. SUNBUKY7AME11ICAN i AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. 3tcm3rof News cmb' Choice. A gentleman n Ejwutdiville, Illinois, writ Inglo t ffierid ih Louisville, Ky., says : "The , like of it 1 have never before seen. It it now months and Two days tint ire have had a rnin,- living flight showef on (he SOih June 'amounting to nothing. 1 hare never before teen immense field, of corn burned up, willed twitted up, pooked, parched, and yet it don't rain. ' 1 think I may tafety ay from what I have teen, the corn crop will be deficient 70 Ao 75 per cent, in all southern Illinoit " ; The Drought ! New Yokk.- Doleful ac. counta continue to be given respecting the iKJiouuht which prevailt throughout New York n common with large proportion of the whol eotn'try.' Il it how (i fly -four dayt ince rain fell in any quantity in the vicinity of Rochester, and the drought it equally te- - ero in other placet, to that it it regarded at unprecedented in teverity at well at in ex Kecf Tim to Yourself. The token of recognition hat finally been discovered by a ' close observer. When a Know Nothing 1 wishes to recognize another, he closet one eye, makes tin 0 with his thumb and ringer, , nnd placet hit nose through it which being interpreted reads: ' "Eye note 0 ' : . Knowt Nothing." Grkek Gauze-linos. A eotemporary, no ticing the fact that the dandies in Parit have begun the fashion of tying of green gauze veils to their hats, to protect their delicate complexions from the darkening power of the aun'a rays, sayt : "They o:ily want the fea thers to make them real green gauze-lings " The Mili.iritk Delusion is again spread- ing in many portions of the country, particu larly at the northward, and camp meetings ol the poor victims of this wretched fanaticism are becoming occurrences of frequent note in the newspaper. They aie really n church-going people in San Franoisco. The 1st Congregational Church cost 860,000; the Catholic Cathedral, $200,000; the Jewish Synagogue, 840,000 ; Calvary Presbyterian Church, (Dr. Scott's) 60,000 ; two Baptist Churches, say 8100,000; besides some six or eight wooden buildings, fine and commodious, and every way com fortable and convenient for large cottgrega . tiont. Death or Mas. Patch. The mother of the world-renowned Sam Patch i!ied in Paw- tucket, It. 1., a few days since, aged 80 years. She is represented to have been a Chiislian ' woman both in tvor4 and deed, and to have sjrspp'.y mourned iVe untimely fate of her ton. Advice to Bachvi.ors Be sure to annex a woman that will lift you up instead of - pushing you down. In mercantile phrase, get a piece of calico (At tvill tcash. There is . nothing in a pinch like a feminine who can cook your "vililea" and iron your clothes. Diogenes boing asked the bitting of which beast was the most dangerous answered, "if , you mean wild beasts, 'lis the slanderers if tame ones, the flatterers." A facetious boy asked one of his playmates why a hardware dealer was like a bootma ker 1" The latter, somewhat puzzled, gave it up. Why," said the other, "because the one told the nails and the other nailed the Holes." Good Advice. An old author quaintly remarks: Avoid argument with ladies. In spinning yarns among silks and satins, a man is sure to be worstedand twisted. And when a man it worsted and twisted, he may con eider himself wound up. The people of Jackson county, Mo., have voted to subscribe 879,000 to the stock of . be Pacific UailroaJ by taxation The ivheat crop of Wisconsin it reported to be abundant. The granaries of the fur filers weie never filled more plentifully. The great exhibition hall of investors, in the east wing of the Patent Office, is two hundred and sixty-eight feel long, and sixty, eight feet wide, and a magnificent one it it Seth Morris, of . Duck Island, hat grown this season one hundred thousand cabbages. Seth is evidently as good an agriculturist, as he was for many years a printer. A correspondent in Ibe Tioga Eagle urges the building of railroad from Elmira, N. Y. to the intersection of the Soribury and Erie " with the Allegheny Valley Itoud Female Phvsiciahs. The Massachusetts Legislature, at its last aession, appropriated funds to the New England Medical College, located in Boston, to pay the tuition of forty students annually for five yean. The imiefatigablo Lamartine hat jutt told a '-History of Tuikey," fiom hi pen, to the ' proprietor! of a Parit daily newspaper, for 4800 sterling ! ; ' The North American Fire Insurance Com ' pany of New York, acknowledge the receipt of two thousand thiee hundred and thirteen dollars, through "Father Lank in" from some unknown person. This mutt be put down t a case c co.i jience. Cholera It disappearing from New York . John Van Buren it iu ill health. According to the ordinary chronology, we are in the year of Ibe wotld 7362 Miss Lucy Stone it about to be married to a rich gentleman or Cincinnati Maxiui has ittued an address to the peo pie of Europe, advising Ihem that the lime is now favorable for an immediate rising, e - ' General Cast it spoken of for Ibe Guberna (oi imI chair of Michigan, if he can be induced to accept. St. Louis it suffering from an influx of bog Ihul owner are obliged to part with or have Ihem starve Ineia to 14. Prices have declined Fanny! The New York Herald's feai that the decrease of liquor drinking in Con necticut, will wake Ibal a tickly Stale. . There were 13 deaths in St. Louis for I tkd week ending on Ibe 14th of which 21 were from Cholera. 1 " ..