Jforcign Arrival of the Baltic. LATER mOM EIROFE. 77! Firit of lht Fit Points Agrted Upon Cotton Advanced. The steamship Baltic left Liverpool on Sttnrday afternoon, the 24th ult., n-id reach ed New York at ono o'clock yostcdny. THE PEACE COXGBESS. The rst of tho four points, which has been unanimously agreed to by tho Vienna Coti tre tn, reads as follow s Tho abolition of tho exclu? ivc Protectorate of Russia in Moldavia aud Wallachiri, a guar nntee of tho pvivilegcs accorded to those pro vinces by th'j Sultun, and placing them under the eaarnnteo of the Five rowers. The latest despatch from Vienna, dated Friday evening, rays : "Tho Confereifee is progressing favorably. Tho second point tf as cither settlod to-day! or will be to-tnorroxv. It niu3t bo remembered that tho question of war or peace 13 not decided oftitil tt-e thud roint i3 settled." Tho Paris correspondent of tho London Times telegraphs, under date trf Friday even- irir. ns follows v-The news front icniia np pears favorable to uerce, and the people are disposed to believu that the conference will be attended with a hupny result." Count Nesse'rode will proceed to Vienna, when tliO liegotiatiotis become critical. Tho new Czar has given strong evidence of abiding by tho plans traced oat by his fa ther, and that he would mako no conces sions. Ku'ianrs are current of a new basis of an wrangement, including the freedom cf the TJUck Sea, the opening or tho Danube, aud the erection of the Turkish foits, etc., iu Asia. THE SIEGE OF SEBASTOPOL. The official reports of the storming of the MuUkoff redoubt, on tho night of the 23d of of February, bv the 1' rcncli, have been pub. limbed, and they exhibit it as one of tho most gallant achievements of the campaign. The Russians have been receiving rein foreements. Lord Kaplan's latest despatch is dated the Sth of March. It savs : "The weather is fine ml dry, and the sick are deriving much ben efit from the chunire. The new British bat tery of three euns has paused two small Run. mil steamers to leave their mooring. The Russians are receiving reinforcements, and provisions, and munitions of war." Omar Pacha's force on the 3d of March amounted to 35,000 men, aud wns continually reinforced. Tho death of Nicholas was announced in gebantopol on the 6th of March. Lord Raglan, in his latest despatch, admits that the enemy is actively engaged in throw ing up new works that enfilade the trenches, and tlint vast convoys of provisions and am munition continue to enter tho city. Some weeks vill probably elapse ere either the Conference or the siege come to a conclu sion Correspondence professes to state that as soon ns tho representatives of the Five Pow ers, Franco, Englaud, Austria, Turkey and Russia, hail assembled, their credentials were produced and examined, and, when this pre liminary Ceremony was over, Count Unul ad dressed a pacific, or rather conciliatory s-peech to the other members of the Congress. He reminded his colleagues of the extreme impor tance of the question about to bo discussed, and exhorted them to display the calmness and mutual forbearance which beseemed men who bad duties of such high moment to dis charge. When CountRui.il had ceased aj-euk-ing, the protocol of the 28th of December was read, and laid on the table. The memoran dum of January "th was then produced, and the Four Points having been read, Princo Oortschakofr and M. de Titoft', the Russian Plenipotentiaries, were asked whether they were urenarod to treat on those banes. A renlv havinrr been irivon in the affirma tive, it, was DroDoscd that a '-bureau" (to be composed of a member of each of the four embassies and of the director of the Austrian ehancellerie.) should be formed, whoso duty it should be lormed, whose duty it should uc to keep all the dift'ereut treaties ready for in spection, to copy State papers, &c. The foregoing preliminary matters hoving been nettled to the satisfaction of all parties, the first of the Four Points, was immediately entered upon, mid was uuauiinoui-ly agreed to, ns above The London Morning Post warns it read er! aguiest putting faith in tho accounts of what has liuppciiid in tho Conference. It farther says that a record of each day's pro ceedings is drawn up and signed by the plen ipotentiaries, and that this modo of signature may readily give rko to erroneous reports of an ucrcemlnr. iaving been come to on points of jrimraicee. Court Nesstlrode. it is believed, will pro. ci'i-.l to Vienna when the negotiations become critical. THE POLICY OFTIIECZAKIS WAR LIKE. Accounts from St. Petersburg, probably reliable, of date March iHh, Ktuto that the Mibstanre of the Czar Alexander's speeches to the representative of the different bodies and udmihisl rat ions of the States, may be ecud.-ii'-i-d into tl.o e words : " I will luain ta'ii lirnily the plans traced out by my fath er '." In his ad.irers to tho Council of State, tn 0:lic-ri .f thu Guard, and a deputation 'f noble, v.Uo ivpoited concerning tho mili tia, Ilia t ar c.ii,'im-i himself et irorc I (.troiijsly. " I solemnly declare," said bo, " that I will not give up' tho lirst inch of Rns tiun lerritority to our eneiuioi! 1 will take flod cur" to picvenl their penetrating further vn the toil of our country, uud never, uevir may my hand wither lirsi wilt 1 affix wv Mo nster to t treaty which tha'l bring the aught ikt dishonour ou tho iiuttoual honor." This speech wa4 retpcudtd to with vibe ftetit applause. ALLXANPKRS SPLTCII TO THE CORPS DIFI.OMATIQI'E. The Cr's speech to the nietuhvra of th CuipJ Diplomatic, on the 7th, was mora tent peratu in lone, on J U Us follow i " I am persuaded, geutleineo, that all your CVuru fsl fUicero sorrow ut the iiiif.iit'iui i Ul U..I Ufmwn u. 1 havo already no ivi d roof gf it from f U li'le i lly '"4C Be 'lly :oid uw. nd I .' "ed yvsteul.iy, to th .uwstt.s of Piutia and Austria, how it.uvli 1 iri-rvcUtcil theu. 1 noh m.