AirJAKAC FPU IQS5. mm lt. ri vtrii; i i B P 10 111 1 IS 14 ID Will IB, I ' IK t IT. IB to'MrM.ti 3S.S7 US) ji"i",s,i III rn. .1 ' a' it V 10 II tlll9tSlVli;U , a 10 9,1 l,Ss3tt ! 13 14 l" 1' ilMil.n BUM ,,. i".! .1 J ,! too t7.99,3u.3li 3' 4 ' 71 8 D IV ti l 13 14 IS IB IT IP 10 ' V i il ' e r f I" Brrt. 11 19 IS t4 IS l "I li in an l M 91 1- u w. BJ .fe. H I ' 9 1 ' I An. Oct. II T 3 I en t Hilfi 11 1 II IS IS 17 1P10- i (i 0 II lta 1 1 17 IP I" f'l ii Si l'J; L'l ita si iS s 7 fa.W.jogii I No. Mat. "i 1 S S 10 il It IS 14 11 It 1J 14 15!S,I7 i'i4 so ii si r it tanJl'sSiriH M.M. 95 SB g? SB SS Jot I I l I i J ' S l "1, ItT P!t,,Kt WlMi; - irnlltMS l-'ll4 IS III 17 'S' If f l ti RSlM X! V S7 IM so 00311 I I I I farmer's, tparfmnt. tlMK t ASPttfLTfRE.t Proii!SBor Johnson Ears, "the effects c.f l-me arj pre at est when well mixed with the roil, and kept near tbe enrfucct Vitliiu easy reach ofthe atmosphere. Its value is greater miriii newlvrilotved arabla surface soils. Such soils usually contain a largo amount of veg-e-tabid and other organic matter, hence the ru!o that lime cusrlit always to precede put rescent manure when eiu lens sre broken cp for cultivation. It produces a greater pro portional improvement on poor soils in their natural statu, than rn such as aro richer; as naturally poor soils contain a creatur or lees Quantity of organic matter, bat are merely estituto of lime. On the other hand, on tinor arable lanli which Lave been worn out by repealed limingr and cropping. It does no good whatever, as such sella, if they do not already abound in lime, are uitiorrtily desti tute of other kinds of food, organic nnd inor ganic, br which healthy plant am nourished and they can only b restored to fertility by a judicious niixtnro of all. : On all- lands in which vegetable matter is wnnting, lime may even do harm to the immediate crops. A consideration of the circumstances above adverted to arc to induce the en tire ubtuiduiinient ot it. Whore enil has been impoverished thrtmcb. . its unskilful nr plication, or by large admixtures of lime and marl tor a series ot years, new additions are a waste of material and labor. When natural causes have removed the super-abundance, and produced an accumnlation of those other substances which, when associated with lime, increase the productiveness ot the Boil, lis use may be resumed," ; x each l uses and TANsT. a writer 111 the New V ork Tillies recommends the sow. inff of Tansy about the roots of peach trees. as a means or preserving them, lie savs that he once knew a larire peach tree whit-l was more than forty years old, whilo sevrrul had passed awav. This led to an cxamina. .ii uuuim d, ill... ii uvia in tiio raiuv nun tion and a bed of tansy was discovered about the trunk. It was naturully inferred that the preservation of this tree to such a ereen old ego was attributed to the presence of this plant. It was decided to try experi meuts on others, and accordingly a few of tbe roots were placed about each of the other trees on the premises, some of which cave Biirns of decav. Not only has it lire, served for several vean the sound trees, but renovated thoge that were unsound. The odor of the plant, he says, doubt lefs keeps off the insect enrmiaa oi this Kind ot tree, and might have the same effect on others, as the rlnin, apple nnu pear, as well hs the elui sycamore, and otho oiuameutal trees. Ltxsos Coitx. Mr. U, V. Binphnin, of Ohio, communicates to tliH Snvthmt Cultiva Mr, the following experiment he made with liino upon you-.i coin. It is the firbt lime wa ever beared of a similar npphention, and we imnRino that tue increased crop, in coi eequence, c.w net more man cover the ex peine.. . Ed. Jte syi have just concluded an ex periment with lime on a Held of ci rn. whi' h may be worthy of notice- As the corn was coming up, I 'sppl id ubout half a pint tl slacked limo to each hill, with the cxee ti n offonrrows near the midiilo of the Celd, which were kft that I might see whether or no liniin? in tho hill wuii beneficial to the. crop. Thru after treatment the same ilariiiR tbe Feapon. Harvottid separately the four row unlimcd, ami also uiljoining them fimr were l.cvd, (-oil and s.'tnatii)ii beiiii? precisely the fan, i ) and the result was an increase uf a little cwr one-eighth in the ammint cfcorn in favor of that which was limited." Pot atom. Is pur country become to pier tn it it ciin no lonrer snpply its own in-i..-.bit cists with food? It really appears to be year for p rest qiuntities of potatoes hu-c recently been iaiported int.i New York from tscotl.inJ and Ireland. A larjfe pnrtinn rf tlu cargo cf the Steitrm-r (ilasjrcw potatoes, vihich after psy.n? tho 4arifl', yiuiduJ we bavo been told wry handsome profits to tho exporters, as they sold for four times tiie prica obtained in their own mar ktt. Wohayc boen shipping flour, wheat and corn to Kurope, snd aro now belnjr partly paid bit k in indites. II w thi esculent be". Some so ditlLult to cultivate in our own louutry, we must have it sent fmm lrouii to supply cur wants t W pauso for a E tsXYToHATOK. Tomto plants. for e.irlv rtuiiiiB, n.ay be very early by sowing im seed in a larjre tloier pot, 'or small ox, ill God rich soil. Cover the seeds ahuui talf sn inch, and keep Ihe ettrth inoint ; thev nay be placed near a stove to keep the eitnii -4ui. After the plants Dm up, the box n.ty bo et in tho window, or in i:la.;uit vuulLer in upon air. tlivn them plenty t.t vater and air i k'e! ibi ni fmm fivnt ; by the Irst of M y they will lie luro eni.uj:li .i rdlispl.iiit intu the garden. The li:ils h. uUl hu illumed out to picvciit tUuin from iiowing too kleudcr. Salk or ItirnomT ani N'rive Ju s. V a ilo (if jatUs atol jiivoel ui.portrd fruiu )i'u, t ok place Ml M ji!.ck i n hutuiduv, sat. The pr i es ran;.