- is. I . w -' 1 The suit way la be cheated, It to fancy ecTftj-VM moie cunning man otueit Anothre Griat Tree in California. At a late meeting of the Boston Natural His tory Society, Dr. Ayres furnished the follow ing items derived from Dr. Bigelow, of San Francisco, relative lo another huge tree in that region. The tree lie on the ground, having fallen many years since. From Ihe bate lo the point where it it broken off, it it found to be three hundred and ten feet; all beyond thit ' was burned, probably by Ihe Indians, but fragments lie Mattered along to the distance of hundred and fifty feet, and from the size of these fragments, Dr. Bigelow feels confident thai -the tree must have been five hundred feet high. At the base It is, by computation, one hundred and ten feet in cir cumference, at the end of the three hundred and leu feet, it is by measurement, forty feet in circumference. .This is almost as much beyond, in size, the great tree which has nt traded so much notice as that is beyond trees of common size. Dr. Abbott remarked that Dr. Pickering has teen trees in California as remarkable for their slenderness as well as height. He had seen one three hundred and ten feet high, measuring only nine feet in diameter at the base, and at the broken ex tremity only nine inches. . A New Wat to Make Tea and Coffee In the refreshment department of the Sy denham Crystal Palace is introduced a mode of making coiTee and lea by hydrostatic pres sure. , It it the invention of M. I.oysel, a French chemist. . In the preparation of lea hit great discovery it a very simple one, and one of which every housewife may avail her self.' M. Loysel says that he hat discovered that by grinding the lea in the same manner ascollee, belore Infusion, Ihe quantity of ex hilirating fluid obtained is nearly doubled. The experiment it a very simple one, and may be safely recommended to all connois seurs in Ibe preparation of 'ihe cup that cheers but not inebriates." Having, say our London authority, had an opportunity of testing the tea and coffee as prepared by M- Loysel' apparatus, we can vouch for the delicacy of flavor and limpidity of both. The strength did not strike us as satisfactory, but thul is a matter of taMe, and of course is in fluenced by very simple governing circum stance. Russian Annexation A Liverpool paper says: "Within little more than half a centu ry, R-jssia has advanced her frontier, townrds Berlin, Vienna and Paris 700"mile ; towards Constantinople 500; towards Stockholm 630 J id towards Teheran 1000." New Advertisements. AUDITORS' NOTICE. T MIE iinderein;ncl. Auditor, appointed liy the Orphans Couitof Northumberland county o mnkc no rata distriliutioit ot I lie moneys in the hands of William V. Silverwooil, Adminis trator oi Isaac Minnicr, dee'd., to and among tho realtors of siud deceased, will meet lor that pur pose, at his office, in Sunbury, on Saturday, the Uth day of September, 1854, at ten o'clock, A. M., of said d ty, when nil interested may attend if they think proper. H. I'. SIILNDET., Auditor. Sunbury, Aug. 20, 1834. 3t. SHAMOKIN Collegiate Institute. REV. II. HILL., A. II.. Principal, and lonelier ol Language, cVc. REV. C. J. I ll tSl.ll HIT, A. M., JYacher of Sciences, etc. j . HII$S M. A. a. WALLACE, Teacher of Music, Ac' The second session of thit institution will commence on WsnsKsuAr, the 13th of SrrTEsi- Kn, and. will rnntinuo 14 weeks. Tuition in Primary Department, $4,00 " Academic " 0,00 Collegiate " 8,00 Boarding at the institution will cost about $1,63 J per week. It is desirable that pupils wishing to enter the institution should attend at the commencement. No scholars received for less time than half a session. No deductions made unless in case of protracted illness. Tuition due the middle of the session. Shamokin, Aug. 20, 1854. Re-Letting of a liridge. . A LETTING will lie held at the house of Henry J. Reader, in McEwensville, on ihe 13th day of September, 1854, for a Bridge across Warrior's Run, near Watson cfc Vincent's mill, in Delaware township. Proposals will lie rccei- TeJ until 1 o clock of said day. Plans and specification exhibited on the day of letting. CHAS. Wr.AVKK, 1 JOSEPH NICELY, Com'srs. SIMON SNYDER, ) Comm'ssrt OHice, .1 Sunbury, Aug. 26, 1854. WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUMS rplIUKB l'KIZK MEDALS have been awarded to the X. very etegnut and superior TIANO FORTES KxliibiLet. bv the sulaicribtTa ul the Crvntal Pntaoe. In making tli above uuM)uitceniiit, Itiey would take thia opportunity w return meir imtiiia u tnctr iiiininui irei.HiB, ttr the extensive una niierai nnifTMiuoe nereioiore extended to them, and Mur thrw tlmt no pnin will he pared to austuin Urn fluttering rHitution already attained. in ofuor to meet tne irreauy mcreMaeu. aeinana lor ineir Inatriimenta, thev huve added larirrly to their minuf allu ring facilities which they truat wilt enable them in future to promptly meet every aeinami Alan, on hand oil aaetiuent of very tupeiior MKLO DEAN 8, of every style, and al low pncaa. Grovesteen & Truilow, 605 Broadway, NEW YORK. (Adorning St. Niehnlaa Hotel N. B. Preiuiuma were awarded by th American liiali- tute to tneir rianoa nve yeara in aurceakiou. ftew i trK, Aug. W, Itoi.