carefully (elected from the best in the Philadelphia mark it, end they will be made up in the best and latest tyl and warranted. His stock consists in psrt of hand- turn Marseile and Silk Vslit;gs, Duck and other Linen for Co., eke. . Also, t variety f Cloth. Cassimer. Cravat, Nck Tic, nd variety of other articles for Mens' wear. Bunbuw, June 10, l54. tf. 7o Your Own Mechanic GEORGE iiENN. KaJyVfaCTtRta Of FURNITURE' AN& CHAUti 0t the most Fashionable Stylo. 'THE subscribor respectfully call the tlentit of tb public to hu largo and splendid sewrt innt of every quality and price) of . CABINET-WA Bin. which cannot fail to rettnuwend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of it dtusbts workm.nhip end (plendid finish, mad up of th best stock tob had 1n the city. No etTort is spared in th manufacture of his wire, and the -ubecriber i determined to keep up with Uie many improrementa which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogfcny Sofai, . Dlvami and sLoucge Bureans, Seoretaries, Sideboardi, KOFJ, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLE end also VENETIAN BtlNDS,' equal to Phi a- " delphia mftnuftcturfl. BEDSTEADS, of every : pattern and price. CUPBOAHDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, lit short, every article in this line of hi business. II (Is manufactures all kind and qualities of CHAIRS including varietier never before to be1 had Ir 8mibury, web a MiHoeiirii Btcr Wnurt so Ccatiti Minx Gain aw; a.vo Wifrnsoj) CHAIRS, sso riwcr Pnso 8-rcots, which or of the latest style, and warranted to be excelled1 by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there slial be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture ii the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of hi ware and Chairs. Hi article wilt be disposed of on a good terms a they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. CP" UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Heiuse; he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in thi vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. tV The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Taveu.-. GEORGE PENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. DOCTOR YCVnSKJLFI THE rOCKET AESCULAPIUS ; OR, EVERY ONR HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. THE FIFTIETH tion, with One Hundre-I Engravings, showinp Dm eases and Malformation of the Human System in everv e and form. To which dded a Treatise on '.': f"t R" I'lseasss of rvmalcs "rrUd people, or ares of females, bcii,- t.uire t j .V. . contur.tui.-ttm.T m:-.rri.T i - ityBrWm.Youna' Let no father be atliamcd to present a roiy o the XSCULAfU'S to his child. It n.ay mve nim fiom an early crave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret otlit;:ilions of mar ried lifewiihoui reading tho. POCKET JESCU LAPIUS. Let no one sulliring from hscknicp Cough, Tain in the Hiiic, rcr.t!eis t;ig'ut, nervous fceiirgs, ettd the whole fain of Dyspeptic tensr. tioiiB, and given up by the;rYhysioian, be snoilicr mon:ent without co.'itfttl'.ing the LeiOULAliU.S. Have th married, or those abaut to bo married any impediment, read this truly u?.f.il bor.k, as i: i.tc been the men)-. of citing thousand of un fottutiate crrattires from the very jiwn of death. Z3T Any person sending T VvUNTV-FIVE CEISTS, enclosed in a letter will toiche one cop? of this book, by mail, or five roj.ies will be sent for one dollar. Address, Dr. V'. YOUNG, No. 153 SFF.UCB Ctrett. l'HI!. UBI.PHIA." Pet paid. Ju'y 13, ly. CITRATE CF i;'Ar.ND;.I A, cr ItBtcics Er.lt;, Ticpt.eJ by U'?;iF.R Bni'XEP This rrepaisiion it. rccomuienucd ss an ay. ccllent laxative end purgative, it operates m'ldly, ia entirely free from any unp'easnnt latte, re sembling bi'.noiude in (Uvor. This medicine is highly beneCcicl for diwaiei peculiar to urna.' and hot vtes'.hcr. Sunbury, July I, l51. D0CT0S. JOSEPH W. CAKEP.OJT, RESPECTri'LLY informs the citizens of the Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, tha' he has permannntly located himMlf in said Borough; and orTers his professional services tn those who m&y wish to employ him. For the present he can be found at Weavers Hotel. Bunbnry, March II, 1854. tf. RY GOODS, Cloths, Csssimers, Sattinetts, j av vesting, J weeds, Bummer cloth, velvet cord, Tickings, Checks, Muslins, &c, just ree'd and for sale b WM. A. KNABB. Lower Augusta, May 6, 1654.- EGKTABLE CATTLE POWDER 20 dozen Breinig snd Froncfield's Cattle Pow der, just received at the New Drug Store of WEISER &. BRl'NER. Sunbury, May t7, 1654. R. H. H. HIG BEE'S remedy for coughs colds, snd pulmonary diseases. A supply of this TaluaM medicine just received and for sat by H. B. MASSUK. Sunburr, Junc4 , 1S53. ATS AND CAP8 A splendid lot of fashionable Silk, Wool and Fur Hats. also Cloth, Fur, Oilcloth, Navy and Military Caps for sale low by G. ELSBERG CO. Market street, opposite the Post Oilicc. Sunbury, Oct. S, 1853. OLD PENS with and without case, ef a Ji very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing; Fluid, for aula y H. B. MASSER, 8unburv. Dee. S7. 1i rjHAIN PUMPa.- K small number of these cxceHent pump have been received and rs offered for sale by H. B. MASSER. Kunburv. June 4. 1853. SILVER WATCHES. A few double com English Silver Watches, for sale st very low price by . -1 H. B. MASSER. Hunuury, Apri tz, inai afOOPER'8 GELATINE. For Jelli, Ac J For sale by WEISER 4 BRUNEM. Himburr. June 24. 1854. BLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgage, Bond, Execution, Summon etc,' for sale b H. B. MASSER. Sunbury Aprl SS, 1851. TTATS and Caps, Silk, Beaver, Fur ami 8!oucb, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and Chip for men and boy.' Ls lies Bonnet of all tyles, just received and for sale by . Mav 6 .1854. WM. A. KNABB. 1EWELRY. A nice assortment of Geld ana " Silver Peacili and Pens, for sale cheap by - G, ELSBERG V CO., Market street, opposite the Pet Office Sunbury, Oct, 8, 1853. BLANKS. VBTjAXKS of every tWnjition can be had f B Jp spphnnrt" the office of Amertcsuv, ADIE3' Press Good. Spring and Suiumv . A Shswl, Black silk, (ilk poplins, De Laine, Ginghams, De bag, Lawn and calico, lust re ceived and for sale by WM. A. KNABB, Lower Augusta, My Y t86;- -A