EDITORIAL COItRESPONDEItCE. (7. S. Hotel, Philadelphia, June 26, 1354. f The business season, so far as merchants re concerned, is nearly over, and Philadel phia in Market street and other localities o( wholesale dealers, wears a dull appearance. Not so, however, w ith the mechanics and manufacturers ; which after all, are the true source, of the wealth and prosperity of the city. These are as busy as ever. In the summer they provide for the fall and winter trade, and in the winter, for that of spring end summer. Thus they are ever busy, and what is better, prosperous and thriving. There is not a town on the Susquehanna, thai iniuht not be made equally so. by the ex penditure of a little capital and enterprise. The flourishing towns in the New England States afford a happy illustration oft bis fact With a sterile soil and but little mineral wealth with scarcely any natural advantages, ex cept water-power and yankee energy, they have built up towns, which for elegance, taste and comfort, are not surpassed by any iu the Unioa. The political campaign has not yet faiily commenced here, although it is about the usual time. The truth is, the late electiou has upset and-disengaged the old laid plans and taken the wind out of the sails of many of the old politicians. Philadelphia has been ruled for many years past by a set of design ing and corrupt politicians, who would stop at nothing in order to accomplish their ends, Some years past it was no uncommon occur rence to poll several thousand illegal votes to carry an election. Politicians who were most expert at this business, in devising the ways and means, were considered not only smart but worthy of reward and posts of honor and profit. The foreign vote, whether by naturalized or unnaturalized citizens formed an important element iu these nego tiations. It was in this respect that Judge Campbell, now Post Master Geueral, became prominent before the public in Philadelphia His influence with a certain class of people was said to be extensive, and unfortunately it was foolishly supposed to be necessary for the success of the democratic party. . The result was tho nomination of Judge Campbell its one of the Judges of the Su promt Court ; a posili in fnr which he was wholly unfit and for which he had not a single qualification. His defeat is now matter of history. In an evil hour Governor ftigler was induced to appoint him Attorney General of Pennsylvania, as if to rebt.ke the sovereign people of this slate, for exercising "a privilege dear to them, and formidable to tyrants only." On the score of qualification, his appointment to This post was equally ob jectionable Having opposed the election of Judge Campbell, I did not hesitate to state that the appointment was not only unwise and impolitic, but that it would eventually recoil upon those who had brought it about The defeat of the democratic ticket in this city, at the recent election, was not caused by the Nebraska or the Temperance, qnes lions although they, no doubt, had their iuflu euce. The Democratic Union, in a late num ber, lakes a proper view' of this subject when it states thai Campbellism was tho death of Mr. Vaux the democratic candidate for Mayor, and that it must prove fatal to all connected with it." If there was no othe proof than the defeat of Win L Hirst, lb talented and popular candidate for Solicitor, by a vote several thousand greater than that of the Mayor, it alone would be sufficient. Mr. Hirst has been for years the political mentor, counsellor and fiiend of Judge Camp bell, and hence his defeat. I lake no pleas ore in recording these facts, but if philoso phy is history teaching by examble, it would be well to remember its lessons. The Uuited States Hotel has changed bands. Mr. C. J. Maclellan, formerly of J )Ues' Hotel has taken charge of the estab lishment, and I can truly say that it now has no superior in the city, and in many respects I might add no equal. Ma. Editor. Who will bd our next candidate for Con gress, is question which I have heard fre. iienily propounded. Schuylkill county has as yoldone nothing with regard to the ques tion, and, from the information I have in my possession, I am pione to believe that she will Hi-cede (he man lo old Northumberland ; and in ;! of the fact thai Ihe Whig nominee will be taken from Northumberland county, ii i. ovi.lant 10 eveiv reflecfuii! mind that the democratic nominee ought also be fioin lhis county, if otherwise the Whigs will be greatly augmented in Northumberland coun ly. But should a favciite of old Northumber, land receive the nomination of the demo critic party, contrary effect would unquts lionablv be produced. I know of no one at present in tho county, .1 -m.t.l ha nrevailed upon to liive bis II WW aywa. w a name lo Ihe public, that could possibly com ttiand a larger vote thou Ihe Hon. Otto. C. WtLfcKK, our late able and popular Judge. If the nomination is tendered to him in my pinion he can be prevailed upon to excrp, f ii, and if h our standaid bearer Ihe de. riiocracy of ibe district can confidently . neol lo hear a diileient result from whal otherwise woulJ be I be case iu Ihe grind lo Ul of the vole in old NoriUuiubeiUud. I rsplfull submit his name lo Ihe con sideration of Ibe democratic, party. ' MANY DEMonWlSOF Kl'SII. New from other Couittio. i - tictsrav tko Eata Uu Huso-The F.iie Ua.etie, of June : Meis. 