-m. PLATroniYI SCALES F every description, suitable for Kailroads " cVc, for weighing Hay, Coal, Ora, and Mer chandise generally. Purchasers run no risk every scale is guaranteed correct, and if, alter trial, not found satisfactory, can be returned without charge. fir Factory at the Old Stand, established for mora than twenty years, corner of NINTH and MELON Streets, Philadelphia. ABBOTT & CO., Successors to Ellicott dr. Abbott . Phila., Aug.28, 1854, 3m. .. T HOOTS and Shoes for Men, Women and MM Children, Ladies' Morocco Shoes, Ladies' black and colored Gaiters, just received and for ueby WM. A KNABB. Lower Augusts, May 0, 1854. L. L. SEVAN, 3HA1L0EI1T HOTEL, Shamokin Pa- riMIE subscriber lgs leave to inform his Iriendi JL and the public generally, that ha has taken the above well known stand, and will ba happy to accommodate all who may giva Uim a call. Bhauiokin, July 8, 1844. . , . , or at A HA HOLS of ah' sorts. Umbrella, carpal I bags, willow basket and cedar war of ail kinds, just received and for sals by ' . WM. A. KNA8U Lower Augusta, May 6, 1864 C CARPETING, rioor oil cloth, Table oil ov -rs, Carpet chain, and Door naU, Just retci. ted and for sal by . Ajnl SJ, 1854. I. W. TENEn A CO. ORPHANS COURT SALE IN pursoanc of In order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to puhlie sale, on SATURDAY, the 23d day of SEPTEMBER next, on the premises, ths fol lowing described property, to wit t ' A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, . situated in Whortleberry street, in the Borough jof Sunbury, and numbered in the gxeralplan of said Borough, ISO. it being a corner lot, bounded on the south by Whortleberry street, on the east by fawn street, on the north by an Hey,' and on the west by lot Nis sixty feet ioM y 840 feet Id Optlt," containing about one third of an acre mora or less.. Late the estate of Martha Geodbart dee'd. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms will be made known by FRANCIS BUCHEK. AUm r. ' By order of the Court, Court, ) Clk. O. C. l, 184. ) J. f. rlKSEL, Ulk. Bunbury, Aug. PENNSYLVANIA WIRE WORKS, No. 21 Arch Street, above Front, PHILADELPHIA.. THE subscribers have on hand, and are con stantly manufacturing Sieves, Riddles, Screens, Woven Wires, of all meshes and widths. Also, all kinds of plain and fancv Wire work. Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of till kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, ccc. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catcher. Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, Ac. BAY I.ISS. DARBY & LINN. riiila., Aug. 19, 1854. 3m. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSON & COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wirt Cloth MANUFACTURERS, Ni. 4fl Karl! Fralit Street, Corner of Coomb's Alley, let ween Market and Mulberry (Arch) Streets. . Philadelphia. MANUFACTURE of superior quality. Brans and Iron Wire Sievea of all kinds; Brsis and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, Ac. Cylinders and Dandy Rolls covered in the beat manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders, Screen Wire Window Wire, Safes, Traj s. Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &c. Fancy Wire work of every description. Phila., Aug. 19, 1854 3m. To the Voters of Northumberland County. At the urgent solicitation of numerous friends throughout the county, I ofl'er myself to your consideration as a Volunteer Candidate for COUNTY COMMISSIONER, and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of the ollice faithfully, and to the best of my ability. PHILIP RENN. Lower Augusta, Aug. 19, 1854. 6UAN0! GUANO! HE subscriber, solo agent for the sale of Peruvian Guano in Philadelphia, has now on hand a large stock of PURE PERUVIAN GUANO, fully sufficient for the Fall demand, which be will soil at the lowest Cash price, in lots to suit cither dealers or farmers. S. J. CHRISTIAN, Sole Jgenl for Philadelphia. No. 48 North Wharves, and 97 North Water Street, Philadelphia. August 19, 1854. 3m. To Country Merchants. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBINCAM &. SELLEBS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in CONFECTIONARY OF ALL KINDS, A'o. 113 North Third St , beloir Race, Philadelphia. THE attention of Dealers is requested to an examination of their stock, which will be found to lie at least equal to any in this city. FOKEIUIv Hit ITS of all III not in season. N. B. Orders by m til or otherwise promptly attended to. Phila., Aug. 19, 1854 3m. See Here ! ! J. F. $ I. F. Kline Will tell at remarkalably lou prices (or Cash, for a few weeks only) fTMIEIR entire stock of Dry Goods and all A other soods usually keut in a Contrv Store. Now is your time to purchase, fur the oppor tunity will last a short time. Call and see at the store of J. F. & I. F. Kline, Upper Augusta August 5, 1854. Wines Liquors. Martell Brandy, Champaign Wine, Bliciiy ' Claret " Hure Tort Port " Mailrria l.nlwn " Wine Bitters For Site liy French " Common 11 ' Rye Wliiekey, AIuiHHiguliela Whiiker, Common u Jumaiea sipiriti, Holland um, WK!F.K ft BIll NK.lt. Simtniiy, July 84, t54. CARBON RUN COLLIERY, SHAMOniN, Northumberland County, rsaxs. THfi'subneril er respectfully informs the pub lie that he has leased Ihe above new collieiy, and is now prepared to deliver at Bunbury, or any point along the Susquehanna, all sixes of COAL, prepared by breakers, in a superior manner. I'ersons wishing to contract for coal will please address the subscriber at 8onbnry. JOH."S liUlHiKISM. Sunbury, July 15, 1854. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE is hereby given that Ihe partnership in the coal business, heretofore existing? un der the firm of Kssn & Douty was disolved on tba 1st of August lost., by mutual consent. W. G. KA8K, JOHN UOUTV, The business will be conducted hereafter un der the firm of Kssa fc Reed, te whom all orders for coal will be directed. Sunbury, Aug. 12, 1834.