Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 08, 1854, Image 2

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    Tllf! STORY l! A CTtH.fc.
The Albany Knkktrbochr under the head
of 'Independence and Progress," ,h
lot of nnr nnlinn'. tiirlfe anil DrOffreSS in In
, -. ... t -
following rajy style if i' '
'It is but seventy seven years ago since
Uncle Sam mi born, and whet on rentful
seventy-seven years they bavebefiii! Sev,
enty-serdn 79'iri ago the trolled" States was
a remote clrcumalanee ; they now compose
the Mcond commercial nation In the world.
In three quarters of century they hare re
volutionised the world, built np an empire,
licked our mother, and fenced in a continent.
In less lime than it took Methuselah to get
out of swaddling-clothes we have made more
canals, tamed more lightning, and harnessed
mora steam, and at greater coil in money, j
than the whole revenue of , the world could j
have paid for, the day he got nut of his lime. 1
In aeventy-fivo yeate we have not only
char.aed the politics of the earth, but in
wearing apparelcotton aliirti bring as
much the oflspring of the United Slates ns
ballot-boxes and Democracy. Since the
fourth of July, 1776, the whole world has
been to scl'ool, and w hat is belter, hits learn
ed more common ceure than was taught in
the previous four thousand years.,
blem of self government has been solved,
and its truth made immortal as Washington
or yellow corn. Its adaptation to all the
wants of the more aspiring nations has been
made most signally manifest. Under its
harmonious wording, a Repnblio has grown
;ip in an ordinary lifetime, (hat would have
taken any other system of government a
thousand years to havAronght about. Ves,
in less, time than it takes some green-house
plants to arrive at ' maturity, we have built
a nation that has spread ftom Maine to
Mexico, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific
a naliun that has caught more whales
licked mora Mexicans, planted more tele,
graphio posts, and owns more steamboats,
than any other nation that has ever lived, or
ever will live." ' .
Mrs. B rough, the former Nurse of the
Prince of Wales, has recently in London cut
the throat of six of her children. Her hus
band suspecting her fidelity refused to live
with her. .
He left the house in a very low and Jejuc
ted state, the woman continuing to keep pos
session of the bouse, with the six poor chil
dren. The discovery of the murder was
madu by some workmen who were passing
the cottage at an early hour in ihe moruingi
end seeing a pillow stained with blood out
side one of the windows, knocked at the door.
No answer being given, they found the wo
man with ber throat cut, but not dead. Two
dead children, with wounds in their throats
were lying near ber.
In the other bedrooms they found four
more children who had been murdered.
Their throats had been severed with a razor
which was lying near. Mr. Izod, a aurgeon,
of Either, was sent for, who dressed the wo
man's wounds, and she soon recovered sufli-
cioiitly to be able to speak. When the
wound in the woman's throat was dressed
she said that she was sorry she had not done
it more effectually.
The wretched woman slated that she hsd
moro difficulty in cutting Ihe throat of the in
fant thnn sho had in killing the other five.
1 he former, she said, caused her a deal of
trouble in committing the act, as it was
awake, but the others being fast asleep, she
killed them easily.
The husband, at (Re time the tragedy
was Committed, was not in the village, but
was understood to have gone lo town, and
upon hearing ihe shocking news, was com
pletely paralyzed. .
The police have been placed in charge of
the murderess, to see that she does not make
any further attempt to destroy her life by
tearing open the wound.
During Commodore Perry's lute visit to
Japan, himself and suite were entertained at
a feast by lha natives. Cooked worms, fried
snakes, and a variefy of indigestible com
pounds were served up, of which they weie
obliged to partake through etiquette. Hure
after, a strong stomach may be considered as
a high recommendation in our deplomatiats.
Tire FfciTJve Law. The Senato of Con
necticut has passed a bill providing that
hereafter no jail, court-house, or other pub'io
building of that State, shall be used for the
custody of a fugitive slave, A bill is a'so
before the same body which inflicts a fine of
$5000 upm any person who shall lay a claim
o a fugitive slave iu Hut 5lale, and shall
not prove his claim good.
The Washington Union administers a se
vere but just rebuke lo Jeflerson Davis, the
Secretary ol War, who is the most influential
member of the Pierce Cabinet and Ihe
Suulhern secessionists, when it says: "North
or South, the mas of the people of these
S'ates place a value upon the Union which
will prove a never failm bar to a surrender
of those blessings at the instigation of a
nerde orgimbliug, speculating t.kavi.h, and I
fanatical politicians."
The Pacilie IUilioud Scheme, which was
coucoctej in .New Voik, and which designed
getting fifty or a hundred millions of dollais
uoiibof public lands out of Congress, has
exploded. The Piesident of the Company,
il is said by lb New Voik Tribune, owned
forty million of lha stock. There were a
large number of names cf subscribers lo the
amount el millions, some of whom woo la
probably have been 4 lu gel credit lo ihe
mount of tea esnte en tUi dollar o( the sum
ley suqtriiUid. Wtui'sibe nel "dodge!"