-'! fnnu dTd to ll'MH urjneks, and lliu lo Jbiiiuu iJiJ utid U'.iiy I'll prut am- unlr. muiivral vsv the slot-';. udder iDSitij; about ii mt cvul. i n inwst a uls. "You n a Auiunca," a mttiva jack, Il pfiipvrly oj Mr. I vti r, of llourlum, sold t Ihl SAldM linwe and pl..' (uf S'.'UO. A'n M.l y l'o4it, A4ri'4 I'l. Hav-Mc, J, H. Ksllsr, iu lha Ut Nrss ,uai n..', lUl.l bia bdnf thai the ato. lii uf n4dr, kay, Ac, aWite he ttelia U t u ! ion., y ujurxi by autiuubie, u4 KtLsr ruUtila Matter from be SkcietrMiais tttJ bicAtk tf the cat 1 1 so ant eo. list in auiwe i.i.tatus tbe autmal atd rlu4 to ewusiime ii td. A geulluiuAJi t.s, U in his lard a lt iiimi, ' lcmy7,uf ul bioHiiwd U I. Us 4. i! hlluu) a'lti UiliJi-t ud lib's' er, ki e ., itj; ...',, it. - It Hl'.lse a)os lt HV4 iJ,e ije shuck 'iUi (ttl e IS4 )). 1st aiuvH4l '.., X'. ;.4li, fcrtytej a ill J f " 41 Si II It 1 T1 I1 t' 9'l f 1" AC. United States Hotel, Chtttnrt Street, above Fourth, i PHrlADBtrHIA. CJ- MscLELLAN. (lite of JoneV Hotel.) hu ttia tileaaura to Inform bit friends and he traveling community, that he ha leed this Houm for a term of veer, and Is now prepared for the reception of Oole. The Lorel adntageoi iii'onwcioii rr.eni are toff well known to need eommenu The lloui end Furniture hse been put in first rate onlrri llie loome are large and well vemiliiied. The Table will alwaye be supplied with the Nnt. end the proprietor pledges himaelf that no effort en hie part ahall be wanting to make the United States equal in comforle to any Hotel In the Quaker City. Phils . July , IS5I. TO. M'CAKTY, v BOOK9KI. LKR, 1 " ' JIorArf Street, ETJHBUEY, PA. IX'ST received and for sale, a freah supply of L'l'itnrurii. niiimri f ir 8inging Schoola. He is alto opening at Ihia time, a large assortment of books, in every branch of Literature, consiotinc of l'oetrv. Hintorv. Novels, Romances. Scientific Works, Medicine, School end Children s Uooks. Bibles ; Hehool, TeckM and family, nclh with and wiihout Engravings, and every of van- itr of binding. Prnytr 1 ooltn. of all kinds. X Iso iust received and for sale, Pur.lons l)i ral of the tswsol Pennsylvania, edition of 1851, prioe old Si.,00. Jude Kead nhtion of ulsckstonei L-ommen- tarirs, In 3 Vols. 8 o. I jrmrriy aom at iu,uu, and now offered (hi fresh binding) at the Ion once orJO.OO. A Treiitise on the laws of Tennsrlvania re ;ecting the estalea of Iecedtmts, by Thomas F. Uordon, price only $1,00. , Travels. Voyages, and Adventures. all ot which will he sold low, either for cash, or coun try produce. v February. SI, 1852. tt Sunbury Acitdeiny. J. P. CEOHMILLER, Trincipal. TRUSTEES: Hon. Alex. Jordan, John Young, H. B. Mae eor, Esq., Juoob Painter, Hon. Oco. C. Wclker, Henry lJonncl. Rsi , Ira T. Clement, Hugh Bel ls, John V. Peal. npiIE SUMMER TERM of this A.-ademy will commence on Tuesday tho tilth of April. The course of luatru'-tien will embrace all the branches ofn liberal English and Classic I rdu cation. It is his aim to rjinke the Academy one of the brat schoola in Ihe country To ac rouvluh this, Holding will he wanting n bis part, Thoroughness and iccuracy will b required in ccry reciintion, and no puil will be pcrniiltd to pass .ipeifici.iilp overonv aulject. Comio sition and Declamation will receive particular attention. Correct reading, writing and spelling will ho carefully taught to the. less advanced. .'aleailcr. The Winter session will com mence on Monday, the 16th of October, and con tinue twenty-two weeks. The session is divided in Two Terms of eleven weeks each. TUITION i Primary branch's (jer term) $8,00 Er.glitli department, (per Term,) $3.00 Classical ' " $8.00 For further particulars addresa the Principal, Suuhurv, Pa. Kenteinber 16, IRS4. lm. HENUY C. FUSSELL, MASffACTCBIill or Umbrellas 6j rarnsols, IX EVERY VAttlETY, AT THE OLD STAND, Ao. 2 Aorfi Fourth St., Philadelphia. 7" Constantly on hand a larpe assorttren to which the attention of Ueulers is requested. Phils Kept. IB. I8.M IJiitish I'eriodiciiU EARLY COPILS SEHrtED. VO" Premiums to J'eu7 Sufcstrifcrrs ! .' KOOARD SCOTT A CO. New York, entiiiaetore pub.i&u Us ttdiowioe; iiriiish PciiialK-uls, vis. : THE LONDON QUA UTERI. Y (Conservnlive) THE EDINBURGH IfEVlEW (Whio.) THE NORTH DltlTlSH REVIEW (Free C"h ) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) ULACKW00DS ED1NUUR0 MAGAZINE (Tory). Tlvo rrrfM.t criucnUsv nf Kurr?an alTitrs will rwk-r t'iftf pii!iteati-M Uiift!r tliv iiiterietin rturitiff the hutb ctHiu.tjc Mnr. Th w U ctit a miUuie fr.MiKl bKWvii ihat ti:ikihy writ... iiUtT.Mlci.l.V CfUHlp StfCuUii iif,UllJ flv it iiitti i f the tliify J 'iirtinl. and tlii" p H!rr.nn T nie ot Mie liitarc biM iiiMii, wruttni ntitsr the tivmy inlti-M xc:t(nnt f ih (trwiii j.ili.iral rvMits of Ifi time Until hitrt- MHtfd aivtv. It u t tHrt- IVrindiaila Dial rralera m:'t l-k I" r (tie only reftltr iute!!iih!e om! rliu bv htM ry 4'ciuruiit rnu, Biitl n nt'h, in 'ltli:i m ut If.etr WfiUtMinlsiithrd litfiniv eitti&c. ntul the-4 nUnl c'l iT-c'if . we uru ihcm UjfcHi -lit b iuit2raUJU ci the 17" ,f:i ;pj;nr;it nw fr'HtiiillT nile for tbe rsriftt (i Ktrl, SI (mm hn n.itmh Trttil'i1?!!. wtitr'. we urn im.lil m nnv H mir I'.fpfhitu m th Wldl '4 ejtlntejfilieKsV HtUt UM II HBthT Pfill IN ttimitlti'l) ti!i thr t rt i i o iu-a. A UU-hk iitv-.U n wry Itire rtiiikiv imi -mr in, we almll e Mtfiiiu In furnish tle Pil (1u;iviii ft. eime vvt mtee hsr Hi, tigruer wiUt Ui- i to wwtaf PiinmnM tn new ulanir. TEU.M.S AND I'UEUIUMS. Us! a Prummm Volumes below TVt nil P r nny m:e uf the fou? Revieweaiul