Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, May 06, 1854, Image 2

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The frigate Tribune, has rejoined Admiral
Napier's fleet,, from . Admiral Plumridgo'a
division, having captured the Ural prises of
he war, i : a Russian ships, JaJened with
lead and sulphur, from Lubeo, bound to a
Russian port in its Gulf of Finland. .
The navigation offthe Baltic ' fa"
The Rutaianl have dismantled the Inland
fortresses and burned them, aud removed all
their hipping, and retired tb the maiil" rami.
Admiral Deachinea has sailed will.
French squadron to join Napier.
The Black Sea allied fleet sailed from
Varna April fllh, in the direction of Sebasto
pol. ' Since then, no account have been re.
calved of its movement, excepting nimor
that the fluel was blockading or preparing to
attack Odessa. '
The fleets have left in tho direction of
The whole fiVet is now In the Black Sua.
The frigates Sidon, Firebrand and Magel
lan wero detailed for the jiurpose of inter
cepting the supplies which the Russians may
attempt to convey to their troops,' Dow the)
have crossed thu Danube. They had orders
to seize all ships found in communication
with the Russian land force.
Fftm the Danube the substance of the
news is, that no great operations had taken
place, but sanguinary skirmishes were oc
curring daily. ' '
Mustapha Pacha has hi main fojee 0
50,000 men at Karrasa, and likewise holds
Tcherowada and Kuslcndjo north oi Trajan's
Tho Russians maintained themselves in
the Drobudscha. Omar Pashn would not
hazard an attack until he had the allies in
his rear. About 10,000 of the allied troops
had reached Gallipoli.
The expulsion of the Greeks from the
Turkish territory was being enforced.
The Oesl Duetsche Post, of the 10th, leans
from the seat of war, that the teto-du-pont
at Chernavoda, has been taken by storm.
Eight thousand Russians attempted to storm
Eassova, but were repulsed. On April 2d
'the attack was renewed. Seven thousand
five hundred men had been landed to rein
force Varna. The Cronstadt Satellite of the
'4lh announces the passage of the Danube at
Simnitza by the Turks on'March 27lh. It
was further rumored that the Turks had ta
ken Turna, and were advancing in tho rear
of the Russians. No pitched battle had ta
ken place up to April 9th. either at Rassova
or Silistria. but much fighting and cannona
ding had been going on, from March 30lh to
April 7th, in which lime the list of killed
and wounded, especially of the Riissiansi
was much augmented.'
A letter in the Cologne Gazette ftom Kon
Sgsberg, 9th, states that the Prussian authori
ties have received an official notice from
Russia, that a corps of Russian troops, in two
divisions, with 80 pieces of artilleiy will take
up a position between Memel and Suwalki,
The frontier of Russia is closed to all but
One mode of defending the entrance of
Cronstadt is new and dangerous. Strong iron
chests, charged with powder aud other com
bustibla materials, are sunk in the channel,
and connected by wires to a galvanic bat
tery. ' Above the cheats is so ran machinery
which, on being touched by the keel of a
passing vessel, complete the galvanic circuit
' aud explodes the mine. A hundred of these
dangerous inventions are sunk in the narrow
entry to Cronstadt.
The English steamer Sampson, which had
been surveying on the coast of Ctrcassia re
turned to Constantinople on March 21st,
bringing tidings of a complete victory gained
by the Circassians over the Russians. Eaily
in March, the Circassians, provided with
arms and ammunition, attacked the Russians
and after a severely contested battle drove
them into their castles on the coast. These
castles were surrounded, and repeatedly at
tacked during four continuous days. Finally,
Ihe Russians, fearing to be cut to pieces,
blow up their magazines aaJ sought shelter
In their ships. The Sampson further reports
that the Circassians fell on the garrisons who
were retreating from two hill-forts, and put
them to the sword. The Circassian coast is
at present clear from the enemy.
All the Russian Baltio ports are declared
to be under blockade by the allies. -The
allied fleets were off Bornhold on the 16ih.
Gen. Luners was at Hisorva awaiting the
arrival of Gortschakoff.
Copies of the treaties of alliance', defensive
and offensive, between England and France,
were signed at Taris on the 17th of April. -
Louisville, May 1.
The Verdict of the jury, in the case of Mar
Ihew Ward, tried for the muder of Professor
Butler, has given great offence to Ihe people
here. A meeting was held on Saturday
night, at which resolutions were passed re
questing Mr. Crittenden, who was one of the
counsel of Ward, to resign his seal in the U.
S. Senate, and requesting Mr. Wolfe, another
Of Ihe counsel, to resign his seat as Slate
Senator. The Waids wece alto requested to
leave the Slate. A large mob proceeded to
the residence of R. J. Waid, where they
burnt in effigy Matthew and his brother
Robert, at the front door, so close to it thai
the wood work caught. The fire was exti!.
guiehed, however, befoie much damage) was
Cincinnati, April 29.
. The Ohio Legislature passed a very strin
gent Liquor law yesterday, anil it now only
lequiies the signature of Iba Governor to be
come opeiative. It provides for the punih-
lent by hns and linpiisonraent of parlies sel
ling liquor to persons intoxicated, or who are
in the habit of getting intoxicated. It also
renders the rulailers of liquor liable to civil
luits for damages.
