Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 13, 1854, Image 2

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    Arrival of tlio Africn.
The Royal Mail Sieamer Africa arrived al
New York on Ibe 6ih in.l.
'o Intelligence, hsd been re.eived of (he
mincing steamship Cily of Glnsgow. Messts.
Richardson & Brothers, tha agents, say there
need be no fear of the steamship being
ultimately lost. Tne ship was perfectly
efficient in every renpeot, was provided with
a sufficiency of water for forty days, and
nlro a distilling apparatus, by which on
abundance of fresh water could be procured,
iler provisions were sufficient for 05 days,
and her eoals equal to 30 days' steaming.
ene has on board 373 passengers.
The war lie ws presents no new features.
The treaty of closer alliance litis been rat
ified between France and England.
A treaty of alliance offensive and defensive
has been signed between Austria and Prussia.
The expulsion of the Greeks has been rig.
orously enforced. The insurrection assumes
the shape of a Guerilla warfare, harassing
but not formidable. Lord Stratford haa
published a strong manifesto against the
Grrek government for fnvo.injj insurrection.
""Mere of the Greeks at Vulo has been
repotted, but is thought to be doubtful.
The accounts are still vaaue in relation to
the violation of the Servian territory.
Prince Daniel is reported to have sum
moned the -UonteneSrins to arms against tin
The campaign in Asia is expected to be
opened about the middle f Anril
The French navy has 56,000 gailors afloat.
Tt, n.. ' . .
"Ui, navo advanced within 120
miles of Varna.
The latest and most trustworthy accounts
worn me head-quarlera of Omar Pasha prove
the urgcut necessity of the nlli,! tr,'.,.
riving on the theatre of war without low of
ii mere be a desire to avoid, as General
Baraguay d'Hilliers is said to have expressed
it in Ann r U : J . 1
.. , uespaicnos, the repetition on
w ... aiasiropne oi Mnope. A com
petent person, who has very recently exam,
ined, and with the greatest attention, the line
of Danube, from Widden to Rassova, and
, yery mtnntely scrutinized the elTec
tive force under thecommand of Omnr Piihn
with its capabilities and organization, is not
Of opinion that it is able to meet the Russian
army single-handed, or to opposo its onward
niuicu io me south.
no uouijl is expressed n in iho .,i n,
enthusiasm, and the valor of the Tu'kisn
Briny, but the same aulhoriiv l..l!.r.. n,,t
notwithstanding the wonderful efforts made
by Omar Pasha to introduce regularity and
order in the host he commands, there is still
iwdeplorabla deficiency in these respects
With the exception of Omar Pasha himself,
wno is admitted to be a man of much intelli
m gence, and two or three others at the most
there is a sad want of military capacity
"inong me superior officers, and infinitely
less amons the subalterns.
The Turkish army of the Danube does not
amount to more than 90,000 men, while the
Russians have now 200,000 disposable and
effective men in the Principalities and Bes
earabia. Fortunately the presence of the
men Heels ln the Black Sea renders it im
possible for the Russian- tooblain supplies
from lh.4 an.l - : I Ll ..I
irum me coast, ana a considerable portion
"lat immense force is employed in con
veying provisions and stores to the Drobud
An Austrian paper has the following tele
graphic despatch:
The important frontier town of Fokshnni,
in Wallachia, which had just been fortified,
ha been destroyed by fire. All Ihe Russian
stores, provisions, arms, clothing, ainmuni
lion and all the military hospitals, have fallen
prey lo the flames. The Russians occupy
The Spanish government bus issued a
highly important decree against tbe slave
trad in Cuba, according to which all slave
are lo be immediately registered, after which
any slave found on Ihe island without a copy
of the register, will be looked upon as fraud,
ulenlly imported, and deolared free. The
decree also provides for tbe introduction and
oigauizalion of white laborers.
St. PfiTERSBoac, April 7. An imperial
ukasa ordain the calling in of moie reserved.
It is estimated that this measure will in
crease the army by 120,000 men.
London Saturday, April 22.-3 o'clock,
P. M. Nothing new ha transpired to-day,
except rumors, both from Pari and Vienna,
or a new Prussian mediation.
Livebpooi, Saturday. The estimated
ale.uf Cotton to-day are 5000 bales. The
market close, tamely, but quite bleudily.
Prices are unchanged.
Bkkun, Friday .-Yesterday an otTonsive
and defousive alliance botwee,, Austria and
I lussm , .igej by IWcm Manteuflol on
the one side, ,nd Uaroa Hesse and Count
I lium on Ihe other.
A despatch from Omar Pa.h eufum. the
previou. account,, ihat ihe Tu.k. were th,ice
successful against .upmior force, m ,1,.
age of the Danube, but in obedience to or
dors, they retreated in the line of Karasan.
