Correspondence of lb Publle Ledger. t 5 t ! ! .. INDIAN OUftUGE. ; Fort Behnap, Tbyas, Feb. lSih 1894 messss. Editor: On Sunday, (he 12ih reuruarjr last, a most barbarous murder ia committed on ihe Fori Worth road, within e miles of Fort Belknap, by one of the nds of Indians inhabiting the Wirhita buntains. The perpetrators of the barbar- murder are supposed to be ihe Wichita ,VVaco Indian. They have been foaming er this part T Texas, more or less, during tst of. the winter, stealing horses, killing ""vmg on came j ami, on Sunday last, s 01 mess bands, it is supposed, committed I murder now laid to their charge, in September last, Mr. Jesse stem, the ex iari Agent for Ihe Indians in this part of left this place, acoonpanied by his aily, to isit his relatives and fiienrls In jo. Ha1 reached his home in health and ety; and, after a short sojourn there, in npany with several others, returned to this intry. At Shrevesporl, in Texas, the com iy separated those having charge of ne wagons pursued their journey, and ched this place in safety. Mr. Stem and ppelman remained behind, to attend . some business. , They started again two-horse wagon, with a driver. The gon broke down. The driver started for I place to get it repaired, Messrs. S. and going on their way. A short time after, a rson rode into Ihe Fort with information it, in hunting for cattle, he discovered two ad bodies by the road side, and. without ghting from his horse, rode into the fort J. gave the sad intelligence. Major Mer it commanding the garrison, immediately it out a wagon, accompanied by a number his command, and caused the dead bodies be brought into Ihe fort. The skull of '. Stem was broken, the jaw bone broken, d a wound on the side with a sharp instru. int. Mr. Leppelmaii'a i-kull was broken d shattered, and one of bis arms also bro il. Near the bodies was found an old rifle, 3 stock all shattered to pieces, and Ihe bar" I very much bent. A pair of moccasins d a bow covering were also found near Ihe at, the same as used by the Wichitas and acos. The bodies were interred on Tues y, 14th of February, in the butial ground lathed to the fori. Nothing, it appears, is taken from Ihe bodies alter the perpe ilion ol the dead, except the two coats d hats Their watches, breastpins and sney were left, appaienlly untouched. le two mules attached to Ihe carriage, and horse they had with them, were taken by e Indians. This is an outline of the particulars con cted with this melancholy but barbarous dian outrage. Every effort will be made r the commander of Ihe fort to apprehend e perpetrators of the atrocious crime. Whithin Ibe past six months great changes ive taken place in this post, all the fifth re ment of Infantry have been withdrawn, id sent to the Rio Grande. We have at -esent but one company of second Dragoons ationed here. Two companies of the sev nth infantry have been ordered here but ot yet ai rived. One company of Dragoons t garrison a post in the very heart of all the lild, hostile tribes. RAILROAD SWITCHES. John M. Crosland, of Pottsville, Pa., whom re know as a capable mechanic, writes on be subject of Railway Switches, the fatal iccidents caused by their mismanagement, ii d the means of preventing those accidents, is follows : But a small proportion of the employees on i Railroad are possessed of that cool discern ment and action that a momemitary fit of excitement may not bewilder; and the thought of trying a man for his life, or com. mining him to prison for a weakness beyond tiii mastery, is cruel in the extreme. Let those who judge so rashly of a switch ten. der's fault when ha makes a mistake, place themselves in that position, and try the infir mities of their own organization, and they will soon learn to deplore Ihe general want of presence of mind under sudden emergency. I propose to take the chances of Iheir mis takes entirely out of their bands as follows: On any railroad using my "Switch Monitors" be it Ihe Central, Hudson River or Ihe Great Pacific Ihe engineer, at starling his train, shall set bis "guide monitor" eentre, and every switch-tender on the road may turn their switches the wrong way purposely, and they cannot take the train from the main track ! There is yet another feature of my inven. lion, less expensive, and which comes within my limited mesns. I allude to "Proof Mou itois" an index at all times of the position of the switch which is plainly discernible o the engineer full fivo hundred yards from lbs switch. By this arrangement engineers re enabled to check up and alarm, if it be wrong ; or, being right, Ihey may lap their bell in acknowledgement to prevent change, aad pas an in safely. These last I, am now ready and willing to put up anywhere an trial, atmy own eipense, if a freo psge ba furnished ma to the points selected. Gcokoor vs. CuaoMoLour. Pref. Agassis, in a recent lecture before the Lowell lusiilule, in Boston, staled bit belief that Ihe human race asiited on the globe a hundred ana fifty thousand yrl JUloieay'i Ointment and f)U the best remeJiea lor the Curt) el Bd Lug.