. Ponuh seems to think that the strongest
instance on record, of the celebrated John
Howard's benevolence, was the fact of his
havinp, at the age of 25, married a lady or
S3, Ha is universally acknowledged to have
been in aJvancc of. his age, but few are aware
that Mrs. Howaid's age was to much in ad-
aOC Q At. ;
," V ".BATCBDAT, MAY 6. 1BS4.
II. B. MASHKR. F.lltov and Proprietor.
- Te AvTs .- -The eircnlatlna of the Bunbnry
American among thetlfterent to win on lh Suinuehamie
i t not eiceettcd if equalled by any psper published Is North
ern Pennsylvania. '
Democratic State Nominations.
Of Clearfield County. .
. Of Somerset County.
Of Pike County.
Ilnslness Notices.
Mors Niw Gcioi'S Win. A. Knahb bus just
received his new stock of Spring and Summer
Goods. Pec his advert! cn-ents in another rol-
Frilixi &. GinNT.-Tlii firm have just re
ceived and opened their new and complete stock
of Spring ami Summer Goods. Give them a
call and examine their goods.
Dguerriotifss. Our friends of Shamokin
have now an excellent opportunity to have their
Daguerreotypes taken. For further particulars
see Mr. Ginter's card in another column.
J?. ScHKCRMi &. Co. have received a fresh
supply of spring and summer clothing. Sec.
their advertisement.
Chilsox's TlTEST VsSTILATISe Fcrsici.
S. A. Harrison advertises in another column.
We would refer our readers to tho tame.
Platixa, Poists. McAllister cfc Brother's
card will be found in another column, to which
we refer the attention of our readers.
(EF"" Land Warrants. Persons having
Land Warrants for sale, can dispose ol
them for cash, by applying at this office.
tTJ" REMOVAL. The office of the
"Sunbury Jlmerican" has been removed
into the second story of the large brick
building on the corner of Centre alley
and Market street, lately occupied as
a store by Henry Masser, dee'd., a low
doors west ol our lormer location., lie
shall be pleased to see our friends in our
new quarters, which are much more
commodious. Entrance on Market street,
second door from the corner.
'(7" Fire I About 9 o'clock, P. M., of
Monday, a fire broke out in one of the up
per rooms of the Washington House, i.v
Market Square. Tho firemen were prompt
ly on the spot, and (lie fire was confined to
the place where it originated. The furni
ture, &c, of the chamber were much dam
aged. The cause was probably accidental.
U" For the past week there has been
an unusually good stage of water in Ihe
Susquehanna. Large quantities of fine
timber and lumber from both branches have
passed down. The opposite side of tho
river has been covered wilh raits as far as
the eye could reach, and presented a lively
and interesting appearance. Many o( the
lumber-men now send their best stufTby
boats in the canal. Almost every boat
from the West Branch ii freighted with
. KP On Monday the Dewart Guard,
and Farmers and Mechanics Artillery
were on paradp. They presented, as usual,
a fine and soldierly appearance. In the
afternoon the artillery roadu a visit, by
steamboat, to Northumberland, where they
were received by the Cadwalader Infantry.
On their return, the latter corps accompa
nied them and paraded through a number
of our streets, attracting much attention by
their handsome appearance and the preci
sion of their drill.
r?It a lamentable (act that the peo
pie of this section of the country exhibit
very little taste in the erection of new
buildings or the renovation of old oner.
And we are glad to notice that Edward Y.
Bright, Eq., has proved himself, by a new
aud beautiful decoratiou of the front of his
store rooms, an exception to the general
rule. The conlrast between the appear
ance of New England and Pennsylvania
towns, is great and often remarked. The
difference between the people is just this.
me lormer Knew how to combine internal
cornlort with external neatness and beauty ;
the latter care little for the appearance if
the wind and raip are kept out.
Bonoicii OFFICER a.
TM i 11 . in
ine loitowins otiicera were elected on
Monday -.Chief Burgess, G. B. Young
man ; Second Burgess, Henry Donnel ;
Assistants, Paul Ammerman, Jonathan M.
Bastian, Samuel J. Fry, Benjamin Hen
dricks ; Council, John VV. Friling, Wm. I.
Greenough, D. V. Shindel, C. J. Bruner,
Jacob B. Masser, Francii Bucher, Jacob
Rohrbach, John S. Bright ; High Constable,
Andrew Baldy, '
For Town Clerk there was tie vote.
Tht Governor appoints the officer in tucb
cases. - -
03- The "Lewinburg Chronicle," In
reference to Ihe stage accident at Coal Run,
neaf Shamokin," sajri that the stage was
old,lad no brakes and the driver was
drunk, ' :' 4
ThJs. Doruarirone of the proprietors,
desire! us to.a'y tbat be was on ,tbe stage
at the time of the accident. The stage was
a new one, well made and provided with
godd, brakes. .The : driv'sri was perfectly
sober. The upsetting of the coach was
occasioned by tile bad . condition of the
road, which was so much cut up and so
full of gulloj's, as to make it dangerous
even in daylight. He has brought suit
against the supervisors tor a neglect of
their duty.
