Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 22, 1854, Image 3

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01J Bullion retorti In lh following
ou..Mer.ioniof Mr. SenMor Feltif,
Utely t Laf.yetie, Indiana. Tha la ur .
' addreed to Mr. Howe, of (ha Layfayette
Wi.hinotoii, S(urJy, June 17, 1854.
J amm How, Eq , Ufayetle, Ind.-Sir :
Your letter ha ju.t been received, informing
me that Mr. Pe'ii, i" Pub,io P"!ech in 'our
town, stated that 1 vaa the first man lobrek
the Missonri Compromise -that I had a law
passed by Congress, annexing to the Slate a
large territory, &o. Sir, your Sonator is a
great liar and a dirty dog, falsifying history
for a criminal purpose. The Missouri Com
promise line was not violated In annexing the
Platte country. Both parties to the Compro
mise agreed to it, the fiee States being unan
imous. There was not even yeas and nays
upon it. The General Assembly of Missouri
equcsted it. We applied lo the members,
personally and individually, for their consent,
which they gave; and without their consent
no movement was mode, or would have been
made. The journals prove this. There is a
full account of it in my "Thirty Yeara' View,"
in the chapter headed "Extension of the
Missouri boundary" also, in my late Ne
braska speech it is briefly alluded to, and this
jg probably all that the dirty dog knew about
it, and which he falsified to answer his crim
inal pnrposes. 1 send you some of my Ne
braska speeches, and I hope you will find the
chapter in the "Thirty years," and see that
this change in the line was asked as a boon
from the Northern States, and by them gran
ted in a sptrit of kindness, and in a way to
prove that they wouh.1 not suffer anii-Slavery
feelings to prevent them from doing an act
nf great favor to the State of Missouri, and
for which all Missouri was thankful at the
lime, atid I am still. Mr. Pettit must feel
that his csuse is villinnnus when he can thug
stand tip before his constituents to falsely
publish history, nnd to justify his own viola
tion of the Missouri compromise, by telling a
lie upon me.
Thomas H. Bknto.n.
Within forty miles of Sn Francisco, there
is one farmer who plnnted 1,700 acres of
potatoes, 2 600 acres of wheat, and 2.500
ncres of barley. He owns one steamboat
nnd two schooners, which are exclusively
employed in bringing hi produce to market
Tho cnpital is about half a million !
Tho man who tried to sweeten his tea
with onenf hU wife's smiles, has 'fallen back
on sngii .'
Hollowaifs Ointment and Pills, the most
eflicuciou Remedies in the Union, for the
Cure of Erysipelas. Emma henderson, of
Fourth-street, Philadelphia, was a very sc-
vera .sufferer for Uvo ears w ith F.13 sipeKitt, '
l.u hnnfima ulmnai lilin1 mwl iltf u-itli tho t nf ihrt ,liAn an ha.l u-ni thn a!.
lai k : s!i consulted several of the Ductois
in hrr neighbourhood, but they did her no
good. Sho finally determined to have re
:onro to Ilollnway's Ointment and Pills, and
by the joint use ol these two remedies, she
was cured in six weeks, after every other
ttfutmunl had failed.
WAIW WEATHER. The warm weather
of the past few w.-cks ! been insufl'rn
Me. Many of tlie inltabitanla of tlie citiot Ixve
i;oiic into the country. This is all right, But,
licfnre going, each one should provide himself
with a suit nf summer clothes from RoCkiiiil
& Wiisua's cheap and f.inliionalilo clothing
Htore, No. 1 1 1 Chestnut street, comer of Franklin
l'lnrc, Philadelphia.
Vhila., Jun. !i8, 1851. cw.
31 t r it 1 1: r,
On the 0i h ingtxut, at I ho Methodic P;ir-
nnu"H in this place,
t Uev. J.
G. Mi Kee
ban, -Mr. Olivkii B
Ciun;, to
A. sMoi-rv, bnih of Sharnokiu, NoiihM Co.
I!)C iHavkct
Philadelphia Market.
Jul) 20, 1SS4.
Flour akd J'eai.. There is very little
export demand lor Flour. Tho beat offer is
SS a 8 25 per hid. for standard biantls, und
SStJa 89 lor extra. Last sales Rye-Flour at
So 25, and Peiiuxvlvuiiid Com Meal at $3-
'-'5 per '
Giuin Wheat is acarce, and is neaily
'nominal, al'Sl CS for new red, und SI 80
for IViina while. Ryo continues scarce,
"I.-ast sales of Pennsylvania at SI Ofitl 10i
'Corn is in demand ; sales ut 75.176c, afloat, lor
.lelhiw. O.ns are scarce Salts al 57 ct.
Viiikkv. The demand continues limited.
Small sales at 27a27ie-, and piison this, at
W'uriT. . aoo
Hrx. - . . too I
'-a. . . .80
Oats. --66
ToTAross, - . 50
Ihtiwn -13
lUcaitD Fits. . S5
IK'TTsa. . . 1
Euas. ... m
lua. ... 7
Fttssssn. .... t-es
Tsiiosr. . . 0
New Advertisements.
To the Voteri of Northumberland County
Encouraged by my numerous frutiids, I offer
myself as a candidal fur the office ui
and promise, if sleeted, 'to disrhsrjs the duties
of the ollica Uuhfutly and punctually, w hirh
ni y priece will suable ms to do.
MiEwsill.. July 14. 151
,'ortumbnhinJ Coiay,
Mllt suWiilsr isspaclfully informs lha pub'
ha thai Its ass ImI lbs sUovsirisw eullleiy
ad i now piapaied Ut dh al Bunkuiy, ur
ay pirtitt alu Ut eunisliiin, all sims of
COAL, "p4i4 by Wssksis, m supsiior
Maausr. Psisuaa tsli U ftuliacl tui cxl
UI pl adJiesa tka ankac-iilier al Maabuiy.
UMlmry, July l, l
y tui r 0LB CAT I LK tit lt K -.0
' 4'imsj Bisih aud fiuitstsU's talll Caw.
4,1, just litsj St Ifct Sm !u IIim ml
Wl UtH s. Ustl CH
kisnWy, May , tail
Amendments to the Constitution of the
Skctiok 1. Resolved by the Senate and Hon se
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in General Assembly mrt, That
tlie following amendment lie and Hie Mint rn-e herebv
propomd to the Coiutmitloii of the Comimmwnlth, under
ikJ in accord n nee with the prorUiont of the tenth aiticlv
thereof, to wit i
SicTion 1. The apftrrfrnte amount of debta herenftrr
contracted hy the Commimwcnlth shall never exceed the
turn of five hundred thouMnd dollar, except in case of war
to repel invntinn, auppren iinurrecti-m. or to redeem the
puhlic dent K the Commonwealth, nnd tlie money eornited
hull be applied lo the purpose for which the del may be
contracted, w P"T auch delrta, and to no other purpono.