K ioloeicl buitey bf Nsw Juimv 1.
about la be made, uiuUi lha authority uf the
state, Vi. Willi aiuhaii, v( .Nei, t.
ins; sppwiMlsd ibal duly by lha (iuvenutt
Tae ipjle( this survey, aeu ouiahed, ,
lurutatt auMipteia aailiu and deaauyiuMi e(
eioy levaafeiu Ut Ike gtate, ia ait ssvuui
I H looks, wii.eiala, eies, aeuda, vl)s,
uaila, pea's aa4 (mI.
Helen's o:IUi), II mils fie fetam-
bl,1OtW, detii)s4fr Hi Ut Vawi.
fy L P,"'"8i imuiaata !,''
it. 45 JTrrr-.Tr-
BATl'RUAV, JULY I, 1804.
H. B. mASSER, Editor and freerleter.
To AavaaTisaas.-.The circulation o( the Sunbury
American among the different towns on trie Satqnahaiiua
s not exceeded if equtlled by any paper wbtithed in NMtb
ein Peimsvlvsnia.
Democratic State Nominations.
Of fW field County.
Of Somerset County.
Of Pilx County.
KF" Land YVAttrtANTs. Persons havine
Land .Warrants for sale, can dispose ot
bem lor cash, by applying at this office.
CThe papers, everywhere say it i
hot. It is, generally, everywhere, about
this time ol year, and, usually continues
warm till sometime in September.
(D Li n editorial on the "congressional
question" during our absence last week,
Col. Straub is said to have "placed it out of
bit power to be a candidate at this time,
by hit own deliberate action at the former
convention." As an act of justice, it is.
perhaps, proper to say that we have no
personal knowledge of such an arrange
ment, although we heard at Ihe time that
such an arrangement had been made.
That noble . patriot, the elder . John
Adams, seventy-eight years ago, forseeing
how the national birth-day would be cele
brated, said, "it ought to be commemorated
as the day of "deliverance, by tolemn acts
of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to
be solemnized with pomp and parade, with
shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires,
and illuminations Irom one end of this con
tinent to the other, from this time forward
for evermore." And so it should be, and
so it has been, year after year, and will be,
we trust till the end of time. : We are
among those who abate not a jot of heart
or hope for the Republic. We believe
that there is a deep and earnest feeling of
patriotism in the universal American mind ;
which will build up, sustain and perpetuate
our Institutions. Labor it glad to find a
holiday wherein it may cease from its toil,
and rejoice untrammeled ; the buoyant spirit
of youth, tumultuous and noisy, will ever,
when the national Jubilee arrive, with
guns, squibs and rockets, celebrate its annual
advent. The masses will, irom a love of
lun, folly, fuss and pagantry greet tho day
with a wild and hilarious jubilation. The
Declaration of Independence will, year
after year, probably forever, be formally
read, but this is not, and will not be, we
trust, all. A crowd of holy and thronging
memories will press upon the heart, and
thoughtful minds will cfcall the example
ot the great fathers of the republic lor emu
lation and immitation. The story of their
sacrifices, privations and sufferings handed
down from sire to ton, generation after
generation, will with a potent, talismanic
power move, the deep feelings of the heart
to an earnest desire to prove worthy de
scendants of noble fathers, fit inheritors
and preservers oi tho bequeathed benefits
of their final triumph.
But we are not intending to peu an eulo
gy, but simply to chronicle the proceedings
The Forr-TH or July is SVnoiky.
The day was clear and warm, and wa
ushered in by ringing of bells and firing of
guns, crackers, &c. A decorous "noise
and confusion" prevailed from "early dawn
till latest eve."
Tuu Dkwart Ci'ards, in all the "pomp
and circumstance" of holiday parade, ma
noeuvred on lha Matkrt square lor a short
time in the moruing, Lieut. C. J. Bruner,
Tuc Farmers and Mu iiakics Artillery,
Capt. .Mart:, also paraded, early in the
morning, looking remarkably well. After
enlivening the "folks at home," (the young
ones more especially, and tome of "an older
growth," who had "smelt powder" in be
half ol their country) they took the steam
boat lor Northumberland, wht-re they tat
down to sumptuous diuner at the hotel
of James Vandyke.
Tiik Caiwalai:k iMrANrar, ol North
umberland, I.ititt. Ilurart commanding,
entritained (he "Artillery" io magnificent
style officers and men were equally de
lighted. An eloquent address was deliv
ered, after the (loth was reinuved, by our
young friend and townsmen, Kichard Teal,
1 1' "fly to onaot lha numerous palri-
otte sentiments o(1rJ.
Tna Yaktout Sikp.v 8. uooi.a ut the
kotb, held Pu'-ma, torn 04 Ibe LdaoJ,
wn i 1 rows adiutaiaf towen aad
("son of delijht.J l.ttle 0M Jme4 that
M aa Iba thrUiunt' as well as palitwli
duly, 10 tommrKul M luM hole-
day, each leiuriR1 fourtli ol Jul.
Ti ltiaast ftiMtisnaa made tea.
tttai tii-v.M., I, abut; lad Nu sa
land! generally running full. The Com
pany generously placed the boat In tht
possession of bti crw for the day, Tor their
benefit, j
.A Stkamhoat Excprsion, by moonlight,
on the broad and beautiful basin, was en
Joyed by some ol the "young people,"
mtuif jand dancing contributing to io crease
the pleasure.