Tho St. Potersbeig p ip.,i contain a mani
festo iu reply to tho and Fiend,
declaration of war It throw, the tespon.i
bdityol the war wholly upon and
Nothing later ha been received from the
It i. tusertej from Copenhagen, that Sw.
don ha positively entered into a secret m-a-y
wi.h Ruwia, by which an ab.ululd enartmei.t
fjrbiddu.g moie Hun four ship. Ul one 0
finer a harbor, ha been restored and the
Ming VxttjouV.I ty umy(
NW lUvtlj, Ma) I.
tUernrof CHicUiro.-The twellou.ti
of :u Legi.Uue of lui.Stm, ,,lei j (,en.
I.ou Ig.d.y, vho, ll.nry Dullon fur Go.
"no,5 A. II. Holl.y for lwul.i.,.Uuvw.
'Of; O. II I'.rry (or 8,if,u,r ,( K,g.
W.C'.tip for Ti..,i.i ; and Juan Dunham
(.'; all Whit,.. f. Dull fc.l 140
vxlul ) leu.
SUNDUHY., MAY 13, 1851.
II. D. M f-r.itltor and Proprietor.
To ADTEKTlKKItf .- .The emulation of tha Sunburv
American among the different towm on the Sarquehanna
ii not exceeded H equalled Ujr any paper pulilished in Worm
rrn Pennsylvania.
Democratic State Nominations. .
Of Clearfield County.
Of Somerset COimty.
Of Pike. County.
Business Xotjrrs.
PlukwooJ f jr April, is on our tabic, from
Leonard Scott &. Co.. tlio New VorU publishers.
'iho contents arc: Tlic Commercial results of a
"War with Russia j Tho Puppets of all Nations ;
Tlio Quiet Heart, part 5; Chronological curiosi
ties; Reform 4) ills of 1832 and 1851; The 131 uc
Books and tlio Eastern Question ; Life in tlio
Sahara, and The cost of coalition Ministry.
Scotts Wkeklt Pateb and Tim 8i-rcnntT
Evksiko Post are amon; tho very best week
lies published. Their literary attractions are
unprecedented in newspaper annals.
New CtoTmo G. Elsbcrg & Co. of this
place, have just received and opened a largo
stock of spring and summer clothing. They arc
determined to tell cheap for cash.
IS'sw Dbi-b Stoiik. Wciscr & Eniner have
opened a new drug; storo in Market street, and
havo received a large stock ol'ficth drugs, medi
cines, cVc. Wo refer our readers to their nd
verliscmcnt, which will re found ill another
Yxnkkf. PaiTaTKcn. Thin is a spicy pnper
published at Boston at $2 per annum. We see
in one of its notices, Iiat the publication of
new nautical novelette of great interest, entitled
the "Flying Yankee" or the cruise of the clippers
will be commenced in its columns in two weeks.
It is founded on the lust war with Great Britain.
rU" Land Warrants. Persons having
Land AVarronls for sale, can dispose ol
them for cash, by applying at (his office.
CF REMOVAL The office of the
"Sunlury American" lias been removed
into the second . story of the large brick
building on Ihe comer of Centre alley
and Market street, lately occupied os
a ftore by. Henry Masser, dee'd., a few
doors west of our former location. We
shall be pleased lo see our friends in our
. .
new quarters, winch are much more
commodious. Entrance on Market street,
second door from the corner.
CP" Owinj to the crowded state of our
advertising columns we are obliged to spare
our readers the infliction of any of our own
remarks this week. .
CP" Governor Cigler has vetoed a num
ber of the Deposit and Savings Banks just
incorporated by the Legislature, and for
the reasons principally that they do not
contain the individual liability clause, so
necessary to the protection of the deposi
tors. 0T7"The bill which passed the legislature
for the sale of Ihe Alain Line of the Public
Work at $10,000,000, has been signed by
the Governor.
H7" Presided Pierce has vetoed, as lie
says, upon constitutional grounds, Miss
Dix's bill, granting ten millions acres of
public land, for the express object of con
tributing to the subsistence, comfort and
proper treatment of the Indigent Insane.
' - r-
Tne End or the Gabdixeii Trial. The
case of John Cliur'.es Gardiner, brother of
Ihe late Dr. Gardiner, indicted on a chargo
of perjury nnd alto for false .wcariuj.', was
called up in tho Criminal Court of Washing,
ton oil Monday, but a tho dclendaul failed
lo make hi. appearance, bis itxogui.aiii'e
was declined luiTeitcd. Dr. Thomas Miller
was his surety in the sum of 3,000, and
Hudson Tailor unj Jas. McCluv in tho sum
of 4,000 ; but the fiiion says they ure amply
iuaeiniiiliej. MiouM Uardiuar appear ueloie
the close, of the term of the court, thu forfei
ture, of the recognizance, nwy bo stricken
Nkxt Covcunor cr Ntw York. The
prewnl indication are thai Guv. Iloratio
Seymour will h the candidate of Ihe -"Sofi."
and ihe Anli-Maiue Law man lor Governor
of New York at the Full election ; that
Greene C. Uionson will ua ,,0 ,.Hlui,jale 0f
Iho "Hauls;" that Chri.tophoi Morgan will
be the candidate of ihe Whim. .,.! i,,.i,!,i
he nut be acceptable lo the Maine Law
nun," that llouce Gieily wilt be Ihe
''Maine Law " candidate.
