Arrival of the George Law. TITE FINANCIAL TROUBLE. Nkw York, March 24, F.Al.TheOeofga Law bas reached her. wharf, with Suu Fraucis co papers to tho 1st instant. ., . They contain, however, but littlo news of interest. The arrangement for tho resumption oftho Cnn of Messrs. Pogo, Bnetm & (Jo. were not completed, bat tliey would bo in a oonuiuon to resnma bneinepi in a few days. - Reed & Co., of Sacramento, have applied for the benefit of tho Insolvent law. - A. S. Wripht's Miner's Savinprs Bunk is in expectation of shortly resuming business. As to treneral notvs the papers furnish notb- inr? of interest. ' "' . Copious rains havo fallen, much to tho gratification of tho iniuers and agricultural ts. , . , i : A bill has been introduced into tho Legis lature for a Prohibitory Liquor Law, which submits t!e matter to the vote of the people tit "h- t-i-p-ra! obttion of tho present year. lu t.v: businii-s circles of 8au Francisco there was rather more confidence, but finan cial stringency is nevertheless so great that vtry littlo hai been dono in trado. ... BX-PREMOEMT WALKER GO! SG TO M. CAR ACUA (From the Sin Francisco Herald, February 21 J Colonel Vt'm. Walker has, we understand, rcct ivod a prant of fifty-two thousand acres of land from the government of Nicaragua, and intends to sail alout tho 10th of March for tho Port of Kcalcjo. Tho prant has a condi tion of colonization annexed, mid the grantee proposes to convey one hundred and fifty lieu to tie laud cedd Lim by tho Stale of Nicaragua. This is the first stop towards a proper de vclopeuicnt of the immense natural resources of the Nicarapua Isthmus. The territory is extremely fortilo, yielding large and abundant crops of cotton, sugar, coffee, cocoa, tobacco, indigo, maize, wheat and rice Kith mines (U ti also said to exist in the State, and the In dians in their rudo way have long worked tho p!d placers of tho northeastern departments. The climate is excellent, especially ou the Pu ciCc side and among tha uplands north and vast nf Lake Mangua and Nicaragua. Lalior is cheap and abundant ; and all that i. required to wake tho country wealthy is a f rm and etnple government.' It is probably with a view of giving peace to tho people anil of establishing in the State a nucleus of law r.nd nrdor. that tho grant has been mado to Col. Walker. The accomplishment of such an end will be a great pood, not only to the State of Nicaragua, but to the commerce and i'iviitzatiou of the world. From tha America Patriot n:.l!I OF A REMARKABLE FIRE DOG. Plod, in Chavlestown, Mats., recently, "Jack Ham," a larpe and valuable do? be- 1 iiglt'g to uujtina company No. 2, of that city, Tho history ot this dorr is very intercstinc:, and worthy of note. - He was one of fonrdogs o-vned bv a gfntlemau somrs years siuce, who was accustomed to harness them to a little vi agon, constructed for the purpoEO, in which t iicy drew him about the country, a la horse. P-v somo means, about four Years airo. he was i'lrtuccd to dispose of his dog to Mr. I lam, llM'ug near tho No. 2 engine-house. In the fi.mi vof Mr. Ham ho made himself useful in u variety of ways, rocking.tho cradle, taking il. 1 aby out in a little wagon for airing in plcaraut. days, 4c. Tho firemen of No. 2 be riMTie very fond of him, and won his confidence Vv feeding him in tho enginc-houso and at t'iM-ir tables, till at lenpth he "joined the com pany," assisting by his well-known bark, in spreading the alarm in rases of tire. i he engino-honso was his home, and he was always the first tosieze the rope and assist in drat-ping the machine to the fire. He attr-n-'detl all the celebrations of tho company, dres Tcd in a uniform which the company had mnde fV-r him ; eating crackers and checso mid iViiKinir cofl'ee with as much apparent relish as tVe best of them. At one time ho was by '' accident locked up in a building near tho en-pine-house, and an alarm of Cro being given hi the night. Jack sprang through thewindow wiih his well-known bark, took his place at the n pes with tho rest of them , Ho was a general favorite with the whole tirij.'i.tiornoon, ana iiiwnys recognised u:s ftli-ndg in tho f-treet, saluting thein with a puulr-aiurud bavk and a wag of the tail. Th company have his d;iguerreotype,b -ii1,es 1'iving him painted on canvas, and will Lavo Ins sKiu ftufled and placed in their engine l.'.Bw. His rlisi-nse was old age, ttoi'jjh it i3 n t known exactly how old he was. r 1 . a a k 1 liOVAUtsiBRT.HNMF.sia. Use tun jrvi cor-, r. ( nJent of the Philadelphia North Aiin-r- j i.:vi in Lis l'ist letter the fu' i bit of gossip : "On Saturday lar-t bis excellency the Aincr-e-vi n.:i.isUr and Mis3 I.aae dined with her M ih sty and Queen at Duckingham PnUoe. Xr. buehntian and Miss Lane were nn"tlic (ami) cwMiifr present ttt a grand entertain-1 ineut given bv V lEcoisftenu I.acly ralintrt-tou to his royal h'gl'.ness the Duke of Ciimbiidpu. will alio bo present to-uihi ut a spleti intertaiuuient given by her majesty to the I'ukc of Cambridge, (ieneral Sir DeLsry Evars, the Eurl of Cardigan, and other he .rous, on their return from service in tbu JJ.