'tis end k'nea, fiiMeipel Ki'.iueer of the Kum bury au. Kite Uilio4J, ammed iu this eHi last Bstmdey au.ii, t Will.. pud, ..!,-, Weiies) and Waiiapuif . k pJiued h TuJy by Mi. k-eeoa, tad in aoMtpaiiy tls Mi. IUu J.,1,4., fust Assislautt of the Vsiin l.i iou, stalled ) Wui of 4m.u4lw u( Ihe ! niied louiowl lae RJ ' ", i.,.. out U VIimIiJ e4 I'm" Mills lusta " l Waiiabum, iu I iUiui.4 by Ibi ''" '' J' 'b ci viUmuii ( U'e .lente enl 'J J ISlnaUltua IU IUI fivUaS.v.4 report will, we presume, be submitted lo ibe rresiuent and Board of Directors in a week or ten days, shortly after which a public let ting will doubtless be advertised. They expressed themselves delichted with the City, the Country, and above all, the liar- 90r. Their COmmenilatinna nf Ihm Harhnr particularly, were hearty and unqualified. They will leave for their homes to-day or to morrow. IlrsLTH or Eric Adopting the com ments of ihe Buffalo Commercial upon a kin dred subject, we would say no city in Ihe North is so generally healthy as Erie during Ihe season when local diseases and epidemics commit their greatest ravages. Franklin Canal Railroad. At a meet ing of the stockholders in this city last Mon day evening, this Road was formally transfer red lo Ihe Cleveland, Painesille Ashtabula Railroad Company, coupled with an agree ment to place the stock at a valuation equal lo that of the last named interest, or in lien thereof to pay each share-holder dollar for dollar with interest from the date of running operations. Thus died, and thus was buried, a concern which never had a legal existence, and which consequently was rotten to the core, thouph specially favored and supported by persons who in the general transactions of life would doubtless recoil from the bare idea of deliberate, intentional wiong-doing. Vnlon County ' A few days ago, tho Bhavings in a large brick dwelling, being built in Lewisburg, were found to be on fire, but water was near at hand, and the ladies of the neigi.borhood by a little resolute and skilful labor suppres. sed it without much damage. Cause one of the workmen "must have a smoko." Improvements in Lewisdurc. The Lew isburg papers are gratulating themselves and congratulating the public upon the growth and improvement of that active little town. The Chronicle says: Lewisburg justly bears the palm from its neighboring towns in re spect to Ihe regularity and beauty of its streets, and the comfort and durability of its dwellings, the latter are open to the objec tion of too much uniformity or sameness of ar rangement and appearance. There are many pleasing exceptions of this general charge, it is true, for all do not build upon a line with the street, nor copy every error they may find among their neighboring dwellings. Some of our houses seem lo have grown up hap hazard, or to have been planned by Ac cident. Among our latest improvements, are three homos prepared by Dr. Malcom. Prof. Bliss, and Prof. James, on the new street yet lo be opened from Third (or Church) street lo the University buildings. These dwellings differ from each other materially, and yet each have superior comfort, utility, or economy displayed in some point. Their varieity will add not a little to the genera) attractiveness they will import to the neigh boihood. We recommend no particular model or plan, but we do uige all who contemplate building hereafter, to study and mature veil the location, size, material, divisions, finish, and even the colar of the building. Comfort, durability, and economy are all aided by careful forethought. Security against file and dampness good diaft and ventilation are all-important points for health and com fort ; and a little care, and a little assistance from an architect, will often save much ex ponse and discomfort in preparing a home for a family. . The sensible advice given above, will ap. ply with peculiar force in this locality. It is certainly dt-siiublo that our peoplo should learn to cultivate good taste in building, and comu to appreciate the lact that there is moral as well as a physical utility, what ever ministers lo the former will, upon the principal of action and reaction augment the latter. Ed. J The Union County Mutual Fire Insurance Company at its lust meeting passed the fol. lowing order : Resolved that no properly in which a steam engine or engines is or are used, shall be in sured hereafter in this company. Thaw no greater amount than five thousand dollars shall be taken on any one risk, or on any block of buildings which may be attach cd together. Perry Couuty Hailhoau Convention. Pursuant to pub lic notice previously given, a meeting of the pel sons named as Commissioners in Ihe Act of Assembly, authorizing the incorporation of the " JJiiiitmimien, Landlslurg, nnd Broad Tup Railroad Company." was held in Doys ville, on the 11th day of June 1854. I. uirra I onuly