-'ly d.elar h. r. ;fuf you. ,. iit..iueu. ll.at I r1.ulU fuitblul e k!l iU kiiiuituu ol wjr filh. r, hid hi I vitt pi'itivn iu thu Ium i4 i.diti al ,',r'"' ' wl.kh . r.d n a ru'.o lo y uiu h1, t'' .uiieror AI!J' r, and O y father hr priiu".li are lhnt. of llu U1)'lmiu. ( ihm :!uiww no l i 'r xi t. it flhir's fuull. Id intuitu. i. r 1.1 '; upright and h'.'l i i'l, if r erutly lUv ii u.nuiidi i .loo I i y (nine pi I 'i ln, I do 4 4wui-t lhl li 'J au'd hut..i v.il iIk In n '-!. I IU rva ty Iu iniitid u( Iwttal U 4 i huU.-itUi4.ig, ou I ho t'i'iol.ta u nhiiti ".tij h.iM, d'il p "'' l tt .! ul to tt I (U '"' ', if lh 'ivuua tid dti du Uu 4 4 r til korJ l I .r b. Uu, l it li. l m. tfll Uu,4. O.li l M,l,d. tt IM ' 'UU, 4 J ,U lit lit yurld "Xti .ij ml I iiukt Ui )uur in liii, u4 '-s Cumuli M m ' i I J L Vul i l ku l.i l .!,(. t ,.l. aCi, lu ...( . b i.,i- . U 1-4 bi.i. ,1 f, L k, ,g. a) a Jt t tml i f rW.. aa k i..i IJ )-) jfi.ai'i I ,i u t. l I 4 U lil klt.4 iMili Sail It. l.tsk. I l i 4 i L i.fc..jw.J i tmm a . ii.rt.ii ' ti bt s il .14 ,l i .. i. , .j , .fc i w r -i v, th sincere affection which my father enter tained for him at a period which he himself mil recalled by an order 01 ine uay auorcsnou to the army. "Bo kind enengh, gentlemen, to communi cate tny words to your respective courts. A NEW BASIS OF ARKAJNUEM&IN X SPOKEN OF. According to conversational rumor, the fol lowing arrangement, if its details could b adjusted, would meet the views of all parties: Rirssfa would not object to concede the en tiro freedom of tho Black Sea, and tho open ing of tho Danube, as also the permission to erect Turkish forts on the Asiatic side of the Euxii e, and would conFent to receive consuls within Sobastnool. If this be acceded, the Bofphorus and Dandenelles could not bo clo sed niraiust Russia, consequently her fleets would bo five to visit tho Mediterranean. This rumor, it must bo observed, is given as mere rumor. C' t'KNXiVLVAMA LEOI5LTine. llArtRisDURO, April 9. HousR. The bill to prevent the carrying or tho uso of concealed deadly weapons in this Commonwealth, was taken up in commit tee of the Whole, Mr. ltne in th chair, ond alter being debated and variously amenuoct. passed to a second reading, and then was postponed for tho present. The further supplement to tho act relative to Orphans' Courts was considered in Com mittee of tho AVhole, Mr. Laporte in the I chair, variously amended and passed finally, Tho bill to provide for the distribution of me report or tho Oeological survey oi ine State, bv Prof Rodgers, was considered in Committee of the Whole, Mr. Lathrop in the chair, anipnilpil nnd passed finally. The bill to punish and prevent fraud in the nse oi iaise stamps, laoeis nna irauo hiir, was taken np in Committee of the Whole, Mr. Lane iu the chair, debated, and passed Dually. The bill to establish a Bonrd of Control lers for the management nf the Public Schools in the spvpmI rnnntioi of the State, was ta ken np nnd postponed indefinitely, as was also me supplement to the act relative xo mccnuu ics' limw Thn liill in rovifa nn1 rnntinuo in force the laws graduating the price of lands on which inni.nv i'o rlnn m,l linnnill tfl thO Common- wealth, was taken nn in the Committee of the Whole. Mr, Linderman in the chair, and rtnaenrl final I V The bill to enable owners of licenses to dig minerals to enjoy said licenses was taKen up in Committee, considered, and passed finally, coal, and exempting from the operations of ntter Having oeen so umenueu us m r.m the law, the counties of Northumberland. Lu zerne. Clarion. Lehich. Berk. Cnrbon, Blair. Cumberland. Schnvlkill. Mifflin. Lycoming, Armstrong, Allegheny. Wyoming, Indiana, Vennnno. Westmoreland, Clearfield, Elk, McKenn. Forest. Wnrren, Bucks, Hunting' dnn. Bedford nnd Oreen. The bill relativo to the erection of bridges over canals nnd railroads was taken np ill (nmiiiitti-o of thn Whole. Mr. Lowe in the chair, nmended. and Passed Anally. The supplement to tho act for the better oliservunco ot the tirst (lavoi ia wren, wj tntfpn nn in tho Committee of the v hole, Mr. McCalmont in the chair, nnd discussed at some lentrlh. when tho Committee rose, and tho bill was postponed for the present, TItp House then ndiourned. Jflernnon Sesrioi. The Senate bill, sup nleiiietitnrv to tho act relative to mechanics' liens, whieh was this niomiiie postponed in definitely, was. on motion, reconsidered, nnd taken nn in Committee of tho hole, Mr. McClenn iu the chair, discussed, amended, und passed finally. The bill to extcr.d the rights of trial by ju ry m certain cures, was considered in Commit tee or the Whole. Mr. McCullohgk in the chair, and r.nstcd finally. Tho supplement to' the general banking law wns taken up in Committee of tho N hole, Mr. Maddockin the chair, and after being amended, reported to the lloufU. Tho bill being on second rending, Mr, Wriirht moved to add n new section, prohibi ting banks from and after the 1st of January next, from issuing notes of a less denomina tion than ten dollars. It was briefly debated and netratived vcas 26. nays 54, Mr. Laporte offered a new section, impo. sing a bonus of two per cent, on banks obtain ing an extension of charter. Lost yeas J0, nays 43 Tho bill then passed finally. The supplement to the act