nik Trem. 4 IM 0 P M any tvi m a ltl . (M( F l hii tiir iwii " Kt n! ( itr i if ti tt,re iwn 41 fc v K"f Hfnr.ittM'1' Mi)fuziie ihi " 3 fr r Hlirtfwtxr .h ihrMltertinr ihttt ' fl -H) F. tLk'kw MkJ A th i or Kevewt thr ' IU CJ Pii,m!ht$ t'bt mud in nil (axes in advamt Mtnit tm rtnt m Iks State uktn nsutd trill bt reettved at par. Tiitr Piritii'tmii iNiit n( the f.itUwtnir wnrke, hack f-la ! ii vvi.ti n wiit te give. I uv 4u 'M'lWri eoc v tUt uutuL-tfi tif (.iuviiala oioWw). m atw " rae.Mtu.i VOLUMES. Fobb'sk Qvtiitai m Ravitw ( i ymt ' tLt WI liy't M u4i.m m still) U.m ft l(tatakiv UKV.4.W ( utt ys I'Bl HfcV.KW ( l.rV JUftto- .ifa Utii.xa ( in .ml,) "LI MTlk RVIWJ..4I41 ) r.? C""V '' m 4 m ell be !'' st SUA t-'t'tri,'"t he.r lhe.1 it.i.4 f?isx;xzmM lkmr CtUBSISO, A d u it i f l.v.r. es Vi.i t aii.,WAl l.i i to pvr i.i ft.,m i, tW f,. ol s ly o,. ,u u i. ' IH ll . ,' . 1. , iie mu v. WlMt. ittM IA Si m iih ' " . I .4 lUe aA. ia-a..- - 1 " e vis-k . K a ... ll-.i'S Kwll , , w w ! i a;k. luslllhaMiu i,ial ,t.Ma,H f w,., i,m .,, ot i..Wti.4. i.i . As.ia, r at . or i-tiiri.s: " M,-Mu,,l I. wit T. SI)..., I, M, , , mi. . (H4 t ssla t fstis a sw U .k .4 Ih lt,..U ' NrMl,l s'f S HtfiUM-iM'ail'M.S si. hi U.mmI u. H 1 4 l, . iu r-j'---usfS. ! U I.KONAUHM OTT i ( t) m ot.i.t)srui.s.r. M-w ,aa H hi I' I I'1 hi,Ml. is.l, smIsim am lm .. ta. fAIOil.M i.L'iliK," ., Il,,,,, a. eu. I i...i.aa. wl i .tw. ,4 b.,, S II..4...V M,, U. l., S, t'!l .k. .-llul.J !. II -i s) w.. J , 4, 7, laai.. U.Us. 4 tar Me is ie t um j w tk rcta, 1i.VWM SIVSSt. k.a t"l, 1.m1i ft, ISdA. ATTOUNUV AT LAW. luulujy, KvtlhuuibsrlaaJ Cjuntj. la. fn aj aueuiiisit in IvaeweM in Iwiuu.; I .wuuiiai. . , I ia -U-uiiml (tatal.l uat, J IJ Cot. r..u.UKii..sU,l.i,,4Kt.,U, K..-i.te I s k, MsHfK A CU2E FOB AIL Hollow ay's 'Ointment ' : 1 CUiztnt of the Union.' ' - I Yna havs nm m the knnmr, as with ona voice, finis oils anil of th Uttii.ii to Ilia other, to stamp the lrsar of inr Ointment with Tom spprotsrtum. It la srsrcelv two years since 1 nwle U known smisig von, snd aliMdv. it has oliuined mora celebrity I Inn any otner Mediciiia mso saort a parhrfl. v IHUfllA?nvi.i'i'"i'l . 88, Comat of Ana and Nassau Streets, Mew Yof H , ASTONISH I NO Ct.'RK OK SORB M409, AFTEB . NINE VKARDBi'ANUIMO. Copy of a Utter from Mr, IV. J. Langlty, oj iftintsville, Yadkin County, Uorlh C'ui oina, U IS , dated Novtmbtr Ut IS53. VCT READ HIS OWN WORDS. To Krofesa if liotLOWAT, . " Sir, Ii is tut my wisH le beoorne notorions, neilhe is this Ictlei written lor l lie mere sake of writinft, l't to any. that y iur Unitrm-nt curtrt me of ime "f tue most rtrentliul eurtsnc'ius disens. thnt Reah is. heir to, nnd wincli was emisidcrwl by all vtio Knsw me, l no eulire.y beyoial the revch of nrnliciiie For nine veara I was tilicuU with one uf th m isl pauiful snd iroulilrsmne Bias legs ih.l evei fell to the I il ui mini ; ails' nfter trying every luitliciue I had ever heard iT, I resigned in drspair alt hope ul iKing cunu : but a friend bmught ma a eupia n( Hrge p its ofyiur Uintineitt, which csuscit the s ties on my Icirs I o hral, atsl I rutirtlv rrruinot my heJth to my aareeabla surprise and delight, and to the astonishment ot my merits. . i ' tHiiriiKi) - V-J. LAXOt.KY. AN kSTHACrtDt.VARY Ct'RCOP A U.VD IIKK VST, WHKS NKAHLY ATTHK POINT tK llE.i'H. Copy of a letter from Mr. Ii. Durant, A'eu? Uiiraus, November )lh, 1S53. To Pr ffES.T Hollowai, 38, Corner of Alia and Naaaua fcWeeu. N Y. . . Pear Sir, tt Is with' heartfelt Rrntilnite I have to iufurm y. tint by the use it ymr Ointment snd I'llis, the hie of my m ila has been enrcd. Kor seven yeuis she nw a o-ia urciat, wnftct, rannttif w. tends, iin oi o can, ccrms natuii..) I wns tobi ihat a'thico: oaM snveSier she was then induced to tiff y.ur Ointment snd Pills, wliwi in the short apace ol three nt'inshs, lliey eflccled a pcri'cct care, to th natonislitnnit i f nil wao knew os Ve i,hiauied y"ur Medicines fr-m Messrs Wricht Co., of Chartres street. New Orleans. I semi Ihis from 'th'tel dps Princes," Pans, alitpmsh, I had written it at New Orleans, be die we a -silly Iri't, at that liuis, imt knowing yuui nnurrrn Wl leV lfllK. f!lnc-l R.DURANT. Tl Hills shculd be used eortjoinlly with ths Oinuntnt in m'w oi me following curca : Kid l.ei!S, . ChM-a vfisit, Rnd Breasts, Ch'll Inina, Burns, . Cia iped Imndj, ditni nis, c rns (Soft) (lite of Mi-ie- Canrets loes A Sund-rUes, Coninnted and C c-biiy, Siifl" Joints, l'.'ei,liici,ii, ft.s Nipples, ttitiii-disettsca, Scnrvy, Tuinnuis, liters, Fistulas, flout. Glnmhilir Swelling, ltttUltugO Tiles Itheurnatirm rVakls, Pm-e-thriiats, R ire-hatls, Wounds, 1 IAD old at the KsOilriislnnent of Professor Hoti.nwAV vl Btmid, (near Tetnpls Bar, t.miilou.) snd sis at his Ihmae in New York. Orders for Mnhcmestn 'he Slates, sildres. sed (T. H dl wnv. New York.' will receive due attention S ld ala , Jiv nil rrHnectiilile l)i oireits nnd Denlrri hi Med icines thr meh it lha United Stales, in M 'ies nl 37J cents. S7cen?s. nnd SI .SO penis etch Tins bad aoksuie ths prmrirwl lirnjf H onres in the Ur.i n. -' There is a-aonsulcrahis saving by bikinf ths koger , . V rirecftms for the rnidsiics of patients iu every U.e i-Vt ire affixed to each box. June 91, 1Sj4 Sin. r ' Isiquid Ciliie. 4, LWAV3 ready for use. A new article of J- the greatest utility nnd convenience for re pairing Kurnittire and Household Oriianiente oi cither Porcelain or Glass. It is preferable to any other cement used, as it leaves no mark where Ihe pieces join. It will he found a very great savins; ofmJney in repairing of Furniture alone. Nently put up in bottles a 35 cents each, or $3 a dozen. All orJers promptly exrrutej. Y'M. G. MASON, 204 Chcftnut street, Philadelphia Tliila., Oct. 14, 1854. If. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS, &c. '"MIE undersigned would rpspectfuily inform the citizcua of Sunhury and the public gen erally, thai they have entered into co-jartnershii under the firm of Ksam & Mt Qi-sns, for the purpose of manufacturing; Sash, It"ors, Blinds, &c. Also, Door and Wa-hbonrd Moulding, worked to order Their manufactory ia si Ira T. Clement's Steam Saw Mill, where they will furnikh tho above articles of the best workman ship and lowest prices. JACOB KRAM, JAMES V. McQGAUE N. B. All orders leftat I. T. Clement's stor promptly attainted to. tSunhury, ,VC,t. S. lR.r.4. SAMUEL S. FETllEltSTON, rrAunn in Lamps, Lnnte audi lirrj and rnrnjcliilras, bo. 152 2i ttieet, ctove Spruce, PHII.sDKI I'lllA, V.Taving enlarged and improved his store, ond htviiiK one of Ihe largest assortments of Lamps, in Philadelphia, is now prepared to fur nish Pino Oil, Campbeiie, ISuruiui- Kluid. Lard u ltd Oil Lamps, and Lanterns of ail paitrrns, (Inse Lamps hv the p'C.isu'o, at a s-.all ailvanro over auction price. Beiitt- a Nianufaeturer and Dealer of Pii.e Oil, Burning; Fluid and Al.-olirl. which will he fumiahed to Metvh.tnls at such prices tint tlipy will find it to their advantage to buy. Also, iiousebold (iissaware of alt descrip tions at the lowent market prices. Pltiludelphia, Oct. 14, 1854. CiM'Hp Walclics ) Jewel r- VIIOLCS ALE snd Retail, at the "PhibJil ' pliia Watch and Jewelry Siore," Ko. HC North Second Street, comer of Quarry, PHILAEELPHIA.' fioUl Lever Watches, full cu-eled, IH wrat coses. $'J?,on O M lupins If-k. 1' iiie Silver Sie.Uclcs. I 5i Silner lp. full jewlled, s.tHold Urartle's, 3.00 Silver I .ever, lull jewl'd Siitieii ir Quartteis li atlirs' tiold pencils. 1.00 Haver Tea bjiooiis, set. t,uu r.,,l Si.ecu. lee. 7.IHil Gold feist, Willi Psiicit and Silver Holder, ,00 Cold Finger Rings, 37J cent to $?0 ; Watch ti lassos, plain, 12re.ts; Patent. ISj; Lunct, So; other articlea in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what thrv are sold for. MTA l-FKER A IIARf.EV, On hand, some Gold and Hilver Lrvtrs and Lepinea, still lower than the above prices. Sept. SO, I8M. I v. Watches, Jewelry, Silvenvuro AND FANCy'gOODS. CKoitt Astorlmett ftke Fineit Quality lea SALE AT THS UHK.f CASH raiCCS, AT WJI. B ILTONIIEAL'S, So. 114 South Second itreet, hetwecn rineand U titan, wist nJe. ritIZ.AOri.FHIA. 'I 'I!K ssrttneitt s.ll'ifw-ess lrtfr suj fVleel g; of Ti.ts Wntt'tMS, Js'rliir, buyer Wsis, Altuia sre. iu.i..ia, tmks, Leie,aew rt ti-ls, l-'snS Siul Paitt-y Arltr'vs ! s sutrii,ii ()ii4iti', Ui-seiVMig lint sj:ioimi,i,i iU lhe who dcirs 1 1 rtis:utv the nsl 'ls mi Ihe L'wwl l salt I'rt. s a priiciK-rfl inuwlr.ts '!' ll Irttlliiess. sihI sil SVi.Uit'ls l.'tlifi.S t'ir lit.p-Mi. g si,il .t ual'urturiiHi, lli e iiin-lentlv lnvo. ,ut,'h..M.s, U lt.i ns th.l lis mu suiiv rheu ai tcrius as lav r.u'. as a.ty ila t c.tb- lllurtnl III .iln.f if S At' ii.Iii' 4.11 It s t AM S'HI. l tin a l i I IV nl Jvw :hy an I Silrrr V ,i, in-mi l art "t tn 4'Str. witliiti a 11.11 Iimm IV iaUo, J.wvl'f aaU i.lspf V41v 1.1,'nu ,, iJSl.I n ti 11 r,i tomik tn, N .. H.lh AJ Si . a fat a .,ia ji a, Oi. S I M,k.t W.m l la IS lii lit a ait VtTI,i.1,y - J it at mav hm kau iha t ou his liillli t IA h, wa.iS lamamla lbs sUuoit.1 11 i4 ' I.. te'i..i .A.1 a. ..I e.i... t,a I 'Si , Ikl I, lJI -I, :K.N!V ARK. Ureul.ful atls of ate, In CJiina. i,u,a fbijA .i..l It.if D.i.i.,1 and u.j.r fii.hsa ? all linj.. yuutl .ifcro....J ll..l.a,fum, r.u.l Ua.;eu ..uj a.aei.U. l.,4 ..,a.. ... nitatuils, atio l ioub ... f.n. at J.... .1. - I- W.TKXr.RA TO. . u. Ki.aueito f o. llaiksl aliset. flxistle Ike Pl (iiH Mllt(. Ihrt , ISA).. - i TO CASIMIUVEHS. As. Hi I 4sm. tmn, av inj rittlUlphua, N ti taiga anfc uf V A It p C T I sa I , KssWiaj U-t best sad Usduis aiiUe la al I set, l spossir, B Ixgieu., atii t eibeie. 1 HW4.Hia, W. .11 v4 StkisH .iimel4,ui (we4 sssit p.i.e. I Vt liiil Imhir. 4 at JAIL ! lkil., . istii . y Saw Goods for the Ptocle I BENJAlMllST fllKFFN ER RESPECTrDl.T-t Inlorrna the puhlicU fren eral that he has lust received and ooened a splendid stock "...!,: , : s.-fl ' ' t : Spring anil Summer, Goods kt his New Store, In Lower Augusta township. si is iincK consists in par oi - Cloths, Caisimen, Cassineti. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ' 1 ' ALSOt ... Callcoea Gingham, Lrwn, Mouxacllntf De Lnluca and all kinds bf Xtdiea Dress Goods. , , ' .- Grocorlc. Also an assortment of Hardware. Iron , .". 'and Steel, Nails, .c. ' Also an erellent assortment of ' ttUEENSVAKE, various styles and . . . paitams. .; , Also sn sseortment of IjOOT K SHOES. HATS ft CATS, a good selection, 7 Sal tr Ti s li bc7t And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. , Country produce taken irt exchange the highest prices. " ' , . Lower Augusts, Mav 6, 1F51. ' UEM0VAL. , . , : Light 1 Light! Light! 