Mr. Dornan docs not know the source
from which the Chronicle ' derived its in
formation, but pronounces the story wholly
falsi?. He will demand the name of the
author and hold him responsible.
fjy There has been mucli damage done
by a freshet in New York. On Ihe Harlem
Railroad two important bridges were car
ried away. Two hundred and fifty feet of
the bridge over Crototi river were de
stroyed. The dam in the same river, from
which the city of New York is supplied
with water has all been carried away.
There is a probability that the cilizens will
experience much inconvenience, in case
the brench is serious and reauires some time
to mend. The . supply from the reservoir
is twenty four millions of gallons daily.
7 Governor Bigler, we learn from
Harrisbur, has signed the bill recently
passed for the sale of the Main Line of the
Public Works at ten millions ol dollars.
It is not supposed that a sale well be effect
ed at the price named.
An appropriation bill, covering the very
large sum of six millions of dollars, passed
our Stale Senate on Monday, and though
it has to go to the House for concurrence
in some amendments, it will probably be
come a law.
The legislatures of Maryland and Penn
sylvania have both passed bills consolida
ting Ihe Baltimore and Susquehanna, the
York and Cumberland, and the Susquehanna
Railroads. The new road is to bs called
the Northern Central Rjilroad. Dy this
consolidation, the early completion of the
Susquehanna rairoad is secured, and the
contractors will resume their operations in
a few weeks.
d?"" A disturbance occurred at Northum
berland on Monday afternoon, during
which a raftman was struck on the head
wilh the bull of a musket and severely in
jured. CI7The Sunbury Canal Company have
contracted wilh James Malone to finish
their canal and basin. . Mr. Malone wil!tepby Dud worth's or a
go to work at once.
Adjournment of the Legislature.
Both Houses of the State Legislature have
agreed to adjourn sine die, onTuesJay the
9th inst.
V. S. 7ofrf, )
Philadelphia, May 1, 1854. j"
The recent storm and ruin, though severe
in this vicinity, has not been attended with
mm h damage or injury. In the Nate of
V u iu VnrU linu-.... I a..m .ndn.. Ia
"c " ; ui.iit., .in f.u.i.i iu
novo uuen uiib 01 uie scvrii-ai ever Known,
The Crolon dam Irom which the city of New
oik is supplied with water has been wept
away, and the utmost consternation prevailed
in the city. The Mayor has issued a procla-
malion forbiJding the use ol water, except
for purposes cj absolute necessity
The New Voik nr.d Erie road has been
greatly injured. A slide took place aboot
nine miles fiom Port Jervis by which 200
feet of the embankment and track was swept
into the nvei, drowning seven men.
Business in i'huadelphia has been unusu-
ally brisk Ihis season and everything seems
to be in aflourishing and prosperous enndi-
tion. The mechanics have all as much anil
more I ban ihey can atiend lo, and prices are
higher than Ihey have ever been before.
But as almost every thing else, excepting
peibapf, clothing, has risen to a correspond-
iug value, it is doubtful whether much has
been gamed.
The legalization nf Ihe Franklin CannJ
ranroan, nas one,, n uouo ui great couieuiio..
in the lepislatnie
There Ik, however, no doubt, but that the
present bill, by which the company is made
to take $500,000 in the stock of tl
Sunbury and Erie road, will be parsed.
There are so many personal interests to sub'
serve at Hurricbnig, that it is difliciill to pass
a bill which may interfere in the speculation
of individuals.
The consolidation of Ihe roads between
Baltimore and Siinbniv is a measure that
will secure ihe completion of Ihe road from
Sunbury lo Harrisbnrg without delay.
The friends of I he Sunbury aud Erie railroad
were anxious to secure this road, bat as lb
city members, at that time, opposed the
making of the road by themselves or others
they could searely espect to get it unlets
Baltimore refused lo go on wilh il.
There seems to be but one opinion now in
regard to Ihe Susquehanna road, and that i
that it will be one ol tne best ana most tin
portent roads in the Slate.
A Pit Rat (aays Ihe Republican of Spring
field, Mass.) is the strangest of Ideas, yet it it
most fully realized in one belonging to aid
educated by Mr. Aaron Howe, it , of this
oily Tbe little animal is harmless, playful,
and devotedly attached to lis master, Ii
will tun about bit cloihes, mount bit stioul-
ders, tieal into hit pockets, and perform vari-
ous simple tiickt at hit bidding. Tbe ani-
mal avoids others ot lis species, and teeuia
pOTiswuy soniemeu ami mwj h iim uw
It"' ' w
Thirty-Five lS. SoWirrs kitltd-'Col. Cook
, . in Punuit.
The St. Louis Repnblipan hai a despatch
dated Independence, April 28th giving the
following interesting particulars In reference
to the recent Indian battle in New Mexico.
On Ihe 0th of March, there was a fight be
tween Lieut. Beale In command of thirty
Dragoons, and a parly of Jicarilla Indiana.
Six of the Indians weie killed, and two'of the
soldiers: four dragoons were also wounded.
The Indians for the first time were whipped.
On the 30th of March, "1!' of
the Drngoons, sixty in number, under the
command of Lieut. J. VV. Davidson, met the
Apaches, to the number of 250 warriors, 15
miles east ol the Seneguilla, near the foot of
ihe Mountain, and on the road from Taos to
Santa Fe. The battle was a sanguinary one
Thirty five of the troops are reported to have
been killed, and seventeen wounded. Only
eight of the whole number escaped without
being injured. Lieut. Davidson, in com.