relative to the commencement of actions was considered in t omn.itteo of the hole, Mr. Magill in the chair, and pasfod hnnllv. The bill relating to tax paid on bank stock was considered iu Committee of the Whole, .Mr. .Meneio in u.e cuair, unu putwu uiiuuy. '11... I.MI , - : 1.. ..a.,.. .... An.Mr.nne., 4 rn for the Judirea of the several Courts of the JUC Ulll IU IMiniUW ni.1 UHMl vvhih-iiouuvh Coinmouweulth. was considered iu Committee of the Whole, Mr. Moms in tho chair, nnd passing to a second reading was posipoucu r .1 lor i iiu iirrvin. Tho supplement to tho net of IB 44, to ro- dace the State debt, and to incorporate tho IV nmylvniiut Canal and Builroad Company, was taken up iu omimitce oi mo vt nolo, Mr. Maxwell in the chair, discussed, amended. and ordered to bo transcribed for a third readinir. A motion ww made to suspend the rules. nnd that tho bill be read a tbird time, but it was lost veat 'J2. nays 43. ihu HM'Pleineiit to me act relative roas- biirnecs for tho benefit of creditors was con sidered in Committee of tho Whole, Mr. Monition i'l the chair, and passed finally. Pfack Remohf.i AV ClM IXNATTI IttHLT or mii J-.i s. ii.is. I ho liisgriu'utul riots il t'iuiMiiuiili net in to have been brought to a close. The paper from that city, a lato a ... , hiur. ..P u ,..- ..i iii'n A Iii.i. .-i'l ri.ti i1P.it li ill fi, p.a. o and order. Tin. Commercial Mute. W.M, ..Ml M..VV ............... , that not oulv had celiflcte of election betu gruiibd to ull the. lVmocrutic candidate, but thai Mr. rarai, mu .eo bwuru in at Mayor, kill! tiutl coliiiiieiicvil Ills duties. His in i j -iiiy is Viii. and to show that thei ioul.1 Uavu been nu grvttt amount of llli uul Viilinir, us elmry. d. tho Coimnert ial state thul tho t.'to lafl October, (l:eu th) iinijoriiy lor thu Who N..tuinif caudidat fur Supreme. Juiij,.' si, Cl'a.l hu only td lets than it i-.lioa - inolliei oid, th I'linoi'mUi; vote ha iicieuMil "l'J7, and the Know Nulling il, 1 1 1-... ! .l.tal, Uiakiair a clear lli nn ciula' lain ol I till. Ittlfllih aid t.'tti waid, h.i thv b ll.-lj l. r Mat. r v.vrc di striked !) ll.a aioli, .- V..I- luf UiCIUl la III trillion ailOtuu r' U.I la arrivvu ui . . . ... . 'I It k nui ,,il. n- . il i a.d. he a iu il). .illy of tin. llei'lloU of Hit I n in ,,, k"d will ii l.li si ll.u USUI UHl "'I'.r Hi VIS. ilni,,. Ni.i1.ii t. l n" II' lh lia.-iiti opuiiiiu ibil ll.v l. in..! lU ai.'b.lal aero viiIiIIshI In tUir tnl.ni ai. s uf i'y,io. ai'd J It" Ulolel lh riiiuinslaliest Uy ' k'lad t' bait lyl.Uliied Itt in. , . Arru. nf-ntoa Jbntu l.K Th a I,..: NumUr t l .-Mki iau.l .(-Uli..iis. j i iu I "I lia . lJ. rni.J ! II.- I'm .! t I" lla'li)f .. .n..rf, U tM lt.-i.s4wl U huu4fJ. 'ls Tlwa- i.. a . I.-..JI-J ii4 u inJy aul abwot tsiJ aa-J Hty klUie t it'.e.lf . . - - ' n-a U iL lt U nlte Kk i-iviN'sUi, Us w.s i'i-l aiu' b l i.i i" ' .....1 li t I. H. t i awi-t ll U"4 .tr I 4 aiki r -t llj liVIIIIIVl THE AMERICAN, SUNBURY. SATURDAY, APBIL 14, 1855. n. B. MAS3ER, Editor and rropriotor. To AovnTitSR.- -The circulation of th Suiihwy Amcrirtu among th different town on lh PinuehiiiM U not uceadcil if equalled by any paper published iu North nn PtiutiYlnnia. EDITOR'S TABLK. Railnri Mailer. WtTCTisn. Jcwclkt, Jte. Ihydock Fidlfr, No. t'J Sunlh Secoud Street, Philadrlphia, ailveniM a kirga und eicrlte'il aMnrimeiit ef eery varlcit of article In their tiue. The establishment is mie of the brut in Hie cay. GRoccum, FBit, he We refer onr render to the adverliaeioent ff Duiton A Fen ion, auath-rrt turner f Sixth nd Arch street, Philadelphia, who keep e-nisuntly ou hand, not only every variety, but the choicest trliclos that can be found iu the market Aocw ft Co., No 196 Chesnnt street, Philadelphia. advise their friends and eushimoi that Ihey bar u hand targe variety of Fancy and other dry JoJi. Th Collrgut institat at Shamakin cmnmonce it Tbird Session in May. See advertisement. Fib ib This Fkooi Cnmn -W refer our read er to th advertisement of Kran k Watson, Philadel. phi, for thee valuable and nesi ry article ft all bosi ties meu. Cum Russk A: Co It will be seen by lh card of this firm, that tliey are now prepared to execute ordi is for the shipment of Uieir celebrated Red Ash Coal, frou tbelr Wharves at this place, Boabdiko. Mrs Wharton fires notice that she I wit- ling to take a email number of bnardera. Her hour is a pleasant one, and wall located for this narp"M, while her experience iu the business, will enable Iu e,iv eiilito snt' isf action Fskct MitLinutT. Miss. Jane Fine) h juitsirlvW frin Philadelphia with an assortmenl of Mitlinety ud Faury articles, suitable fur the sens-ju. a" Prepav roiR Postage. Letters will not be sent off nnless they aro paid. This aw wunt jnto effect on the first of April, inst (ST Ex Govebsob Bioi.r.n, the President of tho Sunhnrv and Erie rail road, was in this place last week on business in relation to the completion of tho road between this and Milton. 63f w Afrasoejiknt. 1 lie passenger train of tho Philadelphia nnd Sutibury Rai Road for Mt. Carmel will leave, on and after Monday next, at half past six o'clock . A. M instead of 8 A. M. as forme!! v. Passengers will arrive at Pottsville several hours before the cars leave for Philadelphia. aSTTiiR Steamboat SfStiEiiA.XA, which has been laid up during the winter, resumed its operations on Saturday laft. This steam or is n great convenience to the coal opera tors at this place, in towin I boats, ire, and will, no doubt, be kept exceedingly busy tlur ing the season. CJ." iMrr.ovrs'jxTS. A number of good and substantial dwellings are in tha course of erection in this borough. In Market sqnare, J. M. Simpson and Philip Clarke ere each putting up a handsome brick building, (the former a three story), occupying tho entire front cf sixty feet. Mr. Win. T. Grant is erecting a brick dwelling eti the street above. Mr. A. J. Porter has erected, on the same street, a handsome frame dwelling in the cot tage style, which is a model for ta"Vte, comfort and convenience. AYc trust there will be more of tho same kind, and that others will r.Mnvt his example. E. Y. Briirht. Esq., U u; fiv8 Lrilk buildings in Blackberry ','' ... M ,,,.,.,,..,. v,n f,,,n.. ...i, ...... . v..