V i " It 1. ' jtfNBUUY, NOllTIIUMUKltLAND COUNTY, PAS.VTUilDAY, MAUCU 31, 1$ iia nuhlic lh largest 'end TSi aofock ever opened in Ibi section f c jntirtiiig of BESII AfflD PtJEE DflUUS, . I'liamiral. Ground fluices. Paints. ctnUUc. IW-iu(T, W.mJuw Glua, MeJiriaas, fawolUet witn a eMi..:: m a. .-I . 1 LI -1 .. !' 1 1. XT ... I in Brush. Dreaains, oiuC, J'f'V and I uiDU. r nrjr no pa, Diiaaing i.rmi nu l'ort Mania. Stationary. Con- ----- - - Ufa. 'UE WINES AND tRAiNillV JWW"t " Kaucy Good of ry deacrip vry article kept by Druggial 'tpliom Carefuli Compourttd. "jT WM. A. BKL'NKK. ,?' Jll ANTHRACITE COAL. At I,wctb Colli i r, 'ortbuiulwrlabd county, 1'., ' HE w baa ry csleiu:e impro , nd ar prepared to olbr to ill uperior article, particularly uitd ..lartur of Irou and making fSteaw. jc;ul ar : M I', V for Smelting purpnte. syOAT, y tot do. and Steamboat rrnily um and 8tearM . .a Vn and Suam. j'jung i Punitory, wher ar l to luad bou without any OCHRAN.TELC A CO. Ctin, Ialieatei Vi.'. Kliamokin. Sr, Lancaster. amoLiii ar Banbury, n. LEATHER. z, ii t:iiiiv .V co. r.rA Third Street, Philadelphin. 'JO Manufacturer. Curriar and Im of lBKN("II CAl.r"-8KIN. and d aoJ Oak HOI.R I.EAT1IKR ii nd Hasps. yu.t wonic. traiA. Mmly Manufarluiin rile d Haaiia, j'inj bn practically -rtAe tlian Tbiry Var, wJrii at tha low! pile. er and Mchauir, can hava their ut and mad equal to .Nw at half ' ' J. B. tfMITH, , A New Ut, (Ulw Kaca and V.n and Hnd 4- U Hi, b. I. 164. w I mo. I 8ole Agency for .TDMAN U OBATB .ii ('amriana AluAmanl T K S . Jxtt V. S. JAiil, L9UXA. iis.t, Vt iluiuitoa, Vl X JOHM MAKbII. lvw 4 Will J lb ,'1 I Vt mt liy (iaoJt, ; ie, llsidaar. Cdst iiul, Kuii-iy, (' 1 . Ac. wbu.li will t l ("KM M 'fV bludu-e. t w l.l' MdtJuJaHunhur. I 4llillb( lU ' u vf 1 tbf il i . .1 k V..'i V-.. J,1 - I tct $0cf.') MR. HOODIE. T I frail boust " jlay i thoa toon mot .if ; -Jiy wing t if, Jnmortality j t -rid mora bright ' ' t" n(t thy night, -1 crown and robe l ilglil. Tut t false boMI ft dust 1 'as tbe morning li i ; F"afidiug trust f 4 igbt as air T ," 4e flowers that wti Above the grave, ,' cheer, without thu poi r to tavr. $of earth ! rain joyi j nrth, sandy yuur foundations I j 'i'TtttU overrate your wolf h bought through lifo eni' Ay. -Tntl an.!!! va Irtinur ( lear must flow-. - .still allied tl wu! fond huiMr' k.ve! worshipped It y ihriuo j 1 -ot the saints si' ren'd thy pow ri,iviuo fcjit light, o tct il ul'ht. ve of tit wen ! te r t-aeo ; git' n, 1 ivi. r ceae. I r, ) r ore. THE LOST SISTER t P WTOMIHO ; rVh Ca.pUvifiT at ci Slocum. Anion "t - (. ZTo biaiitiful vulleyi flofl.nlnva. 31 3f tor c anil (K1T equal ;cry entigo crwf their til There af an Bio- J ip. I mnitT U fc .TU'L '' Hit iiy irom roiu trhcr- clii'.dreu ta wcr, was b'.d a son, it is tuppo- !iwt -e of the on hgo. I u u o a iivigb- e i t the In- "en, i ruii i ibe other g in No- iter t ie bloody w a ( uolalioii. Tsini. rtrAft'l!in l"" """'" ibar e tort. grir-dslone to we engaged are. hloenm lirit i from one Joor the beheld of s alping the ind I eon grind- iglr , she slag. by be Indian, ig caln In hit ur plunder, be b runiditv. .bill a little sou Qi hi . war as he iht in his arms ;n ) r. K.. with iiit by tbe arm eoinett entrea- IT. "See !" a mi he i lam.' a illll daneh- rot 'bed iu n-ar md wa malting ,r t raio Stopped liirLn'i I. ' la pnellQ aw bcr brit-lit. J'f ftu. and the f wrl might she 3 U tleru mt kt l .1.. .. L. rru4i; ' in twt I of hi I n v; Is-ilSM. lliJ u. tr !4 f tat uj S h mil ai nMii-i- I wbtM k abx, bu A W-S but lb Kelt '0 tsach t4 Urrwr, i.y u.i,i-4 im . I lew mbf )r Jl tlia 4t.I, bJ of ) anf th 4 h 'ainJ Ubuidvr a i mcum aud JiiSI Uf hud Smmh1 .'-r i ..! a4 4ks, bliia bMt Ire. I -nk slwIUi 'until mt4 bi it. 'rim avsvoiii. Mi 'Wt Wf IM ., ImU 4 ttvi u ibv3 paity, 'Uat but IU Juu . V b ut tii ' lb Xmi liMk.ly likU iU4 kpvf J.b! ) n-lbsf. ku 1 Hl.il ) if I Ml l ki.t Mbfi, ' bul4 t.' tl k 4 im Jin' a.u-ti i) l4 Mi tlx. 1 1. 