A PiJitinaster whoe rornpfukatioii does
u"l t-kcfvj tJOO per bh-uiii, may send
Ihiougli tha indtl, all letters, w ullen by him
elf UM Li fllV.le buiim-M, which tlull Uul
eseovd one. half en oui oe in weigl.l, fi of
postage. If ihe roinn4lioii emaed I'JOO,
Hi mi be ha the liyW'l lu frank only sui u lul
Im a.'islaie tetusivwly lo the U.m. of
hi. otlice, er id flie mi bHWe dpitiiiiul.
N umkir 1 . k MUJ la0 ,y
iiiiil iiMtlei.
In nn article on the perils of the sea, the
New Vork Courier state that the .learner
Baliid tailed front New York on the 4th of
Maroh last, and on the Sth encountered Ice
in lat. 4 9, long. 47. Having then nodcGnile
idea of the quantity and extent of the ioe,
the Baltic for a lew days held her course, at
a very low rate of speed J but it soon became
apparent that a continued effort to force the
ship through the lightest and most broken
ice would tear the wheels from her sidesi
and every effort was then made to extricate
the ship from tho iep, without regard to at
taining a more oastern longitude. She cleared
tho ice on the 11th, being then two degrres
to Ihe southward, and a half degree to the
westward of her position three days befoie
On that evening a terrific gale, vceiing from
southwest to northwest commenced, and
continued till the next day, and nautical men
on board the Balric agree that nn ship in Ihe
iJo could have withstood that storm. There
is just reason for fearin? that the City of
Glasgow was in the vicinity of that ice field
and experienced lhn gAlo, ami that the
ciiiMiing mountains of ice npnn the devoted
ship caused Imr speedy destruction, as nn
skill, strength or courage in Ihe power of
man could resist audi n combination, of ele
mental strife. Shu left Liverpool on ihe 1st,
consequently on tho lllh, (die must have
been within four or five days' sail of Phila
delphia, which would bring her in the neigh
borhood of Ihe ico encountered by the Baltic,
and ncnrly at Ihe same time. It is painful
Ii yield tho last hope of a ship laden with
so many human souls, but desire for her
safely can no longer reit tho inevitable
ennelnsion that she has gone lo the bottom
with her precious Ireighl. Public Ledger.
Cincinnati, May 4.
John J. Crittenden is suffeiing severely in
public estimation, in consequence of his vol
unteering to defend the VVatds. A pnblio
meeting in Madison, Indiana, yesterday,
passed the following, with only two dissent
ing voles :
"Resolved, That this meeting request Ihe
Board of Directors of the Jefferson County
Agricultural Fair, lo withdraw their invita
tion to Governor Crittenden In deliver the
address at the next annual Fair of Jefferson
County. The action of Governor Crittenden
in thu Vaid case, having volunteered his
services, and picstituted his great talents in
an tin worthy cause, viz: tha over-rnlins of
public justice, deemed a sufficient excuse, if
one is deemed neeessaiy, for the public with
drawal of that invitation."
The Kentucky papeis aie filled with the
proceedings of public meetings in that Stale,
by every one of which Gov. Crittenden has
been denounced, nnd requested to resign his
seal in the U. S. Senate.
Tho Ward family have left Louisville, nnd
the n hereabouts of the alleged criminal is
Washington, May 7. Despatche. from
Spain, havo been received by ihe Govern
ment, and by the French and English Lega
tion. Mr. Soulo has peremptorily demanded the
recall of tho Captain General of Cuba, and a
large indemnity for the seizure of the Black
Warrior. In this, 1 am certain he has trim
scended his instruct ions. The Spanish Gov
ernment has declined to accede to Mr.
Sonle's demands.
Mous. Do Sailiges called on Gov. Marcy,
to-day, but Ihu latter refused lo tulk to him,
oil the affairs of Cuba.
Letters are in town from Mr Cafderon,
former Minister Irom Spain, in Washington,
expressing deep regret al the course puisued
by Mr. Soulo. Oeseiiveb.
Impohtant Movkmk.nt. A Nt biaska Emi
giatiomConveution met at Woiccster yester
day, nnd held two sessions iu the City Hall.
The objects of Ihe meeting, as defined iu the
resolutions, appears lo bo a direct a syste
matic cmigraliuu lo Ihe teriiloiies upon a
giganlio scale. We copy one of ihe series;
Resolved, That whatever may be the
final action of Congress upon ihe Nebraska
bill, so called, now under consideration, we
ought not to leave the territories as Ihey are.
We ought, by acting in I lie territories, by our
emigrants in the territories, by our moral in
fluence in thu territories, by our voles in tho
territoiies, lo continue there the coolest ol
Freedom, until its sure and finul triumph is
secii'fd therein.
TJie loadeis of thu enterprise are bold,
resolute tpiiits, with the best Puiilan ele
ments of character. Huston Transcript, Uh-
Lkii:, May 8.