-. dwelling on the same 6trcet. Mr. Philip Brymire is also engaeed in putting up a good . , ..,.: ,nrn, r T'rnnilvvnv. 1 O II i . ... . . , , . . . , m ueujamin iienuucks. in me lower enu o. town has just completed one of the best aud most comfortablo dwellings in the borough, i , -nn,i,, r ,,,., l.niMmo- nrn. ........... ... ....... p.- joctcd and talked of that we may notice here after. BOl'JTY I-A1D WA'tR.lMTa. The Commissioner of Pensions will not bo prepared to issue Laud warrants tinder the new lavy until Juno. The plates uro yet to bo engraved, blauk warrants piinted, the cle rical force increased, and other necessary pre parations mode. The Bret warraut under the first act, giving land to those who nerved in j the Mexican war, pascd September 'JS, 1S50, was not i?urd until January 11, HM. It will take at least as long to get the new warrant ready. This will give applicants ample time . i,r-iiar their tianers. to that no delay rill , ---, ' - I . .... . ... L .. ...... U I.... 1,1 U hill '"v" "" " . h service has been rendered nv a fuuMiuite, ho i tha person entitled to tho bounty, A iJuW or ir llut i,iow a ln;llor J. or uiiuor children, may claim the benefit of the act. Persons ailliu the , of twenty-one year, ou thu 3d of March, lbif, ar deemed minora. Hjr Tus IMvi.iok (irariiiN u I' mo Co. It apjMrars thai th peoplo cf New ltvrtiu aud t'uiua Ja:ko4i oansliii ai Uol ta. tisfirti iu I'm division but. whic li Include I haul ill old I'uiun. wilb l wiaburf for lh Heal of l.y.J,itf. If h.v MlUst Late dleir-ioa. th ty I he) wish to bi biivd la Jiujder coun ty, but lL wt'ic of that i-oualy say lUy 111 Iti'l loiitvul 14 allr their l.uvs, (lhr sl plight, but thu i liot.ui(f hi gut litis umJ lu a thiu . o-. .-- Th i'baiiibvrsbur TraMM-ript U duaa Owtiiavr Pblluta f-r pj'oiiiiu.( Mr. J. T M I'avil-J of lltal lasM, i lst f t'Uik Iu lh total si'arlsukt. Mr. M l'uly U a old Iiu V kia;, aud thai tuasltlwlt ll aisfd..i. Uv tiu lis Uuruuf Ihaa ruHauitU4. all. M 1'aulj U ujHlbl aud yus.J sjtaM aJ ll litmiuur m fi4Li i4 .'iitiii4 ttittt. ... tg si sla Akttl. - J- Il llkauwl iti ti4. "4 ILu W I'lNJiea bl M va st, Ue (wu4 aa4 !:. Uia I'xit I iiui.a t-l,n city rttMAt.K m rtromrTj aud lUUMIIK MkltlHSltlt. Country merchants, and especially ladies, visiting Philadelphia, to make purchases, should guard agafnst tho numerous Piok pock ets that are prowling about In that city. We regret to say that one of our neighbors. Miss Jane Finney, a dealer in Millinery and Fancy Goods, met what is to her. a serious loss, in Philadelphia last week. While in store, in 8th street, making some purchases, she pulled out a roll of notes and paid for tho articles purchased, and put the notes, wrapped up in a piece of paper, back in her pocket, together with some silver nnd gold, und loft tho store While engaged, in company with another la dy, in examining some goods in the window outside, another lady, whom she had observed in tho store, rather rudely jostled her to one ide, and at tho aumo instant, some silver coin fell on her feet. Considerably frightened, she exclaimed that she had lost her money, sup. posing it had dropped through a hole in her pocket. The strango lady helped her quickly o pic k np the silver, nnd immediately made off. She then discovered that the money had been abstracted, perhaps, by a kind of grap ling instrnmunt used by pickpockets, the coin being heavy fell out, while the notes wort! se cured by the thief. A number of other ladies present were satisfied that tho strange lady that moved off so suddenly had the money, and advised Miss Finney to have her arrested before she was nut of sight. But her fright completely unnerved her until too lute. Tho polico are on the look-out for this female pickpocket, and say that occurrences of that kind are not anfrequent, as these female pick, pockets, are constantly watching ladies from the country making purchases. Tho amount lost by Mies Finney is about $70. She had another small package of money in tho same pocket, which was not disturbed. Merchants generally, should deposite their money in banks, but those who cannot, ought to keep it in such a way that it cannot be reached by tho light fingered gentry. tSr Tits TKMPKRANrj Btij Mr. Hen, dricks, when tho first section of the bill passed second reading, made a motion to go into Committee of the Whole for tho purpose of substituting the stringent license bill intro duced by Mr. Price, early in tho session, for the bill uudcr consideration. The motion has been discussed, but cot acted upou. Th choice is now betweeu the two bills, one whic amends the existing license system, and the other entirely repealing it. (ST Tho bill to repeal the Tavern license law passed the Senate by a vote of 13 to 14 The bill prohibits the granting of licenses t taverns, beer-houses, kc, after tho 1st os Ju ly, next, but does not interfere with existing licenses. It authorizes the Courts, under certain restrictions, to licenso