1 ii.v it itt 4t a t.u. f "4 k4 ati i.tktrikiv '111-4 tJ k Ii. tl'i i'l t4 .-k .l a v ' t 14 tT ., tl S r Y ft i -j r nrm-m 2 J f th earuvst ni. lirasplng I -h ui nd t vt hr child, ...a iktiU'k IimJ -wpuf sum. indliig lam fearful of ap. lhr dm his r fu Bt b, at blow, tint, ; 4adlb in bit JjuH.i d wiought I .l Wf ' b kr atetvat 'VItj wp. anil sank Ut IS. arain, liut her lout daughter, her darling Frnncva, waa oor nroactit in bar thought. Like ttachel weeping for her chililrnn, ah refuaed to be comforted, and entertained lively bop that ah woul'l one day be reto red to hi r arm again. J lor (pints ouoyca up with thU hope, and the lived in the anticl patlou of again teoing bor and nreaaing her to her boantn. Day, month and yean rolled on and the lamp of hope atill bnrned a brightly at ever. No tiding bad ever reach ad her of her child, and all gave her np but her poor hoart-ttricken mother. When pooco wa dorlarcd, and many cnptivei re turned to thoir home and fnnuliea. the ent two of bor ioiii to Canada in learcb of their long lot itur. They aoiight bcr whorover there waa th Hghtot chance of her pres ence t they oflorod rewanli for her recovery, but all iu vain, and they retnrneJ to thoir mother with the cheeriest tidings, convinced of her death. Not tn with her. IS ho full satisfied thnt her Frances still lived, and would not listen to any other supposition. At length her long-cherished bopo seemed about to be realist d a womnn was found among the lodinln, who had been carried awny when a child from tho Husqni'liaiino, andsho was sent for by Mrs. Slocum, who cherished her and endeavored to fool that her child hud been restored. Hut tho InvUiiblc link which binds a mother to her oflVpring wut wauling, snd the bereave mother was be reaved still. The foundling, too, felt thnt she was not the long lost and looked for daugh ter, and ultimately returned to her Indian friend. Year rolled on. Timo had whl- tenud tho locks of the confiding mother with ago; W sons had panned tho meridian of lifo, and thcirVbildrn had grown to manhood, and vet alio still entertained the belief that her Frances lived. At length sho was culled away to Join her husband in another world, and sho went "down into the gri.ro mourning" that she waa not permitted, this side of the grave, to enibraco her darling. Some years after her death, when her eons were grey-lmired men, and when all had cea sed to entertain a thought of tho lost sistor, their feelings wero aroused by an announee- menl which placed beyond question the fact that she still lived, and renumbered her for mer home and friends. An Indian agent in Ohio wrote to the editor of one of the news- I taper In Pcnimylvntii, Informing him that 10 bod seen and talked with a while woman among tha Indians, who told him that her name was Slocum, thnt her father was a Quaker, and wore a brond-rimmed hat. That he lived at a placo on tho Susquehanna river, which was near a town where thero was a fort, and thnt she was taken from thence whiloarhild, by tho Indians This letter tho oditor who deemed the matter a hoax threw among hi waste pnpers, where it laid for a year or more, until his wife, one dnv, in looking them over, rume across it. Her sympathetic feelings were aroused, and she Mni ii inlhn uffii..ii.'i III Wlili'li II u-im publishod. It happened that, on account of temperance uddrens it contained, an extra mimlier wss tiriuled. one of which found its way to Wyoming. The two brothers and sifter linmedinlelv Hailed for the West to j And tho long lust Frances. They found her. liut oh, how changed I She was now au aged womun. with grand-children about her. and fast approaching the grave. The interview whieh took place between tho long separated brother ami sister was anYrting In the ex- treme. She Informed through an interpreter, (sh had lost her luitive Innguiige.) that after her rapluie sho