-it-.iolairx-y In the Criniea." Ccngrtssioual Expenses increase enormous 1 w tb each succeeding session. The appro, i ri-'ion of tbe lkt kMsion (hows that the ug. dictate expenses for tho y-ar were fcMi'J, t .0, This amount is made up of the daily p ty and mileage cf nmmbeis, coinpcuxuiiun if oOiccrs, etc. Many of the sums couipre- t.euded ut IIih aggregate wure wppropnatiu feitl out uny just reusun. poriuslauce, abuiit i lO.tiOO were voted to the reporters nf the Glol e. The reporters are fully and Land ome!y paid for tbeir lorviets by the proprie tors of tli Globe, who m tbeir t-ira are also litH-rullv paid by Coi.f rc for the publication it the djlates. A Sxt Stosk. In Albany, tuako fa-), ier gave a lire mouto to un ll feet uiiisrul. 'lis fcuukiliip toyed with the nioute, then 4!uwud Uiu wliule, and coiled up to digest Jin ut Uisiiro. Hut Mr. Mouu would ikI 'ivttupo. 11 yot UiiMit ti thu IojI, and to tut ! 3Muk kwullowtd luia again, sr.d luuw I't t out KKUlu, sud o ihuv kept It iiii( till pruccts of Miiiuif ttnJ t:iiT out had been purfurimd 1 tiiiMS ! Sen both purtiei fvu uttl ainlJu d. It diafcu bitltiu. Lot It riiuouered both dind. H ervKl .lorv, but the Albjiiv umi! ilul L.LI-k UII.1 :,ll ll -,l. 1. ' Kji 1M. iKruidiu lr, ..,it.. U n I rvvoluitouary kUtonpl lu l.r -i i llix I i li.uu ion) iik v. WvUmythtS -..k fiil I In, an.l l( iUm kuulb tkl h'l v Utitiiitiy l.lM-ii. tin vj b.4 t9 I 'l llut i LlUuU Ij-lllt Hbl, I1U H.Jltt f l al bo tLd t tl41'v HI lllM, llt tll )bUii U pturl-l.i tliv.UM.Uiit uu illbliif 4tU I(u(kl.)l4 Wl)u ut-M ti4 lolbn r "". No 1 I tuii.ut ktiwl, l-Wf If t'f t ri.kltu Vkm, " U'!i. 1'ilU. j fU( AklWwal.rl 'uut;li 'i I iurii4 rM(U t li ij I unilt ' VW tltv4ii. lku nu U 'r., '.,. J..JIw tut S-rJl o'S )F.r I a.Wi4 Mr! (flIO Atk. IU;i '1-4 .lk utliu k ..I... -i. . .1 .1 Ml. IMI in-"! lll'Ulf ft I1 fi i ,1 L. . 11 ' I Luiu . 44 ( ttiMJ lUMtt l ) iirfi j, ': t i-r'l, i. . I (fcwe t-l lnt' benefit, nd retarnod her (boslnosi tolfil' liner me) in a worse etate than wlien I loft. Despairing of being benefitted, I tried your pills, and rabbed some or tbe Ointment on rhv rhnst and throat. I obtained considerable relief fter the rlrst fortnight, and in eight weeks wa completely cured. - 1 am now id exeo lent health and strength. ; f : - " ,-M A Jl .11 1 A OE 3iV -.. .. : A ' 1 At Northnn'iberrand. oh tho 22d InRt., by tho Uev.-MN Kmersoik Mri Jacob Park, or Poini ttsp.;ta Miss Anka:C'attiabi"Ui!a veb, bf Union cp. -;Ti;s VI' 2 ': r On the JTtli inst,, by. the Ecv;-Mr.,--Mont-gomqry, Mr. tica.W. 8ith. to Miss Hab uiet Bo'tLTOK, both of this place., DEATH S. Tn ill! ninrn. nn the 23d inst., Mrs RA CIIAEL BUSS, aged about 4U years. At Weaverville. Trinity county, California, on tho 7th, tilt., of trphoid fever, niter un ill ncs3 0f47 days. AliBOT GREEN, eldest son of John AValls, Esq., of I-ewisburg Union comity, Pa., aged 19 years and 9 months. On Thursday the 22d inst., llARY, wifo of Cyrus Eaton, of Mifllinburg, aged 42 years. sunbuuy ruicn CUIIUENT WiirT. Kit. Uoa. OiTS. Potatoes, Bkkswjx Hr.rKiKii Fux. UcTTra. F.oot. ViiriK. I Lixsstn. Tallow. 310 no 90 ' 5 90 X5 10 T2 15 7 ISS IS New Advertisements. BOUilTY LAND WARRANTS. fjHE 8ul)scrilirr has made arrangement at 1 WdFhiiigton ('ity. for the cecurint; of Houn ty land for those entitled to the tame. He will buvo all tho noousjry papers by the beginning of April. II.B.MASSER. 5unliurv, Marrh 54, 18S5. " Estate of ADAM NEIDItJ, Dec'd. VOTICK is hereby given, that letters of ad " ministration have been granted to the luhscri her on the estate of Adam Neidiij, late of tipper Augusta townaliip, Noitbumlicrlaiid county, dee'd. All persons having claims against the estate, and udi that ate indebted thereto, are requested to ini'ie an early rettelmenU The tintleiatned administrator will he present at the houao of Mm late tlccuajcJ, on Saturday, the 3 1st imt., to make final aettelment DAVID REESER. Ad'tor. Upper Augusta, MarehS-t, 1S55 fit k"otice. ; ; YTHEREAS w'fe EliiaUet'i has left my v 1(j al).) uuari without reasoiiKhla caus, I herehy cnution all poriona asainn trusting her un my account, as 1 will pay no debts of her contracting. JOSEPH KE33LER. Sunbury, March 24, 1 S55. 3t. For Rent, &c. fTMIE mbacribcr offers for rent or to farm on -- ahares, the farm in Lower Auguata town ship ahot.t 6 mill's from Sunbury, Dow occupied by Solomon fheih, " Tbe form contains 131 aercs aliout one half cleared, and unJer a good state of cultivation. Applv to j ' MACLAY GEARHART. Sitnlory, March 17, '.'j5. 3t, ; House and Lot for Sale. rtlHE subscriber oiTersat private tale, hi house and lot situated in Whortleberry alreo', b'uuhury. The house i a new TwoSlory frame dwelling, on a lot of 60 feet front. There is also, a liutdicr Shop ou the premise. The location U an excellent one, for any person wishing to follow that business. V'M, HOOVER. Sunbury. March 17, 1653 - tf. A CASID. f" GORGE BROWN, Inspector of Mines, ten dcrs hi horvi.-ea to land owner and Min ing Companies. In making examinations, reports &c, nf Mine ami Coal land. From hit experi rmr in miit'uifr operations, a he understating the (hlToimit hraiicurs, liaviua; carried on Mines for a number i.f ycurs in chnylkUl Co., and having iviw a I i'iic nutuber of collieries under bis super viiii in he h 1)11 to yivc t.iti jf.irtion to tbosr. who rr.iy want l;ii servires. Refrr to BenjHmin Miller a-nl W. Payne. I'.