I.acilawakna akd Rloomsbvrg Rail Road. The Pulsion Gazette says: The location nf this Road has been made and tho work upon the upper end commenced and rapidly pro gressing. The Bridge across the Susquehan na at Pituton has been let, and Ibe contrac tors directed lo commence woik immediately upon the heavy sections thioughout the whole route. Tiuly, this looks encouraging, and w ill doubtless prompt all to pay over i heir instalments piuuiptly and cheeifully. Truly old things are passing away and all thing becoming new in the ttoiougb of Dan ville The Old Couil (louse has been re-mo. dellud into a beautiful new oue ; the eld Mi-1 ho Jul Church has been raised and turn ed iul a line looking Public School KJili; the Mothodisl Congregation uow worship in iboir euiiiinodioii new t'huieh ; Ibe I'rvsb) teiiaiis have abandoned their old Lecture toom and now worship in Iheir new one; Ihy wilt a I hi, iu a few weeks, leave ibe old and vvuwisiud I'uuich butldiug, l oecupy ibe new ouej the ol4 IHtuville Aeadeiuy. ttuoie Ihe uiiud and gsaius of youth la beau tutored fol sume (oily yeeie, noweoiuM dwM lu wake loom for a muie eumwoJums new buildup. AuJ lout il U, alt ovel hiwe, old builJg doiuolished, kud asw euea auk muled i old bulk tstudee t."4 le utiw aud Uul gW (iouuj; Uom frMU uj itsiuie Hi fur 1 hsattul ttreei, Vietdieey, im tfH .man Ulivel Ihttminl, The tails 4, Wilii4mpui and Kite Ut.liued 4 liMtshsd Ik. , beleea t 4iui4 'i I ike juuituu nk ike little bu)lklj l4. lived, Ul mi WW ibte tJe SUNBURY AMEKlCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUKNAL. of Tamaqna. The Road will sorely be open lo Tsmaqua by the 4lh of Jofji o that at last we are on the eve of a connection by Railroad between the Susquehanna valley and the cityof Philadelphia. The Williams, port and F.lmiia Railroad will be opened for travel about the same time. The intermedi ate links between Cattawissa and Wiliiams port wilt be finished by the first of Septem. ber at farthest, when there will be a continu ous line of rail road from Philadelphia lo Nu agara Falls, lo be ran in fifteen boors. This wil bring an immence travel through this notion of country, where a new impulse will be given, in consequence, lo nearly every branch of business. Danville Democrat. Items of News null 4LI)oirc. The wheat crop in Deleware, it is said) was never more abundant. Fittt miles of the Vicksburg, Shrevesport and Texas Railroad have been placed under contract. A resolve apptopriating $3000 for a monu ment to the memory of Gen. Putnam is be fore the Legislature of Connecticut. The New Orleans Councils have passed nn ordinance to subscribe $1,500,000 lo Ihe Mo bile and New Orleans Railroad. Gen. Gonzales publishes a card iu the Union, denying thai he has any connection with the Cuban filibusters. Coal has been found in great abundance just under Evansville. It is proposed to tun nel ihe city in order to get at the mine. The marine hospital at Pensacola, Fla., has been removed lo the moulh of Ihe Bayou Texar, about a mile from the former place. In Tioga county, only six morchanls are assessed as selling liqucr. The Rahman's Journal is the title of a new weekly paper published in Clearfield, Pa. ; Whig in politics; neat in appearance, and cleverly edited. 1.0 O. F. The Grand Lodgeof Delaware, I. O. O. F., held its Annual Communication on Wednesday afternoon last. Unusual large delegations of Representatives from Ihe Lodges were present. The Repeal or the Fugitive Slave Act The Boston Transcript says that on the presentation of the petition for the repeal of the fugitive slave law, Mr. Sumner will give notice of a bill for the repeal of the act. If the Senate refuse to introduce the bill, he wil! move it as an amendment to Ihe general ppropriation bill. A very lively and excited debate is expected. Gen. John N. Plrviance haa deolined the appointment of Commissioner lo examine and settle claims against the Commonwealth, a position conferred epon him by a late Act of Assembly. The reason assigned for the declination is, that it would interfere with other business that demands his attention. A Heavt Appropriation The Washing, ton Star says Ihe amount voted on Thursday by the House lo pay for the books ordered lo be distributed among the present members of the body was S 199,500 87. The amount requisite to pay for the books to go to the eighteen new members of the Senate, will swell that sum to an aggregate of 8221,000. "The Irishmen's Civil and Military Re publican Union" is ihe title of an organiza which has just been formed in New York ciiy, "to rally arid concentrate in a bond ol brotheihood all Irishmen," against the new American societies. Australian advices to the 28:h of March were received by the last California steamer. The newa is little else than a record of ihe finding of monster nuggets of gold, one of which weighs fifty-two pounds. A wai Steamer, newly built at New York city for tho Mexican government, and called the Santa Anna, was launched there on Sat urday. She is pierced for fourteen guns, and is 560 tons burthen. Another war steamer, o ibe same dimensions, also for Mexico, and