- Mia llopuel, of Ulylli, near Morpeth, ass J wiill a dieadlully bad Irg, i wbica she consulted Ike most s-iniiieul medical mail to lhl neiuubuiuood, bul it would uul )II4 le their Heeiiiienl- health wlleiaU see- y, aad tba slate of hr leg was leruble j the Ii Use is rspidly lueieeseil m sue, and the pain was ml sunuma In his state she cum. meneeti mg Hulluwas's Oiulmeiil and Pills, and eliei eoiiiiiiuiiij ibsin fur tome then lima IheUg was eewuleiely eaied, aud aba is wew iu the eujot wenl f er!liii bsi'h Mr. Wiikiusua, J'wMi, stisib, leuvbss lut lb ateuieey of luts fsieuisul. SPKINU U mrr4 la kse Uirly semeae 4. 1 as WM ate giai.i ic't t at, aJ are Mia UJm tud g.aii.w.aslt 4 tletg isu H t t'o , M sit Uwm aba t sWul rbUa - u-il lMl4', ,M, LafM'.MlMe lUA'Mg skms. a III I rbtit.lsa t ism ,i "Mother, can't I go and have my daguer rBAfni ... t. . V , I ;vv'fj men "iio, my cmid, l guess ii wn-i worm while." "Well, ih then, vnil minhl , , j ........ ei me nave a tooth pulled : I never eo where." . any 91 A R It 1 E D, . I - a... .. . T " wn me aom bit., by the Rev. P. Born, Mr, VVillum Campbei.1., to Mis Leah Burrs, coin oi uusrt township. . if umrr. in m m nin i n r r th, Mr Pitf ta Hilrmak, to Mis. Brosioos, all of this place. . O'tihe 2Sih ult., by the Rev. A. J. Collins rvDAMCicL kotharmel, of Rush, to Miss witKERsow, of Shamokinlown. Olijc iilnrlwts. . . . Philadelphia Market. April 5. 1854. FlOI'R AND Mill. Vlnnr i nliiul al T 2R. Sales foi city use within Ihe ranije of $7 25a ' tor common and extra branas. Kye Flour and Corn MprI are dull. Last sales of ihe former at $4.87iaS5, and of Corn Meal at S3 50. Grain, The demand for Wheat is limited. Small sales are made ai SI 69al 70 for red, ami SI 75 for white. Small sales of Rye at 90h92 els. Corn is lower, lair sales of yellow al 76 rents, afloat. Oats are scarce. Last sales of Southern at 46a4tl cents, and Penn sylvania at 471 cents. Whiskey Sales of barrels at 25 cts., and hhds. at S6 cents. SUN BURY WllIAT. Rrr. Conx. Oats. Potatoes, Bkeswax HscKLEn Flax. Butter. Eoos. Pork. Ft.Aiir.ii. Tallow. PIIICE CURRENT ; , iso 87 75 40 SO IS - 35 . 71 -: 12 8 125 - 10 New Advertisements- I. lVOIiTlI & CO., Door, lilind, Shutter, AND SASH DEPOT, East Side of Broad Street, below Wood, Philadelphia. VlHERE may be found, constantly on hand, " ' an extensive assortment of Doors, bash, Blinds, Shutters and Mouldings, warranted equal to any that can be made. Also, Sash ready glnzej, always on hund Jnlers bv mail or dospalch will receive prompt attention. l'hiia., March 25, 1854 3m. Cane Seat, PLAIN AND FANCY CHAIRS. Arm Chairs, Hocking Chairs, Cane Settees. Dining & Chamber Chairs, N all the varieties of colors and Fashionable styles, at the cheapest rales. Wholesale aid Retail, at N. F. WOOD'S, Warerooms, No. 129 & 131 North 6th St., Opposite Franklin Square, Philadelphia. March 25, 1854 3m Wall Papers '. Wall Papers ! riHE sulisrribcrs have now in store their com A plete spring stock of Paper Hangings, Curtains, &c, which thoy offer ot very low price. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Our assortment is very complete, comprising all the qualities, both French and American. We manufacture a largo proportion of our goods and can sell at the lowest rates. I v raper Hanging done in ttis country at city prices. I'ARRISII & HOUGH, No. 4 North FIFTH street, Hiiladelj.bia. Fhila.. March 25, 1854 3m FLOOR OIL CLOTH. C. M. BAILEY, HANCrACTVSKS or FLOOP. CIL CLOTH, ALL WlbTBS, FBOX 8-, 3-, T-8, 4.4, 3-4, 0.4, T-4, S4. irurtiouse. 