.mand, and Dr. Maaruder, were slichtly
wounded ; the first Sergent was killed The
loss on the part of the Indians is said to havo
been very zreat Fifly horses belonging to
the Dragoons, all the Colt revolvers and car-
bines, fell into the possession of the Indians,
A larye force under command of Col. Cook,
of the 2d Dreoons, were out in pursuit of
ihe enemy when (he mail left, but it is to be
understood that I bey are not so easily intim
idated now, and they say are ready to meet
the troops. We fear we shall receive further
news of similar tenor to the above.
Twenty men of Major Carleton'a company
of Dragoons have deserted from Fort Albu
querque, taking wilh them two horses
apiece, all tho Colt revolvers, and a six mnle
team lo.uled with provissious. They wero
headed by ihe first Sergent of the company.
The Indiana who killed four of their num
ber, for witchcraft, were being liied in ihe
United S.Hies Dislriol Court alSanla Fe.
For the Sunbury American.
Siiamokin, May 2, 1854.
The first day of May came in wilh a glori
ous sun. Tho bleak winds, the .drizzling
rains aud ihe snow storms of the last month
have all disappeared taken their flight, per-
chance le northern seas, to sing a requiem
over Sir John Franklin, vtho no doubt is qui
etly sleeping there his last sleep. Spring.
I lint by the decrees of our hlmanacs should
have smiled upon us two mouths ago, has
been plying hide and seek coqnetinu be-
hind clouds and northern blasts at one time
clothed in smiles ami sunshine, and again
turning the cold shoulder and leaving us poot
mortals to bewail our lot. Well, there is
nothing like a cood stock of patience, and
tho happy faculty of drawing comfort from
a multitude of afflictions.
Our flourishing linlo village was somewhat
enlivened yesterday by the military parade
of the "Shamokin Greys," under command
of Capt Luke.. We confess an early fond
ness and allai bment for the music of the
!ear piercing fife and Ihe soul stiring drum "
It is not so attractive in one sense, as a quick.
march by Beck's
band, but we consider it ever a welcome
visiter; and on this occasion we were
ticularly pleased to see it proceeding so fine
a looking cpmpuny as the "Shamokin Greys"
dpi. L;ike has been untiring in his exer
tions to render his company as complete as
possible, and well has he succeeded ; for
although it is only in its infancy, it numbers
some thiity fine lookine fellows all brave
men 1 am sure, and if theircountry ever asks
,eir aid they w ill cheerfully obey tho call
The early part of Ihe day ihe "Greys" de
oie( io pia lical purposes. Cap!. Lake dis
!!.. -I . . I , t I .11 . .
pujni u picni ut'aioi sain in training nis
men. j ney went tnroti"n I tie exercises
with much credit to themselves, and wheii)
I in the afternoon, they took the town bv
storm ; they did it in a warlike and veteran
manner, calling foith fiom all sides the most
flattering commendations
We hope our cilizens, after so fine a dis
pay of yestering, w ill co-operate wilh Ihe
members ol the ,;Grey " lo place them on
a more independent fooling and thereby give
them Ihe advantages a:-d the opportunities
that alone can make them a track company
If the ' Greys" vitit Sunbury, lo parlioi
I pate in ihe general review on ihe 12ib we
feel confident Ihey will acquit themselves
I handsomely, and favorably compare wilh the
best looking company on the field.
Baltimom, April 29.
tt. Paul's Epicopaf Church, at the corner
0f Charles and Saratoga streets, in Ibis city
of w hich the venerable Dr. Wvatt was Rec-
lor) (.all,,nl (ire) !bii morning, and was near-
,y ei,ieiv Jt.gll0ed. The steeple aifd beH
fell with a tremendous crash. The fiie is sup.
posed to have caught from a stove pipe. The
edifice, though old, was one of the largest
a h.I most beautiful in the city, and was gen
erally considered a fine specimen of architec
ture. It was not insured. '
A fi le occurred in New York on Tuesday
night of last weak, and a large number of
firemen were killed and injured in the per
'""""c """" ) " '"'""6 in
r . t . u : - J...: . .. . u .. r 1 1 ; e
ine wans 01 mu uuiiturtg mat was on nre.
Fourteen bodies were taken from the ruins
and others were missing.
rX7" Tbe Lancastrian newspaper it
now under tbe editorial management ot
Wm. B. Wiley H. S. Myers, the former
associate, having withdrawn.
IUlomav's Ointment and Pills have Effect
tI Another Wonderful Curs of a Bad Leg, of
ieveu tears1 &fandtnr hxlracl ol a jeliei
- from Mr. C. Pollard, druccist, of No. 30,
Catharine-street, Devon port, dated May 19,
183S. . ' To Professor Hollowsy. Sir, Mr,
Blanker, of Charlotle aireel, New Passage,
near Devonfort, suffered severely for more
lhan seven yeait with a wound in hit leg.
Ha tried every remedy that medicalaid cou'd
devise, but in vain, tt it would not beal by
such tieatment. ' At lenflh be had recourse
I to your Ointment and Pills, which, in the
i uuuraa oi lew weeks, per tool ly cared him
and be is now in most exoelleut health."