-iir.. Philadcbihiit. and U. E. Nice and Jamo ?.".':!l, K jr.. I'ottsillo. ( aiiony Mail piouiplly altendej to. Pottavillo, Manb 17, InM. 3in. NOTICE. tl.I. those knowing themselves indehted ta the ul'criti citlirr on note or book sc count, are rtiitrd to make paMnrnt of the same, on or before the 10th of April next, a we a:e creAtiy in wrut ol funJt, to buy qui Kiiriiiir supply of good &c. J. F. Jc I. F. KMNE. I'l per Auutta. Iar,i b 17, ItSSS. St. STRAW & MILLINERY GOODS, Wholesale & ReiaiL ffy, WW. T. HILL, lS Strew tin! Uonurl .vUuufHetarrr, And Dialer iu Straw Good in General. -Vo. S21 XorlK Second .itritt, (Ulow Xub'.e, cl kid, diri.-ty nprxitia Uutj' tJ Lion lloul,) flnl.Jcluli.. Where may be found a Urgeand eitintivta. sartinent of gnojsin III alv,m line, to whirh t!i sit ntiou of CoiJiiKy rlorukeepsr and Milliners, i particulaily inviti j, , IV All g-ioils sold at the IowmI tash price. Mari U 17. 1855.- VV. t me. . REMOVAL. li l i S S O M k SON, Be 4 Uts la iufm yuu, tbt tlwy ba removeil Tlin PHILADELPHIA FAMILY Mourning 8toro, 'roii .Vo. f2 S-mlk Atcoruf Strifl, tn Iht .V. ir HuHJxmj, .Vo. J00 ( Ats'iul .S'jrcrf, (i'u ur' iiiwt lUifklk H:tU Who ibejr uUt ii4ciMJ stuci, tt reJui.ii imimm. N. II !aity ojnln Ssw asse GweiiA MilMNKltV tiOUHsj) 1635. ron srnxNa ales. Av, 4) Si, 5. ' rHiun I fUIA, llf it W'bd lbU fUU4 ljiltllJM 4 tike, Uounfl Uitbone, l'lWr, i-K!, tit IuJiiis ! tMteiit k Mijlwsf i , u,it 4 ibe m-M Itw-Mtm iikt I U ' iub t.fcML4 liiv I is - h.i t), iu.1 '-, 44 i nu lL Usi . aJ UmS 4mIi4.4.J Li suu I li Li La La ' -4ii. n.i a i, 'j . r , - , -, -jnr.inB flTERB. No. IMNortk TKW4 Street, (3 doort ale Eagle Hold, PHILADELPHIA. imrilOLEAliK Dealer! Fancy t)rTrim. niliigs and Millinery 'OOil. ifd HlfrrUfae. Hirer of Fancy Silk Uonnet. , Keep. eon.iiiUy on hand very extensive sMorlment of Sill.. Riblion. Giinu. Fringe. hesh-Vs a great 'Shety of other Fahey OooJ. He eolleiw a ell rrom Country Merchants vwlring the City, ndorc them that Ihey will be sure to find eny srliole alMive mentioned, at tbe Iiowe4 prices. il March 17, '&. W. S mo. ,.f i . Baltimore Card. r VA II It , ' K I E A. Co., commission ;merciiants FOB TI1U RAUS OF FLOUR, GRAIN AND LUMBER, Spears' Whntf, Pattimore. W A gentt for Newark and Kuseudale Co. Cement and l'lastor. - - G. A. end Fin Salt, constantly for sale. N. I).- Liberal CASH advances made on con signments on receipt. . ' ' IJaltlmore, March 17, 18S5. Orrt. " REMOVAL, s ' i-.V IJETERe W. GRAY respectfully informs hi I'rirtiiU ami riitomiin. that he has removed bis Store from its old location, and now ecctfpie the handsome and tomraodious Store room, for merly occupied by H- B.'Musser, in Market so. u are. nearlv oimosite the Tost Office, where he will be hat'iiy to serve all who mav give bitn a call. ' - . . - Sunbury, NaTc.h 10, 195.1. tf ' PENNSYLVANIA WIRE W0RK,- , Xo. 21 Arch Street, ahove Front, Philadelphia. ; r"fHE subscribers have on hand, and are enn- stantly ninnufacturitigtsIE V ES, 1UDD1.LS, SCREEAS, WOVEN WIRES., of all. meshes and width. Also, all kinds of plain and faiicv WiraViork. llraso nnd Iron Wire Sieve of all kinds; Brass and Copper Wire f 'loth for'I'ajicr Makers, Ac' Cylinders and Dandy Rolls eov ereJ in the best manner. Hravy twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves fur Itras and lion Founders, Screen Wire, Win dow Wite, (Safes, Traps, Dull Cover, Coul and eano bcreens, aei .',, . . i BAYUSS. HARDY & LINN. March 10, 1855.U 3 m 2J ' EDWARD OYSTER'S ESTATE. "iVrOTIC E is hereby pvcn that the suhscriher appointed Auditor to restate the account of John Young, administrator of the estate of Ed ward Oyxtcr. dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his in the horouirh of Sunbury. on MONDAY, the SGtb of MARCH, inst., at 10 o'clock, A.M. ' W. I. GRKENOrGH, Auditor. " Sunbur, March 10. 1655. 3t : - : FERRY Sc , BOOKSELLERS, BINDERS, ' ' PLANK JiOOK MANCFACfl'r.ERS,' ' AND STATIONERS. S. IT". Corner nf Foufth A A'ace Streets, PHILADELPHIA. March 10, 1655. tf PETER OSISOKX, JK., WHOLESALE & RETAIL FEATHER & MATTRESS WAREHOUSE, , ' Xo. blXorth Si cond Street, Third door alvc Arch, Fast aide, Philadelphia- Feather, Feniher Feds, Bolsters V Flilowi, Curled Hair, Mi t; Wool, Cotton. Flock and Husk Mattresses, Straw Paliiancs, frcttee, Pew, and Chair Cushions, all kinds nnd collars, Ded ticking, Check, Moreens and Damask hv the yard or piece, Cott, Cat -tail, Caching and Cord, Counterpanes, white and colored, Coinfortnlilco of all kinds and sizes by the single one or do7rr. Cribs, Berth, (jingle and 9, 10, II, 12 nnd i3 quarters Blanket, Bipached and CnMeached Sheet. Blocked Mulin nnd Check pillow ce, Towcta of all kinds, 'J'ahle Linen, 'I'shle Cover, Damrsk tulile cloth, Bindings of all kinds and colors. Thread, A-e, - N. B. Brnton tr Coston's patent renovator worked by steam power, ia daily in oieratin for the purpose of punfv ina; old and new feather. All article from this establishment warranted. Plitlaila, March 3, 18S5. cr 3 m 3 TO CONTRACTORS. i PROPOSALS will bo recoived bv the suhrri bi r until April 1, lS5i, to erect Two COAL EREARERS at Locust Cap, for Locust Cap ami Summit Improvement Companies. The proportions to be accompanied with pNna, model or drawing, and t-uiuiute of entire cost, excepting engines, i. r. foundation, excavation and Walls, wand