- Perfumery, jc. TK have jmt received the Utfrt and beet seleeied t f aasorUnent of I'ei fumery ever uttered iu this secliou of eountry, consisting ui part of , ' French rnauda, Cachnot, rthavnif Cream, . Hauei's (Nepbaite, Chines I'owder, farina Coluvma, Orange lower water, Charcoal Paste, Riea Fowder, lisfam Hair Dye, Meeu Fun, for ihe skin, Ktlraot Vainlta, " OraiNje, ' liiaal, " Fine-appla, SMraH-tierry, KiUy While, Mnrhels. Tooth llrushes, largs asst. tlair Biushe, " Nail Hruslies, " revel's Kalmcta, rortUKNiiaa, u . 11 Caalll ftVwp, Whit ' Transparent - " llaucoik ' Waslillifloa M Hepubhcaa " Conue M Almond , " ljibin'a M Nymph M Onuiluu u SWiad Colof-nesnf every aearripiinD,r.fasiva BenarCasea, Muak ' Tulies, Camphor Bulalu Corubs, sll kinds, heil Wintlsor I aviUUe um numsMMs in inentMNI AU Ih ehov article re flora lit boaaea Juks lI..lW.l.OI-. WF.IflF.B k BRl'NER A FARM of tall acres to be rented for eahor n ahirea. PoSsaaaion given iiaraadiabilv m thai fall srrain tnav be sowed. It is situated near Bunbuiy, and Was llly oeeupled by Pavld Fisher, Appiv f )I, BELLAS. Uuubury, Aug. 5!6, I854.-3I. Agricultural Fair Executive Committee of th thumberlanrl County Acricnltnal Soenv ly met at the houss of Wm. Strealer, in Northumberland, to .appoint judges, deter mine a list of premium, and Ms a day for Ihe next annual Fail to be helJ at Shamokin. It waa resolved lo hold ihe . Exhibition at Shamokin, on Tuesday October i7th, between Ihe hours qf 9 A. M. anil 6 P. M. The following gentlemen were appointed a Committee of arrangements: W. L. Hel fenstein. , Wm. Marshall. S. A. Bergsiresser, Dr. Wm. Atwater, W. M. Weaver, Wm. Fnaely, Dr. O Robins, Elide John, W. P. Withington, John Cochrane, Henry Long' necker, A. It. Fisk, Kimber Cleaver. '' , list or rRtMivMi. Horses. Best Stallion over 4 yeara old. 14 00 2d do do 2 00 Best , do under 4 yeara old, 4 00 2d do .do ,2 00 Best Mare and Colt. 4 00 2d do do 2 00 Best pair of match Holies, ( 4 00 Best Single Horse, . , ' ,2 00 Catll. Best Bull over 2 years, 2 0 2d do lo 2 00 Best Bull under 2 years. 3 00 2d do do 1 SO Best Cow, 4 00 2.1 do - 2 00 Best Hoifer, 3 00 2d do 1 50 Best yoke of Oxnn, 4 00 2d do do 2 00 Besl Fat Animal, 3 00 2d do 1 50 Swine. Best Boar, 3 00 2d do 2 00 Best Sow, 2 00 2d do : . j i 50 Best puir of Shoals, 2 00 2d do 1 SO Besl litter of pigs under 3 mouths, 2 00 BksI fat Hog, . . , 2 00 Sheep. Best Bam, . l J 00 Best Ewe, " 2 00 Best T.nmb, ' 2 00 Besl fat Sheep, 2 00 Poultry. Best pair of Turkeys, 00 ilo do Geese, 1 00 do do Musk Ducks, 1 00 do do Puddle do 1 00 Best pair large Asiatic Fowls, i 00 2J do do do 50 Same nremium fur anv flnei time.! Best Collection, 3 00 2d do 1 00 Cain and Potatoes. Best bushel of wheal, 2 00 2d do 1 00 Best bushel of corn, 2 00 2d do l 00 Besl do rye. t 00 Beat do oals, 1 00 Best do potatoes, 1 50 2d do do I 00 Best 4 do of aweol potatoes, 1 00 Vegetables. Best beets, not less than 12, 1 00 do carrots, do do parsnips, do do inrnips, do do salsity or oyster plant, do onions, do do cabbaoe 6 do caulillower, do do squash, 3 00 I 00 00 00 00 00 v i 1 00 do pumpkins, do 1 00 do (.'(-plants, do 1 00 do tomatoes, '12 1 00 do celery, do stalks, 1 00 do ussorluienl of garden vegetables, 2 00 Fruit. Best i bushel of apples, 1 00 ilo do quinces, 1 Oil do do pears, 1 00 do i do peaches-, 1 00 do S bunches of grapes, 1 00 do water melon, 1 00 do musk melon, or citron, 1 00 Jinptrmrnfs. Best threshing machiue, 4 00 do reaper, ) . 3 00 do seed drill, 2 00 do winnowing mill, 2 00 do corn shelter, 2 00 do plow, 2 00 do cultivator, 2 00 do roller, 2 00 do corn plow, 2 00 do staw cutter, 2 00 do farm wagon, 2 00 do fell of harness, 2 00 do horse rake, 1 00 do grain cradle, 1 00 Dairy, $t. Best butter, not less than five lbs., 1 00 do honey, do 00 do loaf of bread, 4 lb., 1 00 do ham cured by exhibitor, 1 00 ylo 6 lbs. of home-ma. lo soap, 1 00 do apple-butler, 6 quarts, 1 00 do preserves, 1 00 1 Drmt'sftr Manufactures. Best quilt, do counterpane, do hearlh-riiir, do pair of blanket, do 20 yaul of carpel, do cloth, (home-made,,) 10 yaids, do flannel, do pair knit wollen stockings, or 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 socks, 1 00 do gloves or mittens, 1 00 do home-made thread, 1 lb., 1 00 Miscellaneous Artiales. For mechanical inventions, tools, futnituie and other aiticles not comiiis undur any oi the above heads, prizes will be decreed, according lo Ihe mean of Ihe society, and Ihe merits of lha articles exhibited. ! ' Potfins Mutch. Best plowman, 5 00 M do 4 00 3 J do 3 00 4th do 2 00 The follow ine committees were then an pointed. horses v. r.. Kapp, wm. n. Ktpp, Jno. K. Eck, Benjamin Uaaibari, Or. Win. Atwater. CiTTi.a J. C. Horlon, John Monleom ery, John Uunkel, Wm. II. Kase, Jacob Leisenriiifr, (anamokin.) Hoes. Wm. Marshall, S. A. Bergsiresser, wm. roiimer, John H. I'acker, Uavid a Montgomery, Gideon M. York. SHCtr. Thos. Johnson, Andrew Arm strong. Peter Haugawuut, Dennis Wolverton, Wm. D Gearhart. Poti.TBT Elisha C. Barton, Geo. W, Peal, W. T. Forsyth, W'm. M. Weaver, L. L. uevan. Ghaim Jesse Hensvl, Charles Riddell, Jamea Eekman, Jaeob Maus, David Marti. Vbcsvtabi.cs. Alex. Jordan, Jas. Pollock, Ales. Loll. Horatio u. lacgarl, Elicla John KaCIT John Yoongman. C. J. limner, Wm. I. Greennuch, H. B. Masser, II. J Wolverton, S. R. Peal, M. L. ShinJel. David Tapgart, C. W. Tharp. Henry Donnel, Cha. A. k'uti, W. C. Lawson, W. M. Rockelaller In this department, flavor will be tho chief etherion of scelience. A full attendance of Ihe committee is confidently anticipated. IxfLtMiaTs 1. n. Fisk. Dr. Robins, W, H Muenoh, Reuben Fagely, Cenjaniln riunuricas. DilaT, tie William Deppen, fleujamln Wolverton, J. W. ffillng, Charles Pleasants, .lis T. Clamant. ' DoMisnc Maxuac uses. J. Muenc Dr. J. J. Miller, David N. Lake, D. C Watsoh, J. Robins, Jr. Misdci.LAnr.ovs. -Benj. Patlon, John Tap purl, Wm. Forsyth, Wm. O.