THE QUEEN OF MAY go up airly and
has been very buy selecting a partner of
net throne. I he general impreMton n that, lik
a woman of tmt, aha wilt ehoone a man of good
tense, who has his personal advantsges set oft
by a suit ol such elegant clottiing si can be pur
chased from RocuniLL & Wmoit'i cheap and
fashionable clothing store, No. Ill Chestnut
street, comer of Franklin Place, Philadelphia.
r'bila., Jan. 28, 1854. cw.
HI A It K II! D,
On tho 27th nil., at the Methodist Parson-
sen in this place, by Rev. J. 6. McKeehan,
Mr. Jacob, of Miamnkin, to Miss
B.VR WKRKa, otKhamoKin township.
S I) c iH avkcts.
Philadelphia Market
May 4, 1854.
Flour and Meal. The Flour market is
now very qniet. Holders ask Jf8 75'perbbl.,
lor standard brands, ami 58 874 a 89 25 lor
extra. We quote Rye Floor al $5 3745 50,
and Pennsylvania Corn Menl at 83 75 per
Grain Wheat is scarce and in active de
mand. Small sales of white at 82 10.' ami
S2ii82 05 lor red. itye is seaice. Sales of
Pennsylvania at 81. Corn is stationary ; sales
at Hbo lor yellow, alloat. Uats are scarce
and in demand.. Sale nf Southern at 51c.
and Pennsylvania at 56 cents.
Wheat. , . , 150
Rr. . . . 90
Conx. -80
Ovrs. . - 50
POTATOKS, - . "50
Ditawii -12
Hsrm m Fl i. . S5
BlJTTKR. . .?)
Enoa. i . . jo
Pork. ... g
Fliiiieii. .... ?5
Tailow. . 0
Ne7 Advertisements,
THE iimlersigned would respectfully inform
the ladies anil. gentlemen of Slmmokin and
vicinity lie bos taken, and fitted up a room
above the store of
yfmmrriin, Rosscr If Co.,
where bo will remain for a abort lime for the
purpose of executing DaaucrrooNpus. All wlie
aro deiirous of having their likenesses tnken in
tho latest st)lo will Mud it to their interest to call
soon. Delay then no longer, to-morrow it may
be to lute. .Nn charges for pictures unless satis
faction is given to the customer.
Shamokin, May 6, 1P34. 3t.
lli?lilv lnterestiiHf News !
r'B'MIE information brought in us by the steam
-- ship Asia of the sud.len decline of Flour,
Indian corn, dec. in Europe, is uo doubt interest
ing to some, and therefore it must be also inter
esting to a great many otheis to know that while
tlicio it so much lluctuntion in tho price of
UrcniUtuiU at home ami abroad, there is nothing
to effect the low prico of the
, Large and Excellent Stock of
just received by f. Scluuirman Sc Co., and on
baud at there store
On the comer of Market and Faujn Streets,
directly opposite John Young's store, where they
will be pleased to wait upon all those who wish
to buy good and cheap clothing. Also a fresh
supply of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c.,
which they have purchased at a very low prico
at Philadelphia and therefote can alford to sell to
their customers at the most reaonable prices
They still, (after some experience in business)
cling to the good motto, "ciiKir roll cash. Call
aud see for yourselves
Snnbiirv, May 6, 1854.
For the Metropolitan Clothing Store of
Market Street, opposite the Post Office,
E have just received and on hand now the
' ' most beautiful, largest and bent assorted
stock of ready-made Clothing adapted to Pprinir
snd Summer wear ever before brought into
Sunbury or any place in this seelion nf the coun
try. Our Clothing made by the best hands and
under our own supervision, we know will give
entire sutihfuctiau to buyers. 8iill sdherine to
our old mollo "Cheap for Ca.A," we'll dispose of
evir goods rcaonuble and rapidly. All we say
is: come, exnmiue and prire our goods and we
feel sure you'll btiv.
We offer vou at the very low est prices everv
imaginable vnrietv ef Coats, Vests and pant, cut
in the last ljshion and warranted to til. ('lull:
rassiincres. satfmetts, linens, drillings, jeans,
silks, salins, and u!l other kind made into Clo
Also a large assortment of Boots and Shoes;
among these a splendid variety of ladies shoes,
ladies and gents gaiters, sc.
Panama, Palmleaf, Tearl and sll other lists and
Cups we have a great variety of. Also a grent
lot of trunks, valises and carpet bags for sale cheap,
We have, a splendid lot of watches, and all
kind of Jewelry a utaMe for ladies and gentlemen,
All kinds of Revolvers, double and single
barrel Pistols, Accordeona, (Shirts, Collars and
all other goods generally kept in our line can be
found at our store, all of w hich we intei-d to se
at the very lowest price. Don't forget the place.
li. M,8Ut.l(U ft Uo.
Market Square, opposite the Post Ofllce.
Sunbury, May 6, 18.r4.
Spring and Summer Goods.
J. F. 8c I.f7 KLINE,
RE8PECTKUI.LY announce to their 'riends
and tfe public in general, that they have
received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta
township, .Northumberland county, l a., their
Spring an I Summer Goods, and opened to the
public a lull assortment of
Consisting in pait nf Cloths, black and fancy
Cassimera, Sattinetts, Checks, and all kinds of
Also a splendid assortment of
Ladies Dress Goods,
Cslicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Laines, Plaid
Cashmeres, De beges. Lawns, cVc
Also a fresh supply of all kinds, of
A fresh supply of Hardware snd Queens
ware, Drugs and Medicines,
Wooden Wsre.