and iron work of coul bina, si biitcs, sciecns, breaker; hoihting aparaUis from water level, gi;wy a'td Irusael worli from up per level gangwsy to top of brraltor. Also, the iiecevaary bells and machinery. That i to say, tbe estimate to embrace all the .cmlt'iials and workmanship to complete the construction ex cept the engines. Tbe height of the structure at the head of the tip scbute lo l: 48 fi rt above the main rail road- Tbe coal bin of each breaker to be of snfijciciit rapacity and constructed to contain 14 10 cubic yards ef pea. stoe, egg, bro ken and k'eam beat coal, and 000 cubic yards of lump coal, widiout requit ing euy wanuul labor ro trim the coal in the bins or deposit?. The contractors to have privilege to cut all ibe tinilxr on tb Company property, free of char-; for timber, and have it sawed at the mill now being erected, at such price as may be agreed upon between the pariixa. WM. H. MARSHALL, A.tnt. Shanio'.in, March S, laii. ; Estate of JOHN CLARK, Sr., dee'd. JVOTICE is hereby Kivrn that U tin of Ad uiiniatraiiou have been frnnltd lo the un e'l ialtrncd in tU ilaie of J-ihu f'Utlt, Sr., L' uf Lpper Augusta twnhip, Noithuiubi-rlalid County, dcr'd. All pernnu lndtlud In aj slals or bai claim again! tb whim sir re. (pjtltj to ci'l nn tb (uba-ril ei for settle im l.L WILLIAM t LARK. ) . , , StlUCU'l CA.Ml'UELIk Aujual tip., Feb. tl. 1655. 61. Estate of ABRAJIAU AUTEIt, dcoU JVOTICE U bviahy gisati lliat lUia ' niantaiy bv k niantrJ l lb auWrt- brr in Im U e at Abrsksin Arlvt, M -f Mi- inoV in loiii,ltip. ,.ftbuiubrlaud county, dee'd. All person lu.Ul w J lo jiJ rU' or bsvini rlaiut asjatiiM lbs iu ! rr pnalcd u call an h uboftt, rtidiitf in iJ lown.hlp, (or ( llsiiitut. Alt iiiinlfJ a i to uiecl at lbs bwuae ollbe dae'd, l StalMiJav. All tll. WM. II. Ml EM M, F-W Mtmvkiu imtn , MaitU 17, l"J. H. VttSOl.lirt WUIIINtl ri.l ID end A .Ibe eiv and Irgsl auvuw, aala Uv - i tt. . MA It. Ka.l uiv, laa v, Ul ' t M S I V I V I U.V m pba wT," sipeiui'a'uj S bl. Oil, W b,ia ,a4 tM. '( ynuita, iJ s tawtr4 an4 aie I y . V.'l'. 1 w tv.r.u M C. i oM)Ut". l'kiUii,'V ITaT'UaTri a, 4l Ul-s. I D.kakaa, 4.(MMlal lt.U ) I Ilia, ku(-kty, Sit. It, U&i, r jiMit).-.i'ui. tM!, ..i. k4tt, V , rsJ, S v mj, 1 kk, u.,, Mvu-.e, 4 itas 4 I H.NtU 4 tU .'. Us. T, ll - - . ... v. INK.. 'a' l.lukd uk. -4 (' - 1 k I., fcrl.,,'. il rv .s.u. H . i 4 j ,tU , -. EEfJISTEIlS; HOTICB. ,...m NOTICE to bareby given to all Larate, Creditors and other jxrch Intarealed in Hie r Jataa ef Ui foHm-rtni mined persona, thai die Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of . i t . I. : -J...... a : at.. said Jistalea nsva uieu moir ii-tuunu nn ,u Register of Northumberland CouhtV; Slid that ii. ami wilt be prevented tit tin) Orphan Court of said -County, on i Tuesday, the Snd day of April, A. V., IS53, tn tbe forenoon, lor con tirmatlon and a.towance. -...,.i' I. Shannon ilefy,!dee,& ieliiisl tjf bis Admr. Abraham KiwdngCr. ' ' . . S. Hind Chsrles dt-9d. settled by his Adrs'tof William Savidge. 5. 'Murray nhn, See d, sctilcd by hi Adnl'lor Willis-ln Follnwr.'S - i- :..-f 4. Rolbermel Wm.,dec'd, final account, sellled by his Adm'tor Daniel liUnboe. 6. Wattn U.iid, dee'd, sullied by his Adm'tor J nines Watt. , fi. Zarlmnn Elitibrth. dee'd, stilled by her Ex editor, Drnirl Zartmnn.-. . 7. SchminU Joninb B. dee'd, netlled by hi Ex ecutor, Samuel B. Sminch. 8. Kramer tiideon, de'd, fettled by his Es'tor Jacob Wapner i . 9. Jotinwn, II. X..V doe'd, sctllod by Ids Ad niiuitralir. James Reed. 10. Hartsel rJolnrm-n, dae'd, settled by Lis Ad r ' ltticliael Hnrtiol. : - i .- 1 1. Hilliard Adam, dee'd, settled by his Adin tor Ephraim HilliarJ. : ": 12. Miller James, dee'd, scttlod by lit A dm tor Joseph Everett, ' ' - 13. Dribilbiea I-oac. dee'd. final account, scllled by bis Adm'tor Jnftfli & Altabsm Dribilbics. H.'HotlciihaehjCharWs, dec'.!, final account, settled by his Ad'for' Jacob Shipe. ' " 15. Hilliard Lycinaa, doc d. settled by his Guar ' dinn, Epbraim Hilliard. 1 ' ' " f 16. Lake Marv Ann, dee'e, settled by her Guar dian, Oeorpc Conrad. 17. Weiscr Martin. I'siah Wcier, Catharine , Wcist!r ct I'nid Weiscr, settled by their Uuar- dian, William V. Silverwpod. ' iS. Cameron DaviJ, dee'd, settled by John and Joseph Gcsrbart, Adm'tor of William Gear hait, dee'd, who was one of the Extors of said Daniel Cameron, dee'd. 10. Gcarhart George, dee'd. settled by his Exec utor Detiiel M- and C. P. Gesrhart. 50. KlappSamuul, settled by his Guardian, Da niel Karchncr. i 51. Fckrodo Thomas, dee'd, finr.l account, selt- led by his Ex'tor John Bower. ' JOHN P. J'LKSEL, Kcgisler. Register's OiTice, ) : Sunbury. March 3, ISA5J- ESTATE OP IIULDAn TIIAE.?. , VOTICE is herehy uiven that letters tcstampn 1 ' tarv with the will annexed, upon the etto of Hnlkah Tharp, late of Shainokin township, Northumberland .county, dee'd, havo been rran ted by the Retrister of Will, to the -tindersitined. Alt persons haviptr elaim ot dcmahila caint he estate of tbe said decedent are requested lo rrake known the me to the' ondcrji&nrd with out delay, nnd all persons indebted are desired to make immedinto pavine-it. PETER WILLOUR. Executor. March 3, 185S. Ct. .