Skction 9 To pay the pnlilic del of the Cemnvrn
wealth, and debt which may nereatter he continrti'd in
rate of war to repel invasion, tttppreM inmrreeti'n and to
redeem the public debt, the I .eg it .attire hall at their next
session after the adaption of this section into the Constitu
tion, provide by law for thii creation of a sinking fund,
which shrill not be abolished till the an id puhlic debts be
wholly paid, to cousin of all the net an mini income from
the public works nnd stocks owned by the Commonwealth,
r any other funds arising tinder any revenue law now ex
isting or that mny be hereafter enacted, so far ns the same
may he required to nny the interest of said debts acmi-nii-mially
and annually to teduce the principal thereof by a
sum not less than five hundred thousand dollars, increased
yearly by compound ins; at a rule of not less thnn ftv per
centum per annum ; the sfctitl sinking; fund shall he invested
in the Inns of the Common weal it, which shall be cancel
led from time to time in a manner to be provided by law :
no portion of the sink in fund shall ever be applied to the
to the pa vine ut of the debt of five hundi ed thousand dol
lar mentioned in thr first section of this article, hut the soid
sinking fund shall be applied only to the purposes herein
PtCTtoif 3 The credit of the Commnnwenllh shnll not
in any wav be given or loaned to or in aid of any Individ
nnl, companv. corporation or association, nor shall the
Common wealth hereafter become a Joint owner or stock
holder in anv connawy, association or corporation in this
Commonwealth or elsewhere, formed for any purposes.
Skctioh 4. The Commonwealth shall never nssnme the
debts of any count rv. city, borough or township, or of any
orpoartioii or association, un'oss studi debts shnll hove
been contracted (o repel invnsion, suppress insurrection,
or to defend tlie State in war.
roPosmoN2, TO BE ABTICI-t XI.
Prohibiting Municipal Subscription
The Lejrislatnre shall never authorixe any county, city,
horniiffli or township, hv vole of its citizens or otherwise.
I to become a stockholder in any joint stock companv. ars
I elation or corporal inn, or to rai money for. or loon its
! credit to, or in aid of anv such cmpanvor ftpseinHnii.
E. B. CIlAftE,
Speaker f the Ilwiise of Rrpreaentativcs.
I Speaker of the Senate.
I In Senate, April W.
1 Resolve... That thin n-soliitiou puss. Yeus 92, urn s 0.
nxtrnct from tlie Journal. j
T. A. MAGL'IRR, Clerk.
j In House of Representativea. April at, 1S54. I
; Res.itved. That this resolution para. Yeas 71, nays 20
Extract from the journal. i
j WM. JACK, Clerk. 1
Secretary' Oi-Ficr, )
I Filed April 9, 1K51 $
I Secretary of the C'niinioiiwealth.
! Sfcretaiiy'i Ofpick, )
Haniiburg, Jul 1, lfc54. )
I do certify that the above and forccoino- is a
skal. true umi cont'd copy oi me original "it earn u
tiou relative to on nmendineut ot me uonstitu
li'in." as the stone lemaiiis on file in thin office.
I In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my
! hind and mused to be affixed the teal of tt.s
Secretary's office the dav and year above witt
j ten. , C A U,ACK,
Secretary of the Common wealth.
Journal of the Senate
i "Kesjlution No. fifiil, entitled 4Hemlnti;m propositi?
1 amendment to the Constitution of the Cornminwealth,1
I was read a third time On the question, will the Senate
i agree to the first proposition, the yeas and nays were ta
ken, agreeably M Uic Constitution, umi were ns foil iw,
viz :
Ykak Messrs. Bnckulew. Darlington. Darsie. Ferguson,
Fonlkrod, Frick, (-'rv. Go idwin, tin Id email, Hamilton, H.
. I). liamlm, E W. Ilnutlin, Ileistci, Hope, Jam iron. Mc
i Clint K-k, McFftflrmd, Pirn, Qui; Sagcr, Siifer, nnd
! McC;shn. Spwiker S
Nay Mews. Crubh, Cresnvdl, ilcudncks, Kinaser,
, Kuukle and Skinner ti.
j Si the question was determined in th-? aflinnotivr.
On the qoi'jf'Jon, will the Sii:.te agree ta the aecond
prop osition, the veas and nny werctuken ogreeablyto the
: Const i Hit i n. nnd were ns follows, viz :
I Vu.. l..rm H.i,.VnL.-- 11. ifif Pt-rn UN. Ill FnntWfVf
pry c.KKlwin. Uuidimii., li. D., i: W Hamlin;
Hf'nJiicks. Ilvister. II --ce. Jamil 'ii. Kir.Z-r, McClint'rk,
Mcranunu, i inu, i .iir, u1LT.e. w..r,,
lin. S'lisiker 22
S'ays M'wsrs- CialS CroFsw-'ll, Unrlibfftoii, Hemillnn,
Kuukle sii'l &;titmf r 0.
& the qurkti a was deturminuil In tl.e utTinnatu'e.
J iunml of tttiH uue of Kcprpsentativs.
'Tin: (j'jostio recuri ing mi 'ii thu final prisnage (f the
Hes ihiti 'lis, The first pn siti "ii ngrcet' to as follow
viz :
Vkas Mews. AUnhum. Aibins, Atl.erlon, BjII, Burton,
Beyer, Bii;liatn, B iyil, Bush, Byerly, CnMvell, Calvin,
Cnrlisle, ChfinihiTliiin. OkW Cianr, Cummins, Dougherty,
Davis, De l"iaiu-c, Duuiiin't?, K'kert. Kdintrcr, ICMrett,
Kvuns, Foster, Fry, G:ilUaiiiin, Gilthnnt-v, Gilmte. Gray,
Gfrvtm, Owin, Hamini. Ilnrt. II err, HiestHnd, Hillier,
Hippie, llni, Ilunnnel, llunsicker, Hnuter, Huilt Jnk
niun, Kil-z -re. Knijiht, l.nurv. (leliitrh.) Linn, Magee,
.Mnguirr, Mantlerficl'l. M'Comifil, M:Kee, Miller, M'uia
chan, M )n(otrnry, MiKire. Mst. Muse, Palmer, Fnrke,
r.iriuiee, l'lissin re. fritters m. -rtr, futnev. Kownns,
U -berts, Rtiwo, P.illnrle, Scott, Sidle, Sinmnhm, Smith,
(Berks.) Smith, (Crnwfirrt.) Stewart. Strx kdnle, Sirone,
Strulhers, Wheeler, W'icklein, Wright, Ziegler, Chase,
Speaker W.
Nays Nunc.
So the qcti n vnn dterniiuttl in the olUnnetive.
On the r)nraiion will the House aiee to the see-Hid pro
positi n, the yens ami niys were tike., atfreeably to the
provisions .:f the 10th article of the constitution, anJ are
as follows :
Yeas Messrs. Ahr-hnni. Alhertnn, Hnll, B-trton. B-ck,
Beyer, Higham, B vl, C'ltJwt tl. llarlislo. Clmmlteitnin,
C' ik, Crane, Cutn ni.m. D nighmtv, Davis, Dccpan. De
i Gin.