Yesterday, during the morning service, at
the Caliiolio Church here, rwe gallery, which
was ciovvded on account of iho presence of
ilia Bishop, gave way, precipitating ihe oc
cupants on the crowd below. One man w
taken out dead, and many other badly injur
ed, Ihreo of whom art- not expected lo iu
cover. Washington, May 8.
A large portion of Long Bridge across the
Potomac, was destroyed by firolhis morning.
Tho fiie commenced 011 this ido of Ihe
diaw-biidgeover the Noith Channel, ami ex
tended south Laud rniniiiuniculinu with
Alexandria is cut olf. The cause of the fiie
is unknown.
Tue Mkvicam Thkatv The treaty with
Mexico ha. becH sent by the Mexican Min
ister lo Santa Anna, b) the baud, of Mr
Alocha, his messenger lor tt.ut purpuso. It
i. supposed lual Mi. Gadsden will ulso in.
mediately rcluui to Mexico.
The Lei anuii alley Kailioad I1.1. now
been fait ly coinneiicud on each of litis divis
ion, lecently allotuj by ciuilrael. Ground
wa bioken last week at lUnisburir, and Ihe
woik on pail of the hue, embiucii.g .
distance of (iflueii unit s, belweeu, llanlsbuig
lid l'alili)i, will be coinj.Ui.J . mmu .
men oJ mean, can do it.
Bosto, May The fiisl luclion by Ul
lul in hi. Johns, New Uiun.w Ick, look place
en TueJy u.i, for M.yvr. Tbe result v..(
Mr. Oliver, the Teinpei.nve eaudiJ.le, te
toived I lot votes, mi Mr. Smith III.
fFrotn the Bun franelaoo .
EXKciiTion amosq the rtLiBtm-
Arthur Morrison, one of the victim of
whom we speak, had young and fondly at
tached wife, and a child five year old, in Il
linois, the place of hi birth. He bad writ
ten lo her to come out, and tent her the ne
cessary means to do to; and about two months
since this devoted woman left her home and
friend with a heart buoyant with hope to
meet the object of her love and fealty.
About one month ago she arrived with her
child on our shores, and then for the first
time learned Ibat her husband had been en
ticed lo join ihe filibuster.. She immediate.
ly w rote to him informing him of her arrival,
ami begging him to come to her and aban
don Jiis unjustifiable enterprise. Morrison
received this letter, anJ instantly et bout
fulfilling hut duties as a man and a citizen
by abandoning the camp of the filibuster,
and starling for San Francisco.
But he "'counted without his host," for Mr.
Walker immediately despatched a party in
pursuit, which overlook Morrison near San
Diego, and compelled him to return with
thorn. A second letter from his wife soon af
ter reached him, and Ihe unhappy man de
lermined lo leave Lower California, and at
all hazards return fo hi family, which need
ed his prenence.
In order to effect this, Morrison entered
into a combination with len other to desert
fit the first opportunity. This determination
was carried into execution with as little de
lay as possible ; but nguin the emissaries or
Mr. Walker tracked Ihe ill-faled refugee, and
making him a prisoner returned with him to
ihe camp. Then a Court-Martial was held ;
the self-eonsiitined officers sat in judgment
over their vielim ; tho forms and ceremonies
of a dial were gone through with, according
lo Ihe moM received rules for such case
made and provided; a verdict of guilty is
brought in, sentence of death js pronounced
unhesitatingly by Ai's superiors, and Morrion like a 1I05 in cold blood for obeying
the first law. of God and man, and refusing
any longer to do evil.
Tongue cannot tell or language depict Ihe
sufferings of thai devoteil wife and mother,
who now stands on our soil homeless, friend
less, cheerless, far from Ihe scenes of her
binh and the friends of her existence, un
known to all around her, and her helpless or-
phan dependant 011 her for support. Such is
one of the incidents connected with filibu's
teting. Wo hope there is law yet to make this
Walker and his thieving associato answer for
this and ihe oilier cowardly murder Ihey
were guilty of.
Attempt to Murder the President of
New Grenada. The New Grenadisno of
March 20th, gives the loliow im; account of a
savage attempt to murder the President of
the Republic of New Grenada:
"Al two o"clock in ihe morning of Thurs.
day, Hie 16ih iust., an infernal machine wa.
discharged against the window, and walls of
Ihe Government House, in ihe street, lending
from Ihe Square of Ihe Constitution to ihe
Coliseum. On hearing the alurming report
Ihe Piesidenl guard was called to arms, he
being seriously ill, and having received some
medical application, from his wife and at
tendants. The place having bneu rcconnoi.
lered w here the explosion had taken place
nine mussel ballsand six pieces of iion w-ere
found, of different sizes, but all of Ihem
about three or lour line. Jn thickness, and
proving to be parts of an iron flask. Fortu
nately thu authors of the crime had civen it n
wiong direction, as Ihe greater pail of the
balls (about thirty in all,) struck Ihe wall be
tween two windows, and only one of leadl
entered a window, breaking the glass and
striking the (.hullex, Tallinn al the feet of the
lady of iho President, when she opened it a
few minutes afterward."