dealers to sell quantities of one quart and over. J'(!opey'.s Lady's Book. Want of room last week, prevented us from noticing tho April number of this excellent publication, which conies to us as punctually as tho sea sons. The Lady's Book is iu every respect, exactly w hat it w as originally designed to bo, a book for the IttOics for their instruction and amusement. There is no other publica tion that we know of. that can come in com petition with it, iu this respect. Mr. Godey's : longcsperienee his character as a gentleman of the sti iciest probity, precludes tho pica that any thing will ever gjt into ita columns of an improper character. Tho present number besides a number of excellent engravings, contains a variety of useful and entertaining matter. (if Bank Chaktek.". Thero are somo tight; applications for new banks pending iu the Pennsylvania Legislature, with an agjrru- gato capital of between nineteen cud ttrenty millions of dollars! Every bill yet reached by tho House, has passed that body. ftST Uov. Pollock has appointed Cornelius Garrctson, Esj., and Mr. S. P. Kuse, both or Danville, aids, with tho ruuk of Lieutenant Colonel LtBaNON VALLtY H4ILRO.IU. We are much pleased, savs the Lebanon Cuurur, to bu informed from rclinblo author ity, that tho prospects ofthe Lebanon Valley railroad are ull that its friend could dui-ire A million of dullars, we learn, has been nego tiated ou favorable terms, with ono hnuie, which will insure tho completion of tho whole route j and a viorus renewal of work along 1 bo whole line will be commenced at an early day, so thai, it it expected, the locomotivo will run from llarribburg to Reading in about eighteen mouths. Tho fact that tlio house with which the negotiation wm completed is not the only ono that was willing to furnish the money ou thu bond of thu company, is highly gratifying and complimentary to the company. Wo learn that an eminent bank ing house on the continent mud application to furnish the loan, but as urruugeuieul bad been purtly completed with uuother parly, their oiler wa declined. This intelligence will be gratifying' to the rcMilrnt along the line ; and the gent lumen who have the management of the enterprise are entitled to inueli credit, for plat ing it on to tolnl Uuaiicial foundation in a lima of so ttringenl a nionied crisi. Wucau trust now, and uot without a good foundation, thul the work will kou lo completion without further interruption. CoSsriSAi y Aiiu.T iuk KvrtKua Nto. lkhx.TIm Pan correspondent of U N Yoik CuNiiiivrciul Advertiser wrilo, uuder Jul of Marvb ?! l I 'ay beforv vvtierday, a roRspirary to a sassinal iu in (air or of KraiK wa dlcuv rvd al lb ritu-al uiomviil. aud lh iarlH aro Mow in th ll Prison al Mata. The l.aMirur to iviw porllou ul lb ! iMPtial url, ahu b la about Id tlarl for the Criawsa, in iba rourt of lb Tuillis. Iur inf th rtfu U a lu base bus a aasaaaiua led, tul by a bat Ibaau ba Iiu I bvvoMi pub lic All thai lli pulitiv bliuw U thai nsU rr Miad al lis Nwiuwnl au.a lh rvt ss a abmii ia u4uhivih ibl la rraoa aiil4 r unt)4 ti JUaaa. pla'l Is) sMrala ixlls au4 lulviiuaUd. tivumut lb biUl saaaUii a M I'aats, aaiouaj lb U-gil. liiKls, are) tal4 to ba Uu.lu.ld la Ika imu.. laiy. I ba atUiupl la ailnliuud lu U,. Iu. auab is yiMttitof wu la Iba souuiry asatul lh aluuUia liui aka li I tltn isaJ L lk I Ik y wiui, aim do avl luusull lb Hilar .i. imu. a is iu wiiiuuib a an ilaat yf Ballast, wial bilaia lUua ki wuipl. aud aliuMi oadiH ut il r i .oasoWiO .nasal ly ..uU,,. r,,il C,.,a. - I ( . ' ' , Us jasi an4 t Ust. 1i Uif W.ll st iu A.iii-tsi On Kills lt, a bl. bl ik iui U m Vtl.t, la U K'U, lay (ill. M kl sw, 4 ., d.aLla w j tail I iU iwaa4 Ik . a I aa I a Ml Jvli kair. U K I xsai I'waaii. I 4-n; U sat.uoj jU,ii. .4 t lU tat I, a a barM4u blly l Wsf ilvlU lai j iavaiw M gutj fea, i It lijk.s Hsi il. iu lil..iM s..ifc.fcf, , lk.J ti.tk.4 til 'i - WAOtSII REPORT DiacilAROCD BT TUB MILITIA COM MIT TB 81 OF TUB IBN.VTB. Mr. Taooakt, from the Stato Senate Com mittee on Militia, to whieh waa referred a resolution calling upon the A djutaut Gener al to communicate the causes of tho recent disturbances at the State Arsenal in II arris burg, has jnade tho following report t Onr Senutor is a great wag, and is strongly Inclined to make gmn of onr military digoa- taries. Tho report is a humorus ono, and, wo think, admirably adapted for the occasion. We have viewed the ground carefully, and examined a great number of witnesses, but as yet. havo no downright evidence ot actum bloodshed. It is true, queer sounds have been heard, and strange lights seen gleaming from a garret window, ot unseasonable hours, but nothing has occurred to crcato that in tense alarm, which for ninny weeks; has agi tated the people of this lommotiwealtn. it is also true, that a tail, powerful, military looking individual, with a brilliant nppendago to his nether lin. (tho proper name oi wnicn appendaire is. to your committee, unknown. has been seen skulking around tho building; but that lio has done any harm, or wns even trying to do any, docs not appear. They have also observed that, when the familiar question was asked "Have too seen Sam to day T" the invariable answer would be. " Pes, np at the Arsenal As the people all over the country, except a few in the back townships of Lehigh, seem willing to trust Sam with even weight ter responsibilities, your committee consider tho old Mexican shooting irons nertectt'ttnrt, both ns regards damage to them or tig them, Respecting tho interference of the polico of Ilnrnsliurrf, to preserve tho public peace, we