- . NEW STOCK OF DRY GOODS FOB. THE SPRING 1855. EYWE fi T.ANDFT.L. 8. W. Corner of Fourth c5t Arch Sts.. Philadelphia, sre fullv prepared to suit buyers. Whulkssiv. A. Ri.taii.. with goods ndspted to their wants and at the low est nett ea!li prices. ' Black Silts, Fancy lo , Xce Dress Hoods, Xcw Spring Shawls, Xooeltiet in Lawns, BrUtish Prints, Plaid flinghams, Cowl Linens, Table Linens, Sheetinps, . J c. N. B. Bargains daily received from tbe Auc tion, of New York and Philadelphia. P. S. Oil Boiled Black Silks warranted not to cu- in wealing. Store-keepers supplieJ with those gooda resul.uly. riiilada. March 3,l8o5. w 3m 3 , GREAT DAKGAIIfS 1 SELLING OFF AT COST.' .1 lanje variety rf gonds are dJJtrcJ ut origin ul Cost. GElttbcrg & CO., have concluded to sill "their largo stock nf various goods at great ly rectuecd prices, in fact, st oiiinul cost, in order to lie e tbeir buiucs. Their stock comprises aiuwiijst other things, a Urpc variety of Men' wear, such as Ovcrco.iti, Coats. Roundabouts, Vests and Pants mad in the different fashiona ble styles, and of all imaginable stuffs. I ancv black, grev, brown and all other colors, such as fancy will dictate, ran be found hi tbeir store. All their clothing, ss the public know, is mad good snd substantially, being their own manu facture. Persons not needing any clothing yet, will better lay in a supply for the future, as p. Ebberg & Co. will make it bishlv adv-intneeous ta them to do so. BOOTS and SHOES of all sorts. Alio Ladies' shoes, Raitcrs and slippers for sale. Hnt ami Caps, the latast iryle on hanrl and all to be sol J cheap above. A la-no assortment of JEWELRY, sncli as Gold Pen snd Pencil. Bresstpins, Cufiiof. Ear rims. Finger ring', Watches, Lockets, etc., on hand. ' Revolvers, Pistols. feliirU and Coll rs, A.-cir-ileoiis, cutlery and hosiery on band. A large aasortmenl of I'nuer-clutliiiig, Canton Ilannid and cotton, t'-r sale. A variety of Boy' Clothing, dilTcrent styles, can lo f..uiid in tlwir store. (t. Klabrra; ft Co. wib to tw'.l cut their stock entirely if powiMc.aiid 0 otter great inducemeutH. Remember tlie place ; caclly opposite tbe l'o-t Office in Market Square. Come one, coin all, to G. F.Uberg Co.' (Jolbiug bkuu. . Sunbury, Jan. 13, If 53. , . ', CHRISTIAN BOWER'S ESTATE. "JVOT1CE Is herebv given that letter of Ad- ' minUtration ith the will anneied, on the otate nf ('hri-tuu Bower, Em)., Ial of the bor oiigb of Sunbury, dee'd, have been grarled le the subscriber,.. All pursvitia having cUim or d.-iniid 't'aioal the same ie Seqiioited to mak Ibe same tit the autwritwr and all par son iudnblrd to wiJ catule, ate relucted to make pavment. FRFD'K r.AZ.r.C3, AJ'tor. e?uiibur, J.ib'y "0, s?i5.- Ci. KOTICE. I hereby ci' n llit Ja- oN Ni-ne). Pfter H jiij'i awnm and I ullte Iljiuel. I'oiniiiilie i-f "ntliaa Ivt Kelly, s, Nt of KiinbtowixUio. Noth. umherUiid I'nuniy, deeauoeil, liv tiltol their - rounl of, tbeir ai I Irual in tha ol'icv m' the Fro th. inolary ul'aid euuty, sit I w.ll he prescnl a h lievl term of the Court v( t'oniino.i I'lesi of aid County f"t eoomaisiis i of which all pr. sun iutrioktcj will haat- lake uuSioa, JAMES UEAKU, n.d.'y. Fb, 4, l8. L U BE Y AN, Bhamukln Ta flHC Mbk7ibe lal lo int'oiin bi lnnJ 1 suJ lb public kuill), that b bas lakva t lb bo a, II kuoau Maud, si d a III l-a bj- ) j W avvitiituiiajalst til 1m assy gue Ulot 4- j e-kamwiiu, iuit 9, !-. I Tibui:Hii.Vi",r.r.u,., Wk.'t Vuj .k IU4, StpitK-alutka, a- i-,Wi. As.. - .-H, li, 't. Vlit MI'al ft.klt tl'AI L l'Pt - t'HJ UnXJ) - - aMHiui.ui wj m i r, utJum I CI, SuJ Oil a 14. IMS ii.d ai.J tu al I W, IfcMtU 4 I t, Muisiry, IkM, , I . . V MbiiT ZZ r.TT.j v. Puaaaia, t niaUwaa, In. JsSaial4 HtJuikis .. Ivi Mia mi . itmc, ( M 1 1 Vu.saia at atHM!, Auh' saaasla. I v r- V a . t 1,11 , . .1, At . tl Vi .. Is. I PliiLTrOHUI aGALE3 QF (.very deiptloi., wit.bu f.,t thirod V fur we'sblng Hsv, Coal. Or. ,nr) cbadi4 Wiwrally. Pu,.,.,,, t j ery ele i GUARANTEED CORRECT and If after trial, not found aatisfaetor,, caa be re. rurried Wlthoat chrRa. " , , . 13" Factory at the 013 Stafd, estsUi.bed for more than twenty year., eurnar of Kinth anJ Melon Ssreeu, Philadslpt.!.. ,0,, - , ABBOTT ek CO., - - Puccssimr to F.llkott e Abtrntt. - Fob. 17, l6. 9 mot) . .. ...r " F. POTTS, t M PO liT ?R I A M D DEALKR IN IRON & STDSXi, ; 461 Marlrt ttftrf, Mow 2!h, vortK Tide, SHIX, A TDVT.T HZ A Phils., Dee. 3n, IS5L ly. ' Fron Street Wife Ilaaufactcry. WA'rsiiri c ox. Sisre, Kiddle, Screen and HVre Cloth Manu. facturcrt, No. 46 Xnrth Front St.. Corner . of Coomb't Alley, ui; Murtit and Multcrry (Arch) Streets, ' nr.i.ADLi.rtii.v. rfOMTINUE to maimfneturc of aiTerior euali- ty. Bran and Iron Wire Sieves of all kinds, Prsss and Copper V. ire Cloth for Puper M.ikr-r, etc. Cy iindrrs and Dandy .Rolls covered in the Bail mantier. , . -, 1 Heavy Twilled Viie for Ppoik Catcher, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Kereen Wit. V.llldow Wire. Safe. Trips. Dish Covers. Coal and Sand Screens, eje- fancy Wire Work of every description. rtlila., Feb. 4-1, ISoS. Sat- C . This Way for llargaius. r"HE subscribers, tb.aul.ful for tbe patronage -"- lliey nave reecivetl. would bet loave to in form their friends and Ibe 1I19 public rjenerallv, that they have on hand a large aud well wclcr.cj slock of . FALL AND WINTER GOODS. , i In part which lh?y will ril at very reluct-' price for cash, in nrdur to make room for Spring and Summer Goa !