Albany, May 8
Intelligence by telegraph fiom Inde nen.
denco to the 4th of May, received here, state
Ihat ihe Salt Lake Mail had arrived. It had
been detained by severe storms of wind and
nun. Jho" Cheyenne, Ciow. and Pawned
Indians weie still makingdepredalion.. The
latter Inhe had robbed .eveial fieight and
emigrant trains, of all their provisions, and
leaving tho owneis in a starving condition.
Tiik Mamtactcrb of Iron. It is stated
lhal sixteen iron work are now in operation
0 in Pi nnsvlvanin. 3 in Viininia. 1 In
Jersey, 1 in Ohio, J in Massachusetts, and 1
in aiar)ianu are prepared to turn onl 160,.
000 Ions of railroad bars Ihis season. For
this product the following raw materials will
bj required j 213.333 tons pig iron; 840,000
Ion coal ; 660.000 ions iron ore, and 223,333
Inn of limestone. The capital of these 16
companies is $10,000,000; they support a
population of 92.600 persons, and consume
81.625 000 in breadstuff", beside, affording
a profit lo all Ihe variou. branche. of busi
ness iu and around the mills.
Cask or Puisoninc Mr. Edmonson and
hi wife narrowly escaped poisoning, a few
days since, in MrCracken county, Texas.
Delecting something peculiar in Ihe taste
and smell of Ihe biscuit, Mr. E called in Ihe
cook, a npgress, and made her eat one of
Ihem. She did o very reluctantly, and died
in fifteen minutes, from ihe effects of the
poison she had attempted to administer to
Mr. and Mi. Edmonson.
ftssiPl E Law. The following ha. been
passed by Ibe Massachusetts legislature,
w ith a vn w to the preservation ol public
healih : "If any person shall kill, for the pur.
oe ol sale, any calf loss than four week.
old, or shall knowingly Mill Ihe meal of any
call killed when lex than four week, old,
siicli person shall be punished by fine uot
exceeding (200."
Later advice, fiom lUyli av that Soloqu
is making num. one preparation, for the con
lemplated invasion of IVmiiniu. All hi.
(Joel and army aie being pul in fighting or
dr. Tha pieprliou. were lo comui.uc
on the 1st of May.
t'apl. K. Junes, of Ihe V. S. revenue mi
vice, a. Ua Md le kil al T.uuloe, Mas.
'(US "'''' hial.oln,le about Cot.
U. S. Hotel,
PMadelpnia, May 9, 1854.
Philadelphia now would hardly be recog
nised by one who had seen it 20 year. ago.
It has, in that brief time, not only more than
doubled It. population, but it. architectural
style of building ha been greatly changed.
The prevailing style of building, then, wa
of brick of 3 and 4 slnrie in height, with
scarcely an exception. Ten or twelve yeait
since, a new era in building commenced, in
the Introduction of marble, granite and
brown alone, and now almost every new
.'.rucinre in Ihe business portion of Chesnut
.(reel, is composed of granite or brown alone,
elegantly carved and cut, from five to .is
torie high. These palatial structures are
nearly all occupied a stores or public build
ings, and make a most imposing appearance.
Noexpenss is spared in fitting ihem up. Some
len year, since a window of 4 panes of plate
glass was considered Ihe ni plus'ultra. Now
most of Ihe new large store have window
composed of one .ingle plate of french g!ast
which mensure 7 by 12 feel, and cost 8550,.
00 each. Two of these in the new stores in
Chestnut, near 7th, were broken recently in
attempting In pul them in. They are to be
replaced by new ones as soon a. Ihey can
be imported from Paris.
Philadelphia is growing rapidly in wealth
as well as population, and perhaps among
the least objectionable ways of spending it
is, in improving and beautifying the cily.
In the political horizon things have thus
lar worn a comparatively qniej aspect, but
parties are beginning to marshall their forces
and calculate their strength. The next cam"
paign will bo fiercely contested, and there
Rre now so many elements at work, that it is
hard lo say what a month or two may bring
lorlh. The Whigs and Native, in the cily,
will, in all probability, coalesce, and u:;ile
heir forces. The "Know Nothings" who
have absnibed the greatest portion of the
Native paily, claim to be forty thousand
strong in tho Slate. Their creed is based
upon opposition lo foreign Htfluence, and the
Roman Catholic religion. The Temperance,
or rather ihe piohibitary liquor law parlyj
are another powciful element, capable Of
setting at naught tho calculations or panics.
Much, therefore, iu tho next or coming cam
paign, will depend upon tlio course Ihat will
be pursued by these sepemle Organizations.
The late ai l incorporating tho Cleaveland,
Paiuesville and Ashtabula Railroad Company
secures 3500,000 lo the Suubury and Erie
road, which, with a similiar amount which
will be subscribed in this city, will enable
the company lo demand from Ihe Cily Coun
cils to-morrow evening, Ihe additional miflion
of dollars. This win give the company a
basis, or working capital of fiveor six mil
lions. Upon Ihis the company will be ena
bled to raise enough money by loans, on
their own bonds, lo secure the completion of
this great impiovement.