1.10 North Third St.. second floor, I'HII.AUF.U'HIA AUSTIN BROWN, Agent. Just received, 312 caws. Constantly on hand, the best assortment in Philadelphia. Msrcli 35, 1851, I Ml NOTICE. ri"IHE sppeuls for the several township snd JL borouyhs in the county of Northumberland, will be held by the Hoard of Commissioners of said county, at their oflics in Sunbury, on the following days, to wit : C'hilisquaque township, Aprii SO. nlilton borougtu Turbut lowiiniiip, Delaware u Lewis " Lower Mahanoy Jackson lTpprr Mahanoy Lulls " Coal township Cameron township Shamnltin " Lower Augusts Upper 8uubury borough Rush township I'oiul " Norlhumlierlsiid borough Jordan townsliip Zsrbe " CHAS. WEAVER, J(W. NICELY. hlMON bNYDER. J Munbury, March 83, I KM 4t SI 33 Com'srs. NOTICK. TVOTH.'K Islivisbjr given, thai the boUs. books ' swl aeeounl of Hamuel 'rboiuMou. dae'd., Uts of Huubury, sie now is tit bands of O. M. Voik. Utt collection. AU Lrsun knowing ihaiuwIvM inJublod lt uid dvevawd, are rt.iml sl hi call snd st ills iuiMiUiily if lhy dur te save camis MARIA TIIOMFkON, Adrn'rii Wsf MltJ it J. Huubury. March !, ltAO UA.-(ltIl HLIMi skleuMtsly sMiagtil ia the ataaulac. lure t c)', we will ft m I'wuauy MsnkauU iiJ olbcr hating U txsale, kuuse Isbsn Ute pie4tl s)Mikl u-. tiw. JtijH 4 MitUUK. fp( MsuulaA'luifis. FaiitssireiA Me. It a4 It bulk an, 11 kUMi Wis Asia. Mni tilt 4 th. fhiU-, M.ivb IS. ls4.-tl.. 'ItJIB I hisf t)eie tsfwii U kvtify tit M Piumi abe SMbieisipUie ssKlitm kwiWiags af mJ k4 imi lU Uu wi Aty iim4 M Im 4 It UwiiMiylA, Iita4 U. aie is-juuk! W tf le ! fw ImaIJmi ytmU. U sis le Ut Uu U ! kw'i" Ul4 f l l4wW4w. (JUJAW Willi 4l: li S4 Aliktllj S LkM, lib II IIM - SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SH AM OKIITJOURNaIT. PRICES , OF HORSE AND CARRIAGE HIRE. 4 Horses, Carriage and Driver, per day, $8,00 w,uv uggy. - 4,00 3,50 3,00 l.ftO 3.00 1.S0 3,00 Sulkcy, Ssddle, and Harness, Two Horse Carriage, best, ' - " " " second best, One Buggy, bet, " " - second best. l.ftO 1,35 1,00 75 1,00 Sulkey, . . u Double Hsrness, best, - ' " " second best ' 50 8ingle best, 60 " " second best, Terms cash In advance. THOMPSON & EI8ELY. JOHN DIEMER Sunbury, March 11, 1804. 6t 18 35 SPEINO MILLINERY GOODS. JOII.V S10tfc80.S, No, 43 South Second St., Philadelphia, HAVE now in Store, of Iheir own Importation, a large and handsome assortment of Ribbons, Silks, Flowers, Crapes, snd every srticls suitable to the Millinery Trade, to which constant addition will bs mads through out the season, thereby enabling them to oiler the largest and most desirable selection of articles in Iheir line to be found in the city. Fhilnds., March 18, 1854. 2m. A CARD. HAVING embarked in the mercantile business on mv account, I take lbs opportunity to thank the friends of the late Grm, and the public in general, for the liberal patronage extended to me heretofore, and would le most happy to see them at my old stand (nt Emcrick's Tavern) in Lower Augusta, where they can und me at ail times administering to their wants on the most liberal terms. WM. A. KNABB. Augusta twsp., March 18, 1854. if C. P. KNIGHT & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Dealers in Fish, Cheese Provisions Generally, Nos. 29 $ 30 S. WWres, Philadelphia. 1 AVE constantly on hand a supply of Msrk- erel, Codfish, Shad, Sulinon, Herrings, Blue ish, White Fish, Haddock, Hams, Sides, Shoul ders, Lsrd, Beef, Pork, Cheese, licans, Dried Apples, Dried Peoches, Cranberries, etc. l'lula., March IS, 1851 Sin. New and Fashionable Goods ! ! JOHN V. MA 11 TIN, Fashionable Tailor, Deer Street, one door north of C. J. Bruner's Law Ujjice, aunbury. MAS just received from Philadelphia, ths best and most desirable stock of Goods that has ever been brought to Sunbury, such ss CLOTHS, Consisting in part of black, brown, grean, olive and blue. A splendid assortment of uch as satin, velvet, Grenadine silks, plush vel vets, cashmere, Valencia, and a splendid article of white Grenadine for wedding vests. Also- all descriptions of cloth for OVERCOATS. An extensive vsricty of plain and fancy eassi- rners for pantaloons. Common goods for coats, pants and vests, coat bindings and cordings ; a superior article of NECK TIKS AND STOCKS, of the latest style, plain and fancy black cravats, hosiery, suspenders, shirt collars, silk undershirts, drawers, men's drab buck-lined chamois snd other gloves, and trimmings of every description. Also on hand a few articles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to he equal to his customer work snd superior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sons buying ready mado clothing of me can have them reapaired gratia in case of ripping or giving out. as I warrant all my articles I return my thanks to the public for their pre vious patronago and respectfully solicit a contin uance of the same. As I am determined notte be undersold, my goods will be disposed of en the most reasonable terms for rash. Sunbury, Nov. 30, 1853. NEW