-Bcott. Wm. L Dewarl, Samuel R, Woody C O. Bachman. Pi.owino Match. Elijah Crawford, J. R. Priestly, J. Weimer, Lighou, John Smith, (tipper Aucusta,) Jacob Painter, Felix Lerch, William Farrow, ' 1 .None bol members bf tlla Saelety will be permitted In compels for prize. - ' ' Persons from any coiihty, State or country can become members On payment of fiftv cent to the Treasurer, or a township com mitteman? 1 Cortipetllion it earnestly ' invited from all parfs of the country, and from neighboring counties. ' Judges will commence their duties at it) o'clock. The plowing match will take place at 1. The address will be dolivered at 3 by John Youneman, Esq , after which the awards will be ahnounced from the stand. The township committee are particularly requested to attend to the collection of tho yearly dues. - ' SAMUEL JOflN, President. Wm. I. nKExoutiii, c . . Day in Taooart, ' Secretaries SENAR0US L. KREBS, MEP.CH-1TT TAILOR, SHAIVTOKIIM, (Opposite the Depot,) TrBESPEOTKULLY informs the citiisns of KL Shamokin and vicinity, that ho has com nienccd the alove buisinrss in the town of Sha mokin, and wiit always keep on hand nn assort ment of Beady Made Clothing of every descrip tion. Ife also keeps on hand an assortment of cloths, casaitnere, and all kinds of goods, for Mens wearing apparel, which ho will sell or make up tp order, to auit purchasers, st the lowest prices. Bhumokin, August 5, 1851. tf. OIL GRAININGa Drop, lHack, Raw Cm ber, Burnt Terra da Sienna and Vandyks Brown. Steam prepared from the New Jersey Paint and Color Works, for sal bv WEISEU&'BRT.'NER. Sunbury, July 22, 1854 ADJOURNED SPECIAL COURT PROCLAMATION. TTOTlCE i hereby eiven that a Special Court of Common Pleas, in and fur tho County of Northumberland, lo commence at the Court House, in the borough of Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday Ihe 16th day of October next, and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, at : the time, appointed noreeable to their notices. . Given under my hand at Sunbury, tho 12th day ol August, in Ihe year ot our Lord one thousand cioht hundred and fifty-fout, and the Independence ol the United Slates of America the 78th. WILLIAM B. KIPP. Sheriff. Sheriniiltv- To the Voters ot Northumberland Countu. rtt ' r Eitow-CrriXKJis:. I hereby onnounro mj self , aa the "American olunteer Candidate at tlie October ensuing Election for the ollice of SHEK- Iff. for which J solicit your suffrages. Having "ecn strongly encouraged by many of my friends throughout INorthumlierland county, I herewith olTi'r myself to your consideration for the office aforesaid. Should a majority of my fellow-citizens ace proper to grant me their support, I pledge myself to lUschurgc the diilica of saiil office ... i.. ..r i.:i:, :.....:. i. r..i.i;... -...l : l'''"' lilllV I ATTTT'V Milton, July 29, 18.-). To tlie Voters of Northumberland County Encouraged by my numerous friends, I oiler myself as a candidate for the ollico of SHERIFF, nd promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of the otiico faithfully nnd punctually, which my experience will enable mo to do. McEwensville, July 15, 1854. To the Voters ofNorthumberland County. Pillow Citizkns.. I hereby announce to you that I will be a candidate at the October election for th ollice of SHERIFF, for which I solicit your votes. And in doing so tender my sincere thanks to those who kindly supported in when a caudidute heretofore, a kindness which I shall ever hold in grateful re membrance. Should a majority of you ae proper to grant me the favor I now ask, and I be elected Sheriff of ihe county, I shall nak every effort to perform the duties of the office to the tisfaction ef 111 public 11 KIN Ki WEISE. Upper Augusta, June 17, 1854. To the Voter, of Northumberland County. Fi.llow Citizkxs.- At the solicitation of a number of my friends, I again oiler myself as a candidate for the office of rUOTHONOTAUY, and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties of t : office with correctness, and to the best of my ability. Sunbury, Jun 17, 1854. To the Voters of Northumberland County Fslliiw CtTiasirs. Encouraged by many of my friends, I herewith ofler myself to your consideration, as a candidate for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER th ensuine election. Should I be elected, I promise to fulfil th duties thereof with fidelity and impartiality. Li.l.io unuiutu Sunbury. May 57, 1854. ' ORPHANS COURT SALE. N pursuance of sn order of the Orphans Court of Northumberland couuty, will b eipesed to public sole, on SATURDAY, the 9th of SEPTEMBER next, on the premises, the following described real estate, to wit : a Certain Truet of Land, situate in Sluinokin township in the county aforesaid, Bounded by lands of Hubert tluey, Jacob Smith, Reuben Wasser, H. II. 1 eats, Te ter Yost, John Reed and others, containing sev. enty two acres and on hundred snJ fifty eight perches mors or lea. I .a I the Estate of James frtc dec it sale La commence at iu o oioca a. M., of said day whan Ih term ef aale will b made known by UAVIU AlAKi s., a am r. By order of tlie Court, tli Court, ) L, Clk. O, C. ig. I, 18S4 J. r. f t Ks t L, Sunbury, Aug, CjHOEcJ. All kind of boot btloc nJ lip k-J per lor sal a br r G. EL8DERQ A CO, Market trt, puuit th Pol Oflic. Sunbury. Oct. 8. 1858.- nRY OOODf, Clothe, Caaairuer. Sattinrlts, VaatinBS. Twretla, Summer rloth, Velvet eord, Tlrklngs, Chwlts, Muslins, Ac, just nc'J snd for sal l "...'