F ranee. Djmiiii(r. Ktlrier. KM red, Kvnns. Fry, Guilcntinc,
nsv, lfiini'rp, (ithv, oionin. iwm, nniniit-ii llirH'
Imnt. Hitlor. Hiiitilc. IJiitcfkci. IhnitiT, Unfit. JarVnian,
Ki'core, Knielit. Ir'turc. (t.:liii;li. Ivverv, (Tt.-c-i.) I.inn,.
j .Maew, MB'jtiirr. Mit(tifi-!'l, M'C'Hinetl, Sl'Kee, Mno.
fjlion. M-.itlti 'mery, M.tore. Mow?r, Muse Pittmer. lrkt,
t Parmltre. 1i"tnVM, I'tttlrrs v, Portrr, Itawlois. Itnltetts,
( Itnvve. iitlade. Sc. -II. Snronl n. Pmith. (Hcrls,) Smith,
, (Crswf 'lit.) Sfrkilale, Wiiteter, Wickleiu. Wnslit,
Chise. tpnkt.r 71.
Nay Mfni. Ad:ms, l:il'lwin, Tteans, Hufi. llvertv,
lVkerl. Kll.s, Mini, llirr. II"in, llunnnr!, MToials,
Miller, IVnts hi, Putney, Si.lle,Stewnrl, Slronj., rtrutlien,
Xeisln 3tl.
SJthe question wis d'.'tmnii.M in Ihenflirinnlive.
Skciiktadt's turner, I
IlAKKIdUL'SJ, Julv 1, 18'A.
i I
j -
I d i certify IIihI the bIkh's and T'lrrji'ijiip, is
KtL. a lure nnl e rr-.-l eonv of the v' unit nt'
laltrii nti till rplsrive In an utni-mf
menl iX'tlie C.nmtlftilititi ol'the Citnm'nvvraltlir
ut the s.itnc spnrttra n IH JnnrniU ol" ihp tv
IIHisesil' the fienenil AsHtriililv, of this C'ini
iu mw-Mtrh i'.r tin- St-Mt.m nl ikm 1
Vilni.M niv hsnil and ttin Srjl nf s.ud nrlics 1
ltii firiit rt .v ol' Ju'y, one t!i'ui:mj eight linn. 1
dri4 tnd fiJH-r.ur.
C A HI.U'K, j
Srnetary of the Cmimoinvrultli.
July IS, lA .Itn. !
Sunbury and Erie Railroad Company. '
VOTICE is hereby given, that a fcixih lustal-
A nicnt of Ton lioltara per share on the rdd
suliscriptiun, and a Second Iuslulinenl of Ten
Dollars per share cn the new subscription to the
cu slock of this Omip.iuy, will be due and I
psyalde ut their Oilier, Nu. f0 fcuuth Third I
Street, on Tii.uat. Am-iikl 1, 1851. i
liv order of lbs Ilosid of Mausiiers.
PHILIP M. PlilCK. Tieasurer.
PhiU., July 8, I S.' J Iw.
tun. Willi Ons Hundred
laigAMugs, hoMiun Dis
ease and M illoriusiiout of
lha llumsil Nvsteiu in every
shape aud form. To which
is sddrd a Trrsli nn lb
DlMsrs nf Ft'luslis, Iwinf
ol lb highest nn puiU nr Ui
msrricj ople, or ihuse
eonlinplaliit insrnsgs.
Hy lr V hi. louni'
lit no fstUsi l ashaiuad M picavitl a f
lh .i:Cl'l.Anilo buj child. i may mi
him lion, n satly ns. Ll no young man at
worn all iiUi into lb sect si wbluiatians of itisf.
risJ lilaviikuul raUit lb POCKKT ,t l l
LAPIlH. !.la one suiter lug float hklilrp
Cougb, I'sm III Iu arid, imiUm nigbls. usituut
kellnjs, slij lb srhole trslll iti DtspsiHw seliu
Huns, and iu up b) liuir pbtsnisii, l-s siiuttiei
momsiii wiihaul ciiuuliiui lb .(at. I L.VI'lt H.
Il lha mariiaj, or lho about U b bishum!
ny impediment, lesJ ibis truly ussful buk, at
U has Umi Iht asasu 4 mii lltiHtsaudt el uk.
lollunsl aittluita float tU er )et uf tUslk.
tir Any 1tMV MVK
t't.NTsj. aiulusaj la Uttti iU ishi m
copy s4 lb. bwoli, ay avail, M saiast will
seal Um H.t tall.i. AOJ.sss. Da. W. YOl U.
. Ui illtceiMi HIILADtlMIU -
Wy II. ! Ir
m RAftOL 4 l SH. I atUtlU. stpe
tS, nU tmili tt4 tJti "S't W
iswJ, )l !' ti u4 tut tW lv
TVOTICE is hereby given to all Lfgntces,
-' Creditors and other persona interested in the
Estates pf the following named persons, that tlie
Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of
said Estates have filed their accounts with' the
Register of Northumberland County, and that
the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court
of said County, on Tuesday, the 8th day of
August, A. D., 1854, In the forenoon, for confir
mation and adowance.
Michael Ferstcr, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor,
Peter Ferstcr.
Petrr Oberdurf, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors,
Tctcr and George Oberdorf.
t?ainl Caldwell, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs,
A. UulTy and Thos. J. Galhrailh.
. Jacob Spatz, der.'d., settled by his Adm'tors,
Philip nnd Jacob Spatz.
Marks J. K. Kelchner, dee'd., settled by bis
Adm'r, Peter Kelchner.
Michael Ueilil, tlec'd., settled by his Ex'tors,
Michael and John Dcihl.
Joseph Hartmnn, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rix,
Elizabeth Hartman.
Isaac Minnier, dee'd., settled by his Adiu'tor.
Win. V. Silverwood.
Conrad Daohman, dee'd settled by his Ex'tor,
Michael Luhr.
George Long, ilec'J., settled by his Adm'tor,
George Boycr.
Daniel Herb, dee'd., Final Acct. settled by his
Adm'rs, Daniel aud Adsm Herb.
John Lose, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor, John
K. Dentl?r.
Frederick Adams, dee'd., settled bv his Adm'rs,
Daniel Ksscman and Sarah Adams.
Michael Rcitz, dee'd., settled by his Executor,
Michael Rcitz.
Gilbert oris, ilec'd., Final Acct. settled by bis
Adm'r, 'William T. Forsyth.
Joseph Folk, (ler'J., settled by his Executor,
Peter Conrad.
Houxl Goodrich, dee'd., Final Acct. settled by
hU Adm'r, Robert Daviilson.
Henry Funk, dee'd., settled bv his Executors,
Denj. F. Funk and Win. Heincn.
Henry Long; dee'd., settled by his Guardian,
Jacob Wagner.
Annie C. Kay, dee'd., settled by her Guardian,
C W. Scales.
Suan Gcarhart. scttleJ by her Guardian, Jan.
George Mettlcr. sotlled by hi Guardian, Lu
ther Basset.
Lot Sliinian,cjtled by his Guardian, 11. N.
Mc Williams.
Nathan Heab, settled by. his Guardian, Win.
William St Leviim Miller and Margaret Riley,
settled by their Guardian, M. Chmvilicrluin.
The Final Acct. of Julin S. Folliuer, Ex'rof
Henry Fullmer, dee'd., wbo was Guardian
of Henry F., Clnrinda eV Peter H. Kelchner.