Clock 5) AVatchmakers. HXRSCH&CO. HAVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker shop in the building latrly occupied by J. M. Simpson, near Toner ic Co s Store, lit Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., Where they hsve oiiened, and will keep constantly on hand, Silver & Gold Watches, eto. Also, Jewelry, Consisting f Gold Breast-pins, Ear snd Finger Rings, Medallions, Cull-pins. Ladies &. Geutle insiw' gold snd silver pen snd pencil. Also, 8ilver snd plaied Tea and Tubls spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, cVe., SPECTACLES, Of ell siies, suiting every age. Spy Glassr, Pocket Book, of all sues. Kators, Hsir Oil, I(s volvers, and other pistol, Uruhe, Comb, Soap, Ae., &c. Also, a large stock of Blualcal lnatrumrntsj I amongst which are Accordeons, Violins, Flu tins, Fife., Flute. CAHPET BAGS, Trunks nmbrsllss, suspenders. All sises of rr. dy ntsd Shirt snd Collars sll of which will be old cheaper thaa has svr been krlofore sold in Sunbury. tT Clocks, Watches, Ear Slid Fingr Ring repaired iu 111 best sutuuer and si the short! Bailee. Uuubtiry, Oct, 13, UJ3. 3io. CRITTENDEN'S Commercial Institute 140 CarifHul Slrttt, VHIX.ADBI.rmA. flMIK brsluhM UukIiI ei I BiMia, ki:i:i l.0, WKlTIMi. .) 1 O M M K M I A L t'A I.C L L ATIO.N , 0xj lil, auil urn TutsJsy, Wedueadsy 4 Fihlsy tii' ai h' ll.H.tKII TtNLiKM, l'llUi:llL VMH Urn. te, l4 lis, cxhc:jl.u. flHB suUiiiUi W.t ! iMfwAtfully to lt. I ham hat bicuJ a4 lUe (.ttUte llj lit I he ill KMtliuu Ibe WuaiAwa M CtbiAd M aksri' riuJiiif luum, in all It ! ImamI el ihe mi ataud. Ne. 114 Bttlk kaswtj M., ! ik Si. CkOadal. tliA, u4 ss.iotlully swiuue a smUmusms) 4 Ike .iy ItWiai asMi baaiuwail kMMt Ule HI 4 T. L. 1 bwMyawS), UMIIiKi A I'KhU. Ital S' t4Uv sjiU be sataJe Likasil S4 utase I lu ewy4w le sw snuwetme U lkH mmk mmJ .. IMuMAI MOir0. rvk;. M.i.h i. ! m Treasurers' Sale. A LIST of the unsealed lands advert! Brtised ' lor sale bv r ranri Knrhr. 1 resanrar o Nnrlhumberland County, agreeable to an act of the General Assembly of ihe Common wealth of Pennsylvania, passed the 1 3i h of March 1848, and Ihe supplement thereto Biiiiuen, an act directum- Ihe moite or se line unseated Lands for taxes and other purposes win rje expospil to public sale at the Court nouse, in ine isorouab of Sunburv, on the izin nay 01 June, 18S4, al 10 o'clock. A M. the following described tracts of land foi arrearages of Taxes due and ihe costs accrued on each tract respectively, postponed irom day to day, unless previously discharged, to wu ; . , 1 , No. sore. Warrantees Mm. Ara't do. Coal Township. .1 Antts Henry ' ' Aftains Thomas Foster Thomas 1074 Jenkins Jttmes Antls Frnlerielr , Adams Robsrt I 31 Has Edward GrMT Jniihi Orrer Thomaa 1770 Camplaia Robart Caniilaia Tbomaa Morrisoa William J Jeaklns F Amis R Adams Tb maa Foster 1704 Richard fiahnait Richard Mnnritig Kdmrd Hulf James Greer Thomas Grr ltntiert Camptain Th"mas Camplain Wiltiam M.rriHou 985 J.imes 8teiliensou Mnry Unvidson Jnmes Cowseil lanac Nell 491 M 4J4 10 08 53 1.19 447 eo 914 40 314 344 )l0l 45 sn It 8 9 38i mm . 80 isO SII71 8WJ 51) 100 300 100 16 80!l Baily Joha N R iyd John Brdsimis Peter Ilrady John (ons-halO Biilinatna Th jmas llrllns Hush liowel Christina Ballon Samuel Brady Joha Lltuily John llrody Wm P Cleuver Kimher Cleaver Klmber Cleuvei Kimber Ct.vrUeii J'lhn KlluH WiUiuin Kvaiis Jesse Kvnus bmitli Fsgely Henhen Fairely Willism and Solooifn Gray RoWert (ons-halO Grern Willinm Urnnl Thcmns Gardner ArchitiaM G irdner Archibald Gardner Archibald llrrsh Philip Heplmru James Hauler Alexander Hubley Biirnanl Hiinmelrich Jienry Hepburn James Jrdiin Robert Irwin Robert 87 107 01 lit I 00 54 18 07 10 17 W 18 09 H8 23 84 38 60$ CJ 3 58 3 91 78 KS 57 41 83 80 4 56 88 83 6 46 S3 05 84 85 5 80 3 IX) II 70 I 311 6t 77 78 634 88 08 1)7 4 05 01 896 67 97 B0 18 35 61 134 SI 4 44 488 01 6341 8 56 96 55 7 81 888 304 8 50 35 79 SO 91 90 31 39 74 94 74 18 13 4 Oil 830 4 04 7t 83s 104 35 41 17 3 (-9 17 88 30 5S 36 01 33 09 T 6 07 808 St 7 56 06 08 368 8 18 TOO 60 98 1963 80 04 It 58 19 58 65 16 )7 lot 414 211-1 71 2I7J 417 3-4 Kennedy David it-Mi Kroll Miehael 6.;.! Ijirnb.rt Willinm 314 Lukins Abigail &!7 l.ukcns Staith J03-4 I-nke Richard to"! Miller Isaaa 314 Morgan Samnd 106 Mnury Peter ! Murtin J It III03-4 Myers Mary 141 l Miller 100 Mover Georjro Paul Jerfmiah 114. . SOS Prince Genrgs Rees Snrah Rees Dsiiiel Rees Thomas ir 300 KM nees Thomas 1871 Huston Thomns XII 3-4 RuM. a Mary 8 211 UAil Itcvil'.ilits John 8A! Rustun