. Lower A ugusU, May 6. INM I ."tOR RENT. Th low vary ot Ih huilJiug In Market street, lately occupied ss th oftic of ha Sunbury American Apply la II. B. MARdER. ' tonbury, July 1, U5 V ADIES' Pre Good. Hnriiig and Hammer J cSUswIs, lllack silk, silk poplins, D Lain. (jiughams, Da bag, Wn arm calico, tun p ci.tlJruiMUby WM.A. KNAUB. I.oitr- August, My , . BY AUTHORITY. . t resolution" proposing I . . . . ... n ... Commonwealth. ' SscTloa 1. Rtiolrtd it th Senate una Jlouti of Rtvrmntatiw of th Cmmotualth of, f M.ytH in Qintrul Asutmbly met, That Ilia following amemlntfcirts He ami Die same are hereby proponed to (he Conetitutlon of (He Commonwealth, nutter nil in ecoonlnne with the uravisions of the tenth silicle hereof, lo wit i PaofosiTioSi I, ton asticlixi. . ' SictioS I. The ecg regale amount of debts hsr'eaer (oitthi:ted by ths Common wrnlih shell never esceed the nna of five handled thouand doilara. eioept in cute of wnf to repel invaeion, euppreea imurrertion or to redeem the public debt of the Cominonweallh, and (he money eo raited hall be applied to the purpoie for which ihe debt may be contracted, or pay such rielaa, and to no olhel pnrpoie. SecTioa S To pay the pulHie deht of the Common'' vfealth, and debts which may herenlter he c'onti acted in eaM or war to repel invasion, suppress Insnrteetion and to redeem the public (lelt, tlie Legialatura shall at their next euinn after the adoption of this section into 'the Couttiiu. lion, provide by law for the creation of a sinking fund, which shall not be abolished till th said public debts be wholly paid, to consist ol all the net annual income from the piibli works and slocks owned by Uie Commonwealth, er any other funds ariains. nnder any revenue law now ex isting or that may b hereafter tnnctert, so far aa ihe sums msv lie required to pay Ihe Interest of said debts tr-mi-an-niuillr, and annnnlly to leduc the principsl Ihcfbof liy a sum not lass than five hundred Ihsnsand dollars; inctfaused yearly by compoandins; at s mte of not less than fiv per centum per annum ; tlte anid sinking fund shall le invested in the liana of the Commonwealth, which shnll lie cancel led from time to time in a manner to be provided by law t no portion of the sinking fund ahull ever be applied In Ihe to the payment of the dclt of five hnndierl thousand dol lars mentioned iu the first section oflhis nrliclo. hut ihe said sinkiut; fund shall bs applied only lo Hi purports herein '''sacTitift 9 "Mi eredil of th Commonwealth shall not In any way be given or haincd to or in aid or any individ ual, company.' corporation or association, nor shall th Commonwealth hereafter become a Joint owner or stock holder in any eonjpanv, association or corporation in this Commonwealth or clsewlu're, formed for any purposes. ar-in s The Conimnnweatth shall nevet assume the dt'tits of any country, city, Ixirnoirli or township, or of any c iriionrtion or nssocialiou, unless such debts shrill have been contracted In repel invasion, suppress tiisurrselioii, or to defend ths State in wnr. eaorosiTioa a, to t saridi at. Prohibiting Municipal Subscriptions: The t5iJl.ituro shall never authorise any county, city, boroueli or township, by vote of its citizens or otherwise, ia .11... ... 4..;.. ait.u.sr iVrn'tifCvfrif a. ttt lLtm anrain'IUCr III ? jwmt sn-. - ...., ) , ass -!..... ... aarnnrntiiiti. Iir tO ntlltl 1HOIICV lOT. tK M" limn Us crcttit lo( ur in aid of y uch ojnpaiiv or iiM.m. Speaker of tlie Hons of Representatives. 1 M. M'CAKI.IN, Speaker of the Senate. In ftcuate, Awil 2f, IM. Res lved. Tlmt this res ilalion puss. Yeas 81, nay 0. Extract from th Journal. . i , A. A. niAUUinti, Licrs. Ill House of Representatives. April 91, 1654. Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 71, nays SO -Eatiac, from ,h. journsl. tf J( j Sacnarsav's Orrtcs, ) F.M April 11 C A. BLACK. Bccrctary of tli Common wirallb. PENNSYLVANIA, S9. Srcpetart'i Orrrcf , ) Ilnrriiburg, July 1, 185-1. ) I do certify tliat the nfnve aud forreuiiir it a true and correct co()yf the orijrittal 'Rri.lu lion retotiv to on Amendment of the Commis sion " as the anme remniim on file in this office. In teitimonv whereof 1 have hereunto tet mv haiMl and cflitet1 to lie ulTixrd the cal of the S-icretary'i oifice the day and year nlruve wiit Un. C A. BLACK, Secretary of the Coinmotiweulih. Journal of the Senate "Resolution No. 5rt2 entitled 'Resolution propoiimj amendinenui to the Constitution of the Comtnonwrnhh, wm read a thiid time Oh the question, will ihe .Senate a roe to the tint pr'pomtion. Hie yean hihI naya were to ken, agreeably to the Constitution, dud Were at foil iwi, viz : Yeah Me. Iturkalew, Dar1inijton,Pariiip, Fitch ton, r ouisroo, r tick, r rv, uoouwin, u Hamlm, K w. Itainlin. Ileti I'oulkrolt trick, Fry, Uiukiwmh, Haluanau, JI;imi;toirfc it. D. Humlin. L.. w. Mainlm, fl enter, H"l'p. Jnnitst.n, Mr- CliuttM'k. McFarlund, l'iult, Uuiifirle, Sucer, Slifer, and McCnsliii. Hnraker 23. Nat Mrmra. CrnMft CrewtirfH; Ilcudr.ckt, Kinzer, Ktmkie ami Skinner u. So the ntteBlion wui determined in th; aiTirmative. On the qtiatinn, will the Senate ncree to the tecond propiiM.n, the yctianud iiii a were taken agrceubly to Ih imtfttitimon, and were as lollttws, viz : Vicas. Meiurs. Bncknluw, pnrnir, Fcrgnsoii. Fiiulkrnd, Fry. fsimdwin, HnUlrinaii, H. 1). Hamlin; K. W. Humlin, Hendricks, Heisttrr, lltipc. Jiimison. Kinzer, MeC!mtck, McFarbtm), l'intt, Friie, CiikM, Sliter, Wherry, McCoa lin. Speaker S2. Nt Mesara. Cttihli, Crrsawetl, Darlilifftoii. Hamilton, Kuiikle ami Skinner 3. So the quettmn wna determined in rtie atTirmntive. Journal ofthellnuie of Rcpreaeututivcs. ;iThe questioil recurring npon the finnl nnnpe nf the Rclutiuua the first