Mark Slaught, dee'd., settled by his Atlm'tor,
Philip llilc.
Joseph H.. Mary June, and Huunuh Price,
settled by their Gunnlian, Sam'l Furman.
Joseph Slraub, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tors,
Reuben T. Folliner and Jacob Struub.
Cathnririe Ross, dee'd., settled by her Ex'tor,
James Taggart.
Catharine Ross, dee'd.. Distribution acct. set
tled by her Ex'tor, Jsines Tasgirt.
JOHN P. PL'RSEL, Register.
Register's Oifice,
Sunbury, July 8, 1834. J j
XOTIClfll j
' OTICK is hereby given that Win. C. Law
son, aud John Miller, Esqrs., hsve filed their
accounts as assignees of Blair & Reeo, and that
the same will bo projciik d to the Court for con
firmntiou at licit A ugust Te: in.
Prothonntary's OHice, )
Sunburv, July S,
Shamokiii Pa
riHK subscriber beg, leave to inform his Iricuda
Jl and the public generally, that he has taken
thcaboe well known ttand, nJ will be hnppy
to Bcconimodote all who may fcivc him a call.
Shuinokin, Jul,' I8!-!.
IY Virtue of ce.tin writs of I'm. I'rjt. tome
directed will be sold by public Vendue, or
outcry, at the cunt house in the borough of
Sunburv. at 1 o'clock, P. M., on Monday, the
7lh day of August next, the following described j
property, lo tvit :
A Cci'lain Island
or flat in the river Susquehanna in the ipwnship
of Augusta, containing about sixty acres more or
j less, commonly called the Round Island, and flats
adjacent thereto, being the premises which Thos.
t-ilverwood and wile ny ilceil, uaieu ccpicuioer
22. conveyed to the Defendant iu fee.
ALSO: a certain other llund situate in ho
Kuiiipiehunna river, opposite the Isle of Que in
Lower AutjusU township, Northumberland
county, and known by the mme of Clark's Is
luiul, containing Twenty-six acres more or less.
AljO: a certain other Klaud situate in the
same river, iu the tow nship and county uforesaid,
nnd nearly con'isi.rus to the above mentioned,
known by the nmup of Timothy Island, contuiu
iim three acres more or less. ALSO: a certain
other Island siluute in the said river, in tho
township and county uforesaid, and m arly con
ticious lo the ubuvc mentioned, known by the
name of llenlcriuuu's Island, containing twenty ;
ciht teres inure or lets, all of which are cleared. ,
Seized, taken iu vvivutiuu, and to be sold as
the property of John Hurtiuuu, jr. i
AI.sO: j
A CVrlaiti Lut or jiiece of Land, j
situate in Mi F.wcr.sviMe, in Northiiniberlau J
county, bnut.ded liorlh by lut of II. J. Header,
east by Front tu i t, south by lot of J. P. Hug- :
enlnri;, ai.d wist by the same, rontuinint: one
fourih of ur. acre mme or lisss, whereon tie
riectid t two story Fnma Dwellinrf House, u
Flume M.i'.'N1. and oilier out buildings.
Seized, taken in eM i iitioii and to be sold ta
the property id John II. Oiler,
WM. 1). KIPP, KherifT.
Mhei ill' Office, )
runbury, July S, l.'io. ol
I.'.md for Sale !
ll K .SoSn iliM lis, Kxnutuit of the e.tute nf
IVl.ii liuc. lain of fihrrvobnrv loun.liii,
i.vcoinint couniy , ilri t tsrU. M rpiM u public
s.lo kt the liou.e ol .Noble I'ulLur, si 10 u'cliM'k.
A, M., in thr l ti iult ul Muncy, ou
Thunday, the o Day of Auut Sut,
lb property of said dee'd, silusle in said lowit
lup slid county, eoiilmiiiuu slioul
1200 ACHES
ut I.jiiJ, 1 60 or vvhicU are clttred, slid upon
Willi U sis erected a
riuc biix, nun uoise,
tnJ wilier foiiuinl uiil s, lilsikriuiili
Miopj I bis Teiitnl llouats,
Sw-Mtll anJ Turning .Mill.
Tbtra ire Im
fC a Ii' pieiuiMt. Iht hear Mill and
' Tmuiiii Mill ait titust'dtit apiu.g Kun,
trtordlit nrtltl pl aUiul tiUl Ml or 1 1 ks IU Iht
Tht usalile ( pint Uwbei Umm lb it lit' I ul
lead It seiMMtsly tltiutit4 tl fins IUI autliwn
(set, mi tbeit it t Uit iutttmy al HsssliMk
tu4 Ota.
'I Itt flofeMS It lartttJ tlvwtl II sailet Awni
il Muhc tttsta. H t twl. ttl iwwl ltdiu
it) IU t4 tluniks it tUtutMt dtii.
iky io vibi u tttsaiHt li ! iMt,
ti avsjf JaWit tivuutai WiipUj-,
ass tall a m tMif- i otik Utt vivWiut4
tl Umi
If tot ai It its 4t M't
A PrLICATION will be made to the legisla
ture of Pennsylvania, at the session of
855,ror the incorporation of a Savings Institute
with discounting privileges, and with authority
to receive monies or deposites, in any sums from
a dime upwards, with a capital of Filly thousand
dollars, to be located ot Sunbury, Northumber
land county, Pa., and to be called the Ixuvs-raiAL
3a vi ana Institute.
July 1, 1854 6m.
"jOTICE is hereby given that application will
be made to the next Legislature of Pennsyl
vania, for the creation of a corporate body with
banking and discounting privileges, to be located
at fthmokin Pa. and to be called the Bank of
Shamokin, witli a capitol stock of Two Huedrcd
thousand dollars.
Shamokin, July 8, 1854. Cm.
or Tasteless Salts,
Prepared by
This piepaialinn is recommended as an ex
cellent laxative and purgative, it operates mildly,
is entirely frco from any unpleasant taste, re
sembling lomonado in flavor. This medicine is
highly beneficiul for diseases peculiar lo summer
and hot weather.
Sunbury, July I, 1SC4.
Miners' nnd Machinery Oils.
Consisting of Sperm, Lord, Solar Elephant
and racked Whale Oil.
For Sale bv
23 South Wharves and 35 South Water Street,
July 1, 1651.- 3m.
Weighing lesi than 2 ounces.
Tor tho Curo of Hernia or Rupture.
ft C1CNOWLEDGED by the highest medicol
authorities of Philadelphia, incomparab y
superior to nny other in UK'. Kull'eicrs will be
m-i.ltn.Ml l.l l..j.t. Ilinl It.n ........ t..t. im.v ..fV.,r (..
procure not only the rWtrfl ami most easy, but
as durable a Truss as any other, in lieu ol the
cumbrous and vnromfortaUt ur licit usually sold, i is no difficulty attending tlm fining, and '
! Z'l'M'l ,oca,cd' U wi" telai" iu 1,0Hili"" ;
without change,
I Persons at a distuncc uiiublo to call on the
subscriber, run have the Truss sent to any ml j
dress, by remitting Fire Dollars for the single
Truss, or Xi,for Iho double with measure
round the hips, and stating side affected. It will
, be c.tctiangeJ to suit if not fitiini;, by returning
: it ut once unsoiled.