1T R WTOTT St II EXT have removed to their New Store and Factory, . A'o 74 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. f Five doors below their old stand 1 Having increased facilities, we oiler to Mer ehanta and othera. Gas Fixtures and Lamps of everv description, and st the lowest Manufac turer's prices, snd unsurpassed in qtiapty or ap pptiranca by any in the country- Our stock era braces DIGITS PATENT PISE OIL LAMPS. -. (the best tn the world) Burning fluid end Polar Lard Lamps, ChsnJe' liers. for Caa. Pine Oil, Solar I. art), an I Fluid Hall and Patent Spring Hand Lanterns, Globes Glasses, Wicks, Fins Oil A Fluid, wholesale and retail. , , . Merchants snd others will find it to their ad vantage to call and examine onr Stock and Pri CCS. B?" Particular attention given to Citing up Churches and other public buildings. Phila. October 7, 1834. ly. JOHff'V. MARTIN, MERCHANT TAILOR, ETTNBTJ21Y, VA., rtESPECTFUl.LY informs his friends ond customers tint he lias just received from ll city a new and complete assortment of .Veils Wearing Jlppard, which he will make up to order, or sell, ss cheap as any other establishment in the place, as he ia determined to permit no one to undersell him. His goods are choice, and carefully selected from the best in the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in the best and latest style and warranted. His stock consists in part of hand some 'Marseilca snd fcillt, Duck and other Linens for Costs, Ac. Also, a variety t Cloths, Cessimers, Cravats, Neck Ties, snd vsriety of other article for Men' wear, Suuhury, June 10, 1054 tf. , S. rVKCOSST. THUS. C. KKIGI S; L. PANCOAST & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS : Ann DFALEUS IN Fish and Provisions r. r.t rut lit, No. 1 7 A'orth Wharves, PHIX.ADBt.PKIA. , Philadelphia, Pept. 16, 1554. ; ' CARBON RTJI1 COLLIERY, S'ilAMOKIN. JsTorlliumberland County, ''inHK subscrilcr respectfully informs the put lie that he has leased ihe above new collieiv and is now prepared to deliver at Suuhurv, 01 snv point along; the Susquehanna, all sire of COAL, prepared by breakera, in a superior manner. Persona wishing to contract for coal ivill please addles tho sulon'rihrr at Suuhury, JOHN HODGKISH, Sunbury, July 15, 1S.ri4. . ' PATENT SCtLbS, ' field at their WAREHOUSE, Xo. 925 Market Street, rirrtADELrinA. Pailroad, Hay, Coal, and Farmers' KG ALES, sot in any part of the country, oy experienced workmen, and at short notice. K. Y. CUIGHT Agcnt.Eunbury. Phils., Oct. 14. H54 6m. ""nEWCLOTHING & JEvXLRY" rIM0N.!ateof tbofirm of 8. cjchi.urniar) Sc Co., respectfully informs the eilitens of Munbury and icinity, that lie will continue the shine business in the old stand in Market street, with an entire new stock of goods, which sre on the wsy from tue city. He will also he prepared to repair wuU liee, bsing a hand in eonstsnt em ployriicnt for that purpose. He therefore ncpsct fully solioiu ihe palroiiuge of the puUie. . Sunbury, Sept. tO. 1854. tf. 4 CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE A' 72 North Second Sireet, (opposite ih idoutt Pif-hoit House ) Philadelphia. f 0LU I ever Wat, !,, fu j,,,J, g K. ra- ses, Si'iS ; Lever do,, do., sti IU; fci. vrr Lrplne, da, 19 ; lnailirr. iS lo s GolJ Spet-lsilra. $1 Ml to $ 10 j Silver do., $ I 60 i KiWet Ttl.le Hpoons per eetl, 4I4 to 418; Hilier IWrt do., do., $ to f 1 1 1 ilver Tea do. I do., l ? A to 7 no ; tool.l Pens and Gold l a ., : In iS Gold Pen and .Silver ,1.. l; lieilher with variety of fine Gold J.'Wrltv, tioiil Curh , (idard and Full Chsins. Ail goods j i tatttt. I In lm a lepteMiiled. Welihe and Juitv. lepsired in lhalet manner. Also, M. .oi, ic M.tiks, PilL. Ac, mad In or.b r. N. U. All'iil-ets seal by mail or eiherwuM , w:il be piiiii'lijally attended In. I' , brpt. 10, ISJ. y. ANN M I.ETl F.II, will. t-.M-V ink, snd all c n.lste, 4l neeiJ, 41. I lo si i v ii. u i Siiiii.iiirv, Jtii.e 4. IS., Xm g il.m Ki 1' Hal ai.d 30 hour snd J WuvdtN I a.Hr.l, t'lratn .Nun, (iiound Nult, Ksiains, aud, insl ipcpiiI and foi sale I WM A.KNAUU. I,epi August. May Hal. Vwx v a I'tit uc.4 n u v7 j ,ci lawi leaaetls last cuMghs, stdda. fl sals Si lh elh SMBklaM i I sat. ()II.URlIMiWfh .a. Raw Vm. ' Us, Huiut Tsi W sxmita "4 VJk Bi atesas fri lia lbs Kern jsiwi ratal sad Cvbss Wmls t) sele k I HtlL.U uj aUMis rrr. 4:k,.e. I'uas. mat mt si, Aliiss-isa. Ui, l.tniMMu. A . A., st A... !.'. Vi('u' aToir It tXI, tUs, Uass, t rlHUwa4 tM .fe) 4 lot ai k i' t mt U.vtl t trrT 1 r -Oreat Arrlral of t tSPUING aOODS! THA T. CLEAT KNT INFORMS hie friends and customers that hs Just received an elegant assortment of bPRINu AND SUMMER GOODS tla B'OTe M" Btf. Sunhtiry, which - ..... . tllo run,,r owcnt price. v KanwH 01 a general assortment o - , llrv Goods, xir '. Cloth, Cas.inters, Csmef,, Mn, ' Drillings, filufhnn. I,tn.i ri. ,j..i-. , . " Xrftns, Lavmi, Ginghamt, Seragee. Also a large assortment of CLOTHING. A large assortment of Boots and 8hoes, for 7 Mn, Women and Children. , Silk Hats. Panama, Palm leaf snd oiher Summer Hats. - . llaisici. - GROCERIES of every variely. Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, '' HARDWARE,' , Vis 1 Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. ' , QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts Flales, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, tc ,7 , , ... r LIQUORS, ... ? Wine Brandy, Gin, Bom, Whiskey, 4c ' ESP Country product of all kinds taken In SX' change al (he highest market prices. April 8, 1S54 ly. ' .NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line, IVUIIl.t, Is hereby given, that all persons found trespassing upon, or injuring the line of the Philadelphia andSunbury Tciegrsph will be dealt with according to-the act of Assembly in such caeca made si il provided. . 11. 13. MASSE R, Pres't Tliila. and Sunhury Telegraph Co, Sunbury, June 3, I8S4. tf. SAXtlUJBX. W. PiiPPER eocensoa re . HENRY J. PEPrER k SON, Wnlcltc, Jewelry &. Silver tVarc, No. 175 Chestnut st , opposite the State House, PKILADELPHIA. Phila., May 27, 1854. ly. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, or Tasteless Salts, ' , ' Prcpsrcil by WLISEH& BRUNER. i uis prepstauon is rrcommcndeiJ aa en ex cellent laxative ami purgative, it operates mildly is entirely frco from onv unpleasant tsste, e milling lemonade in flavor. This medicine is liifrhly beneficiel for diseases peculiar to summer o ml Hot weather. . -. Sunbury, Jufy 1, lsS4. ... ; Just Published nnd fop Sule 7 WM. McCARTy, Dookscller, Sunbury, Pa Tho American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being s collection of spprovud declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the several actions now in use in the tinted tales. Br Coimnsdn Reed, E., . . Ipsa iegit viva t With notes and addition., together with a shor system ol conveyancing. By A. Jordan, res ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and VVm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shiudcl, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter has been received from Judge Pesrsun of Harrisburg t ' IlARRisBrsn, June 30, 1853. Ckstlkmxs I After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleadcrs nssibtsnt." I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval t the selection and composition nf the precedents thus cflctcd loihe puhlic. Tho lesal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct system of pleading, adapted to our habits of husiiie's. and the practice of the courts. Your forms nf dec'aratiuus bcin;, tn a great extent, founded on the acts nf asiemMy will he a saving of lnhor to the pleader, and con duce to safcf ami brevity in our pleadings. It should be in the hands of every practising lawyer iu our sule. Yours, with creat respect, JNO.J. PKAK-ON. I'jn. A. Jordan, Vv"m. M. Kockefellcr and M. L. Shsndcl, Ksijiiires. W. McCabtt, Ksq., Dear 8ir: I received more than a year ago a copy of "Kecd s Pleaders' Asei.Unl'' improved by Judge Jordan and ethers. I examined it with some cure soon afterwards, and havo had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it lie ridedly v.iluiil.lit as a inanuel for practiiii? a'torr.eya in Pennsylvania, and do not hesitate to recommend it. If it were eeueraliy used it would iin r.-aso the accuracy of the profession in matter which are often very carrlrssly done. I am very truly yours, Ac., J. 8. BLACK. I alas received a copy of Ihe Pleaders' Assist, tnt, and have examined it sLliiciently to enal le me lo roncur very heartily in the shave commen dations by the Chief Justice. OF.O. V. WOODWABD. July 13. 1854. Sunhury. July 89, 1S54 t:r.i:vaj t . kmii i , Sueetijor lo llerlity !f Jinighl. - BEDDING & C AXirET WAREHOUSE, , . No. 14S South Second Street, five doors alow Spruce stre:t, rHXt.ASX3X.7IZT A Virher ha keeps constantly on hand a full assortment of every silicl in hi line of business. FEATHERS, FEATHER BEDS, Patent Spring Matfresses, curled hair. Mos Corn Slid bit aw Mattree, Valve. Ta pestry, Tsptstry, Urussel. 't hree-Ply, Ingrain, Vrneiian,, Pag and Hemp Carpeting. Ud Cloth, Canton Nuttings, ('! and 'Vanish Mattings. Floor aud eilair Hrugjvta. Hearth Knga. ),i.r Maa. Tali's and I'iana l'oers. which be respectfully Invites ll.e allentbm of puri-hsi. Phil Oct. T, 1834. ly. I'icklt'8, Sauces tjc. iurt i'MV.d ta ili'Sowar, I w r'..-w, IVkl.a, Ouia link'iiS, I'i'saili. 1 k Hull aVaee, M-rls,... ' WlMBlSlM Fmpi ps -4 A'n uvea, t hint Virwit, 'l's al--. are all frea Cs II'.. tw.d, UiuJoa, P4 r f Bsjiw, " Hw ' Jam, raiiaul " I-Son BWiUiuca, 1-aausu Ctsap, As , t VtKlKHI BHUMeJ Dlulutlou of f artnerk!p. XTOH' E I aihy in thai lha psiiner.hip A ut l s Soal bualuss. bstsluAns etislmg un der the lit m uf Kaa A h.ui ass imi lbs M of Aujwat irtst, by aiuiual eoi.MM. W.ll tir.. John do rv. The bukiitea will ' e ladui'ied busalle un der ti ina f si .as A Rd, la aboui ill di iul rual Will illauJ. uli!.u', A tu I, las J ft Wl. eurt. l uihiell, ss'pet ), aii'Bow BHiaie a sepias S M ilwJs. Iu4 lvld Shd a ! py I tHiss Auuts. M a, li- (10LU FENs) tt.ik saJ iu4 W smsmii t,isiHv, )ub) iMi.4. A leal baa) Sui-Hf W W nit., fUid. tae tala It s4Mist. if. IW if, Hit .at IKjr.? TTiof v. , '-1, I CHERRY,. PECTOHAL: , 00UOH3, COLDS, nOAHSEIJCSS, BROI? OHITI3, OHOUP, ASTtl XrTA, WHOOFIHOaOOUOa AMD OONSUMPTIOKT. TOCllSuirtitn . . m.b . -. w.,., wain .,..... ...r..-.., ""Ur, take the uhshbi Hsctosl on gouif to bed, ana wrau up warm, tt, aweat during the mgbt. e oa a Oou asd Covau. imSm n mtirntn.. ittinatitl eve ning, aimiiuiiis v, ditaciiuna tai tlw l.ttls, ulul the Uiffiuul ;J , '"""l. None wilt I ii, suli.r fr 'rn this treble when the, Snd it can In so reodtlv cured. 1-ereais Slhtsted With a senled p.m.h. vl..l. ...L.. .i..m ... . f 7 Tt'itniio, ny unuig the Cherty Pectoral i.B goM-g t . bed, they may be aure . s-mim, ui.'jtokon stsep, and c.iiiseqnrntlv rsfreshins rrai -..,, f...-. ..,.' i '. . . , TV If ' ""d1" tf' thouasudt who sra " v., uy .hib iiiv.iiuuuie reineoy. t rum Its SKre.-able effecis in these easts, many find themselves unwilling to f.-rogu lis ut, Un Ui UKctsity lor has censed ' Froia two smment Physieisua hi , . Faibttsvuajs, Tenn , April H, tesi. Sir -Wl have given y .ur Lherry Pectoral au extanaiv trial hi out pieetks, and Bud n vi aurss every olhei ra nted we have fjr eating aaeeti nis nf the rcspirat .ry or suns. DltS. IIIKMI'.H At lUMHTtl.V. TU SINGErtS AN 0 PL'BUO KI'KAKKRM this remedy is iuva'.uable. ns by Iisatniontm tlte throat and lunas, when taken in sinull quuutities tlreinovesali huaiseiiasaiii s few honrs, vud wuncsri'ully uivrsases ls powsr aud ttexibiliiy uflhevmiT. Abfll.M A Is generally mack relieved, snd often wholly eured by Cherr) rsetufai. But tnere are some cases so ob sttnaleas to yield entirely 1 1 iio medicine. Chetiy l .tto rai will cure them, ifthee csn be cured UllONCUlTld, t r irritation of the thront and ttrper porli, n of ths lungs, may be cund by taking Lherry Pa to rsi in small snd in-quent doses. The uitcumlv-rtsiis op pression is Srajii relieved. Rev. Doct. lA.SSl.Nij. of Bnioklvn.Nsw