named the Generate ItuibM," will be launched from the same yard in about three weeks hence. Affairs on the Isthmus of Panama are in a very unsettled condition, iu consequence of the difficulties between the Americans and Ihe natives. In the town of Aspinwall ihere is no regular police, and more lhan half the time no courts. A vigilanca committee haa undertaken lo preserve order. The Isthmus is reported as being healthy, but Ihe rate at which the laborers on Ihe railway leave as soun as Iheir contract expires does not sustain this. More Foreign Brutality. On Saturday evening, al New Haven, an American named Tultle, was attacked and nearly killed by a large gang of Irishmen, wh) were in pursuit of some one, crying out, where is the d d lankeef Tultle told thein he was a Van. kee. He had two of his ribe broken, and was otherwise terribly beaten. Several ar- rests have been made. The sales of llulloway' Tills and Ointment 1 .... nave woniieitiiliy increased lit the I'moii, we piesuine, lueielote, thai Ihe well known vir tues the nieJiviiies possess, are bocurumg uui serially appreciated, among thousands of poisons ol both scsns testily diurnally, as may 0 so en by Ihe 1'isas, thai their elfeel is miraculous; ihey act conjointly so directly upon the system, Ihe oue luleinally and othsi esierually, thai the moat serious case will readily yield lo Iheir wonderful power, ' IMI K spiiit ( star now swevtiss Ihe saiitde ut Kmuiwaua, and iwawace sums fcf muMey are daily U.uf tpuJ4 lu the tBf sua f ai- iwg um lit Kuasu-t'ytkudi was. l as lubabf Uuu ul imii asauitlul sMy, autsevss, see asaks Ut eU uae ul Ituu SjUMMV tkaa aitiug It ila auptjt W aa a nan tuj it aaaMtUy ui the ft quality ut I'lubiua;, at use a. ace (us isibmhw ht Um kfca sum id, aaawly Km sans Wiisaa's tkty sJ hahi.maMa (lota 1 as tin, Na. 1 1 1 t baawiU sir, ewaMS 4 riahtUa rvace, nnlaOcaia. fkiia.J. e, ISM.-f. N4HHIHU, Iu this plasa, an WaduasJs tatoiaing Ual, hy it list. r. IWria, all alatiti Usiaat.si, ut Mum Kss4 Ut. sat k a, awls l ihui i. (hi lha lilt toll , hy th Ms i. C J lilw. kail, Jama Huiss, J Usiill, Ut f si as sist istsa, s ftasiMwala). I)C ittatfecto. Philadelphia Market. June 98, fS54. FloOr ttntf Meal. There is very little export demand for Flour. The last offer is about S8 50 per barrel for standard brands, ana su ouas ol) lor extra. We quote ive Hour at tS 60, and Pennsylvania Corn Meal al S3 62 1 per barrel urain. Wheat Is scarce, and is nearly nominal at 2 13 for while and SI 98a3 for red per bushel. Rye continues scarce. Sales of Pennsylvania al SI 12al 15c Corn is more active : sales at 82o afloat for vellow. and 80 4o for while. Oats are scarce sales al 60 cents. Whiskey is held at 28o in both bbls.. and bogsheada. Baltimore Market June 27, IS54. GRAIN. The receipt of Grain of all de scriptions continue to be hunt, and in conse quence prices have somewhat improved. i no only sample or Wheat at market this morning, was a parcel or 2000 bushels good wniie wnion was sold al 1 DO cts. This is an improvement on Ihe lust sale. The offer ings this moiiiinrr at the Corn Exchange were about 10.000 busheles, which was most ly sold al 80 cts. tor white, nnd 8283 lor yellow. Theie were no samples of Rye of fered this mornini;. We note a brisk de mand for Oats. The receipts at market to day were about 3,000 bushels, most of which changed hands at 6O116I cts. for Virginia and Maryland, and n2cts. for rounsylvania. SUiN'MJItY 1MUCE CUKKUNT Whkat. 200 Km. 100 Corn. -80 Oats. SB Potatiiks, 60 Uickswas - -12 Hkcklkii Flax. 25 Buttkr. - - .31 Ellas. ... 10 Pnaa. ... if Flaiskkh. .... 25 Tallow. - 10 New Advertisements. Estate of ALBIN NEWBERRY, dee'd. KOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad I ministration have been granted lo the un dersigned upon Ihe estate of Alhin Newberry, late of Point township, Northumberland county. deed. All ersons indebted are requested to make immediate payment, and all having claims or demands agniusl said estate are desired to make the same known to the subscribers without delay. UKASHA NEWBERRY, I.OKENKA NEWBEKK Point tp.. June 24, 1854. Ct. Adrn'rs. Dog Lost. T OST, supposed to have strayed away, a valuable Dog, about medium size, wolf streaked, with white circle round his neck, and white legs. Had on a leather strap. The finder will be suitsbly rewarded by leaving him at this office. Sunbury, June 24, 1854. DK1GAUB OUDEItg, No. 3. Military Election. NOTICE is hereby given to the Connnissionsd Officers of Ihe 1st Brigade 8th Diviaion P. U. Militia that an election will be held at the. Lawrence House, in the Borough of Sunburr, on Monday, the 3d day of July, for the purpose ol electing one person lor Alxjor Ocneral of the 8th Division. J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Brig. Ins. 1st Brig. 8th Div. 1. U. M. Brig. Inspectors Office, Norlh'd, June 24, 1854. ( To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of quarter sessions tor 1111 county oj AcrfAtim- benand. Tlie umlertiriie.) petitioner leaneetlully anlirita tho Hon. Court lo armit Inni a liernaa to keen an Inn or tavern iu lae lowa 01 .uouui mimei. JOS. M. FEGER. AVK tha nnileraiennt rilizena of Mount funnel. Im. me acquainted with tlie I'etilioner. do cerlil'v Unit lie ol" irood lepute for honeatv ami temueruuee. and tlwt he la well provided Willi nouie rouui anil other eonvenianrea for the aecnininotlntioli of atmnaera and Irnvelera. noil that an tun m uivern there ia ncceaanry for tha uccnimiioitutiou of atraufreiaantl iruveieia. Krancia II roita, imvid J. iwia. Jeaaa Varnall. J. II Taruall, lieorge A. Karler. Patrick Italy. Win. It. Cher mgtoii, 1 S ini'Hi, I. Ilnrriaon Jamea, 1'airUiak lloilgaoni A. Ayrra. in. ii. Ml. Cariual, J una 41, ISM 31. GUANO, GUANO. aTaMMDO Tons Ko. I Government Peruvian 0 Ciuano. U4NI 1 ons Huper-plioaphate or Lima. 1MU Tons Mineral Guano, FOR SALE BY AI.I.EN & NEEDLES. 