Chuilutte Reus Paniel Hhre's Georgo Smith Peter Ptair Merick ttlioed William RMsaaman Peter Hliannon WilliaHt Shnrtie Jacib Phartle William Shar'le William I3 4011 1891 IB fit 1SSI axil notil si 7C S3S 3-4 Smith Mary 171 scoit Abraham 4'l 3411 803 837 3f8 3U41 sih 318 64J lloi 3W3J Scott Hester Tunis Richard Tiiswofih John Tyson Joseph Tolnnd John White Joha Wilson Willism Wslter Lewis Yojttheimer Henry Xeigler laaae Zimmerman Matthias Cameron township 50 Boyle I.uka 3f Ballon Samuel 3AU L'arrJohu 14 PidJ hn SoO Van Mary 60 inrr Peier bO Darr Luko 170 Fill Luke 28 Gordun Joseph 43-2 Grant Thnnina l'Ju Grant Thomas 50 Harrison William 60 Hunter Alexander t a 78 p Mover Henry 1 96 13 54 15 60 10 88 976 1 96 3 18 300 10 98 6011 16 60 9 76 ' 1 96 1 63 18 40 706 B8 SO mnciiing jona 14, 43." 107 81 Keea Thomaa 8mith t.uke Hiuilh Abiirail Kiuith Evan ShamoLm. Brady John BeilererUai Benjainia Hunter Alexander Laka Richard Iwis Jaint-a tioat AUaham Tiuwoith John Poiilf. Bertram Alexander Barren John )r 100 4S 100 Sil-I 103 171 303 86110 33 16 800 8 78 48 I 54 I0H0 100 Ilk) SO IIS 300 180 3-H u O0 400 34 AO ll 680 680 680 680 680 580 18 76 68 80 6 80 88 90 46 ova jonn Kpley Andrew Gardner Arrullakl Gaidnrr Wm P Irwin Kobett KlntzliMC Abraham King Kxrkial Lake Richard Martin Petar Metzner John O Noddinol Jame Upper Mahanoy. pie: 130 Did John 100 ltarr Mary 1M Darr Peter 11 Dart Luk lit) llurnawi William 40 Ilouatl J hn :ss) Irwin Robert III) MMlllneJ.dUl auo CMUIUl John Lillle Mahanoy. IH7 Pewarl WiUiam a VI Dawarl John S liarSuef An hinaM SU Gardner William I' 41 llumar Jamas (IV HaUCliallr 57 II f .ktAaudr VM-Vl b.uU J t jk Hu hard fco l.y.m J..-k IIS Hlrly I'atBI SI31I How Thoiiia a.n KaMitfauua ft SWailb J-a IM 17 mailk Job Dl 4 Umith J'm Dr 7l Miaiik Daaul tv TiMkMlhailaaU Lower Anju!. IUS1 Dawwl WiBiaas Imrsil J u7 M.u AUAaadat lal lualkaikfa 10 14 7 M 13 14 I 7 00 3 18 160 70 4tt I 50 680 7M) II 36 7 I 44 V54 150 7 Ml tuS T 98 7 US I OS 4 13 74 t 1 IN ISM I se t re IN m I s M IS H fun. smimwm Wank J.a IX saaiik "Aa iH r 44 Bhailb Daulal bw.lS J ba 1)1 Jet ism. laax-l UsiJum H iliieia f U1 LbalMkai4 u-l knM 'I au W4 TlkAM lUlU 0 ! ('Ailiseweu. Nwskaa4 4v 16 TiKl' Dw, Slan SklM- L.WM'.NUH HOUSti, IUIIBVRY, Tk fsall st U.iiUm iataMlly M-4a lU riue I tatsl ss ssiil smUm to MM kaM,4 bttUt mmtm. ii Is) sW M s4 Mi. WeiaM U MiiaMbM'esie) kk Me. ae le ies4 mw sualf mi k4 ILaum a4 wtiMea 4 ! sk4 sM Ul Ue le is seueakwsi to H f MthM k"M Hhtlk 1HMrtft. ( -A-j Ms h , Issi a Canal Boats for Sale. rnHE auhsrrihfra tiaainir retired from the Boating and earrj In j business, offer for sale Ten First Class Psnnsylvaaia CANAL BOATS, All In complete order, bavins besn thoroughly reoaire.1. ami an now read for use. The Boats f can be seen by calling: nn John Ziegler, Columbia, Lsncastrr CO., i a. BIN-GUAM ft DOCK, 278 Market street, Philadelphia. Fhila., March 4, ISM 3m. Estate of MARTHA GOODHART, deo'd. NOTICE is hrehy given that letter of Ad ministration on the esUte of Martha Uood- hart, late of Ihe Borough of 8unbury, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. Therefore sll person indebted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present them for settlement. V. LiUCHER, Adm'tor. 8unbury, March 4, 1834. 0t: ' "DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON," IJESPECTFL'I.LY informs Ilia citiieus of the Uorouirli of Kunhurr and vicinity, tint he has prrmuuaiitly lornlrd himself in said uorougn 1 and oiler In professional services to those who may wih to employ him. For tin present he cun lie found at Weaver Hotel. Bunbnry, March II, 1854. If. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN EUROPE ! The Jlussian Ministers Have left Frante rind England, and the consequence will no doubt be n fcrious war, md great rise in tht pnet of grain, Vc, but S. SCHNUItM AN j CO., MAKE pleasure in informing the citizens of L t-unliury, snd virimlv, it has not. nor will not eflart the low prico of their excellent winter stock of clothing, but thnt thev sre now selling off sll at first cost. This is no humbug, nil the only way to fiinl nut the truth of it, is to give us a call, when every pains will! be taken to deal at low prices and sutiliu lory to customers. In addition to a good stock of clothing, persons will find at our establishment a fine assortment of Watches, Jewelry, &c, hich we claim the right of selling cheaper thsn ny other store of the kind, in this section of the country. JJou t forget the name and place, 8. Schnurmnn & Co., Market street. Sunburv. esrly opposite John Young's Store. We will 111 a short time recieve our Spans and Summer stork, which we also intend to ll the mou reasonable. Believing" our old motto, CAH, to be a good one, we wiil still adhere to it The ready John i always the most com fortable. 