are informed that tho gentlemen, composing this body, newr mediUe in such mattert. Onr enislolav corresooiidunco with tho two distinguished individuals, claiming to bo Ad jutant General, has met with no reply. We rear troin this, that a personal coiiission had taken place, and a cat-us-trophc, as terrible as that which marked the encounter of the felino quadrupeds of Kilkenny, been tho re sult. If nothing thnuld bo left, but the cau dal extremities, we would regret to bo com polled to hand down such tuff to posterity, Your Committco ore not unmindful that "eternal vigilance in tho price of liberty tor greater security, therefore, we recom, mend that a breast work of mulleu stalk (botanical name, verbasenm) surmounted t six pairs of old boot-legs, charged ta tho mazzlo, be thrown around the Arsenal, an that a guard composed of a blind man, cripple, and three old women, bo detailed to protect the Commonwealth against the possibility of additional wrong.. And for still further security, that a nock of geese bo quartered on Cupitoliu Hill, with instructions to make a noise, if any horde of modern Ganls should attempt to surprise it. This may be objected to, on the ground, that there are eceso enough here already. We admit the truth, but reply that these are too bus gabbling about other things, to pay any at tention to the public interests. Your Committee begleave to suggest ulso that in those days of gunpowder and luav artillery, a Botr-nian must be of little service owing to the fuct, that his shafts, howevei well directed, cannot prove nearly so murder out. as implements of more recent invention Iu ail military operations, that which is most wanted is 1 owtr. THE NTt'RALl;'.TKM LAWS We have ulreadv stated that a recent law- passed bs the Legislature of Maine, had ceived the Executive assent, and was ill full force. It provided as follows : 'No Court created by tho authority of this Stati?, however extended its jurisdiction, or by whatever name bo dvsiguatid, nor any functionary pertaining to said Court, shall hereafter, hold or cxeicisc nuy jurisdiction in the administration cf tho law of Congress commonly known us tho Naturalization Law; ncr shall said Court take cogaisanco of any application of any alien to be admitted to be come a citizen, to make tny record or grant, or issno any certificate or other document of paper, whereby any alien shall be naturalized or made a citizen of tho Vnitsd States ; pro vided that nil cases where application has already been made uud filed in any Court, shall bo saved from tho operation of the foregoing section." This law would seem to bo sustained by a careful construction of tho right ofthe Slates. The Court of Common Pleus of Franklin county, Ohio, has decided that Congress cun csnfer" no judicial powers on Statu Courts, and that they are under no obligation to per form the act of naturalization us prescribed by tho law or tho United Statci- In deliver ing his opinion, Judge Bates held that tho law was clear uud thu uuthoiities conclusive that Congress could confer no jurisdiction ou the Stute Courts, to net judicially under tho naturalization laws, und iliat naturalization, as the law stood, was a judicial net ; but tit all the Statu Courts throughout the Union, for more than fifty years, hud exercised the power, his Court, whatever might be its in dividuul oniniou, sitting as nn inferior tribu nal, would not uudertake to decido the mat ter, as if it w ere au original question, after so long an acquiescence, and so many rights having become vested under it. The Pitts burg Oastttt in alluding to this subject says that the clause in the Constitution, concern ing uaturulir.ation, gives to Congress, limply, the power to enact uniform laws upou the subject, and imposes no duties whatever upon theStatit. Under this ruling the Supreme Court, therefore, State Court may ret use, at their pleasure, lo regard tho legislatiuu of Congress in th mutter of tiatiirulisaiion a mandatory upon them, a id the Stale Legis lature may, whenever liey dtiuui it wi, prohibit thu State Courts from exercising th powers imposed npon tbuut by lb naturalisa tion laws Boi'Kty Laho iHciaio.N. CowmUsioncr WaU0 ha decided that persons niploydin lh rvuu ruttvr service do not belong ta the navy. Th fuel that a rrwtiu ruttwr, iu a tiiii of war, wa employed to carry lin'rue. lion. do not Chang her oreanio rnaructvr. Ill this view uf thu question the oflicil ml crvws of lh rwMuua cutter oricu, no mutter a bur and bei vniuloyyd, tie not vutillvd lo laud bounty under luo act of March 3, loij. Aud be basaUo decided that uv on m isou cat) rvestiv lh ngrjat bounty for a, parat avrvKv. la la oi a woman uianyiug law, and tuiviiiug both baabaud, and bulb eutlllvd lo bvuiily land, sb U n.ly ulilUd lu ou bouuly, but sb Hiav a,k bvf lrelU'H uiuitir nbr busband. If lbr Imp niiuur ihiliii id lb nua-ki'tvj kiubaaii. lby ai aiwt utllM-ti tu laud. s, i. hlVistiit-oL it dlslanl fiwui til. Ptlrhur abuut IJUJ Mules, l'JHd nrel I L'ouissi roe tb uiaal (uu lour-a bold sari, di a i. I UK km , auu dm al a Upul as lu j Muatow. bUhiI M ui.U, (U.'ti ! ) flout i b.i IU) u by uil a ay lu lb i.o.lal. riouili da) u a mk I iHCUi shJ lu lb uiii pis.; i tu 11 tkt I taf ba bs it I lUl lau vi fual ilata imUi ik.M .ul... - ' was4 fwaai. tulm tl l la FROIIIBITIOl THKLAWOr RBW YORK. 15 mat nxertions will be mndo by the linnnr ntoresfs to pick some Daw In the new Prohi bitory Law. The 7W4u says it is awaro "thore is a talK oi tne laws oeioir imcrrnsiiiu linnnl. lint tlii is moonshine. The riirht of a State, through Its legislature, to