21 South Wharves and 2 South Water Street, first aoor auovt itesinul ol.. PBtXAOBLraiA. June 24. 1N64. 3in. SUPREME COURT, N. DIST. FA. NOTICE IS hereby given that tha Supreme Court for the Northern District of I'enneylvania will commence its annual session upon the thisd Monday of July next, at the Court House in Suiiburv. CHARLES l'LEASANTs, Proih'y Prolh'ys uffK-e, June 28, 18M. LIST OF CAl'SES KOK ARGUMENT AT JULY TfcRM, A. U , 1854. I. aijwcii vs uurnett Milt Ac. l.yeoyiug 2. Mil arty vs lioinuaii do. 3. rtorrey vs Allison Northumberland 4. t'lenuat vs Wsimer do. 5. Kobinson vs ltuwrt Colurahia 8. liumnirl vs Maala Union 7. Mower cV Uarrou vs Clement Northumberland 8. Cuuiiuiiigs vs Ever' Union I. Donncl ct Uewarl vs Ut-llas Norlhuiulierlsnd 10. tier. Kef. eoiigregalion l.ulh. congregation iu HL Peters church in HU Peters ch. I'n.oo 11. I'iaht-r vs Parley do, 12. Kitahb vs Drake 4 Co Columbia 13. Kilter vs II raver Union 14. Traulmsris sppral I.ycouiiuf 13. YtHingruart vs Murray da. 18. Addis vs llslttei do. 17. Waius vs Hams do. I M. Kippatal vsMmillict- WsggotiaalWr NiMlh'd III. Ilullinae vs V stilus l.yrauting to. Kuhuir vs Smith et WagaunaalWt I aiosi II. 'I'Uoinss al s II W ISMvdar du. 11. IhnilWrs sppsal .Norlbueutarlaud 13. Cuuiuiiiiaa speal Lyaummg BimardSaloon, 9latrkt ettiuMr), HMtalsury. 'pilB subsrribsf raaNM.fully lufurius lbs puklis UkaA he has snn Wd fm lhan amuasmaul and SSarsaae, an sleNl iumoihhI IhIIwnI labfe, iltl INdla lublaM SMahtoMa, IM lbs bMkita Ulsly ecsir4 a Ihe WtWe al Ihe IStskSsra AwartasN, MB StOWSa j. u. mrrtH. DtMtWry, J a aa IT, IsM 4. asHlNsll, fas It, ISSt-. RAttftltKY. Hs.miitl'u.'uZ at UKIalfli 4 Hit MWm. atert, J was ft, Ist IJt'l ftl U.UI t'-Uut,'t,u.U.V) nafcaia, JtfMe f(, lui . W'UklfU. Mull smJ Uml ilk fsaai UtlatH4l4hlM.il IKSiaii, Imsm II, l To tfo Voters oflforthnmberland County. Fallow Citisins.. I hereby announce to yon that I will be a candidate at the October election for the office of SHERIFF, for which I solicit your votes. And In doing so I tender my sincere thsnks to those who kindly supported me when a candidate heretofore; a kindness which I shall ever hold for gratefal re membrance. Should a majority nf yoo. see proper to grant me the favor I now ask, and I be elected Sheriff of the county, I shall mske every effort to perform the duties of the offiee la the satisfaction ef th public. HENRY WEIE. Upper Augusts, Jane 17, 1854. To the Voters of Northumberland County, rsLLow UiTiini. At the solicitation nf a number of my friends, I again offer myself as a candidate for Ihe office or ritOTIIONOTAUY, and promise, if elected, to discharge the cfatiat of t ie office with correctness, and to the best of my aluliiy. JAMES BEAM, Sunhury, June 17, 1854. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fellow Crriziss. Enrouragrd by my nu meritua friends I cITcr myself to your considers' tion for tho office of rilOTIIONOTAltY, and proniinc, if elected, lo discharge the duties of the office raillifully anil to tha tx-t of my aiulity. ISAAC DEIUELSPACH, Point, June 24, 1851. To the Voters of Northumberland County. F.ncourngcd by the support heretofore received, and st the wilicitiilion of my friends, I again oiler myself as a candidate for tho office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensuing election, and promise, if elected, to discharge the duties ol the office faithfully and impartially. 1 MARTIN GASS Shamokin tp., June 24, 1834. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fkllow C'itizkss: Encouraged by many of mv friends throughout tho countv, I herewith ollrr myself to your consideration for the office of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the ensving election. Should I be elected. I promise to discharge Ibe duties thereof laitlilully nd with impartiality. Upper Augusta, June 17, 1854. To the Voters of Northumberland County. Fkllow Citiikss: Encouraged by marry friends, I announce myself as a candidate for the oflice of COUNTY COMMISSIONER at the approaching election. Should I be elected I pledge myself te discharge the duties thcreo with punctuality and Impartiality. ubuiiur; uitinni! Sunbury, April 8, 1854 To the Voters of Northumberland County. FtLtuw Citixexs. Encouraged by many of my friends, I herewith offer myself to your consideration, as a candidate lor the omce 01 COUNTY