-.. J. F. & I. F. ICLIN'E. Upper Augusta, Ib. ? I, P110CLA3IATIOX. "POTICF. is I.ereSy riven thst the serl ' Courts ot Commnn Plets, General Qnerter Sessions of the peace, and Oprhans' CourL Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Dcliverv, in and for the county of Northumberland, to cooiiiience at tho Cwurt lUute, in the borough el Snnhnrr, st 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, tb S J dav" ol April, ncKt, and will continue ONE WEEK. ' The ceroner, Justices of the Peace and C"nxta- nws in ami luruia county oi .onnumi enanu, are requcslcd U be then and thoie in their proper por- Binn, wuu vwvir rout, recoru, inquisitions, anu I other remembrances, ta do those things to their j rveral o'Tii-ea annerlitiiHnir I.-, lu, fl.-inn A ,..1 nll l . j j - ....u . -1 witnesses proaecutiiiii ih behalf of tlie Common wealtli against any prisoner are also rciiuesled and commanded to be tlien and there attending in their proper person to proerute against bim, as shall be just and not to depart without tesvc at tlwir peril. Jurors are re-jueated to punctual in tiieir attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hand st Sunbury, tlie 54 th day if February, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fifty-five- and th Independence of the United States of America the 77th. HENRY WF.ISE. Sheriff. God save Ihe Commonwealth. List of Causes, ': OT 7TOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas SKI B1 f Northumberland County, at Ap.-il T. A. 1)., 1Mb. fLatNTirrs, DCfENDANTS. I-udwig ICneadter, A.e. tt a! - Ahrah Shipman. riathtl Miller ic vs E R Miller Henry Master s Cbar'es Zch Daniel UruckeuiUicr vs Dinicl Evo.t ' - Jacob Stiucl Andrew tShroat F Jordan ct en Benj Scii;l'rid David Teas Martin Riahel Frederick Haas Beter Dickcaon George Good Ira Forrc-iler Benj Hendricl.s John Shissler John Kuouse Hugh Bellas vj iJavU uou:J s II. UreistiacU ct al vs Benj Grilley vs Henry Strawscr v John Sweeny ad-u'r vs John P. Summers vs Jacob Maurcr vs Peter Sheatti-r ct co v Sweeney & Caldwell with tiutUe l-i Gun.ishce vs Isaac D. Fisher v .Ijcob Seskho li vs Reuben Faeely ; vs Charlc Ko'cuuet al va )x id Fihcr came v same Saml Cald.vtlls sdm'r v Thorns Burr Ann fevers vs WinTilmsnjr ' 1 John Smith vs 8mue f avidg Iaae Campbell v Henry HutT Crarle. Seibcrt v Joseph L uten Uaac Brown vs John 8. Petrrtnan Isaac 1. Fibber vs Ilarman Kiino E. A. Spare, eve. vs Hhoemskor ck Uresaitr Wm. L'jlcs Ex'lors vs Geora Vankina, A dm. JAMES BEARD, PioiU'y. rotnonotary a uutee, Suiil urv. 3, 1434 LIST OF JUROHS . .-v i I'vr April isesdious, 1;53. UKANPJL'KOKt'. Sfsersv Henry C. Martin, Sauiutl i C.-bin. J. Knjnd. Nortiu-si:k!.nd Wiiaam Forsyth. Mii.tos Faul M.u-ullcr, John M. Wood !KLwARr. FrauVliu II. Carvur. Cuitjsi;lsiu Jacob Frederick. Kramer, Jcpa Fotsx Jamei Netlut. L'pPHU Al'Ul'hTA -J0CpU SiVao, Jacob F.i kman. J oil 11 ; uitli Luwua Atuif-tA Jota SaviJr-e, Juho W vnn. jtft Jorei:j:ah Jtmaclt, I.auiU tt I'ltuir, Jthn tlbcrdi t'-. pit-iVuM.v .im'ul r.iiinun, Jmu'j 11. Rvv.1. I L -Vil'..a:il I'a.'i .-', J -. ki.. J oh Vi:ir. 1'rfta M nusr:v II:n e. f .awi R M iiiasoy I'.liiu liircer.iin. Tn.VVKTK Jl'ROK.S jNfkai s 'a:i ii.l (7'.vr. Alultiw Uu'.ilv. I'biliii t'l iik. t hdilt 1-S4 1..H. ; N 'Vrtti wi i n.Asir !. ) MJreror. Mii ii-s.- l.oj-.' rivAu, JuLu S. 1'iUrL.ju. tivnr;,'!' l'i-lT. l.rwiv M'iliratn I cv.hi, lfci..ti u a J0I1.1 I'.iv'i ui.iu, t;.l Sii r-r, ll oii.urm llni b, l.i l vil luUbiu.i. k;it ... II t I . ..I - It .v I Jar..blvbl.f. .r.. l-nuil iUUll. I'..... TL...... Tb..i.h.r ltLLfrt Turrv r. .. Jiarapli V aukira. t I'l l u I via 1 a AlKiA Ml l.kkuiuu, pansttul Akt.trt- I'jiiU.1 Kaufw-iui. JKu " tit ia isik - NVilL 1. n I -tiu.t r, Js'irh lu i vai l. .l'lual ktiii v, iivujbo V in it. I'-ei l. Adam, II ini'i II It U.IU i-. I 1 if Aruiiit) RoUit M il!wiu', J -b Tm.hl, H4oit (il'IIWtl. III. .11 - J -at-j b fllihij H.l, Jvu U IVrhoi,. Cull.- Aauiutl II J I it. M illltul t I'alilt I Ut li t!l. I.taaa U ' - Sti I l ltjC- Ji t h Iti-rduti. dubtt pdlla SitiH.twl 1U11. f. tibvijta t'tii, Abiabtaus .tll, I nut Mi a ' -JatwS) lUW U X 4 I !. .euW X II. WllUl l,d 4S (M t WH hi U'lk, ) (iaJM S)ltw kf isiKst .ua. lu ltMm4 t ltflasl lOUMJ J lit Ml I, '.. ". r ti The 7eeUy Htold. Tie Best Georr&l NerstftMt ia UiO sumv im,U. hi-i!rn mM U tha aa tsr ettnt evenu . ( :haT, rair iwinr. t I eyHtara. Ihi' of C warrw; Snnna tm'JUr f. .1 nt; Kim-paa mni tnur .riHflu; Ss Mstwmjj, aad aam-tiakW imm rntcnat, tut b",T.rT"t IS Xtv V. r ttefiy llerai-J. tm L H1V!'J f'iweil. tn elnit r. hrar tWiw. ",rJ ''r-whi oSimm ak a Sirertoar u, it. ta f, lh. tn"" wart. No fmmt a ,. Trt: r-i rivta F t rm epy of Vk!v UaraU f.e wai TMr (T -UIVSS Tea Clnsm ' Twenty " Tw-iuj-JTr "-TWrjT T;iiriyav Kuity F wj- tr ' FlTiy 1. 6j 4a M 00 St as 4l e da 4j 4 tt .. a e d. 4 fe ia -S SI V 8 T5 let SJ d.1 All l-Httw a.MrwM m Jnme CiH-n tlnwrit pr tHicUf ul eli(,ir u( t! V.k Uu.,l. .V, w ftiiit!niia lrmt t m?t in ttrr rr i";, .v.