The vast increase of business -consequent
upon the completion of Ilia Pennsylvania
Railroad, has opened the eyes and somen hat
awakened ihcenergics of the Phila.lelphians.
There is therefore a jierfect unanimity of
opiuion on Ihe subject of ihe Suubury ami
Erie road. The Messrs. Moorehead will
push forward Ihe work between Suubury nnd
Lock Haven, as rapidly as possible. With
Ihis view the bridge at Northumberland wilh
be pul under contract without delay. One
of Ihe conditions of the subscription by the
City Councils, is, Ihe selection on their par,
of an engineer, who with llle engineer of Ihe
Company, are 10 decide upon the location of
the route. They have chosen Mr. Kneass, a
competent man, w ho w ill no doubt coincide
with Mr. Farie. in tha route as located.
Telcgniphic despatches fiem Boston re
ceived Ihis afternoon, announced a aeiious
riot in Ihat city, to-day. A Protestant cler
gyman was speaking in the open air, on Ihe
subject of Popery, when he was attacked by
a body of Catholics and driven over lo Chel
sea. Here he was again attacked, w hen the
Protestants turned upou their assailants, drove
them into their church, which Ihey broke
open and desecrated, by destroying Ihe cross
011 ihe pulpit. These proeeedings, though
disgracelul, lo Ihe uge and our institutions,
are, nevertheless clearly iraccble to causes
lung since in operation. W hen parlies and
demagogues commenced bidding for catholic
vole and courting catholio favor, for sinister
and political purposes, ibe germ of ihe mis
chief was laid. If there is any oue thing in
Ihis country calculated to bring about civil
war, discoid and bloodshed, it j ihis very
question, and those w ho have been instru
mental iu bringing about these measuies, by
giving "aid and comfort" to those engaged
in them, will find it a most ill advised and
unfortunate policy.
1 was shown to day one of the new Three
dollar gold coin just issued fiom the mini.
In ditmeler it is nearly ihe size of a half
eagle. The design on 0110 side is the head
of an Indian crowned with feathers, on Ihe
other 1 a wreath inside of which are Ihe
word, three dollai. The Bulletin objects to
the coin at you cannot count w ith them one
thousand dollai. A. editor are not often
called upon to count their dollar by thou,
sands, this objection will be readily over
come. New Partt. A new political parly ha
been started iu Camden, under the name of
a "Fiee Democialic Association." Their
platform is,-resistance to any extcutiou of
slavery, advocacy of granting publio laud in
limited quaiiliiiei lu actual .ellleis, opposi
tion lo sectai ian division of Ihe school fund,
independent of Ihe old Whig and Democratic
panic, and abhorieuce ol the Fugitive Slave
A liquor esse cam before ihe Supreme
Couit iu Rhode Island on Monday, in which
it wa. decided ihat Ihe validity of Ihe law
wa. not affected by submitting to the people
Ibe question ol it repeal.
NAA. Few peisou have any idea ol
the extent of tbi territory. It bouudaiy i.
three thousand mil, in length; it area live
hundred thousand square nule, ami it will
form twelve Stau, each .. "laige Ohio.
A prohibitory Liqsor Law hi passed Ihe
Legislate. ( i'fUtee Edward'. Island. .ye
lW)l ?t
: An American couple were married in
P.ris, lately, firt by the .American Consul,
and afterward by Ihe Bishop at the Made,
leine. The partie. were Mr. Hick., cletk of
the court of Common Plea al St. Louis,
Mo., and Mis febaume of Ihe tame cily.
The parlie are both of French origin. The
father of Miss Lebaume is a eon of one of
Ihe French refugee, who settled at St. Louis,
after Ihe French revolution of '69, a gentle
man of great wealth, who managed lo save
his fortune from confiscation. She brings
her husband a marriage portion of two bun
dred thousand dollars. Her mother, la Ihe
sister of Ihe present Admiral Lnpiere, of the
French Navy, and of Judge Lapiere, of Judge
of Instruction at Nimes. So say. a recent
Parisian letter. PAi'i Sun.
The Williamsburg Gazelle record. Ihe
death of Rev. Scervant Jones, which occur,
red in Ihat city on Tuesday evening last, at
a quarter past ten o'clock.. Ho had ofiicia-
led a. Ihe regular paster of Ihe Baptist
church, in Williamsburg, for Ihe last nine
teen years, during which lime he discharged
the arduous duties of the position without
fee and without reward. He had just reach
ed his 70th year at the lime of his death.
Strawberries are selling at Norfolk at 50 a
75 cents a quart.
rpHE QUEEN OF MAY go up early and
has been very busy selecting a partner of
her throne. The general impression is that, like
a woman of taste, sho will choose a man of good
sense, who has his personal advantages set off
by a suit of such elegant clothing as can be pur
chased from Roukiiill & Wilson's cheap and
fashionable clothing storo, No. Ill Chestnut
street, corner of Kninklin Place, Philadelphia.
I'lilla., Jan. 28, 1854. cw.
I 1 I! I).