COMMISSIONER a' the ensuing election. Should I be elected, I promise to fulfil the duties thereof with fidelity snd impartiality. U1.1A3 Dnutiuun Bnubury. May 27, 1854. JOHN V. MARTIN, MEHC1IAKT TAlLOIt, ETJNBTJHY, PA- W) ESPECTFULLV informs his friends snd customers that he has just received from the city a new and complete assortment of Ment Wearing 1purel, which be will make up to order, or sell, as cheap as any other establishment in the place, as he is determined to permit no one to undersell him. His goods are choice, and carefully selected from the best iu the Philadelphia market, and they will be made up in the beat and latest style and warranted. II is slock consists m psrt ol hand some Marscilcs and iSilk Vcatings, Duck and other Linens for Coats, dec. Also, s vsricty of Cloths, Cassimcrs, Cravats, ISeck 1 les, and variety of other articles for Mcna' wear. Sunbury, June 10, 18S4 If. Notice to Taxpayers. NOTICE is hereby given lo Tsxpsyers, Ihst sll those paying their 8(ale Tai fifteen days prior to the first day of Auguat next, will be al lowed five per rent. CHAS. WEAVER, ) JOS. N IU E LY, Com'ssrs. SIMON SNYDER, ) Com'ars Oflice, I 8unbury, Juns 10, 1834. J NOTICE To Trespassers on the Telegraph Line rvsjtjin-c, is hereby given, thai all persons round trespassing uiion, or injuring the lin of the Pbilsdclphia and Sunbury Telegraph will be dealt with according to the act of Assembly such cases msde and provided. H. ii. MA8SER, Prea't Phils, and Sunbury Telegraph Co. Sunbury, Juns 3, 1834. If. PATENT (luivanizeii Iron Tubing, FOR CHAIN PUMB6. rillUS Tubing, made of Galvanised Iron I I patent machinery, poaaeaaca great strength romlnued lilt simplleity and nralneas, and warranted not lo corrode, is now ollt-red for sale at the warehnuac of the AMERICAN GALVANIZED IRON WORKS iN'o. 1 4 fiiorlh Tenth Street. IMIII.AUIil.rillA A full aaaorltneiil of our American Gah auucd ribrel and Kooling Iron slwuys on hand. All orders promptly allemlid to by M.CUt.LlH (ill A CIV Pbila., May 27, 134. 3m. Int Notice. VI. I. fsoiu kuowiiiH thsiaaeltrs liidahvej lo lbs ratals ut Uvoiue Arniatroiif, lire'd., or having cUuus snainal huu, ars railed upmt lur th laat Um (x asllUiiMiil, for bu b jmrpoa tli aolwrlUr will sltoud al IU olln uf I rrdaiu k l.asarua, Ka., in Aullbuiy, on lurd.iy, tbt 1st day of July nL J AM CM MITII. Adm'tar. Jim 9, I ait. At, UAitUWAKUainlgursuawar in (rest IWIKrS snd vt sll uVaiilpUali, jual racattsd auJ lur sal by l.oaet Auata, May M. A. K.N AUH. I til. w 711. KV till ! I'd.MlYi 4m s.cl. Saul raasady Mr cowak, suils. r sal St Ukts rs, IWaaaUl IIM. '- UIWK fsMkauMt NM 4s and Usiik M wis. Bunds, K aHiuna, Hummmnui As.. M sals by II. M. M ttskm, ttnbnfy As4 It, aal S tMAtMll.ll i k. tllol kind, last rsat I wi ab saMla. t aklMfMaa. SaiMt kUUw twakai snd sdJ aia aJ i kind, last lld Sk4 bar sH) by WW. A. ftftAIB. LnsiM Aainata, Ms; I, - 'IVMsl t Tilt. Ul fat Vttl.ti 4 fltt.Mk! v kitsd-my, Js II, lt fl kLtU .lU l tl4tv4 sa'-s k H 1111 b( M,K Um 1 1, lli . TOWER HAIL CLOTHING STORE, Market Btreel, opposite the Bed Lion Hotel, Banbury, Fa, THE subscriber is happy to announce to the citisens of Sunbary and vicinity, that he as just opened a large stock or CLOTHING OF EVERY DESCMPVION, such as Coats of every fashion, Pants arid Tests, blurts of sll kinds, llgured and plain, under shirts and drawers, both woolen and cotton, fed flannel shirts, twilled, plated bosoms, overhauls, stoekings and gloves, of all kinds, suspenders, silk handkerchiefs, ties and stocks, pooket hsndker chiefs, cotton snu ailk I splendid collars, suspenders of all sixes and prices. It has often been said of Docket In a shirt, but come and set ibe pocket, Test ana smrt in one. Alsof a fine assortment of Cfolfis, Cssafrrrersend BaftifteTt, Rammer goods, black satin for Vests, a( every price, and eny awnrfitf of fancy Vest patterns, vrhicft Will be made lip t order to suft rusfomers ; my maxim is 1 no fit no take. And as for chetra selling, I don't intend to Us beat by Europe or America. Also on band, a large assortment of Umbrellas at any pries, to suit great and small, together With Some travelling bags (o carry Tank)' notions In, large and smalf. Come Farmers, Mcchanica, l.n(nrer of , Call in ami are the Clothing at Tower KulT, A ixt if yoa want In Iw auited to a T, Call at tlie at Tt or John II. D. . JOHN II. DANFIELD, Agent. Sunbury. May 20, 1854. 3m. NEW DRUG STORE! WEISER & BRUNER, Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Market St., next door to E. Y. Bright's Store, SUNBURY, PA . fhFFER to the public Ihe largest and best selected stock ever owned in this section of country, consisting of FRESH AND PURE DRUGS, Medicines, ChemicalB, Ground Spices, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Dye-stulls, WmJo Glxs. Patent Medicines, together with a complete as sortment of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail snd Shaving Brushes, Dressing, Side, Neck and I ocket Combs, rancy Soaps, Shaving Creams. Tobacco, Segars, Port Monias, Stationary, Con fection aries, PURE WINES AND BRANDIES For Medicinal une. Enirlish, French and A mcrt- can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip tion, in snort every article Kepi by Druggists generally. JZr Prescriptions Carefully Compounded. GEO. 