8.SCHNURMAN & CO. ty 8. 8ehniirinan & Co. have removed the above establishment, three doors esst of their old stand, one door east of Tvner & Co.'s store, snd 1 opposite John oung s store, market gtrcct. Sunbury, March 4, ISol OS tf ValuableProperty for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! HE subscriber offers for sale the following property in the Borough of Sunbury, viz: THE HOUSE Aud two contigioii3 Lots of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store an J dwel ling. Also: THE STEAM SAVT" MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acre of ground. Also: a doublo two story frame Dwelling House and Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Also: sis acre of ground st the Point, adjoining the Susqurhsnna, nn which are erected two frame house wagon house, &C. Also: A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which Ut are also erected three lime kilns. Also ; A House and liulf Lot of Ground, on the north esst corner of River and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also: Twenty-Three Vacant Lots oil Elderberry street IRA T. CLE. ME N'T. Sunbury, Jan- 11, 18S4 tf. CLOTHI1TG AT COST ! Great liargains ! ! IX order to make room for our spring supplies w have commenced from to-day to sell off our Stock of ready made Winter Clothing, at or iginal cost and invite our customers and the pub lic in general who are in want of warm clothing, to favor us with s call. 'Old lioreaa" has not quit us yet for this winter, uud in consequence we will probably have some cold weather yet, whereat thick Overcoats will do us siguul service. Even if not needed ot Ihe moment people will find it advantageous to supply themselves before hand, as we hold out s good opcitunity now to all. Cold blustcrii.g spring is long yet and cen through summer a thick Overcoat will come han dy sometimes. Wc have a choice lot on hand yet and respectfully invito our patrons to cull al 0. ELSBERO & CO S. Cheap Clothing Store, Market Street, opposite the Post Otfuc. N. B. We will continue as heretofore to sell all goods in our line ss reasonable as possible still adhering to our old mono : viibAr ton G. EI.SllEKU &. Co. Sunbury, Feb. 18, 1854. SIIAMOKIN Collegiate Institute. R. HILL, A. B., Principal Rev. C. J. KHREIIAUT, A. M. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evi dences of Chrirtianity. 4'C. Teaehir of Primary Dtpai I ment . fill IE first session of this Institution, located at bhsmokin, .Noribumbeilaud oounly, Ps., will corninruc oil Wtusttsti, tb lOttt day of Mai. Io. The ysar will l ditijej Into llirv viou of fourleeu weeks each, thus allotting a vacation of four weeks in spring snd uutumii, and on of two wrks duiinn Ihe holiday. J It lualilulioii v. ul coiupria litre departments, A Pbimasi, and l uinui at. lb couiaa u luairuclion in these will be full anil Ibocuuiih, smbiat iii( all ilia brauch usually taught ill Uirae lopscllt di pailmaol. Uais u I uu I I'limaiy IlrpAUiuenl, ytl scsatuu, 1,0U Acsdcmltf .00 follegtsl - - t,tH A Utf suJ pecivu ruam has beau sawuted la sussl Ibe wauls ol lb liwliluUaai, unlit the nil building sre euiuplet4. UoaidiHi can be ebuiuej lit ptiiat faienli at laoUM lalra- i'be Uoanl W Trait eas will aesie as imum er UUtf. to ssake frhaiswkut 1'uix.gui lualilul, weilb tbe paUuaag stu uatkiAt u tb svat. Ht unity. fas luilUs ilk.'ulrs, addr kiwlr CI , Kail , wl MtauskiB, 1'iaatUwul ul Uji4 f TrwaAM. e Ma. 1', i, Ktushait aJ I'ttUwa, stbujwtbeileuii (aunty, ra. kbsnsuiiN, Mrta 4, I !. 'pilB subaaitUi 4W tut tale Mi1a4I Uusm l ibe b4 iti. wall aJaoiaj u u, Ml( fsuaaiUata a4 Stm tn atsaias tat wbtJt, t a wall imus4. I in (nn ywsass. M. 1 bta atutss ss A4 sutub ywe ibAi tbe I'us-ut, ) iil be saaJ hU$ It WtUltSU-f lteAtt M ll Ml lkU4 C a. ICI S'tik its, .u''S rwits, r . i MATHER. HENRY W. OVERMAN, aVo. 6 South Third Street, below Market PHILADELPHIA. ' rpHE attention of country buyer is called to .1. the extensive assortment of sll kinds of Finished Leather, Moroccos, CelfSUir.s. Sheep ttkine, &e., constantly on hand and for sale st reduced price. MM) AINU OAK SOLE LEATHER. N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in exchange for goods. , Phila.,reb. 4, 1854- 3m. , Estate of J. C. PERKINS, deo'd. IV