was I rented in th most ten der mnnner bv ihe Imliuii. wlut look ber to I . l K - 1 I iin'ir town, a uen sue soon neeame nitacneti i to their roving, romniitie life, and ramo to I dread lieing discovered by ber parents. When sh grew up, and her foster parent died, th marrl"-.! r young chief of the IVIe warr. (Ihe tribe tn which ber raptors be longed,) end after his death she joined the Miami wilb her people, and married again. She had lieen a widow now for many year, children and grand-children wer growing up around ber, aud her lif waa passing pleasant ty away. She was comparatively wealthy, having a large stork, and all the rude tot's, fortt of Indian life in abundance, besidoe on thousand dollar in specie, which th had sa ved from the annuity which, an ludian, sh had drawn from tlovernnivnt After spending several day with her, her friends bad br a Anal farewell. She died t n w year since, and wa buried with considerable iMimp, a she wa rek'urded at queen among bcr people, I Wt)WV MltalOT Woman, permit m to tay, it th mystery as well as I hit masterpiit' of tloil't rreatloM, Wbvu h Is a tru wonian sba is rltaiuiiog uudr all rirvuiiisiance. liut her tpher is siiduraiice ralber thn action aud acoiil iugly nature has gii'lud livr aith fortitude far turialii( our. She Imat aiuai lh md. nary oiikm s of ber creation, a wvtl a bt imivi hrr own hupplu by waking kilf agrveald as t.ibl to our rough ava. Tkla cau uuly b lTi fl d by meaua of lb sof ter grain and ai'couipli.Uuivui for, I tak II, IUr U no udivct lour twolluif tu tru wail tbau ma-culm woman. My ld a rer lamly ia to gtv ber suck an du:aliou at aill brit di'Viluim b piulir iSarui and vkar ki laruti of br vs. I should Ileal young glil wa it U great Ulidrllu a. tilv kr ink IibU'4 iraiumg a I uucisaary Ins bur .rallk Ilk lo ta Ik UvlU'al bluvs el' lbs) rva upon Ibalr cbaak. but hut ta fud glow iui b gstiil nub iki ui, my drar loadaiu, b fiutW.- -riu.' jtm A"y-4. - - tuir It) lilt! Itllttt tm. A B-irtMtad-ul uf lk N. tilaa IVauut, al IliuauaiiiU. tits i I kvJul rluiu4 fiuut tiait l tk batlbi gifUH'U itl I'alu Alt aud Iteaav 4 U 'ita, but via'ly taalig rvssauM ta ku ib tbU knk r4ui4- ta -Mu.k I Ik galUulty uf uus luguUl aimy. ti Ik Aliul A.U sauuw avail I ut aa.fcu.il bk 4 Up. wbiak fct the uult U.U.i.aln.1. al tier a4 ! ik s.(u uhil,uu uf itiba b iwid akuk at iavwlkMi t "Al tk l(..ad U I'alw tk fkiut ui', li uf lb 4x. nkisk lk V,tit4 . (-fcvd u lb t bl-k J tk liaaa 1 ill llaibi, but Vltlw kith llU-S .' I a. -Wiglutk ikat Im I taviv r '- 4' . at llu uf 14 liv. iil iw k "' , u4 skt,4 uf 14 k' u bllsi4 SauKi tie 1 M twu4 Mt lb ,i,aj.al. . ,.,kt tt. U - sal la.l iLm. '. . i . .1 .... . I 1. 'Wss. Hi ' .'4 iablt Li tba ui. IUu siva4, 4 km -. klt .iUs.k4.l1 Mtb vxal ti4 tu.U..U Svat Uuialh I w tk lv lavsl.4 k"", u aasuiit til t i.4 tis.ba.i ' - TtW - - - lui kt .t l iv.4 tkuti.i ti l If I kj t, 1 ll tk.l k.i t t a.4lt" If U s I lit 1 , THE tltrKK IX iKHttALAM. In my rambles alwmt JorwsaVra I afied on several occasions throngh the tsnaiW of the leper. Apart from tbe mtereet MtaeW to this unfortunate dsst tif velnp arbing from the freqnent allnsinn rnade to tbert in Hcriptnro.) there it mnch in their apiearatre and mode of life to attract attention and cn list the stranger. Iirt end dieeaM ro rexviK tingly together here : a conitanteryof nlTer ing swells upon the dead air, and sin toooA darkly over the win in that glor-wiy in.ft.te4 spot. Wasted forms ait 1 the 4oot aj, facet covered with old whit Milt nd eight ies! eyes are turned upwards, aVeletoH arms distorted and infected iih th ravage of lets rosy, outstretched from th foul moving Tftts, alms h. stranger, for the lov of Oodt alms to feed the inexorable destroyer 1 alms tf pro long this dreary and hopeless misery 1 1 .ook upon it, tt ranger, yon ho wall. tott)i in all yonr pride and strength und tireaihe the freh air of heaven Jon who bar Tiem