' For sale onlv bv tho Importer,
j Cor. Twelfth & liace streets, Philadelphia.
I t-5?" Lai'Iks, requiring the benefit of Mechan
ical Supports, owing to deranactnetit of the In
' ternal Orirons, inducing Falling of the Womb,
jocal, Pulmonary. Dyspeptic, Acrvous and
; Spinal Weakness, ure informed that a competent
and experienced Laiit will be in attendance at
! the Rooms. (ct apart for their oxelusivn use,)
i No. 1 14, Twelfth St., 1st door below Race.
I July 1, 1S54. ly.
List of Jurors,
OF NorthumbLMlaml County, for Attgl.s
'liMtn, A. D., j
(iiatKi .JlirOi'. '
L-wcr Augusta tivnuip Long. John U'lun. j
Daniel Hanunliach, Juhn Duiilicibi iufi .
Delawam Win Be.ud. " i -Si-liafiiau lluugner, Samuel
Hummel, Simuul Knt. '
Noi thunbt) tuodiKv Tugcail, John L. ;
Coll. '
Jordan Eiias Sivartz j
Ccal Win Keifer, Win Cheiinglon, Sam- j
ucl Yost.
Leivis Geo A Wiknfl
Millun I.j man Wilfon, Diiiiiel Striue
John Noris, I.eM is Swank. i
Chillsq'iacne James Straw tnidi. j
Ki.sA -Godfrey Iiockclfllor, William H. ;
KlISB. j
Sunbury Peter Luzarus. j
Sunbury Benj Krohn, S N Thompson.
Andrew Iluover, I in T Cleincni, Philip j
Claik, Jacob l'ntiiter, Daniel llaua.
Coal Daniel Dorr, Jacob ilowry, Samuel
Siniuk, John Und, D uiii-I rCret o,.,.
Lower Mahanoy Atir.ihiim Ulosser I
Delaware Heiny Ueuder. Jacob T Hill, !
Jacob YV IrK.
Ttirbut 1) L Ill-laud, Daniel Fullmer, Da
vid lielaud, John llano;.
Chttlisquaaue Hu"h Martin. Juo II Heller,
Win Nerbtt, Win llousel, Julm 5 Tiufel,
Paul Loir.
Lewis Jacob Hunlzinyer, Milton Tiofel,
buinui'I bciver.
Jorrfau Jacob Martin.
Shamokin Solomon EvlmI, Alien Moody,
Pctfr Miller.
Upper Augusta Ilcury Folk, John C Mor
iati L'npcr jluwiioi W M Baslian. ,
Millun - Jacob Wli.dand. II J Eabeii.
SnrtLumlierland Win II Waples, D M ;
Ciau'iuiu, Sauiuol E.liol
; Jut's m John Doppi-n, Win Zailman ,
j Hush tleo (jt-ui ilii I.
I Louer Auq usta (it oiyo Weaver, Chailes
' Sinttti, Mailm laudli'.
Lawrr Mahanoy Ci;it;ia:i Yayt-r. . !
t l tU Jtsi orsi.
Jurirjit-1 li'tii v Boner, r . Iai;ih Schwartz
; Mdlun -Joh'i Fnlb r, Samuel Bluir
tuck, I lioinas vii.c
Sttnht'i MJ iriH'i ll.ii lii'lor, Ceo W Kli'hl,
Tliouia Siijiler, H fl MiiLliiy.
J' - l..iio Bi i lirstut ll, Jul. il Guiick,
J. Il'i S Suviler.
Lowir W ;'.H.vJ.i- IVtfr Ma!U k, , !i!tMt
1! m lu ll,
Leva l-a ie Tuii.i'r.
.S'Aumn.iii A I v in A Ihji.ii.iI. r, V.l.iin Gilei,
John bouun''!, J'din Mo.ui', S., in i,i I John.
t'pptr AirjjUl Uein.l. Wo.Vfi'.i'li, John
. HlSI.
Husk J.uv.b ltd jer
t'uMrruu SilmiiO" H Boh(
Pilau-are ti.iao Viiict-nl, Jr , Wilimn
7'uoi.(-. IVit-r Koch. Ki.iirl l.iuU i'i Uul''
art Mm'k
Caul Jcs.a V4iiiitl'
('iu.j'ioi)'t U'lili.ini Almost, Jliu Mo
Ce, Joint M Guile) .
l.owr Mukanoi) -Jjcoli al.
him bury, June 17, I'M
IJIl KI HD .OUMi'i:Kit f..i . hy
U .IKK 4 llltl Nfll.
Huubuiy, June IT, l!)l.
Ill AM'UKHUY, I'luiu snj I Ils.e Jsim
( al WKIrttK 4 llHl .NtK'M.
kutibuiy, Junt 14, tail
1,4IK KENT Tht loarei tluiy us (lit kiiildiui
iu Mtiksl stieel, ttlel) wupiel ttlhtellut
tf iht ubay AiutiutH. Apply k,
uaUiiy, July I. Ui -
HY 0') )i. CImK.. I'stawit. ".uin.Us,
V !, I' . SkuiihsI (Itfiti, Ytltel
tMJ. I btliii, I., ssumas, sis , ium it u
.... ... .... . - . .- I l Wtl, A. K.X AU0 I
luei AwVtMt. May Ittl-.
TILCY'S COVUH CiMY ".l-t.l. i
bw.l MtM4y K 'e'i,k. Jli fMlt
To the Votors of Northumberland County
Fstt-iiw CiTiztx. Encouraged by many
of tnf friends, 1 herewith oflcr myself lo your
consideration, aa a candidal for the ofllce of
the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I
promise to fulfil the duties thereof with fidelity
and impartiality.
Hunbury. May 87, 1RS4.
To tho Voters of Northumberland County,
F'siiow Cmzxxs! Encouraged by many
friends, I announce myself as a candidate for th
ollice of
at the approacliing election. Should ! be elected
I pledge mysii'lf to discharge the duties thcrco
with punctuality aud impartiality.
Sunbury, April 8, 18.14.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Fellow Citiksx'si Encouraged by many
of my friends throughout the cotlntv, I herewith
oiler myself to your consideration for the olDco
at the ensi-ing election. Should I be elected. I
promise to discbargn the duties thereof faithfully
and with impartiality.
I'pper AugusU, June 17, 1854.
To the Voters of Northumberland County.
Encouraged by the support heretofore received,
and at the solicitation of my friends, I again offer
myself as n cundidate for the office of
at the ensuing election, and promise, if elected,
to riiscWgc the duties u the office faithfully and
Shamokin tp., June 24, 1S54.
To the Voters of Eorthuinberland County. Ci nttLNs. Encouraged by my nu
liior.His fiiends I rlTcr insclf to your consiiieia-
lion for the oi'iee of
0,,J promise, if elected to discharge the duties of
the oiiice faithfully and to the best of my ability.
Point, Juno 54, lbf4
To'tho Voters of Irthtimbeiiand County.