OTICE ia hereby given, that letters ofsdmln. " istratimi have been trrarited to llic subscriber, upon the estate of J. C. Perkins, deceased, late of Trevorton. All those knowing themselves in debted to soid estate, sre requested to make pay ment, snd those having claims, to present thetn, duly authenticated, for settlement. T. B. MASSElt, Adm'r. Sunbnry, March 4, 1854. fit. Estate of LYDIA H0USEL, dee'd. TsVTOTICE is hereby aiven that letters of Ad 11 ministration have been (runted to the tin- dersigncd upon the estate of Lyilia Hoiisel, late of Kush township, ISorlhonilvf rhind countv. dee'd. All persons having claims against said estste sre requested 10 present them, duly au thenticated, lor settlement ; and those knowing themselves indebted to make payment without delay. CHARLES 1IOUSEL, Adni r. Rush lp., Feb. S5. 1808. Cl. IJIacksinitliiiig. r"TMlE subseritier herebv informs the citizens of Suiiburr, and the public generally, that he intends to carry on the Blatit.Kiii ltlil 117 ISiisiiirM on his own account, and that he has removed his shop from near Clement's store, to a new shop on the premises of Mark Scuphani, in Fuwn street, where he will be happy to accommodate all his customers. HENRY PARTON. Sunbury, March S, 1 851. tf. . BAKTHOLOW. O. TIFFANY, JH. i. S. CIIASRO Uartliolow, Tiflany ! Co. IMPORTERS AND DKALEftS IN Foreign and loim-stic DRV GOODS, AND AGENTS FOR Til E SAL B OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 268 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on examination, arc not as cheap as they can lie bought in any other market they may be returned forthwith at our expense. Iialliiuore, Nov. SO, lSoO. ly. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Sale ! ! rtlHE subscriber offers at private salo his house snd lot of ground, situate in tho ISorough of Sunbury, on the north wct corner of Fawn and blackberry streets, now in he occapaney of Jas. Rcsrd, Esq. The house ia a two story BRICK DWELLING & KITCHEN, in good order and condition. For terms npp'v to the subscrilicr, at the Forks of tho l'luiu Creek aud Tulpohockcn road. JACOB WEIMER. January 7, 1854. Oin. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBIN CAM & SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all Kinds, No. 113 .North Thlid St , below Rare, Philadelphia. riIHE attention of Dealer is requested to an -L examination of their stock, which will be found at least equal to any in this city. Foreign Frni.s of all kinds in season. N. B. Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. 1'hilu., Feb. 11, 1S51.. -3lll. Look to your Interests ! IT will try to please ! ! S. N. THOIVIPSON JJ2 ESPECTFULLY inform hi ft tend snd JJ the public generally, that he has just re ceived at his store, in Market street, Sunbury, Lelow Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting iu part of Dry Good-:, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres, Cassinclr, Jeans, Drilling, Muslins, I'esiings, Linens, $c. LADIES DHESS AND FANCY GOODS, t'utcof.1, Muslin Je Ln'm, Luvns, Clinejiams, Beragcs, llvbt$, HWrns, Flannels, frc. GROCERIES, 8ugar, Tea, Coffee, llice, Molases, t lieese, Spices, Salt, &c, A.c, &C. EIni'divnrr, Nulls, Screw, File, Saws, Knives A. Folks, &c. Queens and Glassware, of various sty le slid pattern. SOOTS AND SIIOH3. A Urgs assortment of Uoots and felioet, for men, women ami children. Hats Cass, 4e,, of vaiious sites and styles. llesides a Isrgs and general a.kortmsnt of fashionable good. Call and eiamiu for your selves. "S" Country produce ol all kind taken in etchunge at the highest market p'ices. Sunbury, 1 1 mo. SO US3 4 ,. 3oi '33, LEAD, ZINC, OIL AND COLORS, MAKl'VAl-IVBSD V FRANCIS 8. LEWIS & CO.. llepiesenteJ by Lewi; ism Co., US South Front Stint, Order thankfully rereivaJ nunrluallv slteoJ. d Iu, tuaianlred to git satulactiuu, and a41vrd for sale en the most liberal term. For samples aud particulars, please sddrt ss abate, l'hiia., Jan. tl, H3t. 3.u. Trout Street Wire Manu'aelory. WAT.SON & COX, &, RtJ.llr, Screen suJ t"'"'" MANUrACTUIlEIlS,. .SV ii ori4 F,ol St , IV-" ; ;- ' j .ih)st,.,it imt. tut t-rc" L U.1Z t rewAdeta. SK.aat. r. . ie . .i -f UiX V'LU1 i'4NUIf. dte'sttab at4 lHd; M (4' r 4 ! ai vbie sdW- i t,4U( i, list. THE RENOWNED REMEDY! Holloway's Ol ntme.rtt This estranMimrr tTnraent is eoitifoatit f &t nW lisfif n Balaams, and when nssd 111 accor.laaea with Ilia nirect,,,,,, whicb acoompany ench rn,i will isrora e-aa wries 1 all other imana fail. Cases "f ths rrmat draparul i disiwa reaililjr yield to its efficacy. It is wnen u m am, ,n 0(iut, n heomatism, Contracted or I in'toT. C&S"" " W,U 60 WO,,dr, ub- vlMMMl2y?ini1,,, 0,,RR or cttopui.ous- bi.