Fire Works, got up by some of the
gentlemen ol the place, and displayed on
market green afforded quite a treat to old
and young, -so passed the Fourth of July
in Sunbury.
On our way from Philadelphia we arri
ved at Shamokin on the morning of the 4th
ins!., and remained there during the day.
Extensive preparations had been made to
celebrate out oalions bitlh-i'.ay in a proper
manner. The great luminary of light also
did his best to add warmth to the proceed
ings. In the forenoon the children of the
schools paraded in procession, headed by
teachers and others. Their great number
surprised us considerable, and we began to
doubt whether children or coal was going
lo be the greatest staple of production at
Shamokin. About 2 o'clock. P. M. the
citizens generally, preceeded by the Sha
mokin Guards, a fine company commanded
by Capt. David N. Lake, proceeded to the
woods adjoining the town, where seals,
&c, bad been prepared lor the occasion.
The venerable J. P. Helfenstien was called
to the chair, assisted by Wm. Fagely and
K'.mber Cleaver, Eqs., as Vice Presidents,
and Dr. J. J. John as Secretary. The
chairman having briefly stated the object of
the meeting, a prayer was offered by the
Rev. Mr. Ehreheart, at the conclusion of
which "America" was sung in excellent
style by Dr. Alwaler, Mr. R. Helfenstien
and s. ni. Kase, fcsq. tV e were perticu-
larly gratified with the rich, deep, full
toned base ol the Doctor. S. M. Kase,
Esq., then'delivered a well written oration
deliniating. the most important events ol
, , . 1
the Revolution. He was followed by Mr.
.,... . , ...
K. Helfenstien in a neat, chaste and classi-
, , . , . .
cal speech, in reply to a toast lo the mem-
i iv i . ,i I. .
ory ol Washington. Mr. Helfenstien pos-
sessvsa fine imagination, and a cultivated
taste. A volunteer toast on "the past, pre,-
ent and Ihe future ol ShamoUin." hrBht
ont Dr. Atwater. in a poetical speech.
which lor wit, humor, and sentiment has
rarely been equalled. It was admirably
spoken and was received with rounds of
applause. The Doctor commenced by al
luding in a humorous manner lo Shamokin
tome five years ago when it was almost
deserted, and contrasted its appearance
then with its present flourishing condition.
We never publuh 4th oi July orations, ex
cept the short dhes by the people, com
monly called toasts, but we were anxious
to make the Doctort an exception, and
regret that we could not prevail upon him
for a copy.
We have received a communication sta
liner that the irlorinui 4lh was Hnlv reli-lira
. .. .
led by a number of individuals from Mount I
Carmel, Centreville, Lntotiville and parts i
adjacent, at the house of Felix Lerch, at j
Mt. Carmel. The meeting was organised j
by apoinling Felix Lerch Chairman,!
Henry Rhoadsand F. Potts Vice Presidents,
and David J. Lewis Secretary. Mr. Sam'! j
John was the orator of the day. The toatls
were not received in time lor publication.
The geniuses of demolition ar.d re-con.
stuct'ion have a large work to do in Sunbury.
We hope, however, soon to see many of
the old, unsightly buildings of the place,
especially some that are occupied as hotels
and Ktorpn. irivinir rdsir. In new and mnm
,. . . . . . . i
n the way of improvement, this season,
has been a scarcity ot mechanics. Good
builders, carpenters and brick-layers are
much wauled ; We have those who under
stand their busineit, and work carefully I
enough, certainly ; but not enough lo ?o
the work required be done. Sunbtiry is
looking up ; our citizen are beginoin; to
appreciate their unsurpassed natural advan
tages, capital in, at length, being directed
to Sunbury as lo a point for profitable ii.-
veatment. Certainly no second equal, (or at
least no superior) locality is lo be found in
the state for the establ'uhment of mauulac
turiei, whether of cotton goods or iron ; or
for mills, &.c.
Oi 1 Stokca, within the six months last
passed have generally improved. The
purchaser can now choose Irom well select-
ed stocks, comprising ia their increased
variety, man articles which, only one
year in', could not be found lor sale in
M:aa. Wtisea & Ratura, amon oth
ers, have set an example worthy ol com
mendation and imitation. Their modern
front, with tht elegant anJ tastefully dis
played wiudow is out more attractive than
lha internal arunt'iuul. And, by the
way, JuJr$ i lyucVf, hotel and Iijum
keepers, would da well to rwntentber that
thr ntlmu do not confine their etutk
U drugs; but keep an toive variety of
lha bt brands 01 wini and Iron Jin , at
price only a little advanced fcevond
Philadelphia rates, together with fuJUnf
fiat the best '.itluli nd Amrir tb
luhmeuts, auJ an aaaudiuaal vl i
M-t4 arUM fo asle owlaiJa of tka tili.
Tsui BoauvoH Ktiaa, ai,H U im
fed, aod kept laal I 004 keteia, M alle-
ta lo tuk o(jli tta w ny, tiuai.
ly, indeed ; there it exhibited a want ol
public spirit, Improve the town in which
you live, beautify your homes, at much at
it within your ability, (all can at least keep
clean the street in front of their premise!.)