! Fkllow Ci ri2Kxs. At thu solicitation f
j nunibor of my friends, I aguin offer myself as a
' candidate lor tho othrc ot
: aud promise, if elected, to discharge the duties
' o t c ntiice wilii correctness, aud to the best of
: my abiliiv.
i Sunbury, June IV, 1951
To tho Voters ofJTorthumbei land County.
j Fkllow Citukss. I hereby announce to
I you that I will be a candidate at the October
i election for the office of
! fur which I solicit your votes. And in Joins so
I I tender my air.cere thanks to those who kind'y
I supported me when a candidate hctctofore, a
kindness which I shall over huld in grateful re
' membrance. Should a majority of you see
! r.v....n tn rrc-.i.t tr.A till fuifir I llfl.V n lf A ll.l 1 l
cectcil Sheriff of tho county, I shall make eery
fffjrl ,0 p,rflinn the duties of the othco tj the
i-atlsfacli ol the public.
Upper Auguut-j, June 17
V OTICK i lirrcl'V eu ilint tlm sf-vdrnl
(viurtsol t'oniinon PUms, General Qunrtrr
ScsmIoiis of the Jjeair, ami Djulians' Conrl. Court
of Oyer and Triiniiu-r and (Jciifrul Jail Delivciy,
in nnd for tli ronnly of Nurllitimbcrlniiil. lo
commence at the Court House, in the borough 1
Sunbury, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the
7lli d.iv ol August, next, uud will continue
Tho roroncr. Justices of the I'efU'C and consta
bles in and for the county of Northumbrian J, are
requested lo he then and ihere in their uroiier per-
tons, villi their rolls, records, inijuuitious. nd I
other rcniciiiUauces, to do thosn things to their i
several cilices apberlainiug to la done. And all
witnesses prosecuting in behalf of the Common- .
wealth against any prisoner are also requested and j
commanded to be then and there attending in their i
proper persons tj prosecute, against him, aa shall '
be just and not to depart without leave ut thtir '
peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their I
attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to I
their uotices.
, , , ,
1st day of
UlCll U..U. . ..-..u u. ... ... u.,,
Julv, in the vear of our
I .f.r.l nnn lnminml
ciht hundred and lifty-f.nir aud the In
dependence of the L'nilcd Slates of America
the 77tli.
liu.l suvu IIik ComiTirjuweiihll.
List of Ciiuscs,
Tilt? it, the Court ot Common IMamm
of rsoilhumberland County, at August '1'.,
A. I)., lr54.
John Hunter v John 1 1 nan
lluubeu l-'iiylv !r Ko s John Kosser iu
Moiris L Ilallowell vs James lived
Ncull ot 'I'honipsoii vs S.uue
Uun clt ttivtoii co vs Same
Kichird IJ Uiitten A. co s h'jiue
'huio vs bailie
Will 1. Co"k Samuel Johnson
C.l.uuoiivvi'aiih vs George Uikirl adm'r
John C .'lieloy vs Johu '1.1. comb
Ncphcn Kills adm'r vs li L Piper
Thouus M'WillijiiH vs Wilson llu!chitn.u
Jacob Miliul vs UnviU lioulj
i iMniel tiliri'l vs 1)11 lln isbacll e: ul
I.cwh rv urt's uvi vs I! j t'linely
llivid I av i vs .Sweeny V Cublvvelli Gniisbee
U in .niiiiil
ll kid IUitl
Clurlr. Iljnpt
I 'a M.I 11. .Men iV.
V.'i.i T. ,n v i
vs t, I ic'o i-
vs G W I'leetu
v. Prick St nl'ii
vvi.'e vs I.e. Voiikins adr.u el ul
l:.iwt. W ilbellll
v, JjI.u 1) i 1
v s s uiie
Win P Mu.r
llaviil vs
While A Mtni. e vs
. in ll i"r mire vs
lin uniii Lull. bait '
I" Jji l.ui o. cn '
t vs li.ivvi is G.ili
J .It it .Miller.
. J P MtulIX
lieiij liiillcy
',rui Hii.H.jus -liiur s Jai.iii Kumi
,1 Waller vs I'avi.l Wuldroii
lliirl.i.s li iwn's ;;usrJiuii vs I 'lias A Kuls
J.i l is Weaver
Jaiites I'siiieroit
tlve river
t ins .4 Kuti
Alan aiM el ul
J n-..l. fH-aa!i..lts
J ntie . I ' allieioii
J.imIi 1. vtel s Hvis
.Sine'4 Ui Iti itii vs
iLunl Dun keuiilUr vs
J. iu . II cn.iU v
Jaliu I'olUnri's evis
Jsc.ili hei Und V eti vs
I it ll i 'Ullllll.lllfs Vs
J P lu. i.;.'f rl el
llv in v ..Ihtv el tl
llsiiiisb .il.i.iU r X t it
Jaarph ."l'4 vs
Levi Mtliu s
' Wm r r'
1 Geo P ( snip s
Jxm-oU I. una v
v. Jsiii.-s
(lei Miku's
II '.V U'sliil.l
J.ilili I hnl i
Gad C l. k.
l lluul..ii Iji Kais-V Uxuiid vs J P
. ( P M"p s 1411.1 aubli4tkei l tl
i J .bit Kneute t ( lisilts Kobilusl tl
KsiUy I'lsiui vs W m U Ge.ibsii
1 Mis Mul'U i I'hsilst Mr.
J IAMKS Dl.UD. l'!l-f.
1 PlotlllHU 'tiy't OltlvS. I
obUiiv. July I, lJ (
I U!)V , Kb ti.J go4enstt I 'I t
l.sutt tu4 wi tU det.iiiaiaiit, I
4 IMt'ttd
11 M tt by Abu, My
Ii -
Al'lh' I'tset UumIs. Wiwi tkJ bu4tti
J btlt. .-tsilk. u' 4.uiut. I t It e.
. i. trusts. im i(t, I 414,1 slivu, )a4 l
Aarcf Street, opposite the Red Lion Hotel,
Sunbury. Pa.
'PIIE subscriber is hoppy to aniiou'tce lo the
-- eitisene of Sunbury ond vicinity, i."
has just opened a large stock of
such as Crlats of evnry foshion, Pant and Vests,
Shirts of ail kinds, figured and plain, under
shirts and drawers, both woolen and cotton,
red flannel shirt i, twilled, plated bosoms,
overhauls, stockings and gloves, of oil
kinds, suspenders, silk handkerchiefs,
ties and stocks, poukct handker
chiefs, crlton and silk t splendid
. collars, suspenders of all
and prices, -It
has often been said of a pocket in a
shirt, but come nnd see the pockrt,. vest
and thirt in one. . ' '
Also! a fine assortment of Cloths, Cas.iiners and
Snttinctts, Summer goods, black satin tor
Vests, at every price, and any quatilily of
fancy vest pattern, which will be made
up to order to suit customers ; my maxim
is : no fit no take. And as for cheap
selling, I don't intend to be beat by
Europe or America. Alio, on
hand, a large assortment of
Umbrellas at any price, to suit
great und small, together
with some travelling
bags to carry Yank e
notions in, large and small.
Coma Fanners, Mei'Urmtc, Lt 'fcrs sit ,
Call in and nee llie Clothing t Tower It 'll,
Anil if yoa want lo Vie suited t T,
Cnll nt the st, re of John II . .