(.t.KI-A TASK CKRTIKIK.D BY 1 tifZ MAYOR Cn... - ,p BSTON, ENOLANB. . or" nV, Ja'ct"rfrom J. Noble, Esq, Mayor oj Boston, Lincolnshire. , SSilST M sod llhmi.h ,h. fi.LT, i "' otlwr parts of her boily ..,.. ir,;'nTin!,w"' ws. obtamanat ment.of su(ri, "JJ'n ohlninsd fto abala- Sussex, dated Jan. Vith 1853, ' ro rroicusor Hoilowav, wsistaU sll ,i,tJ,. tre.tin.,7, ?""'. " .,"m lam. Sir. your oLIigct an fijithfiil Servant. (Mg'ICl) KI.I7tni.-TII c. r.r- Ud CI1irtfn.f11.1f. fiskilus. Gout, Glandular Iwslliiig. I.tunlmro Piles Khenmatism Scnhls. Hire-thn)als, S're-licsits, Wounds, Bid lir.;i.ltt MIIIIIUIIIR, Hi.e .,r M W r-7"'JX I'.-. "'"'" icu ana i- , "v? . Still' Joints, Skiii-disritis, iiinnuis, Yaws initau ... I .... "!( mill Air Meei, s,nm $1.50 ccnls e, l, To bt uad Who 'w i ,f' the prmeipal Urug Houses in Hie Uni-11. -.X. T!'"C ' 0 eunil,e'"''ls saring by (aklnj the largtr d''..l "ir'"i',"".f"r Jfi'lancB of paiicnls la tvery '"'rteinreaffixraltneaehhii ' Dccrnilier , IrSU, ly. skw.tocs. WINDOW ShTuES. siw.ttts. G. L. MILLER & CO. MANUFACTURERS iso AD WilDI.KSALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In Window Shades, South-ictst comer of Second and Arch Streets, PHILADELPHIA.. ' iajJL'CH as Clothe' Landscapes, Holders, Vases, Scrulcs, lioqticts, GOLD BORDERS,. &c, Of the most beautiful designs and perfection of finish in this country, and at such l.O V FK1CES, As to challenge all competition. IlufTand White llollaiiils, C'ainlrics, 1'a.Is, Card, Brasses, &c, in every variety, for City or Country Trade. We iutite an examination of our stock, st the Depot, ISoulh-west comer of Second and A re Is streets, Philadelphia. January 88, ISol. 5ni. V1.:?CTTS, IMPORT Kit AND DEAL Kit IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, below Wh, north side, PHILABELPHIA. rhila., Jan. iS, 1S31. ly. is it, .ii:m: t'o., Flour, Grain and Lumber Comiuision -Merchants, 23 am! 25 Spear's Wharf, Baltimore. EEFiatliNCES. John Ciaik, Es.j , President Citizens' Bank, Bait. A. P. Ciiles. Esq., Cashier Brauklin Bank, ' John Hrrtzier' Jr., Esq., Pliiladelphia. Rotters, Sinnick5.-n & Co., " J. Tome, Es.j., Preidut Cecil Bsnk, Port !) posite. J. Vsllower & Son Harrisburg. Col. H. C. Kver.ScIinsgrove. J. II. App & Co., Nagle. 'iiij;it8 i Co., Millou. . XV. XV. Cooke. Esq.. Munry. Simon SchuyU-r, Esq-, " Cieorge lloilinc, Hu;bsille, XV, Veaver A; Co., Montoursville. tlen. William F. Packer, Willismsport T. XV. MomI, Esq., Cssliier, ' James II. liulini,', " I.eviia (!. Hilling, " M'llenry !i llubb, Jersey Shorn. J. P. Hilling, l'.sq.. Lock Haven. LIT .'j:r.Ciiee Co. havo the larjt st whaif rooiu of av comniiaion house in Ualiimore, at tva)s (it ing ipiuk dispatch to boats hi ducbarg' ing their iu'h s. February 11, 1S.VI. Cm. " loiJO TONS No. 1 Super riiophute of Lime, DEUL Iili t ORIGINAL AND CENLTNE. warranted of superior ijuality, Ibe cheapest manure in lb woild. J-'aruiers and dealcn sup plied ul low prices. KXTUAQI'ALITY LAND Pl.ASTKR. 5000 barrel Extra Quality Land Master, select ed rvpuvtlv l'"r ii leiiiliiK iu:iliiy. 10.110 bu.bel of ba 110 in I nil" 1.000 barrol Calcined I'laattr. hs barrels C' 1'laater. IU0 bArrel llniil I'laaier. ri:i:i W . ul ano. 'I bis urluic tta elii-r ill coiiiU. tn U our cus tomers, . '. intpoiteJ. and Ur SUJ...I" hi moal in Ibe market. , ,U4,..wr- .nark.-. '...W Al th. Sir..., .'ia-ier j- Vrliur, 1'bil and t auw". - - 8 Jfew WH Taper Warehouse. UUnTOIsT tiANINO, Ink ')'(, St'ouJ SJuu,' uliov ljtj fhlbaelpbla. 111 Kr! bji bkMl tb largsat ui hssHl- a..iuaai aaavjlllUSUl lit lb tilt. PJl.hawi 1'oia lb counliy will llnJ it U lhair Jtai.tss lo 4ll al wot at", wti( ll.ay will la auilsd WUSj 4 wiill .ti tlx ! plus a. ui u ro. A I N M X Li, N III Auk siii.1, ' itih, I'uu U.(iln. . I'utU, rh. XJ UM.-3.U. ""no we VtuiroN, " III Srtk tk4 tM.', Ijs rttllAlSII'UIA. ManufAt turt-rs 4 XX 1'eaUusiu ax -, Ia.4U wm, v '.(. r.Mlt-tol, I'.it ... Isjitfa U s, Haw, ' - Smm V.. SI. A. t,AMVIA, AiaII(m, , Vi'J4 NViUts XV ai al all kuJ, at the lHuUt.a' luwtl(ii n.'B- la. Kvttas, '.. M f'wtis . la SI, ISWs t lt1 srurt, am I quite d-stuiii..ri iVfsL "-""S" were vety wl'Eii 1 wns n lvi.,J I tn 1., . -1 P"inn,,ti adme,,r( "d Pill, " U,d t Z VZ""M,t0 0'"nei.t m!'.'! ""' 'Wistuneat of Prsscr frotr.nw4T i 1 1 -T H. 11 UJ! v m Slates, atklrus- S 1,1 ,1.. 1 Nt'!v..r't' eiveiliieau,tk.i raitri in Aicti-