Depend npon il you wilt find your advan
tage in it. Mealthfulness is increased, not
nly but, by being made attractive at a
place of rei-idenCe you induce strangers to
come among you, and every addition to the
producing and consuming population bene
fits, either directly or indirectly, every
bu?ine.s man and tradesman in town. fie.
sides the effect is decidedly and appreciably
Iclt, in a more elevated public taste ; and
a purer morality among the rising genera
lion. Improve; the world it progressive!
improvement has become an individna! as
well as the general duty. We are imitative
and emulous in our natures. If for instance,
The Public Buildings, now ceriaittly
anything but crt ditable to the county, or
ornamental to Ihe borough, were painted
and otherwise improved, by the County
Commissioners, (we desire to direct their
attention especially to this necessity;) and
Ihe Market Square, which certainly might
be made beautiful and a place to be proud
of, w as handsomely fenced in, instead of
lying at common, and cared lor by the au
thorities, what think you would be Ihe
effect. Why, immediately they would be
cared for and boasted of by the people.
Those owning property in the vicinity
would improve correspondingly; others
more remote, for human nature is always
emulous of good examples, would also im
prove thus the whole commnnify would
be affected ; the greatly to be desired work
of improvement would be fairly begun.
Try it There will be great cause to rejoice
in the effort, and its resulting consequences.
The River Bank loo, which a benign
nature has made so exceedingly attractive
and surpassingly charming; why must it
lay, year after year, like some old forgotten
grave, overgrown with weeds end overlaid
with rubbBje. God has done everything
r o u i . r .u
for Sunbury to make it one of the mos
. . i, . . ,.r , , ...
(desirable and beautiful towns id the state.
, . , ... . , . ,
Why will not man oo hit part? Look
I , , . , , . ... , , .
; about, and lake in with careful and appre-
. . . .....
' the a'1''1 w,lh whic.
! !" 're bk'wd 5 8nd "Ping them.
! ,et 09 e"n 0,,r du,' 8nd resolw ,0 di"-
charge it faithfully. II we do our parts, in
five years hence Sunbury may be, for pop
ulation and business almost, and lor beauty
more than a city.
K7 Railroad Accident. There was a
terrible accident by collision on the Balti
more and Susquehanna Aailroad on the 4th
inst. Twenty-lour persons were killed
instantly, and lour have since died.
Thr British Ministry --The London
correspondent of the New York Commercial,
I states that the result of tho recent changes
' in the British Ministry will probably be to
j strengthen the anti-Russian influence in Ihe
j Cabinet, the nddilion of Sir George Grey, and
j the more distinct position assumed by Lord
! John Rus3ell, b.'inp apparently fully sufli
loicnt lo counteract the effect of Ihe conduct
of the war being placed, with inci eased re-
., ... . . , . . , .
sponsibililica, in the hauua of the Duko of
jew fjatlje
tJlOCll VEtClllC
, Z
fehatuulttn Caul 1 rade.
The quantity cf Coul sent to market durini?
present season, np lo July 1st, is 17,955 00
lon. 1 lie demand lur coal is lar greater
than thn supply, and but for the difficulty in
obtaining boats the total shipments would
show a much laraer figure. The mining ca
pacity of the ley ion is now equal to any de
mand which can probably be made upon it,
but until Railroad communication with ihe
maiket is completed, Ihe resources of the
Shamokin region can lint possibly be properly
I developed
When will Hie cusqc ehanna
! IUii. Road be linifched ! is now a question of
not only, but 10 ihe entire population of Nur
ihumbfilnitd comity, and every ellort poi
hli) to bo madu ahnnld bo made lo hnotcu that
devoiilly wiiditd for cousiimalion. However,
we keep a good heart of hope that we will
be cunnecu J with the uiaikel at no Uis
tar.t day.
It is stated a Locomotive passeil over
be road from Caltawiraa In Tamanna on ihe
4 1 h inst., the formal opening of thn road ia to
ukd piuce nt a later periixl. I bis ia an im
portant coinmoim-aiian between the Susijne
hnuna and Philadelphia.
Scbulklll Conuty Coal Trade.
Total by Kail RoaJ and Canal for year, to
Jul 1.1. tons, 1,3IS, 807,15
To same period last year. 1,042,993,17
Increase in 161 so far tons 274,913 98
Amount miiI for last week 10118 77,629,01
The Mmrrs Journul of Putlsville says :
Th tuanliiy sent to maiktt for tharorrea-
oniliii4 weea lal )er was, ov nauroa.i,
31,647, OS tons by (anal SJ.5K0 U -Iota I
67,237 Its lona, aiainai, 77,C5il 01 Ions Ibis
week increase 80,43 i Ions.
The advance in fieiuhta, which is te take
p'aoe on Mouday next, of course stimulated
lha trade In a considerable etlrni, but Ihe
quantity sho a the capacity of our Region lor
notiuuinj Luai.