proposition wu ngretd to oa foJJows, vis : Vkab Arcssn. Abrahnm, Adams, Atherlon, JJjiII, Uartnn, Beyer, Riirtinm, Hiyd, Hnsh. Ryerlv, Caldwell, Culviu, Carlisle, I'lunnbcrlaiii. CKik, Ciaue, Cuiniuins, Duuphrrty, i iavis, uc i ranee, l'miniuc;, i-riteix, r.u nicer, .itircu, Kvans, Foster, Fry, Gnllculiiic, (liblHuiey, Gihuore. Grny, I (iiivtini, liwin, Hamilton, Hurt, flerr, Hiestaitd, Hilliur, Hippie, Horn, Hummel, Huuticker, Huntei, Iliirtt. Juck iimu, K l;,.re. Knight, I-aury, (lechi!h.) l.inu, Mnijee, M.npuirr, "Mmidf rlk'ltl, M' Conn ell, M'Kee. Miller, Mona plinn, Mimtffitmery, Moore. Moser. Muse, palmer, Parke, Parmbte, Passiuore. Ittersou, Porter, Putney. Rawlins, Ri'beits, Ititwe. tj Unite, Scott, Sidle, Siinonton, Smith, (Ucrks,) Smith, (Crawford.) Stewnrt, Sti k(hile, Strong, Stmlhera, Wheeler, Wkrklein, Wriijlit, Ziegler, Chase, i31'cwicr- fit. ivs oue. So the queti'm was determined in the altini.atlvr. On Ihe question will the House niriee to the r.rroud nfo- positi 'Mi, t lie yens and iiava were tnketi, ncreeuhly to iht provisions of the loth urticleuf the coiistilution, and are as follows : Yeas Messrs. Abraham. Athertoil, Bali, Pnrton. Beck, Beyer. Ritrhani, Uoyd, Caldwell, Carlisle. Oiainbeiluui. Cook, Crane, Cummina, Dnuifhcrty. lavia, Derc'm, He Frnnee, Uunuiu)!, F.dmper. F.ldrcd, I'.vnns, Fry, (iallcntirie, GihlKiney, Gilniore, Gray, Groom. Gwin, flaiiultoir Hies tund, Hillier, Hippie Huuseekei, Hunter, Hum, Jack man, Kilpore, Knight, Innry (t.tiiRh. Isowerv, (Tiocu.) I.inn, Mairce, Macuire, MauderOeM, M'Connel), M'Kfte, Mono (than, M out (joinery, Moore, Moaer, Mum Palmer, Parke, rurmlee Pnssmie, ratterso, rorter, itawiins, Koberta, Howe. Sal lade, Scott. Sitrmntim, Smith. (Rerks.) Smith. (Crnwfttttl,) StockdHle, Wheeler. Wicklcin. Wr.jlu, Chase, Speaker lit . . Xays Messrs. Adams, Baldwin. Bcantt Busn.BverlVi Eckect, Kll.a, Hurt, Ilerr, Horn, Humihel, MCoomhs, Miller, Pontaou, Putney, Sidle Stew ait, Strong, Strutheri, tto tht question waa detei muted in tire affirmative. SEfRKtARr' Orrirr. ) II AyuiAAfan. Julv I. ls'it pi:sxVLVa?(Ia,s3. w-. t I do certify Utat the above and forciroin?, is saL. a tine ami correct copy of the 'tsas slid 'mats -w ) taken on tlie "Resolution relative to an amend ment of the Constitution of the Commonwealth'1 as the sume appears on ths Journals of the two Iliaises of the General Asseiutilv. of this Com monwealth fur the Hcealon of IKM-Witiu-ss my haiel and the Seal of said office this Brat day of July, one thousand eight liifu itred and fifty-four. C. A. BLACK, Sectetaryia th Cummomvealih, July IS, IfM 3m. Pickles, Snucos 50. Just received 1-ssence of Anenoives, Chilli Vinegar, The above are alt from Crosse .V Hbckwall, London, Polled Tongue, ' Ifnili, Rnsrlierry Jnm, Currant " Plum Kirdlnes, 't'oniaui Catsup, Ac , As. WEI8KII k 1IRU.NEH. Cauli-flower, now enow. .Mixed Tickles, in ions. Hentis, irk.li. Picrali, John Dull Sauce, MeetsteuK " Worcester GUANO, GUANO. 000 Ton No. 1 Government Peruvian aa Guano. IOOO Ions Biiper-pliospliole of I.im. irtOO Ton Mineral Guano, FOR SALE LY ALLEN A NEEDI.ES. 23 SottiA Wharves and 33 South Water Street, jirsi noor aoore l nest nut bt., June 34, 1854. 3m, "notice. NOTICE is hereby given that appliciftion will be made (o the next legislature of Pehnsyl vania, for Ih creation of a corporal body with, banking and discounting privileges, to be located atrlhimokin Pa. and to b called th Bauk of Hhamokin, with cauitol stock of Two HuedrrJ mouaand dollars. Shamokin, July 8, 1854. fim. Miners' uml luchincrv Oils, Consisting of Kperm, Lard, Solar Elephant, and racked Whal iil. For Sale bV ALLEN A NEEDLES. S3 South Wharves and 85 Smith Water Street, I'hiloittlphta. July 1. 186 -am. I N K Boureau's clbraud ink, and also I on. gr ink for ul, wholja n ruiu ny n.Ur li. US". H. B. MASSER. nAltDWARE and Qunwar in great vs. lUtir aiul ul all Ueacriptiana, just rcitJ widfofsal. by WM.A. KNABB. I. ewer Augusta, Msy l34. - A CURE FOR ALL 1 1 1 Iloll o way's Oi lit in Vo mtv h- me tlte honour. s w-itn Mi yoice, ft.nn ma eml of the Union to me iiier, m sinmr cWatter of my Ointment Wl;h yojr appr"'"!" it is sesrr-eiv len veers since I mnrie ft RnoVt-n' atnohc' T''ll and atrcaity. it has obtained mors cel1)Hty than sny other MSdicins in so short s period. . , Corftel of Ann artd Nassau Streets, New York jtsrONimiiNo crrtE bv fOnn i.ms, AfTSn NINE YKARSBTAMJINO. Cop y of a IcTter from Mr. W. J. Lanejex), of llitnlsville, Yadkin County, Oorth Curolma. V. S., dated November 1st, I8M. (T7HEAD HIS OWN WOHD8. T t'rofessor HoIloitat, , , Sir, It Is not my wish to bec'nhi riotorlohs, Willie is this letter written for ths mere snlce of wrltiiii, kfit li: Say. that your Uuitmrut cured mS of una of the tnnt: dreadful turtaneous diwiscs (hat Hash is heir lo, iimH rliith ss eonsidereri by all who knew ma, lo Pe titln.ly beyond the reach of medicine. For tiin yeara I vn? sllllclrd tfllh on of ths most (mioful and trouble nr- r leas that etst fell lo th lot bf man ; s:,J after tty in ...... ...b1U.IM. I. .... L. ..I . .r -.1 ).. .l-i.. . . all hope of being cured i but a friend brought me a cinipV oi targe pois oi your unilinear, winch caitaon tne s.iiesoM my legs to heal, and I entirely regained my health lutnv "g-cdiue surprise anu aeiiani. ana to tne astontsnnitu ef my frierhls. ffipted) T.. f.XNftM-:V. AN KXTP.AOnniNARY Ct'REOP A BAD ItHEAST, V HEN NEARLY AT THE POINT OK DEA TH. Copy of a letter from Mr. R, Durant, New Orleans. Nontmhtr fifc. tssa. To Professor Hoiaoway, 88, Corner of Ann affd Nasnu Streets. N. Y. Dear iTr..tf 1. ei.its. liA...ru UA.fA t L.