known whst it it to lieviimined byywr fellow man as a thing nnclean and nccniwd; von who deem yourself unMest it All the Men. sing that Clod hss given yon TiTon vAith look upon it And learn thnt them is tnimiy Abovo all thnt yon ha-e conceived 1ft vrmr gloomiost hour rmVry tlmt can W t-ndnr-cdj learn that even a leper, fth ilosth pimwing at hit vitals and nncessing XoilnTes in his blood, cast out from the soeh-ty ff fiis fellow mnn, forbidden to touch tn friend--ship or affection the hand of th wnisinted. still ttrnggles for lifi and deem MfWnt preeiou tht keeps him from the grave , The quarter of the lepers 1 a snd and tm pressive place. Hv the laws of thelortd h-)i have etisted from eriptnml time, they are Is olatcd from all aetrnil contact with t)H4t n llow men, yet their seems to be wo prohibit ton to their going out behind the walls of .lomwiWi and l oceintr bv tho road side. Near the tare. of Zion, on th way tt lMVehom, ? eAW na- nv ol them siltiiitr on rrH'k nniioiis luces wn- covercd, thrusting forth their scaly .mrhbi tor alms. Their huts are mdely roimtrwtod f-t earth and tones, seldom with More Vben one apartment, and this so filthy and Wthsome. that it seems unfit for swine to ivc)l In. Here thov live and nropa gates whole fomilies togeiher without distinction of sexj andtheit divadful melody is perpetuated from genera tion, and the groans of the aged end 'dj-ing ai-e mingletl with the feeble W'sil of the yount that are brought forth brandoil for Vt fo oT misery. Strnuire and monriil thought arive in the eontemplution of the sad condition mlpivW ble dentiny of those iIl-rHM being. AmiVig so many, there must 1 some in whose brosM the power ot true low is implanted; tove or woman In itt purest tone, tr onspemg. t all the endearments of domestic lifrwhirhthe nntaintcd are capable of feeling 5 vt AwmeJI never to exercise the affections wnhiMit Yr et ust ing the cnrsei sonHtoo, inwhomuieir aro hidden powers of mind, wnVnow n j-axe to tlu'ms-ulvet; ambition that ctrrodes With wna vailing aspiration ; a thirst Tor action that burns umvasingly, yet tiewr can beav'Wed; all the ruling passions that aw implanted tn man for great and noble pnrposes ; neTt to givo one tnomvnl's ploasuiv tinmived -iih ptriH.'tual gloom tf thnt course w)in iW-11 in tlieir blood. At I pbubbnl WIT WftT f.'-T the t time through this den of sN-kening sight. Vimon of human misery w-a impiesed upon wiymiiid hu cannot ffm-e. I pttsxed wh n the mf ill in- iun Tivrp nun mm oiv itnis dun i and there came out flow the voekiog hnvtds leprous rmn, gannt w ith fsmino, and they ln-d their hidiona loliis and tiewled like wild beaMsj and wiMnen hold ont their loathsome And ai-crod babea, and tore away th rags that covered them, and piviming to tho lii K' mass shm Vi-d fvir anm. All was dwase, tin and sorrow whore-t wvnt and as I pasM on, wnable to relies th thousanth (ssrt of misery ; Vnoans of Impair and howling (swi followed. . and the lepers rrawUsI back into their noNi! to rot iu their tilth, and die when Ood w!X-d. ( W. .Vl, f7ftypier THK BOT TMT lt t.tK rRVkTTVK 1 one visiusl a public svVwd. At tcco, a littl follow came wp and spok to the Toss tcr; ash turned to go dxwntbeptaiMTnthe master aahh is Soy f oa . tie nerer fhibM w," I followed hint w ith Tax-ex- and looked at him when We took Vis soat al riH-es. lie had a an, epew, Inanlx- c I thouy ht a gvvod deal ab.st the wsasei-r tn mark. What a cbarweier bad that fettle Wx earned ! lie bad already A what wwwU be worth more t kiin than a fortw.w H wtmsU bo a ppml into th best store iw the cit aud what is btiur, ilo the rssw,i-tew 4 reH- i of tk wkvb cv)iH,vy. 1 oudvr if tk byt knew bow soow ib. V r r-f4 b vlb r pej-bv Ksrv y tbe aclskbin hiKHl I tmia, and rpwoe. 