AnvAkCK iif r amiiiTS On and after July
!U, the i4lva of lull and lriHiilaiou on Ihe
IU1I104J aie lo be! 30 rents lo all
p-ii'.le, mkiog It lu Richmond, and 11,10
lo lid al'eel. The loll 011 Ihe Canal will
be advauie l at the seine lime, reels lo all
iMiiita. luakma VO eauta loll lu I'hiUdelphia
The Han.pormif Couipaniea aujiji n on lu be
ivlvaatut 1 1 mil all pecuniary dilllrullles al
ihese tana, and pay ell jr lal dividends be
l-eaiek tl Tr4e,
The UkuU Coal anJ Navigation Cum pan
have give) Kulloe thai all iliae backs on lull
u SNiaainsi esei Ibeii I aual will 00 uis
MMiuu.t alias Ihe M el July.
ttul f.uut .shifh l(i0 wp 10
teat tUlei.Uy, bwis, lT l
Te oaHto peiMKl leet seat, 001,100 t)
!Woe4o M U'. II 111 01
-h ike Lekujo aad toekawaeo umo
a0 Oekl4 Ike soiossieeto so July ol laeoi
OeiaesiaM Oeel tteea.
Ikral U ) ai se lot, tees, 111,71
Arrival or thr America.
Great Victories of tht Turkt..
We have later foreign newt by the arrival
nt Halifax of the steamer America, from Liv
erpool. The Russians have been obliged lo
raise the siege of Silisttia and retreat, before
any of Ihe allied troops had reached Ihe
teens of action. They are also said to have
relinquished all their position, on the left
bank of tho Danube, except Hiraovia, Mat
schin and Issarktchi. All apprehensions of
their adva c on Ihe Bilkai.s are at an end
for Ihe prrs -t.t. The Turks are said to have
crossed lo Ginrgevo, killed 400 Russians, and
taken nine guns. The allied fleet wst con
centrating at Sebastopol, which will proba.
bly be soon attneked. The raising of the
siege of Silistria was caused by a great victo
ry of Ihe Turks who, on Ihe 15th of June,
sailed out of the works ihere, attacked the
Russian in their trenches, and, after a severe
battle discomfitted and pursued them so that
they fled across the Danube. The Turks
destroyed all tho Rnsainn siege works.
Prince GortschakofTand Generals Ludcrs and
Schilders were wounded in this battle.
Another action is said lo have been fonght,
in which a 'Russian division defeated two
Turkish brigades. Prinre Pukiewich is
said to have received orders from S. Peters
burg to retire beyond thn Pruth. A oonspi.
racy to assassinate Louis Napoleon has been
detected iu France, and ISO persons arrested
In S
Generals Orlando and Messina
have been arrested fur harboiing General
O'Donnel. In Asia, the Russiuns have been
surprised and beaten by the Circassians at
Kariul pnss.
Disastrous Fire io Philadelphia. ,
The National Theatre and Chinese Museum
About hairpasl nine o'clock on Wednesday
evening commenced one of Ihe most disas
trous fires il has lately been our lot to record.
Owing to some carelessness in the handling
of matches behind the scenes of ihe Nation.
al Theatre, at the comer of Ninth and Ches
nut street, fire was communicated lo the
scenes, and the flumes spread with a rapidity
that defied all lha efforts of the fireman. A
lurid glare was cuM over the. sky, and the
alarm spread ihrot'ghnui the city.
The National Theatre was entirely de.
stroyed. Tho audience escaped, we believe,
without a single exception.
The Chinese Muncrtm biuKlinjj, iu the rear
of the Theatre, one of the most massive and
extensivo structures in the country, was
entirely destroyed.
The Girard Hons3 caught fire al the cor
nice, which was of wood, but was eventually
saved wi'.h much difficulty.
From Ihe Museum and Theatie the flames
spread eastward, to the adjoining houses on
Chestnut and Sansom streets. The' buildings
occupied by James S. Earle'a picture gallery,
and Evans & Co.'s laige dry goods store,
were soon utterly destroyed Many of the
valuable pictures in Mr. Kaile't gallery were
burned, as also a large amount of picture
frames, looking glasses, and other stock.
The fire extended to the southeast, as Tar
as Eighth and Sansom streets, where the
assiduous and unremitting exertions of the
firemen checked the progress of ihe flames,
The Girard House was saved the npper
stories only being damaged and much of the
furniture spoiled by the deluge of water.
A Romaa tutliulle CbureU niowa up by Gaa-
Boston, July 5. The new Catholic Church
at Dorchester, in this Mate, was blown up I
with gunpowder and almost entiiely desnoy
ed yesterday. There is considerable excite-
! ment. Some accuse Ihe Know Nothings, and
others s;iy the members of tho Church had
deposited powder and arms there for Ihe pro
tection o! the Church, and that the explosion
was accidental.
A Loi'isiAstAS ix the Russian Seiivicc,
The Paiis correspondence of the New York
Tribune writes as follows of a gentleman
woll kno wn lo many of our citizens, and who
formerly represented in the Parish of Ascen
sion in our State Legislature: Dr. Cottnian,
of Louisiana, a gentleman who left this city
two months acn, lo join the Russian army(
has it seems, py late advices which I have
just received from St. Petersburg, been
placed high in power by the Emperor- He
has received a surgical rank in the army
which gives him Ihe title and position of
military counsellor lo the Emperor.