-k i.. Inform yon that by the us of your Ointment and Pills, t!c life of my wife lias been eaced. Fuf seven ycaraVs u mo iwenst, witn ten ronnins; woufMs, (not of a can cerous imtoi ) I was told that nothing could sure her ; he was then rmtuced to ns your Ointment and Pills, "en in me snort space ot tnree monslis, they erTeeted r k.lr Orleans, Iwfote we Knotty left, at Ilia! lime, not knowinf yum address at New Yoik. (Sieneil) II. DL RANT. TIn! I'ilts should be used con iointtv n-ith tiu.nni. In most of th fo!towiii: caies . flndrfS, Chietfo-fiHit, FiJlulas, Itnd ltreusts, Chillitaiua, Omit. Hums, Chapped hands, Olnndutsr Swellinrff Humous, Corns (Soft) Luiulngo Itite of Mosclie- Cnncers Piles toes A tHiid-Fliea. Contnu ted and Itlicnmaiisni Coco-laiy, Btiff Joints; Scakls, Klephniitintis, Srre NippleSj Horc-tlunats, f klit-dlseases. ScurvT; Sore-hearts. Turnouts, U leers, l)unds 1 awl flolii at the fcflalnislihient of Professor ItoM.nwAV. sl i Strand, (near Temple Liar, Ijondou,) and also at his Housri n Nev York. Orders for Medicines in the Slates, addres sed T. Hollowny New York,' will receive due stieiition 9-ild al hy all respectable Dtue;eists and beaters in Med icines throughout the United Slates, ih B"es at 37$ ee'nts, (S7 cents, and 81. SO cents each. To ba had Vholeaaie of the princistl Drug Houses th the I molt. . . There ia a eoaiderable saving by taking ths largaf Directions for the guidanc f patient, In cverf I s -ittcr ars mTixed to each June 34, lr54. Girt. U.I. Just I'uMishcd nnd for Sale by WM. IfeCARTY, Dookseller, S-llllbury , Ps. 'the American I'liEADERS' ASSlStAKT Being a collection of approved declarations, writJt returns and proceedings in the sevarcl action now in esc in th I'nited (ate. tlr Coi.linson Reed, Eq., Ipsae iegis viva vox With notes and additions', (opctiior witlt a alior system ol convrvsnciir. By A. Jordan, Tres iilent Judae of the Klghth judicial district of Pa., nnd Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. fMiiitdel, of the bar of Xorlliumlierlnn'1 county. Since the publication of tho book, the folloiviiu letter has liven received froia iudge Pearson tit llarrislmrg : IIjtBHtSatho, June 30, 1853. fjEXTHMtSi After a fiireful eiimiriatlcm of yoitr "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I tak pltnsure in ex preRsiti; my entire approval of tho selection Bin1, composition of tho precedents thus offered to tli public. The lentil profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svatem ef ileadln' adapted to our habits of business, and the prartico of the courts. Your forms of declarations bom?, to a great extent, founded on the rfclsof assembly,' will lie a saving of lubdr to the pleaded, tffttl con duce to sufctv and brevity in our uleatiihtts. It should be In the hands of every praettstn lawyer in our ststc. Yours, Ti itd great rcsiect, JXO.J. PE ARSON. Hoff. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and Al ii. -Shindcl, Esquires. W. McCAttTi, Esq., Dear Sir: I received more titan a yenr ad a copy of "Reed, s Pleaders' Assiatant" improved by Judge Jordifri and others, t examined it with some care soon afterwards, and have had occa sion to use it several times since. I think it de cidedly valuable as a inanuel for practising attorneys mFcnnyfvanla, afiJ do riot hesitate to recommend it. If it were generally used it would increase the accuracy of the profession in matters which are often very carelessly done. i am very truly yours, &e., J. S. BLACK. t also received a copy of the Pleaders' Assist ant, and have examined it sufficiently to enctUo' me to concur very heartily in the above eommciH datious by the Chief Justice. GEO. W. WOODWARD. July 19, 1854. Sunbury, July 23, 1854. NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and detail Lmggists, Market St., next door id .'. V. B right's Stcri, SDMBtfE ; FA j OFFER to the public the largest and be? selected stock ever opened In this section o country, consisting of FftESH Atib TUBE DUTJGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Ground Spices, Paint. Oils, Varnishes, Uye-stull's, Window Glass. Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooih, Nail and Hhaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck ami Pocket Comb, Kncy Soaps, shaving Creimis, Tobacco, Scjafs, Port Motitas, Stationary, Con fectkmafies, PUKE WINES ANE URANflfcS For Medicinal use. English, French and Afnfri' can Perfumery, Fancy Good of every ilescfip lion, in short every article kept I7 Urnftist ccnersltv. w y i y Prescriptions Cnrlfullil VontpMaded. tir.u. a. i.i.-i.r, WM. A. BRLNKK. Sunbury, Msy 13, I86-- -' CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, erTaiteleu SalU, Prepared by ... ... WEISF.R Si BRUNEK. This orfnatation is reertmmended aa an i eelleiit laxative and purgative, it operates mildly,- Is entirely free ffom any unpleasant taat'i re- emtillfig lemotiaoe 10 iiui. sine iusuhiuv 1. hiuhly U-nrficiul for diseases peculiar lo somaiicr and hot tveatlict. Suubuy, July I. IBM. NOTICK. 4 l'Pl.if'ATION will k made lo tVt Irfi.l. lur of Pennsylvania, at Ilia raaion t .855, fur th incorporation of a Savings luatituto with discounting privilege, and Willi authority to rec'i monies or depositee, In arts sauia from a dime upwards, wall a cspitsl of rlfiy tlmaaaml dollars, to be located at Huubnry, Notllnimher. land county, Pa., snd lo a alld lb l ul Tat al Ssviat. IssTiTt rs. July I, 85t IJ'OU sal at thia oftirl., Hujrior BUck Ins, Cutll Mdicliuj l 5 U, pur F.asenr 01 fllnaer. lit rsl I J AMS, U,i,d lice" MacVarrl," V -Uh L'ha, Raisins, Flu, lemons i Orange. Ju.t received im! I'm as la by Apnlltl. MM. I. W. TENF.R A CO. 4