Also a Isrge assortment of Boots and
Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and
Children. Hats and Caps, such
as Bilk, Panama, and other
Hats, Salt, Cheese, Ac.
Call tnd gee.
Cheaper than the Cheapest.
All of which will be sold for rash, or in ei
change for country produce, at the highest market
Upper Anguata, May 8, 18S4.
DRY GOODS, Clolha, Cassimers, Baltinetts,
V eatings, Tweeds', Summer cloth, Velvet
cord. Tickings, Checks, Mualins, Ac., lust rec
and Cor sale by WM. A. Kabh.
Upper Augusta, May , 1864.
New Goods for the People !
n ESPECTFULLY informs the public in gen
ernl that he has lust received and opened a
splendid stack of
Spring and Summer, Goods
st his New Store, in Lower Augusta township.
II is stock consists in part of
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassineti.
of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. , ,
j t ; ; : l, . ALSOi ' . , . . : ,
Cnllcoca, Glnglinnift, Lawtu,
Mousscllne Ic l.aluci
and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods.
Also an assortment of Hardware, Iron
and Steel, Nails, &c.
Also an excellent assortment of
QUEENSWARE, of various styles and
; . , patterns.
Also an assortment of HOOTS U SHOES.
HATS & CAPS, a good selection.
Salt, Fish, ic.
And a great variety of other articles such as are
suitable to the trade, all of which will bs sold st
the lowest prices.
t7 Country produra taken in exebsngs a
the higheitt price".
Lower Augusta,' Mav 6, 1854.
ToJhe Honorable the Judges of the Court of
(garter sessions lor the cjunty of Northum
berland. The umleniirnefl netitioner lencclfultv Bntlcils the Hon,
Court to armit him a licetine to keep an Inn or tavern at
"til itnnd, ku jwn oi the "Shnmokm Hotel," in Uie town of
XVK the tmriermimeri eitizeui of suimoktn town, be
ing Bcquuinted with the Petitioner, do certify that he is
ol good lepute for houeaty and temperenre. and that he la
well pr vidrcl with houee room and other convenianeea for
the Bcrotwnodntion of aimintera and travelers, and that an
Inn oi tavern there ia neceuary lor the accommodation of
llmnefinnd trnveleia.
Win. M. '.Venver, E. C. Hfinua, ftamuel Harriaon,
Philip Pluinbaurh. williaui Faerlv, F. 8. ilnaa. A. It
Frirk, C. D. Mehuffey, 8. M. Kaw, Joaepta Hud, laha
MiiClouglinn. Job. ArClnllnu.
Biiamokiu, -Mny 8, 1854 3t.
(At tho Old Stand, established in 1700.)
Our Point srs all tipped with solid t'lnttns snd utampod
wt'h our name. I'rliited illrecli.:np nntpiiinT cai-h (xiint.
Prices $1 O0, $1 26, $1 SO, $2 on. (3 0U, tt UO, pur point,
according to tUu quantity ot t'latia.
wv vcmitting Bix Cents in Postage
stamps, la addition to any of the abova
prices, a Point can be safely sent by mail to
any part of the United States.
Tbila., May 6, 1854 3m.
Ventilating Furnace.
II f. subscriber would call the nttention of all parties
i; a deal
clrmrulile FfltN Al'K. to rHIl.ON'S
The renulution of this Furnnce is now well kn-wn.
huvine bet n iiitnxlueed, during the pust live yiitirs. iulu
imii! l.xu puniic DUiHiillgs, nun mure mail tnNIU private
welling; mis, lupeinrr wini uie immense increase ol
lea every yeul. IH the ttest evidence that can be utlducei!
( its stipe! luiily ever till other I'nnuices
ny the uteoi i hiisnu's t untuec, you secure tr-e follow-
e iidvuntairea :
Free Ventilation.
Pure Air i lie heutins surfaces betnir at a temperature
at w ill not ilianecatv the air.
Gne&T UDRAniLiTY belli? made enlircly of runt Tmn.
not liable to rujt, wilt require uc repairs dm iug a Ul'etinte;
ia eaauy rnaiuipfeu, auu win not expose I lie miikllug lu
Inch tt is placet! to tlaiicer 1'ruiu fire like the other furna
We hare the testimonials nf Hundreds cf the moat sci-
ititic men. to attest tu the truth of the ab iv etitcmeiit.
all ol vh"m pronounce it to be decidedly the hest Fuuince
yet invented, lor prKluciug a pure mid heallliy atmos
phere. We herewith hiiiicx the numea of a lew we:t
ii' wn and eminent 1'rolrsaora, who have liacU them, and
limy iiiruiRiirti ua tneir nnmea na references :
Prof. John I. Hart. Piof. Parker, Prof. Norton
ea. Win. II. Allen. P:irina. Prof. bana.
Prof. II. illiiuan. Prof. KipU-v.