In Milton, on Friday eveninj, 1 tie 28 1 h
ull., Mrs. HANNAH P. LAWSOX, consort,
of W. C. Law sou, Esq , aged 3G years and 10
lu Upper Avgusla; on Friday. theSthinst..
Mis UANER, daughter of John Farns
worth, aged about IS years.
I)c ittavkcts.
Philadelphia Market.
May 10, 185-1.
Flour and Mral. The Flour Market is
quiet but firm Holders nk $8 75 per bid..
lor slaiulard brands, and 58 871.59 121 for
extra. We quote Rve Flour at J-5 50, and
Pennsylvania Corn Meal at S3 75 pet tourel.
Grain. Wheat is more plenty but rather
higher. Small sales of red al'32 10. White
is offered at $2 20 Rye is scarce. Sales
of Pennsylvania at Si 15. Com is stationa
ry ; sales at 800. for yellow, afloat, and at R4e.
111 store. Oats are scarce and in demand.
Sales of Southern al 54c. and Pennsylvania
al 544 a 55 cents.
Wiiiskkv. Sales of hhils. al 26 cents, nnd
bbls al 27 cents.
Baltimore Market.
May 9, 1164
GRAIN. Samples of some 4000 bushels of
Wheal w-ere offered, and wo q:ote fair lo
prime reds at 200.i207 els., nnd lair lo piime
whiles at 210.i215 els. Corn. We note
sales of yellow at 77 els., nod of while at 73
a75e1. Rye, Wa quote it at lO.YilOfi els , for
Pennsylvania, and 0.i3 i ts , for Maryland
and Virginia. We nme sal.- also ihi morn
ing of some 1 100 bn-heli. Maryland Oats ut
5la55 els , the latter for Mrii ll'y prime lots.
five. -
Hkckiko Flai.
New Advertisements.
This Way ! This Way ! !
Spring aid Summci Goods.
gJESPECTITLLY inform their cu-tomers
and the public, that they hve just receiv
ed and opened the best and cheapest stock of
Spring and Summer Goods,
at their store iu Market square, Suubury.
Their stock consists of every variety of
Dry Goods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinets, Vestings,
Flannels, Wollens, $'c,
And all kind, of Spring & Summer Wear.
Also a splendid variety of
Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, Dt Laincs,
And every variety of goods suitable for La
die, wear.
Also a large assortment of
Fish, Salt and Plaster.
Also an extensive assortment of
Hats and Cats for Mts and Dots.
Also a large assortment of CKOL'tlilES,
Sugar, Teas, Cofll-e, Molasses, Spices
of all kinds.
A Is. a Ircsh supply of
Besides Ihe largest and most crneral assort
ment of all kinds of goods to be had in this
fV Couutrv produce of .11 kinds taken in ex
change st the highest market price.
Bunburv, Alay 13, 185-1.
IHillT of lbs most desir.ble luls, in Ihe Iowa
of tth.mokiii, Northumberland county, P.
can b. had of the .ulwenber 011 reasonable terms.
Person, who have money to invest in this kind
of property, will Uever Lav. heller opportunities
lo utik. a purchase than is now e-lfcrej them.
Sbaimikiu Iwia, iu its immediate vicinity, am
ple resources to build up a flrt elss. interior
town. Tit. mining operations under way, and
iu conteiiiiilaliuii, are ul a ch.rarU-r lo warrant
lb. lamest .ipMUIiuns, for tbe rapid growth of
th. place In business .nil In populsiion. It h.s
sliv.djr Uksn a stsrt, and srh succeeding sea
son sil! ace U still etoia prosperous. As . euu
sequent, gftiuud la build upua ill try year
bsvoiu. more valuable, l.ou hub way bad
, .1 . coin.sialily low rals, .re 110I liksly
la te In In Mtsiksl .1 all a b-w yeai. neitr.
No It tuns, ihervlur., lu msk pur. !, t'04
Ulfurmallu, runrs ruing U .igftl kil (ut ssltf,
poly Ibieu.k kiier, la
tuHkery, IV
, fcrnkerr, May 1,
Wholesale and Retail Druggists,
Market St., next door to E. Y. BrighCt Store
suNBcnr, pa ,
QFFER to the public the largest and best
"elected stock ever opened in Ihis section of
country, consisting of
Medicines, Cheinic!, Ground Spices, P,i,lt.
Oils, Varnishes Jjye-.tull., Window Gl.
Patent Medicines, together with . complete as-'
sorlmcnt of Paint, Clothes, Hair, Tooth, Nail
and (Shaving Brushes, Dressing, (jido, Keck and
Pocket Combs, F.ney (Soaps, Shaving Creams
1 obaceo, Segars, Port Monias, Stationary. Con'
For Medicinal use. English, French and Ameri
can Perfumery, Fancy Goods of every descrip
tion, in short every ..-tide kept by Druggist,
Sunbury, May 13, 1834.
rlIIE undersigned would respectfully inform
- tho ladies and gentlemen of Sham'okipi and
Mcinity that he has taken, and filled up a room
above the store of Ammerman, Roster & Co.,
where ho will remain for a short lime for the
purpose of executing Daguerreotypes. All who
are desirous of having their likenesses taken in
the latest style will find it to their interest to call
soon. Delay then no longer, to-morrow it may
be to late. No charges for picture, unless satin,
faction is given td the customer.