1 fwsx4 ofkiin) k h vhi lot Tilbvf M-Nb? or unukvorwtvbs A bo of w Voe It, nsveT can say, "( can trutt k;M h wv s.bs i mpbwtv 1 h vM J m,' will noser wanlvw Uy. pconipiuost aud Indusiiy w be k he bwk J al avn.H ar in d.ia4 itiv wn4 e givally 4id, W rv b.jv tbt Xswi , Hood tvpulalioti al k4, iw ow-- Vl at Jt wkew l.d dvVl JVW, )s-M dutii t ai not to wiu,k give smi bv vm teat'kerr or )er pmvnla, as b) tis-4 k.w.4. V 04 mu.l rvadvt a a ut to tkvs e4 No ill also Ii IM to ivk.Kva swt to Htm, I truely -b I rwO . . -IfcswV Ns.tket lsk, il,Bvll llKU WMtW luittvvt u( lb IvtiWi, van t laisi ta tvbwt ba pix-y-ua t tkat ttttlbi W t WMt - tui. liut llvll M IMUt l4TWet.vv4 .W llklly kw kaud tval kpow k k-.wv. kiK'k uikviv Vt kvuvsvr iw a s4d. pioil smoolk kuikbd KvkvMaA vK sji, u4 a biM4 vkvviivl p.vaiw, ba ! kl III ka bU pdl U it " ati. lMSt'olii ut utikdt t .'4vavi t) tk ivalvt i"vih v4 V44t,. Vkulv vn v I'luvkv.t 4 tfUV Htlt t ( Uu. 4 Ikl. Vbtg. bl't )vt "V!' ' 'lb ') pvk-ioea i, 4 -U,nm. kA 'Si.Woie mtlkM. U i,k m4 kkna , il 'nt 1 a ii Is kiud b b - k,4 1 t no ul tk-Hkt a4 uk - ' avsliod kH ok t o t Wait 4 lib, 4 nV. v ,,, UH S-H y' b.4, au4 iki(Si nl t4 kjvi.i,v i.ka- a. H4 ib.lii,:, nl.i-ll vktav f ial. a, ' 4 Uv4 bl,!o kkuWavh la4vkvHt lb1!! knj k.W m4 V kto. at l'4M v!,'l. U avaa. a4 iiti tb vtki t bi) tit H i at ''k tsl tka k-l - 4 t tk vk vt . ' tt k .. l . , laiwk.' sail 4 a.U n'o iinwtkia - I a. t ta. 1 H R . lk U uii 4 T'of 4-a4 l.'4 vi ktkou '1. t I ! k j t, i t-aaa., t i ir' shohi ti-a a"l.. w( U , b U (- i, , I ,t,a l., la I 'au 1.1 I l 'i l mrtr tt.nei Ta Ww iV TtiivumHk ti)l l ?,rht.'l fniliM liKnikO Vw.plhil Ktiuv. W VhA ?Vlm tlietovewtit . Ahdt'hht. W W. t k.-- ......7,. h -L l ron hfly . A n ioniNrvr w wti w "-mi j hi -rvrA stwl wittf SitiA tlt StftrA bo weU. s'Im-w wt ex"w- iwi(i' n4 fW J ered place Vo XWt rW ! wvtr to r tfA ktti If .) it t'hmnA Tbe AKV V- enrston tot rrtT ytoTlhiw tlw Vi xsw 'wfn ms. ifrow-n, tho iTagomii m ne Sis res IvuitM itnTV .t)WKl 'fttf Tit firman nd weM ots wn tt-v t VH . H Th 1oTrMnt wett m-ie, tbM, Miet joined out pa-ity, fih s'isroN- Toj t n pieAKirrc t hat xiifchtriM. WTocejTiitg om T.V ftosr-bomstheolditj- y' jaTiHtim M, And MotiAfnmod W. oWn4 l TiireNiiM sitefWriispalae,wnd ttdyia tt hdptyrn'4xwVttoe t-WW VoTHnl in the toastevn rld. A i'moi t fts WiflTed ti itV tTotit pHYi'lln. vlik i't'e' tl Pmrhp,H,Altm ! T HVfTo. man ivmpii m kv fix smo. V: iv Tm the iistml goA ntthis W. 'vv-i 1 once tn t lie TmoVt oT a v-o iymt vs-A. Whole pslth- yrtihilx "N HlifVC liif'S -tt efN eii anfl passing ww nT.y ty.ntKsefl into Ore pslnco. A flkrM tT t.h TNH-lft tn-i n x t-t-IT- -riTt m i-i -r( hlhTyrW 1fVm V hnA notify Whv Irig i KTie throw fcom Vn tuiiiivVi Vft shtiW. ;t'-" j- . - - - - - By!VA AootWr wnd wwW Aifht. t. tip,Vnt itliorit ornev-rtewiiM--nc vonifon Wlipoopryjr',T'h1. Xxsl (H.V, VHA tW K8t of WrowootTiy. vwe Tssif. to jlTVtkvWti Whvhil V tmJi t wa, orwttminiwilmo Tr,HUt V.a was the vnt ranee To tW otr-v. V ;( foot nav o-rovs tbst t IitomIiomI. No Toif tA the Whand1sftovd To TX Vb A.pAWmeit 'for fct. ttohtr leiOYH-TlingTM-t,VB1W.Tt-ee-vA TiHnVic one side w ith T-liWAVlnga, x-hh-fts- vt NXN- liVmi?..yiifWW!sJV wrva M Wrtlvsttlesniont'beW ii.X Ww 1 VhvVv'Wd '0v Vh" . l": of windows looked 00.1 on W coirt. tlrK N . -V,v. WauJVwv, . wm vhUdi or the'bh'nihVhto'htlH'1ih'rKiv.iiv VNe ! Ahvw-kavo iff ToOv. of the S-nisn w AsiN vmWl IV 1 !Wmh.Wi)T; b tivlvdt W amiwment of tho -coWiWtow 1n. Wwh i vwtlkiilt viit foe th wim otreof thotn Tns,v vv. W wit to, vjn k.is cKtifct y VJi k usvlk Oww-wwl yrsot faxwr wnd it is iaid tW W iyT ois k.ishA-1 Wf, , tvhv uhAm; th vro. korcliiofat tl'CMottU'OiTC'w W Wt ! vi.vvisw. hH5: hM the mm s.tjsriil v j kViAwWtkM,vt uiqxwr Vheoigi this Vail Tee Teot VJl W To t vW wt'tt y n w.vvi. to. slk watt. priatrvmotoTties'n. nd e . V -W i"Vti tA thyuvt, Auk ht miring tW T-tstols, wonKiix sH.w-h, ' hy.li xkn Jttiky hat Oimet-eisssbivA-o,,otol.sMvsX'nait4i : b wWfc WsvwatiPi4 iiiHWwbo rv sa H-lo-rm-s) W fth gold 'nd Tvff rOrk, hiX Tlff Wi; VAt-Kk. ttoMi.n