loroia ana i punish tho traffic in intoxicating liquors was affirmed years ago by tho 8upreme Court, in a case onglnatiug in Massncnnseus, wuureiu Daniel Webster appeared for the Liquor in terest. Chief Justice Taney, and several of his arsocintes, distinctly affirmed the right in question, no Justice dissenting. It is, indeed, possible that somo detail or tho law may be overruled by onr Courts; but we can spare almost any dozen sections after tho first, and still havo law enough left to shut np tho grogshops. the Jribune holds also this firm and choering lunguago : And it is idle to hope, as some proiess to hope, that tho law of Prohibition will bo re pealed. Prohibitory Laws have, during the ast four years, been passed in nine Statos of T .. ...1.., flUn, Ui 'u.nn rn- 11IU V HIUll, UIIU Wi frie VI Winn . pealed. In two or three, tho Courts have upset these laws, and in nearly every case, ou the express ir round that thev hud not been . 1 .-Ll L..A ...I.:. .1 l.u.:A..,l!nn l.p passeti oin right, our, emitiev 10 mini. .unvu .'j tho people, which condition was held to inyal idatutbem. No such ground of cavil exists in ono case. Tho law is passed outright it is subicrt to no condition uud it will be re pealed when tho Ten Commandment1 arc not before. Maino oionocred tho way to Lrgol I rohi- bition, and Maine has just stiffened her law by a vote or UO to 2'J lu the liousc, ana an 10 nothing in tho Scuntc. Massachnsctts soon followed, but not stringently enough to cut on" the tan in somo of tho larger cities; cs peciallv in Boston; so Massachusetts hnsjnst driven the hoops on ter law. oy mo sirong vote of2.rKSto4J Uoston, tor tue nrsi time, giving a mnjority for Prohibition. Rhode Island likewise prohibited ; her Judgos broke down tho law ; but tho people remodeled and re-enacted it. Connecticut failed twice in her efforts for such a law the first time by means ofa veto but tho people rallied again, carried tho Maino Law Inst year, and have just sustained it. New Hampshire has just decided Tor it, lur the lirsi lime. eroioni has it without further dispute. Now Jersey I !-!. 1 1 II- 1, c... IIU3 JUKI lOBb lb UJ' Oil lllilj.'l 11 III IMW .Jvu- ate. after carrvinir it in tho House. Dela ware has just carried it. Ohio adopted modification of it last year, which is popular, and working well. Michigan passed it two venrs ago, but four (half) or her Supreme Judges held it invalid, because it was submit- tud'to thu pooplo : so hor new Legislature has lust pas icd it niraui without submission, Indiana, Illinois, and lowa.haveeacb enacted Prohibit ion ; and Iowa, it is reported, has ratified hers by a popular vote. And Wis consin bus twice pusscd such nu act, but lost it through the Governor's veto, for which tho people will veto him. RIOT IM (ISCIMSATri. Cl.NfiNSATTi, April C. Yesterday evening a largo party of rowdies, ai med with clubs, guns und pistols, welit'.otheLufayette House, at the corner of Mill aud Pivnt streets, kept by a Curmnn, named Jacob Knight, and de manded liquor. They were furnished with beer, when they commenced breaking the glasses, kuocked Mr. Knight senseless, in sulted his wife, aud assaulted tho children. They tbon left the prcmises.and encountering a number of Germans on tho sidewalk, as saulted them, knocked down and beating three, and stabbing another, so that ho is uot ex pected to recover. The party then returned nnd drove the fam ily from tho house, l'ive of tbo persons eu traired in the pioceedintrs have beeti arrested. The occurrence caused much excitement, und the Germans, arming themselves, guarded tLe streets over tho canal the whelo night, per milling iiouo but Germans to put?, l'hc Mayor and police did nothing thu l'.rrt ar rest having only been made to-day. Bi.ooMKns is tub Asi-fc.NpANT. Tho Kaa. sas TriLunti says, 'Per'.m; i Lawrence is the onlv city in America where a majority of the ladies wear Blocu.ers. During a pleasant day they may be seen in all purls of our place not walking out for tho novelty of thu thing, but inakingcaMsaiiil puianrng ineir ordinary avocations, without even su.-ptcting that their cottumu was attracting unusual utteutiou; and, indeed, it doe not. The ladies consider them far more convenient than the street-sweeper: and they ought to be the best judges." MARRIAGES. In St. Matthews Church, in this place, on Wednesday evening last, by the Rev. W. W. Montgomery, lr. Isaac W. lhi.ina, of West Philadelphia, to Miss Al ien E. 1onnf.i., daughter of tho latu Jucgc Ponm l, of this place. At Shamokin, cn the 5th ult.. by tho Rev. P. Bird, Mr. Simo.x IIouman, of Dauphin county, to Miss ftaiiAii KKiuEit, ol Miainu- kin. In Danville, on Thursday morning, April 5th, by tho Rev. J. W. Yeoman, Iiiomas J. Gallbaitii, Esq., of Minnesota, to Miss Henrietta Garrktson, daughter or Col. I'. Garrctson, of tho borough of Danville. Iu Milton, on tho 22d ult., by tho Rev. Mr Burns. Mr. Li.uau C. Vonis. of Danville, and Mis Jri.u TROxri.,ofChilis:,uaquo. I) E A T II S. At Northumberland, on Friday, the 6th inst., JAMES TAGGART, Esq., aged about 54 year. S S I I I 1 1 . . , 1 Cbt ilavhds. Philadelphia Market. April 11,1855. GRAIN'. -Wheat i still scare. Sales of prim red at Jille., and of inferior Southeru and prim Pmintylvania while within th rang of 260C4265C. lv I In demand al 81 31 1 pr bushel, Cora is tlady i tales of touiniu yellow tl louc., afloat, baits of Oalt leO(aei. Wiiiskcv i Bruiari sales al Sit couta for bbl., aud 35c. for hhdt. Drudgvi 94. Hiltinior Marktt. ApiU 10, 1155. GRAIN Th cneriue of Wheat ra abuul 5.U00 busbvlt, niol of aliih cbaiitd hand al j:uxj-440 cu. fur good puui rdt il0ta).j0 t. lur good lo liriiaa a bite. Of twru Ibvre r toma jn.ooo bushs-U al aitr kl. V not sals of ui4 al tl ci., biital ViMVi rtt , aud ).lloat tHiMHi. W Kola a sal to day U '.'Ml buthal l'UH tuu Ity al Ha ct. Oal roiilliiu IU bits li dtuiand al U.kk llguie. '1 bm v aH.ul 4.0U4I buabclial asaikvl xiustly Mai) iad ui Viimiui iisaily all of " il...id III l UrH'itl il of Ula-H lis tuaibsl ! r'or tU ii tlUi. ri'Kiir.NT in s iu ) It . U II II t M II I 14 su.Nut'itv rnu.u Wtf. t ). s da. 0. 