- A Mvnrineni iua'l la t- V. nXir Hn j f.j -fr tr.:t per Ime. ' r' New Ywrlt, Feb. 1f5i lA-TCIIES ! MATCHES I ! , JOHN DON El.LY, 'IT AUFACTL-RrjR end In-P-moref Ssfel j-- Patent r?q.rre Upri?bt Woodb Matches. No. 108 FOURTH lt,re. Mv, Rac0 Me'thes havi.t; become sn ip le-pensnie nti - cie in hourekeppinf. the ru'cri!fr' after a treat l ie. I i.blie an article at cure enWntn; t t-litv and Cbenpi:e:nt. The in venter bnwit the dan. atr apjwehendpl e accost of Ihe fl-4v m,rt- ti.r .n w.i-r I Ma.i-fcesare gp.Kl pncd i.i pa- per, has bv tl t i"nl of Ntw btesm VscVnr-rv of bis on .,ve .:. .-en,,i?,i irl w',in; , . . xx'?,Tr VATEXT WVASE VrtlGirr oo-I Box ; b.ij is fr.r preferable, in as mt rh Oat it occupies na , r,, :l-r- l!.e .d r-W oou tiox. ai.ii tans at lean Two Hun 'rrJ per v.... Ti .i.t .u;iu.-uca. wairn lo t;.im , rs ij'c advar.t.ige ; it is eniirely r..-w and secure ar' inris-.uic and (--onls'Ic .m combustion, end dispels a'l Uinrercn tr.injw;.tt!,-. b of Kail-oad. Steamioat or any olhe nsodevfCon veyaucc r l'hesc Matches arc nadrJ en lb-.t n-r. n. more may be Sbi; f ed to any pert ef Ihe World w th perfect safi ty. They re the met ,!;. -Uc artie!e f,e Home Consumption, and tte Sor.thfrn J aim .-stern mnrnetnal lissevrrlx a invented. Dealers and Shipper, will dj wcil io call and eremlne fie themelves. l" Thee Matches are Warranted toie snpe- j rior to anything heretpf-.r ollVr.,1 t.v the Public. JOHN DONNELLY. ID6 North FOURTH St., FJnlsu'a. Phi?., Tee. 10, ISol tm. I Splendid Assortment or Full j Winter Goods. IMP0B.TANT TO EUYEE5 ! . AEKIVAL 01' KEW GOODS rT E undersigned has just received the hand- omest and cheapest assorlmeul of NEW GOGDi that has been hrtml.t to Sunbury. eon (isting of the following articles it : Delaine., .Cashmeics, French Meriitors, Scotch plaids, Wool U Laius, Coburg, Fao- c Prints, Telicges, Baragva, Alpaccas. aJ the niot FubJonable Ladies Dress Goods, including a general assortment of Brorhe and . other Shawl. Sack Flannel and Ladies ' dress trimmings. Also, Cloths, Casai mere, Battiuetts. Vtiii!3, Kentucky Jean. Flannel. Irish Linen Ginj;. hams. Fancy Rilibons and eth ers, Child's wool Used, scarf. Ac. and a larga, assortment of Hosieiy. Floor ad Table ii riotlis Carpelinff, BNrVet, See., &e. Calico Cj eta. Musli", b'eached and unbleached at 6J. Il'ift and Caps for and Eoyt, Groceries and Spices of all kind a- general as. snrtnirnt of Quernsware, Glassware. Oilsiwire, and llie larjeat and bet esxortmenl -if Hardware in Sunbury, inrlu.hng all kinds of eariienter'a tool's a general assortment materials for building Ac , circular snd other Mill tats. Bar Iron, Steel. Nails, all kinds of Files for machi nist, blacksmith, and carpenters, 3 tons Grind stones, which I will warrant .0(1 Picks. ICO Grub Hjcj, 53 Mson Hammers, SOU sacks Crcund .lluiu Salt, 300 " Fine diiiry 8ait. Muckc.-rl. Herring and Wiiitr Fnha 1 av-el and other Gils, Fluid and camphens snd a v-xrietv f Fluid I.aui,, Looltin; Glares. Basket snd Brooms. My anortmeut is lar-r, and include a general variety of which have been srlevt-d with the gtratett care. The public are reo,uctud lo call and examine to GOOUS Kforc purrba-ine elsewhere. Il ill g: us pleaaure to .bibil ih.i .-cvtk at sil limes aud if we foil in U.m v. will not rcmi-laiu. Com l.-v 1'rj.lm e taken in cc!.ao;,e Ijrgoo.' nnd tbe b:j!ict uiaiket puce p.iid in cash lor Cain. ED. Y. ERICIIT. Suidurr, Nov. 13, ISM. i Passenger Notice. I uti aud ,u n.HK4i,inc. uui, ism.hhii. i.ira m (iC,, , t.,np-ci ii i-i ., tnv- i i:-kvu it.u.uuv k.Jf.-u atiiiiaa rsjiuii'i' bvt'Ava ';i,i Mtl I Aavurl'.-rlni .'! a.iivaal M.-ui.t l iiruivlitu s iil-ik. LejvS.iiil'a,utfi-'-k. A M , vry Ua(, (Sa.b. M uui Cwiii-!, al a , P. AlaaJ iu.ika al -f, al a. . vnvk A li.-, i-f :jfm witl b fun h.twttu .M uut Caria:l a-..t P- u-v.u, k -.itivti v. iih ia,! C4---m tac Pii,-M.iri. I S 1 1 . I iii . t Kiti.,-Mi A'l , i:iv ral u Lmi Piul I a.'v'i'i ia ji 1 KtaJ ua I -iir-t 1 !'. li.r- ul.. 1. v.- S i .hu m 3 ,V.v, A M . iKtT.r-... al l'-.i.- .'- ut :, u V .V. 1 !.i'ul ' I.. i.l f '' i i.v al , -. i.v . fi-. -'.. " l! tt 1S1 -an1, 11 u Itwi4' l-i ritU.ltili.Sia, ftAV ) 1 r -.- n.i.-utk 11. -.a P....-.S 1, ! 4 W.-S. v-i ' , :t l',r.i..' I vr- k- w-, 1 1. nt.i.rf - I t .i-..,.i' i.u- 'mt . t i .-. C. Ul ia4-.t.ll'', ! ' v. t .--ta..-. !' . I- - l I ' M.v- MI , ut !.., h- 1 1 1 nai-4 r-t l--. 1. .a ea,i. j.y t j - I.J..1-I -i ..i.... -".. ...ifcr , I.J t .It'llM .. -ir.t .mt. I kt Ye C:-r Ct a 01 ,1. y. .... , i k.,4 iil.-'4 it-il:.! I M I'A.t. I Ov. Ihi. 1 t-.M.r-'r ni S. 11 mv I . SI ,.s 4,u, t I -r.,1. t t-a.. -t.a w "a- 1. a uwl. t i. .,! , Ti.-.i, 1 K V fiir -i 1 I IS s-M It U , t-r. 4-1 it-. i '-1 11. K STRAY COW. l) . 1 'T i t ' ' 1 ' -"I I' , 1 v.r. Ml., " wnsittr ol II. cuts i ,. it, aU. blvl , ii; , 1 ,y 1 ... ti tl I lv. JiTM.-y Mll't J.Li uti. Ft is 10, l ii. ..I, . I I VKIW AHA. laid i'tetb. Usstiia. Vi M It Hn4 , Ml J'.-a, .. Cbila, V4 l...k sud lliaif . .11 - DtlU, si'', Aa. ii4 i..ivvt an I lui uiruiiv, , - 1 - - . - VI H... Hi , be, Thi'-l m Hi, iu, I s)Ul l-t a. I I ml) . II U. a a k-l fau. t 1 ti.uu Kiit a. it. ... t.k.i ...1 .. t. . t- I , - . . , .... v ,,v. 'l.., Vt.t. 4 1 1 4i ,4 fi,., 41,4am, lvi,. 