We have introduced, this season, five new aizri : sr
thnt all parties may avail Ihemsclvc of this itieat improve
ment at a very niderale cial. We are n;'W prepared lo
uriiian an apparatus to warm a single loom, or the lur-
en pucuc tiuii.iiuK 111 me country.
rorieiue. complete. ....
( fur Brickw irk, ....
" " ....
Kitra Radiator, (including Bars ami Trench
Plates.) -
This No. 6 is the largest am! moat powerful Furnace
maae in tne country, anil is uninirutny uuapteu lor (.hurcb
ea and otlicr be clata builtlinea.
ve continue to acll llie apparatus at the same rnce ns
wlieu first intr dnced, five years ao Althuch tlie pie
sent liiph price of iron has increased theii eat y.5 percent,
uwiim tu their sreat weiitlit. still we are enabled, hv the
grit increiiae of sales, tn furnish the artiele at the lowest
(osalt.le price, une foundry al ne, Aleaara. YVaniick A
rfiliraudt, have ctatlractcd to furmau us with 500 tona of
Furnaces this season . so that we uie now nranared 10
furnish them wholesale or retail. We fcuperinlciHl the
recti- n of nil ! uruaccs. when required, and warrant them
in all caeca.
We have also the most complete Conkhnr Itainr thnt
has yet been introduced, tu which we call the attention if
all who may wish to secure the nusl perfect and desirable
co iking apiaratus ever invented.
We are Ihe only Agents in Penavlvania Ihe anmirir.
tuie and aale of tlua VeulilaMi, which la acknowledged!)!
.n, jjiiy ..ntimiM .in niatic i"r conecnuf;
us ui-'uitut m ,umb, .TiinmiiG, hiiu i.r veiiiuailns nuild'
lujza of all kiutla. Aa there are a creal inanv imitMiio.ia w
thia vsliuihle article noW ofleied for aile, .nnm will he
careful to examine that it has the Kmervai Mu-te ntluehed.
We have tht lareest and mnai enmnlet mrtm. nf
Hot Air Hrfitleri and Ventilators to Ihi found in the L'ni
ted Stater. Parlies who wih tn puicliaae, either for pli
vale use or wholesale, will find it gieutly tu their stlvuit-
uige tu csumuie uur atocs.
We have alwava on hand an extensive assortment nf
llieae lieautiful Muutles, ill exact iuulatn of Kgptuul,
Spauiah, Uulway, ttieiiua, and other rare inarhles.
. For Ail.hraciteand Bituminous Coal. Alan, an entire
new Pattern ol' tlie low down Grate, made from Uie Kng.
liah I'atierua. and entirely new in tlua country.
tXJL . AtiKNTS for the Kagliali Fncaualic Flooring
Tile, Oarukirk Chimney Toia and Tens Cotta Orna
ments, aucti aa Garden Vuaes, Ao.
Peri mi about Iniikling, w 'UlJ do well to examine our
st'tck before purchasing eewlieie. Virltois. whelh. r nur.
chaaing or not, are cordially welcomed at our extensiva
Warei.M.nia, aud wheie we ahockl tas happy to furuiili
any hif rinatiai respecting anv of our oikIi that may be
drained. A laKik on Wariiiiiut and Vrnnlaluig can lie
had grutuiluusly at our stoic, cither peraiimlly, or by Let
ter, 8. A. HARRISON
Warming and Ventilating Warehnuae,
1.6 Walnut lt., below 8m
Pull tuelplua,
Phils., Mavfl, 1R51. m.
rOU are hereby commanded to meet
in Market Kutium K..l...u
1 , vunuuij, UH
FKIDAWMAV 12, 1854.
at 8 o clock, A. M., fullv eouirjed for
drill. Each member to be provided wilh
IU rounus oi blank cartridge!
By order of the Captain.
E. W. BRIGHT, 2d 8
Sunbury, May 6, 1854...
rOU are hereby commanded to
meet ill Market Konam. nn
FRIDAV, the 12th of May, next,
t 8 o'clock, A. M., fully equip
ped for drill, r.acft member to be
prepared with 10 Hounds of -blink
cartridges. Dy artier oi uie laplein,
May , li4.
tJARDWAnE and Queenaware In ares
rleties and of all description, jnat tea
ana ror saia r. . wm. A. KNAB
i Upper Augusta, May B, 1854
OOTS and Shoes for Men, Women
Children, Ladies' Morocco 8lioes, La
Mack and colored Gaiters, just received an
",1?,by . " v WM. A KNAB
Upper Augusta, Mav 0, 1854.
ATS and Caps, Bilk, Besver, Fur
eioucli, Panama, Leghorn, Braid and (
for men and boys. ; Ladies Don nets of all at'
just received and for sale by
May 6. 18.H. VM. A. KNAB1
GROCERIK8 Seaars, Colfte, Mola
Spices, Oils. Drandy.Gin, Wine, Mat
el, Hen ni(i snd Salt, jmt received ai d for
by WM. A. KNAB1
PAKASOLS of al. sorts. Umbrellas, a
bags, willow baskets and cedar war
all kinds, just received and for sale by
tapper Augusta, May 6, 1854.
ADIES' Dress Goods. Sprini and Sun
A Khtwla, Black silk, silk poplins, De Li
Uinghams, De bage, Lawns and calico, jus
coived and for sale by WM. A. KNAB'.