woalVd to s. .lto'fr "Kf' ' '' k. Tht m monVthe any Tieditx. tli stn ! T. V. W -w witk o? wisrrwkt twrlcT.'khovneoA0,ns wWfce tl.; WiNi-AV V hs hvuitv enVloor.wnApoi'mitTodlYreWk iN Tlit .TAvWytH M a:tlty n t-ntow. Tea tstoA oWht tl : Tsv Tovji v-iN VV, y4 Tulvfc th paiv itleyTyvonvtlht wmWn Tisw ' WW wWwV w rru wot allowed To o in wod tV 1 vtA i 0 kx tiht th-fWj bNX rningontlHWilogA.swdTo ,p v. ?ywTvsw vvicv. mt tbeweJl t-nns 0$ the fvb Tifow- I vX K (! i .w.e xctJK That tW to a xn-n .slt 0 tWll.fWA. b- aauv oonld sthewmf!Tiil!,'ntsvvinA ifi tol h.T hNiiKst; tW wai-rtws, wd orimson -Ismavk onwrtrAi, tVfttt,si.o. vhw ksirVhw acwr- tnon-sfuwitnrc of tK xvbcoC ,whtToVfvVVi,5- niMiiitf hv rvg. most wnoevj- n n t be YuAivh e-,,if.,( W Ti?VWbu'VVfw tve ofron oiic-lit tn iA V W tVX svvht, ( TioviiVMfiviwwa. nnw-od To birs TiWoos ft "he vvt 1 - n.-te. 'fhat ot'bhiibroWswvdWiot xeM- -cCT,lv. : 'V"! HMvjvft Vav tfi-vxiMvn t 1 n the frfteoVro. ot tl pni!sNs ,d T-eW- 51 W w.t vltOi tiNAvfc o a; ubiio IwkI Watvx-'VavteA a-r aunv vrt Ihi x.. SVirk W M V V UK- b u!K,-Vt to OOttACWsTihK-y troth tW To time W,TJv oroi-ted -At t he A,-ifN oT v ovyv) V Snltan-S r.e nv. tTodWN-Vih soeinthe W idiw ),st ov n t W-allli that tWv Wto wiiTA o- Oi-.-t.Y sx IW M. S TbO n,wsx-aie-snwiKW TA KM ! W. UneA And thow rMboN4 sow Howvh. forntVlsvt vit lWniM Tl TV MWoomintWope wi -ani rvv tV n Wt n roew w Ny tbeplmwstbet.ieohok m4 Trts jgoii ru. a.4 J'.h-tvb.v v U lii.v v View -co,-Vini4. $Vw -Hi T p-Py sVTA-eA TO W. OO s!roWd TOW T-VSn thont w 4t T-st tl !ToW tl.u. kVal 1U ViiO seval V -Wo. ami tst l)tMpK , Vy - b. X y i-.W hh-. '1,'hat tho are xv-1 i5)o4. Vet wwJI oo4,A. -Jv v), 1 v-bw vt ssoVtvs vt k ev vJutivnary war, tWt. to or iot hI v ." TViwwWvuw ihiiiivv sWl bo ItM tbwtoes TtM Tvhe Tot- TaiW T Vt Wtsriiij thus act. TrlsoWstoiiiW n pev. Sf: : v k" . r Tht the l.oevs t4 tW 000W W-w A To. Ww4,V ok VAit ppik4 to O.W xvxee ep tt TOM.Hr Vsttt kw Vt- wb4xsi.Si a Xvii-Sivi:. wt t!H paW-, ttrWt-ToV..Ho. n Tsr .v. v rijiAvi as SkutviailKT, nigh. wsT y.W the tWWws. s tv V4w!vt u4 Tvxn j a,W as th houto A tvt ksswsvs moo 4 tV Ts W b;1, wVW wyiiiuvwrii Wl stWbw.V.Nw pv, wa v w ut vWwvNkAicjitot th on, sst tV bMK WTii TsSO?,. SVW-Jt - T;-.4i sXa,5S vt VV MSIU .ws-hAswee xhSV Tvs as W 4 w'-'. Thmt Molbx ; WkmaVo4tMlH iWt m)$ to th tt tvoe an W Vo V.A Twi-h V,,:i.,k Mt u ta .aMVx-sN-HtVvwt s4! rxsWiwwst-Vv.sj.uAry. y,vto tw M ot sTasv - v4 Mwt T M wv K .. wkvWt . a a.w vjsa W. to,s , ,m(xv s tV- A xvss v.W. av. ' ot 4vK b. wo at Wrlan-V. WA I wo4 MVt.iX tbt oiov on tV e.sss Wvk V-.V x . , , - . "a . .. ,V. iV t.J .V . . .. .vis ' v w w ix , , v-:,- - i.ui 1 iw itwii. )' ia.Mia w tv-A rVii vW y.-JlA ' MVs. . ii u.'-i'sx w aw .- y wj w 'sl Nv,tvv TvVvi W-Vh s-i4 avi 4x- . k . v ka. . aa. LaV .tt aVV . t .aVs. r,.-TH es e.a a . vVs Tkit V a -.v. awaisjsy; v t 4 kV . VOas va. , t .U TV . bWir- ara s j V W-Va- "kM-t W1 k.X NOa0 TjS v V il.v: li.l WvWai TXMi s . 1 k-'k; v i lLl.i.l,iV r u V 1.4 wv.t b usvKi. ik vV IM.M.V IU4 vl W.,4a ' Atw-,i, a Jkv.kt V vllT V dm. ik-l ai JKs t t .tvwtVet k0avV 'V. wkvs4 WT.TWW .li .14 Out j.v tk TWUiV, kk.i' lkvi Xv Va h V w tV4 p, Va''. v lai44i. Ik,' t 4Svk.W.,atW V-v' l'v t'lia H4 . X s aVS a- w . 1 VI V-t T V-.kv Vou kVvHS-. -nk'Vt:;?;:; V i;';iV7vrttvc sMt M Vi VXtv. ZtmtliH, &MMh nm' i mt- na tfttyi t im wwj if' tfoitovtnfotl to "A. mt !! H tm:i.li " o th- WM! iWHWtemr lKtt'!lw4 Trfa ayhH r4, WiOiyW of sKTViW?rea. "WW tH.UK W Tewwjhsll)tM Vh ( W VvA w, vx, k ihVW-Wm.TMKIri. .--l,. d! BmfciJ fo Vlre T, SjT- hW TiW , vjyitftST.V -b Wni TOS-H.-V VlK- SvVVl.tvlHk Vrihtiriirvt! ofT-WTtvw WWTViSlttS? W V Wp txkv iovf4,ybvit .iftMf.t.T V k ta-T5WT.ff-tiJ5 V. iiX vyvS- vHfe'eii-)f!Wft fry, t?l iKut rf U4 - s"iiSiwrvK yt- r; rf WW s- NI Tk'ttW swljt- Vi WT- w" T'V- , n.j.-jssj ;.J- hxt !NsssKVljifT.ifV aIWi, b , - - - . . . t. t. ifi.vi.W.VlR- . 