Sunbury May 20, 1851. Rm.
" NEW DIllja "dtobe.
Wholosalo and Retail Druggists, j
iVu)7;if St., next door to P.. Y. B right's Stort, '
tfVf'FKK to the public thu largest and be.-l !
telected ttock ever opened in this section of
country, consisting of '
Medicines, Chemicals, C sound .Spices, Puint.!. j
Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stulls, Window Glass, .
Putent Medicines, together with a complete as- '
sortmcut of Paint, Clothes, Hair. Tooth, Mail j
and hhairig Drushcs, Dressing, bide, Meek and '
Pocket Combs, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Creams,
Tobacco. Se'ars, Port Mouias, Stationary, Con
fection aiies,
For Medicinal use, English, French and Ameri
can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of cvory descrip
tion, in short every article kept bv Di'uurnsts
generally. i
ZD" Prescriptions Carefully CumpouadtJ. ,
GEO. 13. WEISER, i
Sunburv. May 13, 1654. i
sccccjsoa TO
Thatches, Jewelry & Silver Ware,
.Yo. 175 Chestnut st , opposite the State Housf,
Phila., May 27, 1354 ly. j
23 South Wharves and 35 Suui Water Street, '
(PfcFFER for sale on the moHt reacnnnblo terms,
0M Sperm, Whnlc, Sulur and Mincra' i
GL'AXO Peruvian Guano, Government No. 1. ,
STARCH Agents for the Oswego Pure
Starch, Prepared Corn und Coi n Ktarch. j
Phosphate of Lime,
1000 burrels of improved Super Phosphate ol i
I. ime.
Phila., Mav 27, 1854. 3ui.
BTlKSPECTrULLV informs his friends and
customers that he lus just received I'roru the
city a new uud complete assortment of
.Mens Wearing .Ippurcl,
which he will make up to order, or sell, as cheap
i as any other esliiblistmicnt in the place, as lie is
! , . ; , i. . . . . , ,, , .
,i.,.1,lil,(,j , n.rl,,i, 11Q ., , n.i..r.i vlim
. .
His goods are choice, and carefully selected from
the best in the Philadelphia market, and they I
will be made up in the best and latest style and !
wan anted. His stork consists in part of hand
some Marscile and .Silk Vcstings, Duck and .
other Linens for Coats, &e. Also, variety ol I
Cloths, Cassiincrs, Cravats, Neck Ties, and a ;
variety of other articles for Mens' wear. ;
Sunbury, June 10, Idol tf, j
jJjOOO Tom No. I Government Peruvi.ui!
lO(M) Tons Uuper-phusphute of Lime.
lOO '1'uiis Miuerul Guano, i
! 2'i South Wharves and o'J Soii;'( Wa'tr Street, '
first door u'lote Chefnut it ,
i , nilL ADULl UIA. 1
; June '.11. :im.
! Estato of ALBIN NEWBEKRY. Jec'J. , 1
! kT OTICK is hereby given lluil letteis of .td- :
luimstrutiou have been grunted to the un- '
lerniciii'd upon Ihe c.'.i In of Albin Newberry,
' late of Pi'itil township,'ibiiid county.
dee'd. All 1ht..ii iuib l.livj ar rtiluejlcd lo
inakff iiuineiliate puyiuenl, and all having cl.iints
, or!s actiii.t sni.l eitate are dc-irid to
, lunke tlie tjmc Llioun to tlie subnil eis without
j l)Ii.Ml. .-Vi. V. DJ'.i.Kv, , i
i.onr.Mt v m:u iiiiijkv. s
P.i..a ip.. Ju...-1, l.-il.- tit.
To TrrspaMors rn the Tdejratjii Lii.e.
is biicby civin, llui M i.rrsen.
luuild i,ii. ii, of inji.iinj I . , . ,
of llie I'iill i.lclplua itu.l nn! nry 1,
be iU .lt kitli . .'. .ul.n I,, ili.. j, t i.f .t ,iii,;y n, ;
u. ll ir nis.le ei.d i... ..!.!.
II. 11. M.-H!li, I',, ,'i
Pi. lia. uud euul'Lrv, l'u.
hunbury, June a, 5I.-- t'. j
Billiard Saloon,
Mai Url ktiiii t. huuhut ) . I
'IIIU sl-'.iil'rr i..e. 'fully inf. in. ll.e public
- Ihsl lis li.s eie.Ud lor limir 4iiiniiir,. .,! '
lli'l.M, til (1IJ4III lOMVtood I.1II..1J, Willi I
Hid. lubUi, in the Uulbliug !
wiKpisJ t. ihe u.ll.e ol !r uitbury Ai.inu.sii, I
J. t't. I.UTc lf.
uiibur , lane 17, I .'. I
(MHPi:i lli, 'l .or o.l ,-luih, f.b.s i,l 'SS'.
' !. I nul .1. ,, .. I I,
vc J Slid l l sile !
I W. Jk ( (
UV .Diil -s l I..!.,, i ...
ttii. ii
I V.sli.,
I J. u;.l.,.l . lo,l.. V.. tal
culJ. l'i..iijs. tl-.s.k, .ii At .
stJ Um hIi I W.L,U4t i.
,nt.i. A i.u tl. Il l
HUNK fiLkmsm Yty U.J. t.J
Mj'tt4. DaStlt. tl VIHi.4 fc-.l
M.I k
V st lt. sv t e II h l.l li4l
To tJu Citizent of Ihc United Statct :
I inim hmtib!) hihI inxrcty tlvuiti y for tV
IminrtW rtpM,,I"Ie wh,c'' y,l "v lirntowetl pon mr
Pill. I to he Ihitoppi-Tttinily ol nfUinjr thai my Aurpim
were ill Amiiniuiit CiltKeuv, urttrnit I ftiitrrmiti lor h II
Umi cwwrnt America nA tte Amnnrn, the nirntl Hvrly
vmpulltit itwwh wthnt I nri)ctiMT1vtnii midnl thi'H
r'Ui iifrtly l' iiiit ymir clinwte.,
Mtid Piii'' nf lv"Ba hitrrtrtiiiR o fnintiliih mrMnll oimMig
yun. wiii J,ave ttm llo"c U)r I'vcuiiift iu New
0. CitTtiVf of Ann and Nntvui Strectt, New Y. fk.
The CitiJtentof Ihe 1nioii tiiffrr mrtci. rntmditnrder i
th Liver Seoniach, tctircMf ny nr iioe frjitj tho
influent cf thcia clertriiriivr ninUtli't. htitcc lii'e win
fn. TUo fair w. wilxjt the n,M WitilNnme in lh
WurtJ. up to cciUin prioil wheu, diittrrning tn tuy,
many I H ue ttieir tmttli mttl (tmkI hk. white n tw tlit
hyduy nf life, inch ml rvilii mny lw rlfectunUy'tt mnji(.(
hy foniiiiuullv kcein(t Hie I'lxl pure, niid On- Liver niuj
Kkmmi-ri in ' healthy nfthoi, wlicn life will flnw rurMiilih ,
ami rect'inMft pl;ut m e"iigntnl clim, where t.netertiiit
pnn-x ftppcum l rotff.i. Ai it rriulf the prmtt-nviili Mi -.f
the huuuin riAtnc i nt the duntiiw nf life, nnifh mny h
efiVeted, audi nny feorletWly, Ihut hepltli nnd h( cnu hn
rrnhmmtl lr imuiy yem beymi'Hlieir nulirmiy liinii. if
lolloway'a Pills tirii lutcn to purify the hl'MHl ruivrfttnif
to the niloB IhmI tlowr for heultli cciitiuuud iji the dire Huh
u'hit-h criHiipiny ta h Ux.