1. i'wltlv. Kastwst s llsitlM flSi 1. , s t ! Itttitta tin Caition to Run Silucrs. A boy In Ttr re Haute, la , has recovered $000 damairoa from a liquor dealer who sold his father s glass of liquor on tho day he wu drowned New Advertisements. CIIUKC1I DEDICATION. The German Reformed Church in Sun. bury will bo dedicated to Almighty God. on i.iujr, iub iinii nay oi April, inst., at to o'clock, A. M. A number of Ministers from a distance are expected to be present. The yuuiiu generally aro most respectfully iuvitod to attcud. Fbcd'k. Haas, Jacob Bkahholti, " Oko. C. Wklees, Levi Sxasuolis, Mabtin Gass, Fbancis Bcciicr, Valejttinb Diet. r. . . ..... Committee. Snnbury, April 14, 1355. NEW SPRING MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS. ISS JANE FINNEY respectfully in. forms hor friends and customers genr-r-nlly, that she has just received a lot of New Millinery and Fancy Goods, such as Bonnet", Collars, Ribnns, 4c, of the latest stylo ar.d patterns, which she will sell at the Ion at, prices. Sunbury, April 14, 1855. tf. Boarding:! Boarding! ns. WHARTON can accommodate 8 or iT-H 10 respectable boarder. Location: North-west corner of Market Square, Snnhary. Person wishing a comfortall h' me will find lliit a desirable plre. Sunbury, April 14, lsSii tf Fop Rent. A LARGE Dwelling tud Plor II vise, togrlh r with sn excellent garden snd tabling in the moat brtutiful and buiti part of t bimoVr.. For Urrro apply to S.JOHN. April 14, 1855- 31 NOTICE. Northumberland Bridge Company. IN ELECTION for officer of the Northiun berland Bridge Company, lo erve for on year, wilt be held at th house nf G. llurr, in Nnrtliumherland, on MONDAY, lh asainUi.dsA'. of MAY" next. The election will lie open at L o'clock. P. M.. and clou at 4 o'clock. P.. M. The book and accounts of the ceninan; will la ubmituJ totheitorkholder for thair innpectioti, at the same time and pine. D. BRA.UTM3AM, Prr.'t.. North'd, April 14, 1 !J55.r 4a NOTICE' ' THE APPEALS for the several town ships und boroughs in the county of North umbrrland, will bu he hi by the Bonrd of Com missioncrs of said county, a.t their effice ii Suubnry, on tho fiillowing days to wit : Cliilisquaqno township, April 23. Milton borough " Delaware township, " " Tuibut " " M Lewis " " " Lower Mahunoy township, " 24. Jackson " " " Upper Mnhanoy " " " Little Mahauoy " " " Coal " " " Cameron " " " Huamoitio " " ' Lower Augusta " " ' Upper Augusta " ' "5. Rush " ' Snnbury borcngh " " Northumberland Ixirough " Po nt township, " " Jordan " " " Znbo " ' Mount Carmel " io.ir.ru NICELY, J'rllLIP KKMV, G1.0.C. WELKE !R.) Cotinnissiunr'rs oicce, 1 .Sunbury, April 14, 1855. NOTICE. fjMlE Stockholder of "8hmokin Coliicp Insiilutu" are hereby notified ihat the uual meeting for lh tlrction of a Board Jrtntec will beheld on lb first Monday May. 1855. st I o'clock, P. M., at W. Weav. Hotel, in iSUaruokin. Bv order of the board, WM. ATWATEn. rW Shtaickin, April 14, 1S55 31. TO C0UNTKY BTOEEKEEPERS rplIB Sulwcriher baa on hand of hi owu n l ut'iicture, a Inrgo ssorlmrnt ef Lad Mines', and Childrcns', Leather, Kid, Morocco "v. BOOTS, SHOES, and GAITER! of tli brat workmanship and maUuiela, whic will tell at a low wholesale price as any j, in the city. Buyers can gel any size tu n up tMortinanl, without having to purchase smsller or more unsaleable aire. WM. C. PARKER, No. 61 North SIXTH Street, below Kara, l'hils!.-l(ih N. B. Giter Upper rdy for th last, to Country Shoemaker at low price. Suabury, April 14, 1806 3m. TV0PUi5MIUMS Awarded al t lutt Crystnl I'uluct FiKti in Xtw lvik to the Oldost Type Foundry in the U. Bt. Established by Binny 4 Uontldsun in 1? the btt of a)uwr't Gtrmtutown foam of 1739. Th long iprinc ofth several pupri ef lb Philadelphia Type Foun Enablt L. JDHNSON 4 CO. ta oUtt II gl riiy ef Printing Typ, aud ill I purtrnanc of a printing OlAc, la b fj soy aublulimnt in ih I'uitrd Wutts, an quality, loa. which is uwd la b unril 'I'll eoiapeailioii uf lh mial ud i cal. lo tflold Hi graalaal durthtlity ( wbil th pulou ctr ticlsU lu lb tiiiiii uu of tl I soeh t lo luur aeeaiacy aud iuaii body, eVc Our lacilm ar ta isuii nahl n le till uijart of any araoauu Eslimat gia iu Uu4 ( th cui lb ntivrial ruiil fur a awpii uill PLAIN OK rANCYTm. M usi of unprlkW4 buly, rtsl ia Ihit dry auly. skniU, Plow. UJ'. Cut at aiaial lul, lalr-Uig lul, bits I krssa rUcUa tud la, A. pKEsssEV Or ALL VK('HIPTI A ad all tsU f friiMiug Malxia!. ( hub tr asaJ tsy w) furaiaksd tl Miasila'aia' ikv ilU( a4 ft saiMi, brausaa, 4v i (ul la Us lul. 4. vi lb taosl (s tsd AuM'ls u4 t"tl'u UauaUsluiMs. ssll lb biassl l.iu. Iisiwliiiia M fcltiw'Uig wf apvkt, I .Mai H,jnW. ik. 'I'.l iMfcl M Hfs-l lu, al al vdiMd yiWsa. W wu4 aa4 J u sni'J sa 1 ( )! tik Uu alu-l s !' a 4tb ilaa la lb wuuii'.tuJttifiualiaiitcsMt. taJ fsuiug v ) itl b .! U U cum Lt - 'sisJ . wb ul J.imI kwa I a4 liautaaiMaa) to Uas. La Ntr fitaMut k aablssk sb il,taia luuii, llswlaiMig iai u!...' Um Usv wia.bM 14 UU. J Kf 4 tl. M s""'-l a Ussm UU a r.i so l-lu-H ( sal l iwai U4i4 14 I'1 N ; (as, .. I U i,,4 II Ull I'