1 1 bvmt vO Ptt Of,? ! n-tv.1) hi miwsat o MMrJsm W tswiwnk TilWv uw v Wfc TlttrVTs, TWvWVHrvbpi! Vt MV - ' w . V i . . a, as . ai u Ttwo lvW'. THv s. wmv w vr ;v fc Jhrtlk- AK;iV TkA htoeVtV vJlMfc,i Wn. uvotS HitHV U :wMaA m It'. K Wii5 ((WWUs-K-sl ; -piV. yv : w. sivvvseww tj HN oHVf t -xi.x mOotiacvt to vtuj'g :NV.y 8 tVii kvu;, i hxAU( att ;!H IVI V4 IKVXUJ, vi VUM. ; th I svahksv -kn. t whichi i kV tV.VVfc bv hsw iIv.v$ Uo piib. Ww-hsih, vt' iloUw ; wtvivsNiHisiK ; !.th Wdt vu- Tyswfc W u WMe tVv-ve.Wvsvf, vU. iasV4:i. tko bouutw is!vvisv t vur.vs, bJt . VO UilWeVU VV iUU-e baauuv w it-vtsiit H Vh sd; ladiww S"V!, VK.. TKJIK wifay vl vV l bvaH'v-i t HvtiUu, V V? 0 xMiXvaa Toiuktwr at v kTWio, ua Klwuarv, by tho t!-xJb .vV us Wo wa ot -eojatvvis kaudrva -sst t-avAv- nttvuav bSNt-v-Vxivo wSwvv- It k txvmN- - - - . ' - - - " - . w a-.- .a avi wi,(in wwv im VfsJi Ji kvuvr.aJ. wouH g.x 1 . , . a. ...... .... . -.11 . y Viu,., kuvivc lUvsv jlvi-istu u, sVaiV.XssJl Vis! lWikUvk.vt to siivuUM auiu. ' ... ' . . . ' . ... ... v..... j :, , Ills cbaK 4V W -gat ViVv bsvl v vAN lt. li,uia a UaCU (Ot ttk ilk k.-kt L.a J" k. . Ui.i.f.:lk ll.ll.i Ua.lV iililw sals uxv-as-oi bat al a!t Viuivs. was llid I vflHU.V.ta b piv-vuUii Vim ; xvviw vW isvvi u.i, iituiiv uutkv) aiiv ho ! ' w...... 1 V.u.s .1. ......u.l b ,,..'; .. . .. . v ..' v . . v. -.'; vs y-W s uu. vi( Ulolav 0' A too v-vin aw,x isad.iy lvisUkd. IK I)Ml W .l.,,ii W k tit vb u, v A' v .Ukt,ivOa W ds'tetv au4 VvUoIauI. lit, I, i v bua-kAiK psUvy : kual) lh u .Uiy bv iswv4? kv.k si-vv'.uiva ut lo-a ku cvi- Wi-vu k-k4 puxditv vn.iiv jiivi.; uU'IhsIih, J k, aauvawu a'4 4viau; i;vulWuiait 14-iu bcr ksa4 XavUdi sU.'. A AViy ktiii.a.ii, VM.U-tuia bf khs.'hv.u'a ll4i. kivaiil,") vu-vl wv alvuv Ci'k svuui.'' A V-kMso, wall lk-i4vH VtvdukA CU1 kkvl UlvU it. kn alll, Sa.lwvlw.i W .1 Vmi.'' -V tuv.!ilvu l''l of k-M th-awl. ' V ka .ylt'iH hs'uUuvhe. tk..o .. r;i b.i kvuk tkksii to k wVk. X'' .tllnan U v, miwui w u.util AH lb ilu 1 l. u !vUulv'l'lUU, . t. J ik't k.nvk'j- a... l.' ai v vviM b' vi' A' ''iis,, k 1 ' .s. wVk kj . pivud to s-w'Jf -t , U.1-U...1 ikv fcilLlui k..k vU-k.vu iu m ia umv'i w j wva r iHttiiu arn k. Ms. faisuMtM Axn.GixnuR.-i.--! nee to advvesa h u th trrid man. And whyahouhl I notM vlai, to, know som. tftJUK about th tiUtion. 1 do. AViU anv SWtlin-mii prta ad l say that 1 do not t let him accompany horn. tt me confront Nun with my wifi and tvata childna and di'ciu.o. Miv-h a th Rocky mountains tow abo th M StJsMppi valley, does th character of th married matt tvwcf above thkt of tbo Whtor. What is baohi W? What waA nw belbr b got acquainted with tv WhaA but poor, helpleas, shiftless, insigiufi cwjit crratur J No more to b cooiparvd with, hta ater avlf than a mill dam to the great lyiwinj cataract of Niagara, ( Applause. V,-ui!i'UK.B. ther tu a time. I blush to any it, whvu I too wws a bachelor ; and a mora misorabt crtttur von would hardly expect HtSua Ewry day 1 toilud hard. ant at 1 Hiyh vaiin homo t my couifortlesia garret m vorpet, mo8i, no "nothing. Kvtrvthing waa iu , :luxrk tvuj tu tbe words of th vt J , Ceafttsiea waa raonaiclk of ail t sarYjrJ." llvr Ihv pair of bants, thor a dirt nair of boots, ther a pluv bill, and her pile of dirtjt clothe. What wonder that X took sofutf at tbv guming tabl and bar room. . I kVii4 it would kvvr do. geutleutuu, aud in lucky ittoDiout I xowvd t rwfoniv Scarcely h4 U pevwiso paavd my lips, whit 3 a k.aoc waa htKitl t th door, and iu cornea Susan Siwpkiua. alter my dirty clothes. -Air. Spkwr." said sbo, 'l v wvbed for to ai luvuthA ami 1 hax&'t aeo th first rr4t u lb way of paytueut. Now. I'd hk W kuvw what you ar going to do about I (Ut in say pocket book. There was noth Ug h it ihI J kucw it well enough. ".Mr. Situpklnv" aail 1, it' no M denv ig it. t haw'kt got th pewter. 