'B. W'EISER, VM. A. BRUNER. Sunbury, May 13, 1854. SAIYIUEL W. PEPPER, cceusoR To ' HENRY J. PEPPER k SON, Watches, Jewelry & Silver Ware, No. 175 Chestnut st., opposite the State llonse, rHXXa.aD1IX.PHXA. Phils., May 27, 1854 ly. PHILADELPHIA. ALLEN & NEEDLES, 23 Souffc Wharves and 35 South Water Street, OFFER for sale on the most reasonable terms, OILS Sperm. Whale. Solar and Miners' Oils- GUANO Peruvian Guano, Government No. 1. STARCH Agents for the Oswego Pure Starch, Prepared Corn snd Corn Starch. Phosphate of Lime, 1000 barrels of improved Super Phosphate of Lime. Pbila., May 27, 1854. 3in. Spring and Summer Goods ! Peter W. Gray YNFOKMS his friends that he hss just received a good assortment of Spring and Summer Goods at his Store in Whortleberry street. His stock consists of DitY COODS, VIZ : Cloths, Casaimers, Saltinetta, Jeans, Drifting!, Usrages, Barage De Laines, Ginghams, Lawns, Linens, Muslins, Flannels, Msntilla Silks, Summer Shawls, Dress Trimming and all items in the Dry Goods line. Also, a arge assortmet of Shoes for Men Women and Children. Summer Hats, Groceries ofevery variety. Teas, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Spices, 8aft, Flab, &c Hardware. A general assortment of Cedar War Tilt's, Buckets, Wash Boards, Brooms, Brushes, Ac. (jusssswaaa a general assortment. Country produce taken at Ihe highest market prices. Sunbury, Juno 3, 1854. tf. In the Court of Common Pleas of North umberland County. J7;f cc dt I'artilione Facienda Nu. 12 Ai-oisT T. 1851. TAMES Carothers and Mulild.t his wife, ' Maty K. Aynew by her guardian James Carolher, Adam Toiretice ami Klizabelh his wife, (Jt-orye llaymukcr and I'racilla his wife, Martha Uraham, Klizabelh Graham. Eveline II, Graham and Marcaretta M. Graiiam, by Iboir Guaidtau Hobert fflilh-garr, TI. flush Bellas, Peter ttuldy, Win. Shannon ami Kulnl his wile, George A. Flick, Clur. euce II. Krick, Augustus Frick, AS-xauder Krick, Koberl K. Claik and Martha his wile, fctlss Carry, Ann Carey, Mary K. Cary, Sa rah fairy, Tlronras tl. Coll, Win. C. Cult S. tali Cull, by her Gnnrdiaii Win. A. I'etiikin, liider Jiiks, V. Wallacn Jeuks, Georye A Junks, I'. Frederick Jenks, Jnsvi h 8. Klae liood and Kluabuih his wife, lr, Samuel Jaekaou, Jesae Heston, and John W. Mooie. Noiioe is betaby given that in pursuant:) af Ihe older in Ibis wiit contained, h I, ipieal lo make parliliuii uf a niuce or put-el of html siiaata m Coal lusriiahip Noiihuiubri. land County, on or near the wateit o' Miamo kin creek, mniiaiiiiug U7I acies, inuie et less, bounded on Ihe nuilh by laud of lira Miosis Buik ami uiheis, on the south by lha lop p sjtar the lop of M.haouy inunulaiit, an the weal by lands t.f J.dni N. (.sua and mhi'is and ert the ssst by laud ul Jacob llotlmsa and Mheis, which Said body uf lands runsMis ul Usui ui pail al liacia, soi)sd un war. rsnlsdsio l ISihafMsnK UUI, gianlsd la K Imuiid Hull, Thorits Gill, Janus t,vi, Mm Ma. ilaon, TlKiiuss I suiplalu Ksboil CsmpUiu, will be hU an the said Uisli uti Mou.Uy ih tlib) Jsy uf J.ly nr.l, k-n us) whera til ih pantes, CU U art.! de- Uadsnt, ttm warn J iu b iNanl. H It LI A s U. Mfr, whsriil kaint'a Orn. knuUus, Jaxta IB, lt.. tt, I jj uurjt ri'u. rtws4-rt ,uk. t.u m( i fNlW, .oj tu. mi lnt tsd and bl aaaj b A-d, ail. I W, TtM!l 4 I II. I kilV lilanl." , lU. i m- mutu ' l 'sad, .Ufc, i" 1 HM-lt4ti. i. s3 II. It A CURE FOR ALL! If Hollo way's Ointment Citizcni oftht Union ! . Yoa have sVifre me His Honour, sa With eM roies, from ana Slid of the Union to the U'ar, ' slanirr tha vhnraerer of my OmtmiiH wfth T"uf approbation. I ia scarcely Iwn yesrt line I maile it known anion voiif and aheaiiy, it tint obtain! nSirS cflebrity thail any utl'ar Meilitine in ao ahorl a period. ... ., , . 1. TflOMASrrof.t.OftA'N , 3fl, Cornai of Ann and NanaaU tflftsia. New 1 orlc. AsroNi!iiiNO ct:nr. 6? onr! t.K.139, aftkr NINK YKAKBS'FAJSUintt Copy of a letter from Mr. ft, J. Lanptni, of Hnntsvitle, Yadkin County, Oorth Caroline, V. 8., dated November 1st, I8S9. 07 HEAD HIS OWN WOBDS. Ts Prof aaaor Hom.o war, .. rrr ft fs Anf my wish to become notorloilS, m ijlur la this frftet wrttlfS for lha mere aaka of wrillnr, bat Uf aay. I Mat yonr OrstffiHit eorrd ma nf wa of Ilia ns-ar dreadful carianeoifs (Tiaeaaaa tlail rlrah Is heir ti, '! which aaa eonaidersd by all who knew me, In he eiilirl beyond the raaek of mrdieina For nine yeara I ws affiietad with ona of lha mml rlnfl and InHihlranma sara lega that ever fell lo (if lot of rrmn and atter tryma; every meuVine I had1 ever haarrf nf, I reaisiK" hi deapnir all hops of fierng cared : but a frlem? tVolit me a eonple nf larire p"a ilf yonr Oinlmfiit, which carraful Ihe aoiuaon mf fefra to fresf, and I entirely rrpiinrd tnt heullh to my axreeahle surprise and ikhfM; am tu th? attimiiliincnt of my friedila', J . - iriia.lj tV..!.ANftl.rlV. AS KXTRAOTtDlMARY Cfrft'fcOP ABADlMKASr, WHEN NEARLY AT TllK POINT Or' UKA I II. Copy of a letter from Mr. R. Durant, Neu Orleans, November Bth, 1853. T rrof-!Wf UoLtoWA, 38. Corner 1. f Ami snd XaMin Sircets, N. Y, Uaur fir, it ia with hcarlf. lt rfrntitiiili f have 10 Inform yon llmtliy the use nf your Ointment and PiHa. I'1" life of my wife ma been aavril. For aven yriira flio hail a briil brenat, with tun running womitla, (not of a rhn- rerona iintme ) I wna told that imlliine: could icivl-ln-r ana woa turn induced to uae your Ointment aim I nia, whH iff the aftort apitra of three monalia, lliev eiri-ctcil a pcilert cure, to Ihe aatouiahnienl of all wno knew ua We ohununl yowr Mediemra from Mesara. Wrifi tit t:..