Upper Augusta, May 6, 1854.
CLOCKS Eight day and 30 hour Iron
Wooden framed, Cream Nuts, Grc
Nuts, Raisins, snd Prunes, just received an
sale bv WM. A. KNAB1
Upper Augusta, May 6, 1854.
VlHL make regular trips for carriage of
sengers between Sunbury and North
berland every day, except Sunday, on and I
Monday, April 24th.
The boat will leave the wharf at Sunbury
8 o'clock, A. M., II o'clock and HO mu.utcs
M., and 5 o clock 30 minutes, P. M.
Returning, will leave the outlet lock at No
umberiand, at 8 o'clock and 15 minutes, A.
11 o'clock and 45 minutes, A. M., and 5 o'cl
and 4A minutes, P. M.
i'are, 10 cents. Excursion tickets, good
one day, 15 cents.
Sunbury, April 29, 1854. tf.
Estate of CATHARINE 0YSTEE, de.
TtTOTICE is hereby given that letters tei
' mentury upon the cslnto f Catharine C
ter. lute of the Borough of Sunbury, Northi
bcrlaud county, dee'd. have been granted to
auli.-ii'rilvcr, residing in snicl borough. All pers
having claims or demands against the estate
said deseadeut are requested lo n nke known
sumo to the undersigned without delay and
persons indebted are desired to make imitiedi
of Catharine Oyster dee'd
Sunbury, April 29, 1R54 6t
"tt'V'IIEKEAS Letters of Administration
" ' the estate of Nathaniel Kellcy, late of K
towns!. ip, jS'ortliumucrlund county, deceat
have been granted lo Ihe subscriber, by the K
istcr of Wills &c, of said county, all persons
debted to said estate, are requested lo make '
mediate payment, and those having clai
against the same, will without delay pres.
them duly authenticated, for settlement to "
M. M. KOCKEr EI.LER, Adm'r
Sunbury, April 29. 1854 Ot.
TERS for LADIES, approved and reco
mended by the Medical Profession throught
the United Slates, will be found to be the m
valuable, as they aro the most neat and scient
Supporters that ever were introduced.
1 he support and cane they atlord by wean
them combine to give lliem a most extens
sale ; many thousand ladles are now weari
them with case, comfort uiid advantage. V
send free of char c bv mail, full directions enc
seoS Prices moderate.
Address JAMES BETTS, No. 351 Wall:
Street, Philadelphia.
Phila. April 2, 1854. I m.
llrigaile Orders.
fSHE first Brigade, 8th DivUion, Pennsjlv
JL nia ("nifortn Mililia, will meet for Inapt
tion, in order as follows:
The first Northumberland Troop, ot the Pu
lie House of Henry J. lieedcr, in M'Ewensvill
on Tuesday, the fltli doy of May, at 10 o'cloi
The Wo.-hingtnn Guards and Deppinsvil
Cavalry, at the Public House of Peter Heisrl,
Upper Mahanoy, on Thursday, the 1 Uli day
May, at 10 o'clock A.M.
The fcihainokin Guards, Cadwalader Infantr
Dewart Uuurrls, Farmers &. Mechanics Artillei
A Shamokin Grays, in Market Square, Sunhur
on Kridav, the l'ith day of May, at 10 o'olocl
A M.
Captainr will be particular to niol.e their rt
turns on said days.
J. 11. ZI.YIMEK.M A ni. Inspector. '
1st Brig. 8th Div. P. U. M.
Brig. Ins. Office.
North'd. April 29, 1854. 31.
Itail lload Letting
JROPOSAI.8 will he received at the Railroa
ofiice at W'illiamsport until 6 o'clock, I
M., of Thursday, the 18th of May next, lor th
Grading and Bridging of the Koad-bed fror
Williamsport to Lockhaven. Also Irom Millo
to Sunbury, in all a distunce of 38 miles.
Plans, sneciitcations, etc. mav be eeen lor
week previous to the day of letting, at Williams
J. li. or. n. u. itiuitiiiiiiAy,
Williamsport, April 22, 1854 3t.
From tht Principal Factories and hit
Jluction Suits.
COMPRISING a full and desirable assort
inent at 23 ra tent below rsrsL iitii
Healers ami others will uo well to can oeiori
purchasing elsewhere. 1,0U0 Packages now or.
153 South Second Street, (ubove Sprue,
April22, 1851. 3m.
Great Arrival of
N FORMS his friends and customers that he
just received an elegant assortment of
At his Store in Marset Street, Sunbury, wUicn
he oflcrs to the public st the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment o
Dry Goods, viz i
Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings,
Muslins, Linens, calicoes, Afujitn at
LuinsLaumSf Ginghams, Berages.
Also a large assortment of CLOTHING;
A large asaortment of Boots and 6hoes, fo
Men, Women and Cbildrem
Silk Hats.
Panama, Palm leaf snd other Summer Hatst
GROCERIES of every variety. .
Sugar, Tea, Coffee. Molasses, Cheese, Spices,
Fish, Salt, &c,
Vis i Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, 8sws, tt.
Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Sauttrs,
Wine. Brandy, Gin, Rom, Whiskey, ie
Ejr Country produce of all kinds taken ia ex
change at the highest market prices.
April 8, 18IS4. ly. ' ,
' . . . v o