Ildlowaii's Pttls, a certain cure for de
rangements of Ihe Stomach and Bowels,
Liver Complaints, Los of Appetite and Bil
ious Disorders. These IMIs have a wonder
ful eflecl upon a diaorganizml system, acting
immediately upon lha fluids, thus ihe moat
impure blouj become totally crianqeil.
I'erMina woo uao them lor a law weeks can
not fa: I lo meet with a cure of any of the
above cases, and those who may be unfor
tunately allMOled with diautireeabie or offen
sive, bieaih, cannot do teller than avail
themselves of these invaluable Tills.
& 1 ff REWARD. Thesbove named sum
S? be given to any awraea who raa
produce, name or discover, a clothing snsponuat,
wliete belter, cueaixr auu more autwlaultaj Sal
man is raa be fouuJ, than Ihuaeauld al Kacaani
Jx Wnaea'e cheap and faahiouabl clulhiiig
slore, No. 1 1 1 I'hMtuul street, corner af Frankhu
Place, Philadelphia. I be money will be given,
ut liade, U you wish it.
fkila, Jaa. t, la. ew.
Kaw AdvattisemenU.
United States Hotel,
t'ktul Strut, uhov t'uuitk
(1 J- MacLKI.LAN. (le W June' Hul.)
-1 kae the uleeauM le Mtleraa bis fiWed aaid
the Itaseliwt awesMiuutly, the he be sstesd Ibis
Mouse lut a txw f era, aad at ouei seafaied
let the ieeUMO (4 liasria
TU L JisUe this asseillo tetaUtoO
mm I lee well biMMse lo aeed eweaaMUl.
I be IIwhmu au4 fwuUuie ka Uxe kul lu
! tale e 1 the s ma taige se4 U
atfls4. t he TafcWeeOI aluaja he ryUJ
MO Ihe SMt. aaj Ihe s rtJee kiateaU
thai e eOs est hit ehall be le
Mh she Vuu4 eital ut sewSMie to say
M 'i U) th Wwaka l iif,
rv.ta, t a, tat 1 -
Northumberland County,
Lettera addressed to the subscriber at Sunbury.
. July 8, 1854
Sunbury md Erie Railroad Company.
TVTOTICE ii hereby given, that a Sixth Install
L ment of Ten Dollars per share on the old
subscription, and a Second Instalment of Ten
Dollars per share on the new subscription to the
capital stock of this Company, will be due and
payable at their Office, No. SO 8onth Third
Street, on Tvisdat. August 1, 1854.
Uv order of the Board of Managers.
PHILIP M. PRICE, Treasurer.
Phila., July , 1854 4w.
Land for Sale !
riIIE Subscribers, Executors of the estate of
JL Peter Buck, late of Shrewsbury township,
Lycomint; county, deceased, will expose to public
sale at the house of Nobis Parker, at 10 o'clock,
A. M., In the borough of Mnnry, on
Thurtday, the 10th Day of August Next,
the property of said dee'd, aituate in said town
ship and county, containing about .
1200 ACRES
of Land, 160 of which are cleared, and upon
which are erected a
and other convenient out-builJin a, Blacksmith
Shop, Ttiree Tenant Houses,
Saiv-.Will and Turning Mill.
There are also
on tha premises. Tho 8aw Mill and
Touring Mill are situated on Spring Run,
aflording Water power about eight montlia in tha
The quantitv of pine timber upon this tract of
land ia variously estimated at from 6 lo ft million
feet, and there ia a largo quantity of Hemlock
and Oak.
The property ia located about IS miles from
the Munry Basin, with a good, level road leading
to it, and altogether is a desirable property.
A ny person wishing to examine the premises,
or who may desira a more particular description,
may call on or correspond with tho undersigned
at Muncy.
Terms made known nn the day of sale.
Muncy, July 8. (854 3t.
IY Virtue of certiin writs of Ven. Erp. tome
directed will be sold tv public Vendue, or
outcry, nt the court hoime in the borough of
Simliury, at 1 o clntk, V. M., on .Monday, the
7lh day of August next, tho following described
property, to wit ! . :
A Certain Island
or flat in tho river Susnuclianna in the township
of Augusta, containing about aixtv acres more or
less, commonly called the Round Island, and flats
adjacent thereto, being the premises whicuThos.
Sliver wood and wife by deed, dated Scptcmuer
22. 1813, conveyed to the Defendant in fee.
ALSO: a certain other Inland aituate in he
Susquehunna river, opposite the Islo of Que in
Lower Augusta townsbin, Northumberland
county, and known by the nMne or Clark's Is
land, rontuining Twenty-six acres moro or less.
ALSO: a certain other Ixland aituate in the
same river, in the township and comity aforesaid, I
and nearly contigioua to the above mentioned.
known by the namo of Timothy Island, contain
ing three acres more or 1cm. LSO : a certain
orlier Inland aituate in the aaid river, in llio
township and county aforesaid, and nearly con
tigioua to the above mentioned, known by the
name of Hcnsterman'a Ldnml. containing twenty
eight acres more or lota, all of which are cleared.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as
the property of John Hartman, jr.