York, states: 'I have seen the Cherrv Peceiral cute snch cases if Asthres snd Ltouchilis as lea'ls me to believe it oau rarely fail t cure III se diseases " FOR CROUP, tiive an emetic of aetimeiir, lobe followed bv larsa and freatieitt d.ise3 of the Cberrr Peclii ml, until i subdues ths diseuss. If taken in season, it will n'it fail t'i pure. WHOOPING COUOIT may be broken up and Hon cu red bv llie uae t,f f!herrv Pactitral. TllE INFI.UKN.A is speedily remivrd hythisreme. dy. Numerous instances have lieen tinticeal where wh-il fatnities wete nrotucled from any sertocs ctaisequenees. while their neitrlib irs, wiihout lit Cherry l'cctural, were siiSertng rr:m the disease. Hr. J. C. Aver: tALi.Chlo. llth Jut:-, 131 I write 1 1 inform yu ol the truly rr.mitrkribjc eflacts of your cui- kky rKeTUKAi. in tnts puce, snd in my own rhtnily. One nf my d:tugltlers wits completely cured iu three lla'v of a dreadful Wuocpiira Cocrill, by taking it llr. Means, "tie oft ur very beat plnaiouiiis Iteely slates that lie corsiuers it Ihe best reraeuy we have pulmonary di.eaaes, slid ths he bs ettrr.d more ens'-s of Csocr with it than any oihcr medicine hs ever administered. Out ch-rgyinen nl the Baptist Church srivsthat during the run nf l.iri.rjSNr here Ibis seas ii. lie kits seen cures from ymr medicine he could scarcely have believed ith ou! seeing. Yimis respectfully, J. D. SINCLAIP, . Depcly PcsiinnslsfT From the dittinsiuirhed Prof tf or ol Chemis try and Mrtcna, i'inwdoin College. I hve round Ihe Cheriit Ps-ciosm, ss its h.eretlients shew, a p-iwerful rmly for c.Us, snd canghs, and pul monary di.ensts. . Psrsss Cixvxlixb, M. D. Bscstwicx, Me.. Feb 5. 117. OK. VAt.KNT.NKMOTT. 77t vidclt) crlehra'ed Prcf.-ssor of Surgery tn lite Medical Cotlree. New York CHy. sai;.i: "It gives me plessti'e to certifv lite value'snd efiicney of 'Ayta';iisnsr 1'kctoral,' which I consider peeuli. arty aihiptefi to cure disease uf the Throat and Litnea." Cutes of sijvetedifines upon lite I, tings have been ef fected by Chrbrt FacroRAL in such exireme caivs as warrant the brlief that a remedy hns at length been f"Und thst pstt he deppnded nn t i eure Ihe Ciiglis, C-'Idssud Consumption whieh earrv from our m'tM tt'ononls every yeor. It is indeed a medicine to which Ihe sfflicird can Uik wih eonfitteiice for relief, aud they should not fail to avail themselves of it. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYEP, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass, Rold in Sunbury by II MASSER, and by Drugiriste generally throughout the State. July 30, 1853. ceow 1. Nov. 13. '52. Valuable Property for Sale la the Borough of Sunbury I riHE subscriber ofl'ers for sale the following 1 property in the Bo'Ottgh nf Sunbury, viz: THE HOUSE And two contigiyua Lots of Ground, on the south west corner pf Market Square, now ocrupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. A Iso ; TIIE STEAM SAV7 MILL on the river bank, together with one and a bofl acres of ground. Also: a double two story frnme ' Dwelling Ilousf and Lot of Ground, 'n Flderberry street. Also: rix acres of ground at liic Point, adjoining the feuaijenbanna, an wiiirh aro erected two frsu.e hou.-cs, wagon noun, As. A iso: A House and Lot of Ground in Cniiibetry sirret, r.cur ll-.c river, on which lot arc also erected three lime kilns. Also : A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east cornrr of river snd Dewberry slree', occupied by ALjustiiS Cleibent. Also: Twonty-Three Vacant Lot3 on Elderberry street. IT? .A T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jan- 14, 1S54. tf. Th3 Eye Ferfccted. SILVER MEDALS, From the Franklin luaii:utc, P'.ih-lel 'his, fioro His Aoicrirai, tiia:r.ulu, New York, ami FIVK FliiVr PiiEMHj.XiS Fsam Different Fairs in Ntu England- City . Daguerreotype Establialuncr-t D. C. C0LLIK3 tt CO. No 100 ir 163 Chestnut Street. Pkitatc!fia Also. M'lin Sirttt, Spiingjiild, Muss and Westfield. Man Portrait Painting snd Talboty ping, in the higl sst state of perfection, don in all the above Establishments. Skv-I.ic.lil used in all ll.e eatah!ihment. Miniature taken equally a well by them in cloudv aa in clear weather. Phila., May 7, ie&-tf. Hosemlale II v!raulic Cement. An etfllent article J'ur Lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring-kotucs and Ctllars, VNl for keeping dsm r.esa wet and exposed wail. Tor sale bv CliAKI.Kd ll KPA RD SMITH, N. W. corner of Kront and Vitlow fttrl eeposite the old stand, listlroad. I'liiladrliibi. April UI, 154. ly. V'ORID S FAIR PEEmUiI8. rnnrr. rinzr mtd als bav uo waid4 uuw X vey vl.ftnl si.d siipetl'if 1'IANO FOItTKS Ki' iU'vl by ih .' .K r al m ri)ii.l In Da.i.4'rn;ssi, rir w uW Uke thi "jMk :utuiy riln'y ihn ikaitk l.i tKi Mitir u fist !,', I H 'tif r sMtal Ulals smit J WcifM-Y r ilciausjsi ! l -rlsi, ml !. kW ItsNt W lli t id l i,4lll L.I Si4)iUU ! .1 Ut. lstAlltMH4 4l. !v rfllHlltpit. Ill I'Ul l t44i id trsjMiiy im ' Uji4ihI t .f ihsttf l.MtltJ 4i'il, tWt f-t.O MiMmI hMi l-M MlH4lfrtil. fll.g ft'l I A tl tMt II JS)i U tMMatpk. llOta Ll (Jt .t (i' W4,ii Otar) 4atUk lst A. .uU.., ii. :u...i' Vtry U,tt4 U.4WU OiovUtu & Trljw, 534 Bmdway, S H 'l4IU- VM WtrilfMj t, , j .UsMt ta. liaMa b tt.). i fc a vmhi i c m I J,Tt:T till ITT A M siTOPPiiist bi ti butllee Iff as kt by H. M AlattR. St.ii.btov, turtl. u. i (si I A lilt V 1'isas ti.iuJs. 11,11111 and kwaiHiei 4 kl.asjl. b'ackMik. awles puktm. 