Shsmokin, May C, 1854.--3t.
Highly Interesting News !
LTPHE information brought lo us by the strain
I shin Asia nf Itm u.l.lnn .lnt:.... r 1.-1
r ... u.. ,. uilihis " 1 tuor,
Indian torn, An. in Europe, is no doubt interest
ing lu some, nnd therefore it must lie also inter
esting to a great many others to know ihat while
there it so much fluctuation in the price of
Urcnilstufls at home and abroad, there is nothing
to cfl'cct the low price of Iho
large and Excellent Stock cf
just received by P. Schnurman Si Co., and on
hand at there store
On the torner of Market and Faien Streets,
directly opposite John Young's store, where they
will be pleaocd to wait upon all those who wish
to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh
supply of
watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c,
wnu-ii iin-y imvc purchased at a very low price
at Philadelphia mid thereloic can ntlord to sell ui
their customers at Ihe mosl reasonable prices
They still, (after some experience iu 1-uKinessl
cling to the good motto, "cunr roa iasii. fall
and sec for yourselves.
Sunbury, May C, 1851
For the Metrcpclitsin Clothinj Store of
. Market Sh eet, opposite the Post Office.
TE have just received and on hand now the
most beautiful. Invest and best assorted
stock of Clothing !nt.-d to riming
and Summer wear evrr before bron -lit in(
Stinbnrv or any place in this secti .u of the conn
try. Our Clothing made by the best hands and
under our own supervision, we know will giva
entire satisfaction lo buyers. Siill adhering !
our old motto "Clmpfo'r Cash," we'll dispose of
our goods reasonable and rapidly. Allwessv
Is: come, CNnmine and priro our" goods and we
feel sure you'll buy.
e oficr you at the very low-rut prices cverv
iinairiual lu variety of (.'oats, Vefls initl pant, cut
in the last fashion and warranted to fit. Cloths,
caasimeres. satiinctts, linens, drillincs, jeans,'
silks, satins, and all other kind made into Clo
thing. AI.-0 a large assortment of B00L1 and Shoes
anions 'hoso a splendid tariety of ladies shoe,
ladies and gents gaiters, See.
Panama, Pahnlcaf, Pearl and all other Mat-and
Caps we have a great variety of Al.-o a ereat
lot of trunks, valises and carpet bags for sale cheap.
We have a splendid lot of watches, on nil
kind of Jewelry s litiible for ladies and gentlemen.
All kinds of Revolvers, doublo and single
barrel PifioN, Arcordcons, Whirls. Collars and
all other goods generally kept in our line can lie
found at our store, all of which we intci-d to sell
at the very lowest price. Don't forget the place
G. EI.SU K KG & Co.
Market Square, opposite tho Post Office.
8unbury, May 6, 1854.
Spring and Summer Goods,
J. r. & i.rC kline,
JJESPECTFUI.LY announce to their friend.
" and li e public in general, Ihat they have
received at their Old Stand, in Upper August
township, Northumberland county. Pa., their
Spring onJ Summer Goods, and opened to the
public a full assortment of
Consisting in part ef Cloths, black and fancy
Cassimcrs, SattinetU, Checks, and all kinds of
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladies Dress Goods,
Calicoes, Ginghams', Muslin de Laincs, Plaid
Cai-hmercs, De beges. Lawns, &c.
Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of
A fresh supply of Hardware and Queens
ware, Drugs and Medicines.,
Wooden Ware.
Also a large assortment of Boots and
Shoos, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Caps, such
as Silk, Panama, and other
Hats, bait, Cheese, A;c.
Cull and ce.
Cheaer than the Cheapest, .
All of which will be sold for cash, or in ei
change for country produce, at the highest market
t'pper Augusta, May 0, 1851.
(Al the OU Maud, established U 1700.)
Our Mills u sll U-tl ltk ulkl HtsUua suS ituipr.
wuli uur usuis. f.lalM ilir"-tsu seniiau tmk .4ut.
I'rlxrt, (1 UU, it S4, 1 1 XI, f'J IU. 3 OU, UO, iM 14111,
luvurulu. to Us iiusMiHy ul 1'
yy By teoilttiaff Us Casts la PesUf
Stampi, la aaditioa W aay f la.
prices, foist eaa be sandy Ml ky aisii te
any put f Us VulUd luu.
I' M.v 6, IU4I Jut.
lJKM'KCTM I.I.V informs lbs citm-us
Hie Uotuu.h ul Kunliuiv and suiuiiy, Uisl
be Its. f..uiiliy I0..1.J IuumsII la J
lljfou.hi .ltd Mllet. bis iiiuIksmoosI wihnU
Utuae he way tauli U, swiploy Utu. t'-M the
s.iwmI be U found al W H jtol
Hunluiy, Mtua II, a,.U.