A Certain Lot or piece of Land,
aituate in McEwensville, in Northumberland
county, bounded north by lot of 11. J. Header,
east by Front street, south hy lot of J. P. Hog-
enbcrjj, and west by tho samo, containing one
fourth of an acre more or les&a, whereon arc
erected a two story Frjino Dwelling House, a
r raine Stable, and other out buildings.
Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as
the property of John H. Grier, .
WM. I). KIPP, Sheriff.
rjheriil a Office,
Sunbury, July 8, 1858. 5t
TV OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees,
L ' Creditors and other persona interested in tha
Estates of the following named persons, that the
Executors, Administrators, and Guardiana of
snid Eatatea have filed their accounts with the
Register of Northumberland County, and that
the same will be presented to the Onihana' Court
of aaid County, on Tuesday, the 8th day of
August, A. I'.. 1854, in ttie lorenonn, for confir
mation ami a.lowanco.
Michael Ferster, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor,
Teter Verster.
Peter Oberdorf, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors,
Peter and George Oberdorf.
Sailll . UU1WCI1, net u., Huimuj minamii,
t. , 1 11 .1 i ..1-.1 1 1.:- k .i.-1 1
A. Gully and Thoa. J. Ualbraith.
Jacob S pats, dee'd., settled by hi Adm tors,
Philip and Jacob Mnatz.
AiarKS j. n. lu-irnuer, urc u., semen oy uis
, . .. m .L. i ., 1 . l.
Adni'r, Peter Kelchner.
Mirlmcl ueini, uec u., aeuieu uy Dia rx tors,
MichaeJ and John Deihl.
Joseph Hartmsn.decd., settled by hi Adm nx,
r.lizaocin iiariman.
Isaac Minnier, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor.
Wm. V. Silverwooil.
Conrad Uachman, dee'd tattled by bis Ex'tor,
Michael Labr.
George Long, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor,
Oeorga lioyer.
Adm re. nanieiauu Adam nern.
John Lose, Uee d., aeitled by lua r.x tor, John
- V.rm T. . .,... . .,.... ..:- ,...
f reurricft nuiiut, we u riiwu irj ouiu i,
Daniel Kateman and Sarah Adams.
Michael Keits. dee'd., settle J by bia Executor,
Michael Kelts.
Gilbert Verts, dee'd.. Final Aeol. settled hy bia
A Jut r, Y Ulurn T. leraylh.
Juaeph I'elk, de;'J., aeltled b bis Executor,
relet Conrad.
Howel (lHlri. h. dee'd., final A crt. settled by
bis A dorr, Hubert pevtdeon.
Henry funk, dee'd., settled bv his EieeuUea,
Ueni. r. funk aad Wet. Ileinen.
Henry IrfHig, ilee'd settled by bis Guardian
Jieob ainar.
Annie C. Kay, dec'J., settled by bet Guardian,
tJ W. M.atee.
5uaan Ueeikart seltlej by bat Uusidian, Jaa.
Ueoige Melllet. tetUad by bia Uuaidtau, l u
.ul .S'liipiaan, settled by kts Uuatduu, K. N.
Nathan Hub, estlled by kte tiuaiJian, U M
Wiliiauj A. Lsu Millet auJ Maiaiel RiWy,
aaiilaJ hs Itieu Uuaidian, M
I hawUHhuu.
The llnal Ami. el J-ha . rwllwer, tilsl
lleiiiv rellniM. dee d.. we eae miwws
eJ llMuy r , i Uneda aV fetet H. .ak.knei.
Mark JlUushl, dee'd., es44le4 l ks AJe'W,
fl..llu illlA.
lkll. Mi Jane. suJ Haeeah PiWe.
eeuied by tkea Uuetduu. ou I f wa.
J.a Ouauh. dae'd . sUj ha Adei seta,
keukesi f. felleae aal iaeO ih.
r. ri'Mru legissoi.
eeelet'a .
ueeery, J-ly 0, lt
jV OTICE is hereby gWen that Wm. (J. Law
1 ' eon, and John Miller, Eirs., have Sled their
aroounta as assignees of & Read, and that
the ssme will be presented to the Court for con
Ormation at next August Term.
Prothonotary'a Ofltee, 1
Sunbury, July S, 1451 . (
IOTICE is heri-ry given that application will
be made to the next Legislature of Pcnnntl
vania, for the creation of a corporate body with
banking and discounting privileges, to be located
at 8hniokin Pa. and to be called the Dank of
Shamokin, wiih a capitol stock of Tv,o Huedred
thousand dollars.
Shamokin, July 8, 1834. Bin. '
Shamokin Pa.
THE subscriber hrge leave to inform his iriends
and the public generally, that ha has taken
the above well known stand, and will be happy
to accommodate all who may give him a call.
cnnmokin, July 8, I8i4 .
Cist of cttcvs
6U1M1LRT, June 31, 154.
Geo Haupt
Peter Kern
Micbcal Kniss
Jacob Lanker .
Kt-kial C. Leonard
M .