Copy of o Latter from Captain John Johnson t
Jator House,. Xew Yorkj duted Junuary
Mlt. 1S5I
T Pi f 'Suit IIjlivvay, Hf, Co uvl u Aim an J I Nasfim
Street, N. Y.
ji,r J) i with the in- t hfiirtftit plr;tMire I lmv t
inform y lint I h:ive heii rostcri-! In hwilth und Mrrn-Jt
hy!nVn v ur Piti l;,r the Ur int yvur. I ruffm
I Mom n rlt-riiiigemeiit uf the LiVrr i:d Snmmdi. am! was
i ledutjd to mi' h wu extremity tlmt I gnve up mv Wnp,
' iitivur expectin to t Sh nny inuro, t?i I hml tiiel evrt
1 flfini ilv th tt wntl recfrtuin'Miiic! to nit, hut nil to no pur
' p ie; l.wl given imwlf up tn despair, when wn nt
I lat r-C'inmenilVii to Hi'ac irwi Pillii. A tier uciiK tlicm
t I t thit.c m -ir.h . the rem'i i ihl 1 nm n-.w in hriur
j henlth thun 1 hrivo hectt tr-r t-icven ) ear puii. and imc
09 vi ;l ax cv- r I wm i i my i(n. Ya nretjutiu at Jik-riy
' f rni.e thi kaown fi,r tt.e iwiniit f o'.l.fM.
' J ".T Mil. Sir. v-.uib reipcr!l"i!"-,
(Slwi.cV) ' JON jt!LS0N.
Thus. crhhrsiUd PM arc wai'dti fully rftca-
limits Li The J-MljiL-i't"
Afci-tv iir.'j'fly
AH'hiun PyiouTury
Bilious .-it.Mliti,il niMw;jn
in iiii; i't i.islc lntu
Liver tm-
lie Ulitinii ut'
Seorfnhi. or
B-wei idj'la.iits
C'J:inij-6hoii of T- in
the jYmc' C -mt
i?oirniupti . ii Ilrjfut uclte
Debility In.iit 'it
5rc Tiirosts Stone and Ciuv'cl
Tic Douloureux Tumours
t'h-er Yencrenl AfToetiujiK Voimsof uti fcimls
W'fakntf s. fr in whatever cause kc , tic.
S -hi at the KsloM-Flmiciit cf ProlerT Hotl.ow.r. W
rnnd, fi:e:ir Temple Bar, London.) nitd uVtit his
in .Yew York. Order for Mt-flifiuufl in tlie Suites. m!ri reu
sed 4T. Iloihtwny New York, ? will reeeive dneuttcntion
S ld alt i hy fill resncctuhir Dn'Httt and D'aler in Med
ieiiws lhr;uKliout f tit LnUed S'utcf, in B- x nt 37 cents,
fr7 cenrt . mid ?! 5l cent eHch T i he had Whokseio f
tlie prineipul Lrug Houses in the
'--j- There it aVjunderable saving by taking Uie larger
t'Z w
V ' - rirection for the guidance of piilieiitt In every
J.iue lr-J-l. Cm
(At tho Old Stand, estubli.lied iu 1700.;
Our Point nt r.ll llppt vrithclid riotioasn.I ttsmpnl
Jl!h our PiiatoU ilirertiotif sommpauy csrh poiut
PrlrwJ, it 00, tl 24, $1 60, W), fi U0, ( uO, fn follit,
scuorain to the (i.uiuitity of Platia.
.Hy eraittinff Six Contt in Pottage
Starnpi, ia addition to any of tuo abova
prises, a Point can bs caiely tent by mail tn
any part of tlio United Etatci.
Phila.. May n, 1S54. Sin.
Iii tlie Court of Common Pleas of North
umberland County.
Breve de Partition Farunda
No. l'J AictsT 'J'. lSo'l.
AM ICS Caiiilhrrs and Matilda Lis uifi',
Maiy E. Ai;nvv by hur nuanlian J.unia
C'ini;her, Ad.iin ToirtMiee utnl Elizabeth. Ins
wife, George Haymaker ami Ptacilla his wile,
M..rtlia Giuliani, Elizabeth Giahain, Eveliuu
K. Graham nttd MaiKaietla M Gtuluvtii, by
then Guaiduu Uobeil Millfgiti,
Hoah Bellas, IVter Baldy, Win. Shannon
and Rachel his wile, George A. Fiick, Chir
auce H Fuck, Auumlus Fiick, Alexamifr
Fiick. Robert F. Clmk uud Martha lus wile,
Silaa Carey, Ann Carey, Mary E. Cai.-y, Sa
rah C.ney, Tltoiiiaa 11. Colt, Win. C. Colt Su
' i nil Colt, by her Guardian Win. A. Pelrikiu,
Suydei Jenks, W. Wallace! Jcnks, Gcoi:u A
Jenk, P. Fiedorick, Joseph S. Kl.-c-ttiod
and Ehz tbulli his w ile, !r. S.uuitul
JaRkpon, Jt-si-e Ilesloit, niul John W. Moote.
Nutive ii heioby givun lliul in ptirsuancu
of tho order iu this w rit contained, lha re-
qiie.-l lo makd partition of a piere or parcel
in. I Mtuaiu in uoul township NurllimnOei-
lu:td County, on or near the waleis nf Miumii
kin crnek, containing 1ST I acres, mi ttf cr
les.t, bounded on thu noitli by IuihU of iho
Miners Bank uud u'.tieis, on liiu i-nttt Ii by I lit
top ur near the lup ol Muhaitny infinitum, uu
llie vvpl by lands nf John X. Lane and el hers
and on lift east by lauds ot J.n-nb llolfinaii
and oilier, vv hicti .ud LT. .t v ol .uij ruueis'.a
ul tracts oi p.u! ni tracts, st.ireyej t ti wai
rn it dated l.ltli of .Match KlCi' ciutiled In
E linun.l llolT, Tli Miias G,ll. J.ttni-s Gieei,
Win Moiiionn, Thtintaj t.'.utipl tin luibeit
C iv. plain, vviil be h-lil ufi lh ' Slid IjiiiIs oti
Mnndjv ih' vMlli thiy cl' Jnlv tiel, wlnn
an I vv l.i'irt all Uii) pHillek, ilili and dc
teiul.uii, aio wnmeil tn be p.ev.
U ILI.IV.M I'. Kli'l'. sl.ei.if.
S'icu:V i !':'. e
r.ui'..ui v . J.u.c 10, Is.'.l.- I. )
Sia'in' umi ;lIllIlltl (.ootls
Peter W . Gray
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