( of Chnrlrea-atreef, Mew Orleaaa. I tend thia from "Hotel aea rnnera," rana, altltonjli, hn.t written ll nt fkrtr Orloina. Iiefoie w fhinlly left, ut Unit lime, not knolii yonr addreaa ut New York. (Signed)' R. DURANT. Tlie Tilla ahonW he ilae.1 coiijhimlv v-hh the OmtrMnt In moat of the followftiff mst-a ' Ui'd I Less, fhi-o.-oi pisl.ihiS, Ihul Breuata, rhilhlHius, flout. Hurna, Chiippol hnmlg, fihuulnlar Svrcllrtigf Ullnioiia, Coma (oftV l.mnUigo Hite of Moaehe- Canceri . rilea tiea fc Hnnd-Kliea, Contnieteil and' lVriemiwitninr Coeo-laiy, Htiir Joinla, rrul.!a, Kleplmnlinaia, Pore Nipplia, Sore-llironK, Skin-iliaroaca, rVnrvr, Kre-hnula, Tumouia, lleera, Wounds, Yuwa SoM irt flip KslnoliiAmMt of frtfcsir Itol.Lowv. til trend, (uwir Tensile llnr, f junto. ) anil nlao ut hia ifnfuM iu New York. Onfera fir- Miinentoaiu Ihe fnilea. nililrei aeil 'T. Ilollowny New York,- wilt leeeive ilne tiMeiitiixr told nlao by nil rcaeetuble lniri(ita nixl Dculrri in Meil' iriuva llirouirhfMit Ihe t'niletl Slutea, in lloj.a nt 3? ceula, S7 centa, ami SI Sll renla each To be hud Wholesnle ol the priuriml Drugllouxea in Ihe I'uion. iv There IS rr eoniderable anvnig !Sy faking tha lnrgef rsia. . it.- rirectiona for llie rTnidanfft of juiticuta in every d'fiiirr are ainxevl tn each bo. July I, It.M flin. ton LIGHTNING RODS, MANUFACTURED AND SOLD BY MCALLISTER & BROTHER, OPTICIANS, 48 CHESNUT STREET, I'UILADELPniA. (At the Old Stand, established in 1790.) OiirPolntaaittall tipped with solid PInUnaatid itjunpeil irtlU our name. Printad dirwetinna aecompADy each point, friea, $1 00, 1 W, 1 60, tl 00, (3 00, f 00, par point, ooordlng to Um quantity of Plataia. -aBy Mmittiiir Biz Cants In Foitage fuips,laa(WJUc Waiiysf thsabste ricss, Taint sB Ira safely teat by mail tsr aay part sf A United Kates, Fhi.a., May 6, 1854. 3n. TANNERY For Sale or Me lit fl'vHE subscril er offers for sale or rent Ins M. TANNERY, situated in the flourishing town of ShainoV n, Norlhumlierlsnd C'onuty. Tlie tannery is well located and supplied with a foun tain of running water. The building is of fi ams 57 by 20 feet, on stone basement. The yard contains S5 vats, sll in excellent order Uark ami hides are abundant. I'oasession will be given iinrhedtate?? If the property is not sold, the subscriber would not object lo Inking a gond partner, ona who could come well recommended, or he would give steady employment to a good hand ut good wages, if Application be made soon. As there is no oilier tannery in fluiinokin, the above ononis an opnortauity to go into tho business, seldom ottered. DANIEL EvEftT. limoklnv June 10, I8M. tf, JAMESf B33GS7 CHAIR & FTJR1TITTJP.E Vai-crooms, No. 82 J 95 North Front Strecff Above- Arch PHILADELPHIA IV" Chair, Settees, Bnreaus, BedsOsds, Ta bles, IOoking-Olitsaes, rjlands, 4c in every va' riaty, sold at the lowest prices for Cash I'btla., Msry 37, 1854 4m, Rett Clock Mud tralih ESTABLISHMENT, Market st.t 3 doors east of the Red Lion Hotel, Surfrary, RAIM0ND FIIllENlJACII TJESPECTFl'I.LY invites the attention of the public to his flocks, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, Ac.-, w lis. It Im will kv at moderate prices. Kcpaising of Clocks, Watches ami Jewelry dune at the shortcat notrrS. Bnnliury, May 47, 1851. tf. Ih6 Eye Perfected. SILVER MEDALS, Prnrn th Kiaiiklin Inaiiiute, Pluaafiqajar, i.i.m th American Inaliiule, N. w uk, uixl FIVK FIRST I'liK.MIl'.MS From Different Fairs hi Nete i'njfwf. City l)ii:uirreotype EstiMii'timciit D.C.COLLIN 3 &C0. No. 100 164 fcrtMt Stre,t, VhiUuklfUnt Alto, Man Street, SatweMd, Miss, unit WestfieM, Mast. I'oiliait Painlinii and TIVityn, in flio hiKhtal stst of erleiUou, Jon uj all the Ihv EatabR.limenls. Pf 'l.hihr awd1 in all th s.tubli.hineuts. M manures taken equally as well by them, nv iltndv aa in clear weallter. riiil...Uy t7, last -if. lit ITU fhildn and hh., f,ir Mi u. l i.ia. u .. IVII. I. .!' Murarr.i hl,.u.. I . 1,- bfnk and rutoia l.ihr, )u.l re.riii .1 and fi.r KM. A K.N.rtD. I.uwrr Aufu.la, May fl, S.- g 1 KlU KstlKit bir,.. 1.,.,, Ml,k4M. Jj Kpnrs, tld. Iliandy li,i,, V,f, Mack.i. I. Ilcnianaad kjlt,..! i..,(a, , , ,4. k', . . A- h Willi. Loan Auaaala, May a, Isll.-- WHt.tst.MI k,ua, .( M,.,. a,:,.. pr (nf sal by r a. r.Mi.i f;;j, t ,,. n si art slre.1, r(,a,., t f aw. iJliktilS, I h t t. , WW- uLu4 mw..i. r,in. V 7' """ l ' tl,.ag, Mrad and l .k b ' 'HM.HH I vtr rrxru 4 i n. .i.ti.wd t .... h,. k, tft tl H 4 bill Atl. e.Uij, Ms; , tst lfH ktU-Ai.,.a. w K..,i.. Vki k.4 'i . i.m ii i -1