Chas Meyer
Geo Ncidig
Matilda Snyder
Rachel Shalot
Jno Sweeny
Mary Umnl
Geo Weaver
Reuben wynn
Geo Yonnt
Gao Yoxiheimer
Jno Zimmerman
Mieheal Burk
O. W. Brewer
Priscilla Brown
Benj Beckley
Christian Bower
G. VV. Bower
Hiram Bloom
Wesley Clark
Adam Daniel
Peter Deitx
Josiah Dielil
Moses Fnrman
Jno il. Fisher
Wm Gause
Miss Anna E. Grier
Geo Uetz
Jacob Hanz
Heilner & Shny
Hannah Iluwor
List of Letters
at Northumberland, March 31, 1354.
Thnmns Meivins
D M Maplaaney
J B Morehead
Wm McCoy
Remind Mussay
Moses Mathers
Phebe Nell
Lewis Oakley
John Painter
R Pluiikinton
Louvina Ruhbuo
Robert Richie
Hairy Rushlon
Mary Ann Smith
Zitcheu Ski man
Samuel Slmfiet
Timothy Stephens
Riley Sickler
F.ckman Sninher
E.hvH'd K Smith
John Shuiiz
John Tan
Cyrus Thatcher
Lemuel Tehsworlh
William Vallcr
John Wii
N S Yon n ir
E Anderson.
Huh Bralon
C C Boatman
Erastus Barton
D.ivid Cosley
Wm Claubaiigh
Snloirinn Cooper
,dm Conrad
Hooper Chase
Mai caret M Cahiil
Thomas D.dnn
John D- Bo M il
James Dorsey
Moses Eilenbercor
J olin Evans
golomon Krv
' n
Jacob Good
Hoht A Griffin
Dr Gleason
Ezia F Glezeii
Phebo Hilo
John Haset
Susan Huff
Robert Hullinahead 2
E.lijar Hver
Charles Hassert
A S LawriTnce
, P.M.
List of Jurors,
F Northumberland County, for August
TeirtyA. D., 1S54.
Grand Jurors.
Point Jacob Griliek
Lnw.-r .gMj(a Geor. Lon. John Winn.
Daniel llanuahiich, John Duukelberser,
r , ... ii
Delaware wm Beam.
Shamokin Sebastian Bonaner. Samuel
Hummel, Samuel Ent.
Ioi tltunbei lat)d James Taucail. John L.
Jordan Elias Swartz.
Coal Win Keifer, Wm Cbtrincton. Sam-
uel Yost.
Levis Go A Wikofl
Milton Lyman Wilson. Daniel Strino
John S'oris, Lewis Swank.
t nitlsqvaque James Slrau brnln.
Rush Godfrey Rockefeller, William It.
Suiifiiiru Peter Lazarus.
TDlVl'Don lt'nnm
Sunbury Beuj Krobn, S N Thompson.
Andrew Hoover, Ira 1 Clement, Ptnlin
I m . .1. It . .... '
tun, jacou rainier, uatnel llaas.
I t oal Daniel Derr. Jaeoh Muu rv. Samuel
SminS, Jnnn Olid, U.uilul Kreeuer.
Lou-cr AuAunou Alirahaui li,oier
Delaicart Henry Reader. Jacob T H.ll,
1 Jacob il l,
3'irour D L Ireland, Daniel Fullmer, Da
vid lieland, John Hung.
LAitdsdHuO'if lluyh Martin. Jno 0 tlelle-,
Win Nebil, Wm Huusel, Jobu S Trofel,
Paul Loir.
Leicis-Jacob HunUinijcr, Mtlton Trofsl,
Samuel beiver.
iordua-Jaeob Martin.
Swmoim-Solomou Evert, Alleo Moody,
feler Miller.
L'yptt Augusta IK-nry Folk, John C Mor-
pper iUunoy w u.iun.
A7ifloi-Jacb WlirUnd, Ii J Eubert.
A'orueieiqiid Wm It Waplet, l al
Brauli;aill, Siiuuel F.lliet
Jacis n John Ihrppen, Win .aitman.
Ku'kilvo Geaili.nt.
Lower .liieina-Gcorce Weaver, Cbarlri
Sin 11 h, Mailm Handle
Loietr .l.iAaiioy VO'ianan lager.
rclll Juror a.
Jae-Hnry Honer, , iah Schwaris
.1iMe-Jjhil Kl Uel, Ja(HUl Blall, K 1
Fuck, Thomas Meivu.e.
SttMfrurv-Jeniea Ba. helor, Geo W Kickl,
Tlioniss knyder, K U MaikUy
JWHi -lae BdUvh, Jub'l Gu ici,
Jh Ii Sindur. .... .
lutssr .iouM- Pl Maluk, M , in bei'
lailMU, John luldwm.
i.u"-laae Tuines.
AI11.1 Aleaandrr. AUrnto'lS'
Joke kWduei, Juhn luie, Oaoiuei jve--
lIH ag0-l1Ma WvltelUlll, JJBI
I Us . .
JUit-JeOuo oe-jsr
feasrree-aVilusiian II Hover.
jVfeuors--lsd Viuteut, h , '
,'V-4-, sViislUJoio1! k
etl Ma
fJ-Je aal
i aW.y-V idles Aauiel, JwBO M
Oee. J-a.Tl