4t . w i-tt 4 . -l V -l-1 iv. , l n I va TtN"T!l 4 Civ. ikUttklt a veai i sU., kJaiast l Htl. Uikt.4i. tM. VV t.ia. k. IUini.4 .a 4 )a sttal a-4 Ka t W M. 4. K'V SUU I v .g .ts, M.) . I a I . TtHWaylTa, Full nnd Wini RESPECTFULLT Inf.inst . -and I ha naMic tost tht t. ed and opcDad the best snd cheaaa - , Fail and Winter Gota at tbeir Mere ia Maiket square, Tbeir asoek eesaisia of every varie Dry Goods. it i Cliiks, Castimtrtt, Sattinttt. Fe.t . Flannel i. W'uKrnt, c Ant! all kinds of Fall am WtpUr Ttt Aiso plei didl v;'rty tf LADIES DfitSS fc fASCY G'6or5, Ca.'i:ocj, Giagia-rs, CAfnrtfs, Ct Laine ro;fs. Ami every variety goods enruble for 1 dia f. ' - '?' - 1 . - Au large tMenment of . . UAHrWAIlE aJ aTTEEHSTTASr, Fi Ssa fci Flister. Aiso an extenai aaortmnl of IUts axo Ci roa Mtx smd Bote Als-j a Urj,-e eswrt.-nett oTGROCCIci- - ' srea s Sugar, Teasj &, Mola., Spit ;- cf all klr.Ja.' A:o a tresh scp ply of DKLCs'ir.D XFXICINE9. Beside the lu and most fer.eral F. rnent of all Liuds f goods to be tad iu t piac. ty Coonf? prwlace of ell k'snds Ukert in chinge at lie bigSest market price. Sunbury. Nor. 1 1, ISS4. 1 JASELS McCUTTT OCK, i , rKOFt SSOR er AaaKair a-d Sfjery w i-- !" 1 airl !ii H apiul, -cSiry ; L-tJ Tme.iier .a iba iau I i ssvu't f ta Pi;iw ia ! VX&J? jX&; j Ann -rr a-w ;irtTy in CarM MnSnai C-sier-. V ' : . Prr:a v ul" Aiwi.-ny ami It -. . '?r B-riure SUfctal lasMuUos Purfe.V, tZ H.1-u -aceJw, t, 1 f"v r"" !',''l',u i -r tia j lV. t 'pa'sr form sevxrs; r f p. mciiMi ii-ist t.: i Liu Will iaartj lLa Cu l'l. .U-.--.M u:K-S COLU ANi COL'GU at TFRC Vor C- 1-ts. tv-rr!. - Piiee S eu l't- K.-CWYOCE-S ASTHMA A.i HOOm C-'K H RK.MK'lV -:-M c l Dr. VeTl iTt,-rK" Tv.'XiC Af.TERXATl SYK LP- Fri.f tVvB'-mt Prneei ia. .'.rccuNTocss oystcfkc luxir t siV:-t t-.c t- t'tvst inters rtltavmg pnir.s ai'tvr van lieiub irr. a,.d all JiugrraaUc e; uiptosu arising ft irrf-ce-on Price SI. D McCLIN niCK" r.ntCMATlC MITTVPS P,.r. r V-,-,.m RrWy ( t i-.terr-l t. J-n.-! W . PR'. M.U.INTOi w' KHKlMA TtC UN'MKNT F r KheamM'Stn, SpraiTis, Swctui.jK, 4e, Jte. Pi 53 c-1! t . UK. MeCUXTOCK AXODYNK MrXTfRE-1 Pau.. Toiiaadia, Hmtechs, cl:ra:Jia, Ac. tc It 60 eeei. lH. HtCUXTOCK- FEVrR AND AGVK Sf C1KIC A cett,i ear fhe U ItilarTCittei'ta. TrH SI PR McOIJN M? UlARliHUCA CORDIA1. A. CIH'I 1 tt A J'Pr.vrXTIVK . Ml'r renwiiv. i UK. .McCl.i.rlt-K-a VKGFTABI.K HI EOAT1 i Til I.5. I'.h l. iiuwru. B-ml-ele. e IVNsSr ct; ! i.r mvCi.:xtuck's ANriuMiJuis ni.!. i i lr-p.b-rv -ti ilir -'a'ni. f tha Licar ami U wc. i to 6 l.i'eer P.V re-" P'li 5 rt a h x i Kir '.-UyCr. J. MvCUXTOCK. al hi VditM ! p-t, N V e-T:-er unil F.iiicn at ,f Uu u.H-h i atari Ur.i,a-t:i.t t!cia ia Med-cmcs, -.'iv. bi-i uni4 1 in Aai.cuii. vt-a-., vi tia iu i .ui, -pvaa l,.'W Ur. s!cC.n:tk, luriuLn-s Cw..ia u0' t" rT.t-OfT:c. r-untv aiit tlate IT" F-il- hv Ve;er l:iu-f, Sa.itTT .! Tin-kin ; YVra. Wanner, Xorthamberiaiio ; C. drowu, T W I E P Im7. B "ii-iuarg : Jaeo'u tiarr,, UUkklv ioau Vaiilccio, Liglit Su4 , i tstarrHuta &. Soa, C wiia. J:'t.uarT a, lS5. 4ia. HERE WE ARE AGAIN! Clear the way For New Good J. 7. & XCLINEI, rinsl'ECrrt'T.L'f' annauaca to their frii-i Slid tlepubfii tn general, that they hi received at their OIJ Stand, ia l' ;r Au;u township. Nortbumberlaud couulv. Pa., tl Fall sn j Winter Goods, and cpensd'to the pu' full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, d-c., Consiiting in part ef Clothe, black and fa Caaaimcrs, Suiuetta, Checks, and all kii.dt FALL & WINTER WEAR. Alss a lot of Rcady.rn'ade Coats, Vests . Pinu, 4c. Ladies Srcss Gocds, Calicoes, Gincbaais, Mu.lin da Lsinva., F Casluneres, De beges. Comforts, Bay i Long r'hawls, Ac. A1.0 a frcsb supply uf ait Liuds, of Groceries. A frv&h supply of Hardware snj Quet wsrf, Drugs anrJ Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a forgo assortment of Bool an Shoe, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hats and Cap, etalt, Cheese, cVe.. and all gnod usually kept in a Cmmirv fitore. , Call and See. ' Chespcr ths'A ibe Cheapest, All of which will be tsii ft r cash, at in ch in je for couuiry product, at l! h:bci.t uic price. r . fpper Angwtis, Nor, j, 1831. . SEJSAEOITS L KRESS. TAIL 53 suAiworniv, (Opposife fftc lpot,) P5 ESPLCTFI I.LY informs the ciUjcj BC. hauiokin and viciuKy, that be ha ineuccj the above bouinccs in h (own of makin, and will always kevp on hand un a ment of Heady Made Clothing ef cer Jei lion. - . ' He also keep on hand an of cl caiui!.ca, and all kinds f iv,!, tV:r .' weaiine ai-rsrel. which he w"? .ct! i-r n,':l : ' , , . I " """' " mc jl Soajiokill, Auijurt S. l.Vf. tf. 5-JOO UusUvU ul' Ur.ic. E uWiber bh? U'icn Ihe l.i-,e bru-Ml) worked r. Ueni.-llen.ii,. k-", put every thin-; U co.-ni Ute it-pat-, auJ ie icd to taiuili al any U111. an-l u p!a..u y.a.ilter alSuultry uf 1 wLi'n.V Tltev Ivl'llul tct-rn, ihr.r (uMo-tir-. lb "t-atl to I'-.cki'ii. b-f ou sun', mv, ! ., 1 n SJjtl;iCI :ui Isu iw r-i IKl'y i... i.:r. A JNo. y. vv;-,; fui.bu.v, lit. fX Iv-S.i,. Mart.!. rVi I lH.-t (at ' l itl r .. - (. P .1 M . 1, 1 t.lMHt '.ill at 4 v a. U.-l V ti mi a " t V'- i.i-i, h 1, ' .- .. v'k ta.v V't '.-ua .1 I J.i. v ft, tk . 4 -I ., .'! t. f Sktitkaut, ll t. Htal. t :.u ' b.'-'u-ii. I I I t, a . J v ..... Li I t.. I . . . , l. A.I. l A 1 ' ' ' " - S .M I'ltH. I , A, . .1 j K. W Vf 'Ot y, ,i , , I V' s-s-NtttHt-itk sj I ill.. A I 'WHlal.HlliiA!. M,,l, M It s.t 4 bi' Sitthiwet, wit t. It'l . lima H H .. Wwl 'Iaa4ai' i v tit ..., attJtva H I., ad , I ki4 ... I aa4 ki I V t s. . k.4 I UUliVV tkU a,. IW-4 a4 iJ.uu -a I ai j tal as aa. tr Si l,tV . i -