1 l.sti . tiuighaiN, D b. I.aa kd leirs. ju.l i sud (m ! k WV A. K.NAUU. Iwei Augtssta, Mas I, IsSt l'l ! al litis snIIW. upsius) rii.k Cattle Mdi.tM al ll a Pf Khi.s MMS IS tasal Willis) Ku(M( Of It Milt.' A Isl N. UCM, a stssls Sfptf JuS msiJ. sad las aW at M, 0. MAMtX. uswi,n , ; "ATD AM). COHFORT," To Your Own lflecltafcic. GEORGE ItENN. MANVFACTDItea OF FURNITURE AND CHAWS Of the most Fashionable Styla. THE subscriber respectfully eslls ths attettlini of the public to hie large snd splenlid asamt ment of every quality and price of which cannot fail to retossmend itself te every oxus who will examine it, on account of It durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the beat stock to be bad in the city. Tie effort i s spared in the manufacture of bia ware, and tea subecriber is determined to keep up with tbe ninny iinptove-nent which are constantly lbg made. Hi stock consist of Mshogsny ' Softta, DIrann nnd oLoonga Bureau, Becretariet, Sideboards, Snri, BREAKFAST AKD D1N1.NQ TIB LB and also VENETIAN BLINDS, aejiaal to rhHs. usipnis manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of averr p.ttera ami nrVoe. CUXBflARDS' W0PK AND CANDLE. STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short every article in this line of hi. kuaineo. He aim manufactures all kinds siJl cjiialilie f CIIAIHS, including varieties never before U lj u Sunbury, such as Miuooaht, Disci Wsmsr a .1-5"" M"1 G"ICU i Visnsnm r .. t .' " T"CT r,i, Stoois. which sr. of the latest styles, nnd wsrrsnted In U .Tcel!4Mi by none manufactured In tlis Cit e or elsewhere, 1 he subscriber is determined that there shntt be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, ss every confidence es i be entertained shout the quality snd finish of his wars end Cilia irs. His articles will 1 disposed of on as foci terms ss they can be purchased elsewhere. Ctwn try Produce taken in peyment for work. KF UNDERTAKING. Having prariJed himself with a handsome Hxsnst, he Is now prpsred for Undertaking, and attending funer ale, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. OT The Ware Room is in Market Qirott, below Thompson's Storo snd Weaver's Tsveru. OEOKUE RE.NN. Sunbury, Jen. 10, 1652. tf. THE POCKET AESCXTIAPnTS : OR, EVERT OWE HIS OVTN PHT31P1AB. rtMIE EIPTETI! CJL -- tion, with One Hmidrsd Engraving, ehowintr Dis- ense out) M ilformstion of W M ,l,e Human 8vtem i 3 Sr '.-aSA hP "' form. Te t 3 l.'tcj; ': 7l !l added a Treatim & Vt 0 f'"saes of Fen.alee. M of ,h h:gIlc,t i.",l""u' the Human Svstfin in every WtKB an the bung I , ma.. . WtteZfiW married ucviln. nt d,, cciHtcmiilatinx mrrriae j-tir" IT BJr WlH. V..l4.e Let no father K ashamed tn presettl a rufj a the EiiCULA PIUS lo his child. It may auv him from sn eaily rrave. Let o yeutg man or woman enter into Ihe secret oaligitinne ef mas ried life without reading the TOCKET .-I&CU. LAPIl.'S. Let no one su fieri ng from haelnieu Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervuus feelings, and Ihe whole train of DvnDtic reus. Ltions, and given up by their physici m, h anclhsr moment without consulting the AiS'JCLAPlL'A Have the married, or those about lo be married any impediment, read this truly utefid hunk, as it has been the means of saving thiitsamis of an fortunate creatures from the vory jaws of ilsntU. I"" Any person sending TYV KNTY-FIVB CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive oh copy of this hook, by mail, or five copies will he sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. YOUNfJ No. 153 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA. Post paid. July 23, 1854. ly. w. . sTocixan. vartMss e'asus.. STCCKMAU & O'liJIILL, GENERAL (Commission illcrcijants OG, WORTH WKAJiVSS, Philadelphia. REFTRCNCES. Tlioe. Richardi?cn A Co. PhiladelpUo. A. G. Cattcll ot Co. Puller A Pallc.on, Charhs Ellis & Co. Piurgin & .'"ons, I'hila., April 8, 18M ly. DOCTOR JOSEHI VV. CAKEEGIf, OESPECTrULLY informs the eilitens the borough of Sunbury and vieinily, th he has permtiiiuiiily localed himseif in sf Horcnrrh; and oilers his profession! services those who nny wih to employ him. Pol t present be csn be found at Weavers Hotel. Sunbury, March It, i 85.4. if. V'TJ. H'CAPvTY, BiokscUor, JESIECTI ULLY informs the ir.lisbitotitf IH IN., B...I k. l. . I .v.-i, n,i. .'u.i.'.. , in., hv ... itiisiv re veil f.-om I hiijae ubia. a lar.-e atliblii n tn stock nf Looks, in every Lratich of Literature, s iu a grent tariety cf U.nJiug. Please c&U I see thein. Sunbury. Pupt. 17, If 5.1. K LHV GiCDS, Cloths, Caseimer, S.iiiiM M j? Vestiiigs, Tweeiis, Summer clrtu, Ve cord. Tirkings, Checks, Muslins, Ac. ivt :t and for sole l WM. A. KNABt Lower Augusta, May 6, 1654. IfEOETABI.E CATTLE rOWDER.- dnsen Ureinig and Frnnefield'a Cattle I' der, just received at the New Drug (Store of WEISER A BltUNEl funburv, May 17, 1051 YTt. H. H. IIIf.BEE'8 remedy for coe -co!ds, aud fulmonary disease. A supp Ihi tsluable med.ciu just received snd for by H. B. MASSE Eunlutv. Jansl , 151 3 BATH AND (,AP8.i,LUmlj,ri, U I! Silk. Wo,. and Ptr aUo fl-lh, Tar, Oilcloth, Navy and Mi Cap l"r sal lw by G. ELABERfl 4 CO Merkel slreel, oppoeita lha Post Otfl 5unhtirv, Oct , U.M. rjiIMN PUMPS- A ,1 number of ett 'client pump have Wee, received au oru'rid foi a!s by v , H. D. M VJNI Niitilrjrv. June 4. IS. jii.vtu Tciil:71.T iV dTuhi, Liiiib.U ilvr W suhea, foi sal i M fx t by . H. MAk-M wimkurr, Apr) 1). 5 HIOPPK'I u'HAll.U. l,. yPoreaiebv U I ltU A Ii Kt M ltlHIMrv June 14. ISi 1)1 ANK firkiil Papei UvrnJ srj J Mwigai, bstiU., Kteeutswi. kuMi A.. n wsr b . p. 14 At( mi hu i Atari l. S5l. Il iiS) sad IsuV liJk, UrawPui hlou. h, Psueuis. I saxia, HiawJ iwi fw sa iid U.V. I sdne liasiht t all s just sud fue t.l I v ty.s is 4 ic-M nst 1 KA t.lUYA !- ssMMiusetil ut tie S)U 11141 sat I sua. Iwl .i lit Is. t-Labbsiu A I ti M.lkll tll. .rt() Ul '4l H ab)y, O t , I !.-. Ill UUXKI tf S4l 4Bt W U I l,M(l' IM asasa 4 IM Asia4