1 wish for your s&k i had." '''hcr, sh said promptly, "I don"t wash another rag for too. "Stop," said h "Susan I will do what I cau for yoa. Silver aud goliX hav I uouo 1 but if y heart a4 taud wiU do tbey aro at your scrvic,1 Ar you iu earuostT tajs the, looking as QttI SUetpiciou. Nvr Kr so," tays 1. . , Thei,H say sh thcr sceroa to b no pmvt ot gttiug wy pay anv other way, I ijuvss. HI tak nu with your off-." . Knougb. said, V wr marrivd l weok j ajist w:hafs mo, W0 havu't bad caus to r. t""t it. No tuor atUca for to gentlemen. I uv in a good hous. and hav somebody to bivnU uiy vlothva. Wbcit 1 waa a poor wis rwblo bosbvtor, gentWiuuu, 1 used, to b a tuiit as wvaxt Now 1 aw as plump at a porkvr. Iwt (iouclusiou. geQtleiuea, if yon want to b pooc. rgerv4 follow, without a coat to your hvwkj, or a ho to your foot t if yon waut to givw oW K'for yvur tim aud as wnconifor. tablo gtK'rallv, ad a "hedgv-hog rolWd up th wrvog wav." 1 ad vis you to remain a bach, twt t but il you want to liv dvcutly and ro spvUbly, gt Biartieil. I've gvt tu duugb- . tr guUiHii, (ovrpo,wsrui applause) ami yon uay hav your pick. . Mr. Snkvr tat down tuuklat lone and con- t.uiK. plaudit. Th generoHt proposal with which hs cvusluilcd, sccurcdi biui flv on-iu- fcv Can .v. Th renubUcaii snirit aoema ta tho pvlUM.-i iudvpunc of tho Colouivt, haw bw. torutcvl throughout th province. Tk Voinuiis8ivur of Orowti LaoJa bat iu trvUuevd! into th I'roviucial I'wrliauK'Ot t bat to rviiUvr th tegislativ Council lc tivo auj being thus a i.ovrousut tuoasur. it will, no doubt, pas. A party W, bowvr. , to lh a-j,MWlW to th ivvivr tlvuvrnL JudiciarY.aud watfUtratca. KW h ,v "VHW -ouipuan. Cvi-oxoavan k bocouiing a dangerous aid to QftUi of ail torts. Kobbei W by its help ar auiottx th ttkost tucvetsfbl sud difficult of oVtcs-iiois. At iHtukitk. lately, Mr. k"i.dA of Nw vrk city, weut iuto a barber'a shop ajasl took a soat to got thawd. 11 r. kstubr koihiug furthier, except that whea W cuju to couavHxaMKa k fouud that h k4 bv rvbbvd of $12vK aud that th bar. or k4 kWsk t'hlotfora bad buett vscU a pots kuut. Tn UttsoialVficALrv "W huva iiru. viotijJy rvt'vrrvd to th difficulty itt llltuoi, In csiusifououco of clau3 iu th btat con iUluiivM kaviug forbidden th Judges of th Stat SupriaM ami Circuit Court to ueeei.i tviy otkacr vihe nudvr th Stato or Natioual ViovvrumcuU duriug th term which they r originally vWvlwd. tems that Prea idcut furc has causeU a brvnuh of this saui cUu.su, by appointiug Ckief Justic Trout, of th Suprvui Court vf Ilhuois.to b JuJ4- vf th Cuitisl State Pitrict Court. r .. aw-.-HiMTiv-4 vvupiv, soifiu yvur silic, toylv U) their abodu iu a plac uamod Fop I.,. v. k.,ir.,.i ,s.. - 1 -v.-. - . uv VVA1 mill mil If iu ; (ivuwni suit id ui uujv, -iy U.oar, I'll w IVpIar. and I'T putting iu hi I 1 , ' . . "? . l- plar, and by putting in h (voul ft bo. eoaUa-s iKH-ular." "Aud by pultiug ut iu it. pfwuinij txpuva we laoy, n wui bocosu populous. Tnn 1'. S. M.k. Th tru.s- of th Vailed. Slaw Bunk auuvum-vklbat uoi'Uiui aajiut that UiatilutioM will b rvcuived altir lUv tOih vf April uvxl. aud tin y wiil tht ii prvs's'4 to UfcAv S tiliol dividvud to tk vi dilvta. i'kkvOtWls. Soi.uy, do WU kliwW 1 v ... a 1 yvur ivi.sia r m. a.r. IWO Ut VUi. "PuaaibWi wkaiaro the V -l sl go and bl wr rip." -Smart Wv. go to thu tub tud Wvl v ur kail. 4 biaiu vf sbsk fcilillly Caiiuvl b kept tW UlwVt. ' . . . - " a.1.,Kii " said a uiaslol lo hi keu4 ppr - . ... s . ..... .h.,.i .11 1 um ou a shoil juur. a. v, -vw uit vsAupy wy pU b.l V" thank .,, air." duuiurj ly r.pU4 but t'4 lalbwi Wp w.lk lb bv. Julrn sp rit i- W.Hll-kl. Lk u, Ikauvk stun, alw-V Lk Mais tuiajl kxvi M aval. ti4 a.Vaiika lsj iii,, tiMtud U aauibki. kuu.'WtVbltl It ia s.t.1 rwluaw't klstaik kbtvU K i.',ovo. At tU-.ku.. I'kiu. 114 .klaKt sk tba uw k.W.. vi fkU'Wl-" , U a. t OK I . ' 1 1 a! I. I. t.J h. I iiv I li.l) lul II Hli II in il .k V . .1S(-. ..' i h, it 94 a buibsk I . ii, - Il l u I v1 v " I . .11 ati 1